A FULL STEWARDSHIP PARISH APRIL 24, 2016 The Fifth Sunday in Easter 618-281-5105 Mass Times Monday-Friday 8:05 a.m. Saturday 5:00 p.m. Sunday 7:00, 9:00 & 11:00 a.m. Deaf Ministry Mass 5 p.m. Saturdays Sacrament of Reconciliation offered every Saturday 4:00-4:30 p.m. or anytime by appointment. Welcome! If you are visiting, we hope you enjoy your stay, and we are glad you decided to join us in this celebration. If you are new to the Immaculate Conception parish community, welcome home! To become a registered parishioner, please complete the registration form inside on page 6. If you are a former parishioner or a graduate of our school, we are genuinely glad to see you back home and hope you will return often. This weekly bulletin offers information about our parish life and activities. There is even more info on our website! If you have any questions, please call the Parish Office at 281-5105, or stop by for a visit. ROOTED IN THE GOSPEL OF CHRIST AND IN THE TRADITION OF CATHOLICISM AND UNDER THE PATRONAGE OF MARY IMMACULATE, WE COMMIT OURSELVES TO BE A WELCOMING COMMUNITY OF FAITH, WORSHIPPING WITH GENERATIONS OF BELIEVERS AND SERVING GOD IN ALL PEOPLE. 411 PALMER ROAD | COLUMBIA, IL 62236 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION Partner Parish of Sacred Heart of Jesus, Dupo, IL RZEPP IVEE!.. ZIP RZEP PA LIV Author, & Speaker Founder of Mater Media Free Admission & Free Books! Hope to See You There! Find Zip on Social Media MON. APRIL 25, 2016 HERE AT IMMACULATE CONCEPTION COLUMBIA, IL 7:00 p.m. For a Greater Purpose 448 Bluff Meadow Dr. Ellisville, MO 63021 Zip Rzeppa changed the way TV sportscasts were done in St. Louis. Now, he is writing books and giving speeches to Afterward there energize the Catholic faithful. will be a Don’t miss Zip’s powerful Reception & message. You’ll laugh, cry, Book Signing in and be inspired by what our the Garden Level! Lord and the Blessed Mother have done in Zip’s life! Parish Staff Directory www.icc--columbia www.icc Parish Office 411 Palmer Road Columbia, Illinois 62236 618-281-5105 Fax: 618-281-6848 Pastor, Fr. Carl E. Scherrer ext. 358 or cell phone 618-541-9008 Sacramental Minister, Fr. Chris Reuter, O.F.M. 618-482-5570 Parish Admin., Stan Osterhage ext.350 Director of Liturgy MaryBeth Babcock ext. 353 Director of Music Karen Lundy ext 359 Director of Faith Formation, Lizanne Young ext 354 IC-PSR Coordinator, Heather Schaefer ext. 352 Bookkeeper, Sheryl Oglesby ext. 351 Secretary, Angie Bueltemann ext. 300 Pastoral Council Chair, Margaret Raisch 281-3603 Immaculate Conception School 321 South Metter Avenue 281-5353 School Principal, Michael Kish ext. 111 School Secretary,Beverly Epplin ext. 100 For information on committees and meetings please check out our website! Sacramental Preparations Baptisms: Parents/guardians are asked to call the Parish Office to register to attend a preparation seminar available the 2nd Sunday of each month at 10 a.m. in the Parish Library. Baptisms are celebrated at all Masses the first weekend of the month, and every third weekend after 11 a.m. Mass. Weddings: Please contact the Parish office a minimum of four months prior to Marriage. Anointing of the Sick & Funerals: Since individual needs differ, please contact the Parish office at 2815105 for pastoral care. Do not hesitate to call; we are grateful for the opportunity to open our hearts to you and your family and offer these sacramental services. RCIA: Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults: Deepen Your Experience of God Through the Catholic Faith In the Gospel of John, Jesus says, "No one can come to me unless the Father who sent me draw him, and I will raise him on the last day." The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults is for everyone who has been drawn by God to form a deeper relationship. Wherever you are in your faith practice – whether baptized in another Christian faith, starting from the very beginning, or simply interested in enriching your Catholic practice – consider the RCIA. Get to know God better and find out what it means to be Catholic. We meet in the Fr. Steve Library on Sundays, starting with "Breaking Open the Word" dismissal from 9 a.m. Mass, and catechetical sessions from 10-11:30 a.m. For more information, contact Lizanne Young at 2815105, x354, or email Fr. Carl’s Little Reservoir... Several people have commented to me recently that they enjoy seeing my image of the Cardinals’ “Bird with the Bat” outside my front door at my apartment on Main Street since the major league baseball season began back on April 3. As you know, I’m a big Cardinal fan, and enjoy being called “Cardinal Carl” during the baseball season. But I have a confession to make… I haven’t always been a Cardinal fan! Growing up in Shawneetown, most everyone was a Cardinal fan except for a few scattered CUB fans, and my dad and I, who were Giant fans! Actually, I was a Willie Mays fan, who happened to play for the Giants. I used to try to bat like him, catch fly balls like he did and always wore my Giants cap when I played baseball. I’ve read just about every book ever written about Willie, and have quite a collection of newspaper articles and photos of his hall of fame career. I used to love it when the Giants played the Cardinals because then I could listen to the game on KMOX on my transistor radio… even late at night when the Giants were at home and the game would start at 10:00 p.m. our time. In fact, the first major league game I ever attended was in 1960 at Busch Stadium #1 when the Giants played the Cardinals – the Giants won 10 - 6, and Willie hit a home run off the scoreboard behind the left field bleachers. But I converted to being a Cardinal fan when the Giants traded Willie to the METS back in 1972. It’s great to have a home team to root for, and to be just 20 minutes away from their stadium. Now you know the back story behind this avid Cardinal fan!! ~Fr. Carl Our Sympathy… To the family of Eugene Beiermann of our parish, who died on April 13 at the age of 96; and to Ellis Bick and his family on the death of his granddaughter, Rachael Bick, who died in a tragic accident on April 16 at the age of seven. Congratulations!... To the 49 youth from our parish who received the Sacrament of Confirmation with Bishop Braxton this past Wednesday, April 20: Mason Barnett Alex Bira Spencer Biske Emeline Brockland John “Jack” Burke Katrina Costner Elijah DeFosset Lydia DeFosset Sydney Denison Patrick Dent Chandler Frisch Cole Froess Kaylum Furlow Ryan Gallagher Jacob Gilbreth Emma Groetecke Emily Grossman Rob Guetterman Gabrielle Hamilton Macie Hengel Alexandria Hennes Nicolas Horner Samuel Horner Claire Huebner Hannah Janson Zachary Kannewurf Vanessa Kramper Eric Kuebler Ben Lambert Kelly Long Abigail Mathany, Matthew Mehrmann, Eve Melliere Jacob O’Connor Joshua O’Leary Bryce Pautler Emily Prater, Nicholas Prindiville Carlos Jacob Raisch Haden Renner Lauren Roderick Maggie Schulte Charlie Soetaert Ben Traxler Madison VonDerHaar Mary Wessel Jane Whelan Erin Wittenaur Olivia Wuertz Fellowship/Welcoming Sunday... Next Sunday, May 1, join us in the Garden Level after the 9:00a.m. Mass to welcome our new parishioners and to enjoy some fellowship and refreshments. We Want You!.. The IC Pastoral Council and the ICS School Board are now accepting nominations of people interested in serving on either board. They are using the discernment process of prayerfully considering whether or not you feel the call to be a member of the Pastoral Council or School Board. On April 30, at the end of the 5 p.m. Mass, new members will be selected for both the Council and the Board from the discerned candidates who wish to serve. Interested in serving on Pastoral Council or School Board? Please complete the discernment slip below and place in either the Pastoral Council or School Board discernment box (located in the gathering space of church). There are also forms in the gathering space. After prayerful consideration, I wish to serve Immaculate Conception Parish as a member of the (circle one): Pastoral Council School Board Name: ________________________Phone:_____________ 2 Email___________________________________ Golden Gatherings... Altar Society News… Please join us for music and refreshments on Thurs, April 28, at 2pm in the Garden level. As always no charge other than a smile. * The Altar Society meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. in the Garden Level* *The next Altar Society meeting is a dinner meeting on May 5th at 6pm at Aunt Maggie’s on Main Street. This meeting is a celebration of our accomplishments, a short discussion on current business, and planning for the fall. All women in the Parish are invited to come join your sisters in Christ as we work a little bit, but then share fellowship, food, and fun. Bring your purse for the game, and a plant if you wish to participate in the exchange. Cost is $10. * Saturday, May 7th: Please join us as we honor Mary, our Blessed Mother, with a 30minute Rosary Prayer Service at noon at the fountain in front of Columbia City Hall. All are welcome! Extra Help Needed on Workdays…. Extra help is needed for the next two upcoming parish workdays to relocate the contents of the convent. May 14, we move parish organization's Treasures to storage. Dismantle Gaga pit. On June 11 move Pre- K and Pre-school into main school. Please help if you can. Looking for a Motorized Wheelchair?.. Look no further! ICC has one free to a good home! Please call the office if you are interested! Ministry Scheduling... The next ministry schedule is being made. Please contact MaryBeth Babcock at with any dates you or your family will be unavailable in the months of May, June and July. Thanks! Faith in the Marketplace... The Messenger will recognize Catholic business people who take their faith to work with them - into the marketplace. We need your help to find these people and recognize them for living and sharing their faith with their co-workers and clients. To nominate someone for this recognition, you must have first-hand experience with the nominee at work or in their business. Deadline to send nominations is on or before June 1, 2016. Those selected will be recognized at a special reception and dinner Sept. 17, 2016. For more information and nominating materials, please contact The Messenger at 2338670 or email or fax 235-9605. Mother’s Day Breakfast.. Sponsored by the Knights of Columbus Council 6165 on Sunday May 8, from 8:00a.m. to 11:00a.m. Menu will consist of: Scrambled eggs, Schneider’s breakfast sausages, Biscuits and Gravy, Pancakes, Fruit cup, Doughnut holes, Coffee, Milk and Orange Juice All are invited! All ladies eat free! Get Together for Jeanne Wilde... As many of you know, Jeanne Wilde will be moving to Kansas City on Sunday, May 1, to be with her daughters. Please stop by the parish hall after mass on Saturday, April 30, for light snacks and a "toast" to Jeanne as she starts a new chapter in her life. Quilter’s Block... Please join us as we continue to work on the quilts for the 2016 Picnic. If you love to quilt or would like to learn how, we could really use your help!! All our hours are flexible, so come for an hour or stay the whole day. Can’t make it?? Donations of hand sewn quilts or cash donations are always welcome. Our Quilt-A-Rama will be June 7,8,9 and 10....hope to see lots of new faces there!!! Any questions—contact Carlene Kisro @ 618-281-5877 or Family Social Night... Friday, May 13th from 6:00 to 10:00 pm Kids are the focus on this night as they make pizzas from scratch in the warming kitchen and can sing-along with the karaoke machine. Note that food will be provided for adults. All are welcome to this free, fun, family event! Please join us in the Fellowship Hall-Lower Level of the Immaculate Conception Church on Palmer Road. This event is designed to bring families together to enjoy, socialize and strengthen our community and family. If you have questions, please call Nick Matrisotto at 314-609-7092, Ted Haney at 314-504-5057 or Brian Repp 314-479-3027. The Peterson Project: Bake Sale May 1! As an ongoing homage to Russ Peterson, the Immaculate Conception 8th Grade PSR Class has created "The Peterson Project," an annual year-end project in service to a needy family or group. The Class of 2016 has adopted the Scott & Heather Schaefer Family in gratitude for their work with the PSR, and will hold a Bake Sale after the 9am and 11am Masses on May 1st. For more information, contact Mandy Denison at or 618-917-7223. 4th Annual LifeNetwork Of Southern IL“Biking For Babies!”.. Saturday, May21, 2016 -Ride begins at 9:00 a.m. 722 N. Market St. -Waterloo Online registration via Facebook & website @ www., or same day registration available from 8-9 a.m. Four Routes Available: 5.5 and 15 Mile Rides $15 per individual / $25 per individual / $35 per family (Entry fees include gift bag) Route maps can be found at our website and soill Call our office with any questions: 618-939-4224 or e -mail . Free Food & Drinks!!! Want to Learn Self-Defense?... Kirsten Peterson will be teaching a beginner self-defense class here at ICC! Friday, April 29, from 1-3p.m. The suggested donation for the class is $20 with all proceeds going to benefit the Scott Schaefer family. This class is for women ages 18-89! No physical fitness level needed! Be sure to wear comfy clothes! Contact Kirsten Peterson to sign up or ask questions: 444-1452 or There is a minimum of 4 people per class and a limit of 20! His Excellency The Most Reverend Edward K. Braxton, Ph.D., S.T.D. Bishop of Belleville Is pleased to personally invite you to the Solemn Ordination of The Reverend Mr. Brett A. Judkins To The Priesthood of Jesus Christ On Saturday, May 14, 2016, at 10:30 O’ Clock in the Cathedral of St. Peter 200 West Harrison Street Belleville, Illinois 62220 If you, your family, and friends have never participated in an Ordination Mass, this is a unique opportunity for you. Please join us. All are welcome! 3 This Week’s Liturgical Celebrations Monday, April 25…….8:05 a.m..(Church)………….....Mass offered for Paul Walhaus Tuesday, April 26…….8:05 a.m..(ICS)…………...Mass offered for Pauline Jablonski Wednesday, April 27 ..8:05 a.m (ICS)……................Mass offered for Dorothy Oexner Thursday, April 28…..8:05 a.m (ICS)……………....Mass offered for Gene Beiermann Friday, April 29……...8:05 a.m (Church)……………Mass offered for Bill & Iris Vogt Saturday, April 30….5:00 p.m……………………..…Mass offered for Chester Kopec Sunday, May 1… ... 7:00 a.m…………………………….....Mass offered for Parishioners 9:00a.m.………………….…..Mass offered for Virginia Slattery 11:00 a.m.……………………...…Mass offered for Steve Carter Please Pray For... Grace Ryterski Dennis Kish Katie Huch Brenda Dame Susie Settle Ryton Miller Garrett Patton Suzi (Koenig) Cross Richard Burroughs Emily Schmidt Margaret Schenewerk Deb Gomez-Trost Carolyn Holt Kirk Brinovec Donna Greene Danny Saltzman John L. Adams Esther Kretz Special Intention Nancy Kish Tom Kish Desiree Frasure Joan Johns Tom Range Carolyn Messerly Richard Sambo Cheryl McAlister Dan Whelan Floyd Crowder Carl Garvach Betty Schmidt Mike Roediger Tyler Dillon Donna LaCourse Gertrude Scherrer Mary Rodriguez Josh Ritter Sharon Lewis Luke Meyer Jack Finney Shirley Langhans Jeremy Kohlberg Eleanor Kohlberg Brendan Schaper Charlsie Ritson Gary Hoguet Nancy Raymond George Wiligek Mike Foster Special Intention Tim Keefe Special Intention– D.F. Carol Howell Lisa Straub Terry Rausch Rich Cullen Derek Dillon Aiden Howard Maul Kathleen Adams John Brugman Audrey Sambo Alan Congiardo Mia Simpson Patresa Kish Bev Tredway Johnson Donald Crosby Jennifer Trousdale Mary Gonzales Kevin Fries John Raymond Penny Reeves Louise Mihalic Jack Lewis Josephine Inman Marian Keim Stephen Marlo Glennon Rau Katie Tappella Chuck Ludwig Patty Juengling Vic Rose Richard Tappella Nicholas Eynon Edie Smith Dennis Dixson Betty Lehr Dennis DeRossett Yvonne Sendajes Ira J. Garnier III Cecelia Toenjes Kevin Diehl Anna Lawlor Harold Stemler Patrick Shannon Jim Brown Jim Gidley Sara Wright Arlin Stechmesser Mary Consolino Kathleen Mueller -Reister Marge Sander Sr. Paula Thompson JoAnn Sander Peggy Schutt Harold Barks Sr. Jeannine Neumann Breanna Colombo Gene Beiermann Bobby Talbert Carol Helmkamp Dominick Matrisotto Christian Matrisotto Jackie Cleveland Carol Fries Gayle Braun Bailey George Joe Descher Patty Heath Alicia Moore Janet Bentley Linda Whelan Amy Kaempfe Delores Wenkel Ketith Stonis Rev. Anthony Olges Alan Lehr Adriana E.Colindres Angie Rose Diane Heisler Kathy Viers Robert Braun Suzanne Rautman Jacob & Taylor Stevenson Darrell Wolff Charles Farley Barbara Buchheit Charles Caesar Brian Domijan Joy Bretz Sanela Spahic Billie Bates Anne Dunn Matt Long Therefore I tell you, all that you ask for in prayer, believe that you will receive it and it shall be yours.” ~ Mark 11:24 Troops in Service Army Ranger Joseph Pope, Carrie Gilbreth USN, Katherine Gilbreth EM2 USN, Justin Weiler USAF, Lt Col. Brian Schoellhorn, US Army, OSSN Seth Spencer, Brandon Molner USMC, SSGT Rebecca Millas; Chelsea Sackman, US Army, Colin Juengling, USAF, SPC Maria Witges MP Army; Madeline Reichert, US Navy, Sgt. Eve Dorshorst, USAF, CPT Russ Sneddon, US Army; Lance Corporal Quinten Burnes, USMC, Lt. Aaron Toenjes, USAF. Adeodatus says: ͞DŽŶĞLJƚĂůŬƐʹďƵƚŝƐŵŽƐƚůLJƐĂLJƐŐŽŽĚͲďLJĞ͊͟ To keep up with Main Street Redevelopers and their plans for our former Main Street property, go to: Sanctity of Life News... This weekend, April 23-24 will be the sign up for the Monroe Country Right to Life Ad which will appear in a local newspaper on or around Mother's Day. Please sign your name to the petition and support the right to life. Donations accepted. Saturday, May 7th: Please join us as we honor Mary, our Blessed Mother, with a 30-minute Rosary Prayer Service at noon at the fountain in front of Columbia City Hall at 12 noon. All are welcome! 4 Financial Stewardship April 17, 2016 Total envelopes and loose.……….. .......... ...$73,233.45 Budget …..………….................…………..$50,697.00 Fiscal year to date collected…………….$ ,357,441.42 Fiscal year to date budgetd… ............... ..$1,335,952.00 Over (Under) budget……….. ................ .…$ 21,489.42 St. Raymond’s in Guatemala ............................$311.00 Children’s collections (included in envelope total) ....................................................$49.75 Gibault ..............................................................$360.00 Capital Improvements .......................................$330.00 Holy Land ...........................................................$70.00 Easter Flowers ....................................................$10.00 SVDP ................................................................$175.00 New Chruch ................................................... .$7536.74 Catholic Home Missions...................................$145.00 Ed Center Building Fund ............................ .$44,000.00 CRS ....................................................................$10.00 Black & Indian Mission ......................................$10.00 STBS ..................................................................$70.00 New Church Fund: Memorial- Dorothy Oexner ...............................$50.00 Eugene Schorb Education Fund: Memorial – Betty Beckerle ..............................$100.00 **This week’s collection contains figures from online giving 3/30-4/15, 2016 Thank You For Sharing your Blessings! From Our Young Stewards… Said daily prayers & set the table for dinner,; picked up my room when asked to do so this week; “sweeped” dining room; fed the dogs; helped brother get ready; shared toys; Played with my neighbor; helped mom with scrubbing floors and laundry. Stewardship Renewal… If you did have not completed your Time, Talent and Treasure Commitment Form, you may drop it in the box in the gathering space or place it in the collection basket at any Mass or return it by mail to the parish office. Please return your commitment form as soon as possible. Extra copies are in the kiosk in the Gathering Space. Thanks to those who have turned in their form!! Online Giving... The number of parishioners that use online giving continues to grow and is currently at 249. To access online giving, just go to our website, click on the full stewardship tab and then on online giving. 2016 CSMA... The CSMA provides a convenient way for all of us to take an active role in the mission of our diocesan Church. Please consider making a gift or pledge; no amount is too large or too small. If you did not receive a pledge card in the mail or forgot to bring it, please use one of the extra envelopes that are available in the kiosk, or scan the code in this text box with your smart phone! Our parish goal is $49,650. So far we have collected $22,345.00 (There will be an updated total in next week’s bulletin). Thank you to all who have made a contribution so far! Corporal Works of Mercy... The Corporal Works of Mercy are these kind acts by which we help our neighbors with their material and physical needs. feed the hungry give drink to the thirsty clothe the naked shelter the homeless visit the sick visit the imprisoned bury the dead Spiritual Works of Mercy... The Spiritual Works of Mercy are acts of compassion, as listed below, by which we help our neighbors with their emotional and spiritual needs. counsel the doubtful instruct the ignorant admonish sinners comfort the afflicted forgive offenses bear wrongs patiently pray for the living and the dead Weekly Reflection April May 1, 2016 First Reading: Acts 15:1-2, 22-29 Second Reading: Revelation 21:10-14, 22-23 Gospel: John 14:23-29 Bishop’s Mass to Celebrate Marriage... His Excellency, Bishop Braxton will celebrate a Mass on Sunday, June 5, 2016, at 1:00 p.m., at the Cathedral of St. Peter honoring all married couples who are celebrating major anniversaries in 2016. Major anniversaries are 25,30, 40, 50, and 60 and all years over 60. Please send names to Angie at the office or call the office at 281-5105 by April 25. Messenger Memorial Day Issue… The Messenger is preparing for the May 19 Memorial Day Issue, and we would like to include the names of parishioners or their loved ones who died during a war while serving in the military. Since Memorial Day is the traditional day to commemorate U.S. men and women who died while in military service to their country during a war, we want to list their names, the date of death, their rank (if known), and the branch of service to which they were attached, i.e. U.S. Army, Navy, Marines, Air Force or Coast Guard. However, if you are unsure of any of these details but know they died during service to their country during a war, while a member of the military, please email to by May 1. Advertiserr of the Advertise Week: **Please patronize our bulletin advertisers and thank them for their generous support! Extraordinary Jubilee Year of Mercy: In response to the “burning desire” of Pope Francis for us to rediscover the Corporal and Spiritual Works of Mercy during this Jubilee Year of Mercy, 12 charities that serve the poor were selected by those attending the annual Stewardship of Charity meeting on February 14 to receive a portion of the $32,633.69 set aside for that purpose. In the next few weeks, we will publish in this column the thank you letters we have received. Dear Friends, Thank you very much for your support of Good Samaritan Ministries of the Metro East. Your generosity makes it humanly possible to continue our important work of making positive change in the city of Washington Park possible by equipping people for Christlike living. The name and vision for our ministry is taken form the parable of the Good Samaritan who showed compassion to a man who had been beaten down by life. He calls us to do the same. Thanks again for your participation in this ministry! Sincerely, Mike Pabarcus-Chairman of the Board of Directors Community Events… National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows… Silence: God’s First Language and Merciful Gift Presenter: Fr. John Mark Ettensohn, OMI Saturday, April 23, 9 – 11:30 a.m. The Silence of God is like no other. To our surprise, it may actually signal a time when grace is happening. Join us as Fr. John Mark shares a way of looking at silence that we may not have considered before. Cost: $20. For more information, call 618-397-6700 ext. 6270. Register online at Youth Cooking School 2016... Ages 8 to 14, $60 per student, Columbia and Waterloo locations For more info or to register, call 939-3434 or register on-line at Hometown Harmony Spring Concert... The 7th Annual Hometown Harmony spring concert is set for Sunday, May 1. This talented group of local singers will take the Hope Christian Church stage at 6:30 p.m. This year’s theme is “Old Time Religion” and will include live music with a variety of instruments. The concert will feature the Singers Spotlight children’s performance group as guests. Come and sing along to your gospel favorites, including “The Old Rugged Cross”, “Amazing Grace”, “Little Brown Church in the Vale”, “Daddy Sang Bass”, and lots more! Doors open at 5:45 p.m. Purchase Advance tickets for $5 or pay $6 at the door. You can purchase advance tickets at First National Bank of Waterloo (all locations) or State Bank of Waterloo (all locations). Kids 10 & under are free. No advance seat reservations. National Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows... “Forgiveness: A Challenging Path to Wholeness” Day of Reflection sponsored by the Victorious Missionaries Saturday, May 14, begins with Ecumenical Service at 9:15 a.m., ends after Reconciliation Service at 6:30 p.m. Presenter: Rev. Bob Molsberry Runner and competitive triathlete, Rev. Bob Molsberry, was struck from behind on his bicycle by a hit-and-run driver in an accident that left him a paraplegic. He will be sharing his own journey of forgiveness and coming to terms with the “unforgivable” events in life. Price: $70 (includes lunch & dinner) For more information, visit or contact Bette Meyer at 618-394-6281 or Monday Morning Meditation... In the Fr. Steve Library every Monday morning. Gather by 7:10 a.m., participate in a brief reflection, then sit in silence from 7:15-7:35 a.m. No need to reserve a space, simply come by (use the Garden Level door by the Warming Kitchen). 5 Visit ICS on the web: MISSION • COMMUNITY • SERVICE Rosati Kain Math Competition... Katie Grawitch earned a blue ribbon and Jessica Lambert earned a red ribbon in the Rosati Kain 7th grade girls math contest on April 16. The Immaculate Conception School students competed with 64 girls. Dan Kassebaum is their math teacher. If you would like to receive the good news about a Catholic education at ICS, send an email to: Mrs. Bev Epplin and she will add you to our distribution list. Diocesan Hispanic Youth Day... The annual diocesan Hispanic Youth Day, for Latino youth ages 10 to 20, will be held on June 4th.The day will begin at the Shrine for a ‘pilgrimage’ experience; then move to the Pastoral Center, Building 6 for experiences of putting ‘mercy in motion’. Activities are from 9:30 to 4:30. The theme is “El Camino: Mercy in Motion”. For further information call the Office of Hispanic Ministry: 235-9601 extension 1292. Summer Youth Retreat Opportunity... Current high school students are invited to apply for Youth Sing Praise by April 30th. YSP is a unique musical theatre and retreat camp for teens, where acting, singing, dancing, performing, praying, and community building thrive. In just nine days and nights, students audition, learn, and perform a faith-based musical. This year, we are excited to be celebrating the 30th anniversary of Children of Eden, originally Family Tree, written for YSP by Stephen Schwartz and John Caird. The performance will take place on Saturday, June 25th, at the Shrine of Our Lady of the Snows in Belleville, IL. Online application and instructions, and more details at or call 314.NOW.4YSP. Prayer Shawl Ministry… If you know of someone suffering from illness, and would like a blessed prayer shawl, lovingly made by our ladies in the prayer shawl committee, delivered to them, please contact Angie at the office 281-5105. Initial Child Protection Training… The Child Protection Refresher Course is now available online. You can either print and turn in your certificate of completion to Stan Osterhage or email your certificate from the site to him at Anyone who wishes to volunteer at school or church when there are children present, must be in compliance with the Diocesan child protection policy which includes taking the initial Child Protection Course. Information on times and locations that the course is being conducted elsewhere is on the diocesan website: Messenger Renewal ... Please stay “connected” through a subscription to The Messenger. Payments can be made in your parish envelope or on-line at Subscription Cost: Print - $25.00, Electronic - $25.00, Both - $30.00. LIFE Network of Southern IL.. All services are free. Call 618-939-4224 or Neither Do I Condemn You…. The Catholic Church lovingly offers help with neither judgment nor condemnation through the ministry of Project Rachel which brings hope and healing to the hurting. Please give us a call at: 888-456-HOPE. If you know of someone whose unborn baby has been diagnosed with "fetal anomalies" or an "adverse prenatal diagnosis", please refer the parents to the following web sites: and Fontebella Maternity Home 618-406-4355 or Welcome New Parishioners! Please take a moment to register with Immaculate Conception Parish by filling out all the information below and allow us to welcome you fully into our faith community. Return the completed form by collection basket, mail, or bring it to the Parish Office, so that your information can be accurately added to our parish database database.. Name(s) Address City/State/Zip Home Phone Email Children living at home, and dates of birth: 6 Eucharistic Adoration... Now takes place in the New Church. The side entrance to the church should be the only entrance used (in or out) during Adoration Themes for Adoration... 1st Tuesday – Building the Church of the Future – theme still centers on praying for all our parishioners and for all those working on our new Catholic Education and Activity Center. 2nd Tuesday – For the sanctity of human life 3rd Tuesday - World peace, safety of all those in the military, especially those from our own parish (the name of those service men and woman are mention at the beginning of the Holy Hour from 6 to 7 p.m.) 4th Tuesday – Vocations to the priesthood and religious life 5th Tuesday – For those suffering from cancer and other serious illnesses. If you are interested in becoming an Adorer – even if it is just for a few minutes on a Tuesday, please contact: Ann Luth 281-8266 or 618719-6904 or Pat Novak 2815620 and 618-9750381.**A prayer box has been placed in the gathering space of our New Church. Please drop your intentions in this box and they will be prayed for by our Adorers during Tuesday’s Eucharistic Adoration.
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in the collection basket. Please mark form as “update” if you are already registered and updating your info. Thanks!
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