Fluco Graduating Class of 2014


Fluco Graduating Class of 2014
May 29 - June 4, 2014 | One Copy Free
to run
Page 6
Class of
Page 14
Is Columbia
Debate Water Again
Horse Rescue
ge 4
ge 5
ge 10
Quote of the week:
MAY 29 - JUNE 4, 2014 •VOLUME 34, ISSUE 22
Send your best Fluvanna photo to
Photos of the week
“There is one thing very unique
we all share here today, a bond
that can only be found in this
small rural county in the middle
of Virginia. That bond is that
we are all Flucos…”
– Bryce Campanelli, Page 14
Memorial Day at Dixie: Wreaths were laid by The American Legion, Knights of Columbus,
Daughters of the American Revolution and the chair of the Board of Supervisors. Robert
Mawyer served as bugler for the Memorial Day service playing taps. The rifle squad shot
three volleys. Dick Eaton served as squad commander (facing squad). Squad comprised of
Fritz Dietz, Roy Schumann, Ray Weimer, Bill Bess, Alex Vonderbecke, Robert Haseltine and
Vito Addotta. Photos by Lewis Field
Letters............................ 6
Calendar ...................... 16
Puzzles ......................... 18
Classifieds.................... 19
Crime log ..................... 23
We strive for accuracy. The policy of this newspaper is to promptly
correct errors of fact brought to our attention. We encourage
readers to notify us of errors or the need for clarification in any of our content.
Please email the editor at
General: The Fluvanna Review is published weekly by Valley
Publishing Corp. and covers Fluvanna exclusively. One copy
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the publisher.
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Legal ads: The Fluvanna Review is the paper of record for
Fluvanna County. Call Lisa Hurdle at 434-591-1000 ext. 29
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Weddings, engagements, anniversaries:
Call Lisa Hurdle, 434-591-1000 ext. 29.
Publisher/Editor: Carlos Santos
434-207-0224 / carlos@fluvannareview.com
Advertising/Copy Editor: Jacki Harris
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Designer: Marilyn Ellinger
Staff Writers: Page Gifford, Duncan Nixon,
Christina Dimeo Guseman, Ruthann Carr, and Tricia Johnson
Photographers: O.T. Holen, Lisa Hurdle, Lynn Stayton-Eurell
Mailing Address:
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Fluvanna Review, P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963.
Christopher Williams flashes the
sign for victory.
Photo by Lisa Hurdle
Cover design by Lynn Stayton-Eurell and Lisa Hurdle.
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May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Mayor, town council seek to
dissolve town of Columbia
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By 2015 the town of Columbia may no
longer exist.
Mayor John Hammond and the town
council are seeking to dissolve the town.
If they succeed, Columbia will be absorbed back into the county as a community like any other in Fluvanna.
In order to dissolve, or disincorporate,
the town, a majority of Columbia’s 38
registered voters must approve a referendum that the town leadership is attempting to place on the ballot this November.
“Given our small population and
limited resources we no longer believe
that it makes sense to be an incorporated
town,” Hammond wrote in an email to
the Fluvanna Review. “We don’t have the
ability to provide municipal services and
rely heavily on the county for assistance.
We’re facing a small [and] dwindling
tax base, a limited budget and a lack of
human resources to fill necessary roles
typically needed for town government.”
Jessica Phillips, attorney on behalf of
Columbia, outlined the steps involved in
this process to the Board of Supervisors
at its meeting on Wednesday (May 21).
First the town and county will need to
enter into a formal agreement that provides for the transfer of all of Columbia’s
revenues, assets and debts to Fluvanna
County. Then the town council will petition the Fluvanna County Circuit Court
Correction: The Rev. Price Davis (shown
with Mozell Booker) earned a Doctor of Ministry
degree from the Samuel Dewitt Proctor School
of Theology at Virginia Union University. A photo
caption in the May 22 issue incorrectly stated
the degree he received.
for an order requiring a referendum to
be put on the ballot in order to allow
voters to decide whether to nullify the
town’s charter.
No quorum of voters is needed – if a
simple majority vote passes the referendum, then a judge will certify the results
and notify a secretary of the commonwealth. Phillips anticipates Jan. 1, 2015
as the effective date of the disincorporation, if it occurs.
Hammond believes that the town will
in fact dissolve. “I’m confident that we
have the support of the community and I
anticipate the vote to pass in November,”
he wrote.
Columbia has few assets and no debts.
It owns a town hall building currently
assessed at around $25,000 that it may
transfer to the Catholic Diocese of Richmond. Other than that there are two bank
accounts worth about $67,000. Of that
money, $10,000 is set aside for participation in an approved Federal Emergency
Management Agency (FEMA) grant to
remove unoccupied blighted buildings
in the 100-year flood plain. The state of
Virginia may also direct the town to contribute $10,000 to the Fluvanna Volunteer
Fire Department. Then the rest of the
money would cover legal and other expenses involved in the disincorporation.
Since Aqua Virginia provides water to
the town, the county would not need to
assume any water responsibilities for Columbia. It would, however, need to take
on the operation of the town’s streetlights
at an annual cost of about $26,000.
Disincorporating Fluvanna’s only
town would be a significant event for
the county. “This is an important and
historic decision for the town of Columbia,” wrote Hammond, “however, it is a
decision that we have discussed with the
town council, Fluvanna County officials,
residents of the town, and local leaders
for a number of years.”
Town councilor Kerry Murphy-Hammond added, “It was not done lightly, but
we feel this is the best way to protect the
town at this point.”
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Two supervisors
flinch at rising water
authority costs
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When last November’s payment of
$25,000 to the James River Water Authority (JRWA) was followed Wednesday
(May 21) by a request for an unbudgeted
$150,000, two supervisors weren’t happy.
Given the looming
state budget crisis,
“I just don’t think
that it’s sensible or
fiscally responsible
to be expending
money now that is
not needed till September or at some
later date,” Supervisor Bob Ullenbruch
And Supervisor
Don Weaver took
issue with pulling
the money from
the dwindling uncommitted fund
balance, which has recently provided
for a $285,000 overage on the Pleasant Grove house project and will soon
cover a projected $234,000 shortfall
for CSA (services for at-risk youth
and families) and a possible $413,000
average daily membership shortfall
for the school system.
Referring to the actual or anticipated
fund balance debits, County Administrator Steve Nichols said, “If you don’t
want to see any of these reds on here,
Mr. Weaver, then make a higher budget
to begin with.”
The $150,000 in question, joined by
matching funds appropriated by the
Louisa County Board of Supervisors, will
go toward expenses associated with the
permit process and relocation of the
water intake from Bremo Bluff to Columbia. The capital improvements plan contains plans to borrow $2.75 million for
JRWA system construction, but Nichols
noted that there currently exists no
source of funding for the JRWA because
neither Fluvanna nor Louisa County has
borrowed any money yet.
Supervisor Tony O’Brien spoke in
favor of allocating the money. “The
worst thing we could do right now as
we’re trying to establish a partnership
[with Louisa] is to send a message that
we’re concerned about a $150,000
bill… I wouldn’t want to partner with
me if I was concerned every time something came up if these guys were going
to show up at the table or not.”
“I’m very much disturbed by some
of the thinking that’s gone into this,”
Weaver said. “It looks to me like we’re
starting to get out of control, and I’m not
going to be a part of that… But it’s still
my responsibility to pay the debts of this
county, so I will support it.” Ultimately
the motion passed unanimously.
As Emergency Services Coordinator
Cheryl Wilkins stepped to the microphone, she delivered the news that many
residents of Fluvanna had just felt the
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
tremors associated with 3.2-magnitude
earthquake 13 kilometers southwest of
Powhatan. Supervisors got a glimpse of
emergency management in action as
Wilkins paused her presentation to take
a call updating her
on the situation.
Now that the
Fluvanna County
Rescue Squad has
help out of the University of Virginia,
Wilkins said, it is
responding about
equally with the
Volunteer Rescue
Squad, and response times are
on their way down.
Radio coverage is still an issue in the
county. According to Wilkins, portable
radios and handhelds only have 50
percent coverage; the goal is 95 percent
coverage, 95 percent of the time. Plans
are in place to implement a digital
system that would make use of existing towers as well as new ones. “In 18
months we should have our new system
up and running,” Wilkins said.
Wilkins has also created a work group
to analyze the issue of revenue recovery,
which has recently become a hot topic in
Fluvanna. Her goal is to examine the programs implemented in surrounding and
similarly-sized counties so as to benefit
from any lessons learned, then outline
a possible program and implementation
plan for Fluvanna.
“If you don’t want to see
any of these reds on here,
Mr. Weaver, then make
a higher budget to
begin with.”
–Steve Nichols
In other matters:
• Planner Jay Lindsey presented an
overview on architectural review boards,
which regulate and administer architectural guidelines and design standards
on development. County Attorney Fred
Payne spoke out against the creation of
such a board in Fluvanna. When asked
for his opinion, Lindsey stated that “economic development is one of our big priorities, and this would be putting a much
lower priority in its way.”
• Lindsey also spoke about possible
regulations on dogs in residential zoning
districts. Before taking any action,
however, supervisors requested from the
sheriff a report on how many noise complaints the office has received regarding
houses with four or more dogs.
• Supervisors agreed to reestablish a
county finance board responsible for
directing the county’s investments. This
way, cash reserves can be put to use to
earn investment income for the county.
• Supervisors presented former sheriff
Ryant Washington with a shadowbox in
honor of his many years of service to
the county. “We appreciate everything
you’ve done for us,” Chairperson Mozell
Booker told Washington.
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May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Belew to run for
Fluvanna sheriff
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Your vote is critical
Voting packets will arrive in Lake Monticello homeowners’ mail this week. Do
you know what’s at stake?
In the next three years, the term of
this election’s candidates, the Board of
Directors will take action on the recent
architectural review that showed that
the clubhouse and pro shop have building code deficiencies with regard to ADA
and fire safety standards. The architect
stated that all of the buildings are in
need of some degree of improvement or
What does this mean to you, the homeowner? The Board of Directors can decide
whether to substantially remodel the
clubhhouse and golf facility or build new.
How will these actions be funded? The
candidates you vote for will decide. The
board can ask homeowners whether to
increase dues, levy a one-time assessment, or deplete the ERA reserves.
Please educate yourself and vote responsibly. Review the architect’s report
online at LMOAVoice. Attend the Candidate Forum May 31 at 10:30 a.m. at the
clubhouse. Study the voting packet.
Above all, be sure to send in your vote.
This year it is critically important.
– Kathryn Renick, Lake Monticello
Mark Belew announced today (May 27)
that he will be running for the office of
sheriff of Fluvanna County.
An Albemarle County detective with
over 15 years of law enforcement experience, Belew is assigned to the Southern
Virginia Internet Crimes against Children
Task Force, investigating crimes involving the sexual exploitation of minors,
and is also a special deputy with the
United States Marshals.
The special election is taking place November 4 because former Sheriff Ryant
Washington resigned the post in order
to become the special policy advisor for
law enforcement for the Virginia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control.
The office of interim sheriff is currently held by Eric Hess, who will also be
running for sheriff in November.
Belew, aged 35, is a life-long Fluvanna
resident and lives at Lake Monticello
with his wife and two young children.
Among the initiatives Belew proposes
are to “obtain state accreditation insuring law enforcement services in Fluvanna County are best practices in the
industry,” and getting proper services to
victims of child abuse. He also promised
to aggressively pursue grant funding to
pay for these initiatives.
Mark Belew will be running for sheriff
of Fluvanna County.
Photo by Tricia Johnson
Belew said he has 200 signatures on a
petition which he will be filing with the
Fluvanna County Registrar’s Office this
week to have his name placed on the
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6 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
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PVCC launches new
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Jim Haden, president of Martha Jefferson Hospital, PVCC President Frank Friedman and
R. Edward Howell, vice president and chief executive officer of the University of Virginia
Medical Center, sign an agreement that partners the three entities to offer two new fasttrack certificates at PVCC. Photo courtesy of Piedmont Virginia Community College
Piedmont Virginia Community College
(PVCC) signed an agreement Friday (May
23) to create two new health care programs for students in Fluvanna and surrounding areas.
Offered in partnership with the University of Virginia Health System and
Martha Jefferson Hospital, these two
fast-track programs will prepare students to become pharmacy technicians
or central sterile processing technicians.
“U.Va. and Martha Jefferson came to us
and said they were having trouble hiring
people with these skills,” said Dr. Frank
Friedman, president of PVCC, on Wednesday (May 21) at a breakfast meeting with
Fluvanna County leaders held at the Lake
Monticello clubhouse. “U.Va. is going to
open a whole new pharmacy wing in the
new building they’re constructing, and
they are going to need pharmacy techs.
So they came to PVCC and asked if they
could start a program.”
Friedman emphasized the opportunity
these new programs will present to students from Fluvanna and the surrounding
areas. “The hospitals are [partnering with
PVCC] because it’s a good investment for
them. They’re going to hire our grads. And
these kids are going to stay in those jobs.”
Under the agreement, according to a
press release, “Martha Jefferson and U.Va.
will provide clinical experiences for the
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
students and pay the salaries and benefits
for two new credentialed PVCC faculty to
teach the programs. PVCC will employ
the faculty, develop the program curriculum in collaboration with both hospitals
and provide program oversight.”
According to the press release, the
pharmacy tech program will teach students how to “assemble and supply medicines in hospital or retail pharmacies”
under the supervision of a pharmacist,
and may begin in January. The processing tech program will teach students how
to “sterilize, package and prepare instruments used in surgical procedures” and
may begin next summer.
“The hospitals express a need for
skilled, qualified employees, and PVCC
as the region’s community college is
uniquely able to respond by providing the training programs,” Friedman
said. “The outcome is a win-win for all
involved because hundreds of individuals in central Virginia obtain jobs in the
health-care sector, citizens receive the
quality care they need and the hospitals
have the highly skilled employees necessary to deliver those services.”
Over 600 students from Fluvanna enrolled in PVCC last fall, Friedman said.
And this year more PVCC students from
Fluvanna County graduated than from
any other county except Albemarle.
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May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Fourteen area residents
graduate from PVCC
Fourteen graduates from The Fluvanna
Review readership were among the 609
graduates who received degrees and certificates at Piedmont Virginia Community
College’s 41st annual commencement
May 15, according to a PVCC press release.
The graduating class includes those
who had completed their studies during
the 2013 summer term and fall semester as well as the 2014 spring semester
and summer term. Honors, or academic
distinction based on a 4.0 grade point
average, were cum laude (with honors)
for those who earned 3.2-3.499, magna
cum laude (with high honors) for 3.53.799, and summa cum laude (with
highest honors) for 3.8-4.0.
Constance Bolen was awarded a certificate in early childhood development in
preschool. A 2012 graduate of Monticello
High School, she is the daughter of Tina
and Marc Bolen of Scottsville.
Joni Renee Grizzard of Troy was awarded
an Associate of Science degree in general
studies. She plans to pursue a degree in
business administration and accounting.
Kaitlin Hann, summa cum laude, of
Lake Monticello was awarded an Associate of Arts degree in liberal arts. She plans
to attend The College of William and Mary.
A 2012 graduate of James I. O’Neill High
School, she is the daughter of Ronald and
Marsha Hann of Lake Monticello.
Michael Hann of Lake Monticello was
awarded an Associate of Science in general
studies. A 2009 graduate of James I. O’Neill
High School, he is the son of Ronald and
Marsha Hann of Lake Monticello.
Elizabeth Hart of Scottsville was
awarded an Associate of Applied Science
degree in nursing. She plans to pursue a
Bachelor of Science degree in nursing.
She is married to James Hart and a 1987
graduate of Charlottesville High School.
She is the daughter of Kenneth P. and
Kathy F. Morton of Scottsville.
Carol Towler Hernandez was awarded
an Associate of Applied Science in Police
Science. She is married to Charles Hernandez and is employed with Verizon
Wireless. She plans to pursue a license
as a private investigator.
Taylor E. Hoelscher of Scottsville was
awarded an Associate of Science in Business Administration. She plans to attend
Christopher Newport University. A 2011
graduate of Monticello High School, she
is the daughter of Darryl and Sharon
Tammy R. Johnson of Kents Store was
awarded a Career Studies Certificate in
computer and network support technologies. She plans to attend the University of Virginia. She is a 1986 graduate
of Western Albemarle High School and is
married to Lilton Johnson.
Alyssia Mills of Troy was awarded a
Career Studies Certificate in early childhood development, preschool. She
is employed with Old Dominion Day
School and plans to pursue an associate’s degree. A 2012 graduate of United
Christian Academy, she is the daughter
of Melissa and Gregory Mills of Troy.
Christina Nicole Napier, cum laude, of
Palmyra was awarded an Associate of
Science degree in business administration. She is employed with Wellington
Financial and married to Eric Napier.
A 2008 graduate of Monticello High
School, she is the daughter of Steve and
Natalie Brown of Scottsville.
Rebecca Parkhill, summa cum laude,
of Palmyra was awarded an Associate of
Applied Science degree in management.
She is employed with PVCC and plans to
pursue a bachelor’s degree in management.
Carol Raines of Bremo Bluff was
awarded a Career Studies Certificate in
patient admission coordinator. She is
employed with Fork Union Medical Associates.
Jordan Ashley Ruffner, magna cum
laude, of Palmyra was awarded an Associate of Science degree in general studies.
She plans to attend U.Va. A 2012 graduate of Fluvanna County High School,
she is the daughter of David and Linda
Ruffner of Palmyra.
Brett Sandridge of Troy was awarded
an Associate of Science degree in general
studies. He is employed with Whole
Foods Market. A 2011 graduate of Fluvanna County High School, he is the son
of Bryon and Kathy Sandridge of Troy.
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Huggy Bear came to us in pretty rough shape
along with her 2 adorable puppies both of
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around great dog that loves to go on car rides...
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8 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
Huggy Bear
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BY :
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
risk and
Skye Ackenbom knew when she woke
up on the morning of May 16 that the first
thing she needed to do was to check on
the horses in the lower pasture because of
the extraordinarily heavy rain that night.
“I knew it rained all night so first thing
in the morning we went down to check
on them and there was a little water,”
Ackenbom said, “but nothing unusual.”
That quickly changed. “I wasn’t in a hurry
because my thought was that it might
rise a little bit, but the horses have lots of
places to go - there is lots of high ground.
Within that first hour it raised about 3
feet,” she said. “It was just that fast.”
Ackenbom is the equestrian director at Camp Friendship, a residential
summer camp for boys and girls ages
6 to 16, located in Palmyra. The camp,
which offers horseback riding as one of
its activities, has about 80 horses in the
program, many of which were turned
out to graze in a low-lying pasture on the
banks of the Rivanna River that night.
Ackenbom and the barn manager
worked to try to move nine stranded
horses to safety themselves, but realized
that they were not going to be able to do
it alone.
“It became a matter of time, how
much more time we actually had to get
the horses to safety.” Calling for help
was not an easy decision for Ackenbom
to make. “We would not have started
moving them if we didn’t have to - that
was the absolute last resort. The decision
to actually swim them – through 8 feet of
rapidly moving water… we didn’t make
that decision until we got word that the
water was still rising and was expected to
go up another two to three feet by 8 p.m.
Then we would have been dealing with
three more feet of water – and it would
be dark,” she explained.
She made the telephone call, and
Fluvanna’s fire and rescue stations responded quickly. “They were here within
10 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
twenty minutes,” said Ackenbom. “It is
important to me that people in this community know how quickly they got here
and how good they were.”
Jamie Beadle, a swift water rescue
technician with Lake Monticello Rescue,
said that “Every fire and rescue organization in Fluvanna County was involved” in
the rescue of Camp Friendship’s horses.
Beadle said the rapidly rising waters
caught many people off guard.
When Beadle and the other rescuers
arrived at Camp Friendship, they found
that the situation was urgent. “When we
got there, the water was up to the bellies
of the smaller horses,” said Beadle. “The
barbed wire fences surrounding the
pasture were completely underwater. The
horses would likely have gotten caught
up in that submerged fencing if they had
tried to swim to safety themselves.”
The swift water rescue teams used a
boat and a kayak to rescue the horses.
The kayak was used as a floating barrier
to help direct the horses to the submerged gate – the only break in the
fence through which the horses could
safely pass. The boat was used to ferry
the horses across the flooded pasture to
the gate; each horse swam the distance
behind the boat; a Camp Friendship staff
member in the boat held onto a lead rope
attached to the horse’s halter, and did all
they could to keep the animal calm. .
This is not the only time that the swift
water rescue team has had to work to
save animals. “It is something that we
have some experience with in the past.
People may ask ‘why would we risk
the lives of the rescuers to retrieve an
animal,’ and one of the main reasons that
we do it is because many times untrained
citizens feel compelled to put themselves into harm’s way to try to rescue an
animal. We would rather use our equipment and skills, if there is an adequate
safety margin, and attempt that rescue
(Top) Rescued horses Kayak (left) and Tugboat (right) are happy to be back on dry land.
Skye Ackenbom with Rescued Reb.
Photos by Tricia Johnson
really cold – we were shaking. It took us
ourselves than stand by while people put
a couple of days mentally to recover,”
themselves in harm’s way - and then we
she explained.
have to go rescue them,” Beadle said.
As frightening as the situation was
Ackenbom believed the lives of the
to Ackenbom, there was a moment of
horses were at risk. “I think there is abhumor. One of the nine stranded horses
solutely no question that they were in
was a newcomer to Camp Friendship –
serious danger,” she said. “Even doing
and his name is “Kayak.”
what we were doing, we could have
“We planned to rescue the shortest
lost a few of them if everyone hadn’t
horses first and move on to the biggest
been working together so well and been
since the water was already up to the
so good at what they were doing...the
bellies of the shorter horses,” she said.
slightest wrong move and we could have
“We took the three smallest, and went
lost some of them.”
back for the fourth one. “Kayak” was
“Each rescue was different because it
supposed to be sixth because he is taller,
was a different animal - a different size,
but he had been watching what we were
a different swimmer, a different mental
doing – he saw the whole process – and
capacity - and different conditions as
when we went back for the fourth horse,
the water continued to rise.” The Camp
the person holding his lead rope said he
Friendship staff themselves were exwas ready to go. In no time he was swimhausted and cold. “By the time rescue
ming along behind the boat. His name,”
came - by the time we called them she added with a smile,” will forever
we had been in the water three hours
remain ‘Kayak’.”
already. We were pretty banged up and
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Effort Baptist Church VBS
June 16-20th • 9 am-12pm
Cost $10
includes t-sh
John (Jack) Charney
John (Jack) Charney passed away peacefully on May 6, 2014 with his wife, Sue
Charney, at his side. He is also survived
by parents, John and Anna Charney, and
sister, Angela (Ronald), all of Bluffton, SC;
nephew and niece, Mathew Andrews and
Melissa Stump; and godsons Samuel and
Oliver Michelsen, currently in Japan.
Jack was raised in New Jersey graduating from Colonia High School in 1976.
He joined the U.S. Army and proudly
served for six years. He worked 10 years
at the DMV New Jersey and then moved
to California because he wanted to learn
to surf. Although he didn’t learn to surf,
he did meet Sue. They married in 1997.
Wanting to live closer to his family, Jack
and Sue headed east on December 31,
2001 and settled in Palmyra, Virginia.
Jack supported Sue’s dream of owning
a business and Red Rocker Candy, LLC
was started in their basement on April 1,
2002. Occasionally, Jack could be found
helping customers in the Factory Store in
Troy. Jack loved to talk to the customers.
Jack was diagnosed with Leukemia
in 2009 and again beginning in March
2013. He was a fighter and amazed
doctors with his strength and tenacity.
Customers missed Jack’s smiling face
and enthusiasm and when they learned
why they hadn’t seen him around, the
outpouring of well wishes and requests
for updates about “such a nice man”
were tremendous.
At the news of Jack’s passing, one
customer and car show supporter aptly
summed up Jack: “He had a heart of
gold!” This fall, Red Rocker Candy’s 4th
annual car cruise-in, which was Jack’s
pride and joy, is being renamed the “Red
Rocker Candy Jack Charney Memorial
Cruise-In.” He would have loved that. On
October 18, 2014, this event will include
a celebration of Jack’s life.
This summer at Wilderness Escape VBS, caravan
with Moses and the Israelites as they escape Egypt,
and watch God guide and provide!
All children age 3 (must be potty trained) through 4th
grade (completed) are invited to attend!
For more information or to register contact: Effort
Baptist Church at (434) 589-8962 or
visit effortchurch.org
VSB Kick-OFF Carnival, June 13th
at Effort from 6-8 pm
Don’t miss
the FUN
FREE Hot dogs • FREE Popcorn
Games • Bounce House
12 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Fluvanna High School Class of 2014 launched
he temperatures were cool with blue skies
on Saturday (May 24) morning for the 2014
Fluvanna High School graduation ceremony
at Phil Browning Field. Over 250 graduates
arrived at 8 a.m., giddy and excited while
they waited for the start of commencement
exercises at 10 a.m.
Graduates passed under three decorated flag
poles as they posed for pictures before starting the
processional march to the field to take their seats.
Christopher Williams, age 18, was the last student
to pass under the Fluco flag. He flashed a double
victory sign and said, “we made it, class of 2014.”
Principal James Barlow addressed the crowd and
quoted the children’s gospel song “This Little Light of
Mine.” Superintendent Gena Keller had interviewed
first graders to give words of wisdom to the graduating class of 2014. Their advice? “No yelling, pack
your own lunch just in case your mother doesn’t
pack something you like,” and “you can trade with
Robert Adams Jr.,
another student for something better.”
Superintendent’s awards were given to teacher James
his grandmother
student Charles Thomas Parrish, and Michael
Elizabeth Adams.
Sheridan. The graduates had voted for these awards and
Sheridan said, “this one really means a lot to me.”
Bryce Campanelli, the Valedictorian, told classmates that “there is one thing very unique we all
share here today, a bond that can only be found in
this small rural county in the middle of Virginia. That
bond is that we are all Flucos – a word that confuses
many, even us sometimes… Our mascot the flying
F, while it may seems lame and unthreatening, is
the only one in the country. This bond as Flucos is
something that can never be taken away from us. No
matter how hard you may try you cannot change
the fact that this is OUR high school.”
Salutatorian Mary McGehee, told her fellow students that “We are so lucky to be surrounded by
people who give us a daily reminder that our community supports us. People like Mrs. Sheridan, Mrs.
Brent, Ms. Stewart, and Mrs. Palmer, my neighbors
and elementary school teachers who taught both
Bryce and me how to read.
Brandan Shelton
“Or Ms. Carter and Ms. Key, who worked in the
office at Columbia and Central, and would help us
call our parents when we were sick or forgot our
lunch, or in my case, when they occasionally forgot
to pick me up after school.
“Or Ms. Brogan, Mr. Pace, and Mr. Kozcan and the
dozens of other teachers, coaches and fellow Fluco
alums who came back to teach and coach us into
championship games and races that broke their
own school records.
“These community members have inspired us to
accomplish incredible things as a class. Whether
that be vaulting and diving to nationals, becoming
a Certified Nursing Assistant, leading us through
student government, or serving the community as
a volunteer on the rescue squad, fire department or
as a member of Beta Club, Key Club, Interact Club
or any of the other student organizations that have
shown some of us a passion to pursue.”
| FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
Bryce Campanelli
class Valedictorian.
Mary McGehee,
class Salutatorian.
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
The following students completed the
Governor’s Early College Scholars Agreement which required students to earn
an Advanced Studies Diploma, graduate
with a 3.0 or higher grade point average,
and earn 15 transferable college credits.
Transferable college credits are earned
by taking dual enrollment classes or
earning a score of 3 or higher on Advanced Placement (AP) Testing. These
students have a minimum of 15 transferrable college credits, at this time. In
July, when results of the Spring 2014 AP
Testing are received, this list of students
may increase.
Morgan Elizabeth Baker- Appalachian State University
Aaron Malik Brock- Piedmont Virginia Community
Bryce Maguire Campanelli- Brown University
Eli Aaron Brown Connell- University of Virginia
Clay Elizabeth Conner- James Madison University
Hannah Rose Corbin- University of Virginia
Douglas Alex Daniels- Piedmont Virginia Community
Kyle Wilson Davis- Christopher Newport University
Anna Katherine Dean- Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Emma Kaitlin Derry- College of William and Mary
Carrie Kliefoth Domenic- James Madison University
Nicole Louise Douma- Longwood University
Dylon Mitchell Garrett- Mary Washington University
Kirby Lee Herndon- George Mason University
Heather Natasha Hicks- James Madison University
Anna Karuna Lafferty- Longwood University
Matthew Brady Lindblad- Old Dominion University
Madeline Paige Marlowe- Sweet Briar College
Mary Garner McGehee- University of Virginia
Alyssa Christine McIver- Virginia Polytechnic Institute
and State University
Hannah Marie Meador- University of South Dakota
Madeline Grace Otten- George Mason University
Charles Haden Parrish- University of Virginia
Matthew Evan Reilly- Emory and Henry College
Brandon Layne Shelton- James Madison University
Helen Ingrid Wood- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and
State University
Dean’s List
Kacie Grunau, of Fork Union, was named to
the Radford University’s Dean’s List for the spring
2014 semester. Kacie is studying nursing and is
a rising senior. She is the daughter of Gary and
Patricia Grunau of Fork Union.
Kayla J. Walker of Palmyra was named to the
Dean’s List at Shepherd University for the spring
semester. To be eligible for the Dean’s List, a student must maintain a 3.4 grade point average for
the semester and carry at least 15 hours of course
work or be in a professional teaching block.
Located in West Virginia’s Eastern Panhandle,
Shepherd University is a public liberal arts university.
Palmyra resident Carter Taylor Litvinas was
named to the University of Central Oklahoma’s
Dean’s Honor Roll for work in the spring 2014 semester, a distinction given to those who achieve
the highest academic standards. To be included on
the Dean’s Honor Roll, a student must record a 3.5
grade point average or better for the semester and
no grade lower than a B for their work in qualifying classes. Additionally, students must complete
at least 12 hours of on-campus class credit for
the semester. The university is located just north
of Oklahoma City in Edmond, Oklahoma.
Will Browning, a senior majoring in communication studies, from Palmyra was named to
the Bridgewater College Dean’s List for the spring
semester. Students on the Dean’s List have attained a 3.4 or better grade point average out of
a possible 4.0.
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
Margaret Benvenutti- University of Southern
Victoria Besecker- Piedmont Virginia Community
Kimberly Bianco- James Madison University
Bryce Campanelli- Brown University
Eli Connell- University of Virginia
Hannah Corbin- University of Virginia
Anna Dean- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Emma Derry- College of William and Mary
John Douma- Mississippi State University
Dylon Garrett- University of Mary Washington
Madalyn Gutherie- James Madison University
Emily Haden- Virginia Wesleyan College
John Herrick- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Madeline Marlowe- Sweet Briar College
Nikolai Mayo-Pitts- James Madison University
Alyssa McIver- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Mary Garner McGehee- University of Virginia
Hannah Meador- University of South Dakota
Jillian Osborne- University of Virginia at Wise
Madeline Otten- George Mason University
Matthew Reilly- Emory and Henry College
Brandon Shelton- James Madison University
Tyler Sparks- Piedmont Virginia Community College
Helen Wood- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State
Chanel Woodson- United States Army
Home & Marine
Carroll Morse
P.O. Box 8, Rt. 603
Kents Store, VA 23084
The Fluvanna County High School Class
of 2014 honor graduates, which achieved
a grade point average that placed them in
the top 10 percent of their class, included:
Fluvanna graduates
named Early
College Scholars
Fluvanna students
deemed honor
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June 1st, from 2 - 6 pm,
or call 434 808-6848 to schedule an appointment.
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Lake Monticello • MLS #521314
4 br/3ba • quiet cul-de-sac, over 2300 square ft., large private deck and patio
You will love spending summer evenings on your large, private deck on this
quiet cul-de-sac in the beautiful, gated community of Lake Monticello. And
when the summer heat is gone, you will enjoy both your gas-log and woodburning fireplaces - and don’t forget your hot tub! Your new cedar home
has a walk-out finished basement (or is it a man-cave?), new shingles, a
fresh coat of exterior paint, a new microwave/convection oven, programmable thermostat, landscaped beds, and and and ... The Lake Monticello
community offers an abundance of amenities at your doorstep - golf, tennis, playgrounds, a salt-water swimming pool, and of course - fishing and
boating on Lake Monticello. Homeowners have access to all of the five
beaches on the lake, in addition to the many community activities offered
at the clubhouse.
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Community Calendar
Palmyra United worship
Palmyra United Methodist Church will offer worship
on Sundays at 8:30 a.m. or 11:00 a.m. with Sunday
School at 9:45 a.m. Pastor: George Gorman
Carter Mountain dogs
Green Dogs Unleashed will be at beautiful Carter Mountain Orchard on Thursday, May 29, at 6 p.m. with its
therapy dogs in training. Carter Mountain Orchard is
located at 1435 Carters Mountain Trail in Charlottesville. Appropriate interaction with crowds of people is
an important skill for therapy dogs to learn, and Carter
Mountain Orchard provides the perfect, fun atmosphere
for these adorable dogs to mingle with people in a
festive, happy atmosphere. Green Dogs Unleashed is
a non-profit based in Troy that focuses on the rescue,
rehabilitation, placement, and training of special needs
dogs to work with special needs humans. They rescue
special-needs dogs from high-kill shelters and gives
them specialized training and help find them permanent
loving adopters. Those dogs which show an aptitude are
further trained to become therapy dogs, giving back by
going out into the schools and nursing homes to spread
love and show that differently-abled creatures are valuable, integral parts of our community. For more information, please contact Erika Proctor at 201-452-1801.
Legion yard sale
The American Legion will hold a yard sale and open
house on May 31 from 10-4 p.m. at the Post Home
located in Fork Union at the Village Plaza across from
BBT to support ongoing veteran activities and Legion
Fluco Fest for a Cure
Hate Cancer? Love Music? Mark your calendar for
Fluco Fest for a Cure on May 31.This benefit concert
showcases some of Virginia’s finest musicians including the Jon Spear Band, Michael Coleman Band ,
Ryan Manegold, of The Design, Erin Shenandoah and
Perfect Slight. Fluco Fest for a Cure is raising money
Rivanna Hearing
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16 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
and awareness for local American Cancer Society
efforts. Purchase tickets at http://bit.ly/1qZ8lS2 If
you’d like to be a food vendor, or if you have questions, please contact Amanda Dickinson, event chair
at amandapdickinson@gmail.com/
Custom Home Builder
Skyline Harmony Chorus
Feel and hear the thrill of singing women’s a cappella
harmony with Skyline Harmony Chorus. Join us for two
free vocal workshops, June 5 and 12, at Aldersgate
United Methodist Church from 6:45 to 9:45 p.m. Visit
us on MeetUp or Facebook.
Free gardening session
The Fluvanna Master Gardeners are sponsoring a
presentation on Therapeutic Gardening on Saturday,
June 7 from 1 p.m. to 2:30 p.m at the Lake Monticello clubhouse. Therapeutic Gardening techniques can
be used for those with physical, emotional and social
disabilities, for children, and for those who are elderly.
For more information visit www.fluvannamg.org.
Yard and bake sale
The Fork Union Chapter of The Eastern Star is holding
an indoor, multiple family yard and baked goods sale.
This fundraising event is on Saturday, June 7 from
8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at the Fork Union Masonic Lodge
4683, James Madison Hwy., across from Fork Union
Military Academy. This event raises money to support
local charities, Shriner’s Hospitals, nursing homes,
food banks, high school scholarships, etc. Call .Jennifer Taylor (434) 983-2599 for more info
Game Day
Game Day to benefit Lake Monticello Fire and Rescue
and sponsored by the auxiliary will be held on Sunday
June 8 at 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. at the firehouse. Games
include Mahjong, canasta, bridge and hand and foot.
There will be refreshments and raffles. $12 per person.
For reservations call Rosemary at 434-589-3900.
Plant workshop
The Rivanna Conservation Society and the Friends of
Scheier Committee are hosting its annual Edible and
Medicinal Plants/Herbs workshop on June 8 from 2
to 4 p.m. at the Scheier Natural Area at 917 Long Acre
Road. The workshop is open to the public and is free of
charge. Participants will learn about which plants can
be eaten, which can be used for healing purposes and
which plants should be avoided.
4-Miler training
Training for the Charlottesville Women’s Four Miler
race will begin on Saturday, June 14 at 7 a.m. at
Lannigan Field (the University of Virginia track), Copley
Road, Charlottesville. Register at www.w4mtp.com,
$20. Registered participants may train weekdays with
the Lake Monticello satellite group.
Friendship Sunday
Salem United Methodist Church will hold its Friendship Sunday on June 15. Following 10 a.m. worship
led by Pastor Drew Willson, a cookout celebration with
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114 Crofton Place-Outside the
main gate, Lake Monticello
games on the lawn will be held. The church is located
at 840 Salem Church Rd. just off Union Mills Rd and
Rt. 15, north of Palmyra. For more information visit
www.SalemUMCva.org or call 434-589-2411.
Miata meet
The Shenandoah Miata Travelers invite all Miata
owners to join us for our next drive and dinner on June
15. We will meet at 105 Crofton Plaza in Palmyra at 1
p.m. For more information call 434-591-0351 or visit
Guest Chaplain
Chaplain Julie Perry of the Fluvanna County Correctional Facility will be guest chaplain and give
the sermon at Grace and Glory Lutheran Church on
June 15. There will be a special offering to support
her program there. She will talk about life-changing
stories behind prison walls.
Vacation Bible School
Grace and Glory Lutheran Church will be hosting a
week-long Vacation Bible School from June 16 to
June 20. This year’s theme is “Our Faith in Action.”
Each day children will experience a different Bible
story through an enjoyable presentation of skits,
crafts, outdoor activities, and individual LEGO build
time. VBS will run from 9 a.m. to noon and is open for
children three years of age to 5th Grade. Registrations
are available at the church office (434)-589-2217. For
questions or more information please email Gretchen
Feury at gfeury@embarqmail.com.
Blue Ridge Builders event
A 3WV radio personality will be appearing live June
19 from 5 to 7 p.m. at Blue Ridge Builders Supply at
the Jefferson Centre across from Food Lion. TREX –
the ecofriendly, wood alternative – is sponsoring the
event and sample products will be on display. Food
provided by Blue Ridge Builders Supply and TREX.
If you are grieving the loss of a loved one, join GriefShare – a 13 week support group seminar at Calvary
Chapel Fluvanna located at 2772 Thomas Jefferson
Parkway in Palmyra. The seminar will be held on
Thursdays, June 19-Sept. 11, 2014, from 6:007:30 p.m. Contact Darlene @ 434-989-4889 or by
email at pfocusonlife@yahoo.com
Lake Beautification Corps
celebrates 25th anniversary
The Lake Monticello Beautification Corps will recognize their 25th anniversary Saturday, June 21 with
garden tours and a celebratory dinner. The community is invited to participate in all events. The dinner
will honor founding members, who will reflect on the
group’s early years. Held at the Ashlawn Grille, the
evening begins with a cash bar and hors d’oeuvres
at 5 p.m. and a buffet dinner at 6 p.m. Cost of the
event is $23. Reservations may be made by phoning
Walt and Audrey Vetter at 589-2970 by June 7. Participants should send a check payable to LMBC to the
Vetters at 27 Kiowa Lane.
Equestrian program
The non-profit Montanova Stables Foundation in
Keswick is hosting a new equestrian program for adults
from June 30 to July 4. The program is fun, affordable, interactive and educational. Featured speakers
on “Neuroscience for Riders,” “Living Your Passion” &
more. www.MontaNovaStables.org (events) for details
or contact Joyce Howard – returntoriding@gmail.com
- 434-987-5813
Movie night
Powhatan Community Church in Fork Union will hold
its movie night the 4th Friday of every month from
6:30 p.m. to 9 p.m. The scheduled movies include:
June 27: The Lego Movie; July 25: Disney ClassicRobin Hood; August 22: Rio 2. For more info visit
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
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May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
AVERITT EXPRESS New Pay Increase For Regional
Drivers! 40-46 CPM + Fuel Bonus! Also, Post-Training
Pay Increase for Students! (Depending on Domicile)
Get Home EVERY Week + Excellent Benefits. CDL-A
req. 888-362-8608 Apply @ AverittCareers.com
Equal Opportunity Employer – Females, minorities,
protected veterans, and individuals with disabilities are
encouraged to apply.
AUCTION - FORECLOSURE 26,472± SF Warehouse/
Office.1.73± AC • Visible from I-664. 401 Industry Dr.,
Hampton, VA. ON-SITE SALE: WED, 5/28 @ 3 PM http://
www.motleys.com• 877-668-5397 (VA16 EHO)
at 10 AM. 1446 Lynchburg Ave, Brookneal, VA. Vintage
Signs and Advertising Memorabilia – lots of Coke,
tobacco, etc, Coca-Cola Soda Chest, New & Used Tools,
Building Supplies, Farm Supplies, Household Antiques,
Antique Farm Items, Railroad Items, 16’ Equipment
Trailer, & more! Complete list with photos at www.
TRFAuctions.com TRF Auctions VAAF501 (434) 8477741
Lawrenceville, VA. 1)Campus: 31-Buildings/135± AC 2)
Student Center/5.55± AC. Also Offered as Entirety. BIDS
DUE: 6/25-3 PM www.motleys.com • 1-877-MOTLEYS
on Cul-de-sac Newly Renovated • Minutes to UVA.
2742 McElroy Dr., Charlottesville, VA ON-SITE SALE:
JUNE 5 @ 3 PM www.motleys.com • 1-877-MOTLEYS
Two-Day Railroad Auction 5/31/14 - 9 a.m. 6/1/14 - 10
a.m. 1801 Main Street, Victoria, Va. 1500 items! Lanterns,
locks/keys, cuspidors, stools, bells, oilers, badges, clothing,
tools, switch/marker lights, signs, scales, plates, tinware,
Railroad silver! VAL #348, www.tilmansauction.com
COM 434-374-2011 BILL BAKER (VAAL#4091)
Weekly. Regional Mid-Atlantic area. Work 5 days,
off every weekend. Health & Life Insurance, 401K &
Pension plan, paid holidays & vacation. Requires good
MVR & DOT record, min 2 yrs experience, Hazmat
within 30 days. Houff Transfer Weyers Cave, Winchester,
Richmond, Baltimore, Md. Apply at: www.houff.com
57 Driver Trainees needed! No experience needed!
Learn to drive a truck at Shippers Choice! Job ready in 4
weeks! Good pay & benefits! 1-800-874-7131
ATTN: Drivers Top Pay $$$. Be a Name, Not Number!
BCBS + Pet & Rider. Orientation Sign-On Bonus. CDL-A
Req. 877-258-8782. www.ad-drivers.com
CDL-A Drivers: Looking for Higher Pay? New Century
is Hiring Exp. Company Drivers and Owner Operators.
Both Solo and Teams. Competitive Pay Package. Sigon Incentive. Also looking for experienced drivers to
train. Call (844) 794-8081 or apply online at www.
16.8-ACRE MOUNTAINTOP – tall hardwoods on the
slope of Bank Mountain in Amherst County. $129,900
and I’ll finance. 540-487-0480
BEST BUY ON LAND – Half acre on paved road near
Danville. OK for doublewide. NO down payment, NO credit
check, No closing costs. $10,900. 540-294-3826
LOUISA COUNTY – 3-acre wooded homesite. 6 miles to
64 off Route 208. Owner will finance. $49,900. 540487-0480
Spring Collector Car Sale at Motley’s Richmond Auto AuctionSaturday, May 31, 2014 at 10AM-Visit richmondaa.com for
information-Now Accepting Consignments-VAAL#102
Medical Office Trainees Needed! Train to become
a Medical Office Assistant. No Experience Needed!
Training & Job Placement available at CTI! HS Diploma/
GED & computer needed. 1-888-424-9419.
suffered internal bleeding, hemorrhaging, required
hospitalization or a loved one died while taking Pradaxa
between October 2010 and the present. You may be
entitled to compensation. Call Attorney Charles H.
Johnson 1-800-535-5727.
DRIVERS-CDL TRAINING $38,000-$45,000 1st Year!
Roanoke 540-857-6188 or Spotsylvania 540-5828200. 4 Weeks or 10 Weekends. Guaranteed Financing
and Job Placement Assistance Available. Veterans
Welcome 1-800-646-2374.
Healthcare Careers – Get training in months, not years
with small classes, financial aid for qualified students.
Call Centura College 877-575-5627.
WELDING CAREERS – Hands on training for career
opportunities in shipbuilding, automotive, manufacturing
and more. Financial aid for qualified students. Job
placement assistance. CALL Tidewater Tech 888-2051735.
AIRLINE CAREERS begin here – Get FAA approved
Aviation Maintenance Technician training. Housing and
Financial Aid for qualified students. Job placement
assistance. SCHEV Certified, CALL AIM 888-245-9553.
SAWMILLS from only $4397.00- MAKE & SAVE
MONEY with your own bandmill- Cut lumber any
dimension. In stock ready to ship. FREE Info/DVD: www.
NorwoodSawmills.com 1-800-578-1363 Ext.300N
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singles right now! Call LiveLinks. Try it FREE. Call NOW:
1-800-587-9105 18+.
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Try FREE! Call 1-800-659-2174 www.guyspy.com
DIVORCE – Uncontested, $350 + $88 court cost. No
court appearance required. Estimated completion time
twenty-one days. All telephone inquiries welcome with
no obligation. Hilton Oliver, Attorney. 757-490-0126.
18 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
Classified: $5 per Week
We Can Help Sell Your Stuff! 30 words or less.
For $10 your ad will appear for TWO WEEKS on FluvannaReview.com
(with FREE PHOTO) and in the next two printed issues of the Fluvanna
Review. Deadline for print ads is MONDAY BY NOON.
All real estate advertised in the Fluvanna Review is subject to the Federal Fair Housing Act, which makes it illegal to advertise “any preference, limitation, or discrimination because of race, color, religion, sex, handicap, familial status or national
origin…” The Virginia Fair Housing Law also makes it illegal to discriminate because of elderliness (age 55 and over). The
Fluvanna Review will not knowingly accept any advertising for real estate which is in violation of the law. All real estate
advertised in this paper is available on an equal opportunity basis.
2001 FORD MUSTANG GT COUPE: 5 Speed, V8, 4.6L
Engine. Color: Red. Mileage: 85,000. Leather seats,
tinted windows Bullet Wheels, new tires, battery and
audio system. Excellent condition. Asking $7,500. Call
(434) 589-9248
BREMO AUCTIONS presents a Matinee Auction Sale,
Friday, June 6, at 10 a.m. Good, old-fashioned, auction
house fun! Preview begins Wednesday, June 4th. Check us
out on the web: www.BremoAuctions.com or come see for
yourself at 320 Pantops Center, Charlottesville, VA. 22911
$1,000 Jackpot every Thursday. Progressive Game.
Doors Open at 5:30 p.m., Early Bird 6:45 p.m. Location:
10 Slice Road, Palmyra, VA (off Rt. 600, near CVS).
Questions? Call (434) 591-1018
15 Fairwood Place, 3 Bedroom, 2 baths, eat-in kitchen.
Light-filled ranch with unfinished basement, plenty of
storage and fenced backyard. Pets considered w/deposit.
$1,125/mo. Available end of May/beginning of June. Call:
Yonna E. Smith, Assoc. Broker @ (434) 531-0817
FRENCH DOOR: Color – White. Measures: 5 Ft. wide X
6 Ft. 8 inches High. Therma True – Low E Glass – double
board. Brand New!! Asking $400. Call (434) 296-1340
DRIVEWAY STONE: 9-ton Slate Crush Run $150.,
Stone $200. (Average). Granite stone available up to 12
ton loads. Includes delivery and spread. Call (434) 4202002
MACHINERY: 38 inch Yard Riding Mower – asking
$450. 24 inch Snowblower (2 yrs old) less than 10 hours
usage with auto start, Paid $900, asking $550. 26 inch
Schwinn “Le Tour” 10 speed bike with generator, asking
$350. Call (434) 589-1590
a full time Electronic Security Technician. Looking for
an Employee that is Motivated, Hard working, and Fast
learner to join our Team. See Lake Anna Security display
ad in this issue for requirements and town, to apply.
VDOT is currently seeking outstanding candidates
Headquarters - Charlottesville Residency - Fluvanna, VA.
VDOT has opportunities statewide. For more details on
this position and other opportunities go to www.vdot.jobs
VDOT is an equal opportunity employer.
DRIVERS: Local/Regional/OTR. Excellent Pay/Benefit
Package. Consistent Miles. Daily/Weekly/Bi-Weekly
Hometime. CDL-A , 1 year. Over The Road experience
required! Call (855) 842-8498
Administrative Assistant in our Business Office, a
Registered Nurse and Part-time Assistant Librarian.
Interested candidates should submit a resume and cover
letter by email ONLY to HR@fuma.org mailto:HR@fuma.
org. For more information to http://www.forkunion.com/
groomer for busy shop. Must be reliable, caring, efficient,
and with excellent Customer Service skills. Email resume
to: Karen.happtails@yahoo.com or fax to (434) 5890847. No Calls Please.
BUILDING ACREAGE: Owner financing available. Large
and small lots, from 2 acres to 25 acres. Mostly level
land, with wooded and open acreage. Five to seven
minutes from I-64, Fluvanna County. Call (434) 5310671 or (434) 589-3074
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
Contact Edee
434-207-0221 • FAX: 434-589-1704, attention Edee
Payment: In advance. We accept: Visa, Master Card, Discover, checks and cash.
Upload direct to OUR WEBSITE with free photo:
1. On FluvannaReview.com click on “Classifieds”
2. Click on “Post an Ad - $10”
3. Login or click on “Register”
4. Select a category
5. Write your ad and upload photo
6. Pay with your credit card via Pay Pal.
BUILDING LOTS – Building Lots Liquidation,
LOVIN’RIDGE SUB., Route 659, Columbia, 2+ Acres
each, paved road, no restrictions, Modular & Prefab
Homes OK. Construction services available. From $15K,
owner financing. Call (434) 531-0671
scrapbooking paper, books, plus art supplies. Our hours
are Wed., Thurs. & Fri., 10 a.m. – 4 p.m. and Saturday 9
a.m. -1 p.m. NEW LOCATION: 1187 Shiloh Church Road,
Palmyra, off Haden Martin Road. (434) 996-1354
“CUT ABOVE” Pet Care at the Lake: For all your
pet needs by an experienced, reliable pet caregiver
and lifelong animal lover! Call Ellen at (434) 207-3338;
HORSE BOARDING: Boarding for mature horse at
$2.00 per day on farm ten minutes west of Lake
Monticello Food Lion. Shared care. Field, corral with stall.
Grass arena, round pen, trails. Email: jstathosc@aol.com
can find treasures at our yard sale, from tools to kitchen
items to holiday decorations, etc. Come shop, come eat!
MULTI-FAMILY YARD SALES: Saturday, May 31st.
from 8 a.m. to 2 p.m. at 504 Justin Drive (Sycamore
Square: Turn at CVS, take first left onto Justine Dr.),
Palmyra. Offered: 2012 KIA Turbo Optima, Furniture:
end tables, TV table, etc. Lawn items, Clothing, Jewelry,
Kitchen items and much more.
On Saturday - June 7th. Time: 8 a.m. to 1 p.m. at Fork
Union Masonic Lodge, 4683 James Madison Hwy.,VA.
23055, The Fork Union Chapter of The Eastern Star
holds this annual event which enables them to support
local charities, Nursing homes, Food banks, high school
scholarships, Shriners’ Hospitials, etc. Also selling
homemade baked goods. Call: Jennifer Taylor (434) 9832599 for info.
MCLEAN CLEANING SERVICE: Looking for someone
to clean your home? Well look no more! I have fifteen
years of Director of Housekeeping Experience working
at Four & Five Diamond Resorts/Hotels. To set up your
appointment please call me at (757) 713-3319 or email:
brochure, flyer, postcards or newsletters? Custom art or
designs – but either don’t know how or don’t have the
time? I can provide you with quality graphic design and
artwork quickly and affordable. Let me do the work for
you so you can concentrate on your business. Call Lynn
Stayton-Eurell @ (434) 906-2524. Please visit http://
For more information call: 434-207-0222
or email: sales@fluvannareview.com
We are currently hiring a full time Electronic
Security Technician. Looking for an employee
that is motivated, hard working, and a fast learner
to join our team. We are committed to building
long term relationships. We are regulated by the
Department of Criminal Justice Services (DCJS).
Please email your resume to our office at
contact@lakeannasecurity.com and request a
job application and additional information.
• Installation of security systems for residential, light
commercial customers, and retail outlets
• Honest person with integrity
• Must be 18 years of age
• High School diploma or G.E.D.
• No serious prior record
• National criminal background check will be performed
• Professional appearance and good communication skills
• Valid driver’s license and a good driving record
(last 3 years)
• Must have good, reliable transportation
• Must be able to lift 60lbs., minimum
• Must be comfortable on ladders
• Low voltage experience desired
• Security system installation experience desired
• Willing to work overtime when needed
• Work for small company, with room to grow
• Smoke-free environment
GRAVITY’S EDGE: Computer repair, networking,
training, data recovery. Free pick-up and drop-off
(subject to location). Complete PC Care Optimization
Package $99.95. Call (434) 589-6600
PIANO LESSONS: Next session of piano lessons begins
in August, by Certified Music Teacher with over a decade
of experience teaching. Now accepting school age
children and adults. Location: within one mile of Central
Elementary and Fluvanna Middle Schools. Phone: Amy
(434) 589-4915
Montanova Stables Foundation, Keswick, is hosting a
new equestrian program for adults. Fun, affordable,
interactive, educational. Featured speakers on “
Neuroscience for Riders”, “ Living Your Passion” & more.
www.MontaNovaStables.org (events) or – (434) 9875813. Email: returntoriding@gmail.com
ZUMBA- FITNESS CLASSES: Join the Party! Every
Tuesday (6 to 7 p.m.) and Saturday (11 to 12 p.m.),
at Saints Peter & Paul Church, Palmyra. $5.00 drop-in
fee per class. Question: call (434) 242-2998 or email:
jennycadieux@yahoo.com ** Bring in this ad for 1 free
trial class**
Realtors supports local businesses. See our “Featured
Business of the Week” on page 9. www.monticellorealtors.
com (434) 589-3539
FSPCA SPONSORS NEEDED for 2014: Consider
sponsoring our “Pet of the Week” ad in the Fluvanna
Review. Your name and/or business name will be printed
as sponsor under our photo for the Pet of the Week.
You may also have a special person named or event
remembered in the ad. Call Edee at the Fluvanna Review
(434) 207-0221 or email edee@fluvannareview.com
Congregation is hosting their annual yard and bake sale
at the Fluvanna County Library located on Commonwealth
Drive, Saturday, May 31st. from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.
All baked sale items are homemade and delicious. You
Professional Personal
Property Liquidation
Saturday, May 31, 9:30 a.m.-4 p.m.
Sunday, June 1, 1-4 p.m. 50% Off!
Monday Bargains! 9 a.m.-1 p.m. 75% Off!
275 Remington Place
Charlottesville, VA 22903
Directions: 250 West to right onto Clover Lawn Lane
at shopping/dining/offices center located across the
road from Blue Ridge Builders, HarrisTeeter, etc. Continue straight ahead to right & immediate left. See our
signs to house. Please be aware of residents’ parking
spaces; parking throughout center. Great restaurants
there, too!
This house truly has something for
everyone from furniture to lots
of seasonal decorations,
chrome shelf units, books, jewelry,
outdoor 6-pc. wicker dining set,
dressers, Spode Christmas china,
Longaberger baskets, yard tools,
collectibles & more! The 2004 4-door
Saab sedan advertised Memorial Day
weekend may still be available.
Beverly Smith • 434-960-4865
For an appointment, brochure and
any questions. To receive automatic
e-mails about our sales, sign up at
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Fluvanna County
Planning Commission
Comprehensive Plan Update –
Public Meetings and Community Dialogue
The Fluvanna County Planning Department will hold a series of public meetings related to the 2014 update to the Comprehensive Plan. The meetings are not public
hearings. They are intended to give citizens a chance to make comments and ask
questions about the Comprehensive Plan and any other planning issues in order to
stimulate conversations between citizens, decision-makers, and staff about the future
of development in Fluvanna County.
All meetings will begin at 7 pm and will be held at the following dates and locations:
1. Tuesday, June 10, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Fork Union Community Center
2. Thursday, June 12, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Morris Room (former Board
of Supervisors room on the second floor of the County Administration Building
3. Tuesday, June 17, 2014 at 7:00 pm in the Terrace Room at Lake Monticello
(in the Clubhouse)
The Comprehensive Plan is a general document meant to guide future development
in the county and promote the health, safety, and general welfare of the citizens of
the county. Citizen input is needed to ensure that the community’s vision for Fluvanna
County is reflected by the Comprehensive Plan.
Citizens are encouraged to participate by asking questions and making comments
related to the Comprehensive Plan update or any other planning issues.
For more information, contact the Department of Planning & Community Development
by phone at (434) 591-1910 or via email at jlindsey@fluvanna.org.
Authorized by Fluvanna County Planning Commission
Fluvanna County
Board of Supervisors
Wednesday, June 4th, 2014., at 4:00 p.m.
The Virginia Department of Transportation and the Board of Supervisors of Fluvanna County, in accordance with Section 33.1-70.01 of the Code of Virginia,
will conduct a joint public hearing in the Circuit Courtroom of the Fluvanna
Courts Building, Palmyra, Virginia at 4:00 p.m. on June 4th, 2014. The purpose of this public hearing is to receive public comment on the proposed Secondary Six-Year Plan for Fiscal Years 2014/15 through 2019/20 in Fluvanna
County and on the Secondary System Construction Budget for Fiscal Year
2014/15. Copies of the proposed Plan and Budget may be reviewed at the
Charlottesville Office of the Virginia Department of Transportation, located at
701 VDOT Way, Charlottesville, Virginia, or at the Fluvanna County Administration Office located at 132 Main Street, Palmyra, Virginia.
All projects in the Secondary Six-Year Plan that are eligible for federal funds
will be included in the Statewide Transportation Improvement Program (STIP),
which documents how Virginia will obligate federal transportation funds.
Persons requiring special assistance to attend and participate in this hearing
should contact the Virginia Department of Transportation at 434-422-9373.
Persons wishing to speak at this public hearing should contact the Fluvanna
County Board of Supervisors at 434-591-1910.
Fluvanna County Board of Supervisors
20 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
Fluco baseball team
falls to Western
Maxx Turner at bat.
Photo by Duncan Nixon
In its final regular season game of the
season on Thursday, May 22, the Flying
Fluco baseball team fell behind Western
Albemarle by a seemingly insurmountable score of 10-1 after four and one half
The Flucos only score in the first four
innings came in the second when catcher
Austin Foster was hit on the head by a
pitch, shortstop Cody Gibson singled,
designated hitter Bowen Reed was hit by
a pitch, and leftfielder Robbie Via brought
in a run with a sacrifice fly. After four and
a half, all the Warriors had to do was hold
the Flucos and post another run and they
would win on the run rule.
However, the Flucos rallied to post five
runs in the bottom of the fifth to get the
score back to a more manageable 10-6.
All five of the runs were scored after two
were out. Centerfielder Dylon Garrett
started the inning with a single, but he
was forced out at second, and a fly out
made it, one on and two out. Catcher
Stuart Wiley walked and shortstop Cody
Gibson singled to load the bases. Designated hitter Bowen Reed then ripped a
double down the left field line that drove
in all three base runners.
After Reed’s clutch hit, Ben Sheridan worked a walk, as did Beau Carter.
Tre Bright followed with a solid single
to score two more runs. Unfortunately
for the Flucos, that was the end of their
scoring for the night. The Warriors added
three in the top of the seventh inning,
and the final score was 13-6. Defensively, the Flucos got several good catches
from Garrett in center field, but the team
was undone by walks and some infield
After the game, Coach Mike Sheridan
noted that although the team did not do
quite as well has he had hoped would be
To advertise call: 434.207.0222
the case, his squad was still in a position
to compete for the Regionals, as all that it
needed was two wins in the Conference
tournament to make the Regionals. The
first Conference tournament game was
scheduled for Memorial Day afternoon
against Handley high School.
It was also senior night for the Flying
Flucos baseball team. Sheridan was effusive about the “fine young men” who
played their final regular season home
game for the Flucos. Pitcher and third
baseman, Maxx Turner was described
by Sheridan as a player who “does everything he possibly can for the team.”
What he does is very good, as he hit
around .470 this season. Sheridan also
highly praised Dylon Garrett, who played
third base and centerfield on Thursday. Garrett was a three sport standout
for the Flucos, as he played varsity golf
and baseball, and was outstanding in
the pole vault. He is going on to Martha
Washington University next year where
he will compete in the pole vault on the
track and field team. It was announced
at senior night that Garrett is this year’s
male recipient of the Allison Lorraine
Buck scholarship, which is a new honor
at FCHS that is award to an outstanding
student/athlete who is going on to pursue
a college degree.
Sheridan was also enthused about
senior first baseman Ryan McLaughlin
who he calls “the Ambassador” for the
way he consults with his teammates
around the infield, and keeps them
focused during games. Finally, Sheridan
praised senior infielder Derek Warner for
giving it his all every night even though
an injury restricted his playing time this
season. McLaughlin will attend Lynchburg College in the fall, while Warner is
contemplating a career in the Air Force.
Henry Chandler &
Company Tree & Landscape Care
Your Professional Tree Doctor
• Pine & Hardwood Mulching
• Careful Tree Removal
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Free Estimates • Fully Insured for 2 Million Dollars
Professional Member of International Society of Arborists
www.henrychandlerandcoinc.com • info@henrychandlerandcoinc.com
Over 30 Years Serving Lake Monticello & Central Virginia
434-842-5300 • Cell 434-996-8889
May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
Great Reasons
to Advertise
Target: Fluvanna, Louisa, Orange and Buckingham counties and Scottsville
Therapeutic gardening
Gardening benefits everyone.
That’s the theory of Fluvanna Master
Gardeners and that’s why the group is
sponsoring a free workshop on Therapeutic Gardening from 1 to 2:30 p.m.
June 7 at the Lake Monticello Clubhouse.
Teaching the 90 minute session is
Phyllis Turner, PhD, the woman who
wrote the book herself, so to speak, on
Therapeutic Gardening.
Turner is the author of the Virginia Extension publication on the subject.
One reason the group wanted to offer
the workshop is because gardening can
become more challenging the older we
get, said Kathy Seroskie, president of Fluvanna Master Gardeners.
“I think there’s a lot of us as we age
who need to find new ways to garden
– to find more user-friendly ways to
garden,” Seroskie said. “We don’t want to
stop gardening, we just want to find ways
that are easier on our bones.”
Turner will talk about how to adapt:
• the garden – by building raised beds,
containers and wider paths
• the gardener - exercising to tone and
using the right tools
• the plant materials - selecting plants
that reduce the work of gardening
Turner’s publication boasts that gar-
• Lowest Advertising Rates in Central Virginia
• Delivered to over 3,300 Lake Monticello Homes
• Available at Over 250 Locations in 5 Counties
• All Issues Available on our Website
• Affordable Preprinted Insert Rates
• Website Banner Ads
• Non-Profit Rates
• Local and Statewide Classifieds
• Over 20,000 readers weekly in print and online
Total Monthly Circulation 45,000
*All 5 Papers Combined
Town of
Fluvanna Review
Place an ad in ALL 5 papers
and receive 20% off
Place an ad in more than
1 paper and receive 10% off.
Email: sales@fluvannareview.com • 434.207.0222 • Fax: 434.589.1704
Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963
Location: 2987 Lake Monticello Road, Palmyra VA, 22963
Scottsville Monthly, Buckingham Beacon,
OC Magazine and Louisa Life
Email: valleysales@embarqmail.com • 434.207.0223 • Fax: 434.589.1704
Mailing: P.O. Box 59, Palmyra, VA 22963
That’s how many My Essentials™ store
brand items you’ll find at Food Lion. With
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budget. If you’re wondering how other shoppers rate My Essentials™, here’s something to consider – in the time it takes you to
read this, 15,000 My Essentials™ products
will make their way into someone’s pantry
or refrigerator.
264 Turkeysag Trail # A • (434) 589-5538
Hours: 7 a.m.-11 p.m.
22 | FLUVANNA REVIEW | May 29, 2014
dening is good for us mentally, physically and emotionally.
“Gardening is a great activity to help
maintain physical and emotional wellbeing,” the publication begins. “However,
it is not without its challenges, even for
the able bodied. With a little creativity,
gardening can be an accessible activity and can have therapeutic value. As
a therapy, gardening is unique in that
a living medium, plants, are used. This
allows the gardener to be anchored in
reality. When gardeners realize that they
have an effect on something else that is
living there are often positive changes in
their behavior and feelings.”
Turner contends that gardening benefits are wide-ranging and universal.
“Everyone can get rewards from gardening whether these are physical, emotional, spiritual or mental well-being,” she
states. “While we tend to think of gardening as being good exercise, we often don’t
realize that it can help improve communication and social skills; confidence and
self-esteem; feelings of well-being; nutrition, knowledge and enjoyment.”
Turner’s publication provides illustrations of exercises gardeners of all ages
can use to tone and strengthen their
muscles to prepare them for the work of
gardening and prevent injuries. Turner
will surely demonstrate some of those.
Tips for adapting tools by improving the
grip and making them easier to see in the
garden will also be discussed.
Turner states Therapeutic Gardening
is nothing new. Dr. Benjamin Rush, a
pioneer psychiatrist in the early 1800s
talked about the therapeutic effects of
working in the garden. And after World
Wars I and II, therapists at veterans hospitals used gardening to treat and re-educate disabled soldiers.
Fluvanna Master Gardener Jan Hall
said the workshop will benefit not just
the older gardener.
“It’s important for the public to know
that Therapeutic Gardening isn’t just
raised beds and the elderly,” Hall said.
“It’s more than that. It’s physical and
emotional. It’s for children – like with our
special needs children’s garden where
they learn discipline, where food comes
from and patience. If you can make gardening accessible to all kinds of people it
enriches their lives. Therapeutic Gardening allows more people to garden.”
To advertise email: sales@fluvannareview.com
Fluvanna Crime Log
to test
Fluvanna County began testing the
community-wide CodeRED Emergency
Notification System on Tuesday, May 27,
according to a county press release.
In an emergency this system gives important life safety information through
phone calls, texts and emails. The calls
will begin Tuesday midmorning and will
continue until the entire database has
been attempted. This call will give Fluvanna personnel the chance to operate
the system as if there had been a community-wide disaster. This system automatically picks up landlines but other contact
numbers (phone numbers or email addresses) must be manually entered into
the database, according to the release.
The test call message directs recipients to
the Fluvanna County website to add additional contact numbers, and it also asks that
recipients spread the word by mentioning
the system to family, friends and neighbors.
Cheryl Elliott Wilkins, the county’s
emergency services director, suggests that
“all individuals and businesses should
take the time to visit our website and add
Vandalism of Property
6:29 a.m.
Mulligan Dr.
Vandalism of Property
1:00 p.m. Old Fork Ln.
Vandalism of Property
11:03 a.m. Smokewood Dr.
Simple Assault
9:57 a.m.
Simple Assault
11:48 a.m. 4000 block of James Madison Hwy.
Simple Assault
10:40 p.m. Villa Cir.
Simple Assault
7:43 p.m. 100 block of Creek Rd.
Weapon Law Violations
12:58 p.m. 1100 block of Hollands Rd.
All Other Larceny
11:40 a.m. 2800 block of Thomas Jefferson Pkwy.
All Other Larceny
9:25 p.m. 3600 block of Rolling Rd. South
All Other Larceny
11:58 a.m. Tufton Lake Ln.
Drug Equipment Violations
5:54 p.m. James Madison Hwy. Across Vdot
Theft From Building
5:03 p.m. 3500 block of James Madison Hwy.
Theft From Motor Vehicle
7:00 p.m. 2700 block of Cedar Lane Rd.
1:47 p.m. Northwood Rd.
contact information to include cellular
phones and other non-traditional phones
as well as email and text addresses. If your
contact information is not in the database,
you will not receive a call when an urgent
message is sent.” In particular, businesses
Free Security Analysis
Control your
security camera
system over the
should register, as well as individuals who
have unlisted phone numbers, who have
changed their phone number recently,
and those who use a cellular phone exclusively or have VoIP phones (such as
Vonage) as their primary numbers.
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May 29, 2014 | FLUVANNA REVIEW |
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Diane Miller
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Call Jen
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Kyle Miller
Larry A. Miller
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516 Jefferson Drive – Lake Monticello
10 Goldfinch Ct – Lake Monticello
Enjoy complete privacy and
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Call Tom
Bell Farm Lane – Bell Farms
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Call Tom
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Mike Rogers
Jen Sample
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This is your chance to live at
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Call Diane
Call Mike
Sherwood Drive
Great building
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Call Diane
10000 Rolling Road
Beautiful 2.4+ acre building
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620 (Rolling Road South) in
Fluvanna Couunty. The drive
to Charlottesville could be 20
minutes. Perk work has been
performed. 4 Adjacent parcels
also available. Views are of
surrounding farms and pastureland. Rolling Road South is a Scenic Virginia Country Road,
take a drive out, perhaps you will love the country living, convenient to Charlottesville, Scottsville and Lake Monticello.
$65,000 • Call Mike 434-981-8764
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$73,900 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
Mechunk Terrace – River Views!
Build your dream home on this property and enjoy all the
amenities Lake Monticello has to offer and a river view
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$35,000 • Call Tom 434-962-1625
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