ReneAlgesheimer Vita_e_neu - Department of Business


ReneAlgesheimer Vita_e_neu - Department of Business
Curriculum Vitae -­‐ Prof. Dr. René Algesheimer Chair of Marketing and Market Research Department of Business Administration
University of Zurich Plattenstrasse 14, CH-­‐8032 Zurich, Switzerland Phone: +41 (0) 44 634 29 18 Fax: +41 (0) 44 634 29 40 Email: market-­‐ Web:­‐ Web Profile:­‐
research/teamoverview/tcurrent/algesheimer.html SSRN: (latest article) Hirsch-­‐Index: 6 (based on Harzin's Publish & Perish) Overview: Short Profile Education Professional Career Awards and Distinctions Research Grants Publication List Academic Services Advanced Training Teaching Experience Teaching Evaluations Management, Organization & Teaching Statement Research Statement Reference Letters -1- Page 2 Page 3 Page 4 Page 5 Page 6 Page 7 Page 15 Page 16 Page 17 Page 18 Page 24 Page 25 Page 23 Short Profile: René Algesheimer was born in Bingen, Germany in 1973. He studied Mathematics at the Johannes Gutenberg University of Mainz and received his Masters degree (Dipl.-­‐Math.) in 2000 ("magna com laude"). During 1995 and 1999 he also studied Music (piano, saxophon) at the same university. From 2000 until 2004, he was a doctorate student and research/teaching assistant at the University of St. Gallen. After completing his doctoral thesis about "Brand Communities" in 2004 (Dr. oec., "summa cum laude"), René Algesheimer became an Assistant Professor of Marketing at the University of Zurich. Beetween 2007 and 2009 he worked as an Associate Professor of Marketing at the Ecole Superieure de Commerce at Montpellier. Since 2009 he has been the chair of marketing and market research at the University of Zurich. In the recent past René Algesheimer has received six job offers as a tenured marketing professor from national and international universities and business schools. René Algesheimer has published several articles on marketing-­‐
related issues in the discipline`s leading international journals, including Marketing Science, the Journal of Marketing, the Journal of Service Research, or Harvard Business Review. His articles have also appeared in top-­‐ranked German business-­‐adminstration journals such as Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung (ZfbF), Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft (ZfB) and Journal für Betriebswirtschaft. He regulary serves as reviewer for, among others, Marketing Science or the Journal of Marketing. Professor René Algesheimer has won several international awards for his research. René Algesheimer's research interests lie in studying consumer behavior and online marketing phenomena. He has conducted extensive research on (virtual) communities, social networks and related micro-­‐macro relationships. Algesheimer's work is characterized by the combination of statistical methods and the use of insights from industrial economics, behavioral economics, consumer psychology and sociology. -2- Education: 06/2000 – 08/2004 UNIVERSITY OF ST. GALLEN, SWITZERLAND Doctorate in Business Administration, top 1% of class (Grade: summa cum laude); subject of dissertation: Brand Communities. The thesis has been rewarded with the 2nd place at the “Best Dissertation Award” of the year 2004 by the German Marketing Association. 10/1993-­‐05/2000 JOHANNES GUTENBERG-­‐UNIVERSITY, MAINZ, GERMANY Diploma in Mathematics and Business Administration, top 3% of class (Grade: “magna cum laude”). Focus: Statistics, Marketing and Market Research. 10/1995-­‐06/1999 JOHANNES GUTENBERG-­‐UNIVERSITY, MAINZ, GERMANY Study of Educational Science in Music (piano, saxophone) and Mathematics, 07/1992-­‐06/1993 MILITARY SERVICE, HAMMELBURG and KOBLENZ, GERMANY Competence assessment “sehr gut”. 08/1983-­‐06/1992 STEFAN GEORGE-­‐GYMNASIUM, BINGEN, GERMANY Secondary School Examination, top 5% of class, participated in student council. Degree: Abitur (Grade: 1.9). -3- Professional Career: 08/2009-­‐ UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Full Professor (Ordinariat) of Marketing and Market Research. 04/2008 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Offer for a tenured position as Full Professor (Ordinariat) of Marketing, accepted. 04/2008 WHU -­‐ OTTO BEISHEIM SCHOOL OF MANAGEMENT, VALLENDAR, GERMANY Offer for a tenured position as Full Professor of Market Research and Consumer Behavior, not taken-­‐up. 10/2007-­‐06/2009 ECOLE SEPERIEURE DE COMMERCE, MONTPELLIER, FRANCE Associate Professor of Marketing with tenure. 07/2007-­‐09/2007 UNIVERSITY OF MICHIGAN, ANN ARBOR/USA Visiting research scholar, Ross school of Business. 06/2007 ECOLE SEPERIEURE DE COMMERCE, MONTPELLIER, FRANCE Offer for a tenured position as Associate-­‐Professor in Marketing, accepted. 04/2007 UNIVERSITY OF PASSAU, GERMANY Offer for a tenured position as Full Professor (W3) in Marketing & Services, not taken-­‐up. 03/2007 EUROMED -­‐ ECOLE DE MANAGEMENT, MARSEILLE, FRANCEE Offer for a tenured position as Associate-­‐Professor in Marketing, not taken-­‐up. 08/2005-­‐09/2005 RICE UNIVERSITY, HOUSTON/USA Visiting research scholar, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management 09/2004-­‐09/2007 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Assistant Professor of Marketing 08/2004 UNIVERSITY OF ZURICH, SWITZERLAND Offer for a position as Assistant Professor in Marketing, accepted. 11/2003-­‐12/2003 RICE UNIVERSITY, HOUSTON/USA Visiting research scholar, Jesse H. Jones Graduate School of Management. -4- Awards and Distinctions: 2010 The article "Virtual Team Performance in a Highly-­‐Competitive Environment", (together wir Dholakia, U./Gurau, C.) was listed on SSRN’s Top Ten download list for ERN: Team Theory, December. 2010 The article "Communal Service Delivery: How Customers Benefit From Participation in Firm-­‐Hosted Virtual P3 Communities" has been selected as a finalist for the 2010 Journal of Service Research Best Article Award sponsored by IBM. 2010 René Algesheimer is the third most cited author among all Zurich's Business and Finance Professor's in 2009 based on actual ISI Web of Science data. 2009 Offer for an editorial advisory board membership at the Journal of Brand Management, refused. 2009 The article “The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation”, (together with Borle, S./Dholakia, U./Siddharth, S.) was listed on SSRN’s TOP 10 download list for “MRN Marketing Network”, December. 2009 The article “The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation”, (together with Borle, S./Dholakia, U./Siddharth, S.) was listed on SSRN’s TOP 10 download list for “Marketing Other”, December. 2009 The article “The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation”, (together with Borle, S./Dholakia, U./Siddharth, S.) was listed on SSRN’s TOP 10 download list for “Quantitative Marketing”, December. 2009 The article “The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation”, (together with Borle, S./Dholakia, U./Siddharth, S.) was listed on SSRN’s TOP 10 download list for “Behavioral Marketing and Managerial Marketing”, December. 2008 Offer for a tenured position as Full Professor (Ordinariat) of Marketing and Market Research, Institute for Strategy and Business Economics at the University of Zurich, Switzerland, accepted. 2008 Offer for a tenured position as full professor (W3) in marketing at the WHU – Otto Beisheim School of Management, Vallendar, Germany, refused. 2007 Emerald Best Paper of the Year Award in the International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management. 2007 Offer for a tenured position as associate professor in marketing at Montpellier Business School (GSCM Sup de Co), France, accepted. 2007 Offer for a tenured position as full professor (W3) in marketing & services at the University of Passau, refused. 2007 Offer for a tenured position as associate professor in marketing at Euromed Ecole de Commerce, Marseille, France, refused. 2006 Best paper of the year award of the Association of University Professors of Management, Germany. 2004 Offer for an assistant professor of marketing at the University of Zurich, accepted 2004 Invited as “Swiss National Science Foundation Expert”. 2004 2nd rank of the Science Award by the Association of Marketing Professors in Germany, 2004. 2004 Article “Interplay Between Brand and Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs”, (together with: Dholakia, U./Herrmann, A.), was listed on SSRN’s Top 10 download list for “Behavioral Marketing Recent Hits” April. -5- 2004 Article “Interplay Between Brand and Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs”, (together with: Dholakia, U./Herrmann, A.), was listed on SSRN’s Top 10 download list for “Behavioral Marketing Recent Hits” March. Research Grants 2010 Research grant "Open Games in der Marketing-­‐Ausbildung", University of Zurich, 20'000 CHF. 2010 Research grant for Markus Meierer, Förderung des akademischen Nachwuchses (FAN), University of Zurich, 75'000 CHF. 2006 University of Zurich grant for eLearning project development, 40.000 CHF. 2002 Swiss National Science Foundation scholarship, 5.000 CHF. Total: 140'000 CHF -6- Publications (IF=impact factor, NCISI=number of citations based on ISI Web of Knowledge, NCGS=number of citations based on Google Scholar) Articles under review and working papers are not listed. Peer-­reviewed articles (17) Total sum of IF: Total NCISI: Total NCGS: Status: 11.421 72 279 11/2010 Algesheimer, R.; Dholakia, U. & Gurău, C.: Virtual Team Performance in a Highly-­‐Competitive Environment, forthcoming in: Group and Organization Management, 2011. (IF=not published yet (1.923 in 2009)). -
SSRN’s Top 10 download list for “ERN: Team Theory”, December 2010. Algesheimer, R.; Borle, S.; Dholakia, U. M. & Singh, S.: The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Customer Behaviors: An Empirical Investigation, Marketing Science, 29 (4), July-­‐August, 2010, 756-­‐769. (IF=not published yet (2.194 in 2009); NCSI=1; NCGS=3). -
SSRN’s Top 10 download list for “Quantitative Marketing”, December 2009, for “MRN Marketing Network”, December 2009, for “Marketing Other”, December 2009 and for “Behavioral Marketing and Managerial Marketing”, December 2009. Dholakia, U.; Blazevic, V.; Wiertz, C. & Algesheimer, R.: Communal Service Delivery: How Customers Benefit From Participation in Firm-­‐Hosted Virtual P3 Communities, in: Journal of Service Research, 12, 2, 2009, 208-­‐226. (IF=1.667; NCSI=1; NCGS=2) -
Finalist for the 2010 Journal of Service Research Best Article Award sponsored by IBM. Algesheimer, R. & Gurău, C.: Introducing Structuration Theory in Communal Consumption Behavior Research, in: Qualitative Market Research – An International Journal, 11, 2, 2008, 227-­‐245. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=3) Algesheimer, R. & Dholakia, U.: Community Marketing Pays, in: Harvard Business Review, November, 2006, 26-­‐28. (IF=1.505; NCSI= 4; NCGS=16) Algesheimer, R.; Herrmann, A. & Dimpfel, M.: Die Wirkung von Brand Communities auf die Markenloyalität, in: Zeitschrift für Betriebswirtschaft, 76 (9), 2006, 933-­‐958. (IF= not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=8) Riesenbeck, H.; Herrmann, A.; Heitmann, M. & Algesheimer, R.: An Approach to Profit-­‐Maximizing Product Design on the Basis of the Platform Concept, in: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 23 (7), 2006, 788-­‐806. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=3) Herrmann, A.; Huber, F.; Algesheimer, R. & Tomczak, T.: An Empirical Study of Quality Function Deployment on Company Performance, in: International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management, 23 (4), 2006, 345-­‐366. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=9) -
Winner of the “Best Paper of the Year Award 2006” among all publications in the International Journal of Quality and Reliability Management 2006. Algesheimer, R.; Dholakia, U. & Herrmann, A.: The Social Influence of Brand Community: Evidence from European Car Clubs, in: Journal of Marketing, 69 (July), 2005, 19-­‐34. (IF=4.132; NCSI= 66; NCGS=190) -
Winner of the “Best Paper of the Year Award” by the Association of University Professors of Management in Germany, 2006. -
Nominated for the Prix Jubilé by the Académie Suisse des Sciences Humaines et Sociales 2006. -
SSRN’s Top 10 download list for “Behavioral Marketing Recent Hits” March and April, 2004. Algesheimer, R. & von Wangenheim, F.: A Network Based Approach to Customer Equity Management, in: Journal of Relationship Marketing, 5 (1), 39-­‐57, 2005. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=9) Gutsche, J.; Herrmann, A.; Huber, F.; Kressmann, F. & Algesheimer, R.: Die Wirkung funktionaler, emotionaler und relationaler Nutzendimensionen auf die Produktwahl – eine dynamische -7- Analyse, Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, 57 (November), 2005, 638-­‐657. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=2) Mahajan, V.; Herrmann, A.; Algesheimer, R.; Schmid, B. & Huber, F.: Unternehmenserfolg durch E-­‐
Business. Grundmodell, empirische Befunde und Implikationen, in: Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 2 (June), 2004, 140-­‐157. (IF= not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=1) Magin, S.; Herrmann, A.; Huber, F. & Algesheimer, R.: Brand Personality and Loyalty. Theoretical Approach and Findings of a Causal Analytical Study of Internet Service Providers, in: The Electronic Markets Journal, November, 13 (4), 2003, 294-­‐308. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=18) Eppler, M.; Algesheimer, R. & Dimpfel, M.: Quality Criteria of Content-­‐Driven Websites and Their Influence on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Test of an Information Quality Framework, in: Proceedings of the 8th MIT Information Quality Conference, 2003, 108-­‐120. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=15) Dimpfel, M.; Habann, F. & Algesheimer, R.: Real Option Theory, Flexibility, and the Media Industry, in: The International Journal on Media Management, 4 (4), 2002, 261-­‐272. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=0) Dimpfel, M. & Algesheimer, R.: Die Rolle von Realoptionen im Rahmen von M&A Aktivitäten in der Medienindustrie, in: M&A Review, 8/9, 2002, 439-­‐445. (IF=not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=0) Dimpfel, M. & Algesheimer, R.: Real-­‐Options Theory and Multi-­‐Project Management, in: Journal für Betriebswirtschaft, 5-­‐6, 2002, 243-­‐250. (IF= not listed; NCSI=0; NCGS=0) Other articles (5) Algesheimer, R. / Leitl, M.: Unternehmen 2.0, in: Harvard Business Manager, June 2007, 89-­‐98. -
Reprint in: Manager Magazin online, June 20th, 2007, http://www.manager-­‐,2828,483894,00.html. Herrmann, A.; Algesheimer, R. & Heitmann, M.: Brand Community Management – Ansatz für eine netzwerkorientierte Perspektive im Marketing, in: Thexis, 3, 2005, 6-­‐10. Algesheimer, R. & Dimpfel, M.: Book Review to Floch, Jean-­‐Marie: “Semiotics, Marketing and Communication. Beneath the Signs, the Strategies”, in: The International Journal on Media Management, 4 (3), 2002, 190-­‐191. Algesheimer, R.: Manipulation trotz(t) CRM, in: Kommunikation, 5, 2001. Kroll, E.; Algesheimer, R. et al.: Projekte in der 1. Phase der Lehrerausbildung – eine nützliche (notwendige?) Voraussetzung für die Projektmethode im Mathematikunterricht, in: Der Mathematikunterricht, 6, 1999. -8- Monographies (2) Brand Communities – Begriff, Grundmodell, Implikationen, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2004. -
Rewarded with the 2nd rank of the “Science Award of the Year” by the Association of Marketing Professors in Germany, 2004. Wizoo Guide Shareware Studio PC, Cologne: MM-­‐Verlag, 1998. Book Chapters (7) Dholakia, U. & Algesheimer, R.: Brand Communities, forthcoming in: Bagozzi, R. and A. Ruvio (eds.), Consumer Behavior–Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing, New York: John Wiley, forthcoming, 2010. Herrmann, A., Algesheimer, R., Landwehr, J. & Huber, F.: Management von Kundenbeziehungen durch Brand Communities, in: Georgi, D./Hadwich, K. (eds.): Management von Kundenbeziehungen. Perspektiven – Analysen – Strategien – Instrumente, Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2010, 469-­‐484. Algesheimer, R. & von Wangenheim, F.: A Network Based Approach to Customer Equity Management, in: Bejou, D./Iyer, G. R. (eds.): Capturing Customer Equity. Moving from Products to Customers, Haworth Press, 2006. Algesheimer, R. & Herrmann, A.: Zur Bedeutung von Brand Communities für das Marketing, in: Esch, F.-­‐R. (eds.): Moderne Markenführung, 4. Aufl., Wiesbaden: Gabler, 2005, 747-­‐763. Algesheimer, R.; Herrmann, A.& Dimpfel, M.: Exchange and Exchange Relationships, in: Stanoevska, K. (eds.): Digital Economy –Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, Berlin et al.: Springer, 2004, 111-­‐126. Algesheimer, R.; Herrmann, A.& Dimpfel, M.: Konsumenteninteraktionen – Relevanz und Implikationen, in: Bauer, H.H., Rösger, Neumann, M. (eds.), Konsumentenverhalten im Internet, München: Vahlen, 2004, 173-­‐188. Dimpfel, M. & Algesheimer, R.: Real Options Theory and the Broadcasting Industry -­‐ A Conceptual Outline for Potential Application Areas, in: Carlsson, C., Fullér, R. (eds.): Real Option Valuation and Fuzzy Numbers, Springer Verlag, Berlin, in press. -9- Refereed conference presentations (16) The Surprising Effects of Self-­‐Selection in Customer Communities: Results from a Long-­‐Term Field Investigation, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Copenhagen, 2010 (together with Sharad Borle, Siddharth Singh, Utpal Dholakia). The Long-­‐Term Effects of Joining and Participating in Customer Communities, European Marketing Academy (EMAC), Brighton, 2008 (together with Utpal Dholakia). Participation in Service Support Communities, Frontiers in Services Conference, San Francisco/US, 2007, (together with: Utpal Dholakia, Caroline Wiertz, Vera Blazevic). The Determinants of Participation in Technical Support Customer Communities, European Marketing Academy (EMAC) Annual Conference, Rykjavik/Iceland, 2007, (together with: Utpal Dholakia, Caroline Wiertz, Vera Blazevic). The Long-­‐Term Effects of Joining and Participating in Customer Communities, Marketing Science Institute (MSI) Conference, Minneapolis, 2007 (together with Utpal Dholakia). Linking Communal Consumption Theory to Methodology, The European Institute for Advanced Studies in Management (EIASM), Workshop on Interpretive Consumer Research, Marseilles/France, 2007. The Long-­‐Run Impact of Brand Community Participation on Customers, Academy of Consumer Research, North American Conference, Orlando/USA, 2006, (together with: Dholakia, U.). The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Online Auction Outcomes: Evidence from a Large-­‐Scale Field Experiment, Informs Marketing Science Conference, Pittsburgh/USA, 2006, (together with: Dholakia, U.). The Impact of Brand Community Participation on Auction Behavior: Evidence from a Large-­‐Scale Field Experiment, Informs Annual Meeting Conference, Pittsburgh/USA, 2006, (together with: Dholakia, U.). Der Einfluss von Brand Communities auf die Markenloyalität – eine dynamische Analyse in der Automobilbranche, VHB Pfingsttagung 2005, Kiel, 2005. Satisfaction, Trust, and Commitment as Antecedents of Customer Loyalty -­‐ a Dynamic Analysis, Academy of Marketing Science, (together with: Johnson, M. D./Herrmann, A./Schaffner, D.), Tampa/FL, USA, 2005. Quality Criteria of Content-­‐Driven Websites and Their Influence on Customer Satisfaction and Loyalty: An Empirical Test of an Information Quality Framework, in: Proceedings on the 8th MIT Information Quality, 2003, (together with: Eppler, M./Dimpfel, M.). The Contribution of Real Options Theory to the Flexibility Management in Media Companies, in: 5th World Media Conference. Media Firms: Structures, Operations, and Performance, Turku School of Economics and Business Administration, Turku/Finnland, 2002, (together with: Dimpfel, M./Habann, F.). Real Options Theory and the Broadcasting Industry -­‐ A Conceptual Outline for Potential Application Areas, International Workshop on Real Options, Turku/Finnland, 2002, (together with: Dimpfel, M.). Action Flexibility or the Option to Use Real Options -­‐ A Neo-­‐Institutional Economics Perspective, 6th Annual International Conference on Real Options, Cyprus, 2002, (together with: Dimpfel, M.). HBCI – eine sichere Plattform nicht nur für Online-­‐Banking, in: Horster, P. (eds.): Sicherheitsinfrastrukturen, Vieweg-­‐Verlag, Hamburg, pp. 109-­‐121, 1999, (together with: Hühnlein, D.). -10- -11- Invited presentations (34) "Wissenschaft für den Beruf. Hochschullehre zwischen wissenschaftlichem Anspruch und Arbeitsmarktbefähigung", Hochschuldidaktik über Mittag, University of Zurich, März 2010. “Irrationales, menschliches Konsumverhalten”, SGG Lunch-­‐Forum, SGG Bingen, August 2009. “A Framework for Assessing Construct Validity and Predictive Validity in Small Group Research”. -
Cass School of Business, London City University, December 2008. -
Brunel Business School, Brunel University, December 2008. “Bowling Together: The Revitalization of Society in Marketing. A Multilevel Multi-­‐Trait-­‐Multi-­‐
Method Analysis”. -
WHU Vallendar, March 2008. -
University of Zurich, December 2007. “The Impact of Customer Community Participation on Online Auction Outcomes: Evidence from a Large-­‐Scale Field Experiment”. -
Montpellier Business School, March 2007. -
Euromed Marseille, February 2007. -
University of Passau, December 2006. -
University of Wuppertal, July 2006. -
University of Frankfurt, May, 2006. “Netzwerkorientierung in Kommunikation und Marketing”, presentation to marketing and communication managers of selected DAX30-­‐companies, organized by Virtual Identity AG, München, May 2007. „Corporate Community Management“, Branding Institute Summer Academy, Bern, August 2006. „Market Research 2006“, HWZ Zürich, July 2006. “Network Customer Lifetime Value”, presentation at closed expert meeting with OpenBC managers, January 2006. “Der Einfluss physiologischer Merkmale auf das Kaufverhalten”, informal presentation with Jung von Matt and Manor managers, Zurich, December 2005. “The Return on Investments in Community”, Humboldt-­University Berlin, November 2005. “The Social Influence of Communication between Community Members on Trading Behavior and Perceptions Regarding eBay”, ISU-­‐Forschungsseminar, University of Zurich, November 2005. “The Impact of Communications with Community Members on Trading Behavior and Perceptions Regarding eBay”, eBay International Community Summit 2005, Berlin, October 2005. “Wertschöpfung im Wandel”, Rotary Club Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland, October 2005. “Customer Community Marketing Programs: Lessons from the Field”, Word of Mouth Conference, Hamburg, October 2005. „Die Welt zwischen Micro und Macro“, inaugural lecture, University of Zurich, Zurich, May 2005. „Social Influence“, IEW Forschungsseminar of Ernst Fehr, University of Zurich, Zurich, April 2005. “Lernen in Eigenregie – Vom Zuhörer zum Initiator“, eLearning-­‐Forum, University of Zurich, April 2005. „Marktforschung 2005“, IfbF Alumni Club, University of Zurich, Zurich/Switzerland, January 2005. “Trends im Konsumentenverhalten”, Infobridge Executive Roundtable, Zurich, January 2005. “Return on Community Investments”, presentation and closed discussion with eBay executives, eBay Germany, February 2005. -12- “Centripetal and Centrifugal Forces within a Brand Community”, Guest Speaker Series, University of Dortmund, Dortmund, November 2004. “Interplay of Brand and Brand Community”, ISU Research Seminar Series, University of Zurich, Zurich, November 2004. „Marktgerechte Leistungsgestaltung von Produkten mittels Conjoint Measurement“, ETH Fokusprojekt, ETH Zurich, Zurich, November 2004. „The Business Implications of Facilitating Customer Communities“, informal presentation at the eBay Live Conference to eBay executives, New Orleans/USA, 2004. “Conjoint Measurement als Methode zur marktgerechten Leistungsgestaltung von Produkten“, SCGA-­‐Seminars on „Innovation – Digitales Produkt“, ETH, Zurich, 2003. „CRM. Anspruch und Wirklichkeit“, Internet Expo iEx 2001, Zurich. „Internet und persönliche Beziehungen“, SMC-­Regioanlass, Arbon, 2000. -13- Media citations (34) Florian Eugster, Nicolai Grüter: Neulinge, oecnews, 115 (FS 2010), 26-­‐27. N.N.: Wissenschaft für den Beruf -­‐ Hochschullehre zwischen wissenschaftlichem Anspruch und Arbeitsmarktbefähigung, Hochschuldidaktik über Mittag, University of Zurich,, 22.03.2010. N.N.: „Berufungen“,, 28.08.2008. N.N. „Universitätsrat beruft René Algesheimer.“,, 27.08.2008. N.N.: „Neuer Professor für Marketing“,, 27.08.2008. N.N.: „Wie Hormone das Kaufverhalten steuern“, 10vor10, Zurich, 19.12.2005. N.N.: For Ever Young: SPSS since 30 Jahren an der Uni Zurich erfolgreich, SPSS Customer Case Studies/Forschung & Lehre, Zurich, 08/2005, p. 1. N.N.: SPSS@Work, SPSS Newsletter, Zurich, 1/2005, p. 4. D. Thomas: Marketers build brand loyalty by welcoming customers to join the club, Research @ Rice, Houston/TX, USA, 15.6.2005. David Spring: Jeux Vidéo. Tout le Mondes Aux Commandes, L’Hebdo, 2.6.05, pp.48-­‐50. Andreas Klähn, Trend: Brand Communities, Acquisa. Das Magazin für Marketing und Vertrieb, 04, 2005, p. 30. N.N.: Personal-­‐Dozierende, University of Zurich Jahresbericht 2004, p. 78. N.N.: Professuren, Unijournal, 35 (2), 2005, p. 16. N.N.: Neu an der Universität Zurich, Online-­Journal der Universität Zurich, University of Zurich, March 2005, Wassermann, K.: Multitalent, Unimagazin, Universität Zurich, February 2005, p. 7. N.N.: „Online-­‐Gaming“, Beitrag auf NordWest5 TV, 04. October 2004. NN.: „Analyse von Online-­‐Gaming Verhalten“, Interview mit Radio Sunshine, 04. October 2004. N.N.: „Uni Zurich sucht Online-­‐Gamer“, 20 Minuten, 04. Oktober 2004, p. 20. N.N.: „Generationswechsel an der Universität Zurich“, NZZ, Nr. 209, 08. September 2004, Zurich, p. 55. Kusitzky, A.: „Hagelstorm à la Bill Gates“, Die Telebörse, 32/2001, Frankfurt, 2001, pp. 76f. Kusitzky, A.: „Musik hat ihren Preis: Nulltarif nach Noten“, Die Telebörse, 16/2001, Frankfurt, 2001, p. 101. Hillenbrand, T./Müller, V.: „Napster: Klappe zu, Börse tot?“, Die Telebörse, 46/2000, Frankfurt, 2000, pp. 116f. -14- Academic services Reviewed manuscripts for Journal of Marketing, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Group & Organization Management, Journal of Brand Management, Electronic Markets, The International Journal on Media Management, Schmalenbachs Zeitschrift für betriebswirtschaftliche Forschung, AMA summer educator’s conference, AMA winter conference, EMAC – European Marketing Academy Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Science Annual Conference, Academy of Marketing Annual Conference, HICSS Annual Conference. Reviewed proposals for the SNF – Swiss National Science Foundation and for the "Österreichische Akademie der Wissenschaften". Served as session chairs at the European Marketing Academy conference. Served as committee member in: The “Forschungskommission” (research commission) at the University of Zurich, 2009 -­‐ present. -
The “Nachwuchsförderungskommission" (commission to support young academics), at the University of Zurich, 2009 -­‐ present. -
Stiegel-­‐Zangger-­‐Stiftung, 2009 -­‐ present. -
Selection committee: Ordinarius Marketing, University of St. Gallen, 2011. -
Selection committee: Tenure Track Assistant Professorship in Applied Statistical Methods in Management and Economics, HEC Lausanne, 2011. -
Selection committee: Assistant Professor in Quantitative Marketing with Tenure Track, University of Zurich, 2010. -
Selection committee: Ordinarius Behavioral Economics, University of Zurich, 2010. -
Constituting commission for tenure-­‐track assessments at the University of Zurich, 2007. Professional Affiliations -
AMA American Marketing Association -
EMAC European Marketing Academy -
INFORMS Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences -
Oec@UZH Alumni University of Zurich -
VHB Verband deutscher Hochschullehrer für Betriebswirtschaft -15- Advanced training Applications of Behavioral Economics in Marketing, Yuxin Chen (Kellogg), 12/2010. -
Choice and Demand Modeling: Latest Approaches, Asim Ansari (Columbia), University of Zurich/Switzerland, 10/2010. -
Introduction to Analytical Modeling, Oded Koenigsberg (Columbia), University of Zurich/Switzerland, 10/2010. -
Introduction to Dynamic Choice Modeling, Oded Netzer (Columbia), University of Zurich/Switzerland, 10/2010. -
Advanced Research Methods in Behavioural and Social Sciences, Richard P. Bagozzi (University of Michigan), University of Zurich/Switzerland, 12/2009. -
Advanced Structural Equations, Oliver Christ & Elmar Schlueter, University of Essex/UK, 08/2008. -
Multilevel analysis, Kelvyn Jones, University of Essex/UK, 07/2005. -
Social network analysis, Chris Snijders, University of Zurich/Switzerland, 03/2005. -
Data mining, Andreas Weigend, University of Zurich/Switzerland, 03/2005. -
Conjoint applications: hierarchical Bayes and finite mixture models, Joel Huber, University of Berne/Switzerland, 05/2004. -
Advanced LISREL Models, Karl Jöreskog, Friedrich-­‐Schiller-­‐University, Jena/Germany, 05/2003. -
Advanced Conjoint Modeling, Bryan Orme, SKIM Software, Rotterdam/Netherlands, 05/2003. -
Structural Equation Modeling, Douglas Baer, ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/USA, 07/2002-­‐08/2002. -
Advanced Regressions, Bryan Pollins, ICPSR, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor/USA, 07/2002-­‐08/2002. -16- Teaching experience Course Title Quantitative Market Research I Quantitative Market Research II Presentation Design Experimental Design Idea Design Marketing Implementation Market Research I – Objectives, Sources, Methods Market Research II – Multivariate Methods Idea Engineering Conjoint Measurement Marketing Management Marketing Basics Periode HS 09 – FS 10 – HS 09 – HS 10 – FS 10 – HS 07 – FS 09 WS 04/05 – HS 07 Location University of Zurich University of Zurich University of Zurich University of Zurich University of Zurich Montpellier Business School University of Zurich WS 04/05 – SS 07 University of Zurich WS 04/05 – SS 07 WS 03/04 – WS 05/06 SS 2005 – SS 2006 WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 Product Management WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 co-­‐
lecture WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 co-­‐
lecture WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 co-­‐
lecture WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 co-­‐
lecture WS 00/01 – WS 04/05 co-­‐
lecture University of Zurich ETH Zurich HWZ Zurich TUV-­‐Academy Mannheim, University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen University of Mainz, University of St. Gallen Price Management Communications Management Strategic Management Market Research -17- Teaching evaluations Students evaluate my classes in the last week of the semester based on a questionnaire that I have developed in cooperation with the University of Zurich’s evaluation centre. The results are analyzed and published by assistants, independent from me. Here are the results for the period 2009-­‐2010: Evaluations Market Research 1 Market Research 2 Idea Design Overall Relevance Atmosphere Organisation Clearness Motivation Overall Relevance Atmosphere Organisation Clearness Motivation Overall Relevance Atmosphere Organisation Clearness Motivation HS 2009 5.00 4.92 5.48 5.34 5.44 5.51 -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ FS2010 -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ -­‐ 5.09 5.29 5.41 5.35 5.06 5.59 5.80 5.01 5.72 5.30 4.99 5.81 * All ratings based on a 6-­‐point scale: 1 = very poor, 2 = poor, 3 = average, 4 = good, 5 = very good, 6 = outstanding -18- Feedback from students „Die Vorlesung fand ich didaktisch sehr gut gestaltet. Ich habe bereits einige Vorlesungen zu Methoden in der Psychologie besucht, dabei wurde jedoch noch nie richtig das Wesentliche vermittelt. Ich habe viele Dinge erst jetzt dank Ihrer Vorlesung verstanden und ich denke, dass mir beim Lernen noch einiges noch klarer wird. Weiter habe ich es sehr begrüsst, dass in der Übung das Ganze nochmals wirklich an konkreten Datensätzen angewandt wurde. Somit wurde der praktische Aspekt auch nicht vernachlässigt, wie es in vielen anderen Vorlesungen der Fall ist. Ich freue mich natürlich sehr, dass es in Ihren Seminaren noch praktischer wird! Die Dialoge in der Vorlesung und der Übung habe ich auch sehr geschätzt. Die Atmosphäre ist somit gleich ein wenig persönlicher und macht den Stoff viel interessanter. Zudem finde ich es sehr angenehm, wenn man mit Namen angesprochen wird. Ich war immer sehr motiviert, in Ihre Vorlesung zu kommen und die Zeit verging jeweils wie im Nu. Die Unterstützung die Sie im OLAT anbieten finde ich genial und werde sie auch bestimmt in meiner Prüfungsvorbereitung integrieren. Generell finde ich die Struktur und den Aufbau der Vorlesung sehr gut.“ Daniela Kündig, 14.12.2009 „Ich möchte Ihnen deshalb mit dieser Nachricht mitteilen, dass ich persönlich Ihre Vorlesung aus verschiedenen Gründen äusserst geschätzt habe. Sie haben sich enorm für die Studierenden eingesetzt und sind auf deren Wünsche eingegangen und haben auf diese Art eine sehr angenehme und sympathische Atmosphäre für die gesamte Veranstaltung geschaffen. Die gesamte Vorlesung war für mich eine Bereicherung, weil die empirische Forschung aus einem mir bisher unbekannten Blickwinkel beleuchtet wurde und Sie uns den Stoff mit den nötigen didaktischen Raffinessen beibrachten: Es war mir also stets ein Vergnügen Ihre Vorlesungen zu besuchen und dem Unterricht in angenehmster Weise zu folgen. Ich schätze es zudem, dass Sie – wie es noch kein Professor vor Ihnen tat – neue Tore öffnen, indem Sie durch all Ihre zukünftigen Vorhaben die Perspektiven und den Fokus für uns Studierende erweitern (Lehrstuhl Award, etc.)! Summa-­‐sumarum war Ihre Veranstaltung anders als alle andern! Sie war eben Algesheimer-­‐like! J Und so soll sie auch bleiben, denn ich werde sie gerne weiterempfehlen! Lieber Herr Algesheimer, aus meiner persönlicher Sicht gehören Sie zu den besten Professoren, die die Universität Zürich zu bieten hat! Ihr Engagement ist bemerkenswert! Vielen lieben Dank für das, was Sie für uns getan haben!“ Daniel Wochner, 14.12.2009 „Schade, dass Sie die Uni Zürich verlassen. Ich finde sie haben einen erfrischenden dynamischen Wind in die Vorlesungen gebracht. Ich habe die Vorlesungen jedenfalls sehr genossen und bin dankbar dafür, dass ich Sie und Ihren Drive erleben durfte!“ Andrea Sprenger, 17.8.2007 “Hallo Herr Algesheimer, Vielen Dank für Ihr Info-­‐Mail. Ich bedaure sehr, dass Sie uns verlassen und hätte mir gewünscht, Sie weiterhin an der Uni Zürich zu haben und die Diplomarbeit bei Ihnen schreiben zu können. Es ist wirklich schade, dass wir mit Ihnen einen Professor verlieren, der bei uns durch die Nähe zu den Studenten sehr geschätzt wird, der sich für die Studierenden einsetzt und der auch eine abwechslungsreiche und spannende Vorlesung bietet. Danke für alles, was Sie für uns Studierende an der Uni ZH gemacht haben!“ Rafael Schneeberger, 6.6.2007 „salut, merci für das feedback und ein bravo für die entscheidung zur nähe der studenten.“ Christian Altherr, 30.05.2007 „Sehr geehrter Herr Algesheimer, obwohl ich es schon von Kollegen vernommen habe, bedauere ich es sehr an dieser Stelle definitiv von Ihrem Wechsel an eine andere Uni zu erfahren. Der Uni Zürich geht meiner Meinung nach mit Ihrem Wechsel einer der besten [Assistenz-­‐]Professoren im Wirtschaftswissenschaftlichen Bereich verloren.“ -19- Roberto Colacino, 21.05.2007 „Lieber Prof. Algesheimer Soeben dachte ich an unser Gespräch und sehe nun diese Email. Ich danke Ihnen für diese Worte, die wahrlich nicht alltäglich sind. […]Umso mehr freue ich mich, dass sich mein Bild von Ihnen bestätigt hat. Es ist kein wenig übertrieben, wenn ich sage, dass es mir eine ausserordentlich grosse Ehre ist, diese Worte von einem Mann zu erhalten, vor dem ich den grössten Respekt habe. Es war und ist mir eine Ehre, Ihr Student zu sein. Ich hoffe, Sie werden an unserer Universität bleiben. Ich würde mich sehr freuen, wenn Sie uns in einem Workshop besuchen würden. Ich kann Ihnen gerne einige Termine angeben. Liebe Grüsse“ Mexhit Ademi, 15.05.2007 „Ich war bereits bei Ihnen in der MaFo 1 Vorlesung und wollte Ihnen mal noch sagen, dass ich Ihr Engagement für die Studierenden wirklich beeindruckend finde(nicht nur wegen der schnellen Antwort :-­‐)!). Da könnten sich einige mal ein Beispiel daran nehmen. Ganz schöne Ostertage und freundliche Grüsse“ Anita Stalder, 21.04.2006 “Guten Tag Herr Prof. Algesheimer, ich wollte mich nochmals herzlich für diese tolle Zeit während dem vergangenen Semester bedanken. Ich bin mir sicher, dass ich in Zukunft von den neuen Marktforschungskenntnissen profitieren kann. Ach ja, merci für den Award, ich habe mich sehr darüber gefreut! :-­‐) Es ist schön, dass ich Sie als Professor kennenlernen durfte! Mich faszinieren Menschen die den Mut haben anders zu sein, ihre eigenen Wege gehen und damit Erfolg haben. Sie verstehen es einfach, durch Ihre einzigartige und positive Art, die Studenten zu motivieren und Freude zu verbreiten. Ich wünsche Ihnen noch einen schönen und sonnigen Sommer!“ Denise Aufdermaur, 18.08.2005 -20- Supervision of the following Habilitation theses: Markus Meierer, since 2010. Supervision of the following Doctoral theses: Tiia Tuisku (co-­‐mentoring), Brand Aesthetics: The Concept, Usage and Effectiveness, 2007. -
Martina Kühne (co-­‐mentoring), Die Marke im Kontext des Stadtmarketing, 2008. -
Elena Golofast, since 2004. -
Reto Wettstein (co-­‐mentoring) since 2007. -
Niklas Fruth, since 2009. -
Wolfgang Kotowski, since 2009. -
Margot Löwenberg, since 2010. Supervision of the following Bachelor theses: Yves Flückiger, Produkteinführung mit Word-­‐of-­‐Mouth Kampagnen, 2007. -
Thomas von Hohenhau, Die virtuelle Lancierung einer realen Marke in Second Life, 2007. -
Stefanie Camenisch, Vom Tier zum Mensch: Sind innovative Messmethoden von Emotionen übertragbar?, 2010. -
Nadine Ruegg, Travel Blogs als Ressource zur Generierung neuer Touristik-­‐Angebote, 2010. Supervision of the following Diploma theses: Karole Verlage, Emotions in Marketing: Relevance, Measurement, and Implications, 2005. -
Stefan Basler, Kundenzufriedenheit mit Ground Services in der Luftfahrtindustrie – Einflussfaktoren, Toleranzlevel und Implikationen, 2005 -
Vanessa Magnin, der „Internet-­‐Maven“: Charakterisierung, Identifikation und Bedeutung für Unternehmen, 2005. -
Tommy Chang, Die Vitalität virtueller Brand Communities, 2005. -
Anna Tarchini, Determinants and Impact of Brand Image on Consumer’s Buying Behavior, 2005. -
David Wemans, Die Bedeutung von Kundenbindung für Distributoren. Eine empirische Analyse in der Zahnmedizinbranche, 2005. -
Helen Metzler, Positionierungsstrategien einer Gratiszeitung – Eine empirische Analyse der Einstellungen potentieller Leser, 2006. -
Matthias Mühlöder, Erfolgsfaktoren des Kundendiensts als Kundenbindungsinstrument, 2006. -
Michael Poysden, Marketing Slogans und ihre Bedeutung für ‚Page Visits’ von Internet-­‐
Websites, 2006. -
Reto Wettstein, Kundenverhalten in web-­‐basierten sozialen Netzwerken, 2006. -
Ivana Lachner, Der Einfluss von Sponsoring auf das Markenimage, 2007. -
Katsiaryna Hrykhanava, Entwicklung und Trends des Seniorenmarktes und Seniorenmarketings in der Schweiz, in Deutschland und in den US – ein internationaler Vergleich, 2007. -21- -
Patrick Biner -
Philipp Fischer -
Roberto Colacino, Conjoint Measurement als Methode zur Markenbewertung, 2008. -
Niklas Fruth, Homogenität und Heterogenität bei eSport Teams, 2008. -
Rafael Schneeberger, Strukturierte Produkte – Eine empirische Untersuchung des Einflusses von kundenspezifischen Merkmalen auf den Kauf, 2008. -
Sébastien Caduff, Die Verteilung limitierter Ressourcen in Teams, 2009. Supervision of semester theses: Tommy Chang, Mobilität im Alter: Anspruch und Wirklichkeit, 2004. -
Andrea Sprenger, Zaltman Metaphor Elicitation Technique – eine neuartige qualitative Marktforschungsmethode, 2005. -
Claudio Alborghetti, Online Gaming Communities – die Wichtigkeit der sozialen Interaktion, 2005. -
Fabienne Locher, Zur Organisation von Teamprozessen im Umfeld interdisziplinären Produktdesigns, 2005. -
Helen Metzler, Innovative Produktgestaltung – Eine Anwendung von Conjoint Measurement in der Dentaltechnik, 2005. -
Nothando Ndovu, Die Bedeutung von RFID – Radio Frequency Identification im Marketing, 2005. -
Patrick Andersen, Strategische Markenführung anhand der BrandAsset Valuator Markenstudie von Advico Young & Rubicam, 2005. -
David Fischer, Pricing mit Conjoint Measurement – Eine Anwendung von Conjoint Measurement in der Dentaltechnik, 2005. -
Reto Müller, Advergames – Online-­‐Spiele als Chance für das Marketing, 2006. -
Melinda Macia, Der Zusammenhang zwischen Stress und Kaufverhalten, 2006. -
Petra Dermota, Einfluss der Sexualhormone auf das Kaufverhalten der Frau, 2006. -
Nadja Heeb, Funktionale Magnetresonanztomographie (fMRT) in der Marktforschung, 2006. -
Mitja Ruggle, Bevorzugt der Toyota-­‐Fahrer auch C&A-­‐Kleider. Ein auf Präferenzurteilen basierenden Modell zur Produktbereich übergreifenden Lifestyle-­‐Segmentieren, 2006. -
Remo Pigozzo, Frisches Brot: Empirische Untersuchung einer Geschäftsidee im Distanzhandel, 2006. -
Andrea Würmli, Faszination und Attraktivität von Communities versus Kundenclubs, 2007. -
Anita Stalder, Effiziente Marketingstrategien, 2007. -
Raphael Bürgi, Erfolgsfaktoren von virtuellen Communities, 2007. -
Snjezana Kovjanic, Orientierung in der Manor Zürich, 2007. -
Katsyarin Hrykhanava, Die Bedeutung von Senioren als Marketingzielgruppe, 2007. -
Georgia Soufis, Viral Marketing – Untersuchung an einem Experiment, 2007. -
Roberto Colacino, Brand Image in Online Foren, 2007. -
Sébastien Caduff, Teamdynamik im eSport, 2007. -22- -
Thomas Muggler, Fans und ihre Vereine der Axpo Super League – Erstellung eines empirischen Fragebogens, 2007. -
Niklas Fruth, Analyse und Vergleich von Interrater-­‐Agreement und Interrater-­‐Reliabilitäts Indizes, 2007. -
Andrea Zehnder, Fabienne Grebler, Franziska Luthiger, Rafael Schneeberger. -23- Management, Organization and Teaching Statement My management style is based on an iterative process between fundamental as well as applied research, teaching and practical projects. Thus, I try to identify concrete questions on marketing problems in the real world by talking with companies. By finishing research projects, the implications are given back to companies and are integrated into my classes. I have to emphasize that very often companies accompany this process. My organization of research: I am interested in social collectivities and their impact on individual consumer’s behaviour. I handle research projects like products in different lifecycle states. It is therefore important to me to have some projects that are in their final state and short before publication, others are ready for submission, others are in a working progress, while other are in a conceptual state. Thus, managing research is about managing a portfolio of different research products. In order to reach the final goal in research of being published in an international top research journal, I highly appreciate ongoing cooperation with experienced researchers worldwide. Therefore I am strongly connected to the leading research institutions and researchers in marketing, at the moment with a focus on the US, China and India. My teaching philosophy is based on an interactive class environment by using actual pedagogical methods and technical equipment. I therefore concentrate my efforts on the development of a multi-­‐purpose eLearning platform. My basic teaching principles are: 1. Choice of adequate teaching-­‐ and learning methods that fit the student’s needs and that go along with the objectives of the different courses; 2. Choice of adequate evaluation methods that are integrated in the courses and make sure that the pre-­‐formulated objectives can be reached by the students; 3. Offering possibilities to develop knowledge, appreciation and intellectual abilities, to develop transferable abilities as well as values, motivation and attitudes to learn; 4. By using different teaching, learn and evaluation methods, an innovative, flexible and self-­‐driven working atmosphere shall be created and the reflections motivated; 5. Supporting of self-­‐driven studies based on existing literature; 6. An interactive teaching style in classroom by which students shall communicate with each other and reflect on the actual topics; 7. Course objectives, content, expectations and evaluations are formulated in the syllabus prior to the courses; 8. The classes are inspired by actual developments, practical problems in the industry and state-­‐of-­‐the art research methods. Each class is embedded in a case study method; 9. The enthusiasm for the topic shall be motivated; 10. Students are motivated to contact me as a mentor, who is there for them if they need someone to talk to concerning their academic studies, or personal things that influence their studies. I’ll take their problems serious. Overall, my personal philosophy of education is a process of constantly growth, modification and renewal, in which I am able to learn from my students as they may be able to learn from me. -24- Research Statement My primary areas of research are marketing, market research, statistics, consumer behaviour and consumer psychology. I do basic and applied research, in which I am particularly interested in the theoretic as well as empirical and experimental analysis of the effects of consumer-­‐to-­‐consumer interactions encountered in the acquisition and consumption of goods and services on economic outcomes. Against the backdrop of interacting consumers, marketing is no longer focussed on a dyadic understanding between single business-­‐to-­‐consumer relations. Today, companies are confronted with networks of interacting competitors, interacting suppliers and interacting consumers. Consumers for example recommend things to each other, they complain about products, they support each other in the handling of products, or they help each other in finding best prices. Overall, consumer-­‐to-­‐consumer interactions set the tone, expectations and preferences in the market. Phenomena that I study are social collectivities and the idiosyncratic influences between individual and collective variables within these. Therefore, I am interested for example in physical and virtual social networks, like MySpace, LinkedIn, Xing, communities, like fan clubs, brand communities, e.g. the Harley Davidson Owner’s Clubs, Lego and Nikon communities, or gaming communities, and other social groups that can be found among eBay users. My research in methodology contains micro-­‐macro problems in group and community research. Thus, much of my work addresses how individuals affect the properties of groups and vice versa. I am also interested in group-­‐based statistics based on the relations between concepts and measurements, validity and hypothesis testing by use of structural equation and multilevel models. My applied research directs Internet marketing and online phenomena, such as social networks, auction behaviour and peer-­‐to-­‐peer loans. -25- -26- -27- -29-