View bulletin PDF - White Plains United Methodist Church
View bulletin PDF - White Plains United Methodist Church
Culto de Alabanza y Adoración, 11:00am Worship Notes ALABANZA DE APERTURA SALMOS 98:1-6 ORACIÓN DE BIENVENIDA ORACIÓN DE CONFESIÓN SALUDO DE LA CONGREGACIÓN TIEMPO DE ALABANZA Y ADORACIÓN “Eres Tú la Única Razón de Mi Adoración ” “Vine a Adorarte” TESTIMONIOS SPRC, keeping you informed. PRÉDICA: SERIE DE SERMONES: DEL PASADO HACIA EL FUTURO We will have a farewell celebration for Carol Carawon, Beth Laverty, and Devon O’Connor on Sunday, September 25th from 9:3010am in the CLC. Love offerings will be collected for them through mid-October. Interviews are in process this week for the Minister of Discipleship and the Children’s Coordinator, with hopes that the Youth Coordinator interviews will begin within the next week. Applications are continuing to be accepted for both the Communications Coordinator and the Contemporary Music positions. “Título: Lo Limpio y Lo Impuro” LECTURA: Mateo 15:1-20 Rev. Edith Salazar Respondiendo al Llamado del Señor “Renuevame, Señor Jesus, Ya No Quiero Ser Igual” Diezmos y Ofrendas “Dios Esta Aquí” Oración de Envío “Eres Tú la Única Razón de Mi Adoración” Anuncios *Grupos de Vida: Todos los miércoles a las 7:00pm. *2 de octubre estaremos celebrando nuestra cultura; habrá un culto especial y una celebración al terminar. Informes con Estela al 919-461-0358 y Mary Guzmán al 919-761-3173. Flowers The rose on the altar is given to the glory of God and in celebration of the birth of Mateo Alexander Padilla, son of Sandra and Sergio Padilla , born on September 7th, 2016. Prayer Concerns September 18, 2016 18 de septiembre 2016 Anna Avery, Pat Basham, Roy Carawan, Steve Fulghum, Dylan Harrell, Hortencia Herlinda, Bob Hinshaw, Becky Humphrey, Pat Johnson, Phyllis Lang, Lucy Lowry, Ernie and Jane Miller, Jim Morgan, Gary Parker, Jim Payne, David and Lorraine Perkinson, Amy Pethick, Roberta Sanford, Ginny Sapp, Harlen Van Sloten, Carl Sofley, Bette Anne Stephenson, Al Tahan, Tracey Walden, Joan Wolcott, Elaine Zisek, and those serving in the Armed Forces. Iglesia Metodista Unida White Plains United Methodist Church *Los grupos de oración estarán comenzando el próximo 25 de septiembre. ¡Ya tienes tu grupo! Si alguien necesita un consejo o necesita oración, al final del servicio una persona de Stephen Minister estará disponible en la esquina izquierda de adelante de este lugar. Remember– every time you check in on Facebook to White Plains a donation is made to charity! (919) 467-9394 SCRIPTURE Matthew 15:1-20 Traditional Worship, 8:30am Contemporary Worship, 11:00am WELCOME AND ANNOUNCEMENTS ANTHEM “The Heavens Declare” PRELUDE “Elegy” George Thalben-Ball MESSAGE From the Past to the Future: “Heart Matters” Rev. Ray Warren GREETING AND INTRODUCTION “I Walk By Faith” SCRIPTURE WITHIN MUSIC HYMN OF RESPONSE “Blest Be the Tie That Binds” UMH #557 vs. 1 & 4 UMH #60 “Creator of the Stars of Night” Wilbur Held Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship. *PASSING OF THE PEACE TIME OF PRAYER DOXOLOGY Our Father, Who art in heaven, hallowed be Thy name. Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive those who trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation, but deliver us from evil. For Thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, forever. Amen. UMH #94 Praise God, from whom all blessings flow; praise God, all creatures here below: Alleluia! Alleluia! Praise God, the source of all our gifts! Praise Jesus Christ, whose power uplifts! Praise the Holy Spirit, Holy Spirit! Alleluia! Alleluia! Alleluia! *CLOSING HYMN UMH #885 Where the Spirit of the Lord is, there is the one true church, apostolic and universal, whose holy faith let us now declare. We believe in God the Father, infinite in wisdom, power, and love, whose mercy is over all His works, and whose will is ever directed to His children’s good. We believe in Jesus Christ, Son of God, and Son of man, the gift of the Father’s unfailing grace, the ground of our hope, and the promise of our deliverance from sin and death. We believe in the Holy Spirit as the divine presence in our lives, whereby we are kept in perpetual remembrance of the truth of Christ, and find strength and help in time of need. We believe that this faith should manifest itself in the service of love as set forth in the example of our blessed Lord, to the end that the kingdom of God may come upon the earth. Amen. UMH #71 Glory be to the Father and to the Son and to the Holy Ghost; as it was in the beginning, is now, and ever shall be, world without end. Amen. Amen. Matthew 15:1-20 “Give Us Clean Hands” THE OFFERTORY *HYMN OF PRAISE *GLORIA PATRI GATHERING “Pride and Joy” We come to Your Sanctuary Lord, with unclean hands. You are concerned with our unclean hearts. We worry about our unclean lips. You are concerned about our unclean words. Create in us a clean heart Oh God, And fill us again with your Holy Spirit, That we might walk in Your way as Christ's disciples. *AFFIRMATION OF FAITH, A MODERN AFFIRMATION Richard Shephard Chancel Choir and Credo *CALL TO WORSHIP “I’ll Praise My Maker While I’ve Breath” NT #16 “O Master, Let Me Walk with Thee” MESSAGE From the Past to the Future: “Heart Matters” Rev. Ray Warren OFFERING “Broken Together” Please sign the attendance book in your row, so we might have an accurate record of your presence in worship. UMH #430 TIME OF PRAYER “The Lord’s Prayer” *DISMISSAL WITH BLESSING *RESPONSE BENEDICTION “A Closing Prayer” Don Besig Chancel Choir and Credo POSTLUDE “The Heavens Declare the Glory of God” Benedetto Marcello Children 3 years-2nd grade are invited to E9 for Children’s Church during the Message and will re-enter the service after the Message. CCLI#967142 *Congregation standing Children ages 5 and under are welcome in the children’s wing for nursery care at any time during the 8:20 service. Please silence your cell phone before the service of worship begins. PRAYER FOR ILLUMINATION Eternal God, open our minds as You speak to us through these words of Scripture written long ago – words that are at the same time fresh and new today. Open our hearts as we hear Your Word, so that our lives may be transformed through the power of Your Holy Spirit. Amen. Devices are available near the entrance of the Sanctuary for those needing assistance with hearing the service. At the conclusion of worship, a Stephen Minister will be available for counsel and/or prayer at the left front corner of each worship space. White Plains UMC White Plains UMC White Plains UMC White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence in worship this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday during the 9:45 hour in the back of the Christian Life Center C200. White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the back of the Christian Life Center. White Plains UMC is a disciple-making congregation on mission for Christ. We were honored by your presence this morning. Please join us for coffee any Sunday in the back of the Christian Life Center. Questions? Questions? If you have a need or just a question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or You can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday. If you have a need or just a question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or You can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday. Available for Children During Worship Available for Children During Worship Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service. Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service. Sunday Morning Schedule Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary 9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages 11:00am Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary 8:30am Traditional Worship Service in the Sanctuary 9:45am Sunday School Hour for all ages 11:00am Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any questions you might have. Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any questions you might have. Questions? If you have a need or just a question, please call the church office, 919-467-9394, or You can also visit the church office from 8am to 5pm Monday -Thursday. Available for Children During Worship Nursery Care by our Nursery Team is available during all worship services and the 9:45 Sunday school hour. Sunday School is available for children ages 3 years-5th grade from 9:45 to 10:45am. Children’s Worship is available during the 11am worship services. The children (ages 3 years-2nd grade) are escorted by our staff from the worship service and are brought back to their parents at the end of the service. Sunday Morning Schedule 8:30am Traditional worship service in the Sanctuary 9:45am Sunday school for all ages 11:00am Contemporary worship service, Christian Life Center Spanish language worship service, Sanctuary Our greeters and ushers are available to answer any questions you might have. Visit for more about WPUMC. Visit for more about WPUMC. Save the Date…. Save the Date…. Visit for more about WPUMC. Save the Date…. Church Council, Finance Meetings September 18 Church Council, Finance Meetings September 18 Church Council, Finance Meetings September 18 Daytime Book Club September 20 Daytime Book Club September 20 Daytime Book Club September 20 Emmaus Gathering September 23 Emmaus Gathering September 23 Emmaus Gathering September 23 Family Promise of Wake Co. Sisters in Support NC State Fair Cancer Companions Begins Sept. 25– Oct. 2 October 11 October 13-23 October 18 Family Promise of Wake Co. Sisters in Support NC State Fair Cancer Companions Begins Sept. 25– Oct. 2 October 11 October 13-23 October 18 Family Promise of Wake Co. Sisters in Support NC State Fair Cancer Companions Begins Sept. 25– Oct. 2 October 11 October 13-23 October 18 Ministry in Action - Announcements Ministry in Action - Announcements September 18, 2016 Ministry in Action - Announcements September 18, 2016 September 18, 2016 WAY TO BE IN SERVICE: The Church office is in need of volunteers to help answer phones , greet our guests and help with other office needs. If you’d like to serve please contact or 919-467-9394. WAY TO BE IN SERVICE: The Church office is in need of volunteers to help answer phones , greet our guests and help with other office needs. If you’d like to serve please contact or 919-467-9394. WAY TO BE IN SERVICE: The Church office is in need of volunteers to help answer phones , greet our guests and help with other office needs. If you’d like to serve please contact or 919-467-9394. SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING - TODAY at 3:30pm in C203. Anyone working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults who has not attended training in the last 3 years should attend. SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING - TODAY at 3:30pm in C203. Anyone working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults who has not attended training in the last 3 years should attend. SAFE SANCTUARIES TRAINING - TODAY at 3:30pm in C203. Anyone working with children, youth, or vulnerable adults who has not attended training in the last 3 years should attend. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING - TONIGHT at 7pm in the Chapel. All members are encouraged to attend as we discuss church business. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING - TONIGHT at 7pm in the Chapel. All members are encouraged to attend as we discuss church business. CHURCH COUNCIL MEETING - TONIGHT at 7pm in the Chapel. All members are encouraged to attend as we discuss church business. APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT MEETING - Sunday, September 25th, or Sunday, October 9th, at 11am, 12pm, or 4pm in C105. If you have never been on an ASP mission trip and would like information, please come. ASP is open to youth 14 years of age and graduating from 8th grade and adults. APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT MEETING - Sunday, September 25th, or Sunday, October 9th, at 11am, 12pm, or 4pm in C105. If you have never been on an ASP mission trip and would like information, please come. ASP is open to youth 14 years of age and graduating from 8th grade and adults. APPALACHIA SERVICE PROJECT MEETING - Sunday, September 25th, or Sunday, October 9th, at 11am, 12pm, or 4pm in C105. If you have never been on an ASP mission trip and would like information, please come. ASP is open to youth 14 years of age and graduating from 8th grade and adults. CHILDREN’S CHOIRS OPPORTUNITIES - The Volunteer Team is looking for two people to lead our children’s music ministry for Cherub Choir (4 years-1st grade), Junior Choir (2nd-5th grade) and the Handbell Ensemble (3rd-5th grades). Rehearsals are currently scheduled on Sundays each week, 4:30pm. The ability to read and teach music is required for the handbell and Junior Choir positions. These choirs usually sing in worship every four to six weeks and do Christmas and spring musicals. Our children are a blessing to our congregation, and they will surely be a blessing for the persons who will work with them in this ministry. For more information, please email CHILDREN’S CHOIRS OPPORTUNITIES - The Volunteer Team is looking for two people to lead our children’s music ministry for Cherub Choir (4 years-1st grade), Junior Choir (2nd-5th grade) and the Handbell Ensemble (3rd-5th grades). Rehearsals are currently scheduled on Sundays each week, 4:30pm. The ability to read and teach music is required for the handbell and Junior Choir positions. These choirs usually sing in worship every four to six weeks and do Christmas and spring musicals. Our children are a blessing to our congregation, and they will surely be a blessing for the persons who will work with them in this ministry. For more information, please email CHILDREN’S CHOIRS OPPORTUNITIES - The Volunteer Team is looking for two people to lead our children’s music ministry for Cherub Choir (4 years-1st grade), Junior Choir (2nd-5th grade) and the Handbell Ensemble (3rd-5th grades). Rehearsals are currently scheduled on Sundays each week, 4:30pm. The ability to read and teach music is required for the handbell and Junior Choir positions. These choirs usually sing in worship every four to six weeks and do Christmas and spring musicals. Our children are a blessing to our congregation, and they will surely be a blessing for the persons who will work with them in this ministry. For more information, please email 8:30am TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS NEEDED- Once a month or as substitutes and for special services. Both individuals and couples are welcome. If you are interested in discussing this opportunity, contact Clark Hunsinger, 919481-4585 or 8:30am TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS NEEDED- Once a month or as substitutes and for special services. Both individuals and couples are welcome. If you are interested in discussing this opportunity, contact Clark Hunsinger, 919481-4585 or 8:30am TRADITIONAL SERVICE USHERS NEEDED- Once a month or as substitutes and for special services. Both individuals and couples are welcome. If you are interested in discussing this opportunity, contact Clark Hunsinger, 919481-4585 or COATS, HATS, GLOVES REQUESTED - We are collecting new and gently used men's, women's, and especially children's coats, gloves, and hats to be distributed in the community. Please leave your donations in the barrel labeled "Coats" in the CLC lobby by November 13. COATS, HATS, GLOVES REQUESTED - We are collecting new and gently used men's, women's, and especially children's coats, gloves, and hats to be distributed in the community. Please leave your donations in the barrel labeled "Coats" in the CLC lobby by November 13. COATS, HATS, GLOVES REQUESTED - We are collecting new and gently used men's, women's, and especially children's coats, gloves, and hats to be distributed in the community. Please leave your donations in the barrel labeled "Coats" in the CLC lobby by November 13. Marriage Enrichment Retreat, February 10-12, 2016 at Laurel Ridge Retreat Center in the NC mountains. Registration deadline is Sunday, November 6th. For more info contact Bruce or Robin Cranfill at or Don or Laura Erdman at Marriage Enrichment Retreat, February 10-12, 2016 at Laurel Ridge Retreat Center in the NC mountains. Registration deadline is Sunday, November 6th. For more info contact Bruce or Robin Cranfill at or Don or Laura Erdman at Marriage Enrichment Retreat, February 10-12, 2016 at Laurel Ridge Retreat Center in the NC mountains. Registration deadline is Sunday, November 6th. For more info contact Bruce or Robin Cranfill at or Don or Laura Erdman at EMMAUS GATHERING –September 23, 2016 at 7:30pm in C200, WPUMC EMMAUS GATHERING –September 23, 2016 at 7:30pm in C200, WPUMC EMMAUS GATHERING –September 23, 2016 at 7:30pm in C200, WPUMC