FR Issue 04_08_2010
FR Issue 04_08_2010
Vo l . X X X N o . 1 4 , A p r i l 8 – 1 4 , 2 0 1 0 • A F L U VA N N A B U S I N E S S S I N C E 1 9 7 9 – B U Y L O C A L Letters to the Editor Fluvanna Thanks to the Unknown Passerby REVIEW Publisher/Editor: C.M. Santos Advertising Manager: Katie Cabrera Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle Designer: Kathy Zeek Staff Writers: Page Gifford, William Des Rochers, Jennifer Zajac, Duncan Nixon, O.T. Holen, Joe Ronan Photographer: David Stemple Contributor at Large: Len Gardner Website: Mailing Address: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Rd., 1/4 mile E of Lake Monticello Main Gate Phone: (434) 591-1000 Fax: (434) 589-1704 Cover: VDOT is proposing to build a $2.1 million roundabout at the intersection of Rts. 600 and 53. Photo by Lisa Hurdle. Designed by Lisa Hurdle and Kathy Zeek © 2010 Valley Publishing Corp. all rights reserved. General: Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley Publishing Corp. Founded in 1979, it’s the only paper that covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy is free. Additional copies are $1 each payable in advance to the publisher. Subscriptions: Copies will be mailed for the subscription price of $115 per year or $60 per 6 months. Please mail a check and a note with your name and address to: Subscriptions Dept., P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Submissions, Tips, Ideas, Etc.: Fluvanna Review encourages submissions and tips on items of interest to Fluvanna citizens. We reserve the right to edit submissions as deemed necessary and cannot guarantee they will be published. Keep Calendar submissions to 50 words or less, Letters to the Editor to 300 words or less and feature stories to 500 words or less. E-mail submissions: or mail to: Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963. Fluvanna Review is not responsible for returning submitted materials. Include S.A.S.E. if you would like items returned. Classified Ads: $7 per week or $10 for 2 weeks. Place a classified ad for both print and web for one low price at Mastercard, Visa and Discover accepted. Disclaimer: The Fluvanna Review does not endorse or recommend any product or service and is not repsonsible for any warranties or claims made by advertisers in their ads. I would just like to thank the passerby who went the extra mile by turning my tennis racquet into the Fluvanna County High School office. I thought I had left it in the car, only to get called down to the office because a gentleman had seen the racquet in the road in front of the school and thought it might belong to one of the students. I really appreciate that he took the time to stop, pick it up and turn it in, rather than just driving over it or by it! I realize I must have put it on the roof of my car while I was unlocking my car after returning from an away match. In the dark I didn't realize I had left it on the roof. Again, thank you so much for going the extra mile! I really appreciate it. Chelsea Tomko, Lake Monticello How Your Taxes Could Double Over the Next 10 Years For the past 15 years this county has been on a self-destruct mission! We have built a new courthouse, safety center, library, a new firehouse with two more planned, and a high school that is under construction. Don't forget the water line that's going to happen whether we like it or not. All the great small businesses don't generate the big tax dollars we need to pay for these buildings. New big business has not come to Fluvanna and it is not on the horizon for the near future. The board of supervisors want to do a band-aid approach by a small increase this year, without addressing the future. Cutting salaries in education, without doing that to the entire county is unfair. Without a high school diploma, you can't hold a county job. One of our supervisors gave a presentation on raising our taxes 30% and then nothing more over the next eight years. His fellow board members shot him down and came up with a 12% increase. That only takes care of this year and they know in the years to come things will get worse. If you add up this approach over the next ten years you can see how your taxes will double. So county residents. you can continue with the small increase each and every year with no recovery in sight or you can fix the problem now and start a recovery plan that other counties will follow. No one will lose their job and no one will have their salary cut. Alan George, Scottsville See Letters, Page 4 TICK...TOCK...TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR TAX CREDIT!! 216 Rudolph Street 215 Carter Lane 6 Hawthorne Court • 5B/3.5b; 3,300 fin sq. ft. • Wrap porch; in-law suite • Deer Lake Estates MLS #472429 $449,900 Call Iris 434-981-9956 • 4B/2.5b; 2438 fin. sq. ft. • 2-car gar; 3A • 45 sec to I64 & Rt. 250 MLS #474223 $299,900 Call Adele 434-962-1928 • 3B/2.5b; 2,521 fin. sq. ft. • 2-car garage; over 3/4A • Close to gate & shopping MLS #473231 $258,000 Call Iris 434-981-9956 2070 Owensville Road 876 Jefferson Drive 187 Jefferson Drive • 4B/4.5b; 4,174 fin sq. ft. • Lots of light & open spaces • 2-car gar. on 2.26A MLS #474997 $479,900 Call Iris 434-981-9956 • 3B/2b; 1420 fin. sq. ft. • 1-car gar.; close to main beach • Available for lease @$1050 MLS #471097 $154,900 Call Jo Ann 434-960-5121 • 3B/2.5b; 1837 fin. sq. ft. • First Floor Master Bedroom • Lots of extras MLS #470856 $230,000 Call Adele 434-962-1928 REAL ESTATE & PROPERTY MANAGEMENT 264 Turkeysag Trail - Unit D Lake Monticello (0) 434-589-3958 (F) 434-589-1427 Certified HUD Broker: Adele Schaefer 434-962-1928 Manage or Rent Property: JoAnn Sears 434-960-5121 Adele Schaefer GRI, SRS OWNER/BROKER 434-962-1928 Jo Ann Sears Iris Helfrich ASSOCIATE BROKER REALTOR BOOKKEEPER 434-960-5121 434-981-9956 434-589-3958 2 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Delila Stone April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 3 Lunch • Dinner • Brunch Marisella’s Restaurant a & Pasta Featuring Pizz Winner in Three Readers Choice Categories! OUR PATIO IS OPEN! Come join our spring outdoor dining! Smoking permitted Meat Lasagna • Penne Alfredo • Eggplant Parm Manicotti • Baked Ziti • Jumbo Shrimp Buffalo Wings • Italian Sub & much much more Come Dine and Taste Why. Tue.- Sat. 11am-9pm • Sunday Brunch: 10:30am- 3pm • 434-589-6590 Food Lion/Gate Plaza behind the Good Neighbor Pharmacy Featured Properties Dynamite Water Views! 3 Huge Bedrooms • • • • • • • • Lake Monticello Fluvanna $448,000 #464139 1st Floor master hardwood floors Betsy Gunnels 434-996-9797 Mountain View Estates Louisa $219,000 #470809 2 car garage 1.9 acres Sharon Duke 434-981-3115 Spacious Living Inside & Out Architecturally Designed 3.5 Ac • • • • • • • • Fluvanna County $419,000 #466184 7BR 4BA Horse ready Don Flanagan 434-960-1277 Keswick Albemarle $795,000 #436093 Custom upgrades flowing fl plan Tracey McFarlane 434-882-0067 Serenity by Cedar Lake Dream Horse Property 22 Acres • • • • • • • • Greene County $299,500 #470309 Winter mountain views Barbara Drinkwater 434-249-6892 Troy Fluvanna $899,000 #464624 10 stall barn contemp ranch Donna Patton 434-962-0411 434-589-0777 4 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 434-589-1882 Letters from Page 2 Schools Deal with Many Children, Many Issues Several weeks ago I wrote an article in this paper blasting the Fluvanna County school administrators and staff for being unfair and not providing a safe atmosphere for our children. I have learned a valuable lesson from that writing that article. I should have thought it through more before just writing in the heat of the moment, for I now realize just what the administrators are up against each day. We as parents know how hard it is to raise a child, so imagine that difficulty multiplied by the amount of children in the school, and that’s what the administrators deal with on a daily basis, for they are our children’s’ parents/guardians while we cannot be there. So, let me make this short and sweet. Perhaps we as parents need to do more homework of our own. If your child is a victim of bullying, they need to be told that they must report any bullying to the administrators as soon as possible. That is the only way the administrators can intervene and stop the bullying. On the other hand, if your child happens to be the bully, he or she needs to be made aware that it will not be tolerated and that severe punishment follows. If they bully on the bus, they will lose bus privileges. If they bully in school, they will be suspended. In either case, the school and or parents may bring charges against them. It is a very hard thing to do to teach your child to not fight back. At first I thought it made cowards out of them, but history shows that it creates self-control, and it makes it that much easier for our administrators to do their job of keeping our children safe. Thank you, Joe Calabretta, Scottsville Help Out With Old Farm Day The first Saturday in October seems like such a long time away from now, but soon a group of your neighbors and fellow residents will start meeting once a month and plan Old Farm Day 2010. I have attended this great event every year since I moved to Fluvanna, mostly as a volunteer with the Fluvanna Master Gardeners. I always had respect for the magic that came together to suddenly have this phenomenal event, not really thinking much about how it happened. Last year I was recruited to be a member of the Old Farm Day committee, to be one of the volunteers that make it happen. Little did I realize when I agreed to help, how much I would gain for my effort. This wasn’t much, meeting once a month, making a couple of phone calls and maybe a few added meetings in September as the day approaches. What I gained is hard to put into words. Being there on October 3rd, watching the faces of the families enjoying themselves; seeing the excitement of the kids as they found taters in the hunt; witnessing friends catching up on their lives; watching the faces of people as they learned what “Old Farming” was about; these were moments that happened because I helped. I know there were many others who helped, but it felt to me like I made it possible. How disappointing that I hadn’t been involved in this project from the beginning. The feeling of belonging to a community and of contributing was so strong. Please consider joining the crew this year as we start planning for October 2nd, 2010. We meet once a month ; the 3rd Thursday at four in the afternoon. Not only will you experience the incredible sense of community that I had, you will also meet some wonderful, dedicated folks who really know what Old Farm Day is all about -- both old time Fluvanna residents as well as transplants like myself. If you are at all interested, please meet with us once, no commitment; our next meeting date is April 15 in the old board of supervisor’s room in the county office building. Hope to share this with many new volunteers this year! Cindy Ann Trentacosta, Palmyra Author Plans Visit I am coming to Maggie's House in Palmyra on April 18 from 2-4 p.m. to talk about my book, Love and War: A Southern Soldier's Struggle Between Love and Duty and also do book signings. There are letters in the book to Jane Rosser Humphrey Thurman, who is the daughter of Royal and Mary Jane Harlow Humphrey and granddaughter of Bartlett and Betsey Bernard Humphrey and finally the great grandmother of Warren Beach by Jane's second marriage. I would love to meet some of my cousins on April 18th. Robert H. Crewdson Correction Feda Kidd Morton’s name was written incorrectly in last week’s issue of the Fluvanna Review. She is a candidate for the Republican nomination for the 5th District Congressional race. Column Fluvanna Focus BY WILLIAM J. DES ROCHERS Ambling Towards Development One of the side effects of the economic downturn has been to take the pressure off new development in Fluvanna. This in turn has allowed county officials a respite from making the hard decisions on land use, a topic that so inflamed passion just a few years ago. In the middle of the budget debate, the county’s planning department issued its Development Activity Report for 2009. This highly useful and informative annual report provides a wealth of information about what was built where, how much land is protected from development in some form, and the like. It should not be ignored. The report is even more useful when read in conjunction with previous ones, to get a sense of what has been happening in Fluvanna over the past several years. And looking at the latest report, one can see that the county continues its retreat from “one of the fastest growing counties” etc. Since peaking in 2001, when 453 residential building permits were issued, the market for new homes in Fluvanna essentially has collapsed. Last year, new building permits amounted to just onequarter of the decade’s high. And, new home permits have declined every year since 2002. This downward trend in the past placated some who saw it as vindication that the county was not being overrun by development, hence no reason to restrict property rights. Others, who viewed with alarm any suggestion that some homes might be built in the rural areas of the county, argued that the current by-right use already had created a potential for significant unwelcome development. The debate has not been settled and data contained in the Development Activity Report will not resolve the irresolvable. But it will, at least, set some parameters. Currently, according to the report for example, about 56 percent of the county has been placed in the rural preservation area. But rural preservation has never been adequately defined, let alone placed under zoning restrictions that would make that 56 percent unique in the county. To achieve planning objectives, officials will, in some form, have to restrict property rights. But there is another, subtler, objective at play in the debate: no growth at all. Advocating rural preservation can – and in some instances has -- provided cover for those who see an opportunity to use it to further no growth objectives. The argument that a residential unit costs more in government services than the tax revenue it generates has some merit. But the argument presupposes that each unit has school age children. It also ignores the dynamics of economics. Economic activity does not occur in a vacuum. Activity may occur in one area, and other supporting development invariably follows. Land use practices and economics are not incompatible; they can coexist. But there will be much more to say on the subject as the debate renews. Meanwhile, policy makers might reflect on the following: the average new home price in Fluvanna has declined by nearly one-third since the last land use debate. And bankruptcies are increasing in this recession. Is now the time to take away property rights, thereby reducing still further the financial net worth of the most vulnerable among us? At what cost will the county implement its bucolic vision? ALL TIRE PRICES INCLUDE INSTALLATION, COMPUTER BALANCING & NEW VALVE STEMS RT 15, PALMYRA 434-589-5533 CUSTOM WHEELS & TIRES Se Habla Español Between Palmyra & Zion Crossroads 3 1/2 Miles North of Rt. 53 & Rt. 15 Intersection HOURS: M- F 7:30AM to 5:00PM; Sat: CLOSED $7.95 PER TIRE. PROTECT YOUR INVESTMENT: LIFETIME ROTATION, BALANCE, ROAD HAZARD DON’T SEE IT? CALL, WE MAY HAVE IT OR WE WILL GET IT FOR YOU!! LOW PROFILE SIZES UNIROYAL TIGERPAW GTS All Terrain KO P225/70R14 P295/50R15G.A. 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Free New Valve Stem!! Tread Roadhazard!! Finding You Good Quality Manufacturers!! 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Mobile Hair Service Hair Care in the Convenience of Your Own Home. Serving Lake Monticello & Vicinity Wet CUTS $22 KIDS $15 12 & Under Call Personal Attention Affordale • Saves Time Great for Non-Driver Less Anxiety with Kids Cuts Late Hours Available Clean-up after ALL Services 30+ years experience Hours: Mon-Fri •9 a.m.-9 p.m. Pat Tatum - 434-589-2210 Mental Health Counseling Services near Lake Monticello • • • • • • • • • • • Self-esteem Trauma Identity Development Eating Disorders Relationship Issues Divorce/Separation Grief Sexual Abuse Depression Stress, anxiety, & panic Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder Johnna Busa-Knepp, Psy.D. Licensed Clinical Psychologist (434) 963-0324 Ext. 8 Individual, Couples & Family Therapy Rhonie Butler, L.C.S.W. Licensed Clinical Social Worker (434) 963-0324 Ext. 11 Individual, Couples & Group Therapy Most major insurance plans accepted 6440 Thomas Jefferson Parkway (Haden Place, Route 53 – between Monish Gate and Food Lion) Dr. Lewis Weber & Associates Vigilance Required by Commonwealth’s Attorney Sheriff’s Office Activity Report BY JOE RONAN CORRESPONDENT Week Period: March 28, 2010 - April 3, 2010 Investigations Division 7 The dynamic service provided by the Fluvanna commonwealth attorney is demonstrated by an awareness of all circumstances affecting cases on his docket. Sometimes it involves post-trial prosecutions of witnesses who gave or instigated perjured testimony. Other times action is required based upon events that occur in other jurisdictions while a case is pending. Events that occurred in Charlottesville recently demonstrated that essential need for vigilance, awareness and willingness to act. Daryl Arthur Rivera, a Palmyra resident, while free on secured bail bond in connection with a theft charge in Fluvanna, was involved in a felony hit and run incident in Charlottesville. Assistant Commonwealth’s Attorney Francis Terwilliger initiated a proceeding which resulted in a hearing to determine whether Rivera’s bail status should be modified. After hearing the details of the Charlottesville incident, the court modified the conditions of Rivera’s bail, requiring him to: live at his mother’s home, abstain from the use of alcohol, and abide by an 8 p.m. to 6 a.m. curfew. His trial is scheduled for May 14th. In other proceedings, Bradley Brian Meredith, recently convicted of possession of a weapon as a convicted felon, entered guilty pleas to six indictments charging him with inducing others to commit perjury at his gun possession trial. He remains in custody and will be sentenced on May 28th. Viviana Raquel Tyler entered not guilty pleas to charges of perjury and conspiracy to commit perjury in connection with testimony at Meredith’s trial. Her case will be heard on July 1st with another defendant charged with perjury in the same case. A Troy man was sentenced to an active prison sentence of three years for his conviction of distributing cocaine. Corey Demond Fortune received an additional three year sentence related to his violation of a previously imposed sentence of probation. Fortune will be on supervised probation for two years after his release and must maintain good behavior for ten years. Failure to maintain good behavior could result in additional prison time. A Bremo Bluff man was convicted of felony driving with a suspended license after a non-jury trial. Robert Montgomery Anderson was arrested on July 29, 2010 for operating a motor vehicle while his driver’s license was under current suspension. Because of a previous conviction for operating with a suspended license, the charge was elevated to a felony. Jennifer Leigh Selph entered a “no contest” plea to charges of forging and passing a forged check. A “No Contest Plea” (also known as “nolo contendere” which means “I will not contest it”) has the same legal effect as a guilty plea. She will be sentenced on June 24th. New Investigations Generated within the Division Types of Investigations 2 Fraud 1 Identity Theft 1 Larceny 2 Property Damage 1 Possession of Cocaine 0 Investigations Transferred from Patrol Division 2 Warrants/Arrests 1 Fraud 1 Possession of Cocaine 24 Follow-ups 8 General Investigations 12 School Resource Officers 4 Drug Investigations Judicial Affairs Division Civil Process 106 Papers Received 175 Papers Served 0 Jury Summons Served 175 Other Served Animal Contro 22 Incidents/Follow-ups Court Security 2 Court Days 3 Prisoner Transports Communications Division Calls for Service 238 Total Admin Calls 117 Total 911 Calls Patrol Division 50 25 0 5 16 3 13 9 8 Traffic Stops Summonses Issued Mental Health Case Arrests Made - 2 Fel. / 3 Misd. Criminal Warrant Service Attempts Traffic Crashes Civil Paper Service Attempts - 9 Served Case Follow-ups Reports Taken Types of Incidents 1 Disturbance 1 Driving Under the Influence 2 Missing Juveniles 1 Attempted Overdose 1 Child Endangerment 1 Domestic Assault 1 Possession of Cocaine Services Division 3 5 New Items Taken into Evidence Vehicles Serviced Types of Services 1 Tire 2 Oil Change 1 Radiator 1 Brake Work The statistical information provided in this document reflects a variety of calls for service between the Sheriff's Office, other agencies in Fluvanna County and the general public. Due to the various ways data is compiled for statistical analysis, this document will not reflect the specific data for every call for service. “SAVE ENERGY AND FUEL COSTS We’re Local-Come See Us” Now Offering Expert Tire Service at Great Prices • ENGINE - TRANSMISSIONS • EXHAUST SYSTEMS • COMPUTERIZED 4 WHEEL ALIGNMENT • FUEL INJECTION • A/C CERTIFIED SERVICE • ELECTRICAL SYSTEMS • TRANSMISSION FLUID EXCHANGER •VA. STATE INSPECTION • TOWING • COMPUTER DIAGNOSTIC ANALYZER • TUNE-UPS • SHOCKS & STRUTS • HOSES & BELTS • CERTIFIED ASE TECHNICIANS • BRAKES & BATTERIES • LUBE & OIL CHANGE MUSIC LESSONS FOR ALL AGES Offering private instruction for piano, guitar, violin, drums, saxophone, trumpet, clarinet, banjo and mandolin Since 1978 ALL MAKES & MODELS Home of All Star Auto Parts Conveniently located in Fluvanna County within minutes of Zion Crossroads, Troy, Lake Monticello, Palmyra and Keswick AUTOMOTIVE CENTERS Hours: M-F 8:00 - 4:30 • Most Major Credit Cards accepted 434-589-1405 Lake Monticello 107 Crofton Place, 434-589-8652 Zion Crossroads 9654 Three Notch Rd, 6 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 for children birth through seven years old (434)589-6923 The Fluvanna County Branc h Taste the Villa Nova’s Difference... We’re Not Your Ordinary Pizzeria! NAACP Great food, daily lunch & dinner specials, friendly service & affordable prices 64th Birthday Celebration Pizzas, Subs, Salads, Pasta, Specialty Dishes and Membership Drive Great Gospel Music Rendered by The Five Boys of Zion of Esmont VA The Trying Gospel Tears of Amherst VA Kick A it up . . . with h c t no Dine In or Take Out Beer & Wine Served on Premises Dine in or Take out & Join the NAACP or Renew your Membership, Youth and Life Membership Available Sunday • April 11• 3:00 p.m. New Fork Baptist Church 16 New Fork Church Lane & Mountain Hill Road, Palmyra Virginia. For Information: Shirley Roundtree -434-842-3400 0r 434-842-1924 or Presley Bland – 434-589-8185 10% of total Sales Benefits FCHS Boys Soccer Team -Coupon requiredValid 4-8-10 thru 04-15-10 SEAFOOD DISHES: Homemade Fried Calamari, Mussels Marinara, Shrimp Scampi and Linguini with Red or White Clam Sauce 589-3003 • Tue.-Thu. 11am-9pm; Fri. & Sat.. 11am-10pm; Sun. 11am-9pm 265 Turkey Sag Trail, Jefferson Centre, #109 Across from Food Lion Center OUR AGENTS GO THE EXTRA MILE FOR THE RESULTS YOU DESERVE • 955 WARWICK COURT 475373 $159,000 0 LESUEUR STREET 470514 $129,900 814 TEPEE TOWN ROAD 471479 $114,900 5031 GREEN CREEK ROAD 451016 $189,900 480 SLATE RIVER TRAIL 469677 $397,500 1419 FOREST VIEW ROAD 475340 $164,900 $249,900 556 HUCKSTEP BRANCH LANE 474343 472139 $599,000 468407 10 POSSUM LANE 471066 $489,900 539 4TH STREET 606 C G WOODSON ROAD 3380 CLOVERDALE ROAD 471423 434-842-3955 • 434-245-2289 $95,000 26 RIVERSIDE DRIVE $199,900 475227 April 8, 2010 | $215,000 F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 7 News Lake Certifies Candidates BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT At a special Lake Monticello Owners’ Association meeting on April 1, the board of directors certified for candidates to run for two vacant seats on the board. Britt Johnson, Gary Dillon, Jerry Guske and Sue Wolff will be vying for member votes come June. Approved Draft of Proposal for June Ballot The board also discussed the proposal to raise dues - an increase of $108 for reserves. “We would have to pay a bit now instead of a lot later,” said President Leighton Cumming. “This is not something the board takes lightly,” said Director Benita Ellen. “We have considered all the issues before deciding.” Secretary Don Fickus agreed and added, “They [the dues] will not increase for the next five years. It may decrease but not increase.” Platt took issue with this statement by Fickus.“There is nothing in the proposal that states this,” Platt said. “The POAA requires a reserve study every five years, if we do not pass this then we’ll have to have a special assessment,” added Director Scott Meiss. Leighton Cumming praised Meiss for his work on the proposal but the directors agreed there was more work to be done before the final draft could be released. Ellen added that it is not finalized and subject to legal review. Public Comments Audience members applauded member Carol Brown’s comments during the public comments segment of the meeting. She began her statement with the 2009-2010 storm cleanup cost estimated at $110,000 - money which had not been budgeted. She adds there is the trash contract which will probably be higher due to the new contract currently in negotiations and the contract for the recent dam engineering. “The recession continues, jobs are at best keeping even, foreclosures at Lake Monticello are estimated at half of Fluvanna County, so that probably reduced the Lake’s income. Out of the estimated 4,624 billings of lots at $598 dues, what percentage of these is uncollectible? Ten, twenty percent or more? We also have less estimated income.” She adds that the board changed the Director of Contracts position from part-time to full-time in late 2009. The outsourcing of the Eagle’s Nest was a cost savings and Lake Monticello will need seasonal hires for the pool. “But the budget cuts listed were to reduce dumpster time from six to three weeks. Not sure of the savings here and that depends on the number of times the dumpster is emptied but expect a reduction of a third, maybe more. Do only one of three greens and save $50,000.” “I recommend no new 2010 positions. We decreased seasonal operations and summer hires for 2009. Featuring this Month: Featuring this Month: SULLIVAN HOME MAINTENANCE LLC Serving all your home improvement needs Can we moderate the right of way mowing as we did last year? Do you still plan to hire a part-time compliance officer? Do we need it right now? Do we really need to hire a seasonal recreation manager for 4-6 months to oversee the pool, 4th of July and Oktoberfest? The 4th of July expenses estimate for fireworks does not include security, police, maintenance time or overtime. If we are cutting back, do we need three ditch/drainage laborers at approximately $60,000 right now?” She ended her comments by stating, “Eighty five percent of the current budget stated is covering human resources. How can we expect to cover operations and reserves with that percentage, and take on additional new hires? We should be looking at ways that we can reduce staff and expenses. The state is doing it and so are many businesses. Our overheads cost is too high and we need to find ways to cut back,” said Brown. Trusted Businesses that do Business Together Plumbing • Electrical • HVAC Remodeling • Light Carpentry Licensed & Insured Tom & Melissa Sullivan (434) 906-3099 We’ve done the prescreening for you! P.O. Box 967 Troy, VA 22974 Troy M. Boor Owner For a complete list of our members’ services or more information about Fluvanna Business Solutions, call 434-962-1928 or 434-760-0967 8 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 o 434-589-5894 f 434-589-0862 RESTORATION WATER CLEANING Independently Owned & Operated Franchise FIRE SMOKE News Nothing Says Spring More than Bluebirds BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Most people shy away from visiting animal shelters for fear of what they may see: cats in tight cages and dogs in small pens. But that is not the case at Caring For Creatures Pet Sanctuary. Spring has arrived and volunteers are working on a new structure to house the dogs who were displaced when the roof fell in on their former pen due to the heavy snows. And just across the way is a field edged with woods where a newly designed bluebird trail invites shelter dogs and volunteers to walk the trails around them. In January of 2009, Caring for Creatures became a member of the Virginia Bluebird Society. A five-box bluebird house trail was established in February on the grounds of CFC. This past February, the trail was expanded by an additional five boxes, for a total of ten nest boxes. This has been done with grant funds from the Virginia Bluebird Society and a little time and carpentry work by volunteers George and Fay Tyler. “Currently, there is no other "bluebird trail" in Fluvanna reporting nesting results to the Virginia Rosemary and Pat Granville with Caring for Creatures dogs Starsky and Hutch on bluebird trail. Photo by Page H. Gifford Bluebird Society. We are very excited to be support bluebird conservahow much progress we have made in tion here at Caring For Creatures. It boosting the bluebird population. As is a natural fit,” said Fay Tyler. mentioned, this information is Why Bluebirds? reported to the VBS and we monitor “Bluebirds need our help to thrive. according to their guidelines.” They are not aggressive birds and Both staff and often lose out to volunteers at CFC other species in have been excited “Bluebirds need our help to competition for and helpful about nest sites, espethrive,’’ – Fay Tyler, Virginia this project. They cially to the nonBluebird Society volunteer have reported native English bluebirds sightS p a r r o w . Vicki Wilson and Craig ings and are asking lots of good Bluebird scouts arrive the end of McCormick are pleased to welquestions. February with nesting usually begincome Don and Lorraine Wheeler According to Fay Tyler, their first ning late March or April, through back to Monticello Country year [2009]results yielded two nests July and August,” she said. Realtors after a break of about two of barn swallows which fledged a “Our boxes and mounting methyears. Wilson and McCormick total of six babies. ods follow a tried and true design said they were excited to have the “We had lots of bluebirds ‘looking’ from the VBS. We use a predator Wheelers return. but none nested. However, barn guard around the entry hole and a The Wheelers have been swallows and bluebirds are friends snake baffle on the mounting pole. involved in the real estate busiand we are hopeful that this season These are essential elements of the ness for close to 40 years. Don will bring both,” she said. bluebird nest box. Otherwise, after a Wheeler was an owner/broker for CFC has truly become a sanctuary couple of years there is the very real many years. for all who dwell there and even possibility that babies and parents The Wheelers wanted to be those who fly in temporarily to set will become food for the snakes,” Lorraine and Don Wheeler close to family and moved to up house. she said and added, “we have nothCharlottesville several years ago. For anyone interested in the ing against snakes but we don't want The Wheelers can be contacted They lived in Charlottesville for a Virginia Bluebird Society or about them eating our bluebirds. at Monticello Country Realtors while, but after visiting Lake bluebird nesting areas, contact Fay “We also monitor our bluebird 434-589-3539 or directly; Monticello they fell in love with Tyler at, Caring boxes on a weekly basis during the Lorraine 434-989-0708 or Don the beautiful countryside and the for Creatures or the Virginia Bluebird nesting season. This helps us know 434-962-7868. people there. Society at how healthy our trail is and where we need to make improvements and Wheelers Return to Monticello Country Realtors April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 9 1 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Next to the Main Gate Fluvanna’s Only Certified Residential Brokerage MONTICELLO COUNTRY REALTORS 434-589-3539 800-825-LAKE #1 Firm in Fluvanna Since 1984 We were voted #1 FAVORITE REAL ESTATE FIRM 2009 Vicki Wilson Owner/Broker (434)960-7044 Just ask your friends and neighbors. Our reputation speaks for itself. The most experienced Real Estate Agents and Brokers in the area working for you! Our office is open 7 days a week for your convenience. Become a Fan Take Avantage of the Tax Credit On Any of These Homes! NEW LISTINGS Craig McCormick Owner/Realtor (434)996-5113 LAKE MONTICELLO JoAnn Nordlund Associate Broker, GRI, CRS, CRB (434)962-6384 WALK TO BEACH 4 $279,000 SHOWS LIKE NEW Cyndi Mylynne Realtor,GRI, ABR, e-PRO (434)981-4629 WATERFRONT $227,900 $429,000 3 Bedrooms, 2.5 baths, arched doorways, chair rail, built in china cabinet, laminate hardwood floors, ceramic tile, formal dining room, gas fireplace $119,000 Deep water and bulk headed dock, contemporary open floor plan, 4 bedrooms, home office, 1st floor master, fireplace, sunroom, covered patio and in ground pool 1940’s Bungalow with tin roof on 5 acres, 2 bedrooms, full bath, modern kitchen, living room, dining room, walk-up attic for potential expansion, 2 porches OPEN HOUSES Sharon Williams Realtor, ABR (434) 906-5069 COUNTRY RETEAT WATERFRONT Lorraine Frisina Realtor, GRI (434)981-3997 Shirley Saum Realtor (434)964-7063 $189,000 One level living with partially finished basement, living room w/brick fireplace, Master w/attached bath, family room w/brick hearth for a wood stove in basement 118 Saints’ Rest Lane $439,000 $515,000 Custom built, soaring ceilings, fireplace, all gas home, hardwood floors, gourmet kitchen, granite counters, approx 77’ of deep water with dock, main lake views 202’ of waterfront with a boat dock, lighted walkway and beach area, only home designed like this at the lake, 3 fireplaces, sunroom, great room, one level living WALK TO MAIN BEACH Country estate on 11.4 acres on a hillside overlooking the Historic Village of Palmyra, 5 bedrooms, 4 baths, original woodwork, new HVAC system Don & Lorraine Wheeler Realtor (434)962-7868 $249,900 GOLF COURSE Custom built home with vaulted ceilings, skylights, formal dining room, great room w/fireplace & Palladian windows, sunroom, first floor master, open staircase & foyer Directions: I-64 to Zion X Rds exit, south on Rt 15 for approx 8 miles to Palmyra; left at BB&T bank on RT 601; first road on right Saints’ Rest Lane to end (VSH 1006); house on left 118 Saints’ Rest Lane. OPEN SUNDAY April 11 • 1-3 FANTASTIC DEAL Directions: Lake Monticello Main Gate: Left on Jefferson Dr. go past Marina. Right on Forest to home on right; 61 Forest Dr. FACING THE 17TH GREEN $173,000 $349,000 Renovated in 2008, 1836 sq ft, 4 bedrooms, ceramic tile, huge kitchen & dining area walk around deck, lg. shed, great summer retreat, with views of the 7th Fairway Beautifully maintained 4 bedroom 3 bath Rancher, family room, 2 fireplaces, screened porch, in-law suite with wet bar, hardwood floors, Corain counters CHARLOTTESVILLE FARM HOUSE STYLE HOME $229,000 One of a kind home, first floor master w/built in desk area, hardwood & ceramic tile floors, formal dining room, 4 bedrooms, huge bonus/media room, fenced level yard T RAC ONT C ER UND 61 Forest Drive $395,000 Waterfront with sweeping views, deep water & great swimming, 3 bedrooms, 2 baths, screened porch, fireplace, skylight, ceiling fans in every room, walk to water Bill Lansing Realtor (434)996-7245 DEEP WIDE COVE $475,000 LOUISA Lannie Turman Realtor (434)996-0666 WOODED PRIVACY OPEN SUNDAY April 11 • 1-4 OPEN FLOOR PLAN Joan White Associate Broker, GRI, CCREC (434)981-4081 Gorgeous upgrades, arched doorways, formal dining room w/chair rail, great room w/fireplace, eat-in kitchen, Corian counters, center island & breakfast bar REEDY CREEK WALK TO DOWNTOWN $349,000 $174,500 Near I-64, custom built 2100 sq. ft. ranch, one level living, formal dining room, vaulted & tray ceilings, bonus room, hardwood & ceramic floors, screened porch NUMEROUS UPGRADES $340,000 Balcony & patio, large privacy fenced yard w/sitting area, well kept one owner home, new laminate flooring, 2 heat pumps one year old, basement, ceramic floors, sliders Hardiplank siding, dual heat pumps, hardwood floors, fireplace, granite counters, recessed lights, Kohler fixtures, extensive molding, full basement ready to finish Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 11 Books Beyond the Mists: Travels through Time BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Local author Gwendolyn Graham has written an epic saga about a family in England in her first published book titled Beyond the Mists. She began the book almost twenty years ago and revised it six times, editing herself on a ten year old computer. This is remarkable considering it is well written and over 600 pages long. “I love to write, it’s fun,” said a modest Graham, who worked on this book and others while working for 32 years as a mortgage manager while married and raising children. “It’s strange, I got more done in those days while I was working than I do now,” she said, stroking a black cat with penetrating green eyes, one of four cats that keep Graham company. She seemed destined to be a writer. “As a child growing up in Canada, the Ottawa Citizen had a full page in the paper devoted to young writers and I often contributed to it” she said. After her father died, she moved to England with her mother and it was there that she learned about life in her grandmother’s time. Her grandmother was born in 1868, and it was her grandmother, her mother and aunt who became the inspiration for this book. While growing up in the beautiful English Cotswold, she developed her fascination with England, and eventually Scotland and Ireland. This urged her to learn more about these places and their rich history. “Though I lived in England, not far from Scotland and Ireland, I have never visited either place but would love to someday,” she said, now cuddling a shy white cat as the black cat snakes up the back of the couch and coils up into a ball. Beyond The Mists describes an era of unwavering Christian faith when etiquette and civility ruled. It fashions itself after past classics including Wuthering Heights and Jane Eyre, Jane Austin’s Pride and Prejudice or such contemporary epics as the Forsythe Saga. Not as light and frivolous as Austin’s romps it models itself more after the Bronte sisters work, more dark and mysterious with forbidden passions. The story unfolds in 1805 during the Empire period, through the Biedermeier period, coming to a climax during the Victorian age. Graham also has a unique way of telling the story from not one character but through the eyes and recollections of several characters to which each part of the book is devoted. The book opens with arrogant Duke Julian Ashbourne of the English estate Sylverthorpe. Christian to the core, as is most of the family, he goes beyond the righteous living, falling prey to his passions. His lifelong love for his wife begins in Sylverthorpe’s Lake, early one misty morning. As the saga continues, Mathew a vicar and one of Julian’s sons have a difficult marriage with the rather shy and introverted Lissa. Together, they try to deal with their son William, a dreadful child. Between his marriage and his son William, he feels like a failure as a husband, a father and a vicar and how Mathew deals with it is a lesson in itself. Kate, Julian’s willful daughter, tries to cover her less than stellar actions by blaming her parents. Victoria is a foundling who Kate coaxes her parents to care for and plays a significant part in Adam – Kate’s brothers’- future. Through the final chapter, told by character Laura, all the dark secrets of Sylverthorpe are revealed. Gothic novels have always had the same elements as the modern day soap opera, following unpredictable Henry Chandler & Company Tree & Landscape Care Your Professional Tree Doctor •Pine & Hardwood Mulching •Systemic Tree Treatment •Emergency Tree Removal •Careful Tree Removal •Stump Grinding •Micro-Injection Technology Free Estimates • Fully Insured for 2 Million Dollars Professional Member of International Society of Arborists Over 30 Years Serving Lake Monticello & Central Virginia 434-842-5300 • Cell 434-996-8889 1 2 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Gwendolyn Graham Photo by Page H. Gifford changes in the life of a powerful and fascinating family. Graham gives her characters dimension through their dialect, memories and thoughts. How they view themselves and their interaction with others gives the reader a sense of who these people are and what motivates them. Graham’s sense of place and her detailed descriptions bring everything alive. Her historical knowledge is also evident, lending authenticity to the realism of the times in which her characters lived. Her writing, par- ticularly her metaphors drift easily and the reader has a sense of the author’s love of the written word. If one enjoys English epics and family sagas, Beyond the Mists is delightful to read and keeps the reader on the edge with suspense. But the saga doesn’t end there; the sequel will be Heavens’ Distant Lamps. Graham has just begun to market this book. It is currently available at and soon to be available at the Palmyra Country Store at Lake Monticello. Books Historical Society Hosts Robert Crewdson BY JUDITH MICKELSON CONTRIBUTOR The Fluvanna County Historical Society will host the second “Local Authors’ Book Signing Afternoon” with Robert Henry Crewdson, on April 18, from 2-4 p.m. at Maggie’s House. Crewdson, will discuss his book, Love and War – A Southern Soldier’s Struggle Between Love and Duty, and he will sign the books for guests. Books will be available at the event for $14.95. At 3 p.m. Crewdson will give an informal talk. In a book review. Fluvanna resident William J. Des Rochers wrote, the “Reverend Robert Crewdson has published a moving compilation of Civil War letters written largely by one Merit Thurman, an ancestor. The letters are primarily written to Thurman’s young wife, Jane. Nearly 20 years his junior, she remains offstage since there are no surviving letter from her in the Crewdson collection. Thurman was a boatman and apparently met Jane Rosser in Fluvanna County, possibly at Union Mills – at the time a thriving mill town where she lived. They were married in the Methodist Church there on Dec. 2, 1862…” James I. Robertson, Jr., author of Stonewall Jackson, wrote, “You can never understand the Civil War until you understand its emotion. In this collection of Civil War letters from a Confederate soldier to his beloved, one constantly encounters the inner conflicts between love and duty, as well as discipline and homesickness. Thurman speaks for thousands of compatriots who faced America’s darkest crisis.” And author of Tried by War: Abraham Lincoln as CommanderIn-Chief, James M. McPherson writes, “These poignant letters from a newly-wed confederate soldier to his young wife illustrate the Crossroads Auto Repair to Get Your Vehicle Checked Out! dilemma of any Civil War volunteers torn between love and duty to county. Private Merit Thurman went AWOL more than once to be with his wife, but ultimately the war claimed his life at the battle of Chester’s Station in May 1864.” We are fortunate that Crewdson will join us on April 18 to share his ancestors’ letters. The Historical Society is happy to invite the public to the book signing. There is no admission charge and all are welcome. Maggie’s House is located in the historic village of Palmyra on Court Square, next to the Old Stone Jail Museum. For further information, contact Judith Mickelson at 434-589-7910 13 Service Bays Virginia Inspection Station Toyota Master Technician On Staff State of the Art Diagnostic Equipment 24 Hour Emergency Towing SPRING CHECK-UP Change Oil & Filter, Check All Fluid Levels Multipoint Inspection: Battery, Starter & Alternator Test Regularly $65 95 (results printed & given to customer) Rotate 4 Tires, Set Tire Pressure, Check adjust all Fluild levels Offer Expires: 04/30/10 (cannot be combined with any other offer, some models may be higher) TIMING BELTS $ A/C SYSTEM CHECK 34252 INCLUDES MOST IMPORTS Offer Expires: 04/30/10 Book Signing 48 95 $ (Cannot be combined with any other offer, some models may be higher) $ 7995 Evacuating, Leak Testing and Recharging the System. Written estimate provided if repairs necessary. Additional charge for refrigerant and dye. Offer Expires: 04/30/10 (Cannot be combined with any other offer, some models may be higher) April 18, 2-4p.m. Maggie’s House, Palmyra Featuring Robert Henry Crewdson. His book “Love and War – A Southern Soldier’s Struggle Between Love and Duty,” will be available at the event for $14.95. Crewdson will give an informal talk at 3 p.m. Appointments preferred but NOT REQUIRED! (434) 589-5779 Located 1/4 mile South of Hours of Operation ZIONS CROSSROADS Mon. - Fri. 7:00 a.m. - 6:00 p.m. on Route 15 in Starlite Park Sat. 8:00 a.m. - 12:00 noon 64 Conestoga Way April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 13 Community Youth Help Out Habitat for Humanity BY KEN ALBRIGHT CONTRIBUTOR Over 50 energetic young people descended on a Habitat for Humanity-owned home on Georges Mill Road in Palmyra on Saturday, March 27. Youth groups and their adult advisors from several congregations came together for a landscaping blitz on the home to prepare it to sell. Habitat resumed ownership of the home when its previous owner became unable to make the mortgage. Fluvanna Habitat president Mike Himes said, “This is always an unfortunate circumstance, but we have worked hard on the property and hope that it will turn out to be a blessing for our organization.” Himes also said, “This is the only four bedroom, two bath home Fluvanna Habitat has ever built. It should be very marketable in the community.” Funds from the sale of the home, which will likely be on the market by May, will be used to purchase land in Fluvanna to build more Habitat homes and move forward on the construction of another home for a selected family in the High Mountain Acres subdivision. Youth from the following churches participated in the event, which was sponsored by the Habitat Church Relations Committee: Crossroads Community Church, Evergreen Baptist, Fluvanna Youth from Crossroads Community, Evergreen Baptist, Fluvanna Baptist, Grace and Glory Lutheran, and Salem United Methodist churches landscaped a Habitat for Humanity home in Palmyra. Contributed photo. Baptist, Grace and Glory Lutheran, and Salem United Methodist. Together the youth accomplished a lot in a short period of time. They spread mulch, trimmed branches, removed rubbish, planted shrubs, laid straw over grass seed, and set a deck landing. Himes thanked the large group of youth at the completion of their work and said “You have done in a short period of time, the better part of a month’s work.” Now Accepting New Pediatric Patients • Birth through age 18 Kathy Smyth, M.D. Pediatric Medicine • Special interest in Preventative and Adolescent Care, As well as Growth and Development Call for an appointment, (434) 589 – 6644 Monday – Thursday 8:00 a.m -7:00 p.m., Friday 8:00 a.m.- 4:30 p.m. 17 Centre Court ~ Palmyra, Virginia 22963 1 4 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Community Participants Get Healthy and Raise Money Don’t let this Happen to You! BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT Those that participated in the Biggest Loser Challenge not only benefited from healthy exercise and eating tips and losing weight but raised $700 for Meals on Wheels. “We had forty one participants,” said Tracey Williams, the assistant manager at Jefferson Good Neighbor Pharmacy. “It went very well and we plan to do two of these challenges a year.” The participants had a weekly weigh in and blood pressure check and received a Biggest Loser Newsletter with helpful hints, healthy, low fat recipes and motivational quotes. The winners received a gift basket from JOBST for first place winner with gift certificates from Jefferson Good Neighbor Pharmacy, Food Lion, and Orme Family Fitness. Second and third placed winners received gift certificates. “We are planning our second Biggest Loser Challenge at the end of August …and we’ll raise money again for Meals on Wheels,” Williams said. For those who participated, some lost weight, learned about healthy eating and exercise and even did it with a partner for one-to-one encouragement. First place loser was Angela Maher, second place went to Rick Ashauer and Robin Wheaton took third. Workshop Held for Upcoming Flower Show You have Options! Y.E.S. Team Homeowners who are facing financial difficulty can be overwhelmed, but there are options. Let us be your resource. One of the biggest struggles for homeowner facing financial difficulty is understanding their options. We’ve been trained to explain these options and strategies to homeowners so they can make the best decision for their future. Certified Short Sale And Foreclosure Resources (SRF) By National Association of Realtors Yonna E. Smith Keith B. Smith 434-531-0817 Cell 1-800-765-3570 434-531-0795 Cell 434-589-7653 Fluvanna Garden Club member Vivian James with the floral design she prepared at the workshop. Members of the Fluvanna Garden Club met at Beulah Baptist Church for a flower design workshop. The workshop was in preparation for a Standard Flower Show to be held at the historic church in May. The theme of the show is “A Country Wedding.” Classes will include: altar arrangements, door wreaths, pew decorations, bride’s bouquet, bridesmaid’s hat, flower girl’s basket, “something old – something new” and table arrangements. This romantic flower show is a must for anyone who loves flowers and weddings. The flower show will be open to the public from 2 p.m. to 6 p.m. on May 7th and 10 a.m. to 1 p.m. on Saturday, May 8th. Admission is free. Beulah Baptist Church is located on Rt. 659 in Kents Store. April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 15 Community BINGO!!! Big Changes Coming CONTRIBUTED BY LAKE MONTICELLO VOLUNTEER FIRE AND RESCUE BANKRUPTCY Changes are ahead for Friday night Bingo at Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue. After nearly 20 years on Friday night, Bingo will soon move to Thursday night. Just like many other events, LMVF&R Bingo has been hurt by the weak economy. With attendance down and consequently, proceeds down, the LMVF&R Bingo committee discussed alternatives to the very real possibility that Bingo might have to cease operations, which would be a huge loss. As one of its major fundraisers, the proceeds from Bingo are vital to the operations of the Fire and Rescue Organization, which serves not only Lake Monticello residents but all of Fluvanna County. Since Thursday night is one of the few nights that does not have a competing local Bingo operation in play, switching was a logical but difficult decision to make. “We realize that Friday night Bingo has been a constant fixture for players and volunteers alike and hope they all will follow us to Thursday night”, Bingo Director Aubrey Pace said. Bingo Manager Jean Bockman said, “We appreciate all the support from our loyal patrons and look forward to offering them a new and improved Bingo game on Thursday night.” There’s no doubt with new games and a changed program, along with the move to Thursday night, LMVF&R Bingo will be successful once again. There will also be a few changes and additions to the concessions menu according to Concessions Manager Pat Bozza. Pat, Jean and Aubrey invite everyone to join them on Thursday, April 15th for the new and improved LMVF&R Bingo kickoff. In addition to the regular payouts and door prizes, there will be additional giveaways. Doors open at 5 p.m. with Early Bird games starting at 6:45 p.m. We invite all of our friends in Lake Monticello, Fluvanna County and the surrounding areas to please come and join us for a great evening of Bingo, and a hot meal from the concession kitchen. Come prepared to have a great time. Any questions, please call 434-591-1018 or 434589-4638. Friday night Bingo has been a tradition at Lake Monticello Volunteer Fire and Rescue for almost twenty years. LMVF&R Bingo was started in late 1991 by Cecil and Gwen Smithers. Cecil was one of our firemen at the time. Previously, Cecil had been a fireman with the Seminole Trail Fire Dept and ran their Bingo game there. In 1991, they moved from Charlottesville, and he joined the Lake Monticello Fire Department, and decided to bring Bingo to the Lake. All the Bingo games were held in the bay area, until the completion of the Maple Room in late 1992, where Bingo has had a home ever since. The Maple Room was named for John Maple, who was one of the founders of LMVF&R. Volunteers to work Bingo were recruited from members of the Fire Department, the Rescue Squad and the Auxiliary. Among the first volunteers were Jim and JoAnn Link, Ruby Powers, Ed and Evelyn Brown, Marge Turbet, Tom and Irene Reese, Thelma Stowell, Jack and Evelyn Murphy, Scotty and Dorothy Salter, Bill and Peg Crawford, and Dorothy Engler, among many others. Some of these good folks are still volunteering here after all this time. Horace Scruggs Receives Certificate of Appreciation Rivanna Lions President Florann Burnett (right) and Lion Kingsley Brown (left) present Horace Scruggs (center) with a Rivanna Lions certificate of appreciation. Contributed photo. CogswellStone FREE CONSULTATION We have partnered with Stone Restoration Specialists! W E A R E A D E B T R E L I E F A G E N C Y. We help people file for bankruptcy relief under the bankruptcy code. STOP! KEEP! RECEIVE! Creditor Harassment and Calls Home Foreclosure Car Repossession IRS Tax Levies Wage Garnishment Law Suits All Exempt Property Peace of Mind (Automobile and Other Possessions) The Law Firm of Larry L. Miller, P.C. Hollymead Professional Center, 1534 Insurance Lane, Charlottesville, VA 22911 1 6 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Beautiful Slab Materials for Commercial and Residential Design Handpicked for the Highest Quality Marble | Granite | Slate | OnyxSoapstone | LimestoneTravertine | Quartz PREFERRED PRICING FOR FLUVANNA RESIDENTS Lifetime Warranty! (434) 974-9776 The Rivanna Lions of Lake Monticello presented a certificate of appreciation to Horace Scruggs, choral director of Fluvanna High School. “The great success of our first Bland Competition is due to Mr. Scruggs’s help. His advice and guidance were instrumental in accomplishing our goal,” said Lion Kingsley Brown, chairman of the Rivanna Lions Bland Competition. “We want to recognize Horace Scruggs. His expertise in organizing, networking, and promoting the contest was invaluable,” stated Lion President Florann Burnett. CogswellStone 434.293.6091 • 434.589.9661 861 Lake Monticello Rd, Palmyra, VA 22963 CogswellStone is the first stone fabrication company in the Commonwealth of Virginia to achieve Accreditation through the Marble Institute of America (MIA), the natural dimension stone industry’s leading resource and advocate. Specializing in: Kitchen Countertops • Fireplaces• Vanities Slabs & Tiles • Exterior Stone Cladding Community Three Chopt Ruritans Crown Little Miss Fluvanna Quality Work · Personal Service • Double Shredded Hardwood & Pine Bark Mulch • Delivery & Installation • Grass Cutting & Lawn care • Landscaping • Driveway Repair • Weed Control & Shrub Cutting • Powerwashing & Deck Staining • Light/Heavy Hauling & Delivery Serving Lake Monticello Since 1995 Office: 434-589-6088 Cell: 434-882-1449 Little Miss Fluvanna Hailee Elise Shifflett (center) appears with first runner-up, Naylee Rivera-DeJesus (left) and second runner-up Mia Christine Larochelle (right). Contributed photo. Hailee Elise Shifflett 7, took home the crown for Little Miss Fluvanna at the Three Chopt Ruritan Club’s competition held on April 3rd at Central Elementary School. Naylee RiveraDeJesus and Mia Christine Larochelle were first and second runners-up. Hailee is the daughter of Brent and Jennifer Shifflett of Scottsville. Hailee enjoys riding horses, playing softball, being a bat girl for AHS softball, singing, dancing, playing outside and spending time with her family Naylee is the daughter of Ann Marie and Oscar Rivera of Palmyra. She is the fourth of six children. She enjoys singing, dancing and art. She loves spending time with her family. Mia is the daughter of David and Bridget Larochelle of Palmyra. Mia is a fun loving energetic little girl who loves soccer, softball and girl scouts. Little Miss Fluvanna contestants were Sarja May Best, Jordan Elizabeth Drumheller, Jocelynne Grace Hagan, Allyson Elizabeth Lounsbury, Carson Elizabeth Lowe, Ashley Elizabeth Madison, Kellie Amber Madison, Lauren Antelle Shelton, Kylie Raquel Thomas, Braelyn Analeigh Via and Michaela Sydney Weimer. This year’s judges were Whitney and CJ Roberts and Cindy Sampson. Laurie Collins was the mistress of ceremonies. Little Miss Fluvanna 2009 Ellee Roxanne Botkin and Miss Fluvanna 2010 Cheryl Lee Koltz crowned the winners. MAY I DO YOUR TAXES? Chris Toliver was the pianist and Chris and her daughter Aesia choreographed the opening dance. The annual Little Miss Fluvanna competition is a fundraiser for the Three Chopt Ruritan Club, a community service organization that meets the second Monday of each month at the Three Chopt Community Center. All proceeds made from this fundraiser goes back into the community through educational scholarships, providing dictionaries to all third graders at Central, Boys State, providing assistance to the needy and other organizations in the county. For information about the Three Chopt Ruritan Club please call 5898797. Your Computer Doctor C O M P L E T E PC CARE PACKAGE William Western Certified Public Accountant Enrolled Agent with the IRS Certified QuickBooks ProAdvisor • Optimization Package -An overall system tweaking and cleanup Your Complete Tax, Payroll & Accounting Service WE MOVED... No Number Goes Uncrunched Sycamore Square For Expert, Timely, and Accurate Service Contact Me Phone:(434) 589-1294 • Cell:(434) 242-4114 • I CAN HELP YOU, IF YOU’LL LET ME! Includes in the new office building near CVS & Rivehsyde at the Lake Computer Repair Networking, Training Data Recovery Owner Operated 77 Market St. Suite A April 8, 2010 | FREE ANTI-VIRUS Software! 1. Spyware Removal 2. Virus Removal 3. Prevention Utilities 4. Window Tweaking 5. Disk Defragmenting 6. Window Updates 7. Software Updates 8. Eliminate unused programs $99.95 F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 17 Cover Rt. 5 3 Rt. 60 0 Image courtesy of VDOT Proposed Roundabout to Make Intersection Safer BY CARLOS SANTOS EDITOR Fluvanna County may soon be getting its first roundabout at one of its most dangerous intersections – South Boston Road and Thomas Jefferson Parkway. The proposed roundabout – which is a type of traffic circle though smaller and requiring slower speeds – will slow drivers on Thomas Jefferson Parkway -- also known as Rt. 53-- and help those on South Boston Road -- also known as Rt. 600 -- turn onto Rt. 53, according to officials. “It’s an intersection that requires some sort of traffic control,’’ said Lou Hatter, a spokesman for the Virginia Department of Transportation. “It’s difficult for people to get onto Rt. 53 safely.’’ The roundabout design, which has long been popular in Europe, is essentially a circular intersection in which vehicles travel in one direction around a central island. Unlike many traffic circles, drivers entering the circle must slow down and yield to drivers already in the circle. Hatter said there was “some concern especially at the beginning if people know how to use a roundabout. But drivers are smart.’’ There are about 60 roundabouts in operation in Virginia now – the vast majority of which were built in the last few years. There are four roundabouts in neighboring Albemarle County – the best known located at the entrance to the Charlottesville-Albemarle airport. One of the oldest roundabouts in the state is located in Gordonsville and was built in 1940, according to VDOT. “In the last 10 to 15 years we started looking at them as an option,’’ said Hatter. Hatter said roundabouts are become more popular America and Virginia because they are safer than a traditional traffic signal. Hatter said there are 32 “conflict points’’ at an intersection which can lead to, for example, “t-bones and head-on collisions,’’ and only eight “conflict points’’ at a roundabout. Those conflict points are also usually less dangerous in a roundabout because of slow speeds inside the circle – 15 to 20 miles per hour. “It’s designed so people have to slow down,’’ Hatter said. The roundabout also has other advantages compared to a traffic light. The roundabout will allow travelers on Rt. 600 to slip onto Rt. 53 easily, but traffic on heavily travelled Rt. 53 would not be backed up by a stoplight, Hatter said. Roundabouts are more expensive than traffic signals and require more land for construction. A traffic signal – which requires more maintenance than a roundabout – costs about $250,000 to install, said Hatter. The roundabout at the T-intersection of Rts. 600 and 53 will cost about $2.1 million, said Hatter. Construction is slated to begin in the summer of 2012. 1 8 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 But before it all starts, Fluvanna residents will be able to find out about the propose realignment and construction of the roundabout at a meeting scheduled for April 28, from 5 p.m. to 7 p.m. at the Fluvanna County Library in Palmyra. Residents will be able to comment at the hearing orally or in writing. VDOT Facts About Roundabouts Modern Roundabouts are the safest at-grade intersection. They move traffic safely and efficiently through an intersection because of: • Slower speeds • Fewer conflict points • Easy decision-making Studies show that roundabouts provide a: • 90% reduction in fatal crashes • 75% reduction in injury crashes • 30—40% reduction in pedestrian crashes • 10% reduction in bicycle crashes Slower vehicle speeds (under 25mph) mean: • Drivers have more time to judge and react to other vehicles and pedestrians • Easier to use for older and novice drivers • Reduction in the severity of accidents • Pedestrians are safer • Provides traffic calming Increased Capacity - Reduced Delay • 30—50% increase in traffic capacity • Traffic always on the move–less delay Environmental: • Reduction in pollution and fuel use • Less noise due to fewer stops and starts Low Maintenance: • No signal equipment to install and repair – Averages savings of $5,000 per intersection per year Aesthetics: • Improves visual quality and character through landscaping Since 1990 Crossroads Home Center (434) 589-3205 n Your Hometow e or St e Hardwar al Service Where Person Defines US! Farm and Domestic Animal Feed • Propane Filling Station We stock whole house Water filters & Salt for water conditioning Cold weather plants are here! Locally Grown - Cabbage • Cauliflower Broccoli • Lettuce • Onions • Leeks Penntington Grass Seed, K-31 • Smart seed • Lime-Fertilizer OPEN HOUSES Saturday & Sunday • April 10 & 11 • 1-4pm DISTINCTIVE CUSTOM GOLF COURSE HOME 5 Westham Court $424,900 • 471859 •5BR, 3.5BA Showplace Home •Chef’s Kitchen, Granite, Deluxe Appliances •Red Oak Floors, 2 Master Suites, Upgrades •Panormaic Windows, Views on 17th Fairway •Bonus Room, Rec/Exercise/Game Room •Great Home for Entertaining Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, left on Jefferson, pass Slice Gate to a left on Ponderosa to left on Westham. Home and private drive on right. First Time Home Buyers... HURRY for your $8,000 Tax Credit! LIKE NEW COLONIAL 29 Riverside Drive $212,900 • MLS#475469 Chicks are Here •2126 Sq.Ft. 3 BR, 3.5 BA on Corner Lot w/Garage •Large Bedrooms, Full Finished Basement w/Office •Screened Porch, Huge Deck, Privacy Fence, Outside Gate •Move-in ready & Quick Close! •Lease-Purchase Considered Jams • Jellies • Pickles • Relish and more Introducing 250 East Zion Crossroads, Troy, VA OUR OWN Private Label “Lumberton Farm” Locally Made Soy Candles EVERY VISITOR GETS A FREE GIFT Directions: S. Boston Road (Rt. 600) to River Ridge Drive, 1st left onto Riverside Drive to #29 Cell: 434-981-0354 • Office: 434-220-9295 Lisa C. Mattise Helping You Feel Right At Home 43 Glenwood Station Lane, Suite 202 Charlottesville, VA. 22901 April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 19 2 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Join Us for Our Sunday OPEN HOUSES 29 Englewood Drive $154,900 ~ MLS 470886 8 Kingswood Drive $287,500 ~ MLS 472902 100% Financing! 3 Bdrms, 2 Bthrms, Neutral Colors, Crown Molding, EatIn Kitchen w/Box Garden Window, New Floors, Large Master, 12x24 Back Deck, Level Lot, Mature Landscape, Shed Custom Built Home, 4 Bed, 2.5 Bath. Backs to Reserve. Screened-In Porch and Deck. Full Country Front Porch. Home Office. Bonus Room. Brand New Hardwoods. Storage Room. Luxurious Master. Directions: Lake Monticello Main Gate, right on Jefferson, left on Deerpath, left on Englewood to #29 Directions: Lake Monticello Main Gate, right on Jefferson, left on S. Bearwood, right on Kingswood to #8 24 RIver Ridge Drive $259,900 ~ MLS 473290 542 Fieldstone Drive $479,000 ~ MLS 473171 Custom Built Spacious Keswick Cape. Mins to Cville. Professionally Landscape, InGround Pool, Screened Porch. 1st Floor Master. Hardwoods, Tray Ceiling, Built-Ins. Upgraded Kitchen, Office, Bonus Room. Possible In-Law Suite, Skylights, Vaults, Hardwoods, Architectural Flair, Palladium, Surround Sound. 1st Floor Master with Sliders to Back Deck. Backs to Reserve. Oversized Garage. Lovely Landscaping. Directions: from Zion Crossroads, head west on Rt. 250 for 4.6 miles to left on Fieldstone to #542 Directions: S. Boston Road (Rt. 600) to River Ridge Drive to #24 ALL THE EXTRA DETAILS April 11 from 1-3 BETSY GUNNELS WHEELCHAIR ACCESSIBLE Top Producer 2552 FSF, 1588 UFSF, 2 Car Garage with Storage, High Ceilings, Hardwoods, Large Kitchen, Oversized Master, Bonus Room, Covered Deck & Porch, Possible In-Law Suite, Mins to Pantops. Cell: 434-996-9797 $389,000 ~ MLS 473418 $334,900 ~ MLS 474019 1 LEVEL LIVING AT ITS BEST 1st Floor Master, Multiple Transoms & Skylights, Dramatic Vaults. Large Kitchen: Granite, Oversized Cabinetry, Breakfast Bar. Sunroom, Bonus Room, Screened Porch, Backs to Reserve, Mature Landscape. DON’T LET TIME RUN OUT ON YOU IMPECCABLY CARED FOR Only EW N ICE PR Lite-Filled Golf Front, Dramatic Valts, Open Flr Plan, Warm Designer Colors, Upgraded Apps, Wine Cooler, Box Garden, Oak Flrs, New HVAC, Roof, Hot Water Heater & Fixtures & Overszied Lot! $229,900 ~ MLS 470016 2 Weeks Elegant on 2.51 Acres, Garden Area, Privacy, 4 Bds, 2.5 Bths, Screened-In Porch, Hardwoods, Spacious Kitchen, Luxury Master, Oversizd Moldings, High Ceiling, Landscaped, Fenced Yard! Left Until Tax Credit Expires hhWaterfront $269,900 ~ MLS 470396 Living at Its Best hh 155 FT WATER FRONTAGE EXCELLENT LOCATION EXCELLENT & PRIVATE VIEWS NEW WATERFRONT ALL Virginia Brick Ranch w/ Deep Swim Water. Mature Landscape, Culdesac St, Walk to Main Beach & Amenities, Flat Walk to Water, Concrete Seawall, Several Upgrades, Trex Deck, Storage, 1 Yr Warranty & MORE! AWESOME VIEWS from Every Rm & Bdrm! Gleaming Hrdwds Flrs, Vaults, FP, Spacious Kit & Din Rms w/Sliders to Back Deck. Glorious Gardens Bursting into Bloom on Garden Tour, Grassed Yard at Water, Close to Amenities!! Dramatic, Contemporary w/Deep & Wide Water Views! Gorgeous Views in the Large Open Flr Plan w/Wood Beams, 2 Woodburning Stoves. Spacious Bedrooms. Versatile Flr Plan, Possible In-Law Suite. Tucked Away on Private Culdesac St!! Completely remodeled with gorgeous views! Marble, Skylights, Vaults, New Hardwoods, Fresh Paint, Finished Terrace. Screened Porch, Large Deck, Terrace Patio, Gentle to Water, Large Dock, Paved Drive. $469,900 ~ MLS 468571 $448,000 ~ MLS 464139 $499,000 ~ MLS 466807 $535,000 ~ MLS 474644 Search All Listings at Information believed to be accurate but not guaranteed. Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 21 Column V VALLEY PUBLISHING Zion Crossroad’s Forestry Corner Contact us for Free Appraisal before trading with any dealer! Make the Most of Your Brush Pile Valley Publishing is Central Virginia & Growing Five publications covering local news, business, sports, arts, events, entertainment, history, people and community. H ASSH OPP CA TO PAAYYS T RSS CAR ED C ED USE RU F OR KSS! CK RUC TR &T —Free Vehicle Consignment— Fluvanna County, Virginia Paper of Record Established 1978 Circulation: 6,000 - Weekly Contact: Lisa C. Hurdle Serving Central Virginia for over 19 years Specializing in SUV’s, Trucks, Vans & Import Sedans We Can Arrange Low Rate Financing Website Featuring: Vehicle Details, Photos & Prices Hours: 9 am-5 pm Mon-Fri. 9 am-3 pm Sat. • Closed Sun. M e m b e r o f Vi r g i n i a I n d e p e n d e n t A u t o m o b i l e D e a l e r ’s A s s o c i a t i o n Albemarle County, Virginia Established 2002 Circulation: 3,500 - Monthly Contact: Judi Price Buckingham County, Virginia Established 2003 Circulation: 5,000 - Monthly Contact: Judi Price 10037 Three Notch Rd. 434-589-1154 Rt.15 @ Rt. 250 12 S. Bearwood Drive MLS 470702 • $239,900 Meticulously kept 4 BR, 2 BA, 2244 sf home. Updated with new HVAC, roof, flooring, appliances. Also, FP, 3 season room, soaking tub. Orange County, Virginia Established 2006 Circulation: 6,000 - Monthly Contact: Judi Price 5105 Deep Creek Road MLS 470603 • $259,900 Louisa County, Virginia Established 2008 Circulation: 6,000 - Monthly Contact: Judi Price BY JUSTIN BARNES, GUEST COLUMNIST VIRGINIA DEPARTMENT OF FORESTRY 3 BR, 2 BA, 1962 sf home on 4.78 acres 3 mi. from I-64. Large master suite with jetted tub, expansive loft space, hardwood flooring. Multiple publication advertising deals available. Call for rates and deadlines. 434-591-1000 2 2 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Cheryl Sprangel REALTOR® (434)981-6695 reptiles, amphibians and insects Last month, we learned about will spend the cold months in the Virginia’s burning laws, and also rotting logs waiting for spring and mentioned all of the damage warmer weather to return. Fluvanna County suffered during In addition to wildlife shelter, the “Fury”. So, what do you do brush piles also replenish vital with all this brush that’s on the nutrients to the soil as the strucground? A lot of it will be burned, ture decays. Organisms such as but this week I want to present an millipedes and pillbugs dine on the alternative to burning brush for dead plant material. As they eat, Fluvanna County residents. You they assist in breaking down the may have seen or heard this brush pile. Fungi and bacteria also before, but I’m going to mention it take over and help continue the once again. “Don’t burn brushdecomposition process. Lichens, build a shelter for wildlife.” Now, I through a mutual relationship with realize what some of you are thinkthe fungus, grow on the surface of ing…what? That won’t get rid of it! the wood, releasing an acid which Let’s examine this alternative in further helps further detail. break down the First, there is “That’s all fine and dandy, plant tissue. always the A brush pile potential that but I don’t want all these is a really great burning the critters near my home!” way to teach brush may get kids and others out of hand and about the food chain. Insects prey create a wildfire. In fact Fluvanna upon the scavengers eating the has already seen this happen more wood and small mammals, birds than a few times this year . So and other predators tear open the instead of removing the natural logs and brush to feast on the variresource by making it go up in ety of organisms living inside. smoke, why not improve wildlife So now that I described the habitat by building a brush pile? process from start to finish of a This alternative can be especialbrush pile if it is left to nature, you ly beneficial for those of you with may be thinking, “That’s all fine children or even for those who and dandy, but I don’t want all just enjoy watching wildlife. If you these critters near my home!” enjoy seeing animals around your You want to be sure to build the property, a brush pile will add to brush piles somewhere where it your delight! Most of what we blends naturally into a wooded choose to burn is branches, twigs, landscape, preferably along the logs and leaves. By layering this edge of the woods. Brush piles debris in different ways on top of located in yards or fields can be logs you can create shelter, nesting camouflaged by growing vines areas and homes for numerous over them or placing them behind organisms. A lot of space will be shrubs. These brush piles can also between the branches at first, but be used as a compost pile as rich eventually it will settle and the pile soil from the decomposing organic will become tighter and more commatter will be found underneath in pact. In the summer, ground-nesta couple of years. Also, build the ing birds and mammals such as brush piles at least 30 feet away towhees and cottontail rabbits from any structure. This way, the might build nests at the bottom of organisms are far away from the the pile. If the logs are decomhome and it is a safe distance in posed enough, skinks (a type of case of a wildfire. lizard) may lay their eggs here. The brush pile is a place of life, Salamanders will thrive on the death and regeneration. It is a safe moist habitat and hide during the alternative to burning debris and it day and come out under the cover provides benefits for wildlife and of darkness to hunt. the rejuvenation of the forest. It is During the winter, many types also a great source for education of birds will seek shelter from and entertainment. Try building predators and the weather in these one, you’ll enjoy it. brush piles. Also many kinds of Column The Riverkeeper BY DAVID SLIGH, GUEST COLUMNIST UPPER JAMES RIVERKEEPER Become a Dirt Fighter – Save Streams The biggest threat to the James and shelter. And, of course, it has River is pollution. But it may not an adverse effect on people as be what you think. well, potentially making water For most people, the term water unsuitable for drinking and recrepollution summons up images of ation like swimming and boating. factories dumping toxic chemicals The amount of runoff and polluor untreated sewage being swept tion being swept into the James into the river. The fact is most of River has accelerated at an amazthose pipes spewing pollution are ing pace because of development now regulated and greatly within the watershed. With estiimproved after mates that we decades of hard will replace “Today, the single biggest work. more natural Today, the sinpollutant of the James River land with parkgle biggest poling lots, streets, is stormwater runoff” lutant of the buildings, and James River is lawns in the stormwater runoff-- the dirt and next 40 years than was developed sediment that are washed into in the first 400, the threat to creeks and streams every time it America’s “Founding River” is prorains. Along the way, stormwater found. picks up toxic chemicals and other But there is something you can harmful materials -- and all of that do and, in fact, every homeowner runoff eventually ends up in the can play a role in reducing the James River – the source of our amount of runoff pollution origidrinking water, the habitat for fish nating from their property. A new and other species and one of the online Runoff Calculator has been state’s primary places for outdoor developed that can compute how recreation. much runoff is coming from your The impact of runoff is signifihome. Located on the James River cant. Excess sediment can bury Association’s Web site vital habitats on stream beds (, where insects and other animals the calculator also provides tips on live and which provide food for how you can do your part in fish. It can block the gills of fish reducing the single biggest threat and limit their ability to see to the James. through the water and find food Annette L. Daly GRI, SRES, ASP,CRS 434-962-2095 Assured Properties 943 Glenwood Station Ln, Suite# 202, Charlottesville, VA 22901 Each office independently owned and operated. Fax: 866-808-9740 David Sligh is the Riverkeeper of the Upper James for the James River Association. He can be reached at (434) 964-7635 and CountrySide Upholstery Fluvanna REVIEW e at m t e e m e m o C ood! Beach Dogw –– Home & Marine – Wednesday is Deadline Day. Carroll Morse 434-589-4106 P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603 Kents Store, VA 23084 To Advertise Call Lisa Hurdle 591-1000 ext.29 WiFi 434-589-1155 • 10 Centre Court South Boston Rd. (Rt. 600) Near Lake Monticello Fire Dept.& CVS "Please drink responsibly" April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 23 Column Spirit and Truth BY THE REV. GREG SMITH, GUEST COLUMNIST Breanne Comer Breanne will be starting up a new afternoon Land Aerobics program starting April 5th!!! We are very excited to have her as part of the Health Nutz Family!! The Easter Horse NEW LAND AEROBICS SPECIAL “Draw near to God, and God will draw near to you (James 4:8).” 1 Month Unlimited Land Aerobics.....$30.00 Come on by and give her classes a try. This will be a great chance to get ready for that swimsuit. Breanne will be offering the following classes..... Cardio Sculpt ~ Mondays 6 p.m. Upper Body One Week and the Next Week Lower Body BLT/Upper Cut ~ Wednesdays 6 p.m. Body Blast ~ Fridays 6 p.m. 30 Minute Step Class ~ Saturdays 10 a.m., Every Other Week 109 Crofton Place Palmyra 434-589-6100 Free Child Care: Monday - Friday 8 a.m. - 11 a.m. & Monday - Thursday - 6 p.m. - 8 p.m. Place Your Events and Announcements with Us! Births Engagement Wedding Birthday Anniversaries This Size $105. Any size available. Call Lisa 591-1000 ext. 29 2 4 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 We had a great crowd at Antioch’s Easter sunrise service this year. Someone estimated that a hundred people gathered at the foot of the three crosses in the church’s side yard to worship our risen Savior. We also had an unexpected visitor. Before we began the service, I had asked the crowd to part in the center and create an aisle down the middle, to allow for a visual pathway and for sound to travel to one of our physically challenged members who watched the service from his car. As I was preaching, and before I had even given an invitation, our speGreg Smith and Erlyne Smith with the Easter horse. Photo by Melissa McLain. cial visitor appeared and started to make her stand. But God wants to break us way down the center aisle. out of our fences so that we can have Our visitor was a chestnut Belgian an exciting relationship with Him. draft horse that had apparently Hopefully, you’ll be drawn to the heard what was going on in the things of God, just as that horse was church yard and decided to investidrawn to church. “I don’t know gate. She had been so drawn to what’s going on there,” the horse what was going on at church that must have thought, “but I just have she escaped her owner’s fenced-in to go and see.” She escaped from field and made her way to join us. the fenced-in yard that kept her life One member said he thought the predictable and safe, in exchange for horse was about to walk down the the adventure of Resurrection center aisle and join the church. I Sunday. So too I hope that you’ll said that if we were to baptize that exchange conventional religion for a horse, we’d have to sprinkle, instead resurrected life in the spirit that of immerse! draws you deeper into the things of We all erect fences in our spiritual God. lives. First, we try to keep unexpectI hope you’ll be like the Easter ed things out. We don’t like advenHorse, so drawn to what God’s doing ture too much, so we expose ourthat you can’t stay away. May God selves only to those things that are lead you by His unfailing love, this already within our neatly fenced-in Easter season and beyond! yards. Second, we try to keep ourselves safely tucked inside of our (P.S.: Yes, we did get the horse own comfort zones. We tend not to back to its rightful owner.) wander beyond what we can under- Greg Smith is the pastor of Antioch Baptist Church near Scottsville. A native of Virginia, he has also served churches in Louisa, Amelia, and Charlotte counties. He is married, and is the father of four children. You can email him at Check out his blog at Community Easter Egg-Stravaganza Sees Large Crowd BY PAGE H. GIFFORD CORRESPONDENT The annual Easter Egg-Stravaganza couldn’t have asked for better weather considering the crowds of parents and children from all around the area who came for the annual event. Hunting for Easter eggs is the highlight of this annual event sponsored by Fluvanna County Parks and Recreation and held at Pleasant Grove this past weekend. When kids weren’t hunting for eggs, they created some clever crafts by using a paper bunny face and a plastic egg. “The event was very good and the participation was about 400 people, give or take a few,” said Aaron Spitzer, who heads up the Promotions and Special Events for FCPR. Naturally, it wouldn’t be Easter without the Easter Bunny, who paid everyone a visit. Photos by Aaron Spitzer. REMEMBER, FLUVANNA FIRST! WHY DRIVE TO TOWN? Professional tax preparation at a great price right in your own back yard! $25 OFF Tax Preparation Present this coupon when you come in. New Clients Only Charles W. Allbaugh, CPA 434-589-7810 Free Electronic Filing • Friendly, Expert Service Fair and Honest Prices Check Out Our Website: We will prepare your return to your satisfaction. Guaranteed. Charles W. Allbaugh, CPA Mon.-Fri. 9am-9pm, weekends by appointment 12 Centre Court, Lake Monticello (near slice gate) • 434-589-7810 April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 25 Community Must Be Springtime Parents and their children enjoy warm weather at the Lafayette playground inside Lake Monticello on April 6. Spring Sale! New Seasonal Merchandise is Here Full-Service Pharmacy • Diabetic Supplies Medical & Home Health Care Equipment • Unique Gifts & Cards Join Our Prescription Savings Club Photo by David Stemple. Getting na n a v u l REVIEW F Results and d Building “ It's the most rea Local vered nd gets deli a Businesses, ber m u n e g r a l to a One Ad at of the local a Time! residents. ” a Marisa Vacc erator p Owner & O staurant e R Marisella’s We cook each plate fresh to order. We don't use pre-cooked, prepackaged ingredients. Also, I think we have a great relationship with our customers. That's why they keep coming back. Accepting All Medicare Part D & Most Other Insurances Mon. - Fri. 9am - 7pm, Sat. 9am - 3pm 194B Turkeysag Trail, Palmyra, VA 22963 589-7902 • To Advertise Call Lisa 591-1000 ext.29 Increase the value of your home with durable hardscapes. Affordable solutions for driveways, retaining walls, sidewalks and pool decks. 20% OFF Request Discount Before May 1st Eagle Bay Concrete Pavers and Anchor Wall Products VISIT ONE OF OUR SHOWROOMS TODAY ZION CROSSROADS CHARLOTTESVILLE CULPEPER 9815 Three Notched Rd. 434-591-0578 1000 Harris St. 434-296-7181 16299 Allied Way 540-829-7868 2 6 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Tree Hugger Schools MAKING HOME OWNERSHIP EASY The Fluco Beat BY JOE DONAHUE, FCHS JOURNALISM STUDENT High School History The students and faculty of gotten, but the new school is a Fluvanna County High are going clean slate for the upcoming to be in for some major changes Flucos to produce their own rituwithin the next few years. Budget als and traditions. There will be students who find cuts are looming, teachers may it hard to adjust to the move. be leaving, and the purposes of Senior Lynelle Douma will be some sporting teams are being heading off to college next year, put into question. However, there but what will happen when she is no change as substantial as the comes to visit? The hallowed hallmove from the old high school to ways will be the new n eve r m o re, Pleasant Grove“Coming back from college, replaced by based institufresh, clean it will be like my Fluco tion that is curones where rently under history is gone. Different memories construction. kids, different building… have yet to be Yet, one aspect it won’t be the same,” formed. of this move – Senior Lynelle Douma “Coming that is being back from coloverlooked is lege, it will be the rich history of the old high like my Fluco history is gone. school building that will be left Different kids, different buildbehind. ing…it won’t be the same,” said The original school has deep Douma. Even sophomore roots in the history of Fluvanna Mekanna Scott is thinking similar County itself. The initial high thoughts for the future, “It’s too school was located at Carysbrook, bad the younger students are and over the years the existing missing out on the marks made school was brought into concepby past Flucos. Whether it be love tion. The currently used building, notes on the bathroom walls, or which was completed in the midthe purple stain on the cafeteria seventies, was a centerpiece of ceiling from a food fight, memoculture in the area. ries like that are hard to replace.” However, even with multiple Thinking ahead, it is important renovations occurring within the for these last few years at past decade, it has been alarmingFluvanna High to be the most ly clear that with the sudden memorable yet. This building has influx of students, major changes been instrumental in the educawere needed. So, just last year, tion of some great individuals in the school board broke ground our community, and students for construction on the future know that once you leave the Fluvanna High. halls of this school, you do some So what does this mean for the much-needed growing up. So, students? Many current teens will make memories while this buildfail to even walk the halls of the ing still stands, and for the stuupcoming grounds, having gradudents filing into the ated before the building is comfuture Fluvanna plete. Yet, excitement is still County High, there. “We’re leaving a lot behind, try your best to but there is a lot to be gained make the new moving forward,” said junior school rich Melissa Messier. The familiar in pride and sights in the hallways may be fortradition. 1419 Forest View Road • Albemarle MLS 475340 • $249,900 10 Possum Lane • Lake Monticello MLS 471066 • $199,900 3BR, 1.5BA, privacy, updated appliances, & kitchen, walk to Covenant School Barry Meade “Radford,” 4BR, 2.5BA, large eat-in kitchen, large master BR 596 Jefferson Drive • Lake Monticello MLS 474607 • $249,900 18 Old Homestead Cir • Lake Monticello MLS 474604 • $249,900 Great 4BR, 2.5BA Barry Meade home. Well taken care of, open, lots of light 3BR, 2BA, well maintained home. Great master, waterviews, sunroom, landscaped LAND FOR SALE Starting at $29,000 • 2+ Acres • MLS 464422 TIME IS RUNNING OUT FOR THE $8,000 TAX CREDIT! Yvette Chanut 434-242-3941 Yvette Okros 434-466-6686 Captain Frank's Located at Rt. 15 & Rt. 53 • Palmyra All You Can Eat Shrimp & Fish Every Friday $18.99 “Best Crab Cake in the Region” Daily Lunch Special Captain’s Burger Restaurant & Fresh Seafood To Go 2 Hormel Hot Dogs Bag of Chips 20 oz. Drink $5.99 All Fresh Seafood to Go by the Pound Fresh Shucked Oysters • Live Maine Lobsters (bushels or quarts) 30 ct. Fresh Gulf Shrimp - $8.99 lb. Homemade Smoked Salmon Daily Delivered Fresh st! From the coa Breakfast Buffet Saturday & Sunday 8am-11am 434-591-0084 30 Thomas Jefferson Hwy. Palmyra Joe Donahue is a junior at FCHS. He is a member of the Fluco Newspaper staff, and is in the Blue Ridge Virtual Governor's School. He runs on the Fluco Indoor Track team and plays on the Fluvanna Lacrosse squad. Hours: Mon - Thu 10am - 8pm Fri 10am - 9pm • Sat 8am - 9pm Sunday 8am - 4pm MC/Visa & Discover accepted Ask about our Limo Service - Great gift Idea! April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 27 Schools Flucos Flock to Pleasant Grove to Support Habitat for Humanity BY TORI DRAYER FCHS MASS MEDIA STUDENT Fluvanna County’s very own Habitat for Humanity is a non-profit organization that constructs “green” homes that are approved as environmentally safe and are built for people in Fluvanna who cannot afford their own home. According to Habitat for Humanity, the homes are equipped with “…a conditioned crawl space, more efficient windows, a better insulation package, higher efficiency heat pump, and more durable exterior finishes.” Since the organization is all nonprofit, the directors are always trying to find ways to raise more money so they can afford to build more homes. Recently, they found a very inventive way. On March 20, Habitat for Humanity held their second annual 5k race and a two-mile walk to benefit their current “green” building. The registration fee of $25 per person went directly to the building funds for the most recent home (their 12th in the county). Racers and walkers flocked to Pleasant Grove where the race and walk were held. The race was by no means only for adults; children in the age group from 10-13 came out and competed in the race, while other young kids decided to walk. According to Habitat’s board president, Michael Himes, “The course was a challenging one for the racers Pleasant Grove was the site of Fluvanna Habitat for Humanity’s second annual fundraising 5K race. Contributed photo. this year, due to the ongoing construction of the new high school.” Still, the racers seemed to enjoy the beautiful weather. FCHS junior Ben Casto, the first to cross the finish line in the 5K, achieved the best time. “The weather was ideal for the race,” Casto said. Rose Brogan, FCHS chemistry teacher and track coach agreed that, “The weather was definitely the best,” for her three-mile run. Brogan was also the top runner in the women’s 40-49 year-old age group. The racers and walkers were rewarded with prizes just for registering and supporting the Habitat for Humanity organization. The top two runners won two large prizes, and gift-card prizes were given to first and second place winners in each specific age group. Other prizes were drawn by lottery from all of the registrants. Businesses also supported the three-mile run by donating all of the prizes, which mostly consisted of gift cards to their stores. After the race, local venders provided fresh fruit, bagels, and water for all the competitors. Thanks to the many participants, Habitat for Humanity was able to raise a nice chunk of money for the construction of house #12. “The 5k was great fun, and it was for a great cause,” said runner Dana Drayer. If you didn’t catch the race this year, don’t worry. Start your training now by signing up for the next 5k race and two-mile walk to support Fluvanna County Meals on Wheels on April 24th. But don’t forget to go out to Pleasant Grove next year to support Habitat for Humanity builders and our community. While you’re at it, have fun competing, winning prizes, and cheering on your fellow runners. Area Residents Named to Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Commandant’s List The following students were named to the Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets Commandant’s List. Daniel Kidd, of Palmyra, who is an Army cadet and a sophomore majoring in general engineering in the College of Engineering. David Kidd of Palmyra who is an Air Force cadet and a freshman majoring in history in the College of Liberal Arts and Human Sciences. In order to make the list, cadets must earn a 3.0 or greater grade point average (on a 4.0 scale) during the previous semester. For the fall 2009 semester, 358 cadets were selected for the Commandant’s List. The Virginia Tech Corps of Cadets has been producing military and corporate leaders since the university was founded in 1872. It is one of just two remaining military corps within a large, primarily civilian university. M*A*S*H Huge Success at F*C*H*S BY AUSTIN POLLARD CONTRIBUTOR M*A*S*H, The popular quick-witted movie and TV series featuring a mobile army surgical hospital positioned in the midst of the Korean War, stationed itself at the Central Elementary stage on March 26th and 27th. As the first comedy the Fluvanna County High School drama department has put on in years, they delivered it with faultless timing and clever casting, which would, without a doubt, lure in Flucos of all kinds. Attendance to Friday’s show was close to 500, and both performances on Saturday got near 400 each! Students who came to support the drafted drama department were not disappointed, Those 18 weeks of rehearsal added up to make two amazing days and three spectacular Let's not forget all of the other talperformances. ented students in the giant cast of Kenneth Valentine and Spencer 33. “Almost five months together Small played the rehearsing, we all droll duo became one big “After spending so much family,” Hawkeye and said Duke, Valerie time with all of these peo- Small. “The show Burgess as the was fabulous! I ple, those last few days gifted Radar seemed to be such a sud- was so proud to O'Reilly, Katie den stop to all of the fun see everyone do Wilson as Major such a wonderful M a r g a r e t times and laughs we had job and really Houlihan, the shared.” – Actress Sarah Perdue bring the play to finicky Captain life and I was Burns, played by shocked by how many new and talSkyler Roth, and newcomer, Nick ented actors there were! And did you Lauterbach, as the young Korean see how many guys were in the house boy, Ho-Jon; all held together play?” by the admirable Lieutenant Colonel “We had really wonderful audiHenry Blake and under the hotences! Because there were a lot of headed General Hammond played by people and they had really good Joshua Carter and Maddy Small. 2 8 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 energy, the performances were more enjoyable!” said Burgess. Sarah Perdue, who played Fritzi Bonwit, said, “After spending so much time with all of these people, those last few days seemed to be such a sudden stop to all of the fun times and laughs we had shared.” It’s hard to believe that, minutes before performances, the well puttogether set was the scene of a dance party much different than that of scene 9. Cast members of M*A*S*H prepared for their shows by cutting loose, blasting music from the speakers and having a full-out dance party on stage. It was a wonderful performance with plenty of laughs and fun, leaving everyone in wonder… What amazing performance will the FCHS drama department put out next? LET THE MADNESS BEGIN! Monday Madness at the Eagle’s Nest starts April 12th 5pm Choose from the following for a satisfying meal! Meatloaf or Chicken Picatta Red Potatoes or Homemade Baked Mac & Cheese Corn on the Cob or Green Beans Includes a small house salad, bread and your choice of coffee, tea or soda for $8.95! Tax and gratuity not included Open Every Day from 7:30am until 5:00pm 51 Bunker Boulevard, Lake Monticello 434-589-3512 April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 29 Sports Boys’ Soccer Team Begins Defense of District Title BY DUNCAN NIXON CORRESONPONDENT The Fluvanna County High School boys’ soccer team is facing a major challenge this year. They are hoping to repeat as Jefferson District champions. In 2009, they posted a 9-3 record in Jefferson District play. The team has a number of excellent players returning, but also must compensate for the loss of three All-Jefferson District first-team players. Returning to lead the attack is junior Taylor Rafaly who was named to the All-Jefferson District first-team last year, and was also honored as the Jefferson District player of the year. These are very impressive credentials in light of the fact that he was only a sophomore last year. Junior midfielder Josh Hinkle, who was second team All-Jefferson District last year, returns to patrol the middle of the field. The defense will Coach Patrick Dieter instructs the Fluco boys’ varsity soccer team. Junior Josue Franco takes the ball down the field during Fluvanna’s 4-1 victory over Louisa on April 1. Photo by Fluvanna Sports Photography. 3 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 be directed by junior goaltender Nick Greco. He has big shoes to fill as last year’s keeper, Casey Cagle, was named Jefferson district goalkeeper of the year. However, Coach Patrick Dieter reports that he believes that Greco is fully up to the task of replacing Cagle. Dieter describes Greco as a “great goal keeper who is very sound and also a great team leader.” Dieter also has a number of other valuable returnees. Seniors Nick Shepard and Sean Bianco will be counted on heavily in the midfield. Junior defenders Tygh Allbaugh and Chris Chirico will help keep the ball away from the goal. Moving up to the varsity this year are two freshman midfielders: Dale Ludwig and Christian Franco, who Dieter said “have been working their butts off to get playing time”. Dieter expects that their effort will be an example to the more experienced players. In an early home game against non-District opponent Spotsylvania High School, the Flucos came away with a fairly easy 2-0 win. However, Dieter was not very impressed with his teams play, noting that the team will have to tighten up its passing and its defense to be successful in Jefferson District play. In the game against Spotsylvania, the Flucos got an early score with just over 27 minutes still on the clock, when Nick Sheppard fired an excellent crossing pass to Taylor Rafaly in the middle of the field. Rafaly promptly drilled home the goal, past a goaltender who had no chance to make a stop. During the rest of the half the Flucos did a good Photo by Duncan Nixon. job of controlling the middle of the field, but as their coach noted “they would make several nicely controlled passes, and then someone would make a mistake”. Accordingly, very few good scoring chances were generated. Late in the period Rafaly and Ludwig both made nice crossing passes, but no one was able to convert them into scores. In the second half of the game with Spotsylvania, the Flucos applied far more offensive pressure than their opponents, but spent most of the period being frustrated as their forward rushes just did not quite click. They did force a number of corner kicks and ultimately it was a corner kick with about six minutes remaining that gave the Flucos their second goal and a safe lead for the duration of the match. Freshman midfielder Christian Franco lofted a beautifully bending ball that was hooking toward the inside top corner of the net. Spotsylvania’s goalkeeper went up to make the catch, but fumbled the ball into the goal. The Flucos easily played out the remaining time for the win. With the Jefferson District now including eight high schools, the Flucos will be playing fourteen Jefferson District games this season. They will be playing consecutive home games on April 12, April 15 and April 19 against William Monroe, Goochland County and Orange County. Their toughest competition in the district will likely come from Western Albemarle, a traditional district power, who the Flucos defeated twice last year. Sports Fluco Softball Continues to Grow BY SARA MARKHAM, FCHS JOURNALISM STUDENT Softball. There is nothing soft about it, especially for the girls of Fluvanna County High School. Softball is a lifestyle and a passion to these girls and they show this through their amazing talents on the field. Head Coach Nick Ward teaches them everything that he can. He has put much time and effort into his team and he has said that they repay him with nothing but improvement and success. Ever since the softball program was started at FCHS it has done nothing but grow in popularity and talent. The girls’ 2009 season was brilliant and can only get better this coming season. Off to a rocky start with a loss of 12-1 to Spotsylvania on Tuesday, March 23, the girls are not worried and are just ready to show everyone what they can do. Senior Kaitlin Driver, who plays first base and utility, said, “We are a family and all love being around and playing together.” This fact definitely shows on the field with their strong ability to communicate and play as a team and not as individuals. Senior Briana Robbins, better known as “Budda,” said, “I cannot believe that it is my last season with my best friends. I’m going to miss them all so much.” Although the team will be losing five key players next year, they are making the best out of it while they still can. Every senior agrees that there is no doubt that the team will continue to grow and thrive without them. So, as said by many of the players and the proud coach, we’d better keep a close watch on these girls as the season progresses. We will only be seeing greatness. 8th Grader Brooke Herndon is ready to catch during the Flucos’ junior varsity softball game against Monticello on March 31. Photo by Fluvanna Sports Photography. Sophomore Alicia Pace tags a Monticello player at third base. Photo by Fluvanna Sports Photography. UVA Races at Lake Monticello A women’s crew rows to the starting line on Lake Monticello on Saturday, April 3. The University of Virginia hosted the University of Michigan, Ohio State and Clemson University in the races. Photo by David Stemple. Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 31 Upcoming Events We Are Nutty About Health!! AT FLUVANNA’S PREMIER FITNESS FACILITY New Specials..... 6 Month (Per Person) *Requires Contract Basic Fitness $55.00 a month Senior Fitness $50.00 a month (55 and Over) Aquatic Fitness $55.00 a month Total Fitness $80.00 a month Senior Total Fitness $75.00 (55 and Over) Tanning - 1 Month Unlimited Members $25.00 • Non-Members- $30.00 Land Aerobics - 1 Month Unlimited -$30.00 FAMILY SWIM DAYS Sundays • 2 p.m. - 4 p.m. • April 11, May 2 Adults $1.00, Children Ages 12 and under $3.00 Fee Applies to Members and Non-Members • Limit 30 People Watercolor Workshop Meals on Wheels Run The April 9th meeting of the Fluvanna Art Association held at the Parks and Recreation Center at Fork Union at 9:30 a.m. will be a watercolor workshop with Mary Lee Hogg. The materials needed for this workshop are posted on the website: a For those who do not have access to the site, please call either Page 589-9005 or Eileen 589-6393 for the list. Guests are always welcome. The “Fluvanna Miles for Meals” second annual 5K race and 2 mile walk will be held on Saturday, April 24 at 8:30 a.m. located at the Food Lion Shopping Center off Rt. 53 at Lake Monticello. We will have overall awards for runners and an overall drawing for all runners and walkers with lots of great prizes. Cost is $20 for adults and $15 for youth under the age of 12. If you do not want to walk the two miles, please come out to support Fluvanna Meals on Wheels by walking even 1/2 mile as your donation will help the homebound, disabled and senior adults of Fluvanna County. All proceeds go directly to Meals on Wheels. FSPCA Adoption Event On April 10th from 10 a.m.-2 p.m., The Fluvanna SPCA will be participating in the Best Western's annual adoption event. We are looking for volunteers to assist with the event. We will be taking both cats and dogs! If you are interested in participating, please contact Leah at Free Sight and Hearing Screening 109 Crofton Place Palmyra • 434-589-6100 Rivanna Lions club Mobile Unit. Saturday, April 17, Fluvanna Middle School driveway, 9:30 - 12:30. Adults and children (must be able to read numbers. Immediate results! Referrals where needed. Questions? Call Gerry, 589-1397. Lasagna Dinner janCleaning e ’s WHITE GLOVE Service 434-589-2195 Flexible to suit YOU!! ALL WORK Guaranteed, 12 YEARS IN FLUVANNA BONDED, INSURED, WORKER’S COMP, SOCIAL SECURITY TAXES PAID The Top Ten Reasons NOT to use Jane Feild's White Glove: 10. You would rather pay someone "under the table"; you're not going to be nominated for a cabinet position anyway. 9. Your grandmother said on her deathbed that she wished she had spent more time doing housework. 8. You would rather pay a service that sends new people all the time; it's a great way to meet people! 7. You feel sorry for those dust bunnies under your bed -- they need somewhere to live! 6. You would rather save the money and paint the baseboards when the buildup becomes unbearable. 5. Cleaning gives you an excuse for not doing something more creative. 4. You just got a new membership to Sam's Club and want to spend your money on all those cleaning supplies. 3. You believe in corporate America; you would rather pay more for a larger company where the owner stays in the office. 2. You would rather pay a service that doesn't clean under the stovetop -- who looks under there anyway? 1. You don't want your mother-in-law to visit anyway! 3 2 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 A lasagna dinner sponsored by Crossroads Community Church will be held at the Lake Monticello Firehouse, 10 Slice Road, Palmyra on Sunday, April 18th from 4:30 to 6:30 p.m. Adults $5 each, children 3 and under free. Dinner includes lasagna, tossed salad, bread, and homemade desserts. All proceeds go to support CCC youth mission trips. For more info, call 589-6689, email or visit our website at SPCA Rummage Sale Fluvanna SPCA Rummage Sale will be held Saturday, April 24 from 8:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at the Fork Union Community Center. Donations accepted at the Fluvanna SPCA located at 5239 Union Mills Road from noon to 4 p.m. Saturday, April 17 through Thursday, April 22. Donations accepted at the Fork Union Community Center from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. on Friday, April 23. Accepted items include: clothing, shoes, baby items, books, household items, CDs, DVDs, toys, games, chairs, pictures, lawn tools, small appliances, etc. Items not accepted include: large pieces of furniture, tires, computers, and mattresses. Contact Debbie Howe at 591-0451 or Plant Sale The fourth annual Fluvanna Master Gardeners’ plant sale will be held at Sycamore Square beside the CVS on Saturday, May 1, 9 a.m. to noon, rain or shine. The locally grown plants are appropriate for central Virginia gardens, and many are deer resistant. They include perennials, annuals, hanging baskets and USDA certified organic herbs. Proceeds from the sale benefit Master Gardener community projects including Central Elementary Children’s Garden, Ag Day, 4H Scholarships and the Community Garden at Pleasant Grove. In 2009, special garden plots in the Community Garden raised over 500 pounds of produce that was donated to the Monticello Area Community Action Agency (MACAA) food bank. This year the Plant-A-Row (PAR) for the Hungry will increase the harvest. Gardeners Meet Master Gardeners of Fluvanna County meet in the Palmyra firehouse every third Thursday (except for June and December) at 9:30 a.m. for member networking and 10 a.m. business meeting. Call 434-5911950 or visit for more information. Gardeners’ Help Desk Fluvanna Master Gardeners’ Help Desk will be open on Wednesdays from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m., March through October. Phone 434-5911955 or visit the VA Cooperative Extension office in the County Office building in Palmyra . The Help Desk will also be at the Farmers’ Market at Pleasant Grove in Palmyra every Tuesday from 2 to 5 p.m., April October. Check out the FMG website at for helpful gardening tips and event information. SERVICE DIRECTORY Column While I Was Out BY JENNIFER ZAJAC BARBER’S Lawn Care Residential & Commercial A Dialer in Denial The woman wearing the Jackie O. glasses in the Ford Escape’s doing it. So is the construction worker with his elbow propped up on the window in the white pickup truck. The old man wearing the cap in the Toyota Avalon is too. Stop it. Get. Off. The. Phone. That last driver swerved across the double-yellow lines right before he passed me. Maybe I should call the police. But then I would be on a cell phone. And besides, the officer cruising by was–guess what?–talking to someone on his cell. The temptation to talk on a cell phone while driving is like a cigarette habit. It’s attractive and addictive to people of all ages. We all know it’s risky, dangerous, and dumb. Except when we find ourselves doing it. And there are many of us who are members of the "Driving While Distracted" club who are in denial. Our kids have been trained to tell me to put the cell phone down or pull over if they ever see me reaching for mine while I’m driving. And because of that, I have stopped making phone calls when they’re in the car. But when they’re not around, and I’m in my SUV of Silence, the cell phone beckons to me the way a pack of Marlboros call to a smoker: "Come on. You know you want me. Make the most of this little break. Just one, that’s all." You’ve been meaning to catch up with your friend for ages. There aren’t any backseat drivers begging you to turn up Taylor Swift and asking every five seconds, "Hey, you know what?" Why not make the most of a 15minute trip on a quiet two-lane highway you know like the back of your–hey, what’s that thing on your knuckle? Instead of hearing your BFF’s (Best Friends Forever) voice in your ear, you hear that Voice of Reason, who sounds an awful lot like one of those super-serious Voice Over guys on insurance commercials and political campaigns: Driving while on a cell phone is as bad as driving drunk, according to a University of Iowa study. But this is an easy commute! And you can’t spill an iPhone! Nearly 6,000 people died in 2008 in crashes involving a distracted driver, according to, a U.S. Department of Transportation website. Hey, about 7,000 people in the United States die annually from medication mistakes, and we’re not all going to stop taking our pills because of that, are we? Oprah launched the "No Phone Zone Pledge" to stop drivers from texting, emailing, and chatting on their cell phones while behind the wheel. Well, Oprah is our collective conscience. If Oprah tells me not to do it... So, along with 165,060 other suburban mommies, I have signed the Oprah online No Phone Zone Pledge. No more sneaking in a quick chat on the way to pick up the kids or groceries. From now on, I’ll only stand on the far side of the front porch or awkwardly in front of the fireplace to have a cell phone conversation that I can hear well. We don’t have cell phone towers that look like flag polls to support our burgeoning network of cell phone users and our county emergency services. But hey, that’s the small price you pay for living where it’s pretty. If you crash because you were distracted because your cell phone lost connection around Zions Crossroads, good luck calling 911 on anyone’s cell phone there! Although I regret all those times I’ve driven-and-dialed, I am proud to say that I have never attempted texting while behind the wheel of a moving vehicle. That’s mostly due to my outdated Wang Chung phone and lack of patience with text conversations. After the third exchange or so, just call me already. The conversation would be faster, more fun, and take less effort. But don’t call me from Route 64 unless you’re in the breakdown lane. Oprah’s orders. Free Estimates • Licensed & Insured Scott Barber Owner STORM CLEAN-UP Stump Grinding • Bush Hogging Gutter Cleaning • Spring Clean-up Leaf Removal – Leaf Vacuum Truck System 434-981-6559 • AKA Limo Airport Runs & Special Occasions Est. 1989 Custom Home Builders Edward B. Peed, Owner Proudly Serving Fluvanna County & 434-589-6809 Surrounding Areas Affordable, safe and reliable transportation. 434-589-5075 email: Licensed & Insured C Serving Central Virginia Since 1974 obb Construction, Inc. GOT MOLD? 3535 Carys Creek Rd. Fork Union, VA 23055 Free Estimates For Your Mold And Asbestos Problems CUSTOM HOME BUILDER CALL ASBESTCO, INC. 434-971-2543 Cecil L. Cobb Class “A” Contractors License 2701 031199A 434-842-3953 Mobile: 434-962-4626 Virginia Abatement License 3306 000040 VIP Remodeling & Construction Inc. Now is the time for COMPOST or MULCH for your lawn or garden & BROWN PEA GRAVEL or REGULAR GRAVEL for your driveway & walkways Delivery Service 434-589-5640 Full-Service Renovations Repair & New Construction Kitchens Service Garages Basements Quality Decks Additions Integrity Stone Facing Insured Porches/Porticos Docks/Bulkheads References Ceramics Free Estimates Roofing Dave Ahearn • Class A Contractor 434-989-2124 Build/Repair the Way You Want It! April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 33 SERVICE DIRECTORY One-Stop Home Beautification Mountain Laurel Landscaping D&L Jeff O’Dell Landscape Contractor REMODELING 540-894-4745 Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates Locally Grown Quality Plants Available for You to Purchase OVER 25 YEARS EXPERIENCE Local Company Decks & Porches Kitchens & Bathrooms Finish Basements & Additions 434-589-8218 Ever ythi Und YOUR er O ne R oof MAN FRIDAY l. Cal .. wAdditions, Remodeling wHardwood Floors wBasement Finishing wPower Washing wDecks & Screen Porches Your Man Friday J.J. Bevilacqua 434-589-8825 For ALL Your Hauling Needs! Residential•Construction•Agriculture ALL Sizes of Gravel for Driveways Class #1 (8"-10"stone) Decorative stone Sand • Mulch Topsoil Compost Lime ng Y ou N eed wElectric & Plumbing wKitchen & Bathroom Remodeling wGutter Cleaning & Guard Installation wInterior & Exterior Painting wTile Installation wDrywall Installation & Repair w. . . and Anything Else You Can Think Of Licensed Bonded • Insured References Available R uhlman's Hauling We treat you the way we like to be treated! Starlite Heating & Air • • • • • Service & New Installation Air Cleaners & Humidifiers System Upgrades Licensed & Insured Financing Available Offering units sporting any of more than 120 college logos! 434-589-1413 Call John for: Free Estimates & Reasonable Rates. 434-987-2172 or 434-589-3619 SE VIRGINIA PIANO TECHNICAL SERVICES Superio r L awn Care fo r Lake Monticello & Surrounding Areas a t an Affo rdable Price -SPRING IS HERE!- Landscape Design & Installation Trees, Shrubs, Annuals Retaining Walls, Picket Fences Walkways & Patios NEED A HAND? ION S I C E PR N LAW ICE, LLC RV 31-B Conestoga Way Zions Crossroads Lake Lawn Care & Landscaping, Inc. Residential & Commercial Landscape Design, Installation & Maintenance Call Mike Kuzemka 434-531-4838 Mulch & Lawn Sales/Installation Maintenance Contracts Available! Lo c a l R e s i d e n t • F u l l y I n s u r e d Popular Services: Mowing & Trimming Lawn Treatments: Lime & Feeding Hardscapes Tractor & Backhoe Service FREE ESTIMATE & SCHEDULING • 3 4 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Yard Cleanup • Weed Feed Liming • Crabgrass Preventer and much, much more! Call Jeff today to schedule! Free estimates Monthly, weekly, or one time service Locally owned & operated • Fully Insured 434-989-9247 Piano Tuning & Repair Dampp-Chaser® Sales & Service Piano Locator & Consultant Ask Me, the Piano Specialist Roger R. Sethmann, BMC, MM Toll Free CLEVELAND TREE SERVICE 8335 Willis Lane Scottsville, VA 24590 • Careful Tree Removal • Fully Insured • Pruning • Stump Grinding • Lot Clearing • Brush Chipping • Tree Trimming • Fertilizing Rating: A Let’s Build Your Vision Together! • • • • • Basement Additions Screen Decks 3-D Design Licensed & Insured “Quality You Can Trust” 434-589-6739 Brock Cleveland (434) 286-4639 ne who riz onb uild ers@e mba rqma il. com WINDOW CLEANING! GUTTER CLEANING! POWER WASHING! Call….. Dykstra's Yard Tune-Up SQUEEGEE CLEAN WINDOW WASHERS for your FREE estimate today!! 434-842-WASH or 434-531-8217 Insured • Bonded Residential • Commercial 434-589-1167 866-417-0502 434-962-0929 Lake Resident, Licensed, Insured, Reliable Service • • • • • • • • Lawn Mowing Weed Eating Trim and Shape Hedges Mulching Flower Bed Maintenance Complete Yard Clean-Up Power Washing Lawn Aerification Have the Hardest Working Home Service Pages... Scottsville Fluvanna REVIEW Weekly WORK FOR YOU! Monthly rvice Business e S e m o H r u ave Yo ad Call now to hThe Area’s Two Most Re month @ seen in as $85.00 w Lo s a r fo rs Newspape To Adv er tise Call Lisa 591-1000 e xt.29 ¥ r e vie wdesign@embar SERVICE DIRECTORY Painting & Home Mellin Builders, LLC EST. 1966-LAKE MONTICELLO, VA. Improvement HANDYMAN SERVICE MAINTAIN YOUR LARGEST INVESTMENT! BATH • BASEMENTS • BUILT-IN • KITCHENS RENOVATIONS & ADDITIONS • PROPERTY MANAGEMENT • PLUMBING & ELECTRICAL REPAIR Emergency Services LOCAL REFERENCES FREE ESTIMATES Free Estimates • Over 30 years experience KNOWLEDGE BEYOND MEASURE OF EXTENSIVE EXPERIENCE 40 YEARS Residential & Commercial ELECTRIC LICENSE: 2710045420 • LICENSE: 270512997 434-286-6087 434-960-5650 CARL@ MELLINBUILDERS.COM Palmyra, VA Carl Mellin • 434-591-0862 Joe’s Heating & Cooling For Total Comfort “QUALITY YOU CAN COUNT ON” Licensed & Insured 434-589-3461 Cell: 804-787-4128 AAA Professional Bail Bond Services LLC Our Professional Services for your freedom DCJS License ID: 99-233099 Brian N. Logan President / Agent 434-806-6303 E-mail: Professional Licensed Contractor Carpentry, Electrical, Plumbing, Tile and More... 434-242-4634 Quality Roofing Residential Roofing & Seamless Gutter Specialist Repairs & Installs Doug Osteen 434-589-4113 Cell 434-531-4133 SMITH’s TREE SURGEONS Topping • Pruning • Cabling Brush Chipping • Stump Removal Professional Take Downs Firewood • Free Estimates REASONABLE RATES FULLY INSURED Dane Smith (434) 589-2689 FREE Quotes References Fast Emergency Service 434-295-0112 Cell: 434-531-1561 M & P Home Repair, Inc. Garage Door Maintenance Painting – Interior & Exterior Powerwashing Home Improvements Black Top Sealing Gutter Cleaning Free Estimates Peter Heffernan 589-5577 • Tear-Off & Replace Old Roofs • New Roof Construction • All Roof Type Repairs • All Shingles Types • Slate/Cedar/Metal Roofs • Epdm Rubber • Sheathing Repair • Replacement Gutters & Downspouts • Custom Design, On-Site • Choice of Colors • No Rust, No Painting • Chimney Repairs • Flashing Replacement • Skylight Installation & Repair Albert Shif flett’s Electrical Company Licensed & Insured 24 Hour Service Master Electrician with Over 40 Years Experience Interior & Landscape Lighting Wiring & Service Upgrades (434) 589-6954 Residential • Commercial Mobile-960-1139 Henry's Home Improvements IT ALL ADDS UP! Some publications will tell you anything to get your advertising dollars. You want to be sure you are getting the circulation you are paying for. That’s why the Fluvanna Review has been audited R E V IE W by Circulation Verification Council, a national, independent lication, “Which pub u look circulation auditing firm. Don’t just believe what you are told if any, do yo ard most forw by advertising reps. Ask for proof. to reading? “Custom to Your Needs” F luvanna Advertising in Fluvanna Review is a wise investment. Significantly lower CPMs (cost per thousand) and significantly higher readership. Improvemen ts Licensed & Insured Owner • Master Plumber Lehnert Home Serving Charlottesville Area for Over 27 Years Robert Evans 24 hours Confidential Serving All Va Jails Glenn Cash Kurt Seamless Gutter Specialist Cash’s Problems? We solve them! • Painting Staining Interior/ Exterior • Dry Wall • Additions • Power Washing • Roofing • All phases of remodeling .. The Answer. 63% To Adv er tise Revietitwors Call Lisa 591-1000 e xt.29 Fluvanntimaes ou r compe re vie wdesign@embar More than six Free Estimates • Licensed / Insured 434-981-4911 Ap r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 35 Classifieds & Legal Notices SERVICES Services BOAT SERVICES: Need help with a boat? Buying, selling, servicing, launching, cleaning, reconditioning. Call Perry 434-589-BOAT (2628). COMPUTER HELP: Computer Repair, Networking, Training, Data Recovery. Free Pick-up & Drop-Off (Subject to Location). COMPLETE PC CARE Optimization Package $99.95. Gravity's Edge, 14 Centre Court, Palmyra. 434-589-6600 ETIQUETTE CLASSES: Build confidence, learn skills for life--Social and dining etiquette. Classes for all ages. Contact Sandra Gallaudet 434-9607029, HOME ADDITIONS & REMODELING: DAK Construction, class A and TREX PRO contractor specializing in hardwood and composite decking. Screen porches, remodeling, additions, home improvements and SNOW REMOVAL. Call 434-5916003. PET & DOG SERVICES: Jog N' Dawgs in Home Pet Care Services! Call 434-953-8960 - Please leave a message. Check out our NEW website @ Email at FOR SALE For Sale FURNITURE: Dining Table 66"L x 42"W, Solid Oak w/neutral inlaid tile top, 4 chairs, like new, $300. 16' heavy duty folding ladder, $100. Slant board, $100. 434-589-1291 MODULAR HOMES: WHY PAY MORE? We will beat any pricing! Deal direct with owner. Call 434-3922211. PICNIC TABLES: Buy a gift for your family that will last 20 years. Give a handmade, 6-foot, pressure-treated wooden picnic table built by Kyle & Jeffrey Barker. $200 each. Delivery available. 434-906-4699 TIRES: Set of four 235/75-15 Trail Mark All Position, Like New, $80, or 434-5898241. Wanted WANTED FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for our "Pet of the Week" ad in the Fluvanna Review. Your name and/or business name will be printed in the ad as sponsor. Call Diane at the Fluvanna Review, 434-591-1000, Ext 21. DONATIONS NEEDED: Arvonia Christian Fellowship Thrift Store needs donations of furniture in good shape, & washers, dryers, & stoves in good condition. Will give tax writeoff receipt. Rt 15 Circle Drive behind Jax Restaurant. 434-581-2474 AUTOS Autos 2004 FORD RANGER XLT: Hunter green w/extended cab, 4WD, fully loaded, cab shell excellent condition, power windows, locks, CD, 117k. $8700.00 Call 434-589-3047. 2000 BMW 3231 SERIES: Grey/black station wagon, 5-speed, fully loaded, w/3pkgs. Excellent condition. 108k. $11,900. Call 434-5893047. 2004 FORD EXPLORER: Fourwheel drive, seats 7, runs great, 118,000 miles. Great snow car--made it up US 29 in the blizzard of '09! Owner is on his way to Iraq and must sell. Blue Book price is $7,500. Will sell for $7,200. Call 434-962-3716. OFFICE SPACE FOR RENT Multiple spaces in great location AIRPORT MOTORS: 2008 Dodge Ram $11,950--1999 Jeep Cherokee 93k $6450-—2001 Ford Windstar $5950—-1995 Subaru 56k Miles $5950—-1992 F-150 $2450—-2000 Honda Accord $7450—-1999 Honda CRV $6950. 434-589-1154 Yard Sales SALES YARD LAKE MONTICELLO COMMUNITY YARD SALE EVENT: Over 100 yard sales. April 10th & 17th, 8am-2pm. Bring ad for admittance. Lists and maps available at the main gate. RUMMAGE SALE: Saturday, April 24 from 8:30am-3:30pm, at the Fork Union Community Center on Route 15. Donations accepted at the Fluvanna SPCA located at 5239 Union Mills Road (Route 616) from 12n-4pm Saturday, April 17 through Thursday, April 22. Donations accepted at the Fork Union Community Center from 9am-3pm on Friday, April 23. (Items not accepted include: large pieces of furniture, tires, computers, and mattresses.) YARD SALE LEFTOVERS? MOVING? TOO MUCH STUFF? Donate it to the Christian Outreach. It's tax deductible, and we do pick-ups. Call Stacy 434-589-9552. For Ren RENT FOR BUSINESS FOR LEASE: Inn 1831 Restaurant & Tavern, ongoing business with equipment and totally furnished, seats 65. Experienced and knowledgeable person required. Resume appreciated. For more information call 434-589-1300 or email INN DAY SERVERS: The Eagle's Nest at Lake Monticello Golf Course is under new management, and we wish to hire daytime servers. Please apply in person at the Dogwood Restaurant, 10 Centre Court, Palmyra. COOK, DISHWASHER, SERVER: By the River Restaurant is currently accepting applications for the following positions: cook, dishwasher, server. Applicants must be experienced, at least 18 years or older, and have reliable transportation. Call 434-581-1515 or email resume to SALES REPRESENTATIVE: Ntelos Wireless is seeking an enthusiastic sales representative for new location at the Lake. Hourly pay plus commmission. Experience preferred but willing to train. Part/full time position. Email resume to Any questions, call 434-589-1100 and speak directly to Kelly. RETAIL SALES ASSOCIATE - MONTICELLO: We are seeking part-time, seasonal retail associates in our museum shop from AprilNovember. Multiple shifts available between 7am-8:30pm. Some weekend and holiday work required, must commit to 24 hours per week. Great job for retirees. Send resume to or fax 434984-4846. Open until filled. Events EVENTS FCHS'S SPRING BAND CONCERT will be Sunday, April 18th at 4:00pm in Central's Auditorium. Admission: $2 at the door. Jazz, Symphonic, and Percussion classes will be performing. THIS WEEK’S PET Handsome Crosby is a sweet easy going, affectionate kitty. He is a domestic short hair, Tabby cat. He has a very soft coat, and he'll reward your attention with his charming purr. Crosby would love a safe and caring home where he could be your treasured companion. Do you have a loving forever home for Crosby? Stop by the FSPCA to meet Mr. Crosby just in time for summer fun. Please contact the Fluvanna SPCA, 5239 Union Mills Rd. Troy, VA (434) 591-0123. Crosby Low cost per square foot Call 591-1000, ext. 24 for details SPONSORED 3 6 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Help Wanted HELP WANTED BY TERRY & KEVIN BUTLER Property Transfers Property transfer deeds are provided by the Fluvanna County Circuit Court. The Fluvanna Review is not responsible for errors. 02/22/10 •Duncan, Deana Michele to Fowley, Daniel J. Jr.; 3791 Ruritan Lake Road; Cunningham Dist.; $358,430. 02/23/10 •Lum, Maria A. to Lum, Maria Ana TR.; 3845 Oakwood Place, Riverside, CA 95206; 48.88 Acres Fork Union Dist.; Deed of Gift. •Neil, Randall E. & Diane L. to Falk, Paula; 870 Millers Cottage Lane, Earlysville, VA 22936; Lot 9, Kent Farms Sub.; 10456 Acres; $385,000. 02/24/10 •Zullo, David F. & Ethel M. C. TR. to Zullo, David F. & Ethel M. C.; 13 Brassie Terrace; Lot 120, Phase 4, Lake Monticello; Deed of Gift. 02/25/10 •Cotter, John & Lloyd, Donna to Cotter, John & Lloyd Donna; 399 Barnaby Road; Lot 20, Section 2, 12.653 Acres; Deed of Gift. •Bagley, Norman H & Alice I. to Hamm, Theresa; 705 Jefferson Drive, Lake Monticello, $172,000. 02/26/10 •Middleton, Elizabeth B. & Mathew to Philipp, Matthew S. & Sara M.; 641 Dobby Creek Road, Scottsville, Va 24590; 10.01 Acres, Lot 10 Beales Lane Subdivision; $189,900. •Sassafras, Inc. to Barr, William Steven & Cassand; 27 Hardwood Road, Lake Monticello, $310,000. Parting Shot Retail Sales Associate: Part–Time Saturday, April 10, 2010, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m. Sunday, April 11, 1-4 p.m. Monday Bargains! 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 1615 Yorktown Drive Charlottesville, VA 22901 Directions: 250 E to Meadowbrook Hts. Exit; right at 4-way stop onto Grove Rd. to left on Yorktown; 3rd house on left. Something for everyone at this sale! Vintage oak cabinet & oak barrister’s bookcase, loveseat sofabed, oak veneer chest of drawers, king bed, dbl. bed, twin bed, nightstands, curved spindleback settee, lingerie chest, desks, desk chairs, child’s 3-drawer dresser w/mirror, mahogany coffee table, pine coffee table, round kitchen table, oak bench, trunk, luggage, kitchen items, wheelbarrow, yard tools, collectibles & much more! Beverly Smith 434-960-4865 The Thomas Jefferson Foundation seeks part-time, seasonal retail associates to work in our museum shop from April through November. Employees will greet and assist customers, and perform register sales and restocking of inventory as needed. Multiple shifts available between the hours of 7 AM and 8:30 PM. Weekend and holiday work is required. Must be able to commit to a minimum of 24 hours per week. Great job for retirees or students. Open until filled. To apply send a cover letter and resume to, fax to 434-984-4846, or mail to Thomas Jefferson Foundation, Attn: Beth Lazen, PO Box 316 Charlottesville, VA 22902 VIRGINIA: IN THE CIRCUIT COURT FOR THE COUNTY OF FLUVANNA MICHAEL HOWARD MASON, Plaintiff v. CASE NO. CL10000048-00 DEMETRIA VILLANEUVA MASON Defendant ORDER OF PUBLICATION High winds March 30 made for some choppy water at Lake Monticello near Deepwater Point. Photo by David Stemple. ADVERTISING SALES Fluvanna Review is seeking a talented Account Executive to join our advertising sales team. If you are a professional self-starter with a passion for advertising and marketing and the idea of helping local businesses appeals to you, please respond. Must have good communication skills and be detail oriented. Experience in advertising and/or outside sales a plus. We offer flexible part time hours and generous commission. Send resumé to: Carlos Santos, Publisher Valley Publishing Corp. P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 The object of the above-styled suit is to award Plaintiff, Michael Howard Mason, a decree of divorce a vinculo matrimonii from the Defendant on the ground of one year separation without cohabitation or interruption. And, it appearing by affidavit filed according to law that the whereabouts of Demetria Villaneuva Mason, the above-named Defendant, are unknown, it is therefore ORDERED that the said Demetria Villaneuva Mason appear on or before the 14th day of May, 2010, in the Clerk’s Office of the Court and do what is necessary to protect her interest. And, it is further ORDERED that this order be published once a week for four successive weeks in the Fluvanna Review, a newspaper of general circulation in the County of Fluvanna; that a copy of this order be posted at the front door of the courthouse wherein this court is held; and that a copy of this order be mailed to the defendant at the address shown by the aforesaid affidavit. John G. Berry Judge of the Circuit Court J. Randolph Parker, VSB# 18183 March 19, 2010 April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 37 NOTICE OF PROPOSED TAX INCREASE FLUVANNA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS In accordance with Virginia Code Section 15.2-2506, notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors of Fluvanna County, Virginia, proposes to adjust the County’s tax rate on real estate and public service corporations from the rate previously set at $.50 per $100 to a new rate of $.56 per $100, effective for the tax year 2010. The Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 14th 2010, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Circuit Court Room, Fluvanna Courts Building, Palmyra, Virginia, at which time citizens of the County will be given an opportunity to appear before, and be heard by, the Board of Supervisors on the subject of the proposed increase. Anyone needing special assistance or accommodation due to a disability in order to attend the hearing should contact the County Administrator’s office, at 591-1910, no later than 5 p.m. on April 12th 2010. Additional information about the budget or the proposed tax rates can be obtained by calling the County Administrator’s office at 591-1910. Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors NOTICE OF PROPOSED CAPITAL IMPROVEMENT PLAN HEARING FLUVANNA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS Notice is hereby given that the Board of Supervisors will hold a public hearing on Wednesday, April 14th 2010, beginning at 7:00 p.m. at the Circuit Court Room, Fluvanna Courts Building, Palmyra, Virginia, at which time citizens of the County will be given an opportunity to appear before, and be heard by, the Board of Supervisors on the subject of the FY11FY15 Capital Improvements Plan. The Capital Improvements Plan will be submitted in conjunction with the Fiscal Year 2011 Fluvanna County Budget. The Capital Improvements Plan indicates planned expenditures for capital items as well as methods of financing these projects. The full text of the Capital Improvements Plan is on file in the County Administrator’s Office and the Fluvanna County Public Library and may be reviewed during regular work hours. The public is invited to attend the public hearing. Anyone needing special assistance or accommodation due to a disability in order to attend the hearing should contact the County Administrator’s office, at 591-1910, not later than 5 p.m. on April 12th 2010. Additional information about the Capital Improvements Plan can be obtained by calling the County Administrator’s office at 591-1910. Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors 3 8 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | A p r i l 8 , 2 0 1 0 Public Notice Fluvanna County Citizen Water Committee Meeting The Fluvanna County Citizen Water Committee will hold a meeting on Thursday, April 15, 2010 to continue reviewing previously considered water alternatives, along with any other water supply related topics that may arise from the committee’s deliberations. The meeting is scheduled for 7:00 p.m. in the Historic Court House, 35 Court Square, Palmyra, Virginia. The public is invited to attend. Authorized by Fluvanna County Planning Department Legal ads may be emailed to reviewads@, faxed to 434-589-1704 or mailed to P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963 Fluvanna REVIEW Agenda Fluvanna County School Board Meeting April 14, 2010 Closed Meeting – 6 p.m. Regular Meeting – 7 p.m. I. II. III. IV. V. VI. VII. VIII. IX. X. Call to Order Closed Meeting Reconvene Adoption of Agenda Public Comments Consent Agenda Action Items Information Items* New Business School Board Member Comments XI. Closed Meeting XII. Adjournment *Note: Public and staff comments are welcome during the discussion of each information item. Persons may speak once for three minutes. The Fluvanna County School Board does not discriminate on the basis of race, color, ethnicity, religion, age, national origin, marital status, disability, sex, status of a parent, or any other legally protected status in the provision of employment services, programs, activities or treatment. The Assistant Superintendent for Instruction is designated as the responsible person (Compliance Officer) regarding assurances of nondiscrimination. Any complaint alleging discrimination based on a disability shall be directed to the Director for Special Services (the Section 504 Coordinator). Both may be reached at the following address: P.O. Box 419, Palmyra, VA 22963; telephone (434) 589-8208. The Fluvanna County School Board is an Equal Opportunity Employer. PUBLIC HEARING FLUVANNA COUNTY BOARD OF SUPERVISORS The Virginia Department of Transportation and the Board of Supervisors of Fluvanna County, in accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia, will conduct a joint public hearing in the Circuit Courtroom of the Fluvanna Courts Building, Palmyra, Virginia at 7:00 p.m. on April 21st 2010. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed Secondary Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2010/11 through 2015/16 in Fluvanna County, and on the Secondary System Construction Budget for Fiscal Year 2010/11. Copies of the proposed Plan and Budget may be reviewed at the Louisa Office of the Virginia Department of Transportation, located at 3709 Davis Highway, Louisa, Virginia, or at the Fluvanna County Administration Office located at 132 Main Street, Palmyra, Virginia. All projects in the Secondary Six-Year Plan that are eligible for federal funds will be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP), which documents how Virginia will obligate federal transportation funds. Persons requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this hearing should contact the Virginia Department of Transportation at 540-967-3710. Persons wishing to speak at this public hearing should contact the Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors at 434-591-1910. Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors Fluvanna County, Virginia Proposed Budget for the Year Beginning July 1, 2010 Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors April 8, 2010 | F LU VA N N A R E V I E W | 39 434-589-SOLD • 1-800-765-3570 THE Website for your real estate needs www.Centur Monticello Properties Visit for details on these wonderful homes Celebrate National Open House Weekend with Century 21 Monticello Properties 8 Monish Drive Danny Johnson $274,900 Open Sunday 1-3 3 Marina Point Lee Johnson $365,000 Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, right on Jefferson, left on Monish Drive Open Sunday 1-3 32 Acre Lane Yonna Smith $284,900 Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, left on Jefferson, right on Marina Point Open Sunday 1-4 6 Sunset Court Tom Morace $650,000 Directions: Turkey Sag Gate of Lake Monticello, left on Acre Lane Open Sunday 12-3 2 Bolling Circle Annette Goodson $183,500 Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, right on Jefferson, right on Sunset Court Open Sunday 1-3 7 Bolling Circle Patty Arndt $699,000 Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, right on Jefferson, left on Bolling Circle Open Sunday 1-3:30 Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, right on Jefferson, left on Bolling Circle Open Saturday 1-3 6 Seminole Trail Jen Sample $199,900 Open Sunday 10-12:30 23 Stonefield Road Patty Arndt $265,000 Open Sunday 1-4 8 Albano Court Melissa Butler $249,900 Open Sunday 12-3 22 Axle Tree Road Kyle Miller $450,000 Open Sunday 1-4 1068 Fox Hollow Lane Errin Kardos-Searcy $429,000 Directions: Lake Monticello Road (Rt. 618), turn on Chippewa, left on Seminole Trail Open Sunday 12-3 Directions: Rt. 53 to Fox Hollow Lane Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, straight on Ashlawn, right on Stonewall, left on Stonefield Road 9 Old Homestead Circle Diane Miller $169,000 Directions: Turkey Sag Gate of Lake Monticello, Turkey Sag Trail, right on Jefferson, right on Albano Ct. Stop by anytime to pick up your FREE comprehensive packet outling all the details of the tax credit Want to Know How the Tax Credit Affects You? Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, left on Jefferson, right on Axle Tree Road Directions: Main Gate of Lake Monticello, right on Jefferson, left on Old Homestead Circle Become a Fan of Century 21 Monticello Properties on Call for Mortgage Rates & Updates Carl Heimlich • 434-989-2274 See All Lake Monticello Open Houses at Yes, we know it’s sideways. Call Us at 589-SOLD or email at
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FR Issue 04_22_2010
Accounts Manager: Diane Eliason
Advertising Designer: Lisa Hurdle
Designer: Kathy Zeek
Staff Writers:
Page Gifford, William Des Rochers,