Winter 2013 - Wing Luke Museum


Winter 2013 - Wing Luke Museum
of the
Up Close With...
Paper Unbound pg. 3
Happy Lunar New Year pg. 4
Behind the Scenes of
Uprooted & Invisible pg. 5
Supporter Spotlight! pg. 6
Member Newsletter • Winter 2013
Message From the
Executive Director
Board Of Trustees
Ellen Ferguson, Co-President
Casey Bui, Co-President
Katherine Cheng, Vice President
Mimi Gan, Secretary
Victor Mizumori, Treasurer
Gloria Lung Wakayama, Past President
Aileen Balahadia
Bruce Brundige
Sai Chaleunphonh
Nanette Fok
Jamie Ford
Midori Matsui Fulghum
Misun Chung Gerrick
Bruce Hayashi
Sally Henriques
Judd Lee
Patricia Norikane Logerwell
Paul Mar
JoAnn Mills Marshall
Pankaj Nath
Jill Nishi
Savitha Pathi
Diane Sugimura
Mark Takagi
Judy Tobin
Ethelyn Abellanosa
Roldy Aguero Ablao
Janet Aviado
Josie Baltan
Vivian Chan
David Chattin-McNichols
Chanta Chhay
Cassie Chinn
Leigh-Anne Chung
Monica Day
Bob Fisher
John Hom
Karen Kajiwara
Michael Kan
Nam Keo
Inmi Kim
Michelle Reiko Kumata
Carmel Laurino
Jennie Fong Ly
Jennifer Maines
Charlene Mano Shen
Luie Marcotte
Maria Martinez
Marites Mendoza
Doan Nguyen
Cassandra O’Francia
Virgel Paule
Feney Perez
Hanh Pham
Mario Pilapil
Jeannette Roden
Jessica Rubenacker
Margaret Su
Tanya Subcleff
Stacey Swanby
Beth Takekawa
Andrea Kim Taylor
Troy Tsuchikawa
Donald Wong
Jordan Wong
Mikala Woodward
Annia Yoshizumi
Victoria Young
Wing Luke Museum of the Asian
Pacific American Experience
719 South King Street
Seattle WA, 98104
Phone: (206) 623-5124
Winter 2013 Newsletter
Cover Photo: Courtesy of Brian Gough
Layout Design by
Collin Kwan, Kwan-Lowe Design
In 2004 The Wing broke new ground with the powerful exhibit
Beyond Talk: Redrawing Race. The show included 20 works by
a dozen artists exploring race and racism in the United States,
reaching beyond the Asian Pacific American community, including
participants and artists of diverse ethnic backgrounds.
In 2013 a new exhibit about race
will open at The Wing, Under
My Skin: Artists Explore Race in
the 21st Century. Once again we’ll share perspectives on race
through contemporary art, a form of social activism because
of its power to transform how people see the world. Under My
Skin will grow out of community discussions, this time with a
focus on youth voices and intergenerational conversations,
and reflecting on the impact of President Obama’s elections
in 2008 and 2012. In the past year over 85 people engaged in
“Race Potlucks,” to begin the process of communities creating
an exhibition on the topic of race.
In addition, members of YouthCAN, our nationally recognized
high school youth program, will open their own exhibit
on identity, race and power. Come see these upcoming
exhibitions focusing on provocative and significant issues,
opening in May!
“Konichiwa! My name is Koki and I
am a Happa girl from Seattle. I
enjoyed coming to the museum to
embrace my heritage in a more
realistic way. Thank you, Wing Luke
for creating this amazing resource!”
Later this year we open the acclaimed exhibition War Baby
Love Child: Mixed Race Asian American Art, curated by Laura
Kina and Wei Ming Dariotis. In their words, “As an increasingly
ethnically ambiguous Asian American generation is coming of age, this show looks at the
construction of mixed-heritage Asian American identity in the United States.”
Making possible this entire year of opportunities for expressions and reflections on race, we
present our annual auction event, The Wing Celebrates 2013 the Year of The Snake! Please
join us on Saturday March 23rd at the Seattle Sheraton Hotel. We are excited to present
special guest Kip Fulbeck, pioneering artist, performer and educator, author of Part Asian;
100% Hapa, performing nationally and in twenty countries. Kip describes himself “a complete
overachiever despite being only half-Chinese… also an avid surfer, guitar player, ocean lifeguard,
pug enthusiast, and multiple-time national champion in U.S. Masters Swimming.”
We appreciate the work of so many to create an honest and unforgettable year at The Wing
exploring the issues of race through the arts. Would love to see you here!
Beth Takekawa, Executive Director
Thank You and Welcome
Welcome to the newest members of our Board
of Trustees, Midori Matsui Fulghum, Sally
Henriques, and Mark Takagi. Midori Matsui
Fulghum was born and raised in Japan and
came to the U.S. as a student, attending
the University of Washington. She founded
and successfully operated an importing/
wholesaling textile and gift company, Midori,
Inc., for 22 years in Seattle. Midori is the
mother of three children, has one grandchild,
and enjoys volunteering at the Cherry Street
Food Bank for Northwest Harvest.
Sally Henriques attended the University of
Pennsylvania and spent most of her career in
Pennsylvania as a nurse in health care and
education before relocating to Seattle. Although
she’s only been in Seattle for less than three
years, she has already been active as a member
of the Washington Women’s Foundation,
the Japanese Garden Advisory Council,
and a Northwest Harvest volunteer. While in
Pennsylvania she served as a board member at
the Village Charter School (Trenton, NJ), the Arts
and Cultural Council of Bucks County, the Bucks
County Housing Group as well as volunteering
with a number of other local organizations.
Born and raised in Seattle, Mark Takagi’s
interest in wine started while working in some
of the city’s finest restaurants. That experience
guided him into the emerging Washington State
Up Close With...
Paper Unbound:
Horiuchi and Beyond
On display
February 22 – July 14, 2013
Northwest artist and master of collage Paul
Horiuchi (1906 – 1999) pushed the limits of
paper through his innovative collage work.
The exhibition Paper Unbound: Horiuchi
and Beyond highlights Horiuchi’s collage
pieces and also features the work of seven
contemporary artists who are building
on Horiuchi’s legacy and continuing to
transform the medium of paper—Romson
Regarde Bustillo, Etsuko Ichikawa, Yuri
Kinoshita, Bovey Lee, Taiko Suzuki,
Jeonghan Yun and Choonhyang Yun.
Artist Profile: Etsuko Ichikawa
One of the featured artists in this group
exhibition includes Etsuko Ichikawa. Known
for her pyrographs, which use the fire and
smoke released from hot molten glass to
draw on paper, Ichikawa has more recently
started using water-drops and candle soot in
her work. The format of her work varies from
small two-dimensional work to large-scale
installations or performance-based work.
She mentions that,
“Drawing with fire on paper is unique yet
it works beautifully… After experimenting
with various materials, I found that
heavy paper works well for my process,
especially Lanaquarelle, which is the best.
wine industry. Mark is currently the Wine,
Beer & Spirits Specialist for Metropolitan
Market, a locally owned chain of stores
where he has worked for the past 20 years.
He is acknowledged locally and nationally
for his work in the wine industry as a
judge, speaker, and panel member. Mark
is also devoted to philanthropy, has served
on boards including PONCHO, and has
contributed as a volunteer to nonprofits such
as the Ronald McDonald House, Make-AWish Foundation, Woodland Park Zoo, Kin
On and Keiro.
Farewell to departing board member Sung
Yang. We are grateful for his years of
dedicated service as a trustee including
several terms in leadership as Board Vice
President. Prior to joining the Board, Sung
was an important museum advisor from
his previous post with the City of Seattle.
Then, while chief of staff for the County
Executive and a museum trustee, he led us
to establish a working Board Governance
Committee that recruited a new wave of
Etsuko Ichikawa, Untitled (A study for the exhibition Paper Unbound: Horiuchi and Beyond) 2012
Aquagraph on sculpted paper, Dimensions variable, Photo courtesy of the artist
It is 300lbs 100% cotton hot-press paper
made by Lana, an old mill in France. I
enjoy working with this paper very much
because it is airtight, which allows me
to work freely with fire without it getting
burnt too fast or too deep. It also has an
extremely smooth surface that catches
every detail.”
Born in Japan in 1963, Ichikawa grew up in
the Nakano district of Tokyo. Geographically,
Nakano is right in the middle of the big city
of Tokyo, but she recalls that her
neighborhood maintained the “old
downtown” culture. There was an old
trustees, amend our organizational bylaws
and provided strategic leadership for our
post-expansion recession survival. Although
he may be stepping down from the board,
we will continue to seek his advice and
look forward to seeing him at some of our
upcoming events. Thank you Sung!
Please welcome new staff members who
recently joined the Museum: Chanta Chhay,
temple near her house, and the town and
people’s lives were developed around it,
so there was a feeling of community. She
studied the art of glass blowing at the
Tokyo Glass Art Institute in Kanagawa, and
eventually received her BFA from Tokyo
Zokei University. Her interest in using glass
attracted Ichikawa to Seattle in 1993 to
attend the Pilchuck Glass School. Born
and raised in Japan and having lived in the
United States for over the past eighteen
years, she recognizes her dual cultures as
defining influences.
Continued on page 5
Marites Mendoza, Cassandra O’Francia,
and Jordan Wong.
Thank you to staff members who
concluded their service to the Museum
over the course of the past six months:
Elizabeth Bly, Amy Chinn, Toryan Dixon,
Sincere Shiota, and Kaulana Wong.
Midori Matsui Fulghum, Sally Henriques, and Mark Takagi
Happy Lunar New Year!
From Our
What is This?
Celebrating Year of the Snake
People born in the year of snake in many
ways match the stereotype of the muchderided animal. Clever and introspective,
snakes approach problems with a great deal
of thought and logic. They may be slithery
and seem untrustworthy at first glance, but
you’ll be glad to have a snake on your side.
Friends of snakes will never be without,
not with the cunning, determined nature of
snakes and their willingness to share with
their closest companions.
Snakes can be nice to have at your side, too,
since they’re quite attentive to their outward
appearance (think of the often gorgeous
skin seen on snakes). For people born in the
year of the snake, “gorgeous skin” translates
to grace, style, and great taste.
Courtesy of Blia Xiong
Can you guess what this is?
How and why is it used?
Children use it for a special holiday.
Submit your guess along with your name,
mailing address and email address to Correct responses
will be sent a free Museum Experience
pass in the mail. Look for the correct
answer in the next issue (Summer 2013)
of The Wing Newsletter.
Answer from the last issue (Summer
2012): An electric fabric cutter frequently
used within the garment and fashion industry.
Congratulations Diane Coughlin and Joyce
Nakamura for your correct answer!
Amendment: The credit for the photo of the
electric fabric cutter was incorrect. It should
have been “Courtesy of Gei Chan”.
2013 Year of the Snake
Judge’s Selection: Two JetBlue tickets and $100 toy gift certificate
People’s Choice: $500 gift certificate to The Bellevue Collection
PLUS 12 additional winners chosen from four age groups!
Contest ends
March 31, 2013
at 5 pm!
Be sure to
visit The Wing
and vote for
your favorite!
See details on reverse
Kids get FREE
admission & half off
for accompanying
with submission!
Snake years: 1905, 1917, 1929, 1941, 1953,
1965, 1977, 1989, 2001, 2013
Famous snakes: Abraham Lincoln, Oprah
Winfrey, Bob Dylan, Queen Elizabeth I,
Picasso, Mahatma Gandhi, and Kanye West.
Characteristics of people born in the
Year of the Snake: logical, complex,
thoughtful, charming, wise, vibrant, savvy,
and refined.
Lunar New Year at The Wing
Jan 19 to Mar 31
Lunar New Year Coloring Contest
This year’s coloring contest offers a new
twist: In addition to a grand prize of 2
JetBlue tickets and a $100 toy gift certificate,
contestants can vie for the People’s Choice
Award. Visitors to The Wing can peruse all
entries and vote for the most eye-catching
submission. Voting ends March 31 – get to
the museum soon to make your vote count!
The People’s Choice winner gets a $500
gift card to shops and restaurants at the
Bellevue Collection. Download the coloring
contest at
Sat, Feb 2
11am Lion Dance
Don’t miss this Lunar New Year kick-off with
festive lion dancers as they ward off bad
Artist’s Age
Date of visit
to The Wing.
luck from The Wing for the Year of the
Snake. Free with admission, members
12-3pm Lunar New Year Fair
Play games, create crafts, and read,
watch, and share New Year stories. “Pet”
an animal in our stuffed zodiac zoo! Free
with admission, members free.
Sat, Feb 9
10am Lion Dance 101
Learn about the lion dance, what it
symbolizes, and more. General tickets $8,
reserved member seating $5.
Celebrate in the neighborhood with the
Lunar New Year festival. Free.
Sat, Feb 16, 1-3pm
Celebrate the Year of the Snake by
creating balloon snakes! Free.
Be sure to turn in entries as soon as
possible to maximize voting opportunity
for the People’s Choice Award.
Continued on page 6
To be filled out
by Museum staff.
Have a different take on
what makes a snake different
from the rest?
Give us your say on our
Facebook page,
Continued from page 3
Similar to Paul Horiuchi, Ichikawa also finds
inspiration in nature, noting that nature and
intangible things inspire her, especially
the ephemeral, such as clouds, mist, light,
shadow, sound. She also notes that her
work “is a continuing investigation of what
lies between the ephemeral and the eternal.”
Moment and memory, absorption and
evaporation, light and shadow are
some of the triggers that inspire me and
relate to my work. My Pyrographs and
Aquagraphs are drawings made by fire
and water, capturing and eternalizing
the immediacy of a moment, while my
hanging installations and time-based work
are about ever-changing states of mind.
Behind the Scenes of an
Upcoming Exhibition
Uprooted & Invisible:
Asian American Homelessness
On display through August 17, 2013
Uprooted & Invisible: Asian American
Homelessness, an exhibition exploring
homelessness and the meaning of home
in the Asian Pacific American community,
began with a pair of statistics in a 2010
King County report: 14% of those living in
poverty were Asian or Pacific Islander, but
APA’s made up only 5% of those receiving
homeless services. This discrepancy
prompted several questions. If APAs are
not showing up as “homeless,” how are
they coping with poverty? Are there cultural
differences that affect APAs experience of
homelessness? How does homelessness
play out in an APA neighborhood like the
Chinatown-International District?
Over the course of a year, our Community
Advisory Committee explored these
questions, gathered stories from homeless
and formerly homeless APAs as well as
those who serve homeless people in the
community, and thought about how to
convey some of these experiences to our
visitors. The process took us to shelters
and day centers, to the cramped offices
of homeless advocacy organizations
and to sleeping bag encampments under
the freeway.
It took us to a bookcase shop in Ballard,
where photographer (and furniture maker)
David Entrikin showed us hundreds of
pictures from his “Outsiders” project,
documenting people sleeping outside all
over the city.
It took us to the King County Environmental
Health Department to interview Deputy
Director Stella Chao, whose powerful story
about living on the streets of New York City
as a child provided the central image of
the exhibition:
I would dumpster dive, find discarded
blankets… I would bury them in the
park in plastic bags, so that when I
needed them I could go and get them.
I also buried tin boxes with things like
Snickers candy bars because they
were the only ones with nuts and
they didn’t spoil. There were gangs in
my neighborhood, and being out on
the streets at night all alone, gangs
would prey on me. Being the only
Asian [in an all-white neighborhood]
brought attention. So I used to get
beat up a lot. I started to climb trees
to hide. Because people don’t look
up – if you’re really really quiet, nobody
knows you’re there. So I love trees…
I found sanctuary in trees.
Sleeping under Tsutakawa’s “Heaven, Man, and
Earth.” Photo by David Entrikin.
In the exhibition, a tree represents shelter
and rootedness. On Bainbridge Island we
tracked down another arboreal symbol:
Red Pines planted by Zenhichi Harui from
seeds he brought with him from Japan.
The seedlings survived when the family’s
nursery business was abandoned during
World War II, and now stand tall and proud
over the restored Bainbridge Gardens, run
by Zenhichi’s granddaughter, Donna Harui.
Hidden Homelessness: Immigrant families living
in extreme poverty often sleep on couches
and bedrolls in overcrowded, dilapidated
apartments. Photo courtesy of InterIm Community
Development Association.
The exhibition illuminates “hidden
homelessness” – large extended families of
very poor immigrants and refugees living in
overcrowded, poorly maintained housing.
Because these families do not fit the popular
image of “homelessness” (or even think of
themselves as homeless), it is difficult for
social service agencies to connect them
with the housing assistance and support
services they need.
to collect donations of needed items
throughout the run of the show. In December
visitors and staff donated nearly 80 holiday
gifts for Mary’s Place, a day center for
homeless women and children.
As part of the exhibition, The Wing is
working with a series of local organizations
Come see this exhibition at The Wing and
find out how you can help.
Supporter Spotlight:
In Our Community
Debbie Killinger
When I was a kid I always gave stuff away
because it made me feel great. I saved
my birthday money and used it to buy
Christmas presents for my family. I grew up
middle class in Iowa. Before settling here
in Seattle, I moved around quite a bit, and
giving what I could to local organizations
helped me find a sense of community.
After my last donation to The Wing, they
sent me a thank you card that had a
Chinese proverb on it. “A bit of fragrance
always clings to the hand that gives roses.”
I love this saying and have it posted up
at home. We all hope that we go through
life and make the world better than when
we started.
A genuine thank you goes a long way towards
building loyal donors and The Wing does
it very well. The Wing has always been
gracious and genuine in their thanks. There’s
a lot of competition for your giving dollars.
If it’s not a good fit, it’s okay to take your money
somewhere else where your contribution
is valued. Over the years, I’ve felt like my
contribution is valued here at The Wing.
Left: Debbie feeding the lion at The Wing’s Lunar New Year celebration in February 2012.
Right: Debbie age 3 with brother Steve age 7 in Iowa where they spent their childhood.
Everybody can make a difference.
Sometimes we see million dollar grants,
and we forget that the steady donor keeps
an organization functioning. They are the
really important people. And everybody
can do something, give something. It
doesn’t have to be money. You can be
present, give your time; time is the one
thing that is very valuable.
In celebration of Debbie’s recent gift to the
Museum, we will be giving away vouchers
for the classic Chinatown cocktail bun
(dense sweet bread with coconut filling)
from our neighbor, Mon Hei Chinese
Bakery, just down the street from The
Wing. One voucher per visitor. Just visit
the Museum and tell admissions that
Debbie sent you!
Continued from page 4
Festive Arrowhead Stir-fry
The arrowhead bulb or see koo (in
Cantonese) is a delicious bulb appearing
in early spring. It is widely associated with
Chinese New Year. It has a taste that is
a cross between a potato and a water
chestnut. The Chinese prepare arrowhead
bulbs in soups or cook them by themselves,
sliced into disks. Another favorite method
is to partner them with one of the dried or
smoked meats of the season. Potted see
koo make charming houseplants for the
Chinese New Year. To the Chinese, the plant
is symbolic as well as decorative, connoting
progeny and all its values.
7 oz Yunnan or Parma ham or back bacon
1 1/2 tablespoons oil
1 clove garlic, minced
8 to 10 arrowhead bulbs (see koo), shoots
discarded, peeled and cut into large wedges
2 tablespoons soy sauce
1 tablespoon oyster sauce
1/2 teaspoon sugar
Serves 4 to 6
Preparation time: 15 minutes
Cooking time: 20 mins
1. Soak the ham in boiling water for 20
minutes, then drain and slice thinly.
Set aside.
2. Heat the oil in a wok over high heat. Stirfry the garlic until fragrant and golden
brown, about 30 seconds. Add the bulb
wedges, ham or bacon and stir-fry for 2 to
3 minutes, seasoning with the soy sauce
and oyster sauce. Add enough water to
just cover the ingredients, then bring to a
boil. Reduce the heat to medium, cover
and simmer for about 15 minutes or until
the sauce has reduced to half. Season
with the sugar and remove from the heat.
3. Transfer to a serving platter and
serve immediately.
NOTES: If you cannot find arrowhead
bulbs, you can replace them with 14 oz
(400 g) potatoes or taro, peeled and cut into
wedges, then prepared as instructed in the
recipe. Chinese Yunnan ham is slated pork
belly strips that have been cured with sugar
and thick soy sauce, and then air dried.
They are sold in butcher shops and Chinese
groceries, and widely available during
Chinese New Year, along with smoked
ducks and Chinese sausages. Parma ham
or black bacon may be used instead.
Copyright 2006 Periplus Editions, Chinese Feasts
and Festivals. All rights reserved.
Find this book and more items to inspire
your Lunar New Year parties in the
Marketplace. Members of The Wing receive
10 – 15% off all items, year-round!
Special Thanks to our Contributors
With great appreciation, The Wing acknowledges the following supporters for calendar year 2012. Thank you for making
sure that Asian Pacific American stories are heard, remembered, and brought to life. (*Indicates Charter Member).
Leadership Circle
Eugene Usui
Dean, Gloria, Lindsay and
Brady Wakayama, in
honor of Herb Tsuchiya’s
80th Birthday*
Rick Wong and Leanne
York and Paula Wong*
Victor and Stacy Mizumori*
Paul and Craig Murakami
Kemi Nakabayashi and Jim
Central Children’s
Charities, Inc.
Jean Nakayama
Ellen L. Ferguson*
Curtis and Charlene
Debbie Killinger*
Dr. Paul Liao and
Paul Neal and Steven
Mrs. Mei-Yea Liao
Frank and Haru Nishimura
Leadership Circle
Leadership Circle
Grace Nordhoff
$1,000 - $2,499
Carlos and Loretta Orpilla*
Patricia Akiyama and David Sujal and Meera Patel
$10,000 - $24,999
Ken and Nancy Prichard*
Abraham M. S. Goo and
Aileen Balahadia and
Carolyn C. Rees
Shin Quon Goo*
Michael Panlasigui*
Jon and Mary Shirley*
Paul Mar*
John and Shari Behnke
Ina Goodwin Tateuchi
Steve and Paula Reynolds* Bruce Brundige and Grace
Greg Traxler
Beth Takekawa and
Herbert Tsuchiya*
Tony To*
Casey and Allison Bui*
Doug and Maggie Walker*
Sai and Debbie
Maiko Winkler-Chin and
Leadership Circle
Tyler Chin
Wilson Chin and Tina
Ron and Carolyn Woodard
P. Wyckoff
$5,000 - $9,999
Wallace and Deanna Chinn Wyman Youth Trust
Adamucci Family*
Hing, Jane, and Desiree
George and Irma Yen
Nancy D. Alvord*
Marge Young and John
Nancy Skinner Nordhoff
Mayme Chinn*
Schultz Family Foundation
Tom DeBoer and Durga
Anonymous (2)*
Judith M. Tobin and
Michael Baker*
Bruce and Dolores Dong*
Milt Wu*
Gallery Supporter
Mary and James Dunnam
Cora Edmonds and Phil
$500 - $999
Leadership Circle
Virginia Anderson*
Nanette Fok and Brad
Lorra Antonio
Steve and ZZ Bailey
$2,500 - $4,999
Ben Bakkenta and Eric
Ethelyn C. Abellanosa and Mimi Gan and Everett
Paul Facchini*
Jodi Green and Mike
Richard Cahall
Paul Bock*
Jon and Bobbe Bridge*
Sally and Dick Henriques
Matthew and Gei Chan
Katherine Cheng and Ron
Paul and Mary Hosoda*
David Chan and Jane
Pat and Doug Ikegami
Jamie and Leesha Ford
Shirley Hune and Kenyon
Felix and Elizabeth Huang Ajay and Julie Jindal*
S. Chan*
Randy Inouye in Honor of
K. Chester and Sue Chen
Richard and Helen Kay*
Frank Fujii
Marlene Chen
Flora Ling and Paul Sturm* Helen L. Lang
Tony and Mary Pat Cheng
Tomoko and Koji Matsuno, Linda R. Larson and B.
Winnie Chin*
Gerald Johnson*
In Honor of Tomoko,
Curtiss B. Chin
Koji, Mineko & Magumi
Chuck and Chris Chinn*
Wilton and Paula Chinn*
Kenneth and Michelle Lo
Jill Nishi and Howard
Christopher Chow and
Kyle and Kimberly Maeda
Stephen Thane*
JoAnn Mills
Sunny Speidel*
Elizabeth Choy and James
Diane and Rich Sugimura*
Monica, Stephen, Rachel
and Thomas Day*
Lyly Fisher
Betti Fujikado
Misun Chung Gerrick and
Christopher Gerrick*
Ron Omori and Susan
Malcolm and Karen Harris
Michele and David Hasson*
James Hickman in memory
of Nellie Chinn Woo
Four wonderful donors
Kathy Hsieh and Rick Wong
contributed extraordinary
Rebecca Hughes
Chris Hurley and Marlys
annual support in 2012.
To celebrate their remarkable
Audrey Hwang and Joel Ing
Vera and Joey Ing
generosity, The Wing is proud
Raymond Ishii
to announce the new Leadership
Barbara Johns and Richard
Circle Futurebuilders, recognizing
Gary Johnson and Karen
these incredible gifts of $25,000
Shannon and Dan Jost
or more. We are pleased that
George and Lily Kajiwara*
Futurebuilder Debbie Killinger
Mariko Kakiuchi and Tom
personally selected the final
Debbie and John Kennedy
name for this group!
Hyeok Kim
Peter and Sophia Ku
Inaugurating the
Leadership Circle
Jan and Henry Kumasaka
Shannon Lee
Perry and Vickie Lee
Agnes and Shiang-Yu Lee
Alice Liang and Greg Leung
Pat Norikane Logerwell and
Don L. Logerwell*
Maxine and Lily Loo*
Donna Lou and Peter
Dr. Ted and Joyce Love
Barry and Teresa Luke
Bettie Luke*
Jackie and Deborah Lum
Gladys Ly-Au Young
Barrie and Starr
Collin Madden and Deanna
Sharon Maeda*
Beverly and George Martin
Kristin and Todd Meldahl
Lisa Nakamura
Pankaj and Sona Nath
Larry Numata and Mae
Fujita Numata
Kathleen O’Connor
Robert and Marian Ohashi
Connie Okada*
Carol Peoples-Procter
Alan and Andrea
Ann Ramsay-Jenkins
Alice and Rich Sasaki
Joy R. Shigaki
Jasmit Singh and Molina
Kaur Kochhar
Tom Skerritt and Julie
Richard and Sharon
Mark Takagi and Connie
Lloyd and Joan Takasugi
Jean E. Takekawa*
Sue Taoka and Richard
Gerard Tsutakawa
Timothy D. Wang
Nancy Lee Ward
Elaine Wetterauer*
Janet May Wong
Stewart Wong and Thom
Losa Wong and Larry Mar,
In Honor of Paul Mar*
Stephen and Sharon
Dena Yamaguchi
Sung Yang and SoYoung
Barbara Yasui*
Erin Younger and Ed
Anonymous (2)*
Annual Fund
$100 - $499
Jeff Akutsu
Donald J. Arima, DDS
Melaine Audette
Teresita Batayola and
Dionnie Dionisio
Robert J. Bertch and Mary
H. Bertch
Peggy Ann and Brent
B. Frederica Billingslea
Masse and Fay Bloomfield
BiHoa and Mark Caldwell
Rebecca and Mike Chan
Nancy Y. Cheng
Herbert and May Chin
Mae and Quinn Chin
Belinda Chin
Cassie E. Chinn and Paul
Denna L. Cline
Paul Clymer
William Covington
Ron and Wanda Crockett
John and Elsie Crossman
Carolee Danz
Alicia Fung Davis
Jackie Der and Alan Painter
Phil Derkum
Royal and Sachiko
Nelson Dong and Diane
Alice Doyel
George and Anne Eggler
Bill C. and Alpha J. M. Eng
Calvin T. Eng
Maura Fallon
Millison and Cheryl
Jeni and Cal Fung
Diane Sakai-Furuta and
Michael Furuta
Helen M. Gamble
E.J. Gong and Susan
Grantmakers for Effective
Karen Haberfeld and David
and Wan Jun Brown
Gary and Sandee Hamatani
Robert Hamatani
Shuko Y. Hara
Bruce Hayashi and Kari
Henry H. Hirano and Tomi
T. Hirano
Kari S. Hofer and Larry
W. Hofer
John Hom
Katie Hong and Harold Taw
Nien-Wei Hsiao and
Michael C. Liu
George and Wanda Hughes
Dr. Julie Y. Hungar
Dean and Cindy Ikeda
Melvin Y. Inouye
Gayle Isa
Emily Johnson and Michael
Della Jung
Art Kageyama
Ellen Kahan
Doug and Barbara Kanaya
Emmett Keeler
Carolyn Kelly
Ms. Miyoko Uchida Kodama
Glen Kriekenbeck and
Quentin King
Greg Kucera and Larry
Yocom, Greg Kucera
Marie Kurose and Michael
Austreberta G. Laigo
Natalie Lamberjack
Ick-Whan Lee and Qwihee
P. Lee
Lara Littlefield
Nora Liu
Calvin and Ruth Locke,
In Memory of Mee Siem
Lock and Sau King Lok
Ray Lou
Sarah M. Loudon
Clifford J. Louie and Patti
David Louie
Pamela Lyford
Steve Mar
Mamie and Aidan Marcuss
Larry Blackstock and Lori
James and Amy Matsuoka
Ken Mayeda and Elaine
Dwight Mizoguchi
Alfred and Sandy Moy
Harvey and Hisako Nakaya
Vo D. Nguyen and Sonia
Hiro Nishimura
Carol and Wilson O’Donnell
Harry and Mariette
Ross, Ava, Tani & Taryn
Pamela Okano and Dick
AC Peterson
Beverly L. Pierce
Pinnacle Gardens
Jim Rockwell
Martha Rogers and Kevin
Virginia Ryning
Diane Sanchez
The Honorable Sharon
Tomiko Santos and Bob
Betsy R. Schneier
Joan M. Scott
Lisa See
Sharon Sobie Seymour and
David Seymour
John and Pauline Shigaki
Stan Shikuma and Tracy
Dolores Sibonga
Elizabeth Sinclair and
Robert Crittenden
Charles Z. and Eleanor M.
Doug Smith, in honor of
Marge Young, St. John’s
Catholic Church
Peggy R. Squires
Duane and Rulee Matsuoka
Stallmann and Family,
in memory of Takeo and
Kazue Hirotaka Matsuoka
Julie K. Stein
Michael B. Stewart, MD
Ed T. Suguro
Tai Tung, Inc.
Gayle Tajima
Frieda Takamura
Jan Tanabe
Quintard Taylor
Allan and Kayo Terada
Victoria Terao
Yoshio and Florence
Gayle Tsuboi and Jim
Lourdes Tsukada
Mildred Tsutsumi
Sally Tsutsumoto
Anthony Chen and ShinPing Tu
Cathryn Vandenbrink
Thaisa Way
Scott Wittet
Mr. and Mrs. Yuen Wong
Curtis D. Woo
Teresa Woo
Virginia Wyman
Leslie and Tadataka
Dave and Janice Yasuda
Laurena Yok, in honor of
Frank T. Yok
Arthur Yorozu
Roberta Yoshimura and
Roger Mizumori
Joan Kiyo Yoshitomi
Anonymous (2)
Legacy Society
The Wing is grateful to the
Legacy Society members for
investing in the Museum’s
future through a planned gift.
Bruce Brundige and Grace
Gordon Davidson
Ellen L. Ferguson
Ajay and Julie Jindal
Helen Lew Lang and Calvin
Paul Mar
JoAnn Mills
Victor and Stacy Mizumori
Elizabeth B. Patterson*
Ken and Nancy Prichard
Beth Takekawa and Tony To
Gloria Lung Wakayama and
Dean Wakayama
Special Thanks To Our 2012 Contributors
$1 - $99
Albert Acena
Jeanette Aguilar
Mia Suverkrop Alexander
Jean Anderson
David W. Barker
Susan J. Barnes
Chris Black and Signe
Herb Bridge
Andrew G. Bruce and
Deborah J. Donnell
Kimiko Hazel Calhoun
Elizabeth Castleberry
Janine and Brian Chan
Kam Wing Chan and Joyce
Ngan Chu Liu
Bing Man Chan
Nancy Chen
Anny Cheung-Brothers
Chuck Ming Chin
Calvin and Lee Chin
Wayne Ching, in honor of
Wing Luke Asian Museum
Crispin Chinn
Stacy Choi
Alan J. Chun
Marie M. Coon
Don M. Culanag
Pio DeCano II
Toby Dederick
Mae Deguchi
Kaye Dethridge
Sylvia and Pete Domoto
Stephen J. Dorner
Susan Kunimatsu and Gary
Sheila Farr
Richard van Haagen and
Nancy Farwell
Fenner Family
Evelyn A. Ferro
Anne Focke
Yan and Thelma V. Fong
Ms. Laureen France
Annie Galarosa
Shannon Gee
Nathalie Gehrke, in honor
of Nisei Pioneer Teachers
of Seattle
Steven Gillispie
The Goon Family
George and Cylvia
Susan Han and Gorman
Marga Rose Hancock
Terri Hansen
Keiko Hara
Cathy Hawley
Chris Higashi
Susan Hildreth
Robert C. Hirotaka and
Wendy Jacobson
Jim Hopfenbeck and Alice
Moselle A. Horiuchi
Tom T. and Sallie S.
Yukiko T. Howell
Angela Hsiao
Ellen Hwang
Brian Ito and Laura
Don W. Joe
Linda Kan
Louise Kashino, in honor of
Shiro Kashino
Marilyn Kihara
Reverend Jean Kim
Diane and Ron King
Janice Kirby and Don Kirby
Margaret Kitazawa
Atsushi Kiuchi and Beverly
Bea Kiyohara
Tom and Janet Kometani
Peter and Cheri Kopp
Har Krishan and Suman
Ted Kunihiro and M.
Carolyn Kunihiro
Judy Kutz
Dr. Kathie G. Larson
Daniel W. Laxdall and
Eleanor C. Laxdall
Bernard Liang
D.L. Lilly and D.M. Lilly
Gregorio Lim
Lili Liu
Tom Louie
Jenny Lu
Abe and Helen Lum
William H.K. and Betsy Lum
Sheryl Ma
Joseph L. Mabel
Randy Main
Mark Mano and Lisa White
Andrea Mano and Aaron
Charlene A. Mano Shen
and Eugene Shen
Michael and Julie Mayer
Michael McCafferty
Barbara McHargue
Virginia E. McHenry
Urbana Anne MolinaSarinas and Mr. Eric
Kathleen Mongrain
Michelle Morlan
Gene and Priscilla Moy
Hal and Susan Mozer
Myrna and Paul Muto
Susan and Matthew Nadler
Haruko Nagaishi
Shuku W. Najita
Giro and Miyo Nakagawa
Joni and Mark Nakagawa
Ethel Nayematsu
Alice Wells Nelson
Maree Cho-Ness
Valerie Nishimura and
Michael Nagan
Kayleen Oka and David
Eileen Okada
Kenji and Martha Onishi
Kunio Otani
Anne Shu Hsia Pai
May Pendergrass
John Pesando
Rick Peterson
Aileen and Glenn Pruiksma
Rainier Scholars
Alvin Rasch
Dennis and Sachiko Roden
Josephine Root
Jay Rubin
Ellery Russian
Shiuko Sakai
Denise Sakaki
Karen Sakata
Richard and Brenda
Mas and Shirley Shimada
Margaret Shoji
P. Suehiro
Ryomi Tanino
Michael Thompson
Roxanne Topacio
Frank H. and Evelyn Y. Tse
Bing Tso and Janet Gwilym
Saburo Tsuboi
Dennis and Judy Tsuboi
Blakely Tsurusaki
Marcellus Turner
Karsten Vennemann
Jennifer Wah
Kathy Weaver and Terry
Dana Wen
Tom and Bonita Williams
Melody Wong
Hannah R. Yamasaki, in
memory of Gam Har
H. Ruri Yampolsky and
Knut Hansen
Meredith Yasui and Erin
Edward and Aida Yeung
Isoko Yoshihara
Anonymous (6)
Cindy Gok and Brian Wong*
Teresa Woo*
Leslie and Tadataka
Patron $125
Betty Abellanosa*
Don and Midori Akagi
Rebecca T. Alpert
Gene M. Ampon and Roger
Donna A. Añel and Ramon
Marlene and Abe Angell*
Takao and Ruth M. Aoki*
Joyce Aoyama and Octavio
Joseph Apodaca*
Donald J. Arima, DDS*
S. James Arima*
Mrs. Elizabeth Armstrong
Kendall and Sonia Baker
Maria Luisa Batayola*
James Beach and Monica
Barbara Berthiaume
Ann Bieri and John Fleming
Nancy Biery*
Kathy and Keith Biever*
Eleanor and Alan Boba*
Joseph Borich and HsiaoMEMBERS
Hui Borich
Benefactor $250
Catherine Born
Judge Frank Cuthbertson*
Aya and Benjamin Boynton
Mari E. and Kai H. Eng*
Linda Brandeis*
Allen Gibbs
Herb Bridge*
Joshua Heim and Vivek
Shawn Brinsfield
Michael Richards and Rita
Gayle Isa
Daniel C. Lee*
Robert Brown*
Linda Lee*
Geoffrey Brown and Jane
Ricky L. Leong*
Emma Woo Louie*
Kelly Brunson
James Nelson and Patsy A. Hugh Burleson*
Gail and Dyke Burson*
Vo D. Nguyen and Sonia
Marite M. Butners*
Dori Cahn and Jay Stansell
Christina Orr-Cahall
BiHoa and Mark Caldwell*
Andrew Price, Jr.
Sonya and Tom Campion
Jim Ratti
Christine Carrs
Star Roberts and John Gish* Christine J. Chaney and
Haruto and Toki Sekijima
Christopher Pompel
Robert and Sharron Shinbo Terrill Chang and Jan Faull
Christina Tai and Theo Baird Stella Chao and Michael
Arthur C. M. and Carole Z.
Nancy Y. Cheng
Mae and Quinn Chin*
Dorrienne and Tony Chinn
Cassie E. Chinn and Paul
Janine and Darin Chinn
James and Marilyn Chu
Vivian and Joe Chun*
Carrie Cihak and George
Anne Christine and Brett
Harriett and Halley Cody
and Harvey Sadis*
Laurance A. Coghill and
Hideko Coghill*
Jack and Judy Cornwall
Saul Tran Cornwall and
Karen Nakayama
William Covington
Jonathan P. Cross
Linda T. Cufley and Dr.
Gerald Cufley
Joan and Michael Day
Glecy G. De Leon
Cynthia and Jay del
Blaine Dempke and Lorraine
Renko and Stuart Dempster*
Bob and Karin DeSantis*
Steven and Elizabeth
Ticiang Diangson and Greg
Ayn S. Dietrich and Matt V.
Emily A. Dietrich
Royal and Sachiko
The Drachen Foundation*
Robert A. Dunn and C.
Alexandra Dunn*
Joanna Dyckhoff
Kenneth L. Dyer
Mabel L. Eng*
Linda Eng*
Susan Kunimatsu and Gary
Theresa A. Escobar
Millison and Cheryl
Dr. Mary E. Fischer
Aaron Fishbone and Lisa
$200,000 and above
Ford Foundation*
The Kresge Foundation*
$100,000 - $199,999
National Park Service*
$50,000 - $99,999
$25,000 - $49,999
The Paul G. Allen Family
The Atsuhiko and Ina
Goodwin Tateuchi
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
MetLife Foundation
National Endowment for the
Washington State Arts
$10,000 - $24,999
The Boeing Company
Comcast Foundation*
Expedia, Inc.
Institute of Museum and
Library Services*
Leveraging Investments in
Creativity (LINC)
Seattle Department
of Neighborhoods,
Neighborhood Matching
The Seattle Foundation
City of Seattle Office of Arts
& Cultural Affairs
USDA Forest Service*
$5,000 - $9,999
The Hugh and Jane Ferguson
Humanities Washington
U.S. Bancorp Foundation
Up to $4,999
Historic South Downtown
Titcomb Foundation
Media Sponsor
*part of a multi-year
Desiree Fletcher
The Flynn Family*
Shiu Fong Su
Yasuko T. Fukano*
Midori and Christian
Jeni and Cal Fung*
Diane Sakai-Furuta and
Michael Furuta*
Christopher Gee
Carey Quan Gelernter and
Jerry Large Family
Seth and Wendy Goldsmith*
Marilynn Goo and Michael
The Goon Family
Gene Graham, in memory of
Lois Graham*
Dean Granholm*
Carole Grayson
Richard and Susan Gurtiza*
Jenny Haight and Josh
Andra Hall
Susan Han and Gorman
JC Harrington and Erika G.
James Harris and Yasuko
Chris Harris and Christine
Mary Heisserman
Pat and Paula Herd*
Ondrea Hidley and Rick
Mary Hirata and Beverly
Darnell J. A. Hogan
Kandace and Rick Holley*
Teresa Holt and Joy
John Hom
Kenji Hoshide and Rachael
Alina Hua*
Joi L. Huie
Carrie L. Huie-Pascua
Heather and John Hunt
Glenn and Marilyn Ige
Tom S. Im and Delight K. Im
Parminder K. Jassal and
Herbert T. Head
Rick Johnson
Margaret Johnston-Kitazawa
Jonelle Jue*
Miriam M. Jue, in memory of
Ted Wah Jue*
Jonathan and Kristin Jue
Julia Kalmus and John
Michael Kan
Lonny Kaneko and Amy
Sanbo Yamamoto*
Morris Kanekuni*
David M. Kaplan and Susan
M. Devan*
Debbra Kashino
Bob and Jenifer Katahira*
David and Sherry Kaufman
Hiro Kawasaki and Bill
Dr. Kenneth and Leslee Kay*
Richard S. Kay and Felicia
D. Uhden*
Inmi Kim and Collin Breit
Diane and Ron King*
Patti King and Chris Madden
Rachael Kitagawa and Kenji
Atsushi Kiuchi and Beverly
Pamela Klainer
Mahnaz Kouhgoli
Jim and Coralie Kozu
Linda Krutenat and Joseph
Greg Kucera and Larry
Yocom, Greg Kucera
Roland and Bernadette
Marie Kurose and Michael
Tao Sheng Kwan-Gett &
Paula Bock*
Austreberta G. Laigo*
Wayne W. Langbehn and
Betty Lou PetersonLangbehn*
John Langdon Blakeney
Neva Lee*
Cecil and Hazel Leung*
Special Thanks To Our 2012 Contributors
Marilyn Leverson and Sara
Mr. Timothy Lew and Mrs.
Cynthia Lew
Charles and Pauline
Sandy Lew-Hailer and
Harvey Hailer*
Carla and Don Lewis*
Nora Liu*
Andrew Liu*
Drs. Eddie and Natalie Lo*
Toni R. Long*
Juanita Tamayo Lott, in
memory of Robert Henry
Joseph and Sula Louie
Kiersten Lovejoy
Ruby Luke*
Betty Luy
Nora L. MacDougall and
Dan MacDougall
Patricia Mac Elveen-Hoehn*
Frank and Pamela Madigan
In Honor of DD and Yuyu
Carmelo and Suzanne
Andrea Mano and Aaron
James M. and Ida S. Mar*
James and Ida Mar*
Vicki Mar, Bob Scroggs and
Sam Scroggs*
Terry M. Mark and Benson
Byron and Virginia Marr*
Gillian Marsden and Roswell
Maria Perez Mason and Will
O. Mason
Craig Matsuda
Larry Blackstock and Lori
Akemi Matsumoto*
Joe McDermott
Sandy C. McQuiddy
Stephanie Medearis
Yoshie Mikami*
Elizabeth and Stewart Miller*
Urbana Anne MolinaSarinas and Mr. Eric
Kevan Moore
Tomio Moriguchi
Alfred and Sandy Moy
Sen K. and Faylen E. Moy
Junior Nagaki and Janice
Mira Nakashima, George
Nakashima Woodworker,
Isaac and Lensey Namioka*
Diane Narasaki and James
Dale and Judy Neumann*
Gary Nichols
Barbara and Edward Nilson*
Rev. Richard T. Nishioka
and Alice A. Nishioka*
Setsuko Nomura
Gail Nomura and Stephen
Ross, Ava, Tani & Taryn
Julie Ann Oiye*
Martin Oiye and Susan
Tim and Kim Okamura*
John Oligario
Leann Y. Onishi, in honor of
Kenji and Martha Onishi
Sacha and James Pacyga
Carolyn B. Palme
James J. Pangilinan and
Mercedes Borromeo
Elizabeth Wong Pelley*
Richard and Mary Pelz*
Lynn Perkins*
Sandra Lynn Perkins and
Jeffrey Karl Ochsner*
Nick and Marianne Pettijohn
Donald D. Pogoloff*
Jack and Carolynn
Cynthia J. Price
Steven C. and Gloria L.
Judith Quist
Alvin Rasch
David and Catriona Reuther*
Yee-Fan and Son-Hsiung
Martha N. Cohen Roe*
Martha Rogers and Kevin
Rosita Romero and Oscar
H. Romero
Candace Rosovsky
Anna & Tom Rudd
Alice and Pete Ryan
Virginia Ryning*
Tsutomu and Yoko Sasaki*
Lucy Sato*
Jeffrey A. Saul and Lily Eng,
in memory of Yue Eng*
Walter Schacht and Cima
Schacht Aslani Architects*
Betsy R. Schneier*
Richard and Brenda Scholes
Theodor Schuchat*
Harold Seaburg
Lika M. Seigel
Christina Seong
Mrs. Veronica R. Shaffer
Kollin and Chuck Kollin
Alison Shigaki
John and Pauline Shigaki*
Stan Shikuma and Tracy
Mas and Shirley Shimada
Roger Shimomura*
Hyuk Shin
Nadine and Dennis
Alan and Carol Sidell
Kim K. Sizemore
Bruce and Joy Smith*
Yae Sobie*
Brian and Laura Soriano
Tom Speer*
Duane and Rulee Matsuoka
Stallmann and Family,
in memory of Takeo and
Kazue Hirotaka Matsuoka*
Lynnette and Tommy
DK Stanton
Nicole Stellner and Peter
Margaret Su and Benjamin
Joshua and Carol Suehiro*
Ed T. Suguro*
Sharon Suh and Alex Efird
W. Richard Takaki
Frieda Takamura*
Mr. Bobby Takatsuka and
Lily Takatsuka*
Carolyn S. Takei
Ed Tan
Ed and Mona Tanaka*
Katsumi and Terrie Tanino*
Bonnie L. Taylor
Victoria Terao*
Yoshio and Florence
William Thieleman*
Paulette Thompson*
Jack and Gayle Thompson*
Charlotte N. Thompson
Beatrice Timken
Shokichi and Elsie Tokita
Toshio and Dolly Tokunaga*
Al Tringali and Maryann
Ming-Ming Tung-Edelman
and Jeff Edelman
Jeremy and Hiroe Une
Janice and Neill Urano*
Marcia Usui*
John and Donna
Anna Viden and Ludovic
Sheila and Scott Vonbergen
Chip and Barb Wall*
Eugene and Marilyn Webb*
Jennifer Weber and Tim
Jay and Heather Weinland*
April K. Wiese
Charles Wilkinson and
Melanie Ito*
Richard Wilson
Brenda K. Wong
Teresa A. Wong
Darryl S. Wong
Jack and Beverley Woo*
Paul and Jane Woo
David and Katherine Wurfel
Stacy Yamada
Vivian Yamakoshi
Patricia M. Yano
The Yap-Tamura Family*
Steven Yee*
Michael Yee
David H. Yick
Ronald H. Yokoyama
Arthur Yorozu*
Jan Yoshiwara
Shirley S. Yovino
Paul and Cindy Zemann
Lizzie Zemke
Christina Zubelli
Anonymous (3)*
Deb Creveling and Don
Roger and Judith Daniels*
Cynthia David/Eli Estey,
Emily Estey and Anne
Peter Davids and Zhi
Qiang Xu
James B. DeLong and Janet
Michael Denton and Eun
Hee Denton
Bobbie DeVore
Dekker Dirksen*
Marcus Donner
Barry and Mary Dunphy*
Bruce Eckfeldt and Lisa
Teresa M. Ellis
Jack Eng and Patricia
Family $75
Amy L. Acher and Chris
Kai Eng*
Fabian and Craig
Daniel Adams and Cynthia
Karen Akira, in honor of Jiro Myke and John Farbarik
Richard van Haagen and
Nancy Farwell
Gerald and Alyce Arai
Rino C. Fedrizzi and Helga
Wayne Au and Mira
E. Smith*
Hwa-Tsun Feng and Frances
Claudia J. Bach*
Jessy Balma
Deborah and K.R. Ferguson
Linda Beaumont and Steve
& Graham Fernald*
Anne Fischel and John
Ann and William Becker
Eric Benson and Peter
Robert and Julianne Fisher*
Coleen A. Bertino and Judy
Laurie Frankel
M. McAlister
Marcia K. Fujimoto and Beth
John Bisbee and Binko
K. Louie
Chiong-Bisbee, in memory
Kimberly Fulkerson and
of Anna Fumi Morikawa
Larry D. Fulkerson
Dan and Andrea Gallagher
Chris Black and Signe
Anjulie Ganti and Rahul K.
Jane Boone and Theo Coxe
David Gardner and Josie
Carolyn Brenner and Julia
Jeff and Wanda Garfield*
Geary and Mary BrittonChristine
and Don GeeSimmons
Bill Broderick and Bea
Nancy and Scott Gilbert*
Bob and Delphine
Chuimei H. Bronson and
Bennet Bronson*
Edna Golla and Tony Chinn
Rebecca S. Brooks and
Paula Gooding and Alec
Jeffrey R. Youngstrom
Terri Bullert and Joe
Nathan Green
Pranee Halvorsen
Katharine M. Bullitt
Douglas and Michelle
Elizabeth C. Butler and
Chris Kim
Michiko Harada
Tina and Jim Cachules
Bruce and Joanne Harrell
Fitz and Becca Cahall
Alan Hashimoto and
James and Malia Campbell
Kathleen McKeehan*
Fred A. Capestany
Amanda Hashimoto and
Meg and Matt Chadsey
Logan Phillips
Paul W. B. Chan*
Joseph and Mary Heim
Rebecca and Mike Chan*
Garrett and Siobhan Chan
Celestia and Jack Higano, in
John and Barbara Chattinhonor of Norio Higano
John Hindman and Lynda
David and Robin Chell*
Suellen Cheng and Munson
Yasuyo Hirai
Henry H. Hirano and Tomi
Peg Cheng and Marcus
T. Hirano*
Harry Hoffman and Wendy
Benjamin and Kerry Lung
Chew and Family
Tom Hom and Mae Rosok*
Stephen and Janet Chin
Jim Hopfenbeck and Alice
Belinda Chin*
Bill and Mamie Chin*
Bob and Maria
Wanda Chin and Terry
George and Wanda Hughes*
James Inano
Cindy and Robert Chin
Ninia and Michael Ingram
Conan Chin and Jenny
Mrs. Carol Janes and Mr.
Francis Janes*
Rick and Betty Chinn*
Mr. and Mrs. Craig T.
James and Sue Chinn*
Crispin Chinn*
Steve and Courtney
Liam Chinn and Colleen
Corr Chinn
Brad and Margaret Chodos- William and Beth Kawahara*
and Kris Kawakami*
Ann M. Kawasaki Romero*
Stacy Choi*
Tanya Kim*
Tai Chung and Raji
Sally Kim-Miller and Andrew
Kristen Boyles*
Alma M. Kimura and Paula
Robert and Amanda Clark*
Lisa Conley and Jeff
Rollie and Susan Roberts*
Greg Robinson and Renate
Theresa Ronquillo
Jane King and Allen
Sharon A. Sakamoto and
Ron Takemura
Sharon Kita and Rob Britt*
Robert and Suzana Sakay
Glen Kriekenbeck and
Marie Sauter and Mark
Quentin King
Michelle R. Kumata and
Randolph and Barbara
Kenneth K. Kunz*
Kenneth Kim Kunz*
Tanya and Robert Schoen
Laura L. Kusaka
Peter Schultz and Heidi
Ellen Kuwana
Elizabeth Landry
Kris Shanafelt
Deborah J. Lee
Scott and Jena Shapiro*
Shari and Rory Leid
Jon Sharpe and Terry Beck
Carolyn E. Leith and Robert Daniel J. Shih and Theodore
Loren Leong
Kathleen Sie
Heidi Leyton
Tamara L. Simpson
Danny and Irene Lim and
Carlos Smith and Sumi
Elana and Randy Lim, in
Charles Z. and Eleanor M.
honor of Pudge Eng
Betty Lock and Randall
Claude and Susan Soudah*
David and Jannie Spain
Calvin and Ruth Locke, In
Fred Stouder
Memory of Mee Siem Lock Pentson and Toshiko
and Sau King Lok*
Juan and Hazell Lopez*
Kathleen Sullivan
Randall K.G. Luke
Virginia Suyama
Abe and Helen Lum*
Shuzo and Alice Takeuchi*
Rodney and Marilyn
Anna H. Tamura
Simon Tang
Dao Mai*
Bill Tashima*
The Maile Family
Vernon and Dale Tom*
Joe and Carolyn Mallahan
Ted Tomita and Janet Tomita
George and Irene Mano*
Masako Tomita*
Richard and Leslie Matsuda* Lotte and Mads Torgersen
Karen and Larry Matsuda
Dennis Tran and Paul
Gary Matsudaira
Dr. Tats and Donna
Kim Tran and Angelo Locsin
Evelyn Tse
Nick and Rachel Maxwell
Joyce Tseng
Patrick and Nancy May
Bing Tso and Janet Gwilym*
Michael and Julie Mayer*
Greg Tuai and Benling Wong
Nancy P. McCann and
Erin Turtel
Gerald M. McCann
Dan Vu and Kay Vu
David McCrae and Suzanne Kimi Walker
Thomas C. Whittemore and
The Honorable Mike McGinn
Michele A. Broderick
and Peggy Lynch
Roy Williams and Kathleen
Curtis McGuire
Katey Miller
John Willson
Mary Miller
Marci L. Wing and Jeff
Robert C. Shields and Lydia
Y. Minatoya, in honor of H Carey Wong and Thomas
& A Minatoya*
Leslie Morishita and Todd
Barry Wong
Sharon and Donald Wong
Hal and Susan Mozer*
Andy K. Wong and Helen C.
Linda Mui and Michael
Laura Woo and Mickey Woo
Elise Murowchick and Jim
Phil Wood
Annabel H. Wrightsman
Giro and Miyo Nakagawa*
Steve and Valerie Yamasaki
Irene Namkung and John
Hannah R. Yamasaki, in
memory of Gam Har Chew
Glenn Nelson
H. Ruri Yampolsky and Knut
Lorrin Nelson and Tina
Meredith Yasui and\ Erin
Tina Anderson
Rob, Iris, and Amy Nielsen
Peter and Lonnie Yee
George and Jean Nishi*
Evelyn P. Yenson
Leilani Nishime and Mark
Virginia Yip and Michael
George and Betty Nomura*
John and Ngoc-Thuy Yuen
Charles G. Nordhoff and
Iden Zaima*
Tracy Bennett*
Sugin Zhang and John
Rachel and Kevin O’Connor
Linda O’Hara and Duane
Anonymous (3)*
Tosh and Toshiko Okamoto
Friends $65
Mike Olden*
Mary Abo
Kenji and Martha Onishi*
Andrew Allen
Mary Pang*
Duane D. Anderson and
Nicole Pepper
Miriam Dittman
Jim and Lanette Peterson*
Susan Anstine
Steve Phillips
Jennifer Astion
Joyce Pisnanont
Maia K. and Guy Astley
Judith Quan and Joeseph
John and Carol Austin*
Redmond J. and Suzanne
Audrey K. Querns and Mark
Wilson Barnett*
Shelly Bodiford and Esther
Bill George Ramos and
Sarah Perry
Viola Brumbaugh
Kat Randolph and Kyle
Edward M. Burke
Carol and George Butler
Elta and Warren Ratliff
Carol and Henry Cannon*
Mr. Richard Renik
Linda F. Capell
Jennifer and Eric Rice
Maggie Carr
Marguerite Ro
Dorothy Chambless
Aldo Chan*
Rebecca Chaney
Dr. Theodore S. Chihara*
Loretta Chin
Candace Chin
Linda D. Chinn*
Cheryl Chow
Jody Clovis
Sally A. Corbett
Aaron and Wren
Karen Dechadenedes
Aimee K. Decker
Robert H. B. Dela-Cruz
JeeYoung Dobbs and Lucas
Margaret Dodd Britton
Phyllis Dukes
Frances and John Dunlap*
Paul and Kay Dunn*
Roz Edison and Kamala
Kelly Edwards
Frank E. Edwards and Luella
Patricia Ekelund and
Kenneth Hall
Ruth and Alvin Eller*
William Eng and Lancy Eng*
Robert F. Flor and Randal
Yan and Thelma V. Fong *
Toby Franco
Alison M. Fujino and
Matthew Sutton*
M. Ghent*
Bruce Goto*
Karen and David Gourd*
Joseph Granatir
Mrs. Willoughby Greenwood
Cammie J. Hall
Kathryn and Roger Hall
Lorraine A. Hamada and
Mark W. Nakamichi
Gary and Sandee Hamatani*
Robert Hamatani*
Faith Hanna*
Gretchen V. Hansen
Cathy Hawley
Robert E. and Shoko K.
Mary and Michael Heim*
Ken and Akiko Higashi*
Olivia F. Hill
Dale and Rebecca Hom*
Fong Hom and Cort
Akira and Mary Honda
Chris Horner
Lorraine and Bob Hoshide*
Abigail Houghton and
Michael Guillory
Nien-Wei Hsiao and Michael
C. Liu
Sarah Hufbauer and David
David and Jane Huntington
Doug Hurley and Lynn
Miyoko and Joe Ike
Anne and Paul Jacobson*
Coleen M. Jay
Emily Johnson and Michael
Karen N. Kai and Robert
Nadine Kariya
Etsuko M. Kawaguchi*
John Kees and Susan E.
Steve and Chris Kenagy
Nam Keo*
Steve M. Kink and Joann
Kink Mertens
Janice Kirby and Don Kirby
Frank Kiuchi
Senator Adam Kline and
Judge Laura Middaugh
Mits and Lilly Yuriko
Ruthann Kurose and Nathan
John Borawick and Carolyn
E. Kyle
James Langseth, Jr.*
Dr. Kathie G. Larson*
Daniel W. Laxdall and
Eleanor C. Laxdall*
May Lee
Phyllis Lee*
May Lee
Christoph and Evelyn
Special Thanks To Our 2012 Contributors
Jason Lin
Lena and Ian LönnbergHickling
Celia Lowe
Jocelyn Lui
Ronald and Necia Manchas
Mary Anne Martin
Ruthann and Jerry Martin*
Linda Martinez
Matthew Masuoka
Alan and Melissa Szeto
Debra May and Kathy
Ken Mayeda and Elaine
Gene Gentry McMahon*
Robert and Janice Ann
Barbara Mizoguchi-Asahara
and Dave Asahara*
Steve Momii
Elizabeth Montgomery
Kei Morita and Larry Azzano
John Moritsugu*
Margarita Munoz
Pamela Munro and Howard
H. Ray and Chiyo Nakanishi
Sharon Nelson*
Bud and Patricia Nicola*
Valerie Nishimura and
Michael Nagan
Erica Nishioka-Johnston
Kinuko Noborikawa
Eileen Okada
Margaret and Deems
Robert and Carol Okano*
Stephen Okawa
Joanna Oligario
Gary and Linda Oman
Elisabet Orville
Marnie O’Sullivan
Barbara Parker and William
Sharon and Alan Parker
Paul and Naomi B. Pascal*
Ruth Pelz*
Michael and Susan Peskura*
Nedra Peterson
Ellen Phillips-Angeles and
Ranesto Angeles*
Beverly L. Pierce*
Reynold and Juanita Price
Uma Rao and Teresa Wang*
Sarah Rich
Christina Rockrise and
David Brown, Jr*
Dennis and Sachiko Roden*
Diane Rodill
Carmen Rodriguez
Joy Rogers
Marcia Rogers
Liza R. Rognas
Laurie P. Rostholder*
Tess San Juan Brown and
Robert Brown
The Honorable Sharon
Tomiko Santos and Bob
Maia Segura and Damian
June Sekiguchi
Heidi Selinger
Jenn Seva
Roger and Saki Shimizu*
Judy Shintani
Lei Ann Shiramizu and Tom
Samuel and Sylvia
Shiroyama, In Honor of
Sechiko M. Shiroyama*
Stephen Shoji
Elizabeth Sinclair and
Robert Crittenden*
Vivian Sohn*
Joy Sorich
John Spady
Robert Spangler and Birgit
Hiroko Spees and William
Mrs. Megan Y.
Chase S. Spruill
Mark Stern and Susan
John and Sandy Stice
Frank Stowell and Mary
Dennis and Millie Su*
Caitlin Sullivan
Mitsu Sundvall
Mr. Eugene Tagawa*
Tom and Kiyomi Takekawa*
Gary Tang and Scott Wittet
Yukio and Kimiko Tazuma*
Joan and Mortimer Thomas*
Jay and Cait Thompson
Richard Thorvilson and Phill
A. Mroz*
Richard H. Tietjen
Linda and Havens Tipps*
Jon Tonouchi
Louise Torgerson
Theta Tsu
James Tweedie and Sasha
Aurora Valentinetti
Gerie and Tessa Ventura*
Tad and Frances Wada*
Wendy Watanabe and Tim
Kara Weaver and Ian
Ilse and Tara Wefers
Mr. William Weitkamp and
Mrs. Audrey A. Weitkamp
Robert O. Wells and Louisa
Lancaster Wells*
Kristoffer Whitters and
Timothy J. Whitters*
Cynthia and Andy Williams
Patricia D. Wilmot
Carol Wong
Amelia Wong*
Alvina Wong
Yee Xiong
Ed and Maxine Yakushijin
Keith and Mary Ann
Gayle Yamamoto and Tia
Keiko L. Yanagihara,
in memory of Shizue
Dave and Janice Yasuda
Wm. Toshio and Fumi
Jennifer Yogi and Matt
Joan Kiyo Yoshitomi
David and Kathy Yotsuuye*
Tonya and Scott Yuan
Anonymous (2)*
National Friend $55
George Yoshida
Henry Yu
Individual $45
Steve Aanenson and Lowell
Myrna J. Aavedal
Jesse Abelson
Roldy A. Ablao
Ms. Kathleen Ackerman
Gale C. Adair*
Hyunjung Ahn
Hiroko Aikawa
Takae Aiko
Elaine R. Akagi*
Katie Aldridge
Mia Suverkrop Alexander*
Chris W. Allegri
Allen County Public Library*
Karen M. Allman
Linda Ando*
Laura L. Anthony*
Sean Ardussi
Barbara A. Arrowsmith
Carole Ashenburg
Mary L. Askelson*
Veronica Asui
Melaine Audette
Janet Aviado
Barbara Bader
Elizabeth Jallie Bagshaw*
Nari Baker*
Kim Baldwin
Russel Bareng*
David W. Barker*
Garrett J. Barmore
Susan J. Barnes*
Ms. Ellen Barnett
Hazel B. Barnett
Lele B. Barnett
Dominique Barni
Andrea Bauer
Faith A. Beatty*
Paula Becker
Matthew Benuska
Ponzi Black
Elizabeth Bly
Rick Bonus*
Pamela and Raul Borromeo
Pamela G. Bradburn*
Martha Brice
Jon Brier
Alisa Brodkowitz
Jennifer Brower
Robert Burco
Allen County Public Library
Emeline Caldwell*
Cam Caldwell
Kimiko Hazel Calhoun
Ruth Callard
Barbara M. Cannon
Joan M. Capener-Michik
Lian Carl
Mr. Alexander Carson
Ivy H. Chan
MalPina Chan and Michael
Gloria E. Chan*
David Chattin-McNichols
Jean Chen
Mei Chen Welland
Jerry Chihara*
Yung A. Chin
Chuck Ming Chin
Susan Chin
Mr. Poy Chinn
Frances Young Chinn*
Bonita Chinn
Judith Moya Chinn*
Amy and Lin Chinn
Elaine L. Chuang*
Leigh-Anne Chung
Mr. Philippe R. Claringbould*
Fai Coffin
Karen Colbert
Marie M. Coon*
Deb Cooper
Beth and Marc Cordova
Dana Cox
Anita V. Crofts*
Carol M. Dale
Thomas and Rebecca
Virginia Del Rosario
Erwin DeLeon
Carlo Delizo
Nicholas W. Deppen*
Van Diep
Toryan Dixon
Harriet Dockstader
Cheryl dos Remedios
Julian Durant-Storey*
Jean Durning*
Gayatri Eassey
Robert B. Edgers, in honor
of Sadayuki Habu*
April J. Eng
Aleta M. Eng
Yuko Enomoto
Amanda K. Erekson
Katrina Ernst
George Estrella
Nancy Evans
Sheila Farr
Richard A. Ferrer
Yeshodara M. Fisher
Clandia Fitch
Martha Fleming
Faith Fogarty
Rochelle Fonoti
Miya Forrest
Becki Frestedt
Kai Fujita
Cheryl Fuller-Hughes
Elizabeth Gadwa
Ann Galvin-Eisenhart
Jania Garcia
Daryl Gardner
Deidre Gauff
Lydia Gerber
Kelsi N. Giswold
Amanda Gomez
Mary Ann Midori Goto
Elizabeth Grasel
Elizabeth G. Gray
Mary and Raymond
Danny Guan
Aaliyah Gupta
Nicole and Jeffrey Hallberg
Geri Hamai
Jane Hamatani*
Margaret amd Paul
Marga Rose Hancock
Verda Hansberry*
Stephen J. Hansen
Amy Y. Hara*
Sharon Harada*
Mr. Harlowe D. Hardinge*
William D. Harvey*
Elaine Hayes*
Carol Henderson and Dan F.
Kathleen S. Herdlein*
Pinky S. Herrera
Stanley W. Hess
Nancy K. Hevly*
Dylan High
Mari Hirabayashi and Simon
Gilbert Hirabayashi, In
honor of Mabel (Obasan)
Ron T.W. Ho*
Liang Ho, in memory of Lien
Yu and Yin Hwa Ho
M. Sue Holland*
Pamela Hom
Mike Hoover
Robert Hori
Lillian and Akira Horita
Mari Horita*
Mark Horiuchi*
Moselle A. Horiuchi*
Dorothy Horn-Waner
Yukiko T. Howell
Abigail S. Howell
Gary Howlett
Jennifer Hsieh
Suzanne Hu*
Perry Huang*
Grace Huang*
Dale R. Hughes*
Chun Wah Hui*
Sandra Ida
Doug Ing
Mamoru and Yasuko Inouye*
Sayumi Irey
Ann B. Irish*
Elaine Ishihara and John
Mary Ishii*
Joyce and Eddie Ito*
Cara R. Izumi
Sandra Jackson-Dumont,
Seattle Art Museum
Bonnie Jardine
Don W. Joe*
Yakaterina Johnson
Lynda S. Joko
Frank Jones*
Elaine Jorgensen*
Rajanikant Joshi*
Soya Jung
Art Kageyama*
Herb Kai*
Naomi A. Kaji*
Karen Kajiwara*
Miyoko Kaneta
Kristie M. Kaneta*
Fran Kato*
Leslie Katsman*
Shirley Katz
Shige Kawano*
Phyllis J. Keller
Gay Kiesling*
Danny Kikuchi*
Doug Kim
Ammara Kimso*
Kevin K. Kiuchi
Teru Kiyohara, In Memory of
Edward Kiyohara*
Masao Koba*
Karen Korematsu
Nancy Ordona Koslosky*
Bill Kossen
Sara Kosugi and Jeanette
Bruce A. Kraig
Michael F. Krawitz*
Marilynn Kreft*
Antje Kretschmer*
Kumling and Suetman Chan*
Richard Kuniyuki*
Kenneth Kurata
Alan and Terry Kurimura
Olaf Kvamme*
Janet Lackman
Sanjaya Lai
Ron Lam
Leo Lam*
Mrs. H. M. Landberg*
Dale Lanz
Annie A. Lareau
Kelli Y. Larsen
Betty Lau*
Valerie Lau
Carmel Laurino
Marie Lauritano
Sarah Beth Lawrence
Eugene Lee
Sharon Lee*
Pamela Lee
William Lee
Dean Leong
Marci Leong
Tami Leong Ho
Michelle LeSourd*
Eileen Leung
Kenneth Lew*
Ms. Audrey E. Lew*
Nicole T. Lew
Ms. Mary Lou Lewis
Donna R. Lewis
Ms. Annie D. Li*
Sun Li Hyatt
Mary and Christopher
Richard and Dorothy Lipsky
Nikola Litven
Shuhyun Liu and Seaton
Brian Lock, in memory of
Irene Lock*
Sarah M. Loudon
Phyllis Lui
Levin Lynch*
Donna Ma, in honor of Ping
and Peter Ma*
Joseph L. Mabel*
Molly K. Maeda*
Paul Magnano*
Victoria A. Mann and
Hummie Mann*
Stephanie R. Mano*
Daisy Mar*
Jeni Mar*
Wendy B. Marlowe, Ph.D.,
Bette Marshall
Patti Martin
Maria Vanessa M. Martinez
Akiko Masker
Terri Mast
Pat Matheny-White
Michael McCafferty*
Loretta McIver*
Andrea L. McLean
Cynthia Mejia-Giudici
Lee-Lee Miao and Doug
Lee Micklin
Kris V.L. Mikami*
Kate Mikszewski
Ken Mochizuki*
Tak and Kimi Momoda*
Mary E. Montgomery*
Joyce Morinaka
Emily Morishima
Ursula M. Mosqueira
Ms. Meredith Mullaley
Martha and Chester
Jennifer Murphy*
Margaret J. Musselwhite
Joyce K. Nakamura
Lilly Nakano*
Kenichi Nakano
Teri Nakashima
Vicki Nakashima
Riley and Judy Eng
Annette Nelson*
Walt Neves
Dorothy Ng*
Doan Nguyen
Mai Nguyen and Lester Tran
Amy Nikaitani*
Emma Nokes
Jill and George Novik
Irene Obien
Carole Okamoto
Michelle Ota
Andrea Otanez
Kunio Otani*
Heidi Park
Anne P. Parker-Pollack*
Mary Passmore*
Carla Patterson*
Virgel Paule
Joanne Pegues
Feney Perez
Pamela Perrott*
Mary Ann Peters*
Julie Pham
Arlene Phillips
John Phillips
Judy Pigott*
Mario Pilapil
Julia Pizzi
Adam Posadas
Laura S. Poston
Eric Premo
Lisa M. Quinn
Christine Rabe
Shelly D. E. Raihala
Takako Reckinger
Barbara Reid
Therese Reilly
Cynthia Rekdal
Madeline A. Renkens and
Ari Rinzler
Jeannette J. Roden and
Kit Loo*
Kathryn Rood, in honor of
Reni Kao
Josephine Root*
Sue Rose
Jessica Rubenacker
William K. Rutledge
Janice C. Sakai*
Shiuko Sakai*
Dan Sakaue
Christopher Salatka
Aurora Santiago
Theresa T. Sasaki
Jane Savard
Pia Saxton
Audrey Schatz*
Luzviminda Schiffer
Minna Schiller
Helen C. Schlichte
Paul Schlossman
Dave Schmitz
Adam Seid
Barret Seifer
Laurel Sercombe*
Elizabeth Shaiken*
Albert Shen and Nancy Chiu
Deryl Shields
May Shimbo
Rie Shintani
M.L. Shukis
Beverly A. Silverman
Elsie Simon*
Steven D. Smith*
Phyllis Solem
Julie Sotomura
Alex Sourov
Levine Sowinska
Joan and Scott St Marie
Lisa M. Staley*
Virginia I. Stave*
Bobbie Meltzer Stern*
Phil Stoiber
Tanya Subcleff
Esther Sugai
Lea Maeda Sugimura
Alan Sugiyama*
Gerald Sullivan
Pei Pei Sung*
Karen Sutherland
Karen Suzuki Okabe
Stacey Swanby
Ebony-Azizi Sylla
Richard and Hideko
Marianne Tada*
Mariko Takagi-Kitayama
Kimi Tanaka
Elsie Leilani Taniguchi*
Myra Tanita
Andrea K. Taylor
Michael Thompson
Sharyne Shiu Thornton
James L. To
Bryon Tokunaga
Roxanne Topacio
Constance Trowbridge*
Troy Tsuchikawa*
Calvin Uomoto
Amy Q. Van
Judith S. Van Praag
Diana M. Vaniotis
Sharon Versteeg
Larry D. Vining
Beverly Wagner
Jonathan Wakuda Fischer
Grace Wang
Diane Warshal
John Wells
Jan G. Whitman
Shirley and Douglas
Ms. Corrine Wilkinson*
Andrew Wilks*
Paris Williams
Aletheia Wittman
Rachel E. Wold
Dorice Wolfrom*
Elijah Kaulana Wong
Judy Wong
Shawn and Erin Wong*
Marie Rose Wong Ph.D.
Liana Woo
Gay Woods
Mikala Woodward
Miriam Works
Thomas Yamada
The Honorable Glenn H.
Lois Yamakoshi
Joyce Yamane
Stephen Yao
Niko Yasui
Kathy Eng Yee
Isoko Yoshihara*
Roberta Yoshimura and
Roger Mizumori
Dean Yoshina
Karen and Michael
Annia Yoshizumi
Marge Young
Victoria Aisa Yuki and Roger
Nobuo Yutani*
Edie G. O. Zorn
Anonymous (11)*
Tribute Gifts
In Memory of
Elizabeth Abellanosa: Ellen
L. Ferguson
Dionisio Antonio: Carolyn
Luis Batayola, Sr.: Ticiang
Diangson and Greg
Mary Hatsuko Toribara
Chaney: Rebecca Chaney
Ark and Winnie Chin: Diane
Narasaki and James West
Winnie Chin: Bruce and
Janice Abe; William L.
and Laura Chin; Curtiss
B. Chin; Susan L. Mar;
Lucy Sato; Xuan-Trang
Yung A. Chin: Chuck Ming
Raymond Chinn: Mayme
Chinn; Paul Mar
Tim Chinn: Gary Nichols
William and June Eng:
Wilma Lew
Yue Eng: Jeffrey A. Saul and
Lily Eng
Hugh Ferguson: Wanda
Chin and Terry Dickey
Cynthia J. Gould:
Sadayuki Habu: Robert B.
Ed Hanley: Marjory Devers
William Hanson: Abby Olsen
Kwan Hay and her son
Pudge: Elana and Randy
Neil Headland: Marge Young
and John Young
Bud Ishida: Bettie Luke
Priscilla Chong Jue:
Stephen Goon; Doris
Parks; Traci Ross; Diane
and Rich Sugimura; Flora
Ted Wah Jue: Miriam M. Jue
Soeur Ketja: Kiri Schultz and
Michael Wills
Howard King: Robyn Adams;
Chuimei H. Bronson and
Bennet Bronson; Bruce
Brundige and Grace
Tazuma; Jackson and
May Chan; William L. and
Laura Chin; Chuck and
Chris Chinn; Wallace and
Deanna Chinn; Wilton
and Paula Chinn; Vivian
and Joe Chun; Larry and
Special Thanks To Our 2012 Contributors
Frances Dolgoff; Emma
Eng; Yan and Thelma V.
Fong; Rose and Lance
Gyotoko; Miriam M. Jue;
Harvey E. King; Clara E.
King; Lani King; Leslie
T. Kitamura and Linna
M. Kitamura; Ruth J.
Latcholia; Pansy Lee;
James Louie; Everil Loyd
Jr.; Bettie Luke; Greg
and Cate Luke; Jennie
and David Ly; George
and Irene Mano; Paul
Mar; Albert and Mae
Mark; Ben and Peg
Nelson; Jean Okazaki;
Jan Okiyama; Robert and
Julia Olsen; Judith Quist;
Anna and Dick Seto; Fay
Shimada; Margaret Su and
Benjamin Goldsmith; Beth
Takekawa and Tony To;
Peggy Tanemura; Ruth A.
Tasanasanta and Sorasak
Pan Tansanasanta; Toshio
and Dolly Tokunaga;
Tek H. Wong; Janet May
Wong; Helen Wong;
Susan Woo; Jane
Yamamoto; Marilyn and
Bill Yamamoto; George
and Irma Yen; David H.
Yick; Rick Yokoyama and
Cynthia Kato-Yokoyama;
Choy Zane
C. Borawick and L. Kyle:
John Borawick and
Carolyn E. Kyle
Val Laigo: Austreberta G.
Marjorie L. Lee: Albert and
Mae Mark; Tek H. Wong
James Nam Leong: Ricky
L. Leong
Mrs. Loo: Bettie Luke
Maye and James Luke:
Susan L. Mar
Wing Luke: Levin Lynch;
Elaine Jorgensen
Mabel W. Lum: Stephanie
Lum Anderson
Dan Mar: Susan L. Mar
James Mar: Jackson and
May Chan; Howard Dong;
Bill C. and Alpha J.M. Eng;
Paul Mar; Jon Nachman;
Martin Oiye and Susan
Nakagawa; The Honorable
Sharon Tomiko Santos
and Bob Santos; Beth
Takekawa and Tony To;
Tek H. Wong; Marge
Young and John Young
Kazuto “Kai” Mikami and
Erabu Mikami: Kris V.L.
Takumi Mikami: Yoshie
Check Ming and Helen
Fong: Randy Fong
Chester Murakami: Martha
and Chester Murakami
Alice Nishioka: Marge Young
and John Young
Fukutaro, Toku, Kiyoko, Koji,
Masaichi, and Fumiko
Norikane: Anonymous
Koji and Mary Norikane:
Eric Benson and Peter
Ruskin; Awnie and Joseph
Patty and Keith Okamoto:
Carole Okamoto
Laura Jones Shapiro: Ajay
and Julie Jindal; Michelle
R. Kumata and Kenneth K.
Kunz; Beth Takekawa and
Tony To
Christopher J. Stevens:
Marge Young and John
Dutch and Rae Takekawa:
Tom and Kiyomi Takekawa
Alexander and Julia To: Dr.
Ted and Joyce Love
Kim Tran and Hoa Dang: Loc
G. Tran and Thu M. Ngo
Bertha Tsuchiya: Herbert
Belltown Billiards
Belltown Dental
Ben Bridge Jeweler
Big Dipper Wax Works
Blue C Sushi
David Bontham
Book Bindery Restaurant
Buca di Beppo
Charlie Burdell
Canlis Restaurant
Caruh Salon and Spa
MalPina Chan
Chateau Ste Michelle
Diem Chau
Cheeky Cafe
In Honor of
Lolan Lo Cheng
Kenyon Chan and Shirley
Jean Chiang
Hune: Darlene B. Chan
Frances Young Chinn’s 80th Donnie Chin
Winnie Chin
Birthday: Marge Young
Chocolate Box
and John Young
Jackie Der and Alan Painter: SuJ’n Chon
Brien Chow
Stella Chao and Michael
Chungee’s Drink & Eat
Kai Lim Eng’s 80th Birthday: Cinebarre
Thomas and Charlene Ko Cinthia Hoy Jewelry
Ellen Ferguson: Julie K.
Dan and Jan Coats
Comedy Underground
Frank Fujii: Randy Inouye
Coupe Rokei
Sadayuki Habu: Robert B.
Creative Dance Center
Dennis Culver
Thom Harrington: Kris
Janell De Varona
Carina A. Del Rosario
Dale Hom: Allen Gibb
Don DeLlamas
Reni Kao: Kathryn Rood
Diageo Chateau & Estates
Michelle Kumata: Karen
Dimitriou’s Jazz Alley
Din Tai Fung
Pat Lewis: Donna R. Lewis
Marita Dingus
Paul Mar: Joy R. Shigaki
DL Powers
Vi Mar and Howard King’s
Dragonfish Asian Cafe
anniversary: Mari E. and
Dreyfus Ashby & Co.
Kai H. Eng; Chok and
Dara Duong
Betty Toy
Susan Dwyer-Schick
Joy Shigaki: Dwight
Earshot Jazz
Tom Tanabe’s 80th Birthday: Michael Elkan
Emerald Downs
Wilton and Paula Chinn
Empire Espresso
Lew Tow Family: Helen L.
Jack T. Eng
Lily Eng
Herb Tsuchiya’s 80th
Ellen L. Ferguson
Birthday: Diane Narasaki
Floating Leaves Tea
and James West; Herb
Catherine Foster
Tsuchiya; Dean, Gloria,
Frank S. Fujii
Lindsay and Brady
Yasuko T. Fukano
Marion G. Fukuma
Gloria Lung Wakayama:
Schultz Family Foundation Full Tilt Ice Cream
Georgetown Brewing
Marge Young and John W.
Young: Doug Smith
Louie Gong
The volunteers of the Wing
Green Bottle
Luke Museum: Marge
Green Leaf Vietnamese
Young and John Young
Group Health Optical
In Celebration of
HarperCollins Publisher
The wedding of Debbie
Michele and David Hasson
Louie and Peter Martone:
Heavy Restaurant Group
Stephen Goon
Maureen Herward
High 5 Pie
Donors of
Other Services Gil
Hiyama Studios
& Goods
Ron Ho
A to Z Wineworks/REX Hill
Mark Horiuchi
Vincent Horiuchi
Hotel Andra
Ethelyn C. Abellanosa
Etsuko Ichikawa
Jennifer Acosta Bell
Joey Ing
Adriatic Grill Italian Cuisine
and Wine Bar
Janine’s Designs
Alaska Airlines
Jet City Improv
Allegro Performing Arts
Jet Lloyd Travel Services
Jewell Day Spa
Allpro Real Estate
John Howie Restaurants
AMaurice Cellars
Judy Fu’s Snappy Dragon
American Dance Institute
Anthony’s Restaurants
Manny Apostol
K1 Speed
Argosy Cruises
Kahler Glen Golf & Ski
Argyle Winery
Alfredo Arreguin
KidsQuest Children’s
ArtsWest Playhouse &
Eunice Kim
David Asahara
Fumiko Kimura
Asian Eye
Masami Koda
Attic Secrets Cafe & Tea
Kona Kitchen
Azarra Salon & Wine
Korean American Historical
Azuma Gallery
Ballet Northwest
Marilyn Kreft
Barnard Griffin
Michiko Usui: Eugene Usui
David Wing: Jackson and
May Chan; Bettie Luke
Tom Wing: Bettie Luke
Jack Wong: Susan Han and
Gorman Wong
Puey King Wong: April J.
Eng; Bettie Luke
Nellie Chinn Woo: James
Alfredo Templonuevo Yano:
Lien Yu and Yin Hwa Ho:
Liang Ho
Greg Kucera
KUOW 94.9 FM
Collin Kwan
La Bete
La Reve Bakery & Cafe
Betty Lau
Erin Lau
Pamela Dharamsey Lee
Kathy Liao
Lisa Power Salon
Steve and Dianne Loeb
Pat Norikane Logerwell and
Don Logerwell
Clifford J. Louie
Phyllis Lui
Luminous Skincare Studio
Macrina Bakery & Cafe
Macy’s Corporate Marketing
Sharon Maeda
Majestic Fine Wines
George Mano
Paul Mar
Martin-Zambito Fine Art
Mary Hoy Shampoo
Larry Matsuda
Koji Matsuno
Tyrus Matsuoka
Jane Mayer
Mayflower Park Hotel
Rick McKinnon
Barbara Mizoguchi-Asahara
Steve Momii
Tomoko Moriguchi
Mira Nakashima
George Nakashima
Jennifer Nerad
Dorothy Ng
Thu Nguyen
Ninkasi Brewing Company
Northwest Outdoor Center
Novelty Hill Januik Winery
Oba Project
Oh! Chocolate
Robert and Marian Ohashi
Angela and Yuji Okumoto
Ola Salon
Organic Valley
Pacific Science Center
Panama Hotel and
Ruby Pang
Joseph Park
Parkour Visions
Perche No Pasta & Vino
Pho Cyclo
Ponti Seafood Grill
Precept Wine Brands
Puetz Golf
Rainier Golf & Country Club
Random House, Inc.
Reconstruct Remodel
Renton Bikram Yoga
Connie Ricca
Ride the Ducks of Seattle
Robert Ramsay Cellars
Michael Marcelo Roco
Ronald D. Normandeau/
Anthropos Gallery
Sue Gill Rose
Britt Rynearson
Dick Sakahara
Salty’s on Alki
Scandinave Spa Whistler
Seaport Salon and Day Spa
Seattle Bouldering Project
Seattle Children’s Museum
Seattle Children’s Theatre
Seattle Glass Blowing
Seattle International Film
Seattle Mariners
Seattle Men’s Chorus
Seattle Sounders FC
Seattle Wine Awards
Sebris Busto James
Roger Shimomura
Judy Shintani
Shirley Sing
Alison W. Sing
Smithsonian Asian Pacific
American Program
Aki Sogabe
South China Perry Ko’s
Spectrum Dance Theater
Spring Hill
St. Clouds Restaurant &
Susan Stoltzfus
Sushiman Japanese
Szmania’s Restaurant
Mark Takagi
Jan Tanabe
Ken Taya
Teahouse Kuan Yin
Teatro Zinzanni
Thai 65 Renton
The Brooklyn Seafood,
Steak & Oyster House
The Mill Casino
The Nishimoto Family
The Parlor Billiards & Spirits
The Samarya Center
The Westin Bellevue
Treasury Wine Estates
Greg Trudeau
Junichi Tsuneoka
Gerard Tsutakawa
Li Turner
Two Twelve on Central
Bistro and Bar
University Bookstore
Neill and Janice Urano
Uwajimaya, Inc.
Tony Ventura
Village Theatre
Jonathan Wakuda Fischer
Wedgwood Hair Studio
Elaine Wetterauer
Whole Life Yoga
Barry Wong
Dean Wong
Donald K. Wong
Rick Wong
Sharon Wong
Dean Wong
Woodland Park Zoo
Dahlia Marr Yee
Larry Yocom
Kathy Yoshihara
Mia Yoshihara-Bradshaw
Joan Kiyo Yoshitomi
To’mas G. Zalewski
Jamie Abellanosa
Amy Alberts
Karen Maeda Allman
Jill Allyn
Anne Alo
Linda Ando
Michelbach Andrea
Ron Angeles
James Arima
Kwan Ashley
Tony Au
Erin Bailey
Sundy Ballester
Lele Barnett
Kevin Beder
Mort Brinchmann
Trevor Bruecher
Patti Buckingham
Nicole Buyagawan
Nancy Calos-Nakano
Shigeko Calos-Nakano
Cameron Caplinger
Travis Carr
Rosemary Castro-Harris
Ching Chan
Joy Chan
Justin Chan
Justin K. Chan
Max Chan
Jen Chen
Donnie Chin
Dottie Chin
Chris Chinn
Frank Chinn
Lin Chinn
Vicky Choi
Binko Chong-Bisbee
Bradley Chu
Harmony Chun
Anita Chung
Dorothy Cordova
Ellen Cravens
Cesar Cueva
Zining Cui
Katie D’Amore
Pio De Cano, Jr.
Robert Dela-Cruz
Van Diep
Toryan Dixon
Teal Douville
Brian Doyle
Sue Eastgard
Erin Enos
Carmen Español
Georgette Espina
Emily Facchini
Paul Facchini
Peter Facchini
Zhe Fan
Ashley Fejeran
Fletcher Ferman
Lynette Finau
Anabela Fong
David Fong
Rochelle Fonoti
Tylor Fulkerson
Amanda Gadien
Aurilee Gamboa
Anjulie Ganti
Narita Ghumman
Christine Graf
Lori Gregory
Marcia Grimstad
Kathy Hagiwara Purcell
Lorna Hamill
Lin Haoyu
Brandon Hart
Sarah “Hatty” Hatfield
Alexis Held
Deng Her
Kathryn Higgins
Molly Higgins
Mari Hirabayashi
Lan Anh Hoang
Lananh (Julie)Hoang
Joohee Hong
Jordan Hoy
Veasna Hoy
Christy Qianyun Hu
Emily Hu
Zhi Lin Huang
Ammara Hun
Shirley Hune
Eric Hutchinson
Tom Ikeda
Melvin Inouye
Iris Kwong
Chen Jennifer
Alyssa Jocson
Michael Kan
Bernie Kay
Simon Kennedy
Anita Keomahavong Anita
Souchinda Khampradith
Tanya Kim
Lai Ping Kimura
Linna Kitamura
Kevin Kiuchi
Diane Knoll
Greg Kono
Susan Kunimatsu
Kenneth Kunz
Iris Kwong
Juachon Kymberly
Jacque Larrainzar
Carmel Laurino
Adam Lee
Alan Lee
Candice Lee
JoAnne Lee
Miranda Leidich
Ana Leske
Danielle Levi
Jane Li
Bernie Liang
Yiyao (Karen) Liu
Daniel Luke
Jonathon Ly
Deborah Mangold
My Na Mao
Dickie Mar
Paul Mar
Todd Mayberry
Juliano McMoore
Cynthia Mejia-Giudici
Samantha Menathy
Andrea Mercado
Ide Michael
Andrea Michelbach
Ho Miranda
Elizabeth Montgomery
Akiko Motohashi
Anne Mowna-Sanrao
Carol Narasaki
Emma Nelson
Francis Nguyen
Khoi Nguyen
Nagisa Nguyen
Helen Nicdao
Diane Nichols
Dang Nicky
Crissey Nishimura
Gail Nomura
Pat Norikane Logerwell
Rafael Ocampo
Christine O’Conner
Beni O’Donnell
Daniel Oh
Bob Ohashi
Julie Ann Oiye
Iris Okimoto Nielson
Renato Oliva
Gina O’Neill
Mike O’Neill
Daniel Ong
Wendee Ong
Edward Oudanonh
Frannie Owyang
John Pai
Corrinne Passavant
Quynh Pham
Emma Pirie
Joyce Pisananont
Christine Pyle
Lee Rachel
Cynthia Rekdal
Diego Rodriguez
Arthur Schiffer
Peter Schultz
Mar Schupp
Lei Ann Shiramizu
Katherine Sims
Shirley Sing
Cherise Snow
James Sok
Moss Sonita
Caitlin Steele
Chioke Stuckey
Ed Suguro
Taiko Suzuki
Jeri Tackett
Olivia Taguinod
Frieda Takamura
Ray Takeuchi
Ky Tan
Jan Tanabe
Park Tania Tam
Harumi Taniguchi
Christa Thomas
Janey Tiffany
James To
Judy Tobin
Au Tony
Roxanne Topacio
Gerry Tsutakawa
Myumi Tsutakawa
Walter Tuai
Connie Tupper
Mike Tupper
Isadora Tzung
Cindy Ung
Janice Urano
Neill Urano
Steve Uyenishi
Sarah Vilendrer
Linda Visaya
Cash Vo
Vanessa Vo
Judy Vue
Jonathan Wagner
Jonathan Wakuda Fisher
Caroline Wallace
Wu Wan
Gengwu Wang
David Wanzy
Matt Wexler
Ann Wong
Jordan Wong
Sharon Wong
Tracey Wong
Don Wong
Hong Woo
Junko Yamamoto
Grace Yi
Hannah Yi
Sara Yoon
Mia Yoshihara-Bradshaw
Katharyn Young
Tina Young
Jia Zeng
Nora Zhan
Lingling Zhao
Andrew Zhou
Shawna Zhou
Xiaoxue Zhou
719 South King Street
Seattle, WA 98104
(206) 623-5124
Tuesday-Sunday, 10am-5pm
Saturday of
of month,
month, 10am-8pm
Mondayof month, 10am-8pm
Closed Monday
Voted #1
in KING 5’s
The Best of
April 9, 2011 The Wing’s Annual Dinner & Auction
Our Mission is to connect everyone to the rich history, dynamic cultures and art of Asian Pacific Americans through vivid storytelling and inspiring
experiences. The Wing is a proud Smithsonian Affiliate, a partnership with the Smithsonian Institution.
Gene Tagaban, Henare Tahuri & Tawera Tahuri.
Ritual of Encounter, 2010. Acrylic on wood, 8’ x 15’.
Photo and art courtesy of the Evergreen State College Longhouse.
Urban People of Asian and Native American Heritages
Cultural Confluence
Famous rabbits:
Jet Li, Hilary Duff, Albert Einstein, Brad Pitt and Confucius
Join our Lunar New Year festivities as we
celebrate with a colorful Lion Dance,
family-friendly tours, a
Year of the Rabbit Coloring Contest and more.
On Display JAN14SEPT18
Add our facebook page:
Follow us on twitter @ wingluke

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