August 2, 2015 - Immaculate Conception Church 411 Palmer Road
August 2, 2015 - Immaculate Conception Church 411 Palmer Road
AUG 2, 2015 NINETEENTH SUNDAY IN ORDINARY TIME 618-281-5105 Mass Times Monday-Friday 8:05 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Deaf Ministry Mass 5 p.m. Saturdays Sacrament of Reconciliation offered every Saturday 4:00-4:30 p.m. or anytime by appointment. Welcome! If you are visiting, we hope you enjoy your stay, and we are glad you decided to join us in this celebration. If you are new to the Immaculate Conception parish community, welcome home! To become a registered parishioner, please complete the registration form inside on page 6. If you are a former parishioner or a graduate of our school, we are genuinely glad to see you back home and hope you will return often. This weekly bulletin offers information about our parish life and activities, and even more details are available on our website at If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 2815105, or stop by for a visit. ROOTED IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND IN THE TRADITION OF CATHOLICISM AND UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF MARY IMMACULATE, WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO BE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY OF FAITH, WORSHIPPING WITH GENERATIONS OF BELIEVERS AND SERVING GOD IN ALL PEOPLE. A FUILL STEWARDSHIP PARISH 411 PALMER ROAD | COLUMBIA, IL 62236 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Partner Parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dupo, IL Open the Doors of Mercy... IC--PSR Kicks Off August 19! IC A new year is starting for the Immaculate Conception Parish School of Reli- gion (IC-PSR), with our kick-off celebration on Wednesday, August 19, from 6:30-7:30 p.m. in the gym on the Main St. campus. Last year at this time, Russell Peterson wrote about how IC-PSR exists entirely to help each other (from our catechists, aides, volunteers and parents all the way to our grade school students) become “the best version of ourselves.” As I begin my tenure as your Director of Faith Formation, I am so grateful that this intention has been established. Heather Schaefer, our PSR Coordinator, has built on the work of former CRE Jim Williams, and her team is amazing. IC-PSR people have already reached out to me with the best versions of themselves, excited about our program and full of ideas for the coming year. I am especially heartened to see the number of IC-PSR “graduates” who are still actively engaged in our life of faith, inspiring me with their youthful enthusiasm and willingness to serve. Our IC-PSR theme this year – shared with RCIA, ICS, and all aspects of faith-building – is “Open the Doors of Mercy,” based on a declaration by Pope Francis that the new church year will be a Year of Mercy. Karen Lundy and MaryBeth Babcock have written a song to put this message firmly in our Open the door of mercy, open the door, open the door Open the door of mercy, God calls us. To Open the door of mercy, let love in, let love in Open the door, open the door Live the way of mercy, kindness and truth Forgiveness and peace Live the way of mercy, kindness and truth, forgiveness and peace Live the way of mercy, let love in, let love in Open the door, open the door Mercy brings serenity joy & peace Let the wellspring of God’s love release! Be the face of mercy, you are God’s hands, you are God’s feet Be the face of mercy, you are God’s hands, you are God’s feet Be the face of mercy, let love shine, let love shine Open the door, open the door. We’re ready to open the doors! If your family includes children attending public school or homeschool, we invite you to be a part of IC-PSR! New and returning IC-PSR students, PLEASE PRE-REGISTER! If we know you’re coming and the (easy!) paperwork is already taken care of, we can jump right into teaching and – as Russ said – “growing in truth and goodness.” To pre-register, or if you have any questions, contact me (ext. 354) or Heather Schaefer (ext. 352) at the parish office. ~ Lizanne Young, DFF Parish Staff Directory www.icc--columbiawww.icc Parish Office 411 Palmer Road Columbia, Illinois 62236 618-281-5105 Fax: 618-281-6848 Pastor, Fr. Carl E. Scherrer .........................ext. 358 or cell phone 618-541-9008 ........ Sacramental Minister, Fr. Chris Reuter, O.F.M. 618-482-5570 Parish Admin., Stan Osterhage ....................ext. 350 Directors of Liturgy and Music, MaryBeth Babcock.....................................ext. 353 Karen Lundy ................................................ext 359 Director of Faith Formation, Lizanne Young ..........................................ext 354 PSR Coordinator, Heather Schaefer ......................................ext. 352 Bookkeeper, Sheryl Oglesby........................ext. 351 Secretary, Angie Bueltemann ......................ext. 300 Pastoral Council Chair, Margaret Raisch………..281-3603 ! Immaculate Conception School 321 South Metter Avenue .......................... 281-5353 School Principal, Michael Kish ................... ext. 111 School Secretary,Beverly Epplin ................. ext. 100 For information on committees and meetings please check out our website! It’s Picnic Time… Holy Family Cahokia Friday & Saturday August 21 & 22 6-11p.m. Security on site! Fun for everyone! St. Teresa Belleville, Saturday August 29, 4 p.m.midnight. Polka Mass at 4p.m. ! St. Joseph , Freeburg Sept 11 & 12 4-10 p.m. Mass at 4 p.m. on Sept 12 Summer Office Hours… Our summer office hours are : M-Th 8:30 a.m.-4:30 p.m. and Fridays 8:30 a.m.-noon until school starts again in August. Work Day... Our next parish work day will be on Saturday, August 8, from 8 a.m.–Noon. Lots of volunteers are always needed to keep our new church and our new campus looking nice. Come for an hour or two, or all morning – all are welcome! Fr. Carl’s Little Reservoir... I’ve seen it for eight years now, and every year my eyes still tear up. When I and the upper grade students from Immaculate Conception School attend the annual Advent Prayer Service at Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School in East St. Louis, and all the students from kindergarten through eighth grade process out carrying their violins and begin to play, I don’t think I’m the only one there with tears in my eyes. Sister Thea Bowman School is the only Catholic school in East St. Louis, and is a ministry of our Diocese to the poor that provides a holistic learning approach to faith development and education through music and the arts, inspiring, preparing and empowering the next generation. Nearly 95% of the students need financial assistance, which is a significant portion of the school’s budget. Since 2010, our parish and school have had a partnership with Sister Thea Bowman School as part of our stewardship outreach to the poor. In your August envelope packet, you will find a special envelope for STBS. This year, in honor of Russell Peterson, who as our Director of Faith Formation, taught us by word and deed in the spirit of Pope Francis to always keep the poor at the forefront of our mission, I’d like to encourage you to join me in making a sacrificial gift to Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School. Once again, we have an anonymous donor who will match our gifts up to $5,000. I’m proud to be the pastor of a parish which has contributed over $42,000 the past six years to this important educational outreach to the poor! ~Fr. Carl Fellowship Sunday... Please join us to welcome our new parishioners and enjoy some fellowship with other parishioners in the Garden Level today after the 9a.m. Mass. Great food and delightful conversation a great way to spend a Sunday morning after Mass. Our Sympathy… To Jim Kelemetc and his family on the death of his brother, Gerald Kelemetc, Sr. of Fairview Heights who died on July 26 at the age of 71; to Joanne Schilling and Lois Gregson, and all their family on the death of their husband and father, Roland Schilling, who died on July 25 at the age of 74 – we thank Roland and his family for listing our new church fund for memorials! Update on Sale of Main St. Campus... We are happy to announce that his Excellency, The Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Ph.D, S.T.D, has approved our contract to sell the entire Main St. property, including the school, to Main Street Redevelopers LLC (owned by parishioners Gregg and Jane Crawford). The contract with the buyer provides an adequate timeline for us to continue to use the school until our new Catholic Education and Activities Center is completed. The anticipated closing on this sale is sometime this Fall. At that time more details can be disclosed about this transaction, which has been previously approved by our Parish Pastoral Council and Finance Council. Time to Update Your Information… We are getting ready to send this years parish directory to publishing, and we need your help! Have you moved or dropped your landline? Have you been attending Mass here and would like to register as a parishioner? If so, please take the time to fill out the form on page 6 of the bulletin and drop in the collection basket. Please mark form as “update” if you are already registered and updating your info. Thanks! 2 Sign Up for VBS This Weekend!.. Our VBS will be THIS Monday, Aug 3– Friday Aug 7 from 6-8 p.m. at our new church. Ages 3 through 10 are encouraged to register. 11 year olds and up are welcome to join as assistants. Registration forms are in the kiosk and online! The Cost is FREE! We need adults, teens and tweens to join the fun! You can still sign up the night of VBS !!! Plant Booth Needs… The plant booth at the picnic needs some small and medium sized pots for transplants. Please call Carol Waide at 281-4186 if you would like to donate. Altar Society News... The next meeting of the Altar Society will be Thursday, August 6th at 6:30 in the gathering space. All women of the parish are invited to attend as we continue our long-standing mission of serving the temporal and spiritual needs of the parish. Come be active in the mission of the oldest organization in this parish and share in the work of your ancestors. 72nd Annual Healing & Hope Novena... National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows Tuesday, July 28 - Wednesday, August 5, 7:30pm The Missionary Oblates of Mary Immaculate invite you to bring the crosses you bear to the altar. Come and find God's healing and mercy. Join us for any or all of these evenings as we seek God's special blessings through the intercession of Our Lady. For more information: or 618-397-6700. The Book of Russ...Last Call... As a parish, we are still remembering and grieving our recently deceased Director of Faith Formation, Russell Peterson. The bereavement committee is compiling the thoughts and memories of Russ. These memories will be placed in a binder in his honor. If you would like to submit your thoughts and memories in written form, please submit to Patty Pulcher at who is compiling the submissions. Quilter’s Block... Quilters block. 69 down 31 to go! We are busy trying to get as many quilts finished for the picnic. New faces and skills always welcome. Quilting times: Tuesday 8:30 am- Wednesday 4-8pm. Thanks to Delores Deleveski, Ginna Hamilton an Sharon Tastad for providing lunch the past two weeks. Help... Food Pantry is in dire need !!!! I received a distress call from the local food pantry with a plea for food. If you could donate a can or two, or a box or two; please bring to churchand place in baskets. They are in particular need of anything containingprotein like, peanut butter, canned ham, spam, Chef Boyardee items, etc.They need NO cans of fruit please. Thanks so much, ~Geri Vogt, liaison to food pantry. Show Choir Camp... Gibault Catholic High School will be hosting a show choir camp in the afternoons from 1:00-4:30 p.m. beginning Monday, August 3 thru Friday, August 7 with a performance late Friday afternoon, August 7. The camp is open to any high school student of incoming freshman through 2015 graduate age. Cost is $50. A registration form and more information can be obtained at Gibault's web site: or by contacting Mary at Book Stand Donations Wanted... Please drop off your unwanted books, CD’s or DVD’s at the old convent At the following times: noon-5 on Aug 22 & 23, 29 & 30 and Sept 5 & 6 at the old convent. If you need to make other arrangements please call Mary Schroeder at 281-7498 or 314-750-3443. Sorry no encyclopedias, text books, cassette or VHS Tapes. Blest Art… We received a thank you letter this week from the Blest Art representatives, who were here the weekend of July 11 & 12, informing us that the total sales that will support Christian families in the Holy Land were $7,386.87. THANK YOU! Weekend Retreat Offers Hope, Healing... Society may tell women that an abortion will solve their problems, but it is silent about the problems abortion creates. Women may feel anger, depression, guilt, or shame for years after the abortion experience - often silently because they feel ashamed or scared to share their pain. Project Rachel offers hope and healing for women, regardless of how long it has been. A weekend retreat is being offered on August 7-9 in the St. Louis area. This retreat offers a chance for women to ponder God's great mercy and love. The retreat is held in a private, home-like setting. For more information or to register, please contact Marisol at or at 314.792.7451. The Messenger... Thanks to all who have subscribed to our Diocesan newspaper, The Messenger. We are still about 100 subscriptions short of our goal of 20% of total parish households. Subscriptions are only $25 for 25 issues a year! ***If you would like to receive The Messenger, but cannot afford it, please call the parish office. Thanks to a generous parishioner, we have Messenger scholarships available. You can subscribe by calling 2359601 or emailing Thank you! 3 This Week’s Liturgical Celebrations Monday, Aug 3…8:05 a.m. ……….………Mass offered for Chester Kopec Tuesday, Aug 4… ..8:05 a.m…………………..…Mass offered for Mary Sager Wednesday, Aug 5.. 8:05 a.m …………....Mass offered in honor of Katie Colburt Thursday, Aug 6.. 8:.05 a.m………………...Mass offered for Special Intention Friday, Aug 7…….8:05 a.m……………………....Mass offered for Norburt Butz Saturday, Aug 8…5:00 p.m …………………............Mass offered for Herb Lehr Sunday, Aug 9… .7:00 a.m.…………..…………...…Mass offered Parishioners 9:00 a.m.….……………Mass offered for Donna Schroeder 11:00 a.m………...…………......…Mass offered for Zac Epplin Please Pray For... Richard Sambo Grace Ryterski Dennis Kish Katie Huch Brenda Dame Susie Settle Ryton Miller Garrett Patton Suzi (Koenig) Cross Richard Burroughs Emily Schmidt Margaret Schenewerk Deb Gomez-Trost Billie Bates Carolyn Holt Betty McDonald Kirk Brinovec Donna Greene Danny Saltzman John L. Adams Esther Kretz Special Intention Nancy Kish Tom Kish Desiree Frasure Joy Bretz Joan Johns Tom Range Carolyn Messerly Cheryl McAlister Dan Whelan Floyd Crowder Carl Garvach Betty Schmidt Mike Roediger Tyler Dillon Donna LaCourse Gertrude Scherrer Mary Rodriguez Josh Ritter Sharon Lewis Luke Meyer Jack Finney Sr. Joel Jacobi Shirley Langhans Jeremy Kohlberg Eleanor Kohlberg Brendan Schaper Charlsie Ritson Gary Hoguet Nancy Raymond George Wiligek Mike Foster Special Intention Tim Keefe Special Intention– D.F. Carol Howell Lisa Straub Al Dehn Mike Ledbetter Glennon Rau Terry Rausch Johanna Ling Rich Cullen Katie Tappella Derek Dillon Chuck Ludwig Aiden Howard Maul Patty Juengling Maggie Klaverkamp Vic Rose Kathleen Adams Richard Tappella John Brugman Nicholas Eynon Audrey Sambo Edie Smith Teddy Whitten Pauline Neurohr Alan Congiardo Betty Leiber Garnice Roth Dennis Dixson Mia Simpson Betty Lehr Patresa Kish Dennis DeRossett Bev Tredway Johnson Yvonne Sendajes Donald Crosby Ken Ducat Jennifer Trousdale Kathleen Lepp Mary Gonzales Ira J. Garnier III Kevin Fries Cecelia Toenjes Tom Haar John Raymond Therefore I tell you, all Penny Reeves that you ask for in prayLouise Mihalic er, believe that you will Jack Lewis receive it and Josephine Inman it shall be yours.” Alicia Moore ~ Mark 11:24 Marian Keim Stephen Marlo Financial Stewardship For July 26, 2015 Total envelopes and loose .................. .$38,780.68 Budget .............................................. ..$39,550.00 Fiscal year to date collected ............. .$106,954.66 Fiscal year to date budgeted ............ .$116,905.00 Over (Under) budget ......................... .($9,950.98) St. Raymond’s in Guatemala.................. ..$318.00 New Church Fund .............................. .$12,754.33 Children’s collections (included in envelope total) ........................................... .$40.95 Capital Improvements ............................. .$220.00 Gibault....................................................... .$80.00 STBS ......................................................... .$35.00 SVDP ........................................................ .$90.00 Votive Offering.................................................. ..$.94.50 ***This week’s collection contains figures from online giving from 7-15 through 7/28, 2015*** Thank you for sharing your blessings!!! Stewardship Update... Thanks to all who have already returned their stewardship of time, talent and treasure commitment forms. As part of our parish full stewardship plan, all households are asked to take time to complete the annual renewal form and return it to the parish office in the collection basket or in the mail as soon as possible. Experience the Joy of the Gospel by being a generous giver. CSMA… Accept the challenge! Heartfelt thanks to all those who have responded with a gift to the 2015 Appeal. If you have not already done so, there’s still plenty of time. One-time donations or pledges – in any amount – are needed. Please consider making your gift today. Thank you and may God bless you for your generosity. So far 22 people from our parish have pledged or contributed $40,745.50! Our parish goal is $49,650. Weekly Reflection… Troops in Service Army Ranger Joseph Pope, Carrie Gilbreth USN, Katherine Gilbreth EM2 USN, Captain Jared Walsh USMC, Justin Weiler USAF, Lt Col. Brian Schoellhorn, US Army, OSSN Seth Spencer, Brandon Molner USMC, SSGT Rebecca Millas; Chelsea Sackman, US Army, Colin Juengling, USAF, SPC Maria Witges MP Army; Madeline Reichert, US Navy From Our Young Stewards… Helped with Card Lotto at the nursing home...helped change the lawn mower oil...prayed for my uncle...played with my sister, made a picture for someone, helped clean up, visited grandparents, took care of my dog. August 9, 2015 First Reading: Reading 1Kings 19:4-8 Second Reading: Ephesians 4:30--5:2 Gospel: John 6:41-51 Advertiser of The Week! Online Giving... The number of parishioners that use online giving continues to grow and is currently at 230. To access online giving, just go to our website, click ‘Donations’ listed in left column, then click the ONLINE GIVING heading at top of page. 4 **Please patronize our bulletin advertisers and thank them for their generous support!** Sacramental Preparations Baptisms: Parents/guardians are asked to call the Parish Office to register to attend a preparation seminar available the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Parish Library. Baptisms are celebrated at all Masses the first weekend of the month, and every third weekend after 11 a.m. Mass. Weddings: Please contact the Parish office a minimum of four months prior to Marriage. Anointing of the Sick & Funerals: Since individual needs differ, please contact the Parish office at 281-5105 for pastoral care. Do not hesitate to call; we are grateful for the opportunity to open our hearts to you and your family and offer these sacramental services. Eucharistic Adoration... Tuesdays 9 a.m.-10 p.m. in church on Main Prayer Themes for Adoration... 1st Tuesday – Building Church While Building a Church – theme still centers on praying for all our parishioners and for all those involved with the continuing progress on completing the various projects in the New Church. 2nd Tuesday – For the sanctity of human life 3rd Tuesday - World peace, safety of all those in the military, especially those from our own parish (the name of those service men and woman are mention at the beginning of the Holy Hour from 6 to 7 p.m.) 4th Tuesday – Vocations to the priesthood and religious life 5th Tuesday – For those suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses. If you are interested in becoming an Adorer – even if it is just for a few minutes on a Tuesday, please contact: Ann Luth 281-8266 or 618-719-6904 or Pat Novak 281-6520 or 618-975-8861). **A prayer box has been placed in the gathering space of our New Church. Please drop your intentions in this box and they will be prayed for by our Adorers during Tuesday’s Eucharistic Adoration. LIFE Network of Southern Illinois... All services are free. Call 618-939-4224 or Neither Do I Condemn You…. The Catholic Church lovingly offers help with neither judgment nor condemnation through the ministry of Project Rachel which brings hope and healing to the hurting. Please give us a call at: 888-456-HOPE If you know of someone whose unborn baby has been diagnosed with "fetal anomalies" or an "adverse prenatal diagnosis", please refer the parents to the follow- Excerpt From: Laudato Si’ Encyclical From Pope Francis… Pollution and Climate Change Some forms of pollution are part of people’s daily experience. Exposure to atmospheric pollutants produces a broad spectrum of health hazards, especially for the poor, and causes millions of premature deaths. People take sick, for example, from breathing high levels of smoke from fuels used in cooking or heating. There is also pollution that affects everyone, caused by transport, industrial fumes, substances which contribute to the acidification of soil and water, fertilizers, insecticides, fungicides, herbicides and agrotoxins in general. Technology, which linked to business interests, is presented as the only way of solving these problems, in fact proves incapable of seeing the mysterious network of relations between things and so sometimes solves one problem only to create others. Account must also be taken of the pollution produced by residue, including dangerous waste present in different areas. Each year hundreds of millions of tons of waste are generated, much of it nonbiodegradable, highly toxic and radioactive, from homes & businesses, from construction and demolition sites, from clinical, electronic and industrial sources. The earth, out home , is beginning to look more and more like an immense pile of filth. In many parts of the planet, the elderly lament that once beautiful landscapes are now covered with rubbish. Industrial waste and chemical products utilized in cities and agricultural areas can lead to bioaccumulation in organisms of the local population, even when levels of toxins in those places are low. Frequently no measures are taken until after people’s health has been irreversibly affected. These problems are closely linked to a throwaway culture which affects the excluded just as it quickly reduces things to rubbish. To cite one example, most of the paper we produce is thrown away and not recycled. It is hard for us to accept that the way natural ecosystems work is exemplary: Plants synthesize nutrients which feed herbivores; these in turn become food for carnivores, which produce significant quantities of organic waste which give rise to new generations of plants. But our industrial system, at the end of its cycle of production and consumption, has not developed the capacity to absorb and reuse waste and byproducts. We have not yet managed to adopt a circular model of production capable of preserving resources for present and future generations, while limiting as much as possible that use of non-renewable resources, moderating their consumption, maximizing their efficient use, reusing an drecycling them. A serious consideration of this issue would be one way of counteracting the throwaway culture which affects the entire planet, but it must be said that only limited progress has been made in this regard. Respect Life Corner... There is Hope After Abortion - “There is no grief like the grief that does not speak.” Henry Longfellow. The grief over an abortion experience is often so deep that it seems to be silent. Women and men may bear this burden for years thinking that there is no hope of forgiveness or peace. Learn, Act, Connect, Pray: Project Rachel and Project Joseph provide healing and hope to women and men wounded by abortion. To learn more, go to or All inquiries are kept confidential. Pray that all those wounded by abortion can begin the journey of healing and reconciliation. 5 Visit ICS on the web: MISSION • COMMUNITY • SERVICE If you would like to receive the good news about a Catholic education at ICS, send an email to: Mrs. Bev Epplin and she will add you to our distribution list. Thanks to the Class of 2015... For their video of our new school theme song for the year. The song was written by Karen Lundy in collaboration with Fr. Carl and the prayer motions are by MaryBeth Babcock. Spencer and Todd Biske are the producers. Mercy is mentioned 32 times in his “Joy of the Gospel”. Students are urged to learn the new theme song. Our fist performance will be at the opening school Liturgy on August 20. Here are the lyrics for our theme song and can be found on the school webpage at Adeodatus Says: Night of Blessings for Schools... ͞ĞLJŽƵƌƐĞůĨʹĞǀĞƌLJŽŶĞĞůƐĞŚĂƐĂůƌĞĂĚLJ ďĞĞŶƚĂŬĞŶ͊͟ Bulletin Deadline... Please submit notices, articles, and photos (actual or .tif/ .jpg) by MONDAY at NOON for publication the following Sunday. Just stop by the office or email them to Monday August 17, 2015 You are invited to show your support for the students, parents teachers and staff of area schools by praying for the upcoming school year! Meet at Faith-Columbia’s parking lot 7 p.m. 600 Columbia Centre Dr., Depart to Schools 7:20 p.m. Onsite prayer at schools For more info contact: Sue Wanninger 314-375-1112. Sister Thea Bowman School / Boeing Matching Gift Program... If you are a current or retired employee of Boeing Corporation, Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School (STBS) wants to know! If you’re a current Boeing employee and donate money to Sister Thea Bowman Catholic School (or other designated schools), Boeing will match contributions up to $6,000.00 per year. Similarly, for retired employees, Boeing will match 50 cents on the dollar up to $3,000.00 per year. If you or someone you know meets the criteria and donates money to STBS, please contact Karen Waide at or 618-281-4715. All we need to know is your name and whether or not you’re an active or retired Boeing employee. We’ll work with Boeing to secure the matching donation for Sister Thea Bowman school! Initial Child Protection Training:… The Child Protection Refresher Course: Our next Initial Child Protection Training will be August 17 at 6 p.m. in the K of C room. Call Angie at the office to register. You can either print and turn in your certificate of completion to Stan Osterhage or email your certificate from the site to him at . Anyone who wishes to volunteer at school or church when there are children present, must be in compliance with the Diocesan child protection policy which includes taking the initial Child Protection Course. Information on times and locations that the course is being conducted elsewhere is on the diocesan website: Welcome New Parishioners! Please take a moment to register with Immaculate Conception Parish by filling out all the information below and allow us to welcome you fully into our faith community. Return the completed form by collection basket, mail, or bring it to the Parish Office, so that your information can be accurately added to our parish database database.. Name(s) Address City/State/Zip Home Phone Children living at home, and dates of birth: Email 6 We Deliver The Shop with a Heart COLUMBIA CAR WASH 939-7975 Darrell & Tootie May, Owners Heated Bays 301 E. LIBERTY ST. Auto Body KEN VALENTINE 281-5552 3702 St. Rt. 156, Waterloo, IL 62298 1450 Evergreen • Columbia, IL Reinhold Flooring 212 West Locust Columbia, IL 62236 Fax: 618.281.9204 JB’s Lawn Care “For all of your mowing needs” DIGITAL MAMMOGRAPHY • X-RAY OPEN MRI • CT • ULTRA SOUND 509 Hamacher, Waterloo 939-9790 THOMAS PLUMBING, INC. Chris Thomas 618-223-0111 Crabapple Cove Nursery, Inc. “For all your landscape needs” 6961 Telegraph 846-4021 Ann & Ken Dames, Parishioners Competitive Prices 23 years experience Call Jason at 618-671-9399 TOM D. ADAMS - ATTORNEY AT LAW Practice Areas At: 321 Wedgewood Sq. • Columbia, IL. 62236 Phone: 618/281-5185 • fax 618/281-5553 E-MAIL: Complete Auto Body Mel and Mark Becherer Proudly Serving the Community Since 1978 324 North Rapp (618) 281-7058 5429 Telegraph 894-1319 M-W 9-8; Tu, Thu, Fri 9-5; Sat 10-4 Ebers Electrical & Locksmithing 1976 Ranken graduate of Industrial, Electricity, Electronics, Trouble-shooting, repair & installations. Automotive Transponder keys, deadbolts, Rekeying, RV Keys Small jobs welcome 618-281-4778 • cell 618-698-3550 Kenneth Ebers, Parishioner IL Locksmith Lic. # 191000790 Dr. Ken Kloess Trusted Dentistry Garage Doors & Door Openers Sales • Service • Installations 610 S Main, Columbia, IL 618-281-4056 286-48 286-4855 240 S. Main Dupo %UDGOH\3OXPELQJ&R,QF We put the “PRO” in propane. Residential & Commercial Installation & Repairs We fill BBQ Cylinders TOM BRADLEY Phone 476-1033 #058-144858 2305 Stemler Rd. P.O. Box 337 Millstadt, IL 62260 3H^6MÄJLVM Traughber & Morris, LTD BREIDECKER PLACE 217 SOUTH MAIN STREET COLUMBIA, IL 62236 TELEPHONE: 281-7614 (618) 281-4928 GUARDIAN SELF STORAGE 300 East Rueck Back Flow Prevention New Construction • Service & Repair FREE ESTIMATES (618) 281-6541 Lawn Care, Aeration & Mowing Adam Frierdich 618-708-1236 Mike and Amy Froess, Parishioner • Auto Body • Mechanical • Diesel • 24 hour Towing 2 LOCATIONS TO SERVE YOU 156 Southwoods Ctr., Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-6486 1353 N IL Rt 3, Waterloo, IL 62298 618-939-9420 What a Pharmacy Was Meant To Be,sm 281-5811 Columbia, IL 134 S. Main, Columbia, IL 62236 (618) 281-5135 Fax (618) 281-4181 Emergency (618) 281-7575 Braun Family Retired? Let’s Talk About Rolling Over 401k. Funeral Home Marty Newton, AAMS® Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 Financial Advisor Family Owned & Operated 265 Quarry Road, Columbia, Il. 62236 (618) 281-6793 332 Wedgewood Square Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-9434 286-4511 Quality Meat Columbia Market & Produce 326 South Main Dupo 618-281-5715 506 N. Main, Columbia, IL 62236 Beautify your home with an instant Lawn Heartland Fescue Sod, Moyer Zoysia, Bluegrass TOM KEEVEN, Owner 618-281-TURF HARTRUM PAINTING & WALL COVERING RICHARD HARTRUM c: (618) 719-6693 www.HARTRUMPAINTING.COM 618-939-3333 “Our Business is Picking up!” SCHAEFER TRUCKING Rock - Sand - Asphalt Grain - Dirt - Demolition & Equipment Hauling Phone Michael N. Kirk, MD Sean D. Lattimore, DO Andrea N. Thomas P-AC Tracy M. Hasler, NP Carrie A. Daigle, MD Kenneth D. Hawn, MD Cari L. Stefani, MSN, FNP-BC Elisha F. Schnieders, Pediatric NP RELIABLE SANITATION SERVICE, INC. NC. Well-Child Check-Ups & Immunizations • 20+ Years in Practice John Adams, CFP® Financial Advisor I Associate Vice President 314-657-2856 • 7733 Forsyth Blvd., Ste. 950, Clayton MO 63105 FIORE HVAC, INC. CALL ANYTIME: 618-972-8614 Home: 476-3091 Columbia, IL 62236 Mark, Barb, Anna & Nick Fiore Parishioners since 1995 FOR AD INFO CALL Mike Anderson 1-800-950-9952 Columbia, IL 509 Hamacher St. • Suite 103 939-CARE (2273) 208 N. Main St. • Suite H 281-CARE (2273) Kim Schwartz Insurance Agency, Inc. • Heating • Cooling • Sheet Metal • Residential A/C • Furnace Install & Repair 618-281-7393 Waterloo, IL Parishioner Licensed in Illinois & Missouri Celebrating 23 years of Good Neighbor Service Providing Insurance and Financial Services • WWW.4LPi.COM Bus 314 892 6800 11400 Concord Village Ave, Suite B St. Louis, MO 63123-6924 Home Office Bloomington, IL 61710 Immaculate Conception, Columbia, IL B 4C 01-1380 06-04-2015 10:16:42 V. RED SMITH Stephen C. Buser Attorney at Law PEST CONTROL, INC. C H I R O P R A C T I C 281-7171 Dr. Kathy McAuliffe Parishioner 109 Wedgewood Dr., Columbia, IL BUDNICK CONVERTING INC. 200 Admiral Weinel Blvd. 618-281-8090 Ann Wegmann KHOURY LAWN CARE INC. Law Office of Stephen Buser, Ltd. 618-939-BUGG (2844) 101 N. Main St., Columbia, IL 62236 Nursing Home Abuse, Neglect Personal Injury • Wrongful Death Waterloo, IL PAUL KHOURY, R, Ph. 108 Veterans Parkway Columbia, IL 62236 Phone: 618-281-6336 Fax: 618-281-4477 GrassMan Pharmacy: 618-281-7133 939-6467 Professional 5 Treatment Plan CUSTOM HOMES • REMODELING RESIDENTIAL • COMMERCIAL Quality You Can Trust (618) 939-4597 PHONE Gary Brinkmann • (618) 781-8156 Cell 8607 Midway Blvd., Columbia, IL 62236 Hanover Ind. Park 618-939-2033 WHATEVER IT TAKES Hair & Nail Salon Heating and Air Conditioning JAENKE 120 S Moore Street Waterloo, IL 62298 Heating & Air Conditioning Family Owned & Operated Residential & Commercial Sales, Service & Installation (618) 939-7727 Office (618) 939-8029 Proudly Serving The Community Since 1969 Amy Hoffmann-Rohlfing Salon Owner Superior Home Loans Josh Phelps • Refinance • Purchases up to 100% • Cash Out Refinances • Home Equity Lines 1-618-239-3800 BRUMIT SERVICES PARISHIONERS 618-281-6900 BestEverTire ColumbiaFirestone Home Remodeling & Costruction Carl Brumit, Owner Waterloo, Il 618-281-COOL (2665) DAVE AND LINDA BERNHARD 618.980.2527 CONCRETE WORK 250 COLUMBIA TOWN CENTER, COLUMBIA, IL 62236 Compliments of Foundations • Swimming Pools • Flatwork Demolition • Driveways • Bobcat & Backhoe FREE ESTIMATES • FULLY INSURED • FAMILY OWNED John E. White, D.D.S. Stephen J. Raney, D.M.D. Bailey M. Walker, D.M.D. Serving The Metro East Area General Dentistry L&K CONCRETE, INC. (618) 281-7300 Residential • Commercial 618-939-8992 130 S. Rapp, Columbia, IL Bruce Doyle 618-281-2301 Accounting and Tax Service Robert Thoma ~Brian Kish ~ Ray Heinen 100 Veterans Parkway, Columbia, IL 62236 618-281-7444 TISCH MONUMENTS 1535 Jamie Lane • Waterloo, IL 62298 Jessica Wachtel, PA-C 618-939-1560 Hearing Aids Worth Wearing Downtown Belleville Gregg and Robin Billmeyer Large Indoor Display Parishioners/Franchise Owners 618-233-3017 VIDA VERDE STUDIO SALON 618-281-6767 Call today for a FREE Hearing Evaluation 13074 Tesson Ferry Rd. St. Louis, MO 63128 (314) 894-3778 14848 W. Clayton Rd. Chesterfield, MO 63017 127 N. Main St., Columbia, IL (636) 527-7400 Parishioner 618.558.1350 $150 will be donated to the church building fund on behalf of parishioners who buy or sell with me. Each Office is independently owned ad operated Advantage Real Estate, INC Columbia, IL A to Z Alterations PETE HEUTEL, 5TH GENERATION 314.393.9523 • Don’t Close the deal ‘til Sunset ~ Since 1912 for men and women Formal • Prom • Weddings 618 281-2288 Irina • Professional Tailor CALL: 314-750-4326 handydad MERZ ON MAIN 618-281-5896 Louis Janik | Columbia, IL Home-Style Cooking all guy good around 618.409.4482 , PARISHIONER 107 North Main St, Ste 2B • Columbia, IL 62236 | always good to have a dad handy DISASTER RESTORATION PROS Jerrod Stewart • Free Mold Inspections • Residential & Commercial • 25 Year Warranty • Structure Saving Techniques (618) 520-0882 Personalizing Your Life! • Screen Printing • Decals • Spirit Wear • Promotional Items Contact Mike Anderson to place an ad today! or (800) 950-9952 x2612 618-281-2095 • 618-917-7223 Travis and Mandy Denison, Parishioners B&H Machine Inc. Specializing in Label Cutting Dies Email: BH-MACHINE@BH-MACHINE.COM 210 S. Main St. Phone: 618-281-9901 Specializing in Social and Birthday Parties 318B North Main St., Columbia, IL (618) 593-4527 FOR AD INFO CALL Mike Anderson 1-800-950-9952 • 230 North Main Columbia, IL 281-7894 WWW.4LPi.COM Immaculate Conception, Columbia, IL A 4C 01-1380 06-04-2015 10:16:42
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