

2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
Strategic Plan Focuses on Achieving Results
CUNA has put into action a strategic
plan that focuses on achieving results
for America’s Credit Unions.
When the CUNA Board of Directors
hired Jim Nussle last year to lead
CUNA, the board gave him three
important mandates:
• Re-energize and deliver the
CUNA-League value proposition
• Focus on credit union advocacy
• Unite and challenge the credit
union movement
Together, CUNA and Leagues across
the country are delivering on these
expectations, but this work is just the
beginning as we work together to
achieve the best results for credit unions.
This month, Nussle sent a letter to all
affiliated credit union CEOs and shared
with them the recently released CUNALeague System value proposition and
2015-2017 strategic plan.
Success will be defined as a growing
credit union movement and thriving
industry; growth in memberships, growth
in the ability to serve those members,
growth in market share, growth in credit
unions being chosen as the preferred
financial institution; and growth in credit
union return on assets.
CUNA-League Value
Propositions Focused on
For our shared vision—Americans
choose credit unions as their best
financial partners—to reach its fullest
potential, CUNA and the Leagues will
need to focus on removing barriers,
creating awareness and fostering service
excellence to support that vision.
Focus on Credit Union
When it comes to our 360-degree
advocacy strategy, CUNA and the
Leagues are working to remove barriers
and secure victories in the legislative,
regulatory, and legal arenas. Direct
advocacy in all 50 state capitals and
Washington D.C., a professional
“army” of 85 lobbyists, regulatory and
compliance experts are all making a
difference for members every single day.
We are defeating efforts to tax credit
unions in the states, expanding credit
union fields of memberships, chipping
away at the cap on member business
lending, holding the merchants’ “feet to
the fire” on data security standards, and
beating back onerous legislation and
regulations at every turn. In addition, the
CUNA-League system has taken the lead
in the courts—a first of its kind in our
advocacy efforts—to hold Home Depot
accountable for its data breach.
Unite and Challenge the
Credit Union Movement
Imagine 6,400 credit union CEOs, 80,000
board volunteers, 250,000+ employees,
system partners, vendors and millions
of members all united with a singular
purpose to grow the credit union
movement. Success today requires more
boots on the ground. Policymakers react
and act based on people or voters. There’s
a reason why the NRA and the AARP can
make the “Capitol dome shake” when
they want or don’t want something. Credit
unions have barely scratched the surface
of advocacy potential.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
LCUL Urges CUs to Take Pre-emptive Action Now
After learning the Consumer Financial
Protection Bureau (CFPB) has gone
directly to 3 major data processing (DP)
companies for financial institution (FI)
overdraft (OD) program data, credit
unions across the country should be
taking a close look at their own programs.
The data will be anonymous according
to the DP companies, but it might lead
to an unintended consequence if the
data reveals that credit unions are not
consumer friendly when it comes to
the size and frequency of overdraft fees
charged to their members.
challenge unfair and deceptive practices
or other legal violations.
Close attention should be paid to a May
2015 Pew Charitable Trust (“Checks
and Balances”) report that gives direct
policy advice to the CFPB on what Pew
considers as “best practices” in regards
to OD programs, along with a model
disclosure box for checking accounts.
Note that the CFPB does appear to pay
close attention to Pew reports if past
practice dictates future action.
• Give consumers the opportunity to
affirmatively choose the OD payment
product that best meets their needs.
Here are a few of the Pew Best Practices,
many of which the 50 largest US banks
have adopted already:
• Summarize key information about terms
and fees in a concise, uniform format.
• Provide accountholders with clear,
comprehensive terms and pricing
information for all available OD options.
• Make OD penalty fees reasonable and
proportional to the FI’s costs in providing
the OD loan.
• Post deposits and withdrawals in a fully
disclosed, objective, and neutral manner
that does not maximize OD fees.
• Prohibit, in checking account
agreements, pre-dispute mandatory
arbitration clauses, which keep
accountholders from accessing courts to
The Federal Deposit Insurance
Corporation (FDIC) issued OD Payment
Program and Consumer Protection
Supervisory Guidance to FI’s it supervises
effective July 1, 2011, which may indicate
that CU’s are behind the curve. This
guidance calls for banks to:
• Promptly honor customers’ requests to
decline coverage of OD’s (i.e., opt-out)
resulting from non-electronic transactions.
• Monitor accounts. Take meaningful and
effective action to limit use by customers
as a form of short-term, high-cost credit.
• Institute appropriate daily limits on OD
fees; and consider eliminating OD fees
for transactions that overdraw an account
by a de minimis* amount.
• Not process transactions designed to
maximize the cost to consumers.
In a recent client communication
regarding future action taken by the
CFPB, Dennis Dollar (principal partner in
Dollar Associates LLC) outlines possible
negative ramifications that could come
from sweeping legislation:
We could return to more consumers
using checks instead of debit cards for
fear of rejection, the days of NSF checks
being returned to vendors that tack on
an additional fee to the consumer, the
dark era of bad check prosecution. None
of this will be consumer friendly and,
even though the CFPB strongly feels
that overdraft fees are a loan and should
be subject to Reg Z and Reg E advance
disclosures and interest rate limitations,
they are uncertain as to whether their
“solution” to the overdraft issue may be
worse for the consumer than the current.
According to Dollar, CU’s could see an
overdraft privilege rule by 2016 which will
likely use the data pulled from the DP
vendors to justify the CFPB’s position.
In response to the CFPB’s request, CUNA
President Jim Nussle sent a letter to
CFPB Director Richard Cordray urging
the CFPB to “take any corrective action
necessary to assure CU’s are not unfairly
impacted by the Bureau’s recent order”.
Credit unions can take a proactive stance
now by examining their own data and
considering changes to the structure of
their OD programs that are in line with
the July 2011 FDIC guidance.
*‘De minimis’ refers to a FI offering one or both of
the following 1) a maximum amount an account can
be overdrawn at the end of the day before a fee is
charged or 2) an item threshold policy setting a limit
on the size of a transaction that can incur an OD fee.
New Dues-Supported Service:
FREE Louisiana Bank/CU Rate Comparison
LCUL is excited to give affiliated credit
unions access to weekly deposit and
monthly loan and fee averages at no charge.
Standard deposit and consumer loan
products are included. The data allows your credit union to compare your rates
to those of banks and other credit unions in the state. This data is compiled by
RateWatch, a financial data provider that maintains the world’s largest database of
competitive information for more than 98,000 financial locations.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
As legislative session ends, LA
credit unions amp up advocacy
After weeks of looking at the state’s $1.6
billion operating budget deficit, house
members voted to fund state government
for the fiscal year beginning July 1. The
last week of the 2015 Louisiana Regular
Legislative Session had been especially
demanding, focusing on efforts to push
through lingering legislative measures.
LCUL’s 2015 Legislative Watchlist included:
House Bill 624 (Stock Transfer Taxation)
Potential CU Impact: Amendments
adopted targeted exemption from state
taxation on its stock transfers; reduced it
from 100% to 80%.
Current Status: Sent to the governor
Action Needed: None at this time; we were
able to remove credit union language
Senate Bill 172 (Uber/Lyft Bill)
Potential CU Impact: CU collateral may be
under- or improperly insured if members
use their personal vehicles to provide taxi
service through on-line providers (Uber).
Current Status: Sent to the governor
Action Needed: CU’s should assure that
owner of vehicle has appropriate insurance
Senate Bill 265 (Immovable Property)
Current Status: referred to ways and means
committee; didn’t make it back to the floor
Action Needed: None at this time
Louisiana CU’s in Action
During this legislative session, credit union
leaders responded to the League’s call for
grassroots outreach by sending e-mails,
phone calls, and in-person meetings. This
fast and generous response to legislative
action remains a benchmark of the credit
union movement.
LCUL Recaps Latest Legislative Session in
Pelican Politics; Discusses Increase in Political
Involvement Among LA CUs
In an effort to enhance League
communications, we have created a
special newsletter publication dedicated
to LCUL’s Governmental Affairs initiatives.
Pelican Politics provides Louisiana credit
unions with updates and information
on legislative issues, action alerts, and
advocacy efforts. The first issue of Pelican
Politics was distributed in June. Didn’t
receive it? Here’s what you missed:
• LCUL 2015 Legislative Watchlist: As
legislative session comes to an end, credit
unions amp up advocacy
• Call to Action: Update Your Key Contact
• Special videos to CUs from Senator
Vitter and Representative Scalise
• Louisiana CU Participation Increases
During Recent Legislative Session
• Mark Your Calendar! 2016 Important
• Project Zip Code: Time for LA CU’s to
Step Up!
For more information on governmental
affairs and advocacy, please contact
Angela Gervais at
Lt. Governor Jay Dardenne, Senator David Vitter
Louisiana credit union representatives
along with League staff met with Lieutenant
Governor Jay Dardenne to discuss his
upcoming bid for governor as well as credit
union issues. Dardenne has been a member
of LA Capitol FCU board and currently
holds a position on their Advisory Board.
Members of East, West and Tri Parish Chapters
gathered for a meet and greet with Senator
David Vitter. Those in attendance had a
productive Q&A session where Senator Vitter
inquired about pressing issues credit unions
are currently facing. Areas of concern shared
with the senator included heavy regulations and
payday lending.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
Elections for the Louisiana Credit Union League’s
Board of Directors were recently held at chapter
meetings throughout the state. The following
Louisiana credit union professionals/volunteers have
been elected to the 2015-17 Board of Directors:
Tina Atkins, Kraftman FCU
Joe Battaglia, Homeland FCU
Glen Beard, Alexandria Municipal ECU
Kathy Bourgeois, Access of Louisiana FCU
Joyce Butler, Carter FCU
Tom Conner, Southwest Louisiana CU
Eldridge Etienne, Southern Teachers & Parents FCU
Kathi Gill, Neighbors FCU
Connie Kennelly, Tulane-Loyola FCU
Ginger Manint, Eagle Louisiana FCU
Chris Maurer, UNO FCU
Benny Miers, Post Office Employees FCU
Patricia Morris, Monroe Telco FCU
Vicki O’Brien, Jefferson Parish EFCU
Sidney Parfait, Post Office Employees CU
Connie Roy, Lafayette Schools FCU
Glenda Rushe, St. Tammany FCU
Cindy Sansing, Cenla FCU
Anna Trahan, Section 705 FCU
Roy Walling, Barksdale FCU
Anne Cochran Named World
Council’s First-Ever Female
Anne Cochran, LCUL President/
CEO, has been named the first
female chair of World Council of
Credit Unions’ board of directors. Cochran, who succeeded outgoing chair Grzegorz
Bierecki, president and CEO
of the National Association of Co-operative Savings and Credit Unions
of Poland, formally accepted the chair’s chain of office during the World
Credit Union Conference in Denver.
“My passion for the credit union movement in the past 15 years has
helped me to represent World Council in many arenas, from management certification programs to training at global conferences to working
with universities in Ecuador, Moscow and Nairobi. I want to borrow a
phrase from my Caribbean friends: the credit union movement is in my
DNA,” said incoming World Council Chairwoman Anne Cochran.
Cochran has played a key role for nearly two decades in advancing the
credit union movement at state, national and international levels. Under
her leadership, LCUL attained its highest-ever affiliation ratio and has
hosted delegations from developing credit unions in Africa and Russia
to help strengthen their movements. She has served the World Council
in many capacities, including speaking at numerous credit union events
worldwide and participating in the Global Women’s Leadership Network.
LOUISIANA CREDIT UNION FOUNDATION Where credit unions help credit unions
The Louisiana Credit Union League and the National Credit Union Foundation (NCUF) partnered in 2007 to create America’s first
statewide disaster relief reserve fund for credit unions, the Louisiana Credit Union Foundation (LCUF). This Foundation was established to provide financial assistance for statewide disaster relief efforts, and to provide educational opportunities for credit union
employees and volunteers.
Contributions are made from individuals, credit unions, and especially our Hall
of Fame Program. To date, the Louisiana Foundation was able to raise $32,000
through the Hall of Fame Program.
LCUL would like to thank those credit unions who support the
Louisiana Credit Union Foundation. You are making great things
happen in Louisiana!
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
Membership Checklist
Now Available
Website Now Connects all
Council Members
An updated version
of the LCUL/CUNA
Maximizing Your
Membership checklist
is now available. Make
the most of your
membership by taking advantage of
the resources outlined in this checklist,
including compliance, training, strategic
tools and data, and news updates. The
checklist can be found on the League’s
website under ‘Communications’.
to Bring Even More
Educational Opportunities
Special pricing for
affiliated credit unions!
Navigating the complex and growing
electronic payment industry requires accurate, effective and up-to-date resources. To help with this burden, LCUL has
teamed up with SWACHA, the electronic
payments resource, to offer a program
of educational webinars for Louisiana
credit unions. There will be a Lunchtime
Learning Series, quick half-hour sessions
scheduled at noon, as well as regular 1 ½
hour sessions. ACH Essentials, Compliance, and Payments are just a few topics
to be covered. Even better, SWACHA is
offering these webinars to affiliated credit
unions at special members’ pricing! For
more information, click on the ‘education’ link on the League’s website.
CUNA Councils continue to thrive and
enhance the benefits of membership.
In April, the Councils launched a new
website that connects members to all
six CUNA Councils with a streamlined
all-in-one structure. The new site allows
members to explore a vast network of
leadership resources and gain access
to a diverse community of more than
6,450 credit union leaders. In addition, CUNA Councils also:
• Published six white papers
• Held 10 virtual roundtables
• Held their first member benefits
roundtable. Archived access
available here.
• Dispersed $70,000 in scholarships
Coming Soon: LCUL’s New Website!
LCUL is launching our new website soon!
While the URL will remain the same, www., the new website will provide
visitors with dramatic improvements in
navigation, uniformity, appearance, and
accessibility. Our new website took on a
major redesign that includes a cleaner look
with easy navigation, responsive design
including a mobile-based site, and an online
registration portal.
“We realize that our website is an extention
of who we are. We took on this task from
the typical CU professional’s perspective,
with our focus on getting you what you want as easy as possible,” commented Cami
Crouchet, LCUL Executive Vice President.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
CUNA launched, a
new website that brings together
News Now and creditunionmagazine.
com. In one stop, credit unions can
access leadership and analysis from
CUNA experts, compliance guidance,
strategic solutions from business
partners, and critical updates and
perspectives on emerging legislation,
regulations, and important state and
national advocacy issues.
Make your daily starting
point for news. And if you aren’t
receiving daily emails with the CUNA
News headlines, sign up here.
LCUL Media Outreach
Report Distributed to CUs
As your trade association, we work to
promote credit unions as being safe and
sound institutions for insured deposits,
responsible lending, and the best place
for consumers to receive financial services.
LCUL is committed to:
• Building and strengthening the credit
union “brand awareness” by maximizing
our media opportunities;
• Developing and maintaining strong
community and media relations that
effectively promote a stronger public
image and creates better awareness of the
credit union difference;
• Assisting our member credit unions in
developing and implementing effective
communication tools and methods that
help build and strengthen media relations;
• Position credit unions as an important
segment in the financial services
marketplace locally and nationwide.
A credit union’s brand is more than just a
name and logo—it’s a promise to members.
Earlier this year, CUNA conducted a number
of focus groups and discovered credit unions
lacked a way to market their brand in an easy,
cost-effective way.
While listening to credit unions talk about
their struggles with brand development, CUNA worked to create a “drop and go,”
prewritten and easy-to-use template. CUNA Brand on Demand™ empowers credit
unions to develop a successful brand. This web-to-print tool allows credit unions
to adapt a branded-line of campaigns to convey quality, credibility, and experience
that differentiates them in the crowded financial marketplace. Learn more here.
LCUL provided credit unions with a report
of media and news outreach for the first
half of the year as well as initiatives for the
remainder of 2015. If you would like to
receive a copy of the report, please contact
Lacey Hyer, VP of Communications & Public
Relations at
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
There’s an App for that!
Individuals attending LCUL’s 2015
Annual Meeting & Convention are
encouraged to have an advanced
experience and download the new
Convention app. The free app contains
valuable information and resources
that can help attendees navigate this
year’s Convention. Attendees can
find information on daily schedules,
featured speakers, educational
sessions, sponsors, exhibitors, event
maps and more. Users can also upload
photos, post status updates and link
messages to social media accounts.
The app will be availbale for download
on Monday, July 27. Stay tuned for
more information!
Tacky T-Shirt Party!
It wouldn’t be
the holidays
without an
Ugly Sweater
Party. However,
it’s July in
the south. To beat the heat, LCUL
is hosting a Tacky T-shirt Party! Join
us on Friday, July 31 for our much
anticipated social event.
Don’t have a tacky t-shirt or sweater?
Not a problem. Put on your best
festive holiday attire including
costumes and accessories!
And remember, the outfit that gives
us the biggest eye sore wins!
’Know Before You Go’
LCUL will be sending confirmation
emails next week, including some
helpful tips to help you prepare for
your convention experience. Contact for questions.
LCUL’s 2015 Annual Meeting & Convention
Join us as we celebrate
the spirit of giving
Your league staff and I are eagerly anticipating our favorite time of year as we ‘make
our list and check it twice’ to ensure that our 2015 Annual Meeting and Convention
meets your high standards. Our gifts to you include carefully chosen education
sessions, a wide variety of exhibitors to help you innovate, the opportunity to
network with old friends and to make new ones, and of course, the fun time that
you expect! Whether you’ve been naughty or nice we hope you’ll join us at this, the
biggest event of the year for Louisiana credit unions.
Anne Cochran,
LCUL President & CEO
Not One, but TWO Unique Sessions with Pierre Cardenas
Case Study: Turning around a Failing CU
Come hear how can a credit union made a 180-degree turn from the brink
of failing. Cardenas presents an actual case study of a credit union going
from a loss to a positive ROA in a matter of months
Lending - Rethinking your Lending Policy
Are you loan policies holding you back? Come take a deep dive into best
practices for improving and updating your policy. To make it a truly
interactive, hands-on session for you, be sure to bring a printed out copy of
your consumer loan policy with you!
Board Succession & CEO Relations: Panel Discussion
Credit Union CEO Jim Kasch presents a session highlighting the 4 dimensions
critical for success: Trust, Micromanaging, Clarity, and Communication. He will
then facilitate a panel containing Louisiana board members for open discussion and
interactive Q&A with attendees.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
LCUL Adds Two New
Organizations to
Endorsed Vendor
The Louisiana Credit Union League
would like to introduce Deluxe
Financial Services and Gallagher
Benefit Services as new members to
our endorsed provider team.
Deluxe Financial Services is celebrating
its 100th year providing checks and
related products and services. Our
endorsement of Deluxe should result
in competitive price points for you
and your members. Deluxe also offers
a number of solutions that can assist
with reducing expenses, managing
your check program performance, and
increasing income.
Gallagher Benefit Services, Inc. is the
employee benefits division of Arthur
J. Gallagher & Co., founded by the
individual whose name still appears on
the door. Nurtured through three family
generations, the Arthur J. Gallagher
family of companies is the largest
benefit consulting firm in Louisiana
and the 3rd largest in the United
States. They strive to provide superior,
cost-effective benefit products and
services with the highest professional
Key consulting areas for Gallagher
Benefit Services. Inc: Health & Welfare,
Human Resources, Retirement,
Executive Benefits, Healthcare
Analytics, and Voluntary Benefits.
Our goal is to deliver benefit and value
to your credit union and its members.
Should you have any questions on
these vendors or any other League
endorsed products and services, please
contact Vince Liberto, LCUL Executive
Vice President, at
What Are You Waiting For?
Streamline Your Compliance Management NOW!
Staying compliant is no easy task. There’s no doubt that regulations will continue
to place cumbersome burdens on your management and compliance teams with
little time left for much else. ComplySight can be your saving grace by helping to
streamline compliance management with a cloud-based system to track, measure,
and report compliance activities in a single application.
ComplySight incorporates aspects of InfoSight and CU PolicyPro, but goes further
by assessing all areas of risk within your credit union. The program automatically
provides regulatory alerts and updates to members of your team. Robust reporting
provides management with a high level overview and in-depth analysis on your
compliance program, helping your credit union be ready at all times for an audit
or exam.
ComplySight is designed to follow the compliance work flow and processes
that a credit union has in place, yet flexible enough to build processes where
few or none exist. Action Items allow tasks to be created, assigned, and tracked
based on deadlines. Email notification reminders to the assignees, with attached
documentation, will keep your staff on task and on time.
Contact Danielle Thibodeaux, Director of Compliance, or visit for
more information on the compliance services available to your credit union.
New Member Brochure for Shared Branching
In an effort to keep up with the latest Shared Branching
outlet information, we have created a new member
brochure for participating credit unions. The new
brochure, which replaces the Symbol of Convenience,
provides members with a number of different ways to
find the nearest location. This new brochure has been
formatted to fit three to a page and sized for inclusion in
statements and/or your CU lobby.
“Whether it’s new outlet participants or new branch locations, there are always
changes taking place within the Shared Branching Network. The new brochure
will provide members with more timely and accurate information,” commented
Courtney Miceli, LCUL/CUCB Executive Vice President.
The new CUCB brochure can be found under the Shared branching section of the
League’s website.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
Xplore FCU’s Members are on
the Right Track
By partnering with Pullman Rail
Journeys, Xplore FCU was able to
offer a unique opportunity for one
lucky member to enjoy a luxurious
trip from New Orleans to Chicago on
Pullman’s cars, embodying the style
and elegance of yesteryear’s railway
travel with the modern conveniences
of today. In order to enter the
sweepstakes, members needed to
complete an Explore Your Score ™,
close a loan, or refer a company for a
Lunch and Learn during the first quarter
of 2015. Within three months, over 600
members entered the sweepstakes.
“This campaign was designed to
reward members for allowing us to
help better their financial state. It’s
the cooperative spirit at its best,” said
Bobbi Bush, VP of Operations.
West Monroe/West Ouachita
CUs Team Up to Present
‘Brown Bag Concert Series’
Centric FCU and Ouachita Valley FCU
partnered with the West Monroe/
West Ouachita Chamber of Commerce
for a special ‘Brown Bag Concert
Series’. Every Wednesday in May and
September, a free concert is held from
12:00 noon - 1:00 p.m. Those who
attend can bring a brown bag lunch, sit
out at the Pavilion At Seventh Square,
and enjoy complimentary beverages as
they listen to the sounds of local bands.
Chairs are also provided at no charge.
Sally B. Hoffstadt
has been promoted
to Vice President
of Marketing. Sally
has been a member
of the ASI team for
more than 7 years.
Brian Menard has
been promoted to
Vice President of
Operations. Brian
has been a member
of the ASI team for 6
Richard Pelloquin
Baton Rouge Telco FCU
Celebrate Employee
Appreciation Week with Pie in
Their Face
Access of Louisiana FCU
Celebrates Milestones
During Access of Louisiana FCU’s
annual meeting, the credit union
recognized two employees celebrating
special milestones. Camy Courville and
Janey Langley, loan officers at Access
of LA FCU, are both celebrating twenty
years of service.
ASI FCU Announces Staff
Mr. Richard Pelloquin,
Member and long
time credit union
supporter, was a
proud volunteer for
over 35 years. He held
his colleagues at CSE in the highest
esteem and considered them all
to be among his closest personal
Patricia Matthieu
University of LA FCU
Baton Rouge Telco FCU celebrated
Employee Appreciation Week in
early March. Employees donated
to the Greater Baton Rouge Food
Bank in exchange for throwing pies
in their bosses’ faces. Larry Lemoine,
VP of Lending; Steve Denny, COO,
and Douglas Robinson, VP of IT (not
pictured) were the lucky recipients.
The credit union recorded the whole
thing and continues to watch it on
Patsy Matthieu had
been with UL FCU for
forty years before her
retirement in December
of 2013. Her hard work
and dedication over
the years have been a
shining light to everyone who has ever
worked with her. Patricia L. Matthieu
was inducted into the Louisiana Credit
Union Hall of Fame in August of 2013.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
5 LA Professionals Graduate
from Southeast CUNA
Management School (SRCUS)
Community Cools Off with
Free Sno-cones from Pelican
State CU
Southeast Regional Credit Union Schools
(SRCUS) is pleased to announce that 42
credit union executives recently graduated
from the SE CUNA Management School,
including five from Louisiana:
Nichole Dupuy, Ascension CU
Laura Hawthorne, Centric FCU
Robert Mayfield, Fleur De Lis FCU
Jodi Lee, Neighbors FCU
Cassie Theriot, Section 705 FCU
Over the course of this three-year
program, students receive advanced
academic instruction on a variety of topics.
Students also apply the knowledge gained
from the on-site sessions to projects that
require strategic analysis of their credit
unions and research of relevant issues
facing the industry. Graduation from
the SE CUNA Management School is
recognized throughout the industry as a
prestigious mark of achievement.
3 LA Professionals Earn Credit
Union Certified Marketing
Executive Designation
Congratulations to the following
individuals for earning their Credit Union
Certified Marketing Executive (CUCME)
designation in 2015:
Ashley Gambino, Jefferson Financial CU
Lynette Hazleton, Heart of Louisiana CU
Lacey Hyer, Louisiana CU League
Those who have achieved this designation
have successfully attended three years of
the program and passed a comprehensive
exam at the end of each year. The program
consists of five full days of live sessions,
expert speakers and insights from the
marketing industry elite.
Over 670 locals enjoyed a free snocone at the Sno-Shack in Alexandria on
Wednesday, May 20. For the second
consecutive year, Pelican took over the
Sno-Shack and paid for every single
person’s sno-cone from 2:30 - 5:00 p.m.
The credit union gave away 531 snocones to Rapides Parish residents last
year and over $2,619 in cash during its
Pineville Branch Grand Opening.
Ouachita Valley FCU
Recognized for Community
Ouachita Valley FCU was nominated
for the Thomas A. Scott Award which
honors organizations that make
significant contributions to the Ouachita
Parish economy through capital
improvements, expansion, job creation,
and community involvement. Ouachita
Valley was also named “Spirit of the
Ouachita” recipient for their community
involvement through different charity
organizations and youth involvement,
particularly with the Sunny School
Supply Drive.
Hooper Elected to Catalyst
Corporate Board of Directors;
Taylor Sits as Vice Chair
At Catalyst
Corporate FCU’s
Annual Meeting
April 30, members
elected three
candidates to serve
three-year terms
on its elevenmember Board
of Directors. One
of the three elected to the Board was
Michael Hooper, President/CEO of La
Capital FCU in Baton Rouge.
In addition to
board elections,
board officers for
the coming year
are: Rod Taylor,
Barksdale FCU,
(vice chairman);
Ayn Talley,
Houston Police
FCU (secretary);
and Rick Hein,
Oregon State CU
Perez Named Vice Chair of
CUNA Marketing & Business
Development Council
Mia Perez, Chief
Officer of
Louisiana FCU,
has been named
Vice Chair of the
CUNA Marketing
and Business
Council’s executive committee.
The Council is one of six volunteerled Councils providing resources,
information, networking and career
development to credit union
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
Louisiana Shines Bright at
CUNA’s 2015 Marketing &
Business Development
The following credit unions were recipients of a 2015 Diamond Award, which
represents the pinnacle of CU marketing and business development. Entries
are based on strategy, design, creative
concept, copy and communication, and
Diamond, Diamond in the Rough
Category’s Best/Cut Award - Most Edgy
Digital Advertising
Category’s Best, Social Media
“Swagger Boost Spoof Music Video”
Bossier FCU
Diamond, Complete Campaign
Category’s Best, Direct Mail
“Drive It Like You Stole It Campaign”
Pelican State CU Team
Members Support Heart
Pelican’s volunteer and fundraising
committee, the Beak Squad, organized
Pelican’s participation in the Capital
Area Heart Walk supporting the
American Heart Association. The walk
is the association’s premiere event
that brings communities together to
raise funds and celebrate progress in
the fight against this country’s No. 1
and No. 5 killers, heart disease and
stroke. The walk helped kick off the
committee’s company-wide employee
biggest loser wellness competition,
which will take place over the next
three months. Over 30 participants
joined Pelican’s team as they walked
for heart health. Together, Pelican
team members raised $1,036 for the
American Heart Association.
Essential FCU
Diamond, Annual Reports
Diamond, Community/PR-One-Time Event
Category’s Best, Diamond in the Rough
“Louisiana Sportsman Show VIP Lounge”
Diamond, Membership Packets, Brochures
“New Member Welcome Brochure”
EFCU Financial
Diamond, Community/PR-One-Time Event
“Summer Food Truckin’”
Louisiana FCU
Category’s Best, Brand/Corporate Identity
“Norco Heritage Branch Project”
Diamond Award, Point of Sale Display &
Retail Merchandising,
“Crazy Busy?”
Category’s Best, Social Media
Neighbors FCU
Category’s Best, 2013 Annual Report
Pelican State CU
Diamond, Brand Awareness
Category’s Best, Community/PR
“Grocery Store Giveaway”
Diamond, Membership Packets, Brochures
“Merger Packet”
Leininger Promoted to
Director of CU Development
New Orleans
Firemen’s FCU has
promoted Shasta
Leininger to Director
of CU Development.
Shasta will oversee
Marketing, Business
Outreach, and Grant Initiatives. Shasta
has been with the credit union since
2007 and brings a wealth of knowledge
to the position.
Campus Federal Hires
Business Portfolio Manager
FCU recently
the hiring of
Andrea Randall
as its business
Randall brings
more than
11 years of experience in business
banking to the Campus Federal
team. As business portfolio manager,
Randall will play a pivotal role in the
business services department with a
specific focus on evaluating business
loans. She will also work closely with
the vice president of business services
to maximize the loan portfolio.
A. Parvazi Joins Xplore FCU
Xplore FCU is
pleased to announce
Armand Parvazi
has joined the
team as Marketing
Manager. Armand
comes to Xplore
with consulting
experience in marketing, public
relations, and business development.
Armand earned his Bachelor’s Degree
from Louisiana State University and
his Master’s Degree of Business
Administration from the University of
New Orleans.
JACO FCU Re-affiliates with
the League
LCUL is pleased to welcome JACO
FCU as an affiliate. The Ruston-based,
$13 million credit union rejoins the
league after a forty-year absence.
2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
ASI FCU and Honduran
Consulate of New Orleans
Partner to Provide Financial
Services, Education to
The Consulate of Honduras in New
Orleans and ASI FCU are working
together to provide financial services
and education for underserved
nationals. Through a recent agreement,
individuals will receive information
about safe methods of sending
money to Honduras and how to open
bank accounts, along with financial
education opportunities. “There is no
greater purpose than to be of service
to those in need,” stated Mignhon
Tourné, CEO of ASI FCU. “We look
forward to what this partnership will
Hip Hop Hooray to the
Employees of GNO FCU!
Helen Godfrey Smith Elected
NCBA’s Board of Directors
Helen Godfrey Smith,
President/CEO of
Shreveport FCU,
has been elected to
serve on the Board
of Directors for the
National Cooperative
Business Association
announcement was made during the
NCBA annual meeting held on May
6th, 2015 at the National Press Club in
Washington, DC.
NOFFCU Makes Special
Donation During Children’s
Hospital Annual Telethon
New Orleans Firemen’s FCU recently
donated $6,000 to Children’s Hospital
of New Orleans during their annual
telethon. Money raised through the
annual event is used to ensure the
most advanced medical and surgical
equipment is always available and
that no child is turned away because
of their family’s inability to pay for
services. Since 1984, the annual event
has brought in more than $28 million to
Children’s Hospital.
The employees of GNO FCU hopped
to it in support of Nunez Community
College’s Happy Easter campaign for
the women and children of the St.
Bernard Battered Women’s Program.
Over $150 of candy and toiletries were
purchased and delivered to Nunez to
create beautiful Easter baskets for the
little ones and their moms.
Neighbors FCU Female Leaders Receive Award for Impacting Lives of Women in LA
Kathi Gill, President and Chief
Executive Officer, and Charlotte
Placide, Vice Chair of Board of
Directors, were honored with Esprit de
Femme Awards from the LSU Women’s
Foundation in Baton Rouge.
Kathi Gill has been with Neighbors
FCU for 34 years, serving as President
and CEO for the past seven. Charlotte
Placide is a retired East Baton Rouge
Parish School System superintendent.
She worked in the EBR school system
for 28 years.
Yvonne Blevin Celebrates 40
Years with Firestone Lake
Charles FCU
Firestone Lake
Charles FCU
hosted a surprise
dinner in Yvonne
Blevin’s honor, as
she celebrated 40
years of service
with the credit
union. Yvonne
was hired for the position of Teller on
April 15, 1975. She held the positions
of Teller, Loan Processor, Accounts
Payable Clerk, as well as ran reports
and performed all other tasks assigned.
Yvonne has been a very loyal member of
the credit union family. Congratulations
on your accomplishments!
For more information on CUNA-League
Membership, please contact Lacey
Hyer, VP of Communications and Public
Relations, at or Jeff
Carpenter, CUNA VP of Membership
Development at
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2nd Quarter, 2015 Report
make it difficult to support the rising cost
of employee benefits.
With CUNA Mutual Group’s Total Benefits PreFunding (TBPF) program, potentially higheryielding investment vehicles can be customized
to the needs of your credit union, to help fund the
cost of employee benefits, like health insurance
premiums and retirement plans.
More than 200 credit unions have already
benefited from TBPF, earning an average of
4X the return they would have from traditional
credit union investments.1
1. CUNA Mutual Group internal data.
2. National Credit Union Association, 5300 Call Report Quarterly Data, September 2014
3. Kaiser/HRET Survey of Employer-Sponsored Health Benefits, 1999–2014
Credit union yield on investments is low and
has FALLEN 36% in the last 5 years.2
At the same time, employer-sponsored
health insurance costs have RISEN by as
much as 22%.3
For a customized consultation on how TBPF can
improve your credit union investment income to help
offset the cost employee benefits, contact the
CUNA Mutual Group Executive Benefits Service
Center at 800.356.2644, ext. 665.1035 or visit
CUNA Mutual Group is the marketing name for CUNA Mutual Holding Company, a mutual insurance
holding company, its subsidiaries and affiliates. Proprietary insurance is underwritten by CMFG Life
Insurance Company. Proprietary and brokered insurance is sold by CUNA Mutual Insurance Agency,
Inc., a wholly owned subsidiary. This insurance is not a deposit and is not federally insured or
guaranteed by your credit union. For more information, contact your Executive Benefits Specialist
at 800.356.2644
TBPF-1142402.1-0315-0417 © CUNA Mutual Group, 2015. All Rights Reserved.
Common Purpose. Uncommon Commitment.