AS CAT REST senza codici. 26-03-2008 16:54 Pagina 1 V i a P r e n e s t i n a 2 5 2 / E - 0 0 17 7 R O M A I T A L Y T E L . 0 0 3 9 0 6 2 1 4 8 3 5 1 F A X 0 0 3 9 0 6 2 7 2 8 9 2 w w w. a r c o s p o r t s p i g a r e l l i . c o m i n f o @ a r c o s p o r t s p i g a r e l l i . c o m SPIGAREST 2 ALL REST FOR ALL HANDLES Disponibile destro e sinistro.Tutto il rest e’ costruito in acciaio inox .L’adesivo utiSolo 3mm lizzato e’ della migliore casa di adesivi del mondo , la 3M., trattasi di una spuOnly 3mm gnetta da mm 0.8, che garantisce una forte tenuta ed una minima elasticita’, funzionale alla pressione verso il basso esercitata dalla freccia al momento dell’uscita dall’arco.Volendo si puo’ ridurre lo spessore ,utilizzando un doppio adesivo piu’ sottile, e mettendo un filo di colla tutto intorno alla piastrina del rest. Lo spessore dello SPIGAREST e’ di soli 3 mm, uno dei piu’ sottili in commercio. L’appoggio per la freccia ( Foto 1 e 2) e’ applicabile e rimovibile per un utilizzo senza o con il bottone. Just the picture is enough to understand how it should be used and how it works. T ec hnical c har act er is tics. tics Available in right-handed and left-handed version.The whole rest is made of inox steel. The used adhesive is made by the best adhesive brand in the world, 3M. It is a 0.8mm layer that has a great adherence and a little elasticity, that works at its best with the downward pressure of the arrow when it leaves the bow.Eventually it is possible to reduce its thickness, using a thinner adhesive, and using a little glue all around the rest plate.SPIGAREST thickness is only 3mm, one of the thinnest available rests.The rest button, can be mounted and removed to be used with or without the cushion plunger.The rest arm (pics 1 and 2) can be mounted and removed to be used with or without the cushion plunger. SPIGAEVOLUTION 2 SPIGASLIM CARATTERISTICHE TECNICHE Disponibile destro e sinistro. Tutto il rest e’ costruito in acciaio inox , fresato e tagliato al laser per ottenere la massima precisione degli innesti. L’adesivo utilizzato e’ della migliore casa di adesivi del mondo ,la 3M., trattasi di una spugnetta da mm 0.8, che garantisce una forte tenuta, ed una minima elasticita ’ , che e’ funzionale alla pressione verso il basso della freccia.Volendo si puo’ ridurre lo spessore ,utilizzando un doppio adesivo piu’ sottile, e mettendo un filo di colla tutto intorno alla piastrina del rest.Available in right-handed and left-handed version. The whole rest is made of inox steel, milled and laser cut to obtain the maximum precision of the clutches. The used adhesive is made by the best adhesive brand in the world, 3M. It is a 0.8mm layer that has a great adherence and a little elasticity, that works at its best with the downward pressure of the arrow. Eventually it is possible to reduce its thickness, using a thinner adhesive, and using a little glue all around the rest plate. SPIGAREST thickness is only 3mm, one of the thinnest available rests. The vertical position of the rest arm can be regulated, unscrewing the torx screw, with the hexagonal wrench provided. Il rest dal minimo ingombro!!! Sporge soltanto da 1mm ad 1.8 mm dalla finestra dellíarco, 1 millimetro se lo si fissa con due viti allíarco ed 1.8 mm se si usa il doppio adesivo a spugnetta in dotazione. The lest cumbersome rest!!! It sticks up from only 1 mm to 1.8 mm from the bow window. Just 1 mm if it is fixed with two screws to the bow, or 1,1 mm if using a thinner adhesive, and using a little glue all around the rest plate, and 1.8 mm if it is stuck with the double adhesive provided. solo1,8 mm- The average distance of the other internal rests is about 3/5 mm. The distance of only 1 or 1.8 mm leaves the maximum space to thepassage of the arrow. AS CAT REST senza codici. 26-03-2008 16:54 Pagina 2 ZT. W&W / NEXUS-HELIX ZT. INN O C ARB ON ZT S AMIC K MAS TER ZT HOY T - AEROTEC - MATRIX ZT RES T HOY T GOLD MEDALIS T Arco Sport Spigarelli makes a specific magnetic rest for the most popular handle in the market. Many rests are perfectly adaptable to all different handle. New ZT (zero tollerance) rest, is a new step versus a perfect rest for top archers. No interferences, no vibrations no error!!! ZT REST: HAS AN ADJUSTABLE SYSTEM TO BE ADAPTED TO ALL ARROWS SIZE. ZT REST: HAS A MECCANICAL SYSTEM FOR PERSONALIZING A MAGNETIC POWER. ZT REST: THE BEST REST FOR OLIMPIC.ARCHERS VAN ALTEN, ONE OF THE TOP ARCHER IN THE WORD, USING ZT REST AS CAT REST senza codici. 26-03-2008 16:54 Pagina 3 RES T UNIVERS AL RES T EOLL A -R OL AND - EVOLUTION Special feature for, school bows, Agulla Mizar Progress1, Progress2 and all handles with ole and boccola for botton RES T SPIGUA ’ Z T - f or all handles Magnetic rest whit .Z.T. Zero Tollerance system and micro adjustment, for noking point and launcer position. F O R A L L H A N D L E S TOUNING AND REGULATION The rest has the micrometric regulation for the holes where the rest arm (12) passes, using the two screws (7) The rest SpiGuà has the micrometric regulation of the position of the rest arm, thus of the nocking point, and of the position, right and left, of the block of the arm. To fine regulate the nocking point it is sufficient to loose the screw (9) and turn the knob (6). To correctly place the head of the rest it is sufficient to loose the screw (9) and turn the pommel (17). The rest can be fixed to the riser with the provided 5/16 screw for bows with two holes for the plunger cushion, or with some double adhesive and a 3 mm screw in the appropriate hole, in this case it is necessary to make a M3 threaded hole in the riser. The rest has two markers, horizontal and vertical, to set different tuning position, for example for indoor and outdoor arrows. We strongly recommend to fix the position of the rest after the regulations, tightening the screws (19) and (9) without forcing the threads. SPIGA RES T REGIS TRABILE SPIGA RES T ARCO SPORT SPIGARELLI PRODUCES ALSO: RISER SIGHT TAB STABILIZER-V BAR- TFC-EXTENTION PIN SCOPE RELEASE BOTTON CLICKER FLETCING JIG STRING JIG BOW STAND EXTRA WEIGHT LEATHER QUIVER TUNIN G RES T Il Tuning e’ il rest ideale pertiratori ad arco nudo che praticano lo string walking, in quanto permette di regolare la resistenza verso il basso della linguetta di appoggio della freccia, tarandola sulla misura media delle distanze a cui si tira nel campagna, e tenendo conto del peso della freccia. OLIMPIC OR COMPOUND COMPOUND F or f inghers shoo t ers The Touning rest is the ideal for barebow shooters practing string walking, as it to regulate the down resistence of the rest, tuning the arrow on the medium h&f distance considery the weightof the arrows. AS CAT REST senza codici. 26-03-2008 16:54 Pagina 4 COMPOUND REST SUPE RES T MAGNETIC SUPER REST MAGNETICO. Lo stesso rest e’ sia a scomparsa che a pressione.Il set include tutto il necessario per i due usi. SUPERES T MAGNETIC .The same rest is FALL AWAY or PUSH DOWN The standard set includes all necessary tool TOP RES T se t TOP REST The same rest is RH and LH. The same rest is FALL AWAY or PUSH DOWN The standard set includes all necessary tool TOP REST Lo stesso re s t e ’ destro o sinistro Lo stesso rest e’ sia a scomparsa che a pressione. Il set include tutto il necessario per i due usi. RES T GIC AR BIBUTTON RES T B OTTON RES T EAS Y RES T L AUN CERS or ASSEMBLY - L AUN CERS or ASSEMBLY - SMALL -L ARGE ARGE SOFT .MED. S TRON TRON G ARCO SPORT Spigarelli The house of the rest V i a P r e n e s t i n a 2 5 2 / E - 0 0 17 7 R O M A I T A L Y T E L . 0 0 3 9 0 6 2 1 4 8 3 5 1 F A X 0 0 3 9 0 6 2 7 2 8 9 2 w w w. a r c o s p o r t s p i g a r e l l i . c o m i n f o @ a r c o s p o r t s p i g a r e l l i . c o m VISION V.B.S. 25” cod. 1/1 KG-1,300 EXPLORER II VBS 25”23” cod. 1/2-25” cod. 1/3-23” 25”KG 1,180 23”KG 1,100 REVOLUTION 2 3 ” 2 5 ” cod. 1/4 650 VBS CLUB cod. 1/5 KG 1,800 EXPLORER OLIMPICO 23”/25” Destro o sinistro In dotazione: sistema allineamento flettenti, grip, set chiavi, prolunga clicker. OLIMPIC 23”/25” RH o LH Standard tools: limbs alignment system, \ grip, \ clicker extention \ spanners set EXPLORER AR C O NUDO EXPLORER ARCO NUDO:Stesse dotazioni dell’olimpico piu’ un peso. BAREBOW.Same standars tools like olimpic, plus 1 weights. VISION OLIMPICO 25” DX o SX In dotazione:sistema allineamento flettenti, bottone,grip in legno ,rest magnetico,set chiavi.clicker, prolunga clicker. EXTRA WEIGHT .double useF OR VISION-EXPLORER VISION-EXPLORER -650 OLIMPIC 25” RH o LH Standard tools: limbs alignment system, Click button, wood grip , clicker, clicker extention magnetic rest,.spanners set. cod. 1/6 VISION ARCO NUDO: stesse dotazioni dell’olimpico più 1PESO BAREBOW.Same standars tools like olimpic, plus 1 weight. WOOD GRIP AN ODAIZED COLORS gan barrel black blue N°1 weights GR 200 650 ARCO NUDO 25” DX o SX In dotazione: sistema allineamento flettenti, bottone,grip ,rest magnetico,set chiavi, 2 pesi BAREBOW 25” DX o SX Standard tools: limbs alignment system,Click button, grip , clicker, clicker extention magnetic rest, spanners 2 weights. Cod: 1/7 1/8 LOW or MEDIUM / RH or LH SPIGARELLI STYLE or HOYT STYLE white red 1 EVO C OMPOUND Cod: 6/1 EVO OLIMPIC O Cod: 5/6 Tutto é perfettibile, ed il nuovo EVO ne é la prova Le soluzioni meccaniche innovative,che troverete nell’EVO saranno copiate ed adottate dagli altri costruttori di mirini nel prossimo futuro.The new EVO 1is the proof that everything is improvable-The mechanic solutions, will be used by other producers in the next future SPIGA 30 C ARB ON SIGHT Cod: 7/1 Mirino con prolunga in carbonio da cm 30, della massima leggerezza in punta, con regolazioni micrometriche a scatti prefissati. Very light Sight with 30cm carbon sight extention. GRAND PRIX 3-S TANDARD & C ARB ON Mirino per olimpico, con: spostamento rapido, regolazioni mirometriche a scatti,blocco,prolunga da 26,5 cm, doppia scala. For olimpic :made of aluminium long extention, up and down click micrometric regulation, fast movement system. Cod: 7/5 ALUMINIUM Cod: 7/6 CARBON SC OPE L AS VEGAS Cod:6/2 BER TI CR OSS SQUARE BL AC K Cod: 6/8 BERTI CROSS SQUARE CLEAR Cod: 6/9 Blocco Verticale in blocco unico,con chiusura a morsa.Doppio scorrimento,libero o a scatti. Vertical sight uniblock. Clik or free vertical movement.with vice lock. SPOT 3 Cod: 7/3 Ottimo mirino per principianti ed archi scuola. Movimento micrometrico orizzontale. Very strong sight for school bows SC OPE L AS VEGAS CLEAR Cod: 6/3 SIGHT PIN AR C O SPOR T Cod: 6/11 Cod: 6/10 R E S SPIGAREST 2 T F Cod: 8/1 O R A L L SPIGAEVOLUTION 2 Cod:8/2 H A N D SPIGASLIMREST L E S Cod: 8/3 NEW ZT ZERO TOLLERANCE REST, IS A NEW STEP VERSUS A PERFECT REST FOR TOP ARCHERS. NO INTERFERENCES, NO VIBRATIONS NO ERROR!!! ZT. INN O ZT HOY T - AEROTEC - MATRIX Cod: 8/4 ZT S AMIC K MAS TER ZT. W&W Cod: 9/2 Cod: 9/1 Cod: 9/3 ZT RES T HOY T GOLD MEDALIS T Arco Sport Spigarelli makes a Cod: 8/5 RES T SPIGUA ’ Z T - f or all handles Magnetic rest whit .Z.T. Zero Tollerance system and micro adjustment, for noking point and launcer position. SUPE RES T MAGNETIC 135*se t. Cod: 10/2 specific magnetic rest for the most popular handle in the market. Many rests areperfectly adaptable to all different handle. ZT rest has an adjustable system to be adapted to all arrows size. ZT has a meccanical system for personalizing a magnetic power. ZT rest the best rest for olimpic.Archers TOP RES T se t SUPEREST MAGNETIC and TOP REST. The same rest with set is FALL AWAY or PUSH DOWN Cod: 10/5 SECURBUTON 5/16X2 4or8M MAGNETIC MAGNETIC Cod: 11/3 Cod:10/6 FLETC HER (A) f or ACE (B) f or ACC. CLIC KER Cod: 11/8 CLIC K B OTTON 5/16X2 4 or 8M Cod: 10/7 FLETC HIN G JIG Cod: 11/7 INDEX SQUARE S TRIN G SERVER Cod: 12/4 Cod: 14/10 C ONF OR T THUMB RELEASE Cod: 14/1 “V”BAR +QUICK DISCONNECT+ TFC 85°X15° Cod: 15/5 AMIC O B AREB OW S Cod: 17/2 Cod: 17/1 ARMGUARD AN ATOMIC O Cod: 17/11 BLACK-RED-FL.GREEN-FL.RED-WHITHE ESTRATTORE PER FRECCE ARROWPULLER. Cod: 20/5 THUMB RELEASE II LOOP S TILE Cod: 14/1 RELEASE SPIGA 2 Cod: 14/3 SPIGA PERSON AL TAB Cod: 17/3 SANTE SPIGARELLI 3 OLIMPIC GAMES MUNICH 1972 MONTREAL 1976 MOSCOW 1980