SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 ⓿ 10 AM - 2 PM ⓿ - Index
SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 ⓿ 10 AM - 2 PM ⓿ - Index
Be e SATURDAY, AUGUST 6, 2016 t 10 AM - 2 PM • • Th ere ! t GREENWOOD MALL Our goal for the Expo is to provide a one-stop event for family entertainment and information with vendors, interactive exhibits, demonstrations and stage presentations. Join us as we showcase the latest products, services, info & advice for parents in a fun, family-friendly environment with exciting activities for children and adults! • Sponsorship & Exhibitor Inquiries Hannah Lyle • Advertising Inquiries Ed Gunderson 864.943.2508 864.943.2516 SponsorOpportunities If you are interested in being a sponsor of the Parents’ Expo, please call 864-943-2508 Sponsorship means More Exposure for your Organization! Presenting Sponsor - limit 1 | INCENTIVE Event Naming Package customized to meet Title Sponsor Goals. “The Index-Journal 2016 Parents Expo - presented by (presenting sponsor) .” Premier logo placement on all EXPO promotional advertising and marketing materials (including but not limited to: print ads in the IndexJournal, Kidsville News! of Greenwood County, and Money Pages; online ads on indexjournal. com, social media promotion; flyers for school districts, posters, etc.) First selection in booth location with booth size of your choosing (either 10x10 or 10x20) Includes: electrical outlet, tables, chairs, black table linens, Wi-Fi Half page, full color ad in the Index-Journal (must be run by 10/31/16) Back cover of Kidsville News September 2016 issue Homepage web ad on - must run by 12/31/2016 Half page, full color ad in the July issue of Lakelands Parent Opportunity to place promotional item/material in Expo gift bag - must provide 500 like items to insert Logo included on Expo bag Sponsor Commitment: $3,500 Deadline: 7/01/16 Contributing Sponsor - limit 10 | INCENTIVE Selection in booth location with 10x10 space Includes: electrical outlet, tables, chairs, black table linens, Wi-Fi Quarter page, full color ad in the IndexJournal (choose Mon.-Sat. Must be run by 10/31/16) Quarter page, full color ad in September 2016 edition Kidsville News! of Greenwood 2nd tier logo placement on all EXPO promotional advertising and marketing materials (including but not limited to: print ads in the IndexJournal, Kidsville News! of Greenwood County, and Money Pages; online ads on indexjournal. com, social media promotion; flyers for school districts, posters, etc.) Option to buy additional advertising in the Index-Journal OR Lakelands Magazine for 25% off regular price. Quarter page, full color ad in July issue of Lakelands Parent Sponsor Commitment: $800 Deadline 7/11/16 Gift bag Sponsor - limit: 1 | Showcase your company’s logo on Parents’ Expo Gift Bags! Gift bags will be given to the first 500 families at the Parents’ Expo. Bags will include inserts from the Expo’s Sponsors, and from the Bag Sponsor. Bag production will be handled by the Index-Journal - all we need is your logo! One side of the bags will include your logo - the other side will include the Parents’ Expo logo and the Presenting Sponsor. INCENTIVE 3rd tier logo placement on all EXPO promotional advertising and marketing materials (including but not limited to: print ads in the IndexJournal, Kidsville News! of Greenwood County, and Money Pages; online ads on indexjournal. com, social media promotion; flyers for school districts, posters, etc.) PARENT EXPO S’ 2 0 1 3 Eighth page, full color ad in the Index-Journal (choose Mon.-Sat. Must be run by 10/31/16) 10x10 Booth. Includes: electrical outlet, tables, chairs, black table linens, Wi-Fi LOGO on Gift Bag and Gift bag insert - must provide 500 like items to insert Eighth page, full color ad in the July issue of Lakelands Parent Sponsor Commitment: $500 high resolution logo requested by 7/01/16 18”x15”x3” Bags are made of 2.5 mil oxo-biodegradableplastic,andthedie-cut handlesarereinforcedbyadoublelayerof poly for more holding power. Imprint area 8”x 8” 2016 Parents’ Expo Registration Form Please complete the following as you would like it to appear in Expo promotions. Company/Org. Name: Address: City: State: Zip: Company/Org. Phone: Primary Contact: Title/Position: Primary Contact Phone: Email: website: Facebook URL: BOOTH ONLY ☐ SINGLE BOOTH (FOR PROFIT BUSINESS): • $199 10x10 space ☐ SINGLE BOOTH (NFP BUSINESS): • $99 10x10 space SPONSORSHIPS ☐ PRESENTING SPONSOR • $3,500 | SELECT BOOTH SIZE: ☐ SINGLE ☐ DOUBLE ☐ CONTRIBUTING SPONSOR • $800 ☐ BAG SPONSOR • $500 ALL EXHIBITORS & SPONSORS: Please select amenities below. If you do not indicate what amenities you need, none will be provided. ☐ One 8 foot table ☐ Black table cloth w/ floor length skirt ☐ Two Folding chairs ☐ Electricity BOOTH + AD (FOR PROFIT BUSINESS): (NFP BUSINESS): ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/8 PAGE AD • $355 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/8 PAGE AD • $255 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/4 PAGE AD • $435 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/4 PAGE AD • $335 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/2 PAGE AD • $595 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + 1/8 PAGE AD • $495 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + FULL PAGE AD • $879 ☐ SINGLE BOOTH + FULL PAGE AD • $779 PAYMENT • Payment must be received in full with registration form in order to reserve exhibitor space. • Can mail check/registration form to: The Index-Journal, P.O. Box 1018, Greenwood, SC 29648 • Checks payable to: The Index-Journal • If paying by Credit Card, call Heather Burton at (864) 943-2515 Exhibitor/Sponsorassumesanyandallliabilityforanyloss,damage,ordestructiontothepropertyofExhibitor/SponsororthatoftheExhibitionsite,orotherpropertyplacedorbroughtuponthepremisesbyExhibitor/ Sponsor,oronhisbehalf.TheIndex-JournalCompanyprovidesnoinsuranceonaccountof,orforthebenefitofExhibitor/Sponsororhisexhibits.Exhibitor/SponsorshallholdharmlessTheIndex-JournalCo.,theExhibition Siteandtheofficialcontractorsagainstanyloss,liability,actionsorcausesofactionsordamagesforinjurytopersonorpropertysustainedbyreasonofhisoccupationoruseofanyportionoftheExhibitionSiteoritsfacilitiesorparticipationintheExpooractsdoneorperformedbytheExhibitor/Sponsor,hisagentsoremployeesorduetoactsofGod.ThiscontractbindstheExhibitortotheexpodates,deadlinesandpaymentinfullofspace rental.Exhibitor/Sponsoragreestoabideby,conformto,andcomplywithalllaws,stateandlocal,aswellasTheIndex-JournalCo.RulesandSiteRegulations(seeattached).TheIndex-JournalCo.reservestherighttorefuse any exhibitor. All cancellations prior to 14 days of the Expo will be subject to a $50 handling charge. No refunds will be granted for cancellations within 14 days of the Expo. Authorized signature of company/organization representative: FOR OFFICE USE ONLY: Date rcv’d: Date: Pymnt: IJ Rep: Booth Assignment: DO