Winter 2015 - Wing Luke Museum


Winter 2015 - Wing Luke Museum
Member Newsletter Winter 2015
Up Close With Bruce Lee’s Chinatown
PG. 2
Year of the Sheep & Coloring Contest
PG. 3
Behind the Scenes of Construct\s & Wing Luke’s Birthday
Supporter Spotlight
PG. 4
PG. 5
Ellen Ferguson, Co-President
Casey Bui, Co-President
Katherine Cheng, Vice President
Mimi Gan, Secretary
Bruce Brundige, Treasurer
Gloria Lung Wakayama, Past President
Aileen Balahadia
Sai Chaleunphonh
Tom DeBoer
Nanette Fok
Jamie Ford
Misun Chung Gerrick
Sally Henriques
Bo Lee
Judd Lee
Patricia Norikane Logerwell
Paul Mar
Midori Matsui
JoAnn Mills
Victor Mizumori
Jill Nishi
Savitha Pathi
Diane Sugimura
Mark Takagi
Judy Tobin
Roldy Aguero Ablao
Josie Baltan
Jennifer Buter-La Rue
Vivian Chan
David Chattin-McNichols
Chanta Chhay
Cassie Chinn
Monica Day
John Eklof
Jasmin Eng
Bob Fisher
Rahul Gupta
Maya Hayashi
Kit Herrod
John Hom
Julz Ignacio
Karen Kajiwara
Michael Kan
Polly Kang
Nam Keo
Inmi Kim
Michelle Reiko Kumata
Tiffanie Lam
Jintana Lityouvong
Jennifer Maines
Charlene Mano Shen
Luie Marcotte
Roeun Mol
Doan Nguyen
May Nguyen
Minh Nguyen
John Nonato
Cassandra O’Francia
Clarissa O’Francia
Sarah Olivo
Ray Onzuka
Feney Perez
Hanh Pham
Chris Potter
Jeannette Roden
Margaret Su
Tanya Subcleff
Beth Takekawa
Troy Tsuchikawa
Wren Wheeler
Donald Wong
Jordan Wong
Kela Wong
Mikala Woodward
Gary Yamamoto
Wing Luke Museum of the Asian
Pacific American Experience
719 South King Street
Seattle WA, 98104
206.623.5124 |
A Message from
the Executive Director
Bruce in Chinatown-ID. Photo: Courtesy of Bruce Lee Enterprises, LLC. All Rights Reserved.
Happy Year of the Sheep! If this is your year, you might be 12
or maybe 96, and you’re in good company with other leading
Sheep like Muhammad Ali, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Michelangelo.
Come celebrate the Lunar New Year at The Wing and then
join us at our annual auction dinner on Saturday April 4 at the
Westin Seattle. At this year’s dinner, Legacies for our Future,
we’ll hear from our youth who have connected with some of
the 90-year olds shaping The Wing’s future. We’ll celebrate
with figure drawings of 91-year-old contributing artist Amy
Hanada Nikaitani, who lives in a Chinatown-International District
apartment and golfs at the public golf course every week when the weather allows.
We recognize the 90-year-olds during the 90th birthday year of our namesake Wing Chong
Luke, who was born on February 18, 1925. Being the legacy of a social pathbreaker like
Councilmember Luke continues to shape The Wing’s direction and work today. This includes
the new exhibition Do You Know
Bruce?, which tells the story of Bruce
Lee, another locally-rooted Asian
American pathbreaker, who rose to
global prominence. People from all
over the world have found their way to
The Wing since this exhibition opened
last year, elevating our attendance and
sales by 130%, and with over 70% of
visitors having their first experience
here. Some take the popular
neighborhood tour Bruce Lee’s
Chinatown, including dining on Bruce
Lee’s favorite dishes at his hangout in
Chinatown’s oldest restaurant.
I am learning how people’s awareness,
love, and respect for Bruce impels
them to take a step into the unknown
and experience the ChinatownInternational District neighborhood,
aiding this historic
community in forging its future.
Let 2015 be a year of accomplishment
for each of you! Thank you for
energizing the Wing Luke Museum,
your community resource!
“It brings back cherished memories for me. Right there across the street I took my
very first gung fu lesson from Bruce. Those were the days of planning, learning,
charting out our lives, and falling in love.”
- Linda Lee Cadwell at the opening of Do You Know Bruce?
The corner windows from The Wing’s new
exhibition, Do You Know Bruce? look out to
Bruce Lee’s last studio in the ChinatownInternational District. In his basement
studio on the corner of 8th Ave and South
King Street, Bruce, his best friend Taky
Kimura, and future wife Linda planned and
shaped their future.
The Wing’s 2015 Auction invitation, image by Amy Nikaitani
Beth Takekawa, Executive Director
Visitors can now walk the paces of
The Dragon himself in the ChinatownInternational District through The Wing’s
Bruce Lee’s Chinatown neighborhood tour.
Explore his community work, see the sites
of his first schools, experience his love of
the neighborhood, and dine on his favorite
dishes. Tour participants also embrace
Bruce’s spirit and philosophy by enjoying
a martial arts demonstration by one of
several schools and disciplines still taught
in the neighborhood.
Bruce’s time in the Chinatown-International
District coincided with a rebirth of
rejuvenation and preservation in the
On the cover: Alabastro Photography, Wing Luke Museum Do You Know Bruce? Exhibit Opening, October 4, 2014
community. Under the care of Ping and
Ruby Chow, Bruce’s footsteps paralleled
those of Wing Luke and other community
leaders in fostering a sense of pride in
younger generations.
Tucked away in the back of a restaurant,
Bruce, his friends, and students would sit
at a secluded table. They shared plates of
oyster sauce beef and an array of other
meat-laden dishes – apparently, Bruce
was quite the carnivore! He had a love
for simple dishes, both Americanized and
more traditional; ones he would eventually
urge Linda to try and recreate on a daily
basis. We asked her which ones were
his favorites so we could give visitors
that up close experience on Bruce Lee’s
Chinatown tour.
Book online at For
more information or to reserve your tour,
call 206.623.5124 ext 133 or email tours@
Local artist Junichi Tsuneoka had this to say about his artistic process when
creating this year’s Sheep design:
“I wanted to create a sheep that’s energetic yet still very friendly looking.
Sheep fur often associated with clouds so I focus that aspect to design the
sheep. So I imagined a big sheep floating in the sky. That way I thought
I could communicate ‘Dream big for the New Year!’ concept.”
On display May 15 through October 18, 2015
Curated by Dr. Stacey Uradomo-Barre
Sheep years: 1919, 1931, 1943, 1955, 1967, 1979, 1991, 2003, 2015
Artists Lynne Yamamoto, Yong Soon Min, Kaili Chun, Tamiko and Midori Kono
Thiel, and Terry Acebo Davis have been invited to transform the spaces of the
George Tsutakawa Art Gallery. Construct\s includes five installations that
encourage visitors to explore history and memory, trauma and healing,
traditional arts and new technology, colonialism, identity, belonging, and more
— all through unique immersive and interactive environments created by these
Asian Pacific American women.
Famous horses: Michelangelo, Jane Austen, Mark Twain, Muhammad Ali,
Mick Jagger, Chow-Yun Fat, Nicole Kidman, Zhang Ziyi
Characteristics of people born in the Year of the Sheep: Reserved, creative,
dependable, intelligent, calm, fashionable, considerate, romantic, kind, sensitive
Year of the Sheep
Coloring Contest
Apply the creative
spirit of the sheep
to our annual Lunar
New Year Coloring
Contest, featuring
a Year of the
Sheep design
by local artist
Junichi Tsuneoka.
One creative
participant (age
12 and under)
will be voted
online as the winner of
the grand prize of $800 to spend at shops
and restaurants at The Bellevue Collection
and membership to The Wing. There will
be additional 12 runners up.
Download the coloring contest at wingluke.
org/coloringcontest, and submit it in
person at The Wing by Tuesday, March
31st, 2015. Follow us on social media for
more details on the online voting process.
Wing Luke Museum
Brush the Sky, an installation by Tamiko
Thiel and her mother Midori Kono Thiel,
integrates traditional calligraphy with
augmented reality in an exploration of
space, place, meaning, and abstraction.
Here Lauren Messenger, an exhibits intern
from the UW’s Museology program, helps
test the augmented reality elements in the
George Tsutakawa Art Gallery.
Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation
ADDITIONAL SUPPORT Washington State Arts Commission
KUOW 94.9
Can you identify this
basketball team?
On the first floor in the Museum, there
is a picture of Wing Chong Luke and
the Jackson Street Community Council
(JSCC) circa the late 1950s. In the picture,
Wing stands in a semi-circle with council
members, reflecting the diversity of
communities that live near and around
Jackson Street. They understood that
even though people may live separately,
the street connects them and it would
take everyone working together to grow
and prosper.
HINT: The team name starts
with an “H” and this picture
was taken around 1939-1940.
Email your guess to,
along with your name and contact
information. Correct responses will
receive a museum pass. Look for the
correct answer in the Summer 2015
Answer from the last issue:
A Korean hwagak box. Hwagak is a
Korean ox horn craft!
From the Wing Luke Museum Collection
Wing Luke would be 90 years old this
year. Many things have changed since
his passing in 1965 but the necessity
of strengthening relationships among
communities remains true today. As we
set out to remember and honor our
museum’s namesake, it is only fitting to
ask you, our community, “What does Wing
Luke mean to you?”
What kind of senior class president was
he? Was he always politically engaged? Do
you have pictures of you and Wing? Did
you eat a campaign fortune cookie? What
impact did he have that you see in your
community today? Contact May Nguyen
at to share your
memories and stories.
With unseen-in-decades artifacts,
uncovered audio clips, and a homecoming
of Wing Luke’s family and friends, please
join us on Saturday, March 14, as we honor
him and remember his life, his work,
and his dedication to his community and
Seattle. We also look at how he continues
to influence us even now.
Thank You
and Welcome
Welcome new trustee
Bo Lee. Bo is currently
a Vice President/
Senior Portfolio
Manager at BNY
Mellon. Bo has over 15
years of experience
providing investment
management solutions
and comprehensive
financial planning advice for private clients,
endowments, and foundations. Within the
community, she serves on the Board of
Directors for the French American Chamber of
Commerce in Seattle; is an active member of the
Washington Women’s Foundation; an advisory
board member of the Seattle Youth Grantmaking
Board through the Make a Dash Count
Foundation and is a member of the Seattle
Philanthropic Advisor Network and the Financial
Planning Association.
The only couple we know who had their first date at the Emmy Awards (Matt
won!), Matt and Gei Chan have since created a life together filled with pioneering
accomplishments in fashion and television. Matt is a leader in non-fiction television,
was named to the Hollywood Reporter’s Reality Power Producers list in 2011, and has
produced and directed programs including National Evening Magazine and A&E’s
Hoarders. Gei was part of the initial wave of Asian American designers to impact
mainstream fashion in the 1970s. She dressed a generation of young women with
designs for Jessica McClintock that defined the boho chic look of the hippie era and
remain popular today.
Many thanks and farewell to departing trustee
Bruce Hayashi. Bruce served on The Wing’s
board for 10 years, and as a neighborhood
participant and owner of an architectural firm
was particularly helpful in guiding the Museum’s
growth decisions. We are grateful for his service
and for being a great ambassador for The Wing.
Please welcome new staff members who
recently joined the museum: Jasmin Eng, Sarah
Olivo, Chris Potter, and Kela Wong.
Thank you to Jennifer Chen and Stacey
Swanby who recently concluded their service
to the museum.
In the past five years, both Matt and Gei’s donations of time and knowledge have
helped the Museum present two popular exhibitions, Fashion: Workroom to Runway
(2012 to 2013) and Do You Know Bruce? (currently on display).
Gei: I support The Wing because it’s
an institution that helps visitors learn
about the Asian American experience.
I believe there is a generation of Asian
Pacific Americans (APAs) who want to
know more about their unique history.
My hardworking restaurant-owner dad
and homemaker mother helped me to
appreciate my Chinese roots. Living
in a small rural California town, I grew
up with my parents’ stories about their
past in China and in Chinatowns in the
U.S. Their stories propelled me in my
single-minded and sometimes lonely
pursuit to become a fashion designer.
At that time, few if any Asians designed
For anyone looking to be more active in
the community, I encourage you to get
involved any way you can at whatever
capacity. It is quite an experience to be
part of The Wing “family”.
people of color. It’s essential for people of color
to share what they can with their communities,
be it money, expertise, or their time. As
successive generations are more mainstreamed
into society there is always a feeling of losing
yourself. APAs need to have a place that reflects
their culture. We are not the same as our roots.
I’m Chinese, but not from China. The Wing is
one of the only places in the United States that
celebrates that distinction.
Matt: Being a volunteer and donor
at The Wing makes me feel like I am
supporting something important for all
APAs. I tend to support things that have a
direct effect on people’s lives, especially
The Wing is a good place to start learning who
you are as an APA. I’ve met many of the staff
and volunteers who are very dedicated to their
mission and work hard to make The Wing a firstclass experience for visitors.
for manufacturing companies. What kept
me going was a very strong inner drive
to succeed, to not disappoint my parents
and to be the “local girl makes good.”
With great appreciation, The Wing acknowledges the following supporters
for calendar year 2014. Thank you for making sure that Asian Pacific American
stories are heard, remembered, and brought to life.
Ellen L. Ferguson*
Jim Lintott and May Liang*
Paul Mar*
Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin
Tateuchi Foundation*
Abraham M.S. Goo and
Shin Quon Goo*
Sally and Dick Henriques
Debbie Killinger*
Nancy Skinner Nordhoff
Beth Takekawa and
Tony To*
Rick Wong and
Leanne Nishi-Wong
Adamucci Family*
Nancy D. Alvord*
Jon and Bobbe Bridge*
Bruce Brundige and
Grace Tazuma
Tom A. DeBoer and
Durga Doraisamy
Jamie and Leesha Ford
Bruce Lee Foundation*
Flora Ling and Paul Sturm*
Jill Nishi and
Howard Nakase
Patterson Charitable
Steve and Paula Reynolds*
Judith M. Tobin and
Michael Baker*
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay
and Brady Wakayama*
Milt Wu*
Ethelyn C. Abellanosa
and Paul Facchini*
Paul Bock and Family*
Katherine Cheng and
Ron Nelson*
Nanette Fok and
Brad Tong*
Chuck and Brenda
Susan and Robert Hori
Randy Inouye in honor
of Frank Fujii
Perry and Vickie Lee
Kyle and Kimberly Maeda
Paul and Craig Murakami
Jon and Mary Shirley
Randi Sibonga and
Bart Shilvock*
Sunny Speidel*
Mark Takagi and
Connie Ricca
Wyman Youth Trust
Patricia Akiyama and
David Larsen
Steve Alley and Amy Scott
Virginia Anderson*
Bernie and Wendy
Sheldon Arakaki*
Toby Bright
Paul Brown and
Margaret Watson
Casey and Allison Bui*
Richard Cahall
Sai and Debbie
Matt and Gei Chan
David Chan and
Jane Nakagawa
Shirley Hune and
Kenyon S. Chan*
LaVerne and Jack Chen
Hing and Desiree Chinn*
Wilton and Paula Chinn*
Wallace and Deanna
Mayme Chinn*
Chuck and Chris Chinn*
Martha C. Choe*
Christopher Chow and
Stephen Thane*
Elizabeth Choy and
James Lobsenz*
John Chun and
Elizabeth Baldwin
Larissa Coleman and
Natalie Lamberjack*
Steve Davis and
Bob Evans
Jackie Der and
Alan Painter*
Bruce and Dolores Dong*
Mary and James Dunnam
Anne Fennessy and
David Moseley*
Bob Ferguson and
Sherwin Ferguson
Betti Fujikado
Mimi Gan and
Everett Billingslea*
Bruce Goto*
Jodi Green and
Mike Halperin
Jennifer and Roger
Malcolm and Karen Harris
Natalie Hayashida Ong
and Albert Y. Ong
Warren Higa
Joan and Jim Hsiao
Felix and Elizabeth Huang
Richard Lee Huie
Dr. Julie Y. Hungar*
Audrey Hwang and
Joel Ing
Alice Ikeda
Pat and Doug Ikegami
Shannon and Dan Jost
Manami Kano
Fred and Marianne Kiga
Mary Knell
Linda R. Larson and
B. Gerald Johnson*
Betty Lau*
Bo Lee
Amanda and Judd Lee
Linda Lee*
John Leong Kung Fu
Sandy Lew-Hailer and
Harvey Hailer*
Kenneth and Michelle Lo
Mike Lock and Cindy Lee
Pat Norikane Logerwell
and Don L. Logerwell*
Daniel Louis*
Gladys Ly-Au Young
Doug J. Mar and Patty Lee
Susan L. Mar*
Midori Matsui
Koji and Tomoko Matsuno*
Jim McDermott
JoAnn Mills
Anne B. Mize
Roger Mizumori and
Marlene P. Blessing
Victor and Stacy
Kemi Nakabayashi and
Jim Norton*
Lisa Nakamura
Jean Nakayama
Curtis and Charlene
Pankaj and Sona Nath
Jonathan Nicholson
Frank and Haru Nishimura
Amy and Rick Noji
Grace Nordhoff and
Jonathan Beard
Steve and Ann Norman
Carlos and Loretta Orpilla*
Doug and Noriko Palmer
Savitha Reddy Pathi*
Ken and Nancy Prichard*
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Carolyn C. Rees
Satya & Rao Remala
Karen Ressmeyer
David Richardson and
Suzanne Walsh
Schultz Family Foundation
Holly Sidford
Tom Skerritt and
Julie Tokashiki
Jean E. Takekawa*
Sue Taoka and
Richard Mar*
Greg Traxler and
Patricia Kiyono*
Herbert Tsuchiya*
Gerard Tsutakawa
Doug and Maggie Walker*
Anais Winant and
Mark Sidran*
Maiko Winkler-Chin and
Tyler Chin
York and Paula Wong*
Stewart Wong and
Thom Harrington*
Roger Woo
Ann P. Wyckoff
George and Irma Yen
Larry T. Yok and
Eric Olson*
Marge Young*
Judy Yu and Clay Hall
Tony Yuen and
Jana Nishi Yuen
Jason Beaumont
Alan and Janan Carter*
K. Chester and Sue Chen
Wilson Chin and
Tina Young*
Cassie E. Chinn and
Paul Kelly*
Melanie Chin-Ridenour
and Aaron Ridenour
Cora Edmonds and
Phil Crean
Misun Chung Gerrick and
Christopher Gerrick*
Allen Gibbs
Bruce Hayashi and
Kari Schlechten*
Valerie Chinn and
John Hom
Paul and Mary Hosoda*
Susan P. and Jerome A.
Iranon in memory of
Toy Wong, Mon Shui,
and Arthur Pion
Barbara Johns and
Richard Hesik*
George and Lily Kajiwara*
Ray and Janie Lee
Donna Lou and
Peter Bladin*
Clifford J. Louie *
Dr. Ted and Joyce Love
Barry and Teresa Luke
Tomio Moriguchi
Mellicent F. Much
Kevin and Jennifer Nagai
Sharon Nelson*
Robert Ohashi*
Alan and Andrea
Dolores Sibonga*
Rebecca Su
Christina Tai and
Theo Baird
Katsumi and Terrie Tanino*
Trang Tu
Nancy Lee Ward
William F. Waye*
Elaine Wetterauer*
Melanie R. Wojtulewicz
and Tony Crowe*
Teresa Woo*
The Yano family in
memory of Alfredo
Templonuevo Yano*
Barbara Yasui*
Teresa Yoneyama and
Stan Kitashima*
Russell Family Foundation
Kiran Ahuja
Terie Akada
Pauline N. Asaba
Barbara Barden and
Roderic Kryzwicki
Tera Beach
Masse and Fay Bloomfield
Patricia Brown
Theodore S. Chihara
Chuck Ming Chin
Ying H. and Anne Y. Chin
Elaine and Michael Chin
James and Sue Chinn
Rev. Kathryn Choy-Wong
and Arthur Wong
William Covington
Judge Frank Cuthbertson
Carolee Danz
Alicia Fung Davis
Jennifer Davis
Pio DeCano II
Cynthia and Jay
del Rosario*
Gary Epstein and
Susan Kunimatsu
Suyeko Fujikado
Diane Sakai-Furuta and
Michael Furuta
Helen M. Gamble
Marilynn Goo and
Michael Sill
Mary Ann Midori Goto
Jeanne Eagleson and
John Gray
Mary and Raymond
Robert Hamatani*
Dr. Frank Tubridy and
Dr. Gerrie Hashisaki
Kari S. and Larry W. Hofer
John Hom*
Melvin Y. Inouye*
Don W. Joe*
Art Kageyama*
Julia Kalmus and
John Lillard
Louise Kashino*
Harold Kawaguchi and
Shaun Hubbard
Shige Kawano*
Richard and Helen Kay*
Emmett Keeler
Diana B. Kerman
Keiko Koizumi
Marie Kurose and
Michael Woo
Eric Liu
Dr. Ray Lou
James Louie
The Yippe Eng Family
David Louie
Bettie Luke*
Pamela and Chuck Lyford
George and Irene Mano*
Steve Mar
The Wing is grateful to the Legacy Society
members for investing in the Museum’s
future through a planned gift.
Bruce Brundige and Grace Tazuma
Gordon Davidson
Ellen L. Ferguson
Ajay and Julie Jindal
Helen Lew Lang and Calvin Lang*
Paul Mar
JoAnn Mills
Victor and Stacy Mizumori
Elizabeth B. Patterson*
Ken and Nancy Prichard
Christina Tai and Theo Baird
Beth Takekawa and Tony To
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay and Brady Wakayama
Cynthia Adams
Marilyn Akutsu
Jean Anderson
Naomi Anderson
Maria Anulacion and
Hao Nguyen
Janet Aviado
Fred Bateman
Sono Nishimura Begert
Jeanette Blankenship
J. Scott and Annette P.
Marcia Boyd
Herb Bridge and
Edie Hilliard*
Jennifer A. Buter-La Rue
and Christopher J.
La Rue
Joan Carbonell
Glenda Cassutt
Dolly R. Castillo
K. Chan
Bing Man Chan
Nancy Y. Cheng
Wayne Ching, in honor of
Wing Luke Asian
Frances Young Chinn
Crispin Chinn
Eleanor H. Cho
Stacy Choi
Suj’n Chon
Selina Chow
Elaine L. Chuang
Alan J. Chun
Carolyn Cohen and
Scott Cline
Beth and Marc Cordova
Susan Crawford King
Don M. Culanag
Shulamit Decktor
Eduardo Diaz
Stephen J. Dorner
Rouge A. Douville
Paul F. Dunn and
Kay Rood
Barry and Mary Dunphy
Linda Eng
Randy Fong
Phyllis Friedman
Carey Quan Gelernter
and Jerry Large Family
George and Cylvia
Jane Hamatani
Marga Rose Hancock
Cathy Hawley
Rae Hayashi
Eric Hayashi
Moselle A. Horiuchi
Mr. John Hotta
Sun Hsia
Sue Ann Huang
George and Wanda
John and Arlene Iwai
Jonathan and Kristin Jue
Michael Kan
Linda Kan
Anne Katahira and
Chance Sims
Leslie Katsman*
Toy Kay
Doug Kim
Lai-Ping Kimura
Clara E. King*
Diane and Ron King*
Kelly Kojima
Sara Kosugi and
Jeanette Heylen
M. Carolyn Kunihiro
Pablo and Kristine
Dr. Kathie G. Larson
Conrad and Winnie S. Lee
Phyllis Lee*
Jennifer Lee-Drost
Michelle LeSourd*
Hsiaoching Li
Jason Lin
Debra Liu and Hoover
Chan, in hon Mr/s Tow
G. Lew, RT MT Lew
Betty Lock and
Randall Spaan
Jenny Lu
Vu Van Luc and
Huol Thi Chiem
Roz and Roger
Milton and Doris Lum
Abe and Helen Lum*
Jennie and David Ly
May K. Macnab
Dao Mai*
The Maile Family
Randy Main
Stephanie R. Mano*
Mark Mano and
Lisa White
Helen Mark
Byron and Virginia Marr
H. Gerald and Irene
Loretta McIver*
Molly Michal
Kaetlin Miller
Urbana Anne
Molina-Sarinas and
Mr. Eric Sarinas
Gene and Priscilla Moy
Tom and Warlita Mukai
Mr. Mark Muzi and
Ms. Laurie Boehme
Gina Nguyen
Valerie Nishimura and
Michael Nagan
Jane Noland
Beni O’Donnell
Charlotte Ohashi
Martin Oiye and
Susan Nakagawa*
Margaret and Deems
Joy Okazaki
Mark Ota and Leigh Ota
Michael and Susan
Jack and Alice Peterson
Beverly L. Pierce*
Alvin Rasch
David J. Roberts
Dennis and Sachiko
Joan Rosenbaum
Jay and Rakuko Rubin
Anna & Tom Rudd
Shiuko Sakai
Denise Sakaki
Sharon A. Sakamoto and
Ron Takemura
Karen Sakata
Jeffrey A. Saul and
Lily Eng*
Carol Schapira
Helen C. Schlichte
Maia Segura and
Damian Lix
Janet Sekijima
Mindy Shoemaker
E. R. and K.N. Sillifant
Allan Silverthorne
Carlos Smith and
Sumi Hayashi
Thomas R. Smith
Joon and Seungja Song*
Michael B. Stewart, MD
Ed Suguro*
Kathleen Sullivan and
Dan Berger
Peggy A. Tanemura*
Ms. Cathy J. Tashiro and
Carl A. Anderson
Allan and Kayo Terada
Michael Thompson
Linda and Havens Tipps*
Frank H. and Evelyn Y. Tse
Saburo Tsuboi
Dennis and Judy Tsuboi
Elizabeth Umbanhowar
Beverly Wagner
Jennifer Wah
Keith Tamez and
Jonathan Tamez
Kathy and Terry Weaver
Dana Wen
Charles Wilkinson and
Melanie Ito*
Marci L. Wing and
Jeff Robbins*
Vince and Carolyn
Barry Wong
Tek H. Wong
Curtis Wong
Jane Yamamoto
Alice S. Yasutake
Anonymous (13)
Maria L. Batayola*
John Bisbee and
Binko Chiong-Bisbee*
James and Marilyn Chu
Ken DeMile
Phil Hutchinson and
Ellen Saboe
Ms. Arlene Joe
Ellen Kahan
Greg Kimura and
Joy Atrops-Kimura
Greg Kucera and
Larry Yocom*
Daniel C. Lee*
Emma Woo Louie*
Tamiko and John Miyano
Andrew W. Moll
Steven and Gloria
Dr. Brian Wong and
Cindy Gok*
Don and Midori Akagi
Joyce Aoyama and
Octavio Rosales
Donald J. Arima, DDS*
S. James Arima*
James and Monica Beach
Andrea Beckett
Ms. Barbara Berthiaume
Kathy and Keith Biever*
Ms. Eleanor Boba and
Mr. Alan Humphrey*
James and Alida S. Boorn
Aya and Benjamin
Cathleen and Dale Bright
Chuimei and Bennet
Robert Brown*
Ellen H. Bruning
Juliann M. Buron
Marite M. Butners*
BiHoa and Mark Caldwell*
Carmen and Paul Chan*
Rebecca and Mike Chan*
Terrill Chang and Jan Faull
Rebecca C. Chase-Chen
and Jondou C. Chen
Nancy Y. Cheng
Carol Y. Cheung and
Robert J. Miller
Herbert and May Chin*
Dorrienne and Tony Chinn
Frances Yee Chinn*
Eleanor H. Cho*
Suj’n Chon*
Rev. Kathryn Choy-Wong
and Arthur Wong
Vivian and Joe Chun*
Dennis Clark
Mr. Joe B. Cole
Lisa Conley and
Jeff Williams
Carol and Phil Cook
Saul Tran Cornwall and
Karen Nakayama
Deb Creveling and
Don Whiting
$100,000 AND ABOVE
Guendolen Carkeek Plestcheeff Endowment
for the Decorative and Design Arts
Marpac Construction
National Endowment for the Arts. Art Works.
Seattle Department of Neighborhoods
Seattle Nisei Veterans Committee
Wells Fargo
$5,000– $9,999
$50,000– $99,999
$25,000– $49,999
The Atsuhiko and Ina Goodwin
Tateuchi Foundation*
The Boeing Company
Delta Air Lines, Inc.
Seattle Office of Arts & Culture
$10,000– $24,999
Elizabeth Firestone Graham Foundation
Expedia, Inc.
The Hugh and Jane Ferguson Foundation
First Peoples Fund, Our Nations Spaces
GRAMMY Foundation
Bank of America
Bruce Lee Foundation
GOBO Enterprises
Humanities Washington
KeyBank Foundation
MulvannyG2 Architecture
Path America
Puget Sound Energy
Tulalip Tribe Fund
US Bancorp
Washington State Arts Commission
UP TO $4,999
Comcast Foundation
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
KUOW 94.9
Union Bank
U.S. Forest Service, Mt. Baker-Snoqualmie
National Forest *
* Part of a multi-year commitment
Violet Mar*
Larry Blackstock and
Lori Matsukawa*
John R. Mettler
Tyler Moriguchi
Washin and Kathleen
Giro and Miyo Nakagawa*
Mako Nakagawa
Lilly Nakano*
Mira Nakashima,
George Nakashima
Woodworker, S.A.
Kristin Nelson, Nelson
Literary Agency
Ross, Ava, Tani & Taryn
Julie Ann Oiye*
Eileen Okada
Mike and Bonnie Omura
Kenji and Martha Onishi*
Candy and Mike Pasion
Puget Sound Advocates
for Retirement Action
Barbara and Don Reid
Jill and Peter Rinearson
Star Roberts and
John Gish
Delight Roberts
The Honorable Sharon
Tomiko Santos and
Bob Santos
Tsutomu and Yoko Sasaki*
Theodor Schuchat*
Robert B. and Emily M.
Lisa See and
Richard Kendall
Irene Shikibu Shigaki
John and Pauline Shigaki*
Stan Shikuma and
Tracy Lai
Nadine and Dennis
Samuel and Sylvia
Beverly E. Sims
Elizabeth Sinclair and
Robert Crittenden*
Brian and Laura Soriano
Dennis and Millie Su
Tai Tung, Inc.
Frieda Takamura*
Bobby and Lily
Ed and Mona Tanaka*
Victoria Terao*
Sally Tsutsumoto
Cathryn Vandenbrink
Jeffrey and Emily Wong
Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Wong
Cindy Gok and
Brian Wong*
Susan H. Yamamura
Hannah R. Yamasaki
Dave and Janice Yasuda
Tina and Gabriel Young
Anonymous (5)
Stephen R. Dager and
Laurie S. Fouser
Mr. Mike J. Davey
Joan and Michael Day
James B. DeLong and
Janet Staub*
Blaine Dempke and
Lorraine Libby-Thomas
Renko and Stuart
Steven and Elizabeth
Dr. Mareechi Duvvuri DC
Dexter and Alice Eng*
Linda Eng*
Gary Epstein and
Susan Kunimatsu*
Deanne Estigoy
Ms. Maura Fallon
Cheryl and Millison
Dr. Mary E. Fischer
Desiree Fletcher
John L. Flynn and
Helen M. Walsh*
Laurie Frankel
Barbara Frazier
Yasuko T. Fukano*
Kimberly and Larry D.
Jeni and Cal Fung*
Michael Furuta and
Diane Sakai-Furuta*
David and Josie Gardner
Christopher Gee
Irene Goldbeck
Seth and Wendy
Marilynn Goo and
Michael Sill
Gene Graham*
Richard and Susan
Janet Gwilynn
April C. and Devon Hale
Lorraine A. Hamada and
Mark W. Nakamichi
Susan Han and
Gorman Wong*
Chris Harris and
Christine Crandall
Julie Hatfield
Joshua Heim and
Vivek Manchanda
Pat and Paula Herd*
Daniel and Grace
Ernesto M. Hizon
Mrs. Renee Hoizenga
Dale and Rebecca Hom*
John Hom*
Glenn and Marilyn Ige
Dean and Lucinda Ikeda*
Tom S. and Delight K. Im
Ms. Kazue Ishiwata and
Mr. Victor M. Stewart
Rick Johnson
Margaret JohnstonKitazawa
Miriam M. Jue*
Julia Kalmus and
John Lillard
Lonny Kaneko and
Amy Sanbo Yamamoto*
Ms. Iao M. Katagiri
Ms. Suzanne E. Kauffman
William and Beth
Richard and Helen Kay*
Eliaichi S. Kimaro and
Thomas F. Kenney
Diane and Ron King*
Atsushi and Beverly
Mitsuhiro and Lilly Yuriko
Antje and Peter
Glen Kriekenbeck and
Quentin King
Roland and Bernadette
Scott Kurashige
Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett
and Paula Bock*
Mr. Wesley F. Lai
Austreberta G. Laigo*
Valerie Lau
Marie Lauritano
David and Miranda Lee
Jane and Benjamin Lee
Albert and JoAnne Lee*
Mr. Kwan Lee
Neva Lee*
Chris and Evelyn Lemoine
Cheryll Leo-Gwin*
Charles and Pauline
Carla and Don Lewis*
Ms. Mary Lou Lewis
Andrew Liu*
Betty Lock and
Randall Spaan
Calvin and Ruth Locke*
Toni R. Long*
Maxine and Lily Loo*
Juanita Tamayo Lott*
Joseph and Sula Louie
Bettie Luke*
Ruby Luke*
Larisa L. Lumba
Dao Mai and Randy
William L. Malcomson*
Vicki Mar, Bob Scroggs
and Sam Scroggs*
Brent H. Martin and
Anne Alo
Gary Matsudaira
Larry Blackstock and
Lori Matsukawa*
Georgene S. McCarty
Mrs. Yoshie Mikami*
Elizabeth and Stewart
Eric Moen*
Carol Mohler, M.ED.*
Alfred and Sandy Moy
Sen K. and Faylen E. Moy
Junior Nagaki and
Janice Nakamura
Mira Nakashima*
Dale and Judy Neumann*
Mr. George Ngo
Barbara and Edward
Rev. Richard T. Nishioka
and Alice A. Nishioka*
Christine M. O’Connor
Ross and Ava Ohashi*
Julie Ann Oiye*
Martin Oiye and
Susan Nakagawa*
Tim and Kim Okamura*
Pamela Okano and
Dick Birnbaum*
Zenaida E. Olivas
Mary and Terry Paananen
Sacha and James Pacyga
Elizabeth Pelley*
James and Arlene Phillips
Amy Poel and
Mary Tripoli
Mr. Donald D. Pogoloff*
Jack and Carolynn
Ellen Punyon and
Rick E. Saling
Judith Quist
Mike Ramey*
Susan Ranney and
Lee Edlefsen*
Timothy S. Reinke and
Cheryl Siega
Martha N. Cohen Roe*
Jessica Rubenacker
Anna & Tom Rudd
Janice C. Sakai*
Tsutomu and Yoko Sasaki*
Jeffrey A. Saul and
Lily Eng*
Betsy R. Schneier*
John and Polly Shigaki*
Bob Shimabukuro and
Alice Ito*
Roger Shimomura*
Nadine and Dennis
Ms. Monique H. Shopbell
Mr. Andrew L. Smith
Lois M. Smith
Mark Stern and
Susan Seifert
Margaret Su and
Benjamin Goldsmith*
Joshua and Carol Suehiro*
W. Richard Takaki
Frieda K. Takamura*
Bobby and Lily
Carolyn S. Takei
Kerry Taniguchi
Bill Tashima and
Chris Bentley*
Victoria Terao*
Jack and Gayle
Paulette Thompson*
Linda and Havens Tipps*
Shokichi and Elsie Tokita
Toshio and Dolly
Kim Tran and
Angelo Locsin
Janice and Neill Urano*
Marcia Usui*
Eleanor Vandenhuevel*
Friendly M. Vang-Johnson
Gerie and Tessa Ventura*
Carrie Ward
Keith Weinbaum
Quanetta West
Allen and Wren Wheeler
Thomas C. Whittemore
and Michele A. Broderick
Melanie Ito and
Charles Wilkinson*
Richard Wilson
Darryl S. Wong
Shawn H. Wong*
Jack and Beverley Woo*
Angela Wu
Katherine Wurfel
Yee Xiong
Keith and Mary Ann
Bobbie Yamamoto
Susan Yamamura
Patricia M. Yano
David H. Yick
Arthur Yorozu*
Renee Yoshimura and
Eric Sakai
David and Kathy Yotsuuye*
Zac Young
Erin Younger and
Ed Liebow*
Tonya and Scott Yuan
Mr. Iden Zaima*
Frank Abe
Mary and Joe Abo
Karen and Don Akira*
Monica Alcabin
Elaine M. Aoki and
Dennis J. Yamashita
Gerald and Alyce Arai
Wayne Au and
Mira Shimabukuro
Melanie Audette
Claudia J. Bach*
Russel Bareng*
Linda Beaumont and
Steve Badanes
Ann and William Becker
Mrs. Helen L. and
Mr. Ethan A. Bell
Eric Benson and
Peter Ruskin*
Ralph Berry and
Norie Sato
Mr. Chris Black and
Ms. Signe Dortch
Marcia Boyd
Kristen Boyles and
Trenton Cladouhos*
Carolyn Brenner and
Julia Brenner-Brewer*
Radm Herb M. Bridge
and Edie Hilliard*
Bill Broderick and
Bea Kumasaka*
Mr. Brian Brooke and
Ms. Elizabeth Purswell
Elizabeth C. Butler and
Chris Kim
Dori Cahn and Jay Stansell
James and Malia Campbell
Eddie and Valerie Cantu
Jane L. Caughlan and
Charles G. Cooper*
Garrett and Siobhan Chan
Alwyn Chao
John and Barbara
Mrs. Winnie Che
Peg Cheng and
Marcus Donner
Kerry and Benjamin Chew
Lennard and Claire Chin*
Wanda Chin and
Terry Dickey
Rick and Betty Chinn*
Mrs. Ruth L. Chu
Beth and Marc Cordova
Roger and Judith Daniels*
Soph R. and Leilani
Marion DeForest
Corinne D. and Benoit P.
De Gouville
Mr. Estelito Delos Trinos
Ticiang P. Diangson and
Greg P. Sletteland*
Fernando Dingler and
Tamara N. Brink-Dingler
Mike Dolan
Paul and Rebecca
Cristin Dowd and
Ken D. Wu
Mr. Donald L. Ducay and
Mrs. Lilia T. Ducay
Frances and John Dunlap*
Barry and Mary Dunphy*
Mr. Son T. Duong
Mr. Darryl Eng
Jack Eng and
Patricia Buckingham
Kai Eng*
The Honorable Park Eng
and Betty J. Eng
Regina C. Eury and
Darwin Roscoe
Rino C. Fedrizzi and
Helga E. Smith*
Claire L. Fenton
Greta and Graham
Amy L. Fitzgerald
Robert and Beverly B.
Geoff and Amanda Froh*
Mr. Keiji Fukumoto
John and Maureen
Beatrice Gandara
Jeff and Wanda Garfield*
Christine Gee-D’Amore
and Don D’Amore
Edna Golla and
Tony Chinn
Stephen R. Griggs
Ms. Carolyn J. Gronlund
and Doralee Moynihan
Mary and Raymond
Monoj K. and Mina Gupta
Peter Guttorp
Steve Hamai and
Marina Espinoza
Cathy Hawley
June Hayakawa-Fung
John Hindman and
Lynda Williamson
Mr. Tom Hom and
Mae Rosok*
Katie Hong and
Harold Taw*
Jim Hopfenbeck and
Alice Dubiel*
Paul and Jane Huang
Randolph Huertas and
Cindy Myrtle
George and Wanda
Thomas K. Ikeda and
Sara T. Yamasaki*
Krista and Michael C.
Beatrice and Kevin Joe
Erica and Neil Johnston
Shirley Katz
Rod and Kris Kawakami*
Ms. Malie Kawamoto
Ann M. Kawasaki Romero
and Rocco Romero*
Gay Kiesling*
Tanya Kim*
Jane King and
Allen Cheadle*
Evan Kingsley
Yi Jiao Hong and
Antero Koskinen*
Kory Kumasaka
Paul M. and Kathleen
Ruthann Kurose and
Nathan Rothman*
Marie Kurose and
Michael Woo
Jacki D. and David
Joe Lagonoy
Wayne, Tane and Greg
Daniel and Eleanor
Paul and Denise Lee*
Mrs. Amilia J. and Mr.
William C. Leone
Susan J. Levy
Mr. Peter and Rosetta Li
John Limantzakis
Sonja Ling
Amy Liu and Michael Carr
Bertina Loeffler Sedlack
and Tim C. Sedlack
Abe and Helen Lum*
Milton and Doris Lum
Tom Lux*
Erin J. Maguire-Quirk and
Ryan Quirk
Joel Mallari
Kelly Mann and
John Kenley
Victoria A. and Hummie
Andrea Mano and
Aaron Ramos*
George and Irene Mano*
Charlene Mano Shen and
Eugene Shen*
Mr. Mark J. Manuel and
Ms. Alex B. Manuel
Mary Anne Martin and
Chuck Martin
Michael and Julie Mayer*
Nancy P. McCann
Glenn and Arlene Mitsui*
Samay Mohammadi and
Garland MoajeMohammadi
Martha Molina
Ray and Anita Morales
Hal and Susan Mozer*
Linda Mui and
Michael Hillberg
Joseph M. and Elizabeth
Michael Myint*
Giro and Miyo Nakagawa*
Lorrin Nelson and
Tina Gourd*
Julie Nesenblatt
Bud and Patricia Nicola*
George and Jean Nishi*
Charles G. Nordhoff*
Mrs. Alisa Oba and
Mr. Jeffrey Mitre
Mr. Alan Okagaki and
Ms. Donna M. Ridgeway
Mike Olden*
Margaret Pak and
David Enslow
Mary and Fon Pang*
Sarah K. and Daniel J.
Dawn Parrott
Kevin L. and Brenda M.
Ellen Phillips-Angeles and
Ranesto Angeles*
Beverly L. Pierce*
Judith Quan and
Joeseph Rizzuto*
Elta and Warren Ratliff
Ms. Diane B. Rawlins
Janice Ritter
Dawn Robinson
Kevin C. Roxas
Sharon A. Sakamoto and
Ron Takemura
Rebecca Saldana
Tess San Juan Brown and
Robert Brown
Pheuy Sath
Randolph and Barbara
Ms. Gail Scott
Robert B. and Emily M.
Joshua Shane and
Shoshanna Press
Scott Shapiro and
Jena Thornton*
Ms. Jennifer Shehan
Mas and Shirley Shimada
Alan and Carol Sidell
Charles and Eleanor
Yae Sobie*
Mr. Joseph Songco and
Mr. Daryle Songco
Lisa M. Staley*
Robby Stern and
Dina Burstein
Michelle E. Storms and
Jack C. Storms
Kathleen Sullivan
Lloyd and Joan Takasugi
Shuzo and Alice Takeuchi*
Mrs. Angelika Tam
Vivian Tam
Anna H. Tamura
Ms. Amy Tan-Chan and
Mr. Hon Keat Chan
Mr. Vinh V. Tat
Ms. James Tillinghast
Vernon and Dale Tom*
Ms. Frances C. Traisman
Dennis Tran and
Paul Tamura*
Greg L. Tuai and
Benling Wong
Robert and Arlene Tucker
James Tweedie and
Sasha Welland
Richard and Elizabeth
Eliza Davidson and
Randolph Urmston*
Tanya G. and Mike S.
Randy and Bonnie L.
Lisa J.B. Wahbe
Beatriz and Vince Wallace*
Mr. Robert L. Weinsheimer
and Mrs. Kari Y. Palmer
Cory and Amy Wenger
Margaret B. West*
Miriam and Chris Wilson
John and Marilyn Wolf*
Barry Wong and
Katherine Iritani
Joyce and Al Wong
Teresa A. Wong
Stephen and Sharon
Steve and Valerie
H. Ruri Yampolsky and
Knut Hansen*
Calvin Yee
Ms. Kam Yee
Michael Yee and
Dawn Rego
Jenny and Michael Yeh
Evelyn P. Yenson
Winston and Jennifer
Steve Aanenson and
Lowell Deo
Chaz and Leith Adams
Marilyn Akutsu
Charlie Allaire
Andrew Allen
Karen M. Allman
Gene M. Ampon and
Roger Anderson*
Marlene and Abe Angell*
Carol and Michael
Robert Arrant
Jacqueline L. Ashwell
Voltaire Atienza Wilkinson
John and Carol Austin*
Geraldine and James
Mr. Charles Bahn
Ms. Heidi Baldwin
Lilian L. and Daniel
Charlie and Kathy
Mrs. Sharon Briskman
Margaret Britton
Viola Brumbaugh
Pacita Bunag and
Ricardo Polintan*
Terry and Lani Carpenter
Alexander Carson and
Hao Huang
Mr. Chris K. Carson
Matthew Chakoian
Alice Chen
Bill and Mamie Chin*
Candace Chin
David Chin and Jackie Lee
Loretta and Henry Chin
Jeff and Julie Chinn
Linda D. Chinn*
Gayle N. and Richard W.
Dr. Hashim and Samarah
Bonnie Chow
Frances and Randall Chun
Mr. Se Chung
Jody Clovis
Ms. Dagmar R. Cronn
Aaron and Wren
Eduardo Diaz
Jacquie Dinnie
Willie and Faye Dong
Phyllis Dukes
Cheryl L. Dyer*
Robert B. Edgers*
Patricia Ekelund and
Kenneth Hall
Ruth and Alvin Eller*
Julianne Endres
William and Lancy Eng*
Mrs. Sonya Faugno
Dr. John Finkas
Charles Finkel
Thelma and Yan Fong*
Toby Franco
Ms. Alison M. Fujino and
Matthew Sutton*
Margarette Gallaher
David L. Gee and
Julie R. Kawakami
Ms. Terri Goddard
Sheryl Goong
Rahul K. Gupta and
Anjulie Ganti
Mrs. Emily M. A. Hall
Robert H. Hamatani*
Mr. Jesper L. Hansen
Mr. Thomas Hargrave
Mr. Eric Hayashi
Thomas Heavey
Julia and Michael
Moselle A. Horiuchi*
Bonan Hou and
Luke R. Bergmann
Dr. Sarah Hufbauer and
David True
Dr. Julie Y. Hungar*
Ann B. Irish*
Mrs. Arbok B. Ives and
Mr. Joshua E. Walton
Ms. Alyssa M. Jocson and
Mr. Joseph P. Porter
Pamela Johnston
Ms. Terry L. Jordan
Steve Kam
Mr. Mark D. Karason
Etsuko M. Kawaguchi*
Sue Kay
Peter and Kathleen Keyes
Leslie T. and Linna M.
Frank Kiuchi
Mike Kollins
Christina Koons
Riya Kuo
James Langseth*
Wayne Lau and Anna Kim
Dr. Gordon Lee
Nick Lee
Phyllis Lee*
Ms. Litonya R. Lester
Wilson Li and Nahal Li
Mr. Bernard Liang
Danny and Irene Lim*
Ann F. and Alan F.
Mrs. Shuhyun Liu and
Mr. Seaton Wang*
Brian Lock*
Anthony Longoria
Dr. Ray Lou
Edward J. Lowe and
Madeline Mullen*
May Toy Lukens
Nan Ma and Lei Wang
Margo MacVicar-Whelan
Mrs. Jennifer Magofña
Ms. Jennifer Maines
Phil Manzano
Carolyn A. Mar*
Ruthann and Jerry Martin*
Claire and Amos Mathews
Gayle Mayor
Susan McCrary*
Ms. Connie J. McLaughlin
Robert G. Meadows and
Janice Ann Potter*
Ms. Vivian Miller-Rahl
Dr. Lydia Minatoya and
Mr. Robert C. Shields*
Barbara A. MizoguchiAsahara and
Dave J. Asahara*
Mr. Carol M. Moriguchi
and Kenzo Moriguchi
Joyce Morinaka
Cynthia Moulton
Corey A. Moy
Martha Murakami*
Myrna and Paul Muto
Michi Nair
Mr. Daisuke Nakashima
and Gabriel Nakashima
Valerie Nishimura and
Michael Nagan
Ms. Monica Nixon*
Mr. Jordan M. Nordstrom
Cathy and Bob O’Rear
Tosh Okamoto
Robert and Carol Okano*
Kenji and Martha Onishi*
Ms. June L. Park
Barbara Parker and
William Nichols*
Ruth Pelz*
Michael and Susan
Jim and Lanette Peterson*
Annette L. Puente
Mrs. Inderjeet Ramgotra
and Mr. James Rivard
Uma Rao and
Teresa Wang*
Ron Raymundo
Alison Roberts
Ann G. Robinson
Dennis and Sachiko
Diane Rodill
Marcia Rogers
Kathryn Rood
Laurie P. Rostholder*
Mr. Karl Schlieber
Cathy Scott
Maia Segura and
Damian Lix
June Sekiguchi
Sakiko and Roger Shimizu*
Ms. Kyung Lim Shin
Rie Shintani
Lei Ann Shiramizu and
Tom Kleifgen
Samuel and Sylvia
Stephen J. Shoji
Joseph Skidmore
Bruce and Joy Smith*
Ronald Snow
Claude and Susan
Hiroko Spees and
William Flaherty
Doug H. and Amy L.
Ms. Tanya H. Subcleff
Ed Suguro*
Ms. Caitlin Sullivan
Tom and Kiyomi
Elsie Leilani Taniguchi*
Wilfred and Ming Ying
Yukio and Kimi Tazuma*
William Thieleman*
Mr. Wesley Toda
Joyce Tseng
Guy and Kathryn K.
Tad and Frances Wada*
Ellen Wallach and
Tom Darden
Jeff Wang
Kayko Watanabe
Robert O. Wells and
Louisa Lancaster Wells*
Jeff H. West*
Eleanor A. Weston
Andrew Wilks*
Ms. Paula Williams
Amelia Wong*
Ms. Victoria Wong
Ms. Tanafriti A. Wright
Mr. Tony L. Wright
Ed and Maxine Yakushijin
Sadie and Frank Yamasaki
Dave and Janice Yasuda
Jennifer Yogi and
Matt Adams*
Spring Zoog and
Mr. Richard T. Marks
Anna Ackley*
Ms. Hazelruth L. Adams
Katie Aldridge
Dr. Cheryll Joy B. Alipio
Chris W. Allegri
Lanss B. Anderson
Mary Lea Askelson*
Professor Byron Au Yong
Lorraine Bannai
David W. Barker*
Ms. Ellen Barnett
Faith A. Beatty*
Sarah Berman
Sherie Bernardez
Nancy Biery*
Mr. Clay T. Blackwelder
Ms. Cynthia L. Boone
Ms. Christine A. Bourdette
Pamela G. Bradburn*
Ernest Bradley
Mr. Frederick L. Brown
Patricia Brown
Ms. Julia A. Buck
Nancy Burrill
Patricia A. Butterfield
Barbara M. Cannon
Mr. Max A. Chan
Grace Y. Chapman
Jean and Wen C. Chen
Katherine Chesick
Tiana Cheung and
Dr. Gifford Cheung
Katie Chevalier
Chuck M. Chin
Davace Chin
Frances Young Chinn*
Judith M. Chinn*
Mrs. Jade Choe
Stacy Choi*
Selina Chow*
Angela Christensen
Elaine L. Chuang*
Alan J. Chun
Peter L. Chun
Robert and Amanda
Gunnel T. Clark
Sarah Cohen
Dayna Cole
Marie M. Coon*
Susan Crawford King
Mr. Anthony M. Culanag
Kelly Dang
Mr. Paul C. De Vaugelas
Mr. Gig Decker
David Della
Anne Denman
Nicholas W. Deppen*
Rouge A. Douville
Betsy Duncan-Clark
Jean Durning*
Mrs. Rota Early
William D. Ellis
Ms. Jasmin Eng
Mary J. Eng*
Hwa-Tsun and Frances
Martha Fleming
Mr. Adan Flores
Bob and Micki Flowers
Mr. Casey G. Gainor
Jania Garcia
Catherine Garza
Barbie Gauff
Heidi M. Gleb
E.J. Gong and
Susan J. Barnes*
Mary Ann Midori Goto
Jeffrey W. Graham
Elizabeth G. Gray
Renee Grenfield
Laurie Griffith*
Mr. Danny Guan
Aaliyah Gupta
Mr. Stephen Hallahan
Jane Hamatani*
Margaret and Paul
Marga Rose Hancock
Michael Hank
Ellen Faith Hanna*
Ms. Dionne Haroutunian
Rex Hashimoto
Maya Hayashi
Merna Ann Hecht
Ms. Selma Hemiup
Christopher Herrman
Stanley W. Hess
Nancy Hevly*
Ms. Julia Hibarger
Dylan High
Dana S. Hines
Gilbert Hirabayashi
Ron T.W. Ho*
M. Sue Holland*
Jason Hong
Richard Horne
Mr. John Hotta
Sadako and James
Beverly Howald
Abigail S. Howell
Ms. Shin Shin Hsia
Lucy Hsu
Chun Wah Hui*
Heather and John Hunt
Ms. Naghma Husain
Mr. Robert Hutchison
Ms. Kathryn Huus
Miyoko and Joe Ike
Melvin Y. Inouye*
Sayumi Irey
Brian Ito and
Laura Sameshima
Joyce S. Ito*
Ms. Barbara Jirsa
Linda Johns and
Kevin Henderson
Frank Jones*
Mr. Levi A. Jones
Rajanikant Joshi*
Art Kageyama*
Naomi A. Kaji*
Kristie M. Kaneta*
Louise Kashino-Takisaki*
Ann T. Kashiwa
Fran Kato*
Leslie C. Katsman*
Shige Kawano*
Emiko Keller*
Danny E. Kikuchi*
Ms. Kimberly M. Kim
Thomas Y. Kim
Ms. Yun S. Kim
Clara E. King*
Kevin K. Kiuchi
Ms. Sunni Y. Ko
Sara Kosugi and
Jeanette Heylen
Mr. Michael F. Krawitz*
Marilynn K. Kreft*
Cristina Krisologo-Elliot*
Richard Kuniyuki*
Mr. John M. Kutz
Mr. Tony D. Lam
Sarah Beth Lawrence
Thai-Hoa Le
Eugene Lee
Ms. Jamie G. Lee
Sharon Lee*
Mr. Timothy C. Lee
Ms. Vivian O. Lee
Mr. William G. Lee
Michelle LeSourd*
Peter Leung
Kenneth H. Lew*
Ms. Annie D. Li*
Jason and Lisa Moriguchi
Deni Luna*
Ms. Phyllis Luong
Mr. John C. Ly
Joseph L. Mabel*
Mr. Marc S. Macaulay
Ms. Jennifer M. Maglalang
Paul Magnano*
Janet Maines
Stephanie R. Mano*
Ida S. Mar*
Helen Mark
Judith Mayer
Loretta McIver*
Mr. Jeff McNabb
Jim Merrill
Kris V.L. Mikami*
Ms. Carol Mirman
Mr. Dwight Mizoguchi
Steven Momii and
Jeanette Wong
Mary E. Montgomery*
Diane Morgan*
Emily Morishima
Jean M. Murakami
Julia Murakami
Washin Murakami
Mr. Robert T. Murphy
Mako Nakagawa
Lilly Nakano*
Teri Nakashima
Annette Wadiyah E.
Amy Nikaitani*
Mr. John D. Nonato
Mutsuko M. Okada*
Toni D. Okada*
Carole Okamoto
Nathan Oliver
Ms. Sarah E. Olivo
Elisabet Orville
Mr. Kunio Otani*
Edward Hay and Linda Pak
Heidi Park
Anne P. Parker-Pollack*
Mary Passmore*
Kathy Paul
Pamela Perrott*
Marie G. Peters*
Nedra Peterson
Julie Pham
Susan Platt*
Ms. Odette Polintan
Ms. Chris J. Potter
Susanne Ratcliffe Wilson
Cynthia Rekdal
Madeline A. Renkens*
Margaret Reynolds
Kenneth F. Rivenbark
Christina M. Rockrise and
David S. Brown, Jr.*
Gayle Rodgers*
Vincent E. Rogers
Ms. Liza R. Rognas
Ms. Robin E. Rowedder
James Ruskowski
Dan Sakaue
Anthony Sarmiento
Marianne J. Sato
Ms. Carla R. Segurola
Laurel Sercombe*
Mr. Osmar Serrano
Elizabeth Shaiken*
Vivien Sharples
Ms. Sue J. Shaw
Susan Sherbina
Mimi Sheridan
Erin Shigaki*
Michael Shintaku
M.L. Shukis*
Ms. Elsie Simon*
Alice (Lily) G. Singh
Steven D. Smith*
Joon and Seungja Song*
Levine and Suzanne
Jane Spalding
Ms. Judith G. Stitzel
Terri Suess
Mitsu Sundvall
Marianne H. Tada*
Bonnie Takasugi*
Mr. Samuel Tamayo
Mr. Ken T. Tan
Ms. Thanh T. Tan
Harold Tanalepy
Peggy A. Tanemura*
Merrily Taniguchi
James Ter Beek
Michael Thompson
Sharyne Shiu Thornton
Michael Town
Constance Trowbridge*
Frank L. Tsuboi
Gabriela Turcu
Mr. Spencer A. Urena
Dennis Valente
Kathleen Veit*
Ms. Charmaine Velasco
Courtney Velazquez
Peter Verbrugge
Mr. Billy Vo
Jennifer Wah
Ms. Bobbi A. Wallace
Patti Warashina*
Dewey Webster*
Marie A. White-Snow
Ms. Aletheia Whitman
Ms. Corrine Wilkinson*
Janis Willett*
Eryl Williams*
Ms. Dorice L. Wolfrom*
Ms. Brenda L. Wolsey
Amber Wong
Judy F. Wong
Ms. Kela K. Wong
Marie R. Wong, Ph.D.
Liana Woo
Janet Worley
Thomas Yamada
Lois Yamakoshi
Keiko L. Yanagihara*
Fred Yee and
Clara Cheung
Kirsten A. Yuhas
Nobuo Yutani*
Judy Zibbell*
Paul Aburano: Alice Ito
and Bob Shimabukuro*
Dionisio Antonio:
Carolyn Antonio
Phoebe Bock: Paul Bock
and Family*
Jade Hong Chin:
Anda Allen
Yung A. Chin:
Chuck Ming Chin
Nellie Chinn Woo:
Fred Cordova: Dean,
Gloria, Lindsay and
Brady Wakayama*
Kim Tran and Hoa Dang:
Loc G. Tran and
Thu M. Ngo
Luviminda DeCano:
Marileeds Chamberlain
Clay Denman:
Anne Denman
Florence Chin Eng:
Mayme Chinn*
William and June Eng:
Wilma Lew
Chermi Lorraine Harlick:
Marge Young*
Fumiko Hayashida: Terie
Akada; John Arima; Les
Dogan and Marge
Dogan; Henry Egashira
and Tomi Egashira;
Ellen L. Ferguson*;
Melvin Fujita; Kai Fujita;
Dana and Jan Gerry;
Natalie Hayashida Ong
and Albert Y. Ong; Scot
Ishino and Traci Ishino;
Misako Kano; Kelly
Kojima; Setsuko
Konishi; Steve Mikami
and Rebecca Mikami;
Connie Saito; Sat
Sakuma and Grace
Sakuma; Meri Shimada;
Peter and Irene Sing;
Mildred Tsutsumi
Ray Ho: Nadine Kariya
Takashi Hori: Susan Hori
and Robert Hori
Vera Ing: Anonymous;
Janet Baba and Irwin
Yoshimura; Teresita
Batayola and Dionnie
Dionisio; Jon and
Bobbe Bridge*; Nori
Catabay; Stella Chao
and Michael Smyser*;
Janine Chin; Ruth and
Frank Chin*; Mae and
Quinn Chin; William
and Dorothy Chin;
Glenn Chin; Lucy Chin;
Mel Chinn and Jane
McKinley-Chinn; Gladys
C. Chinn; Wilton and
Paula Chinn*; Frances
Yee Chinn*; Wallace
and Deanna Chinn;
David and Christina
Chinn; Dickson and
Nellie Chinn; Dan and
Eunice Choi; Neta C.
Ding; Kai Eng*; Mr. and
Mrs. Nelson Eng; PD
Eng; Tuck and Dee
Eng; Dexter and Alice
Eng*; Pauline Eng;
Clifford and Sandy Eng;
Nanette Fok and Brad
Tong*; Julianne Fujita;
Michael and Marion
Fukuma; Annie
Galarosa; George and
Margaret Gojio; Sheryl
Goong; Mike Higashi;
Gilbert Hirabayashi;
Valerie Chinn and John
Hom; John Hom*; Dr.
Kai Hong and May Eng;
Heidi Hui and Ross
Peterson; Judy and Bill
Humphries; Shu-Ming
Hwang; Audrey Hwang
and Joel Ing; Akira and
Lorita; Craig Kanaya;
Doug and Barbara
Kanaya; Nadine Kariya;
Anne A. Kase and Peter
J. Swanson; Ann M.
Kawasaki Romero and
Rocco Romero*;
Charles and Amy
Kinoshita; Elaine I. Ko
and John Foz*; Shirley
and Daniel Ko; Ms.
Miyoko Uchida
Kodama; Rebecca
Kowals; W.Y.L. and
L.K.Y. Lee; Agnes and
Shiang-Yu Lee; Emmie
Lee; Neva Lee*; Cecil
and Hazel Leung*;
Danny and Irene Lim
and Family*; Meredith
A. Li-Vollmer and
Alexander N. Vollmer;
Paul and Carol Locke;
Priscilla Locke; Phyllis
Lui; Bettie Luke*; Jennie
and David Ly; Sharon
Maeda*; Tosh and Tomi
Mano; Doug J. Mar and
Patty Lee; Lisa Mar and
John Hodge; Paul Mar*;
Byron and Virginia
Marr; Frank and Diane
Marr; Sandra
Marvinney; Joe and
Brenda Matsudaira;
Akemi Matsumoto*;
Teresa and John
Minato; Julianne S. and
Dan Y. Miura; Joni and
Mark Nakagawa;
Arlene Oki; Kathryn T.
Onishi; Jane Pastores;
Chikai and Mitsuye
Sakaguchi; Steven
Schwartz; Anonymous;
John and Pauline
Shigaki*; Mas and
Shirley Shimada;
Dolores Sibonga*;
Phyllis and Estra Silver;
Diane and Rich
Sugimura*; Beth
Takekawa and Tony
To*; Sue Taoka and
Richard Mar*; Chok and
Betty Toy; Dina Uchida;
Jessica K. Valentine;
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay
and Brady Wakayama*;
Chia Wang; Dexter and
Virginia Washburn; Kurt
Wong; Phyllis and
Jeffrey Wong; Sheila
Woo; Teresa Woo*;
Keiko L. Yanagihara*;
Linda and Suey-Hong
Yee; Teresa Yoneyama
and Stan Kitashima;
Marge Young*; Inter*Im
Bill Ishii: Dean, Gloria,
Lindsay and Brady
Diana M. and Tom Iwata:
Barry and Mary
Ted Wah Jue:
Miriam M. Jue*
Mits Katayama:
Bettie Luke*
Paul Kawaguchi:
Sandy Lew-Hailer and
Harvey Hailer
Howard King:
Dr. Glen K. Kiyonaga:
Allan and Kayo Terada
David and May Lau:
Betty Lau*
Midge Maebori:
Sharon Maeda*
Dan Mar: Neva Lee*
James M. Matsuoka:
Stephen Goon;
Lillian Sako
Takeo and Kazue
Matsuoka: Duane and
Rulee Stallmann
Kazuto “Kai” Mikami
and Erabu Mikami:
Kris V.L. Mikami*
Takumi Mikami:
Yoshie Mikami*
Sadako Moriguchi:
Harvey and Hisako
Masako Murakami: Paul
and Craig Murakami
Helen Nakashima:
Gilbert Hirabayashi
Rita M. Nicoll: Vivian and
Joe Chun*
Robert Nokes: Dale and
Judy Neumann*
Marian Ohashi: Tom T.
and Sallie S. Hoshisaki;
Bettie Luke*; Dean,
Gloria, Lindsay and
Brady Wakayama*
Remigio A. Pascual:
Beatriz and Vince
Mon Shui, Toy Ping and
Arthur Pon: Susan P.
and Jerome A. Iranon
Audrey Schatz: Abe and
Helen Lum*; Takeko
Todo; Jacqueline R.
Toma; Keiko L.
Yanagihara*; Beta
Chapter Alpha Delta
Susan Sui-Sham Snow:
Paul Snow
Tash and Kei Sugimoto:
Linda and Havens
Mitsue Suguro:
Mae Deguchi
Cal Takagi: Mark Takagi
and Connie Ricca
Rae Matsuoka and
Yutaka Dutch
Takekawa: Melanie R.
Wojtulewicz and Tony
Alexander and Julia To:
Dr. Ted and Joyce Love
Yoshio Tomita:
Daisy Tomita
Bertha Tsuchiya:
Herbert Tsuchiya*
Lillian “Ito” Wallace: Alan
and Joyce Yamagiwa
Marjorie Watt:
Edwin Wong: Casey
and Allison Bui*;
Anonymous*; Kai Eng*;
Marcia Grimstad; Paul
Mar*; Albert and Mae
Mark; Jim Rockwell;
Susan Shigaya; Mark
Takagi and Connie
Ricca; UFCW Local 21
Ichiro and Beni Akiyama:
Mitsu Sundvall
Katherine Cheng:
Raymond Ishii
Ellen Ferguson: Mary and
James Dunnam
Nanette Fok and Brad
Tong: Daron Tong
Jamie and Leesha Ford:
Phillip Procopio
Ray Ho: Bettie Luke*
T. Koba Family: N. Oka
Val M. Laigo:
Chata G. Laigo*
Bettie Luke: Steven and
Elizabeth Deutsch*;
Bobbie DeVore; Valerie
Chinn and John Hom
Ruby Luke’s Birthday:
Reuben Chong
Bob Santos’s Birthday:
Bettie Luke*
Tessa and Elise
Goldsmith: Seth and
Wendy Goldsmith
Martha Choe: Bill &
Melinda Gates
Foundation; Mellicent F.
Seattle Office of Arts &
Culture: Kathy Hsieh
and Rick Wong
A to Z Wineworks/REX
Hill Winery
Roldy Ablao
Aha Toro Spirits, Inc
Alaska Airlines
Allegro Performing Arts
AMaurice Cellars
American Dance Institute
Anthony’s Restaurants
Argyle Winery
Alfredo Arreguin
Asian Eye
Azuma Gallery
Baer Winery
Ballet Northwest
Bar Sajor
Barnard Griffin
Barbara Barnes Allen
Batch 206 Distillery
Ben Bridge Jeweler
Book Bindery Restaurant
Bruce Lee, LLC
Charlie Burdell
Caffé Vita Coffee
Roasting Company
Canlis Restaurant
Cappy’s Boxing Gym
Caruh Salon and Spa
Virginia Causey
Chateau Ste Michelle
Diem Chau
Lolan Lo Cheng
Chihuly Studio
Chill Massage Therapy &
Modern Apothecary
Donnie Chin
Chinoise Cafe
Chocolate Box
SuJ’n Chon
Jason Christian
Coastal Kitchen
Columbia Winery
Comedy Underground
Coupe Rokei
Creative Dance Center
Curtright & Son Tribal Art
Tom DeBoer
Carina Del Rosario
DeLILLE Cellars
Joan DeLlamas
Delta Airlines, Inc.
Zuolie Deng
Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley
Din Tai Fung
Marita Dingus
Earshot Jazz
Emerald Downs
Lily Eng
George Estrella
Excelsior Wine Company
Ellen Ferguson
Filipino American
Community of
Bainbridge Island
Firesteed Cellars
Full Tilt Ice Cream
Mimi Gan
Georgetown Brewing
Gobo Enterprises
Green Leaf Vietnamese
Carole Grisham
Heavy Restaurant Group
Hotel Andra
Estsuko Ichikawa
Icicle Seafoods
International Parking
Jackson Family Wines
James Alan Salon & Spa
Jet City Improv
John Howie Restaurants
Joule Restaurant
Judy Fu’s Snappy Dragon
KidsQuest Children’s
Louise Kikuchi
Fumiko Kimura
Linda K. Ko
KOBO Gallery and Shop
Kona Kitchen
Rumi Koshino
Marilynn Kreft
Krittika Noodles and Thai
L’Ecole No 41
Jen Lade
Alan Lau
Agnes Lee
Linda Lemon
Keith Lennon
Cheryll Leo-Gwinn
Kathy Liao
Lee Sik Lim
Dianne Loeb
Steve Loeb
Pat Norikane Logerwell
and Don Logerwell
Yansheng Lu
Bettie Luke
Majestic Bay Theatres
Val Markus
Maryhill Winery
Larry Matsuda
Midori Matsui
Koji Matsuno
Tomoko Moriguchi
Jane Mayer
Jim McDermott
Steve Momii
Benjamin Moore
Naoko Morisawa
Mary Nack
Mira Nakashima
Curtis Nakayama
National Park Service
Thu Nguyen
Nordic Heritage Museum
Northwest African
American Museum
Northwest Outdoor Center
Novelty Hill Januik Winery
O’Asian Kitchen and
Beni O’Donnell
Ohana Restaurant
Oki Golf
Yuji and Angie Okumoto
Pacific Science Center
Pepper Bridge Winery
Perche No Pasta & Vino
Point Defiance Zoological
Precept Wine Brands
Puetz Golf
Redhook Brewery
Britt Rynearson
Sazanka Design
Seastar Restaurant and
Raw Bar
Seattle Art Museum
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Seattle International Film
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Men’s Chorus
Seattle Repertory Theatre
Seattle Shakespeare
Seattle Wine Awards
Sheraton Seattle Hotel
Roger Shimomura
Holly Sidford
Shirley Sing
The Honorable Adam
Clayton Smith
Aki Sogabe
Spectrum Dance Theater
SPORT Restaurant and Bar
Carolyn Staley
Bob and Lynn Stevens
Sun May Co.
Taiko Suzuki
Sweet & Sour Jewelry
Mark Takagi and
Connie Ricca
Eric Tanaka
Harold Taw
Teatro Zinzanni
The 5th Avenue Theatre
The Parlor Billiards &
The Triple Door
The Westin Bellevue
Bill Thieleman
Tillicum Village
Tini Bigs
Tom Douglas Restaurants
Gerard and Judith
University Bookstore
Janice and Neill Urano
Anthony Ventura
Village Theatre
Wedgwood Hair Studio
Z.Z. Wei
Willows Lodge and
Barking Frog
Anais Winant and
Mark Sidran
Barry Wong
Woodinville Whiskey
Junko Yamamoto
Lois Yoshida
Kathy Yoshihara
Mia Yoshihara-Bradshaw
Judy Yu
Cheryl Zahniser
* Indicates Charter Member
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
Tuesday–Sunday, 10am–5pm
First Thursday of the month, 10am–8pm
Closed Monday
Our Mission is to connect everyone to the rich history, dynamic cultures and art of Asian Pacific Americans through vivid storytelling
and inspiring experiences. The Wing is a proud Smithsonian Affiliate, a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution.
Registration through July 1
A journey in story and character
August 3­–7
An adventure in performance and theatre
August 10–14
Tailored for ages 6–12
To learn more, visit
Summer Camp Puppets 2014

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