Spring 2014 - Wing Luke Museum


Spring 2014 - Wing Luke Museum
Member Newsletter Spring 2014
Up Close With Grit
PG. 2
Year of the Horse & Coloring Contest
PG. 3
Inside Chiyo’s Garden
PG. 4
Supporter Spotlight
PG. 5
A Message from
the Executive Director
Ellen Ferguson, Co-President
Casey Bui, Co-President
Katherine Cheng, Vice President
Mimi Gan, Secretary
Bruce Brundige, Treasurer
Gloria Lung Wakayama, Past President
Aileen Balahadia
Sai Chaleunphonh
Tom DeBoer
Nanette Fok
Jamie Ford
Misun Chung Gerrick
Bruce Hayashi
Sally Henriques
Judd Lee
Patricia Norikane Logerwell
Paul Mar
Midori Matsui
JoAnn Mills Marshall
Victor Mizumori
Jill Nishi
Savitha Pathi
Diane Sugimura
Mark Takagi
Judy Tobin
Ethelyn Abellanosa
Roldy Aguero Ablao
Janet Aviado
Josie Baltan
Vivian Chan
David Chattin-McNichols
Chanta Chhay
Cassie Chinn
Leigh-Anne Chung
Monica Day
Annika Firn
Bob Fisher
Rahul Gupta
Kit Herrod
John Hom
Karen Kajiwara
Michael Kan
Nam Keo
Inmi Kim
Michelle Reiko Kumata
Jennifer Maines
Charlene Mano Shen
Luie Marcotte
Marites Mendoza
Doan Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
Cassandra O’Francia
Rayann Onzuka
Feney Perez
Hanh Pham
Mario Pilapil
Jeannette Roden
Margaret Su
Tanya Subcleff
Stacey Swanby
Beth Takekawa
Andrea Kim Taylor
Troy Tsuchikawa
Donald Wong
Jordan Wong
Mikala Woodward
Gary Yamamoto
Annia Yoshizumi
Victoria Young
Wing Luke Museum
of the Asian Pacific
American Experience
719 South King Street
Seattle WA, 98104
Cover Photo: Courtesy of the
Museum of History and Industry
Christmas Eve memories 2013 are those of flames, sirens, and
smoke for Seattle’s Chinatown-International District. Today we
miss the nine businesses that were forced to close due to the
Hudson building fire, including Mon Hei, Chinatown’s oldest
bakery and popular stop for The Wing’s neighborhood walking
tours. Who wouldn’t miss the smiling face of Mon Hei’s owner
Annie, as she shared tastes of the still-warm and mysteriously-​
named cocktail buns with touring parties? Casting a pall over
a neighborhood on the rise, the fire reminds us that vacant
upper floors are not benign spaces. We appreciate even more
the signs of renewal and the human efforts today that are creating the district’s future.
How was it that artist Rumi Koshino chose to lend
her talents to a dream of Japantown (Nihonmachi)
activists? They wished to bring new life to a
hidden garden space where the flowers for
Japanese-American funerals were grown
prior to the community’s removal during
World War II incarceration. A global story
on her own, Rumi once lived in the
neighborhood and is a first-generation
transplant from Japan. She and her
colleague architect Yuko Kunugi are part
of Artists for Japan, which formed to
support victims of the tragic 2011 earthquake
and tsunami in Tohoku, Japan. Her design
for soon-to-open Chiyo’s Garden fondly remembers a young woman whose room
overlooked the flower garden, providing beauty during her valiant battle with tuberculosis.
Rumi writes, “This sacred space inspired me to further explore the connection between
the Japanese and Japanese-American community.”
Originating as a Japantown response to the new streetcar line through the neighborhood,
people imagined Chiyo’s Garden as a way to captivate new riders into a stop off instead of
a bypass. With welcome investment by ArtPlace, a new national consortium of foundations
supporting culture that transforms communities, those who have survived the months of
streetcar construction will celebrate the garden’s addition to The Wing’s neighborhood tours.
Their wish is that you’ll be inspired by the featured frog or kaeru, which means “Come back!”
Because of you there is something for which to come back.
See you soon,
Beth Takekawa, Executive Director
On display through October 19 in the Safeco Insurance Foundation Special Exhibition Gallery
Grit: Asian Pacific Pioneers Across the
Northwest uncovers the true stories
of the men and women who migrated
to the region from the Asia Pacific to start
a new life. The Pacific Northwest of the
19th and early 20th centuries could be
unforgiving, from natural and man-made
disasters to discrimination seen in policy
and everyday life. By immersing visitors
in local sites and personal lives, Grit
reminds us of Asian Pacific Americans’
long history of fortitude and resilience
as they established local communities.
One of the featured sites is the Immigration
and Naturalization Building on Seattle’s
Airport Way on the southern edge
of the Chinatown-International District.
Chinese-American immigrant Yuen Jong
Quock was a “paper son” detained there
from January through March 1938.
He recounts:
“With the Sino-Japanese War at hand
and poverty a certainty, unbeknownst to
me, my father contacted Lee Jong to check
the possibility of my going to America.
A picture was sent for a probable match
to my own statistics. Age must be matched
closely. Of course, you cannot say that
a 20-year-old is your son if you look 80,
but you know Chinese always look
younger than they are! Father secretly
made arrangements with Lee Jong under
‘business’ papers for me promising that
I would reimburse every dollar spent
since our family was poor and we had
to borrow from Lee Jong… Thus, the moment came for me to leave
from the village to Canton City to Hong
Kong. All passage from one place to
another was covered in my ‘package.’
My father sent me off while my wife stayed
home. With one suitcase and no money,
I left my childhood home…
Visitors to Grit in a section of the exhibition framed by the original bars from the Immigration and Naturalization
Building where Yuen Jong Quock was detained. Photo: Robert Wade
On the three-week boat ride, I was in
the economy room with bunk beds where
I slept on the top. The seas were rough
and made eating difficult as my food slid
from one end of the table to another.
The food was passable because I was
hungry. Lots of Chinese men traveled back
and forth to China within the restrictions
of time spent in one country. One friend
bought me my first Baby Ruth candy bar.
To pass the time, men on the boat
gambled if they had money. No money,
no gambling.
Right off the boat into the Seattle port,
I was detained and locked up in a dark
room without a passport until called
to interrogation. Gene Toy on his second
passage could pass, but I couldn’t.
The five of us: Gene Toy’s father, Ben
Wong, Ben Wong’s father, Lim Lee,
and me waited to be questioned. With the
others, we claimed to be a family but our
information all had to match the other
‘siblings.’ Having memorized a volume
of family trivia, we claimed to have spent
childhood together. The officers spoke no
Seattle Immigration Station under construction, 1931.
Photo: Courtesy of the National Archives
Chinese. At the mercy of the interrogator,
we had to support our name change
through a translator.”
Visit Grit to find out more about Yuen Jong
Quock’s experience in the INS Building,
along with the lives of other Asian Pacific
pioneers throughout the Northwest.
Interview courtesy of Ben and Jane Lee with
translation by Judy Wong.
A New Destination in Seattle’s Japantown
Pays Tribute to Neighborhood History
If the start of 2014 seems to have zipped by, you can thank the Year of the Horse.
It’s said that in the year of the wood horse, in particular, time gallops by more
swiftly than usual. The year should be as full of adventure as the horse implies.
People born in the Year of the Horse are trusty companions for a year like this.
Known for their vigorous approach to life, horses are up for new journeys.
They’re blessed with great intuition and know-how when presented with
challenges, which they face head on and with a great attitude to boot. But that
adage about leading a horse to water holds true: people born in horse years
can also be fiercely independent.
Horse years: 1906, 1918, 1930, 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014
Famous horses: Nelson Mandela, Jackie Chan, Oprah Winfrey, Ang Lee, Kristen Stewart, Kobe Bryant, James Franco
Characteristics of people born in the Year of the Horse: energetic, proud, popular, hard-working, lively, intuitive,
independent, resourceful, quick-witted, likeable
Year of the
Horse Coloring
Apply the can-do
spirit of the horse to
our annual Lunar
New Year Coloring
Contest, featuring
a Year of the Horse
design by artist
Joyce Hwang.
One creative
(age 12 and
under!) will win
the grand prize
of a lucky $800 to
spend at shops and restaurants
at The Bellevue Collection.
2014 YE
$800 gift
Plus 12
(see revers
e for detail
to The Bel
ue Collec
Do you know what
this item is and how
it’s used?
Chiyo Murakami, born in 1915, was the
second-oldest daughter of Sanzo and
Matsuyo Murakami, who originally built the
Jackson Building. She died tragically young
at age 22, succumbing to tuberculosis in
an upstairs room in the Jackson Building
on January 3, 1937.
HINT: You’ll still find these
sold by families at Pike Place
Market flower stalls.
Date of
to The Wing
To be filled
by museum out
Download the coloring sheet at
wingluke.org/coloring-contest, and submit
it in person to The Wing by March 30.
30, 201
AT 5:00
PM !
kids admi
and ½ price
adults with for accompany
The Wing partnered with the Murakami
family and KOBO at Higo in 2012 to
transform a plot of land behind the Jackson
Building into a garden honoring the family’s
youngest daughter Chiyo. The result is
a space that allows the neighborhood
and its visitors to reflect on both historic
Nihonmachi, or Japantown, and the
personal stories—like Chiyo’s—behind it.
Email your guess to pr@wingluke.org,
along with your name and contact
information. Correct responses will
receive a museum pass. Look for
the correct answer in the Summer
2014 newsletter.
Answer from the last issue:
A mold used during the Chinese
Moon Festival to make the
popular Yuebing or moon cake.
Congratulations to Eileen C. Leung
for submitting a correct answer!
From the Wing Luke Museum Collection
Going into the project, we and the
Murakami family aimed to pay tribute to
Chiyo and her siblings, evoking the spirit
of children growing up in Nihonmachi.
Lead Artist Rumi Koshino and Lead Designer
Yuko Kunugi have responded with inspired
pieces. Among these are sculptural forms
that playfully resemble a frog’s hopping
grounds. The frog—used as a symbol for
the family’s Higo 10 Cents Store—is painted
on a large wooden panel, and translates
as “come back.”
The recently completed work is just
the first phase of what’s envisioned for
the garden. Future work includes plantings,
a moss garden, lighting, and a special
Nihonmachi Alley fence. Working
hand-in-hand with community members,
we hope that Chiyo’s Garden will become
a destination for The Wing’s neighborhood
walking tours, further enhancing the
experience of Seattle’s historic Japantown
district. The garden will also be used
periodically for small events—including
performing arts, community gatherings,
annual blossom-viewing, and nashi-tasting
Information about an opening reception
for Members in May is forthcoming.
In the meantime, visitors are invited
to explore Chiyo’s Garden on one of our
neighborhood tours, available Tuesday
through Saturday, and by reservation for
private groups. Visit wingluke.org/tours
for more information.
Top: A peek at sculptures inside Chiyo’s Garden.
The four sculptures placed around the tree, represented
here in watercolor, represent the four siblings of the
Murakami family. Artwork: Rumi Koshino
With generous support from ArtPlace.
Thank You
and Welcome
Welcome to Tom
DeBoer, the newest
member of our Board
of Trustees. A senior
utility professional with
15 years of experience
in federal, state, and
regional energy issues
in the Pacific Northwest,
Tom DeBoer is Director
of Energy Supply–Merchant at Puget Sound
Energy. A licensed attorney, he is a member
of both the Washington and Idaho State Bar
Associations, and previously was a board member
of the Spokane Chamber Music Association.
He began his career as an infantry officer
stationed at Fort Lewis followed by work as an
exploration geologist and an attorney in private
practice. He has a B.A. in Geology from the
University of Montana, an M.S. in Geology from
Western Washington University, and a law
degree from Gonzaga University School of Law.
Farewell to departing board member Pankaj
Nath. We are grateful for his service as a Trustee,
and for being a wonderful ambassador for
The Wing. Thank you, Pankaj!
The Wing: How did you first get to know
The Wing?
Nancy: My former roommate, Savitha
Pathi who is a Trustee for The Wing, took
me to see an exhibit when The Wing
was in its old location off Jackson Street.
I remember going upstairs into an exhibit
on incarceration camps for Japanese
Americans during World War II. I loved
that even though I was in a museum
about a culture other than my own, I was
learning about the history of my local
community and seeing content that
was therefore directly related to me.
Toby: I got to know Savitha through
Nancy. When my friends are involved in
efforts they care about, I want to support
them. Savitha invited me to the annual
Dinner & Auction years ago, and I’ve been
a supporter of The Wing ever since.
The Wing: How is being a guest at our
events different from visiting the museum?
Nancy: I’ve learned so much about
The Wing by attending the Dinner &
Auction. Last year, for example, Toby and
I were mesmerized by what the youth
had to say about the impact the museum
had on their lives. It was wonderful to
see Bettie Luke [one of Wing Luke’s
sisters], community leaders, and local
business owners gathered together.
When you attend the Dinner & Auction,
you see the future of the community.
Toby: And I continue to enjoy on a daily
basis the art pieces I’ve purchased at the
Dinner & Auction over the last few years.
But the most memorable experience
I’ve had with The Wing is last year’s
scene reading for the novel Hotel on the
Corner of Bitter and Sweet by Jamie Ford.
It was such a powerful performance.
We walked around the museum
after the reading and we went on the
tour of the Canton Alley apartment.
The whole thing was terrific.
Nancy: It’s important that the museum
is in such an historic building. I’ve been
there for many community events and
you always have a clear sense of exactly
where you are: you’re in a space created
to reinforce the story and the living
identity of the neighborhood and the
Thank you, Nancy and Toby, for your
significant contributions to The Wing
and our community.
We thank Victor Mizumori for serving over
13 years as Treasurer of our Board of Trustees.
We appreciate his many years of dedicated
service, steady leadership, and hard work,
through times of great change and museum
growth. Thank you, Victor, for your leadership
and for continuing your service as a Trustee.
Bruce Brundige has stepped up to an officer
position as the new Treasurer. Bruce has been a
Trustee for six years and has more than 20 years
of experience working in the financial services
industry, currently as a LPL Financial Consultant
with the Seattle Metropolitan Credit Union in its
Financial Services Group. Congratulations, Bruce!
Please welcome new staff members who recently
joined the museum: Annika Firn, Rahul Gupta,
Kit Herrod, Minh Nguyen, Rayann Onzuka, and
Gary Yamamoto.
Thank you to staff members who recently
concluded their service to the museum: Rose
Paquet Kinsley, Carmel Laurino, Jennie Fong Ly,
Maria Vanessa Martinez, Marites Mendoza,
Virgel Paule, and Jessica Rubenacker.
With great appreciation, The Wing acknowledges the following supporters
for calendar year 2013. Thank you for making sure that Asian Pacific American
stories are heard, remembered, and brought to life.
Jim Lintott and May Liang*
Paul Mar*
Atsuhiko and Ina
Goodwin Tateuchi
Ellen L. Ferguson*
Abraham M.S. Goo and
Shin Quon Goo*
Debbie Killinger*
Dr. Paul Liao and
Mrs. Mei-Yea Liao
Steve and Paula
Beth Takekawa and
Tony To*
Rick Wong and
Leanne Nishi-Wong
Adamucci Family*
Paul Bock and Family*
Bruce Brundige and
Grace Tazuma*
Sally and Dick Henriques
Families of Fred and
Edith Imanishi*
Vera and Joey Ing
Jill Nishi and
Howard Nakase
Nancy Skinner Nordhoff
Patterson Charitable
Judith M. Tobin and
Michael Baker*
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay
and Brady Wakayama*
Milt Wu*
Ethelyn C. Abellanosa
and Paul Facchini*
Jon and Bobbe Bridge*
Toby Bright
Katherine Cheng and
Ron Nelson*
Jamie and Leesha Ford
Kai Fujita
Susan Hori and
Robert Hori
Felix and
Elizabeth Huang
Randy Inouye in honor
of Frank Fujii
Linda E. Lemon
Flora Ling and Paul Sturm*
Nora Liu*
Kemi Nakabayashi and
Jim Norton*
Vo D. Nguyen and
Sonia Lim*
Schultz Family Foundation
Sunny Speidel*
Diane and Rich Sugimura*
Edwin Wong and
Naomi Takagi*
Wyman Youth Trust
Patricia Akiyama and
David Larsen
Steve Alley and Amy Scott
Bernie and
Wendy Aquino*
Sheldon Arakaki*
Casey and Allison Bui*
Richard Cahall
Sai and Debbie
Matt Chan and Gei Chan
Jerry and
Mutsumi Chihara*
Wilson Chin and
Tina Young*
Hing Chinn and
Desiree Chinn*
Wallace and
Deanna Chinn
Mayme Chinn*
Martha C. Choe*
Elizabeth Choy and
James Lobsenz*
Monica, Stephen, Rachel
and Thomas Day*
Tom A. DeBoer and
Durga Doraisamy
Bruce and Dolores Dong*
Mary and James Dunnam
Cora Edmonds and
Phil Crean
Nanette Fok and
Brad Tong*
Mimi Gan and
Everett Billingslea*
Jodi Green and
Mike Halperin
Shannon and Dan Jost
Linda R. Larson and
B. Gerald Johnson*
Masao Koba*
Betty Lau*
Charlene and Jerry Lee
Amanda and Judd Lee
Linda Lee*
Kenneth and Michelle Lo
Pat Norikane Logerwell
and Don L. Logerwell*
Douglas Mar and
Patty Lee
Midori Matsui
Tomoko and Koji Matsuno,
in honor of Tomoko,
Koji, Mineko and
Magumi Matsuno*
JoAnn Mills
Victor and
Stacy Mizumori*
Paul and Craig Murakami
Jean Nakayama
Curtis and
Charlene Nakayama*
Pankaj and Sona Nath
Frank and Haru Nishimura
Grace Nordhoff and
Jonathan Beard
Larry Numata and
Mae Fujita Numata
Carlos and Loretta Orpilla*
Ron Pascho and
Jackie Hutchinson*
Ken and Nancy Prichard*
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Carolyn C. Rees
Frank S. Sato and
June N. Sato
Jon and Mary Shirley
Mark Takagi and
Connie Ricca
Jean E. Takekawa*
Greg Traxler and
Patricia Kiyono*
Herbert Tsuchiya*
Doug and Maggie Walker*
Maiko Winkler-Chin and
Tyler Chin
York and Paula Wong*
Stewart Wong and
Thom Harrington*
Ann P. Wyckoff
George and Irma Yen
Marge Young and
John Young*
Anonymous (4)
Virginia Anderson*
Lorra Antonio
Jane S. Bock
Shirley Hune and
Kenyon S. Chan*
K. Chester and Sue Chen
Wilton and Paula Chinn*
Chuck and Chris Chinn*
Jackie Der and
Alan Painter*
Robert Evans
Betti Fujikado
Misun Chung Gerrick and
Christopher Gerrick*
Allen Gibbs
Gary and
Sandee Hamatani*
Michele and
David Hasson*
Natalie Hayashida Ong
and Albert Y. Ong
James Hickman
Susan P. and Jerome A.
Iranon in memory of
Toy Wong, Mon Shui,
and Arthur Pion
Barbara Johns and
Richard Hesik*
George and Lily Kajiwara*
Manami Kano
Paul and
Miyoko Kawaguchi
Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett
and Paula Bock*
LiLi Liu and Ken Huey
James and
Christina Lockwood
Dr. Ted and Joyce Love
Barry and Teresa Luke
Les and Linda Lung,
in memory of
Bertha Tsuchiya
Kyle and Kimberly Maeda
Susan L. Mar*
Jim McDermott
Edward Miesen and
Glenn Yorita
Roger Mizumori and
Marlene P. Blessing
Kevin Nagai
Sharon Nelson*
Doug and Noriko Palmer
Judy Pigott*
Alan and
Andrea Rabinowitz*
Hisako Louise Sako
Randi Sibonga and
Bart Shilvock*
Jasmit Singh and
Molina Kaur Kochhar
Katsumi and Terrie Tanino*
Burton Walls and
Ralene Walls
Yicheng Wang
Timothy D. Wang
Linda Watanabe
William F. Waye*
Melanie R. Wojtulewicz
and Tony Crowe*
Losa Wong and
Larry Mar, in honor
of Paul Mar*
The Yano family in
memory of Alfredo
Templonuevo Yano*
Barbara Yasui*
Larry T. Yok and
Eric Olson*
Erin Younger and
Ed Liebow*
Anonymous* (2)
Jeff Akutsu
B. Frederica Billingslea
Wade Char
Coughlin Porter Lundeen
Shan Cretin
Pio DeCano II
Anne Denman
David Ghormley
Beatrice Hull
Joe Hwang
Jared Jonson
Sherry Katsuhisa
Emmett Keeler
Keiko Koizumi
Tom and Janet Kometani
Susan Kunimatsu
Wilson Li
John Limantzakis
David Louie
The Yippe Eng Family
Dean and Elena Lum
Steve Mar
Carol M. Moriguchi
Furman Moseley and
Susan Moseley
Lawrence Nash
Michiko Pentz
Diane Sanchez
Lisa See
Preston Singletary
Allan and Kayo Terada
Mildred Tsutsumi
Trang Tu
Julie Wade and
Tom Phillips
Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Wong
David Zapolsky
Asian/Pacific American
Librarians Association
Kiran Ahuja
Carolyn Antonio
Maria Anulacion
Elaine M. Aoki and
Dennis J. Yamashita
Karyn Barer
Carolyn Bowman, Valerie
Kato and David Kato
Joan Carbonell
Janine and Brian Chan
Bing Man Chan
Phil Chanen
Dr. and Mrs. Samuel Chao
Tripat Chawla
Andrew Chin
May C. and Dale C. Ching
Minoo Damanpour
Jennifer Davis
Kaye Dethridge
Stephen J. Dorner
Lynn Eng Chang
Evelyn A. Ferro
Nancy Fisher-Allison
Suyeko Fujikado
The Wing is grateful to the Legacy Society
members for investing in the museum’s
future through a planned gift.
Bruce Brundige and Grace Tazuma
Gordon Davidson
Ellen L. Ferguson
Ajay and Julie Jindal
Helen Lew Lang and Calvin Lang*
Paul Mar
JoAnn Mills
Victor and Stacy Mizumori
Elizabeth B. Patterson*
Ken and Nancy Prichard
Christina Tai and Theo Baird
Beth Takekawa and Tony To
Gloria Lung Wakayama and Dean Wakayama
Stella Chao and
Michael Smyser*
Ling Chinn*
Bruce Hayashi and
Kari Schlechten*
Phil Hutchinson and
Ellen Saboe
Atsushi Kiuchi and
Beverly Kiuchi*
Jan and Henry Kumasaka*
Chata G. Laigo*
Daniel C. Lee*
Ms. Diana J. Long
Emma Woo Louie*
Larry Blackstock and
Lori Matsukawa*
Tomio Moriguchi
Jessica Rubenacker
Mr. Ron G. Rubenacker
and Mrs. Jan
Virginia Ryning*
The Honorable Sharon
Tomiko Santos and
Bob Santos
Robert and
Sharron Shinbo
Jack and
Gayle Thompson*
Cindy Gok and
Brian Wong*
Teresa Woo*
Jeanne M. Acutanza and
John Perlic
Don and Midori Akagi
Anne Alo and
Brent H. Martin
Teresa Anderson
Joyce Aoyama and
Octavio Rosales
Donald J. Arima, DDS*
S. James Arima*
Ginette Bailey
Maria Luisa Batayola*
James Beach and
Monica Beach
Norie Sato and
Ralph Berry
Ms. Barbara Berthiaume
Emi Bevacqua
Ann Bieri and
John Fleming
Ralph Bietz and
Ginger Seick
Kathy and Keith Biever*
Eleanor and Alan Boba*
Mr. J. Scott Bowen and
Annette P. Bowen
Michael Richards and
Rita Brogan
Chuimei H. Bronson and
Bennet Bronson*
Geoffrey Brown and
Jane Becker
Robert Brown*
Ruth Callard
Rebecca and Mike Chan*
Terrill Chang and Jan Faull
Nancy Y. Cheng
Carol Y. Cheung and
Robert J. Miller
Dr. Theodore S. Chihara*
Mae and Quinn Chin*
Cassie E. Chinn and
Paul Kelly*
Dorrienne and Tony Chinn
Frances Yee Chinn*
Janine and Darin Chinn
Suj’n Chon*
Rev. Katherine Choy-Wong
Vivian and Joe Chun*
Mr. Don Clark and
Mrs. Molly Clark
Harriett and Halley Cody
and Harvey Sadis*
Laurance A. Coghill and
Hideko Coghill*
Carol and Phil Cook
Stephen R. Dager and
Laurie S. Fouser
Gemma, Russ, McKinlay
and Kaya Daggatt*
Joan and Michael Day
Cynthia and
Jay del Rosario*
James B. DeLong and
Janet Staub*
Renko and
Stuart Dempster*
Bob and Karin DeSantis*
Steven and
Elizabeth Deutsch*
Ticiang Diangson and
Greg Sletteland*
Emily A. Dietrich
Kim and Jim Elliott
Linda Eng*
Susan Kunimatsu and
Gary Epstein*
Greta and
Graham Fernald*
Dr. Mary E. Fischer
Kelby Fletcher and
Janet Boguch
The Flynn Family*
Dayan Flynn-Walsh
Faith Fogarty
Jennette Folta
Shiu Fong Su
Laurie Frankel
Barbara Frazier
Rebecca Frestedt
Yasuko T. Fukano*
Jeni and Cal Fung*
Diane Sakai-Furuta and
Michael Furuta*
David Gardner and
Josie Gardner
Christopher Gee
Shannon L. Gee and
Ian Devier
Carey Quan Gelernter
and Jerry Large Family
Lydia Gerber
Irene Goldbeck
Seth and
Wendy Goldsmith*
Marilynn Goo and
Michael Sill
Bruce Goto*
Gene Graham, in memory
of Lois Graham*
Carole Grayson
Richard and
Susan Gurtiza*
Janet Gwilym
Susan Han and
Gorman Wong*
Chris Harris and
Christine Crandall
James Harris and
Yasuko Harris*
Dr. Frank Tubridy and
Dr. Gerrie Hashisaki
Joshua Heim and
Vivek Manchanda
Pat and Paula Herd*
Kandace and Rick Holley*
Dale and Rebecca Hom*
John Hom*
Chris Horner
Alina Hua*
Mr.and Mrs. Thomas K.
Glenn and Marilyn Ige
Dean and Cindy Ikeda*
Tom S. Im and
Delight K. Im
Diane Isonaka and
David Galas*
Rick Johnson
Miriam M. Jue, in memory
of Ted Wah Jue*
Julia Kalmus and
John Lillard
Michael Kan
Lonny Kaneko and
Amy Sanbo Yamamoto*
Hiro Kawasaki and
Bill Calderhead*
Richard S. Kay and
Felicia D. Uhden*
Diane and Ron King*
Jane King and
Allen Cheadle*
Melanie B. King
Pamela Klainer
Kay Knox and Lori A. Miller
Bruce A. Kraig
Roland and
Bernadette Kumasaka
Ruthann Kurose and
Nathan Rothman*
Albert and JoAnne Lee*
David and Miranda Lee
Neva Lee*
William and Lilly Lee
Cecil and Hazel Leung*
Charles and
Pauline LeWarne*
Sandy Lew-Hailer and
Harvey Hailer*
Carla and Don Lewis*
Ms. Mary Lou Lewis
Cindy Ling
Andrew Liu*
David Lock and Julie Lock*
Calvin and Ruth Locke,
in memory of Mee
Siem Lock and Sau
King Lok*
Toni R. Long*
Gina M. Lopardo and
Ginger Chaffin
Juanita Tamayo Lott,
in memory of
Robert Henry Lott*
Joseph and Sula Louie
Bettie Luke*
Ruby Luke*
Larisa L. Lumba
Rodney and
Marilyn Madden*
William L. Malcomson*
Vicki Mar, Bob Scroggs
and Sam Scroggs*
Brent H. Martin and
Anne Alo
Ms. Marie M. Masumoto
Mark M. McDermott and
Diane Zahn
Kris V.L. Mikami*
Yoshie Mikami*
Elizabeth and
Stewart Miller*
Carol Mohler*
Alfred and Sandy Moy
Sen K. and Faylen E. Moy
Junior Nagaki and
Janice Nakamura
Mira Nakashima,
George Nakashima
Woodworker, S.A.*
Dale and Judy Neumann*
George Ngo
Bud and Patricia Nicola*
Rev. Richard T. Nishioka
and Alice A. Nishioka*
Ross, Ava, Tani and
Taryn Ohashi*
Julie Ann Oiye*
Martin Oiye and
Susan Nakagawa*
Tim and Kim Okamura*
Zenaida E. Olivas
Sacha and James Pacyga
Mary Pang*
Elizabeth Wong Pelley*
Sandra Lynn Perkins and
Jeffrey Karl Ochsner*
Philbin-Fraser Family*
Amy Poel and Mary Tripoli
Donald D. Pogoloff*
Judith W. Poutasse
Jack and
Carolynn Prelutsky*
Steven C. and
Gloria L. Pumphrey
Judith Quist
Anna & Tom Rudd
Janice C. Sakai*
Tsutomu and Yoko Sasaki*
Jeffrey A. Saul and
Lily Eng, in memory
of Yue Eng*
Betsy R. Schneier*
Theodor Schuchat*
Christina Seong
John and Pauline Shigaki*
Alice Ito and
Bob Shimabukuro*
Roger Shimomura*
Elizabeth Sinclair and
Robert Crittenden*
Lois M. Smith
Yae Sobie*
Brian and Laura Soriano
Kristin M. St. Carrell and
Matthew R. St. Carrell
Duane and Rulee
Matsuoka Stallmann
and Family, in memory
of Takeo and Kazue
Hirotaka Matsuoka*
$100,000 AND ABOVE
MetLife Foundation
National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.
$10,000– $24,999
Comcast Foundation*
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Expedia, Inc.
The Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
First Peoples Fund, Our Nations Spaces
Peach Foundation
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
$5,000– $9,999
$50,000– $99,999
U.S. Forest Service, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie
National Forest*
$25,000– $49,999
The Paul G. Allen Family Foundation*
The Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin
Tateuchi Foundation*
The Boeing Company
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation
Humanities Washington
KeyBank Foundation
Muckleshoot Charity Fund
Snoqualmie Tribe Fund
Tulalip Tribe Fund
US Bancorp
Washington State Arts Commission
UP TO $4,999
Bank of America
KUOW 94.9
Smithsonian Youth Access
Ashley Steel and
Bill Richards
Nicole Stellner and
Peter Eberhardy
John and Sandy Stice
Joshua and Carol Suehiro*
Ed Suguro*
Michael Sullivan
W. Richard Takaki
Frieda Takamura*
Mr. Bobby Takatsuka and
Lily Takatsuka*
Carolyn S. Takei
Ed Tan
Ed and Mona Tanaka*
Bill Tashima and
Chris Bentley*
Victoria Terao*
Sarah J. Thomas and
Jonathon Hurd
Paulette Thompson*
James L. To
Shokichi and Elsie Tokita
Toshio and
Dolly Tokunaga*
Masako Tomita*
Lotte and Mads Torgersen
Kim Tran and
Angelo Locsin
Al Tringali and
Maryann Daley*
Sam Tsoming
Kenzan Tsutakawa-Chinn
Catherine C. Uehara
Irene Namkung and
John Ullman
Janice and Neill Urano*
Marcia Usui*
Gerie and Tessa Ventura*
Eugene and
Marilyn Webb*
Charles Wilkinson and
Melanie Ito*
Darryl S. Wong
Jack and Beverley Woo*
Paul and Jane Woo
Katherine Wurfel
Stacy Yamada and
Michele B. Bernardo
Bobbie Yamamoto
David H. Yick
Arthur Yorozu*
Jan Yoshiwara
Magdalene Y. Young and
Thomas P. Lie
Zac Young
Tonya and Scott Yuan
Kui Yue
* Part of a multi-year commitment
Rae Hayashi
Tarah Hellwell
Robert C. Hirotaka and
Wendy Jacobson
Sue Ann Huang
Margaret Kitazawa
M. Carolyn Kunihiro
Pablo and
Kristine Lambinicio
Liz Law
Conrad and Winnie S. Lee
William H.K. and Betsy Lum
Suwako and
James Maeda
Randy Main
Mark Mano and Lisa White
Dave Matusiak
Molly Michal
Gene and Priscilla Moy
Tania Mueller
Jane Noland
Irene Pennell
Whitney and
Mary Lynn Potter
Judy Ramseyer
Darin Reynaud-Knapp
Jay and Rakuko Rubin
Len Saari
Lorraine and Tom Sakata
Mindy Shoemaker
Mindy Shoemaker
Leslie F. Smith
Dave Symington
Saburo Tsuboi
Dennis and Judy Tsuboi
Evelyn M. Wallingford
Brent Watanabe
Tek H. Wong
Steve and Stacey Wong
Alan and Joyce Yamagiwa
Sam Wing Yu
Tony Yuen and
Jana Nishi Yuen
Carol Zielke
Anonymous (8)
Daniel Adams and
Cynthia Toops*
Robert R. Adamson
Robert R. Adamson and
Janis L. Swalwell
Karen Akira, in honor of
Jiro Iwamura*
Gerald and Alyce Arai
Claudia J. Bach*
Barbara Barden and
Roderic Kryzwicki
Linda Beaumont and
Steve Badanes
Yvonne M. Belanger
Eric Benson and
Peter Ruskin*
Aiko Bethea and
Tom Owens
John Bisbee and Binko
Chiong-Bisbee, in
memory of Anna Fumi
Morikawa Chiong*
Chris Black and
Signe Dortch
James and Alida Boorn
Esperanza Borboa
Ken Bounds and
Linda Gorton*
Kristen Boyles
Herb Bridge and
Edie Hilliard*
Bill Broderick and
Bea Kumasaka*
Elizabeth C. Butler and
Chris Kim
Eddie Cantu and
Valerie Cantu
Elizabeth Casey and
Lynn Eyford
Meg and Matt Chadsey
Dorothy and
John Chambless
Rebecca Chaney and
Martin Chaney
John and Barbara
Peg Cheng and
Marcus Donner
Ms. Jennifer Y. Cheung
Cindy and Robert Chin
James and Sue Chinn*
Rick and Betty Chinn*
Stacy Choi*
Christopher Chow and
Stephen Thane*
David Chow and
Jessica Chow*
Jessica and David Chow
Lisa Conley and
Jeff Williams
Beth and Marc Cordova
Roger and Judith Daniels*
Soph R. Davenberry and
Leilani Davenberry
Linda De Boldt and
Peter De Boldt
Corinne D. De Gouville
and Benoit P. De
J. Vincent Decker and
Danielle R. Devine
Paul and Kay Dunn*
Robert A. Dunn and
C. Alexandra Dunn*
Barry and Mary Dunphy*
Dexter and Alice Eng*
Jack Eng and
Patricia Buckingham
Kai Eng*
Myke and John Farbarik
Rino C. Fedrizzi and
Helga E. Smith*
Terence Fleischer and
Sharon Yem
John Gaines and
Maureen Gaines
Beatrice Gandara
Anjulie Ganti and
Rahul K. Gupta
Jeff and Wanda Garfield*
Danielle Gordon and
Jonathan E. Gleasman
Edna Golla and
Tony Chinn
Tim Goon
Ms. Carolyn J. Gronlund
and Doralee Moynihan
Masako K. Guidry
April C. Hale and
Devon Hale
Robert Hamatani*
Michiko Harada
Alan Hashimoto and
Kathleen McKeehan*
Cathy Hawley
Mr. Jeffrey C. Helde and
Patricia A. Helde
Chris and Victoria Helm*
John Hindman and
Lynda Williamson
Henry H. Hirano and
Tomi T. Hirano*
Eugene Ho and
Ilona Rossman Ho
Katie Hong and
Harold Taw*
Jim Hopfenbeck and
Alice Dubiel*
Douglas A. Hott and
Jennifer Pham-Hott
George and
Wanda Hughes*
Tom Ikeda and
Sara Yamasaki*
Mr. and Mrs. Craig T.
Shirley Katz
William and Beth
Rod and Kris Kawakami*
Ann M. Kawasaki Romero*
Doug Kim
Tanya Kim*
Alma M. Kimura and
Paula Langbehn
Sharon Kita and Rob Britt*
John Kook and Linda Luke
Christopher and Tram Le
Cornelius Lee and
Kristen Lee
Marilyn Leverson and
Sara Singer*
Ann C. Liburd and
Caedmon A. Liburd
Amy Liu
Ms. Harriet M. Lodge
Abe and Helen Lum*
Loretta Lum
David Lundsgaard and
Lori Phillips
Sarah Prager and
Eric Magnuson
Erin J. Maguire-Quirk
Dao Mai*
Kelly Mann and
John Kenley
Victoria A. Mann and
Hummie Mann*
Andrea Mano and
Aaron Ramos*
George and Irene Mano*
Charlene A. Mano Shen
and Eugene Shen*
Mrs. Mary Anne Martin
and Chuck Martin
Gary Matsudaira
Sarah Mattox
Michael and Julie Mayer*
Corinne S. McKisson
S. Michael Minard and
Paula Liu
Beth and
Christopher Montanez
Hal and Susan Mozer*
Linda Mui and
Michael Hillberg
Giro and Miyo Nakagawa*
Karen L. Nelson and
Isaac J. Barry
Lorrin Nelson and
Tina Gourd*
George and Jean Nishi*
Leilani Nishime and
Mark Pettet
Charles G. Nordhoff and
Tracy Bennett*
Mike Olden*
Mary Paananen and
Terry Paananen
Margaret Pak and
David Enslow
Tommer Peterson and
Elizabeth Flett*
Ellen Phillips-Angeles
and Ranesto Angeles*
Judith Quan and
Joeseph Rizzuto*
Rahim Rajan and
Noreen Lalani
Kat Randolph and
Kyle Wong
David and
Catriona Reuther*
Rollie and Susan Roberts*
Dawn Robinson
Debbie Robinson
Theresa Ronquillo
Merrial Rosas and
Gabriel Rosas
Sharon A. Sakamoto and
Ron Takemura
Rebecca Saldana
Pheuy Sath
Baron Schaaf and
Andrea K. Bufort
Randolph and
Barbara Schnabel*
Robert B. Seddon and
Emily M. Seddon
Scott and Jena Shapiro*
Mimi Sheridan
Daniel J. Shih and
Theodore MacGovern
Samuel and Sylvia
Shiroyama, In Honor of
Sechiko M. Shiroyama*
Alice Shobe and
Eric Svaren
Alan and Carol Sidell
Charles Z. and
Eleanor M. Smith*
David and Jannie Spain
Lisa M. Staley*
Mark Stern and
Susan Seifert
Monica C. Stewart and
William F. Bade
Kathleen Sullivan and
Dan Berger
Shuzo and Alice Takeuchi*
Anna H. Tamura
Gary Tang and
Scott Wittet
Kerry Taniguchi
Christine Tantoco and
Marshall K. Nam
Ms. Cathy J. Tashiro and
Carl A. Anderson
Michelle Tee and
Edmund Tee
Awnie and
Joseph Thompson*
Piper and
Jonathan Thornburgh
Vernon and Dale Tom*
Ted Tomita and
Janet Tomita
Kirby and Heidi Torrance
Cheryl and Kaeli Towne
Dennis Tran and
Paul Tamura*
Joyce Tseng
Mrs. Amy Natsuko Tsuruta*
Greg Tuai and
Benling Wong
James Tweedie and
Sasha Welland
Eliza Davidson and
Randolph Urmston*
Friendly Vang-Johnson
Ron Wang and
Melinda Wang
Alys E. Weinbaum and
Matthew Aalfs*
Marci L. Wing and
Jeff Robbins*
Barry Wong
Joyce and Al Wong
Shawn and Erin Wong*
Stephen and Sharon
Keith and
Mary Ann Yamaguchi
Kiyoo and Kay
Steve and
Valerie Yamasaki
H. Ruri Yampolsky and
Knut Hansen*
Michael Yee and
Dawn Rego
Virginia Yip and
Michael Vaughn
Byron K. Yoshina
Karen and
Michael Yoshitomi
David and
Kathy Yotsuuye*
Aileen Zacarias and
George T. Lau
Iden Zaima*
Steve Aanenson and
Lowell Deo
Marilyn Akutsu
Andrew Allen
Karen M. Allman
Gene M. Ampon and
Roger Anderson*
Marlene and Abe Angell*
Jacqueline L. Ashwell
Vanessa Au and
Kevin Tamura
John and Carol Austin*
Redmond J. and Suzanne
Wilson Barnett*
Charlie and
Kathy Blackman
Linda Brandeis*
Anne B. Brewer
Hugh Burleson*
BiHoa and Mark Caldwell*
James and
Malia Campbell
Carol and Henry Cannon*
Mr. Alexander Carson
Gloria E. Chan*
Paul W. B. Chan*
Bill and Mamie Chin*
Candace Chin
Loretta and Henry Chin
Linda D. Chinn*
Gayle N. Choi and
Richard W. Choi
Jody Clovis
Aaron and
Wren Crosleycone
Charles Davis and
Jonis H. Davis
Karen Dechadenedes
Robert H. B. Dela-Cruz
Van Diep and Joel Cain
Cheryl dos Remedios
Frances and John Dunlap*
Patricia Ekelund and
Kenneth Hall
Ruth and Alvin Eller*
Eleu P. Ellinger
William Eng and
Lancy Eng*
Caitlin Esworthy
Ms. Karen Fernandez
Charles and
Rose Ann Finkel
Robert F. Flor and
Randal Parker
Yan and Thelma V. Fong*
Miya Forrest
Toby Franco
Alison M. Fujino and
Matthew Sutton*
Theresa and Kia Fujiwara
Loren and Alexis Gallegos
David L. Gee and
Julie R. Kawakami
Louie Gong
Monoj K. Gupta and
Mina Gupta
Lorraine A. Hamada and
Mark W. Nakamichi
Mr. Pete Hanning
Edward Hay and
Linda Pak
Fong Hom and
Cort Harrington*
Tom Hom and Mae Rosok*
Guy E. Hoppen and
Ann E. Hoppen
Robert Hori
Bonan Hou and
Luke R. Bergmann
Sarah Hufbauer and
David True
David and
Jane Huntington
Anne and Paul
Judith Jesiolowski
Sally Johnson and
Stephen Mulder
Pamela Johnston
Erica, Duane, Alex and
Camille Jonlin
Etsuko M. Kawaguchi*
John Kees and
Susan E. Scott*
Nam Keo*
Marilyn and Ray Kihara
Gina Kim and
Steven Liang
Steve M. Kink and
Joann Kink Mertens
Mits and
Lilly Yuriko Kodama*
Anne Kroeker and
Richard Leeds
Jonathan and
Susan Krutsky
Justin Kuo
John Borawick and
Carolyn E. Kyle
Tara L. Lawrence and
Peter J. Lawrence
May Lee
Phyllis Lee*
Christoph and
Evelyn Lemoine
Ms. Joyce L. Lew
Judy and Hiram Li
Jody M. Lierman
Danny and Irene Lim
and Family*
Betty Lock and
Randall Spaan
Roz and
Roger Lueck-Mammen
Jocelyn Lui
Milton K. Lum
Margo MacVicar-Whelan
Carmelo and
Suzanne Maldonado
Ruthann and Jerry Martin*
Matthew Masuoka
Karen and Larry Matsuda
Akemi Matsumoto*
Robert and
Janice Ann Meadows*
Vivian Miller-Rahl
Robert C. Shields and
Lydia Y. Minatoya,
in honor of
H & A Minatoya*
Barbara Mizoguchi-Asahara
and Dave Asahara*
John Moritsugu*
Frank Muramatsu
Myrna and Paul Muto
Michi Nair
Mari Nakamura and
Yoshiki Nakamura
Harvey and
Hisako Nakaya
Valerie Nishimura and
Michael Nagan
Eileen Okada
Robert and Carol Okano*
Stephen Okawa
Gary and Linda Oman
Kenji and Martha Onishi*
Barbara Parker and
William Nichols*
Paul and Naomi B. Pascal*
Michael and
Susan Peskura*
Jim and Lanette Peterson*
Trung H. Pham
Beverly L. Pierce*
Brian Pope
Nick J. Prato
Annette L. Puente
Uma Rao and
Teresa Wang*
Barbara Reid
Margaret Robey
Christina Rockrise and
David Brown, Jr*
Dennis and
Sachiko Roden*
Diane Rodill
Martha N. Cohen Roe*
Marcia H. Rogers
Fabian Romero
Kathryn Rood, in honor
of Reni Kao
Sue Rose
Thanne Rose
Tess San Juan Brown
and Robert Brown
Trudy Sano
Sally Schultz
Maia Segura and
Damian Lix
June Sekiguchi
Deborah and
Walter Sepulveda*
Roger and Saki Shimizu*
Joby Shimomura
Rie Shintani
Stephen Shoji
Bruce and Joy Smith*
Vivian Sohn*
Claude and
Susan Soudah*
Hiroko Spees and
William Flaherty
Mr. Michael Stanger and
Laura C. Stanger
Bobbie Meltzer Stern*
Carol L. Stern and
Michael Stern
Mary Sudar
Caitlin Sullivan
Mitsu Sundvall
Mr. Eugene Tagawa*
Lloyd and Joan Takasugi
Tom and
Kiyomi Takekawa*
Merrily Taniguchi
Yvonne and Jim Tatum
Yukio and Kimiko Tazuma*
William Thieleman*
Richard and
Sandra Tietjen
Linda and Havens Tipps*
Nancy H. Trenbeth and
John E. Carson
Mariana Van Blair, in honor
of Artist Ron Ho*
Tad and Frances Wada*
Keith Tamez and
Jonathan Tamez
Takae Walts
Kayko Watanabe
Teruko Watanabe
Robert O. Wells and
Louisa Lancaster Wells*
Andrew Wilks*
Amelia Wong*
Theresa Wright
Yee Xiong
Ed and Maxine Yakushijin
Gayle Yamamoto and
Tia Johnson
Dave and Janice Yasuda
Wm. Toshio and
Fumi Yasutake*
Kam Yee
Jennifer Yogi and
Matt Adams*
Jerilyn Young
Roldy A. Ablao
Gale C. Adair and
George Adair*
Katie Aldridge
Dr. Cheryll Joy B. Alipio
Allen County Public Library*
Paloma Andazola-Reza
Linda Ando*
Andrea G. Arai
Barbara A. Arrowsmith
Carole Ashenburg
Mary L. Askelson*
Charles Averill
Janet Baba and
Irwin Yoshimura*
Josie Baltan
David W. Barker*
Susan J. Barnes and
E.J. Gong*
Ms. Ellen Barnett
Faith A. Beatty*
Sarah Berman
Nancy Biery*
Nancy E. Bonnema
Rick Bonus*
Pamela and
Raul Borromeo
Pamela G. Bradburn*
Ann Bristow
Jennifer Brower
Patricia Brown
Patricia A. Butterfield
Kimiko Hazel Calhoun
Barbara M. Cannon
Linda F. Capell
MalPina Chan and
Michael Ryan
Mr. Max A. Chan
Vivian Chan and
Bradley Chu*
David C. Chang
David Chattin-McNichols
Jean Chen
Katie Chevalier
Chanta Chhay
Belinda Chin*
Chuck Ming Chin
Yung A. Chin
Frances Young Chinn*
Elaine L. Chuang*
Peter L. Chun
Leigh-Anne Chung
Ms. Halley Cody
Fai Coffin
Dayna Cole
Ms. Christine Colman
Marie M. Coon*
Merilee Corbit
Susan Crawford King
Carol M. Dale
Kelly Dang
Barbie Decarlo
Gig Decker
Nicholas W. Deppen*
Susan Diep
Marilyn C. Dix
Rouge A. Douville
Betsy Duncan-Clark
Jean Durning*
Robert B. Edgers, in honor
of Sadayuki Habu*
Sylvia Wong Ellersick*
William D. Ellis
Aleta M. Eng
April J. Eng
Mary Q. Eng
Nancy Evans
Hwa-Tsun Feng and
Frances Feng
Robert and
Julianne Fisher*
Esther Furugori*
Elizabeth Gadwa
Deidre Gauff
M. Ghent*
Allen Gibbard
Nancy and Scott Gilbert*
Mary Ann Midori Goto
Elizabeth G. Gray
Stephen R. Griggs
Danny Guan
Aaliyah Gupta
Mrs. Emily M. A. Hall
Jane Hamatani*
Margaret and
Paul Hammerstad*
Marga Rose Hancock
Faith Hanna*
Verda Hansberry*
Sharon Harada*
Mr. Harlowe D. Hardinge*
Elaine Hayes*
Merna Ann Hecht
Ms. Selma Hemiup
Nancy K. Hevly*
Gilbert Hirabayashi,
in honor of Mabel
(Obasan) Hirabayashi
Mari Hirabayashi and
Simon Kennedy
Mr. John Ho
M. Sue Holland*
Moselle A. Horiuchi*
John Hotta
Sadako and
James Houghten*
Lucy Hsu
Grace Huang*
Perry Huang*
Sieah Huang
Dale R. Hughes*
Chun Wah Hui*
Heather and John Hunt
Robert Hutchison
Julz Ignacio
Miyoko and Joe Ike
Ms. C. Davida Ingram
Melvin Y. Inouye*
Ann B. Irish*
Mary Ishii*
Bonnie Jardine
Don W. Joe*
Elaine Jorgensen*
Rajanikant Joshi*
Art Kageyama*
Herb Kai*
Naomi A. Kaji*
Karen Kajiwara*
Kristie M. Kaneta*
Victoria Kaplan*
Louise Kashino, in honor
of Shiro Kashino*
Fran Kato*
Leslie Katsman*
Nami Kawakyu
Shige Kawano*
Toy Kay*
Danny Kikuchi*
Inmi Kim and Collin Breit
Clara E. King*
Gray Kochar-Lindgren
Ms. Miyoko Uchida
Sara Kosugi and
Jeanette Heylen
Mahnaz Kouhgoli
Michael F. Krawitz*
Marilynn Kreft*
Antje Kretschmer*
Cristina and Marcus
Richard Kuniyuki*
Mr. Jake J. Kwong
James Langseth, Jr.*
Judy K. Larsen
Carmel Laurino
Marie Lauritano
Eleanor C. Laxdall and
Daniel W. Laxdall*
Amy O. Lee
Sandra P. Lee
Sharon Lee*
William Lee
Michelle LeSourd*
Kenneth Lew*
Mr. Bernard Liang
Mary and
Christopher Lindberg
Nikola Litven
Brian Lock, in memory
of Irene Lock*
Patricia Lofstedt
Louise B. Luce
May Toy Lukens
Joseph L. Mabel*
Molly K. Maeda*
Paul Magnano*
Janet Maines
Stephanie R. Mano*
Daisy Mar*
Ida Mar*
James M. and Ida S. Mar*
Jeni Mar*
Paola Maranan
Wendy B. Marlowe, Ph.D.,
Mahealani Martin
Cecilia A.
Ms. Carolyn A. Mawbey
Loretta McIver*
Andrea L. McLean
Cynthia Mejia-Giudici and
Price Norman
Graciela G. Mendoza
Marites Mendoza
Lee Micklin
Ms. Carol Mirman
Bonnie Mizock
Steve Momii
Mary E. Montgomery*
Emily Morishima
Idalie Munoz Munoz
Julia Murakami
Martha Murakami*
Mako Nakagawa
Lilly Nakano*
Teri Nakashima
Annette Nelson*
Doan D. H. Nguyen
Mai Nguyen and
Lester Tran
May Nguyen
Rob, Iris, and Amy Nielsen
Amy Nikaitani*
Paul Nishimura
Jill Novik
Cassandra O’Francia
Toni D. Okada*
Charlotte K. Omoto
Rayann Onzuka
Kunio Otani*
Heidi Park
Anne P. Parker-Pollack*
Mary Passmore*
Kathy Paul
Feney Perez
Pamela Perrott*
Mary Ann Peters*
Hanh Pham
Chieko T. Phillips
Julia Pizzi
Susan Platt*
Ellen Punyon and
Frederick Saling
Merlin R. Rainwater and
Gregory Foster
Lori K. Rath
Madeline A. Renkens
and Family*
Barbara Reskin
Joseph S. Rice
Jeannette J. Roden and
Kit Loo*
Josephine Root*
Ms. Robin E. Rowedder
William K. Rutledge
Dan Sakaue
Karen D. Sakuma, D.D.S.
and Gary Ikeda*
Ms. Masu Sasajima
Audrey Schatz*
Luzviminda Schiffer
Laurel Sercombe*
Elizabeth Shaiken*
Vivien Sharples
Cathleen Shattuck*
Marita Sheeran
Deryl Shields
M.L. Shukis*
Sheila Siden*
Elsie Simon*
Laura Sisti
Steven D. Smith*
Judith G. Stitzel
Tanya Subcleff
Christine J. Susumi
Sarahann M. Swain
Stacey Swanby
Marianne Tada*
Peggy A. Tanemura*
David and Daphne Tang
Elsie Leilani Taniguchi*
Andrea K. Taylor
Kevin W. Thomas
Elizabeth Thompson
Michael Thompson
Martha Tofferi
Kip Tokuda and
Barbara Lui
Collin Tong
Christine Tran
Duy Tran
Susan Tripp
Constance Trowbridge*
Troy Tsuchikawa*
Beverly Wagner
Jennifer Wah
Grace Wang
Ms. Corrine Wilkinson*
Dorice Wolfrom*
Amber Wong
Jordan Wong
Judy Wong
Laura S. Wong-Whitebear*
Liana Woo
Mikala Woodward
Janet Worley
Ms. Tanafriti A. Wright
Lois Yamakoshi
Susan Yamamura
Ann Yamane
Fred Yee and
Clara Cheung
Victoria Young
Shirley S. Yovino
Nobuo Yutani*
Spring Zoog
Mama Gena: Barbara A.
Robert and Scot Blaser:
Alan Joseph Bluechel:
Marge Young and
John Young*
Kimie Burleson:
Hugh Burleson*
Elizabeth Anne Cahall:
Richard Cahall
Ai Chih and Ryo Tsai:
BiHoa and Mark
Laura Chin: Emma Eng,
Sandra J. Fujita, James
Louie, Linda Yamaguchi
Mamiya, James Wong,
Tek H. Wong
Ruth Chin: Anonymous
Winnie Chin: Dean,
Gloria, Lindsay and
Brady Wakayama*
Jane Chinn: Hing Chinn
and Desiree Chinn*;
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay
and Brady Wakayama*
Cheryl Chow: Marge
Young and John Young*
Don DeLlamas: Robert
and Marian Ohashi*
Clay Denman:
Anne Denman
Bill C. Eng: Anonymous,
William and Dorothy
Chin*, Kathy and Kim
Chinn, Vivian and
Joe Chun*, Emma Eng,
Patricia Eng, William
Eng and Lancy Eng*,
Cecil and Hazel Leung*,
Carol and Linda Luke,
Nina Pang, Wayne
and Chiuwah Pang,
The Very Reverend
Rubye-Lew-Huey Pang*,
Juliana K. So, Don
Tong and Betty Tong
Wai C. Eng: Arlene
Cheng and T.K. Cheng,
Tomio Moriguchi,
Tsue Chong Co., Inc.
William and June Eng:
Wilma Lew
Yve Eng: Jeffrey A. Saul
and Lily Eng*
Check Ming and Helen
Fong: Randy Fong
Manville Gan: Cindy Ling
Umeo and Chiyoko
Hamada: Ed and
Maxine Yakushijin
Takashi Hori: Susan Hori
and Robert Hori
Dale E. Johnson:
Sultan Mohamed
Ted Wah Jue:
Miriam M. Jue*
Scott Kanemori: Mark Muzi
and Laurie Boehme*
David Kao: Mary Aho*
Reni Kao: Kathryn Rood
Howard King:
Rochelle Casserd,
Janet May Wong
Beverly Kiuchi:
Atsushi Kiuchi
Ross and Shirley Kraig:
Bruce A. Kraig
Val Laigo: Chata G. Laigo*
David and May Lau:
Betty Lau*
Chang Hei Lee and
Gloria K. Lee: Donald
K. Eiford and Alice K.
Lee Eiford*
Alice Chue Lew:
Judy and Hiram Li
Henry K. Lock:
Jack W. Locke*
Robert C. Locke: Betty Eng
Julia Mar Luke: Marge
Young and John Young*
Maye and James Luke:
Susan L. Mar*
Russell C. Luke: Barry
and Teresa Luke
Wing Luke: Elaine
Jorgensen*, Marge
Young and John Young*
Dan Mar: Susan L. Mar*
Howard Mar: Dorrienne
and Tony Chinn
Hughie Mar: Susan L. Mar*
Marguerite D. Mark:
Howard Dong
Yoshie Yanagihara
Matsunaga: Keiko L.
Tom and Kazue
Matsuoka: Duane and
Rulee Matsuoka
Stallman and Family*
Charles Erabu “Suiko”
Mikami: Kris V.L. Mikami*
Takumi Mikami:
Yoshie Mikami*
Maria Yi Myers:
Paul Schlachter
Dee Dee Rainbow:
Marge Young and
John Young*
Frances and Earle
Reuther: David and
Catriona Reuther*
Rekiso Ray Sako: Hisako
Louise Sako
Mrs. Fusako Sasaki: Tom
and Janet Kometani
Mon Shui, Toy Ping and
Arthur Pon: Susan P.
and Jerome A. Iranon
Mitsue Suguro:
Mae Deguchi
Alexander and Julia To:
Ted and Joyce Love
Kim Tran and Hoa Dang:
Loc G. Tran and
Thu M. Ngo
Voy Chun Tse: John and
Pauline Shigaki*
Iwahiko Tsumanuma:
Christina Rockrise and
David Brown, Jr*.
Mariam Watanabe:
Linda Watanabe
Betsey Williams: Tom and
Bonita Williams
Toy Wong: Susan P. and
Jerome A. Iranon
Nellie Chinn Woo:
James Hickman
Kiyomitsu and Toshiko
Yakushijin: Ed and
Maxine Yakushijin
Alfredo Templonuevo
Yano: The Yano Family*
Fred Yoshimura: Beth
and Marc Cordova
My ancestors:
Fabian Romero
Deanna Chinn’s 75th
Birthday: Wilton and
Paula Chinn*
Paula Chinn’s 70th
Birthday: Dean, Gloria,
Lindsay and Brady
John Eng’s Birthday:
Bettie Luke*
Tessa and Elise
Goldsmith: Seth and
Wendy Goldsmith*
Sadayuki Habu:
Robert B. Edgers*
Reni Kao: Kathryn Rood
Michelle Kumata:
Karen Akira*
Dr. and Mrs. Paul B. Liao:
Katsumi and
Terrie Tanino*
Bettie Luke*: Kazuo and
Kiyo Ono
Paul Mar: Seattle
Chinese Chamber of
James M. Matsuoka: Jan
and Henry Kumasaka*
Mike Pasion’s 70th
Birthday: Wilton and
Paula Chinn*
James C. and Elizabeth
B. Patterson: Patterson
Charitable Trust
Beth Takekawa: Kai Fujita
Judy Tobin:
Margery Baker
Marge Young and John
W. Young: Doug Smith
A to Z Wineworks/
REX Hill Winery
Adriatic Grill Italian
Cuisine and Wine Bar
Alaska Airlines
Allegro Performing Arts
àMaurice Cellars
Amavi Cellars
American Dance Institute
Anthony’s Restaurants
Argosy Cruises
Argyle Winery
ArtsWest Playhouse &
ArtXChange Gallery
Asian Eye
Azarra Salon & Wine
Azuma Gallery
Ballet Northwest
Banfi Vintners
Batch 206 Distillery
Tera Beach
Belltown Dental
Marilyn Bergstrom
Best Bite
Big Dipper Wax Works
Blue C Sushi
Brotherton Cadillac
Charlie Burdell
Romson Regarde Bustillo
Canlis Restaurant
Cappy’s Boxing Gym
Caruh Salon and Spa
Virginia Causey
Charles Smith Wines
Chateau Ste Michelle
Lolan Lo Cheng
Donnie Chin
Chinoise Cafe
Chocolate Box
Kevin Chong
Jason Christian
Chukar Cherry Company
Comedy Underground
Coupe Rokei
Creative Dance Center
Nelson Daquip
Janell De Varona
DeLILLE Cellars
Don DeLlamas
Zuolie Deng
Diane and Herb DeValck
Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley
Din Tai Fung
Marita Dingus
Dreyfus Ashby & Co.
Earshot Jazz
Elliot’s Oyster House
Emerald Downs
Jack T Eng
Lily Eng
George Estrella
Ellen Ferguson
Firesteed Cellars
Frank S Fujii
Marion G Fukuma
Midori Matsui
Full Tilt Ice Cream
Georgetown Brewing
Green Leaf Vietnamese
Heavy Restaurant Group
Hiyama Studios
Mark Horiuchi
Vincent Horiuchi
Linda Hoshide
Hotel Andra
Icicle Seafoods
James Alan Salon & Spa
Japanese Cultural and
Community Center of
Jet City Improv
John Howie Restaurants
K1 Speed
Kahler Glen Golf & Ski
KidsQuest Children’s
David Kim
Eunice Kim
Fumiko Kimura
Patti King
Kona Kitchen
Tina Koyama
Krittika Noodles and Thai
Heidi Kumao
KUOW 94.9 FM
Le Rêve Bakery and Cafe
L’Ecole No. 41
Kathy Liao
Tiffany Lin
Dianne and Steve Loeb
Pat Norikane Logerwell
and Don Logerwell
Phyllis Lui
Macrina Bakery & Cafe
Magnolia Museum
Quality Framing
Majestic Fine Wines
Ma’Ono Fried Chicken &
Larry Matsuda
Koji Matsuno and Tomoko
Moriguchi Matsuno
Midori Matsui
Mayflower Park Hotel
Moet Hennessy
Steve Momii
Naoko Morisawa
Saya Moriyasu
München Haus Bavarian
Grill & Beer Garden
Mira Nakashima
Alasdair Neale
Dorothy Ng
Thu Nguyen
Amy Nikaitani
Northwest Outdoor Center
Novelty Hill Januik Winery
Oba Project
Beni O’Donnell
Oh! Chocolate
Ohana Restaurant
Oil and Vinegar
Oki Golf
Angie and Yuji Okumoto
Reid Ozaki
P.F. Chang’s China Bistro
Pacific Science Center
Pepper Bridge Winery
Perche No Pasta & Vino
Tommer Peterson
Precept Wine Brands
Puetz Golf
Ray’s Boathouse
Redhook Brewery
Renwood Winery
Ride the Ducks of Seattle
Michael Marcelo Roco
Britt Rynearson
Safeco Corporation
Dick Sakahara
Salty’s on Alki
Savvy Cosmetics
Seattle Bouldering Project
Seattle Children’s Museum
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Seattle International
Film Festival
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Men’s Chorus
Seattle Sounders FC
Seattle Wine Awards
Sebris Busto James
June Sekiguchi
Shakti East Vinyasa Yoga
Shirley Sing
Aki Sogabe
Southern Wine and Spirits
Spectrum Dance Theater
Bob and Lynn Stevens
Sun Valley Summer
Taiko Suzuki
Mark Takagi and
Connie Ricca
Akio Takamori
Tanabe Lawn and Garden
Eric Tanaka
Enfu (Ken Taya)
Teahouse Kuan Yin
Teatro Zinzanni
Ten Mercer
The Chip Room
The Essential Baking
The Marcus Whitman
The Paramount Club
The Parlor Billiards &
The Ruins
The Samarya Center
The Shelter Lounge
The Westin Bellevue
Theo Chocolate
Barbara Earl Thomas
Matt Timo
Lowell Tong
Gerard Tsutakawa
Unique Wine Company
University Bookstore
Neill and Janice Urano
Tony Ventura
Village Theatre
Vitality Pilates
Jonathan Wakuda Fischer
Patti Warashina
Z.Z. Wei
Elaine Wetterauer
Whole Life Yoga
Willows Lodge and
Barking Frog
Barry Wong
Stewart Wong and
Thom Harrington
Woodinville Whiskey
Woodland Park Zoo
Woodside/Braseth Gallery
Junko Yamamoto
Lois Yoshida
Kathy Yoshihara
Mia Yoshihara-Bradshaw
Yuen Lui Studio
Etheyln Abellanosa
Andrea Akita
Gilliam Angela
Tera Beach
Matthew Benuska
Grace Billingslea
John Bisbee
Don Blakeney
Rick Bonus
BuWon Brown
Natalie Bruecher
Bruce Brundige
Monica Chan
Gei Chan
Maxine Chan
Ed Chang
Jerry Chihara
Binko Chiong-Bisbee
Haeri Choi
Sandra Choy
Iris Chuluunbat
Erica Chung
Kelley Craig
Cesar Cueva
Jay Deguchi
Carina del Rosario
Marita Dingus
Jennifer Eberlien
Rian Ebesugawa
Ed Echtle
Alison Eisinger
Umbanhowar Elizabeth
Aleta Eng
Joselyn Engstrom
Tremblay Gail
Mimi Gan
Jen Gay
Misun Gerrick
Louie Gong
Aaliyah Gupta
Rachel Harris
Sally Henriques
Dylan High
Dale Hom
Rebecca Hom
Guy Hoppen
Kenji Hoshide
Kathy Hsieh
Tom Ikeda
Elaine Ishihara
Moon-Ho Jung
Dale Kaku
Julie Kang
Maria Kang
Danny Kaopu’iki
Debbie Kashino
Louise Kashino
Doug Kim
Nina Kim
Eli Kimaro
Laura Kina
Rachael Kitagawa
Tom Kleifgen
Diana Klein
Tom Kometani
Lady Konnyaku
Susan Kunimatsu
Tracy Lai
Peter Lape
Jerry Lee
Perry Lee
Sandy Lew Hailer
Lummy Lin
Pat Norikane Logerwell
McKinney Lora-Ellen
Bettie Luke
MalPina Chan
Sharon Maeda
Larry Matsuda
Christopher Matsui
Cynthia Mejia-Guidici
Guillen Miguel
Klema Molly
Anita Morales
Emily Morishima
Leslie Morishita
Umeko Motoyoshi
Paul Murakami
Paul Murakami
Allen Nakamoto
Dorothy Ng
Khoi Nguyen
LeiLani Nishime
Gail Nomura
John Nonato
Tosh Okamoto
Lorraine Pai
John Pai
Sarah Kim Park
Virgel Paule
Chieko Phillips
Terri Rau
Pierce Samuel
May Sasaki
Ally Seidel
Christina Seong
Frank Shinoda
Lei Ann Shiramizu
Sharyne Shiu-Thornton
Phonetip Sivilay
Chris Sketchley
Sooz Stahl
Jamie Stroble
Mizu Sugimura
Sharon Suh
Kwang Synn
Anna Tamura
Gary Tang
Sharyne Thornton
Esa Tilija
Judy Tobin
Gerard Tsutakawa
Mayumi Tsutakawa
Chrissy Wai-Ching
Jonathan Wakuda
Elaine Wetterauer
Yale Wong
Keith Yamaguchi
Brian Yambe
Yoni Yi
Shawna Zhou
Xiaoxue Zhou
* Indicates Charter Member
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
Tuesday–Sunday, 10am–5pm
First Thursday & Third Saturday
of the month, 10am–8pm
Closed Monday
Our Mission is to connect everyone to the rich history, dynamic cultures and art of Asian Pacific Americans through vivid storytelling and inspiring
experiences. The Wing is a proud Smithsonian Affiliate, a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution.
Beautiful gifts for mom
from featured artists
Aki Sogabe, Sazanka Design,
and MalPina Chan.
Mother’s Day is May 11th
Marketplace will be
closed for inventory
March 30–April 2.

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