1898 08 - Ord Township Library
1898 08 - Ord Township Library
. ( Heat11 and Mulligan's U~lexcelledPaints. , Wilgon's (Guaranteed) Vernlirl Killer Carter's and Soutber~lbrands of White Lead, Linseed Meal and Linseed 011 (Woodmans), ' DeLuxe's ~ e r f i m e s , Graham's Toilet Soaps, a e n i ~ i a epunayadi Janos Water, Ayollii~arisWater, The Latest Drinks and Pure Fruit Juice Syrups at our Soda Fountain. I * Public Instructors Will Get Toget er lor ~ u t u a l~ e n e t i t . ( a , Largest stock of. W ~ IP~.&B I P a i ~ and ~ t Nail Brushes, Piano and Feather Dusters, ' Largest Line of Stationary. nd puttiny up Litchirlg po S C Q ~ ~.' S . irits of the farmers. Oorn was badly but it is expected now share of it will come o ~ ~ t Almost an inch of water tell. Some folks are skeptical-you ha tacking was the order ot the day ill be delayed on acoount ot rain. lilie methods. We have no goo to give away but Ge 'have the lar est and most conlplete li~leof D Goods and Groceries, at the mo reasonable figures of any house i Ord. Come in and see. give you a better appet stronger digestion. It will cure your' weak throat and heal . depsrtmente, "A"and u ~ . " The "A' visiun will oomprlse those-boldin:: and good 8bc0nd grade oertifioattre, A much needed rain fell this woek. m d by L. E.Ballard. Sensible Mail. -.. . J. DWORAK. ATTORNEY AT L ~ W . adjoining counties. ., Always buys where he can get - ORD, BLACK HILLS. CHAH L E'S A. tJf UNN, L' - - A. A. LA VBRT?; TATE OF OHIO, &Y O F TOLEDO, Lucas COUXTY. Supt. 0. L. Auderson of t schools is also a teacher of wide Some cbinoh bugs in the corn. OHD - church. - - sworn to before me and subscribed ucO1.18 surfaces of the sjstem. Bend for stimonials free. ' /, E. J. BOND, AX D., t* PHYUICIAN. OX. 7. C,IioLsoN, week. I n 1862, when I served my oountry as Myrtle Smith went home with him PENTIST, Office over the First National Bank. ORD, NEBRASKA. I Mra E. M. Potter and Mra E. A. E tabrook were in Yale last week. DR. I% T. CLARK, DENTIST. Office over Postoffice. teaoher's certificates. about one-fourth as muoh a Remember the name are the product of mechanical Ingenuity. loaest posaible retee. Monarch Chainless S100.tdQ ,Send for 1898 Catalg;:ce. Agents wanted In open ferritors+. - 1 I ' ' I . i I. I NOBE ABOUT THE YBlLlPPlMES . Racial, Co~~lmerciat, I'oli t ical aiid Social Conditions of the Iiillabitaiits of Tllosc Islanrls. '. \ The Climate. There are two seasohs a t Manila, t i e wet and the dry, or the seasons of the southwe$t and northeast moneoons. Broadly, speaking, the wet, or rainy season, ushered i n by thb soutbwec;t monsoon, is from June t o November; t4e dry season, when the northeast mon,on preveils, is from to June. In the set season the country is inundated, the roads become impassable, and bridges disappear. T h e annual rainfall a t Manila is variously reported at trpm 75 to 9l inches. ~h~ hottest months are April and M~,,; the droughts are then l o i g continued, and accidents from fires are to be against; it then that the mosquitoes and white antapre most troublesome. *he coolest months are December and ~ ~ when the b f r e ~ h n~e s sis grate~ f u l at night. T~~ average temperature of the year is about 80 degrees. The periods of the change? of the man, in ,&fay to June, and in september to October, are marked by the 4eaviest blows and thunderstorms. Cyclones, typhoons and hurricanes \hen visit the toast. A tsplloon o n September 27, 1865, drove some twenty vessels ashore, and did great damage in the city. A typhooh or hurricane On October 30, 1875, killed 250 persons and destroyed 3,800 houges. One of 1882 also memorable; and that of September 29, 1690. demolished the seawall that protected the inner harbor. The hurricanes a t th$Se times often Sweep away crops and destroy plantations. The roadstead, with a violent southwest wind is unsafe, and sailing vessels take refuge in t h e port of Cavite. JUNIOR READERS. litlnnaat," A Story of' the Cota o t to their mipds than the collection of 3 oi Irish Uumor. "Is there q p ford across the river?" brace of gentlemen equally addicted io the products above specldep, thp yi,eld whist,,and then the quartet plould play demanded the omcer. 1s abundant of fruits. grown spontanfor hours. While the name of whlrt q-es, a mile above i h o bridge is eously-such as the Orange* b a n a ~ a l Our Country. . good tord." may serve to imply a game where sipineapplel roseapple* (From the Bsston Journal.) lence -reigned, my father and Clay "Can You guide me to it?'' stwen, guqva, tamarind and chico. Of on thee, sweet land, our falth is stald; didn't play whi:jt t h a t way. They exThy e n n a b breathe exalted fame; "Yes." minerals, gold has been found i n small ulted audibly over a success, an4 did quantities in divers localities* but Its SW(:f He took the chi!d UP on the horse, not hesitate when they -ere playing asr ~L'J he polnted the way through the partners to violently point out misextraction haa not been e x t e ~ ~ i v eNor l ~ shall their children now be less The Philippine group were discover- regular mountain chain or eicrra mhich prosecuted. Mines exist of lead. cop- The Of human needs; Woods until they reached the ford. Dis- takes the other had made, and attd by a n expedition under Magellan in runs @arallel with the east coael and. lack I" 'O"' I' mounting F o l r e ~ twith his officers ad- trlbuted defeat to the other's lgllor$nca 1521, the islands, on the occasion of a which, abounding in grand and picturP r . iron and sulphur. The i s l a d of Thy cause in ready faithfulness vanced cautiously through the trees to and utter lack of natural intelllgence. later expedition under v Ilabos, were esque scenery, is the home of the r i l d Cebu contains considerable beds of TO Gal! self-forgotten deeds. flnd On occasions particularlJI tr5coal, ~which, ~ though not d ~ that~ the ~Federal . troops were in iIndeed* named Philippine in hon r of the theu er native tribes. & - o mthis range asn th" ~ were even kilown to apply hard ~ of t h,e first --- -J. M. ~ posseSsion of the ford, ~ h opened b ~ quality, 1s preferable to that of AustraPrince of the Asturias, afterwards cends Mayon, a n active volcano of con"awes to one another. This they in fire on the Confederates, the bullebno slanderous spirit, but to brighten Philip 11. Manila was founded i n 1571, ical form, about eight thousand feet in ]la. "Remnant." around when up and sharpen the wits of the other and since that date has been held by elevation, a conspicuous landmark frGm The cats of hfarbleheaa always seemPopulation. T ~ ,.spulation Q of all the islands is bd to mc a very important pzrt of t h e aEX*ement the child darted forward, to the improvement of his play. As they the Spaniards, except for a brief in- the sea. This height, With that of Baand spreading out' her little frock, were sitting down to a game a s partterval between 1762 and 1764, when it najao (6.500 feet), and Sari Cristobal probably between seven and eight mil- populatioI1. There was Postomce cried: ners one evening Clay remarked: (7.375 feet), a r e but little exceeded by was occupied by t h e British. lions, but th9 estinlates are rlecessarily Over Necks a "Get behind me! Get behind me! "'It's a great outrage the ma( we talk Halcoll in' ?rfindOrO (8*868 feet). Next Gltuatlon. Topography. somewhat conjectural in view of the who presided over the distribu- q-hey to each other, and my Idea nov, a t the shoot at me,.+ in p0prilation to 'Ianila Is the of he islands of the Philippine archldimculty in computing the Lhabitant. Of the looking with her up and carried,her to OYtSet. is for each of U S to put U P $23 He point Of the pelago are described by Sir John BOW- Cavite* at the 'Outhern of the remoter localities. Of this to- big green eyes from his loffy perch on a place of safety, where, unharmed,she to belong to the one who is Rrst called where were eight Of the pigeon-hoied cabhard names by the Other. If you astal not over 10,000 are Spaniards. In a the vely ring a s "innumerable." Other authorsaw the skirmish followed. naval and quarantine 'lasall me the moqey Is mine; If I forget their where the letters ities variuusly estimate them a t from the few days hence the American populaDen. Paury .ire. us glimpses and the defences you 406 t o 1.200 i n number. The eleven ' tion and tion will number 26,000 men. The pop- Owners. cidents in.the war unrecorded in any L'Mr father readily agreed. 13e felt turned by Admiral Dewey In most important, embracing some 95 Per There was the bewitching l a l t e s e history. . He shows us southern offl- (n a mild, ulation of Manila in 1896 is stated by mood, H~ was Of me in charge when I cers while undergoing amputatloo, re- confident he would never again be r ceqt of the total area (computed a t the dawn Of that Wakefleld a t 220,000, including 16,000 Other In the which 114,350 square miles), and the great "pure Celestials," 48,000 "Chine e Ees- went sketching in the old town, and sat fusing to use the scarce ether which prey to the slightest impulse to speak trade m a w of the ~ o p u l a t i o nare LuZon. P i n - have been Opened to tizos*~(ol(spriog of a Chines father demutel~ a t E Y side while I worked. was contraband pf war, in order to harshly to his-dear friend Clay. And. Sual In I.uzon. Iloilo in the islsnd of an o'ccasional Scamper after her save. it for men whbse wounds werp besides. it was his recollection t h a t danao, N ~ panay, ~ ~ ~i ~ Cebu, ~ d ~~ ~ , ~ , and a n Indian mother), 4,300 "pure a n d Zamboanga in MindsS a p a r , Leyte, Palawan, Bojol and Masgray tail by way Of re- more serious, and tells us of General 'lay was the man who raged and did Spaniardrl and about the same number Own So my father cheerbate. Lying between Borneo and For- Panay- Sual has probably the best of S p a n i ~ kmestizos-of whom he says fr"hment. There were varjOus Grant's kindness to southern women the loud but Iloilo is the more imfully placed the $20 on top of clay'^. cats, sleek and proud; and prisooers. mosa, t h e archipelago exten'ds some 300 "not more than 250 eettlers a r e of He thought it would be a good less011 leagues from north to and 180 portant point, its province being the European origin apart from Spaniards, and there was Remnant. I t is good for US ngW to recognize in to the blue Igrass orator to lose it. As Manila. f r q east ~ t o west, and covers 14% de- most advanced after that The first lime I saw her the little Petleral or Canfederate soldiers on17 they proceeded with the game. Clay pinq fabrics made here are the Earth~uakea. aqd thea rremaining 147,000 or Philipthere.$-rees of latitude and 9 degrees of lonabouts, e all natives of the had just come In the Our American brother, brave, generoue made some excessively thick-headed esteemed' Capis' Or Capiz' gitvde. Luzon and hfindanao togethe: and loyal t o the cause he believed t o b; and ill-advised pla)s. He led the wrong Of the earthquakes Sir John Bowrlng pines.7n of Cavite (old and New Ca- Neck, and the people were hurrying cards; he trumped the wrong tricks; excged all other Islands combined in Panay, f s another considerable town. writes that "the destructive ravages ,ite) the pop~llationjs said t o be up- and fro,'some going asbore and some just. Tacloban. the chief town of the island he dld everything Idiotic in whist that Mwila, the capital, situated on the take their places in the and changes produced by them are no- wards of 60.000; of Iloilo some 30,000; of Leyte, has an excellent harbor and 1 he well could. My father's blood bewest coast of Luzon Is in latitude I4 and Remnant1 not a bit abashed Uonor the Nose: I t Endurer. is t h e emporium of trade between Man- where IXIore remarkable than i n the of Cebu, 40,WO. Of the constituentl of degrees 3B north and Philippines. * * They have prothe population in general, the Chinese by the lookid On with her boll. his As wrath he andran Clay lost game ~ ~ Sa- t ~ , ~ ~ d *One cartilage largely gan aftertogame 'Igher and 120 degrees 57 minutes east. Its pcsi- ' ila and the islands or ~ duced i r e a t changes in t h e geography and chinese mcatizos a r e the most ~ ~ bright 1 - eyes f r ~ mthe post a h e r e she lay another trade station cebu, the structure Of the and de'Igher. he bit and tion. "as a central point b e h e e n J a OF t h e islands. * r ~h~~ haye ovuable. The chinese, many of whom basking in the sunshine ancl evidently 36 Its characteristics that It UP " silence' I t went On lor hours* Annam, the English and the prbcipal town of the island of Sewealth, ore the Rtall fieling herself the proprietress of the pan, erturned mountahs, fllled up valleys, have 'lay some Of crowning From Manila to lloilo it dergoes little perceptible change, as a becllity. whlch lost him and my father Dutch Ports o f t h e Malayan archipelago affdr. desolated extensive plains. and opened sfiopkcepers, and the greater part ol and 18 hours further by to rule, with the lapse of years. The brow arid Australia," is, observes Jagor, "expassages from the sea into the inter!or the local trade is i n their hands, Their It seemed a strange place a the eleventh game. Flesh .and blood stand it no pore. MY father much becomes wrinkled, and crow's feet tremely farorable to the development Cebu. Other points in provinces or dis- and from the lakes into the sea. He arrival in the islands is .aid to have I thought: but she was quite tricts of Albay, Bulacan, North and gather the eyes. which them- sternly pushed the $40 over to Clay. of rorld-w~de some 7,000 mentions a s especially " ~ a l a r n i t o u s ~ anticipated ~ even the of laa t home among the boats and plles of dim as time mlb " 'Why*' "Id gray miles distant from San Francisco it southCansarines, Batangas, pagSan- the earthquakes of 1796, 1824 and 1818. gel:an. The mestizos s'brniah the edu- 'Imber and dingy wharf-houses as is selves gradllal'y jan, and in the cagaYan valley (rich in on; cheeks lose the bloom which cos- eyes with a look of innocence and is hut miles from Hongkong, O w n puss In her peaceful back In the more recent instance of June, catedand professional ~ l a s r , ? hold * most metics cannot replace, and lips their amazement, 'why do you do that? You from the extremity of Luloo tobacco) might r a d l l y be developed 1Sb3, the old town of Manila was ren- of the minor ofilces and *ith Indians yard* Or her corner by the fullness and color. The chin, dimpled haven't said a word.' t o f h e south cape of Formosa is little into important centers by a growing dered a m a s of ruins" and many per- compose the army. he Indian of stove. father. 'but I'm commerce. a pretty creature, black and in youth, develops angularities or glob- going to tell YOU. my more than 200 miles. She sir. that YOU are the sons were buried alive. Four hundred Manila la an indolent creature,. given ularities, as the case may be, and the The ~overumont-Tlre Church. most abject Idiot, the most boundless l b e Town of Bfanlla. are reported to have been killed and up to gambling and cock fighting. The gray and tawny yellow$ become heavy with the that ever dealt a hand a t The head of the government of the two thousand injured, and the loss of spaniards tqught him The s i k of Manila was selected c h k f we white breast and Paws, and because of nlany years' growth. The whist. Yes, sir, I repeat it, you are the Jy on account *,f its flne harbor or bay, Philippines 1s a Governor or Captain property is estimated a t eight million taught our ~ ~ the taste d of whisky. i ~ this ~coloring, ~ like a Piece of gay "OWs mark c0mpal.able to these fool I ever met in my life: " circular in form, and "capable of hold- General, a dignitary with half a Page of dollars. This earth<-uake Was also very Of the forms of g a m b l i n ~cockfight- the sailors gave her the curious name famillar facial indications of t h e ap#: I of ..Rem3ant.,. She had a family of preach of old age, and ~ r a c t l c a l lening all t h e navies of the world." Into tjtles, appointed from Madrid, the destructive a t Cavite. The many vol- ing is the popular-is, indeed, ~ Mary liad a Llttle Kam. canincumbent frequently changed with the canoes, some of which have been named almost unjvereai throughout the is- kittens somewhere among the thls debouches t h e river ~ a s i g which, . immunity from the ravages whlch Mollle had a little ram, fleece a s vaB in one Of the dark sail lo(ts; bllt joys with a breadth of about 350 feet, flows changes of ministry. These changes showing a s they do, signs of constant lands. The Philippine Indian, it time makes On the other features :he black a s rubber shoe, and everywhere she had hidden them away so safely have been most prejlldical to t h e inthrough the city, dividing it into Maactivity in the throwing up of clouds said, is as much attached t o his gallo that even her good friesds the sailors face. Next to the nose, probably thp Mollie went he emigrated too. He went nlla proper o r old Manila, and new terests of the islands; some of the Gov- of smoke with frequent flame, are a is a ~ ~ Arab dto his ~horse... ~ i ~ ears a s a rule show the fe?.;est and with her to church one day-the folks Manila or Binondo. The former, oc- ernors ha,e been provisional only, and perpetual menace. Subject to such vi- .An early Spanish writer characterizes could not find hilarious grew, to see him walk dcAll night she stayed with them, and least ob'iOus 'Igns Of Old age' cupying the left or southern bank of the uncertainty of their tenure has very cissitudes and portents, the climate of the Indians a s "perpetual murely into Deacon Allen's pew. The idlers, who paft of the day; but I am sure she felt materially impaired their efficiency. the river, 1s the fortrebs or citadel. I t Manila is, for the tropics, a not un- go from cockpit to deacon quickly let his angry passion those uni-. equally the responsibility of looking Irlsh Humor. contains. besides t h e principal fortiR- Each province has a l%ser governor of healthy one. I t may be noted on the versities of every rise and gave it a n unchrlstlan kick Investing in after the wharf, to see that the boats vice.*B cations, the palace and the cathedral, its own; each peblo a gobernadorcillo, east coasts of the islands the order of The Spectator questions whether the between the sad brown eyes. This lottery tickets "Id On streets 'a came and went regularly, and that the capacity of the Irish nation for making landed rammy In the aisle, the deacon and is surrounded by old walls, bas- or captain, a species ot alcalde who is the seasons, a s above given, is remuch andthe government float was kept a s clean a s a tidy cat bulls has become impaired, tioned and moated, and dating back commonly a mestizo or native Indian, versed. quotez followed fast, and raised hls foot adds materially t o its revenues by tak- would wish to see it. again, but oh, his flrst kick was his a fair recently Of these practices And how was she fed? No doubt prove that this laughable confusion of last. For Mr. Sheep walked back about a rod, said, and en the deacon license leesfor there were plenty of rats and mice thought still flourishes. The writer C O U I ~retreat it landed him on his head. ance of places of gaming. about the wharves, but Remnant had a visited a hairdresser's shop in Ireland, The congregation arose and wellt for The Inrurrccilon of 1896. taste for daintier fare, a s YOU shall and mas offered a bottle of hairnash. that ere sheep, but several well-directThe characteristics and present at. , see. "What sont of stuff is it?" he asked. ed butts just piled them in a heap. When the little steamer had puffed . "Oh," replied the man, "it's grand Then rushed they stralghtaay for the titude of the Indians of the Philippines are illustrated by t h e insurrection away again, and the deserted float stuff. It's a sort of multum in parvo. door* with curses long and loud, while which w3s Initiated in August. 1896, swayed gently 0x1 the quiet water, kind The less you take of it, the better." ~ ~ t u e lnant and, and has since continued. There had Captain T. looked UP a t Remnant, .Celtic fanry has been described as 8 : , I ! still sat on her post in the where she been previous similar risings, notably "reaction against the despotism of 4 1 Question of Collectlon. one in 1872, but none where the insur- sunshine. fact." An extravagant statement give3 The of the U t a h conslltLl"I guess you're hungry, Puss." he the Irishman a mental uplift due to gents were so numerous o r formidable. tional cqnventlon is often amusing For The moving causes of this outbreak are sald. "It's about dinner-time." Then no other Cause. A speaker a t a his- instance, one of the delegates got this t o be found in the oppresslve taxes, ex- he called, "Kit, kit, kit!" She blinked torical soclety was surely the happier the other d a y , an insurcisw, license fees, and other burdens her eyes lazily, and did not m0l.e. The for the extravagance of his statement .ante company doing buEinees here that Imposed by the government and en- captain smiled a t me. concerning the fact that In China ? has a building that cost lnore t h a l ~ "Thig will fetch her," he sald, and man condemned to death can easily . S3.000.000, and has that much more ill forced by extortionate omclals, among assets. And there mgs a man in thi4 which, besides the grievous and udrea- took a fishing-reel Out of his pocket. hire a substitute to die for him. "Kit, kit, kit!" he called agaln softsonable pecuniary mulct3 was the cor"And I hklleve," the debater went 'Own who paid that company o \ e r vee of forty days' labor for publlc PUT- IY, holding if UP so that she could see. on. "that many poor fellows get their t ~ ~ :O: :b y ~ ~ ~ , poses which every man was compelled And Remnagt understood. Down she living a s acting as substitutes in that able to collect the insurance,w Then a annually to furnish. The grievance of came, stepping gravely along the gang- way." delegate, evidently a n Episcopalian, the taxes was aggravated by the usu- plank, and looked U P with questioning Indeed, words are not quick enough was so nicked as to respond cynlcallq rious loans t o which the natives were eyes in the captain's face. in Ireland to express the rushing "Certainly not; how could a dead mall "Are you hungry, Puss?" he asked. compelled t o submit to raise money, thoughts of this active-minded pea,+ collect anything, unless it was the "Me-ow!" she answered gently, with antry. and especially by the confiscations of When Dr. Walsh, the arch- lect for the dead?" bishop of Dublin, visited a remote vilproperty whlch were resorted t o where a wave of her plumy tall. the dues claimed were not satisfled. Then the captain knelt down on the lage in his diocese, a n old woman A German custom. The authority t o conflocate placed, a float, unwound his reel and dropped the hobbled up to him and exclaimed: American nlothers ail1 wish a Gergreat power in t4e hands of unscrupu- line into the water, and Remnant set"Wisha, now that 1'1e seen your lord- man cu'stom was in vogue here. In that lous officials, who used it corruptly tled herself beside him, watching every ship, ye may die and the Lord be COu"trY. 'where children are mdch thought about, a t ladies' lunchec~ns against the more prosperous for the movement with an air of entire famll- praised!" set beside These iarity with the proceedings. She wds purpose of extorting money. The same c l ~ r z y m a n ,meeting a par. there Is a pretty little place, and a s the luncheon goes grievances became so general that a too well-bred to show any impatience. ishioner who y a s much addicted to eachlittle and dalntles from the Her manners were Perfect, though drink, insisted that he should take the mother.s servings are dropped into the secret Revolutionary Soc1et;r or League was formed, which by August, 1896, she was born and brought Up on the pledge as the only protection against box--now a sweetmeat, then some rose to the proportions of a n army of wharf, and had not had the advantages temptation. ealted almonds, a macaroon, a erlsy, "You've never seen a teetotaller tender meringue, and so on ti11 whell 50.000 men, Cavite being the center ot which sour Pussy has enjoyed. She the meal is over there Is a goodly parthe revolt. The original rebels were cocked her pretty head on one side drunk, Tom," said the priest. "Ah, your reverence," replied TO^, eel of dainties to be cartied home for joined by deserters from t h e army, with an erpresslon of alert and intelliThe mothels,ale a s glad vagabonds and escaped criminals. In Rent interest, restrained by a gentle "I've seen many a man drunk, but I t h e course of their conflicts with tho dignity. Jerk! up came the line. -4 couldn't tell for the life of me whether --. - -forces of the government, which WaR quiver ran through Rempant's delicate they were teetotallers or not." A Diplomat's \Fife Doad. instructed from Madrid to show no body. But there mas' only a bit of seaA Poor woman was advised to avail A r ~ , a > ~Clry; l c N. J,, l.-~l~~. mercy, a spirit of atrocious inhumanity weed on the hcok, and down it went herself of a flee distribution of soup. Bornero, \yife of the aIexican minister agafn. "Do You call that stuff SOUP?"cried a t Washington, died here a t lIaddon was developed on both sides, and a savOver and over this happened, an,! she. "Why. Ye only get a quart of hall-last-nlght-of The age destruction of life ensued. Bright's-disease. killing pf prisoners captured or sur- still with unwearied patience the man wather and boll it d o a n to make i t rendered. smothering of captives in knelt and threw his line, and the cat ~ t h r o n g ! ' ~ dungeons, burning alive, mutilation sat motionless beside him, gazing A more con:emptuous description OF TOLEDQ, 'OHIO. and dsemboweling were practiced by gravely d o u n into the dalk water. T h e , could hardly be imagined. The ~reat'~ailway Detective Toll8 What Dr. One absolutely genuine saying comes both, without any regard t o the usages float lose and fell on the tide, and the MI~OS'Remedies Have Done It of civilized warfare. The Spaniards, t o sunfiine lay warn1 on the boards, and from a recent tourist in Ireland. For Himself and Wifr. extort confessions, resorted to tho I watched the pretty sight, smiling, was a notice posted in a pleasure boat from mv bench corner. belonging to a steamshlp company. thumbscrew and revived the tortures of "I'm afraid you'll have to go hungry, "The chairs in the cabin are for the the Inquisition. Their proceedings mere claimed t o be justified by the plea PUSS)" said the captain at last. "'rheq ladies. Gentlemen are requested not And then, as he t o make use of them till the ladles src of retaliation, but no law or exigency won't bite today." ~ , UP came the line again, seated." could justify retaliation pushed to a B P G ~jerk! ---point no malignant and bru&l. And and he sprang to his feet, for this time ite fatal impolicy is shown by the fact there was a little fish dangling and lfad Plghrlng b~rceetora. M A P O F PHILlPPlNE ISLANDS. that the insurrection has no! been sup. sllining on the hock! Capt. Robcrt Ponell Page WalnRemnant would have likeJ to jump (Drawn by a ' ~ p a n i s h Artist Now a t Manila in the Service oil the United States.) pressed, but i s suspended only. for joy, I think. But she didn't, She "right, of the First United States t a ----caught the fibh in her white paws, with v a l r ~ .who is among those commellded COU~BS. i n part to the sixteenth century. These The Governor General command8 the product^. a ',n,e-ow!n f o r you,v when by Maj.-Gen. Wheeler for "good conEvery demon who coughs should not the captafn tossed to her, alld Tallred duct" a t the battle of La Quasina, near walls have been cracked by eart.h- army, but the fleet remains subject to The Philippines possess a very fertile quakes, and could easily be breached the Ministry of Marine a t Madrid, and &oil, though their capacities hqve been alarm himself with the idea that h e is away to enjoy her dinner i n a sheltered Santiago, comes of fighting stock. by modern artillery. Jagor describes is under the orders of the commandant but imperfectly de~eloped. In many in a bad way. Experience has 'On- corner; after whlch she 33ught her His father, Commander Jonathan Wainwright, a son of a former wellt h e old town a s "a hot, dried-UP place, 'of the station, The church is governed localities the soil must be qulte or vinced us of a fact that there a r e two young to tell them, no doubt, known Protestant Epl~copalbishop ol distinct binds of coughs-one proceedfull of monasteries, convents, barracks by a Metropolitan Archbishop a t Man- nearly virgin. Where cultivated the ing from an affection of the lungs and about the fishing, while the good cap- New York, was killed in battle in and government buildings," "It still products are sugar, hemp, tobacco, rice, tain wound his line and went whistGalveston bay on Jan. I, 1863, being preserves," says a later writer, "all the ila' w i t h bishops for the Illoat to his own dinner. coffee, cacao, gums, arrowroot, indigo, air-tubes, a s in a cold, the other pro- ling Harrlet of~ the ill-fated The local au- cotton. hides, pbpper, cochineal gutta ceedigg from effervescence In ,the stomaustere appearance of a city of the A wise cat was ~ ~ D~~~ o~n in command ~ ~ t ! He fell at the head of his men T h e lungs cough is a symptOnl her whatf she might miis some of the i n of p i I Upon the walls, thority is mostly in the hands of the percha, serame betel root, arecadut, COwhile boarders. however, and beneath them, have been "ligious COr~orations of *ugustlne, coanut. cocoanut oil,pinacIoth, tortoise, which priuibgel enjoyed by her fashionable v!silance, steady ne ,es, Q ~ l c a r R,aiuwrigbt had a son, also consequences ensLte- Th3 cottage friends. but vhlch of thrm had head and aptive brainr'h year ago," arranged pleasant promenades, where Dominican and Franciscan monks and shell, birds' nests and trepang; also lest Nayhew, who was graduated stomach cough is a mqh Krite soapt Dure , of 631 Orchard S t ,Tolesim21e a fresh and t h e aristocracy stroll and drive and friars, whose members are legion. bamboos and rattans, with logwood, from the naval academy in 1867, who do, ~ h l ~ ,ovciror,,ed and may in be got quit of. up every day for her own especial beneride in the cool of t h e evening. The Some of the fraternities and of the indi- ebony and other hardwood timber. The was killed three afterward while p was iwposdble. I was district of Binondo, on the right bank vidual monks have become most OPu- material known a s "Manila hemps9 is It Is caused by the load and drink it?--Margaret Johnson in Youth's in command of a boat so nervous I could not which are put into the stomach effer- companion, ' of t h e river, is the place of business, lent; their landed possession5 ~ ~ ~ e n not s e produced , f r ~ mthe plant of hemp against the piratical steamer Forward lie in bed; my arms -t h e real commercial capital; and here their r e ~ e n u e s enormous, the monas- with which we are familiar (cannabis '-ewing, and producing an irritiltlon. in the lagoon a t San Blas. Both father and limbs twitched a r e the shops and warehouses and the teries and conbents almost palatial: satiya), but from the flber of a species A knowledge of this fact ought to lead and my systemseetried A Little ~ l r r sDrapery. and ton rest under a forgotten monaffected to ponder a little movement of madern life. Here, also, theLr equipages even costly and elab- of banana (Musa textilis). The rice of. < ompletely exhausted. A Confederate omcer. Gen. Dabney ument in the beautiful cemetery of the nature of their ailment and tha and in the pleasant suburban villages orate. That they have bcen the chief the islands 1s the staple food of the naI began using Dr. hlaury,in his "Recollections of the Clv11 Trinity church, overlooking the Hud1IUcs' Servine and the o r pueblos behind the city, live t h e civillzer~of the Indians, that they have tives. The cultivation of sukar is jeo- tone of their digestive powers. War," gives many examples of the son, a t One Hundred and Fifty-fifth foreigners and the wealthier class. Be- repeatedly intelvened with good offices pardized by the terrible plague of lostreet. hfarie Wainwright, the acfourth botllo restored A liandsome Race. courage and patience shown by sufferme to health, Mrs. hind t h e city stretches a flat reg10n lJetneen the natives and their civil OP- cmts, to which this crop is subject; Travelers declare that the finest- ing women and children in the s o ~ t h tress. is a sister of Capt. R. P. P. Wain- UuRey had suRered for years rich in tropical vegetation* through Pressors, is undenl%ble. At the same these insects arrive in "swarms of mil- looking people of Europe are the ~ ~ durirg i ~the -long struggle. One anec- wrlght.--New York Trlbunc. heart disease, had tried every remedy withwhich flows for some twenty miles the time the records of the church in the lions." ,The manufacture of cigars, anes, or gypsies of 1Iungary. Physical- dote of s little girl, Emma Sanson, :eout avail until sba took Dr. Miles' New river Paslg which forms the outlet of Philippines abound with evidences of etc., mas for a long period the monop- ly they a r e splendid specimens of men calls the story of the b r a ~ e"egg gathHeart Cure two yedrs ago. For the past H O W 11% shah@. a great fresh-water lake the La- hostile and protracted contro~ersiea oly of the governn~ent, and extensive and women, and are rarely 111. so erer, ' a chlld who risked her life durJfaud-Don't. S O U .think the count is year shehas been free from the trouble" Dr. XIlies' Rcmcdles are sold by all drugguna; t h e country around being known with the authorit:es of the state, and clgar factories There established 111 pure is their blood that their wounds ing the revolution for the cause of quite a polished gentleman? marantee'first a s the Laguna province. Beyond this of bitter conlentions between the or- hfllanila and Cavite, but the nonopoly qnickly heal without the w8licltlas ol IreeLom, and whose stoly has been Ethel-Well, he's capable of polish gists under a benefitsor mone retundcd. BOOKon Heart figion the land rises towards the ir- &rs themselves. told in the Companion. induced a uniCersal contraband trafiic, medicalltr He has brass enough. and Xerves sent5ee to all applicants. # DR.XILES $lEDICAL 00.. Elkhart, in& 6 -- Okh'FgAehPeL)rlaC. , %rneTcy I -- :krs - - - .la, $ :: z1y;; - Capt. Jas. A. Duffey, ---- - P ,, $ 6 1 I, 1 I --v,,tered- at the 1. Governor. A, Lieutenant gokernor. w1t: Senatorial Convenii 3 7 . \ namm as dclegates until the required number were jotted dovu. No faetiori \jrith all the deference to the res- wa9 rdcogtiized iu the namiug of these deleastee, allstlades of republioans being faint echo from Klondike. m - - machine that sells on its own merits. Pretty Rapid People. There is nothiug slow about the Ne- the abole lopendous offer is made for a Stock will be so socurely packed as to stand a thousand mile shipment withou injury. Order at once. Arkansas Valley Nurseries, Sedpwick, Kansas. Guaranteed Cure for Piles. in and see us or let us call on you and ex $in the Inany inerits of our llla~hine. bve are satisfied our machine will meet your recluirements. . . . . . We sell the Ellwood Wire Fence, - Port0 Eicans for they are would habe naln;.d a set of delegate? rubiects of t l ~ eSyanieh nlotlar~bg fairly representative of the party. In -- --- N E I ~ ~ A ~ K ~ . - - -- - -- - Foreigh Exchange Bought and Sold, Banking in all its Branches. aauoas had ohosen. The ----- - OFFICERS: -A - E. A1. WILL1A I M , Oashier, P. NORTENSEX, Prasidtnt. U. W. MICKELWAIT, Vice-President. ... . a,. .i. ' ^. * ' . a # - I . v , n call ensg at WEEK'S E V E N T S Most Important Happenings of the Pa6 T o MOTHERS. WE'ARE ASSERTILG w T,HE COURTS OUR RIGHT'TO THE EXCLUSIVE USE OF. THE WORD "CASTORIA," AND ('PITCHER'S CASTORIA," .AS OUR TRADE MARK. track about t w o miles east of C ~ l u bus. His team escaped, b u t t h e e ester* cn'd S o r t h r r e s l e m . wr* csgaged in carrying t h e mail ?.satrice, was drowned about 5 o'cl last e ~ e n i n gi n t h e river. He met d e a t h about fifty feet from t h e toon bridge, t w o miles iiorth, of city, while in swimming. Saturday, July 30 corn. ......... .......... ,L ............................ Southeastern,' Section. -E. I=. RAVEN~ROFI'. 7 GHblN MAXKEr3. .. I n relation t o t h e report of t h e e r n m e n t t h a t S e b r s s k a had not nished h e r quota of troops under t w o calls, Governor liolcomb ente a protest t o t h e adjutant-general Washington, and received a reply plaining t h e mistake. The false re caused a rush of offers from per of o t h e r st,ates t o fill tho quota. governor was very much worried t h e affair a s Nebraska had furni 501 Inore men than t h e quota. . a e w h a t bruised. I Monday, d o g u s t I. Rye-Na 2 . 4 6 ~ . Na 3, 4 1 3 , Na L I"r Bran-490 in 100-lb socks STABLE A N D C A R R I A G E P O U S ern Houses.") , --- curred Sunday afternoo had driven over t o a miles distant t o make a f t e r arriving there n t h e direction of their ing home they found burned, qnd their chi1 ... 510 545 a ' , ~ u t$3,000.\ Northecsiern Sectlon. . f . O N N E C T l ? N S TO'O G O O D . -- with Lincoln. LIVE STOCK. address were learned from a recei Sunday, July $1. 'IANSM CITY, Mo.. A u ~ .1- c ~ t t b ,eipts. 7.130; calves, 331, shipped onttle; steady 70 to 100 calves lower.The marlret was slow Wm. Ebright, ex-superintendknt o t h e s t a t e school for t h e blind a t Xe is he plgmy mouse of Siberla. Norfolk, while fixing a binder thrpwn under t h e d a c h i n e by horses s t a r t i n g up. He was dou up, one leg broken, a n ankle shoulder dislpcated and his spine injured t o such a n extent a s t o p lyze him from his shoulders down. operation will be necessary t o save life. \Y. Van Boening, a farmer livin n e a r Glenville,in t h e southeastern par th of sentiment among rich Am Chlcago Llve Stpck. soon a s I landed in Albany, to? 1 new of a restaurant that was open all der In my mind Afty mlleg before J o h n a. Nahcr's famous typewr which Bgured in t h e courtmartial at ~ h i c k a m i u ~ ais, now in t h e s e e i p n of Mr. Maher's brother, LI Maher, stenographer in Judge hAlb : o u t a t Columbus. The new Armour packi w t e d yesterday mornin p l a n t is operated throug Truly Loved. Mrs. Adslej--hly h'usband !s very e t o church on Sundays. Mrs. Darling-That's nolhing My husbanS looks under the bed at my request, e r - - , k-" . . I \ . - Established April 6, 1882, / I ORD, NEUILASKA, F1tlD11Y, AUOU ST 12, 1898. - - , VOL. 17, NO. 20, 0 \ e I , The Largest ~ o u s ein this section of I the country colaapetitian. Also inI l l vites your attention t o a few lines of goods we can save you money on: Heath atld MulligatlTsU~lexcelledPaints. o o s -THE ------- {, DeLuxeTsPerf unles, Orahaal's, Toilet Soaps, O e ~ l ~ ~ lHu~layadi tle Janos Water, Apollinarls Water, ,. The Latest Drinks and Pure Fruit Juice Syrups at our Soda Fountain. Wilson's (Guaranteed)Ver~lll~l Killer Carter's and Soutller~lbrands of White Lead, Litlseed Meal and Lillseed Oil (Woodn~at~s), 1 I - p - - - - - . - - - - - - - - I * The Indian of the plains is a far more picturesque individual than his brother or cousin of the ooa&,. H e d ~ s l l o terect 1 totem poles and has no tim ber for the ' Purpose if so inclined, but he is SufiI oiently spectacnlar himself without resorting to grotesque carvings and painted wood, liis Paddle, with its leather hangings and w&en stirrups, is in itself a remarkable aggregation, and when *t off with his goods m d chattels tied i n bags, rags, strings and straps, the effect is remarkable. He wears the east o~ of hie white A. M. H OBBINS, brother in such original combinations that he looks like the personification of B ~ T O R N E YAT LAW. a km~~ndhandstore. Sometimes the 'OTARY IN OFFIUF' adoption of a pair suernssya as an Attention given to logal busineba in Valley and external covering gives him qulto an adjoining counties. athletio appearance. He wears his hair in Gertrude braids, and prefers earORU, - - NEBRASKA. rings about the size of half dollarooius A mosquito net or handkerchief is his Ch!ARLES A. 44f favorite hgad oovering, and if he assnmes a bat i t is as an additional and purely appendage.--Detroit LAWYE& h e Press. I -_a .. OW), NEBHSSKA. 1 m, - - C o l l ~ fCorrespoudeuce, ~ B J n t Norah a n d the Potato. Norah a poor girl8 says the London Punch, who prayed St. Patrick for a good gift that would make her not proud but useful, and St. Patrick, out of his Own head# taught her to a potato' thiug and to "lamented, that the socret has oomo down to so fswl since higheBt intelleotual and physical life is dependent upon diet-since the oook makes, while the physionly mends-s!.~ould not @hewho preparos Our pies be oarefull~trained as he who makes our pills? Certainly whatever may be the knowledge or the ignorance of the servant i n the kitohen, the mistress of the house, be she young or old, ought to be likest. in the Out of her own instructed head to teach Norah how to boil a potato or broil a steak so that they may yield thcir utmost of relish and nutriment. she Oan is qualified to preside over a household, and siuce few roach life without belug called to that porition i n tho ~ouseholdof husband, father or broththo legend of St. Norah has wide siguificance. -Youth's Compituion. T h e X o r t h a e s t Indian a p d Hid Ways. A. A, L A VEKTY, ATTOHNEY & COUNSELOR AT LAW Estate and Probate matters made a Bpecialty. ORD, NEBRABKA' SPEND AUGUST IN THE BLACK HILLS. a0 first to Mira Mites. - .- - Can bathe* Burled In t+e Well Wbere lie Died. Speaking of strange and sad mour. rences, none oould be more remarkable than the death and burial ot Charles Oarter, a well known farmer residing near Russell. Be was cleaning out old well when the quioksand s ~ d d e l l t g c a v ~ din On leaving hie head Imd exposod. the larm its victims. It puts them fn was given, hundreds of pmple $emblod and went heroically to wor to the power of the weakest organ of save their neighbor. I t was found t b t nothing could be done towtlrd removh(r the body and makes them its the sand about Cvter's body, so a par- They must eat to suit it, drink to suit "lel was dyg' and a mu from it into the old well, but even then it, and livda lenten life of selfdenial. the body sot be removed so closel y was i t grasped by the sands. ~t was found that a rope attached below Oarter's arms wguld pull the body into parts without withdrawing ite covered portion, that had to be abandoned. Carter was oonscious and talked with hie rgscuere, but at the end 68 hours he diode By an , enormouscrowd ban gathereds and have cured xhany bad cases of sorts of plans weio sngyestod for rwovering tho body, h a l l y it de- dyspepsia-~hey Willcure if terYlinod to the well the dead from that disease. man's tomb, and ;it was filled n after religious services had boen he,! upon Anderson. 16 Williams its brink. The $ell was 48 feet deep, Street, Grand Rapids, writw : dherKansmeverf0-d and perhap "Ayer'e Pills cured me of dyspepsia quite6' str2ulge a w , O l t y Journal. , from which I had sufferod for three years. They beat every other me& Quite a good rain hut we need a few more such earth aoakerR, We @hou]dbe devoutly grnteful that prorideode aomes to Our 'esCUt3 with refreshing rains and prnmistre of bouutiftil crops. N i ~ eBertha Lambdin has a new violin ;in(f is taking lessous of Miax Bond, of Or'. fiiicsee Emma and Rena Vopat are helpful hands in the hurveet field this year. Mrs. Henry Mark8 visited with her pnrenb Over Sunday. Our beautiful corn f l t Ida have faded away farter than did the Srlanish arm).. STI)LEN-\~II~ Plumnler who made home with the Lambdine laet winter, visited Grand Island last Bntilrdsy 08ienr~blyto visit with frieoda. Now Will was nn visiting terms with no one there as he W ~ not R a~~quaiilted in the city, but went to oovet n Pearl belonging thereto. tle erst atole her heart and then they were wed and came home with beet wishes of all who knew them for future hsppineas nnd prosperity. A. Ward had a shed ,and straw stack Dangerwu T h l a t cine.," ~ t r u c kby lightning and burned to the A Freuch aattwa traveling atont the ground during the storm Friday night "untry, had for use in one of her P ~ B Y ~ skil'fb\lly put "gether and Rev. Oollicr came up from Elba8atur- a lay dressed in a traveling So says the L day bringing with him a l a r ~ amount e of N~~ york Herald, suit. proaeoda to cheese whiuh he distribvted among the tell a &tory about it: brethren, At Marseilloa i t Gas let& in the lugThe onrfUnole say# D. B. Smith drove Elder gage room with ot)ler the Smith to Ord Sunday eveninn. surely Oeity Of this ia no way for a good ohristian to do. being moused a t the sight of it, they. If the Elder should call to see ponr cor- . took off the covmlngs lrnd resolved to play a joke on $heir oomrados They reapondent he wonld really try and tleut placed tho figure in go irulchair at the THE WONDERS S~~ENCE, him with a little more rejpoot than D. B desk tho apd abut door, ' AMUSEMENT. When the eznpiofees o night service did* osmq they opened the and were ~~~g lroubles and consulaption Ida Items. Can be Cured. surprised to we a m a n sitting before the cash box. They i w o d i a t e l y olosed and Crops are lookiug fine. locked the door and ran for @ssistance, An Klulnent New York Chelnlst a n d SdMrr. E. D. Roath of Chicago and Miss estlat Makes a F r e e Otrer t o our A policeman rurived, revolver In Clara Butte ardved at their aunts, bIre hand, believing, like thg employeee, Beadarl. Butts on Saturday last for a short visit that he had to deal with Q dangerous The distinguished chemist, T. A. Blocum, of M ~and , M ~ potter ~ , from across the thief. IIe oalled on the flgure to eur- New York ('ity, den onstrating his discovery of river Bundayed with M. B. ~~~d~~~~ render and follow him to the station. a reliable cure for Consnmption (Pulmonary Tuberculosis,) bronchial, lung and chest troubi t did not obey the summon& the poan4 family. coughs, catarrhnl affoctioue, genlioemanh u t the door and went in les, stubbornand Of fiosh' " Mr. and Mrs. 0. E. McCtrew of Bur- s e m h of ra-enfdrFments to Lurroond conditions of wasting away,loss will senu THREE well, apent Sunday at the Butts farm. the plaoe and thereby prevent the cnl(au of his New ( p i t from escaping. Discoveries to any afflicted readef of thid paper L,N* came down The door was again opened, the a m - writing for them. lor to spend sunday with his ed foroe enterod, aud i t wasnot till they His "New Scientific T~estment" hae cured Otto Alderman and aietere oalled on had suddenly pounoed on the poor lay thousands permanently by its timely use, and he oonsiders it a simple professional duty to robber that they discovered the joke. suffering humanity to donate a trial of hia Mrs. E. Harrow has been on the sick liet this week. D, A. Gard and wife of OrJ, through Ida Monday. TRIX& BELLE. but mate 7. .. ~ f f i o over e ~ostoffioe. - -- O m NEBRASKA P. ilIISKO, DEALEH IN HARNESS, ~ ~ d , jwhfpe, l ~ ~ robea , hlankete, collars, ourr combs brushes and everythfng usut;lly kept In a Bratolass harness store. 81ro on North el& Square. OM'S NEBRASKA. -- EunopeAN HOT'L' D. N. ~ ~ C C O RProp. D, are now being sold on eaey conditions, as low as S5.W; others outright at $13 95, and highgrade at $19.95 and g~3.50; to be paid for after reoeivod. If YOU will cut this notice out and eepd to SE$BS,ROEBUCK & CO.. Chicago, they oatlrlogue and will wnd you their h l l particulars. F a r m e r r B r e a k the B u g g y M o u o l ' o l ~ I t is claimed that for years buggy mrnufaotnrere have socurd exhorbitant pricos for their goods, but r~oently.through tho combined assistsnce of the farmers of Iowa. Illinois and other states, Elears, Roebuck Co. of Chicago, hategot the price of open buggies dowpol $16.!ii Top buggide, $22.75; Top Burries, $43.75 and upanrds, and they are bhipplng them in immense numbers direct to farmers i n every state. They send m immenso Buggy Catalogue fne, postpaid, to w one who for This certainly is a b i i victory for the farmer, mannfaufurers a severe blow to the 4 nd doalers. - aarsI.oEtXb. B e r r ~the Bignature NEB ber i119rd, a ~ i dwe are prepared to sell i g " ~ 04 Notice is herohy ~ivp&hatihe f%oai& n&- z~,":"kz\y;"kZl~","~% 6""~ t$;eaf ; ; z ~ n yptfy,"t'~~;,"tef,"!s"~,"d" % aid proof will ma8eKfore clerk of the district court at Nebrash on Se tembor 18 18% via: Vra$ $. ertrio~,'H. E. for thi ne 4, ~ O 19, C township 20, range 18. He names the followtng witneeaos to prove hie continuous roeidonce upon add cultivation of said land via: Johno? rockns Burwell 0&er H Thorn son Burwdl?f Nob. ~:Harria, oi Burwe8; ~ e d . Frank , ~etsohne!, of Bnrwell, Neb: Any person who des~rento protost against tho well, h t Y auowanoe of such proof or who knows of any tr& y m substantial roason, und& the law nnd rogulae ~ g b o o r tiom theinterior shopld not be allowod, will be piven s"~hproot an opporprimary odo&{ This lnw ha8 tunltr at the above ment~onedhmo and place to cross-examine thg witness of said claimant and series of e w a t i o n a and is to offer evidence ~prebuttal of that s n b & t a clalmant. a responsible to J. W. Joa~son,Rogiatar. hse this serlons defoot in M T M is ~ a d e r l w j hame despera~ myself, and whea be flually grovely o e w the~ blue m m puttiy some k i t h the bvender snd others with the ing. & soon aEl my knew the passod a quamod but eyesku " ,, -, ~Qdwille - . . . auri0r-JoU.r- lLm, NOTICE TO NON-RESIDENT DEFENDANTS To James L. Moore truetoe Glcbe Investment om an 8nd d e n t A iRyrnan, receiver Remarkable Cure of Chron~c$tp&;~&E~hT~;"E~"9&IPt;B~r[i;E\"3D"2 occupant and Mary ~d occnpant ) hefanda ts: Digrrhacea. , You a.nd.each of un ake hereby 'notified &at I n 1864 when 1 ser Wd my 00Untry tho plalntlff arbs B. Wight has 6led her p i t i o n a A n t ou and each ot'rou in the di a private in aqmpanyA 167th peon. net courfof ~ a h county, y Nebraska, the o g A I F;~:;)~;$Y azl@$<~:r For Infants and Children. The Kind best material for the cheapest money. We are in the lumber business qnd now ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ; ~ ~ 7 e f ~ \ ~~ ~c $~ ~{ ~ ~ d ~ ; ~ h t$i;;mg nu$h.ue Monarch Chainless ~10b.80 Rdonls JO cents to 2 ~lollsrsa day. - \ hi8 h@068 Themvsre plnL. sent direct from his hbpratory. Snfferers shoqld takejnstant advantage of ,his blue, lavender, and womcds genetous proposition. eaO Nor by fbOu. The Please tell the Dwtoi that yoa saw this inithe msn b ~ YOUOW p w oomparutivel~ Qurz,or*, ~ ~ b, ',. OW, red not BO bad, but pink, blue and lavender conveyed no I d a of d~fference. NOTIC PUBLICATION. The p m p L . t i o o . m l ~ ddown the m m l e OEW i t 2 n c q l n NG+J A U E 8~ IW and prayor of which are to toroclose a cereylvania ~ o l u n t ~ rIeoootracted , ohronIc ~t ain mort age exooutd Au nst 88 1880 by diarrhea. I t hae given me a great deal George B. fiondor and Eda IfIondor' pod the doscr\bMl p r o ~ e r t l ~ , l t n a t ien Valley of ever einc8. I have tried a followin oounty fiebraska to-wit: " ~ a g summer t one of our gr~nd-child-dozen diflerent medicines aod several ~~,)J reu was sick with a severe baa el trouble prominent dootorn without any perma- of range errtoen (16 , west of the 6 P. x. to eecur' 'he a noteexsotod Ihe says Mrs. E. C. Gregory, of Fredriohaton, ndut relief. Nct long ago a friend sent (fmr o 2 ifouder and Eda Houder in favor of ' O u r doctor's remedy had failed, me a t ample bottle of Ohambedsin's Oolk % $ " $ T ; ' F : m ; c ( t ; a n & ; No. then we tried Ohamberlain's Colic, Cbol ic, Oholera and Dichrrhea Remedy. and and rnortgre thero is the sum of o e nlne hundred forty nine and E - l ~ ~ t f s era and Diarrhoea Remedy, which gave afier that I bought and took a cent thou~and doliara $IQ~~.OS,J with ipterost at 10 Fr Cent very speedy relid." F o r sale by Lbo bottle; and now I oan iay that I am en$uiEhm",~;1'~f7 tirely cured. I cannot be thankful (8111.97) aid by the plaintiff for taxes. -rweu~ne that and the that deteudt h e rain falls on the just and unjust enough to you for this great Remedy to 'oryay a said iu a n 1 recommend it to all suffering vet. dtold e f pto n l~~atibfy t 3 suchtgea,ment. said rem mi so^ may be amount found due her with Beg,* S Y ~ ~ I cures P a e ~ a n s If in doubt write me. Yours mntorert and costa and for such other relief as and Lagrippe cau~'t i n Rratefully, HENRY STEINBURG, A l l e ~ - ~ % ~ % ~ ~ % $ t o answer said petition on of Bo~tembor16%. in rlriu or ahiue. We keep it. town, Pee sold by Jobneon Brw. & or befurs the 5th1day 64 MARTEA 8. W&~ET, B&u BHIDGPORD.pstty rug GO. By Thomas 4. Hall, her attorney. Cbr. Shermun Ave, and Lothrop Sb. - street, New York. giving postoffice and express men b- ddresm, and the free medicine will be promptly Give the Children a Drink. Called I t is a dalicioue, appetizing, nourishing food drink to take the place of ooffes. Sold by all grocers and liked by all who habe u ~ e di t becqauee when properly prepard it tastes like the cotfoe b'lt is free from properties Grain-0 aida digestion and strengthen the neruea. I t is a 0 t R stimll]ant but a health boil& r, and ohildren, well as adults,oan drink it with bene. fit. Ooste about one-fourth 8s ninoli as coffee 15 25c. One block from main entrance to gronnds. ONAIJA, . Y EAGER - & MI'CKEIWAITn the a , . I 1 DENTIST. -- ---PI- toor - D R . ]I,2: CLARKl reasonable figures of any house in Ord. Come in and see, pf,,hs DR. - Sowe folks are slreytical-you have to ellom them. They have. beeu fooled so often by advertisekents that they tllillk all advertisers use like methods. We have uo goods to give away but me hive the lttrg- A Senaiblo Man .. Hot Springs. There 3ou mOuntal?s, danoe and play t e ~ n i to s your hearts oontent. If your llmbs are stiff, your kidneys out of order or it you are troubled with eczema or any other form fi. 0. IJALD&JfAN, skin, dieease, a month at IIot Springs YfiYSIOIAN & HUHGEON. will make a new msn of you. 8ylyap Lake and Spearfish arg within Ottlce aqd resldcnce opyoslte Presbyterian church. a oompartively ahart di.qtanoe of Hot ORD NEBRASKA, Springs and everyone who visits the Blaok Hills should see them. Sylvan C. A, BRIJfX, Jf,D. Lake is the prettiest and coolest summer rmort in the west, Spearfish is reached PHYSICIAN AND SURGEOX. after a railroad Oftice over Firnt National Bank. the experiences of b i d o n c e four block8 wwt of aquare :and one nothing l ~ k e it block north ot Episcopal church. globe. ORD, NEBRASKA During Augnst, the Burlingtoll and that said firm will pay the sum of Roote will ruu two lowr@e e x c u ~ i o nono ~ hundred dollars for each and every E. BOND, Af. D., to Hot Springs; one on the 9th. , the. ctlse of oatarrh tbat cannot be cured by YHYSIOIAN. other on the 26th. of that month. Tick- the use of Hall's Cattarh oure. be "Id at One fare lor the round eb FRANK J. OHENBY. ~ lcalls l promptly attended day and nlpht, trip-HALF RATES-ad ~ 1 1be 1 gocd sworn tb before me and subscribed in 0mce upshirs over ~ a ~ t yI'harmacy, 'a Residence four blocks aent of pub110 square to return any time within 30 dayg. my presenoe, this 6th day of December Organize a r arty. Aruange about A. 1).18%. . OH1>, NEBRABKA your liotel acmmodations at Hot Springs. [seal] A, W.Oleason, Notary Public. DR. J. C. HOLSON, , Get your tioketa from the Burlington Halll's Oattxrh cure is taken internally agent nnd pass the most delightful mothn and sots directly upon the blood and DENTIST, ih the Veer in the most' delightful sum- mucous aurfaoes of the system. Send tor merland on the oontinent. . testimonials free. Ofijoe over the First National Bank. F. J. OHENEYs Oo., Toledo, 0. ORD, NEBRASKA. 1898 Bicycles Down t o $5.00. So'd by Druggists, ~ R c , New lbZl8 Model Ladie's and Gent's Bicycle8 Hall'g Family pill8 are the best. - a -- -- st / Largest Stock of Wall Paper Paint and Nail Brushes, Piarlo arid Feather Dusters, Largest Line of Stationary. Have *lways Bought The Kind You Have Always Bought uO1dl Gignature of ~f b * ;& Send for 1898 Catalogue. Agents wanted in open territory. MONARCH C Y ~ L E IMFC. COm., L a k e , H a l s t e d and Fulton Streets, Chicago. B r a n c h e s - N e w Yorlf, L o n d o n and Hamburg. 1 , rHEj ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. Gbe 8 r b Qui3. -- m S --- ~ G ~ ~ ~ \ T ~ L D ( )JOYQ I NK GENS ~ ~ SHAFTER'S ~ ~ ~ LARMY P SHE ACCEPTS AGAIN, B E A U T I F U L HOMES. SPANIARDS CUT THEM QFF. THEY LOOT T H E SOLDIERS. The Tendency of the Age Ja Toward -Santiago s h o p l ~ ~ e y ~Translate ru reson A Detachlnent of ~ i i e s '&Len in a Verf Tho Order BXollng tlle Army North Ho' Mural Decorntlons. Into Dollars. W. W. HASKELL. P u b l l s h e r . -------. probably a t no time in the world's M E R R ' T T R E C E I V E S T H E REPLY S U B M I T T E D T O Tight Place. Yccived a t S~ntidgo. NEWPORK,Aug. &-Tho Santiago T H E QUEEN. Om, NEBRASKA history has so much attention been S I T I O N S FROM I N S U R G E N T S \VITII MILES'ARMY.Aug. 3.-General correspondent of NetV Yorlc Cornt h e RINTIAOO, Aug. 6.-M&jor General G-L-paid to the interior decoratlon of kercial Advertiser sends t h e follow- BOY Stone, while reconnoitering Shafter har received orders t o move homes a$ a t present. No home, no kebels Ask to DZarcll lllrougll PlZanllu his entire arlny north a t once, The LccOrdinato & Mddrid Story tile rornlal ing: Santiago so f a r remains a decor. northwards along t h e road leading t o I\IO"I'ES. dlmatter how humble, is without its banAnswer lIa.9 Beell Completed -Tilo ous scene of first colonial Arecibo, upon t h e north coast, with a Wlren it Surrenclers-dSuggebti011 1lllit his transports liere xt ill t a k e t h e first that helps to besutify the apartmerits and make the surroundings Philippine Heglnlents be OBlccrcd hy ~hipnleilts and t h e embarkation mill Easter11 Squt\?lrouto be Orclerec; to the Looting and t h e theatrical scenes 3: Company of t h e Sccond \Visconsin regA castle of Royal IliglllaLIclerS Wac more cheerful.. The taste of the Amercoriquest t h a t attended older wars are iment, encountered opposition a t begin Saturday. There is g r e a t re coast of SpaLAmer!cans--.id\lse of drrhblsllop. Utuado, where a small force of Spanorganized a t Coleridgz. ica 1 people has kept pace with the aXQ joicina among the troops. and almost every day bring9 forth Xemhere. not York Tile on a Sunday town i safternoon a s quiet out as is11 regulars and volunteer3 hati been From the moment Secretary Alger's An Omaha company is building Aug. S.-Th? Spanish ~TEW T ~ I I KAug. , 6.-A d i ~ p ~ t ctlol cable ,nessagc was received ( ~ h ~ ~BIADnln, something new in the way of a picture, of t h e season. At first the shops instructed by Captain Geneial Maclaa ~ United d ~ ~ ) n e w elevator a t bhelton. according to a a draping. a piecc of furniture or other Lhe Piew York \\'or12 from Manila bay Orderilig the instant of tho high authority, accepts the American opened tlleir shutters tentatively half t o resist. \Vashing machine meu a r e doing a form of mural decoration. One of the by way o f u o n g Icon* says: Aguin- arlliY north n a y before they could be sure their The Spaniards refused t o surrender t ' l i n ~has peace I t has been completlatest of there has been .[*en rushing business in \Value collnty the aldo, t b e insurgent chief, har made and tills were not, one and all, t o be ~ i l - and General Stone telephoned back t o ' The norld by the celebrated artist, Muville. t,vo propositiolls t o ~ i Nerritt. ~ ~ ~ at hcadpulrters. ~ ~ l sir ell and was submitted to qaeeIl reBettiany does not expect street car in a series of four handsome porcelain t r a n ~ o r t here s have been ordcrcd t o tcrcd. Tlie cafe Venus admitted visit- Adjuntas t h a t he rrould push on, aided gent this lnorning previous to this aE- ors only after mysterious pounding a t by a force of natives armed w i t h service until tile college debt is paid. game plaques. NO^ f o r years has anylnay "lve insurgent P ~ ~ clischilrge ~ ' ~ their ' ~ cargoes ancl $0 get in a Inanner higlily advantageous to ready without loss of time t o t a k e o n ternoon's cabinet meeting. thc entresol before custom flolved machetes. Uefcre t h e messengers l e f t A good rain fell in all portions of t h e thing as handsome i n this l i f e been tllc The queen regent conferred with more freely, and customers, being Adjuntas, where twelve men had been ~ e e n . The subjects represented bl first lor state last \rhicll insures the these plaques are American In first place h e asks t h e Other transports a r e expect&d here Silvela, the Conservative leader, this Americans, hungry and ragged, left, a Spanish force was reported t o , corn crop. , n10rning3 Duke of Tetuan* were found amenable to any price. be between General Stone and Adjun~ ~ amer[can ~ kpheasant, ~ ,American mallller-in-~hiefof t h e Alllerican land and i t is erpcctcd t h a t eighteen the minister for foreipll rfThe llay crop in n'ebraslia prpmiser Quail and En,olish Snipe. They are forces t o pcrlilit t h e rcbel troops t o For a nation of Yankee shop keep- tas, picketed upon t h e trail between will soon be conveying our fairs, and with hlarshal h l a r t i n e ~de to be a s large as t h e cereal cropr. andsome paintings And are especlallY march through t h e 5treets of Manila to the United States. Campos, tile i n Santiago Adjuntas and Utuado, i n the heart of Ers, the Yankees uptrio general of have done k r s ~ g n e dfor hanging on dining-room : I t1.e city surrenders. tiencral The Yale and llarvard, among others, Stand u p for Sebrnska. very well. They have let t h e mountains. walls, though their richness and beauty 'Ierritt Cuba. inelin"' cons'nt the unblushing Spanis11 sllop keepers AS tho troops have t o niove i n single There is a building boom in Exeter. entitles them to a place in the parlor are underst004 t o be on their way It xvould gratify This afternoon 'Ier 'lajesty re- cheat them t o t h e top of their bent. file, ten Spaniards could stop a regiPour brick blocks a r e under construc- of any home. These original plaques to 1lel.e. ltomcro y wllOsc I t took t h e Spanish shop keeper but a ment of t h e advancing Americans. . been purchased at a cost of (j0,- vanity of the natives t o let thcm intion. Stand up for Sebraslra. General Slinfter's orders for the ceive are said to be shared by (;eneral day t o realize this. F\'omen and chil'lulge in "'Iat to a tri- movement of his command provide t h e General Stone's messenger rode all Tile serrices 000 by J. C. lLubinger Bro3. CO.. man,yeyler. ufacturers of the celebrated Elastic u l n ~ h a march l a s victors through t h e following program; ~l~~ embarkation dren i n t h e background, adding to t h e night. of the Ermgc'licul The series conferences between town's queer, deserted look, attested is Starcb, and in order to enable their capital of the enemy they have bfen of the Tllird and Sixth regular cavalry; I n his advance here G e ~ e r a lStone doing o good work in Lexington. numerous customers to become Posses. successfully c o m b ~ t t i n gand besieging thep the First regular cavalry and tllp prcmie,., Senor Sagasta, and the t h e inhabitant's uncertainty. Yet t h e met with a n enthusiastic welcome leaders of various parties A league 113s been organized t o en- SO'S of these handsome works of s r t since the wiping out of Alontejo's deet. 'Onsituation was characteristic enough of from t h e natives i n t h e villages and Virst volunteer cavalry force the Slocumb lam a t S o u t I ~Omaha. they have had them reproduced by a At the same time t h e native troops, l<iders") will be embarked. The First d u d e this afternoon with intervietvs Uncle Sam, \"ho, inrteacl of looting, towns through which h e passed. \VOspec'a1 process In the rich with General Canalejas and others, tllns arrayeJ in line and under direct brigade of General ILIRton's division, I t has tackled a tough kept his hands i n his poclrets and let men and children stre\rcd t h e streets and the They are orders, may be Senor Uarriosl theCarlist leacler*has himself b& lootecl. " ~ o o t "may not be with fioners and a s he passed houses cosily controlled u l d e r General Chaffa?, will go next. The fire-year-old son of P. N. Car- Lnlshed on heavy cardboard, pressed not replied to Senor Sagasta,s invita- t h e Spanish word for translating pesos and town halls flew home made Amerprcrentcd frolrlcsccsscs. These regirncnts have bcen ordered t o rice of Xortll l'latte \\.as bittell by a and embossed in the shape of a plaq.le In the l)lace Aguin'llclo bc rcady t o go on bozrd ship t h e day tion to come to hlRdrid i n order to dis by dollars and cllargiug accordinply, ican flags. The enemy, then numberrattlesnake and (1ic.d in about five and trimmed with a heavy band 01 gests the fornlation of l'hilippine regcuss matters. but i t is, perhaps, polite enough. ing about 400, preceded him, and wae lioiirs. g;old. They measure forty inches in aftcr ( ~ ~ t ~ F~~ ~ ~tilel ~ ~ ) , circumference and contain no reading iincnts with American o%cer-s. This the ~ i ~a tn t~ ~ ~ cavalry ~ ANGLO-RUSSIAN t l ~ WAR CLOUD, Aftcr awhile t h e streets grew nlore i n full retreat for hours. The Ra~idolpilTimes editor is trying matter or advertisement whatever. . is cons;dercd a highly important prop- (both negro regiments) will remain in confident. \Yomen. some of them i n Srtn BIartin, t h e Spanish commander t the purcllase t o s t a r t a ~ n o r e m e u for Until September 1st Messrs. J. C. Hu- mition, a possible key t o t h e ~ r l i o l e camp. t i n p ~ a n ~13~ rrep?lng for ~~~~~~~~y fres.hly laundriad dresses, priests, car- a t Ponce, who evacuated the city withof fire fighting facilities for the use of bingrr Bras. Co. Propose to distribllt9 situation on tllc island. The native rying great bun umbrellas, a r e seen out orders, is a prisoner a t San J u a n Tho volullteer will be these plaqucs free to thelr customera. and tho Nary Can Soon Noblll~e. his city. 'VoU1d be cgn5tant13' shipped i n the following order: First Lon~ox, 8.-Tllat going about their errands. Shutters de Forto Rico. 1Ie mill bo tried f o r Every purchaser of t h ~ c eten,-cent pack- the eyps and direct.or*lcrs of O u r Inen. came down from shop and dwelling in cowardice and probably will be eseRandolpll Times: Don't \ro:.ry, ban- 'ages of Elastic Starch, flat-iron brand, Illinois, Virst District of Columbia, ~ ; i ~ ltension ~ ~ ~ t i bi.twcen ~ s t . they .cvould ba cuted. ish all annoying thoughts;--p:~y u p manufactured by J. C. Hubinger Bros. It is Seventy-firs', Kew York, Xinth Nassa- petersburg and ~~~d~~ is gcIlerally g w a t e r numbers. and \VITU MILF:~'AR\IY,A u ~ 3,. via K ~ n g The most notable shops are t h e bar. your printer and sleep the slumber of CO., is entitled t o receive one of them u3der tact- , chusetts, second Jrnssachusetts,Eighth admitted to-day, tlloup~, the ofK-ials contentment. handsome plaque3 free from their gro- ful commlndcrs. Illinois, Tliirty-third llichigan, Thirty- depreciate the alarnlist reForts \vllicll bers' shops, true t o t h e traditions of ston.-l'he Spaniards a r e reported t o cer Old and' new custoplcrs alike are The A~nericl~n troop3 now occ~ipyt h e fourth yichigan. be advancing, though i t i s not generwere current yesterdav. I t is hopell the immortal Earbierre, and t h e chem'lie 'orfolk clai"ls to ha*e entitle2 to the benefits of this offer. trenches in front of Xalate, a suburb ally bcliered. In addition t o t h e rcgist shops. E:~eh of these sorts rf shops K~ tentsng or surplus baggage discovered t h a t best kin'1 of Theze plaqnes wlll not be sent througx of Manila, wlliah mere constructed by to the United states. that tile flrIner staad -adopted by mitkes considerable display. Clothing ular fortifications a t A i b ~ a i t o , upon is an llollr'r brcalc' lhe t h e Only Obtain the* Aguinaldo. The rub2ls withdrew to only tile horses of tho officers Marquis of Salisbury during the last and habercla\?lers3 and (obaceonistb7 tho rord t o Em J u a n , i t is reported seen13 to llave ilready fast, in a weed patch. being l r o m )-Our Every let 0.r men take the places close to the will be t a k a . The other horses will fen days, h a t the enemy mined tlie cliffs presome misgiving st. Lbtcr,- shops a r earefairly a n l tparatory A of telepllone fire alarlus is Store In the country has Elastic Starch Spauirli lides' be turned over to General \\'ood, who bakeries quitestocked deficient.Cafes I n most to bloclringthe road if obliged tor sale. I t is the oldest and best burg, will have the dcsireLl cfif't.ct of The Astor battery, s u ~ p o r t e dby a mill remain here as military governor. to retire. It only a few strips of coarse fried por. at Sortli I'latte laundry starch on the market, and .s arresting Russian aggres5;veness, , now and it will probably be put into opera- the most perfect cold process starch battalion of the T h i r d i r l f ~ n t r y is The plan of campaign i s not fully All the tents will be left standing, is felt both hero and the conti- ridge a r e t o behad, wit11 a n occasional tion before very loug e ~ e rInvented. I t 1s the only starch in position a t the front, i t s guns a n d a l l t h e e s t r a worn clothesand beadnent that outcome of monldy cooky. \kith the incoming of determined upon, but t h e natural Vra~iceUallancc, operating a lathe made by men who t h o r o u g h l ~under- Planted mithln 3. tllo~5311dyardsof the ding, which may po>sibly be infected, in regard to tho New Chwang railroad t h e Americans, of course, came great- strength of t h e fipauish position a t the Spal-:'sh lines. liveliest Aibonito and the character of t h e deThe in the sllops of plattamoutll got three stand the laundry business, and will bo destroyed. Tile men able t o extension is t h e point of t h e er plenty and circulation. Only starch that Injure the fir- ' Jhthers Dougherty and NcICinnon, ri,Ii, will be put on ponies and taken scenes are along the wharves, where fense works erected there necessitates fingers tangled in tljc machine and is est fabric. It has beeu the standard success or of Great Britain.s tile former on General hferritt's staff, Colonel 1Iumphrey and Colonel \Yeston a flank movement. The turning movelikely t o lose one of t11cm. quarter Of a and as an evi- have gone t o Jlanila to have a n inter- t o the nliarf. Others will be conveyed policy for tho L,opendoor," sul>erintend the rlnloading of tranb- ment was inaugurated to-day (Tuesthere in R.sgons. evidence of tile fact Cliinch bugs have maclc t h e i r appear- dence of how good i t 1s twenty-two A~~~~~~~~~~ NoL31eda of tile The men who a r e suff?ring from uritain apprec!ates the gravity of the ports on dry wharves, instead of the day), when General Brooke l?nded nnce in Phelpr county arid every effort million packages were old last yelr. archdioces-, of the l'hilippines t o point turbulent beach a t Siboney. Cuban 3,000 men a t Arroyo, sixty miles east vello\v fever or infectious diseases will situation, your you tha adllliralty is i s being made t o e x t e r ~ n i n a t ethem :"bur mas supposed to b3 doin2 most of here. From there he can strike plaqaes and tell you about Elastfc VUt t o hinl the futility of rcai3tallce to '& left here, for all emergcncic,, and it mill befdra much damage is dune. American troops. Starch. Accept no substitute. Be'?.r of t h e uork. On the hill a t the back t h e military road leading t o San J u a n C'aptain XIclCittrick and Dr. Good- soon be ready to mobili4e. The nine guests of the jail-keeper a t In mind that this offer holds good felloiv of General bhafter's staff left E~~~~ oacer and wan upon fur- of t h c tom n, i n the .barracks or has- a t Cayey, beyond Aibonito. This will South Omaha nlai!e a l ~ c r u i cattelgpt to n short time only, and'should be taken here this afternoon by t h e Berlin for lougll or on hair pay has beell assigned pital, t h a t could so p!aiuly be seen on compel t h e Spanish commander, GenST[ LL N 0 SlG N 0 F A REPLY, break out this week, b u t mere dis- "vantage of without delay. S e w Orlcans. to a ship and instructed to in readi- t h e day of the fight, corercd with Kcd eral ntega, who has a great r e p u t a t i m , Cecretary of State Day Does Sot ICnow covered in time to block tile game. Cross flags, Spanish officers and me11 t o abandon his stronghold or bc caught Canada'n Sew Gororn.~~. ness to join at the earliest nolnent M lLES CHANGES HIS PLANS, between two fires. I\ 1le11Spain \ Y i l l l n s n er. ' R. 11. Langford of S o r t h P l a t t e h a s L o h ~ o a July , 27.-The Earl of Jiinto Tllcrefore, practically every ship i n a r e busy makin their preparation !t.I t is possible t h a t a second column w ~ s 1 f l s o ~ o Auk?, s, e.-'rhc cabinet Sp2nlah JIlnes Cause the bbandonmrn( the British navy, mhether in or out of fore trauspOrta Ion. 'Iorses gathered issued book of poems bearing the ti- has been appointed governor general tle "Kemernber t h e Maine." I t is said of Canada, in succession to the Earl of convened i n regular session promptly at the present monlcnt, bcfore t h e doors, and also a t the tnay move on his l e f t Bank also, i n of the RIillturg Hoads. Palace in the pl;lrr. where tho Ameri- which case t h e prerent ndranee on his a t 11 o'clock to-day. S o ~ n e special colnplement of ,,firers h a s i t s full war t o be rather a n explosive co:lcction. Aberclecn. x I v yona, I . - ~ dispatch to can governor, General \\'ood, holds his k'a5 mill bo shown t o bo only a feint. was Press the K ~ yorli Another p a n g of boys was arrested ~ ~1lerald . from l>once says: and men ready t o take her out to sea rule. Yopnlar Deluslonr i ence of t h e naval board of strateyywhe" the arrires. a t O w h a f o r t h r o n i n g cinders and I t is generally believed in the North Tho main are a few Sicard, ColnInander General lliles, having received inforAccording t o Paris advices, Admiral stones a t Bnrlington trains. They that the climate of our )gwer Southern Crowninshield and Captain 'lahan. t h a t tile fine military road from ehu"llesl the catlleclra'l its plai VOLUNTEERS PANIC-STRICKEN, jlere giverl t h e full extent of tile law, States, those bordering upon the Gulf lbneeto sauJ~~~ has been mined by Bedolliere, commandiuy tile French ter echoes of Toledo and Seville, the The definite and 10ng-cxpccted anseventy-~lrstServ York Foarly Caused o Mexico, is very unhealthy; but many the 'pailiartirt has practically archbishop's palace, inlposingly placed T h e T o r k Rcpuhlicnn is authrjrity of DIsrter-Gmerrl Uapartl : e ~ $ facts could be adduced to show t h ~ tswer of Spain t o this government's a new plan for the l'orto Ltican camOn high ground and, true to the coun' tor t h e statement t!iat Yorlc dealer3 this is one of the popular delusions 20 ter,ms had n c t been communicated, credit t o be applied t o erecting fortifiSAXIIAGO, Aug. 5.-Gcneral Shafter h a r e sold over $40,000 n o r t h o f thresh- difficult to ar:count for. perhaps this though it hadbecn expected t h a t this I,algn. ln accordance with this neIv cations. The reason given for these trypen theater. has a u t h o r i ~ e dthe publication of t h e plan. ~~~~~~l stone, witll some \yisthe greater l n g lnachine outfits in the past few idea is due t,, the prevalence of yellow session of the cabinet bight have the rapidly te demands is t h a t t h e natives of the would t a k e ' anytliing but American ofiicial report made to him by General \% eehs. fever throughout that section ma!lY opportunity of considering the formal consin troops, is 1icnt of the battle of jUly 1, 2 aud 3. lCwan6 Chou jVang region are show* ward Arccibo on thg nerthern coast of money,partly, no doubt, on account of l t dated ,luly nuring a recent very lno,lerate storlu years ago, rnd t o the frightful mar- Spanish note of acceptance. Secretary the island and (;elleral Uroolce, mllo signs llostilit~. But t l ' e r ~ is taiity during these epidemics. Eut Day, i n entering the cabinet room, of exchangbl and partly* I n speaking of t h e crossing of the here t h a t th'e action of 'panish rate of rain a t \Vayne lighting struck three, during t h e iast'twenty years yellow tehas with ~ ; ~ llarris n ~alld~ some ~ suspicion l too*because saw tllrt and San J u a n river, the report s a j s : liouses without doing Inore serious ver bas bedn a less frequent visitor in put a t rest all reports t h a t the formal l,.!OO men, \\ili advance to,vard Sari the French admiral may be connected face Of 'Yashington were The enemy's fire, s t e ~ d i l yincreasing damage t h a n de~noliahing a s many the South then that more fatal mal- answer might be in the possession of General Niles3vill with a desire t o back up Russian d e tined t o be t h e trustnorthiest sort o! inten +ty, now came frorrl all direcchimnej s. ady-diphtheria-in the N o r t h A ~ Jthis government by raying t h a t the Juan thuz avoid risking the lives of tho tender in the town and provi~lcenow. answer of Spain had not reached t h i s Alnerican troop3 through t h e explo- WITHOUT EFFECT ON NI I LES, SO far as n e cou!t~ juc2.p frow the tions, not only frolu tllc f r o n t and tho F r a n k Bro~vnell, ~ v l l o s ? name is the so-ca;]ed yellow fever epidemic of government. dense tropical tllic.et5 on our aanlr,, of uliues the road ~ i v e nt o the Ijrorvnell ~ j l o c k\t 110 n as last year caused little O r no dama'e shopkeepers the town \.as relicred and ADR RID, AUg. 5.-The conferences from dincase, although i t wrougit the use of exl~iOsiveslVhich t h e The Cam~al6n 1s Conducted the Same truly glad t h s t a settled state of at. but froln sharpsllooters thickly postzd Once a l'usiness man a n d much wffering from fright and quar- between the political leaders upon tile in trehs i n our rear, and from sllrJpncl hidden in the capitalist of Lincoln, died a t >Ion- antine. as If Therit Were S o Talk of Peace. fairs seemed likely t o descend upon apparently ailned at the balloon. l,icusubject of peace t e r m s c o n t ~ n u e,Senor . 'paniards ~ n o u t h ,Ill., of paresis. To ~ h n whow erroneous 1s this delu- Gilvela, t h e Conservative leader, acting .al"ng t h e way. O E FSAXJUAN DIC I'ORTO RILO,Aug, them. tenant Colonel Derby of Shafter's staff l"lere alittlc at Gen- I.-The Americans have taken penceone instance a t least, it Is ifi behalf of Senor Castclar, t h e liebliss Margaret IJouston of Om;ihn, S10n8 i'~ met ~ n eabout this time and inforlned 'Y1lson" headquilrters ycsterdaYv ful possession of the e a s t e r ~ portion "t"ed On good authority that therJ publican leader, who was prevented by c E R V E R ~ Y,SITS COMRADES, i of h a s gone t o c a m p hlcl'llerson, Atlanta, me t h a t a trail, or narrow way, had was not a single case of serious illness illness fronl being n h c n Koscndo Cintrou, t h e 6 r s t local the island. sinall parties of marines \\'oundeJ and Ill They Embrace The!, been discovered from t h e balloon a has con'a*, upon an a ~ ~ o i n t i r i e nfrom t the duriuO the past session among the stujudge "pwinted the h a r e been landed, who haveulighted tvor departtnent to serve as a n1lr.e i n dents short distance back leadiug t o the left For~uerCom~rlander. the Laulsiana state univer- ferred with the premier,Senor Sagasta, \'as lie ret h e llokpital nllere the \\oundc.d Span- sity o t Baton Rouge, although Inany UPOU t h e subject. He said Serlor Cas- quired to sneilr allegianco t o tha lalnps in t h e lighthouse a t Cape S m xORF oLK, A.-~l~uliralCer- of a ford lower down t h e stream. I J u a n and other lighthouses along the terlar, although an advocate of Peace) the made ish prisoners of \ t a r a r e being cared of thorn came from climates very clifhastened United as long as the mast. They met with no resistance. tera and his son, Lieutenant Cervers, road and soon after the Seventy-first ferent from that of Baton Rouge. For was of the opiniou t h a t in negot!ating tor. arrived here yesterclay nlorning "as o w u ~ i e d troops and t o Indeed, a t Cape S m Juan, deputations there were four students from i t s conclu~ion,the goverdment "should ualtilnore to visit captain Concha, regiment of Uawkins' brigade came up. \Yhile takingdolvn tile about example, of citizens came out to meet them Callfornla, Pennsylvania, Mexico and remember th3 Viryinius affair, when "renoU"co commander of t h e adruira17s f l a p h i p I turned them int0 the b ~ - ~ a t h at One of Bur- Cuba, no one of whom missed a Single the energy displayed by Spain in deal- PC~"'" or potentate, and particularly The warships now in tllir vicinity Derby. ~ ~ cated ~by Lientenant ~ i Colonel ~ l ~ lington stations* s''~Fmln'tead of lecture Or recitation On account Gt ing with t h e United btates raved quecu regent and t h e king of a r e t h e hlontgomery. Annapolis, the firaria T~~~~~anq t h e leading to the lower ford, sending sick and ,vounded at t h e navy hospital ILncoln had t h e u ~ i s f o r t u n e t o f a l l sickness; and none of them had ever sPanish interests, and he thougllt Spain." and the A n l ~ h i t r i t c . Tho t ' \ O word toGcueral liawkiusof this movewith the scaffolding, and receive beri- been in Louisiana before. The oath\Tas administered by Col- f o r ~ n e rare looking for the transports here, hi^ was the first tillle they b3 luade ".' effort nent. met since the da'h Out Perhaps this remarlcable healthful- " C1Ousl the judge advocate of (?en0 . injuries, Several bones \\ere with troops which left the United serve Spanish sovereignty over l'orto This would havu spscdily delivered nesn is due to the location of of Santiago harbor. T~~ nleeting era1 Miles' staff. This is t h e d r s t time states and hare scattered all &bout tho broken, and one side of his body is the admiral them i n their proper place on t h e left, in the of t h e United States island. The Annapolis rounded up the Was a pathetic One* palalyrcd, 11. ,rill lire, b u t Rouge on the last hill (going South). Senor Silvela adged t h a t he personon the banks of th; ~ i ~ ~River, i ~ ~ [ ~ ~ i elabracing one another of their brigade, but, under the gallthat tho jlldge of a foreign and hostile, \Vhit,ney, Florida and the Zlaleigh yes- and n ill be crippled. just siLty mlleS from the Gulf of Mes- ally did not favor any change bf policy, ~ t h e leading batlike children. ~h~ admiral then "is ing fire of t h enemy, but ebnqucrcd countryt has Sworn terday, and they are noiv a t Cape Sari The Liberal, Moderate Republican. L. \V. Sauin. hap one of the finest ico on the Southwest, and thirty-six talion of this r e inlent mm throwu Nosol of Yluton, S U P P O ~ the ~ c*nstituFion of the United Tuan. f r u i t f a r ~ l l si n JYashington county. 1Ie miles from Lake Maurepas on the publishes a n interview to-day with into confusion anf raeollsd i n disorder There seems to h a r e t e e n a serious rvho lor+, a leg, D~~ xicoli and dugustl 3n has t\\enty.three acres of orcllard con- Southeast. The breezes from these boi- b1arsllal Martinez do ~ a m p o s n, h o is states. This was all t h a t mas d o in rear' nlanded the I'mto 1ii2nsie9 of water may have an influence quoted a s saying: "1 openly f a r o r A t this critical moment, the oficers taining 3,000 trees of lnany rarleties, of cq"911y t h e Vizcaj affecting a, and wheu t h e their scenesforrner were two mistake ships as got to t the o the renderrous, same place, for and no it ' P On the as they certainly has' happeuer. SAGASTA O B EC y formed a cordon lline acres of t h r i f t y gra*es and f o u r do 'pan the 'lemperature 0! the at. peace. Everything tho ,vhere the spm. of ~ n staffpractlcally ---- ~ TS TO HASTE, ,ill take rreral days to loeatc i n this war could have been foreseen, behind t h e panic-stricken men and acres of blackberrics, from which lie moPphere. ish sailorS are. ~ h faces ~ lit i up acd ~ but t h e most peeaimistic could pevec Want3 l~rerythlne Done In a "Quleq arid get them to Pence, where General I has sold 10,000 quarts this year. they elnbruced him as best they could, urged them to again go hliles i s waiting. There is a tillle in every girl's life have imaginel t h a t our misfortunes Orderly and DlgnIAed Manner." finally ordered them t o lie down in t h e their joy being plainly visible. The ad. PoscE, l'orto Rico, Aug. 5.--?rIajor T h e Omaha l'acking company has \then she regrets t h a t she ~ a s n ' t would be so grcat-tha destruction of Lonuos, Aug, 0.-The Madrid c o r r s thicket and t?clear "-ay for others I ~~~~~~l ~ i is l ~ ~ entirely miral took lunch with bledical Direct01 Of their Own made arrangements t o c o m m e n c ~the n.ilncd "I~ucille. hlontejo's and Cervera's squadron's, bpondent of the Times says: "" 'Omand i t i. arid he will rem1i. Clebome. ~ l t h o u regard t t o peace negotiations. erection of some substantial additionu . * ~ l , perre ~ ~ ~ ish regarded 8. as. the surrender of s a n t i a p and Beauty is ~ l o o d~ c c y . ing up behind. This many of them here da's. issued, t o their plant in South Omaha. A cold Clean l,loocimeans a ,-lean sirin so beailty rapid and unresisted occupation of spred, i t ruay not be attained so quick- Kc%-Jorgenseng are being did, and the Second and Third battalstorage cliillin,v room and a ccoper shop rv~rllput~ t .Cnscarrts, Candy Cothnltic cleatis Port0 Rice. No one could have inag- ly as, is generally expjctcd. Senor Sa- Tho Second and Third \Yisconsin are NOT TO RES lST G EN, M ILES, ions carno forward in battle order and . -lreeps 't clean PY st'rrlng UP > o u r blood lind moving UP t o the Sirteenth P e n l l s ~ l gasta objects to being hustled and ipthe nccesssr!, build. ined it, even lakiqg iuto consideraill sooll be moved along the road ton-ard t h s ford. ari,,lng iili ,nl pur,tiuq lrolll me lazy li,Fr ordehT h a t There Op1>Obivanla to-day. Colonel HuLings ha5 Ing permits having bcen sccured. One of my staff oiflcurs r a n back, plloylei tion t h e SuperioGty of t h e Unitcd sistsupon everything being done i n a Ibe to ti&u to Miles' drmy. , quiet, orderly and dignified manner. c a ~ t u r c d5,000 pounds of rice. Thus bolls b~otchw,blnchhends, ontl that s ckiy States. -. waving his h a t to hurry forward t h e A sign painter \ V ~ Ohas b ~ e uhacg- biilo"9 comi>!erlbn br lirl,lng Cu,coretsNEW ' I o f i ~ ,hug. 8.--d dispatcll t.0 "L\'either the preseit g o v e r v e n t He considers it necessary to have full f a r t h e enemy has not molested him. brigade, upon approaching l s:rt J[JC. ing o l ~ tr e c e n t l ~in \Vinsitl& tool< a teouty for ten ceuLs. ~ l dnlgyiats, Major Ceneral Brooke's landing a t t h e h'ew ~ o r kHerald f r o u Madrid the hor any other can change our situa- and satibfactory explanations as t o all found the way blockaded by " " ' ~Ih~ ~so50c. notion to change his placc of residence '.OU ~ ' l ~ l --says: The government has given orArroyo was successful. The troops doubtful points, in order t o enable tion. It would be madness t o think of men o t the Seventy-first New York. and in his haste t o g e t a n ay forgot t o Read the Ad~ertlaements. I rejecting President McICinley's con; him best t o protect tho national inter- from t h e Roumanian, fear b a t t e r i c ~ ders t h a t t h e minister of war shall not ~h~~~ were men of this regilnent force resistance i n Forto Kico t o t h e g@ throuall the f o r m a l i t ~ o fparin: his '.You will enjog thispublication much ditions. The Liberal party can bring ests against the aggressive tendencies from Indiana, hlissouri, Pennsylvania crouchin3 in the bushes, many of bo:~rdbill. The sheriff was notified better if .ou nil1 get into the h a b i t of a b u ' t peace, but Sagasta should not of the IVashington cabinet. and Illinois, are disembarking there. utmost. This is a t tho instigation of whom were encouraged by the &Paneb and given a description of the gentle- r e a l i n g t t c ndrertisements; they will be &-ked * & l ihas e t o exallline very minutely Tho Y o r p m troop of the Fifth cavalry Premier Sagasta, w h o deplores a n j of t h e approaching c o l u a n t o arise sign it. suCll a course intere:;! mqn, a ~ in d a little while bat1 him in afford 3 would n o t . be prudent another the crigenaies of theintpm.1 situation and t h e Mississippi commluaries harq unnecessary loss of life, kno\ving t h a t and go Porto Rico will inevitably fall into the the toils and in didn't take b u t r) very "111 put j u i n t h e and home politics, so as t o avold popu- arrived here. Liberalcabinet should beconstru~ted.': I again sent a staff at a gallop Our hands of the Americans. short time to convince him t h a t about lar dissatisf~ction and political unrest. gyontaneons Combu,tlon in lIambury. t o urga forward the troops i n the rear. ~ ~ ~ ~ s ~ $ l ~ ~ ~ axnd $ ' ga llrt $ ~ s 'IArJFAx, ; Captain General Alacias has been in- The head of ,vikqff's N. S.* the proper thing t o do was to put up they alj$ertisc.,c The Spanish people, though sincerely l i ~ a l a ~ aAug. a, $.--A fire on Oswald reactled structed t o obtain terms like those obt h e pay for w h a t he had been eating of Biawatha* bodies from which t h e went Uourgoyne, Out in usearch t into desirous of peace, are disposed to ad- quay last night, originating i n spok. tained by General Toral* or better. so the forks at 12:20 p. m,, and mire this hesitancy a d tenacious and also contribute a few dollarr taneow combustion amid cotton, deon the left, stepping over tho prostrate canso yesterday, having as t o save Spanish honor as much as forms of men of tho seventy-first toward paying the running expenses bodies and buried s h e has holding out till t h e last, although stroyed over 81,000,000 worth of mcr -possible. ' aware t h a t i t implies greater sacrifices. chandisa. of t h e ;lieriff's oi-lice. sailed aEain t o continue the searcll. '__ - -_ An' Austr~llanCablo Sext. L a he a line so * ~ u c s t i o nCause) a Neu The marshal of Korfolk offers ,lo Congostlon at St. Michael's. IT GOES TO DOUG H ERTY, I T MAY BE ANOTHER BLUFF, LONDON;Aug. 5.-The London Daily cents firicce f o r any and all dogs in t h e UneYbinell In London. , SEAT TI.^, Wash. ,Aup. &--The steamXcws says: An informal conference city upon which ,the taxes have not clay county an \YIU Succeoa Docker, Los~o.u,Aug. 8.- here is great un- LC Dirigo arrived yesterday morning so ~~~~~q for tae worement 0, was recently held in London between been paid, and the small boys are In Conpreaa. I casinegs an all s!d,.? Xcre / n vIew.,of from St. Michael's with 100 passenLord Strathcona arid Count Royal, Dr. Gcnor~! \V~de'r Dlvlrlon. . reaping the bene8f. R ~ c a r r o , u ~Mo., , Aug. 6.--John TJ. the Chinese situation, which is re- gers, some of whom went North rehlulock and some the i 5 Upll'a 'catarrh Cure up t h e cently, but being unable t o get garded ar bringing a n open conflict Douyhuty of clay county was nomiAt Sorfolk they say t h a t any \viaow men are p i n g 1 to " department to-day a high o.cial Is a const(tutional cure. Pdce, 7 k river returned. ~ b forty ~ were ~ t bet,reen (ireat ~ ~ and in u n l a ~ ~ i ~ nated for by the ~vl~ is owise will, instead of being conmncemed in the it is "k*ed whether any orders had mearurerble distance, and it is 1Clondikers. They brought down $200,that the dO1niniOn pulla. t e n t with 5 or G per cent interest, inStrengtdisn-t one of the necesssry of the ~ h i district ~ d yesterday on the been issued for t h e move.ment of coin419th ballot. universal:y felt that the of mO in dust and nuggets. ~h~ nirigo vest her c w h in a house that will yield qualifications o? a shop lifter. to Oeneral 'Yade, lvent is no'v dispacd support th' ~h~ nomination of a ~ o n g r e s s i o I l a ~saliSburyvs lack of backbone in yield- conflrms t h e stories t h a t a terrible a $10 a month rent. , there 'lad been no orders ='heme' ~~r.r~m~nentlrrum Xontno1.m.ou8nenafter d. tandidate ,,the,. t b n A, fil, ~ ) ing ~t o Russian ~ aggresrirenrss k ~ ~is re- ~condition of affairs exists a t St. T h e boys of Rlair a r e willing t o nrat dar'a uqo of Dr KUee's Gieat Xerbr liextoler. yet. "Tho list of lorthe Italy's Navy to Be Increased. Send f o r FREE 82.00 t ~ l u lbottle ubd +read* means t h a t Mr. Dock2ry i s a n active sponsible for the dangerous complica- Michael's ow in^ t o t h e failure of indiRon., Aup. 5.-It is reported t h a t state upon oath that they hare a,trick DB. R, H. KLI\L,Ltd .a91 Arch st., )hihdelphla. P L candidate ir the Democratic gubef. tion whicll can onb be orercome by vidual ocean boats t o qet their passcn- h r t o Rice expeditions \*as g.lven Q)lt up t h e river. I t is predicted t h a t t o silence the clamor," he explained. tho I t a l i l n gorsrnment intends t o probicycle rider among thenl who can ,Vhen a man don't use tobacco natol'ial nomjnation in 1D03, snd will the prompt arid moat intimation gers thousands will have t o winter a t S t He would not say whether t h e order? pose t h e construction of s i r armored crawl through the spokes of his wheel Russia.s open opposition to Brit~ s o n d e r h o wit happened. make an aggressive campaign from any would ever be issued. cruisers. n b i l e t h e samc stands upright ish commercial concessions must cease. Michael's or return t o thc States. On' A bath with COSMO BUTTERMILK A Notable UeneBt. George lI.ankins Of Dul!Ois was held GOXP, exqu,sttely scented, 1s ~oothingand Mlehlgan People bfrald to Arreat 6afo WANT THEIR DISCHARGE, up by a couple of men east of t h a t bcneficinl. ----: c.1 l e r e l y ~ h c r e . , ~ h c yGave Hobson a Suord. NEW YOSK, Aug. &-The benefit of Blowerr Who Stale 85,000. place. IIe refused t o tl~roxv up his &ow That FIghtlng Is Over many ~ o l . lho New York Soldiersv and Sailors' LON^ BEACH,N. Y., Aug. %-LieuThere are too lu'irly people who use R1cRMonD~ hlich.y 5.--4 success- Families' Ptotcctive association held tenant Hobson is t h e hero of Long ontcerr Are Anxl0n.a to G e t IIomb. hands a t t h e command o f the o u t l a ~ r s , their frlepds as coaling st:ltionn. u k e biliousness, dyspepsia, headache, cons"ful bank robbery was On by last night a t t h e illetropolitan opera Ucach. .All t h e guests of t h e hotel asnliereupon they pounced upon him, CAMPALOES, Palls Church, Va., hug. patioll, your stomach, indigestion are promptly I shall recomluend Piho's Cure for Con six men l a s t night. They secured house, was more in the nature of a re- sembled i n t h e parlors when i t was *.-In view of the present outlook the cured by 11ood's Pills. They do their nolk tearing off his coat, vest anti s h i r t i n f a r and wid@.--llrs, Mulligan. about $5t000 in cash and 8415')0 in axla securing sp,.ize.3 money sumption ception t o Lieutenant lIobson, Minis- learned t h a t Lieutenant Hobson was soldiers h a r e been speculating con?lluustend, Kept, England, ~ 0 78,. 1893, from the Union bank' There in excess of $20. ter t o Spain \Voodford and Captain to be a t Long l k a c h . Some one started riderably'on t l ~ echances of heing disG ~ ~~~~l ~ . T. Frank of the rcgulat About 00 per cent of people's conver. three explosions which Philip, of t h e Texas, than a benefit, s popular subscription for a testirnont- charged. Some would like t o be sent use. =any peoplewas Orno arniy h a s ancphe\v i n Clladron, a quiet satipn is to Cuba or Porto liico, but t h e major( The opera house was jammed with pee a1 t o him and in a short time 13tX) mas young f e l l o l ~ n , 110 is employed In t h e the / pie, almost 5,000 being present. in the hands of t h e treasurer. The ity prefer to be discharged, haviuy ~ dyou,. ~,o r r e l\vltlL ~ s cascarets. ~ ~ dcrcd ~ into the ~ George committee appointed t o meet tho lien- wives, mothers and others depending eaqlly and thoroughly.kllihorn railway otfices. General F r a n k candy ti,, cure conbtiDationioreler. t h a t they sapera somfnatfd for Gorernortenant in S e w York and escort him to gn them. yhey feel no\v a s if their ~~~tafter dinner pills. is t h e god-father of this yaung rail- IOc. Sc. 1f C.C C. fail. druggl-ts refund moaer. Robinson and Ed Barrett saw t h e rob-. GALVESTON, Tex., Aug. %-The Dem- Long be.sch a sword for is a t homc, a s there is n o morq %cents. All druggists. roader, whosenanlo isRoyal T. Frank, A man wllo is al\\rais asklng you to bers, but did not molest them. The hepared by C. I. ~ o o d ' &Co., ' Lowell, Mass a n d his fellow employes all cnll him -be fair watcliiog. safe was a com1;lete wreck, nitre ocratic s t a t e convention nominated ~ 2 7 ~ . fightin Y t o d ~ . f glycerine having been used., &wornor. ~wnly Pill to take with Hood's Sarsd~ariUa. lbyeneral." - - - - NEBRASKA . . ' -- f - - ~ ~ ~ : zy:ora d ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ - ' A - . . :iUU$t$zl foun‘r I '.*. I '" -- -- __e -- -- we " ~ ~ ,, -- $art , I ' Ne\\Ts oJ1 & ~- B A s I ~ ~ , , The body of Canoy d n k s of y e braska City, wlio h a s been missing since July 13, \ \ a s found on a sand b a r SUCCINCT SUMMARY O F A in tlie ~ l i s s o u r i r : ~ e r n e a r ~ e r u . WEEK'S EVENTS I ~ a u r e n c eSears, a young lad of T,in-coJn, a s d r o n n c d in the lllue river in 'rathing. 'Ie got :)10st Il1~orta.t l x a ~ p ' n i " ~of ~ tile Past at UilfOr'l sexen u . 1 ~Urieflylleutloned--1ll 8 I'or- beyond 'Iis and dro'rned before be sulnlnonedtirns of the State Covered--1 Tl,orough , Hebuuie of h e b r ~ s k aSetr a \Vm. -4. Poynter, populist, for* gov-ernor and E. A. Oilbcrt, silver republiean, for l i e ~ ~ t r n agovernor, nt and t h e kuesda), .Ingust !?, rest of the state officbrs renominated, lfurt county veteran's associatio~l the \TO,.k accomplished by the have dicided not t o hold tlieir a n n u a l fn,ionist held in reunion this year on account of t h e inand ,Vednesday. terest taken in the trans-Jf ississippi ?xposition, and as tllere will be a c;. -4t the republican congressional conA. lt. day there, they will all attend. rention held .in I~incoln last night, llon. E:. J. Bnrliett of Lincoln, \bas A half dozen years ago 1like:Zaliany nolllinatccl on the first ballot. He 1%a s tnd Cali1 \Vardinz qnarrelcd in tlieir f a r in lead of Judge Stull of native Syria, and in recollectign of Auburn the nomination made t h e event \Vardinz, \rho ruus a restnu- llnanimous. \,as a member raUt just outside t h e exposition of t h e last legislature a n d made a grounds a t Omaha, n e n t t o the Streets brilliant record as a parliamentarian of All S a t i o n i , wliere Mike was ham--meCing a drum. ant1 stal)bed him in "rlday, -4ugust 5. tlief back s e ~ c r a tinies l with a clasp Ton1 Connel? a u Indian of ' t h e ' Sac knife' ianictillp paiuful lutnot dm- tribe \% a s r u n o r e r by a U. & N.freight gerous \\ ourids. . train a t Palls City and instantly killed. Of st.drted for Gorernol. lIolcolnb a n d AdjutantschO(sl yesterday mitll General Ilcrry \$ill leave next hIonday boys t h a t h e arrested Saturday n i g h t to tile Second and Tllird A e raslorbrealiing into of k a regiments to sce lion t h e boys a n lludd near Kagan. Tho boys had es- getting along. taped from t h c reform school a t KearTIle b a r d of public lallds and buildney. One of them \r as a nepro. They ings met j.csterdayLarid again opmecl all fifteen years old and )ad tllro\, a\vay tlleir clotlies and bids on ar\rater plant f o r the institution Irere malting for t h e I<?nsas line. for t h e feeble mindtd atI$eatrice. The Yhey \\ere a pretty 'tobxh looking contract \ \ a s a\\ariled t o t h e v n i t c d b'dnp and sllcrid made good States bupply company of Omaha, wlivsc .bid \r us $6,241. catch. C i t i ~ e n sof Lincoln h a r e bern disSaturday, .luyust 6. :ussinbr the advi5ability of follOninbr Fire conh~imedJ. S. 3icUrayer's b a r s ' certain Chicago c i t i ~ k n s in the matter at ~lcCook. TIle loss is ).?,000. of the reseude btalups i11 relation to aged 103 ye&.s; without &iiza e l p r e s s co1n1)anics. A man in tllat doubt tile ?ldest colored Ivoluan in city a package to a in ditd forenoon at ' t h a t city desiring it t o be expressed. street' 31rs. \vebb I t \%asuu\tawpe..l and the company res me,uber of nIctllotlist &use1 t o take it. IIe got o u t an injunction requirillg them to do 50; t h e ellurch and \\as rioted for ller earnest tllc of religious nark. matter \ \ a s taken into t h e courts, end,,avors THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. I{E PIKED FIRSr a' IMIR WOMEN AND HONE, IN PAY OF T H E NAVY. IIoa thb Flnances of OfBcers and W.M Are Looked After. ITEMS OF INTEREST FOR M A I D S When one takes into considertition A N D MATRONS. the intelligence, the technical training and the other demands made upon d INTO T H E S P A N I A R D S A T MANILA MAY 1. cl~nrle.c a t a ~ ~ ~ofg rNexton, . nansas, them by their prolesslon the omcers a salnp10 01 the a t n d of M~~ +hat and men who handle our war ships are stand Behind our \vespons \ ~ a r - - poorly paid as compared with those (, who follow similarly exacting duties on sbcre. An o ~ f c e r ' spay varies not only. according to hls ranlr, but according to the nature of his duty. His highest pay is whlle a t sea, his lowest while on leabe or "a~aiting orders." The following gives the officers' Pay per annuma Rear admirals, $4000 to 16,000; commcdores, $3,000 to $5,000; captains, $2,600 to $4,500; commanders, S4,300 to $3,500; lieutenant commande ~ s $2,000 , to $3,000; l i e u t e n ~ n t s $1,600 , to $2,600; lieutenants, junicr grade, $1.20~t* $2,000; ensigns, $800to $1*400; Gponkrdr UNNER Cavananghl man Yho fired flrst shot a t the great naval battle of M+nila bay, is a ,,, Meaot--soule k;tre Of P1ctur*que Hst-Sright U a t h l n ~Salts for the B ~ t h season l ~ -A Strong-Nlndcd Doctor. F@ShiOo-A The Danger O K Beauty, the papers without feeking so content I never ,,ad are lwlsted my my That nose is sllghtly bent: 1vm glad m y lnouth Is out of line and that never been "re than four minntes WAR TIME FRlEtJDS. bringing ordinary cSitycream to a stiff *l,aIIard s to Decide \vhich T O I ~ the foam. She puts half a plnt, which Blgges t. doubles in the beating, into a COmmOil "Jack" Schuyler is dead. white pint bowl, narrow a t the bottom, Thus ends one of the funniest feuds and beats, touching the sides and hot- I have ever heard of. tom a s seldom as possible. Twice a 0, my way into the lumber region of week during the winter she has done Pennsylvania some years ago 1 encounthis, and never a hint of bilure. She tered Col. "Tom." pickert, who asked always puts a wee pinch of Salt in be- my destination. The colonel 1s one of fore beginning and thinks perhaps this the big men-physically, socially and helps her success. Many people dread financially-of Pottsvlile. whipping cream, and drain i t on a "you'll make Lockhaven your headsie7e. and make great labor of what quarters, I suppose?" he said, when I should be very sipple; they must re- had told him of my projected trlp. member that the Cream does not begin "Well, go to the Fallon house, kept by t o thicken until there has been steady "Jack" Schuyler, friend of mine, good beating for a minute or t ~ 0 .The clock fellow, but peculiar In one respect-he's must be watched, as often results are the worst liar I ei.ermet. just regisexpected too soon. ter from Pottsville and te'll do the 1 --rcst." A Plcture6que IIrt. I urged the colonel to tell me more Large hat in pearly toned satin straw. oi this prospectike host. The crown, is wreathed in trails of "Well, you see, we belonged to the . my teeth are few, if 1 had a .'wealth of hair" I don't know nhat ~ ' ddo. A "tiny tootu or q i j y halid" fill me with dismay, lCnd If I had a slender ~ a l s t sicken in day, For I ha,e noticed tho fitst, as the nabalgeneral cadets,popular $500 to notion, $950. Contrary naval 013-to The strange girl w h oasgets it inay the seem, sorbt of i t 1s pink roses. "lo\eIy as a dream." cers clcthe and f e d themselves. They "'o thflnselves* except when On The papers never teil about a . noman board ship or when stationed a t a navy being. shot, by a trolIey car, or married )ard whele quarters are p r ~ v i d e d . Or mangled a True, they are allowed whiie a t sea Or forced, at point of plstol, hcr last flfty the muniflcellt sum of 30 cents Per diem to I,, for their rations: Furthermore, officers ~ b that t her ejes' are "limpld" and he: boots are number taos. of the American navy have t6 t a y out of their own po~kctdfor the entertain- so ran ilve in saert the merit not only of their own personal lightest fear friends, but of officials the guests of That trouble or calamity will e\er ho\er the nation. The Pay of the e9listed *"' nearwhen misfit face 'I" 'Orno men varies from $9 Per month* rerelief to know ceived by a third-class apprentice, to That 1'11 outlive the beauties by a hurldred j ears or so! $70 per month, which is the compensation of a chief machinist. An "ordi--- -Brooklyn Life. nary seaman ' receives.$19, a "seaman" A Determ~ried \Vomau Doctor. $24 and a "landsman," a h o is an unskilled recruit, $16 per month. Men i i Dr. Adams Of Ravensone of the first women , the artiflcer c:ass, such a s blacksmiths, electricians, boiler-makers, etc., get attend a clinic at Bel1evue inade from $35 to $50 per month. All enlisted New York City. The men, like oER~ers,leceive their 30 cents a bitter fight against the admission Of the fair sex, and bound themselves by per diem for rations. Furthermore, there is an iscrease in pay for each re- & solemp oath m v e r to allow a nati,e of Haro,.y county, Kansas Is a gunner on' the And Olympia, A d m i r n l Dewey,e flagship, and has charge of uns. the batThe front is uplifted by same cavalry regiment in the nrmy. Looked like each othc, , the boys usedto commenced the 013mpia signaled say. He was major and I lieuttnantthe other ships to begin firing, both by colonel. I never led a charge or had a " ~ i g - w a g g [ ~and ~ " by firing the first brush with the enemy, or conducted shot herielf. Charlei, (+&vanaugh had foraging party, or, pr-in f a c t never the honor that first shot. A letter was received from Cavanaugh a did anything worth mentioning but few days ago by Barber, a "Jack" claimed the credit, and, on the cousin, in which he said the fire of the ' strength of our resemblance, more than Spanish fleet was a t all times very half the time he got it. Whene\er he wild, and (hat to (he American sailors made a blunder I was blrlmed for it. it was simply a n exciting target pracGood fellow, don't you know, but a tice. Gunner Ca\anaugh i s just 21 liar." Years old and he entered t h e AmerAS I placed my grip on the counter a t lean navy nearly two years ago. He the Fallon house I noticed that there enlisted in November, 1896. He was really was a striking resemblance i n the drilled in the recruiting ship Indeman \kho presided o \ e r the register to pendence. The following March he Col. TO^" Pickert. Their noses were was sent across the pacific in the mail molded on the same herolc lines, their steamer Peru, and after his arrival beards were shaped alike and the same in Japan on April 15, he ws translength and colo-, ;tnd thp shaamy, overferred to the flagship Olympia. Ile hanging eyebroys were m ~ : falearned the tricks aboard the ship very tures in each In detail and resemqufckly, and was transferred t o the blance they might h a \ e been taken for Yorktown and back to the ,Olympia. brothel s. His promotion was rapid, and he soon "From Pottsville, eh?" he said, ;is I Was placed in charge of one of the big laid a ~ i d ethe pen. "Know Tom Pickguns. The young gunner has numerous mlistment. One important step, an's Ioot cross the e r t ? Queer fellow, ain't he? Worst liar relatives in Harvev county. His father, conducing to efficiency, taken by The crisis came w h e n the students Irom In the state, I believe." regularly chartered colleges were a J. grandfather, the all S. S. S. Cavanaogh, Cavanaugh, and live his near Sedgwlck, the last navy year department was the during elevating invited to witness a case of anputation a and striking "That so?" I said. "I always thought very well of him." \ \ h i c l ~baciced up a l l t h p t t h e man had Tile Iloolloos of t h e t r e n s - s l i s s i s s i ~ ~and i are proud of their young gunner, of the status of gun captains, on a cadaver, yh!ch at that time had Are \V&men Nean? "He may be changed new," ssid tho clone, thu5 deciding t h a t the company region b a r e filed upon the n i g h t of who are n o # specially rated a s such, never been performed On a like subA Writer, who appears to be more or hope he we wele ahould pdy the r c ~ e u u e . September Z, a s t h e d a t e for having the sere as less 0) a woman-hater, contributes the u l t h WY ringing from $35 t o $50 Per ject+ AN EX-QUEENIS MUSTACHE. in the army toyether, in the raine rcgitlreir eolelnlration, at wl,icll eager as the men, and an- following to a n American exchange: month. Fo:merly the gun captain was Solomon Scbwab can14 n e a r being tilne they will do tlleir allnual ho\\ 1merit. He was lieutenant-colonel Ind I What evidence Is there that women was major, J2x:Queen Natalie of Servia, who is chosen simply by reason of his rank ticipating serious trouble attended in killed and bsdly mutilated jesterda) jng. I took o ~ at ~l~~ grarl'i collcert \,ill be upon a On the in money matters are mean? In the party on scout d u t j , or to conduct a n aboqt t o organize a corps of titled la- on shipboard; that is, no man could be morning. l i e n a s a t the liurlingtou the roof tile ~ l i puilding, ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ t ~ were a yelling, first place, women a r e much less liberal tlrpot, l~incoln, \\siting for some tilc structure llaving lIeen tencered dies to act as nurses in the Cuban air, a gun captain, honever good his but than men in their expenditufe, except clllmunition train thrc ph partleumalkrmanship, unless h e held some students, and friends to o n the Beatrice train, the Iloollus alld the tender having has a mustache-a thick, well deflned petty office, such as boatswain's mate, became panic stricken and Red for very personal things. A woman, larly d a ~ g e r o u sdistrict, or was paftlcuof which many a don,ny-lipmustache S o . cS. 'Clhe train pulled in and Mr. ,been acm,pted. of ped dude'might 4 justly envious. Nacoxswain or sonrething of the sort. But Dr. *dams. alive to the fact that m e n though she be sell supplied with '"'Iy lucky In foraging' the omcers inOf Scliu a b s t ~ r t e dto cross tile track s dates ill be initiated lifter the transregiments talie is known a s "the most unfortun- Now the gun captain is the best shooter they were entitled to the privi1?ge, money, will hardly ever give a gener- t h e t o n a r d s it, n o t noticing t h a t train So. action of business which ate queen in Europe,'' and to the mind iwd manipulator of the weapon in the led her flock Into the In the 0,s tip to a waiter or to a cabman, or vited out to hear 'Ton]' tell how he did 20 \ \ a s pulling in from t h e north. brings tile lloollqos together. lecture room they met with the most to any one who renders her a service It' TO0k a'' the credit and made beSliouting and calling t o hiin \ \ e r e of of the akerage American woman tSe latter's crew, regardless of his standdetermined but the laculty for which a fixed charge is exacted. liekc it was himself. I was blamed mustache is doubtless sufficient giound ing otherwise on board, and he receiles u o a r a i l and he n as caught by the Sunday. d u ~ o s t7. \Ye looked a litsustained tqe position of the fair stu- If she pays the fixed charge, she con- for all his mistakes pilot of the eugine and carried along Archie ISoss of t'ompany E, Second tie alike then, they used G"y. Tom's dents, which resulted in a large nun]- siders this to be quite enough, she f o r ten or iifteen feet, then lie rolled regiment, \ t h o is in trouble a t Chicka 600d felIOw, but he often made me ber of men withdrawing on the ground can not see the sense of paying t o the ground and his legs fell across amnugab o r c r a n alleged bigamous marthe mad bS his lies. Do l o u eker drink that they would not sit through clinic than she is actually dbliged to, t h e track. Luckily his lleltd was h i t riagc, enlisted \ ~ h i l eo u t of the Xewith women. Preparations were mad? second place, are greatly given " n ~ t h i n g " " by tlie oil bus of one of t h e wheels "br:tsks penitentiary o n parole. l i e Subsequer'!~I discoveled that at regto subject them to personal violence, to chaffering and haggling over prices, with sufEcient force t o t u r n him about ( h ~ been d paroled to his father about imental, and other reul~ionseach took but a professor warned them of the that the old story which tells a a n d t h e nlieels pasacd over the cloth five rnonths ago. Ilis term in the penproposed attack, Taking advantage of lady offering at a postotflce ten cents delight in collecting a coterie and p o b t of his trousers only, l i e \ \ a s burnped itentiary e ~ p i r e dJ u l y 21. Xoss'youllg Then ICY a moment of intense interest, when f o r eleven one-cent is rather ing out the other as a liar by tlie t a n k car a n d mail car before {rife lived \tit11 Iris father's family toasted each other, a n & like bigthe eyes of every student were riveted typical of the attitude of the sex in tile € rain could be stopped. Had t h e \r hile he n a s i n prison. on the operating table, the four girls general. ~h~ popularity of bargain hearted old v e t e ~ a n s ,shook hands, t o Gain been running faster h e \\auld ~t souti, ~~~~l~~ l~~~~~ stepped out of the room and were se- co,nters is perhaps another indication the astonishn~entof all. It was "T~!P" surely h a r e bcen ,killed. SO bones I ~ n l t ~a~lad a 19 ~ ,Sears old, struck creted in a private room. When their of the same general trait, Again, ip and "Jack" always,-Ka@sas City were broken, b u t lie is a mass o f p r a n k ~ ~ a n l l e n ~ l o fae r lleavy blow absence was discovered a howl of rage their relations with each,other, Times. bruises from heail t o foot. ' 1 \\ it11 his fist during (I quarrel, and t h e went up that penetrated every --display an apparent meanness that is blow killed hiin. llanneuhofer had \Vedneaday, .lugobt 3. of old Bellevue. But the old prejudices seldom seen in men. should a Dean Stanley, though he wrote letand the men who UeSS man Come into his offlce and open The ofticial issuec1by b ~ e ndrinking and meeting l i u l t ~ m a u so illegible that corlespond~ so fiercely o~pc>sed elltrance a package' of cigarettes and instead of the rni,-eraity of xebraslra shons that spoke t o Ilirn in a tllreatenlngrnauner. into New York's great college are now ents had to guess at the meaning of the sllo\\e,.s of last \ccel< exceeg- I l u l t ~ m a l lrfsentcd the talk andl struck them around to those In cordial sympathy with their proleshis Scrawls, was loved because he was to tile of many him in the neck, felling him. i e \%as o ~ e to r sell them to his arre"t"l a n d taken t o Omaha. A sional career. colulties, thing lnost ~ a n i o n s ,he mould become the talk of transparent .and guileIes8. The first charge of iiia~slaugliterhas been prt. ' the place-a sort of fable--and the Proofs of his "Sinai and Palestine" inby state-e and soa]ting the reader that from the monrain-came .\Ionday night and early fcrrcd. n-orel Sandwich. thing would be handed down a s a re: Tuesday morniug. lt was a general Monday, .%ug116t 8. Here 1.5 a l e c f ~ efor a nol.el sand- lnalkable tradition. B U ~ahen a astery of Sinai mas visible "the horns wlcb that 1s always appetizing: Take a n employed in business takes a r a i n covering Colorlido, XeBrabka and he city council of Columbus con of the burning beast." The dean small rolls and rasp the crust evenly. of candy f r ~ mher desk apd offers to thought he had written "the horizon l o ~ v a ,and extending soutll\vard to the eluded thc u o r k of investigating tlie Cut a lromthe Of the gulf. The \seelily crop report issued m a t t e r of Officer Rector shooting Ales sell small portiods of it to her Of the Burning Bush." Thc same then scrape Out ciales, instead of passing it around to Proof sheets stated that on turning the and set it before the rain reports had been re- JIci;al.vey last evening. and exoneratas much the c r u m b as possiblel takceived has been made of little value b j ed I{e'tor ancl he \\ill resume llis poall, it is considered quite an oiWdinary of %fount Olivet in the walk ing care not penetrate the crust. matter, and no one apparently thinks from Bethany, "there suddenly burat this opportune rain. Only a .sornlnary bition on tllc force this evening. blccooked chicken' ~t northy of a word of comment. 1 ~ U will therefore be given. The past L;arvey is still ill tile liospital, and - POU the spectator a magiiiflcent view ham, and add two \seek lias been cool, \*it11 less t h a n the bile the t a l l has not yet been redeed, in this whole matter of treating, Of-Jones!" The printer had read Of the meat a white sauce. norlual rainfall i n mo\t of t h e state. luored he is said to be doing very nice.omen are essentially different from "Jerus"--the dean's abbreliated way The sauce Is made by mixing One tQT h e average daily temperature d e b l y andl n o berious results a r e appreu~ones." bleFpoonful Of flour with a " men. They ~ e l d o m"treat" ea@ other, of writing "Jerusalenl"-as cieney ranged from four degrees in liended. Last night the officers had a cream or milk. stirring in t a o ounces and s h e n they do they do it in a ve:y Once a lady who had invited him t o t h e eastern c o u n t k s to about t n o de- 1,al.d figllt ivitll some hoboes \\llicb I once knew of a dine was obliged to write back and Of butter. Add l'epper and a dpst grudging way. g r ~ ' t sin the \restern. The daily mas- they had arrested. When they a r gf nutmeg, and beat all together until young girl whose marriage with a very ask whether his note was acceptance i m u ~ ntcmyeratures esceecleci ninety, rived a t tile city jail the tramps ofsmooth and free from lumps. Whell eligible man was brought about large- or a refusal. A workman, to whose dcgrees ou the first t w o days of t h e fered resistance and a general fight , . the sauce is cold, mix in any small ly through the kind offlees of a lady question the dean had written an anweek, and \rere below eighty degrees ensued. Oflicer llrock was beaten CIIAHLES CAVANAUGH. . salad, chopped. Thorough,y who 1s that rare and phoenix-lllcr: swer, wrote him humbly requesting On the last t\!o days. She\\ era Oc- n i t h a cane and in the melee t n o of -.- - _ _. _ _ .- . -mix the meat with the sauce and fill phenomenon, afudicious match-maker. that the reply mlght be written out by --------currcd in all counties, b u t they n e r e o f the prisoners escaped. The to\bn is Both the 1-ou'ng husband and the bride some one elpe, "as he Ras not fanlillar Take the generally very light, esccpt i n tllc overrun ~ b i t htllis obnoxious class of to establish the title. But Pu'atalie is extla pay for his 9ualities.-1,cslie's recognized the debt they owed their with the handwriting of the aristoccut and place them on the end of ant1 the force h a r e strict or- enough of an Oriental to count the Iveekly. nort)ier!i and extreme eastern counthe rolls. pile them on a pretty dish friend; and some time after the mar- racy!" shadowy line above her lip as a mallr ties, u h e r e tlle rainfall csceeded half de1.s to arrest them \\herever fourld. and they make a delicious adjunct for riage* w h e n the blide w a s , about :O Of especial beauty-a part!cu1ar yark 1 'L'UL.C* Thrtt %tatLErr the n f i n c l . a n inch, and over a cunsidrrdble porRAGS A_S T H A N K - O F F E R I N G S , supper, high tea, or luncheon. call upon the lady who had made !he l t nolr develops t h a t Private ~ ~ ~ h i ~ of favor from the gods. It lLeciyires four years and fccr tion exceeded an inch. T h e past \\eel; 11. H~~~ match, the husband hqnded her a $20 I _ ; . ' E colllpany as not properS u ~ e r b t i L l o ~ us tom of Olden Tlmt She ha$ had more tragedies in has been very favorable f o r harvest- l y ,,z,rried in Chattanooga. He probill and sajd; " N ~ y , p esgre.that you ~o::~!Is for a ray of light l o reach ns , Bright Itat bIng Suite. ' Not \\ holly Uisc~otlnued. ing, Ila.! lllaltillg a n 1 threhllinbr- Hal-- cured a friendly saloonlreeper, n h o at- her life than any other queenand light ask Miss M---- out to luncheon, m d ['Om the neaiest ~ r theo ~~~d~~ ~ ~ l\lail: rrhe sin times, not ex~ ~ i lIn lbathing i ~ suits ~ ~ at the ~ se;consort of is nearing cO1n~letionin tired himself a s a minister and p-r- ceprlny tn3 ill-fated EugenIe, wao gular custom of leaving rags and other shore is beginning to have its effect order the very best luncheon that you trascls at the rate of 186,330 miles a counties. "lieat and can think of, because she has been 'ec:'!clilain,At th!s rate a first-class e l f o r ~ n c dthe ceremony. C ~ l o n c l Bills r i ~ n n i n gat the speecl (jf a l e being thresheL1, aud reports indi- leariled toclayt h a t R~~~ had \\orlicd was a n tmyress-consort, by the wolthless objects a t wells has not en- upon the temperature. Red ,suits are "'b an aafu!ig f r i e ~ dQf both of , faborite pas. ' tirely fallen into disuse. The s u p e r - the ru!e,-and blark ones, n o t ~ i t h s t a n d way. One of the t h ~ r t j - k c t e nnliles ail !lour, y n r ~ l drecate i t is yielding about the a7 erdge. o n a gratitl stale in Chattanooga, giv- times of Natalie's disreputable hus. ' " stition, in a modiflcd form, evistg ili ihg their many advantages, are' sad!y ' ~ ' i i r ea continuous sun1 of 75.300,0C13 wllieh solne\\llat less bride accepted the mlsiion iug i t out g e ~ l e l . d l y t h a t he \vas a band, King Milan, was ta swing her d h e r portions of the world. A trav- in the minority. There are so many 6'"s t o 1 ~ 2 t - hAlpha Centa~lri. Oats are yielding but nephew of t h e handsome colonel of about by her long, black hair before the $20 hill and calling on the eler in l'ersia found a tree with rags girls at the beach with led and white pre l i g h t Corn has the Second. Ire secured no money on the entire court circle. Her son, Al- tied to its branches, They had been striped skirts and blue and white caps, informed her Of what she had come to ln condition i n the northern an'' ex- hi, representi~tions. I n another Case exander, was torn from her arms a t nn hag luncheon, and when it They doleft thele by the inhabitants of a prov- with stars, that if they should form trclue eastc.ln counties, bnL has been the 1nerch3rlts \ \ e r e not SO fortunate. age when he most required her care, ince infected with ague. A tree hung a procession on the Fourth of J U ~ Y Was Over and the bill was paid, it 3pinjured i n co:iutic's by con- -4 Kentucky p r i i a t e signed a uurnber Iier life was saved by a party of stu- . aiLh rags was found by another tlavit would be dlmcult to pick out the peared that the grateful bride hat1 extinucd dry \\ cather. of checks "Col. J . C'. Bills," and obdents. who escorted her carriage over Goddess of Libertr. This one is blue pended on her friend the munifi~ellt eler in Africa. Crooked pins, old -d of thirty-five centstained much money upon them. 11e the frontier when it was attacked ;)v clothes, pebbles, shells, rusty nails, and white serge. The skirt has four IliuraJny, .lupubt cannot bc arrehted in Georgia, so 11e hired assassins. Her reason finally smaLl ~ g i n s and , even bundles of heath rows of white serge, beginning with a To G e t l l l d 01 Ants. T h e republican state conrrution nil1 \ \ i l l be bent to Cliattanooga on an ere gave way under her burden of sorrow<, n e r e considered appropriate thank-of- . F i r e cents' worth or tartar emetic, ' s e c t August 10. rand and there the lnerchants will en- but this last misfortune was only tern-, ferillgs a t shrines in earlier days, for it It is absolutely useless t o expect a Jfilie >lunbon,a farlner living near dearor to secure the return of some of porary, and she Went to a cpnvent for u a s believed that the saints and apeseurgicnl operation t o cure cancer, or their cash. Colonel Liills begins to a time for the peace the world cannot tles did not care for articles of \aluc. untler the cars of all ~ l k l.-remont any otllcr blovd disease. The cruelty think he is too well I t n o ~ n . The Suph a a s the s u ~ e r s t i t i o u sadoration of horn fr<{qllt and n a s killed. of such trecit~jicntis illustrated ill tllc checks \r ere lnade pa) able to "J. P, fountains that it was forbi(1den by the alari~iingnumber of d e n t l ~ snhieh r2, x e b p ? s k ( ~ E p 1 ~ o r t l l a5sembly ~ i ~ ~ ~ lIls i r,ieut. ~ ~ . ' 'illard s. 1iardsult fronr it. The Jiscpse is ill the tisteenth of the canoxis issued in 950, o$z.ned auspiciously yesterday. For ing islinoTvu to be adjutaTlt of tllc, blood, and lience earl not be c u t out. _ in tps yeign .,of King Edgar, and it was the openin2 day a f l a + t c l ; w attendNine tinles olit of t e n t h e surgeon's xebrasha i t \I.as, not a cocdenined by the canons oi St. Anar!ee n as ha?. ,. knife only hastens death. matter t o g e t t h e cliccks caslicd. sclm. . I t was also interdicted by the A Uarg~ln. Tllc house of Mr. llasliins a t Sen ard My son had a niost malisnant Cancer, for Officer Rector of ~ o l u ~ n b l l\\bile s, trylaws passed in the reign of Icing CanScene-Bargain coanter in Sixth av- which the hctors haid an operlttiyli H & S the mas robbed of $200 cash as \\ell a s ing tooverliaul a t r a n ~ p1711o\! as trying ute. Sioce, the reformation the pracChina tea pots for sale, all only liopc. Thcoperenue store. several other articles. Uloorlbounds t o escape, shot t h e fellow in tlle riglit tice has not beeu plevalent except in ation \\:IS s seleie of the same design. Sign prouinently one, ,,us I,ccesfrorn I,incyln \r ere put on tile track of sho3~l(ler.Tlie 1nan gave liis nanic a s Ireland, where many old a e l l s conscdisplayed "10 tents each." sary to cut do\\ 11 to McGarvey, aud faill he i t a s a Ales tilc tllieres b u t no news has y e t been crated t o saints and .martyr6 a r e yet (Approach middle-aged woman, look- ~ ~ & j ~ ' ~ ~ O ~ , " r ~ ~ as to how suc,esjful they ' milroad man lodiing for ~ s o r k . 11e is made the objects of pilgrimage. There now in t h e l~ospital. Public opinion ing intently a t sisn.) "110,~much ale glea'lwhilc t h e Can+rere. is scq~cely a parish throughout the is diviclcd as t o the oiiicer's action. these?" cer ganreturtied, to grow ~annpdl bedly. Thomas Jans-n, \\ ealthy Beatrice land that has not its own holy well, C. D. l,oo5e, a farluer livilly five "Ten cents." \Ve gn\c hilu NAIIY toall, aged s e v ~ u t h ~ a, s mybteriously miles south of Sortli Loup, \rns found where, despite practical admonition, "My! Aln't they clieap? Are thpy fFFdleswltllout Icdisappeartld :in11 foul play is su~pectccl. dead in the hag iielil jesterday \\ it11 a the 'faithful and the faitblesq come to damaged?" A r e \ \ a r d of $500 is offcred by his sol1 terrible gash c u t in his thigh. I t is pray for phjsical or mental reliei and "No, madam." bupposed he either fell of?' the mon cr I f i r information leading $0 the finding leave behind,then~ a scrap of rag as J D (Woman takes up one teapot after in front of t h e I<nives or tliat lie waa ,f his f a t h e r eitller dead or alive, lie offeri?g.$ another and exanlines each critically ) ---tvas last seen L).cenlber 13, 1997 a t fixing the machine ~vlien t h e horses "Are they all alike?" started, inflictinx t h e injury from Ludianola, \vlierz lie had gone t o col- which lie bled to dc.,t,l in ferv h 1 X . p Ulrd,st,F~~e. "Yes, wadam." lect some interest due. To one not conbereant with orxitholutes. "Ain't YOU got one with blue flow. - ogy the statement that the eggs a2d ,Miss Eva Shinkle of Lincoln, ~71iile The friends of fifteen-year-old John nests of some well-kno\\n b11ds remain riding a bicycle, rurl by a "No, madam." ' qet to be discovered must appear surwoman in a buggy and injured t o such A. Cornell, of South Aubirrn, Xeb., Absolutely t l ~ conly hope for Cai~cer "This one's creclred." ' give. now forgers her p~ising. Tbe eggs of the curlew-sandan extent t h a t she nil1 be ccafined to wlio ran away froin his p a ~ c i l t s niiile "EIere's is S Uift's specific, ers. griefs in trying to lighten those of oth- piper, a bird familiar in Great Britain, her liolnc for some time. i n Lincoln, ilugust 3 , mention of which were first-discorered last July on an The first rrgu i a r sessJons of t h e gi e a t n a s made i n the press, are very & I l k island at the mouth of the Siberian thresd. The peculiar yoke is made of "They're all the same,Ep\\-orth assembly for 'DY \rere held ious about him. 'The young fcllow Tlre Sl~ootlng~ l s h . are "a few Other wllite* with blue serge stitchyesterday in Lincoln park. I n acldition came t o Lincoln \\,it11his ~i,ct,ller and (IVoman pokes around among the a r Tlle shooting flsh is a native of the which their nests in re- ed lhe edge. The is either ticlcs for a moment In silence.) a s it is t h e only reiried mliich goee t o the many hundreds of 1,eople who fatllrr oil t h e day of the populist con- East Indies. I t has a hollow cylinliving part Of red Or white O r to thc very bottolii of t<ie blood and and white* ac"Will they stand the heat?" are living on t h e grounds, many hun; yelltion anc1 was seen by llis lnotller c'rical beak. When it spies a fly sit- mote regionu1 forces o u t erery t ~ i ~ of c c the disetibe 6LYes'm." dreds of Lincoln people n c n t out to on'the mornin$'of tB'e' day \\lien the ting on the plant that grows In shal- their' lives among civilzed men, whost cording to the patriotisni of the wealer. 6 . S. S, is g u a r t ~ ~ ~ t purely ecd 1eget:lble 4ave+n0tyet been found. "Kot cr.ick?" bpencl t h e day. All t h c seasions of tile conv'ution adjourned a t tilt: Oliver low water, with rernarltable deherity -.- - - . and contains no pot'isli, ~iicrcurg,or Whlpped Cream. __--___c_. Tlre Turklsll Turban. day were well attended. r h ~g r e a t theatre Since tliat tilile hc disap- it ejects out of a tubular mouth a sinother ~rlillerul An e'eryday thst with A Turkish turban of the largest size Too much innocent aLnusement 1s crowds t h a t a r e o n the group& seem peared and a f t e r diligent incluiries hiu gle drop of water, which seldom misses Bool;~on Cllncer \\lll'be ~iiuilpdfree egg not innocent, but morally bad.-Horace t o have literary t a s t e s a n d t h e m a j o r i t y parents have been unable t o get any its aim, and striking the fly into ths contains twenty yards CZ the finest ds t o any nddrebs by the Swift Specific costing from 10 to 15 cents she has I EU-chnell. and softest muslin. g o t o every program. * water, the Ash makes it its prey. Go., Atlanta, Cia. trace of him. . a contar, . ' *. -- - -- ( 1 -3zIl,,l I U (,,, --- round '' I -- - - - "c"' .' ----- +. Cruel Knife! __ __ ___ 4 , ,, _ --- - 1 ----- .i . - Established April 6, 1882, -- a - a - - ORD, NEBltASKA, PRIIIA Y, AU(HJST 19, 1898. VOL. 17. .,NO.. 21. - The storm Monday evening proved Absolutely pure spices at Ballard's. more of an old timer than at 6rst sup- 'Speaialsale of ehqes at posed. I t gathered in the north and vou Dr. LEaldeman was oa11e.l to Walbach swept don n over the city in a, furious manner, bnt did not look dangerous and ~esterdey. -u For anything go'd in the proaery line proved not to be here. But there was a T~~ Herkimer New york oheese. ~ ~ 1 go to Ballerd'~. So 588 white streak in the ~ e n t e rof the storm lard mils it. --J. \V.P e r r j and daughter Musa went which those familiar with hailstorms -If it's furniture you are looking for to Omaha Wednesday. to look like hail, and it Mr. and Mrs. Lou. Beran returned proved to be. The path of the hail M' Daniels, I storm r a a narrow hut la^ QUIZ has re0 , p, )loulton went to ~ o t h e ; n @ ~ o w a from their trip T u e ~ d a ynight. porta from i t all the way from Loup to friesds, Mr@-Hagar returned home Wednee- e o ~ n t yto the Burrie place down toward day uight from her long visit a t York. ~ ~ uoup. ~ ~t~ t hail h stresk took a Mr. and Mrs. Royal B a i l 9 went to southssstern course from h a p oounty 886 th* expOsitiOuyesterday., If you want dental work done by e passing above Elyria, down by Siler'~, Mrs. Ratliff and eon Jopn were expoaicareful and skillful dentist see Dr. Clark uThrae from two you Haldeman'n, J. B. Miller's, Ed. Bresley'e, tion-bound yesterday morning, says the schoolbo~. Ri ht I Three Legal Oap, with or without numbered on doan through Springdale, hitting the from two YOU can't, eit er in dol- lines, alwa).a on hand at the QUIZoffloe. Timmermans, Brown, Bert Russell and Miss Edith Watt retuined from her visit eest Wednesday afteruoon. lam Or dividends Or arilla w h e n you are your food and want others there, crossing the river to John $5 00 It takes the beat sarsaparil a root tQ William's p l a y outting his corn field MMre. Oro~lchof St. Louis ie here visitto tickle your palate to make tho best sarsaparilla ex- something I 2 00 east of his house, then into the hills, ing Mrs. Btone and Mrs. Nethery. tract. The best sarsaparilla comes BnL1ard'8. badly damaging the Maiden and Kneotlt yes; like a etrictll fanoy maoker. Sin1 y lex wash, boxes = 1 00 from Honduras, C. A., and the Dr. Mr. end Mrs. George Perry have c,ps. el oooasionally. Ballard has them. 'I'rifilnling boards i = a = ' 125 Ayer Co. raoticalb control8 the rnoved into one of the cottages facing The wind also did damage entire pro uct. Yet others claim 8 ~ 1 1 ton h block 3. "Hannler" plates, per dozen 75 taking the tops off many grain etack8 The Warwick children returned home to be makingYbsst" to Grind Ielnod w t e d a y morning. less" ketosene ruby lanlp ~~~l~~ is baok from ~~~~l~~ and demolishing others, T h e only con. They must be lzaking it out of the a L "Sililplex" candle ruby lanyp 75 m remainder left after subtracting wherehewent a few days ago to help siderable damage to buildlogs reported Anthony Rogers and Arthur Mensing 25 the Leader people. is from the Lnrfien place near the Big went to Omsha yesterday efternooo. three from two. But, "three from No 2 . Flash light cartridges, per dozen 50 Island, where it moved h ~ ebig barn two you can't!' Youcanst make the D Mooto of Scotia was iu the city last a Jack Treater is very lo* ru we p to of feet from f(,und&tion, Simplex 4x5 pri~lting frame P best wsa~afi11awithout best root t ~ e Friday k while the freight train was 25 damage all told is mnsiderable, but press and it3 not expected to live long. en you lying at the depot. rn 35 House of fonr rooms for rent. E n 4x5 "Goodyear" rubber tray a I not to be seriously considered, as muah Jack Roath was in the oity the first of of the oorn hit was in the localities quire of W. L. PHILLIPB. alass trays for set of three 75 -the week. H e went U P to bin place in where it had already been dnmaged by J @ ~ ~ down town lor the 20 Loup oounty Tuesday evening. A h a photo paste, 502 bottle = . i I Wie dry spell. first time einoe his present sickness be30 ' Mrs. Ballard entertained a Pittsborg Later report lrom VJ18y gan. A l h m a papet-, per dozen sheets a very heavy 66 Satin bltre p n int = friend a few days last week, She re- anil the GertiO 'rootoh went Orand ,30 ram storm, lasting for an hour. At the turned to North Loup --- last P r i h y . Old G. B. llny place It hailed very hard Idand arid s t . Paul yesterday to el)joy a 4x5 embossed edge moqnts per package of 25 25 J. T. Howard, jeweler, went to ~ o r t halld likewise for a aouple ofmiles further week with friends. 3 2 irl ca!ltel's hair brushes which is made wholly from the bat Loup On a for property there. If eest anti south. &rn ears wera knocked Dan Miller, superiatendenl of the 1 50 = -30 root imported from Honduriia he makwr the he move to that from the stock and the damage was Frernont schools, returned to his oity 4013glass graduators = a = plaoe. Firlger tips fier package = rn about as bad or oould be. Rut the peo- yesterday morniog. 15 Trans-Mississippi and Internatlon- Of the 59 teaohere enrolled i n the in- ple in the hills and down the valley of = 50 etitute Wedneeday only sevgn were gen- Elm creek are not h',lrt. They got s Mi" Baddy add One Scoville Foctts cloth, mackintosh a1 Exposition. I the attendance at the rn Neaative racks tlemen. Among these 52 ladies them good rain, however, all over that coun25 OMAHA,JUNE I-Nov. 1, 1898. p ~ o boys r must feel lonesome. try. week. She went yesterday. I s Nqative yrerervers, per doze11 10 Greatly reduced rates via 0 R. 61 S I R ~ ~ E D - A ~Old bla& mare pony, ~ ~ lf a thel roster ~ of~ thei valley ~ ~ Master Earl Warwiok came UP to Ord We also carry a coinylete jine of chemfcals for developi~lgand finishing also V. Union Pacifio Omaha for the ~ n information y that lead to her instilute at tho time of to to join his lister and hroter, Eva and Expoaition. s~lppliesfor Eastman Kodaks, The " L W e Gen~"makes 4x5 pictures and is recovery will be apprsciated, the number will of ooorse in Willie, in their visit with frietlde here. The superb equipment and quick time F. E. Lloyd. creasedas there are always some belated S prOy2r nlanip~lation.Call and see us. Lieut. Kit Oarson started back for gtlaranteed to give clear G U ~ '+'fith of this line makes it the popular lirie to . Mrs. Lyons, e sister of Mr. R. H. Camp YOURS TRULY, Omaha and the Expoeition, O b c k a m a u g ~yesterday. He will stop QENTLEMEN: at Ornata and other points on his way For advertising matter, tickets and over the B. & M. Wednesday morning for Holdredge. She had here Arthur Honnold, Alvin Blessing, 'down full information call on W- J. 'fuma, George Smith, after visiting at the A. 1-nov F, 8, FRIOK,Agent, a few days on a visit with her mother Oliver Frazier, J. H. FL.~w, 0.A. Hager, J. Smith home for some time went up to and brother, Nits. I. B. QUIVEY Elain county Wednosday to visit his onThe fishing party consisting of Clem- Cfeo. T. G1assey. THE WONDERS OF SCIENCE, LADIEB: cle Ed. I s propar4 t o accomodato exposition entam, W08fBvers Dr. Perry, re,r. visitors with first, clam cool roous ttirued home Monday night iu the rain. Adelheid Rkithardt, Mary Waters, Foght ~ l f oand hie Lung Troubles and Consumption well furnished fine grounds. ~ o n l Stella Hiatt, mother and sister Nora went to Elk veniqnt to sttoot cars tp all .parts qt They got in about 11 p. m. and so got Addie Cornwell, Can be Cured. the CltY. On application will mall Bertha C'lement~, Emma, Rassetc; Horn, IN.,yesterday. The lnttur LWO go cots of bow0 and grounds. Hates full beuefit of tile eleman&, reasonable. Mabel Anderson, Ketttr E. Tolen, to visit for a few weeks. f An Kmlnent Now York Chemlst and SelMrs. Perkina o f . St. Paul and her -- -------E, T, Gardu6r, Ora E, Bi,,h, Makesa lrpe Offer Our Lafe Paist, who has bean && for a nephew Harry Perkins v h r is at work Naud springer, Anna Oernitl Rendera. ?mOOnllnn~Ey Sr.s - os*er. N E ~ i *on the Repubhoau. were i n the city and Yes: few day81 got around thiq Lois IVisda, Orlaiioldru, The diatiwnistd chemial, T, slocum, of terday "jntdown his Ne, aver Sunday with the Claflins. They Maod Miner, Yurk ('itr, denoustrating his diacovory of EyterbrOok' A. Af. & OBBZNS, people and recuperate. a reliable cure fur Consumption (Polrnonary retarnod Monday morning. Edlth Esterbrook, Etiie Turner. Tuberculosis,) bronchial, lung and chest troubATTORBEY AT LAW, ~f~~~~~ E ~ the~great ~ baritooe , player les, etubborn coughs, catarrhal affections, genUlara Ulenlsnt. There waa quite a crowd that went to Ollie Reeves, Grand Island last Sanday to me the ball E ~ h e Moormen, l Effegaue Moorffiau, is in the oity. lf he EecurW an opening era1 decline and weskness, loss of flesh, md all NOTARY PUBLIC) I N OPFIOF. tclr 6 barbershop he will beoome a yer- conditions of wasting eaay, will send THREE Bertha b t t y e r , Attontion given to legal business in valleyand game and take aday off. There were some E m q a Bobbins, FREE B(MTLl3Y (all different) of his New adjoining counties. sixty in the Ord party. T h e fere was Alma Weare, Alioe Vankirk, rnanent part of the Ord band. Discoveries to any afflicted reader of thid papor $1 for the round trip. The train ~ o t .Bessie Moncreiff, Alioe Gray, Mn. 0, 0.Oooper, who has been sick writing for them. ORD, - - NEBRASKA' baok at 10.40, CZroceries uarrie Bremer, Vira E. Moulton, wLthtyphoid fever at the home of her His "NUV Scientific ~reatmont', has cured thouhands permanently by its timely use, and Ethel Smith, parent@,'Ir. JQre' 'Ow C H A R L E S A. ?IfUN.iV, Mrs. Orouoh and her thrbe children, he considers i t a simple proicssional duty to "' Beauchamp, who had been vbitiny here for a wlri!e, N ~ r L 1 a shoring signs of marked improvemeot. s u ~ o r humsnily i ~ LO donate a trial of hia Mary Perkins, LAWYE& infallible cure. went to Lincoln Wednesday morning. Hattie Pierce, John Dworak Oenoa Science dally dcvolops new wonders, and this Her father, Charles Winslow o the Coibys Wednesday evening to look at his rela- grcat chemiet, patiently experimenting for OHD. NEBRASKA. a r a n d I ~ ~ soldiers ~ ~ H~~~ , J was here U ~ r aM. Brace, Nellie Maiden, The highest t i v and ~ friends here for a few houm. years, has prodocod results as bonetcial to hnA'ta RISO. Bsreturned to the Island the same *lrn3. Houck9 manit7 as can b~ claimod hy any moderngenius. Be is still doing bu8incss at Genoa and Market price Belle Thorngate, Mae Parkhuret, morning. His assortion that lung troubles and conanmpA. A. LA VER Tr, Nina Rood, Grace Glassey , doing well. tiou are curable in any clinlate is proven by paid for T ~ Q"=zjust E Iearns the birth of a P a u d Turner, A T T O m E Y & COUNSELOR AT LAW Mrs. C . J. Calhoun of Oon8~1~tine,'heartfelt letters of gratitude," filod in his Elizn Dowse, fine daughter at the home of Mr. a n d Butter and alioe Estate and Probate matters made a Libbie Ollis, Mioh,, and &frs. samuel ,cjidwell, of and8 American and European laboratories in thousfrom thoee cured in all parts of the world. . Mrs. E ~ r n e s of t Davis Oreek. The noteBroken Bow1 mother and sister of M. P. Eggs Ollie, Mae Oelhoun. 8peoialty. ' The drmJ consumption^ u n i n ~ r i ~ p t e d , worthy thiug about this happy event ie Oalhoun, arrived in the city Wednesday spoody and certain donth. My goods are fresh and ORD, the fact that it had been ovor 18 years On his way home to Hose Valley in afiernoon will vieit bere for fQw reeks. Simply wrile to*. A. Slornm, 1Z C.,v8 ~ i n e - sinoo such a like oocorenoe befell that Gerfield neat and are sold at prices oounty Ed. Ehler met with a stroot, New ~ o r kgiving , postoffice and exprosa 3. D. H A L D B A f A l Y Miss Cecil Tully r e t u r d from Fremoot addrosa, and the free medicine will be promptly household. We are hoping that b l e m i n ~ serious aocident. I t had been raining that are bound to make st one point on uaakell Wednesday afternoon. She has been at- sont direct from his laboratory. may fall more rapidly hereafter. very hard PaYSIOIAN & SUHGEON, YOU my customers. Give creek he got into deep water so that hi6 tending school there for a year and will Bufforers sho~ldtakeinetantadvantageof hi8 Oface a n d residence opposite Presbyterian , me a trial. One of the m e e t drl.4 0f.the city who church. began to R . , ~and ~ hi8 horses got now enjoy a vaoation having graduated g ~ ~ ~ ~that yon s saw ~ ~i*he ~ ~ ~ , ' r s t a ~ d aon good terms with the fellowe from the NormL1l school of the city. QUIZ, Ord, Nob. ORD N E D ~ E ~ Awho , h*ve tallRled attamptine, to straighten to spend lor them out one of the horses &ruck To visit t E x & G o m a h a and ADDITIONAL LOCALS Are interested in Amateur . Photcgraphv? If the " ~ i t t l~* * m POCO, " *lad oar line of Photo LSn~plies. 3 - tD I f I I I , iou - t - - I I - % . ) - - .) 3 - a i . I 0 - P 5 ...... ----A 2 *. - ... - .' . .. ... .. . ... ... - ... .. - - ... . .. ... OEce ovor First Nationd Bank. asidonce four blocks west of square':and block north of Episcopal church. - ORD, &. - one .- -- y. B O ' W , Af. D., YHYBIOIAN. OHD, NEBRASK'4 after. I DR. J . C . H O L S O N , J. W. DENTIST, Offim the First Over Bank' O ~ DNEBRASKA. , DR.H. T. CLARK, DENTIST. Office over Postoffl@. - OHD - P. J f I S K O , DEALER I N HARNESS, 8addlel, rhlpl, mbe8 blankell, oolhr8, cllrr combs. bruuhea and everythyng usuaily kept in a tiretolasa harness store. .- 8 b o on ~ o r t h 81& square.. ORU, NEBHAsKA' teach another year, but as the time drew near s11e beoame more and more oonvinced that her llealth demanded a rest which she haa been denying heme lf for 8 good while. Bhe will not, therefore, teach this coming year. -L.0. Hunter is hauling lumber for a big barn, whioh will be 10x54 fast m the ground aud 16 foot posts. Th18 is the rssalt of the prosperity that has bean nm. ning around loose in his neighborhood. Another noteworthy thing is that h e deOiare8 that he k n o ~ f 3of one good popslist who will vote tor Peter Mortensen for state treasurer, and that that populiat's name is L. U. Hunter. The immense and businsea of the great lakes is one of the extraordiLOTHROPEUROPEAN HOTEL.nary inaldents of our oational proyrem. Nearly 'L0,000,000tons o! freight pawed D. N. McCORD, Prop. into and out of Lake Superior last year, its value being a shade .under $220,000,oneblock from main entrance to grounds. 000. This was an increase on the preoeding year of 26 per cent. The proCOT.ShwnbQn and Lot'rrq portion oarrietl in Oanadinn a h i p WM R~~~~ cents to 2 dollars a day. ooly one thirty-eighth of the w4ole, the fraotion diminlvhing year by year.OMAHA, N E B , ~ i t t s b u r gPoet, - ' i . no b u n & wllen he learned that his brother ,ras not here. He root u p to Rose Valley the next morning with his old friend, B Y. Hallook, and looked about for a while. Yesterday rnorniug he returned on his way home, at Duraut, Iowa.~0 will stop over at Omnha and aleo at places along the rout where he has Homeone has bpeLed ihe airo fence Mrs. Caruer was relieved Crop long anxiety Monday by word from her son Lou. She had heard of the wreck of a boat in Alnskan waten at the time and plaoe where she supposed him to be and feared he had been drowned His letter state8 that he is managing a store and lumberyard for a o~lpitalistthere. H e is thinking of returning home this fall. 8inoe the war in over all new arthale little arJ of the female gender, and atranger that came to the home'oc yesterday just W' "* and good time for dinner is no exception the rule, Her f o ~ r . ~ ~ a r - obrother ]d John has already named her Daisy Algossa, but that name has not been written in the family bible. Always buys where he canaget the JOENEON, Registor. NON-RXSIDENT To James L. Moore, trnsten. Glcbe Inlostmerit corn any and Honr A Wlman. receiver with of theGeorge ~ l o %~nvestrnent 3e Hoodor, F e d'oa&r(Jo{ i ~s o im leaded best material for the cheapest honey. PI ocEry,"G~~~i;,"u~;,"CE~,"gtth~i';~ We are i l l the lumber business and now the plaintiff. Martha B. Wight has filed her tt&t petition aour&of a ainstdry ou county and eachNebraska O ~ ' Y O Uin the dis~ b - have On hand the largest and most COnl3 $T:ago~y~:i " & ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ (foorg?B. f~ouderand Eda ~ ~ ~ [ o c $ ' k ~ $ o ~ ~ u thed e ~ follom doecribed prqport;, situate ln Valley county,%ebraska to-wit The north-east ;oartor (N. E. %) of eoction' nineteen (19) in townehii. aeuentmn (IT), north of range sixteen (16 weclt of the 6 P , a to eecure the a ment of); note eawutcd by.tho said Uoor re fiuudcr and Eda Hou+r in favor of t h e ~ j o b eInvestment c o n any, In the s ~ m of One (n'mS *liich and mortuap there is now due the sum of one thousand nine hund~od.Eortynine and B . 1 ~ t h s doll"dlQ4Q.m 1 with Interest at 10 P r cent from Fcbruary iQ, 1858, including the sum of one huudroJ fourtcwn and 91 100 dollars. ($114.") aid by tho plaintiff for taxos. forpaysaid s d ~ r esums ethat and the that dsfends a~1aint:B)~ra t be re uiro<Isto in def-ult o? such arme nt, said >romiaosma) b sold to sat~sfyt i e am t founi doe her, withe i n t ~ e a and t coa!a a n o g r such other relief as nity may roquire. are requim,i to anbwcr said petition on Or tho 5th of St ism. 184 ~ ~ B T EB. AWroar, By Thomas L. Hall, her attorney 8. 8, Hgskell*s artichoke lot eo 2 that cattle are liable to get in and do a good deal of damage. He ofera $2 for proof that will cooviot the of doing the act. H e also warns pkoyle to keep off patch, as much been .dona by people hunting on the premisesThe lecture at the Methodist church E. J. Clemeots pa;sed city Wednesday night by plain Dan Miller, 50, Wednesday Dlorni,lg on his way to of the Fremont whoole, who bas no hanYork. He has bee at Burwell over dle to his name, was a fine one and njght on business. there were many on hand to hear him. Expositi ,n Notice. His theme was "Corporal Punishment" While viditing Lliv exposition give E wbich he argued in favor of. The storm OAE3'I?O#XAu 'P. Leek of 1302 Noith 24 St. u oell. He did not seem to keep anybody away, B~~~~the will furnish rooms reasonable by day cr but it tended to make him cut hL ad-' Bignature week. I dress short. of u ~ ~ ~ plete stock of arse g and f i n l s h i ~ ~Iunl= ber in Ord, and we are prepared to sell the same at bottom prices. Give us a d we guarantee yo11 WIII be satis. - ,- I m P e i . - , ILKELWAIT. \ ill6 ORD QUlZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. a . &be arbQui3, - To ous~ CB~NG POPE I REPOETBfiOJI -MANILA LEO NEAR THE END. V'KINLEY PROCLAIMS PEACE* JUDGE HAYWARD IS NAMED# Koose~elt ROUGH and RIDERS 111s Command AT Reach HOME. Mop Sotlee of the End of the \ ~ 3 rF o r m d l Republican State ~ o n r e n t i o rWames the Kebraska City DLnn. Made by the President. tank Point. 7 g__ L ~ s c o ~ sAugust , 11.-The republi\ V a s ~ ~ s o ~ oAug. x , 15.-The PresiOED, XEBRASKA X'EW YORK, Aug. 16.-The LIRough e n t has issued t h e following procla- atate convention yesterday p u t u p t h e 1 L ' * Riders" are a t home. With Colonel mation: following ticket: For governor, bf. ihco;ore Roosevelt and General Whereas, By a protocol conclu?ed liayward of Nebraska City; for lieu'vheeler they have reached Yontau' i n d signed August lP.189), by Willlam Point. came On the Miami Lt. Day, secretary of s t a t e of t h e United tenant-governor, G~~~~~ ~ . . h l of~ ~ h ~ Lincoln is advertising f o r bids for which, with t h a GateS City, t h e St. States, and his Excellency, cam- Ileatrice; treasurer, l'eter M0rtensen t h e repaving of 0 street. -Louis and t h e Matteaman, lies a t anambassador extraordinary and of Ord; secretary of state, Cenek Duras stock h a s been. subsc$bed a t Goth' of t h e Republic of of \Vilber; auditor, T. L. bfathews of Losnox, A ~ 1&-The ~ . foreign Lo?rDox, ,Vestminster chor off shore now, plainly visiblr tnburg for a $1,000 creamery. D. France a t Washington, respecti-rely l'remont; attorney-general, . i t is reported here to-day, though t h e Gazette says i t has received from a from the camp' as the &Iiamiwas sighted representing for this'purpose t h e ~ O V - Jackson of h'eligh; superintendent of As rJondon business house a report t h a t Nights are so cool i n I3anner county report as yet lacks confirmation, inhxa- ernment of . t h e United States and t h e pu6lic instruction, J. F. Saylor of T~intends t o demsnd t h a t t h e Chinesa govManila has fallen. The report comes the quarantine physician) '.hat farmers fear a n early frost. her in tug' the government of Spain, t h e United State8 gruder, put ment dismiss Prince Li l i u n g Chang ' from t h e firm's Hong Kong agent. land commissioner, A. &I, j\VillA drunlien tramp in jail at Pulver. Colonel J300seve1t met him at and Spain have formally agreed upon polrer On t h e ground t h a t he is isms of City, had four epileptic fits i n one night. t h e rail. \Yitb a handshake he the terms o n which negotiations for UONGRoxa, hug. 16.-The German responsible for t h e recent anti-British assured Dr. Ms~ruiler that both he An auxiliary t o t h e national 'Red of tile T~~~~ ~i yarnen. first class cruiser, Kaiserin Augusta the establishment of peace between OUR TERMS ARE ACCEPTED. Cross society h a s been organized a t the two countries shall be undertaken; came i n t o this port from Manila to- and his command were in first ylle foreign oftice, i t is also asserted, condit!on. Lloldregr. and, day, having left Manila Friday evenhas had under special consideratio3 <'Inever felt better i n my life," h e ing. \yhereas, 1 t is i n said pro;ocol spaln Agrees to the The telephone line fro= Norfolk t o t h e question of seizing t h e Taliu forts, Offered. Governor General Augusti and his said, "and I have not had a pain since a g r e ~ dt h a t upon i t s conclusion and Sioux City misses \ \ ' a p e by a mile on t h e gulf of Pechin, a t t h e mouth of I went away. Here's Oe1lera1 \ V a s n ~ s a ~ o sAup. , 11.-&I agree. family were aboard t h e German ship. signature hostilities between t h e two E'ekin river, and t h e city of Tien the and a half. The correspondent of t h e New York too, and his Son, Lieutenant jyheeler. countries shall be suspended, and t h a t ment has been reached on a protocol Tsin, t h e port of E'ekin, in the event ~ i cut u p various ~ pranks h at' ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Herald was received by t h e general There does not seem t o be much the notice t o t h a t effect shall be given a s embodying t h e terlnsof pcace betmeen ~ a l e n t i , l ethe day, but no one of China refusing t o comply wit11 t h i s and asked for a n interview. dugusti matter with them." soon a s possible by each government Spain and t h e United States. Secrecomdemand. All are to be held until was seriously hurt. Colonel Itoosevelt wore 3, faded ICa- to t h e commanders of i t s military and tary Day made this s\atement a t 1 refused t o say anything about t h e conpliance is assured. o'clock to-day: "We have agrced upon naval forces. The Seligh gun club has caused the ditions existing i n t h e Philippine haki unifornl, much stained Meanwhile the semi-offcis1 Journal arrest of several hunters caught kill- de s t . Yetersburg, iq to-dayqs issue, Now, therefore, 1, William McKin- a protocol embodying t h e proposed islands, nor would he give his reason colored, but there was a chicltrns unlawfully. dep,recates t h e tone of tho Britlsfl foreleaving. Beyond admitting t h a t bronze on $is face and hands$ and if ley. President of t h e Unlted States, do, terms f o r t h e negotiation of a treaty t flesh since he went in accordance with tho etipulations of of peace, including t h e e r a m a t i o n of he 1s on his way home t o Spaip, ha he h a ~ l o s SDmC and says: press "Qussia donot conup, but soon had t o br carried On account of (he death of the reaway h e is not any t h e worse for it. the protocol, declare and proclaim on Cuba and Porto Rico, and it is exsay nothing of t h e mar. template further a c q u i s i t i ~ n s i n t h e t o bed again in a s t a t e of partial colcent incumbent, Antelope county will Vrmn offlnrs on t h e German cruiser General ilhceler, too* nil1 Pass the the p u t of t h e United Statcs, a s u s pected t h a t protocolwill be executed." far East. l l e r only object is t o pre- lapse, 8. does not s u ~ e rfrom any elect a new sheriff this fall. It can be stated t h a t t h e terms are pension of hostilities, and do hereby serve the adrrntlges recelltle specific a~eckion, but only from de it was learned t h a t t h e city pad not doctor without a n y trouble. The gun club a t Gering surrendered t o t h e Anleritans Gp t o gaunt and grizzled, he is thinner than command t h a t orders be immediately precisely those laid down by t h e PresThe Russian g.orernmcnt does not de- bility. strengthen its " b a t t i ~ ~ gaverage " by a sire to injure the economic interestsof Friday, when t h e Kaiserin Augusta ever, b u t there is a fire i n his eye and given through t h e proper channels to ident i n his ,original note about a I series of clay-pigeon tourna~nentq. started f y r Hong Kong. Tile Amer!can a spring i n his step which -shows the the commanders of t h e military and meek ago. I t is believed t h a t nothing Great Britain any more than thosa MADRID 'WEEPS AND WAILS, fleet i s n o , ancl,ored ~ 1 0 s ien tl,e I>,,- deadly calentura has not been able t o naval forces of t h e United s t a t e s to except a femform3lities remain t o be 0. IV. Cornell his sold the Clarks a n y other power." ' abstain from all actsinconsistent with disposed of t o secure t h e signature of ber, directly i n front of the besieged quench his spirit. Enterprise and says he will retire l Like a Fun@ra1 Thqre was a cheer from Roosevelt's this proclamation. tlle protocol. city. from t h e newspaper business forever. WAfl DEPAHTM ENT FAILURE, P r ~ t o c ~SOuna* to the Spanlards. -The offlcial statement given out b g I n witness whereof I have hereunto \ Y a s ~ r l x o ~ o sAug. , 15. - Secretary men a s t h e doctor came alongside. A good many h'ebras!ca adrertisers MADRID. Aug. 16.-The comments of Alger said to-day t h a t i n view of tho They gathered a t t h e rail and asked set my hand and caused t h e seal of the authority of t h e Resident last week !,are a.,ught to latest popular I!OW the Londoa Times Comments 0. the Unitcd States t o be af3xed. Done a t Tuesday a s t o t h e terms of peace ofthe press o n t h e protocol are a verit- fact t h a t no dispatches hare been re- dozens of questions a s t o when h'eglect of Our Troops. ad line '.\Ve would like t o C-U-B-A-I the city of \Vashington, this twelfth fered by t h e United States is a s f01able funeral h y ~ n non t h e destruction ceived from General &lerritt there were t o bt. allowed t o go ashore. L ~ ~ ~ ~ l N G . ~ , h c ~~~d~~ customers of ours." "Sot to-night, boys," was t h e doc- day of August i n t h e year of our Lord, lows: of t h e Spanish colonial empire. Some probably has been no further conflict ~ i in a ~special~ article ~ reviewing , Telcalnah's city council h a s decided "In order t o remove a n y misapprethe operations of the Hisl,ano-Amer- days ago t h e desire for peace made t h e between United States and spanisll tor's cheery reply; "but bright and one thousand eight hundred a n d p i n e t o submit a proposition t o t h e voters people close their eyes t o t h e price, forces a t Manila since the 4th instant, early to-m~rrotv. I won't kezp You t eight, and of t h e independence of hension i n regard t o t h e negotiations ican w,ar, says: t o bond the city f o r lnoney 60 erect a bere a minute longer t h a n 1 have to.'* tge Unitcd States; t h e one hundred as t o peace between t h e United States ,.The fact that the war was brouRllt but now, upon ;eacling t h e protocol, water works plant. Colonel ~oos-.velt aod t h e doctor m d ttventy-third. and Spain, i t is deemed proper t o say to a s p e c ~ yend due prinlar they realize t h a t the cost is the loss of END OF WAR IN PORT0 RlCO, ~ V ' I L ~ . I -IIICKINLEY. ~~ walked u p and down for awhile and t h a t empire which Spain had conthat t h e terms offered by t h e United The Beatrice canning factory began ily t o t h e cause of Spain's quered with SO much glory. and t h a t the President. X. States t o Spain i n t h e note handed t o The Amerlcrn ilrmy Stopred rorty t h e commmder'of tho "ltough Hiders" Secretary of State. operations last week and is putting ul naval collapse. ~h~ sib.ur .how,, the French ambassador on July 30 a r e the second rank talked about his trip. Niles From San Juan. Corn and t 0 m a t o c ~ . About 200 men, ty t h e American naval authritics A copy of the proclamation has *$% \ a' came up ~ i t h o u ta 0iniTle mlS- cabled to our army and navy i n substance a s follows: *"omen and boys are employed. p0scq porto Ria, lug the high quality of thp naml a~uo11g nations. Tho public mind is The President docs not now put forinherited from t h e stunned and there is general mourn- eral hiiles notified General hfacias a t hap," said he. " x e a r l ~ all lllY lnen rnanders. Spain will cable her c o n While c u t t i n g h a y the o t h e r day oficers-qualitics ward any claim for pecuniary indemnmandcrs like instructions.San J u a n by cablo Saturday of t h e are well. There i s not a bad Adam c p i s t m a n of u u t t e t h e mother country-su9lced t o counterrct '"5 ity, but requires t h e relinquishment of General Blanco telegraphs t h a t IIa ,igning of the protocol and re. among them and nearly all those who ANGER IS game larv by snipping off the hea i of t h e effects of America's unreadinesl. vans is greatly the news ceived from Macias a n arl<no~vledg-l e f t Santiago in bad all claims ot sovereignty over or title are Tile m a n n l r in tv!licv1 a large number a prairie chickeu t h a t neglected to get the protocol, and that ment of t h e receipt o f t h e notification. well o n the road to kngland Indignant Over the Rebus !;I to t h e island of Cuba as well a s t h e the signing of warships and auxiliary vessels were o u t of t h e IF a y in time. "Wheeler hcre has been i l l as You immediate evacuation by Spain of the china-Alleged secret Treaty. rapidly equipped alld manned,together much anxiety i s manifested t o learn General &liles also sent captain &lickAll users of city u a t e r in Lincoln ,vith tile conspicuous ability \vith t h e conditions, which have not yet ler, under a flag of truce, to communi. know," he added, drarving his a r m afL ~ l~j . - ~ h~ ~ ~ pa- , island; t h e cession t o t h e United States to be required to p u t in rnctelqs. mllic., the great naval force, largely been published. Soma uneasiness i s cate the intelligence to t h e spanisl1 fectionately through t h a t of t h e old pers express the growing indignation and immediate evacuation of Porto general; "but e v e r y b d y knows how of the country a t t h e position of af- Rieo and other islands under Spanish I t is believed this will not only add to extemporized, \vas and halid- felt regarding t h e effect t h a t t h e t e x t conlmander a t Aibonita. 3f t h e protocol may have'on t h e Spansovereignty i n t h e \Vest Indies; and t h e city revenue from this source, but led, is ~~~~~~l nliles ~ i b ~would i t ~he fought. I t was a lucky thing for fairs in China. 1 significant, Many haye been his ,"ithin follr days had not t h e sp,iards i n Havana. t h a t he Was a bit under will effect a saving in t h e amount of he Daily Graphic says: 111f this the like cession of a n island i n the ,,It is impossible to spealc i n the is11 volunteers water used. ue"spapers state of things continues, t!ie guns will Ladrones. grief and despair the protocol been signed. General the \\eather." salne terms of t h e military measures. that t h e men who brought disaster on \Viison was lnoring t o turn t h e e,n Tile transports, St. Louis, Vigilan' go off of themselves." "The United States will occupy and c e n t r a l City had a n inter-city tennis The causes of tho failure of t h e war by lack of foresight, organiza- emy,s right flank. General Miles "a, Xlatte~vanand Miami, arrived The Shanghai correspondent of the hold t h e city, bay and harbor of Matournament last week in which the department t o rise t o the emergency tion and ability* should continue to threatened his front and Genera] Camp \Vil<off. Alontauk point, yester- Daily Mail, who professes t o divulge nila, pending t h e ~ o ~ c l u s i o of n a ' lollo~ving cities are not jet fully knoxtrn. 1t will be the terms of a long existing secret treaty of peace which shall determine Brooke was pushing i n t o his rear, day. Ilustings. Grand Island, Fullerton, st. interesting t o see wbetller the AmergO~:~i:~p~,"~t:~IaChesgreat impor- General llenry was xvithin fifteen The troops aboard t h e transports treaty between China and Russia, says: the control, disposition and governPaul and Palmer. An agreeable tour- ican people will demand an investigil"?(:t t o t h e Spalish commission in "It is nothing less than a n offensive ment of t h e V h i l i ~ ~ i n e s . nament n as enjoyed. tion, ~~f~~~ santiago, as before scbas- 1 arls making B resolute stand in de- miles of Arecibo and General Scllwan are. t h e First volunteer "If tliese terms are accepted by l ~ ~ Riders," ~ g h First regular cavalry, alliance. china undertakes t o regard had reached hfayaguez. topol, i n t h e Crimean campaign, un- fcnse of Spain's territorial rights in - Joe Betts, who was convicted of be- necessary Spain i n their entirety, i t is stated Battery Ti, Fourth artillery. and t h e Russia a s having a preponderating in~~~~~~l >liles is uncertain whether sufferings and hardships ing implicated in t h e staling of a calf the Philippines. The govern~nent, he will remain here during t h e pcrioe sirtll, Ninth, Tenth and Thirteenth fluence on all questions of cdmmercial t h a t commissioners will bc named by were inflicted upon t h e troops, and in from l < e ~ n ~ ' ~ near F ~ has ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ , therefore wants t o sznd a strong, c o n - of tile negotiations for but the infantry. All t h e transports, except- and internal policies, while Russia t h e CTnited States to meet commission been taken to t h e penitentiary for a both cases dis3ster was averted by the pctellt body of delegates. four army colu,nns will where ing the St. Louis, sailed froln s;mti- will support China against all 'open ers upon tho part of Spain for t h e purgallantry of t h e officers and men. tn year terln. 0 t h I~itcllcwli, one E l ~ a i prints s t h e text of t h e proto- they a r e uqtil t h e negotiations arc ago On August 8. door' demands. Russia finances China pose of concluding a treaty of peace ',W,lile it is that tho of his accomplices, got out of jail on a col signed by the United States and The St. Louis, which left Some days in internal devcloplnents and China on the basis above indicated." of the sea i s more than ever important, Spain with mourning borders and says: 6200 bond. The answer of Spain t o thC terms of later, brought up 872 soldiers. There grants t o Russia preferential rates in ~t~~ volunteers are to defcns~s bombardments Of rvas little aboard t h e former certain areas, and railways built in peace " a s not entirely satisfactory t0 philanthr3pic benefdctors o f are less effective t h a n they were ~n "Spain without colonies is reduced to home, now tha,t, t h e end has rate the human the gel1tlelnen who P;elson's days. That, they were recent. tile role of a though orders have been isJucd t o Alnerican liner and but one deathd the joint interests of tho two coun- this government and further negotia~ will be u n d ~ rRussia's ~ r a c t i d tions were necessary this morning be- . "sell groceries direct to the families," make t h e troops a s as p0.i Private Oliver Long~vood,of C o l n ~ a n tries on a considerable scale is ly fore t h e announcement t h a t a protocol h who died from ye'- control. are lvorkinr in B e b r t ~ ~ l i aI .t is a queer prbbably sib10 during thd interim. The troop: U, ~ i n t regiment, LOOKS FOR A NEW WAR, due to t h e desire to give L'Russiawill assist China in develop- had been agreed to. The points 0x1 state of but men who orTe American seamen and gunnerspractice t h a t have @rived here on the trans- low fever and was buried a t sea England Ru,sla Are money ssmbarking, no order to There was no other development of in, her military and naval forces and wllich t h e diaagrecmcnt rcated are no! llolne grocer will pay r a t h e r than t o any specialpredilection Going to Clsrh yellow fever. Tl.enty-four sick* none Chqna will co-operate with Elussia a s known. ' cash thebe ft.llo~\.s,and get bit every int h e part of American naval of& ~ ~ ~ ' r o ~ t ' , " a # @ v i nbeen g received, L o x ~ o x ,Aug. 16.-Universal indigof them of a serious nature, areaboard a n ally. This treaty has been in abcytime. Pears ard ,&xpressed by t h o natives cerg." n a t i o n ~not t o say disgust, represents that dnring t h e period of treaty nego- t h e St Louis. SPANIARDS RAN IN A TRAP, ancc since Li Bung Chang visited tho An amount of money not exceeding -the public feeling here regarding t h e tiations the gpanish troops may czar. That i t has bcco~neoperatis* a t 'loo 'vas by burglars e l l o STEAMSHIP ROBBERSIN COURT i D l s ~ t e r UtertaXc~ t11e E l l e n ~L ~ b e n la t in i a The question of piren free l~cepscrvithin their lines to PEACE SERVICES III A PRISON the present moment in rnpect to the looted the 0.S; K. V. railcoad a t ValFllght. the contract signed with t h e Ilong terforize the inhabitants. Pekin-Uankow and Xieu Chmang conIf tllis yarais0 between noon 1 o'cloclc The dmer'can Embassy Condoctr Kong and Shanghai bank for t h e Niu- should be the case, *&ieral .\liles says, Coa\ro, E'orto Bico, Aug. 11.-Ocn5J0 ConTlcts of tho Federal Penlten. t r a c t ~is significant,v Against Britannia OPBcera. recently, while t h e agent n 2 s absent took t h e to\cn of Coamo Chwang extension loan has the Americans would be powerless to ~h~ ~~~~~l~~press comments glee-~ era1 Wilson trarY at ~ ~ ~i~~ ~ h ~ ~ k , , . ~ ~ ~ ~ t h a t dinner. Entrance IVaS effected a t QUEEX~TOWN, Aup. 16 -J. \v. Jago, been rdisecl by l{ussia's attitude $0 t h e interfere. fully upon the situation and the news. this morning with a loss of only seven LEAYBNU'ORTB, l<an., A u ~ 16.-\Val. . the \vi11dow and t h e money d r a n e r chief offleer of t h e White Star line importance and dignity of a test case, men mounded, all nienlbcrs of the SixLieutenant E~~~~ of the xineteenth den IV. J. of the United States papers a t h r l i n and Vienna are a t nc teenth E'ennsylvania regi~nent. Corrobbed. steamer Britannic, who was arrested and on i t Russia's protest h a s proved regular infantry, Lieutenant penitentiary conducted a patriotic pains t o hide their satisfaction at t h e poral Barnes of Company lC was morhere Friday morning, o n t h e arrival of more formidable t h a n Great Uritain's of Albert and Fred Fell<er, living ten ~h~ conEleventh regular infantry, and service i n the prison chapel yesterday d.iscomfiture of line Lucanial lvounded. appeal With all the pledges t h a t went Senor Antonio Lluveras, one of the in. miles i n t h e country from Trenton, the tlnental press reR&rds t h e afternoon i n honor of the of The Spanish are known to have lost were in IIerudon, K ~ ~ one . , recent charged with being concerned i n rob- with it. surgent leaders, werq sent out yester- the ~~~~i~~~ arlny and navy and of a n Anglo-Amcrlcan alliance ag was As a g r e a t proportion of t h e Niutheir commander. Major Yellescas, Sunday, and were roughly handled by bing the mai1s dW through the country north and tile closing of Spanish war, chimerical. These journals consider C ~ p t a i nEcante, captain Lopez a n d ' Kansas toughs. ~ 0 t boys that t h e United States has had enough h were shot, discharged this morning, b u t was im- Cllrvany trade is in American mer- ,vest to raise the American i n all All of the 550 prisoners were nine privates, all killed, and thirtyAlbert perhaps fatally so+ ~h~ M. ,\,. mediately rearrested upon a w a r r a n t chandise, t h e question is one t h a t has the i n t h e cllapel. After prayer by =f war for t h e present and will no& five wounded. the United more t h a n a n academic interest f o r t h a A.9 of which both boys \ \ e r e ~nclnbers, issued at the rrquest care t o give Great Britain anything y , pa C. lianna, former united Chaplain \Varden French AS for t h e Chinese States consul a t San J u a n de Yortc The Americans captured 1YO prisondispatclled members, of tile order to States embassy, charging him w i t h United States. told the prisoners of the closing of the more t h a n moral support i n C!lina. embezzle~nentand larceny. Ue will be themselves, they regard t h e present ers, practically t h e nbole force of their aid. Therefore, they argue, England is oat Kico, has to the state de, mar and of the points of Interest that taken t o Lopdon. between Kussiil and except ~ Spaniards ~ ~ it h e cavalry. ~ , The partment t h a t some provision should happened during tile last 'Ibout queerest case of D ~ lScely ~ - t o pick a quarrelwith ~ ~t BOW street police court tllis morn- ain a s a suprehe one. likely t o decide bus "ill content herbelf \rith seeking Spaniards, i n scelcing t o escape, r a n ever in cO'res from ing Uanlel Wood, stetvard of t h e t h e whole question of China's future. be made to allov the refugeeln here to ing the rvar the prisoners were kept eompcnsation elselvhcre. straight into t h e arms of Colonel Iiul-Grcene's C O I ~ ~ ~ where Y I a potato Lucania, who was arrested Bridsy a t I n such conditions the London press return to their homes and toluok after posted on t h e and progress of, ing's regiment, posted on t h e hills their property and insure was affairs, and e v e r ~ t h i n gwas explained On the root of acockle burr. BOYS H ELD UP THE TRAI N, ammaIlding the Liverpool for alleged complicity w i t h wonders;whether t h e American minisenemy their protection. The burr had grown among potatoes, Jago in robbing mails and smuggling, ter i n Peking has given Sir Claude to them on maps of Cuba, Manila and Plre of Them .lrrested Charged \Vlth th, protection in trenches, but and probability is t h a t the cockle was charged on a provisional warranlt JCacdonald all t h e support he could, Porto ~ i T~~ ~ address ~ , of \varden they could not withstand t h e deadly ljurllngton Flyer uold-CTp. SEVEN Kl LLE D I N A S T 0 M, burr into the potato. At ally with embez~lemcntand larceny. French was mainly devoted t o a disand i t also rends with ill canST. JOBEP~I,MO., 15,-yiy( fire. With their commander ancl two potato is firmly fast2ned to A representative of t h e United cealed chagrin the t a u n t of tho Rus- i Tornado Reported on the South Da- cussion of t h e governlnent of t h e newly from 17 ta captains killed they :vere compelled foung men ranging i n age \ t h e b u r r root. acquired islands and the duty of good States embassy informed t h e magis- s:an press, which assures the ~ o r l d kota-Minnesota Llne. 25 years were arrested yesterday by t o surrender. A troop of fifty SpanCA~BY &linn., , Auy. 1ti-h tornado citizenship.captain l l u r ~ j ~and ~ k his \vYmore trate t h a t details of tho alleged of- t h a t t h e United Stateshas had enough l moun, t h e secret service police, charged with ish cavalry escaped t h r o u ~ lthe and that i u last night struck t n e l r e miles north battery a r e t o go into camp, \vllile fenses had not been received and he beihg implfcated in t h e robbery of tha tains. MORE THAN 2,000 T O A S I P, ~ d t h ~ ~ , " , " , ~ r ~ , f . ~ ~ d ~f this place, killed seven pcople, dethe state authorities are sllOrt of lnU1leY, askcd hinl t o remand t h e prisoner. --Burlington expositon flyer a t Roy'c stroyed many buildings and did great l h e Spznlsh Comp~ny IS \Vastlng KO Branch Thursday night. Their namer GOVERNOR BRlGGS IS DEADt they agree t h a t the battery is entitled The magistrate replied t h a t t h e evi- moral. deuce was too slight t o justify \Vood's lamage t o t h e crops. The entire famto hold the annual e n c a m l ~ m e under ~t are: Charles Cook, Alonzo Arteburn, Xoom on Its Transports. detention and released him on his OWKI POSSE KILLS FIVE NEGROES, "Y of J O S ~ P " ~ ' t ~ h ' n s o n , 'nc'"d'ng the state law, and arrangements gxecutlve S u c c ~ m b s to ' \ ~ ~ s n l a u r o x ,~ u g 16.-1t . is quite James Hathaway, William llathawap his wife and four children, were killed. evident from a, dispatch received by and Eerbert Donovan. Consan>pllonnt 1JIsmarck. b: made providing f o r six day en- vccognizance. stOrlu lvasnot in extent, but General Corbie last night from I ; ~ ~ James DIS~~~I< N.C E)., K , rlUg. Il.-Go~ernor csmprnent. The rncpmpment I U A ~ Hathamay mas day deliverj Gambler* Resist Georgia Ofacera MILES SWEPT BY HAlL, was Very violent. seven people a r e eral Shafter t h a t t h e Spanish Trans. clerk a t t h e \Yestern Union Telegraph held a t Lincoln during the c;. A. B. reA. IJriggs of Nortll Ualcota died Fare Very Badly. them may union. atlantic compagy in traXsporting t h e company's offlce. He was t h e first to yesterday of Consumption. J. hl. Ue~ o v r . ~ n l eGs., , Aug. 16. Sheriff missing, and Crops Reported Destro~ed In Xorth Da- pisher ancl a posse of thirteen men killed. The storm was upon the. bor- gpanish prisoners froU buntiago to be.arrested and he made a cclrlfeasfon vine is lieutenant governor. Governor Private Ross Of C o r n p n ~ t - s t I I a 10.. OMcCr# Frank A. Briggs u a s elected tx.0 years implicating t h e others. made a raid on a of negro gam- i e r betireen S o u t h r e s t e m Ilinnesot;. s p a i n is eeonomiring apsce its E, Second Seb. Vol. Inf , who was in C a n a ~ n o ~ oN. s , D., Aug. 16.-A hail blers at ~ The d i s p ~ t c hfroin Shafter, which was found a memorandum book and h a n d ago t o be chief executive, llaving pro ~ thirteen ~ beast "d~ s o u t h~Dakota.~ , the guard house a t Chiekamaupa' "storm destroying 20,033 acres of g r a i n of ~ ~ ~ last dated a t Santiago, August 14, reads: kerchief a t t h e scene of the m b b e r ~ v i o u s l ~been auditor. l t ~ i ~h~~~ ~ , were 7 ; and has Under his 100 negroes in the house, and as A NAVAL REVIEWAT NEW Y O R ~ , "Luzon sailed this afternoon for Spain which were t h e property of Jape4 former infraction ollly a sentence of has swept over t h e western part of Wade's PICIIIC IS SPOIIO~. Poster and Eddy counties. The crops Sheriff E'rsher walked in some of t h e rhe Armorclsds mill Frobably Flre a SJ- with 1,056 soldiers, four priests, six- Iiathaway. This ew led to his arten days in the guard house and a tine \vAs~[~s@'roN, Auk?. ll.-Jlajor @ens rest. TWO of t h e pistols used by the of many farmers are total loss. negrocs begap shooting, one ball hitteeIl thirty-four children and lute a t Grant's Tomb Saturday. of $10 could bo leried. Now prosyoung desperadoes were also recov- era1 Wade's pfcnio expedition to Porto ST. LOUIB, Mo., Aug. 16.-Dispatches 137 officers; total, 2,937." ting t h e sheriff in the hand, inflicting t h a t private R~~~ will, pects are w ~ 1 , ~j . - ~ hde~ ~ ~ ~ ~~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a rig frnm ~ Hico has , been abandoned. The 30,00(1 ered. The robbers secured if apprehended, a long "isit to received here Indicate t h a t t h e scvere a painful wound. Trio others of t h e partment is a project of a a livery stabld and repaired t o the enthusiastic volunteers who were se. \vind,rain and hail storm which visiteE posse were hit. The posse returned scene the The rig \*as re- lected for the excurbion from eighteen All the \Vest Iadles Know It. t h e vort ~ ~ ~ ~authorities. ~ ~ , , ~ ~ t h naval revielv in N~~ york harbor s a t southeastern Iowa and \Vestern Illi- t h e fire vigorously, and as a result fiva MADHID,Aug. 16.-Tbe Governor turned late a t night by a strange man Even If the hot had this nois yesterday and last night caused ncgroes \\ere killed outright, three urday, when the battlesllips and cruis- generals of Cub&and Forto Bico have and woman, who have not yet been a 3 discrent states are correspondingly i ~ ~ l down' The Fourth 'liswUri red. year and hrnt UP acre of Corn considerable damage, llail a3 large others mortally wsUnded and thret ers under ~ d ~ samason acknowledged t h e recei t of the news prehended. All of t h e young men a & be left, with the in 'vestern xebraska it not hare a s apples is reported. Corn is leveled Inore painfully but not fatally hurt. there. It is probable that the final de- of tho suspension of tostilities be- well known and have borne good repu- lnCnt the se and f r u i t and melon growers ha70 T h e negroes made a determined resist cision will be to have t h e war vessels trvoen the United States and S a i ~tations up t o the present time. Cook other ninctcen regiments, i n peacr up t h d r i v e r t o (iranys tOPb at ~i~ and announced the carrying ou+ ofthr the son of a member of &a de camps. verity t h a t the last visitation did, a s suffered considerable loss. ,rice and 200 or 300 shots were f i r d orside and there firea salute. partment. ---orders. there is hardly a farmer in t h e state Pears a Popular C'yrisldg. shaft" ~ ~ l l e ~ t@s8.sg? ea in ~ ~ e t o m s . 40 per cent Dlvitlend for ~ l r b y~ a n k . who is g o t in better shape this year HELD UP A SANTA FE TRAIN. SORRY TO SEE HAY LEAVE, I<lnCiSTo?r, Jamaica, Aug. 11.-11 dis. YEWS ON THE WAY TO DEWEY, \ V A S I I I X Q ~ O ~ , hug. 16. General than he h a s been for years past. I t is ARlLE~~ Kan., , Aug. ltj.-The repatch received here to-day direct from Shaftcr reported t o t h e war depart- ceiver when hot rvinds come a f t e r a year or New Mexico B ~ n d l t s FsU to Get An? the bank at steamer Left U O ~ u E o n l to s r l n & Carthagena, Colombia, says the reason # ~ ~ ~Papers l l ~ Hope h That He WlU De- ment last night t h e cus. special term ~ooty. t w o of poor crops and poor prices thai declared a diviPeace ~ ~ d ~ to n gManlla. a for t h e Colombian government delayc ~ l n eSecretsr) Day's Place. r toms receipts a t Santiago. Ife stated they c u t to the bone. ALBUQUERQUE, N. hi., Aug. 16.-The dend 40 Per cent. Trust,c1aims H o s a l b s o , Aug. l,.-Mr. Wild. i n g i t s note replying t o Italy's demand L ~ ~ A~ ~~ 1~.-The ~N . , afternoon t h a t from July 30 t o August 13, inclu- amounting t o about s ? S t W will bc settlement of the G r r l l t l claim rive, $58,415.1 had been received i n tbs man, t h e Unitcd States consul, has re. ~~h~ Jollnson, a tramp, after hav westbound train on t h e Santa F e Pa- paPC", ,vithout express reUP by four masked men considered a t tho n e s t term of court. ceived ,jisp;tches from washington i s the apprehonsiou of a popular r a w house'at i n g filled up on beer, fe11 asleep under cific return of Ambasgret a t the probable It G ~fifty miles ~ ,vest ~ of~ here,~ a t , I t is estimated t h a t the bank pa)' announcing the signing of t h e peace lutionary movement, which i t is en, l a fiat car in the Burlington yards a t the United states to desvoring to fmstrate. B I ~Flr. at Fresno. CaL 1 o'cloct yesterday morning. The e r - sador lIay a t least 35 per cent more! I~~~~~~~ ,vas only at"akened protocol by Spain's representat~vei n FRESXO, Citl., Aug. 16.-The conflawas cut and run about teed Secretary Day, and they hope Washington. B e a t once chartered t h e car begsn to move, being pushed press John Jacob Astor fpr Cohgross. gration t h a t devastated a large area Shlpn for the ~rlso'ners. two miles no\vn t h & road, but an t h a t h e will see his way clear t o deby a switch engine. His right a r m ~ r m e dguard in the car prevented t h e cline the appointnlent t o t h e State de- ~nt h e packing house district i n b'resno NEW YORE,AUK.11.-liepublicans O! S A N T ~ A Q O DE CUBA, ~ I J . - T ~ Ctlnost h e Australian available s liner h i in ~ the Australia, harbor, t t h o e Ilt was gotten under 'On,Vas caught beneath the and in robbers from entering, and after hold. partment, a s i t would be ''pity t o it Spanish transports Isla de Luzon, ,'E take dispatches to Admrral .uewey in the Twelfth congressional district anh-01 Untiy daybreak. The aggregr*e t r y i n g to frec himself he jcrlccd SO career interrupt an nnlbarsrdorial do Satrustegui and Isla de l'anay are Manila, ordering him t o cease hostil- nounse t h a t ~ o l o n e lJohn Jacob Astor took ing the train for tI,,o hours loss is now rariourly estimated from a h w d the a r m mas broken between t h e ure will probably be t h e party ~ o ~ n i n e e the having secured promising great results to the woods conservative standpoint at from S300, in port. ~t is cxpccted t h a t they will ities. The Australia left a t 5 o'cloclr for congres? thi* f a l l . elbow and s$ouldfr. 1Ie was attend- ,he ycsterday afternoon. , of t h e two nations." carry over 4,000. DO0 t o 8450.000 ed t o by t h e company physician and Alnercan Bark Lost. Lee to Succeed Blrrnco. r~r o m h1x111 IIorse. ~ I A D R I DAug. , 15.-The peace proto then to st, ~ l i hoj~ ~~ a l s~e rThroxvn ~ ~ ~ Colllslon OU Boston, L o . v ~ o x , AUOY.16.-Advice~ \VA#HINGTON,A U ~ 16. General B E ~ I . I N .lul. , 16 -Emperor \Villiam, col will be published simultaneously pital. BosTON~ A"g' 16'-The yacht while riding a t \.:.,l'irl:~l;ruha was ap- Melbourne report t h ? t the Anlerican Eitzhugh Lee, i n command of t h e in the Official Gazette here and ilr ROYFlint, s boy from Omaha, about proached by trio \.arrying bou- bark C. C. Fnnk. Captain Nissen, serenth army corps a t Jacksonville, Leon% with seventl'en men a b y a r d ~ 'vasl'inyton' while auchoredoutsiieof Hostonllght. whieh sailed from Tacoma May 22 for fourteen Years old, \ \ a s arrested quets which t~~~ o ~ e r et~ arrived in \ ~ ~ ~ last h nigilt i ~ in~ t ~ ~ ( lllir l.l~j,sAre features peculiar to IEOOCS Pills. -ax in a t Homer by Marshal Harry Kasdall, ty, ~h~ elnperor reached dolvn t o ac- Xclbourl~e.has been wrecked on P l i o response to telegraphic orders frola was r u n into by a barge i n tow of the ~ ~ % e : ~~ ~~ e s l ~~size, i ~hstclcss, : ~ ~efficient, > ~ ~thorough. As one a s answering t h e description of a boy cept the bouquets, \vhen his horse der's Island, Tasmania. Eleven. 01 secretary of war. General Lee t u g wneybro0lc? and five ulen were and that those on board tho bark, including will probably be made military gar swept from t h e deck by t h e heavy t o r ident McKinley has not dc~r~andecl \.anted for *tealing a pony, saddle and reared and uuselted llim. fiis a line. bridle from John Adams of Sheldon, n.as and, jokino about t h e Captain Nissen, his wife and two chi) ernor of Havana province. convocation pf t h e cortes t o approve 7 Ia., on t h e n i g h t of August 4. The accident, lnounted a ires% steed and drew were drowned. t h e peace preliminaries. Tho cortes I~DIAXA~L lnd., I ~ , Aug. 16.-OOVstatement of B%n,!c of Spnln. returned t o t h e castle. property he had in his p o s s e s s i o ~ also ~ ed aureceived a t e l e , ~ r a mlast hiauelu, Aug. Id.- The Bank ol mill now not be s u ~ u ~ ~ l o nuntil at ,vaslllngton.a ~ ~ ~ernor b Mount . fully answered the description. The lad night from Adjutant Clenerrtl Corbin Spain's statement fo: the meek shows tumn, by which time it is espcctcd W A S I I I N ~ T OAug. N , 16.-The French assigning the two i n d e ~ e n d e colored LINCOI.NC E N ~ E R ,K ~ P .Aug. 16.-W. ~t tbe follo\ving changes: Gold in hand, \Pas put in sheriff B~~~~ sky's care and takena pill ti], it is Cnmbon, and ]nost of the companies a t Camp Jloqnt, under col- increased 1,359,000 p s e t a b ; silver i n t h e agitation of the extremists will bye l a t e r Deputy Sheriff George Hudson of M. s m i t h and Sam Skiles of this abassador, have coo!ed down and t h e country over,w zm.C. I. Co., members of his staff to Mount ored captains, t o Santiago for garrison county got i n t o a fight a t a negro pic114277000pesetas; rides sheidon, la., identified tile boy h a r e b e c ~ ~ nmorq e inclined t o accept Proprietors, Lowell, hfass. Vernon to-day for a visit t o t h e tomb couipanies are anxious duty. The i n circulatio3, derrcased 139,000 penic August 4, and a s a result of injuries property an4 took them away. The only pills to take with Uaod's Sarsaparib 9ccomDlished facts. of \V'ashinfzton* to go. set as. received Smith died Saturday night. .L- - \ - - Publlrher. NEBRASKA NOTES. E N G L A N D WOULD FORCE A CHANGE. AU Members Of 'Ia1' ula LONDON A G E N T IN HONG ' rled to ~ o m e - N O ~ p e c i ~AUment. e KONG REPORTS ITS FALL. Roue, Aug. 1.- h e pope's ertrema weakness has pro ced a great comand intrigues rlle oerman he Goverummt Ha8 Undo. Con~ldera- motion. excitement ~l..t Clas. Crubrr g a l ~ e r i n of the sacred tlon Selrure of tho City of Tien Tslen, among the st^ ~~l~~~ tile spnnleh Gorerllor tho luembers of the the Taku Forts and the I'urt of Pekin lege' General of the Yl~lllpplue Islands and 11 china Falls to c o ~ u p ~ y . Ilia anl lily to lfong Liong. - plcdipotentiary - . . . 'rib R k;t:: ~ ~ ~ ~ , " ~ ~ H - - . - m y to Take a q to Operate - qzzy ' ' * Guaranteed Cure for Piles. drked For a shirt sod dot a wib. The Times feels badly. Because The republican ticket is made u p laugh@ at (he idea of the almost exclus~velyof lawyers and , During the oisil war there was a cer-0rd Journal. _ _ - _ fain young lady In Georgetown who of every discsiption. Tried thousaude o Ord ring holding a caucas to con- tankers. -.. W. W. H A S K E L L PublfBher. found i t in her p w e r to do a great deal times and never known to fail. [Jo mntrol the republican' primary the for the Confederate soldiers oonfi~led fident are we of the merib of the nrt,at ETEnRAekcA T i n ~ e swastea a column and more of b prisoll at Fachington. Young, beau- India!, Pile Remedy, that we will send tiful, cultured, popular, of a wealthy its va1u:rhle space. * free to arly reader of the QUIZa liberal FRIDAY. AUQ. 19 1898. and prom*fient family, was I t is very general in saying that quently allowed admission to the pris- sized trial paolcaee, only asking the ---cover ,on, whither she always took her maid amall remittance of ten cents but avoids Fntered at the Po~tofaoeat Ord, Nebraska, T H E QUIZ with a well stocked basket of good ooot of postage and packing. Don't snfDJ veaond class mail ~nrtter. being particular. For instance, the thingsfor the poor boys behind tho bars. fer longer but send at once for a trial of Times does not deny that the ring On0 day as she was passing through 3 this great remedy. Inclose ten cents. BUBSCBIPTION RATLY. &mop of men in the common prison she Write nnme and postoffloe addrew plainOnecopy, If paid In reasonable time, (1.A CauCLIRWasheld, but tries to make -and said to them: ifu~lpaldyear after year,$% its language ilnply as much. The led rather be nn anarLhist than a stoppedthere b,and rnentiou reading this article in is mything would Ertm coples Co be sent abroad per year $1.00 truth is the caucus was held by the 'Gene Moore republican.-Papillion to have that bring yon, won't you the QUIL. Addreas all letters to the Indian Pile Remedy Oo., Bpring Valley let me know? I shall be very glad." ADVE~(TISI~O RATES. ring leaders, and we have seen ong"$Times. The following ratee are very low considerinl the tickets written out after the ' Of course; you w juld be ao lone- One man stepped forward promptly. Minn. Bowing moat courteously, he said: the circulation of THE QUIZ and the quality of some. 'rIler9 is but 01-10 y~~~~ its readers. They are strictly adhered to and no caucus and before the primary, "u you so kind, I hou deviation will be msde. These ratoe do not The caucus was not, as we sup- Moore republican, include a copy of the paper. posed, being held just prior to the On account of sickness N. H, I wk. I M". 1 M"' 1 lYr. primary, <but at an hour' Parks hila offered his Columbus 1 inch.. .... I .a5 1 ~ l m ~ . 6 . 0 0 The that and a 3.00 1 5.00 9Telegram for sale or lease to some2% inch ..... 1 .50 1 1 5 0 were trying to steal the yco1u111.... I l.W I 2 : ~ ) 5.W I 9.00 l6.m few one with money. \Ve regret that ~ ~ - 7 I i l delegation ~ has ~several ridiculous ~ he the necessity for quitting lcolumn .... ( 3.00 1 7.00 116.90 128.00 162.00 points. Those few fellows met at ne\v6paper profession. Locale, 5 cents a line. NO local for less than the appointed place. 1,eggett ad10cents. STATE REUNION. Illita them not to be in a When 'lance heard T h e Old Boldiera Btate Reunion will The gnarsnteed circulation ot TEE QUIZ is hurry," and that he heard them had surrendered Cuba he resigned. be held at Lincoln, on Eleptember 12 to orer 1,150 per week. call at least ~ n man e from the win- H e did not want to serve as Gover- 17 ~nclueive. A great gathertng of the d m , 60 there was nothing secret nor General under American control, old scar-worn veterans is anticipated, 1 he l l ~ t t yrag 00. Republican Ticket. about it. Those fellows a h o m Leg- ~t a case of no love lost on the Tho S~anioh-Amerioan war orowned For Governor, with Amerioan v i c t ~ r yeverywhere has gett says wanted to steal the dele- part of America. M. L. IIbYLVAHD, of Otoe. filled all the people with a martial spirit gation did not go near the place till For Lieutenant Governor, theold heroee are bubbling over era and Diarrhma Remedy, and wLe half an hour after the time set for hlanilla ha$ surrendered to the and QEO. A. MURPHY of Gage. with enthusiasm. Many of them would tlie primary, and, after organizing, American forces. The -For Secretary ot State, like to go apain;more than 2,000 sons of 0.DURAB, of Saline. - sat there for another quarter hour after the Peace ~ r o t o c o l For Auditor of Public Accounte, without stealing the delegation, A Was signed but before the news had T. L. MATHE \V8of Dodge. strallge set of thieves! Haskell had m v h d that far away place. For Treasurer, no personal use for those ~ h o u g h a Ctricago clairvoyant PETER MORTENBEN ot Valley, or any other delegates. 'Ie had For Superintendent Pablic Instruction, hvors to ask of the co11vention, and has foretold the assassination of tile president of united states in 0 m n d Army g8therioge inspire the J F, BAYLOH of Lanoeeter. rising generations with patriotism end a did 'lot ask any' He did not. there will not be lack of candidates For Attorney Qederal, love for the flag of this great republio. uo, to a member of the organization for tl,e lfcKinley shoes. N' D' JACKsONpt committee nor any other committee, Hereafter therb will be a blending of a Ohamborlain's Colic, Cholera au Cbe @tb QuL~. 'rHEQUIZ - - - -9 - J , / - . For Commissioner of Public Lands and Buildings, G. R '&'ILLIAMSofDouglas. -- The war is over. Praise the Lord! There is to be an army sent to Alaskn to quiet bisturbances there. wily not send those s0ldieq who are sweltering under the Cuban sun? It will give them a good cooling off. After a red-hot time of it and on the 28th ballot the three-ringers of the First congressional district got te iether on James Manahan, a democrat and lawyer of Lincoln. strode Will be succeeded by a republican. - -- ---- U fraternal feeling ~ e t w e e nthe of lhat The Sure La Grippe Cure* an0 of the North and South Leggett that we asked There is no use s'Jlferi% from this as has not been since 1861. The oom- Patty Drug Corn ever that a certain report be brought in, dreadful malady, if you will only get the ,nittee expect a rate of one fare for the Leggett made that of whole cloth. right ere having Pain round trip. Let everybody get ready for Notice of Dissolution. your body, rollr liver is out of \Ve were opposed, however, to the through order, have !p$*tite* life or a n b i of a ceutral commit- tion, have a bad cold, in fact are oomtee at that bpcause 0111~ pletely used up. Eleotrio B ~ t t e r aia the Write to your frienda in t townshills were represented, re mod^ that will give YOU prompt meet you a t 160 rellnion at Lincoln, Gp. and becauee the convention that and sure relief. They act dirtwtly on tember 12,1895. nominates the ticket ought to or~al1-YOUr li'erl stomaoh and kidney81 tone For conoessionary privileges and inI1p tha a)stsru and make You feel formation write to L. C. Pace, of Linize the committee. like a new being. They are guaranteed (3. A. R. room% Burr block. are now being eold on eary conditions, as The asks with a sinister to oure or price refunded. Fur sale at cola ~h~~~ wnr a tirne sinw 8sm; oth,,re outright at $13.g0, expression if we bavy any at )IB.BJ and cd2.W;to be *id for Beu Bridgford's drug store, only fifty entered the union its people oould received. If YOU will cut this notice oat in this campaign that require har- oents per bottla really affod a better than this eend to S E ~ R ROEBUCK R, & CO., Chicago, mO1lY, that if we did not fall. will send you their 1898 bicycle catalogue Corn Bread. .11 puticubrs. look out ha would not have R o b b i u ~ There is no more tvholesome, palatam There are dve thousand familit s in 1numinated for county attorney. ble and strengthening article of fdin this state who have near relatives in the w a r ~ b r .l3re.k the Bugr* D I O ~ O ~ O I Y Our answer is, we have no interests the whole catalogue than corn bread. I t is truly the staff of life of the rural lath& keep us from the boring classes in the south from year's truth. beginuing to year's end. Amollg the turn may soon be members of the Grand 'lo Times Tile shortest the plat. forms is that adopted by the repubbrawniest, toughebt men in the country A ~ ~ ~ , l i c a n ~ , though it contains the greatare the hands who work on the turpenest number of subjects treutcd 011. Escape. We often hear it said that the tino far,, in ~ ~ ~ i ~ , h~regular ~ ~i ~ ~ A Narrow and upaarde, and they are bhipplng them It doe3 not take many words to oflice Should seek tho man. This rations consist of one peck of cornmeal, Thankful words written by Mrs. Ada immense numbers direct to farmers in e v ~ Thoyeend anirnmenseBnggy state it plain truth, and the length came liter,~llytrue in tile case o f the five pounds Of bacou and a pint of mo- E Hart, of Groton, S. Dak.: "Was takan state. fr~t),postpaid, to any one who ask8 for lasses pcr week. These articles consti- witha bad cold settled on l'hie certainly 5s a big victory for the farm of the republican platform proves it. republican nolninations at Lincoln trite pretty nearly if llot their will ac- whole bill of fare during the time they ~ Q D R; oollgll ~ set in and finally terminat- bat a sovore blow to the carriage rm~nnfsotnrt lnst wllile tlay The only political party that ha8 cept the norninntion anti make a n are in the woods cutting or chipping ed in consumption. Four doctors gave and dealere. bores or dipping turpentine, yet they me UP, ~ a ¶ i n gf oollld live but a short county ever favored a active fight for the election: he did well oollditioucd, hard of timg, I gaTe nlyself up to my savior, for a is the u.1 lung for the nomination, his muscle and in good spirits..-&vanah defcrmined if I collld nut stay with my repubiicfin parly~ and this is tile fr2endtlon edrth I uculd mcet my absent being to go to Col,grets. (Ga.) News. o~iennbove. My h ~ w l ~ a nwas d advised second t i ~ a etllis county has been '1 still more pronounced C,lae O f the p e t Df. King's New Discovery for favored lhe repub1icanRo ofice seeking the mnn w,is that of SPEND AUGUST IN THE BLACK HILLS. C~~oa~iffiption, O o u g h ~ and C113~. I the that party from Peter Mortensm, who did not wn~lt a,, to syringa ..Phere yolr i t trill, in botWes, bol tom. 1lc)nlill;kti~)nand hiid told the C R I ~brthe, rid?, bicycla, c l ~ m dmonotalnB, I t haA ~ , 1 ~me, p ~ i tilank God I an, am nclm- a and healthy 'The nominator1 of Peter blorten- leaderv SO. IIe W a r not even ;it dunoe and play tennis to yonr hearts saved Liuculn und the d e l r p , t ~ i o n froin Oonfellf. If vollr limbs ore &tiff, yolir rnclmm. Trial bottles free at Ben Bridgsen for state treasurer will have 110 Vitlley county lldcl 110 nutioll of get- k i d l i ~ j Os n t of order or if Yo11 are troub- lorJ1+drug store. R e ~ n l n rsize 1100. and little effect upon the politics of Valled with cczemd or any other form of $1.00. Gnnrantced or price refunded 'lo'nin --rkin direase, D month at LIot tjprinxa lay couuly, There are many oftbe ling fur tlle plnce w''s re(%What Tommy Said. will make a new mnn of you. opposition who &J vote for him Unu'e Jol~o-\Yt~ll, what do you mean e Spearfisti are within it id natural for home of them to niwt"l bv ttlose wllo were nlakirlg sylvan L f ~ k and put in a straight ticket while they the ticket and he was named for the tr oompartively ehart di~tanoe of Hot to be when you get to be a man? are about it for the party that has place in spite of himsclf. tlis first Sprinrs and everyone who visits the Little Tommy(prompt1y)-A dootor, impulse was to declille tire nomina. 81"' Hills should see them. Sylvan like l1a. recognized Valley county in Urlcle John(qt1 izzically)-indeed; and Lake is the prettiest and coolest summer tiO1'l but loyalty lo party' resort in the west. Spearfish is reached wIJrb du r o o intend to bel an allopath prominent manner. the of 'Iis friends after a railroad ride that ranks amoog nr a hnmceopath? The Omaha Bee is giving the re- the assurances of populists openly tho experiences of .r lifetime. There is Little Tommy-I don't know -what ticket urlqualified support. made that he will get their votes nothing like it anywhere else on the them awful big words mean, Uncle John but that don't make no difference, came people who do ~ o like t the Bee may have had the desired effect and he nlnbe. During Augnst, the Burlington I ain't goin' to be either of 'em. I'm sneer a t this but the fact remains will accept. Route will ruu two lowrate excursions j u ~ tgoin' to he a family doctor an' give that ita support means a good many -to Hot 8pri11gs; one on tho 9th. , tbe all my patients Ifood'e 8arsaparillo vote8 for the party. And the further IIe; r any m;ln talk about dlor- other on the 26th. of that month. Tick- 'ctl~lse my pa says if he is a docfact remains that the Bee has not tellsen for state treasurer no matter eta will be sold at one fare tor the round tor, be'e 'bliged t o owu up that Hood's trip-HALF RATES-aad ~ 1 1be 1 good Sarsaparilla is t h e best family medioine hen very when it re- what tho wan's polities are, a ~ i dhe to any time da,g. he ever saw in his life, fused had been will say ttint tilers is,r~odoubt about O,g,,nize a Aruanae about The average attendance at places of nal'rrd by "" the lnooev of the state being in safe yuur liotel amomodationa at aotspringa. workhip in Englavd and Wales is thin@ point repub1ican vie- bil~idrif Mr. Moltensen 1s elected. Qct your tiakets from the Burlington putad to bobetruun 10,OOO,OOOand 11,. tory this fall. More than one of the leaders of the &'centm d Pass the most delightful molhn 000,000 persow. There is a place of populist party hero have said the in the year in the most' deligtltful sum- worship for every 600 individuals, takIJoatPOPS who bobbing ranle thillg. Since 18%. when he ing tho country a l l through, and a statod minister for every 700. About 60,000 their politica1 faith do w8. ctloserl counf,y trea5urerI ha llas are pmbcd ~ ~ d ~ ~ , not deem it necessary or advisable to beell in positiolls of trugt and the reu "88 siok with a severe bone1 trouble says Mrs. E. C.Gregory, of Fredriokstoo, STACEOF Oaxo, CICY OF TOLEDO, explain to the public why they have bighest r e s ~ o u s i b i l i t ~ l and yo. lY)urdoctor,8 remedy had failed, Lvcas C ~ U X T Y . been so mercurial in their politics. acts lrave above question. then we tried Ohamberlain's Colio, Chol Frenk J. Oheney makes Grand But the senior editor of l'here is nuthing in the atate tren9- era ])larrhoea ~ ~ ~ ~ d ~ , why buy your nursery stock from Island has been uryship that can turn his head, or s e n speedy rcliet" For gale by the counly and st to take the public into pay exorbitant prices? Buy direct from tempt him to trifle with the great Patty Drug Co and that said firm will pa confidence and is trying to explain responsibility that the people mill 'lhe rain falls on the just and unjust one hundred dollars for e in "brief" articles of a few columns place in him by electing him to that Begge' Cherry Cough Syrup cures a case of oatnrrh that mnn each his political career. Better let place. kle has everytlllng to lose OO1dl Asthma, and Lagrippe caught in the use of Hall's Cattarh oure. such thinks die if they will, Better Or shine. We keep It. and nothing to gain by going wrong, in still not to mako political records F 3 ~ 1 1BR~DGPO HD and those who know him know he that need explaining. And NO^ Jlmee. will do his duty right and to the you "Why," call i t aaskud jhnmy?" the lay figure, Iddo There is no hse in waking a letter. A. \V. Cfleason, Notary Public. [seal] $10.00 100 ~ p r i 0 3 trees, t I' " Halll's Uattarh cure is taken internally splurge about it, but it is a fact just The burglar shook his head sadly. $6.00 6 early Ohio @rapes,$1 "Well," he answered, and his re- and acte directly upon the blood and the same that the republicans are Summing up the issue between 8 hardy perpetual roees $1.00 mucous surfaoee of the system. Send for in the comiCg state the republican party and the three- Bret was apparent, "I spypose 1 going to 2 everblooming altheas $a.00 rather more fvlliliar wltd it than I testimonials frea hi^ entile order oc trinl shipment will ~ ~ 1 , campaign. AH that will be nOCe@-ringers all there is left for the three- ought to be. Yes. " - ~ ~ t ~~~ i t ~ F. J. UE~ZYEY dr Oo., Toledo, 0. be sent for $5.00, cash to acconipany sary is for each republican to come ringers to base a calnpaign on is the _ _ _ _ I - _ L I . . --- 'I'he prospects are that' you have use for one this summer to successfully take care of that crop of small grain. W e are sole agents for tne best harvester on the market today, a ~nachinethat sells on its own tnerits. The Harvester is not an experinlent in machinery but a long tried and trusted machine. Drop in and see us or let us call on you and explain the n~any~neritsof our machine. W e are satisfied our machine will meet your re- . . We are sole 'agents for The . . Dandy Riding Gultivator. YM I to the polls and vote it straight, and also try to induce every other to do the eame. Loud talk noisy campaigning will not be appropriate, for there are a good many populists who are going to do the quiet thing this year and vote the republicall ticket and make no fuss about it. The republican ticket is a ticket of the masses and is clean and well chosen, There is no republican who cannot vote for it and do so heartily. . fnct that two republican officials I , have stolen state money. The republican party was not to blame for their going wrong a n d that party and other bowel comspared no pains to bring these men plaints t o which child to punishment. This looks like a dren are liable there is small thing to fight the republicans no medicine equal t o on. I t looks like burning a church because a member of its congregatiou proved a rogue. But it is the best thing the three-ringers can think of to make an issue on and it MRS. A. CASEY, Pigott, Ark, will be worked to a fin sh. 1 FOR WORMS Sold by Druggists, 7.5~. Hall's Family Pills are the best. -Give the Children a ~ ~ i ~ k . called Graiu-O. ~t uW OBD, delicious, - CAPITAL AND SURPLUS ----- p. MORTENSEN, President. AY%WS PILLS" Sedgwick, Kansas. coffee 15 25c. NZB~~ASKA. --- - $@4,~$"~ W E ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. 8 A N ~ T H E I ~SAH'L~[~GO. WHY A N ARMY SURGEON FEARS FEVER IN P O R T 0 RICO. a kcnernl B311cs, by Disease May of Sllafter,e AccordinE to Lieutenent-Colonel Senn-Tlle Nedlcal Corps Forgot I t s Nicroscope, 8 - THINGS WENT WRONG, IMILES secretary A~~~~ Erplalns Charges t h e w a r Department. NE.~ YORK, Aug. 23.-Secretary Al. ger, under d a t e of August 13, sent chauncey M. D~~~~ a long letter in defense, of t h e war department. T h e letter sllows t h e enormous amount of .cvork t h e departlnent has been called on t o do: explains t h e difficulties a t . tending t h e oper'ations a t Santiago and t h e care of t h e sick and wounded, and sets forth t h e troubles t h a t have a t tended camp life i n t h e United States under inexperienced officers. He says, i n part: Concerning t h e Santiago campaign, when t h e ships left Tampa they had >n board three months provisions and an abundance of s"ppliea They had l i ~ h t e r st o unload w i t h a t point of debarkation. These lighters were lost i n t h e severe storms o n t h e way. As soon a s we were notified of t h e fact, t w c tows .of lighters were sent lrom and which were al%o overtaken by storms and lost. The navy supplied u s with lighters, and one of those mas wrecked. The diulcbarked*getting a portion of i t s supplies a n d medical stores. and immediately marched to the front t o fight t h e Spaniards. The great difficulty of landing supplies subsequently was because of t h e wind, which .prang u p every at la and made a high surf, rendering almost iinpossible t h e use of .small boats, with one lighter, which was all they had left for this purpose. Of t h e packers who were employed, 60 per cent soon fell sick, and, heavy rains falling every' day, t h e roads (if they could be called such) became impassable for vehicles. Pack animals to carry to had to bo the army* being to t ' ~ right around Santiago, increas'd t h e distance from t h e coast every clay made task more Ilowever, the result and the subpa quent sickness t h a t has broken out in t h e army showed t h e great wisdom of General Shafter in moving forrvqrd t o ma e t h e attack while his men were V1gOr. I t w u a morement bordering on audacity, but it succeeded, and the persistance of the attack, I have no doubt, greatly disheartened t h e Spaniards. The rcsult was one of tho createst victories, for tho men ena T~~ numgaged* ber of prisoners of moderntaken exceed t h e at. tacking force by nearly two t o one. somemen have been on transports coming holnc there is no doubt-all against positire ordersduo, n o doubt, t o carelessness and negligence, but largely on account of not having t h e medical force to spare (many of whom were sick) from t h e lnedical Ofcamp at Sallti.ago' ficers sent with transports m e r ~taken ill on their ,vay home. --- -- - - - - - TO HETURN. C O M M A N D I N POHTO RICO LEFT TO BROOKE. i s CO-operating Ueartfly In preparations for ~*acuatIon-The h i l l tary Comlnisslon \YIU lrare o n l y t o BI~C~RR c l r e a ~ t c c e i p tfor spnnlb4 ~ r o d e r t ~ . , - YoacE~ PortO Rice* Aug. 23.-h1aj0r ~~~~~~l ~ i hasl decided ~ ~to leave with his for washington i n a few days, pobsibly to-morrow: H~ will tprn over his command tD General Brooke, who i s expected t o reach here to-mor. row for a conference. ~~~~~~l~ ihas l arrange(. ~ ~matters Mamith captain C ~ Spreparatory , t o t h e meeting of t h e peace commission a t Sari Juan.' Genera1 Nacias, while maintaining his outposts, is steadily retiring his forces to the capital, preparatory to their Nail colnmunication between Ponce and San J u a n has been established and the wire,s, w.hich have been severed, will LOOTING REBELS ARE SHOT.' -- I-url~ents a t Manila Par Death Fena1t.m Rebeulon In the PhlllppInes l l a s Ex' for Ylllaylng. tended t o the Hemp Prorlncea, IIOXQKOSQ, Aug. 23.-,I dispatch from Manila, dated August IS, says the total numberof killed on t h e American side during t h e attack upo:l and cap2 t u r e of Manila was forty-sir, and of the wounded loo. The losses were 200 killed and 400 wounded. The fire of t h e Americans did practitally n o damage t o t h e town o r t o the noncombatants. The Americans had considerable dificulty i n keeping t h e insurgents out of t h e city, only admittlug those who were without m-ea. pons, Five insurgents were shot while lmting at General Jaudenes, i n t h e course of an interview had with h i m l said he knew t h a t t h e fight was a hopeles( one, but t h a t he intended t o resist t h e Americans i n t h e name of honor, b u t w a s persuaded t o surrender for the sake of the n\on colnbatants. He eulogized the ~~~~l~~~~ for the humanity they have $hewn. Serious trouble is threatened by t h e insurgents because they mere prevented from having their orvn way. They assert t h a t they a r e able t o render tho islands untemrble for anybody. I 500 NATIVES MASSACRED. .. 5 LOJDOS, Aug. 20.-The Singapore correspondent of t h e Daily Mail sa.*<: 8 "The native rebellion in tho Philipthe Provpines has extended i n c a in s o u t h Luzon. lleavy fight~ing at Paglatuanp and sol, the immediate cause being outrages committed by t h e Spaniards &t Paglatuan. The Spanish also burned Pilar and massacred 500 natives. The insurgents a r e concentrating a t Albany, with t h e object of cutting off t h e retreat of numerous Spaniards i n t h e Camarinas province. A German cruiser has bcen carrying dispatches from t h e captain general of t h e Visayas islands t o t h e district between Cebu and Iliaan and t h e spanish military d ~ p o itn Mindanao. T h e steamer Posario, flying t h e German flag, has also been transporting troops thence t o llolio. After t h e island of Mashbate had been taken by t h e insurgants, t h e latter indignantly refused t o allow t h e German steamer Clara t o enter a n y ports under their control. , . NEW YOXH, Aug. 2~.-Li:etenant Colonel Nicholas Senn, who went to Cuba a s chief of tho operating medical s t a 3 of t h e army, bas just returned from p o r t 0 Rico. Speaking of his experience, he €aid: "In Cuba our army met a s i t s most formidable enemy one of t h e z o s t dreaded of all acute infectiOus disea.cs-yellow fever. The Cuban invasion was characterized by hasty action, a laclc of organization a n d inadequate preparation o n t h e p a r t of t h e quartermaster's department for which t h e medical branch of the army In n' I n less t h a n two weeks after our army landed i n Cuba yellow fever made i t s appearance. be connected immediately. "In lesslhan from that All t h a t tvill remain for the commit time nearly 500 fever cases, most of siOn to do* Genera1 Miles Says* will be WOULD CUT SANTIAGO PRI C ESl them yellow ferer, impaired t h e fightt o secure a n inventory of government t n g force and seriously taxed t h e reA Dollar a Pound for Meat the General transferred to the Americans sources of t h e medical department. and to give receipts to the Spanish Decldcd Was Exhorbltant. THE END OF CAMP MAS* Fortunately for t h e army, t h e type of SAXTIAGO, Cuba, Aug. 20.-The last authorities. the disease and the number Captain General hlacias i n his vari- EeglmenLr to or Or week i n Santiago de Cuba h a s seen t h e of deaths was small i n comparison ous communications with furtherance of reforms and improrewith some of t h e epidemics i n t h e has best spirit, Ile dered Home. ments already under way. The r e has CUICRABIAUQA, Aug. 23. -Judging been a past. It was extremely fortunate t h a t and steady increase in the is &nxious to co-operate in bringing Santiago surrendered a t tho right present Camp death rate. One abuse t h a t h a s been about a n evacuation a t t h e earliest time. Our army would surely have moment possible and is placing no ob- Thomas, t h e largest military camp of rectified lvas the exorbitant prices the Spanish-American war, will soon asked met,the f a t e of t h e Spanlsh forces, for food--$l a pound stacles in the way of the troops re. who lost 50 per cent of their men d u r be a t h i n g of t h e past. A number of for meat, 83 for a turning home. ordered of charcoal t h a t once sold for eighty i n g t h e last year from sickness. Colonel Ramery, tho highest volun- regiments have 'lready Others have to cents and a general continuation of FORGOT THEIR MICKQSCOPE. teer oflicer in t h e island, reached here and K ~ . *blockade prices long after their justi"In planning tho Porto Rico invaslast night from Aibonico. Other of. an order to fication had been removed. This mation, General Miles made t h s proper a t ficers have been coming through our acting chief quartermasters t e r t h e palace has ably taken i n hand, rangements for a repetition lines all day. Lieutenaut Colonel to secure bids from Convey of calamity. Thus our troops Kamery says t h a t t h e Spanish forces 'I1 "giments remaining at the camp and a f t e r careful consideration and i discussion of t h e subject with lcading i n Porto Rico have escccped yellow fea t Aibonito were short of alnmunition t o their respective state capitals. wl~olesalersand retailers, a tariff in ver, but soon after landing fever cases and water and entirely dependent for which the gold money on provisions has been arcame into the different hospitals at an upon Cayey' They must have The first division* alarming rate. After landing at as as Tivent~-flrst Kansas Is e part* ranged. Retailers have been not'fied LxACT COPY OF WRAPPER. l e a ~ eto-morrow. All t h e sick of t h e t h a t infringements of this or Pence, August 8, I found at least st'Uck cayey' are left behind and schedule, wlll be severely punished, of typho!d In some the According to a letter 'corn will be furloughed a s soon a s they can community a t large is re. cascs it was difficult and i n others imthe 'panish residents there who had travel. They number about sevcnty- and the to report any over charge. possible t o make a differential diagfled from t h e city have returned and five, fifty having gone home. Their The prices given o u t a r e a nosis between malarial and typhoid re's great rejoicing blankets will bo burned and t h e in- duction from those prevailing hitherwitllout tile aid of ulicruswpe, that the mar 's ended* ) # fected tents left here. to, but even i n t h e new arrangement a resource which unfortunately was there is ample opportunity foq good nQtat hand. F,,l!owiny the order of Colon.el s a n Martin, former Spanish WonelGreepleaf, chief surgeon of commander a t l'once, who abandoned TO BE A FAR EAST ALLIANCE, profits, even t o 50 per cent i n some i i . stances. -Cc t h e army, I investigated for two days t h e town upon approach'of t h e IVhat Chambcrlaln's P:per a l l of t h e fever cases i n t h e hope of p a i r i n g b e done extraneously a s d fa~ ~and who, i~t mas reported, ~ i ~ ~ ~ ~ , the of UayCEDED THE ILIPPI N ES. locating t h e typhoid fever. cilities are not a t hand t o dry dock t h e had been shot for formking tile city, I'h careful study of a11 t h e cases Aug' 23'-The vessel. is i p t h e hospital sick. He has been ~ 1 1 1 s\Tau One of tho conditions of the Guardian, recognized a s tho organ of ahowed t h a t 90 per cent mere genuine The limitations of the diving appar" t r l ~ ~ e dhis rank. V ~ S ~ O N A R S Y C H E M E S F O R THE Dfnnlla Surrender.. typhoid ferer cascs and t h a t t h e infecatus forbid any very dangerous ofGeneral &liies will advise ~~~~~~l Joseph Chamberlain, secretary for t h e OCEAN'S BOTTOM. LONDON, Aug. 20.-The IIong Kong tion in t h e army was brought directly fensive work being done by the man Brooke t o embark t h e Spanish prison- colonies* says- "We understand t h a t e o r r c s ~ o n d c n of t t h e Daily Jlail says: y ~ st o jvashingfrom'the camps occupied in the United who descends ip it. H e cannot wander ers here and send them immediately t o hrnbassadbr ~ ~ a recall terms of the cap.itu1ation of 'Iar0 Scrape Battleships -Cleaning the to0 far from his base of operations on ton to accept t h e post of Secretary of States. I am firmly of t h e opinion. Juan. ~t is e s p e c t e ~ t h a t n'' as 'greed upon Saturday between IZulU of the Naval Fighters I s Their account of his dependence on the a i r that if the American army in Porto Admiral schley will be thcra in a few State i s due t o his special fitness t o Jauncienes and &ler- Valuable and Necesnary Work Now-- supply, and the boat from which he is Ricq remains there much longer t h e days. Most of the troops in the island carry out a policy i n regard t o w h i ~ h r i t t include t h e cession of the Philiploss of life Cue to sicknogs will be ;IS have been proceeding for lowered could not approach very near will remain stationary until t h e final The Dirlng Apparatus. g r e a t a s a t Santiago. ,vashington and pine archipelago t o the United States. to a vessel or harbor in these days of details have bcen settled and they will some time , LLTheorder t o ~ e n e r a lJvilson t o TO THE BRAVE CAPTAIN MILLS, then march to sari Juan, where they London a n d upon which a substantial An American naval offlcer who arrired searchlights without being discovererl. 'lanila On the me From the Washington Post: If Paul , It is posible, however, that daring souls t a k e up t h e march toward San J u a n will embark. ~~~~~~l &liles .+,ill con- agreement has bcen reached whereby t h a t t h e Americans practically walked Jones i n ghostly guise wanders around will try the experiment before the p r e p the two countries will act together in made i t necessary t o cvacuati t h e di- The Presfdent Aypolntq an Omcer o f with the authorities at \yashinginto Manila. the warships of our new navy he must ent war 1s over, and naval experts may LOWHank Superintendent at West Point. a s l o n hosdtal. ton a s to the force t h a t is to remain. t h e f a r East or wherever American and "The Operationsl he says* con see many surprising accessories to t h e have to flnd some way to guard against "All of the patients were transferred WASI~I,~QTOX, Aug. 23.-For the flrst The volunteers are anxious to go British interests are identical. fined to 'lalate side the city* fighting forces a s organized in his day. a new enemy of the invisible variety"There is no iqtention of binding t o t h e Spanish military hospital in time in t h e history of t h e Unitcd home. "llere the 'paniards a fort and One novel and useful additibn to the the submarine diver o n blowing u p Pence, which caused t h e temporary States military acedemy, a first l i e u the nation in a n alliance. Each is t o Sunday the saloons were closed aqd lines trenches' The troops overcrowding. Tho club housa of t h e *ant crew of a warship of the present time Purposes bent. will be made &"perintendent of for the first tirne in the history of the be free t o pursus i t s own destinies i n i t s own way, but tho governments will waded through the 'lalate river and 1s the submarine diver. The imporaity and of the school for girls, In tho institution. The offlcer to be thus island there was a Protestant walked up t h e beach as though going charge of Sisters of Charity, were also honored is First IJieuten.ent Albert religious service. ~h~ a c t , together Young America on l ~ a r . diplomatically where to lunch, meeting practically no oppo. tance of this individual to the welfare offered t o t h e authorities for hospital &fills of t h e First cavalry. He dis- men upon the monitors at (;uanica their common interests aro concerned.' of a warship has been amply shown An essay on the present war between sion. '*se and were accepted. tinguished himself a t Santiago and think i t unnecessary to keep the ships "I G a r n t h a t when General Merritt during the recent opefations against the United SFates and Spain, written by \A RAP AT T H E NAIL SERVICE. has t h e temporary rank of captain as there aqg longer. These vessels are 'vent ashore after the capitulation Of the Spanish fleets. Speed has been the Paul Harper, the 6-year-old son of ~ 1 1 4 KILLED: 26 HURT, most important point in the maneuver liam Hudson Harper of ~ "Nostalgia, or homesickness, i n a a member of General Young's staft absolutely unsuited to a tropical cli~111.. ~ -he crperienced large measure, was addcd t o tho The President made this selection Per- mate like this, ancl the Puritan's offl- serious L~~~ of Life In a \Vreck at in finding General Jaudenes, who ulti- ing during the opening events of tha and printed in the Index, is as fol~ows: wretched condition of the'soldiers, not sonally and as a rewar6 for gallant cers have sent it formal colnplaint t o Sharon, B l ~ s s . lnately was found in a church among war, and this has rendered it neceJ. "This war is prty sirius, and this is why sary for ~ u ships r to be i n the best it is, beekas a t flrst you no the Spanish only i n Cuba, but in Yorto Rico, also. conduct a t the storming of SXII Juan secretary Long. S a . ~ ~ o Mags., s , Aug. ?3.-A frightful crowdsof women and children " possible trim for fast' work. AS, ow- Minister swor a t MukineFly and did T h e postoffice department has shown heights. tear-epd collision occurred i n t h e Shato the lack of foresight on the Part nQt apolugis for such a long time, And Lieutenant Mills was General gerious neglect i n forwarding mail. '{MOBI LEY'STOR1 ES DEN I ED, ORDERED TO MUSTER OUT, ron station of t h e New York, New Raof those responsible, we are not Pro- the next sirius thing ws the M .You give a man a letter from home Young's chief of staff during the San~and ~ ~ , at 7:30 last A Vermont Eeglment Leaves Chlcka- vided with the necessary dry docks to He mas s c r e r e l ~ Shatter and L U ~ I O S V s a y There \Val NO r e n & liartford a n d he feels like fighting. ' I know a s tiago campaign. I should like to of seen that grate ekwhen an express train, which m a u g a - ~ h r e e Nore to GO Soon. enable Us t o clean the foul bottoms of splotlon. And then the starvelug Cyoa n actual fact t h a t more t h a n 200 wounded a t t h e battle of San Juan.Orercro,rdlne or Lack of AttcntIon, was rulluing the second section a W n s a r s a ~ o a hug. , 20.-Orders were our vessels when they come off a long kens are prty sirius to. ~~d now w ~ ' passed through his letters sent mc I 'lare ~ V A S H I ~ ~Aug. T O ~23.--Some , corn- long train, c r ~ h c dinto the first secgiren to-day for the return to their voyage, it has been necessary to send have beegun the war and many brave b m n away from home, but I have re- head) destroying one eye. The plaint reached the \Var department tion, coEposcd of local cars. state rendezvous of t h e following reg- divers down to do the work a s best comrades will dide for tber cquntry. ceived only two of them. Newspapers dent had a n interview with Captain concerning the bad sanitary conditions As a result, four Persons were iments: The First lllinois cavalry and they could. a few days 'go and remembering on t h e transport gobile, which arrived h e r e i n great demand and were P r h a ~ sther Will not bee a man in the . Tho and txventy-sis beriously injured. It has not been done well, but it has town, and meny a muther will mourn t h e First Maine infantry, now a t the glorving which Genera' a t Montauk Point a few days ago from eagerly bought and read. rear car of t h e local t m i n was combeen the best kind of substitute that Chickamauga, and the Semqd xew "The war has again demonstrated Young had previously given him of t h e Santiago. The ship, it was for her husbands. D~~ lay they on the portton pletely demo'ished and York infantry, now a t Fernandina, could. be found for the proper article, batlfld, and the,. stand ther muthers t h e great value of t h e small caliber conduct of this brave offlccr, otfered was and the siclr on board the car, the of Fla. The First Illinois i s ordered t o When a Ship goes into dry dock, and is weeping for ther tuzbans. T P ~ ) ,take bvilct and has shown t h a t i t is most him t h e superintendency of the mill- were not Or adequate'y Springfield, Ill., t h e First Maine t o scraped clear of the barnacles and sea- the wanded to the hospitl and thg ded 'humaneweapon. Contrary t o expects- t a r y academy, which is considered one vided for. The department commun- express train was Augusta, Me,, and t h e Second New weed and rank growth that accumuldt- to the graves. ~~d meny tlens, but a few surglcal gperations of t h e most important commands in icated vvith ~~~~~~l sllafter on the ships MADRID W I L L FILE A PROTEST, Vork t o T r o y , ~ Y. . These reginlents ed there during a sea \aya.te, and is will singk, and feew American ships were necessary and oar attention was t h e army. subject, and i n response t o t h e dispaint# then trezted to a new Although low in rank, captain Mills patell received last night a dispatch cornylalns of the conduct of ~~~~~~~~t~ were mustered into t h e military serdirected entirely to the proper dresswill singk, and we shall fite the Spanvicc of t h e government a t the placcs she emerges from the dry dock as Clean yrds ,on land and sea, , And our flag is nearly 45 years old and has had con- from both i n g of wounds. In Cuba. and firigadier (;enand nhen she made her maiden waves over the Fllupeens ilens this day want t o correct some of t h e re- siqerable erperiencc i n work which eral ~ 23,-1t is stated t h a t mentioned and their return there is voyages asThe - "I ~ denying d the l allegations, ~ ~ nlA~nlD, mbmarine divers are able and a t e orts which have come from Cuba and specially fits him for his new duties. cabinet has to malte repre- accepted as conclusive evidence t h a t The last page of the Only to scrape away the barnacles an' manuscript was embellished with a" t o be mustered out. R r t o Rico a s t o t e e feelings 0: t h e He has serred a8 instructor a t t h e HAD TO RETAKE LADRONES, sentations to tile \vashinaton and even then they are $0 CIIICK~MAVQA, Aug. 19.-The First Bpaniards against t h e Red Cross. The academy and was i n charge of the dedrawlings of one battleship the merit the conduct of the inVermont broke camp early handicapped by the heaviness and un- stars and stripes flving from its mastGpanlards never purposely fired a t the partment of strategy and tactics in the tho BIonadnock C3me a Span~aril surgent,, in continuingto attaclc Spanto-day and marched five miles t o Itoss- handiness of their dress that it is im- head. Red Cross representatives of our coun- Fort Learenworth cavalry and infan~ ~ &an-of-aar ~ is t h ~ ish detachments, Had "GOvernmeut" Of OWU' ville station, where t h e men boarded Possible to do the work in any but 3 lust coming into sight. tr, and if any of those were injured i t t r y school last year. Ile is a native of displeased with The K"W YORK1 Aug' 23'-A dis. clumsy and iJI~omplete way. trains waiting to take them to Fort war, entirely due t o the fact t h a t t h e New Yorlc arid was appointed from patch to the New world says: the attitude of Captains But good work or bad, the diver has Ethan in their bo=ne state. red badge of t h e order could not be t h a t state t o tho military academy The monitor. ~ cias~ and Blaucd, The latter again Modern Chlralry. ~ arrived ~ d ~ ~ ~ k become a necessary part of the shin's July 1, 1874. easily distinguished a t a distance. s i r F~~~~~~ h;u been to preside Over the TAHHED AND FEATHEHE01 gust la o n the way she stopped a t positively crew. Many warships carry one or a "The following incident, for examof chivalry for many e v a c u ~ t i o nof Cuba. Ladrone island of Guam, which t h e more trained divers* and to attain to MADE A GOOD HAUL, dlr lVomcn and Three Men Have np ' ble, shows t h a t ' t h e Spaniards are in but the little street boy*s cap in the fol' t had been seized by tho first expedition. the rating of diver requifes special Uncomfortable Experience. sympathy with t h e work of t h e Red CUT'MANILA'S WATER SUPPLY, lowing story, from the Sunday Th? Anrerlcans Found 6800,003 in tbc She found t h a t a Spaniard had repu. qualifications. Before being sent for eoss JVhile a company 7 PARKERsBURQl ,'zinc deserves an equally Aug' ' O ' diated American rule and S C ~ up a ~ o n t r o l l l n gthe Nalnn, Insurgents A ~ I O W Spanlsh Treasury at Manlla. e f infantry was charging a hill a t About 350 or 300 men, disguised as traiping t h e man applying has to unbest story I know of ;ul g0'ernment On his O w n Only a Pew Hours' Servlce a Day. dergo an rigorous LOSDON, Aug. 23.-The J l a n i h cor< ; ~ u ~ ia~ = , who had rushed "white caps," visited the house of Edinburgh street boy was told to me examination' The diving I n tain IVhiting the MOnadnOck N ~ wYolia* A"g 23.-A t o Susic Colston, near Smithtleld. JPetzel 100 ahead of t h e line w& sud- respondent of the Daily Telegraph navy a costly The by a lady who witnessed the incident. York IVorld from Manila, county, and dragged the inmates, six use in denly prostrated by the heat. A span- says: "General Jlerritt has proclaimed promptly upSet this new "govern- t h e There was a Christmas treat given t o ment" and made the usurper priv method of its working is simple. Philippines, says: "The natives conk h oqcer near by to him, piclced a government of military occupation. three men, dut of bed in poor children a t a mission hall, and oner and brought him here. He Is not a sight* th'3 The news of the armistice arrived on trol t h e water supply of Manila and him up and carried him to our line - t h e i r night c1,othes. No time war hundreds of little ones were assemmonster with the huge bead-dress and the 16th. I t is feared t h a t t h e Amerrefuse t o allow the water t o run examid t h e cheers of our troops." given them t o get their clothes, money bled at the doo-rs in No Cre for Colonlal OBlce. the glaring eyes, but his usefulness to cept f o r a f e w h o J r s each day. They or valdables. Tho house was then , &ionel senn is enthusia,tic about icans may rcstore t h e Philippines t o hour of admittance, many of them lie was MADR'n~ 23*-The cabinet Is have den~onstratedt h a t they are in. blown to pieces rvith three sticks of the navy Is porto ~ ( i declares ~ ~ t h~e island ~ d to Spain and t h u s reinaugurate a fresh barefoot. Among the numper was a wanted i n a hdrry, and unfortunately mcsiderin8the question mhetller it capable of self gorernment." be worth its ve]ght in gold. u ~ tis a period of tyranny, extortion and re- Is taken sweet-faced little girl, who seemed less The dynamite. was not on hand when the Maine wert necessary t o retain t h e establishbeautif nl country, a combination of bellion. run and tarred and hardened than most to the cold, for '.T-~ A~~~~~~~~ found $800,000 i n menbaf the colonial office, With both mllance Address In We.tmlnster ChapoL feathered' and then taken to the Shu- down into the mud of Havana harbor. shivered in her poor jacket and danced t t a b and Switzerland. LOXDOX, Aug. 33.-Dr. Samuel engagcHe will be wanted in coming Porto Rica gone, and t h e Cuba and the Spanish treasury. ~ ~ ~ e opini g n man and locked in a room ments t o patch holes in the sides of from one foot to the other on the cold. Th* Wln.low a t H*mpM= ao*d& ion is loud in praise of the of f a t e of t h e Philippines hanging i n t h e Smith of St. Paul, Minn., delivered a n No apparent war craft, if these wounds mercifully hard stodes, A boy not much older together NEWPORTNEWS.VL. Au3. 33.-The address i n balance. The ooncensus of opiniou Westminster chapel last to discover did S a n Francisco, Cushing. Ericsaon, the ~~~~~i~~~commanders in e r c l u ~ - seems t o be t h a t money would be night on behalf of t h e Anglo-Amer- effort 'vas fall short of being mortal; he will as- watched this performance for a few rebslS fronl the c i t y ~ h ~ r e and then with a sudded I m FVinslorv, 8 t r a n er, Poote end Mana- ing the act' and the ~ 1 s In t wrecking operations when It is colonial offlce saved by abolishing t h e lean league. A large congregation is to believe t h a t theit ki3 arrived in Boad3 t h a t nothing wrong was dono. of took his cap, found necessary to go flshing for the altogether. was present. firmness saved Manila from pillage. t e ay. put it down before her and s'aid, '.Ye i Norale's Convenient Death. valuable portion 'of a Spanish fleet's A Kansas Solaler Dead a t Chlckamau~a. Jllted youth K I I Hlmse1L ~ maun stand on that,fl \ X 8 n l Statlon a t Pago-Pago. NEW YORK,Aug. 20.-Upiteci States equipment after we have treated it as Thelr KloadlLe Dresm Over. CHICEAMA~QA, Aug. 23. - Private MARyv1LLE3 MO'* Aug' 23'-Wi11 SAXP ~ a ~ c r s o Aug. o, 23. -Engineers Minister Hunter of Guatemala cables Dea-ey treated the enemy's fleet at Ma- SEATTLE*mash., Aug. 23.-One h u n - Roy Dumont, Twenty-second Kansas, son of John Be . aged The Other \Vay Around. rent by the navy department to the s t a t e department t h a t General nila; he will be ready to help a United dred and fifty disappoiqted prospect: Company K, who enlisted in Ivichita, of White Cloud township8 took The loyalty of the Scottish Highlandpare proposds for bids for t h e con- Or' States vessel out of a score of unfore~ ~ leader of ~ t h e revolution, ~ l was ~ ~ , 'ITived here lrom& p p r died of 'yphoid fever at the division nine 1Mt night with suicidal latent. ttrnclion of a naval rtation a t Pa@thing. in a cave ~ ~ and seen ~ troublesdthat may~arise when ~ the er ~LO his kiltdIS a picturesque ~ ~ Ils On the thismorning. He was a grad- He died this morninis I t is under. Pago harbor, Sameaq islands, have river' died on his way to prison a t sari se modern warship gets down to fighting will never admit that it makes him sior. with them CdpiefJ of Lewis academy, Wichita, and uate t h a t t h e young man was i n love bastian. cold; and Highlanders who were sufF. p. chambers of N~~ york of a set of resolutions, passed a t a rethat is not all one-sided. made a hard 5 g h t for his life. w i t h a young woman who had rejocted i s t q e chief engineer of the party. Theoretically, the submarine diver fering from cold in the ordinary dress cent miners' meeting, setting f o r t h hisadvances. and t h i s w a s t h e cause of ~ e g r o ~ i a s l o n a r l e s for the ~ o l o n l e s . is a formidable aid in operations ofcivilization have been known to subt h a t gold i n paying quantities has not Arbitrator Between Amerlcr and chlu. his action. Barcelona May Buy Autonomy. FRISKFORT, Ky., Aug. 20.-The gen- against the enemy. Whether or not he stitute the kilt for it. in order to get OTTAWA, Ontario, Aug. 23.-Sir !' MADRID, Aug. 23.-The Catalqn been discovered in t h e vicinity of Cop 7 era1 association of negro Baptists of will be so in practice remains t o be warm-though this would be much like Pope uolds a Receptlog. p.rty in Barcalona is agitating for t h e per river, and t h a t t h e Valdez glacier Henry Strong, chief justice of Canada, qemoving one's coat and yaistcoat and ROME,Aug. 23.-The pope held a re- Icentucky, i n session here, adopted seen. The theorists asert that the div- '''ling oreation of a n administrative provin- i s impassable for large outfits. The will be inrested to-day mith t h e comup One'' the er can be sent under water On res01uti~n3 favoring the sending mission rppointing him sole arbitrator ception yesterday i n honor of his resolutions censuro the booming of the d.1 council, odering t o p r y t h e s t a t e same It Is said that a nights to to his way Into the pined ~1,000,000 for the privilege of country by certain transportation corn. in the claims disputed between the saint's day. Uis holinese appeared to nico, tho Philippines and qawaii. entrances t o harbors and cut the wires ger, seeing a soldier in full Highlander United States and Chili. be i n good health and-spirits. panies. crutonomy. connecting the explosives with the uniform shivering in a cold wind. asked Spantsh TarM I n Yorto Rlco. 860,000 In One Day for Mls$lonl shore; or they say he can attach mines him: "Sandy, are you cold with t h e Very mot In Franca 1.600 Chlne8e Troops Slaln. A Grand 1v.r' concert. WAsnrx~Tox~ lvarde- to the keels of anchored war craft and kilt?" "Na, na, moo," the soldier anOLD ORCHARD. Me., AUO- 23.-The P ~ a r s , Aug. 23.-The almost troplFR.xcrsco, hug. ?3,-News has CIsnrxarr, 23.-0ne of missionary collection taken a t the partment gave out tho tariff rates for explode the mines when he reaches swered, indignantly, "but I'm nigh kilt the unusual featured for t h e thirty- just reached here from the Orient that, eal heat which has been experienced Christian Alliance meeting3 presided 'orb Rice tO-dayb The rate is with the cauld!'* cables safe distance; or he can saw the here for some days was increased yesearly in julY, there was a battle beencampment 0.A, P. rates Dr. Wmpsou yesterday Spanish minimum of anchored vessels and put their crews UoU6e -commons, in t h b city, september 5 to 10, is a tween t h e rebels a t Wu-Chow and tho terday, and many deaths a r e re- over Iore in the laland' The to- to great inccnvenlence. if not in R Po- Addres8hg-Nembers ~~~b~~~ are not allored to refer to c,nc,rt to be g!ren on t h e first imperial Chinese troops, in which the ported. The trOops maneurering bacco 's t' s same as that lor sition of positive danger. amounted amount t o (6O.OW w a s pledged ACout towardsendW1lDO each Other by name in debate' The *rm of the enurmpment a c e * former were rictorious Over i,roO of t h e Nancy district suffered terribly, to Cuba and tho There is ~CarCelyany limit t'o !he t h e troops were slain and their bodies and 500 of them were ovcroome by tho Philippines. at Mnsio hall. member who is addressed \ More Troop4 for llonolula theorists' suggestions for using the subheat, some of whom have djed. were thrown into t h e river. by name is the chairman who preside3 SANFn-~h-c~sco,Aug. :O.-Three bun. marine diver as a means of offense in Over Ordered to Pay Manlla Troops Promotion for Elgabee. Of the hpuse In the Crowds VLlt t h e Fleet. naval campaigns, but moat of the plans Manlla Leaders Thanked. drcd and ta.enty-flre oficers and men \ ~ ~ ~ 93,-paymaster ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ x , i v a a m s e ~ o r v , Augt 23.-The PresiOn a member rising to YOBa, ?3.-The sllips v h i o n a r ~ , and it is probable that are W ~ s n ~ s e r o rh,u g , 23. -President General Stanton has ordered threo ,of t h e New Y o r t regiment embarked dent has promoted Captain Charles Nqw Sampson's fleet r e ' paymastera t o go t o Manila and pay on board the steamship Alliance yes- the most practical use to which the speak in committee he begins with "Mr. .&igsbce, U. 8. N., now cornmanding McKinley last night cabled t o Admiral longing and with Chairyesterday' the trmpsthere. *hey ,vill froP1 terday morning and will sail for u o n - diver can be put 1s t o clean and repair man," as at g u b l i c meetin8s.-Ninet h e St. Paul, by advancing him three Dewey and General Merritt his and ceired thousands of the ships of his own nation when it js It is estimated 125*000 visited olulu t o b y . t h e ntttiop's congratulations upon their &n Francisco i n a day or two. numbers ~p t h e LiSt of captaini in t h e -, , -2.*--. , .eressarv that the cleaninz and re- teenth Century. irland. * capture of Manila. '=vy for_"%xtnrordinary heroism." Tneral . ' -... tarid . 5 - __Y__* - ElIGIIT UNDER WATEH, ".The - - ~ ' - -- ' irmpton - - . &- I ~ ~ w - . -2 . I u Cbe @rb Quf3. om, - - - * ' NEWS OF WEEK'S E V E N T S NEBRASgd &.q-T~---- NEBRAS I(A NOTES. ' -~ ~ fcountp f ~is llarvcsting l ~ an usually large crop of celery. Fonca h a s a new elevator with a storage capacity of S,OOo bushels. The Re,den %Jews h again 1%ith C. S. Harris a s editor. a0.t 1mport.rnt Iiappcnlng- of t h e p a s t Sexen 1)ays I3riefly ~ I e ~ ~ t l n n e c l -Par.i~ tionk of tile S t r t c C Hrrulue of S e b r a e k ~S e n s. Governor fIolcomb and Shafter Fcela "Achy." Adjutant Tuesday, Aaguat 30. ~ ' E i 3 b r ~ 1 boy . 3 \\.as appendicitis thc other ruotion a l l \% iuter. yllc I,jncoln post has snsthe not equalling t h e expenditures. T h e 1:eatricc Canning company is putting up a n average of 17,000 cans of corn and tonlatoes daily. Willie Tate, a colored boy aged 14, was rnn over by a n electric motor Car i n Orualia and instantly killed. ' hardly comport with tho discipline of he men from whom these now cured $21. T h e Sort11 Ucud Eagle avoips making itself odious t o a n y of i t s readers by studiou4y ~ n a i u t a i n i n g political ncutrality. Columbllq people h a r e a t last Cona public building, On cluded eitllzr side of tile railroad tract<, will and justly treated American labor. benefit the town. State fuxlding bonds State relief bonds. .,. T h e Eepublican river seems t o be teeming with carp and g r e a t strings of them a r e sold i 2 Superior and other towns along the valley. A travelliug troupe, playing "Uncle YomqsCabin," stranded i n \Vague and t h e sheriff sold t h e tent, bloodllou~d and other fixtures for $85. L)ison county t o raise t h e big& crops of a n y c,ouaty i n t h e state. It also is proud of t h e fact t h a t it doesn't owe o dollar on earth. Tile Leigh IYorld has been sold by Editor S a u n d e r ~to i t s former. owner, Cllarles Swallon-, now publisher of +.helluluphrey Democrat. cash from t h e Paciflc ny in Omaha yesterday. s consigned by t h e First of Omaha t o t h e Citibank of St. Paul, llinn. i n t h e small iron safe i n . . . .. .. . orlr from'Hamstcad, to Camp Mead % ' are entitled t o re8t. Bow are yoq?" ' "A little achy,'' replied the general, on the continent. I charge the tion of my men to it and to th tions surrounding it. For we ------ t o September 1, 189 J. V. R. \Yest Alexandria purchased a horse the other day, and t h e first thing i t did as t o kick him behimself instantly. 11 low the kncc. Uc getsabout wit11 t h e the public schools. aid of crutclies.' A n r m c l - near \Vryne has seried DOtice o n tlic town boys t h a t anyone t h e past \veel< has been hot and dry, molesting his watermelon patch mill with a n excess of sunshine and generpcpperrci ,,ith buslibhot and sent b o u c in a hcarse. . O'CoIluor of Secora is id hobpital a t sioux City. lie d e u t t o E ~toolr on~a h e a G ~jag and~a t ~ ~ , tewpteLlto \vhip everybody, with t h e sesu?t a s above stated. E e n Norris, says t h e A l b i o ~h:effs, i g e t t i n g pretty = e l l along id gear lie went a l l through t h e mar of t l rebellion, but he never came so ne g e t t i n g sh<bta s he did one day rcce ly, when he got t h e contents of a s gun through t h e rim of his h a t h a t w o inches from his .face. The was s t a r t i n g t o f a l l over a n d he bed i t , t h c hammer caught, a she went. Along t h e Atlnotta Cowt. tion Lo U e Ment t o lIosp1t.rle. burrenderad a t Sanllngo. tkern in tirue. " T h e miniature dry dock h a novelty. tlorne newspaper.-Hancroft Blacle. usual efforts t o mpke t h e fair a decided success this year. It comes Septernber 13, 14, 15 and 10 and the management is leaving nothing undone to furnish rt good display and good entqrtaiwnent for a l l who attend. , fo locate t h e sick soldier boy. rnnduct asked t h e lu to t h e bank wit11 h w onnds penetrated t h e cllest. Melvin Shracli, and Clyde Potter are a1 t h e matter; I All t h r e e rested. . idi 111 Irt A 3 (Ijl The Old Palace of Trade, the onl oxolusive ~ r o yo d s .House in this fart of the wtttte bas bloomed out in r fomand style than ever. we ca,ns low , more ladies' FINE Worated an ress Goods than is to be fourl(j,in the l); ria G. W. MILFORD& SONS. department stores of the county. 111 ' \ ,, 111 vll 111 TP? 111 vvv \ I I Tho wor~tedgoods that are eold in the department stores of the county for ili 15 cents a yard we,sell at 10 cents. 118 . w, ~~IILFO;RD 6& SQNW. \ ' I We have on display nnd are now. offering for sale the largest line of clotlliug ever before offered to the trade .of tlli.9 part of the state froln two aollare and fifty cents up to the fluest showu to the trade. G. W. MILFORD & SONS. 117 111 ?! 'i ' THE ORD OUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. Ir -- . . . , . , .- - LILY Q U E E N VICTORIA IS RICH. .. ear l d r e n V sdresses w'tb the .. Eightll.n"~dand fifty men of the R E T U R N S O F BRITISH TRADE. ran* In P a r h a bow Of lace puff, the flounced epaulette, or after oana and Rents 000 1Iouses a n d Uas , coverings. Twenty-third Uansas roli~ntckrs,col-orcd, h a r e arrived a t santiago op tile Incren~edExport of UlflltnerY an* Iw or ribbon or what not, directly under the fashion of the English sleeves. Large I.unded Estatca. 1 ere.~aecl Imports of Otllef ArtlcloL The announcement that Queen VicITEMS OF INTEREST M A I D S the chin, i s exceedingly Popular, while Sallor hats, large, flapptng affairs, and ~ N F O R M A T ~ O NFROM ALL steamcrVigi1ancia. Thcy are a1l;vell. , Hrltlsh trade returns lur the sI* A N D MATRONS. another good style is that of finishing hood-like head coverlngs of flexible toria is to leave, by will, Osbcrne house PARTS O F T H E WORLD. E'riduy. September 3. months end!ng June 30 show a slight the collar with two triangular pieces of straw, siuply trimmed with knots of to one daughter and Balmoral, the 1 Ten new cases of S L ' ~ ~ O W fcvrr, in :I increase in the exports, principally in the drees goods, edged with lace a n 3 ribbon, are in favor for little girls be- r o j a l residence III the hig'llands, to the mild form, a r e reported froln Ou\vood machinery, b u t the imports continue Some Soter ot t l r Woder-The Gathered standing high and erect prcclsely over tween tho ages of four and twelve. duke. of Concaught, recalls the fact 1irentn of 3 x 0 ~TllRll ~ rassillx I~~~~~~~ 10 have the same tendency to augment CosturuoP**re ' which Have Tran~piredSince the \Var 11iss. i11e nearer's ear. Wilh dresses opened Thcq the fashions of their elders are ' , that tho man who wou!d devour this Gencral Shaftcr has retnrncd f r a t the adverse balance already noticed at Eudeil-Pewc l'rogress and 11ovemrnts feet for Jnbrnllor.--.x C l l l l d ' ~ Eeercr a little in front, a dog collar of satin, gradually assumed. At first little particular wido-gVshous?e must p a k e 'Ie e.uprMscd 1liln.self a n the 2nd of each prcvicus month of the JacBct-lllllta for t~jutlIoosehold. lloclting ncatly in ttie rear, gets much trimming is noticeable, and simplicity a n u n c o m ~ o n l yfull me$,!, say3 i?h exof Army, Savy, and Depsrtmcnts. interview a.s well p!cased with t h e oub The excess of imports patronage from women who kflow that is the main requisite. Little by little change, I t was discover~da fek: weeks --come of tlie c a n ~ p a i g nbefore Santiavo, present oyer exports for the last six months is inclined t o t h i n k that, Tuegday, ~ u g u b tYO. The Indlnn hIolller'e Lament. . their white throata are all the m3iter the ruchings, ribbon& and feathers that ,ince that t.he queeu owlled 600 houses . for :his blac:~swathing. decorate the hats of their elders in various pal-ts of ~3;1@11d, not rcynl afnlieton,,k i n g samoa, died o f tr- w i n g the big llitficnlties cncouutered, a"ou'-lts to $495,756,250, being over All sad amld the forest villa , i t \vas a remarliab!e triumpli for Am- $100,000,000 greater than in, 1897, and A , ~~ ~ m o t hdt r t,-cpt, i ~ ~ added. -.... ,,. 1111oidfevcr. resiOencee, but rent-ylel?qng property, Crican more, t!lan $144,000,000 over 1896. The And fondly gazed upoil her child Uiut from Parts. 1 -+ Crop failcrcs in Russia are causing and thet about 6,000 hoyses hzd been 1." Es-JIagor Cruse 11. Twitchell, of steady and continuous decline in UritIn death who coldly slept. r ~ ~ u cdistres:j. h The illustratlsn represents a pretty \yomen ~ ~ g for s t Isread. built b y crow:^ lessees on building Me.. a very prolnincnt eitize~lof ish trade appears to be attracting a She decked I t s limbs will, tremS1i,3s hand, dress. of pink afid whlte fancy lawn, other kinds of hungry. pea- leaseholds by the queen. She then hsd 'lospita1 silip "lace a t llatli, =here t h a t cit.y, an11 a lncmber of (;orrer?ior good deal of attention froln foreign sang I n Lccents low: , 1:oston jesterday. these refugees, says a corre- "!SO rent from rnarhcts ar;l toll3 from l'owers'The c0u1lCil, is of confessed eil:t)ez- governments, among others the Swe- "Alone, alone, to the spirit-lurid. Culrcr'b xebraska h a s been zlcr. nlnount 'the cinbt.eeleferr!es, besides t h e proceed.r from ;lines Jly darling, thou must go! spondent of the New YorlKTimes, dish, which has caused a special reordered ~ u u s t e r cout, ~~ a ~ d~ t h c rworlrs u-3n her property incnt is p1:tced a t $1-;3,000, but i t may women who have be drawn up on th9 subj'ct. , ing from santiago, "I would that I mlght be thy guide Oerleral Don Carlos Boell, n.aed SO, rsccc.d th;lt sum. Tile total represents Port to luxuries, and who 0' the c.l.o%' Pl.cPerkY. Sb* has large To that bl.lght isle of restTllfs report, conlpnring the production been is dyina a t llis holne a t I'ardc\iie, Ky. sullls taliell a t variolls times ,,.llile he, estates in Yor!:c:lire, Oxfordshi~ep d bear O'i.r t h e swelling of iron ore in England from 1871 to even now are able to wear fine clothe3 Lieutcncnt Iiobson at Connwted witll tile \ v 1895 ~with that~ in Germany ~ ~ ~ Clasped~ to my loving ~ breast! Perks, v~lu:ible lands in tke of and the tiago 11e lrill t \ ~ u o l e u~ l i u ~ u f a c t u r company. in~ aild are crying, fight- Man and Alderxey, Scotlan.1, Irelard I t is no\-< insinuated t h a t tfle suicide United States, Sh0vis the English out"I've wrar~ped thee n-ith the bcavcr's inp, for nlero bread as gpain fights tor t h e r:lising of t h e ('llristobnl Cololl skin, of Lieute,nant-Coloncl llenrg, the chief put to have gone down from 16,087,030 :;nd Maria Teresa. honor. El Caney is crowded with the and Wales. Of tha New F'rest there are 3,000 acres of absolute and sixtyAmbass:ldor Hay bas gone to os- of dhc iritelligence d c p a r t n ~ c u tof t h e tons to 12,249.000, while the German: : A largest population it ever harbored, and ", : t 1 : ~ ~ ~ f ~ ~ ~ ~ h snow-shoes y sort and warm. I,orue IloL!sc.,Isle of \Vight, to bid t h e I'rench n l i l l i , t r ~for W r , was conn;rcd Output has more than doubled, and that 10,000 to 20,000 half or wholly famished three acres of coutiilgent crO\k.ll prcD- . erty. Her majesty enjoys inrr.ne from queen goodbye, previous to sailing f o r a t by the l'".encll army authorities. In of this country has risen from a yearly sufrering there the pangs of other forests all:l Ilome t o assume duties of secretary of aRy Case, the suicide occurred ~ho.:tly average of 4,532,000 to one of 14,288,030 "I've given thee milk to cheer thy hm-lger and the s h m e of mkedness. Mixed with the tears I weep: state. after tlic prisoner had received a v ~ e i t tons. The production of Ore for the ~ 1 1 ycradle, too, where thou must lay properties in alld abcut Lccdo2. to Cuba too soon' daWe did not thC Isle of b7ig:lt, and At o.elocli, morn- from a n oBicer of thc general staff. same period in Spain increased nineOsbcrne, Thy wtary head to slcep. These ,lg, orJcre3 sentry on spite the sacrifice we make. i n g , a fire L~roke out in Phillips anci IT.ho, on The production of pig iron In Balmoral, in the higi-lands, aye the duty before C O I O ~ ~FIenry's I place of 'Old. thy hand, -1 place tile paddle people throng BbbUt the ,<utteritis retail hard\varo a t confinelr~entllot to clisturb the prison- Er.gland as CXmPared with that prop r i r l t e property of the ellecn and are T , guide wtlera watprs flow: Americans, a n d bejeweled ~ ~ n i n t a i n eout d of hcr OI-T~I 1:icorne. But xabllville*Tt'nn" which to el- a s he ha.1 l o t of \vork to do. I t is duced all over the world has sunk or alone, alone, t o the sytrit's land, causc a great loss. , thrust children back from the dfspen- she hzs the use of a fc,, ra;lal p;ilaces recalltd t h a t a similar ogportunity to from 46.3 to 27.5 per cent, and that of MY darling, thou must go. sew Of and strike One another 11. T. l1igginst cashier of t h e tress- commit suicide l r a s siYolrld t o Urcy- this country has risen from 16.1 to 30.9 besides, and these ar9 mcfa;aj;led by thrQufih forerts nrrrs' oflie' of the rsland fus, who, hu\vcVer, declined t o profit per cent. I~ the output of coal Eng- ..There fiercely to beat down riv+l.ls in this race the nation at an annuill expenditure green. 1.oad a t Chicago, was taking a vapor by it. against fanline. Even the families of ranging from $2,500 to $50,003. The Thy fathers chase the dcer, land still has the lead in the world's bath when the macliint cupiodcd, the f ~ r e f g lconsuls, l it is said, are withproduction, but Is gradual!y lQsing it, : : O ; ~ ~ ~ 1 p~ ~ ~ p Seen , ~ " ~s ~ & ~ Saturday, ~ e p t e u ~ b e3.r scalding him to death. is i n tho o c c u p l n , ~ y BuckingOwing t o exposures made by Lieu. h" proportion having Calleil from 47 I 6ut food. ham palace, Windsor castle,. tho vr!lite John hleelr of ~ ' r C I n o n t O., , has reBut the.distrees of these peircd chec]i f o r $100 from ~ ; ~ t e n~ a n t~ IIenr.y, ~ i of lt h e ~ French a r ~ u y , to 84 per cent, while that of Germany *'And tho4 some chleftaln's bride may lodge a t Richmcnd park a n d ' > a r t of St. de Qursada, ch;irye d'affairj of tile j:r- l?revious t o his arrest and suicide, has -isen slightly from 17 to 18 per 9 Myb2,-ed departing be we O 'n give James' palace, The renlalnder of the Captain 1)regfub' chances f o r a rehear- cent, h ~ that t of this country from 17 say, wilt t h o u nel-er to them what we ~ ~ u b lof i e Cuba, wit11 il letter esp!oingivcshelter~ l&st-named palace Is cccupfed by other i n g t h a t tht: amount was left in his in:: are goocl, and lie will undoubtedly to 30. Of the general trado of the so desolate and lone? ~ r b t w t l o n .food, freedom. W h a t haye members of the roy:l tarnily. otller cleared. M. del t'resse, melnber of four greatest trading ~ . , . l l t r i e s ,Gerhapds by a Cuban g e u t l e u ~ a n uau:cd t h Y to give to us-not in return, not royal pillacPs malntnlnpd as s,l,h, (lambrcsis t o be g i y n t o the ~ i f c . , tl:e chamber of deputies, a n d foreipil many, r r a n c e , Great Britain and the s'X'll keep one lock of raven halr * inevitably? Culled from t h y stlll cold brow. by Balls & Deshaycs. The .skirt 13 in r e c O m P c ~ e but though not in the occu;>accy ~f tho parents, or brother o r sister of tllc cditor of tho Temps, is organizing United the first and last named wherl 1. too. shill travel there, t d m m e d with mauve velvet, .and the case-death. They come nct with e m p queen, are ~~~~i~~~~~palaze, H ~ ~ ; ~ first L\loerican born sailor rv-llo sllonld meetings throughout the country in have fncrrased each 15 per cent, that That M Y Jal1glllt.r 1 may know. corsage is of the same, Qraped. and ty h ~ ~ n d s . die in the ,,.u free cuba. ?rlr, ~ ~ favor ~ of a, krellearing. ' ~110 has written ton court, which, aceording to a re~ France has steadily decline,d, and ,,But 6-ol-to son, George U. hleek, n.as a first class a letter of congriltulatiou t o M a d a ~ of t h a t happy band: with il yoke of thread' guipure and Perhaps i t was bad golic,y, looked a t cent estimate based on the statistics vain is m y fruitless \voe: firelnaII on the torpedo boat \ ~ i 1)reyfus. ~ ~ l,Itadurn ~ T)rayfus, ~ ~ sa far, h s s that of En$la.nd has increased only 2.5 bertha, forming eqaulets. Waistband from a military and selflsh point of of eight or' ten years, ccsts the nat!on and was the first mall killed in the taken n o action. High otticers.confes.s per cent. The state of thinkj descrip- For alone, alone, to the spirit's 1a)nd. 1of ma5ve velvet.--Sew York EIecald. vlew. Perhaps it was necessary, look- On the averag'e of over $70,000 a year: hlv darling, thou must go!" t h a t t h e discussions t h a t will f o l l o ~ ed in the Swedish report appears to be engageolent a t Cardeuas. revision will probably entail w a r be- causing sometlling of a in . ed at from the higher point of v i e w o f Kew palsce, Pembrolce lodge, tho \Vec?nnsday, ~ u g u s 31. t twec.n France and Ger~nany.but t b r y mercial clr'cles ill England, .and more humanity. If we had given these Peo- thatched cottage and Sheen cottage, The rift11 and Seveuth Illinois rol- s:ty t!lat \vould be preferable t o hav- atten"on ple just one'day or two days in which Richmond park; Bushy house, in liein' 'Iven lo the growing lrllteer resimellts are to be ing t h e army remain under a cloud, t o leave Santiago and had refused to Bushy park, and Holyrood ~ a l a c e . with the possibilities of agitation lead competitioi~of this country. The fear ----out. i' shelter and feed them, we could have that Germ-ny was going to prove the The loss by t l ~ dSashvillc fire was i"g to successful rival of England In the gone ahead unhampered and taken the NOT M V L T ~ P L Y ~ NR CA P I D L Y ; over 8500,000. Spudmy, Srptembcr 4. city and beeri ourselves whole and safe --world's t ~ a d eis giving place to' a ~ n t r a ~ c s c o u l m i t t ebyf;cattma!:tns d London n c w ~ p a p c r a esprcss thern- greater f y a r of the unrivaled power now, the hills, suwr[or to The Sewinole Indlanq I:2 P'1or:lla IIare o n l f e x i c s n s is pariog the way for selves as plea.;ed a t the pruspect of an of produ,:tion or this country, and of fate. But we are Americans, not sav6t.rh.t Laws ~ b , ~ : lnr:~rriaxe. t trouble. English-German alliance. b r . J. E. Urecht, superintendent Of its singularly advantageous position in ages or Spauinrds, we cannot ignore Tile president will visit N o u t a ~ ~ k The gold in t h e treabury is steadily the lnost populated others. must silffel.with them ant1 thd florid^ Indians, with hesdquarlcrs Point and ir~vestigatethe contlitiou of clirnbing upward, and yesterday again respect a t Fort hlqers, arrived in tho city >-csfor them. t h e camp. broke a record, tvith a total reserve of section of tha earth, western Europe terday from Tallahassee, his m l e s i ~ n eastern Asia. The re"But the p'roblem remains. We Emperor \ ~ i l i i a ~of n . Gerrnabj llas S:!20,918,?H.', t h e highest iu the history there b e h g to purchase l a r d s with the elations of the trade statistics of this of the re5erve. , hignided his willingnesi t o attend the now menaced with yello\v fever*malarappropr~atioll of $3,000 now annually conpress proposed Ly the Russian ern~ o r c s fires t are raging in !Viseonsin. country for the last Year hade opened ial fever, and other disea~e~s, the fruit set apart by the geceral' government pe ror. on tile recolnrllendation o f the slved- wide the eyes of those in England who of Spanish filthiness. I do not know lor the Seninoles, says the Florida T l ~ c s t e a ~ u e r Roanoke arrived a t isb-?r'orn-cgian council, Icing Oscar h a s have hither:o regarded Germally a s the how we with this prqblen Times-Unlbn. Ixcretofore the 4"iand the Seattle from St. Michacl, ;ila.ska, with uotified the czar of his acceptauce of most 'dangerous com~~etitor, that our generosity has msumed th:it lloles have been honleless, so far as 459 passengers and about $1,500,000 t h e invitation t o send delegates t o the danger is recognized to be the more our national virtue could not refuse. wort11 of gold dust. / peace conference. serious because the rivalry of Germany of land is concrrned. Tho We cannot retreat; we must g.0 on an3 4octor has ;ocate,i and all Since Camp Jrerritt h a s b e e n ab.znT l ~ cdistilling steamer 1,ris sailed was in price only a t the expense O f Hi??htthis war Out and crush disease and (heir babitat1on.q and his endearor now don6d ax~dthe soldiers removed t o t h e from Xorfol'tt to .\lontaulc Point t o sup- quality, while that of t h i s country exthe prolnoters of disease with the same presidio, thc condition of the inen has ply frcah drinking water t o t h e sol- terds to both price and qilality. Sureto pursue the rork of sec.iTiag greatly improved. dierg a t ('amp \Vikoff. The transport ly a greater than G~~~~~~~ is here, 6ays Odr and Our *Ise in the names of the Indiviciual awnera. a prt?caution~may rescue us, but many "The Indians,t9 says C;-echt, Nine hnudred Spaniards who at- City of f'cltili has Bone out of com1'Jir- one of the English financial orgalln, . tempted to flee from Manila in threr hion and \rill be rtiturned to t h e own- commentillg upon the wonderful showsacrifices will have been offered UP to n o t ~ m u l t l g l y i n grapidly, This is cue binall vessels are believed to have been WS. this cause that we have espoused. ing nf American trade statistics for the to phys!ological and ~ o c i a l reasons. dromncd duriug a storm. The crisis in France o r c r the Drey- last period, a n d asks in all , . . In Still there has peen a11 increase. B. rranlcs of fus affair is near. Thc minister oi S@riousnessif the moment can really be . 1859 there were but 112. Now ''jicla Patenf Leatller Ssllors. ibrnpany 0 , ~ ~ , . ~ N~~ l f t l y~o r k , ,yas war, 31. lhvaiguac, fearing thc coming cllll~bcdt o inhensibility by ncgroes a t "torin, h a s resiwned. premier Hrisson a t hand when England will cease to be There are so many new wrinkles in are something over 500. Tlle chief soChattirllooaa and thro\yn undrr a ,rail- a ~ odt ! ~ ' mclutrrs of t h e cabinet are the shopkeeping nation o t the world, that it is impwsible, to caver clal reason for their 810% propaxai.ion road train because 110 refllscd to al. inclil~cdt o g r a n t Ilregfus n rehearing. and will have to take off its hat in tllem all in one ~ ~ ~ i f l is c lthe ~ lcustom of countenancing no marI t is currently reported ' t h a t t h v farewell t~ its former customers aud low negroes t o sell mil!< t o his colnpariago of persons who have a drop of Ihe , fruit is beillg used in trimming hats. uy. Tlle milk caused t k e deatli of Spanish ministe1.s h a r e defiuitely se- retire f r o ~ nbusi~iess.-Ex. .. This is Cherries are mrch in vogue on the same blood in their vei:ls. three of his luen and h c issued orders lttcted the f o l l o \ ~ i n gpeace c o r n ~ ~ ~ i s s i o u sometime8 hard on the girls. Une other side, and when used as a trimrefusing them t h e privilege. crs: General Raifiael Cerero y Szepz, oldest of the Gla8a-Blo\rers. ming on hats of deep straw leader I know has two beautiful danghgeneral of ezigincers; Senor &ugcnilo Tharxdax, SepFcmSer 1. James Michels Is the Granrj ljontero Rios, senor Villauyutia, under are very smart. They are frequently cers who cannot get married b e c ~ u s e Adjutant General C o r b i ~ has anof foreign 31d Man of the' glass blowihg trade, combined with black velvet bows. the eligible young men are alsos! all nounced t h a t the First rolunterr cayHis experience extends from the days earthquake shoclifi were felt at make a pretty, trim- akin to them. Very oltfn tLe cllstonl White gull c l v (Rooscvelt's) rough riders \l-ould be santiago de cuba ~ causes strange allisacs:, and I know of ~ ~ evening. ~ ~ when d ;methods , ~ were crude and undemlng for sailor hats and relieved from service at once. The first, \vllich occurred at?:O5 o'clock, veloped t o this age of n~achinery an,l and black In millinery a number of inst?ncto v t c r e yo.lng North rarolina,raill'cadcolnmis. was of of unusual severity and shook rapld production. It began with tho 20 have of 'O. grow hourly in 'favor. The sailor hat bucks sion bas decided t h a t t h e southern Ex- c v e r j house jn the c i t j . The f r i g h t e n apprenticeship labor system, a t tho "The reason fcr a lack of illcrcac9 is pre"' colnpany sha'lk'zYthc mar s t a m p ed people r a n out into the streets. The very inception of the. conflict betweon of wllfte patent leather ie being worn On ~ ~ ~ 'rho ~ order ~ goes ~ e second s shock, . which was lighter, oc- capital and labor, and covers the stirIn New York. In fine a scarf the dearth of IrnowleJgc on th? I-art of is twisted about the men and women of phys!v!ogy, sa: itainto effect Sefitembcr 1.2, and tho pen- curred just oue hour later. of white ring period which wltnessed the birth tion anqhyglene. Tho mother:, tbo;rgh crown and a of flowers is laid The dead bodies of .\latiIda l u l l i n s . and the emancipation of tra[ies e a l e aged intensely' fond of their offs?:.ing, nill and lsauc J1ullin.s% carelessly on the brinl. When the of the worknlnn, mechanic and obey the order. allow thexu to ~t:t?Y the,l<srlves v.it11 ten years, were found yesterday ab , weather is threatening a white surah The American social science associa- I)akers9 1,yord creek ,Charleston And in this vast m o v e r n e ~ ~3Iichela t sash takes th place of the and food and trash in the s l l a ~ eof ,:rind. t.ion s e n t a cablegram t o Emperor \y vU no clue call be secured took a most active part. His efforts & n a y dcalCs oris caught at one charcoal and c1.r. a white or bl&k Sicholas of RusLia coltgratulating him th;j do;;ble murder. s i x murders have find their fruit in the Amalgamted Ascur during the first three Years. !It a for side. An odd little in loft.y purpose has Overture $01- occurred in the same vicinity during sociatton of Iron, Steel and Tin Worka better undcr,standillg aluOniC nations the past s i r years, all due t o familg ers, and in the Window Glass Worklinery is of black tulle run wlth gold child lives to be 5 you c m ' t kill hlnl and for better economic conditions feuds. I , ers' association. To IkIichels belongs thread. The tulle 1s arranged In a "Ith a lightnocd "If the parents !~I:CIY r o r e cf dip:. I.he lor their pcoplc' and confides in its fluffy circle and the center T h e Second S e b r a s k a is homo again, the d i s t i n ~ t i o nof having laid the fo-lac v t ~ ~ t usuccess. al race would rapidly i;lerease, fo: a ' F o u r train load o t soldiers reached dations on lvhfch both of these there a for the coiffure. Frob -idjutant-(:eneral orbi in' h a s given OlnalIa Satordnf gauze streamers stronger, e o u n h P ~ O P ?! r~e not '0 be the first ful u~llonswere built, and he has lived the back falls two Their women ;\re his conseut, to caring f o r the sick men ' about o.cloclc alIcl last at that nlay be wound and found found on the earth. to see them wield a mighty Influence from the Second regiment in the Omathe purest of the pure. 9 whole realnl a. boys the effects the throat and caught with a great Ila liospital a t t h e expense of the gor- of 3Iichels is a rougl,ing it and Inany also the in the industrial world. cannot change them from the pat.h of enlLnent. JVhell t h e sick were s e u t lines of sickness and cluster of red roses or a bunch of vio. FOR S U N N Y A U T U ~ I N DAYS. ~l~~~~ hale, hearty man. IIe Is still a t work L e a d n e ~ sIs an' unltnovin ~ i o . " virtue. nOrt'h men ,,,re 136 sic! illen on board t h e 'trains a t his trade. He is yet able to lift tho lets beneath the chin. --.-stopped at,omaha for 'vilom no pro- and thirty-SIX were left a t t h e Wt. bloy-er's pipe and turn out single or ' --Twelve Cer~talor s C'our*n nlnner. vision hall been made. U1111y Cold Sponge Uath. C'rooli hospital. The citizens of Omaha double strength. He 1s the oldeat .Child'? Heeler ~ h e k e t . years t h e city O f GrenOD1el 11" S@.~.bor@ Gl.1 ..rhea. ~ e d l a L i e ~ ~ t . ~ ~ a . t - ~ o lrenry. ~ o n e l Who \vaS s s)lo\ved great i n k r e s t in t l r retuning glass blower in the uni(ed states Bupting red cloth made this smart Although "docturs differ" about still Your t r d y well get up a t (he In has maintained a muo!cip'l :irrested last evening on the ch:irgc of yeteraus Cllickalnauga the engaged a t his trade. His form little reefer, black braid in stralgh? many things, they all agree as to tha havin bccll author of a n import- friends the soldiers lwtll fNrnOlnaha rows and scroll design with gilt mill- advisabilil~of the dally bath, and the reaside does not wear a gold, silver or restaurant and kitchens nlt lstter, \.lliCh figured in and from out, in the st,abeivere. uumer, erect, his step firm and h h lungs souon tary buttons adding much to its'up-to- majority say that it is best taken cold, gun met81 chain about her neck. She a r e codked and supplled at cost. The intellect is keen as a drum. food is of the best quality, the cooks , fus case, coinmitted suicide tonlglit. oils. ---Iiis arrest was one of the most hens&a brightness about his eye8 showu the date style. This style of jacket retains unless the bather's vitality is much be- cares not if the metal thread is strung are skillful and is excellent. low the .average. A cold sponge bath Llonclny, September 5 . ' with jewels as big a s her thumb, and its well-merited popularity, no child's tiorla1 developments in this estraorcliiptelligen+, ltindly disposition of tile One may dine there on bread a,ld soup is an excellent tonic as well as an ax precious as the'tomb of Mahornet. nary affair. 1Ie has bcen t l ~ r o u g h o u t I t is 1e:irnecl from ICarlstein, t h e man, old in but young in fipirit. tor three cents and have hunger the champion of t h e army, against home of his daughkcr, t h a t es-Ambnsadmirable prophylactic. They are incidents in her past life, not thoroughly Newville, hlimn He 'Om 'Iear or he may gay' Cbionel Picquart, with wliom he fongh t sador Bi~yard'scondition is w r y critiThe summer is the best time to ac- to be recalled, and in their stead she Pe''l:12 cents and en,oy a ,vurse a duel. The new davelop~neut~ L I ~ ~ R L 'cal, P , and i t is t h o u g h t h e c a n n o t survive wears an elastic ribbon, one-fourth of , sylvanla, March 17, 1832.-PilCsbur~ quire the habit. LO alter tht: aspect of both Creyfus many days. Use a bathing gJove or wash rag* an inch aide, black or white, and long c-ascs. ant1 to practieally nullify t h e ~t to been definitely de- Dispatch.-and Soap YOllrself rapidly and thor- enough to pass round her necl~,havevidc~lceof Ciencral~k't'llieux and Iiois termined t h a t the Third Nebraska, \VluaAo\v'~ Parrot 111 IIattle. oughly from head to foot. This 0ugllt ing two ends to tuclr in her belt. A de E'evre and the declarat1on:i of the colnmanded by co1, \yilliam ,lennings BPRINGFIELD, MO. "ile was In his iron cage hanging to take more than two three slide slips over the ribbon, a jeweled R,,tored to Health Milea, n ~ i n l s l e rof war, hl. &vaignrtc, in tlre urynn, is not to be imlllediately milschamber of dzpntier. I n fact somi! tered out of service, is .toe have a right over the front O f the toner . minutes, for the quick rubbing is es- slide, very small; either a wee square tive Nervlne. pecially desirable, both as exercise and tortoise in a gypsy setting or three inpeople believe t h a t t h e rca! t u r n i r ~ g chaIlse for glory w i t h the troopsof tile there," the tar went on, in answer to point iu t h e Ilreyfus case h a been regular army who will be sent within several questions. "He dldn't seem to for the skin. Then wash the soap ofit flnlteslmal diamonds set in a row. BY reached, and t h a t a revision of the trial the nest ninrty dVs to cuba,. mind things much, eithrr. He just , rubbing as hard and as fast as You can,, aid of a slide a loop of ribbon is made o f the Prisoner of Devil's island will ba A \Yin:lipeg special says: "IndiaIls kept cussing to himself quietly. ~~t and then in the same fashion wit!) to one end to drop over the head, CO1ouel l l c n r ~ to hav- reaching 1)auphin from the f a r north a shell went through the starboard a Turkish towel, Or, still better. One of of the narrow silk is fastened a ing committed the forgery, "owing to report ]neetiny a n Esrluimaux, Yho boiler, and' then I saw. the lieutenant , crash. The bath should occupy about watch, to the her smoked +bsolute nccessit.?' f o r finding told of tile appearance among them of come down froln forrard with a: tcn minutes and leave SOU with a and d r i r i n g 1woofs against 1)reyfris." I t is undcr- a strange mau who descenlied froln ! her!thy glow wbeo it is over. stood t h a t ~11cdocu~nentin question i s tile clouds the shores of l ~ u ~ s o towel l l ~ stwisted round his 1% Still we "i > and the bird stood those Dagoes' pep, There are many people whose consti- .' r . 1 ~ letter lieretofore allcged t o have blt3'. ~h~ opinion among . t h e Pork Cake. CutIons wlll not endure a cold plunge h e n written by the Gernlan military is t h a t t h e man is Andrce; t h e Arctic perin well enough, popping back at attache in October, 1395. explorer. 'em f n d working aloilg with one probath; very few who would not rea1) Into one pint of 1)oiling water put one , peller, till all of a sudden a shell burst benefit from a dally sponge with cold pound of fat pork, which has been General \Vood, military governor of ~h~ fo]]o,ring is General Lawtonvs water, 'and v l g o r o ~ ~rubbing s with a chopped fine and free from skin and Sautiago city, h a s opened three supply dailv report of health conditions at aft an* k1locked.the steering gear sky~sick t?.;o, ~total l fever high. 'Shut up!' yelled the bird; 'shut rough towel afterwards, t4e year shreds of muscle. Let this stand for depots for the relief of Cubans in t h e saniiavo: ~ up! shut your mouth!' and he went on, district. The capacity of the thrzc 139, toial new casfi3 7, total round. If. c ~ l dwater does not leave five or ten minutes, then stir In three places is 6,000 daily. swearing away like a good one." It. you glowing, begin with lukewarm wa- cups of brown sugar and one cup of t o duty 2'7, no deaths. \ -The stylish cape collar closing a t the ter, using less and less warm Water moiajses, one pound of stoned raisins, Tlle striking coal miners nt Pana, Geucral Gomez has given orders tc, neck affords just the protection most every day until you can dispcnse y i t h eight cups of flour, one tablespoonful Ill., ai-e running things with a high t h e Cuban leaders in Santiago provLlrr. Mnybrlck Agnln. each of ground cinnamon and allspice, hand. The sher.iff has nslted Gorernor ince t o plac'c theluselvesnr~derGeneral the British house of commone necessary when a jacket 1s required a t it entirely. Tauner for troops, b u t the goverrlor Lawton's co!urnancl. General Lawton Friday during the debate on the home 811 during the summer months. The one teaspoonful of Cloves, eight cups f' lias replied t h a t he will not send t h e belicvei t h a t t h e arrangement will ex- ofice h.lr. biichael Davitt, mem. !simple shaping lncludee under-arm ?.of flour and two teaspoonIuls of soda. Style for Llttle Folka. militia t h e r e t o protect negro pcdite t h e disbandi~lgof the. Cuban her for s o u t h M ~broached ~ ~ the ,ques- B.Ore8, shoulder and centre back Seama, attractive eflect is ~ ) i the~ soda ~ in~ three l tablespoon. ~ ~ convict miners from Alabaina. but forces. 1Ie h a s decided t o employ CuOf the 'lorextra being In an un- produced by those children's costumes fuls of warm water and beat In gradC. blURRbY, eogiuoer for Keet 6: ; ~ p r o p c r t yof citizens was in danger ban ofiicers in im ortant civil positions derlying plait the waist line the fullness of dhich is gathered in ually. After stirring for twenty minRountree Mercantile Co., Fpringdi,l in the peoviuce of santiaIdo de cuba. ence hlaybrick, and represented that w-onld fiend tilclu. 1le back. The neck Is finished well above the waist in small gather- utes pour into pans and bakr: in a modGeld. No., writer: "I sulercd from ~ in 111-h,ealth. Mr. llavitt said in not beliere in protecting imporfea la- General ('astillo 1vi11 get 3 place and s h was h r a s against home .r\-orliers. The \rill act a s (;enera1 Lawton's adviser in the COIlrSe of his remarks that to with a rolling collar trimmed on its ings and plaits resembling 3 yoke. erately hot, steady oyen. If there f p dysycpsia, was unable to cat anythinpxithsituation is critical. i n making otl~erappointmepts. "release this A~nericanxoman would free edges to match the cape collar. Sometimes a second row of plaits and -danger of burning, cover paper. out severe distress. Treated by several physicians n-ltbout benefit, I became almost \Vilfo:.d IVoodruff, of the lfor. prolnlncnt Chattanoogans, four be a small step in thedirection of es- The two-sem~ed Skeves are of lash- gatherings IS, found a t the line of t h e a physical wrcclt and unable to attend to I ionable shape, with modifled fullness tablishing good feeling between Engwaist, and takes the place of a belt tnon church, died suddenly a t his of tllem leading pllgsicians, have prem y work. I took Dr. hIllcs' B,estorative nleacI~e8 n e r ~ r a i f In ' ille Sun. Sir a t the top, and the wrists are decogirdle. l-his arrangement does away land and the United States." home in Salt Lake City. ecks I was well. AIy ferred c l ~ a r y e against s Major I I ~ l b b a r d , Matthew White Kidley, hollle secra- rated to match the collars. in with all trimming other than, a small To bleach her hair in the sun is 1 n ife h;rl severe atT h e golcl in the s,lryeon general of tile Nintll Selv tary, replied that he thought the re- blue, tan or cream, pique, duck, crash, plait of linen edged with lace around 1at:er-day notion of the woman who tack of La tirippo ' states treasury yorl<, ~l~~~charge h i m witll being .r" iil-health r e r e exaggerate4 a s well as faced cloth, are all used to the collar. If older people h a r e re- fares by the For this reasqn \ v h l c h brought on for tile death of Sergeant *mint in its history todry, \vith a total troublcs peculiar ,to reserrc of $.'19,320,07?. The highest Frank, who was strtlclr by a train a " I.: 11s : rcmiscd to make icrluiri!S. make jackets in this style. The collar gretted the passing of the balloon buting hats arc somewhat a t a dis--her sex. Tho licstorpri.rious a ~ n o u n t WELA $.?18,000,000, few days ago, and with conduct unbecan be of white pique trimzned with sleeve an4 the advent ol; the glove- count, all save a very ugly and unbeativo Scrvine is the \:hie11 was recorded in hlarch, ~sSS, c v ~ n i n ga n officer and gentleinan. I t A itli-nni~~gIrsn Term. embroidered frills and finished s e ~ a - like arm covering, how much more coming but none the less vigorously only thiug that has ' f l ~ ereserrc was estimated in l87G a t is asserted t h a t 3Tajvr 1Iubbardc.luscd SO a s ~t o launder is it to he regretted on the part of adopted reefer cap lllalle of white canF~~~ tyLeusston~ ~ ~ ;3icks ~ rately, ~ ~ i ~ whent neCC6: hclped hcr. \Ye both n t 8116,000,000. I t first reached $:'OO,- the rernovnl of Sevgcant E'ranli w l ~ c n '"'vh" ~ a r y . tlie children, whose shoulders are even vas. To the thinking of some little ""Ie rfltall to 'lake thil'g.s hope you will uso thL3 C00,000 in October, ISST, wheu the fig- his life might 11n.r~b c ~ u sared by less likely t o show UP xell in a closa- cotton platter. cct rakishly to one side, in a to help others as we llaro been," :Ires were $.?,000,000above t h a t mar!<, keeping hirn quiet ant1 t h a t when other !xceedillgly 1lncomfortable for a rcLn, fitting sleeve t h a n are those of their and held d o u ~ t f u l l yiu place by a series by all cirugThat Tllrvat E'inlsh. D,, >lilesl Rerncalcs aro The lowest point reached was $11,000,- physicians expostulatetl w i t h hiru h c :hey w e a k about having a pic11ic with (100 in January, 1893. In June, 189'7, uscd larlguagr. unbccowinp a gentle- nim." Wicli~-"I know. Just ah fmpcrtant is the finish a t the elders? Many mothers are In open of long pins, put through the nhito gists ulldcr apositivo first bottle s ~ : n r ~ egowns. r Yysn the rebellion aga!nst this decree of 'lash- suede crown band, is infinitely ccqaet benefits or money refundeb. Book on there was ~i4O,OOO,OOO,and one year Inan and a u omcer .\ cmrt-rnarlirl :bough people who have picnics eyer throat3 ~ e a r t n n d S e r r c s s e u t f r c e t o allapy~~i.~~~. .isdemanded. insist maltlng their ehll- tisb, bht that is an open quertloo, about ion, later the amount was $167,000,000. aave a gocd time!" least o! these is - and .-- .on . ..-. . -- high and D?L NILES MEDICAL CO., Ellrhsrt, Ind. ----- PORWOJIENAND IIOJIE, '" I O F ~ J $ ~ , N E ~ A ~ , J ~ ~ l l P .- , some are FOR oc - 0 , z.t(kT,' fAo3 a -- , e s'atesl we --- $ * t3 , . , , A, S, Murrayand Wife , . A -- ----- . ',, -- II - I - THE ORD QUIZ, ORD, NEBRASKA. ; P I - KIIL\m()UJl ISPALLEN I [ A lUl.LLION IN WIFE PLEADS FOX JUSTICE. . Mme. Drcylu.' Plea for ~ l u i b s n d to br Heard by France. KITCHENER H A S ENTERED T H E STRONGHOLD. G e At R. AT CINCINNATI. / IrlORTALlTY OF THE WAR. PRIZESITHE VIC'TORIES NET F O R T U N E S -- - Commanc!c:-In-Chlef Gobin ant1 StaR As- db*~U: 360 Soldlrr~Killed In Battle and Uetwcen 1,200 an 1 5,000 of Dlsearc. r i ~ From e Camp Bleade. \ . 4* J I ' TO COMMANDERS. Clllc.4~0, %pt. 3.-The Tribune PARIS. Sept. G.-Owing t o t h e reslgC l x c ~ a N A ~Ohio, r, Sept. 6.-Aftcr t h e 'I prints siocving t,lc number nation-of N. Godcfrey Cavaignac, minrains of yesterday andlast night thero of ,oldi,rs ,+llo lla,, been killed in l'resident r a n r e feturned Adurrral sampson's Share Ia alO*OOO~ Thqusandn of the F.tnatlc, Fcll ruder the istcr of i s nO longer apprehension o l prostrabattle and llavo of cliseafre in Te,ible of the 121tibIl laxla t o Par15 and c o n f e r r ~ dw i t h N. Dcl tion from heat during tho national camps during tile a a r witll \ThIle D ~ N C~ e~c e i v e s only 69.375/ Cassc, minister of foreign affairs ; XI. encampment of t h c a. A. fl. hers this The nnn conaltlonr Wblcb says: Guns-Forty-S& Klllctl tho -4nplo~vcek. The railways a r e bringing in Tllc Bourgeois, minister of publio educa,,I,,hile 350 oficcrs and inen have the Money \VIU B e Dlvldcd E z ~ y L l . i nLoas. excursionists from every direction and been lrilled i n battle or 'lied of wounds tion, and General Zurlinden. the local Posts are kept busily engaged The cabinet mill meet to-day exthere llaFe died of disease i n in escorting tho visitors t o their quar- carnpY bet,,7een preasly with a requcrt ?,OOO volunW a s a l s o ~ o . u , Sept. 6.-,4t least one Zoxuox, Sept 6 .-lchartcum ters. Dreyfus for a r'visioo the million dollars in prize money will be tcers and regulars. The Tribune has fallen; t h e murder of T.ieutcnt Co!o~:el General &bin, commander.in-chief, has proceedings pf t h e court martial t h a t distributed among American sailors a s came from Camp Alger by t h e way of becured tile namesof 1,211 who died in Charles G e o r g ~ Gordon h a s been or at llolne after avenged; t h e khalifa's forces a r e scatthe war with More Camp Meade and has leave of absence contracting tho dread As t h e cabinet her is nolv pprcticallg a at one-haif of this sum ill be paid for six days only, so t h a t he m u s t get of the camps. trred; upper Egypt is again udder unanimous i n farqr of rev)tion-partly British control. in with that of law back to Camp bleade by Saturday, a t becausc the lninisters a r e aware thab ~ q . is1no~doubt ~ ~ab,ut ~ tho . This rea~ll.cdthe war officelast there is no otller method of batisfying providing for the payment of a bounty which place he is t o report on his re- hose nalnes have be secured. :or Persons o n board ve~s*ls of mar n!ghtin dispatch Oeneral feepug-the outcome of t h e turn. He was accompaniel by t h e N~~~~~~~is lnuuh doubt. that s i r IIerbcrt xitchener* the sirdar are hundreds dead whose lneetiny is almost a for,,gono conclu- synk i n action. Therest mill be turned follo~vingmembers of his staff: GenEgypt, in coxnrnaud of t h e Anglointo t h e treasury f o r distribution era1 Thomas J. Stewart, Major Charles could not be secured on account o: Egyptian army, sent Saturday cight: 'Vllliams, Colonel Charles Burrows, lack of records and the inability or In her lcttcr t o M. Sarrien, the min- the courts which shall Pass upon Ves"The remnant of t h e khalifa'n force J. Ii. HO1comb, Colonel J. P. unwillingnebs of ister of jurttce, Ifme. Drayfus says she sels of t h e enemy captured by Amcriarmy olficers t o fur. h a s surrenderad, ant1 1 h a ~ enow s addresses him again, since he alono :an men-of-par. Ifirett, colonel K. U. Ueath and nis. lists of the dead. ,> From $he omcia1 report of Admiral others. very large number of prisoners on my llas t h e ripllt to demand rcvisfon on The Tribune gives t h c folloning hands. t h e ground of a "new fact." She ar- Montojo, commanding t h e S p a ~ l i s h IVhen the Party arrived t h e 0.A. R. statistic.s of deacl in each c.31p, "Our cavalry and gunboats aro still gues t h a t Lieutenant Colonel Henry's flect sunk a t Manila, there were 1.875 posts rverc arriving in bodies a s fast in instance a full list of the railways could get them into and t h e n a t u r e of d i b c a ~ z j . ylle list pursuing the kllalifa and his chtefs' admission of forgery deprives his dcp- persons on board t h e ships under his are ositions and acts of a11 weight, i n d 'vho' with Only 14' fly> and there was a parade in by camps is a s follows: command. The Spanish flee' mas-of the apparently making fdr Kordofan. mith tha carriages the- Camp Thomas, 353; Santiago, 341; bank ,vhite Sil? concludes her appeal by calling upon inferior force t o t h e Anerican squadcommittee. General Gobin s,, ~ ~ 78; camp ~ *lger, ~75; ~ i ~ ~ M. Garrien t o "listen to the voice of ron, and R~~~ qdmiral D ~ ~ , . ~ ~ reception . ~ so difficult of a p ~ r o a c h ,owing t o '.he and staff arrived rv,hile t h e big Labor camp ivilio#, 63; Jacksonvil]e, 50; opinion and put an end to the will, therefore, gzt $loo for overflow and t h e thick b r u ~ h t, h a t he punishnlent of day parade mas i n progress he was loy41 and innocenl ampa, 58; Prli,zml, 76; Fernandina, cannot effect a lauding. I man.,, person. most enthusiastically received all along Lakcland, camp3reade and other mitherefore, can rely only upon 1 lo -I t i s estimated t h a t t h e aggregate t h e line from the Pennsylvania depot nor camps, i n ,,rivate hospitals, at cavalry t o ~ a p t ~d , him. , \ ~ I L L LEAVE CAMP WIKOFF, amount due t h e Asiatic fleet a s a re- t o t h e Gr+d hotel. h o h e , etc., 115; state camps, 36; t r r n s suit of t h e destruction of t h e Spanish Although Camp Sherman was not ports and hospital ships, 90; total forces amounts t o 8187,5009 which Con- dedicated till 10 o'clock this morning ,,ze4. K~~ + ue sentI ~ o m s T~~~~ gress will be asked t o appropriate dur- i t was partially occupied by veteran9 ~ ~are &ttrib\,ted ~ t to h t h e follow~ I ,portation Can Be t ~ n -last night. Othcr tents pitched in the ing Causcs-~ypllod fever, 515; ing t h e coming sessiod'vlroFF* Scpt' great tieth of this sum belongs t o Kcar Ad84; dysentery, 93; camp will dissolve during t h e three miral Dewey, a s commander-in-chief, parks were a I w used, and a t a l l q u a r , pneumonia, 61; causes = hnd October it a n d h e will, therefore, bo $9,373 richer ters will be u e l l occupied to-night. 47; malaria, -..The reports of tlie railways indicate as ferer, 106, miscellDneous will have shrunk t o slender proporthan he mas before the war, Over tickets sold, Ivhile many ailments or d i a ~ p o s t not s rrported,327. tious. The well men, according t o t h e Rear Admiral Sampsoa has realized have arrivcd during tho last two days, of the regular 293 are dead. "dr department's set ~ a u a c ~ l u s e t is t s scond *,ith 130; 1111leave tho camp a s fast as transporta- a snug l i t t l i fortune as a renlilt of t h e these railway reports indicate war. AS commander-in-chief of .the greater influx the n e s t t w o days t h a n nois third, w i t h 100; Michigan fourth, tion can be convonlently North Atlantic fleet he will ~ e ot m - was ever known before a t th'ese n a 91, and xemyorlr fifth, witll probably a t the rate of 3,000 or 4,000 a t y e n t i e t h of every prize taken in tional encampmrnts. week. The convalevcents from the h o r t h Atlantic waters and bne-twenThp festivities of the week opened hospitsls, iqstead of sent again SENATOR HANNA TALKS. into camp with their commands, will tieth of t h e head money allo~+(.edfor early when t h e naval cadetsformed a t a. m. t o escort Rear Admiral Kelly go t o their h o q e s The President, the vessels destroyed off Santiago and bllculaea the Illness tho vuluntaerr The opening exersecrzLary Alger Wheeler in Cuban ports. I t is estimated t h a t fro:u t h e depot. and the War Department. he will finally receiva about 840,000 a s ciscs of the naval veterans, under the had a talk about it, and, althbugh C I . E Y ~ ~ . .Ohio, ~ ~ D ,Sept, 3.-Senator hisshare of the priza auspices of t h e National ~~~~l veterthougllt the In determining t h e amount of head ans' association, occurred 9 m., M. A. H m n a has returned t o Clevc'vJil in camp October money due officers and men i t will be while tho martial of the 0. A. land after a month's outing in tho 1, i t was detcrrnined t o continue sendY necessary for the to de- R, posts p a s heard in every part of Yellonstone park and the Borthrvcst. iug the men away. cide whether a vessel destroyed mas t h e c;ty, preparing f o r the dedication I n t h e course of a n interview concernArthur Fieblev a private in Company inferior or superior t o her antagonist. GENERAL K~TCHENEK. tho reported suffering i n army of Camp Sherman the reception a t "I visited Khartoum to-day. F* United 'late' Iniantry* If the latter t h e American ship will ~ o : ( oa. me of ~~~~~~l cornman. camps Xr. l j a n n a wid: "1 do not E*'The town i s a complete ruin, b u t k i l h d himself in his tent. He tookhis be entitled to (203 for each p e r a n pn der-in+hicf, and hip stad, care t o placc the blame for the condirifle* put the muzzle to board t h e enemyqsv e s s ~ l , 0 1 course lower portions show soma of t h e priu- KralJ-cT~rgeren ~h~ ~ ~ tsoldiers* i ~home ~ a t ~D l~ ~Lions . upon anrone. I will say, lloivcipal houses still standing. The peo- his l e f t eye, and toucllcd off the trigger this mill smell the amount of money ton is less than s i l t y miles distant ever, t h a t the governors of the differn i t h his @nrord bayonet. 11e was r e ple nro naturally delighted t o sea us. . rear admiral. and t h e veterans from that institution ent States appointed t h e volunteer . &&Sofor a s I can see a t present, cfuited in^ Tampa three and a half due14 the "Last act!" the call boy shouts as t illness is estimated t h a t , including t h e are taking part. who oiacers and we find t h ~ the Khartoum is t h e best position. Om- m ~ l l t h s ago, v e n t t o Cuba, fougllt, 3lerceaeS, sunk by the ~ l a s ~ a c ~ l u s e t tcan s participate in the parade lvill ,vear among tho troops comes from the vol- he comes bounding up the stairs three dnrrnan i s very extensive and t h e caught t h e fever and was out of his a t the mouth of t h o harbor a t s a n t i - khaki suits, the same as the ,,I:oumh unteer ranks.' The places for t h e 10- steps a t a time. "Last act!" he yells mind some time. stench there is unbearable ago, +ere \vere ?,199 persclns on board ~ i d , , ~ ~~t. ~is estimated by captZn cation of tho camps were selected bc- on every landing, until a t last he hoots -"I have tllercforo movcd t h e troops the Spanish fleet destroyed by Bear uarryE. yeicht and capt3in T, J . ~ d -caube of their availability and.the gen- a t the chorus girls. who, huddled tod o n o t o Khor Skambat, where rre now PAN DO TALKS ON T.H E WAR, ddmiral ~ ~ ~ ~ command, gether in a ten-foot room, come out of eral climatic conditions. . o n ~ which s hins that thera will be lO,Wo a r e i n a good c3mp on t h e river. All "Regular troops have been camped their pen and follow him, as though to the enemy here Dayton. PolltIcIa~~ the , Epsn1#h General Declarerl , mounded will de5zend the amount of head rnoney clue t h e dqct A~~~~ thequestionsdiscussed is one by the side of tho volunteers and no he were a bell sheep, down the winding Caqrod the Hoatllltlea stairs' rive: with this dispatch, There arc pill Consequently aggregate C49,200. t o make ail who engaged i n t h e late 'lckneSs among tlLcm. I x E m TORa, Sept, g.-C;eneral Luis The prima donna gives a daub Yno cqses t h a t cause grave anxiety." Besides these ships Spanish a e s - o f - Spsoish war eligible t o lnenlbcrsllip as der t h a t t h e death rate has been N. Paudo, the former commallder-in. oBcial the o( instances. Sercral times paint to her cheek, and a brush of the ~ ; hrray.w ~ ~ high ~ in some d , chief of spanbl forces st hlanza- war were sunk a t Irlanzanillo, Nipe comrades in the ~~~l~~ foot+before throwing British offlcers killed In t h e capture of and other peints along t h e Cuban The friends of Colonel dlbert D, I visited calnp ~ I l g e rand looked careOmdurman as two, ,rhile thirteen were nillo, arrived i n SewYork the couch. There 1: no need for her fully over the place. At tho edge tho destruction of each of which coast, Shaw of h".m York, James A. sexton from Havana on the Philadelphia, a prima moundcd. Of t h e men, twenty-three the.eby setting at rest the rumors means prize money for t h e officers a ~ dof 1llinois and 1. b-, ~~~k Of ohio are ~f t h e camp I found banana stands to hurry; who ever heard were killed and ninety-nine were annd places where beer and soda pop donna being discovered when the curmen participating in at work early in contest for t h a t h e had secretly fled t o Madrid wounded. TheloJ3 sustained by the mere sold t o t h e rolunteels. This .tain goes up. IrgalloBcia's' of the mander-in-caief*and is a n kind of stufl never helped t h e volun. Then the comedian, with wig and was: will be required t.0 determine n h c t b e r early contest b s t s c e n Philadelphia, Leers. painted face, passes slowly along the M c e r s , one killed, eight wounded; ' v l p r e s s i s vie,vs of the guns in l'ittsbury, Denver and other Places for war i n general, t h e general r e ~ i i c d , merchant ves8c1a "Look a t t h e task which llas been landing, and with eyes riveted on the men, twenty killed; 221 wounded. wit11 3 gesture of derision: '*\yhy, their hold, like Santo Donlingo, ~ h i c h tlic next national encampment. performed by tho a(~mihistration. At stone steps, goes down the winding OXDUBJIAN,ON TBE NILE,Nubia, was sunk the within t h e w a r t h ~ r o i y a s P r o - stairs. As he turns the last corner Gept. I.-The sirdsr General Sir Her- there has been no war. There are the meaning ssctiOn profiding luainted vision for but 25,000 men. theIheads am acof a band is laid od his shoulder, and he bert Kitchener, with the khelifa,s ?W,OOOsoldiers i n Cuba who have noh for the payment of bounties for Per- GLADSTONE'S NOTABLE WILL, looks up into the pretty face of a girl standard, captured the seen a n American soldier. My opinthe department and I am positive On board. of these battle, entered Omdurman, the capital ion i s t h a t tho Spantsh and American questions will be t o dclay tho adjudi- "On SO dccoun:," f l e Says, 'Sballa Laud- they n.orkied from sixteeu t o eighteen In gauze. u t o r ~Inacrlptlo. 13. Ylitced Over be.'' ''IS YOYr child better tonight?" She hours each day to equip and arm thip of hlahdiam, a t 4 o'clock this after- soldiers were simply inveigled into a of the aln3uols to olic2ri t,t*a L o s ~ o x ,Sept 6.-The will of the army of 275,000 or 303,000 men. The asks, as she d ~ a w sa pink wrapper noon, a t tho head of the Anglo-Epjp- war by ,llo politie:ans of and men c o u n t ~ i e ~ The . noliticians medo fools la& Right Hen. William E. Gladstone whole affair seems marvelous to me more closely about her shapely form. tian after corupletely routing ----the "ldierr* '"J' 'Old them." has been probated. I t ~ 1 1 t h~a t~his s and could not have been accom2lisllel "Is there anything I can do?" tho dervishes and dealing a death A9k.d if he believed t h a t General PROUD OF "ROUGH RIDERS." asI'm afraid (here is nothing,* the is vllucd a t ~ ? 9 7 , ~ 3 0 . by any other nation i n t h e lrorld. blow to Jdahdiam. T o r d should be court-martialed, Gens pendous war task d e ~ before a r t ~ n eitnhad and t ait most was 6tu- comedian answers. his voice low and Mr. U!adstone's mill was written by The Rougllly our losses mere 200, shafter say' R'03ere1t'a 'len llimself i n a n ordinary memorandum "I that in sad. "My little girl has stood the fathousands of the dervishes were killed eral pando to the tho regular course of events, considcrAre a Splendid Rcplment. tigue of travel bravely, but now she is book. I t is a document of about 2,000 and wounded. he be." C-LMP ~ ~ ~ K ON. F FY.. , Seyt. t'.-Rzvery, very sick, and I am afraid I shall m-ords, and is a remarkable specimen r b O bravery of the dervishes can in&? what has I n res onse t o tho question of his The second clause of the WON BY AMERICAN ROADS. have t o leave her here." hardly be overestimated. Those who debtinatca, General h n d o r e ~ l l e d rerring t o t h e mustering out of the of "Rough Riders," GencralShafter said: ,viil has refcrcnce to t h e funeral ar. Dltrerentlal "Surely not alone?" the dancer asks, carrled t h e flags struggled t o within that he was On his Rerued Madrid. putting out her hand, which he uncona few hundred yards of B ~ l l t i n g wished t o get there, he safd, a s quicklj "I am sorry t o lose such a splendid ragements, Rnd the CanadIan Paolflc. sciously takes in his. "Surely you will "CommendiD~ the infinite line, while t h e mounted emirs abso- a s possible. i n order t o attend t h e regiment, but I suppose their aerri;es ~ a n a ~ s a r o Sept. x, 3. - he inter- not leave her alone?Imger and m e ~ c i c s o f God i n incarnate son as lutely t h r d r their liver away i n bold meeting of the mrtes. Ile mould not commerce commission, by a ds ..If I be answers, and his like brave soldiers, they arc my only and sumoient hope,I leave t h e o t o Paris, ho thought. General their charges. anxious t o return t o their prrtic\llrrsof my burial t o my e r c c \ ~ - cision to-day in t h e matter of the Pas- voice trembles as he speaks, "I can When t h e dCrlishes Ritbdreir be- r a n d o said he thuvght the Cuban, senger r a t e disturbances of t h e Cancomfort her by my presence; I homes tors, specifying only t h a t they be very adian Paciflo railroad, inrolving t h e hind the ridge in front of their calnp could gorern ran not pay the doctor then, nor can 'INo One need make mistake t h e whole forcc marched in echelon of simple and private, unless there be have the little luxuries she about t h e 'Rough Riders' being a good conciusi~e reasons to t h e contrary. propriety of dilterential pr.sengcr battalions toward Omdurman. As our GORDON'S STATUE < -- W AEATHED. regiment. rates bet,vecn Eosterll points and the ...,, They were good soldiers And I desire t o be buried wliero my troops surlnountcd the crest adjoining ~ ~ Tribute ~ to th.d vlctlrn~ of =hn;~ ~ . Pacific coast, held that the Canadian The dancer draws her hand from his they The men .'vho wife 'Iso lie' On 'lo t h e Bile, the Youdaucse on our right toum-lhe Queen'. Thanks. came from t h e \Yest had lived the life a laudatory inscription be placed over PaciBe is u0t entitled t o t h e differcn- and draws f l o m the bodlee of her dress camo in coatact with the enemy, who scptm morning tial contended for. The case is one of a silken purse. had reformed under Cover of a r o c l i ~ p p t r cd\torials resound with conprat- t h a t makes good soldiers. They codid . t h e most important t h a t h a s been be"Take this," she says, a s she holds It ride and and how to take eminence and had massed beneath the ulations upon t h e avenging of Cordop, After appointing his as exe- fore t h e comlnission for a long time, out to him. "It is pot much, but It care of in tho field. The black standard of the khalifa in order a"daP" l u l l cutors, the will charged t h e f u t u r e Of m*nof nerve possesror of Ha~vardcn t o ?enlember t h e American railroad lines and t h e will help.t o m a k a a suprpme effort t o retrieve mer, t h e British financial adviser of llaving He away, a n d leans head pride mettle t h a t carried that, a s the head of the family, i t will Canadian t h e fortunes of t h e day. A ma5s7 t h e khedive, General Kitchener and six months or more in a war in pas- against iron railing. them alongaidc comrades from be his duty to good O' i ces to Is+0uU strong bore down Upon the ,all concerntdin the splendid successes. senger tariff between tile East and tho "Coals of fire!" he mutters. "Coals the It rras in other members thereof according t o Nest. Souclanese. All day yesterday impressive *-rvices s b ~ 1 lalways burn!" which and oEcers his ability and their manifest needs Genera! K i t ~ h e n e rswung r0uu.d the were witnessed a t Gordoq's statuo ih splendid The dancer comes down a few steps reaMn to be proud of their service in and merits. The rest of the docuinent center and left of the Soudanese and Trafalgar square, Landon. I leaves souvenirs t o servents and bc- CUBANS REPORT TO LAWTON, s e i z ~ dthe rocky eminence, and t h e , Eariy in the nlorninp the statue waa it." ,lth you toqueaths to his grandson 'al'illium*, as General Gome= Order* Leaders to Placo ' Egyptians, hitherto in reserve, joined wreathed and decorated with a placard MR, BAYARDJS DEATd NEAR, heirlooms, all patent3 o f crown o a c e s t h e firing line in ten minutes, and be- bearing the n-ords: a * ~ tLast.* ~ h , roder dmerloan Command, ford t h e dervishes ~ u l drive d their at- police relcoved altogether three such Poetor. rear the Ex-secretary o f Gtate held by the testator and books and L ANTI AGO DE CUBA, Sept. 3.--Xajol prints presented t o l l i ~ n by tlie quccn, tack home. Can Llve only s r o w Urjr. placards, but t h e demonstrations still Gencral Lawton, commanding t h e The flower of the khalifa's army continued. The ne<,s of the overthrow DEDXAU,Mass., Sept. *.-Tho con- letters from t h e queen* ett. department Santiago' Tho will bears date of NovemberG, *as caught i n a depkssion and w i t l ~ i n of t h e khalifa has caused intense satis. dition of Thomas F. Hayard, ex-secreword to-day t h a t the Cuban lesda zone of withering crossfire from faction in 1t:~ly. The queen and Gen. tary of State and ombassador t o Prig- 1 N G . ers, Cebreco, Lzcrct ' and Pedro three brigades from tho attendant nrSO pronounced has Lord \Voolsley, t h e commander. land, is critical. Perez, have been ordered by General 'til!cry. TLo dcrotcd Mrhdists strove to-chief of t h e Hritiph &Tiny, tele. been the change in t h e Last two or MISSOURI DROUGHT BROKEN. to place thelnselves undv La,v~ e c o i c a l l yto make headway, but ebgry graphed their c o n ~ r a t u l a t i o n s t o the f k e e days that i t is thouzht the pa ton'g command. General Lawton i s l1e*v? R*lna Reporte I From St. Jorepb !rush was stopped, whila thcir rnair~ ~ i r d a rdirect. t i e n t will not survive ma3y days. to have caarge of the Cubans body was literally mown down by a and Nevrda. under these ollicers and believes t h a t Nsmyhls Qnarnnt inetl. Queen Of D9nrnark'r CrLtlca' L1'nPss sustained deadly crosstlre. ST. JOEEPII, NO., Sept. 6. l'ke L o r ~ o r *S e ~ t .e.-The Copenhagen drougllt, 5vhich threatened disaptor to the arrangement \vill expedite the dis~ ~ E H P H I STen.., . S e ~ t .6.-The M k i . h f i a n t l y t h e dervishes planted their banding of tile cuban forcer m r r e s ~ o n d e n t of the London Uaily phis board of health to-day established standards and died beside them. Their lote corn, fruit and vegetables, .has 1Ie has decii1e;l t o employ Cuban ofMail says: The ~ I ~ D C S S of the ~ u e e n a rlpid quarantine against the entire dense mnsaeo gradually melted to broken, Heavy rains fell ester- ficers in important civil positions in Denmark has a turnpanics and the a m p a n i e o t o driblets country. NO one will be allowed t o day and to-day, doing great good. the provinces of Santiago do Cuba. beneath the leaden hail. Finally they enter t h e city from any direction. for NETADA~M ~ . l Sept. 5.-A heavy rain General Castillo will get a place and Sheahas lon tima speechlebs a hemorrh3ga and sndlay unconbroke and fled. learing t h e Beld while This action Was take4 on account of B,iou, , r long drought \rill a & a s General Lawton's adriw; r ft is feared t h a t a c r i b is im- fell t o - d s ~breaking with jibbah-clad corpses, like a sllo~v- the prevalence of yellow fever in Nio ,iflent. Lafe crops mill bo greatly benefited. i n making other appojrjtmenb, sissippi. THE: CHILD WAS DEAD. &&ftdotted meadow. $:I Terrlble tieat 6t1ll Conttnuer In SOW Caught 11) t $ e alrgaia Kapldq Import. porto ~ 1 ~ night," ~ . she whispers. "1 want to nurse Pork-Fortj-Three ~ e ~ t b i . No Protectloq for Amer!can ?%Isaloqarlea, Nrha.<r;a E'a~r.8, N. Y., Scpt. 6.-M. BRYAN'S ARE DYING. \ v a s ~ r s a ~ o v,Seht. , 3.-A complete YOUr little girl." NEW YORxt G P 6~a - U ~ t o ' m i d n i ~ h t ~JO-YDOY, Sept. he IIong Kong his. H e turns @ndtalres her hands B. of Uuaalo and G~~~~~~~ report on t h e ilpportatIon of sugar and ,M ~ of ~~ I ~were ~ d r o~~w n d i~n i correspondeut ~ tof tho ~London ~Daily lhere had been r e ~ r t e dt o police Xep'a'ka 6iJvor Battallon In Danger 01 mo1asses from Porto Rice in the fiscal must Blanche' must headquarters forty-three deaths and ,ara river at ,.emiston last 3rail bays the rebellion in l b i d a r i connot ask It. Think what the others Dec lmatlon. i year 1897-99, 88 well a s the quantities i?ihth:ia'!f'he men were i n a small &ift tinues. u r d t h a t t h e Ameri<ap consul fifty prostrationsfmmheat. Yesterday f o r 1695-96, has been forwardad t o the LIXCOLX, h'eb., Sept. 6.-Governor and, despite warnings from t h e shore, a t C a ~ t o n has repeatedlg \vithout everything t h a t floatedcarriedacrocvd what they say!" she cries' ''I "" up t h e river until they mere avail ur ed t h e aythuriti.ps'to send of humanity, and t h e trains, cable and tIolcomb telegraphed t o Washington Treasury department from New York her arms qround his neck. caught !n the boiling water of Niap troops t%ere to protect t h e d m c r i c a r trolley cars, and other modes of yesterday asking if i t was possible t o by Supervising Examiner of Sugar throwing missionaries. tr+'s rapids and)heir boat upset. H e khows t h a t for the past ''I Once had the right to go wit' you' locomotion were jammed w i t h secure a n llonorable dfschargs for t h e Jacobs. fiscal year t h e importations froin 1 had the right until another took mys Third Nebraska, Bryan's regiment, on dayJ Jong. The record people all Wlnnlo D ~ V I S No Uetter. H I O ~Shootlng Sobjrcts. a Port0 Rice kere: Sugar, 90,581,414 their application. private advices to Island N ~ R R A O A X S ZPIER, T T R. I., Sept. d.''Then the call boy comes r u n p f i g MA^^^,^, fjept. &-According $0 ad. poullds; 61*3931765; 81 854.' from Jacksonville. telling of four Rockaway Boach was broken. Tlie shoutipg :"Your cue!" ~h~ condition of lVinnie Dayis from lloilo, Pies, 015' Molassea* 1*371*8?3 buty+ t e m p ~ r a t u r eof t h e day in de- deaths within n week and a n increase $41,??i; ernor of Yioay's, is arresting lnd marlcod improvement, but ."rage value, $289,183. $or t h e )-ear they hurry to the stage below. he in, grees lTaS '?) against for the correIn the sick list 4 4 h23 ; shooting suspc6ted ersons. inCh?iDj her physicjan is hopeful of her 1895-98. t h e imports of raw sugar s e r e time to enter with a ringing laugb, prompted the governor's actio? eponding day of last year. prominent natives o~Y*-!.a. 84,397,473 pounds. which 1s taken up fhe audience * recovery. ---I when he tumbles down the palace steps, Keep8 the Anxloas Fosted. Cerlera Wlll Depsrt Tburaday. Ha11 CaIne will 'Talk. N ~ W~ o r ~ e d ~ ooa t ' aFlrat Trlal Trip New 3Iotlre Power o o ' " ~ h Cog s R,ad.'* only to bound like a ball to the footNEW YoRr. septa G.--Nalor David A m ~ r o r . ~ slad., , Sept. 6.-It is UU. J , ~ N ~ ) Nsept, , b - ~ ~ l cline, l the PORTI.~ND, Ore., Sept. %-The tor- lights, where, wlth a ruock'bow to the MLunloo bpaIXog, -G,,, Gept I N. A P P ~ surgeon ~ , of the United States derstood t h a t Admiral Cervero qnd t h e ;.oo! of farnouv cog ioid,aovalist, before sailing from ~i~ nrmy, has establislled a bureau of in. pedo boat Davis, being constructed a t duke. he sings, o f h e r Spanish prisoners will leave ranning u p Pike.8 Peak, have decided , h3 in- tornlation ills oaic, i n t h i s city, the JVolff 9 Sewicker I r o n m~orks,was "Woman is faithless, and man 1s true. here Thursday morning. Captain to change t h e motive power from for New York y e p t e r d a ~ said tended t o speak i n X e ~ vYork and Vash- whcrs he has prepared a list of t h e given a preliminary trial trip of forty HOW do I know? Oh* I P v eproved i t Eulatc hzr secured tho Mty Rome to electricity, It 80.'' iogton on tho "Necessity of Anglo- biqk and wounded soldiers that. nrd miles. 1t is stated tllat t h e boat made of t h e American line a s a t:anrpor). th;,t t h e costof the ,.hrnge conflnecl i n t h e hospitals in S e w York, .ei hteen lcnots and the trial was sat. And the chorus shouts back: American Alliance,,, which would be Ilrooklyn, O i l Long Island and a t thv isfactory. will Lo about $50,000. "How do's he 'Ow? Why, he's -----Spnnhb rlnancea Improve. the greatest possible factor in promot sercral forts. provedcit so! A Kew Corernor for Kes~touudland. Llghtnlog Did Xot Stop n l m . M a n ~ r n , Sept. 6. - T h e Dank of i ~ tgh e world's peace. yes, heqs proved-be*s proved-he's Kl:led In m R u n r w ? ~ . ST. JOIINS,h'e~vlouudland,Scpt. 3.Lipain's report for t h e week ~ h o w tsh e YATESCES~LR.Kan., Sept. %-Tho proved it 66!" Found r, T ~ r r l b l e Fate. following changes: Gold i n hand, in- Presbyterian c!~urch here mas struck CVranr.os. Sept. 6.-3lsjor Russell L i e u t e n ~ n tColonel 11. E. hlcCallum, And with a whirl and dance, he goes crease, $1,913,000 silver by lightning l a s t night while services TVaco, Texas, Sept. &--In tho vil. Tl~orpc,one of the prominent figures 1;. E*. C. N. Cf., gcvernor of Lagos, lo hand, inerearc, 2,o99,@o pesetas, ""a in Prorress. Tile damago lage S~eeglevills* daugt" of ivestera country. K Z J killed xvili succeed Sir Hs:bert Murray a s round and round, singing, -womanis be that he co"6"d to t k e @tceplp. be c o w r e ters of MIand l'rater. ; near Lurk, I V p . . ~ e s t c r i l a yas , r result governor of Ne~vfoundlandin October notes in circuiation, i2ciearc, 51s29,00(1 gation wee bad1 friglltencd, but t h e &god 7 years, and a baby sgcd 3 year>, not proved her so, next. ay rccidcst' nesetas. s e r e bvrned t o death In a smokolonw. of Then, heralded by cymbals and beat preacher prccecdYed syith his serurp?. -- , I -.- ~ , . 3003000 - and ():dB NIGHT STANUS, -- [ , - tO.;h:~nPet~t~~d~ome IS mme, - - - ' MEN .- I - $ I twihbj voq '" - . .- ' --. 01 drum, the little dancer comes tripping on, and by her winning ways and pretty face soon wins the applause 01 the audience; and she smiles back at them until they think that life and her must be a happy dream. While the comedian, who stands ~o!aed on a table, forgets to grimace a t the people as he watches her until she makes her exit. Then' he turns wlth a leap and is the fool once more. When at last rung down he hurries to his dressing room. discarding Pe u g i ~wig* the grease paint from his face and stands' longer a roo'* b u t a Iather is lor h i s child. As soon a s hls trunk is packed he p e S down S t 2 . i ~ (0 ~ find the dancer waiting a t the stage door. "May I go home with jou?" she asks, beseechingly. "I would rather, for your sake, you would not." he answers. But his voice belies h f s words, so she puts her a r m in bls, and together the). pass the street. only Pausing for a m ~ m e n beneath t a dlm lamp that he may Wrap his muffler around her neck. "YOU know what this mcans. Blanche?" "Yes. Ralph." I Then they pass on again. They reach the cheap hotel near the railroad station, ascend the narrow stairs, and @longa gloomy hall until they reach a door a t the farther end. The comedian turns the knob and enters, leaving the dancer standing in the doorway while he lights a laup; when the nickering flame throws its feeblo light around the, dreary room he hurries to the bed, where a child lies sleepIT. Ah he ~ t o o p sto kiss the burning tempies the child opens her eyes. and. putting her arms about his neck, whirpers: "I was dreaming of mamma, dad!" Then a s her eyes rest on the figure in the doorwhy a smile o t hnpplnes3 the wan it mamma?" she asks. "1s it mamma who has come back to me?" "No, my dear. She Is some one who loved dad when he was a better man. and she has come to nurse you and make you He turns away a s the dancer stoopa t o kiss the chtlq's feverish cheek and brush the golden hair from t h i burning forehead. But he cannot help percelve the start she gives a t seeing the child's resemblance to its dead mother. AS the dancer takes off her heavy cloak the comedian goes to the bed, and wrapping the child in a b!snket. seats himself in a rocking,cbalr and tries to lull the Httle one tors1eep by singing a lullpby. The dancer bbs!es herself about tlie room. sir.oothlng the pi1lon.s and hanging up the child's clothinp, stop pin^. now aqd then to smile on-him. And when everything is put away she pushes a stool to his feet and seats herself by his slde, prepaied to share hi3 vigil. Hour niter hour they sit there. not a sound breaking the stillness of t h e night but the low lullaby. Theu the song dies away. A cry rings through the room as t h e s~rtn~ f os his feet and with trembling hand tear7 the blanket from t h e face of the child. But the eyes clOsed-the hands a r c cold-the child is dead. Next m o r n i n g ~In the chnrcbyartl. they bury her. When the dull thu6 from the sod is echoed back as It strikes the conil< l1J the father turns away the phurrbs station catch the yestern train. He musf laugh tonighi and lnahe o t l , c r ~laugh, for he is a n actor playing one-nirht stands. But he Is no l o ~ g e ralone. The mron; he has done the woman beside him is forgiven, and she has promt.ed t d be y h a t she would have becn years before but for the treachery or another -his wife.-Ex. -- Lre 1<uerr. cannie scots ryalking to ~ u c h termuchty an figure standing in a distant fleld. effer gazing intently one said: "It's n c l e r moving, so it's tatla bogie" (potato ~carccrow.) .&It's no talta bog!^," replied the other. "It's a man working by the day."-mlden Penny. - - -, TWO