agenda - Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions
agenda - Los Angeles Fire and Police Pensions
AGENDA BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS JUNE 5, 2014 8:45 AM or immediately following the Audit Committee meeting Los Angeles Times Building 202 W. First Street, Suite 500 Los Angeles, CA 90012 Commissioner Diannitto will participate telephonically from 4612 El Reposo Drive, Los Angeles, CA 90065 An opportunity for the public to address the Board or Committee about any item on today’s agenda for which there has been no previous opportunity for public comment will be provided before or during consideration of the item. Members of the public who wish to speak on any item on today’s agenda are requested to complete a speaker card for each item they wish to address, and present the completed card(s) to the commission executive assistant. Speaker cards are available at the commission executive assistant’s desk. In compliance with Government Code Section 54957.5, non-exempt writings that are distributed to a majority or all of the Board or applicable Committee of the Board in advance of their meetings may be viewed at the office of the Los Angeles Fire and Police Pension System (LAFPP), located at 360 East 2nd Street, 4th Floor, Los Angeles, California 90012, or by clicking on LAFPP’s website at, or at the scheduled meeting. Non-exempt writings that are distributed to the Board or Committee at a scheduled meeting may be viewed at that meeting. In addition, if you would like a copy of any record related to an item on the agenda, please contact the commission executive assistant, at (213) 978-4555 or by e-mail at Sign language interpreters, communication access real-time transcription, assistive listening devices, or other auxiliary aids and/or services may be provided upon request. To ensure availability, you are advised to make your request at least 72 hours prior to the meeting you wish to attend. Due to difficulties in securing sign language interpreters, five or more business days notice is strongly recommended. For additional information, please contact the Department of Fire and Police Pensions, (213) 978-4545 voice or (213) 978-4455 TDD. A. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. RECOMMENDATION FROM THE AD HOC EMERGING MANAGERS COMMITTEE FOR A SEARCH FOR THE DIRECT HIRE OF EMERGING INVESTMENT MANAGERS AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION B. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION 1. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (VEGA) – HISPANIC HERITAGE FOUNDATION, LEADERS ON FAST TRACK INVESTORS FORUM 2. REVISED APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (PLEITEZ) – PENSIONS & INVESTMENTS, INVESTMENT INNOVATION & THE GLOBAL FUTURE OF RETIREMENT CONFERENCE AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION 3. PRESENTATIONS BY UNCONSTRAINED FIXED INCOME MANAGERS AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION (30 minutes presentation and 10 minutes Q&A; times are approximate) Brandywine Global Investment Management Goldman Sachs Asset Management Payden & Rygel PIMCO Reams Asset Management DISCUSSION/SELECTIONS C. REPORTS TO THE BOARD 1. CONTRACTOR DISCLOSURE POLICY - QUARTERLY REPORT 2. Has any Board Member made any expenditure to influence State legislative or administrative action? 3. Miscellaneous correspondence from money managers, consultants, etc. – Received and Filed. 4. General Manager’s Report a. Benefits Actions approved by General Manager on May 15, 2014 b. Other business relating to Department operations 5. City Attorney’s Report D. COMMITTEE CALENDAR 1. Audit Committee – Last met: 02/20/14; next meeting: 06/05/14 2. Benefits Committee – Last met: 12/05/13; next meeting: Tentative on 06/19/14 3. Governance Committee – Last met: 03/20/14; next meeting: 09/18/14 4. Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers – Last met: 05/15/14; next meeting: TBD 5. Ad Hoc Managers Fees Committee – Dissolved on 05/15/14. E. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes a. Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of November 7, 2013 and February 6, 2014 June 5, 2014 2 b. Minutes of the Special Board Meeting of November 21, 2013, December 5, 2013, February 6, 2014, February 20, 2014, March 6, 2014, and March 6, 2014 (closed session) 2. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (SALIMPOUR) – CALAPRS, PRINCIPLES OF PENSION MANAGEMENT FOR TRUSTEES F. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS G. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION H. DISABILITY CASES Alternative 2 Domestic Partner Estella Andrade. Ms. Andrade will be represented by Thomas J. Wicke, Esq. of Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin and Lee. Police Officer III Matthew J. Bakotich. Officer Bakotich will be represented by Thomas J. Wicke, Esq. of Lewis, Marenstein, Wicke, Sherwin and Lee. I. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS FOR POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION 1. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 TO CONFER WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR; Properties: 315 S. Hewitt Street and 713 E. 3rd Street; Negotiators: David Weiner, Martin Cawley, Tom Lopez, Erika Tiedge; Negotiating parties: Sentinel Real Estate Corporation and LAFPP; Under negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price June 5, 2014 3 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS 360 East Second Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-4545 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS JUNE 5, 2014 ITEM: B.1 FROM: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (VEGA) – HISPANIC HERITAGE FOUNDATION, LEADERS ON FAST TRACK INVESTORS FORUM RECOMMENDATION That the Board consider Commissioner Belinda Vega’s request to attend the Hispanic Heritage Foundation for Leaders on Fast Track Investors Forum on June 26 – 28, 2014 in Washington, D.C. Commissioner Vega’s attendance to this conference requires a separate Board action as it is not on the recommended list of conferences on Schedule 11 of our Budget FY 2013-14. Also, there is no registration fee as Commissioner Vega will be participating as a panelist for one of the sessions. DISCUSSION Commissioner Vega expressed interest in participating in the following conference: Conference: Sponsor: Dates: Location: Mode of transportation: Leaders on Fast Track Investors Forum Hispanic Heritage Foundation June 26 – 28, 2014 (June 26th & 28th are travel days) Washington, D.C. Commercial airline BUDGET Sufficient funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Travel Account. Estimated cost for Commissioner Vega: Registration Airfare Hotel Per Diem Incidentals (mileage, parking, baggage fee & ground transportation) TOTAL $ 0.00 557.00 456.00 160.00 138.00 $1,311.00 POLICY If approved by the Board, the proposed expenditures would be an exception to the Board’s Travel and Education Policy. All information regarding the conference is contained in the attached agenda. This report was prepared by: Evange Masud, Executive Administrative Assistant Administrative Operations Division RPC:WSR:EM Attachment-Conference agenda Board Report Page 2 June 5, 2014 Hispanic Heritage Foundation i 2014 LOFT Investors Forum Agenda Home Press Room Calendar of Events Hispanic Heritage F UNI}A Page 1 of 1 ATTACHMENT Pllotos Contact Us Engilsh SPONSORS ABOUT PARTNERS DONATE N LATEST NEWS LOFT Investors Forum Agenda June 27, 2014 Washington, DC ROOA~~ 830 AM 8:30 AM - 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM May 13. 2014 no comrr,ents Registration & Continental Breakfast LATEST FROM Welcome & Opening Remarks by Luis A. Aguilar Discussion 1: Personal Experiences of Trustees Tweets 10:15 AM - 11:15 AM Discussion z; Board Governance & Fiduciary ResponsibiUties f!li Bridge Project 11:30 AM Discussion 3: General Asset Allocation & Risk Management 12:30 PM 12.30 PM1:30 PM PM 2:15 PM ~h ' ~ @SuVozErDC Break, Lunch, & Remarks by Gustavo Arnavat Discussion 4: Private Equity !Including Venture Capital) 2:30 PM - 3:15 ?M Discussion 5: Hedge Funds 3:30 PM Discussion 6: REITS, Real Estate, & Real Assets 4:15 PM Follow respond!endo ius preguntas con Silvana, HO 430 Plv1 - 530 PM Discussion 7: Specialized, Emerging, '" Diverse Manager Programs 6:00 PM - 8:00 Reception (Hors D'ouvres & Cocktails) & Remarks by Henry G. Cisneros Sigue nuestra cuenta en v dlsfruta de los iras camara de ius artistas favoriios y mucho ~"b1dn;rlm Leave a comment: mii<:: Name SPONSORS Hispanic Heritage Foundation at a gLance youth Awards Slay in touch with Hispanic Heritage Foundation Keep up with the great worl, of Make a Donation Today Become a Sponsor Make Learn the benefits of a st:-ategic tax-deductible conation to support the Foundation's partnersh'p v/ith the Foundation mission and help loentify, and our yeaHound efforts to promote, prepare and inspire help sponsors meet their goals. quarterlY newsletter Hispanic leaders. tl10_cornt~~_9nso; Subsrrioe to Our NeVlSl?lter Make A Donation Foundation through our http://www,! 5/13/2014 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS 360 East Second Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-4545 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS JUNE 5, 2014 ITEM: B.2 FROM: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager SUBJECT: REVISED APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (PLEITEZ) - PENSIONS & INVESTMENTS, INVESTMENT INNOVATION & THE GLOBAL FUTURE OF RETIREMENT CONFERENCE RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve the revised cost for Commissioner Emanuel Pleitez’s request to attend the Investment Innovation & the Global Future of Retirement Conference on June 22 – 24, 2014 at New York, NY. DISCUSSION Commissioner Pleitez was approved to participate in the following conference: Conference: Sponsor: Dates: Location: Mode of transportation: Investment Innovation & the Global Future of Retirement Pension & Investments (P&I) June 22-24, 2014 (June 22nd is a travel day) New York, NY Commercial airline On April 3, 2014 the Board approved Commissioner Pleitez’s request to travel to the P&I conference in New York at an estimated cost of $1,926.00. Staff was in the process of preparing the required documents for submission to the City Controller. Since then, the cost of the conference cost, hotel, and airfare have increased to $2,289.34, for an additional cost from the initial board report of $363.34. The conference cost for Commissioner Pleitez was initially quoted at $500. Subsequently, P&I submitted a $733.34 invoice for food ($333.34), audio visual ($300.00), and materials ($100.00). The cost of the food is above the per diem rate at $71.00 daily. For lodging, staff previously reserved the Inter-Continental Hotel estimated at $632.00 due to the high cost of the conference hotel (The Waldorf Astoria), which was approximately $500.00 per night. Staff was recently informed that the Inter-Continental Hotel will be closed for construction during the conference dates. Staff have now reserved the W New York hotel estimated at $708.00, which is located nearby the conference location. BUDGET Sufficient funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Travel Account. Estimated cost for Commissioner Pleitez: Participant Cost (including food, audio visual and materials) Airfare Hotel Per Diem Incidentals (mileage, parking, baggage fee & ground transportation) TOTAL $ 733.34 478.00 708.00 160.00 210.00 $2,289.34 POLICY If approved by the Board, the proposed expenditures would be an exception to the Board’s Travel and Education Policy because the conference is not listed on the FY Budget 2013-14, Schedule 11 and because the food cost exceeds Policy per diem rates. All information regarding the conference is contained in the attached agenda (Attachment). This report was prepared by: Evange Masud, Executive Administrative Assistant Administrative Operations Division RPC:SC:EM Attachment - Conference Agenda Board Report Page 2 June 5, 2014 Attachment, Page 1 agenda June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria As of March 20, 2014 Sunday, June 22, 2014 2:00 pm – 7:00 pm 5:00 pm – 7:00 pm Registration Welcome Reception Monday, June 23, 2014 7:30 am - 8:30 am Registration and Networking Breakfast 8:30 am – 8:40 am 8:40 am – 9:45 am Welcome & Opening Remarks KEYNOTE: How Global Demographics and Monetary Policies are Affecting the World’s Retirement Systems Quantitative easing has harmed some of the world’s pension systems by keeping bond yields – and pension returns – low in recent years. Meanwhile, people are living longer, which puts added pressure on pension systems initially designed when life spans, and retirements, were much shorter. When those two scenarios combine, it creates a perfect storm for pension plans. This opening session kicks off with one of the world’s leading demographers, who will show how the world’s population is growing and shifting. From there, we’ll move to an expert on monetary policy, who will show us where things stand today. Please join this discussion about how these seemingly unrelated issues combine to form significant challenges for retirement plans around the globe. 9:45 am - 11:00 am Speakers: L. Stephen Coles, M.D., Ph.D. (United States) Executive Director Los Angeles Gerontology Research Group Robert C. Merton, Nobel Prize Winner (United States) Distinguished Professor of Finance MIT Sloan School of Management ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION: The Endgame - Retiring With Dignity Compare strategies of several systems from around the world that successfully provide replacement income when people no longer work. Focus on what each does differently and what we can all learn from the variety of approaches. Moderator: Pablo Antolín-Nicolás (France) Principal Economist, Head Private Pension Unit, Financial Affairs Division Organization for Economic Co-Operation & Development (OECD) Speakers: Ole Settergren (Sweden) Member of the Board Second National Swedish Pension Fund Jim Leech (Canada) Retiring Chief Executive Officer Ontario Teachers’ Pension Plan Additional Speakers to be Announced June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria Attachment, Page 2 11:00 am – 11:25 am agenda Morning Networking Break CONCURRENT DIALOGUES: 11:25 am – 12:15 pm Dialogue 1: What Happens When You Retire? Given the option, DB retirees tend to choose a lump sum over the standard annuity. In DC plans, very few buy annuities. If annuities have so many benefits, why aren’t more people taking advantage of them? This discussion will cover the following topics: • • • • What are the goals retirees are aiming to achieve? Why don’t annuities fit their needs better? What alternative designs might work better? Are the needs of retirees consistent with the sponsor’s perspective? Speakers: Don Ezra (Canada) Co-Chair, Global Consulting Russell Investments Worldwide 11:25 am – 12:15 pm Dallas L. Salisbury (United States) President and CEO Employee Benefit Research Institute (EBRI) DIALOGUE 2: Mitigating Risk in Your Portfolio The financial crisis of 2008 exposed limitations on risk management tools and the way they predict risk. Chief investment officers and investment strategists discuss ways to mitigate risk in portfolios including agent-behavior analysis, network analysis, extreme value theory, expected shortfall risk, multi-horizon anaylsis, leverage risk, counterparty risk, the risks associated with funded status attribution and monitoring, and how best to predict from where the next risks are coming. Also will look at risk budgeting and how investing based on risk, rather than capital allocation, may be the future of portfolios. Moderator: Christine Williamson Senior Reporter Pensions & Investments 12:15 pm – 1:45 pm David Iverson Head of Asset Allocation New Zealand Superannuation Fund Additional Speakers to be Announced LUNCHEON KEYNOTE: P&I Chat - 20th Century Investment Leaders Join us for this enlightening discussion with industry icons discussing their approach to investing and retirement. Speaker: John Clifton “Jack” Bogle (United States) Founder and Retired CEO Vanguard Group, Inc. June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria Attachment, Page 3 agenda ROUND-TABLE DISCUSSION: Global Trends of DB and DC Plans Statistics show more plan sponsors leaning toward defined contribution plans in recent years. Will this trend continue? Or will the retirement plans evolve into more of a hybrid solution that combines parts of both defined contribution and defined benefit plans? Some of the world’s top industry experts weigh in on what’s working and what the future holds for plan design. Moderator: Amy Resnick Executive Editor Pensions & Investments 1:45 pm – 2:40 pm Speakers: Paul Todd (United Kingdom) Director Investment National Employment Savings Trust (NEST) Additional Speakers to be Announced CONCURRENT DIALOGUES: 2:45 pm – 3:35 pm DIALOGUE 1: Investing a Plan’s Assets to Meet its Financial Obligations What is the future of company-provided retirement benefits from an investment perspective? This lively discussion includes alternate plan sponsor views of the corporate plan of tomorrow. Moderator: Nancy K. Webman Editor Pensions & Investments Speakers: Colin J. Kerwin (United States) Global Pension Fund Manager ExxonMobil 2:45 pm – 3:35 pm Additional Speakers to be Announced DIALOGUE 2: Global Investment Trends in Asset Allocation Discover the cutting-edge investment trends aimed at improving retirement outcomes, and the topics CIOs and strategists are considering as they work to grow portfolios. • • • • • • Absolute-return strategies Alternatives to traditional fixed income Capacity constraints on strategies from floating-rate debt to emerging markets The importance of investment horizons (are there truly long-term investors?) How significant is the illiquidity premium? The risks of investing in higher-fee strategies –political/headline/career New behavioral finance approaches in portfolio management. Is there a behavioral capital asset pricing model? Moderator: Roger Urwin (United Kingdom) Global Head of Investment Content Towers Watson Speakers: Chris Ailman (United States) Chief Investment Officer California State Teachers Retirement System, (CalSTRS) Eduard van Gelderen, CFA FRM (Netherlands) Statutory Board Member & Chief Investment Officer APG Asset Management Greg Williamson (United States) Director, Trust Investments, Chief Investment Officer and Vice President BP America June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria Attachment, Page 4 agenda 3:35 pm – 4:00 pm Afternoon Networking Break 4:00 pm – 5:00 pm CLOSING KEYNOTE DAY ONE: Influencing Positive Change Asset management firms have profited off the industry of retirement, and some people in the industry are working to give back as well. This session will examine work by individuals and companies aimed at improving retirement outcomes. Speaker to be Announced 5:00 pm – 6:00 pm Networking Cocktail Reception Tuesday, June 24, 2014 7:30 am Registration Opens 8:30 am – 9:30 am Morning Investment Innovation Workshops with Breakfast P&I will host three simultaneous investment strategy workshops over breakfast exclusively for plan sponsor attendees Closed Door Lead Sponsor Speaker Sessions - Topics to be Announced Vanguard, Prudential & TBD 9:30 am – 10:30 am Plan Design Innovations Around the Globe Discover some of the world’s leading innovative investment strategies for improving retirement outcomes Moderator: To be Announced Speakers: Tomas Franzén (Sweden) Chief Investment Strategist Second Swedish National Pension Fund (AP2) 10:30 am – 10:55 am David Schneider (Australia) Head of Research and Quant Methods UniSuper Management Pty Ltd Additional Speakers to be Announced Morning Networking Break CONCURRENT DIALOGUES: 10:55 am – 11:45 am Dialogue 1: Participants on the Right Path Discover plan design trends used in the U.S. and internationally that are making a difference in improving retirement outcomes. Speakers: 10:55 am – 11:45 am Lori Lucas Executive Vice President, DC Practice Leader Callan Associates Dialogue 2: Derisking Trends Across the Globe More companies are considering ways to reduce their pension liabilities. Some are looking to purchase annuities for participants, some are considering lump-sum payments. How are global corporations meeting their pension liabilities and what are the pros and cons of these kinds of risk transfers? Speakers to be Announced June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria Attachment, Page 5 agenda CONCURRENT DIALOGUES: 11:50 am – 12:40 pm DIALOGUE 1: Global Plan Governance Plan governance is front and center in the international debate about the efficacy of defined benefit and defined contribution plans. The modern world requires swift, nimble decision-making by chief investment officers and their staffs to capture fleeting global investment opportunities. At the same time, superior fiduciary oversight of assets and operations by defined benefit and defined contribution plan trustees and investment committees is more important than ever. The panel of plan executives and industry experts will discuss best governance practices from around the world to keep plans optimally invested, managed and funded, and in regulatory compliance. Speakers: Ian D. Lanoff (United States) Principal The Groom Law Group 11:50 am – 12:40 pm Additional Speakers to be Announced DIALOGUE 2: Investment Behavior Effects on Plan Participants A leading behavioralist discusses ways to balance risk and reward by determining the maximum percentage of reduction in their standard of living people are willing to accept. One study found that Americans are willing to accept a maximum reduction of approximately 12.5%. Find out how that compares with the rest of the world as the research compares men and women’s risk tolerances and what role age plays in one’s risk adversity. Speaker to be Announced 12:40 pm – 2:00 pm Luncheon Keynote: Planting Financial Literacy Seeds Across the Globe One surefire way to improve retirement outcomes is for individuals to save more and to start saving at an earlier age. Knowing the ins and outs of investing can also reap the benefits of finding the best way to diversify one’s portfolio. But how can we collectively bring about such positive change? • Should a child’s education include a financial curriculum? • How much financial literacy is needed to make a difference • What tools are needed? • Where can a young person go to get educated? • What are the qualities of a good financial teacher? • What does everyone need to learn about improving retirement outcomes? Speaker: Arne Duncan Secretary of Education United States June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria Attachment, Page 6 agenda 2:00 pm – 3:00 pm Future of Retirement Solutions Industry leaders from around the globe discuss options governments and companies are considering to reduce the cost of retirement to them. The options under review include: • • • • Raising the age of retirement Tax harmonization Financial education Customized communications and technology Speakers: Karen Friedman (United States) Executive Vice President & Policy Director Pension Rights Center (PRC) Gordon Clark (United Kingdom) Professor and Director of the Smith School of Enterprise University of Oxford Ash Williams (United States) Executive Director and Chief Investment Officer Florida State Board of Administration (SBA) Andreas Hilka (Germany) Managing Director - Head of Pensions Allianz Global Investors Europe 3:00 pm – 4:00 pm CLOSING KEYNOTE: Assessing the Current Retirement Funding Paradigm Regardless of the type of plan, three key elements apply: 1) Available benefits are based on eligibility and participation funding by the employer or the individual and investment returns; 2) The level of benefit needed for retirement by an individual is a function of retirement age, longevity and annual consumption requirements; and 3) Inflation and other unknowns, such as an individual’s health-related expenses, contribute to a need to have greater retirement assets to protect against financial uncertainties. Hear insights from the leader of the world’s largest money management firm on how all nations need to begin working together immediately to a find a more holistic approach so plan sponsors around the globe can help provide lifetime income options and expand portability. Speaker to be Announced Conference Concludes 4:00 PM June 22 -24, 2014 | New York City | The Waldorf Astoria DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS 360 East Second Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-4545 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS JUNE 5, 2014 ITEM: C.1 FROM: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager SUBJECT: CONTRACTOR DISCLOSURE POLICY - QUARTERLY REPORT THIS REPORT IS PROVIDED TO THE BOARD FOR INFORMATIONAL PURPOSES. The Board adopted the Contractor Disclosure Policy to provide transparency in LAFPP’s contracting process and to help ensure that investment and procurement decisions are made solely on the merits of the goods or services proposed to be provided by Contractors to LAFPP. Section 1.18.G.2.f of the Policy reads as follows: “LAFPP internal audit staff will compile a quarterly Board report containing the names and amount of compensation agreed to be provided to each Intermediary by each Contractor; the campaign contributions and gifts of each Contractor as reported in the Contractor Disclosures; the List of Contacts; and the List of Exclusions.” In accordance with the above section, Staff is providing its quarterly report to the Board. Seventyfour disclosure reports were received by the Internal Audit Section (IAS). The following table is a breakdown of the reports received by IAS and the reports outstanding at the time this report was prepared. Description Quarterly Disclosures (61 Required) Completed Quarterly Reports Outstanding Quarterly Reports Additional Disclosures (13 Required) Private Equity Funds (New Fund or Increased Commitment) RFP Respondents Total No. Outstanding No. Received 61 0 0 10 3 74 Attachment 1 lists outstanding disclosure reports, disclosed gifts, and intermediary information. Attachment 2 is a summary of the gift information disclosed by the private equity consultant, Portfolio Advisors. Prior Quarterly Report Update There were no outstanding disclosure reports in the prior quarter. BUDGET No impact. This report was prepared by: Caroline Dinu Senior Management Analyst II Internal Audit Section RPC:EJK:CD Attachments (2) 1. Contractor Disclosure Policy Outstanding Disclosures 2. Private Equity Disclosure Information Board Report Page 2 June 5, 2014 Attachment 1 DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS CONTRACTS As of May 28, 2014 CONTRACTOR DISCLOSURE POLICY OUTSTANDING DISCLOSURES Contract Number Vendor / Contract Name Contract Term Start Date Exp. Date Responsible Section Reason for non-disclosure None NEW EXCLUSIONS Contract Number Vendor / Contract Name Exclusion Date Vendor / Contract Name Contract Term Start Date Exp. Date Vendor / Contract Name Contract Term Start Date Exp. Date Exclusion Information None CAMPAIGN CONTRIBUTIONS Contract Number Campaign Contribution Information None OTHER CONTRIBUTIONS Contract Number Contribution Information None DISCLOSED CONTACTS Contract Number Vendor / Contract Name Contact Date Contact Information None DISCLOSED GIFTS Contract Number Vendor / Contract Name Goldman Sachs Goldman Sachs 539PEN Los Angeles Capital Management 570PEN and 584PEN Portfolio Advisors Vendor / Contract Name Gift Date Gift Information 11/6/2013 Goldman Sachs reports lunch, valued at approximately $39.48, was provided to former LAFPP Commissioner Wayne Moore, by Stephanie Ivy Sanford, Managing Director, Investment Management Division. 3/21/2014 Goldman Sachs reports an approximate value of $12.50 each for its share of lunch provided to three investments staff members (E. Tiedge, S. Liem, and M. Shaler) at the Women in Investments event. See IAS note below for another firm reporting for the same event. 3/21/2014 Los Angeles Capital Management (LACM) reports meals, valued at approximately $75 each, were provided to three Investments staff members (E. Tiedge, S. Liem, and M. Shaler) at the Women in Investments event. IAS reports that while the cost was noted as shared by six firms, pursuant to CA Code of Regulations, the full cost was correctly attributed to LACM. See attached summary. INTERMEDIARY INFORMATION Intermediary Compensation Disclosure Date 3/18/2014 5/14/2014 Blue Sea Capital Fund Lazard Freres & Co. LLC. Percentage of aggregate principal amount of the securities sold to the investors in the Fund. Polaris VII Denning and Company, LLC. Based on sliding scale from 0-2.5% of total capital commitments. Notes Closed 4/7/2014. Page 1 Attachment 2 PRIVATE EQUITY DISCLOSURE INFORMATION In response to the Contractor Disclosure Policy as modified in April 2012, LAFPP’s private equity consultant, Portfolio Advisors, submitted its contractor disclosure for the quarter ending March 31, 2014. Portfolio Advisors employees attend annual and advisory board meetings of the underlying portfolio funds as part of its due diligence and in order to fulfill its responsibilities to its clients. IAS summarized disclosure information in consideration of due diligence protections in certain limited partnership agreements. The table below is a summary of gifts of meals, lodging, and transportation, as defined in LAFPP’s Contractor Disclosure Policy and as reported by Portfolio Advisors for the first quarter of 2014. Number of Number of PA Staff Total Number Number of Attendees Number of Attendees Annual and/ Attending as of PA Staff in w/ Travel and Lodging w/ Lodging Only or Advisory Advisory Board Attendance Provided by GP Provided by GP Board Members Meetings 18 12 23* 2 1 Note: It is understood that meals are provided by the General Partner (GP) of the private equity fund. *This number includes seven PA Staff attending via conference call. In addition, Portfolio Advisors has in place a Gifts and Entertainment Policy. IAS has reviewed the Portfolio Advisors’ Gifts and Entertainment Policy and notes that it is robust, comprehensive, and demonstrates commitment to ensuring employees’ actions are free from conflicts of interest, the appearance of conflicts of interest, and potential violations of law. Key provisions of the policy include restrictions on gifts and entertainment, quarterly reporting (in addition to those required by LAFPP), references to Portfolio Advisors’ Code of Ethics, and consideration of applicable laws and ERISA. Prior Quarter Information from Portfolio Advisors There is no information outstanding from the prior quarter. MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 7, 2013 The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, November 7, 2013. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ruben Navarro, President Gregory Lippe, Vice President Sam Diannitto (participated telephonically) Dean Hansell Wayne Moore Emanuel Pleitez Belinda Vega Robert von Voigt COMMISSIONER ABSENT: George Aliano DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney James Napier, Deputy City Attorney COURT REPORTER: Diane L. Panicca, U.S. Legal Support President Navarro called the meeting to order at 8:36 a.m. All of the above-listed Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting with the exception of Commissioner Pleitez, who arrived at 8:41 a.m. A. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION 1. PROPOSED REAL ESTATE INVESTMENT RECOMMENDATIONS BY THE TOWNSEND GROUP AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 2 Ms. Jennifer Young, Consultant, Townsend Group (Townsend) presented the recommendation to invest in two core open-end commingled fund vehicles. This is in an effort to reduce risk in the real estate portfolio. She discussed the strategy going forward. Ms. Young elaborated on how Townsend has been able to create value in core investments for the System. RESOLUTION 14048 Commissioner Lippe moved that the Board: 1. Approve The Townsend Group’s recommendation to commit $60 million to the Heitman American Realty Trust; and, 2. Approve The Townsend Group’s recommendation to commit $60 million to the MetLife Core Property Fund, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Vega and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. 2. REVISIONS TO BOARD OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REGARDING THE HEALTH AND DENTAL SUBSIDY PROGRAM AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Mr. Anthony Torres, Senior Management Analyst I, Medical and Dental Benefits presented board rules to codify the current practices regarding the health benefits program. The goal is to place the board rules in one location so that stakeholders may view the rules that LAFPP operates by. The rules cover three areas: the Health Insurance Premium Reimbursement Program, our practices regarding Medicare, and Medicare Reimbursement. Mr. Torres further discussed the rules in detail. Commissioner Hansell stated his concerns regarding the verbiage of some of the rules and that he communicated those concerns to staff. He asked if his amendments were distributed to the Board. General Manager Ciranna stated that some of the amendments were made to the board rules. It is up to Commissioner Hansell to bring those amendments before the Board for consideration. President Navarro confirmed that there was no time limitation regarding this item. The issues may be referred back to the Benefits Committee for review and to allow input from the Associations. RESOLUTION 14049 Commissioner Lippe moved that the Board refer the revisions to the board rules regarding the health and dental subsidy program back to the Benefits Committee, and allow the Associations to assess the amendments, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Pleitez and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 3 Items A.4 – H.2 were taken out of order. 4. APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (MOORE) – KORIED, INSTITUTIONAL INVESTORS’ ROUNDTABLE President Navarro clarified that this conference is not on the preapproved list of conferences, and therefore it was not placed in the Consent Items portion of the agenda. Commissioner Hansell stated that the appointed commissioners do not know if they will be reappointed to the Board. If Commissioner Moore is not reappointed to the Board, he should not attend the conference. RESOLUTION 14050 Commissioner Lippe moved that the Board authorize Commissioner Moore to attend the Koried Institutional Investors’ Roundtable on December 1-4, 2013 at San Francisco, CA (December 1st is a travel day), which motion was seconded by Commissioner Vega and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. B. REPORTS TO THE BOARD 1. 2013-2014 LEGISLATIVE PROPOSALS FOR SACRAMENTO AND WASHINGTON Mr. Gregory Mack, Senior Management Analyst II, Communications/Active Member Services and Ms. Erika Robinson, Benefits Specialist, from Communications/Special Projects Section were before the Board. Ms. Robinson summarized the report that was submitted to the Mayor and City Council President in response to their request for legislative proposals for the City’s Legislative Program for 2013-14. The first proposal was submitted in support of the Social Security Fairness Act to enable members who are eligible for Social Security to no longer have their Social Security benefits impacted because they are receiving a government pension from LAFPP. The second proposal is a recommendation to reintroduce legislation that would eliminate a tax penalty for Deferred Retirement Option Plan (DROP) participants who exit the program between ages 50-55, should they roll that money over into deferred compensation and withdraw the money prior to age 59-1/2. General Manager Ciranna stated that the information is an update. The Mayor and Chief Legislative Analyst have received the information. Staff will report to the Board on the City Council’s action. The board report was received and filed. 2. REVIEW OF 2013 PRIVATE EQUITY AND COMMODITIES INVESTMENT ACTIVITY BY PORTFOLIO ADVISORS, LLC Messrs. Todd A. Hughes and Brian P. Murphy, both Managing Directors from Portfolio Advisors provided Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 4 the Board an update of the private equity and commodities portfolio. The board report was received and filed. 3. President Navarro asked if any Board Member made any expenditure to influence State legislative or administrative action to which their reply was negative. 4. Miscellaneous correspondence from money managers, consultants, etc. – Received and Filed. 5. General Manager’s Report a. Benefits Actions approved by General Manager on October 17, 2013 Pursuant to Resolution 04008, adopted by the Board of Fire & Police Pension Commissioners on August 7, 2003, the following benefit actions have been approved by the General Manager. DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 1 – 5 Robert D. Long Harold A. Latham Pearl I. Foster Mary M. Liles Sarah C. Towles Police Service Police Disability Police Widow Police Widow Police Widow Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 07-09-66 11-01-63 11-11-88 11-03-87 12-25-66 Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: 07-13-13 08-28-13 09-18-13 08-18-13 07-12-13 Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 01-07-73 09-16-84 05-06-76 01-01-70 02-28-88 11-22-98 09-19-75 04-30-77 07-12-86 07-15-13 04-28-96 Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: Died: 07-04-13 07-24-13 09-10-13 07-14-13 09-11-13 09-15-13 08-30-13 09-16-13 09-04-13 08-22-13 09-18-13 Retired: 03-05-06 Died: 09-06-13 05-01-98 Died: 09-05-13 DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 2 – 11 Thomas L. MacHale Edwin W. Tapert Westley L. Craven Mosco K. Davis Charles L. Frilot Samir S. Ghattas Donald G. Kringen Alfred S. Peckham Adeline Skemp Virginia Davis Fern I. Mc Granahan Fire Service Fire Service Police Service Police Service Police Service Police Service Police Service Police Service Fire Widow Police Widow Police Widow DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 5 – 1 Ramon F. Haro, Jr. Fire Service DISCONTINUED PENSIONS FORMER SPOUSE – TIER 2 – 1 Mary E. Bowman Police Service Retired: Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 5 ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 2 – 3 Name Janet M. MacHale Margaret Frilot Laura J. Kringen Deceased Member Thomas L. MacHale Charles L. Frilot Donald G. Kringen Member’s Class Fire Service Police Service Police Service Effective Date 07-05-13 09-12-13 08-31-13 ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 5 – 1 Name Teresa M. Minter Deceased Member Ramon F. Haro, Jr. Member’s Class Fire Service Effective Date 09-07-13 PARTIAL PAYMENT OF PENSION – TIER 5 – 5 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Frederick G. Davis, Police Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Christy A. Davis, effective October 1, 2013. Ms. Davis will receive cost of living adjustments. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Salvador B. Jaramillo, Police Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Denise M. Jaramillo, effective October 1, 2013. Ms. Jaramillo will receive cost of living adjustments. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Hector Z. Vidal, Police Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Laura L. Vidal, effective August 26, 2013. Ms. Vidal will receive cost of living adjustments. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to David L. Enlow, Police Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Susan M. Enlow, effective October 1, 2013. Ms. Enlow will receive cost of living adjustments. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Anthony R. Moreno, Police Service Pensioner, is to be withheld for his former spouse, Rose M. Moreno, effective October 1, 2013. Ms. Moreno will receive cost of living adjustments. DISCONTINUE PARTIAL PAYMENT OF PENSION – TIER 2 – 1 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, the designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Raymond G. Bowman, Police Service Pensioner, which was being paid to his former spouse, Mary E. Bowman, has been discontinued due to the death of Ms. Bowman on September 5, 2013. Ms. Bowman’s portion reverts to Mr. Bowman effective September 6, 2013. CONSERVATORSHIP – TIER 2 – 1 Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 6 A certified copy of the Letters of Temporary Conservatorship, issued in the Los Angeles Superior Court of California, Case Number BP 142 806, appointing James and Michael McDermott, Conservators of the Estate of Virginia M. McDermott, surviving spouse of deceased Police Service Pensioner, Luke M. McDermott, effective September 10, 2013, has been filed with this office. Pension payments will be paid to James and Michael McDermott for the benefit of Virginia M. McDermott, effective October 1, 2013. DEFERRED SERVICE PENSION – TIER 3 – 1 Police Daryl L. Reems Police Officer II Eff: 09-30-13 20 Years 299 Days Eff: 09-30-13 26 Years 213 Days Eff: 08-12-13 25 Years 6 Days Eff: 08-01-13 25 Years 10 Days Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: Eff: 08-05-13 09-01-13 09-01-13 08-01-13 08-01-13 09-01-13 26 25 25 29 29 25 Years Years Years Years Years Years 0 59 233 346 360 282 Days Days Days Days Days Days 10-26-08 11-01-08 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 10-25-13 10-31-13 11-01-08 Exit Close of: 10-31-13 DEFERRED SERVICE PENSION – TIER 5 – 1 Police Jeronimo Rodriguez Captain I SERVICE PENSION/DROP – TIER 3 – 1 Police Rodney K. Peacock Sergeant I SERVICE PENSION/DROP – TIER 4 – 1 Police Michelle Diaz Detective I SERVICE PENSION/DROP – TIER 5 – 6 Police George E. Granillo William A. Murphy John C. Porras Angela M. Rivers Robert E. Rivers Edmund D. Russell Detective I Commander Sergeant I Detective III Lieutenant I Sergeant II DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 2 – 2 Police Ruben J. Holguin Thomas E. McMullen Retired: Retired: DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 5 – 10 Fire Steven Domanski Retired: Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 7 Robert Z. Garcia Butch Kennedy, Jr. Benjamin J. Simpson Retired: Retired: Retired: 11-01-08 11-01-08 10-27-08 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 10-31-13 10-31-13 10-26-13 Police Andrew A. Cano Luis Corona Joseph De Lorenzo Monte C. Houze Richard W. Jackson Roscoe D. Jolla Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 11-01-08 04-01-11 11-01-08 09-02-09 11-01-08 06-01-12 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 10-31-13 10-06-13 10-31-13 10-31-13 10-31-13 10-31-13 DISCONTINUE DROP – DECEASED – TIER 5 – 4 Fire Jeffrey K. Johnson Mario A. Martinez Matthew G. McKnight Retired: Retired: Retired: 05-29-11 07-12-11 08-01-12 Died: Died: Died: 07-29-13 07-25-13 08-12-13 Police David C. Wright Retired: 08-05-09 Died: 08-21-13 DESIGNATED PAYMENT OF DROP FUNDS – TIER 5 – 2 In accordance with the Los Angeles Administrative Code and at the request of Eric M. Martinez, designated beneficiary of Mario A. Martinez, deceased Fire Service Pensioner, the DROP funds payable to Mario A. Martinez are to be paid to Eric M. Martinez, effective October 1, 2013. In accordance with the Los Angeles Administrative Code and at the request of Mary Wright, surviving spouse of David C. Wright, deceased Police Service Pensioner, the DROP funds payable to David C. Wright are to be paid to Mary Wright, effective October 1, 2013. PARTIAL PAYMENT OF DROP FUNDS – TIER 5 – 2 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the DROP funds payable to Monte C. Houze, Police Service Pensioner, is to be withheld for his former spouse, Lola A. Hampton, effective October 31, 2013. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the DROP funds payable to Benjamin J. Simpson, Fire Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Kristine R. Simpson, effective October 26, 2013. MODIFIED PARTIAL PAYMENT OF DROP FUNDS – TIER 2 – 1 Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 8 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the DROP funds payable to Anthony D. Ellis, Police Service Pensioner, being withheld for his former spouse, Coletta Preacely Garcia, since June 30, 2012, should be released effective October 1, 2013. ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S APPLICATION – TIER 5 – 2 Name Sylvia McKnight (Matthew G. McKnight) Member’s Class Fire Captain I Type % Rate Service Pension Continuance: 60% Effective Date 08-13-13 Name Mary Wright (David C. Wright) Member’s Class Sergeant II Type % Rate Service Pension Continuance: 60% Effective Date 08-22-13 b. Other business relating to Department operations General Manager Ciranna gave the following update: He announced for the record that on September 19, 2013 and pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.81, the Board approved an investment in the following private equity firm: Technology Crossover Ventures VIII, L.P. That transaction closed on October 20, 2013. 6. City Attorney’s Report Mr. Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney had no report. C. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Audit Committee – Last met: 08/01/13; next meeting: January 2014 2. Benefits Committee – Last met: 10/03/13; next meeting: January 2014 3. Governance Committee – Last met: 06/20/13; next meeting: November 21, 2013 4. Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers – Last met: 04/04/13; next meeting: TBD 5. Ad Hoc Managers Fees Committee – Last met: 04/30/13; next meeting: TBD 6. Ad Hoc Space Planning Committee – Dissolved as of 10/17/13 President Navarro stated that he is speaking on behalf of the Ad Hoc Committee chairs. He requested the final Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 9 reports for the Ad Hoc Managers Fees Committee and the Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers to close out the Ad Hoc Committees. The current Ad Hoc committees have specific purposes and he would like to eliminate them as soon as the work is done. The Governance Committee is scheduled to meet on November 21, 2013. D. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes a. Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of March 6, 2008, March 20, 2008, July 18, 2013, August 1, 2013, August 15, 2013 b. Minutes of the Special Meeting of August 1, 2013 Commissioner von Voigt moved that the Board approve the consent items, which was seconded by Commissioner Pleitez and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Navarro, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. E. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no items referred for consideration. F. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. Deputy City Attorney James Napier took the City Attorney Chair at this time. G. DISABILITY CASES DISABILITY CLAIM – NEW – TIER 2 – 1 Robert A. Ruffino (F) Apparatus Operator As recommended by staff and concurred in by the applicant, service connected disability pension is granted at 70% with no foreseeable purpose for review. Motion made by Commissioner von Voigt, seconded by Commissioner Lippe and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. Mr. Ruffino was not present, nor was his attorney Mr. Thomas J. Wicke. Assistant City Attorney Alan Manning took the City Attorney Chair at this time. H. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS FOR POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION 1. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.81 TO CONSIDER THE PURCHASE OF THREE (3) PARTICULAR, SPECIFIC INVESTMENTS AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 10 The Board met in closed session. 2. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 TO CONFER WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR; Properties: 315 S. Hewitt Street and 713 E. 3rd Street; Negotiators: David Weiner, Martin Cawley, Tom Lopez, Erika Tiedge; Negotiating parties: Sentinel Real Estate Corporation and LAFPP; Under negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price This item was continued. Upon reconvening in open session, President Navarro stated there was no public report. President Navarro adjourned the meeting for a break at 9:21 a.m. and reconvened at 9:28 a.m. Deputy City Attorney James Napier took the City Attorney Chair at this time. G. DISABILITY CASES (continued) DISABILITY CLAIM – DEPENDENT CHILD – TIER 2 – 1 Janet A. Neal Dependent child of Nathan W. Neal (F) Firefighter II (Deceased) Denied. Motion to deny the petition for dependent child benefits made by Commissioner Lippe, seconded by Commissioner Vega and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Hansell, Lippe, Moore, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. Dr. Roland S. Jefferson, M.D. testified regarding Ms. Neal. Ms. Neal was present and represented herself. DISABILITY CLAIM – NEW – TIER 4 – 1 Marygrace Weaver (P) Police Officer III (Retired) Prior benefit action of August 5, 2010 granting a service pension at 44.1836% is rescinded. Motion to grant a service-connected disability pension at 71% is made by President Navarro, seconded by Commissioner von Voigt and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, Lippe, Pleitez, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 6; nays, Commissioner Hansell and Moore – 2. (Original motion to grant a nonserviceconnected disability pension at 50% was made by Commissioner Moore, seconded by Commissioner Hansell and failed by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Hansell, Moore, and Vega – 3; nays, Commissioners Diannitto, Lippe, Pleitez, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 5.) Ms. Weaver was present and represented by her attorney, Mr. Thomas J. Wicke. Assistant City Attorney Alan Manning took the City Attorney Chair at this time. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 11 Commissioner Hansell recused himself from Item A.3. One of the firms interviewing is affiliated with CBRE. His partners at his Paris and London offices do not represent CBRE but represent other entities affiliated with CBRE. Based on the appearance of the impropriety standard, he concluded he needed to recuse himself, as confirmed with the City Attorney’s Office. Commissioner Hansell left the board room for the remainder of meeting at 10:40 a.m. President Navarro adjourned the meeting for a break at 10:41 a.m., and reconvened at 10:52 a.m. A. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION (continued) 3. PRESENTATIONS BY FINALIST CANDIDATES FOR GLOBAL REIT MANAGER SEARCH AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Mr. Rick Rogers, Investment Officer III; Ms. Rebecca Gratsinger, CEO and Senior Consultant, and Mr. Michael Ford, CFA, Senior Consultant were before the Board. Mr. Rogers stated this was the last stage for the approval of a global REIT manager. The Board approved four separate managers for presentation today and proceeded to interview the following firms: CBRE Clarion Securities Messrs. J.T. Straub, Director, Global Marketing & Client Services; and T. Ritson Ferguson, CEO and Managing Director, Co-Chief Investment Officer AEW Global Property Securities Messrs. Jay W. Struzziery, Director, Investor Relations; Michael J. Acton, Director of AEW Research and Member, Global Securities Allocation Committee – North America; and J. Hall Jones, Jr., Co-Portfolio Manager – North America and Member, Global Securities Allocation Committee President Navarro adjourned the meeting for a break at 11:59 a.m., and reconvened at 12:09 p.m. Principal Real Estate Investors Messrs. William A. Grayson, Director, Institutional Marketing; and Mr. Kelly Rush, Chief Investment Officer, Global Real Estate Securities EII Capital Management Messrs. Kirsten McElroy, Managing Director, Marketing & Client Service; and Jim Rehlaender, Managing Director, Portfolio Manager Commissioner Diannitto ended his telephonic participation at 1:10 p.m. Discussion/Selection Mr. Tom Lopez, Ms. Rebecca A. Gratsinger, and Mr. Michael Ford came before the Board to answer questions the Board may have regarding the managers. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners November 7, 2013 Page 12 The Board Members discussed the allocation amount and the possibility of splitting the allocation between two managers. Board Members stated their opinion on the issue. President Navarro stated that this is a large allocation. He was open to splitting the allocation between two managers, EII and Principal as his preference. Commissioner Lippe moved that the Board approve hiring two managers, Principal and EII, and to split the allocation between the two managers equally, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Moore. Board members further discussed the issue and stated their opinions. Mr. Lopez provided an overview of investing with the same manager and the degree of overlap. He provided an overview of various managers and indicated that the Board does not have to split the allocation equally. Board members further discussed the issue. President Navarro stated he was open to amending the motion to split the allocation unequally between the two managers. Commissioner Pleitez asked to amend the motion by allocating $200M to EII and $50M to Portfolio, and that the negotiating authority is to get the best fee schedule. He later corrected himself by stating to allocate $50M to Principal, not Portfolio. Commissioner Lippe stated that $200M was a large allocation. He was agreeable to give $150M to EII and $100M to Principal. As the seconder of the motion, Commissioner Moore agreed to Commissioner Lippe’s amendment. RESOLUTION 14054 Commissioner Lippe moved that the Board approve hiring two firms to manage the Global Real Estate Investment Trust (REIT) mandate: Principal Real Estate Investors, LLC with an allocation as amended of $100M, and EII Capital Management, Inc. with an allocation as amended of $150M, which motion was seconded by Commissioner Moore and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Lippe, Moore, Vega, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 5; nays, Commissioner Pleitez – 1. President Navarro adjourned the meeting at 1:41 p.m. President Secretary MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 2014 The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, February 6, 2014. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ruben Navarro, President Belinda Vega, Vice President George Aliano Carl Cade Emanuel Pleitez Pedram Salimpour Corinne Tapia Robert von Voigt COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Sam Diannitto DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney COURT REPORTER: Diane L. Panicca, U.S. Legal Support President Navarro called the meeting to order at 8:33 a.m. All of the above-listed Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting with the exception of Commissioner Vega, who arrived at 8:39 a.m. President Navarro recognized former Commissioner Wayne Moore for his service on the Board. Mr. Moore stated that it was an honor for him to serve the citizens of Los Angeles and employees of the Fire and Police Departments. A. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION 1. THE POLICE DEPARTMENT RETIRED BOARD MEMBER ELECTION AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 2 The board report was approved without discussion. RESOLUTION 14078 Commissioner von Voigt moved that the Board: 1. Authorize the General Manager to provide notification to the Office of the City Clerk (City Clerk) and to cause to be prepared a Notice of Election in accordance with Section 23.103.16 of the Los Angeles Administrative Code (Administrative Code) for the 2014 Police Department Retired Board Member Election tentatively scheduled for April 22, 2014; and 2. Authorize the General Manager and Staff to perform the necessary administrative work specified in the Administrative Code; to coordinate the election process as required with the City Clerk and retired member associations; and to make technical corrections as necessary to effectuate the intent of this report, which was seconded by Commissioner Cade and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, and President Navarro – 7; nays, none. 2. CONSIDERATION OF INTEREST RATE TO BE CREDITED TO ACTIVE MEMBER ACCOUNTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION The board report was approved without discussion. MOTION Commissioner von Voigt moved that the Board, in accordance with Board Rule 5.1, direct the General Manager to credit the interest rate of 1.23% to active member accounts as of December 31, 2013, which was seconded by Commissioner Aliano and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. B. REPORTS TO THE BOARD 1. FOLLOW UP TO THE SUBSIDY PROGRAM AUDIT – HEALTH PLANS ADMINISTERED BY THE LOS ANGELES POLICE RELIEF ASSOCIATION The board report was received and filed without discussion. 2. President Navarro asked if any Board Member made any expenditure to influence State legislative or administrative action to which their reply was negative. 3. Miscellaneous correspondence from money managers, consultants, etc. – Received and Filed. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 3 4. General Manager’s Report a. Benefits Actions approved by General Manager on January 16, 2014 Pursuant to Resolution 04008, adopted by the Board of Fire & Police Pension Commissioners on August 7, 2003, the following benefit actions have been approved by the General Manager. DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 1 – 3 Charles F. Gilbertson Melvin L. Tousseau James S. Waldron Police Service Police Service Police Service Retired: Retired: Retired: 04-22-82 12-07-65 08-18-65 Died: Died: Died: 10-05-13 12-16-13 09-25-13 Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 07-02-01 05-01-70 01-16-77 11-12-94 Died: Died: Died: Died: 11-20-13 12-08-13 12-01-13 12-02-13 Retired: 11-16-12 Died: 11-15-13 Retired: 06-30-02 Died: 12-04-13 DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 2 – 4 James E. Anderson Francis J. Kilbride Leland E. Moser Ann E. Helder Fire Service Police Service Police Service Police Widow DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 3 – 1 Douglas R. Rogers Fire Service DISCONTINUED PENSIONS – TIER 5 – 1 Ronald J. Taketa Police Service DISCONTINUED PENSIONS FORMER SPOUSE – TIER 2 – 1 Shirley L. Gantner Police Service Retired: 01-16-77 Member Died: 12-01-13 ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 1 – 2 Name Lucy M. Gilbertson La Junta C. Waldron Deceased Member Charles F. Gilbertson James S. Waldron Member’s Class Police Service Police Service Effective Date 10-06-13 09-26-13 Member’s Class Police Service Police Disability Effective Date 12-15-13 12-19-13 Member’s Class Effective Date ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 2 – 2 Name Patricia J. Anderson Rose M. Legg Deceased Member M. L. Anderson Melvin D. Legg ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 3 – 1 Name Deceased Member Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 4 Tori M. Rogers Douglas R. Rogers Fire Service 11-16-13 ELIGIBLE SURVIVING SPOUSE’S PENSION – TIER 5 – 1 Name Karen L. Taketa Deceased Member Ronald J. Taketa Member’s Class Police Service Effective Date 12-05-13 ELIGIBLE SURVIVOR BENEFIT PURCHASE PROGRAM – TIER 1 – 1 Name Ann Tousseau Deceased Member Melvin L. Tousseau Member’s Class Police Service Effective Date 12-17-13 MODIFIED PARTIAL PAYMENT OF PENSION – TIER 2 – 1 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to John A. Matarazzo, Police Service Pensioner, being withheld for his former spouse, Bobby J. Matarazzo, since November 1, 2013, should be released effective January 1, 2014. MODIFIED PARTIAL PAYMENT OF PENSION – TIER 5 – 1 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to Monte C. Houze, Police Service Pensioner, being withheld for his former spouse, Lola A. Hampton, since November 1, 2013, should be released effective January 1, 2014. DISCONTINUE PARTIAL PAYMENT OF PENSION – TIER 2 – 1 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, the designated proportion of the community property interest of the pension payable to John F. Birrer, Police Service Pensioner, that was being paid to his former spouse, Michelle M. Berry, is discontinued effective January 1, 2014. The discontinuance is pursuant to a Dissolution Judgment to pay Michelle M. Berry a total of 20 years effective December 1, 1993 through December 31, 2013. GUARDIANSHIP - TIER 1 – 1 The Letters of Guardianship, issued on May 3, 2013 in the Marion County, State of Oregon, Case Number 13C11821, appointing Stan Butterfield, Guardian of the Person and the Estate of La Junta C. Waldron, surviving spouse of deceased Police Service Pensioner, James S. Waldron, has been filed with this office. Pension payments will be paid to Stan Butterfield for the benefit of La Junta C. Waldron, effective September 26, 2013. SERVICE PENSION – TIER 3 – 1 Police Thomas H. Jackson, Jr. Police Officer II Eff: 10-18-13 15 Years 350 Days Eff: 11-17-13 24 Years 2 Days SERVICE PENSION – TIER 5 – 2 Police Steven E. Johnson Police Officer II +2 Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 5 Abelardo Parga Lieutenant I Eff: 12-15-13 25 Years 30 Days DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 2 – 2 Fire Fred D. Fowlks Retired: 02-03-09 Exit Close of: 01-31-14 Police Roger W. Gilbert Retired: 01-07-09 Exit Close of: 01-06-14 Retired: 07-01-13 Exit Close of: 01-31-14 Retired: Retired: Retired: 02-03-09 06-30-11 06-01-11 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 01-31-14 01-04-14 01-31-14 Fire Roxanne V. Bercik Curtis O. Black Steven C. Boyle Andrew E. Fields, Jr. Robert L. Franz Ronald D. Gardner Peter J. Goff, Jr. Jon D. Holtby William C. Madden Oscar M. Wait Thomas P. Yost Keith R. Young Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 02-01-10 01-31-09 01-29-09 07-01-09 01-08-09 09-01-09 04-04-11 01-31-09 01-27-09 01-27-09 02-01-09 01-27-09 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 01-31-14 01-30-14 01-28-14 01-31-14 01-07-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-30-14 01-26-14 01-26-14 01-31-14 01-26-14 Police Judy L. Acosta Efrain Baeza Lorraine T. Barrios Brenda S. Crump Allen B. Daines Raymond L. Dorsey, Jr. James H. Johnston Gregory Jones Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 05-29-12 01-05-09 01-03-12 06-03-13 01-04-11 01-03-12 01-17-09 01-15-09 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 01-31-14 01-04-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-17-14 01-31-14 01-16-14 01-14-14 DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 3 – 1 Police James C. Stoa DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 4 – 3 Police Jesus M. Bazan Carlos J. Islas Ernest T. Matsumoto DISCONTINUE DROP – TIER 5 – 28 Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 6 Morton N. Kishimoto Robert L. Nobile Edgar W. Palmer James M. Reid Jose J. Salazar Erwin L. Stowell, Jr. Frank A. Whitman Joseph R. Williamson Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: Retired: 01-30-09 01-07-09 07-01-11 02-02-09 02-02-09 02-02-09 02-05-09 10-21-13 Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: Exit Close of: 01-29-14 01-06-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-31-14 01-17-14 PARTIAL PAYMENT OF DROP FUNDS – TIER 5 – 2 In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the DROP funds payable to Andrew E. Fields, Jr., Fire Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Lavette Fields, effective January 31, 2014. In accordance with the City Attorney’s advice, a designated proportion of the community property interest of the DROP funds payable to Jose J. Salazar, Police Service Pensioner, is to be paid to his former spouse, Victoria L. Salazar, effective January 31, 2014. SERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITY PENSION – TIER 5 – 1 Name Michelle Y. Robles Member’s Class Police Officer III Percentage 60.0000% Effective Date 12-25-08 Board Date 12-05-13 Effective Date 12-19-13 Board Date 12-19-13 NONSERVICE-CONNECTED DISABILITY PENSION – TIER 3 – 1 Name Christina L. Reppucci Member’s Class Police Officer II Percentage 50.0000% b. Other business relating to Department operations General Manager Ciranna gave the following updates: 1. The LAFPP Management Audit by Hewitt EnnisKnupp is pending signatures. He expects to receive the report in a couple of weeks. 2. The March 6, 2014 Offsite Board meeting is scheduled for a full day from 8:00 AM – 3:15 PM. There are a variety of topics for everyone. He hopes that everyone is able to stay for the duration of the meeting. 3. In regards to the recalculation of investment manager fees, staff prepared an RFP and has reviewed the respondents. RVK has been selected to conduct the work. 4. There is a new Web site entitled, Transparent California that contains pension and salary data for many California public agencies. It contains a page with LAFPP pensioner names and amounts. The data was obtained from LAFPP pursuant to a California Public Records Act Request. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 7 5. City Attorney’s Report Mr. Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney had no updates to report. C. COMMITTEE REPORTS 1. Audit Committee – Last met: 01/16/14; next meeting: February 20, 2014 2. Benefits Committee – Last met: 12/06/13; next meeting: Tentative on 05/15/14 3. Governance Committee – Last met: 11/21/13; next meeting: Tentative on 03/20/14 4. Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers – Last met: 04/04/13; next meeting: February 6, 2014 5. Ad Hoc Managers Fees Committee – Last met: 04/30/13; next meeting: TBD President Navarro stated the upcoming committee meeting dates. D. CONSENT ITEMS 1. Approval of Minutes a. Minutes of the Regular Board meeting of October 3, 2013 and October 17, 2013 b. Minutes of the Special Board of October 3, 2013 2. Findings of Fact a. Robert Yanez – Tier 4 MOTION Commissioner von Voigt moved that the Board approve the consent items, which was seconded by Commissioner Aliano and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. E. CONSIDERATION OF FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS There were no items referred for consideration. F. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Elsa Moy gave a public comment. G. DISABILITY CASES Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 8 DISABILITY CLAIM – BOARD ORDERED REVIEW – TIER 5 – 1 Lisa M. Gallegos (P) Sergeant I (Retired) As recommended by staff and concurred in by the applicant, prior Board Action of October 16, 2008 granting a service-connected disability pension at 60% remains unchanged. Motion made by Commissioner Pleitez, seconded by Commissioner Aliano and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. Ms. Gallegos was not present, and neither was her attorney Michael Dale Williamson. DISABILITY CLAIM – SURVIVING SPOUSE – TIER 5 – 1 Dora Gandara (P) Surviving Spouse of Tom Gandara, III Sergeant II (Deceased) Prior Board Action of February 12, 2012 granting a nonservice-connected surviving spouse pension was readopted. Motion made by Commissioner Aliano, seconded by Commissioner Vega and adopted by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. Catherine Gandara and Detective I Thomas Gandara, Legal Affairs, Los Angeles Police Department, testified regarding Sergeant Gandara. Mrs. Gandara was present, and represented herself. H. CLOSED SESSION ITEMS FOR POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION 1. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.8 TO CONFER WITH REAL PROPERTY NEGOTIATOR; Properties: 315 S. Hewitt Street and 713 E. 3rd Street; Negotiators: David Weiner, Martin Cawley, Tom Lopez, Erika Tiedge; Negotiating parties: Sentinel Real Estate Corporation and LAFPP; Under negotiation: Instruction to negotiator will concern price The Board met in closed session. 2. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(a) TO CONFER WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION IN THE CASE ENTITLED CHARLES E. HILL V. CITY OF LOS ANGELES ET AL. (LOS ANGELES SUPERIOR COURT CASE NO. KC066247G) The Board met in closed session. Upon reconvening in open session, President Navarro stated there was no public report. Item A.2 was reconsidered. A. ITEMS FOR BOARD ACTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners February 6, 2014 Page 9 2. CONSIDERATION OF INTEREST RATE TO BE CREDITED TO ACTIVE MEMBER ACCOUNTS AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2013 AND POSSIBLE BOARD ACTION Commissioner Cade requested to reconsider the Item A2. Mr. Alan Manning instructed the Board that it has to vote for approval to reconsider the item. RESOLUTION 14080 Commissioner Cade moved that the Board reconsider Item A.2, Consideration of Interest Rate to be Credited to Active Member Accounts as of December 31, 2013, which was seconded by Commissioner Vega and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. General Manager Ciranna stated there was a miscalculation of the Average Asset Balance in the report. The actual Average Asset Balance is $14,307, 255,658 and the interest rate will drop from 1.23% to 1.22%. He asked that the Board reconsider the corrected interest rate. RESOLUTION 14081 Commissioner Cade moved that the Board, in accordance with Board Rule 5.1, direct the General Manager to credit the interest rate of 1.22% to active member accounts as of December 31, 2013, which was seconded by Commissioner Aliano and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez, Salimpour, Tapia, von Voigt, Vega, and President Navarro – 8; nays, none. The meeting adjourned at 9:29 AM. President Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF NOVEMBER 21, 2013 The Benefits Committee and members of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, November 21, 2013. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: COMMITTEE MEMBER ABSENT: OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: BENEFITS COMMITTEE SUPPORT STAFF: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Sam Diannitto Belinda Vega Robert von Voigt George Aliano, Chair Dean Hansell Wayne Moore Ruben Navarro Emanuel Pleitez Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Raymond Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney The Benefits Committee will be noted as a Special Board meeting since more than four Commissioners were present. Commissioner Vega chaired the meeting and called the meeting to order at 8:52 a.m. All of the above Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting. 1. REVISIONS TO BOARD OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REGARDING THE HEALTH AND DENTAL SUBSIDY PROGRAM AND POSSIBLE COMMITTEE ACTION Mr. Anthony Torres, Senior Management Analyst I, Medical and Dental Benefits Section stated that at the last Board meeting, the board rules pertaining to the health and dental subsidy program were Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of November 21, 2013 Page 2 discussed. He presented two sets of modifications to the Committee that were proposed by Commissioner Hansell, and proposed by the Associations. A handout distinguishing the revisions suggested by the Associations, staff, and Commissioner Hansell was passed out to the Committee. Mr. Torres reviewed the modifications. The Board and Committee members considered the proposed modifications and suggested the following additional changes to Section 8.0 of the board rules: 1) Section 8.1 J, remove the word “willfully”; 2) Section 8.1 K, remove from the last paragraph, “… to the extent the pensioner is legally entitled to such premium refund from the group plan”; 3) Section 8.3 G, modify the last sentence in the last paragraph to read: “When determining extreme financial hardship, the Board may take into consideration the pensioner’s inability to meet his or her ongoing financial obligations, including but not limited to obligations relating to housing, transportation, food, medical care or dental care. Mr. Ken Buzzell, Director, Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police Association, Inc. (LARFPA) gave a public comment. He asked for clarification as to whom this policy will apply to because there are some pensioners who are currently on a payment schedule. Mr. Torres clarified that this particular case does not involve Medicare Part B premium reimbursement, which is what this rule addresses. He suggested adding language to read, 4) “This particular language will not change any repayment agreement in effect as of the adoption of these rules.” The Committee approved the modifications as discussed. MOTION Commissioner Vega moved that the Committee direct staff to make the additional modifications to the Board Operating Policies and Procedures, Section 8.0 as discussed today and return the revised board rules Section 8.0 to the Benefits Committee, seconded by Commissioner von Voigt and approved by the following vote: Commissioners Diannitto, von Voigt, and Chair Vega – 3; nays, none. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS No additional public comments were made. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of November 21, 2013 Page 3 The meeting was adjourned at 9:19 a.m. Chair Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF DECEMBER 5, 2013 The Benefits Committee and members of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, December 5, 2013. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHER MEMBERS PRESENT: BENEFITS COMMITTEE SUPPORT STAFF: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: George Aliano, Chair Sam Diannitto (participated telephonically) Belinda Vega Robert von Voigt Ruben Navarro Gregory Lippe Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Raymond Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney The Benefits Committee will be noted as a Special Board meeting since more than four Commissioners were present. Chair Aliano called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m. All of the above Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting. 1. REVISIONS TO BOARD OPERATING POLICIES AND PROCEDURES REGARDING THE HEALTH AND DENTAL SUBSIDY PROGRAM AND POSSIBLE COMMITTEE ACTION General Manager Ciranna stated he had prior discussions with Mr. John Jacobsen, President of the Los Angeles Firemen’s Relief Association and he was in agreement with the proposed policy revisions. Mr. Anthony Torres, Senior Management Analyst II of the Medical and Dental Benefits Section, Pensions Division noted the policy revisions and specifically, clarification regarding the language on Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of December 5, 2013 Page 2 financial hardships that was discussed at the November 21, 2013 Committee meeting. Mr. Torres stated that he spoke to UFLAC representatives and they were in agreement with the policy revisions. MOTION Commissioner von Voigt moved that the Committee recommend to the Board adoption of the proposed revisions to the Board Operating Policies and Procedures, Section 8.0 – Health and Dental Subsidies and Reimbursements, seconded by Commissioner Vega and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Diannitto, von Voigt, Vega, and Chair Aliano – 4; nays, none. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no public comments. The meeting was adjourned at 8:35 a.m. Chair Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 6, 2014 The Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers Committee and members of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, February 6, 2014. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: OTHER BOARD MEMBERS: AD HOC COMMITTEE SUPPORT STAFF: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Emanuel Pleitez, Chair George Aliano Carl Cade Belinda Vega Ruben Navarro Pedram Salimpour Corinne Tapia Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney The Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Managers Committee will be noted as a Special Board meeting since more than four Commissioners were present. President Navarro called the meeting to order at 9:29 a.m. All of the committee members in attendance were present at the start of the meeting. 1. ELECTION OF CHAIR AND POSSIBLE COMMITTEE ACTION MOTION Commissioner Cade nominated Commissioner Pleitez to Chair the Ad Hoc Emerging Investment Manager Committee, seconded by Commissioner Vega and approved by Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of February 6, 2014 Page 2 the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Pleitez and Vega – 4; nays, none. Chair Pleitez chaired the remainder of the meeting. General Manager Ciranna requested that the Committee consider Item 3 prior to Item 2 to provide the Committee background information. Item 3 was taken out of order. 3. DISCUSSION OF PRIOR AD HOC EMERGING INVESTMENT MANAGERS COMMITTEE REPORTS Messrs. Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer (CIO); Rick Rogers, Investment Officer III; and Paul Palmer, Investment Officer II; were before the Committee. Mr. Rogers stated the handout distributed to the Board is a summary of the board report attachments. Mr. Rogers opened the discussion with questions from the Board. Mr. Lopez provided a history of the Emerging Manager Program, varying from target ranges to asset allocation. Mr. Alan Manning stated that under the California Constitution Proposition 209, the Board is not allowed to give preferences based on race, gender, etc. when hiring managers. Emerging managers are different from minority and women owned businesses in that they are set up based on their categories, the amount of assets they have under management, their established time in the business, and other relevant factors. Mr. Lopez stated that the third party database provided by RV Kuhns lists minority and women owned firms from all asset classes. He further discussed how the search program works to distinguish minority and woman owned firms. Mr. Jim Voytko went before the Board to address Chair Pleitez’s request to export the database to a different format such as excel. He indicated that the Board is able to use the database but was most likely unavailable to publish. President Navarro requested that the Committee discuss the status of the U.S. Equity component. Commissioner Pleitez concluded the discussion on the reliability of the database and inquired if other databases existed and what, if any, other options were available. Mr. Jim Voytko addressed Chair Pleitez’s concerns stating that the database was comprehensive and to his knowledge that there was no other existing database. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of February 6, 2014 Page 3 The Committee further discussed databases and Committee members voiced their preferences as to whether or not it is advantageous to look into other existing databases. The board report was received and filed. 2. DISCUSSION OF THE RESULTS OF THE DOMESTIC EQUITY MANAGER OF EMERGING MANAGERS SEARCH AND POSSIBLE COMMITTEE ACTION Messrs. Tom Lopez, Rick Rogers, Paul Palmer; and Jim Voytko were before the Board. Mr. Rogers provided a history of emerging managers program, and the details of the Request For Information (RFI) process. The committee report is a duplicate from the January 16, 2014 board report. Commissioner Cade suggested the Committee address 1) is emerging managers as an actively managed subset of actively managed funds an appropriate place for the Board to be investing large amounts of money in efficient asset classes and 2) can any portion of this work be performed by staff versus the fund of funds model. Commissioner Vega stated she was interested in discussing whether or not to use a mix of direct hires and fund of funds, or either model when hiring emerging managers. President Navarro provided some history of the emerging manager program and stated his concerns regarding the value of program and the policy to remove bad managers. The Board discussed fees. Mr. Lopez provided an overview of fee rates from among the small, midcap and large cap stocks and indicated that the Board has many options to consider. Mr. Lopez indicated that the Investment staff has had prior experience in handling direct hires and has managed more managers in the past. He further discussed the various options for consideration in the emerging manager portfolio. The Board discussed the possibility of interviewing the firms and the logistics of meeting with nine firms. General Manager Ciranna stated that this has been a good discussion on the topic of emerging managers. He suggested it may be appropriate to give the Ad Hoc Committee more information as requested, allow Committee members time to review the information, and then proceed to interview the firms. The Board continued their discussion on the number of managers to interview and to set specific parameters. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Board Meeting of February 6, 2014 Page 4 Chair Pleitez requested that the interviews be held at the next Ad Hoc meeting with the intent that the meeting is yet to be scheduled. Mr. Alan Manning stated that he thought that the intent of this item was to educate the Ad Hoc Committee as to what model to use for hiring emerging managers. He stated that the Board’s Governance rules are that only Committee members may vote on items at Committee meetings. Although the Ad Hoc Committee meeting is now considered a Special Board Meeting with a quorum of the Board, he suggested the Ad Hoc Committee’s recommendation go before the Board. President Navarro suggested as a future agenda item that the Board discuss the issue of committee meetings turning into Special Board meetings and the potential for board actions. General Manager Ciranna suggested that the Ad Hoc Committee recommend interviewing the nine firms to the full Board. Ms. Elsa Moy gave a public comment. Mr. Ken Buzzell, Director, Los Angeles Retired Fire & Police Association, Inc. gave a public comment. Mr. Alan Manning stated that the Ad Hoc Committee has taken the action to recommend to the full Board that interviews be held and deemed the action appropriate. MOTION Commissioner Cade moved that the Committee recommend to the Board to interview the nine firms responding to the RFI for Managers of Emerging Managers, seconded by Commissioner Aliano and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Cade, Vega, and Chair Pleitez – 4; nays, none. 4. PUBLIC COMMENTS There were no additional public comments. The meeting adjourned at 11:07 p.m. Chair Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF FEBRUARY 20, 2014 The Audit Committee and members of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the LACERS Board Room, located at the Los Angeles Times Building, 202 W. First Street, Suite 500, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, February 20, 2014. COMMITTEE MEMBERS PRESENT: COMMITTEE MEMBER ABSENT: OTHER COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: AUDIT COMMITTEE SUPPORT STAFF: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Robert von Voigt, Chair George Aliano Emanuel Pleitez Corinne Tapia Carl Cade Ruben Navarro Pedram Salimpour Erin Kenney, Departmental Audit Manager Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Theresa Stamus, Senior Assistant City Attorney Chair von Voigt called the meeting to order at 8:37 a.m. indicating a quorum was established. The Audit Committee will be noted as a Special Board meeting since more than four Commissioners were present. 1. COMMITTEE REVIEW OF STATUS UPDATE TO THE 2013 ANNUAL AUDIT PLAN AND FORECAST, AND PROPOSED 2014 ANNUAL AUDIT PLAN AND FORECAST; AND POSSIBLE COMMITTEE ACTION Ms. Erin Kenney, Departmental Internal Auditor provided an update to the 2013 Audit Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Meeting of February 20, 2014 Page 2 Plan and Forecast. She highlighted the 2013 subsidy program audits with the Los Angeles Fire Relief Association and Los Angeles Police Relief Association. She presented the proposed 2014 Audit Plan and Forecast noting the format changes and highlighted various projects. The Committee approved the report as submitted. MOTION Commissioner Aliano moved that the Audit Committee: 1. Review the status update to the 2013 Annual Audit Plan and Forecast (AAPF); and 2. Review the proposed 2014 AAPF and recommend it to the full Board for approval, seconded by Commissioner Pleitez and approved by the following vote: ayes, Commissioners Aliano, Pleitez, and Chair von Voigt – 3; nays, none. 2. PUBLIC COMMENTS Ms. Elsa Moy gave a public comment. The meeting adjourned at 8:43 a.m. Chair Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2014 The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the California Endowment, The Yosemite Room, located at 1000 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, March 6, 2014. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: Ruben Navarro, President Belinda Vega, Vice President George Aliano Carl Cade Emanuel Pleitez Pedram Salimpour Corinne Tapia Robert von Voigt COMMISSIONER ABSENT: Sam Diannitto DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Tom Lopez, Chief Investment Officer Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney Theresa Stamus, Senior Assistant City Attorney President Navarro called the Special meeting to order at 8:29 a.m. All of the above-listed Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting with the exception of Commissioner Salimpour, who arrived at 8:36 a.m. President Navarro commended staff for the tremendous job on fulfilling the Board’s educational needs by coordinating great speakers and pertinent information at this event. He encouraged Board Members to ask questions and hopes that this educational session is beneficial for everyone. Item B was taken out of order. B. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Meeting of March 6, 2014 Page 2 Ms. Elsa Moy gave a public comment. A. GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT 1. Business relating to Department operations General Manager Ciranna welcomed everyone to the Sixth Annual Offsite meeting. The session provides an opportunity to ensure the Board Members and stakeholders are educated in pension related topics. He thanked the representatives from the various Associations and City departments for their participation. He thanked the staff for their efforts in coordinating the offsite meeting. The topic on ethics will be presented at a future board meeting since Mr. Harvey Leiderman, with Reed Smith, LLP, was unable to attend the meeting today because of medical reasons. This session is a Board meeting and, as such, we ask that everyone adheres to the rules and protocols of a regular Board meeting. He asked that everyone speak into the microphones. He introduced Ms. Stephanie Clements, Chief Management Analyst, Administrative Operations Division as the facilitator of the meeting. BOARD RETREAT Introductions and Objectives Ms. Stephanie Clements, Chief Management Analyst, Administrative Operations Division facilitated the session. She thanked the California Endowment for the use of the room. She encouraged the audience to speak into the microphone when asking questions and to complete the evaluation form at the end of the session. Ms. Clements introduced the first speakers, Messrs. Todd Hughes and Gregory Garrett from Portfolio Advisors. Overview of Private Equity and LAFPP’s Current Portfolio Speakers: Messrs. Todd Hughes and Gregory Garrett, Managing Directors, Portfolio Advisors Messrs. Hughes and Garrett gave an overview of investing in private equity and answered the Board’s questions. Ms. Clements informed the audience if they wish to hear more discussion on this topic to note that in the evaluation form. She proceeded to introduce the next topic and speaker, Ms. Laurie LoFranco. Healthcare Reform Speaker: Ms. Laurie LoFranco, Assistant Vice President, Keenan & Associates Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Meeting of March 6, 2014 Page 3 Ms. LoFranco provided an overview of the Affordable Care Act (ACA), how it may impact pension plan members, and discussed the Cadillac Tax. She answered questions from Board members and the audience. Ms. LoFranco stated she will provide the Board information regarding the Cadillac Tax, as requested. The Board recessed for break at 10:20 a.m. and reconvened at 10:34 a.m. Ms. Clements introduced Mr. Anthony Torres as the panel moderator for the healthcare reform topic. Healthcare Reform Panel Moderator: Mr. Anthony Torres, Senior Management Analyst II, Medical and Dental Benefits, LAFPP; Panelists: Mr. Steve Gedestad, Executive President, Keenan & Associates; Ms. Dawna Gray, President of Bradawn, Inc.; Ms. Maryanne Keehn, Manager of the Benefits & Compensation Policy Section of the Chief Executive Office for Los Angeles County; and Ms. Lita Payne, Assistant General Manager, LACERS. Mr. Torres introduced the four panelists. He then proceeded to question the panelists regarding the impact of the Affordable Care Act on health plans and members. The panel answered the questions from the moderator and the audience. Ms. Clements introduced Mr. Paul Angelo and Ms. Connie Perez. GASB 67 & 68 Implementation Speakers: Paul Angelo, Actuary, The Segal Company and Ms. Connie Perez, Partner at Brown Armstrong. Mr. Angelo and Ms. Perez provided an overview of the Governmental Accounting Standards Board (GASB) 67 & 68 implementation requirements and how it may impact LAFPP and the City. Commissioner Cade left for the remainder of the meeting at 12:38 p.m. The Board recessed for lunch at 12:21 p.m. and reconvened at 1:02 p.m. Ms. Clements introduced Mr. Jim Voytko, Chief Operating Officer from RV Kuhns. Asset Allocation Primer Mr. Voytko provided an overview of asset allocation principles and answered the Board’s questions. Commissioner Tapia left for the remainder of the meeting at 2:08 p.m. Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Meeting of March 6, 2014 Page 4 Ms. Clements thanked Mr. Voytko for his presentation. The Board recessed for break at 2:11 p.m. and reconvened at 2:20 p.m. Commissioner von Voigt left for the remainder of the meeting at 2:16 p.m. Ms. Clements introduced the next topic and speaker, Mr. Paul Angelo. Experience Study 101 Speaker: Paul Angelo, Actuary, The Segal Company Mr. Angelo gave an overview of the upcoming actuarial Experience Study and answered the Board’s questions. General Manager Ciranna thanked Mr. Angelo and indicated that this concludes the session. There were questions regarding private equity and healthcare and he will schedule follow-up sessions. He welcomed comments to improve the offsite meeting and asked Board members to please indicate on the evaluation survey if additional information is needed in certain areas. President Navarro stated that this forum works very well. He wanted to ensure that the educational pace works with each Board member. The meeting adjourned at 3:17 p.m. President Secretary ITEM: E.1.b MINUTES OF THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS SPECIAL BOARD MEETING OF MARCH 6, 2014 The Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners of the City of Los Angeles met at the California Endowment, Sierra Room and The Yosemite Room, located at the 1000 North Alameda Street, Los Angeles 90012 on Thursday, March 6, 2014. COMMISSIONERS PRESENT: COMMISSIONERS ABSENT: DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS: CITY ATTORNEY’S OFFICE: Ruben Navarro, President Belinda Vega, Vice President George Aliano Emanuel Pleitez Corinne Tapia Robert von Voigt Carl Cade Sam Diannitto Pedram Salimpour Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager William Raggio, Executive Officer Joseph Salazar, Assistant General Manager Barbara Nobregas, Commission Executive Assistant Alan Manning, Assistant City Attorney James Napier, Deputy City Attorney President Navarro called the Special meeting to order at 7:55 a.m. All of the above-listed Commissioners were present at the start of the meeting with the exception of Commissioner Tapia, who arrived at 7:57 a.m. 1. CLOSED SESSION PURSUANT TO GOVERNMENT CODE SECTION 54956.9(b)(1) TO CONFER WITH LEGAL COUNSEL REGARDING PENDING LITIGATION REGARDING CHARLES E. HILL The Board met in closed session. 2. GENERAL PUBLIC COMMENT ON MATTERS WITHIN THE BOARD’S JURISDICTION Minutes of the Board of Fire and Police Pension Commissioners Special Meeting of March 6, 2014 Page 2 There were no public comments. Upon reconvening in open session in The Yosemite Room, President Navarro stated that the Board rejected a claim filed by Mr. Charles Hill. The meeting adjourned at 8:28 a.m. President Secretary DEPARTMENT OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSIONS 360 East Second Street, Suite 400 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 978-4545 REPORT TO THE BOARD OF FIRE AND POLICE PENSION COMMISSIONERS JUNE 5, 2014 ITEM: E.2 FROM: Raymond P. Ciranna, General Manager SUBJECT: APPROVAL OF TRAVEL AUTHORITY (SALIMPOUR) – CALAPRS, PRINCIPLES OF PENSION MANAGEMENT FOR TRUSTEES RECOMMENDATION That the Board approve Commissioner Pedram Salimpour’s request to attend the California Association of Public Retirement Systems (CALAPRS), Principles of Pension Management for Trustees on August 5 – 8, 2014 in Stanford, CA. DISCUSSION Commissioner Salimpour expressed interest in participating in the following conference: Conference: Sponsor: Dates: Location: Mode of transportation: Principles of Pension Management for Trustees California Association of Public Retirement Systems August 5 – 8, 2014 Stanford, CA Commercial airline BUDGET Sufficient funds are available in the Fiscal Year 2013-14 Travel Account. Estimated cost for Commissioner Salimpour: Registration Airfare Hotel (Inclusive of registration fee) Per Diem Incidentals (mileage, baggage fee, ground transportation & parking) TOTAL $ 2,500.00 237.00 0.00 107.00 235.00 $3,079.00 POLICY If approved by the Board, the proposed expenditures would be within the Board’s Travel and Education Policy. All information regarding the conference is contained in the attached agenda. This report was prepared by: Evange Masud, Executive Administrative Assistant Administrative Operations Division RPC:SC:EM Attachment - conference agenda Board Report Page 2 June 5, 2014 Attachment August 5-8, 2014 Stanford University Law School 559 Nathan Abbott Way Stanford, CA 94305 Registration will open in early Summer 2014 Agenda Program agenda will be posted here and distributed to member systems as soon as it becomes available. About the Course Public Pension Fund Trustees bear a heavy fiduciary burden. On a cumulative baSis, California's Constitution holds our members' 350 Trustees accountable for the stewardship of more than $450 Billion in retirement fund assets. 40 California public pension systems belong to CALAPRS. Over the past fifteen years, Trustees of our member retirement systems have participated in this unique training program presented exclusively for California public retirement system board members. This training focuses on the practical aspects of our Trustees' duties. Why attend? • To gain insight into public pension policy issues • To discuss alternative solutions to common problems • To understand the complexities involved in administering public pension plans • To appreciate the differences and similarities among California public pension plans • To network with other Trustees and pension professionals • To increase familiarity with pension terminology and concepts • To receive the ethics training required for new Trustees Who should attend? The course is for new trustees. Attendance is recommended within the first few years after assuming office. Experienced Trustees will use the program as a comprehensive refresher cou rse. This course is a prerequisite to the CALAPRS Advanced Principles of Pension Management for Trustees at UCLA. Registration Registration for this course will open in Summer 2014. Member systems will be notified when the application form is available. Registration includes lodging, meals, and materials. Each system may enroll one Trustee as a "Delegate" and designate one additional Trustee as "1st Alternate" with the remainder as "2nd Alternate". Delegates will be admitted first. If vacancies remain, 1st Alternates will be admitted in the order received, followed by 2nd Alternates. Tuition must be paid in full prior to attending the course and must be paid by check. Cash and credit will not be accepted. Tuition cost will be $2,500. Lodging Registration includes accommodations for all delegates. CALAPRS highly recommends that everyone, even those who live locally, stay in the lodging provided to ensure thorough participation in the course. CALAPRS will make reservations for all attendees at the following location: Sheraton Palo Alto Hotel 675 El Camino Real Palo Alto, CA 94301