DieMATIE - WWW0 - Stellenbosch University
DieMATIE - WWW0 - Stellenbosch University
DieMATIE nege-EN-SESTIGSTE JA ARGANG | NO 2 nuus woensdag 23 Septmeber 2009 Current affairs Akademiese drag moet nou gehuur word GM vine trials cause debate 5 3 Join us on Facebook: Die Matie Studentekoerant Twitter: DieMatie Gratis op kampus versprei Studentelewe Dag & Nag Kwytraak Vind die regte woon stelmaat New Muse album reviewed Margit sonder die stokkie lekker 7 9 14 READY FOR LIFT-OFF The SumbandilaSat satellite was launched at 18:55:07 Thursday evening at Baikonoer space station in Kazakhstan with the Sojoes II-rocket. The satellite crossed Stellenbosch at 20:50 on Thursday evening for the first time. This satellite is the second satellite manufactured in South Africa. The launching was postponed twice last week because of unsuitable weather conditions. SumbandilaSat will orbit the earth with a camera that will be able to photograph objects the size of cars. The Department of Science and Technology financed the project in collaboration with SunSpace and Stellenbosch University’s Department of Electrical and Electronic Engineering. PHOTO: SUPPLIED Leer en Onderrig wag kommentaar in PSO’s baat by moontlike roosterveranderinge ZIEGBERT CARSTENS EN ANTHEA HARTZENBERG ’n Verslag van die Taakspan vir die Bevordering van die Integrasie van PSO-studente in Leer- en Leefgemeenskappe is verlede week vir kommentaar versprei. Die taakspan is aangestel deur die universiteit se Leer en Onderrig-afdeling, onder leiding van prof Magda Fourie. Daar is besluit om die verslag so wyd moontlik vir kommentaar en verdere insette beskikbaar te stel aangesien dit die hele universiteit raak. PSO-studente verteenwoordig die grootste gedeelte van voorgraadse studente en die aanbevelings is daarop gemik om hierdie groep beter te integreer en te akkommodeer. Die Matie het verlede jaar berig oor die konsepvoorstel om die huidige uurlange etensuursessie te verleng. Vier nuwe PSO-wyke is ook gestig om die groeiende aantal PSO-studente te akkommodeer. Een bekommernis is dat die huidige klas- en toetsroosters tot op hede met die oog op ’n residensiële universiteit gefunk sioneer het. Die taakspan is in vier groepe verdeel wat die dagrooster-, PSOstudente-, sport- en ruimtebenuttings kwessies bekyk het. Daar word aanbeveel dat klasse slegs 45 minute lank sal wees en dat die midagsessie óf twee uur óf twee �� � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������������������� ������ ������ ��������������������������� ���������������������� w w w.sun.ac.za/diematie uur en vyftien minute lank sal wees. Eersgenoemde scenario sal bete ken dat klasse reeds om 07:45 begin en om 17:40 eindig, terwyl laasge noemde tot gevolg sal hê dat klasse al om 07:30 begin en ook teen 17:40 eindig. Dit word egter duidelik gestel dat die vroegste moontlike implemente ring van bogenoemde voorstelle 2011 is en dat dit vir ’n proeftydperk van twee jaar ingevoer moet word. Die tweede taakgroep, wat op die integrasie van PSO- en pendelstudente gefokus het, se aanbevelings behels dat hierdie studente se vervoerreëlings verbeter word. Die uiteindelike doel is ’n geïnte greerde vervoerstelsel wat bestaan uit pendeldienste na en van omliggende dorpe en voorstede asook die verbetering van parkeringstrukture en -maatreëls op kampus. Gebedsruimtes vir Moslems moet ook opgerig word. – vervolg op p 3 2 DieMatie 23 September 2009 News Position to bring international attention to JS Gericke library Library director named new IFLA president NEWS DESK benefit the library as well as the South African industry,” she said. M s Ellen Tise has been inaugurated as president of the International Federation of Library Associations (IFLA). Tise is senior director: Library and Information services at the JS Gericke library. She is the first South African to fill this position and will serve as president for the 2009 – 2011 term. The inauguration took place on 27 August at the closing session of the IFLA World Library and Information congress, which was held in Milan, Italy. President of IFLA is one of the highest positions for a library and information professional. Tise will continue serving as full time director at the university library while representing IFLA at international conferences and various other events. According to Tise, her term will earn the university international attention. “My exposure to best practices and international institutions will Ms Ellen Tise Photo: JOHANN SWART Tise’s presidential theme, “Libraries driving access to know ledge”, will focus specifically on user orientation, the library as a place and the role of libraries in social inclusion. “I believe that open access is a key driver to making knowledge available to a wider community. I would like to publish a book at the end of my term with case studies around access to knowledge and its impact,” Tise said. She added that there needs to be greater awareness of the role of the library and information industry in the broader information and communication arena. “Many people do not know that when you [Google] a book, the information bar that tells you that the book is available at your library [JS Gericke] is put there by library and information [workers],” she said. Tise added that the informational and communication industry is often seen as encompassing only technology. In a statement, the library said that Tise’s term as president promises to be significant in the broader African context as it will focus international attention on the library and information sector in SA and other African countries. isiXhosa News Update | Isishwankathelo sendaba USlaber uzibeke phantsi intambo jengengqonyela UDr Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert uzi beke phantsi intambo esihlalweni sakhe njengengqonyela yeDyunivesiti yaseStellenbosch, apho ebesandulu kungena khona ukususela ngo-1 August 2008. USabbert uye warhoxa nakwezinye izikhudla zenkampani ezahlukeneyo ebezibambile. USlabbert uthi uthabathe esi sigqibo ngokuzisola nokuphoxeka okukhulu kuba uyayazi ukuba ubedlala indima enkulu kwi-ofisi yengqonyela. ‘ Njengomfundi kunye nomhlohli kule dyunivesiti uthe wazuza amava aqambileyo ngakumbi’ utshilo uSlabbert. Umfundi wezeqonga uphume emagqabini kwinkqubo ye-BBC Iziko lezeqonga lithe laquluqa umdlali weqonga omtsha oza kuthi avele kwinkqubo yombon- iso bhanya-bhanya we BBC. labafazi abatshatile Kutsha nje uPieter Herman uza kuba ngomnye wabadlali beqonga kwifilimu ebizwa ngokuba yi-Laconia. IDyunivesiti ithe yanikezele ngempendulo kwileta ethe yafakwa ngumbutho oququzelela abasetyhini kwiqela laseMzantsi Afrika elifunda kwiZiko lesiNgesi mayela nokhuphiswano ‘lwabafazi abatshati. Ngokutsho kuka- Njingalwazi Magda Fourie, usekela ngqonyela, kwezemfundo, olu kuphiswano khange lugunyaziswe ngabaphathi bedyunivesiti. Nangona kunjalo ‘olu khuphiswano luvele kwiphepha labafundi (die matie) njengento engathi yamkelwe kwidyunivesiti’. ‘ Kule leta eli qela liye laqaphela ukuba ...oku akwamkelekanga... ngokuba ngathi idyunivesiti yenze into engafanelekanga ukuba yenziwe’. UPieters lo uye waya kuvavanyo emva kokuba ephume kwintengiso ebethe wayenza, kwaye baza kuqala ukushicilela le filimu ekupheleni kukaSeptember ukuya ekupheleni kukaNovember. Lo mdlali weqonga owenza unyaka wesithathu ngokwezifundo zakhe, udume kumdlalo weqonga ngokuba nguGeorge Holly kwifilimu ethi Suddenly Last Summer kwaye ebizwa uBobby kwicala lomculo weCabaret. UPieters uthi uyawuvuyela kakhulu lo mahluko ungaka phakathi kwefilimu nomdlalo weqonga, konke oku ukubona njengendlela eya empumelelweni yakhe. IDyunivesiti ithe yaphendula kwingxoxo-mpikiswano neqela • Translation by: Ms Mntuyedwa Vuyokazi (Vuyo), Masters in Second Language Teaching and Learning, Department of African Languages, Arts Faculty, Stellenbosch University, 14944499@sun.ac.za STELLENBOSCH AUTO CLINIC ONS ONDERNEEM: • • • • • • Diens en herstelwerk van alle voertuie (petrol en diesel) Auto elektroniese werk Auto elektriese werk Installeer en herstel van alarms Lugversorging Radios Kontak Nic of Gerald Tel: 021 883 3661 / E-pos: sac@telkomsa.net Slabbert steps down NEWS DESK Dr Frederik Van Zyl Slabbert has withdrawn from his position as chancellor of Stellenbosch University (SU). Slabbert occupied the post from 1 August 2008. The university press release states that Slabbert will also scale down his role in and involvement as consultant to a diverse range of companies and organisations. Slabbert said he made the decision with “regret and disappointment” as he attached special value to the office of chancellor. “As a student and lecturer at the university I acquired some of my richest experiences here. In the short period that I was chancellor, I was impressed with the current leadership of the university, particularly with their focus on the future,” Slabbert said. Slabbert recently told Die Burger that he will however continue to serve on the university council. Prof Russel Botman, rector and vice-chancellor, said the university council understands that Slabbert wishes to scale down his activities to spend more time with his family. Botman added that SU would acknowledge Slabbert in distinguished fashion by way of a special event held in his honour in October. The chancellor confers all degrees in the name of the University. If the position is vacant, degrees are conferred by the rector, the chairperson of the council or one of the vice-rectors. Slabbert has a long and celebrated association with SU. He obtained the degrees BA, BAHons, Master of Arts and DPhil from the university. While at Stellenbosch he served as first resident warden of Majuba and later as warden of Simonsberg. He also held a number of teaching posts at the university. Mathews Phosa stel hersiene Afrikaanse digbundel bekend NUUSREDAKSIE Die tweede weergawe van die Afrikaanse digbundel, Deur die oog van ’n naald, is verlede week bekendgestel. Die bundel is gepen deur politikus en digter Mathews Phosa, tans tesourier-generaal van die ANC. Die bekendstelling het op 14 September by Overture-restau rant op Stellenbosch plaas gevind. Phosa, wat agt tale magtig is, is in Afrikaans opgevoed en sê dat hy in sy moeilikste dae in Afrikaans gedig het “en [sy] diepste pyn daarin verwoord het.” Die hersiene uitgawe bevat 15 nuwe gedigte. Die eeste weergawe is in 1996 gedruk. “Die bundel is my manier om uit ’n Afrika ooglig op die samelewing te probeer skyn.” Jakes Gerwel, voorsitter: Media24, het die gaste toegespreek en gesê dat Phosa ’n persoon is wat met alle Suid-Afrikaners kan identifiseer. “Sy verbintenis tydens apartheid was ook sy verbindtenis tot opbou en versoening. Hy was altyd gedrewe vir geregtigheid en regverdigheid.” Phosa het saam met president Jacob Zuma gewerk terwyl albei bannelinge was gedurende apartheid. Deur die oog van ’n naald is nou beskikbaar. Tekstielstudente sprei vlerke ZIEGBERT CARSTENS STUDENTE aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het onlangs die universiteit se naam hoog gehou deur twee studietoere na onderskeidelik Tsjeggië en Durban af te lê. Haydn Kriel, Thuto Mashego, Abraham Willemse en Nicola Meyer, wat elk besig is met hul BSc-program in Tekstiel- en Polimeerwetenskap, was deel van ’n groep Suid-Afrikaanse studente wat vir ses weke ’n kursus in gevorderde tekstiele bygewoon het. Die kursus is aangebied deur die Universiteit van Liberec, een van die wêreldleiers op die gebied van tekstielwetenskappe, in Tsjeggië. Volgens Adine Gericke, koördineerder: BSc Tekstiel- en Polimeerwetenskapprogram, was die doel van die toer om by te dra tot “die be vordering van die totale getal tekstielwetenskaplikes en -tegnoloë in Suid- Afrika”. Mashego het hul ervaring van die toer as “’n onvergeetlike ervaring” beskryf terwyl Willemse gemeld het dat “dit altyd [lekker is] om nuwe dinge te sien en nuwe kulture te ervaar”. ’n Tweede groep studente het ’n weeklange besoek aan Durban onderneem om onder meer by Gelvenor Textiles blootstelling te kry aan die praktiese vervaardigingsprosesse wat vir hul kursus van belang is. Die groep studente is Kyle Brill, Wesley Gafoor, Ronel Muller Corli Joubert, Ronwin Juries, Frede-Jean Meltz en Liesl Olivier. Die US is die enigste universiteit in Suid-Afrika wat ’n graadkursus in Tekstiel- en Polimeerwetenskap aanbied en het vanjaar altesaam R325 000 in beurse, onder meer van die Wetenskaplike en Nywerheidsnavorsingsraad en die Departement Handel en Nywerheid, ontvang. Errata Quality Assured Accreditation in the previous edition of Die Matie (26/08) the article “RAG raises record amount for community service” incorrectly stated that RAG stands for “Reach Out and Give”. It actually stands for “Remember And Give”. In the same edition, the cartoon implied that MCS raised a record amount in 2009. The money is in fact raised by the RAG office for MCS. In the article “New SRC elec ted after increased voter turnout” Keeve de Villiers and Neil de Kock’s photos were switched. In “Cabaret nou meer aanloklik as tevore”, Minkie-Anne Ludik was incorrectly called MinieAnne Ludik. In “Trouvrou elicits further reaction” prof Meg Samuelson’s title was incorrectly given as doctor. Nuus 23 September 2009 DieMatie NuusINKORT NewsINbrief Social cohesion addressed Stellenbosch University (SU) partnered with the Stellenbosch Municipality to host a morning conference on Social Cohesion. The conference took place on 17 September. The conference served as a platform where people came together to discuss the challenges facing the town. Speakers included dr Mam- phela Ramphele, well-known academic and business woman. The language debate was one of the issues that Ramphele addressed in her speech. She said that underdeveloped policies gave rise to the domination of English in society. The conference was concluded with a panel discussion where several community leaders shared their views. – Newsdesk Drama student lands BBC role COMING ALONG NICELY As part of Stellenbosch University and Stellenbosch Municipality’s 2010 awareness campaign, 60 SU students and staff members as well as Stellenbosch Municipality staff visited Greenpoint Stadium on Thursday 17 September, as well as on Tuesday 22 September. Photo: Annelize Kloppers Afname in voorrade lei tot huursisteem Togas, bande nou te huur NUUSREDAKSIE G raad-, diploma- en sertifikaatkandidate sal vanaf hierdie jaar Desember hul akademiese drag vir gradeplegtighede moet huur. Die universiteit het die verskaffing van akademiese drag vir gebruik deur studente tydens eedafleggingsfunk sies en grade-, diploma- en sertifikaatplegtighede aan ’n privaatverskaffer, naamlik Dippenaar en Reinecke (Edms)(Bpk), uitgekontrakteer. Die huurtarief vir ’n toga en graad- /diploma-/sertifikaatband sal R100 plus R100 deposito beloop. Die R100 deposito is terugbe taalbaar by terughandiging van die gehuurde akademiese drag. Volgens Neels Fourie, adjunk-regi strateur, is die nuwe stelsel geïmplementeer nadat die universiteit se voorraad akademiese drag aan die begin van die jaar op 800 gestaan het, teenoor die 1 250 van vyf jaar gelede. “’n Aantal van die oorblywende togas is nie meer in ’n goeie toestand nie,” het Fourie gesê. Die verhuring van alle akademiese drag sal vanuit Die Stal by die Jannie Marais-huis op Coetzenburg gedoen word, behalwe vir voorgraadse kandidate van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe, wat hul akademiese drag op die Tygerbergkampus moet huur. Nagraadse kandidate van die Fakulteit Gesondheidswetenskappe sal ook hul akademiese drag op die Tygerbergkampus kan huur. Die US is nou, saam met onder meer die universiteite van die Vrystaat en Wes-Kaap en Rhodes Universiteit, een van vele universiteite wat aka demiese drag aan studente uithuur. Trouvrou ‘aimed to empower students’ ANTHEA HARTZENBERG The university has issued a response to the letter submitted by the Feminism from Southern Africa reading group in the English Department regarding the “Trouvrou” competition. According to prof Magda Fourie, vice-rector: Teaching, the competition was not sanctioned by university management. She conceded however that “the advertising of the competition on the mymaties portal may have created the impression that it was an official university activity.” “The residences concerned used their own funds for the competition; therefore no university resources were used to sponsor the competition,” Fourie said. In the letter, the reading group noted that it “is extremely objectionable […] that university resources have been used to facilitate the organization [and] advertising of such an Onderstaande grafiek dui aan waar die meeste US-studente woon – vervolg van p 1 ’n Verdere oorweging by al die bogenoemde veranderinge, is die impak daarvan op die universiteit se sportskedule. Volgens die verslag sal dié punt nog met sportbestuurders bespreek word om die mees geskikte reëling vir afrigters en studente te beding. Die laaste verandering wat ondersoek is, is die benutting en effektiwiteit van die US se be staande ruimtes. Aanbevelings word gemaak dat onbenutte ruimtes in veral aka demiese geboue ingerig word sodat PSO- en pendelstudente hier sosiaal kan verkeer en groepwerk kan doen. Die verslag meld verder dat hier die studente “in koshuise kan eet en dat dubbele eetsessies dringend oorweeg [moet] word”. Die studiesentrum kan ook ’n naamsverandering ondergaan na die PSO-studiesentrum en dit sal event.” A report has also been compiled by Pieter Kloppers, director: Student Housing, and two of the residences involved. According to the report, the competition takes place annually to strengthen the ties between the residences and that this year they decided to put a name to the competition. Furthermore, it was called “Trou vrou” as a tongue-in-cheek reference to mock the idea and to prove that that sort of thinking is outdated. dan byna eksklusief deur PSO- en pendelstudente gebruik kan word. Fourie sê dat baie van die aanbe velings in die verslag onproblematies is en dat daar voortgegaan word om met die toepaslike omgewings oor die implementering van die aanbevelings te onderhandel. Inligting wat oor ’n geruime tyd perk ingesamel is dui aan dat daar spesiale aandag geskenk en voorsorg getref moet word vir PSO- en pendelstudente indien hul belewenis van die universiteit, en uiteindelike akademiese prestasies, enigsins vergelykbaar kan wees met dié van koshuisstudente. Die verslag noem dat indien die aanbevelings geïmplementeer word, dit vir die US tot groot voordeel kan wees omdat dit die grootste groep voorgraadse studente se ervaring en belewing van die universiteit positief kan beïnvloed. Die volledige verslag kan op www.sun.ac.za/onderrig verkry word en voorstelle word tot 31 Oktober 2009 ingewag. The Drama Department at Stellenbosch University has produced the latest actor to feature in a BBC film production. Herman Pieters recently landed a supporting role in a two-part small screen film titled Laconia. Pieters attended an audition after being spotted in an advert and will start shooting from the end of September to the end of November. Pieters, now in his third year of studies, is better known for his roles on stage as George Holly in Suddenly Last Summer and Bobby in the hit Cabaret. Pieters acknowledged the vast difference between film and stage and describes the role as a stepping stone in his career. Laconia is believed to be one of the most expensive European productions this year and will be screened in both German and English, with subtitles. Shooting will take place in Cape Town and surrounding areas, including the Waterfront and Simonstown. The film will be released in Britain, followed by Germany, and will reach SA by the end of next year. – Livhu Ramugondo Students go on science roadtrip Five students from the Laser Research Institute (LRI) in the Department of Physics undertook a science education roadtrip during the September holidays. Nicolas Erasmus, Gunther Kassier, Zephania Birech, Gurthwin Bosman and Alexander Heidt organised the project as part of the Stellenbosch charter of the Optical Society of America (OSA). The project worked at promo ting physics and optics at several schools along the Garden Route. The students received funding for the trip from the OSA. They presented an informative science show entitled “Colourful Optics” to more than 250 grade 10 and 11 pupils using hands-on ex- periments and demonstrations. Different lasers and liquid crystals were used to illustrate how modern optics is used in everyday devices such as TVs, cellphones and laptops. One of the highlights of the show was the transmission of music across the classroom with a laser beam. This was done to demonstrate the principle of modern telecommunication and broadband internet through fiber optic networks. The presentation included information regarding study possibilities at LRI and the university’s Department of Physics as well as job opportunities for physicists. – Ziegbert Carstens 3 4 DieMatie 23 September 2009 current affairs SSVO bied gratis dienste aan studente met sielkundige krisisse Depressie baie algemeen ANIKA MARAIS I n 2008 het 202 studente aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) die Sentrum vir Studentevoorligting en -ontwikkeling (SSVO) se 24-uurkrisisdiens geskakel. Verder is 4 731 individuele terapiesessies aan 824 studente gebied. “Depressie is ’n groot probleem in die samelewing en daarom ook op kampus. Dit is te verwagte dat selfmoordpogings ook onder studente sal voorkom,” meen dr Le Roux van der Westhuizen, senior kliniese sielkundige en hoof: Afdeling Terapie en Persoonlike Ontwikkeling. Mnr Fritz Hörstmann, ’n mediese student aan die US en inwoner van Hippokrates-koshuis, het onlangs sy eie lewe geneem. Van der Westhuizen meen dat baie studente van mening is dat hulle nooit professionele hulp sal benodig nie. “Daar is ’n goeie kans dat die meeste van ons op een of ander stadium in ons lewens ’n ernstige depressiewe episode sal ervaar. In gevalle van ernstige depressie-simptome kan studente ook dink dat die lewe nie die moeite werd is nie.” Indien studente depressief voel en selfmoordneigings ervaar, bied die SSVO verskeie dienste aan voltyds ingeskrewe studente aan die US. Shoprite/Checkers borg ’n 24-uur-krisisdiens wat deur opgeleide personeel behartig word. Die SSVO se webtuiste beskryf sielkundige krisisse as byvoorbeeld die dood van ’n familielid, selfmoordneigings, ongelukke, verkragting, seksuele teistering, depressie, egskeiding, stresvolle situasies of erge verhoudingsprobleme. Gratis individuele terapie en voorligting word ook aan studente verskaf deur professionele sielkundiges, wat die vertroulikheid van gesprekke verseker. Volgens Van der Westhuizen het 20% van alle studente wat in 2008 om sielkundige hulp gevra het, depressie as die rede vir hul besoek aangemeld. Dieselfde terapeutiese dienste word op Tygerberg-kampus aan studente gebied. Dié dienste word op kampus geadverteer en verskyn in die VerwelkomingsMatie en die jaarlikse Matie-dagboek. “Daar is ook vanjaar 5 000 parkeerskyfie-diskette met die krisisdiens se nommer op kampus versprei,” sê Van der Westhuizen. Van der Westhuizen meen die sleutel tot die bekamping van depressie en selfmoordneigings op kampus lê in kommunikasie. “Dit is jammer dat so baie mense al probleme met depressie gehad het, maar dat ons steeds onwillig is om met mekaar te praat. Hoe meer ons hierdie probleem in die oopte bring, hoe meer effektief kan ons dit hanteer. “Moenie jou vriend vermy nie,” beklemtoon Van der Westhuizen. “Sorg dat julle dinge saam doen, al is die persoon aanvanklik nie daarvoor lus nie. Moedig die persoon ook aan om te praat oor dit wat pla.” Tog meen hy dat as die simptome voortduur, dit wys is om professionele hulp te soek. Die krisisdiens se nommer is 082 557 0880 op Stellenbosch-kampus en 082 557 0881 op die Tygerberg en Bellvillekampusse. ’n Afspraak vir persoonlike terapie kan by die SSVO se kantoor in Victoriastraat 37 gemaak word of skakel 021 808 4707. Grafika: RUANN COLE Students shine because SUN gives them light crossing borders Farirai Tamirepi STELLENBOSCH University (SU) is the SUN where cultures not only meet, but where their uniqueness is celebrated and differences are embraced. As I was applying to come and study here, seeing that I come from neighbouring Zimbabwe, I was highly impressed by the efficiency and promptness with which the university communicated with me. From that, I got the sense of order, sensitivity and commitment to international student affairs. Although I also came with an uneasy feeling of being in an environment which is predominantly white, my perceptions about people in the university have greatly changed. What I appreciated most was the sensitivity, humanity and humility I experienced from the staff of the Faculty of Theology. The safe space created for me and the encouragement I got made it easy for me to shine as a Matie. What really inspires me about SU is the student support systems which I have found to be tailormade for the different needs of the students: from counselling to academic support to writing support at the Writing Laboratory. At the Writing Laboratory, where I am a part-time consultant, I have learned tremendously by meeting people from different countries like Germany and Korea. It is unfortunate that most students at the university are not aware of the support they can get from these centres. I think there is a need for international students to be more involved in campus life to create a sense of belonging. For example, I decided to visit the Office for Institutional HIV Coordination to get acquianted with their HIV programme for the university. I ended up assisting as one of the counsellors during the March 2009 HIV Grow Up and Get Tested campaign. As I work with people from different cultures and backgrounds, I experience a sense of worthiness. My greatest challenge has been finances. Although I try to stick to a very tight budget, generally life around Stellenbosch is expensive. I came totally unprepared for that and the adjustment has not been easy. The part-time jobs are a relief but it still is a struggle. This will not discourage me, because my eyes are fixed on a goal. I think there is a need for the university somehow to assist their students financially. Not only by offering them funding, but by creating employment opportunities for them within the university or through liaising with companies or organisations outside the university. However, SU is giving me a new lease on life and hopefully at the end of the year (if I pay off my account), I will have my first graduation with a Cum Laude and with many thanks to all who have supported me on my first journey at SU. I will take with me rich wisdom on how to remain human, as well as an understanding of people no matter what their colour or creed. Besides, there is no colour to a human soul. – Tamirepi is a postgraduate student in theology and is from Zimbabwe. Die menings in hierdie rubriek is nie noodwendig dié van die koerant, die redakteur of enige lid van die redaksie nie. | The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editor, or any member of its staf f. MCS bags award for literacy program DIRK SNYMAN MATIES Community Service (MCS) has proven its merit as a provider of quality projects. This year MCS’s adult literacy programme, ABET, won the national Department of Education’s competition for literacy centres by being crowned as the Best Literacy Programme in the Western Cape and in South Africa. Mr Willie Booysen was also awarded second place in the 2009 Best Learner competition. Lydia Burger, MCS Co-ordinator, believes that the achievement stems from MCS’s willingness to go the proverbial extra mile in the course of the programme. The provision of a bus service to learners on outlying farms demonstrates the team’s dedication to making ABET, Adult Basic Education and Training, as accessible as possible. ABET offers four levels of education. The entry level programme caters for participants who are effectively illiterate. Progressing through to the final level will equip learners with literacy skills equal to those of grade nine pupils. In order to ensure a proper standard of education, the exami nations are evaluated externally. The almost 200 learners who are accommodated annually learn much more than just reading and writing. The curriculum is based on practical examples that contribute to participants’ life skills. Subjects discussed in class cover a spectrum of issues, from how to operate an ATM right up to the understanding of human rights. Burger sees this course not only as a means of skills development, but rather as a stepping stone to a more fulfilled life. Along with ABET, MCS has four other programmes that run annually. The Khanyisa Learning Project (KLP) provides Saturday classes and a Winter School at various high schools. Two entrepreneurial programmes, one focusing on adults and one on the youth, are also presented in various communities in the Western Cape. Participants are taught basic business and financial management skills in order to assist them with starting and running their own businesses. The One Stop Shop is a service offered by MCS in partnership with Stellenbosch University’s (SU) Student Representative Council (SRC) and RAG. It offers guidance and resources to students who wish to become involved in community service initiatives. Any group of students can approach the One Stop Shop with a proposal. MCS will then help them to develop and manage the projects effectively. In this way, a number of residences and other student organisations have become actively involved in various communities. The fifth MCS programme is the Primary Health Care Service offered in conjunction with students from Tygerberg campus. This is where MCS started 45 years ago, when a group of medical students began offer ing voluntary medical services to surrounding communities. During 2008, over 2 000 patients were attended to in rural areas. In 2008, MCS was awarded flagship status by the SU Senate’s Community Interaction Committee. The Department of Social Services has identified MCS as a Best Practice Site, while it has also won awards from the Western Cape Department of Education and the Western Cape Adult Learner Forum. This was capped with this year’s Department of Education award. According to Burger “[MCS] is about real people who change one person at a time”. She encourages students to become actively involved through the One Stop Shop or as a volunteer in one of the programmes. DID YOU KNOW? Maties Community Service Maties Community Service (MCS) is the SU’s premier community service provider. It facilitates the involvement of students in community outreach projects. Remember and Give Remember and Give (RAG) is a fundraising initiative. While Vensters, Vlotte and Akkerjol form an integral part of the social calendar, the underlying aim is to gather donations used to support MCS. All of RAG’s profit goes to MCS. Aktueel 23 September 2009 DieMatie 5 ‘Moenie net wegdraai van gestremde studente’ Ander probleme wat studente met gestremdhede op kampus ondervind is dat sommige universiteitsgeboue “IS JY werklik gestremd?” Só lui die nie voorsiening vir gestremdes maak pamflette wat vanaf 1 tot 4 Septem- nie. “Van die universiteitsgeboue het ber tydens die Gestremdheid-Bewus- nie hysers nie en spesiale reëlings makingsveldtog op kampus versprei moet getref word vir klasse om na is. Hierdie veldtog is deur die Kan- die grondvloer te verskuif. Die KSSL toor vir Studente met Spesiale Leer- gesels voortdurend met die US se behoeftes (KSSL) geloods. Afdeling: Fasiliteitsbestuur oor beter “Ons wil die kampusklimaat toeganklikheid op kampus vir ge bevorder sodat mense ’n positiewe stremde studente, werknemers of begesindheid het teenoor persone met soekers,” sê Lyner Cleophas. gestremdhede het,” verduidelik MarTen spyte van spesifieke probleme, cia Lyner-Cleophas, senior opvoed- meen Lyner-Cleophas dat studente kundige sielkundige oor die algemeen baie en hoof: Kantoor vir bedagsaam is teenoor Studente is nie Studente met Spesiale gestremde studente. “Ek Leerbehoeftes. volkome bewus van vermoed daar is baie wat wil help, Aan die Universiteit wat gestremdheid studente Stellenbosch (US) is maar nie seker is wat die behels nie daar 215 studente wat beste is om te doen nie.” Daarteenoor meen gestremdhede op hul Monika Lakemeier, aansoekvorms aange dui het. “Ons wil almal bewus maak onder-voorsitter van Dis-Maties, dat van gestremde studente se behoeftes studente nie volkome bewus is van deur kontak met gestremde persone te wat gestremdheid alles behels nie. bevorder,” meen Lyner-Cleophas. “As dit hulle nie persoonlik raak nie, Daarom loods die KSSL jaarliks sal hulle gewoonlik minder belanghierdie veldtog. Die bewusmakings stelling toon,” voeg Lakemeier by. week het vanjaar ’n lesing deur mnr Dis-Maties is ’n studentever Fanie du Toit en verskeie aktiwiteite eniging vir studente met gestremdby die Wilcocks-gebou ingesluit. hede, wat die KSSL ondersteun het Pamflette is ook spesifiek ont- tydens die Gestremdheid-Bewuswerp om op motors se vensters ge makingsveldtog. plaas te word, indien motors sonder Volgens Lakemeier is die beste ’n gestremdheidskyfie van gestremde manier om hulp aan gestremde stuparkering gebruik maak. “Gestremde dente te verleen deur belangstelling te persone met motors het by tye pro toon. “Die belangrikste is om nie net bleme as nie-gestremde persone weg te draai, slegs omdat ’n mens nie van gestremdheidsfasiliteite gebruik weet hoe om situasies met gestremde maak,” voeg Lyner-Cleophas by. studente te hanteer nie.” ANIKA MARAIS HURT IT THROUGH THE GRAPEVINE? Genetically modified vines grown in greenhouse conditions will soon be planted at the Welgevallen experimental farm. Photo: JOHANN SWART Wine industry at odds about planned open field GM trials Modified vines cause stir JO WESSELS A recent government decision allowing Stellenbosch University (SU) to conduct field trials of genetically modified (GM) grapevines has the wine industry in ferment. In 2006, the Institute of Wine Biotechnology (IWB) at the Department of Viticulture and Oeno logy applied for permission to plant the vines – currently growing in greenhouse conditions – in a 930m² plot on the Welgevallen experimental farm. Greenhouses are unable to mimic seasonal conditions required for the fruition of the project. According to prof Melané Vivier, project leader, the research focuses on the better understanding of physiological vine functions by modifying certain genetic aspects, in this case pathogen resistance. The outcomes could lead to a decrease in the use of pesticides for more cost-effective and sustainable farming. The research is funded by various bodies within the wine and table grape industries. Vivier stresses, however, that the project is “purely scientific with no plans for commercial implementation”. Current legislation prohibits the commercial use of GMOs in viticulture and oenology. The research has sparked resis- tance from various environmentalist groups such as SafeAge, Earthlife Africa and the African Centre for Biodiversity (ACB), which highlight the general ethical dilemmas surrounding genetically modified organisms (GMOs) as well as the possible contamination risk of open field GM trails to the environment. Haidee Swanby, spokesperson for the ACB, questions the goals of the research and states “the science [of GM] is not very vigorous” and that the long-term effects on the ecosystem are uncertain. The ACB has lodged an appeal against the implementation of the programme. Questioned about contamination risks, Vivier maintains that the project complies with the strictest regulations set by local GMO authorities and the guidelines of the International Organisation of Vine and Wine (OIV). The experiment will be contained by measures such as the bagging of flowers to minimise pollen dispersal, nets to bar bird entry and all-round security fencing (with the possibility of electric fencing). Emile Joubert, renowned wine journalist, feels the research is unnecessary on the grounds that the wine industry is not a core agricultural sector requiring GM intervention. In addition he believes the project is a danger to the reputation of South African wine. He states that the country’s bio- Study skills / Studiemetodes Return Shuttle Services from Somerset Mall to *Stellenbosch *CTI Airport, *S/West *Strand *G/Bay. 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Joubert feels that the international community could frown upon SA’s GM research – especially the European Union (EU), which prohibits the importation of GM products. In 2007, more than 70% of SA’s wine exports were destined for the EU. The representative body of SA wine, Wines of South Africa (WOSA), has backed the research programme. Su Birch, CEO of WOSA, stresses the importance of SA’s remaining competitive in the sphere of wine research. Birch says that South Africa is not unique in the conducting of open field GM trials: France, Germany and Italy have already conducted similar research. The Cape Winemaker’s Guild (CWG), an association of SA winemakers, also issued a statement in 2006 supporting GM research, but condoning the commercial implementation thereof. However, Petra Mayer, WOSA representative in Germany, warns: “The public don’t react as differential. [European consumers] are very sensitive to this issue [GM foodstuffs] and react with boycotts.” A protest march against the field trials was planned to take place in Stellenbosch on 11 September, but was called off at the last moment. Foto Studio Lockley Since 1873 Al u foto’s word in ons eie Professional and ateljee Licensed Photographer lugverkoelde geneem ( nie in ‘n gehuurde saal nie) en alle negatiewe word op rekord gehou vir nabestellings. Alle togas en bande altyd beskikbaar • Kwaliteit Studente Sport en fotos, betroubare, & Rugby groepe persoonlike diens Cor Langenberg • Grade en GRADEPLEGTIGHEID FOTO’S Koshuisgroepfoto’s •Nog Paspoort en Visa foto’s altyd die eerste en enigste professionele fotografiese studio&op vir alle lande. Lisensie Stellenbosch en die Boland ID foto’s terwyl u wag. 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If youyou do are not not speak to one to of CHRIS us, Thomas, Chris, Sibbald or Chrismari, then speaking LE ROUX MOTORS! or Chrismari, then you are not speaking to CHRIS LE ROUX MOTORS! Tel: 021 883 3724 Tel: 021 883 3724 Fax:021 021883 8873724 9114 Tel: Tel: 021 883 3724 Fax: 021 887 9114 Cell:021 072887 5309114 6816 Fax: Fax: 072 021 530 887 6816 9114 Cell: Cell: 072 530 6816 Cell: 072 530 6816 234 BIRDSTRAAT STELLENBOSCH 234 BIRDSTRAAT STELLENBOSCH 234 234 BIRDSTRAAT BIRDSTRAAT STELLENBOSCH STELLENBOSCH 6 DieMatie 23 September 2009 Current affairs Ooreenkoms met Libertas-Koor verstryk US Koor nou nuwe uitvoerproduk slegs ’n studentevereniging is nie, maar ook sterk in Stellenbosch se geskiedenis gewortel is. Prof Julian anaf 2010 sal die Universi Smith, viserektor: Gemeenskaps teitskoor (US Koor) onder die interaksie en Personeel, sal die kul Afdeling: Kommunikasie en turele entiteite bestuur. Skakeling resorteer. Die US Koor sal Prof Nick Terblanche van die ook voortaan as uitvoerproduk van Fakulteit Ekonomiese en Bestuurs die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) by wetenskappe is verantwoordelik om onder meer korporatiewe funksies ge ’n besigheidsplan vir die koor te ont bruik word. wikkel. Volgens Susan van der Merwe Die US Koor se nuwe rol sal vanaf sal daar spesifiek gefokus word op die die einde van 2009 realiseer, wan volhoubaarheid en strategiese vooruit neer die US se ooreenkoms met die gang van die koor. Daarom moet die Libertas-Koor tot ’n einde kom. Susan reglement van die koor verander word van der Merwe, hoof: Bemarking en om by die bestuurstruktuur aan te pas, Kommunikasie, beklemtoon dat die wat op effektiwiteit en volhoubaarheid US hul verhouding met die Libertas- moet fokus. Koor wil behou, maar In 2000 is die dat dié koor nie meer ontbinding van die ... die US [wil] hul befondsing van die US Koor voorgestel, verhouding met die US sal ontvang nie. maar van die hand André van der gewys en besluitne Libertas-Koor behou Merwe, sedert 2003 ming oor die koor dirigent van die US is in die US Raad Koor, is opgewonde oor die koor se gesetel. Vanaf 2009 word besluitne groter rol as uitvoerproduk van die ming oor die US Koor aan die Afdel US. Susan van der Merwe noem ook ing: Kommunikasie en Skakeling dat die koor meer ondersteuning van toegewys. die US hoofbestuur kan verwag. Oudisies vir die US Koor vir 2010 In die verlede het die US finan het reeds begin en sal tot en met 30 sieel voorsiening gemaak vir slegs die September geskied. In Julie 2010 salarisse van die koor se dirigent en gaan die US Koor deelneem aan bestuur. die Wêreldkoorspele in Shaoxing in Die US se koorbefondsing het se China. Die US Koor is in 2008 by die dert 2003 geleidelik gegroei vanaf selfde kompetisie as wêreldkampioene R20 000 tot R150 000 in 2008. As in die kategorie Gewyde Musiek ge deel van die Afdeling: Kommunikasie kroon. en Skakeling sal die koor aansoek Komende optredes sluit die gala doen vir finansiële ondersteuning van geleentheid op 7 Oktober, die Choral die US, wat as deel van die jaarlikse Spectacular tesame met twee ander universiteitskore op 17 Oktober en ’n begroting voorgelê sal word. Die US Koor, tesame met die kerskonsert saam met die Suid-Afri Sasol-Kunsmuseum en die Botaniese kaanse Jeugkoor op 18 Oktober in. Tuine, word nou as kulturele entiteite Vir inligting skakel 021 808 2381 of gedefinieer, siende dat die koor nie e-pos s_koor@sun.ac.za. ELNARI POTGIETER V 150 JAAR SE TEOLOGIESE OPLEIDING GEVIER Die Fakulteit Teologie aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch (US) het vanaf 31 Augustus tot 4 September sy 150ste bestaansjaar gevier. Die feesprogram het onder meer die toekenning van eregrade aan vyf teoloë ingesluit. Foto: JOHANN SWART ¿Puedes hablar español? – Spanish lessons on offer at SU LIZE SWARTZ Stellenbosch University (SU) is offering several language classes for the duration of the semester. In addition to Afrikaans, several other language classes for beginners are presented, including Spanish, French, German and Mandarin. These classes are open to both international and local students and aim to help students achieve a basic understanding of the language in question. Leonardo Erazo, an international student from Chile, has been teach ing Spanish classes since the begin ning of 2009. Several other interna tional students are also teaching their home languages. These students are paid by the university per semester. A minimum of five students in a lan guage class is required for the class to be presented at the university. Erazo’s Spanish classes are di vided into three sections. There are classes for beginners, classes for intermediate study and informal classes. With 329 million Spanish speak ers globally, it is not surprising that students have shown an interest in the language. Most students taking Spanish want to travel to countries where Spanish is spoken, like Spain, Argentina, Chile, Peru and Mexico. Erazo says that “if you know Span ish, it really creates a lot of travel ling opportunities”. In addition, he says, people in Spanish-speaking countries mostly do not speak English and it is there fore beneficial to be able to commu nicate in Spanish. Erazo says that students “need to know the language to be able to study in Spanish countries” and that studying Spanish “opens possibili ties to big things”. Opportunities can include exchange programmes and internships. Language, vocabulary, grammar and dialogue form “little bricks you can build up afterwards” and those attending classes rigidly should be able to communicate in a basic way by the end of the course, says Erazo. As for the level of difficulty, Era zo says that those who are willing to work hard, who attend all classes and are interested in learning the language will not find it difficult. “If they want to learn, they will.” He adds that Afrikaans speaking South Africans pronounce Spanish sounds very well, seeing that the Need help with proofreading and editing your thesis? Look no further! Delicatessen/Delikatesse Kelners benodig - Waitrons needed Werk Dinsdag tot Sondag / Work Tuesday to Sunday Affordable, Quality Screen-Printed & Embroidered Promotional Clothing Contact us for a quote! Ure: 8 tot 5 / Hours: 8 to 5 RAG SHIRTS Deeltyds of Voltyds / Part time or Full time JOOL HEMDE BEST PRICES GUARANTEED Vir enige navrae kontak Annemarie/ For any information contact Annemarie Tel 082 568 3008 Email annemarie@tokara.com info@monkeybizniz.co.za www.monkeybizniz.co.za Lisa 079 517 0771 André 083 630 3874 Contact Alison at sticklersinc@gmail.com for the solution to your editing woes: •spelling •grammar •punctuation •layout •sentence construction and so forth. Alison is able to assist with any subject but specialises in life sciences, environmentalaffairs, hospitality and tourism, and Biblical studies. sounds are similar to Afrikaans. Knowledge of French, Italian or Por tuguese is also beneficial, because of the fact that the grammar of the languages is similar. About half an hour of each Span ish class is spent on grammar, but great emphasis is also placed on conversation in Spanish. Beginners learn about tourist information such as directions and basic questions concerning accommodation, trans port and costs. Poems, songs and listening comprehensions also form part of the classes. Contact Leonardo Erazo at 074 345 1451 or at leonardo@sun.ac.za. Vang jy graad? Soek jy akkommodasie vir jou ouers? - Dubbel en suite slaapkamer met groot leef area -oopplan kombuis in die Boord - Swembad en Braai Skakel: 083 269 3325 Studentelewe 23 September 2009 DieMatie 7 Hoe om die regte woonstelmaat te kies Vriend of vyand? Elona Nel G rootword is deel van die lewe – ons almal doen dit daagliks, al besef ons dit nie altyd nie. Vir ’n student is daar ’n paar belang rike aspekte in die lewe: sommige be langriker as ander. Studies en graad kry, vriende en sosiale byeenkomste – asook jou onmiddellike omgewing, met ander woorde waar jy bly. Vir baie begin hierdie avontuur in ’n koshuis of studentehuis. Hierdie omgewing word deel van jou – die vriende, byeenkomste en waardes. Alhoewel hierdie dinge vir die eerste paar jaar ’n enorme deel van jou bestaan uitmaak, bereik almal ’n punt waar dit te veel raak en jy besef dat jy nou ook grootword. Die studies begin druk, jou vrien de trek uit, die jongelinge word jou HK – en voor jy jou kan kry, staan jy in Neelsie-Eiendomme op soek na ’n woonstel. Dit is genoeg om te sê dat dit ’n langsame en uitgerekte proses kan wees. Maar gestel nou jy vind die ideale plekkie, teen die regte prys en in die regte area – al wat jy kort is ’n woon stelmaat. Hierdie aspek is egter selfs belangriker as waar jou woonstel is of hoe luuks dit is. Die verkeerde woonstelmaat kan hierdie ervaring pynlik en onaange naam maak. Voordat jy dus oorhaastig na jou beste vriend of vriendin hardloop, dink net eers goed na oor die volgen de dinge: Kyk eerstens na jouself. Watter tipe “inwoner” is jy: pynlik netjies of morsig? Benodig jy stilte of hou jy van ’n lawaai? Die antwoorde op hierdie vrae kan jou lei na watter tipe woonstelmaat jy nodig het. Jy het basies een van twee opsies: iemand wat jy ken of ’n vreemdeling. Albei het hul voor- en nadele. Oorweeg ook hierdie situasie op ’n meer praktiese manier – geld, parke ring, troeteldiere en enige vreemde gewoontes of belangstellings van die moontlike woonstelmaat. Met bogenoemde punte in gedagte kan ek ook uit ondervinding ’n paar “moenies” deel: Moenie saam met iemand intrek net omdat jy niemand anders kry nie, iemand kies wat te veel of te min met jou gemeen het nie, of saam met ie mand bly wat nie dieselfde waardes of sosiale gewoontes as jy het nie. Nadat jy egter als in ag geneem het en op ’n geskikte woonstelmaat besluit het, moet jy besef dat dit eg ter nie altyd maanskyn en rose gaan wees nie. Soos in enige tipe verhouding moet daar respek, vertroue en ’n ge meenskaplike verstandhouding wees. So as jy dus op jou beste vriend of vriendin besluit, hanteer hom/haar soos jy gehanteer wil word, anders is dit moontlik dat jy ’n goeie vriend skap kan verloor. Trippe Trappe Tone Op Saterdag 19 September het besighede en koshuise saamgespan om mekaar in die jaarlikse trapkarresies aan te vat. Groot opwinding het die skare op hul voete gehad, terwyl studente met entoesiasme gewag het om te sien wie om die draai verskyn. Die gejuig en gekuier het tot laatmiddag geduur en die Maties het die beste van ’n wonderlike lentedag gemaak. Foto: Johann Swart Slaap met die een oog oop... Arné Greyling Ken julle dalk die Moe-Vallei? Weet julle dalk wie daar bly? Hy en sy Moe-huisie daar is hy: ’n vriend soos niks en ’n held daarby... Dit is Moemin! As jy in die vroeë negentigs ’n kind was, sal hierdie liedjie vae herin neringe van jou kinderdae voor die kassie oproep. Saam met Moemin was Mei-Mei, Stinkie en Snif-Snaf deel van ons kinderlewens. In die dae voordat ons besef het dat die meeste van ons gunsteling shows eintlik oorgeklankde weer gawes van oorsese programme was, het ons elke middag vasgenael voor die TV gesit om programme soos Moemin, Brakkenjan, Wielie Walie en Haasdas te kyk. Hierdie voor beelde is egter net die bekendstes. Hoeveel van julle kan nog Viki die Viking, Die Bietjies van Bietjieland (Bietjie Slim, Bietjie Klein en Biet jie Stout), Neels Holgerson (en sy vlieënde ganse) en Tau Tau (die mamma-panda) onthou? Wat van Pieriewierie Park, Mannemarak, Grootbek en Katvis, Groenie die Draak, Pokkel die Eek horing en Lucky Luke (wat altyd met een oog oop geslaap het)? Om nie eers van Brakkenjan (met sy kinders Flippie en Vlieër en sy perd Roftie) te praat nie. Hoeveel keer het die woorde “een vir almal en almal vir een” nie in ons speletjies weerklink nie? Een program wat ons waar skynlik almal kan onthou is Wielie Walie, met Sarel Seemonster en Bennie Boekwurm (met sy sidekick Piet Muis) wat ons kinder-ogies vas genael gehou het vir die halfuur wat die program geduur het. As dit nie vir Dawie die Kabouter was nie, sou ons tot nou toe nie ge weet het hoe kabouters soen nie. Die laaste episode in dié reeks het waar skynlik tot trauma in party van ons se psiges gelei toe Dawie en sy vrou in bome verander het. Die Pikkewouters van AmperStamperland, Heidi, Zed, Rompel Stompel, Mina Moo (met Bak en Terie) en Oscar en Knersus het ook vervelige Sondag-oggende lewe ge gee. En “haai, Blommie” hoe kan ons van Liewe Heksie vergeet? Aan die Engelse kant was daar Pumpkin Patch, Kideo, Gummy Bears, Smurfs en Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles – om net ’n paar te noem. Talespin, Darkwing Duck, Pizzamice from Mars, Duck Tales en Chip ’n Dale is ook die moeite werd om onthou te word. En wie onthou nog die Swiss Family Robinson? Ek onthou hoe ek elke Sondagoggend sesuur voor die televisie ingeskuif het: dit was die hoogtepunt van my dag. Alhoewel min van hierdie stories nog op DVD of video beskikbaar is, is dit bitter moeilik om van hulle te vergeet, en nostalgie oor verlore (maar nie vergete) kinderstories is tog so lekker. Celebrate Braai Day in September James Middleton Everybody knows that tomorrow is a public holiday, which means that there will be no class and therefore nothing to worry about for the entire day (unless you have a monster project looming on the horizon). What I’m not sure most people are aware of, though, is that tomorrow is National Heritage Day. To summarise briefly, the day is all about celebrating our country’s diversity and in doing so creat ing unity amongst us. The current government decided to put this day aside when they first assumed power, in order to foster nation building – a pivotal theme through out Former President Nelson Man dela’s term of office. The day has no specific historic significance and focuses on no single group in par ticular. Rather, it really is one that aims to bring us all together and share our diversity. Each year the day has a differ ent theme. Last year, we were ‘Cel ebrating our Dance, our Heritage’ along with a braai and this year we will continue the tradition. There are a few vital things that every braai needs and they are: a place to play touch rugby (a rugby ball goes without saying), a good spot to set up a braai, the equipment, the meat, some beers and maybe a salad or two. When contemplating which salads to serve, it is obvious that the good old potato salad is a winner. Don’t forget the snacks, a generous amount of Lays’ and Doritos crisps, as bonding around the fire might take up most of the evening. A few ideas for Braai Day: The most common and cheapest is the traditional “boerewors roll” with a wallop of tomato sauce. Others go the chop route, but it all comes down to individual preferences and income. The best part, though, is that there can honestly be little better than sitting in the sun on a beautiful day with a smacker of a boerie in your hands and the light hum of your friends conversing in the background. All this, of course, while the heat haze from the braai slowly drifts up into the air like a genie emerging from a magic lamp. It is usually round about this point that you realise just how amazing our country is. A beautiful place with the most gorgeous weather and the friendliest and most inter esting people. A country where we, as a nation, join in celebrating our youth, history and diversity in truly South African style. Babatreë tot vlieghengel Margot Slabbert Vlieghengel is sekerlik een van die mees ontspannende en opwin dende sportsoorte. Dit maak ’n nuwe wêreld oop vir avontuurlustige mense wat brand vir iets nuut. Die basis is op Eikendal-wynplaas naby die R44 buite Stellenbosch, met ’n winkel wat volledige diens lewer. Dit sluit ook ’n wynproe en lekker middagete in. Individuele klasse word aangebied op bespreking, maar groepe word ook geakkommodeer. Kostes hang af van die groep se grootte en die tydsduur. Indien daar studente is wat reeds hierdie sport ontdek het en hooked is, verskaf Eikendal ook gereelde vlieghengelkompetisies. Volgens die Flytalk-basis word die volgende reeks toernooie elke Saterdag in November aangebied. Vir meer inligting kan jy gerus vir Philip op 021 855 2646 of 082 376 3529 kontak, of as dit meer gerieflik is, is hy ook by die volgende e-posadres beskikbaar: philip@fly talk.co.za. 8 DieMatie 23 September 2009 student life The art of entertainment On Wednesday 16 September Jack Parow had the Mystics crowd jamming to his local tunes, but all for a good cause, of course. The Department of Visual Arts is holding its annual visual arts Graduate Exhibition: To make this possible the final year students teamed up to create a fundraising event with a local flavour. The crowd was raving as Jack Parow took to the stage and showed the Maties how to have a good time. Photo: Jandré Robbertze Medisyne vir verligting van Klein Saterdag-probleme MFM TOP 10 1. Bulletproof - La Roux 2. If Today Was Your Last Day - Nickelback 3. Battlefield - Jordin Sparks 4. Break My Heart - Casette ft. Mahlasela 5. I Gotta Feeling - Black Eyed Peas 6. I Know You Want Me - Pitbull 7. The Boys Light Up - 7th Son 8. Fight! Fight! Fight! - Zebra & Giraffe 9. Raindrops - Basement Jaxx 10. Bonkers - Dizzee Rascal Upcoming Events 2 October – Spring Party Live Music: Sopnat Kinders, Smirnoff Spin & Storm Promo 07-11 October – Brazzies Beer Festival! Down-Downs, Specials, German Food, Give-aways, MFM live Broadcast Friday Night, Live Music Saturday night – Cover Up Come and show off your unique talent at The 16 October – Live Music: Sopnat Kinders Brazen Head Stellenbosch and stand a chance of 31 October – Halloween Live Music – Liberty Attain, taking the Grand Prize Nevay of R5000. 13 November – Mardi Gras Brazen’s Got Talent Lunch Specials (Available Mon to Fri 11:00—16:00) Entry forms Budget available atR21.95 The Brazen Head Burger 100g Beef OR Chicken Stellenbosch Burger with Bacon & Cheese. or Served with potato wedges. MFM Studio. Smothered German Sausage Roll R32.00 A German sausage smothered with bacon & onion relish, mustard, chutney and grilled cheddar cheese on a roll. Noodhulp vir jou babbelas Amori Stols D it is lente in die Boland in ons mees gesuipte jaar.” Koos Kombuis se woorde klop in jou kop terwyl jy opstaan na nóg ’n aand op die dorp. Dis nie meer lente nie, maar beslis winter. Jy dag die weerlig slaan toe jou flat mate die deur toemaak. Aangesien baie studente se Donderdag-oggende op dié noot begin, en dosente sukkel met klasbywoning, het Die Matie dit goed gedink om te gaan kersopsteek by meer gesoute drinkers om te hoor wat hul nadors-oplossings is. Vir diegene wat nie Biologie op skool gehad het nie, sal dit help as jy verstaan hoekom jy ’n hangover kry. ’n Hangover word veroorsaak deur lae bloedsuikervlakke, dehidrasie, ’n oor-inname van etanol, en ’n gebrek aan vitamiene B12. In kort het jy te veel van iets ingeneem wat jou liggaam nie nodig het nie, en te veel water uitgeskei, wat jou liggaam broodnodig het. Die gevolg hiervan is dat jy die volgende oggend, en moontlik vir ’n paar dae daarna, sal sit met die volgende simptome: kopseer, naarheid, sensitiwiteit vir lig en klank, lomerigheid en dors. Indien jy nie een van die 25% van mense is wat immuun is teen die groot dors nie, is hier studenteraad wat jy kan probeer. For more information contact The Brazen Head Vegetarian Platter R35.50 Stellenbosch atcrumbed 021 88 2 9672. Spring rolls, samoosas, mushrooms, potato wedges, mini-salad, lightly fried veggies of the day and sweet chilli sauce on the side. Chef’s Steak Roll R38.50 A 100g tender beef steak grilled to your liking and topped with cheddar cheese, bacon bits and a mushroom sauce. Crumbed Chicken Burger R29.95 A delicately spiced crumbed chicken breast burger (150g) soos ’n hoofpyn te ervaar, so neem sommer twee Grandpas voor jy gaan slaap. As jy ’n paar katte skiet, is dit in dié geval ’n goeie ding, want jou liggaam raak dan vinniger ontslae van die stowwe wat dit nie wil inneem nie. Enige kos wat jy op dié stadium kan inhou sal ’n bonus wees, so stop gerus by BP vir ’n lekker pastei of ’n Mac- Donald’s happy meal. Nog gewilde raad is ons goeie vriend kaffeïne. Trek ’n beker lekker sterk koffie nader. Indien geen van hierdie opsies werk nie, is daar nog altyd die getroue groen ambulans, Creme Soda. Indien jy op iemand anders se woonstelvloer wakker word, het jy jou venster van geleentheid gemis, en moes jy dalk nie daai laaste loopdop gedrink het nie. Jy het weereens een van twee opsies: (a) jy kan net weer begin drink (ek beveel ’n bier aan), of (b) jy kan nog ’n dag van jou lewe afstaan aan die proses van babbeleer. As jy opsie (b) kies kan jy jou dag afskop met ’n lekker olierige Wimpy-ontbyt. Die meeste van my bronne lig my in dat jy groot moet gaan met eiers, spek en chips wat in olie dryf, want cholesterol is in dié geval jou beste vriend indien jy beter wil voel. As jy nog by die huis bly en jy kan ’n lekker koppie tuisgemaakte sop in die hande kry, sal dit blykbaar ook wondere verrig. Dit het iets te doen met die sout-inhoud, volgens my bron. Onthou net dat jy gedurig water moet drink, want dehidrasie is jou realiteit. Die bogenoemde hangover tips is daarop gemik om jou betyds en intellektueel teenwoordig te maak vir jou 08:00-klas op ’n Donderdag oggend, sodat dit beslis vir jou lente in die Boland kan wees. The XOXO of the Upper East Side Joey Volschenk Enter before 16 August 2009 Pork Chop R39.50 A succulent 250g crumbed pork chop pan-fried to perfection and served with potato wedges. As jy in te veel van ’n toestand is om jou eie woonstel of koshuiskamer op te spoor en nog ’n bietjie van jou motoriese vermoëns het, is prevention better than cure. Dit sal ’n goeie idee wees om dan ’n glas water te drink of ’n pakkie Dehydrate te koop. Jy behoort al teen dié tyd sekere simptome Her voice is known, but her face remains a mystery. With a smug tone, Gossip Girl (Kirsten Bell) reports on the lies, scandals and dramas of an Upper East Side private school. This programme whisks us away to the realm of power-hungry, back-stabbing, boyfriend-stealing, rumour-spreading, social-climbing and suicide-attempting teenagers. It tells the story of the complicated relationship of beautiful brunette Blair Waldorf (Leighton Meester) and blue-eyed Nate Archibald (Chace Crawford) combined with intrigues of blonde bombshell Serena van der Woodsen’s (Blake Lively) return. The ever-charming Chuck Bass’s (Ed Westwick) schemes and woman ising ways keep viewers glued to their seats. And to make things even more interesting, there is the young conniving Jenny Humphrey (Taylor Momsen) doing anything possible to climb the social ladder, while her brother Dan (Penn Badgley), remains the lonely boy in love with a girl who doesn’t know he exists. Living lives of glitz and glamour, the Upper East Siders’ scandalous lives become the focus of The Gossip Girl blog. You are hooked instantly as the mysterious Gossip Girl reports on every move made and every lie told. You’d better watch your back; you never know what might be told. DAG & nag KUNS EN VERMA AK • ARTS AND ENTERTAINMENT Rock trio’s new album more accessible Muse reinvent their music niel de la rouviere O VIRJOU VERMAAK N 14 September, Muse finally released their highly anticipated fifth studio album, The Resistance. The British rock trio – Matthew Bellamy, Dominic Howard and Chris Wolstenholme – have become household names in the alternative rock industry for their consistently boundary-breaking albums and live performances. The Resistance continues Muse’s penchant for reinventing their sound with every album, yet essentially stays true to their distinct sound. This might upset hardcore Muse fans, as the album is probably their most accessible to date. The album has a homogenous sound, using warm tones along with various orchestral arrangements. The lyrics are thema tic, which suggests that the album should be listened to as one journey from start to end. “Uprising” is the album’s first single, which has already reached the number one spot on the American Alternative Rock charts. “Undisclosed Desires” comes out of nowhere after that, marking perhaps Muse’s oddest track to date, using staccato strings and slap bass along with a shuffle beat and enchanting chorus in the vain of One Republic’s “Apologize”. Fans will either love or loathe it. “United States of Eurasia” borrows a lot from Queen. However, this is probably the best track on the album and uses Matthew Bellamy’s piano skills to great effect. Perhaps it was created as antithesis to “Unnatural Selection”, bringing the old Muse from Origin of Symmetry back again. “MK Ultra” mixes strings and Muse’s penchant for haunting melodies to deliver a surprising combination of new and old Muse. “I Belong To You/Mon Cœur S’ouvre à ta Voix” delivers a typical Muse groove track, reminding one of a more upbeat “Time is Running Out” with pianos and acid bass. Closing the album is the symphonic “Exogenesis”. This track includes sombre harmonies and melodies that would fit perfectly in a movie soundtrack. Here Matthew Bellamy’s haunting signature falsetto rises again and complements the swelling of strings, piano and grand arrangements. The Resistance is beautiful yet different. It opts for a safe sound: switching synth arpeggios with violins, wailing falsettos with memorable sing-along choruses and intricate bass lines with smooth driving fuzz. The production is top notch; however, the album’s true prowess will only be tested by Muse’s renowned live performances, when listeners will be able to capture The Resistance’s grandeur. Until then it’s still Muse. Fokofpolisiekar tree vanaand om 19:00 by Klein Libertas op. Kaartjies kos R50. aKing and Cassette will be performing at Klein Libertas on Friday 25 September. The gig starts at 19:00 and tickets cost R40 for students. ROCK ’N ROLL LIVES ON If The Stremes’ sound were an animal, it would be a bushpig. A bushpig with “a bad attitude” and “a foul mouth”. This trio’s music is primarily influenced by blues and Brit-rock but, as frontman Atom Shape points out, electronic music is the fourth member of the band. It is for this very reason that The Stremes has such a universal appeal. All three band members hail from South Africa, but The Stremes was formed in England. They have returned home recently and are set to take the local rock scene by storm. The Stremes opened for Zebra & Giraffe on Friday 18 September. From left are: Benjamin Peaceful, Wayne Pauli and Atom Shape. Jack Parow se album launch sal Vrydag 2 Oktober om 19:00 by Klein Libertas plaasvind. Hy word deur ’n verskeidenheid DJ’s bygestaan. Kaartjies kos R30. The Assembly in Cape Town will be hosting the Cape Rocks 2 rock event on Saturday 26 September. The line-up includes bands like Fokofpolisiekar, The Plastics and Jackal + Wolf. The gig starts at Photo: jandré robbertze 21:00. Tickets cost R75 at the door and R65 pre-sold. Die Rektorskonsert vind op 3 Oktober om 20:00 in die Endlersaal plaas. Hoofvertonings sluit Gideon Fagan se Karoo-simfonie en Mozart se Symphonie concertante in. Kaartjies kos tussen R70 en R90. The launch of kidofdoom’s new album, My Faith in War, takes place at 19:00 at Klein Libertas. Tickets cost R40. Op Sondag 27 September speel Spier gasheer vir ’n groep van 12 befaamde Duitse tjelliste. Kaartjies sal jou vanaf R20 tot R40 uit die sak jaag. Die uitvoering begin om 15:00. Lecturers from the Philosophy and Visual Arts Departments join forces with the 10 Philosophical Questions exhibition at the SU Art Gallery. The exhibition runs until 4 October. Die Paarl se Cultivaria-fees begin vandag en eindig Sondag 27 September. Kunstenaars soos Nataniël en Chris Chameleon is te siene. 10 DieMatie 23 September 2009 dag en nag kidofdoom’s apocalyptic sound set to change SA music Band ready for world’s end jeani louw T he phenomenal kidofdoom broke the so-called “rock band mould” back in 2007 with their self-titled debut album and revolutionised rock music as it was known to most South African music fans. Without the use of vocals, this foursome interact with their fans on an intense level and play to a more musically educated crowd. maar is dit kuns? Die 10 Filosofiese Vrae-Uitstalling is tans by die US-Galery te siene. (Meer inligting in Vir Jou Vermaak op p 9). Foto: jandré robbertze Where are you four from and how did you start as a band? Johan Auriacombe, Ryk Benade and Barend Pieterse had been playing together for a while as a three-piece setup in 2006. I [Richard Brokensha] went to one of their practices with a good friend Peach (Yesterday’s Pupil) who introduced me to the guys. I had brought my keyboard with for Peach to use but I actually ended up playing it and they asked me to join the band. Since so many bands are purely judged on the basis of their vocals, why did you decide to become a band without vocals? We didn’t decide on it. We never even thought of vocals as an option. We just liked how it sounded and we feel that it’s complete as it is. What would you say are the benefits and disadvantages of not having vocals in your music? We have a lot more space for ambi- ence and can create heavy emotional passages without vocals. The only disadvantage is that some people can’t sing along to it, which really doesn’t bother us. Since you have no vocals, how important is stage performance and extra features such as lighting, visuals and stage personality to you? Very important. We have Peter Rodda on lights and Ben Rausch on visuals, both of whom are masters in their work. The vibe you give off while playing on stage is also really important. No one likes a sour face. Do you prefer to be classified as a specific genre band or do you describe yourselves in completely different terms? Well, we like to mix many genres so I guess if you had to categorise us the list would be too long to put in a newspaper. Your CD launch is coming up in October. What new things can fans expect this time and what will still be the same for those who loved your first album? For the people who loved our first album, I think they will see how our sound has grown into a more mature form. We have really reached deep into ourselves to create this album and I think it has a specific taste that can only be left in the mouths of those who “really” listen to it In general, how did you as a band, both musically and personally, change since 2007 and the previous album? I have grown as a musician significantly. I have learnt many more instruments and also how to arrange all instruments, so playing in the band gave me the playground to build a jungle gym. How did the inspiration for the theme of the apocalypse originate and how did you translate that into your music? We always spoke about writing the soundtrack for the end of the world. It’s something we really felt strongly about. However, we decided to write the soundtrack for the post-apocalypse and we are waiting for the right time to create the soundtrack for the end of the world. How did you link the title of the new album, My Faith in War, to this idea? What does it really mean to you guys to have “faith in war”? War is needed for a massive change in social and economic structures. This has been proven time and time again. So we are saying that we believe that even though war is destructive and fatal, life and change will be the result and this gives us a sense of peace. kidofdoom are launching their new album My Faith in War at Klein Libertas Theatre on 30 September. Tickets cost only R40. Vanfokkingspasties eiesoortige vermaak melindi de kock Ek kan nie onthou wanneer laas Kaapstad se fondasies só hard geskud is soos met die CD launch ge titeld “Vanfokkingspasties” nie. Daar was iets onheilspellend omtrent die verskillende stedelike subkulture, die koel lentelug, en die stad se ligte wat ’n melancholiese skadu voor die ingang van Carnival Court gegooi het. Die olierige houtverhoog het vir ’n happy-camper tema gesorg, terwyl ander kunstige elemente ’n gesellige omgewing geskep het. Die agtergrondmusiek het bestaan uit verskeie ska beats, old-schoolmeets-new-school tunes, en Jack Parow se bekende “Doosdronk” wat die gehoor plek-plek laat saamsing het en wat ook ’n voorsmakie gegee het van wat dié aand sou volg. Dit is afgerond deur Dylan se folk musiek. Dansskoene was daar, maar die rock-klanke het gou genoeg vir ’n ander tipe skud van die lyf gesorg. Die bekendstelling is deur vier vertonings ingelei: Nicholas Dietrich het die aand geopen, gevolg deur akoestiese rockers, Die Romantiek en 01001011. Die hoofitem, Rompilus van Stadenberg, het ’n toestand van algehele anargie en chaos veroorsaak met sy kunstenaarsteenwoordigheid en slordige voorkoms – eie aan dié Hy verweef immers letterkuns met musiek, en dit verskaf ’n interessante dimensie aan sy klank van ’n rocker wat grense uitdaag met woord en musiek. Joe Forster, ’n M-student aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch se Visuele Kunste-Departement, speel onder die verhoognaam Rompilus van Stadenberg. Die geleentheid was die amptelike bekendstelling van sy langverwagte kontroversiële EP, Dis Jou Land. Om ’n parallel tussen hom en enige ander kunstenaar op plaaslike of internasionale vlak te probeer trek, is bitter moeilik. Sy klanke kan beskryf word as akoestiese punk rock met rou emosies en sosiale kommentaar wat onder sy skreeuende stem versteek is. Hy verweef immers letterkuns met musiek, en dit verskaf ’n interessante dimensie aan sy klank. Die EP het 100 verskillende om slagontwerpe vir elkeen van die 100 beperkte-oplaag Dis Jou LandEP’s. Elke omslag beskik dus oor ’n unieke, delikate stukkie kunswerk – amper so delikaat soos die rare tipe eksentriekheid waarmee Rompilus die aand afgesluit het. Rompilus van Stadenberg is verseker ’n kunstenaar wat wéét hoe om elkeen van ons dieper te laat delf in ons eie gruwel-genre. Langstraat het voortgegaan met sy gewone nagtelike aktiwiteite, onbewus van die aardskudding wat pas in Carnival Court plaasgevind het. hoog en droog Laasweek se reënweer kon nie Ver[R]as se Papier blom-projek keer nie. Hier is Andreè van Zyl se uitbeelding van Breyten Breytenbach se gedig Tronkvoël. Foto: Pieter Odendaal Breyten in volle blom anneke steenkamp District 9: a sci-fi epic District 9 has been acclaimed as the “thinking person’s alien movie”. As true as this might be, it is only one of the many surprisingly brilliant qualities of this epic South African sci-fi film. From the outset, the plot moves at a fast tempo. A rapid montage of mockdocumentary footage effectively sets the scene and creates an incredibly believable and realistic feel. This style seamlessly dissolves into a full-on feature film with all the exquisitely detailed sets and costumes and mind-blowing special effects one could possibly wish for. The film is full of satire, cleverly and comically comparing the situation of the aliens to that of the victims of both the 2008 xenophobic attacks and apartheid. Sharlo Copely plays the role of Wikus van der Merwe, who works for MNU (Multi-National United) and leads an operation to evict aliens who have settled in the Johannesburg township District 9. These aliens form gangs, hassle cops and deal with Nigerian druglords. Wikus, though not very bright, becomes the unlikely hero in a tragic series of events that destroys all his previous perceptions of life in District 9. As the plot unfolds, his character deepens and develops in a meaningful manner. Copely handles this brilliantly. Sci-fi might not be everyone’s cup of tea, but this film caters to a variety of audiences. The film contains moments of poignant black comedy, satirical social commentary, Afrikaans swearwords, an extraordinarily exciting climactic faceoff and finally Copley’s touching tour de force which is worthy of the highest acclaim. The film, although not entirely homegrown, should mean a lot for the local industry, and shows that sci-fi works in Africa. - Carel Kleynhans Breyten Breytenbach het elke jaar op 1 September ’n pampoen as geskenk ontvang. Vanjaar het die Ver[R]as-komitee hierdie tydlose digter se 70ste verjaarsdag vanaf 16 tot 18 September gevier en ter afsluiting pampoene as huldeblyk onder mekaar uitgedeel. Die inisiatief genaamd die Papier blom-projek is afkomstig van ’n lid van die komitee, Pieter Odendaal, wat ’n manier wou vind om deur middel van ’n “teksgeoriënteerde uitstalling van Breytenbach-gedigte die grense tussen kampus en kuns werk te vervaag”. Sewe kunstenaars het Breytenbach se gedigte op die besige kampus uitgebeeld. Hulle kon self besluit oor die medium en waar hulle die kunswerke wou uitstal. Die idee was om die Stellenbosch-kampus deel te maak van Breytenbach se 70ste verjaarsdagviering. Breytenbach se woorde het oral op kampus met elke individu gepraat. ’n Spesifieke kunswerk wat uitgestaan het, was dié van Andreè van Zyl, ’n tweedejaar-kunsstudent, wat op ’n baie kreatiewe manier die gedig Tronkvoël uitgebeeld het. Van Zyl het dié gedig deur middel van vlieërs wat in ’n boom op die rooiplein opgehang is, laat leef. Twee van die vlieërs het Breytenbach se gesig daarop geverf gehad en die ander verskillende groottes kraaie. Op kampus en in die JS Gerickebiblioteek het ander kunstenaars, waaronder Susan Spangenberg, Abrie de Swart, Pieter Odendaal en Brandaan Huigen, kreatief te werk gegaan met inspirasie verkry vanuit Breytenbach se woorde. Die gedig Windroos is ook uitgebeeld deur gespande toue tussen twee palmbome op die rooiplein. Linte is in bome gehang en die JS Marais-standbeeld het ’n ander uitkyk gehad op die plein met die masker wat vir hom gemaak is. Die verjaarsdagweek is afgesluit deur ’n funksie in Die Mystic Boer. Almal wat betrokke was het ’n glasie geklink en saam die kerse op die verjaarsdagkoek doodgeblaas in die hoop dat Breyten Breytenbach nog vir vele jare pampoene sal ontvang. 2010 Internasionale Kantoor: Assistentskappe vir senior studente advertensie 23 September 2009 DieMatie 11 2010 Internasionale Kantoor: Assistentskappe vir senior studente 2010 International Office: Assistantships for senior students 2010 Internasionale Kantoor: Assistentskappe vir senior studente 2010 International Office: Assistantships for senior students 2010 Internasionale Kantoor: Assistentskappe vir senior studente 2010 International Office: Assistantships forI P Ssenior students Short term international IPSU U (( II n n tt ee r rn n aa tt ii o on n aa ll PP r ro og gr r aa m mm m ee s s International Office:s t uAssistantships for senior students From2010 2010 the InternaƟ onal Oĸce will S t e l l e n b o s c h U n i v e r s i t y ) S h Stellenbosch University) Sho or r tt dents (including be transformed into theonal Postgraduate From 2010 the InternaƟ Oĸce will and InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce (PGIO) be transformed into the Postgraduate From 2010ng the InternaƟsupport onal Oĸce will x CreaƟ aonal focused and InternaƟ Oĸce (PGIO) services be transformed into theonal Postgraduate orm promote postgraduate From 2010 the InternaƟ Oĸservices ce will x plaƞ CreaƟ ng atofocused support and InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce (PGIO) studies the success of be transformed the Postgraduate plaƞormand to into promote postgraduate x CreaƟ ng onal a focused support services postgraduate students; and and InternaƟ Oĸ ce (PGIO) studies and the success of plaƞ orm to promote postgraduate x CreaƟ SupporƟ ng incoming and outgoing ng a focused support postgraduate students; andservices studies and the success of internaƟ onal academic mobility. plaƞ orm to promote postgraduate x SupporƟng incoming and outgoing postgraduate students; and studies success mobility. of internaƟand onalthe academic x SupporƟ ng incoming and outgoing The postgraduate Postgraduate students; and InternaƟ onal and internaƟ onal academic mobility. Oĸ ce (PGIO) will then have the x SupporƟ ng incoming and outgoing The Postgraduate and InternaƟonal following units: internaƟ onal Oĸce (PGIO) will academic then havemobility. the The Postgraduate and InternaƟ onal x Exchanges and Study Abroad following units: Oĸ ce (PGIO)onal will Programmes thenInternaƟ have theonal x The Postgraduate x InternaƟ Exchanges andand Study Abroad following units: Stellenbosch Oĸ (PGIO)onal will University then have (IPSU) the x ce InternaƟ Programmes x Exchanges and Study Abroad Postgraduate and InternaƟ onal following units: x Stellenbosch University (IPSU) x InternaƟ onal Programmes Enrolments x andand Study Abroad x Exchanges Postgraduate InternaƟ onal Stellenbosch University (IPSU) Postgraduate Student Funding x InternaƟ onal Programmes Enrolments x Postgraduate and InternaƟ onal Welkom! Welcome! Wamkelekile! University (IPSU) x x Stellenbosch Postgraduate Student Funding Enrolments (WWW) x and InternaƟ onal x Postgraduate Welkom! Welcome! Wamkelekile! x Enrolments Postgraduate Student Funding (WWW) x Postgraduate Welkom! Welcome! Wamkelekile! x Student Funding (WWW) Welcome! Wamkelekile! x Welkom! Postgraduate and (WWW) t er oaln I n t e rP onsa t gi orna adlu Ea n mde n t s I n t e rP onsa tt gi orna adlu Ea n t er oalnmde n t s P onsa tt gi orna adlu Ea tner oalnmde n t s Inter Job Job descripƟ descripƟon: on: x t e rwith n aelectronic t i o n a lenquiries E n r ofrom l mprospecƟ e n t sve xI nDeal Deal with electronic enquiries from prospecƟ ve Job internaƟ descripƟonal on: students, internaƟ onal students, including including dispatching dispatching x informaƟ Deal withon packages. informaƟ on electronic packages. enquiries from prospecƟve internaƟ students,with dispatching x assistance administraƟ on Job descripƟonal on: x Provide Provide assistance withincluding administraƟ on of of informaƟ onelectronic packages. internaƟ onal underpost-graduate ons. x Deal with from applicaƟ prospecƟ ve internaƟ onal under- and andenquiries post-graduate applicaƟ ons. Job descripƟ on: x Provide assistance withincluding administraƟ on of Carry general administraƟ ve (photocopying, students, dispatching x internaƟ Carry out outonal general administraƟ ve tasks tasks (photocopying, x Deal with enquiries prospecƟ ve internaƟ onal and post-graduate applicaƟ ons. paperwork, ling, within the informaƟ onelectronic packages. paperwork, underling, etc.) etc.) within from the Postgraduate Postgraduate students, dispatching x internaƟ Carry outonal general administraƟ ve tasks and onal Enrolments Unit with Provide assistance withincluding administraƟ onregard of and InternaƟ InternaƟ onal Enrolments Unit(photocopying, with regard informaƟ on packages. paperwork, underling,admission etc.) within Postgraduate to and on of internaƟ onal and post-graduate applicaƟ to processing, processing, admission andtheregistraƟ registraƟ onons. of x assistance administraƟ onregard of and InternaƟ onal Enrolments internaƟ students as well as ling of immigraƟ on x Provide Carry outonal general administraƟ internaƟ onal students aswith wellve astasks Unit ling(photocopying, ofwith immigraƟ on internaƟ onal underand post-graduate applicaƟ to processing, andtheregistraƟ onons. of records. paperwork, ling,admission etc.) within Postgraduate records. x out general administraƟ ve tasks (photocopying, internaƟ onal students as well asthe Unit ling ofwith immigraƟ on x Any other tasks as required by environment. and InternaƟ onal Enrolments regard x Carry Any other tasks as required by the environment. paperwork, ling, etc.) within Postgraduate records. Requirements: Excellent wriƩ en and verbal to processing, admission and on of Requirements: Excellent wriƩ entheregistraƟ and verbal InternaƟ onal Enrolments Unit regard x and Any other tasks as required environment. communicaƟ on skills, especially in but in internaƟ onal students as wellbyas English, ling ofwith immigraƟ on communicaƟ on skills, especially inthe English, but also also in to processing, admission and registraƟ on of Requirements: Excellent wriƩ enonal and verbal Afrikaans. Good, cc organizaƟ skills the records. Afrikaans. Good, systemaƟ systemaƟ organizaƟ onal skills and and the internaƟ onal students English, ling of immigraƟ communicaƟ on skills, especially inthe but alsoon in ability work as part of team and under pressure. x Anyto tasks as required byas environment. ability toother work as part ofasaa well team and under pressure. records. Afrikaans. Good, systemaƟ c organizaƟ onaland skills and the Must demonstrate good in ce, Requirements: Excellent wriƩenskills verbal Must demonstrate good computer computer skills in MSOĸ MSOĸ ce, x Anytoother tasks as required byinthe environment. ability work as part of a team and under pressure. Outlook and search engines. Must be able to work communicaƟ on skills, especially English, also in Outlook and search engines. Must be able tobut work xed xed Requirements: Excellent wriƩen and verbal Must good holidays) computer in hours MSOĸ ce, weekly hours (including ––skills 15-24 per Afrikaans. Good, systemaƟ c organizaƟ onal skills and the weeklydemonstrate hours (including holidays) 15-24 hours per communicaƟ on skills, especially English, also in Outlook search engines. Must be able tobut work xed week. Two-three students be ability toand work as part of may a team and under pressure. week. Two-three students may beinappointed. appointed. Afrikaans. Good, systemaƟ c organizaƟ onal skills and the weekly hours (including holidays) – 15-24 hours per RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. Must demonstrate good computer skills in MSOĸ ce, RecommendaƟons: Previous administraƟve experience. ability toand work asstudents part of may a team andable under pressure. week. Two-three be appointed. Outlook search engines. Must be to work xed Must demonstrate good computer MSOĸ ce, RecommendaƟ ons:Stevens Previous administraƟ veinexperience. Enquiries: Dorothy (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) weekly hours (including holidays) –skills 15-24 hours per Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) Outlook andLinda search engines. Must be(021) able 808 to work xed 808 Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; 4628) week. Two-three students may be appointed. 808 2932); 2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) weekly hours (including holidays) – 15-24 hours(021) per Enquiries: Dorothy (dstevens@sun.ac.za; RecommendaƟ ons: Stevens Previous administraƟ ve experience. week. Two-three may be appointed. 808 2932); Linda students Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) RecommendaƟ ons: Stevens Previous(dstevens@sun.ac.za; administraƟve experience. Enquiries: Dorothy (021) 808 2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) I S O S ( I n t e r n a t i o n a l S t u d e n t Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) 808O2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) rganisation Stellenbosch) OO rS g a (nI instaetri n on IS a t iSotneal l e n S bt ousdcehn)t OO r Sg a (nI n i staetri n on o sdce hn)t IS a t iSotneal ll e n S bt u i staetri n on o sdce hn)t I SO Or Sg a (nI n a t iSo tneal l e n S tb u Short term international en sg ) setxucdheanntgse (si tnu cd lu d ti n Short term international e x cdheanntgse (si n tu sg ) cd l ue n d itn h os rt u ton: Job descripƟ Job S descripƟ on: t e r m i n t e r n a t i o n a l x en from e and telectronic u x Responding Responding toeawriƩ wriƩ en and electronic enquiries from setxucdhto nntgs (si n cd l ue n d enquiries itns g) Job prospecƟ descripƟon: ve prospecƟ ve exchange, exchange, Study Study Abroad Abroad and and aĸ aĸliated liated e x c htoawriƩ n gen e and s telectronic u d e n enquiries ts) x Responding from students. students. veapplicaƟ exchange, Abroadstudents and aĸto liated x Processing ons of and Job descripƟon: x prospecƟ Processing applicaƟ ons Study of exchange exchange students to and students. from x Responding to wriƩen and electronic enquiries from from Stellenbosch. Stellenbosch. Job on: x Processing ons Study ofof exchange and Liaising coordinators partner universiƟ es prospecƟ veapplicaƟ exchange, Abroadstudents and aĸto liated x descripƟ Liaising with with coordinators of partner universiƟ es and x Responding to coordinators wriƩen and electronic enquiries from from Stellenbosch. departmental on students. departmental coordinators on campus. campus. veapplicaƟ exchange, Study Abroad andwelcoming aĸto liated x Liaising with coordinators partner universiƟ es and Assistance with orientaƟ on and Processing of of exchange students x prospecƟ Assistance with ons orientaƟ on and welcoming students. departmental coordinators programme each semester. from Stellenbosch. programme each semester. on campus. x applicaƟ of of exchange students to Assistance withas orientaƟ on and welcoming Any tasks required by Exchanges x Processing Liaising with coordinators partner universiƟ es and and Any other other tasks as ons required by the the Exchanges from programme each semester. on campus. Study Abroad Unit. departmental coordinators StudyStellenbosch. Abroad Unit. x Liaising withtasks coordinators of partner universiƟ es and Any other byMS the Exchanges and Requirements: Computer skills in Oĸ ce. Excellent x Assistance withas required orientaƟ on and Requirements: Computer skills in MS Oĸ ce.welcoming Excellent departmental coordinators on campus. Study Abroad Unit. organizaƟ onal, administraƟ ve and interpersonal programme each semester. organizaƟonal, administraƟve and interpersonal skills. skills. x Assistance with orientaƟ on and welcoming Requirements: Computer skills in Oĸ ce. Excellent Independent innovaƟ ve work ethic. Must be x Any otherand tasks as required byMS the Exchanges and Independent and innovaƟ ve work ethic. Must be able able programme each semester. organizaƟ administraƟ ve andwriƩ interpersonal skills. to under pressure. Good en Study onal, Abroad Unit. to work work under pressure. Good wriƩ en and and spoken spoken x Any otheron tasks as in byand theAfrikaans. Exchanges and Independent and innovaƟ ve work ethic. Must beWork able communicaƟ skills English Requirements: Computer skills in MS Oĸ ce. Excellent communicaƟ on skills inrequired English and Afrikaans. Work Study Abroad Unit. to work under pressure. Good en and spoken Hours: 12-18 hours aa week. organizaƟ onal, administraƟ andwriƩ interpersonal skills. Hours: 12-18 hours week. ve Requirements: Computer skills in and MS Oĸ ce. Excellent communicaƟon skills in English Afrikaans. RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. Independent and innovaƟ ve work ethic. Must beWork able RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. organizaƟ onal, administraƟ and wriƩ interpersonal skills. Hours: 12-18 alanguage week. ve Knowledge of aa third such as French or to work under pressure. Good en and spoken Knowledge ofhours third language such as French or German. German. Independent and innovaƟ ve administraƟ workand ethic. Must beWork able RecommendaƟ ons: Previous ve experience. Experience abroad. communicaƟ on skills in English Afrikaans. Experience abroad. to work under pressure. en and spoken Knowledge ofhours a third suchwriƩ as French or German. Hours: 12-18 alanguage week. Good communicaƟ on ons: skillsPrevious in English and Afrikaans. Work Experience abroad. Enquiries: Walbrugh-Parsadh RecommendaƟ administraƟ ve experience. Enquiries: Samantha Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh Hours: 12-18 alanguage week. (sw2@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 Knowledge ofhours a third suchor (sw2@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4613) 4613) oras French or German. RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ experience. Enquiries: Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh Huba (huba@sun.ac.za; (021) Experience abroad. Huba Boshoī Boshoī (huba@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 808ve2606) 2606) Knowledge of a third language suchoras French or German. (sw2@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4613) Experience abroad. Huba Boshoī (huba@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2606) Enquiries: Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh (sw2@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4613) or Enquiries: Samantha Walbrugh-Parsadh Huba Boshoī (huba@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2606) (sw2@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4613) or Huba Boshoī (huba@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2606) Media and Publications Media and Publications Media and Publications Job on: Job descripƟ M edescripƟ d i a on:and a nupdaƟ d ng Pu b l i c adocuments. tions x Compiling of x Compiling and updaƟ ng of in-house in-house documents. Job x WriƟ x descripƟ WriƟng ng on:arƟ arƟcles cles for for internal internal and and external external x Compiling and updaƟng of in-house documents. publicaƟ publicaƟons. ons. x WriƟ ng on: arƟOĸ clesce for internal and external InternaƟ onal er Job x descripƟ InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce NewsleƩ NewsleƩ er publicaƟons. Requirements: and x Compiling andExcellent updaƟng ofverbal in-house documents. Requirements: Excellent verbal and wriƩ wriƩen en Job descripƟ x InternaƟ onal Oĸin NewsleƩ erAfrikaans. communicaƟ on skills and WriƟ ng on: arƟ cles for internal and external communicaƟ on skills inceEnglish English and Afrikaans. x Compiling and updaƟ ng of in-house documents. Requirements: Excellent verbal and onal en Computer skills in Oĸ organisaƟ skills. publicaƟ ons. Computer skills in MS MS Oĸce. ce. Good Good organisaƟ onalwriƩ skills. x ng on arƟ cles for and pressure. external communicaƟ skills in and Afrikaans. Good inter-personal skills. Able to work under x InternaƟ onal Oĸ ceEnglish NewsleƩ GoodWriƟ inter-personal skills. Ableinternal toer work under pressure. ons. Computer ininiƟ MSaƟ Oĸ Good skills. Must show own ve. Must be willing work 12 Requirements: Excellent verbal andto wriƩ en MustpublicaƟ showskills own iniƟ aƟ ve.ce. Must beorganisaƟ willing toonal work 12 x onal Oĸskills. ceEnglish NewsleƩ Good inter-personal Able and toerwork under pressure. hours aa week. communicaƟ skills in Afrikaans. hoursInternaƟ week.on Requirements: Excellent verbal and wriƩ en Must showskills ownons: aƟ ve.ce. Must beorganisaƟ willing work 12 RecommendaƟ administraƟ ve experience Computer ininiƟ MSPrevious Oĸ Good onal skills. RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve to experience communicaƟ inwriƟ English and Afrikaans. hoursexperience a week.on skills and in ng cles. Knowledge of Good inter-personal skills. Able toarƟ work under pressure. and experience in the the wriƟ ng of of arƟ cles. Knowledge of Computer ininiƟ MSPrevious Oĸ Good organisaƟ onal skills. RecommendaƟ administraƟ ve to experience the internal publicaƟ on Previous Must showskills ownons: aƟ ve.ce.Must willing work 12 the University’s University’s internal publicaƟ onbeprocedures. procedures. Previous Good inter-personal skills. Able toers work pressure. and experience in the wriƟ ng leƩ of arƟ cles. Knowledge experience in news and page design. hours a week. experience in compiling compiling news leƩ ers andunder page design. of Must show ownons: iniƟPrevious aƟve. Must beprocedures. willing work 12 the University’s internal publicaƟ on Previous RecommendaƟ administraƟ ve to experience hours a week. experience in compiling news leƩ ers and page design. Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) and experience in the wriƟ ng of arƟ cles. Knowledge of Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) RecommendaƟ ons: administraƟ experience 808 2932); Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) the internal publicaƟ on procedures. Previous 808University’s 2932); Linda Linda UysPrevious (lu@sun.ac.za; (021)ve 808 4628) and experience in the wriƟ ng of arƟ Knowledge of Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) experience in compiling news leƩ ers cles. and page design. the internal publicaƟon procedures. Previous 808University’s 2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) experience in compiling news(dstevens@sun.ac.za; leƩers and page design. Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (021) 808 2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) Enquiries: Dorothy Stevens (dstevens@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2932); Linda Uys (lu@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4628) International Visitors International Visitors I ndescripƟ tern ational Visitors Job on: Job descripƟ on: x xnAssistance Assistance with visitor’s programmes and visiƟ ng IJob t e r n with a t ivisitor’s o n aprogrammes l V i s iand t ovisiƟ r sng descripƟon: academics. IPSU (International Programmes rho og gUr rnaa im m m si t y ) S h o r t S t e l l e n b o sPPcr vm e reess I P S U ( I n t e rP n a t i o n a l P r r o g r a m m e so g r a m m e s S t e l l e n b o s c o re ts I P SdescripƟ U ( I non: t e r nha t U i onni avle rP sr iotgyr) a S mhm Job Job descripƟ on: P r o g r a m m e s x Responding to wriƩ en and electronic enquiries e l l e n b o stocwriƩ h en Un i velectronic e r s i t yenquiries ) S h o from rt xS tResponding and from Job short descripƟ on: programme students. short programme students. P r o g r a m m e s RespondingadministraƟ to wriƩen and enquiries from x General ve electronic tasks (photocopying, x General administraƟve tasks (photocopying, short programme etc.) Job paperwork, descripƟ on: paperwork, ling, ling,students. etc.) within within the the IPSU IPSU Unit Unit with with General to administraƟ ve electronic tasksand regards admission registraƟ of x Responding to wriƩen and enquiries from regards to processing, processing, admission and(photocopying, registraƟon on of Job descripƟ on: ling,students. paperwork, etc.) within the IPSU Unit with short short programme programme students. x to wriƩlogisƟ en and electronic enquiries from regards admission and(photocopying, registraƟ on of AssisƟ with aspects of x Responding General administraƟ vecal tasks AssisƟng ngto processing, with logisƟ cal aspects of Short Short short programme students. short programme students. Programmes. paperwork, ling, etc.) within the IPSU Unit with Programmes. x administraƟ vecal tasks (photocopying, x AssisƟ ngto withthe of Short Support during orientaƟ on at the beginning regards processing, admission registraƟ on of x General Support during thelogisƟ orientaƟ onaspects atand the beginning of paperwork, ling,Programme, etc.) within including the IPSU conducƟ Unit with Programmes. each new ng short students. each programme new Short Short Programme, including conducƟ ng processing, admission of Support during orientaƟ atand theregistraƟ beginning of campus tours. x regards AssisƟ ngto withthelogisƟ cal onaspects of on Short campus tours. programme students.within each new task Short including conducƟ x Any as required the Unit. Programmes. x short Any other other task as Programme, required within the IPSU IPSU Unit. ng x AssisƟ ngtours. with cal onaspects of Short campus Requirements: Excellent organizaƟ onal, ve x Support during thelogisƟ orientaƟ at theadministraƟ beginning of Requirements: Excellent organizaƟ onal, administraƟ ve Programmes. x Any other task as required within the IPSU Unit. skills. Computer skills in MS Oĸ ce. Good wriƩ en each new Short including conducƟ ng skills. Computer skillsProgramme, in MS Oĸce. Good wriƩ en and and x Support during the on onal, at theAbility beginning of Requirements: Excellent organizaƟ administraƟ ve spoken communicaƟ on skills in to campus tours. spoken communicaƟ on orientaƟ skills in English. English. Ability to work work each new task Short including conducƟ ng skills. Computer skills inlicense. MS Oĸ ce. Good wriƩ enwork and under pressure. Drivers Must be to x Any other as Programme, required within the IPSU Unit. under pressure. Drivers license. Must be willing willing to work spoken communicaƟ on skills in English. to work 12 hours xed during aaorganizaƟ week, including availability Requirements: onal, Ability administraƟ ve 12 campus hours tours. xed Excellent during week, including availability x AnyComputer other task as weekends required within IPSU Unit. under pressure. Drivers Must be willing to to work evenings/ and during University skills. skills inlicense. MS Oĸ ce. the Good wriƩ enwork and to work evenings/ weekends and during University Requirements: onal, Ability administraƟ ve 12 hours xedExcellent during aorganizaƟ week, including availability holidays. spoken communicaƟ on skills in English. to work holidays. skills. Computer skills inlicense. MS administraƟ Oĸ ce. Good enwork and to work evenings/ weekends and during University RecommendaƟ ons: Previous ve experience. under pressure. Drivers Must be willing to RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ vewriƩ experience. spoken communicaƟ onpart skills Ability to work holidays. The ability work as of team. Must show own 12 hours to xed during a week, including availability The ability to work as part ofinaaEnglish. team. Must show own under pressure. Drivers license. Must be willing to work RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. iniƟ aƟ ve. Good inter-personal skills. to work evenings/ weekends and during University iniƟaƟve. Good inter-personal skills. 12 xedwork during a week, including Thehours abilityto as part of a team. Must availability show own holidays. to work weekends and during University iniƟ aƟve. evenings/ Good inter-personal skills. Enquiries: Ben (bn@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4260) RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. Enquiries: Ben Nel Nel (bn@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4260) holidays. The ability to work as part of a team. Must show own RecommendaƟ ons: Previous administraƟ ve experience. Enquiries: Ben Nel (bn@sun.ac.za; 4260) iniƟ aƟve. Good inter-personal skills.(021) 808 The ability to work as part of a team. Must show own iniƟ aƟve. Good inter-personal skills.(021) 808 4260) Enquiries: Ben Nel (bn@sun.ac.za; Enquiries: Ben Nel (bn@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 4260) Community Projects Community Projects Community Projects Job Job descripƟ descripƟon: o m on: m Kayamandi u n i t yCommunity P r o Project. jects x Co-ordinates x C Co-ordinates Kayamandi Community Project. Job descripƟduring on: the x x Support Support during the orientaƟ orientaƟon on of of new new internaƟ internaƟonal onal x Co-ordinates Kayamandi Project. students beginning of students at at the the beginningCommunity of each each semester. semester. during the orientaƟ on of internaƟonal x events like the Job descripƟwith on: fundraising x Support Support with fundraising events likenew the InternaƟ InternaƟ onal students at the beginningCommunity of each semester. Food x Co-ordinates Kayamandi Project. Food Evening. Evening. Job on: with fundraising events likenew the internaƟ InternaƟ Any tasks as by Welcome! Unit in x descripƟ Support during the orientaƟ onthe of onal Any other other tasks as required required by the Welcome! Unit in x Co-ordinates Kayamandi Project. Food Evening. the InternaƟ onal Oĸ students at the beginning of each semester. the InternaƟ onal Oĸce. ce. Community x Support during the orientaƟ onand of internaƟ onal x Any other tasks as required by the Welcome! Unit in Requirements: Strong interest involvement Support with fundraising events likenew the InternaƟ onal Requirements: Strong interest and involvement in students atdevelopment the beginning of each semester. the InternaƟ onal Oĸce. and community internaƟ onalisaƟ Food Evening. community development and internaƟ onalisaƟon. on. x Support with fundraising events like the InternaƟ onal Requirements: Strong interest involvement Excellent organisaƟ onal skills. Good inter-personal skills. x Any other tasks as required by and the Welcome! Unit in Excellent organisaƟ onal skills. Good inter-personal skills. Food Evening. community development onalisaƟ on. Good and wriƩ en on in theverbal InternaƟ onal ce. and internaƟ Good verbal and wriƩOĸ en communicaƟ communicaƟ on skills, skills, in English English x other tasks as required by the Welcome! Unit in Excellent organisaƟ onal skills. inter-personal skills. and Afrikaans. Proven ability to work with Requirements: Strong interest involvement in andAny Afrikaans. Proven abilityGood toand work with groups. groups. the InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce. Good verbal and wriƩ en communicaƟ on skills, in English Computer skills in MicrosoŌ Word and Excel. Drivers community development and internaƟ onalisaƟ on. Computer skills in MicrosoŌ Word and Excel. Drivers Requirements: interest involvement in and Afrikaans. Proven ability toand work with license. Must be willing to 12 hours per week. Excellent organisaƟ onal skills. Good inter-personal skills. license. Must beStrong willing to work work 12 hours pergroups. week. community development and onalisaƟ on. Computer skills in MicrosoŌ WordinternaƟ and Excel. Drivers Willing to weekends. Good verbal and wriƩ en communicaƟ on skills, in English Willing to work work weekends. Excellent organisaƟ onalKnowledge skills. Good inter-personal skills. license. Must be willing to work hours pergroups. week. RecommendaƟ ons: of South African and Afrikaans. Proven ability to 12 work with RecommendaƟ ons: Knowledge of South African Good verbal andweekends. wriƩ en communicaƟ on skills, in English Willing to work languages. Prior administraƟ ve experience. Inter-cultural Computer skills in MicrosoŌ and Excel. Drivers languages. Prior administraƟ veWord experience. Inter-cultural and Afrikaans. Proven ability to 12 work with RecommendaƟ ons: Knowledge of hours South African experience. of structure within license. MustKnowledge be willing to work pergroups. week. experience. Knowledge of nancial nancial structure within Computer skills in MicrosoŌveof Word and Excel. Drivers languages. Priorweekends. administraƟ experience. Inter-cultural the University. Knowledge project management Willing to work the University. Knowledge of project management license. Must be willing to work 12 week. experience. Knowledge of nancial structure within (funcƟ ons, ouƟ ngs). RecommendaƟ ons: Knowledge of hours Southper African (funcƟ ons, ouƟ ngs). Willing to work the University. Knowledgeveof project management languages. Priorweekends. administraƟ experience. Inter-cultural RecommendaƟ ons: Knowledge of structure South African (funcƟ ons,Lidia ouƟ ngs). Enquiries: du (lidia@sun.ac.za; experience. Knowledge of nancial within Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; languages. Prior administraƟ experience. Inter-cultural (021) 808 the Knowledgeveof project management (021)University. 808 2607) 2607) experience. Knowledge nancial structure within Enquiries: du Plessisof(lidia@sun.ac.za; (funcƟ ons, Lidia ouƟ ngs). the (021)University. 808 2607) Knowledge of project management (funcƟ ons, Lidia ouƟngs). Enquiries: du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2607) Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; (021) 808 2607) Please note the Please note the following: Please note the f soonly l l obe w itn g :t me PosiƟ ons can by full-Ɵ PosiƟ ons can only ben lled lled by full-Ɵ me registered P l e a e o e h eregistered students. students. f oavailable l l obew i none g : meand PosiƟons ons can lled full-Ɵ registered PosiƟ are for year will PosiƟ ons are only available for by one year and will be be students. adverƟ adverƟsed sedfannually. annually. o l l o w i n g : PosiƟ ons can only be should lled full-Ɵ meand registered are available for by one year will be All student assistants be available before Job Job descripƟ descripƟon: on: r g a n ithe s a social t i o nand e l l e nprogramme b o s c h ) for x x OOrganize Organize the social andS tcultural cultural programme for Job internaƟ descripƟonal on: students internaƟ onal students in in collaboraƟ collaboraƟon on with with aa academics. x commiƩ Organizeee socialevery andsemester. cultural programme for elected commiƩ eethe elected every semester. Assistance with visitor’s programmes and visiƟ ng x Campus tours for visitors on appointment. x Campus tours for visitors on appointment. internaƟ in on collaboraƟ on withonal x during the of Job descripƟonal on: students x Support Support during the orientaƟ orientaƟ on of new new internaƟ internaƟ onala academics. x for All student assistants should be available before Job descripƟon: x Support Support for projects projects and and events events presented presented by by the the students. commiƩ ee elected every semester. students one week before the beginning of each adverƟ sed of annually. x Organize the week social before and cultural programme for students one the beginning of each Campus tours for visitors on appointment. the the academic year and may Welcome! Unit in the InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce. x Assistance with visitor’s programmes and visiƟ ng the start start of the be academic year me andregistered may be be Welcome! Unit in the InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce. PosiƟ ons can only lled by full-Ɵ Job descripƟ on: x internaƟ Support duringstudents the orientaƟ of new internaƟ semester. PosiƟ ons are available for one and will be in on collaboraƟ on withonal a Job descripƟ on: All student assistants should beyear available before semester.onal x Support for projects and events presented by the Requirements: Must have a good knowledge of required to work during university holidays. academics. Requirements: Must have a good knowledge of required to work during university holidays. students. x Organize the social and cultural programme for students one week before the beginning of each x Support for internaƟ onal-local integraƟ on commiƩ ee elected every semester. x Assistance with visitor’s programmes and visiƟ ng adverƟ sed of annually. x Support for internaƟonal-local integraƟon the start the academic year be and available may be Welcome! Unit incampus. the InternaƟ onal Oĸce. the university and Good verbal x tours visitors on appointment. Successful the Campus university andfor campus. Good verbal and wriƩ wriƩen en PosiƟ Successful candidates should ons arecandidates available forshould one yearbe andavailable will be onal in on collaboraƟ on withonal a semester. programmes. x internaƟ Support duringstudents the orientaƟ of new internaƟ academics. programmes. Requirements: Must have aComputer good knowledge of communicaƟ on skills in English. skills. Drivers All student assistants should be available before required to work during university holidays. x Support for projects and events presented by the communicaƟ on skills in English. Computer skills. Drivers for 10 hours training in November (without for 10 hours training in November (without commiƩ ee elected every semester. adverƟsed annually. Support for onal-local integraƟ on x fundraising events the onal one weekinternaƟ before thelike beginning of each x Campus tours for visitors on appointment. x students Support with with fundraising events like the InternaƟ InternaƟ onal the university and campus. Good verbal and wriƩ en license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. Must be able the start of the academic year and may be Welcome! Unit in the InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce. Successful candidates should be available license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. Must be able remuneraƟ x Support during the orientaƟon of new internaƟonal remuneraƟ on). programmes. Food All student on). assistants should be available before semester. x Support for projects andbut events presented by the Food Evening. Evening. communicaƟ on skills in English. skills. Drivers to work set per week, should also be Requirements: Must have aComputer good knowledge of to work set hours hours per week, but should also be available available required to work during university holidays. for 10 hours training in November (without ApplicaƟ on leƩ ers, relevant CV and two leƩ ers students one week before the beginning of each Support with fundraising events like the InternaƟ onal x Any other tasks as required by the Welcome! Unit in the ApplicaƟ ers,academic relevant CV twomay leƩers for as internaƟ integraƟ startonofleƩ the yearand and be Welcome! the InternaƟ Oĸ x Any other tasks requiredonal-local by the Welcome! Uniton in license. Work hours: 12ce hours peronal week. Must able to on short noƟ as well as aŌ er oĸ hours the university andincampus. verbal and wriƩ en to visitors visitors on Unit short noƟ ce as Good well as aŌ erce. oĸce cebe hours Successful candidates should beability available remuneraƟ on). semester. from referees fying to FoodInternaƟ Evening. the onal programmes. Requirements: Must have good also knowledge of from referees tesƟ fying to your your ability and and the InternaƟ onal Oĸ Oĸce. ce. required to worktesƟ during university holidays. to work set hours per week, butaComputer should be available events. communicaƟ on skills in English. skills. Drivers events. 10 hours training in November (without for ApplicaƟ ers, relevant CVshould and two leƩers x Support for onal-local integraƟ on x Any other tasks as internaƟ required by Unit in Requirements: Computer skills in MicrosoŌ Word and suitability the assistantship handed Support with fundraising events likeWelcome! the InternaƟ onal the university and verbal and wriƩ en Requirements: Computer skills in the MicrosoŌ Word and to visitors on short noƟ asGood well as aŌerMust oĸcebe hours RecommendaƟ ons: Knowledge of European suitabilityonfor forleƩ the assistantship beavailable handed Successful candidates shouldshould be be license. Work hours: 12ce hours per week. able RecommendaƟ ons: campus. Knowledge of an an European programmes. remuneraƟ on). from referees tesƟ fying to your ability and theGood InternaƟ onal and Oĸce. Excel. verbal wriƩ Food Evening. communicaƟ on skills in English. Computer skills. Drivers by Friday 9 October 2009. Excel. Good verbal and wriƩen en communicaƟ communicaƟon on skills skills events. language. by Friday 9 October 2009.in November (without to work set hours per week, but should also be available for 10 hours training language. x Support with fundraising events like the InternaƟ onal ApplicaƟ on leƩ ers, relevant CV and two leƩ ers Requirements: Computer skills into MicrosoŌ Word and mainly English. Proven ability work with groups. suitability for the assistantship should be handed x Anyin other tasks as required by the Welcome! Unit in license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. Must be able mainly in English. Proven ability to work with groups. RecommendaƟ ons: noƟ Knowledge of an Address for to visitors on short ce as well as European aŌer oĸce hours remuneraƟ Address on). for applicaƟ applicaƟons: ons: Robert Robert Kotzé, Kotzé, Food Evening. Excel. Good verbal wriƩ en communicaƟ skills Good onal and inter-personal skills. Interest from referees tesƟ fying to your ability and theorganisaƟ InternaƟ Oĸ to work set hours per week, but should also be available by Friday 9 October 2009. Good organisaƟ onal and andce. inter-personal skills. on Interest language. Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce – Admin A Room 1008 events. Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; InternaƟon onalleƩOĸ – Admin A Room 1008 ApplicaƟ ers,cerelevant CV and two leƩ ers x Any in other tasks as required by the Welcome! Unitand in mainly English. Proven ability work with groups. in development and internaƟ onalisaƟ on. Requirements: Computer skills into MicrosoŌ Word to visitors on short ce as well as aŌ er oĸce hours for theapplicaƟ assistantship be handed in community community development and internaƟ onalisaƟ on. suitability Address at for ons: should Robert Kotzé, (021) 808 RecommendaƟ ons: noƟ Knowledge of an European (entrance SUNPRINT). (021) 808 2607) 2607) (entrance at SUNPRINT). from referees tesƟ fying to your ability and the InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce. Good organisaƟ and inter-personal skills. Interest Drivers license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. Excel. Good verbal and wriƩ en communicaƟ on skills events. Drivers license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; by Friday 9 October InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce2009. –for AposiƟ Room 1008 language. Please indicate which on(s) you suitability Please indicate clearly forAdmin which posiƟ on(s) you Requirements: Computer intoMicrosoŌ Word and for theclearly assistantship should be handed in community development and internaƟ onalisaƟ on. RecommendaƟ ons: Prior administraƟ ve experience. mainly in English. Proven ability work groups. RecommendaƟ RecommendaƟ ons: Prior skills administraƟ ve with experience. (021) 808 2607)ons: Knowledge of an European Address for applicaƟons: Robert Kotzé, (entrance at SUNPRINT). are applying. Excel. Good verbal and wriƩ en communicaƟ on skills are applying. Drivers license. experience. Work 12 hours per skills. week. Inter-cultural Knowledge of nancial by Friday 9 October 2009. Good organisaƟ onal hours: and inter-personal language. Inter-cultural experience. Knowledge of Interest nancial Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce – for Admin AposiƟ Room 1008 Please indicate clearly which on(s)of Interviews will conducted the week 12 mainly in English. Proven ability tointernaƟ work RecommendaƟ Prior administraƟ ve with experience. structure within the University. of project Address Interviews will be be conducted in Robert the week ofyou 12 in community development andKnowledge onalisaƟ on. for applicaƟ ons: in Kotzé, structure withinons: the University. Knowledge of groups. project (021) 808 2607) (entrance at SUNPRINT). are applying. Good organisaƟ onal and inter-personal skills. Interest October 2009. Inter-cultural experience. Knowledge of nancial and event management (funcƟ ons, ouƟ ngs). Willing to Drivers license. Work hours: 12 hours perngs). week. Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; October onal 2009. Oĸce – Admin A Room 1008 and event management (funcƟ ons, ouƟ Willing to InternaƟ Please indicate clearly for which posiƟ on(s)ofyou Interviews will be conducted in the in community development andKnowledge internaƟ on. structure withinons: the Prior University. of project work weekends. The onal Oĸ ce the right to RecommendaƟ administraƟ ve onalisaƟ experience. (021) 808 2607) work weekends. (entrance The InternaƟ InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce reserves reserves the week right not not 12 to at SUNPRINT). Drivers license. Work hours: 12 hours per week. are applying. October 2009. and event management (funcƟ ons, ouƟ ngs). Willing to Inter-cultural experience. Knowledge of nancial make an appointment. make an appointment. Please indicate clearly for which posiƟ on(s) you RecommendaƟ ons: Prior administraƟ ve experience. Interviews will beOĸ conducted in the of 12 work weekends. Enquiries: Lidia Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; The InternaƟ onal ce reserves the week right not to structure within University. Knowledge of project Enquiries: Lidia du duthe Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; General enquiries: Robert Kotzé, are General enquiries: Robert Kotzé, rk@sun.ac.za. rk@sun.ac.za. applying. Inter-cultural experience. Knowledge of Willing nancial (021) 808 October and management (funcƟ ons, ouƟngs). to make an 2009. appointment. (021)event 808 2607) 2607) Interviews will be conducted in the week of 12 structure within University. Knowledge of project Enquiries: Lidia duthe Plessis (lidia@sun.ac.za; work weekends. The InternaƟ onal Oĸ ce reserves the right not to General enquiries: Robert Kotzé, rk@sun.ac.za. October 2009. and management (funcƟ ons, ouƟ ngs). Willing to communicate care communicate create connect care care communicate (021)event 808 2607) care communicate create connect care communicate create create connect connect care care communicate communicate create create connect connect care communicate create create connect connect make an appointment. work weekends. The InternaƟ onal Oĸceclarity reservesquality the rightclarity not to careclarity quality quality quality clarity quality Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis clarity (lidia@sun.ac.za; careclarity quality clarity quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity General enquiries: Robert Kotzé, rk@sun.ac.za. care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect make ancare appointment. qualitycare communicate communicate (021) 808 2607) qualitycare communicate create create connect connect care care communicate communicate create create connect connect care care communicate communicate create create connect connect care communicate create create connect connect Enquiries: Lidia du Plessis clarity (lidia@sun.ac.za; careclarity quality quality clarity clarity quality clarity clarity quality clarity clarity quality clarity clarity quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity General enquiries: Robert Kotzé,quality rk@sun.ac.za. careclarity quality clarity quality clarity clarity careclarity quality clarity clarity quality quality clarity quality quality clarity quality quality clarity quality quality clarity quality quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity (021) 808 2607) care communicate create connect carecare communicate create connect carecare communicate create connect carecare communicate create connect qualitycare communicate create connect communicate create connect communicate create connect communicate create connect careclarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality Int.Kantoor Advertensie PROEF.indd Int.Kantoor Matie Matie Advertensie PROEF.indd 1 1 create connect care communicate create care communicate qualitycare communicate create connect careclarity quality clarity quality clarity careclarity quality clarity Int.Kantoor Matie Advertensiequality PROEF.inddclarity 1 qualitycare communicate create connect clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality 2009/09/16 clarity 2009/09/16 08:25:39 08:25:39 connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality clarity quality 2009/09/16 clarity 08:25:39 care communicate create connect care communicate create connect care communicate create connect 12 DieMatie 23 September 2009 OPINIONS redaksioneel D ie universiteit bied jou nou ’n nuwe (uitgekontrakteerde) diens: die huur van togas. Die dae wat jy jou gradeplegtigheid bywoon as die beloning vir jou harde werk oor etlike jare, is verby. Dit is nou net nóg ’n diens wat die rande uit jou sak gaan jaag. Asof studente nie reeds derduisende daaraan spandeer om net die voorreg te kan hê om hul name uitgelees te hoor en oor die verhoog te stap om die hardverdiende koker te ontvang nie. Daar mag gevra word waarheen gaan al die duisende rande wat ons jaarliks spandeer om ons studenterekeninge te vereffen. Die antwoord: ek dink nie enige iemand weet werklik nie. Daar is klasgelde, materiaalgelde, laboratoriumgelde, PSO-gelde, studentevereniging-ledegelde, ensovoorts. Klasgelde beloop duisende rande en materiaalgelde is nie ver agter nie, terwyl ons as studente in elk geval teen addisionele kostes al ons notas moet druk. Waarvoor gaan al die materiaalgelde dan? Waarvoor gaan die klasgelde? Aan bevoegde dosente of aan dosente aan wie se vermoëns om kennis oor te dra ek partykeer twyfel? Wat van behoeftige studente wat skaars die klasgelde kan bekostig? Baie studente kan skaars die mas opkom met die kostes soos dit reeds is. Studenterekeninge, vervoergelde, boekgelde, leefgeld en die lys kan net aangaan. Nou is die universiteit se nuutste breinkind om ter beloning vir die aangaan van al hierdie kostes en harde werk net nóg Toga of geen toga? ’n rekening uit te reik: vir die toga wat jy op jou gradeplegtigheid gaan dra. Hierdie universiteit se klasgelde is van die hoogstes in die land: is dit regtig moontlik dat ons nou nog ékstra moet betaal vir ’n toga wat maar ’n paar uur gedra gaan word? Wat sal die universiteit se verskoning wees om nie vir die verskaffing van togas te kan begroot nie? Kostes sou so laer en baie meer effektief aangegaan kon word. As gevolg van die gebrek aan ’n begroting word die kostes na die student afgeskuif. In daardie geval, gaan togas rêrig by vanjaar se gradeplegtigheid vepligtend wees? Sal studente wat in hul gunsteling-t-hemp en jeans opdaag weggewys word? Is die graad die toga werd? BRIEWE letters English not so “bleek” Although I agree with much of what Koos Kombuis said in “Nasionale Selfmoord van die Afrikaner” (Die Matie: 26 August), especially with regards to the infamously apathetic Stellenbosch student, I feel I must nit-pick for a moment. While reading most of the article, I thought he spoke sense. Up until close to the end, where he suddenly attacks English. I know that is not the main point, but it is this type of attitude that could lead to problems and even discrimination. He says English is a “bleek en onpraktiesie taal, ’n taal waarvan die spelling geen sin maak nie, ’n taal wat bitter moeilik is om aan te leer, ’n taal wat alles-behalwe cool of modern is” and that it is “lomp”. As an English speaker, I take huge offence to that. English is very colourful, not “bleek” or “lomp” at all. A language that is not ashamed to borrow and steal from other languages. Nor is it unpractical – how can it be? It fulfils all the functions it needs to. Although, I must admit, he is right about the spelling, but it gives English character. From a linguistic perspective all languages are equally difficult/easy to acquire; it all depends on when they are acquired. English may not be as young as Afrikaans but it is still modern – think of all the words that are added daily to refer to new innovations. And if it is not cool, how can he explain the fact that “young people” – the makers of cool – choose to use English words or phrases when there are equivalents in their own language? NonEnglish people from South Africa, China, Japan, and India use English phrases. Even some French magazines, notorious for hating English, contain English phrases. English is cool. Language is an enormous part of identity – attack a language and you attack someone’s identity. So I can understand that Kombuis does not want Afrikaans to die or commit suicide, but equally important is our attitude towards different languages and their speakers. – Lizl Morden O, tog(g)a! Dit is nie goedkoop om te studeer nie. Kom ons ver onderstel jy voltooi ’n driejaargraad binne die minimum vereiste tyd aan die Universiteit Stellenbosch. Die klasgeld alleen sal jou enige iets vanaf R50 000 uit die sak jaag. Hierna kom daar nog internetkostes, rekenaardrukkrediete, fotostateerkwota, en allerhande departementele en fakulteitsverenigings fooie waarvan jy die resultate nooit sien nie. (Vraag: Hoekom betaal BA-studente ’n laboratoriumfooi?) As jy so gelukkig is om koshuisverblyf te kry, sal jy ná drie jaar min of meer nog R50 000 armer wees. Tel hierby nog was- en koskwota en jy kom op ’n aardige bedraggie te staan – en my skattings is nog redelik aan die beskeie kant. Wanneer jy uiteindelik platsak en gestres oor al die studielenings wat jy moet terugbetaal aan die einde van jou derdejaar die stukkie papier moet gaan haal wat jou soveel geld uit die sak gejaag het, maak een van die universiteit se nuutste pogings om ons leeg te melk sy verskyning: Jy moet jou toga en graadband vir die gradeplegtigheid huur teen ’n stewige R100! En daar is natuurlik nog ’n R100- deposito vir die kleptomane onder ons. Die rede wat hiervoor aangevoer word, is dat die universiteit “die verskaffing van akademiese drag vir gebruik deur studente tydens Eedafleggingsfunksies en Grade-, Diploma- en Sertifikaatplegtighede aan ’n privaatverskaffer, naamlik Dippenaar en Reinecke (Edms)(Bpk), uitgekontrakteer” het (luidens die US se Nuusblog). Die gradeplegtigheid is dus nie meer ’n beloning vir jou harde werk nie, maar net nog ’n “diens” waarvoor jy moet opdok. En die meeste van ons sal hierna in elk geval nóg ’n graad moet voltooi voordat ons min of meer verseker kan wees van ’n min of meer ordentlike werk. As jy genoeg geld het om dit tot by jou doktorsgraad te maak, is die goeie nuus dat jy die rooi toga darem kosteloos mag dra. Hoekom kon akademiese drag nog al die jare kosteloos verskaf word terwyl dit nou uitgekontrakteer moet word? Is dit die universiteit se antwoord op die ekonomiese resessie? Ek hoop werklik die nuwe studenteraad bewys aan ons dat hulle werklik die studente se belange op die hart dra deur hierdie saak verder te vat. So nie, sal ek my genope voel om die Suid-Afrikaanse benadering tot hierdie saak te volg (lees: te staak). Ek sal dan die persoon by die gradeplegtigheid wees SONDER ’n toga en ’n graadband. Want die streep sal êrens ten opsigte van hierdie uitbuiting getrek moet word. – Ontstoke platsak-student Evaluering van JOOL-komitee Vanjaar was die eerste jaar wat ek as HK-lid gedien het. Vroeër vanjaar was ek verbaas toe ek nooit genader is om die universiteit se algemene JOOLkomitee te evalueer nie. JOOL sal altyd vol wonderlike herinneringe bly, en ek het groot waardering vir die komitee se harde werk. Ongelukkig is die onprofessionele optrede van verskeie lede van die JOOL-komitee ook nog vars in my geheue. Aangesien daar oor die algemeen konsensus onder die onderskeie huiskomitees blyk te wees oor sekere onbewaamhede, is dit regtig ’n jammerte dat ons nooit ’n formele geleentheid gegun is om ons menings oor die JOOL-komitee se werk te lug nie. My ontevredenheid met die JOOL-komitee is tweeledig van aard. Eerstens voel ek dat die aanstellingsproses nie noodwendig lei tot die aanstelling van mense met voldoende organisatoriese en be stuursvaardighede nie. Swak handleidings en gebrekkige kommunikasie vermoeilik ’n reeds uitdagende tyd vir HKlede, wanneer daar net so baie tyd en aandag aan die verwelkoming van ons eerstejaars geskenk moet word as aan JOOL. Tweedens was die mensevaardighede van vanjaar se komiteelede oor die algemeen heeltemal ontoereikend. Ek vermoed daar is die een of ander vorm van pseudo-demokratiese stelsel waardeur die komitee verkies word – wat tog beteken dat daar iemand moet wees wat van hierdie mense hou. Maar hierdie stelsel verteenwoordig beslis nie die gevoel van die meerderheid nie. Ek het die SR-evaluering (Die Matie: 29 Julie 2009) as baie konstruktief gesien. Ek sou graag wou sien dat daar in die toekoms ’n soortgelyke stelsel vir die evaluering van die JOOL-komitee sal wees. – Peter Pan KLAGTEPROSEDURE EN FOUTRAPPORTERING Indien enige leser ’n klagte het dat Die Matie nie op ’n ewewigtige, eerlike en objektiewe w yse rapporteer nie, of dink dat menings uitgespreek in Die Matie nie godsdienstige en kulturele sake met omsigtigheid hanteer nie, kan ’n klag by die SR-lid vir Media gelê word. Die Matie is onderhewig aan ’n gedragskode wat by die SR-lid vir Media beskikbaar is. Alle klagtes word deur ’n regsdosent ondersoek, waarna Die Matie voor die Mediaraad kan verskyn. Klagtes moet ingevolge die Mediareglement binne tien werksdae ná publikasie aanhangig gemaak word. Distrik 10? ’n Hewige debat woed tans oor die plant van die Instituut vir Wynbiotegnologie se geneties gemodifieerde wingerdstokke op die Welgevallen-proefplaas. hoofredaksie Hoofredakteur Annelize Kloppers (redakteur@diematie.sun.ac.za) Adjunkredakteurs Marietjie Vos (inhoud@diematie.sun.ac.za), Roann Louw (grafika@diematie.sun.ac.za), Marietha Brits (bedryf@diematie.sun.ac.za) NUUS Anthea Hartzenberg (nuus@diematie.sun.ac.za) AKTUEEL Anika Marais (aktueel@diematie.sun.ac.za) DAG EN NAG Robert Kaden (dn@diematie.sun.ac.za) STUDENTELEWE Joey Volschenk (sl@diematie.sun.ac.za) SPORT Mia Smit (sport@diematie.sun.ac.za) Teks Vakant (teks@diematie.sun.ac.za) FOTO Johann Swart (foto@diematie.sun.ac.za) ADVERTENSIES Marlett Griebenow (ads@diematie.sun.ac.za) REKENAAR Simon de la Rouviere (it@diematie.sun.ac.za) medewerkers KWYTRAAK Deonette Theart (kw ytraak@diematie.sun.ac.za) earl de toilette Philip de Beer (earl@ diematie.sun.ac.za) manewales Amori Stols (manewales@diematie.sun.ac.za) SPOTPRENT Seth Beukes (spotprent@diematie.sun.ac.za) ADDISIONELE GRAFIKA w w w.sxc.hu STEL JY BELANG? As jy as joernalis, taalversorger, grafiese ontwerper, advertensiewerwer, fotograaf of rekenaarassistent betrokke wil raak, woon gerus ’n redaksievergadering by op die Woensdag waarop Die Matie verskyn. Ons vergader om 18:30 in ons kantoor op die eerste vloer van die Neelsie. TEL 021 808 3539 FAKS 021 808 3538 E-POS diematie@diematie.sun.ac.za POSADRES Langenhoven Studentesentrum, Privaatsak X1, Universiteit Stellenbosch, Matieland, 7602 WEBADRES w w w.sun.ac.za/diematie OPLAAG 8 000 VOLGENDE UITGAWE 7 Oktober 2009 SPERDATUM 30 September 2009 ADVERTENSIES 073 625 4740 Die Matie subscribes to the South African Press Code that prescribes news that is truthful, accurate, fair and balanced. If we don’t live up to the code, please contact the Press Ombudsman at 011 788 4837. You may also lodge an internal complaint or report factual errors by contacting the SRC member for Media and following the procedure explained on the left. Backdrifts from the Heart of the Freelance Universe Earl de Toilette M mm, the fourth term has once again reared its ugly head, the university is blessed with the benevolent presence of newly elected HK members and on a quiet windstil day on the rooiplein (if you try hard enough) you can almost smell the pretence in the air… Welcome, my pets, to another dose of the facetious derision that is your friend, The Lurking Earl. Admittedly, the Earl has been on somewhat of a sabbatical, a break if you will – paranoia and too many seedy nights on the drag-strip of consciousness will do that to you… Luckily he is back, better than ever, and with a little help from his friendly neighbourhood chemist (he insists I call him that for security purposes) intends to blind you all with the brilliance of his scornful mockery once more. Still on last term however: there is a yearly occurrence that the Earl’s sarcastic and pottinged mind simply cannot let go. You see, the Earl was naively propositioned by a nubile young fox, hailing from the stunningly beautiful, booming metropolis of Morreesburg, to accompany said unsuspecting young thing to what she apparently called her “Huisdans”. Why on earth she would do such a thing no one may ever know, but nevertheless, one tuxedo-hire and a few hits of acid later, I found myself cowering in the back seat of a 60-seater, on my way to some unknown destination far away from, well, pretty much everything, and wondering whether we might not all arrive only to be chopped up and more equitably redistributed to society through Simple Simon’s pies. But the acid subsided, and the Earl soon realized his fate was far, far worse. Instead, a far more shocking truth: the high-class, off-the-radar gambling and illicit activities club he had been expecting, was simply a front the lying vixen had used to lure him to what seemed to be an excuse for young people to dress up, take photographs and risk life and limb as they lumbered across an open floor to the tune of Kaptein! In the Heart of Darkness, the Earl finds himself reminiscing about Mistah Kurtz: “The horror, the horror…” Trapped, your hero had but one hope: alcohol. Soon, slightly numbed to the sheer pain of watching these people writhe and twist in what apparently some enjoy as “sokkie” (luck- In the Heart of Darkness, the Earl finds himself reminiscing about Mistah Kurtz... ily my sanity was safe – I had left the mescaline at home), and now suddenly impervious to their secret weapon, “sokkie-musiek”, the Earl calmed down. Also helping were the numerous and diversified asset portfolios on display all across the room – there is nothing like watching stock go up and down. It was half-way into the evening when it hit him – a shining moment of divine epiphany, revealing to the Earl the true reason for such a pretentious fiasco of pseudo-class, cheap cigars and ridiculous dancing. The ticket prices! Suddenly everything made sense: almost-expensive wine, the pretty … um … dresses (yes, that’s it), and of course the lekker okes standing outside, pretending to ignore their dates and staggering around in wine-stained suits (although, the staggering may have been something of an insight on their part). The elitist vortex, mindlessly perpetuated by Gossip Girl – remember Chuck B(alls and )ass? – Greek, The OC, et cetera, et cetera, ad infinitum, makes it rather attractive for us lesser folk to want to dress up LIKE Marilyn Monroe, smoke cigars and pay up to half-agrand for one night’s dancing, photos and cheap booze. Besides, how awesome it is that your parents can afford your ticket… Quite recently, the Earl’s attention has also been caught by the ridiculous Caster Semenya debacle – a turn of events of which the bizarreness is only exceeded by their absolute lunacy. This kind of fiasco is a columnist’s wet dream – a situation where almost every party is guilty, where almost everything seems like it was spawned in the twilight zone and where the Earl finds himself as content as a nun with an electric … erm … blanket. Those fascist pigs at the IAAF! Just because we are a Third World country with absolutely no clout in international sport (just look at the way Schalk Burger’s affectionate advances were blown out of proportion over at the IRB) does not mean that when our Head of ASA goes over there to pull the race card, they can just laugh in our face as if such unfounded accusations mean nothing – have they not seen the terrible fate of ex-Justice Kriegler? Do they not know how we roll over here in SA!? Not to mention those Aussies who leaked her test results – they’re all criminals you know. The Earl cannot even start to write any more – with my mind in such an unstable and fragile state as is, any further thought might push my dopy consciousness over edge, beyond the freelance universe, and into oblivion. However, all that is behind us now, and the Earl has work to do – this week is another new beginning – a clean ashtray waiting for the dirty wisps of late nights behind the books, dancefloors or desks that lie strewn across this great campus of ours. Selah, The Lurking Earl Die metroman en sy hair straightener manewales S al jy my hair straightener vir my aansit, asseblief?” skree hy uit die badkamer. ’n Mens sou dink dat die gesprek tussen my en een van my vriendinne is, maar die veralgemening moet liefs vermy word. “Jou wat?” lok ek uit. “My ma het dit vir my gekoop, okay. Sy het ook hare wat so maklik mince.” “Mince?” vra ek tergend en probeer tevergeefs om my lag te hou. “My hare krul regtig sleg en ek doen dit nie elke dag nie.” “O, in daai geval is daar niks daarmee fout nie.” Die besef oorweldig my: my kêrel het in ’n metroseksuele man verander. Die metroseks uele man is ’n vreemde fenomeen wat eers in die 20ste eeu begin kopuitsteek het. Hulle is hete roseksuele mans met ’n aktiewe belangstelling in hul eie voorkoms en leefstyl. Die stereotipe rende gedrag wat hulle toon word gewoonlik met homoseksuele mans geassosieer. Daar is oral metromans – selfs op Stellenbosch. Jy het hulle dalk al in NuBar raakgeloop. Dit sal die ou wees wat nie wit sokkies by ’n swart broek dra nie. Hulle is ook net so aktief in die gym en spog met die lyf van ’n Griekse god. ’n Besoek aan die haarsalon vir highlights is ’n moet voor die somerseisoen van strand en see weer aanbreek. Elke metroman ontwikkel sy eie styl en hou daarby, hetsy dit nou emo of jock is. Ek vind sy GHD in sy lessenaarlaai en ek is jaloers. Hy trek nie net altyd beter as ek aan nie, hy het ook ’n beter hair straightener. Die lewe is nie regverdig nie: nou moet hy nog net meer skoene as ek hê. Ek moet erken die metro-tekens was daar. Net nou die dag loop hy saam met my in Foschini om vir hom ’n jean te soek wat sy boudjies tot hul volle reg sal laat kom. “Ag, engel, vir my kan jy jouself met liefde straight maak.” “Jy weet baie ouens het deesdae straighteners.” Dit is waar, en dis nie ál wat hulle doen nie... GORRELKOP Strykwerk, naaldwerk, ironie werk nÍÉ gorrel is bekommerd. Báie bekommerd. “Ironies” en “tong-in-die-kies” is alles goed en wel as ’n mens mooi verstaan wat hierdie terme beteken. Maar as dit net gebruik word om ’n verleentheid (lees: ’n sekere interkoshuistoernooi) weg te verduidelik, kan Gorrel dit nie net daar laat nie... Hier is dit dan, soos beloof, die waarheid agter kampuspolitiek en die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is: Hoe is dit, in ’n tyd waar ’n hoog geplaaste amptenaar sy vrou pimpel en pers kan slaan omdat sy nie sy klere wou stryk nie, dat sommige lede van ons kampusgemeenskap die “ironie” in geslagsongelykheid kan raaksien? Hoe is dit, in ’n tyd waar ’n jong vrou wreed My vriend vertel my nou die dag dat hy sopas vir sy reverse perm gegaan het. “Ons gaan laat wees; ek is seker makeup vat nie so lank nie.” My sin is nog nie eens klaar nie, toe staan hy voor my met net ’n handdoek aan. Die waterdruppels is besig om van sy ferm six pack af te loop. Ek snak so ’n bietjie na my asem en kan nie meer onthou wat ek besig was om te dink nie. “En nou gaan jy my nie verder spot nie.” My mond gaan oop en ek probeer tevergeefs om iets te sê. Hy pluk vinnig ’n jean en trui nader en gooi sy vuil klere in ’n refleksbeweging op die vloer. Ek sug tevrede. Ten minste sal sekere gewoontes nie uit hom gemetro word nie. Hy verdwyn weer in die badkamer en is ná ’n paar minute terug. Ek staan op en kyk gou vinnig na myself in die spieël. Om die een of ander onverklaarbare rede voel ek vet. Ek probeer gou met onderlaag iets aan die kringe onder my oë doen. “Kom, sexy, ons gaan laat wees.” Hy trek my nader en ek smelt in sy arms – soos roomys op ’n warm dag. Ek vat enige dag metro saam met my hetero. Die skinder agter die nuus. Die waarheid agter kampuspolitiek. Die kommentaar waarvoor almal bang is. Gorrel is nie verantwoordelik vir enige ongerief veroorsaak nie. vermoor kan word omdat haar kêrel voel hy besit haar, dat party vreeslik intelligente mense kan beweer dat hierdie generasie te jonk is om ’n argaïese verstaan van die huwelik te huldig? – Gorrel is jammer dat hierdie belangrike debat nou besig is om saam met die laaste slukkies uit die Bohemia-wynboks in die sloot afgespoel te word. Wat word van ons? wingerdgriep So van wyn gepraat... Gorrel verneem van een van Gorrel se vele ingeligte maatjies dat geen bottel Tassies meer veilig sal wees as ’n sekere paar wingerdstokke in die middel van die dorp geplant word nie. Gorrel se maatjie dink die opvolg op District 9 gaan heel moontlik Distrik Welgevallen wees: Sien enigiemand anders die epiese geveg tussen Agent Suiwer Druiwe en die Bose Bacchus wat aan die kom is? Hou hierdie spasie dop... Gorrel bly egter maar ’n draadsitter as dit by wynsake kom (tensy die draad natuurlik geëlektrifiseer is, soos daar blykbaar beplan word), en sal dus maar wag en sien wat uit die leivoor uit kruip... – Gorrel kyk skielik bekommerd na die kelkie in Gorrel se hand, en hoop die wingerdwyses gebruik hul towerkragte vir die groter geluk van die mensdom en ontwikkel ’n eliksir wat gemo difieer is om die drinker die gewraakte wingerd griep te spaar. Think of birth control pills. They caused the sixties. – Philosophy lecturer discusses scientific advances I’m not trying to be vague; I am just vague. – Lecturer apologises for not remembering what she put in the test After this course you will be able to use the term “paradigm shift” intelligently, which will set you apart from most of humanity. – Philosophy lecturer rather optimistic about course outcomes Wat is concrete nouweer? – Derdejaar-ingenieurs wese-student nadat hy die Engelse deel van die vraag gelees het Die regressie is amper verby! – Opgewonde inge nieurswese-student oor die einde van die resessie Ek kan dit nie doen nie! Ek swot visse! – Akwakultuurstudent met sy hand agter ’n koei tydens kunsmatige inseminasie Vir elke silwer randjie is daar ’n donker wolk. – Ingenieurswiskundedosent aan moedelose klas “ & dinge kampusquotes “ Perspektiewe So after that, I had the enitre gay community on my back. – Former Die Burger Ombudsman remembers complaints about that paper’s use of the word “moffie” Ekskuus, Doktor? Is daardie 1.1 of die absolute waarde van ’n punt? – Verwarde student tydens Ingenieurs wiskunde 244-lesing Stuur jou KampusQuotes na quotes@diematie.sun.ac.za Quote van die week Sy’t nie notes nodig nie, idioot! Sy’s ’n meisie; sy maak haar eies. – Voor die toetsseisoen in Eendrag se eetsaal gehoor www.nubar.co.za 14 DieMatie 23 September 2009 forum Dowwe Dolla lig haar masker “Sy sê al die dinge wat ek graag sal wil sê, maar nie kan nie. Sy vra vrae oor die wêreld wat almal anders te bang is om te vra...” KWYTRAAK Deonette Theart A lmal ken haar as die malkop blondine met die stokkielekker in die mond: Dowwe Dolla. Maar Margit Meyer-Rödenbeck is allesbehalwe dof! Die plan was aanvanklik om medies te gaan studeer, maar haar kop het maar nog altyd drama toe gestaan. Sy het haar honneursgraad in kinderteater in 1991 cum laude geslaag en in 1998 haar meestersgraad in teaterbestuur verwerf – albei aan die US. Nou, op 39, is sy só gelukkig dat sy dit skaars kan glo: ’n suksesvolle loopbaan, ’n oulike man (Jurg) plus ’n skattige babadogtertjie, Luca, wat aan Margit nog ’n belangrike rol gee, naamlik dié van ma. Ek praat met Margit in haar en Jurg se teaterrestaurant Die Boer in Durbanville, wat al byna vyf jaar vol sale trek. “Ek dink die kombinasie tussen goeie vermaak, heerlike kos en ’n onblusbare atmosfeer is ons wenresep,” som sy Die Boer se suksesverhaal op. Dit is duidelik dat sy en Jurg ’n wenspan maak. “Jurg is die rustige een wat goed onder stres funksioneer; ek wil alles gister gedoen gehad het,” skerts sy. Alhoewel hulle twee steeds al die besluite neem en sorg vir die program, het hulle twee bekwame bestuurders wat kyk dat dinge seepglad verloop. Hulle skep ook graag ’n platform vir jong, onbekende kunstenaars om op te tree. “Hulle is die sterre van môre en dis net regverdig om vir elkeen wat die talent het, ’n kans te gee,” verduidelik sy. Margit en Dowwe Dolla is nou maar eenmaal sinoniem. “Ja, sy is al soos ’n familielid. Daar was ’n stadium toe ek regtig nie van haar gehou het nie, maar nou is ek weer mal oor haar!” vertel sy. Die vraag oor die ontstaan van die karakter lei tot ’n vonkel in Margit se oë. “Ek, Pedro Kruger, Trix Pienaar en Eugenie Grobler het so dertien jaar gelede saam aan ’n kabaret gewerk. Twee dae voor die openingsaand kom ons toe agter daar kort ’n komiese element in die vertoning. “Hulle stuur toe vir my en Pedro die aand om aan ’n idee te gaan dink. Pleks van om te gaan dink, gaan drink ons toe. Ons het begin lag oor die blonde poppies wat lank terug die telefoonoperateurs was. En so het Dolla ontstaan.” Die karakter was vir lank net ’n kort deel van die kabaretvertonings waarvan Margit deel was, maar so tien jaar gelede is ’n vollengte vertoning vir Dowwe Dolla aanmekaargesit. “Ek het gedink dit gaan ’n eenmalige vertoning wees, maar die gehore was gaande. Nou, tien jaar later, is Dolla steeds met ons!” Hennie van Greunen is aan die stuur van sake as dit by die skryf van die teks kom, maar Margit lewer ook insette. Margit sien Dowwe Dolla as die masker waaragter sy soms alte graag skuil. “Dolla is flambojant, sy het guts en charisma en sy is uit en uit ’n ekstrovert. Sy sê al die dinge wat ek graag sal wil sê, maar nie kan nie. Sy vra vrae oor die wêreld wat almal anders te bang is om te vra en druk haar vinger in al die gate waar niemand anders hul vingers wil druk nie.” Margit vertel dat dit ’n groot uitdaging is om Dolla steeds vars en sprankelend te hou ná al die jare. Margit lag vir diegene wat aanneem sy is ook ’n bietjie stadig. “Dis eintlik ’n kompliment vir my, want dit wys ek vertolk die rol goed.” As sy nie ’n stokkielekker in haar mond het nie, werk sy aan ’n nuwe kinderteaterstuk. Sy het pas ’n suksesvolle reeks vertonings van Vlooi by die HB Thom-teater agter die rug. “Dis magical, want kinders se reaksies is onmiddellik en hulle is nog onbevange.” Sy sê egter dat ’n mens ekstra eerlik in dié genre moet werk, omdat kinders vinnig vir jou sal sê as hulle jou nie glo nie. Margit het ook al haar merk in die radiobedryf gemaak. Sy was vir drie jaar aanbieder by Radio Punt, van onder meer die middernagskof en die middagete-geselsprogram. Verder was sy ook al die stem in verskeie plaaslike en internasionale advertensies en radiodramas. Die ervaring het natuurlik handig te pas gekom toe Margit gevra is om in haar Dowwe Dolla stem ’n GPSprogram op te neem. Dowwe Dolla het selfs vir haar en Jurg, tydens hul Italiaanse vakansie vroeër vanjaar, gehelp om by hul bestemmings uit te kom. Dat ’n mens al laggend gaan bestuur, is gewis, veral as jy oor die vingers getik word indien jy ’n verkeerde afrit geneem het as die een waarop sy jou lei. Dit kan jou net in ’n lekker ligte luim by jou bestemming laat uitkom. “Van al my werk was dit sonder twyfel die lekkerste,” vertel sy nostalgies. Haar groot droom is om eendag ’n Afrikaanse geselsradiostasie te begin. “Ek glo daar is ’n gaping in die mark hiervoor en veral Afrikaanssprekendes het die behoefte om hulle sê te sê,” motiveer sy. Margit is sonder enige twyfel volksbesit. “Die aandag is lekker. Dis tog waarvoor ’n mens werk”. Sy vertel dat die publiek haar oor die algemeen met respek hanteer, maar die media kan soms hul perke oorskry. “Daar was ’n string fotograwe by die hospitaal waar ek gekraam het, nog lank voor ek daar aangekom het!” lag sy. Sy glo wel as jy hulle nie iets gee om oor te skryf nie, kan hulle nie anders as om niks slegs van jou te skryf nie. Oor die stand van die Suid-Afrikaanse vermaaklikheidsbedryf, is Margit vurig. “Die sangbedryf loop oor, want dit is deesdae te maklik om ’n album op te neem. Dit grief my om te dink die baby-baby sangers maak miljoene terwyl die teaterakteurs aansukkel. Dit is egter niks nuuts nie; teater was maar nog altyd die stiefkind van die vermaaklikheidswêreld,” sê sy met ’n sug. Die veteraanakteur Trix Pienaar, haar teaterma soos Margit haar noem, het haar baie van die bedryf se wel en weë geleer. “Trix het my geleer om vir myself te lag – iets wat baie nodig is in dié bedryf.” Vir Margit is daar nie sprake van stilsit nie. “Ek is geseënd met ’n wavrag energie, dit moet miere wees,” sê sy speels. Wat dié jaar se toekomstige projekte betref, is sy vir die sewende keer mede-aanbieder by die Huisgenoot Skouspel wat in Oktober plaasvind. Dan lê ’n splinternuwe Dowwe Dolla-vertoning ook voor – met ’n James Bond-tema… (geskud; nie gepluk). Ek groet ná ’n borrelende geselssessie met die wete dat Margit met of sonder haar Dolla-masker gehore nog baie lank gaan vermaak met haar positiewe lewensuitkyk, dryfkrag en innerlike geluk en vrede. Foto’s: Myrtle Theart Environmentalists: the new humanitarians Student forum Matthew Haden I t is not uncommon to see a picture of a polar bear on a diminutive piece of ice, staring at the expanse of water surrounding him. This depicts the new worldwide crisis. Global warming has evolved from a nerd’s explanation for warm weather to a massively publicised crisis that threatens not only the existence of human kind, but every creature on earth. Students know this; what needs to be emphasized in this article is the humanitarian aspect of environmentalism. I have always seen myself as a humanitarian first and foremost; however, while looking at new information on climate change I have come to the conclusion that environmentalists are the new humanitarians. According to a recent comprehensive study done by a think tank comprised of experts put together by the former United Nations Secretary General Kofi Annan, climate change is causing a massive amount of suffering throughout the world. Symptoms manifest themselves in the form of desertification, crop failures, diseases, droughts, and intense storms like Hurricane Katrina. One might ask: “But surely these catastrophes occurred in the past, too?” The answer is yes, but not to this extreme extent. For instance, deserts worldwide are expanding, Australia lost 25% of its regular crop production because of desertification in 2007 and in Ghana people are being forced to leave their homes because they are now located in a desert. The number of glaciers in Montana Glacier National Park has decreased from 150 in 1910 to a meagre 27 today. The warming of ocean waters is causing the number and potency of storms to increase: just since 2000, Bangladesh has seen 70 major disasters that killed thousands. In 2003 Europe experienced its hottest heat-wave in 500 years, which killed 35 000 people. The entire island nation of Maldives is looking for a new home due to ocean levels rising from melting ice caps. The year 2005 was the warmest ever recorded and 1998 and 2007 are tied for second place. The top eight warmest years on record have all occurred since 1998. Global warming is happening – there is no denying it. The extinction of 50 million different species is on the calendar before 2050, along with the displacement of 200 million people who will become “climate refugees”. Even today, 300 000 people die each year because of climate change, around 50 million are displaced and economic losses amount to more than 125 billion US dollars a year – this is more than the combined world aid at present. What’s more, 99% of these fatalities occur in developing countries, which means that the poorest people – who are largely not responsible for carbon emissions – are bearing the brunt of the storm. It has been projected that, by 2050, 500 000 people will die every year because of climate change. That is comparable to a Rwandan genocide every two years or a Darfur conflict every six months. As Kofi Annan puts it, “climate change is the greatest emerging humanitarian challenge of our time … causing suffering to hundreds of millions of people worldwide.” This crisis has been dropped on our generation and it is up to us to rethink our present in order to have a future. We must rethink our entire lives and everything we do. It is not enough just to recycle paper; we must change everything. On a local and practical level, the Stellenbosch Dumpsite is full, Stellenbosch University does not yet have an environmental policy and large-scale recycling is not happening in many of the residences or the various flats and student houses. Excuse the cliché, but we have to create a revolution. Like most revolutions, the green one has to start in the mind. We have to change the way we think and the way everyone around us thinks. That means practical things like CFL lights, lowflow shower heads, reusable bags for shopping, having a compost system, and recycling everything; but it also means getting involved to change the structures around us. The uniqueness of fighting climate change lies in the fact that everyone can and must contribute and every little bit helps. This is a very pivotal and exciting time to be alive: we have the opportunity to recreate the way that we live, and to do it sustainably. The world may no longer tarry before the tempest; global warming is upon us and if you care about people you must care about the environment. Join the green line and get involved in environmental issues in Stellenbosch. – Haden is the SRC member for Environmen tal Affairs, and can be reached at matthew@ sun.ac.za. Die menings in hierdie rubriek is nie nood wendig dié van die koerant, die redakteur of enige lid van die redaksie nie. | The opinions expressed in this column are not necessarily those of this newspaper, its editor, or any member of its staf f. Sport 23 September 2009 DieMatie 15 Rugby oop vir almal Piet Lategan en Mia Smit Desondanks groot oorwinnings oor hul bure die Victoriane met 54-19 en Kraaifontein met ’n allemintige 137-0, sal die FNBMaties nie in die WP-liga koning kraai nie. Die Maties sal vir die eerste keer in dertien jaar nie die WP-liga wen nie en het ook vir die eerste keer in vyftien jaar daarin misluk om vir die nasionale klubkampioenskappe te kwalifiseer. Die klubkampioenskappe het die afgelope paar jaar van sy glans verloor weens die feit dat die toer nooi nie meer televisiedekking kry nie. Die Maties het in die liga ’n kritieke wedstryd teen Hamiltons verloor en dit het veroorsaak dat hulle nie vir die klubkampioen skappe kwalifiseer nie. Hulle is nou dertien punte agter Hamiltons op die punteleer met net twee wedstryde oor vir die seisoen. Dit is egter vir die Maties onmoontlik om te probeer hond haaraf maak. Baie van die Matie-spelers is gedurende die jaar by die Westelike Provinsie of by ander rugbyverpligtinge betrokke; Hamiltons het byna ’n volle provinsiale span en hul spelers word ook nie deur die WP getrek nie. Solank die trots en passie in die Maroenrui behoue bly kan daar uitgesien word na vele suksesse in die volgende seisoen. Party mense stel maklik rugby en manlikheid gelyk aan mekaar. Min mense weet egter dat Maties ook ’n kranige vroue-rugbyspan het. Daar is geen verskil in reëls tussen mans- en vroue-rugby nie, alles werk presies dieselfde. Vroue speel net “sagter” rugby as die mans. Die Maties vroue-rugbyspan het op 9 Augustus teen Tukkies gespeel. Dit is hul intervarsity en hulle het met ’n telling van 17-3 vir die eerste keer vandat die intervarsity in 2003 begin het die beker gewen. Die Maties-vroue-rugbyspan het ook vroeër vanjaar ’n 7’s-toernooi gewen wat by UWK gehou is. Hulle het geen punte teen hulle afgestaan in die toernooi nie en 160 punte aangeteken. Daar is twaalf WP-spelers in die span, waarvan een ook vir die SA-span speel en laasmaand saam met die SA span na Kanada getoer het. Die Maties-vroue-rugbyspan is ook besig met hul klub-liga. Hulle het nog vier wedstryde oor vir die seisoen, maar kan nie regtig meer die liga verloor nie. Dit sal ook die eerste keer in die geskiedenis wees dat die Ma ties-vroue die klubliga wen. Hulle het nog geen punt in hul klubliga afgestaan nie, en al 548 punte vir hulle vir die seisoen en geen punte teen hulle in die klubliga nie. Like a fish in water Olympian Jessica Pengelly of the Maties swimming team during the Maties Winter Series Gala. Photo: Supplied Maties swimmers do well Brett Wood T he Maties swimming club hosted its annual Matie Winter Series Gala. The meet is by invitation only, catering for just five clubs (Maties, Vineyard, Barracudas, Tygerberg and Cape Dolphins) including the host. A competing club is only allowed to enter a single swimmer per event, and an athlete may only compete in two events per gala session. The meet was held over the weekend of 29 August. The junior section was won by Vineyard SC – narrowly beating the Durbanville based Tygerc berg SC. Maties, with a young team, finished in a credible third place. Most of these swimmers will still be available for next year’s competition. This gives Maties the opportunity to mount a serious challenge for overall honours next time round. Maties were bolstered by strong performances from the likes of Olympian Jessica Pengelly, 2008 Junior world champion Heerden Herman and Universiade attendees Liezl Burger and Marnitz du Plessis. With this team they were able to defend their senior team title with ease. The Maties effort was highlighted by several outstanding performances that included meet records for Jessica Pengelly in the 200m Backstroke (2:12.72), 400m IM (4:42.07), 200m Fly and 200m IM, Liezl Burger in the 50m (26.11) and 100m Freestyle (57.62), and Marnitz du Plessis in the 100m Freestyle (51.21). Heerden Herman weighed in with victories on all his events, including a meet record in the 400m IM (4:33.65). Ashley Oliver followed up Herman’s performance by winning all his events by considerable margins. The Maties Club can be proud of a meet that stands out as one of the fastest and most organised in the province. soccer world cup 2010 Part 4: Brazilian Magic Qualification rounds kick off Martin Smith The 32 teams that will participate in the 2010 World Cup will officially be decided by 18 November this year. Last week, after a host of World Cup qualifiers, certain teams already secured their place in the competition. Although a number of qualifying games still need to be played, these specific teams have already achieved the necessary points to progress from their respective qualifying groups. The qualifying teams are Japan, Australia, Korea Republic, the Netherlands, Korea DPR, Brazil, Ghana, Spain, England and Paraguay. Brazil famously play with the nog ’n bietjie langer bo Chantel Siekers van die Maties-vrouerugbyspan word ondersteun deur haar spanmaats Xena Botha en Marzanne van Lill. Maties het 106-0 teen Young Brothers gewen. Foto: Verskaf notion that the best form of defence is attack. This leads to an active approach to the game. Brazil has become synonymous with the World Cup. This is largely due to the fact that the country has won the popular tournament a record five times. Brazil boasts the record tally for goals scored by a player at World Cup tournaments. This is held by Ronaldo, whose tally currently stands at 15. These statistics, coupled with the unending supply of talented Brazilian players, give them a feared reputation in the soccer world and at the same time make them one of the favourites for any World Cup. Brazil established themselves on a global level when they won their first World Cup in 1958. In a sensational spell they went on to win the tournament again in 1962 and 1970. The current crop of Brazilians like Kaká, Ronaldinho, Robinho and Diego are coached by Carlos Dunga. Under his lead the presentday team plays with usual Brazilian flair, yet now also incorporate the ideals of a strong defence. This style of play has seen the team claim the Copa America (the South American cup) in 2007, the Confederations Cup this year and reach the top of their World Cup qualifying group. Brazil is a great favourite for the World Cup. However, this belief does not seem to come from Pele or their reputation, but from the current side’s form. we’re located minutes from century city • Free first service with any new bike • Free fitment and setup • Complete workshop services THE LARGEST, DISCOUNT BICYCLE STORE IN THE CAPE • Professional advice OUNT BICYCLE STORE IN THE CAPE • Come and save money with us University special (with valid stUdent id) • 20% OFF OF RRP On SeleCTed new BiCyCleS • 15% OFF RRP On All ClOThinG We stock: Giant, Merida, Silverback, Felt, Schwinn, Mongoose, and Avalanche bicycles We stock: Shimano, SRAM Adiddas, Topeak, Bell, Anatomic, First Ascent, Rudy Project, Giro, Continental, Maxxis and many more top brands of clothing and accessories www.cyclefactory.co.za Sales 021 552 8285 sales@cyclefactory.co.za Service 021 552 8288 Fax 021 552 8265 Sport DieMATIE woensdag 23 September 2009 nege-EN-SESTIGSTE JA ARGANG | NO 2 | Gratis op kampus versprei Maties waterpolo triumphs Candice Appollis and Mia Smit The Maties Waterpolo Women’s team recently competed in the 2009 Old Ed’s Tournament. It was held at King Edward’s School in Johannesburg from 9 to 13 September. The team members were Cate Platt, Kim O’Hanlon (Silvertree), Adrienne Eley, Megan Schooling, Lieze van der Merwe, Carla de Nobrega, Sheree Cawood, Debbie O’Hanlon, Vikki Quarmby (Silvertree) and Emma Keet. The team beat WSA, Crusaders, Wahoo and Tuks. They drew against UCT and lost 4-10 to Clifton. Maties ended in third place overall. The team was a credit to the university both in and out of the pool. Debbie O’Hanlon led the team exceptionally well. The contributions made by Emma Keet, Lieze van der Merwe, Vikky Quarmby and Kim O’Hanlon also deserve a mention. A late penalty in the UCT game was the only thing that stood between them and playing in the finals. This tournament is becoming the premium club tournament in South Africa. Serious steps must therefore be taken to ensure that the full Maties first team is able to participate next year. Hou jou oë op die grond Dagbreek het eerste geëindig in die sokker-mansliga nadat hulle Libertas 3-1 gewen het. Medies is tweede nadat hulle teen Dagbreek gelykop gespeel het. Aurora mans (foto) het teen Personeel gelykop gespeel, wat vir Aurora ’n derde plek in die liga verwerf het. Aurora se vroue A-span het Saterdag vir Nerina met 2-0 geklop en sodoende ook die vroue-liga gewen. Elsenburg-vroue moet nog vyf wedstryde speel, maar gaan heel waarskynlik tweede in die liga eindig. Aurora vroue B sal dan derde wees. Foto: Johann Swart Teams look back on remarkably successful season Maties hockey teams excel on field and astro Jacques Grobler T he Maties men’s and women’s first hockey teams have been growing in stature in the last couple of years, but this year these two sides shattered everyone’s expectations, including their own. In the women’s league, Maties took control from day one. They dominated games through large periods of time and applied onslaughts of pressure until the opposition could not hold out any longer. The women’s side was perhaps even more impressive than the men’s side, as they did not even draw a game this season, dropping only two points by not receiving a bonus point. This meant they ended with a points tally of 78 points from only sixteen games. They also ended with a goal difference of 133, having only conceded three goals the entire season. The Maties men’s side had a phe- nomenal season, which saw them go unbeaten and only draw one game the entire season. To acquire a bonus The Maties men’s side had a phenomenal season, which saw them go unbeaten point one must win a game with at least 4 goals. The Maties men’s side did this in thirteen of their allotted sixteen games. This bout of outstanding performances continued to the final day of the season as they swept away a star-studded WPCC side to win 6-1. Their top goalscorer, Pierre de Voux, was also the top goalscorer for the club. As De Voux is not part of the short corner team, this is an exceptional performance. As the residence league came to an end, it was Dagbreek vs Eendrag in the final for the men’s side and Bloemhof Girls’ High School vs Medies in the women’s final. These were hard-fought affairs as these sides had stuggled all season to get to the position they were in, mostly because they played most of their games on grass. The final, however, was played on astro, as is appropriate for any final. Eendrag won the men’s final Bloemhof Girls’ High School won the women’s final. FNB MATIES Steinhoff KOSHUIS WEDSTRYDBEPALINGS 23 September Ws Woensdag 2 Sep 2009 17:00 Helshoogte vs Eendrag D-Veld 17:00 Dagbreek vs Simonsberg E-Veld FNB Maties vs Victorians 54 - 19 Woensdag 16 Sep 2009 FNB Maties vs Kraaifontein 1 137 - 0