Summer Time Loan Special! Service Spotlight GTFCU Mastercard
Summer Time Loan Special! Service Spotlight GTFCU Mastercard
SUMMER 2014 . WWW.GTFCU.COOP FALL 2013 • WWW.GTFCU.COOP GOLDEN TRIANGLE FEDERAL CREDIT UNION Congratulations! Summer Time Loan Special! Golden Triangle Federal Credit Union wants to help you enjoy this summer! Whether your dream vacation is to sail the high seas, a room for two in a luxury hotel, a family trip to Disney World or a Texas Get-a-Way, we can help you make it happen. Maybe this year you are planning a ‘staycation’ and just want to head to the lake or the beach… We are offering low rates on our summer loan special. Visit with a loan officer today and make your dreams come true. Golden Triangle FCU directors awarded three of our graduating high school seniors with a $500 Scholarship. Our scholarship donation is in memory of Tom Martinez. Tom was a long time board of director for the Credit Union. He was an advocate for education and would be so very proud of all our Graduates! This year’s recipients are: Daisy Bares: A Graduate of Port Neches-Groves High School. She plans to attend Lamar University and major in Nursing. Jonathan Crain: A Graduate of Nederland High School. He plans to attend Lamar University and major in Engineering. Tyler Rawson: A Graduate of Port Neches-Groves High School. He plans to attend Sam Houston State and major in Business. Golden Triangle FCU wishes the best of luck to all our Graduates! Some restriction may apply. Member Appreciation! Service Spotlight GTFCU Mastercard Golden Triangle Federal Credit Union is giving our members another reason to carry a GTFCU MasterCard. We now offer a ‘Cash Back’ Rewards Program. You can earn up to 1% back on all net retail purchases up to $600 in cash back per year. The next cash back distribution is in January 2015. During the Month of June we worked hard to look for ways to say “Thank You” We have made it a priority to visit employer groups as well as offer Friday specials at the credit union office. GTFCU loves ‘Making Members Smile’ Be Prepared… Account Access! 5211 E Parkway PO Box 700 Groves, TX 77619 Golden Triangle FCU wants to remind you about the importance of being prepared for Hurricane Season. While putting aside plenty of water and can goods, securing your home, verifying your insurance coverage and gathering all important documents, don’t forget to sign up for account access at GTFCU. Enrollment is easy. All online services are safe & secure. Online Banking: This service allows you complete access to your account. You can view account history, make transfers, make loan payments and verify your account activity. Bill Pay: Once enrolled in online banking you can sign up for our bill pay program. You can set up one-time or recurring payments and pay all your bills quickly and efficiently from anywhere, anytime. MOBILE, I Pad, or Tablet Access: By going to on your hand held devices you can have convenient and safe access to your account. IntroducIng IntroducIng truStage™ truStage™ InSurance InSurance ProductS ProductS and and PrograMS PrograMS IntroducIng truStage™ IntroducIng truStage™ You’ve You’ve comecome to trust to trust us as us your as your financial financial services services InSurance ProductS InSurance partner. partner. Through Through ourProductS partnership our partnership withwith the companies the companies of the ofCUNA thePrograMS CUNA Mutual Mutual Group Group serving serving America’s America’s credit credit and and PrograMS unions unions for more for more thanthan 75 years, 75 years, we’rewe’re able able to make to make available available insurance insurance products products and programs and programs to help to help you protect you protect the achievements the and aspirations and aspirations of the of the You’ve come to trust us achievements as financial services You’ve come to trust usyour as your financial services partner. Through our partnership with the companies people people who who matter matter most most in your in your life. life. partner. Through our partnership with the companies of the CUNA Mutual Group serving America’s credit of the CUNA Group serving credit We want We you to you know to thatwe’re that CUNA CUNA Mutual Mutual Group Group unions forwant moreMutual than 75 know years, able toAmerica’s make unions for more than 75 years, we’re able to make insurance and programs to insurance help isavailable unveiling is unveiling a new aproducts new brand, brand, TruStage, TruStage, for for insurance you protect the achievements anddesigned aspirations of the tofor available insurance products and programs help products products and programs and programs designed exclusively exclusively you. for you. people who matter most in your life.and aspirations of the you protect the achievements You will You soon willtosoon begin begin noticing noticing thelife. TruStage the TruStage brand brand We want you matter know that CUNA Mutual Group people who most in your in mailings, in mailings, materials materials displayed displayed our inbranches, our branches, is unveiling a new brand, TruStage, forin insurance We want youprograms to that CUNA Group newsletters, newsletters, onknow our onweb our web site, site, or inMutual or other infor other information information products and designed exclusively you. isyou unveiling a new brand, TruStage, for insurance quote a quote on truStage on truStage receive yousoon receive through our the credit ourTruStage credit union. union. RestRest assured, assured, For aFor You will beginthrough noticing brand products and programs exclusively for you. in mailings, materials displayed our branches, TruStage TruStage insurance insurance is adesigned name is ainname you can youtrust. can trust. insurance insurance products products newsletters, on our web site, or in other information and programs, programs, call call You will soon begin noticing the TruStage brand For a quoteand on truStage you receive through our credit union. Rest assured, inTruStage mailings, materials displayed in our branches, 888-787-8249. 888-787-8249. insurance is a name you can trust. insurance products newsletters, on our web site, or in other information and programs, call For a quote on truStage you receive through our credit union. Rest assured, 888-787-8249. TruStage insurance is a name you can trust. insurance products LIFE-0512-ED2A LIFE-0512-ED2A LIFE-0512-ED2A 409-962-3434 Fax 409-962-0215 Lobby Hours Monday - Friday 9 am - 5 pm Drive Thru Monday - Friday 8:30 am - 6 pm Saturday 8:30 am - noon Board of Directors Mickey Breaux – Chairman A L Whittredge – Vice Chair Justin Romero – Treasurer Jeanne Nite – Secretary Pansey Lamson – Board Member Dick Necastro – Board Member Wayne Temple – Board Member Supervisory Committee D E Sosa - Committee Member Jared Trimble - Committee Member Christa Wolfford - Committee Member Holiday Closings Independence Day - Friday, July 4, 2014 - Saturday, July 5, 2014 Labor Day - Monday, September 1, 2014 and programs, call 888-787-8249. Federally Insured by NCUA
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