January 2016 Newsletter - English Auto Society of Knoxville
January 2016 Newsletter - English Auto Society of Knoxville
English Auto Society Knoxville, Tennessee 2016 EAS Officers President: Ty Nemeth 865-376-1679 tnemeth@comcast.net Vice-President: John Payne 865-927-5895 jrpayne42@gmail.com Treasurer: Don Zerrip 865-986-0191 gzerrip@charter.net Newsletter Editor: Jennifer Payne 865-927-5895 easnewslettertn@gmail.com Paraphernalia: Facebook Editor: Andi Nemeth 865-607-6826 tnemeth@comcast.net Or contact us at: easknoxville@gmail.com As I begin my journey as the new editor of this newsletter I would like to start by thanking Barbara and John Rigby for the fantastic job they did as newsletter editors over the last several years. I really appreciate the help they have given me as we make this transition and the mentoring I know they will provide going forward. This newsletter is for you and will only be as good as you are willing to help me make it. We need articles and photos - originals from each of you or from other sources. Send them to me at easnewslettertn@gmail.com and let me know the specific source. I'll take it from there. Happy New Year to each of you! Jen JANUARY MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, JANUARY 7, 2016 6:30pm The Chop House Franklin Square Shopping Center 9700 Kingston Pike Knoxville, TN 37933 www.thechophouse.com FEBRUARY MONTHLY MEETING Thursday, FEBRUARY 4, 2016 6:30pm We're Cooking 7664 Oak Ridge Hwy Knoxville, TN www.werecookingrestaurantsusa.com NOVEMBER 2015 November 3, 2015 Meeting Minutes 29 present -Current Checking Account Balance $1800 Old Business: -Website will be professionally managed as discussed last meeting in return for a charitable donation. -Springtime in the Smokies: Looking for member suggestions for car show charities for 2016 show. Hope that this will lead to charity involvement with the show. Also need T shirt suggestions and feedback on first ideas -Mike’s drive. Only three participants, Mike, Ray and a mini club member. Good drive finishing in Gainsborough at an excellent Irish pub -Allardt pumpkin festival suffered badly from weather. Only fifteen cars showed compared with typical hundred plus. - Clinch River Cruise in. Gary took a Ranchero. A TD was present . 8 cars total. -Pirate festival. Brad and Mary took Moke. 1 friend joined them. No other club participation. Moke made it all the way to the parade! - Harpers Cars & Coffee. Good turnout of British cars between EAS, Blount British and JCNA. This is turning into a very successful event for the club. -Chattanooga. Good club presence. Two first prizes (Charlie Bunnell's TD, Ed’s Mini), Two seconds (Alan and Rachel Rigby's Mini, Ty Nemeth's Austin-Healey 3000), One third (John and Barbara Rigby's Rover SD1) - Charlie attended Myrtle Beach Britfest. 67 cars in 3rd year. Lots to do- coincides with Octoberfest New Business: - Alfa club will be in Nashville ( Date?) - Reminder from Mike Re East Coast mini meet. -Guest Al Frost. Long distance Mini driver! Talked about exploits (Alaska etc.) -New visitor Chris Hale - just got a 1500 Midget. Plans to join. -Drive planned to Bristol Lights. Alan and Rachel . 2nd Saturday in Dec. (12th) Meet 2.30 at Cracker Barrel, Strawberry Plains. Depart at 3 - Annual Pub Run. January 9th. Alan and Rachel. Meet at Puleo’s parking lot Maryville 3 pm. Back roads to Gatlinburg and pub meal. - To encourage more drive participation looking for suggestions for short drives. Perhaps some on Sunday afternoons. - Looking for artist volunteer for new club T shirt. - Progressive dinner. Dec 5th. Details to be circulated to members. - January meeting Chop House. (John and Barbara Rigby to book) - Feb meeting - We’re cooking( Rachel and Alan Rigby to book) - Organize a 1 hour drive to Annabel’s. (Ray) 3rd or 4th week of March - April Fool’s Bash April 2nd. Blount British to co-ordinate -Look at going to Lane Museum in Nashville again . John and Barbara Rigby will work on this. -New Cars. Ty Nemeth knows of an Alfa Romeo Spider Veloce for sale. See Ty for details. $10,600 Submitted by: John Rigby John and Barbara Rigby and John and Jennifer Payne drove their cars in the 2015 Knoxville Veteran's Day Parade with the East Tennessee Region, Antique Automobile Club of America John and Barbara Rigby making their car "look pretty"! As is often the case, the Paynes LBC wasn't running, so they drove their Mazda Miata. DECEMBER 2015 December 5, 2015 - Meeting Minutes President Ty Nemeth called meeting to order and gave a big thanks to the hosts for our Progressive Dinner - John & Jennifer Payne for Appetizers; Barbara Rigby and Pat Kessler for Dinner and Richard & Booty Lockhart for dessert! Treasurer Don Zerrip advised we have $52.10 in the flower fund and $1963.03 in the checking account. Eight members have renewed for 2016. We had 43 members for 2015. (Note from Editor: Reminder to everyone to renew your membership for 2016 - renewal form was emailed to everyone and is included in this newsletter.) Special Thank You to our out-going officers and most especially to John and Barbara Rigby for their years as newsletter editors. Nominations for Officers for 2016 were opened - no nominations from the floor. By oral vote the following are our officers for 2016: President - Ty Nemeth Vice President - John Payne Treasurer - Don Zerrip Newsletter - Jennifer Payne Paraphernalia Queen/King? - open Ty asked everyone to give consideration to the open position of Paraphernalia Queen/King and let's get this position filled by the January meeting. Ty asked for volunteers for a quick meeting to establish a 2016 calendar. Group will consist of Ty Nemeth, John Payne and John & Barbara Rigby. Alan & Rachel Rigby reminded everyone of the Bristol Lights drive on Saturday 12/12 and their Pub Run on January 9. Pub Run leaves from Puleo's in Alcoa at 1:00 and backroads to Fox & Parrot in Gatlinburg. Return trip will be through Pigeon Forge and Sevierville to see their holiday light displays. Polar Bear Run is Saturday January 2 leaving at 9:00 and going to Stone Mountain, GA. Drive will include 3 covered bridges and is an overnight trip. April Fool's Bash will be on Saturday, April 2. Information to follow. Blount British Car Club is host club for 2016. Next Monthly Meetings are: January 7 at Chop House February 4 at We're Cooking (Editors Note: Details for both meetings are in the newsletter) Springtime in the Smokies 2016 show - Reminder that this year we will select our charity before the show and approach them to help advertise the show. BRING YOUR SUGGESTIONS FOR THE CHARITY TO THE JANUARY MEETING AND T-SHIRT STYLE IDEAS AS WELL! If you are unable to attend the meeting please send your ideas to Barbara Rigby at jandbrigby@bellsouth.net. HOLIDAY PROGRESSIVE DINNER PHOTOS! Appetizers and Cocktails Yoshi made it! Oh, and so did Alan and Rachel... Dinner! And, yes, there was still room for dessert! EAS 2016 Calendar as of 12/28/2015 January: 1st - Dues due. Send to Don Zerrip (address on membership form) nd 2 – Polar Bear Run, Stone Mountain, GA th 7 - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, Chop House, Franklin Square, Knoxville, TN. th 9 – EAS Pub Run/Gatlinburg Lights to Fox & Parrott, leave Puleo’s, Maryville, TN at 1PM (Rachel & Alan Rigby – leaders) February: th 4 – 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting at “We’re Cooking”, Oak Ridge Hwy, Karns th 6 - Winter Party, at the Greenville Car Museum in Greenville, TN. (RSVP to Jim Watson) March: rd 3 - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting TBD th 5 - European Auto Garage Cars & Coffee, Knoxville, TN 37922 April: nd 2 – April Fool’s Bash – sponsored by the Blount BCC – location TBD th 7 – 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, TBD th 9 (?)- first 2016 Harper’s Cars & Coffee, West Town Mall st 21 - 24th – “The Mitty”, Road Atlanta circuit in Braselton, GA, See: http://classicmotorsports.net/events/2015-classic-motorsports-mitty/ TBD - The Crappy Rally, Crossville, TN – Plateau British Car Club TBD - Dogwood Drive with Jim DeRoop May: 5th - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, TBD th 7 – Cruise-In Tellico Café, Tellico Plains, TN th th 13 – 15 – EAS & BBCC “Springtime in the Smokies” at the Tally Ho Inn, Townsend TN See: Registration Form th – nd 20 22 - Import & Kit Nationals, Carlisle, PA See: www.carlisleevents.com/carlisle-events/carlisle-import-kit-nationals/default.aspx th th 28 – June 5 “Drive Your British Car Week” th 28 – British Car Show, Greenville Scottish Games at Furman University June: st 1 - Jaguar Club Gathering to Johnson City, TN “Drive Your British Car Day” nd 2 - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, TBD th nd 4 – 2 Annual European Car Show, Morristown, TN sponsored by ETMGDC see:: http://etmgdc.org/euroshow.html th 11 – Antique Street Fair & Car Show, Rugby, TN th 11 , Cruise-In at Fairfield Glade sponsored by Plateau Corvette Club & Fairfield Glade Community th th 12 – 17 - AHCA Conclave, Cincinnati, OH th th 12 – 19 - Alfa Romeo Nat’l Convention, Nashville, TN th 13 – MG2016, Louisville, KY , visit www.mg2016.com July: 7th - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, TBD TBD - English Auto Garage for cars & coffee August: th 4 -6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting,TBD 6th - Ice Cream Run (Gary Moss?) th th 26 – 28 - Rugby British Motorcar and Motorbike Extravaganza, sponsored by Plateau British Car Club September: st 1 - 6:30pm, EAS Monthly Meeting, TBD rd 3 - English Auto Garage for cars & coffee th th 15 – 18 – Southeast British Car Festival, Dillard, GA th 16 – 18th- Jaguar Concours event, Greenville, TN TBD “Autumn in the Mountains 2016”, British Car Show in Henderson, NC See: www.bccwnc.org/aitm/ TBD Shoals British Car Show at Jo Wheeler State Park, AL October: th 6 - 6:30pm, Monthly Meeting, TBD th 8 - Nashville British Car Club Show TBD - Euro Festival in Greenville, SC (British roadsters) th 24 - Harper Cars & Coffee at West Town Mall th th 28 – 30 - Southern British Car Club, Chattanooga, TN at the Choo-Choo(?) November: rd 3 - 6:30 pm Monthly Meeting, TBD 5th - English Auto Garage cars & coffee December: 3rd- EAS Holiday Progressive Dinner (locations & times will be announced) MEMBERSHIP RENEWAL FORM DON'T FORGET TO RENEW! English Auto Society 2016 Membership Application - $25.00 per family Name(s): _____________________________________________ Address: ____________________________________________ ____________________________________________ Phone (Home): ______________________________________ (Cell): ______________________________________ Email: ______________________________________________ Cars: ______________________________________________ ______________________________________________ ____ Check if you wish your information not be included in a membership listing. Dues are due in January of each year. Please mail your check payable to English Auto Society and send completed form to: Don Zerrip, 1565 Holland Trail, Lenoir City, TN 37772 English Auto Society of Knoxville, TN www.englishautosociety.org