2011 - National Alopecia Areata Foundation


2011 - National Alopecia Areata Foundation
Annual Report for the Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2011
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
is formed.
First of 26 NAAF Conferences is held in Las Vegas.
NAAF testifies before a Congressional
Subcommittee, the first of
10 oral testimonies.
NAAF awards a record $134,000
for research.
First of 1,218 NAAF Conference
Scholarships is awarded.
The 10th Annual Conference, the largest to date,
welcomes over 700 attendees in Boston.
NAAF leads 600 volunteers to advocate on Capitol Hill
on behalf of alopecia areata research.
First federal bill (HR5936) providing insurance coverage
for alopecia areata patients is introduced.
Newly initiated timeline for
NAAF’s Treatment Development Program (TDP)
accelerates our quest for a viable treatment.
Milestones on a
Three-Decade Journey
Photo by Jay Roberts Photography
Dear Friends,
Take a trip back in time with us. The year is 1981. Ronald Reagan is sworn in as the nation’s 40th president. Indiana Jones first cracks his whip in Raiders of the Lost Ark.
“Bette Davis Eyes” rules the airwaves, at least until the arrival that summer of a small cable channel called MTV. The Dodgers beat the Yankees in six games to clinch the World
Series. And a rare autoimmune disease that has afflicted men and women, children and adults since the beginning of recorded time at last meets its equal in the founding of
an organization called the National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF).
It may sound strange now but in 1981 we barely knew how to spell alopecia areata, let alone treat it. What we did know was that this was an unusually tenacious disease, and as
such it would require an unusually tenacious organization, led and staffed by unusually tenacious people, to combat it. Researchers, board members, support counselors, staff—
everyone affiliated with NAAF—would have to be uncommonly committed to supporting the people who suffer from alopecia areata, raising the awareness of their families and
friends, and eradicating the disease itself.
While alopecia areata has plagued sufferers for several millennia, in just the past three decades NAAF has made bold strides in genetic and dermatological research barely
imaginable in 1981. And NAAF will continue to do so until the causes of this disease are discovered, the people who are susceptible are protected, and alopecia areata is finally
defeated. In 2011, our Treatment Development Program scored an almost dizzying amount of accomplishments—such as funding an alopecia areata autoantibody study at the
University of Colorado, leveraging resources for a new alopecia areata biomarker study at Columbia University, and officially contracting with MD Anderson Cancer Center in
Houston, Texas, to take over the responsibility for funding the National Alopecia Areata Registry.
Until alopecia areata is a thing of the past, our efforts remain unabated. Our peerless support network continues to make real differences in the lives of both individuals and their
families. We are finding new ways to raise awareness, most recently through successful events with Major League Baseball teams. New media allows us to spread news, support,
and hope through Facebook and Twitter in addition to more traditional venues like our website, informational materials, DVDs, electronic and print newsletters, the Ascot Fund
and the Alopecia Areata Marketplace.
In 2011, we saw the cumulative effect, the real progress, stemming from thirty years of persistent effort. Today NAAF renews its pledge to provide all of its energy, resources and
guidance to our community; we hope you know we will always advocate, always research, always fight beside you and with you on behalf of people with alopecia areata. NAAF
and its members stand more united than ever in a common purpose staked by three decades of research, support and awareness.
One can only imagine what the future years will bring. . . .
Brian Ter Haar
Chair, Board of Directors, 2012
Vicki Kalabokes
President and Chief Executive Officer
The nation’s leading nonprofit watchdog group, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, has found that NAAF operates with the utmost integrity, transparency, and accountability.
NAAF is proud to be one of the very few nonprofits (out of the almost 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States) that meet these strict standards. In addition, NAAF
meets all 44 of the standards required for membership in the National Health Council.
“Thank you for the opportunity to learn and be part of this year’s conference. It is a wonderful thing to have the
scholarship fund. It made the conference happen for me! Thanks for all efforts.”
NAAF’s 26th Annual International Conference, held in Los Angeles, was a huge success thanks to a program full of new
and fun events, a lineup of great guest speakers, a fantastic hotel, and the hard work of our incredibly devoted volunteers
and staff. It was an unforgettable experience for all 832 attendees.
“Thank you so very much for the scholarship you gave me to attend the LA Conference! It was great to see everyone
again and make new friends. It was my first time to California and I loved it! I am considering becoming a Support Group
Leader and at the conference I met a family from nearby that is in need of support. So that was a step toward success!”
97 Conference Scholarships were awarded to people in need, enabling them to attend the conference.
A total of 1,218 scholarships have been awarded since the inception of our conference scholarship program.
Conference attendees came not just from 37 states, but from Australia, Canada, Hong Kong, Japan, New Zealand,
Panama and Sweden.
“I’m writing to express my most sincere gratitude for making it possible for my daughter and I to stay at the conference
hotel for this year’s NAAF conference. As a single mom, it’s been hard over the years to make out-of-town trips happen
for us. This was by far the most awesome traveling experience we’ve had together. When my daughter was 7 she was
diagnosed with alopecia areata. Until then I’d never even heard of it. The last 3 years have seemed to make me an expert
on the subject, but no amount of research can prepare you for the feeling of comfort, community, joy, and acceptance
that she and I both experienced over the conference weekend.”
The NAAF website provided up-to-the-minute information on research, support and resources, programs and events, and
much, much more. As of December 31, 2011, it had received over 13 million hits. Go to www.naaf.org to see for yourself!
The NAAF Facebook page and Twitter feed offered the latest news regarding the alopecia areata community and its
doings. Best of all, you got to interact with us by sharing your comments and questions. We loved hearing from you! As
of December 31, 2011, the NAAF Facebook page had over 400 fans and over 4,000 likes, and the NAAF Twitter feed had
over 800 followers.
The National Alopecia Areata
Foundation is formed.
New executive director Vicki Kalabokes
writes, “[NAAF] is ready to change from
infancy into early childhood. This is
both scary and exciting.”
First of
1,218 NAAF
is awarded.
First of 26 NAAF
Conferences is held
in Las Vegas.
First Children’s
Conference Camp
is held.
Our NAAF Electronic News, Beneath the Surface, continued to provide a quick-reading roundup of information important
to some 15,000 readers in the alopecia areata community.
A total of 87 men, women and children received financial grants from the Ascot Fund in order to purchase hair prostheses.
These grants make an incredible difference in the lives of those affected. Since this very special program was established
in 2004, a total of 501 people have been helped.
Some 54 different merchants were accessible through the Alopecia Areata Marketplace, each providing hard-to-find and
much-needed products to those with alopecia areata. The variety and quality of the products were exceptional.
NAAF had 130 knowledgeable volunteers in its International Support Network, serving 111 cities worldwide, organizing
local support groups and providing telephone support. NAAF highlighted support volunteers in each quarterly newsletter.
Alopecia areata kids are awesome . . . and they know it! That’s why NAAF offered a wide selection of resources just for
them, including a nine-minute DVD/video that kids could share with family, friends, and schoolmates; a school guide
for use by parents and teachers; a bibliography of books for kids with alopecia areata; children’s support groups; our
Children’s Conference Camp attended by 250 kids ages 5 to 17; our Pen Pals program; secure and private message
boards for children and teens; a special KidNet section of the NAAF Newsletter; and brochures for parents and kids.
1,300 participants, both adults and kids, actively took part in our Pen Pal program. (And you can too!)
NAAF helped more people because we had more people helping us, in the form of thousands of volunteers worldwide.
Our quarterly award-winning NAAF Newsletter kept you updated.
Our four primary NAAF brochures (Alopecia Areata: What You Should Know; A Parent’s Guide; Helping You Cope; and
From a Child’s Point-of-View) were all revised to be more up-to-date and easier to read.
“NAAF really changes lives. If you had never started up NAAF, I probably would feel so alone in the world, thinking,
“Am I the only one? Why did God choose me, out of the billions of people in the world?” But making all these friends
from NAAF really has changed my life. Outside of NAAF, I am still very close to them. I call them at midnight, and we
have our three-hour talks on the phone, just asking how life is and dreaming that we could all move close to each other.
My closest friend from NAAF is about four hours away, and that’s still not close enough.” — OLIVIA PENN
The 10th Annual
Conference, the
largest to date,
welcomes over 700
attendees in Boston.
Veteran character actor Barry Corbin closes
the Annual NAAF Conference in Oakland
with a recitation of a soliloquy from
Shakespeare’s As You Like It.
First of 501 Ascot Fund
grants is awarded.
“In helping others,
we shall help ourselves.”
The Alopecia Areata Marketplace
is established.
22nd Annual NAAF International
Conference draws a record
1,000 participants to Washington, DC.
Miss Delaware 2010 Kayla Martell used her unique position as a Miss America contestant to work on behalf of alopecia
areata awareness, as well as attending NAAF’s 26th International Conference in Los Angeles.
“As Miss Delaware and now in my regular life my priority each day is to help one more person know what it means to
have alopecia areata; then I know I’ve done a good deed that day and I’ve changed one life.” — KAYLA MARTELL
Kayla was also present at the first annual “Have a Ball and Bowl” fundraiser, presented by the Wilmington Delaware
Support Group. The kids enjoyed learning from Kayla that alopecia areata has not prevented her from achieving her goals.
Everyone loved a day of knocking down pins, and close to $9,000 was raised for alopecia areata research.
NAAF partnered with 14 Major League Baseball teams to present 22 Awareness Events, beginning with Rebecca Hibbs
singing the National Anthem at a Nashville Sounds game in May and climaxing with a slew of events during Alopecia
Areata Awareness Month in September. Events included pregame ceremonies, awareness booths, pitching clinics,
honorary batboys and girls, video PSAs, honorary first pitches, scoreboard messages . . . even an in-game interview.
In total 14,000 NAAF bracelets were distributed and $15,000 was raised.
Happythankyoumoreplease, a comedy-drama featuring a female character with alopecia areata, came to theaters in
March. Written and directed by Josh Radnor (Ted Mosby on How I Met Your Mother), the film featured a character named
“Annie” based on Josh’s real-life friend, Rachel Fleit. The Fleits have been longtime supporters of NAAF, and Rachel was
our guest speaker at the 2010 Annual NAAF Conference in Indianapolis. Happythankyoumoreplease is now available on
DVD, and we highly recommend it!
“William James once said, ‘Act as if what you do makes a difference. It does.’ That is exactly the feeling of the Tortoise
& Hair Pittsburgh staff. In 2007, my feelings about this disease were ones of anger, loneliness and sadness. Today?
I just feel blessed. ” — AMANDA SHANNON
The Tortoise & Hair™ run/walk continued as NAAF’s premier nationwide awareness and fundraising event. Almost $7,000
was raised at the 5K run in Wadesboro, North Carolina, put together by Hoy and Gwen Lanning on October 7. Two days
later at a Pittsburgh run/walk organized by Amanda Shannon 120 people registered to participate and 15 organizations
sponsored the event.
On October 27, 2011, Pat’s Fund (www.patsfund.org) held its annual Living with Autoimmunity luncheon, focusing on
the tendency of autoimmune diseases to run in families. The luncheon was also an opportunity to announce the launch of
the Autoimmune Advocacy Alliance (A3). A3 seeks to coordinate the advocacy organizations related to more than eighty
autoimmune diseases in one consortium that can more effectively raise awareness of these conditions. With the launch of
Congress declares
July 7 to 13 Alopecia
Areata Awareness Week.
NAAF gets full hour segment on the
Geraldo Show, as well as segments on
Northwest Washington Afternoon,
P.M. Magazine, People Are Talking,
and The Today Show.
Benefit screening of
the film North raises
$60,000 for NAAF
and the Children’s
Village in New York.
NAAF receives the Excellence in Education
Award from the American Academy of
Dermatology (AAD) for the information it
provides to patients, families, physicians,
politicians and the general public.
NAAF creates its first video,
“Everything You Ever Wanted to
Know About Alopecia Areata.”
NAAF testifies before a
Congressional Subcommittee,
the first of 10 oral testimonies.
NAAF’s 15th Anniversary Gala,
held in San Francisco, honors
Drs. Lowell Goldsmith and Vera Price.
The event raises $180,000.
A3, we are all hopeful that the term “autoimmune” will become a household word and will give the 50 million people who
are afflicted with these diseases, and their family members who are at risk, a louder, more focused voice to ask for help,
understanding, and answers.
Nearly 160 people attended Let Your Hair Down for Sarah in Chicago. The event, presented in May by Mike and Cheri
Walczak for their daughter, raised $6,474.
More than 400 gathered at Wilmington, Delaware’s Sanford School Sports Center in September to take part in the
Incredible Back-to-School Wig Out, a fundraising event hosted by Sanford School supporting NAAF. J. Christian and his
team volunteered their time and talent to cut and style hair, providing free haircuts for those donating their hair. Proceeds
included 16 donated ponytails totaling 168 inches of hair, and $3,200.
“Thank you, NAAF, for all you do, and may we find a cure one day. We know that the money we raised will be used
wisely and will help many others.” — JEN, MARK AND MAX TRINKO AND FAMILY
Milwaukee witnessed the Second Annual Tournament of Champions and Family Cookout for NAAF in September.
Presented by Josh and Judy Lang, and Jen and Mark Trinko, the event featured “Kiah’s Carnival” (named for the Lang’s
daughter Kiah, who suffers from alopecia areata) with lots of activities for kids, and a silent auction drew more than 150
sponsors. Approximately 350 attended, raising $10,341.
The second annual Christopher’s Run for Alopecia Areata 5K Run and Mile Walk, was held in Laurel Springs, New Jersey,
in September. The run was organized by both the Passarella and Manuala families to honor Christopher Passarella, a
10-year-old who has suffered from alopecia areata since the second grade. Over 75 attended the event, including the
Mayor of Gloucester Township, raising $6,400 for NAAF.
NAAF publicity efforts generated over 80 alopecia areata–related stories in print, television, and web media publications
during 2011 with millions of media impressions. This included ABC News, KTLA-Los Angeles, WPIX-New York, WGN
Radio-Chicago, Voice of America, Huffington Post, Chicago Sun Times, People, Miami Herald, Detroit Free Press, SFGate,
Modern Medicine, Daily Mail and ”The Doctors” TV series.
NAAF continued its fight for insurance coverage of alopecia areata on the Federal Level while volunteers like Heidi Bratt in
Massachusetts continued to advocate at the state level.
NAAF volunteers hosted fundraising and awareness events around the world, generating almost $218,760 for NAAF. All
of these events are listed by state (or province) in this annual report. We thank all who hosted—or participated in—these
fantastic events!
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AAD presents NAAF with three Gold Triangle
Awards— the first of the 24 it now has in total—
recognizing media, industry, health community,
public service, and individual accomplishments that
further the understanding of dermatological issues.
“Knowledge is the wing
wherewith we fly
NAAF celebrates its 25th anniversary
by hosting a fundraising concert and
reception at Frederick P. Rose Hall,
the home of Jazz at Lincoln Center,
in New York, raising $380,000.
NAAF leads 600 volunteers to advocate on Capitol Hill on
behalf of alopecia areata research.
The NAAF Newsletter is honored with an APEX Award
for Publication Excellence.
NAAF hosts a benefit
screening of Pixar’s
animated short Boundin’
in San Francisco,
raising $22,000.
Toronto Raptors rookie Charlie Villanueva, a seven-foot
forward with alopecia areata, raises awareness through a
campaign called “Charlie’s Angels.” As of 2011, he has
hosted “Meet & Greets” with 1,200 children with alopecia
areata, along with their friends and family, before NBA
games in the United States and Canada.
First federal bill
(HR5936) providing
insurance coverage
for alopecia areata
patients is introduced.
Newly-crowned Miss Delaware,
Kayla Martell, selects NAAF as
her cause in an effort to promote
awareness. Kayla has had alopecia
areata since the age of 10.
NAAF gratefully acknowledges all of the AWESOME individuals
and families that raised money and spread awareness on our
behalf during 2011.
Ken & Jennifer Anderson Family & Friends
Chicago Support Group
Gardner Elementary School
Levi, Ray & Shoup
Cheri Walczak Family & Friends
Linda Cauley Family & Friends
Community Programs Jeans
Mallory Crowner Family & Friends
Venecia Focht Family & Friends
Cassie McElwain Family & Friends
Jennifer McCrary Family & Friends
Rose Gallagher Family & Friends
Maia Campbell Family & Friends
Nettles Family & Friends
Delta Phi Epsilon
Friends of The Philadelphia 76ers
Awareness Fun Day
Glass Family & Friends
Hair Direct
Theresa Hibbs Family & Friends
Macy Matzner Family & Friends
Amanda Shannon Family & Friends
Coleen Van Osten Family & Friends
Total Raised:
Kylie Bamberger Family & Friends
Gannon Hubbell Family & Friends
Natalia & Marco Castillo Family & Friends
Human Race
Los Angeles Tortoise & Hair
San Diego Support Group
Emma Robbins Family & Friends
Carlaine Willis Family & Friends
Coginchaug High School Dress Down Friday
Connecticut Support Group
Kim Martino Family & Friends
McDonald Family & Friends
Rogers Middle School
Rebecca Hibbs Family & Friends
North Carolina
Friends of Aplington-Parkersburg Schools
Samuel Lanning Family & Friends
Rebecca Lading Family & Friends
New Jersey
Emilee Lockwood Family & Friends
South Beauregard Elementary School
Abby Ter Haar Family & Friends
Debora Pellicano Family & Friends
Zachary Sents Family & Friends
John Chapin Family & Friends
Parikh Family & Friends
Carla Couilliard Family & Friends
Westminster Elementary School
Central School
Lilliana Hakim Family & Friends
Christina Manuola Family & Friends
Christopher Passarella Family & Friends
Brandi Battenfield Family & Friends
First Command
Mackenzie Hiberd Family & Friends
Michael Maddux Pitching Clinic
Cassie Lindsay Family & Friends
New York
Courtney Parker Family & Friends
Harrison Goldberg Family & Friends
Lise Hernandez Family & Friends
Lord & Taylor
Erica Meilhede Family & Friends
Margaret Staib Family & Friends
Lexi Steinman Family & Friends
Madison Urraro Family & Friends
Sophie Wood Family & Friends
Jacqui Meaker Family & Friends
Kiah Lang Family & Friends
NAAF along with the Coalition of Skin Diseases continued to
advocate for the importance of skin disease research so that all
skin diseases can benefit.
NAAF took a very active role in educating medical professionals about alopecia
areata, hosting informational exhibits at key medical and scientific conferences,
including the American Academy of Dermatology, the Dermatology Nurses’
Association, the Society for Investigative Dermatology, and the American
Academy of Pediatrics.
NAAF’s Treatment Development Program is on track with the timeline initiated in 2010 to accelerate our quest for a
viable treatment. NAAF serves as the ultimate concierge, leveraging all of our available research resources and clinical
partnerships. Our strategic goal is to produce safe, effective, affordable treatments useful to millions of people with
alopecia areata. Recent additions and developments to this critical program include the following actions:
NAAF funded a study in the Eisenbarth Laboratory at the University of Colorado’s Barbara Davis Center for Childhood
Diabetes to find the autoantibody related to alopecia areata. This research seeks to quickly build upon Dr. Angela
Christiano’s genetic research by utilizing the well-established laboratory of a related autoimmune disease and their
well-developed technologies.
NAAF funded another laboratory at the University of Colorado to utilize another method to find the antigen targeted by the
autoantibody related to alopecia areata. We want to see if it generates the same result as the study at the first laboratory.
NAAF also coordinated the study of 210 serum samples from the National Alopecia Areata Registry sent to the laboratory
of Dr. Yehuda Shoenfeld in Israel to find antibodies to infectious agents and to investigate antibodies similar to those for
other autoimmune diseases.
NAAF organized an Alopecia Areata Clinical Research Summit to identify and address issues and opportunities to facilitate
the testing of new treatment candidates. All recommendations from that summit were implemented in 2011.
NAAF, along with Dr. Christiano, coordinated the submission of clinical study applications to the National Institute of
Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS) so there aren’t competing alopecia areata grants.
Dr. Christiano was awarded a grant by the National Institutes of Health to identify biomarkers for alopecia areata—one of
the goals of the Alopecia Areata Clinical Research Summit.
NAAF continues to negotiate with several companies to establish partnerships and conduct clinical trials on possible
treatments for alopecia areata.
NAAF coordinated an update of alopecia areata prevalence and incidence studies. This data determines the scope of the
problem, which is of interest to commercial partners and to the Food and Drug Administration.
NAAF coordinated the transfer of funding of the National Alopecia Areata Registry from the National Institute of Arthritis
and Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases (NIAMS, a part of the NIH) to NAAF. This is a huge financial commitment for our
Foundation but this Registry is a critical resource for future research, particularly clinical trials.
Medical Advisory Board
meets for first time to
discuss funding for basic
alopecia areata research.
NAAF awards a record
$134,000 for research.
NAAF research grant gets additional
funding from the National Institutes
of Health (NIH). This is the first of
many pilot studies funded for over
$1 million.
NAAF awards two
research grants of
$5,000 each, the
first of 123 grants.
NAAF and NIAMS co-sponsor
first of seven Research
Workshops on Alopecia Areata.
NAAF funded Quality of Life Studies to objectively demonstrate the burden of alopecia areata. This data will also be
presented to the Food and Drug Administration when we find a treatment.
NAAF organized and conducted a scientific briefing for companies with product development interests in treatments
for autoimmune diseases, dermatological conditions, and hair growth or restoration. NAAF encouraged healthcare
companies to develop treatments for alopecia areata.
NAAF continued to update the plan for the Treatment Development Program and monitor whether changes are needed
to advance to our ultimate goal more quickly.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation had an exhibit booth to attract new research investigators to study our
disease during the Society for Investigative Dermatology Meeting in Phoenix, Arizona, in May 2011. In addition, there
were separate meetings for alopecia areata immunology researchers, National Alopecia Areata Registry researchers,
and the Clinical Research Task Force. All these meetings advance the Alopecia Areata Treatment Development Program.
Daisy Dai, PhD | Dennis Roop, MD, PhD | University of Colorado School of Medicine, Denver, Colorado
Using the sera of alopecia areata patients to identify antigens that are targets of the autoantibodies of alopecia areata patients
This study identified genes of proteins to which there are autoantibodies in alopecia areata. The proposed project was designed to identify antigens
recognized by antibodies produced by patients with alopecia areata. This study will likely produce candidate targets of the host immune system.
Tito R. Mendoza, MS, MEd, PhD | The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, Texas
Quality of life in patients with alopecia areata
At the NAAF Corporate Leadership Council meeting, the pharmaceutical companies requested that we have Quality of Life studies completed and published
before they bring drugs to be approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). So this study is a priority for NAAF.
The investigators developed a National Alopecia Areata Registry Symptom Scale (NAARSS), following standard psychometric procedures, to perform secondary
analysis of the National Alopecia Areata Registry (NAAR) data to describe the quality of life of patients with alopecia areata.
Researchers tabulated mean data values and summarized content validity index (CVI) from clinicians’ ratings of the importance of each items as they relate
to concerns of patients, drafted and tested a pilot symptom questionnaire, and then refined it for use with research subjects.
Sultan Mirzoyev, Medical Fellow | Rochelle Torgerson, MD, PhD | Mark Davis, MD | Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota
Incidence of alopecia areata in Olmsted County, Minnesota
The objective of this study is to assess the incidence and natural history of alopecia areata among unselected patients from the community. The last study
that was published from the data in Olmsted County, Minnesota, was for the years 1975 to 1989. This is a follow-up to the previous study.
“Somewhere, something
incredible is waiting
to be known.” –CARL SAGAN
Alina Markova, MD | Alpert Medical School of Brown University, Pawtucket, Rhode Island
James A. Solomon, MD, PhD, Director of Ameriderm Research, was coordinating this study
Incidence of alopecia areata in dermatology practice with 1.3 million patients
Data from 69 offices of Advances Dermatology and Cosmetic Surgery and 72 offices of Ameriderm (141 offices in total) across the United Sates was being
studied to determine incidence of alopecia areata.
The AAD, the Society for Investigative Dermatology
(SID) and the Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD) join
together to sponsor the First Annual Skin Disease
Research Day, which is dedicated to advocating for
increased federal funding for research.
NAAF embarks on Alopecia Areata
Immunology Research Initiative to
draft Immunology Research Program
Development Plan.
NAAF advocacy and science result in multimillion
dollar funding from the NIH for the National
Alopecia Areata Registry.
Led by NAAF Scientific Advisory Council member Dr. Angela Christiano
and using cases from the National Alopecia Areata Registry, a team of
investigators at Columbia University Medical Center discover eight
genes that contribute to alopecia areata, including one that plays a
possible role in the onset of the disease.
Statement of Activities for the Year Ended
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2011
December 31, 2011
Donations – general
Donations – stock and major donors
Restricted grants and donations
Special events – Links for Locks and Tortoise and Hair 56,294
Prior year grant reimbursements
Awareness campaign
Newsletter income
Alopecia Areata Marketplace
Brochures and videos
Interest and dividend income
Net realized and unrealized gains on
marketable securities
Net assets released from restrictions
Total revenues
2011 TOTAL
2011 TOTAL
Program services:
Education and support
Supportive services:
Management and general
Total expenses
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of period
Net assets, end of period
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total current assets
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation
Total assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable
Accrued vacation payable
Total current liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Income for Fiscal Years 1981-2011
Spending Percentage
Support, Research
and Awareness
The Statement of Financial Position of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation as of December 31, 2011,
was audited by R. J. Riccardi, Certified Public Accountant. A copy of the complete report, including notes,
is available for public review from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, 14 Mitchell Boulevard, San
Rafael, CA 94903, or on the website www.naaf.org.
NAAF Donors
January 1, 2011 – December 31, 2011
Editor’s note: Some of the donors listed
raised all of the money for their donation,
or a portion of it, by fundraising.
—$50,000 AND ABOVE
Anonymous • Harris & Helen Barer • Jeffrey &
Ginny Kelter • Maureen McGettigan • Wendy
& Brian Ter Haar
Foundations and Organizations
Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation,
Wilmington, DE • Sunshine Charitable
Foundation, Lake Forest, IL
—$25,000 TO $49,999
Jay & Peggy Bokulic • Margery, Rob & Harrison
Goldberg Family & Friends • Donna & Matt
Hakim • Vicki Kalabokes • Abby Ter Haar Family
& Friends • Allison Waggoner
Aderans Hair Goods, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA •
Murray Hill Chiropractic, New York, NY • Procter
& Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH • Bosley
Medical, Beverly Hills, CA
Foundations and Organizations
Heckscher Foundation for Children, New York, NY
—$10,000 TO $24,999
Anonymous • Caroline & David Brown •
Elizabeth Catto-Shaw • Richard & Rosa Dest •
Robert & Ana Flint • Dr. Gary Gordon & Marilyn
Hirsch • Debbie & Rich Harris • Ann S. Hedges
• Josh & Judy Lang Family & Friends • Gwen &
Hoy Lanning Jr. • Samuel Lanning Family &
Friends • Alan & Kathy Pallie • Debora & Luis
Pellicano Family & Friends • Lawrence & Sandra
Small • Julia & William Van Domelen
Foundations and Organizations
Catto Charitable Foundation, San Antonio, TX
• Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Wilmington,
DE • Philadelphia, PA Support Group Family
& Friends
—$5,000 TO $9,999
Warren & Jinhong Deitch • Bernie & Cheryl
Fineman • Vinci & Ben Fujihara • Marcia Grimm
• David Hall • Lise & Marcelino Hernandez Family
& Friends • Bruce & Rebecca Hollinger • Despina
& Brian Keegan • Tom & Sharon Kelley • Noel
Kratzmann • Christopher Passarella Family &
Friends • Sidney & Susan Rubenstein • Liliana
& Lee Siegelson • Ray & Susan Simmons • Chris
& Krista Valluzzo • Cheri & Mike Walczak Family
& Friends • Maxine & Jack Zarrow
Downtown Chiropractic, New York, NY • E & J
Gallo Winery, Modesto, CA • Freedom Wigs,
Dunedin, New Zealand • McDonald’s, Baton
Rouge, LA • Murray Hill Foot Care, New York •
National Basketball Association, New York, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Barry H Glick Charitable Foundation, Wanaque,
NJ • Maxine & Jack Zarrow Family Foundation,
Tulsa, OK
—$2,500 TO $4,999
Dr. Rex & Johnnie Amonette • Maria Beckett •
Andrea & Robert Belford • Claire Chandler
• Mallory & Michael Crowner Family & Friends
• Michele & Joseph De Santis • Ernest & Elizabeth DeCarlo • Allison Dunlop • Thomas &
Marian Gervasi • Dr. Marc & Alison Glashofer
• Arlene & Richard Glenn • Marcia & Jerry
Gross • David & Ami Handler • Matt Kelley •
Fred Levin & Leslie Dumont • Shirley Levitt •
Jennifer & Emilee Lockwood-Teets • Trenton
McGee Family & Friends • Michael & Christine
Moscato • Scott Mroz & Claudia Held • Rita &
Robert O’Connor • Kate Paley • Marcia Rimai
& Daryl Diesing • Dr. Joseph & Patricia Russ •
Amanda Shannon Family & Friends • Ranjit
Thaker • Coleen & James Van Osten • Ed &
Mary Wojtowicz
HairDirect, Bainbridge, PA • Johnson & Johnson,
Morris Plains, NJ • Medicis Pharmaceutical
Corporation, Scottsdale, AZ • Taglich Brothers,
Huntington, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Baton Rouge Area Foundation, Baton Rouge,
LA • Central School PTA, Wall Township, NJ
—$1,000 TO $2,499
Anonymous • Herbert & Annabel Abrams •
Nancy Polley Aibel • Ken & Jennifer Anderson
Family & Friends • Cynthia & Woody Andrews
• Krista Bailey • Kylie Bamberger Family &
Friends • Danny Beard • Nicki & Garrett
Bensinger • Jim Berman & Kveta Bermanova •
Laura Bivins • Nancy Black • John Botti • Linda
& Paul Brady • Peg & Ed Breslow • Dr. Harry
Burglass Jr. • Tracey Casey-Arnold • Linda, Garry
& Stacey Cauley Family & Friends • Stephen
Chaletzky • Carolyn Chando • John Chapin
Family & Friends • Mike & Janis Chapman •
Carl & Suzanne Chiappa • Robert & Barbara
Cohen • Jim & Marilyn Cook • Patricia Davidson
• Donovan Davis • Dr. Michael Domboski • Dr.
Richard Dosek • Deloris Erickson • Ryan Fernan
• Shaila & Karl Fernandes • Kelly Fineman • Jim
& Carla Flug • Venecia Focht Family & Friends •
Donald & John Foren • Sandy & Carlos Frum •
Bobbie & James Gates • Theresa & Kal Gibron
Family & Friends • Blake & Gavin Glass Family &
Friends • Andrew & Eleanor Grant • Lisa & Julian
Grant • Amy & Ed Grasso • Dr. Julius & Dorothy
Grieco • Nora & Madison Grose • Daniel &
Kathleen Groszkiewicz • Earl & Kay Harbaugh
• Joyce Hawkins • Kandace Hawkinson • Jian
He • Benjamin Henry • Greg Hernandez Family
& Friends • Virginia & David Hilyard • Carla &
John Hodulik • Dr. Jean Holland • Cherie &
Wayne Hubbell • Stephanie & Stephen Keefe •
Peter & Karen Kensicki • Dr. Lloyd E. King •
Virginia & Robert Kirkwood • Sue & Gary
Kostecki • Jeremy Kramer & Becca Davies •
Robert & Judy Krischker • Dr. Gerald Krueger
• Adam Laden • Melissa & William Lafferty •
Winnie Leung • Irving & Lenore Levine • Elisabeth
Liguori • Susan MacMillan • Michael & Lise
Maddux Family & Friends • Peter & Debby
Magowan • Jason Malinowski • Stewart &
Barbara Mandell • Marie & Thomas Mason •
Nancy Matthews • Macy Matzner Family &
Friends • Dr. Edward Mayland • Sally & James
McAfee • Robert & Maureen McDonald Family
& Friends • Marie & Terrell McElheny • Laurie,
Randall & Cassie McElwain Family & Friends •
Chad & Sharon McGee • T J Morris • Rose &
Henry Moskowitz • Gary & Camie Murphy •
Mindy Myers & Gary Hoover • Tom & Pam Nix
• Jennifer Nordstrom Family & Friends • Hays
Owen • Michele Pastorius • Marian Penn •
Steven Perricone • Karen & Christopher Pohl •
Craig & Amy Powell • Dr. Vera H. Price • Donna
Radford • Whitney & Carl Richmond • Jane &
Paul Rittmaster • Emma Robbins Family &
Friends • Phyllis & Sidney Rodbell • Tom & Terri
Rossi • Christine & Jesse Saunders • Brian &
Lynn Schaezler • Collins & Gail Seitz • Kim & Bill
Snyder • Debbie Socks • Jerry & Janet Solomon
• Juliann Sousa • Dr. Timothy Stanford & Family
• Bonnie & Scott Stern Family & Friends • Julie
& Robert Swaita • Sandra & Bruce Swanson •
Gina & Gregory Swillo • Patty Tager & Rami
Geffner • Dr. Robert, Holly & Nicole Tassin • Drs.
Carol & Gary Ter Haar • Brenda Tetz & Doug
Harrison • Mary, Joseph & Madison Urraro Family
& Friends • Sherry Walker • Cory Wanatick •
Greg & Michelle Ward • Bryant & Sharron Watts
• Thomas & Carolyn Werner • Christopher &
Julie Wiley • Melissa Williams • Carlaine Willis
Family & Friends • Darlene Wisecup • Vincent
Wong • June Zhao
Baton Rouge Water Company, Baton Rouge, LA
• C & K Healing Touch, New York, NY • CMH
Flooring Products, Inc., Wadesboro, NC •
DermMatch, Inc., Sarasota, FL • Galderma
Laboratories, Ft. Worth, TX • Headcovers
Unlimited Inc., League City, TX • Horizon
Healthcare Staffing Corp., Hicksville, NY • IBM,
Endicott, NY • Kahn Architecture & Design,
New York, NY • Lifetime Physical Therapy, New
York, NY • Lori’s Wigsite, Coconut Creek, FL •
Summers Laboratories, Collegeville, PA
Foundations and Organizations
AFGE Local 1592 Officers, Roy, UT • Alben F
Bates & Clara G Bates Foundation, Elmhurst, IL
• Arkay Foundation, Pacific Grove, CA • Chicago
Support Group, Chicago, IL • Foren Family
Foundation, Warren, MI • Kirkland & Ellis,
Chicago, IL • Sanford School, Hockessin, DE •
The Drescher Foundation, Bethesda, MD • The
Krischker Family Foundation, Phoenixville, PA
—$500 TO $999
Trisha & Thomas Adam • Dr. Harry Agress Jr. •
Lindsay Allen • Barbara Amspoker • Richard
Andrews • Karen Annis & Mike Dazy • Lindy
Barrow • David Bartash • John Barton • Sandra
Bastinelli • Jerry Bell • Lindsay Boles • Ramona
Bonilla • Joyce Brehm • Chris & Diane Brody •
Aram & Heather Bronston • John Caldwell •
Wendi & Maia Campbell Family & Friends •
Helen & Victor Castillo • Christian Chambers •
Olisa Christian • Mary & Joseph Cilibrasi • Leo
Aflalo Cohen • Jim Colman • Mary Lou
Colpoys-Wynne • Dr. Willis Cottel • Denis
Cuenca • Bradley Curtis • Amy D’Altrui • Patricia
Davidson • Pam & Scott DeBry • Guerino & Julie
Desimone • Cipa & Misha Dichter • David &
Lynn Dickens • Tracy & Craig Duhs • Needra
Dulcich • Michelle Dupuy • Kathleen & Ed
Edwards • Drayanne & Paul Erickson • Don,
Cathy & Heather Ewan • Jennifer & John Fahey
• Crystal Feliciano Family & Friends • Stephen
& Jean Fey • Lorraine Fowler • Mary Agnes
Galvin • Brenden & Jennifer Garvey • Courtney
Giesel • Barbara & James Gilligan • Kent & Julie
Goodman • Diane & Bob Goon • Renee &
Michael Gratz • Cleta Gray • Yolanda Grisby •
Dr. Earl Gross • Yen Ha • Lilliana Hakim Family
& Friends • Laura & Jason Hall • Sally & Stephen
Harr • Robert Harris & Susan Primmer • Doug
Harvill • Jack & Faye Herick • Manon Hessels •
Ronald Hoffman • J David & Stephanie Honeycutt
• Paul & Patti Jablonski • Tina & Joachim
Jernander • Leslie & Stephen Jerome • Doris
Johnson • Neil Johnson • Luke & Kathryn Kissam
• Thomas & Margaret Kittle-Kamp • Jerry
Knutson • Linda & David Kolifrath • Michaela
Kyzekova • Dr. Kathy Laing • Donna & Cliff
Lazarus • Jane LeBlanc • Dean Leffelman •
Dean Lehman • Mary Longsine • Pamela Loper
• Celeste Lutrario • J. Michael & Lori Maher •
Elene Mahnken • Suzanne & John Mancuso •
Christina, Jeffrey, Logan & Gavin Manuola Family
& Friends • Cathy & Ross Manzo • Carol Matson
• Stanley Michael • David Mieles • John & Kathie
Miller • Beth Mizuno • Stephen & Marsha Mock
• Anthony & Bonnie Montcalmo • Karen &
Scott Moon • Stephanie Morales • Darcy &
Stephen Morrissette • Mark & Carrie Munsell •
Mary Anne & James Murray • Marieclaire Odell
• Dan Odenheimer • Dr. Cornelius Olcott •
David Pacheco & Greg McAllister • Adam
Pariante • Admiral Robert Papp • Beena &
Amish Parikh Family & Friends • Courtney Parker
Family & Friends • Kathy Pauli & John Eldred •
Paul Pedota • Tony Peng • Eugenia Petrone •
Thomas & Virginia Pollock • Kelly Pratt • Alice
Price • George & Regina Raftis • Ramona Elke
Reule • Whitney & Carl Richmond • Allen &
Sidney Rishe • Dr. Janet Roberts • Janis Roberts
• Alan & Tessa Robinson • Adam Rosen • John
Rosner • Kenneth Satir • Arnold Schumsky •
Angela Scrimalli • Anne Severtson • Michele
Shaw • Stephen & Jane Silk • Eileen Smyers •
Anita & Todd Solomon • Edward Spruck •
Margaret Staib Family & Friends • Nancy Stark
& Stanley Iezman • Dean, Beth & Lexi Steinman
Family & Friends • Jon Sugar & Nancy Barbas •
Jean Thayer • Linda & Jeffrey Thompson • Premji
Thyagarajan • Susan & Ron Tilton • Elizabeth &
Thomas Trago • Glenn Trexler • Jennifer Trinko
• Susan Trudell • Susan Turner • Leonard Ulan
• Alok & Elizabeth Upadhyaya • Mary Utley •
Dirk Van Rees • Jeffrey & Jamie VanDeusen •
Eric & Lynsey Vinikoff • Amy & Ira Waldman •
Richard Waldman • Debbie & Neil Wasserman
• Amy & Andrew Watson • Kerry & Charles
Wheatley • Dr. David Whiting • Melanie & Mark
Whitmore • Edith & Kawin Wilairat • Matthew
Williams • Jan Wolf • Vashti Wood Family &
Friends • Martha Worthy • Vicki & Jason
Zagrodsky • Kathleen Zwalinski
A&M Painting Contractors, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA
• Atlantis Cleaning Company, Newport Beach,
CA • Booz, Allen, Hamilton, Inc., Herndon,
VA • Cohen & Cohen, LLC, Norwood, NC •
Congoleum Corporation, Mercerville, NJ • Conlon
Exteriors, Massapequa, NY • DRD Medical PC,
New York, NY • First Command Financial
Planning, Fort Worth, TX • Glenn Trexler &
Sons Logging Inc., Wadesboro, NC • Harvey
Professional Supply, Co., Ronkonkoma, NY •
Jim Shorkey Auto Group, Irwin, PA • Julian
Farel, LLC, New York, NY • Laing & Dimick
Dermatology, Ann Arbor, MI • Mavrides Moyal
& Associates, Lake Success, NY • Mc2
Enterprises, Baton Rouge, LA • Park Avenue
Podiatric Care, Staten Island, NY • RP Builders
Group, New York, NY • Salon Kokopelli, Brielle,
NJ • Unilin Flooring NC, LLC, Thomasville, NC •
William Street Foot Care, New York, NY •
Wolfe.Com, LLC, Pittsburgh, PA
Foundations and Organizations
Bartash Foundation, New York, NY • Connecticut
Support Group • Green Hills Lions Club,
Wilmington, DE • Kirkland & Ellis Foundation,
Chicago, IL • The Richard S Klingenstein Family
Fund, Denver, CO • McAmis Foundation,
Wedowee, AL • Meadowbrook Intermediate
School, Moro, IL • Palo Alto Firefighter Charitable
Fund, Antioch, CA • Western Immediate School,
Russiaville, IN • Westminster Elementary School,
Westminster, MA
—$250 TO $499
David Abels • Donald & Mary Lynne Able •
Suzanne Acheson • Tom & Jackie Ahrens •
Candace Akerson • Jeremy Akerson • Jon &
Kathleen Andera • Carolyn & Dean Anderson •
Dane Andreeff • Tamara Ashford • Glenn Auve
• Jim & Lucy Baker • Lori Ball • William Bassler
• Stephen & Rosemary Bedard • Olga Benda •
Melissa Berg • Tami & Kevin Best • Fran
Blaustein • Chad & Carrie Bock • Jennifer Booth
• Ray & Betsy Braun • Margaret & Denis Brennan
• John W. Buckley • Sondra & Andrew Busch •
Dennis & Catherine Bye • Laurie & Robert Byren
• Laurel & John Campbell • Stephen & Christine
Campbell • Ralph Cann III • Mary & Anthony
Cefalu • Donald & Patricia Chambers • John &
Suzanne Chartrand • Michael Chetock • Mindy
Chrystal • Nancy & Bob Clark • Susan & Roy
Cleveland • Michael Colpoys • Art Cooper •
Carla Couilliard Family & Friends • Ian & Matilda
Dalziel • Leonard & Carolyn Dariano • William
B. Darwin, Jr. • Hochi De Los Santos • Dianne &
Jennifer DeFreece • Donald Deines • Celeste &
Octavio Delgado • Celeste Descoteaux • Burcin
Djamgouz • Nenita Dudley • Craig Ellingsworth
• Nicole Erb • Jackie Eris-Aczel • Adam Garcia
Eveloff • Jonathan Fein • Mark Ferreira • Luann
Firestein • Bernardo Fleischer Ramros • Debbi
Fuller • Dr. Marc Gainor • Jules & Karen Gardner
• Roberta Gasper • Carol & William Gasser •
Kathy & Lee Gause • Diana & David Gerland •
Stephen Gervasi • Gary & Doreen Gittings •
Fran & Ken Gordon • Linda & Leo Gordon •
Craig Grassi • Daniel Groner • David Gronke •
Ernest Guenzburger & Ellen Rubinstein • Albert
Haft • Yolanda Hailey • Diana Halvorsen •
Stephanie & Raymond Hamilton • Michael
Hammond • Barbara Hansen • Harold Harms Jr
• Carol & Timothy Hart • Hilary Hearn • Dr.
Sarah Heck • Mary & Jeremiah Hegarty • Karen
Heier • Gareth Heyman & Betsy Mordecai •
Staci & MacKenzie Hiberd Family & Friends •
Paula & Bruce Higginson • Andrea Hilliard &
Rita Schwalm • Amy & Brian Hogan • Barry &
Margorie Honig • Daniel Horgan • Gerald Hulbert
• Holly Ihle • Steve Jacobson • Catherine James
• Lenora Jannazzo • Steven Jaroslovsky • Patricia
& Edward Johnson • Andrew Kalfas • Virginia
& Myron Karki • Dr. Irving Katz • Bruce Kelleher
• Catherine Kelly • Pat Kerby • Frank & Gayle
Kesselman • Cheryl & Robert Kirchoff • Jason
Kist • Steven Klein • Keanu Kozlowski • Leena
Krasno • Poplin Kroese • Judy Kwok • Desiree
Lamb • Debra & Ralph Lance • Michael & Keren
Latzer • Maria Ledger • Lucinda Lee • Shelli &
Robert Leiner • Caroline Lewis • Karla & Mike
Lewis • Hayward Liebling • Cassie Lindsay Family
& Friends • Karen Linn • Andrea Lipack •
Catherine & Michael Lombardo • Sherron Long
• Jennifer & Keith Ludwick • Kris Ann &
Lawrence Maestri • Anne Mantsios • Frank &
Marie Marino • Helio Martinez • Kim & Thomas
Martino Family & Friends • Mark & Priscilla
Masselink • Paula & Neil Maxwell • Carol Mayer
• Ron Maynard • Mark Mazurek • Scott
McCarthy • Jessica McGee • Lorelei & Lawrence
McGlynn • Bridget McGowen • Jacqui Meaker
Family & Friends • Robert & Jean Meyer •
Christie & John Miller • Samir & Sundari Mitra
• Brian & Cheryl Molohon • Dr. John & Carolyn
Ann Moody • Karen & Scott Moon • Ellen
Moore • Lydia Morehead • Dr. David & Colleen
Moss • Michael Mulligan • Debbie Muscatel •
Karen Nagle • Patricia Nasuti • Cathleen Neitzke
• Marvin Nevins • Honey Nikfar • Victoria Nurod
• Heidi Odmark • Linda & Peter Oeth • Monica
Olivieri • Paul & Laurie Olmstead • Dr. Elise
Olsen • Robert & Frances Oshiro • Azur Osmanbasic • Randy Overley • John Pahnke • Robert
& Jean Paine • Angela Parks • Nancy & William
Payton • Lindsey & Don Peterik • Sonia Plaster
• Edward Pollock • Sherry Poss • Paul Prairie •
Todd & Grace Process • Ruth Proller • Stacy
Puente • Katherine Ralston • Adam Michael
Randall • Edward Randinitis • Bruno & Isolde
Reule • Timothy Robbins • Sandra Rogers •
Norman Rosen • Oren Rothenberg • Laura
Runyen-Janecky • Beth & Marc Sanchez • Laurie
& Allie Sardenga • Gail & Louis Satriale • Marian
Schipper • Martin Setler • Heddi Shariat • Scott
Sheffer • Terry Sherrill • Dave Singer • Winifred
& Victor Sirbu • Christopher Skinner • Christine
Smith • Sean Smith • Theresa & James Smith •
Wilbur & Grace Ann Smith • Victor & Trina
Soder • Paula & Gary Sowell • Ann Marie & Ken
Steele • Joseph Stein • Julie Stuck • Jose Luis
Pena Suarez • Christina & Kurt Sutter • Marc
Swerdlick • Linda Taylor • Robin & Claus te
Wildt • Carla & Daniel Tenreiro • Marjorie
Thoeny • Susan Hart Thompson • Hal & Sherry
Traver • Linda Tygert-Lillard • Cynthis & William
Ummus • Matthew Uyttendaele • Malcolm Van
Koughnett • Evelyn Vega-Fong • Amy & Peter
Viteznik • Bryan & Becky Wade • Lola Wagner
• Kimberly & Alan Waldbaum • Mr. & Mrs. S.
Terry Walker • Leslie Watson & Roger Smith •
Elizabeth Weaver & Patrick Diaz • Dr. Michael
Welch • Stewart & Dawn White • Dr. John B
Whitley, Jr. • Dawn Winebrenner • Theresa
Woodall • Timothy Wyman • Cammie Yates •
Cathy & Ronnie Young • Mary & John Young •
Dr. Eva Youshock • Madeline Zuckerman
Anonymous • CMC Building Supply, Cheraw,
SC • CPS Railway Services, Inc., Berwyn, PA •
C.X.I. Logistics, Melrose Park, IL • Carl
Morrow Insurance, Baton Rouge, LA • Cheryn
International, Columbia, SC • Community
Programs, Inc., Waterford, MI • Cross Jewelers,
Portland, ME • DiFazio Electric, Inc., Deer Park,
NY • Gold & Ferrante, PC, Jenkintown, PA •
Gold Coast Care, LLC, Jericho, NY • Gross
Motors, Neillsville, WI • It’s All About You Salon,
Concord, NC • JAH Creations, Beauti-Full-Brows,
Teaneck, NJ • J P Marsala & Company, Nesconset,
NY • Jordan Timberlands, Inc., Mount Gilead,
NC • L.A. Champagne & Co., LLP, Baton Rouge,
LA • Levy, Ray & Shoup, Inc., Springfield, IL •
The Mail Bag Bocage, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA •
Patterson Fan Company, Blythewood, SC •
Pennridge Women’s Network, Perkasie, PA •
Piedmont Flooring LLC., Monroe, NC • Phillips
Consulting Inc., Louisville, KY • R&A Enterprises,
Glenwood Springs, CO • Redfern Tree Inc.,
Roswell, GA • Shani Marketing Solutions, New
York, NY • Shear Pointe, Inc., Birmington, MI •
Stamp Me Fabulous, Huntington Beach, CA
• Standard Lumber & Millwork Co., Elizabeth,
NJ • SunTrust, Princeton, NJ • The Brickman
Group, Langhorne, PA • Willy Nilly Trading
Company, Bay Shore, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Anthony & Catherine Fusco Charitable
Foundation, DE • Buffalo PBA, Buffalo, NY •
Community Health Charities of CA, Sacramento,
CA • Gardner Elementary School, Waterloo,
IL • Holy Trinity School, Wallingford, CT •
Milwaukee Spanish Immersion PTA, Milwaukee,
WI • Northpoint Running Club, Northpoint, NY
• South Beauregard Elementary, Longville, LA •
Thomas Edison Magnet School, Meriden, CT •
Tri-City Valleycats, Troy, NY
—$100 TO $249
Anna Abatzaglou • Sid & Roberta Asher •
Daniel & Carol Achord • Ann Adams • Sheri &
Jerry Adamson • Alaina Agnew • Mike Ahern •
JoAnne Aitken • Dr. Susan Albert • Liz Albrecht
• George & Joanne Alaefantis • Roland & Patti
Allen • Sandra Allen • Sara Allen • Brian &
Catherine Allison • Carol & Tom Almond • Dr.
Kenneth Alpern • Sally Alterman • Angelo &
Roberta Amodio • Bob & Roxanne Anderes •
John & Catherine Anderson • Rachel & Mark
Anderson • Emma Andrews • Tammie & Chris
Angeli • Mary & Dave Annis • Ines Apovian •
Delores & Mack Arthur • John Atkinson • Valerie
& Stan Babb • Nancy Babcock • Ray & Susanna
Baca • Mirza Baig • Kelly Bailey • Ronald &
Susan Bailitz • Robert & Ann Baker • Tamra &
Rick Baldini • Michael Baldyga • Marian Balicki
• Debbie Ball • Cheryl & Don Ballard • Deborah
& John Baska • Brandi Battenfield • Otto Bayer
• Martha & Douglas Beattie • Tiffany Beaugh •
Darlene & Derrald Beck • Robert Begg • Stacy
Belanger • Sheila Belkin • Merry & Bruce Bender
• Stephen & Deborah Bender • Latanya Benjamin
• Julian Benscher • Jean & Hugh Bentley •
Bonnie Berard • Pam Bergen • Michael & Amy
Bernabeo • Richard Bernat, III • Karen & John
Berry • Patty Bertke • Michelle Bhagat • Janice
Bingnear • Robin & Peter Blake • Kevin Bleh •
Brenda & Charles Block • Bernice & Carl Bock •
Suzanne Boe • Joan Boehm • Gina, Steven &
Monica Bogan • Michelle & Michael Bogardus
• Jean & Audrey Bok • Carol Booth • Frank
Borgese • Maria Borgese • Kathy Bostick • Anita
Bostok • James & Pamela Bouras • Christine
Boyd • Judith & Robert Boyer • Heidi & Michael
Brasch • Heidi Bratt • Janet & Floyd Broussard
• Betsy Brown • Bruce Brown • Pat Brown •
Carol Forman-Bua • Tanya Buchanan • Jennifer
Buchman • Clayton & Merrily Buck • Marlene
Buckman • Karen & Scott Buckner • Gretchen
& Peter Buczkowski • Deborah Buley • Jim &
Barbara Bunning • Marie Burger • James &
Madeline Burgess • Patrick & Fae Buckhart •
Ken & Mary Jo Burnes • Parnice Burns • Stuart
& Lowen Bush • Irene & William Bushaw •
Theresa & Alan Butkovitz • Roberta Buttino
• Beth Byron • Louise & Fred Cafasso • Mara
Caldwell • Robert & Sharon Caldwell • Loretta
Calloway • Vickie & John Camburn • Robert &
Catherine Cameron • Angela Campbell • Kristen
Cantillon • Doris Caporrino & Ted Cornell •
Diana Cappabianca • Susan Carini • Sarah Caro
• Robert Caron • Ed Carrigan • Christine Carswell
• Anna Caruso • Sheryl & Brian Cash • Rita &
Jules Cassel • Shannon & Chris Cassidy-Rouleau
• James Chagnon • Carol & David Chamberlain
• Dr. Janice & Gerald Chandler • Satish Chandra
• Caren Chilcott • Susan V Christiansen • Mary
E Cid • Thomas Ciecka • Joseph Cilibrasi • Philip
& Jeanette Cinelli • Zoe Clark • Catherine
Clarke • Bruce Cloninger • William & Patricia
Cole • Eloisa Magpayo Contaoi • Debra Cook
• Marcia Cooper • Stephen & Gayle Corbin •
Kimberly Cornell • Sherry Corriveau • Pat &
Joseph Corvaia • Grandma Corwin • Carla
Couilliard • James & Kristin Coulter • Stacey &
Bryan Crain • Steve & Kathy Crane • Olivia
Crayne • Holly Creamer • Seamus Creighton •
Art & Ann Marie Criss • Lynne & Bill Crowder
• Paige Cruz • Shirley Cummings • Gene &
Grace Curtis • Deanna D’Arrigo • Liliana Freitas
Da Cunha • Kathleen & Daniel Dahlkemper •
Jonathan Daniell • Patsy Danley • Maria Lia
Dartiguelongue • Mary, Dale & Ted Davidson •
Gary Davis • Marla & William Davis • Alice &
Mark Dawson • Jessa & Douglas Dawson • Jill
Dayan • Marie De Lia • Dorothy & Jeffrey DeCarlo
• Leta DeFee • David & Nancy DeLuca • Brian
DeRosa • Anne DeRose • Mary & William
Deakyne • Andree Dean • Donna & Richard
Dempsey • Daniel Desmond • Michael &
Jacqueline Dewey • Lisa & Gary Dews • Paul Di
Giacomo • Bix Di Meo • Steve Di Silvestro •
Cheryl & John Diaz • Pamela & Fenton Dietz •
Julie Dills • Jonathan Dingle • Patricia Swig
Dinner • Karen Dintino • Michael Dion • David
& Barbara Dobrinen • John Dodson • Eileen F
Dolan • Robert Dolliver • Jennifer Donahue •
Peter & Cynthia Donahue • Denise Donato •
Norma Dooley • Claudia Douer • Therese Dow
• Bernard & Tracy Dowd • Dr. Brendan &
Colleen Dowd • Martha Dowds • Laura & Stan
Drahos • Kristy DuFresne • Andrea, Randy, &
Alana Dube • D Ann Duesterhoeft • Donna
Dufort • Paula & Bradley Duhaime • Keith Dunlap
• Frank & Judy Dunn • John & Sandra Dybas •
Martin Dybicz • Irene L Dyer • Amanda Dyrada
• Vince Eastgate • Barbara & Walter Echo • Mr.
& Mrs. John Ecker • Dorothy Edelman • Travis
Eiles • Mary Ann & Roy Elberfeld • Phyllis &
Kenneth Ellenbogen • Pat & Steve Ellenwood •
Myrna Elliott • Kerri Elpers-Walls • Dale Elsberry
• Ann Endry • Candy & Terry Engelland •
Elizabeth & John Erickson • Jackie Erickson
• Elaine Escher • Joseph Esposito • Dana & Rick
Evans • Delores Evoe • Dr. Patricia Farris •
Dwight & Anne Fawcett • Deborah Feeley
• Linda Felicetti • Allyson Fennimore • Richard
Ferguson • Christine & Michael Ferrante •
Nicholas & Denny Ferrara • Andrew & Debra
Filla • Rene & William Firesheets • Luann Firestein
• Marilyn Fisher • Patrick Fitzgerald • John
Fitzgerald • Richard & Alma Fluker • Mary &
Gorman Fong • Elliott & Binnie Footer • Kenneth
& Katherine Foret • Warren Forman • Darlene
Foster • Sophia & Leonidas Fotakos • Vivian Foy
• Dana & James Frail • Maureen Frail • Douglas
Francis • John A Frank III • Edythe Freedman •
Bill & Rosanne Frickenstein • Michele & Tim
Friedman • Stacy Friedman • Carol & Donna
Fritts • Pamela Fromhertz • Dr. Jan Fuerst •
Regina Fuks • Dr. Jason Fung • Winfied & Henry
Fuseler • Kelly Gallagher • Kelly M Gallagher •
Mimi Gallagher • Terry Gallagher • Kathy Gappa
• Vicki & Mark Garcia • Kenneth & Cynthia
Garni • Dr. John & Patricia Garofalo • Dr. Starr
Gary • Lee & Sue Gaskamp • Liza Geddis •
Dean Gekas • Susan Gelsomino • Richard
Gelula • Frances Gentile • Kelly Gerrits • Leah
Gershon • Martin & Jenny Gerst • Edna F Geter
• Joanne Gibitz • Robert Gibson • Camilla
Gilbert • Frederick & Janet Giovanelli • Virginia
& Gary Glass • Rae Glassman • Jaime & Joshua
Glazer • Adrian Goad • Abby & Brian Goerig •
Helaine Gold • Glenn Goldberg • Linda Goldberg
• Donald & Terry Goldblum • Susan Goldhaber
• Dr. Peter Goldman • Kathleen Good • David
& Monica Gorin • Svetlana Gourevitch •
Margaret Graham • Andrea, Stephen & Jason
Granet • Ellen Gray • Mike & Amy Griebel •
Gary & Mary Griffin • Peter Griffin • Scott Griffin
• Barbara & Robert Griffith • Jean Griswold •
Holly & Kirk Groh • Nancy Guaderrama • Joan
& Lincoln Gundersen • Maureen Gushlaw •
Kelly Gustafson • Juan Gutierrez • Karen Haas
• Marvin Haas • William Haggerty • Jason Hall
• Kenneth & June Hall • Patty & Wayne Hall •
Thomas & Holly Hallum • Jane & Ed Haltness •
Linda Hammond • Ann Hampton • Cynthia &
John Hanly • Sara Hanna • Karen & John Hardie
• Jacqueline Harding-Kennedy • Beverly Harmon
• Catherine & Milton Harper • Drs. Lizzie &
Sampson Harrell • Kimberly & Ryan Harrington
• William G Harris • Kathleen Hartenstine •
Daniel & Mari-Kay Haubert • Christa Haugh
• Dana Hawkins • Robert & Susan Hayden •
Geoffrey & Marin-Shawn Haynes • Lisa & Jim
Heavner • James & Lisa Heberling • Betty &
David Heenan • Mr. & Mrs. James Heine • Amy
Heller • R Malcolm Hendry • Daniel Herlihy •
Nancy & Tony Hernandez • Sheila Hershon • Dr.
Leonard Hess • Frances Heuer • Rebecca Hibbs
• Lisa Hight • Karen Hill • Terry & Jan Hill •
Roberta & Charles E Hilton Jr. • Laurie & Tom
Hoffman • Elizabeth & Michael Hogan • Joanne
Hogan • Sheri Holder • Bara Hollander • Mark
Hollinger • Gaye & Michael Hollingsworth •
Margaret Holman • Lu Ann Holmes • Elizabeth
& John Holt • Peggy Hoogs • Michelle Houdek
• Suzette & Ralph Howe • Steve Hrinya • Jackie
Hubbard • Kathy Humbracht • Dean & Rene
Hunt • Haydi Hurley • Henry Hutchinson •
Thomas Hutchinson • Jared Hutto • Catherine
Iarussi • Lee & Mary Ibsen • Sherry Impastato •
Caryl Ingram • Pam & David Ingrassia • Bob
Irvine • Kunio Ishida • Stephanie & Timothy
Jacob • Nanci & Bob Jacobson • Doreen Jaeger
• Sanaz & Brianna Jahangiri • Samuel James •
Sheri Jaseph • Donna & Frank Jerz • Bradley
Johnson • David Johnson • David Johnson •
Deborah J Johnson • Delores Johnson • Jenny
Johnson • Alice Johnston • Jeff Jones • Lee
Jones • Norman & Judith Ann Jones • Sheila
Jones • Jeff Jordan • Sheryl Jorgensen • Beth
Joseph • Dawn, Beth & Isabel Kagan • Patricia
Kane • Paula & Kelly Kangas • Beau Kapp
• Joan Kapstein • Albert & Camille Kariya •
Dolores Kase • Joseph Keeley • Catherine &
Joseph Kehoe • Burton & Barbara Kelsky • Dr.
Skip Kerner • John Kerr • Hanno Kino • Marc
Kircos • Dr. Edward N Kitces • Lisa Kleppinger •
Sunny & Dave Kline • Stephen & Lisa Kloch •
Joanne Knapp • Dave Kniaz • Harold Koessner
• Dr. Anne Kilvo • Wendy Kong • Christa
Kopaczynski • Lisa & Daniel Kopina • Joe &
Takako Koplin • David & Caroline Kordt •
Margaret Kostecki • Arline & Robert Kramer
• Roger Kraynick • Peggy Kremer • Mark
Krueger • Kathy & Michael Kuhn • Susan
Kupersmith • Robert & Judy Kurnick • Dr. David
Kurss • Arlene Kurtis • Sherwyn Labovitz •
Stuart Lade • Rebecca Lading • Steven Lallier •
Jason Lambert • Kim Lang Renzi • Ronald &
Jesslyn Larson • Alexandra Laurelli • John &
Mary Ellen Lawlor • Frances & Robert Lawrence
• Harry & Dona Lawson • Lori LeBlanc • Dr.
Mark Lebwohl • Ly Wen Lee • Timothy &
Jeannie Lee • Renee Lemens • J Gordon Lent •
Betty Leser • Jerome & Catherine Levinson •
Howard Levitas • Steven Levy • Lawrence Lewis
• Chu-Tsing Li • Sarah Lin-Aamodt • Kurt &
Karen Linderbaum • Jennifer Lindsey • Mary
Lioudis • Dr. Mark Lipman • Gloria Liu •
Kathleen & Robert Lively • Renee & Steven
Llewelllyn • Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Lloyd • Susan &
Paul Lobosco • Sharon Loden • Glenna Loggie
• Robert Logsdon • Joseph Longo • Jean Lonie
• Tammy Looney • Beatrice Loos • Jim & Jenelle
Lopez • Alberta & Hermann Lorenz Jr. • Judith
C Lovell • Deborah Lucas • Roberta Lukowitz •
Stephen Luparello • Kay Luttrell • Claire & John
Lyons • Cheryl MacEwen Alex MacLean • Jan
Mack • Ken Macura • Karen & Stephen Mad-
den • Christine, Vincent & Stephen Maefsky •
Jennifer & Jeff Magee • Ken Mah • Jay &
Suzanne Mahler • Christine & Alfred Maierle •
Angela & Jim Makris • Elaine Maly • Jean, Mark
& Natalie Mamerow • Lisa Manahan • Dr.
Michael & Susan Mandell • Dr. Joel Mann •
Tony Marchese • Annette & Charles Marden
• Robert & Elizabeth Maresca • Sandra Marine
• Victor Maroni • Rick Marotta • Fran Martell •
Ann & Thomas Martin • Robert L Martin • Elena
Martinez • Carol & Mike Martz • Michelle
Mascena • Cynthia & Douglas Mashburn • Ken
Mason • Timothy Masse • Daryl Massey • Tina
Matherne • Guru Mathur • Zoraida Matos •
Edward & Connie Matricardi • Donald A
McAfee • Kristen McCabe • Sheryl McCaleb •
Larraine & Sheldon McCloskey Jr • Jan &
William McCormack • Tracy McCoy • Jennifer
McCrary • Lynn McDonald • Kathleen McGann
• John & Hope McGettigan • Mary McGettigan
• Renee McGusty • Dick & Sheri McHose •
Mary McHugh • Patrick McKee • Denise &
Michael McKeigan • Ann & John McKeon •
Margo & Herb McKillop • James McLaughlin
• Kevin McLaughlin • Dr. Amy McMichael •
Colleen & Tom McNally • Elizabeth McTiernan
• Marva McWilliams • Anne & Tom Meek •
Carolyn Meilhede • Luz Mercado • Amy &
Michael Migliara • Adele Miller • Dr. Laurence
Miller • Linda Miller • Angie Mills • Barbara
Mintz • Judy & John Miyamoto • Peter &
Wendy Moen • Dixie Mohan • Ranvir & Prita
Mohindra • Charles & Roberta Mohr • James
& Fran Mollis • Carl Monnin • Mary Ann &
Monte Monson • Jennifer & Daniel Montone •
Jane Moore • Tracy Moore • James Morgan •
Karen & Dean Morrell • Lorraine Moscardini •
Howard & Pat Moskof • John Motter • Jennifer
& James Moyer • Dr. Renata Mullen • Chris
Murphy • Kathie Murphy • Donna & Dayle
Murray • Cheri & Juanita Musser • Michelle D
Myers • Jennifer Neff • Brittany Nelson • Lesley
Nettles • Edwin & Alice Neuman • Kevin & Nina
Nolan • Robin Nolan • Betty Nugent Tisdale •
William O'Brien • Michael O’Halleran • John &
Kathleen O’Keefe • Timothy & Carol O’Keefe •
Megan O’Shaughnessy • Peter & Claire Odell •
John Odmark • Michael Olsen • Jim Present &
Barbara Orenstein • Dr. David Orentreich • Jo
Orser • Rita & Stephen Osit • Joy Ott • Larry
Overley • Gloria & CM Overton • Linda Owen •
Stacia & Scott Owen • Bonnie & Phil Pactor
• Peg & Jeff Padnos • Gerald & Sharron Page •
Rick & Terry Pahler • Arleen & Tom Pajic • Tulla
Paplow • Russell Parker • Arbella Parrot • Maria
& Robert Pascali • Brittney Pasekel • Ermina &
Louis Passarella • Janet & Dirk Pasterkamp •
Vipul & Sheetal Patel • John Patton • John Peak
• Barbara Pejokovich • Emily Pelrine • Mark &
Karen Peoples • Laurent Perez • Sarah Pesikoff
• Sharon Pessin • Susan Peters • Kristin & Chris
Peterson • Lori & James Petraglia • Adrienne
Petras • Kimberlee & John Phillips • Scott
Phillips • Leon & Julie Pipho • Jimmie Pitts •
Rhonda Plagos • Christinea Playton • Gene
Pletzer • Jeff & Kathleen Ploussard • Scott M
Pond • Marian & Carl Popelka • Minnie Popp •
Dr. Jerome Potozkin • Dr. Kathleen & Ms. Alison
Potter • Christine Poulin • Julie & Jeff Powers •
Keith R Powers • Susan & Dave Price • Richard
Pryce • Anna Marie Purisima • Cindy & Robin
Quello • Claudia Quezada • Robert & Lillian
Quintana • Mary & Phil Raimondo • Georgio
Ramacciotti • Mary & Allan Ramage • Warren
Rasmussen • Mark & Giselle Ratain • Jim Rathe
• Dr. Erin Rautio • Mark Redman • Samuel
Reeves • Dr. Harold M Rehbein • Cindy, Karl &
Camile Reinecker • Danielle & Nitzan Reouveni
• John P Reuteler • Armeto Reynolds • Alicia
Rhoe • Barbara & Carl Rice • Jeff Risinger •
Steve & Cyndi Roach • Mary Robbins • Michele
Roberts • Todd & Sally Robertson • Amy Robie
• Charles Robin • Dr. Douglas Robins • Janet
Robinson • Kristi Robinson • J Richard Roenigk
• Stephanie Roes • Bill & June Rogers • Patricia
Rogers • Tammy & Keith Rogers • Tracey Rogers
• Teresa Rolland • Megan Martin Romilly •
Cynthia Rose • Dr. Ray H Rosenman • Robert
Roshto • Dr. Kay Rost • Jay & Christine Rudolph
• Barbara & Jeffrey Reule Rory Russo •
Katherine & Eugene Ryan • Patricia & Richard
Ryan • Maxine Saft • Linda Sakowitz • Robin
Salvatore • Natalie Samanon • Annamalai
Sambanthan • Bryon Sanchong • Christin Santillo
• Gary & Arlene Santos • Francis J Sanzillo •
Jorge Saralegui • Janis Sasaki • Aristides &
Colleen Sastre • Marlis Saunders • Anna Mae
Schaab • Tom & Deb Schadt • Michael &
Barbara Scharf • Jaclyn Schlaak • Mary Ellen &
Steve Schlough • Carol Schmid • Katitza
Schmidt • Judith Schneider • Steven & Wendy
Schmittjer • Eric Schoeman • Fay Schoenberger
• William Schrader • Randi Schullo • Laura
Schuppenhauer • Jacob Schutz • Steve & Fran
Schwartz • Walter & Mary Ann Schwenk •
Donna Sciortino • Millicent Scott • M Kathleen
Sebestyen • June & Ron Secreto • Carolyn
Selagy • Trisha Seminoff • Justin & Kristin
Sewell • Bridget & Dan Shadle • Dr. William Guy
Sharra • Florita Sheldon • James Shema •
Richard & Claudia Shetterly • Jeffrey & Joyce
Shew • Caroline Shorkey • Gretchen Shorkey •
Jennifer Shrader • Irving & Gladys Siegal •
Lawrence Siegel • Robert Siegel • Eric &
Kathleen Siemion • Pat Siino • Dr. Nanette
Silverberg • Leslie Silverman • Mark Simmons •
Roxie Simmons • Donna & Ronald Simons •
Teresa Sims • L G Singmaster • Dona & Larry
Sinigiani • Mary & William Sisk • Steve & Bonnie
Sloane • Tommy R Smiley • Beatrice & Lloyd
Smith • Christina Smith • Dr. Claibourne Smith
• Diane Smith • Jerry Smith • Jessica Smith •
Martin & Dannell Smith • Matthew Smith
• Rebecca Smith • Robin Smith • Ross &
Willa Smith • Elizabeth Anne Smolen • Joan
Smyth • Jolyn Snider • Diann & Thomas So
• Ashok Sole • David & Maria Solecki • Timothy
& Kristine Somers • George & Ruthanne
Sorensen • Karen Spaun • Mary Sperry • Paul
Stamour • Rebecca & Ronald Stanevich • Ger-
ald Stankunas • Joan Staple • Kathryn &
Stephen Starke • Don & Ann Steele • Nancy
Steighner • Jennifer Stein • Scott Stein •
Jonathan Steinberg • Ann & Joseph Stemmy
• Anne Stile • Josephine & John Stile • Mai
Stoddard • Joseph Stolasz • Debra Hayes Stone
• Dr. Henry Storper • Sheila & Len Stout • Paul
& Kimberly Strong • Aylett Suhr • Craig Sulak
• Dee Sullivan • Josefina Sullivan • Dr. John
Sundberg • Vanessa Swain • Stephanie & Doug
Swanson • Arthur & Shelland Szeto • Tim Tabler
• Christine & Katelyn Taricani • Betria Taylor •
Brigitte Taylor • Michael Temme • Shirl & James
Terrell • Margery F Terry • Sandee Teruya • Vikas
Tewari • Virginia & Don Thackery • Roderick
Thaler • Julie Theriault • Tom, Eileen & Karen
Therrien • Maria Thieme • Marcia Thomas •
Marie Thomasson • Jill & Mike Thompson •
Karen Thompson • Kim & Laurie Thompson
• Craig Thurber • Whitney Tillson • Maria
Guadalupe Tinajero • Kathleen & Troy Tingey
• Marcy & Brian Tivol • Rose Tolbert • Theresa
Tolkinen • Stacy & Michael Tolpa • Dr. Michael
Tomeo • Maria & Kevin Torpey • Stephanie
& James Toups • Susan & Bruce Tracey • Louise
Treff-Gangler • Ernest B & Ellen Tremmel •
CarolTriest • Christine & James Truitt • Ashley
Tsao • Peter Tseng • Garrett & Bonnie Tucker •
Drs. Harold & Robin Tucker • Jack Tucker •
Robert & Shirley Turley • Ruth Turney • Eleanor
Tyson • Mary Joan Vaccaro • Tehmi & Phil
Vakharia • Julie Van Koughnett • Colleen
Vancuren • Pratima Vardhana • Lorette
Velazquez • Doug & Barbara Veres • Robert E
& Joella Vescovo • Jonnel Viglucci • Daevid
Vincent • Laura & John Viscovich • Angela
Vollertsen • Simona Volpa • Susan & John
Vreyens • Fred Wahl • Steve & Allison Wahlberg
• Henry & Pat Wallace Sr. • Nona & Charles
Wallace • John Walsh • Lori Walton • Allen
Ward • Gloria Ward • Christina Warder • Dawn
& Mark Warpechowski • Kristine Washburn •
Dante Washington • Fumihiko Watanabe •
Geraldine Waters • J B Watson, Jr • Pat &
Craig Webster • Doreen Weekley • Vicktoria
Weessies • Barbara & J. Keith Weinlader •
Debra Weinstein • Rebecca Weiss • Neil & Jen
Weitman • Linda & James Wenziger • Laurie &
Larry Wetterschneider • Joel & Colleen Whalen
• Jenny White • Michelle & Ronald White •
Lisa & Michael Whitlow • Ellen & John Whittle
• Cynthia & Dale Will • Jared & Christina
Williams • Michelle Williams • Theresa Williams
• Steve & Cheryle Willingham • Lucinda Wilson
• Margaret Wilson • Nancy & Ron Wilson •
Stephanie S Wilson • Adrienne & Tom Wines
• Marcia & Michael Winkler • Sharon Wisch-Ray
• Ruth & Jonathan Witt • Jan & Barry Wolfert •
Mai Lynn Womack • Jennifer Woods • Pamela
& Richard Wyatt • Stuart Yaffa • Frank Yanez
• Luba Yaryna • Ginnie Yee • Cal Yokomizo •
Sharyn & William Young • Sue Young • Kathy
& John Yurista • Lillian & John Zadzilka • Mark
& Elizabeth Zimmerman • Melissa Zoepfi • Kim
& Stephen Zonca • Stan & Linda Zone
4Women.com, Sarasota, FL • A & J Enviromental, S. Milwaukee, WI • AMG, Lafayette, CA
• AWC. Inc., Baton Rouge, LA • American
Wigs & Fashions, Marietta, GA • Amesbury
Management, LLC, Baton Rouge, LA •
Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix, AZ • CDC
Distributors, Inc., Cincinnati, OH • Cantner’s
Inc., Federalsburg, MD • Cape Wiggery, Cape
Girardeau, MD • Choi Miso Eden Farm,
Seaford, NY • Coastal Farm & Ranch, Albany
OR • Crescent Door Hardware, New Orleans,
LA • Davis Concrete Staging, Marlton, NJ •
Deinlein’s Tri-City Service, Inc., Milwaukee, WI
• Delta Technical College, Horn Lake MS •
Disciple Group, Seaford, DE • Doctors.com,
Napa, CA • Drs. Leerch, Amato & Associates,
Gibbsboro, NJ • Especially Yours/ Specialty
Catalog Corp., West Bridgewater, MA •
Fortune Footwear Inc., New York, NY • Hats,
Scarves and More, Spokane, WA • Hip Hats
with Hair, Tampa, FL • Hytton Paper Company,
Bellmawr, NJ • JR Kays Trucking, Inc., Spring
Creek, PA • Jenkins, Siergiej & Smith, Ambler,
PA • Jetta Operating Company, Inc., Fort Worth,
TX • Just in Time, Inc., Philadelphia, PA • Krav
Maga Northeast Regional Center, Williamsville,
NY • Long’s Pool Center, Rockingham, NC •
Main Street Fitness, Bradford, PA • Masterpiece
Pizza, Inc., New York, NY • Mobile Bay HarleyDavidson, Mobile, AL • Morgan Auto Supply,
Bridgehampton, NY • Nammu Swimming Hats,
Inc., Thornhill, ON, Canada • Paul Rabonowitz
Glass, Philadelphia, PA • The Philadelphia
76ers, Philadelphia, PA • Pittsburgh Pirates,
Pittsburgh, PA • Principal Law Firm, Sanford,
FL • QuadGraphics, Sussex, WI • Quadami,
Inc., Carle Place, NY • Rector Street Food
Enterprises Ltd., New York, NY • Rexs Floor
Covering, Rockingham, NC • Rooney Landscape,
Arlington Heights, IL • Schaff Funeral Service,
Inc., West Allis, WI • Sensible Decisions, New
York, NY • Shaw Environmental, Inc., Baton
Rouge, LA • Slumbercap, San Diego, CA •
Sound of Tri-State, Claymont, DE • Tabiatha
Harrier Concierge, LLC, Flourtown, PA •
Thatcher, Passarella & Thatcher, Runnemeade,
NJ • Volluma/ Wynner Group, Inc., Heidelberg,
ON, Canada • Wendy’s International, Atlanta,
GA • Wisconsin Muffler Tire & Auto, LLC., New
Berlin, WI
Foundations and Organizations
Aetna Foundation, Andover, ME • Aplington/
Parkersburg Schools, Parkersburg, IA •
Coginchaug High School, Durham, CT • Knights
of Columbus, Fair Haven, NJ • Knights of
Columbus, Eatontown, NJ • Knights of Columbus,
Holmdel, NJ • Levi Strauss Foundation, San
Francisco, CA • Maryland Charity Campaign,
Baltimore, MD • Rogers Middle School, St.
Louis, MO • Swig Foundation, San Francisco,
CA • The Ensign-Bickford Foundation, Sinsbury,
CT • The Morris I Witlow Memorial Fund,
Baltimore, MD
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2011 Board of Directors
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2011 Corporate Staff
Brian Ter Haar, Chair
Business Owner
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vicki Kalabokes
President and Chief Executive Officer
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation
(NAAF) supports research to find a cure or
acceptable treatment for alopecia areata,
supports those with the disease, and educates
the public about alopecia areata.
Maureen McGettigan, Chief Financial Officer
Senior Account Executive,
Drug Development Company
Flourtown, Pennsylvania
Hoy Lanning, Jr, Secretary
Business Owner
Wadesboro, North Carolina
Harris Barer
Partner Law Firm
New York, New York
Jay Bokulic
Program Manager
Ashburn, Virginia
Printed on recycled paper
© 2012 National Alopecia Areata Foundation
Mary Cosgrove
Director of Publications & Technology
Abby Ellison
Administrative Coordinator
Joe Della Cella
Communications Director
Carol Mayer
Administrative Assistant
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
NAAF Board of Directors
Chicago, Illinois
Lloyd E. King, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Amy McMichael, MD
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Alan Moshell, MD
George Washington University
Washington DC
James H. Stoppello, CPA, JD
Legal and Financial Advisor
Sigfrid A. Muller, MD
Las Vegas Skin and Cancer Clinic
Las Vegas, Nevada
Bob Flint
Houston, Texas
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2011 Scientific Advisory Council
Elise A. Olsen, MD
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Donna Hakim
Marketing Consultant
Wall, New Jersey
NAAF is a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization
pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,
and all gifts and donations to NAAF are tax deductible.
Tax ID number is 94-2780249.
Laura Ralph
Director of Support & Education
Marc Glashofer, MD
Island Dermatology
Long Beach, New York
Richard Dest, DDS
Charlotte, North Carolina
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
Pharmaceutical Research
Highland Park, Illinois
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
14 Mitchell Boulevard
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: 415-472-3780
Fax: 415-472-5343
Email: info@naaf.org
Website: www.naaf.org
Jeanné Rappoport
Vice President Administration and Meetings
Madeleine Duvic, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
Ann S. Hedges
San Francisco, CA
Debora Pellicano
Brand Finance Manager,
Drug Development Company
Wilmington, DE
Founding Chair
Vera H. Price, MD
Hair Research Center
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California
Maria Hordinsky, MD, Chair
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
David Norris, MD, Past Chair
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Denver, Colorado
Jerry Shapiro, MD, FRCP, Vice-Chair
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Vicki Kalabokes, Executive Secretary
President and Chief Executive Officer, NAAF
Wilma Bergfeld, MD, FAAD
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
Angela Christiano, PhD
Columbia University
New York, New York
Anthony Oro, MD
Stanford University Medical Center
Palo Alto, California
Len Sperling, MD
Uniformed Services University
Bethesda, Maryland
Richard Strick, MD
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
John Sundberg, DVM, PhD
The Jackson Laboratory
Bar Harbor, Maine
David A. Whiting, MD
Baylor Hair Research & Treatment Center
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center
Dallas, Texas