2012 Annual Report - National Alopecia Areata Foundation


2012 Annual Report - National Alopecia Areata Foundation
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
Annual Report
Fiscal Year Ending December 31, 2012
Building a Wave We’ll Ride...
to Treatments and a Cure
omentum. The force of our actions behind the weight of our
accomplishments is building momentum in all aspects of our mission:
support, advocacy and research. We are creating a wave we plan to
ride to our desired goal of finding treatments and a cure for alopecia areata. In
this report we share with you key actions and accomplishments from the past year
and invite you to join with us as we continue to accelerate our efforts to improve
the lives of people with alopecia areata. A wellspring of inspiration, momentum
is an essential ingredient in the recipe for continued success.
In 2012, the National Alopecia Areata Foundation scored triumphs in numerous
settings, from research laboratories to baseball diamonds, from grammar school
classrooms to the corridors of Washington. These victories, detailed in the
following pages, are something to celebrate in their own right. And they provide
crucial propulsion for greater success leading toward the future we hope to chart
for our community—a future where an effective, affordable treatment for
alopecia areata is a reality.
What is contributing to this momentum? What is generating this wave? In part,
it results from NAAF building on its 30-year legacy to press home initiatives
like the Treatment Development Program that is strategically driving research
investment, facilitating research collaboration, and paving the way to accelerate
clinical trials of promising treatments. The 2012 Alopecia Areata Research Summit,
held in Bethesda, Maryland, in November, crystallized past learning and charted
the course for future research. Recognizing the promise of a key resource, NAAF
took ownership and committed to funding the Alopecia Areata Registry, Biobank,
and Clinical Trials Network (originally the National Alopecia Areata Registry).
This is a veritable goldmine of patient data and biological samples combined
with a network of institutions ready for clinical trials of potential treatments.
Momentum is increasing in the policy-making arena where we advocate for more
federal investment and more favorable health insurance coverage for alopecia
areata and all autoimmune diseases. During our Day on Capitol Hill in July our
community so successfully elevated the importance of alopecia areata in the eyes of
the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) that alopecia areata was selected as
one of 39 out of 12,000 diseases being considered for targeted assistance through
the FDA’s Patient-Focused Drug Development initiative.
Perhaps the greatest driver of momentum is the NAAF community of stakeholders:
all of the individuals with alopecia areata, the young and the not so young, parents
and teachers, doctors and researchers, friends and neighbors. We comprise a large
and special NAAF family linked not just by a disease but by a spirit, by a belief
in ourselves and our talents, our determination and our goals. We believe in
victory because we dare not believe in the alternative. We will find a cure.
Can you feel the momentum building? We hope we can count on you to ride the
wave for our next exciting journey together.
Brian Ter Haar
Vicki Kalabokes
Chair, Board of Directors, 2012
President and Chief Executive Officer
The nation’s leading nonprofit watchdog group, the BBB Wise Giving Alliance, has
found that NAAF operates with the utmost integrity, transparency, and accountability.
NAAF is proud to be one of the few nonprofits out of the almost
1.5 million nonprofits in the United States that meets these strict
governance standards. In addition NAAF meets all 44 of the
standards required for membership in the National Health Council.
Support Support Support Support
“What a blessing the conference was. . . .We gained so much more
knowledge and support than we ever can realize.
[Our daughter] made several new friends this year and looks
forward to next year already. We love what each of you do to make
this a success each year and hope as a family we can be more
a part of theNAAF family and help with this mission.”
— Ronnie, Michele, & Kaitlin White
We Leverage Technology to Reach a Broader Audience
We Support and Connect the Alopecia Areata Community
Through Our Annual Conference
Over 850 people came together to learn from each other, meet new friends and find
a home in this NAAF community over four event-packed days at the 27th National
Alopecia Areata Foundation Conference. And 360 of the attendees were VIPs—
people attending their very first NAAF conference.
The conference was held at the Hyatt Regency Washington to facilitate an
empowering day of advocacy on Capitol Hill.
A total of 78 Conference Scholarships were awarded to people in need, enabling them
to attend the conference. That makes 1,296 total scholarships awarded since the
Scholarship program was initiated.
Conference attendees came not just from 42 states, but from Algeria, Australia,
Brazil, Canada, New Zealand and Sweden. We’re building momentum abroad!
During 2012, the NAAF website received
3.7 million hits as it provided constantly
updated information on research, support
and resources, programs and events, and a
whole lot more. Go to www.naaf.org and
see what the site has to offer you!
At the forefront of social media, NAAF’s
Facebook page and Twitter feed provided
followers the latest news regarding the
alopecia areata community and its activities. We loved being able to interact with
you in real time, answering your questions and concerns. As of December 31, 2012,
the NAAF Facebook page had over 600 fans and over 6,000 likes, and the NAAF
Twitter feed had over 1,000 followers.
Over 16,000 readers in the alopecia
areata community received the NAAF
Electronic News (Beneath the Surface),
providing a quick-reading summary of
important and useful information.
Support Support Support Support Support
We Know There are Different Kinds of People,
So We Offer Different Kinds of Support
Since alopecia areata most often manifests first in childhood, we have an abundance
of resources focused on helping our amazing kids cope with the social and emotional
challenges of sudden unexplained hair loss.
• A nine-minute DVD/video designed for kids to share with family, friends, and
schoolmates to help them understand how living with alopecia areata may impact
a child was provided to 253 families upon request.
• The Bullying section of our Education Awareness Packet has been expanded to
help children with alopecia areata better cope with abuse from other kids.
“I cannot begin to explain
what a wonderful experience
the conference was.
We LOVED it!
We truly felt as though we
gained a family. Thanks for
your help and again, the
conference was the BEST!!!!!”
— Nicki Kelley Troupe
In 2012, the Ascot Fund provided financial grants to 96 applicants to purchase hair
prostheses. Additionally, 46 ready-made wigs were awarded to those in need. These
grants changed the lives of those affected. Since the fund was established in 2004,
a total of 643 people have been aided thanks to this very special program.
The Alopecia Areata Marketplace provides easy access to hard-to-find and
much-needed products for people with alopecia areata. Products from 51 merchants
were tried and tested by trusted members of the alopecia areata community before
being accepted in this online bazaar.
140 knowledgeable volunteers in
NAAF’s International Support
Network, serve 138 cities worldwide,
organizing local support groups and
providing telephone support.
Additionally, hundreds of volunteers
organized awareness events, hosted
fundraisers, and helped at the
Conference. We celebrate these
support volunteers more fully in the
quarterly newsletters.
Our four updated Alopecia Areata brochures, From a Child’s Point-of-View, Helping
You Cope, A Parent’s Guide, and What You Should Know were widely distributed to both
those newly acquainted with alopecia areata, and those who are familiar with the
disease but want the latest information and advice. They were mailed out to those
requesting information, and distributed at awareness events and doctors’ offices.
• An updated-for-2012 school guide, including NAAF’s first bibliography of books
for kids with alopecia areata, was mailed to hundreds of parents and teachers.
• We offer brochures for parents and kids addressing social and emotional
challenges and offering coping strategies.
• Children are welcome at all support groups, and we even have four support
groups just for kids.
• Our Children’s Conference Camp enabled 272 kids ages 5 to 17 to revel in the
comfort of others who are dealing with similar challenges.
• We offer secure and private message boards for children and teens to share with
and learn from each other.
• In a special KidNet section of the Alopecia Areata News we provide helpful
information in a kid-friendly way.
• Our Pen/Cyber Pal program attracted 1,345 participants of all ages and
nationalities. It’s a fun and easy way to make a new friend across the globe!
“I noticed a change in my grandson as well. As he looked around
at so many bald heads, I could see a sort of comfort come into
his expressions; almost like a peaceful relief. Capitol Hill was
very impressive and the legislative staff we spoke with appeared
to have a sincere interest in the cause that brought us there.”
— Barbara Allen & William Walker
Awareness & Education A
We Build Awareness to Create Understanding
NAAF Heroes David Norris, MD; Sandy Frum; Harris Barer; Angela
Christiano, PhD; Mike Chapman; Lisa Ciancio; and Alan Pallie were
honored at the National Alopecia Areata Foundation Raise Your Glass Gala,
held April 26 at the Battery Gardens Restaurant in Lower Manhattan to
commemorate NAAF’s 30th anniversary. Each of the seven Heroes was
individually recognized by emcee Maureen McGettigan for the inspiring
and groundbreaking work they performed on behalf of the alopecia areata
community, from bold research to tireless volunteer and support efforts.
It’s the rare organization, nonprofit or otherwise, that achieves its 30th
anniversary with its mission still as robust as the day of its founding. NAAF
is such an organization. The event brought in close to $170,000. The Raise
Your Glass Gala was a well-earned celebration of what our unique community
has achieved . . . and where it is going.
NAAF publicity efforts generated over 70 alopecia areata-related stories in print,
television, and web media publications during 2012 with millions of media
impressions. These included The New York Times, The Wall Street Journal, the San
Francisco Chronicle, The Huffington Post, BBC News, the Daily Mail, The Detroit Free
Press, the Denver Post, the Fort Worth Examiner, The Jamaica Gleaner, Ebony, KABCLos Angeles, WBAL News-Baltimore, and WSVN-Miami.
NAAF took a very active role in educating medical
professionals about alopecia areata and our Treatment
Development Program, hosting informational exhibits at
key medical and scientific conferences, including the
American Academy of Dermatology, the Dermatology
Nurses’ Association, the Society for Investigative
Dermatology, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Sixteen Major League and four Minor League baseball
teams took part in 2012’s “Team Up for Alopecia Areata”
campaign during Alopecia Awareness Month in September.
Other awareness highlights included Lisa Vanderpump, star of The Real Housewives
of Beverly Hills, bringing Giggy, her famous canine with alopecia areata, to meet
Southern California children who suffer from the disease, and Abby Asistio, a
talented songwriter, singer, and model, announcing she had alopecia areata in the
most dramatic way she knew, by staging STRIPPED: A Coming Out Concert
for Alopecia Areata Awareness, in her
hometown of Manila.
“I want to show that having
alopecia areata shouldn’t
hold you back.”
— Lisa Vanderpump
Awareness & Education Awareness & Education
We Advocate for Federal Support of Autoimmune and Alopecia Areata Research
Advocacy Day on Capitol Hill was the centerpiece
of our Conference in July. Some 600 attendees
marched to the hill to make their voices heard over
the course of 200 appointments with their Senators
and Congressional Representatives. Esteemed
Congresswoman Jackie Speier, representing
California’s 12th congressional district, inspired the
NAAF advocates with a stirring address. NAAF
advocates asked lawmakers for increased funding
for the National Institutes of Health, guidance on
alopecia areata treatment development from the
Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and
cosponsorship of the MODDERN Cures Act. Our
community successfully elevated the importance of
alopecia areata in the eyes of the FDA: Alopecia Areata was selected as one of 39 out
of 12,000 diseases for targeted assistance through the FDAs Patient-Focused Drug
Development initiative. That’s what we mean by momentum!
NAAF was a key sponsor of a
Congressional Briefing on March 28,
presented by the National Coalition of
Autoimmune Patient Groups (NCAPG),
including the American Autoimmune
Related Diseases Association (AARDA).
The theme of the briefing was America’s
Silent Health Crisis, and included such
topics as Genetics and Autoimmune
Diseases, An Autoimmune Family’s Story,
and Making Autoimmune Disease Families
a National Priority.
On May 19 members of the Seattle Support
Group and Laura Ralph, NAAF’s Director
of Support & Education, joined others
diagnosed with autoimmune diseases for the
Living with Autoimmunity Community
Dialogue, sponsored by the A3 Alliance. The
A3 Alliance, of which NAAF is a member, is
committed to raising awareness, educating and
advocating on behalf of patients, healthcare
professionals, and others focused on solving the
mysteries of autoimmunity.
NAAF CEO Vicki Kalabokes and Communications Director Gary Sherwood
attended the American Academy of Dermatology Association Conference in
Washington, D.C. The main focus of the event was a day of advocacy on Capitol
Hill, primarily in support of continued funding for the National Institutes of
Health which in turn funds a significant portion of alopecia areata research. Vicki
and Gary met with the offices of Senators Barbara Boxer and Dianne Feinstein, and
Representatives Lynn Woolsey and Elton Gallegly, explaining why continued NIH
funding is so critical.
In the immediate wake of our Advocacy Day, eleven members of Congress signed a
letter to the Commissioner of the FDA, urging that agency to develop industry guidance
which would serve as a blueprint for the development of treatment options for alopecia
areata. The letter specifically made mention that FDA guidance has historically
served as a crucial factor in the development of treatments for other conditions.
Momentum from the incredibly successful
Day on Capitol Hill resulted in development of the Alopecia Areata Legislative
Liaison program. These specially selected
advocates from across the United States
continue to keep issues concerning alopecia
areata a focus with their Senators and
Congressional Representatives through
both written correspondence and in-person
office visits.
Awareness & Education A
We Inform and Inspire Our Community,
Magnifying Efforts at the Local Level
Our members were updated every quarter with
information on the issues surrounding alopecia areata
by our award-winning NAAF newsletter, Alopecia
Areata News, regarded as one of the foremost
patient periodicals by medical professionals.
“People want to do good.
So many individuals rallied behind us.
It is beautiful to see the way that
people’s hearts want to give.”
— Amanda Shannon
Some 300 volunteers led over 90 awareness and fundraising events reaching
thousands of people and raising $176,100. These events ranged from a Tortoise &
Hair™ Run/Walk in Pittsburgh to a Golden Gate Swim in San Francisco.
“Here are women joining beauty pageants, running marathons,
walking down runways, making music videos, documentaries,
speaking at conventions and on national TV with big smiles on
their faces. . . . They were bald and proud and have chosen to
proclaim how secure and at peace they are about themselves.”
— Abby Asistio
“My daughter knows that as long as I am alive,
I will be supporting her with this disease.
I will keep fundraisingfor NAAF until we find a cure.”
— Rodrigo Gomez
Another 140 knowledgeable volunteers
comprise an International Support
Network, serving 138 cities worldwide,
organizing local support groups and
providing telephone support.
We offer our thanks to all the individuals
and families who hosted—or participated
in—these fantastic local outreach efforts!
Can you feel the momentum building?
Awareness & Education Awareness & Education
NAAF gratefully acknowledges all of the AWESOME individuals and families
that raised money and spread awareness on our behalf during 2012.
Tucson Support Group
Friends of Aplington/Parkersburg Schools
Amy & Jillian Halloran
Carlaine Willis Jewelry
Courtney Velazquez
Francine & John Leipsic
Luso-American Life Insurance Society
Michelle Cherrick Family & Friends
Quezada de Carrillo Family & Friends
Susanna Davies Family & Friends
Brianna Holt Family & Friends
Bishop Owen Family & Friends
Terri Auerbach
Kim Martino Jeans Day
Delaware Support Group
Laura Pellicano Family & Friends
Rodrigo Gomez Family & Friends
Addison Harris Family & Friends
Ken & Jennifer Anderson
Donna Herweg Family & Friends
Friends of Gardner Elementary
Danette Goggin Family & Friends
Anna Hall Family & Friends
Kathy Hodur Family & Friends
Levi, Ray & Shoup, Inc.
Marco Di Silvestro Family & Friends
Chicago Support Group
Friends of Stuart Pepper Middle School
Marie Lirette Family & Friends
Jake Smart Family & Friends
Baltimore Area Support Group
Maria Beckett Family & Friends
Ashley Zink Family & Friends
Chrissa Kaselis Family & Friends
Laura Hathaway Family & Friends
Boston Area Support Group
Heidi Bratt Family & Friends
Maggie Cheesman Family & Friends
Friends of Ezra Elementary
New Jersey
Lilianna Hakim Family & Friends
Jessica Laracuente Family & Friends
Marsh & McLennan Family & Friends
Christopher Passarella Family & Friends
Roosevelt School
New York
Brooklyn Lab School
Harrison Goldberg Family & Friends
Ethan Nijanken Family & Friends
Proskauer Rose LLP
First Niagara Jeans Day
Mariemont Elementary
Cara Puccini Family & Friends
Cascade Title Co. Jeans Day
Cassie McElwain Family & Friends
Community Programs Jeans Day
Mallory Crowner Family & Friends
Mayville Eagles
Joey Silvestri Family & Friends
JuNyla Silmon Family & Friends
Patricia & Luis Davis Family & Friends
Friends of Houston Elementary
Guru Mathur Family & Friends
Tenton McGee Family & Friends
Connolly Quarels Family & Friends
June Secreto Family & Friends
Keely Farrell Family & Friends
Washington DC
Washington Nationals
Washington DC Tortoise & Hair ™
Jade Gross Family & Friends
Whispering Willows Girl Scout Troop 314
Sarah Baumann Family & Friends
Stilettos on Steel
Kiah Lang Family & Friends
Amanda Eakin Family & Friends
Friends of the Philadelphia Support Group
Lucy Cadwallader Family & Friends
Judy Hollingshead Family & Friends
Paragon Asset Recovery Services Inc.
Kathy Schreckengost Family & Friends
Amanda Shannon Family & Friends
Rebecca Hibbs Family & Friends
The Alopecia Areata Treatment Development Program (TDP) continued its
seven-year mission to accelerate the quest for a viable alopecia areata treatment.
This past year NAAF strengthened our concierge role, leveraging all of our
available research resources and clinical partnerships. Our strategic goal is to
discover a safe, effective, affordable treatment useful to millions of people with
alopecia areata and to find a cure.
We Strategically Drive Research as Our Summits
Chart the Course for Future Investigation
On November 29 and 30,
NAAF hosted From Basepairs to
Bedside: Innovations in the Immunology
& Clinical Science of Alopecia Areata,
our bienniel Alopecia Areata Research
Summit, in Bethesda, Maryland. The
summit was convened to review recent
progress in understanding alopecia
areata as an autoimmune disease and
to chart the course for the future of
translational research. Featured were updates on key developments in the quickly advancing basic, genetic and immunologic science of alopecia areata, recent clinical research
including a biomarker study, researcher-developed consensus documents on conducting
alopecia areata clinical trials, meetings with the FDA and members of Congress to guide
us on paving the way for clinical trial approval with critical resources like population
and quality of life studies, and refinements of the Alopecia Areata Treatment Development Program to build on progress that exceeded expectations during the first few years.
“I left the [research summit] feeling the speed of advances in
alopecia areata research and treatment has really taken off
and we are on the cusp of many more advances.”
— Bob Flint, NAAF Board of Directors
We Engage Companies in Treatment Development Partnerships
We are excited to be working with a company on a clinical trial to test a promising
treatment with an excimer laser. This is truly a partnership: NAAF is committed to
funding the study and providing access to the Alopecia Areata Registry, Biobank
and Clinical Trials Network to efficiently enroll patients; the company is providing
expertise, instruction and maintenance of the devices; and, five trial sites are prepared
to conduct the study. The objective is to assess the efficacy and safety of an excimer
laser in the treatment of scalp alopecia areata.
NAAF is growing our Corporate Leadership Council (CLC) comprised of companies
that have drugs in the autoimmune disease and dermatology arena. We put ourselves
at the center of dialogue with these biopharmaceutical industry representatives so we
are poised to facilitate partnerships and support clinical trials as promising treatments
for alopecia areata become apparent through research discoveries.
On April 26, a CLC meeting was convened to share recent developments in our
understanding of alopecia areata genetics and immunology that have come about
through research driven by the Alopecia Areata Treatment Development Program.
Companies large and small who are interested in new areas of autoimmune disease
treatment and alopecia areata specifically attended this meeting. They were interested
in participating in future CLC meetings and taking steps to learn more about
alopecia areata.
We Build the Global Research Network to Leverage Your Investment
We leverage your donations through
the Alopecia Areata Treatment
Development Program. NAAF
funded $645,000 on research during
2012. Researchers that have received
NAAF funding in the past secured an
additional $2.5 million in follow-up
funding through other sources,
including the National Institutes of
Health. We are building momentum
by increasing the amount and scope
of alopecia areata research beyond
the direct reach of our organization.
At the 8th International Congress on Autoimmunity held May 9 to 13 in
Granada, Spain, NAAF officially sponsored a session entitled “Autoimmunity of
the Skin,” which was chaired by Drs. E. Schmidt, A. Kuhn, and A. Gilhar, all of
whom expressed their thanks for the support of NAAF. The speakers discussed the
importance of animal models for understanding disease, particularly in regard to
alopecia areata.
That same week in May, over 200 scientific
posters related to alopecia areata and
focusing on autoimmunity, immunity, hair,
genetics, clinical research, and animal models
were displayed at the Society for Investigative
Dermatology (SID) Annual Meeting & 75th
Anniversary Celebration in Raleigh, North
Carolina. Many of the posters referred to
research done with NAAF funding, and
credited NAAF for our support.
NAAF’s Scientific Advisory Council and
Clinical Research Task Force met to review
progress on the Alopecia Areata Registry,
Biobank and Clinical Trials Network and
to discuss how to leverage this resource to
facilitate upcoming clinical trials. This
meeting was scheduled to coincide with
the Annual Meeting of the Society for
Investigative Dermatology (SID) to
minimize expense and maximize utility.
NAAF was heavily involved in 2012’s American Academy of Dermatology (AAD)
Annual Meeting in San Diego from March 15 to 20. Among the highlights:
• NAAF CEO Vicki Kalabokes gave a scientific talk on the status and
accomplishments of the Alopecia Areata Registry, Biobank and Clinical Trials
Network at the North American Hair Research Society Meeting, which was
held in concert with the AAD.
• NAAF Scientific Advisory Council member Wilma Bergfeld, MD, was awarded
the Master Dermatologist award.
• Sheila Belkin, NAAF’s Director of Patient and Partner Relations, was given an
award of appreciation of her longtime work on behalf of hair loss patients by the
Coalition of Skin Diseases.
• Dr. Shadi Kourosh worked with the
Coalition of Skin Diseases (CSD) to
promote The Skin Advocate, an app
she helped develop to provide immediate
access to contact information for
dermatologic patient advocacy groups
in the CSD, including NAAF.
We Pave the Way for FDA Approval of
Clinical Trials and Treatment
In the wake of the selection of alopecia areata as one of
just 39 diseases to be considered for targeted assistance
through the FDA’s Patient-Focused Drug Development
initiative (out of 12,000 diseases total), Jan Wolf
delivered testimony at the Food and Drug Administration’s public meeting held
October 25. NAAF also submitted written comments with both empiric and
anecdotal data emphasizing not only the physical but the psychological and social
toll alopecia areata takes on
those afflicted, with special
emphasis on the experience
of younger people. NAAF is
advocating for alopecia areata
being one of the patient
communities the FDA decides
to collaborate with to enhance
regulatory assessment.
NAAF coordinated alopecia
areata prevalence and incidence studies (see below);
this data can help determine
the scope of the problem, which is of vital importance to commercial partners and
the FDA when a treatment is evaluated.
NAAF funded Quality of Life
Studies (see below) to objectively
demonstrate the burden of
alopecia areata; this data is
essential to the FDA when
evaluating a treatment.
We Build the Infrastructure Needed for Clinical Research
On April 1, NAAF assumed sole sponsorship of the Alopecia Areata Registry,
Biobank and Clinical Trials Network (formerly known as the National Alopecia
Areata Registry) after federal funding for it ended on March 31. Pharmaceutical
companies and academic researchers consider this resource a goldmine for
advancing research.
• There are two tiers of registrants. First-tier registrants provide personal data,
while second-tier registrants also provide biological samples.
• The Network has successfully ascertained 8,709 first-tier and 3,515 second-tier
participants, and has five sites in the clinical trials network. The potential for
breakthrough medical investigation increases dramatically with this centralized
collection of data, samples and clinical trial–ready sites, and NAAF is committed
to continue its funding.
• We are grateful to the National Institute of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and
Skin Diseases (NIAMS) within the National Institutes of Health (NIH) for
providing millions of dollars in funding and considerable expertise to design and
establish the registry and gather initial information and samples, with Award
Number HHSN268200682279C.
We Provide Support for Clinical Studies
NAAF partially funded the collection of skin
samples used to find genes expressed in
alopecia areata as part of the Alopecia Areata
Biomarker Study being conducted by Drs.
Angela Christiano and Ali Jabbari at Columbia
University in New York, assisted by all Registry
sites. In medicine, biomarkers are measurable
characteristics that indicate the severity or prese
of some disease state. In lay terms, biomarkers ar
reliable measure of whether someone has a disease and to what extent.
They are also helpful indicators of the effectiveness of treatments under investigation.
NAAF helped five researchers to continue their alopecia areata research with grants
from the National Institutes of Health by writing strong letters of support.
Utilizing the Alopecia Areata Registry, Biobank and Clinical Trials Network and the
NAAF database to recruit patients, Allergan was able to complete the enrollment
phase of its pediatric eyelash study far ahead of schedule.
We Invest to Find Targets and
Test Possible Treatments and Cures
NAAF invested in three studies to build on
the momentum of our past discoveries and
enhance our understanding of the mechanisms
of alopecia areata, identifying targets and
testing treatment hypotheses.
“With the referral assistance provided
by NAAF, the study completed
enrollment 18 months
ahead of projections.”
— Mark Sung, Allergan
• Aziz Ghahary, MD, is examining the
ability of the enzyme IDO to prevent
inflammation and hair loss at the University
of British Columbia in Canada
• Robert Gensure, MD, PhD, and his colleagues are testing a novel drug design
and potential treatment at Monefiore in the Bronx in New York.
• Daisy Dai, PhD, is looking for alopecia areata disease targets through DNA
sequencing at the University of Colorado, Denver.
Research Investments of the Alopecia Areata Treatment Development Program in 2012
Research Project
Excimer Laser Clinical Study
Amy McMichael, MD
Wake Forest School of Medicine, Winston-Salem, NC
James A. Solomon, MD, PhD
College of Medicine, University of Central Florida
Assess the efficacy and safety of an excimer laser in the treatment of
scalp alopecia areata, and compare the treatment outcomes to determine
if longer duration of treatment provides additional improvement in the
regrowth of hair in scalp alopecia areata.
If successful, this could be the
first FDA-approved treatment
for alopecia areata.
Cheryl Gustafson, MD
Emory School of Medicine, Atlanta, GA
Alopecia Areata Registry, Biobank & Clinical Trials Network (Registry)
Madeleine Duvic, MD
Joyce Osei, MPH, MHA
MD Anderson Cancer Center, Houston, TX
Ongoing efforts are focused on aggregating patient data and biological
samples and developing a network of research institutions. At the end
of 2012, we had 8,709 first-tier and 3,515 second-tier participants, and
five sites in the clinical trials network.
NAAF is the trusted custodian of a centralized database and store
of well-characterized samples. We link clinical trial–ready sites to
the patient community and facilitate clinical trial enrollment
and feedback.
Develop the initial Alopecia Areata Uniform Clinical Study Protocol,
a standardized protocol for future studies that will enable us to judge
the effectiveness of therapies and compare one therapy to another.
A preapproved published protocol template advances clinical studies.
There will be no need for individual investigators to duplicate efforts.
Uniform Protocol
Natasha Mesinkovska, MD, PhD
Cleveland Clinic, Cleveland, OH
Incidence Study
Sultan Mirzoyev, Medical Fellow
Mark Davis, MD
Rochelle Torgerson, MD, PhD
Mayo Clinic, Rochester, MN
Determine the incidence of
alopecia areata among residents
of Olmsted County, Minnesota,
and compare the results to those
of a previous study conducted in
the same geographic area.
Government regulatory agencies require this information to approve
trials, and pharmaceutical companies evaluate this before deciding
to pursue treatments for alopecia areata.
Research Project
Prevalence Study
James A. Solomon, MD, PhD
Daquesha Chever, DO
Chauncey Caldwell, MSH
Evaluate the prevalence of patients with a
diagnosis of alopecia areata presenting to
a group of dermatology offices.
Pharmaceutical companies need this information to determine the
marketplace viability of developing a drug for alopecia areata.
Develop a scale to measure symptoms and analyze data from the
registry to describe the quality of life of patients with alopecia areata.
This study is essential in convincing the FDA of the burden of
alopecia areata and the unmet need for treatment.
NAAF partially funded the collection of skin samples to find
genes expressed in alopecia areata as part of the Alopecia Areata
Biomarker Study.
A biomarker can be used to measure the progress of disease or the
effects of treatment, and will be crucial for monitoring improvements
during clinical trials in alopecia areata.
Ameriderm Facilities
Quality of Life Study
Tito R. Mendoza, MS, MEd, PhD
The University of Texas MD Anderson Cancer Center,
Houston, Texas
Biomarker Study
Angela Christiano, PhD
Ali Jabbari, MD, PhD
Columbia University, New York
Skin Cell Therapy Study
Aziz Ghahary, MD
University of British Columbia, Canada
Investigating the potential for cells that produce the enzyme IDO
to inhibit inflammation and hair loss in an alopecia areata
mouse model.
This study examines one theory to prevent alopecia areata.
Test PTH-CBD as a novel drug design using individual protein
domains to create an agent with unique properties; C3H/HeJ–
engrafted animals treated with PTH-CBD showed improvements
in hair growth.
This study explores a possible treatment
and immune cell targets.
Sequence DNA, create libraries and look for candidate targets
in alopecia areata blood samples from the Registry
This study may identify what the immune system is attacking that
results in alopecia areata.
Parathyroid Hormone Therapy Study
Robert Gensure, MD, PhD
Tulasi Ponnapakkem, PhD
Ranjitha Katikaneni, MBBS
Children’s Hospital at Montefiore, Bronx, New York
Identify Antibody Targets
Daisy Dai, PhD
University of Colorado, Denver
Statement of Activities for the Year Ended
Statement of Financial Position
December 31, 2012
December 31, 2012
Donations – general
Donations – stock and major donors
Restricted grants and donations
Special events – Links for Locks and Tortoise & Hair
Awareness campaign
Newsletter and brochures
Alopecia Areata market place
Thirtieth anniversary
Prior year grant reimbursements
Interest and dividend income
Net realized and unrealized gains on marketable securities
Net assets released from restrictions
Total operating revenues
2012 TOTAL
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of period
Net assets, end of period
Program services:
Education and support
Supportive services:
Management and general
Total operating expenses
Change in net assets from operations
Nonoperating revenues:
Treatment Development Fund
Total nonoperating reveunes
2012 TOTAL
Current assets:
Cash and cash equivalents
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and other current assets
Total current assets
Fixed assets, net of accumulated depreciation
Total assets
Current liabilities:
Accounts payable
Accrued vacation payable
Total current liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Income for Fiscal Years 1981-2012
Spending Percentage
Support, Research
and Awareness
The Statement of Financial Position of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation as of December 31, 2012, was
audited by R. J. Riccardi, Certified Public Accountant. A copy of the complete report, including notes, is available
for public review from the National Alopecia Areata Foundation, 14 Mitchell Boulevard, San Rafael, CA 94903
or on the website www.naaf.org.
NAAF Donors
January 1, 2012 – December 31, 2012
Editor’s note: Some of the donors listed raised all
of the money for their donation, or a portion of it,
by fundraising.
—$50,000 AND ABOVE
Anonymous • Jeffrey & Ginny Kelter
Foundations and Organizations
Daniel and Janet Mordecai Foundation, Wilmington, DE • Sunshine Charitable Foundation, Lake
Forest, IL
—$25,000 TO $49,999
Robert & Ana Flint • Margery, Rob & Harrison •
Goldberg Family & Friends • Dr. Gary Gordon &
Marilyn Hirsch • Donna & Matt Hakim • Vicki
Kalabokes • Maureen McGettigan • Debora &
Luis Pellicano Family & Friends • Virginia Sloane
• Allison Waggoner
Aderans Hair Goods, Inc., Beverly Hills, CA •
Murray Hill Chiropractic, New York, NY • Procter
& Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH • Bosley
Medical, Beverly Hills, CA
Foundations and Organizations
Heckscher Foundation for Children, New York,
NY • The Fridolin Charitable Trust, New York, NY
—$10,000 TO $24,999
Nancy Polley Aibel • Sarah Baumann Family &
Friends • Maria Beckett • Jay & Peggy Bokulic •
Caroline & David Brown • Bernie & Cheryl
Fineman • Debbie & Rich Harris • Ann S. Hedges
• John Howard • Josh & Judy Lang Family &
Friends • Gwen & Hoy Lanning Jr. • Liliana
Hakim Family & Friends • Lisa & Brad McIlwee
Family & Friends • Alan & Kathy Pallie •
Lawrence & Sandra Small • Margaret & Andrew
Staib • Wendy & Brian Ter Haar Family & Friends
Foundations and Organizations
Columbia University Dept. of Dermatology,
New York, NY • Laffey-McHugh Foundation,
Wilmington, DE • NAAF Awareness Bracelets,
San Rafael, CA
—$5,000 TO $9,999
Anonymous • Dr. Rex & Johnnie Amonette •
Cynthia & Richard Bernard • Peg & Ed Breslow
• Mike & Janis Chapman • Stephen Chaletzky •
Ernest & Elizabeth DeCarlo • Warren & Jinhong
Deitch • Jenny & Steve Di Silvestro Family &
Friends • Miriam Frier • Vince & Ben Fujihara •
Theresa & Kal Gibron Family & Friends • Arlene
& Richard Glenn • Marcia Grimm • Nora &
Madison Grose • Bruce & Rebecca Hollinger •
Despina & Brian Keegan • Steven & Simone
Mitchell • Ethan Nijanken Family & Friends •
Rita & Robert O’Connor • Rebecca Colin Seaman
• Rina Shinoda • Liliana & Lee Siegelson • Ray
& Susan Simmons • Ranjit & Rupal Thaker
Celgene Cellular Therapeutics, Warren, NJ •
Downtown Chiropractic, New York, NY • Freedom
Wigs, Dunedin, New Zealand • Johnson &
Johnson. Morris Plains, NJ • Spencer Forrest, Inc.,
Los Angeles, CA
Foundations and Organizations
Barry H Glick Charitable Foundation, Wanaque,
NJ • Chicago Support Group, Chicago, IL • E & J
Gallo Winery, Modesto, CA • Mattel Children’s
Foundation, El Segundo, CA • Philadelphia, PA
Support Group Family & Friends • Ridgewood
High School District 234, Norridge, IL • St.
Margaret Mary Church, Algonquin, IL • University
Physicians, University of Colorado, Aurora, CO •
Wells Fargo, Santa Monica, CA
In memory of
Antoinette (Toni) Chapman
—$2,500 TO $4,999
Harris & Helen Barer • Heidi Bratt Family &
Friends • Peg & Ed Breslow • Claire Chandler •
Michelle Cherrick Family & Friends • Abraham
Cohen • Jim & Carla Flug • Sandy & Carlos Frum
• Thomas & Marian Gervasi • Marcia & Jerry
Gross Family & Friends • Lilianna Hakim Family
& Friends • David & Ami Handler • Earl & Kay
Harbaugh • Brianna Holt Family & Friends • Tom
& Sharon Kelley • Noel Kratzmann • Francine &
John Leipsic • Fred Levin & Leslie Dumont •
Michael & Christine Moscato • Bishop Owen
Family & Friends • Dr. Vera H Price • Marcia
Rimai • Amanda Shannon Family & Friends • Tene
& Juwayne Silmon Family & Friends • Patty Tager
& Rami Geffner • Josh Tenuta • Drs. Carol & Gary
Ter Haar • Rita Wanser • Mary & Ed Wojtowicz
Accredited Dermatology, Toms River, NJ •
DermMatch, Inc., Sarasota, FL • Komfy Kids,
Henderson, NV • Murray Hill Foot Care, New
York, New York • Skin Medica, Carlsbad, CA •
Taglich Brothers, Huntington, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Alben F Bates & Clara G Bates, Foundation,
Elmhurst, IL • Arkay Foundation, Berkeley, CA •
Arnhold Foundation, New York, NY • Boston
Support Group, Boston, MA • Newman’s Own
Foundation, Westport, CT • Northwestern Mutual
Foundation, Milwaukee, WI • Verizon Foundation,
Richmond, VA
—$1,000 TO $2,499
Anonymous • Annabel Abrams • Ken & Jennifer
• Anderson Family & Friends • Cynthia & Woody
Andrews • Lindy Barrow • Jim Berman & Kveta
Bermanova • Laura Bivins • Nancy Black • Judy &
Gary Bloom • Linda & Paul Brady • Susan &
Steven Burlingame • Tracey Casey-Arnold • Helen
& Victor Castillo • Carl & Suzanne Chiappa •
Lynne Cianciulli • Jim & Marilyn Cook • Mallory
& Michael Crowner Family & Friends • Bradley
Curtis • Patricia Davidson • Dorothy & Jeffrey
DeCarlo • Dr. Richard & Rosa Dest • Karen
Dintino • Dr. Richard Dosek • Helen Du Bois •
Shaila & Karl Fernandes • John Foren • Jasmine
Foster • Brenden & Jennifer Garvey • Dr. Marc &
Alison Glashofer • Tom & Danette Goggin Family
& Friends • Mitzi Golden • Andrew & Eleanor
Grant • Lisa & Julian Grant • Emily Groff • Karli
Gross • Amy & Jillian Halloran Family & Friends
• Jean Hamilton • Christy & Daniel Harris Family
& Friends • Laura Hathaway Family & Friends •
Kandace Hawkinson • Benjamin Henry • Rebecca
Hibbs Family & Friends • Virginia & David Hilyard
• Philip & Peggy Holland • Dr. Maria Hordinsky
• Jasmine Horn • Daniel Jones • Todd Jones • Paul
& Kelly Kangas • Chrissa Kaselis Family & Friends
• Stephanie & Stephen Keefe • Dr. Lloyd E. King,
Jr • Virginia & Robert Kirkwood • Andrea & Jerry
Knutson • Douglas Korn • Sue & Gary Kostecki •
Jeremy Kramer & Becca Davies • Cynthia & Douglas
Krapcho • Dr. Gerald Krueger • Erin Lavalla • Shirley
Levitt • Susan & David Liederman • Joan & Richard
Lipack • Mary Longsine • Susan MacMillan •
Michael & Lise Maddux • Peter & Debby Magowan
• Elene & Keith Mahnken • Jason Malinowski •
Stewart & Barbara Mandell • Leonard Marsh •
Marie & Thomas Mason • Guru Mathur Family
& Friends • Nancy Matthews • Paul McAndrews •
Marie & Terrell McElheny • Alisha & Cory McGee
Family & Friends • Marcelo Melendez • Anthony
& Bonnie Montcalmo • T J Morris • Scott Mroz &
Claudia Held • Gary & Camie Murphy • Donna
& Dayle Murray • Debbie Muscatel • Mindy Myers
& Gary Hoover • Larry Nathanson • Marvin Nevins
• Tom & Pam Nix • Dr. Elise Olsen • Kate Paley •
Kathy Pauli • Richard & Kathleen Perkal • Steven
Perricone • Neil Poland • Melissa & Mike Puccini
Family & Friends • Brian & Danielle Quarles
Family & Friends • Allen & Sidney Rishe • Jane &
Paul Rittmaster • Elizabeth Roberts • Phyllis &
Sidney Rodbell • Liliana & Edward Roviaro • Sidney
& Susan Rubenstein • Patricia & Dr. Joseph Russ
• Thomas & Erin Salisbury • Daniel Scali • Scott
Scharfman • Collins & Gail Seitz • Thais Smart
Family & Friends • Eileen Smyers • Kim & Bill
Snyder • Jerry & Janet Solomon • Juliann Sousa • Dr.
Timothy Stanford & Family • Deb Stapel Family
& Friends • Dr. John Sundberg • Sandra & Bruce
Swanson • Aileen & Kirt Switzer • Leona Sylvia •
Dr. Robert, Holly & Nicole Tassin • Carla & Daniel
Tenreiro • Leo Tress • Mark Trinko Family & Friends
• Leonard Ulan • Darlene Wanatick • Greg &
Michelle Ward • Bryant & Sharron Watts • Neal &
Jen Weitman • Thomas & Carolyn Werner • Melanie
& Mark Whitmore • Edith & Kawin Wilairat •
Christopher & Julie Wiley • Darlene Wisecup •
Vincent Wong • Randy & Vivian Wood • Dr. Brad
& Patricia Wysong • Vicki & Jason Zagrodzky •
Monica & Andrew Zink Family & Friends
Advancing Innovation in Dermatology, Mendham,
NJ • Headcovers Unlimited Inc., League City,
TX • Horizon Healthcare Staffing Corp,.
Hicksville, NY • IBM, Endicott, NY • Lexington
International, LLC, Boca Raton, FL • Lori’s
Wigsite, Coconut Creek, FL • Mavrides Moyal &
Associates, Lake Success, NY • New Life Hair,
Burr Ridge, IL • Obagi Medical Products, Inc.,
Long Beach, CA • Procter & Gamble Company,
Cincinnati, OH • Soroptimist International of
Alpine, Alpine, CA • Summers Laboratories,
Collegeville, PA
Foundations and Organizations
Baird Foundation, Milwaukee, WI • California
Community Foundation, Los Angeles, CA •
Canadian Alopecia Areata Foundation, Aurora,
ON, Canada • Employee Comminity Fund/Boeing,
Chicago, IL • Enterprise Holdings Foundation, St.
Louis, MO • Ezra Elementary, Omaha, NE •
Foren Family Foundation, Warren, MI • Kirkland
& Ellis Foundation, Chicago, IL • Mayville Eagles,
Mayville, MI • NAAF Team Up Awareness
Month • Nev 2/11 Foundation, Genesee Depot,
WI • Richard & Kathleen Perkal Foundation,
Jenkintown, PA • The Drescher Foundation,
Bethesda, MD • Virginia S & Michael A Halloran
Fund, Novato, CA • M J Whitmore Family Trust,
Los Vegas, NV • Whispering Willow Girl Scout
Troop 314, Milwaukee, WI
—$500 TO $999
Dr. Harry Agress Jr. • Lindsay Allen • Barbara
Amspoker • Dean & Carolyn Anderson • Elyse &
Andrew Arons • Kelly & Michael Bailey • Nan
Barbas • David Bartash • Grishma Batra • Danny
Beard • Jerry Bell • Maria Borgese • John Botti •
Sonya & John Bowman • Diana & John Brand •
Chris & Diane Brody • Elizabeth Brown • Robert
& Sharon Caldwell • Stephen & Christine
Campbell • Lou & Mariann Cassara • Christian
Chambers • John Chapin • Olisa Christian • Mary
& Joseph Cilibrasi • Robert & Barbara Cohen • Dr.
Willis Cottel • Arlene & Donald Dahlgren • Ian
& Matilda Dalziel • Leonard & Carolyn Dariano
• Susanna Davies Family & Friends • Cmdr. Eric
Davis & Dr. Barbara Hirsch • Robert & Rita
Davis • Karen & Michael Dermo • Guerino &
Julie Desimone • Michael Di Silvestro • Cipa &
Misha Dichter • David & Lynn Dickens • David &
Barbara Dobrinen • Rhonda Dorminy • Michelle
Dupuy • Amanda Eakin Family & Friends •
Kathleen & Ed Edwards • Lisa & Kirk Emiliani •
Drayanne & Paul Erickson • Don, Cathy & Heather
Ewan • Jennifer & John Fahey • Dr. Steve Feldman
• Steven Feuerman • Daniel Fink • Mimi & Rick
Fischbein • Howard & Shelley Fleit • Jon Fortgang
• Lorraine Fowler • Kathy & Lee Gause • Diana
& David Gerland • Barbara & James Gilligan •
Thomas E Godfrey • Bruce Golden • Rodrigo
Gomez Family & Friends • Diane & Bob Goon •
Linda & Leo Gordon • Michael & Sonia Gordon
• Deeann Graham • Alexandra Greenlees • Barbara
& Robert Griffith • Kathleen & Daniel
Groszkiewicz • Mark Hakim • Laura & Jason Hall
Family & Friends • William Hauser • Dr. Sarah
Heck • Jack & Faye Herick • Daniel Herlihy •
Kathy Hodur Family & Friends • Amy & Brian
Hogan • Sheri Holder • Dr. Jean Holland • Steven
& Sharon Honeywell • Lloyd & Susan Ingram •
Carmen Jackson • Stephen Jacobson • Leah Janicki
• Doris Johnson • Neil Johnson • Cathy & Dick
Kelly • Brian & Cindy Killough, Jr. • Judith King
• Lisa Kleppinger • Linda & David Kolifrath •
Taryn & Nathan Krause • Dr. Kathy Laing • Donna
& Cliff Lazarus • Nicole & Nicholas LeBlanc •
Dr. Matt Leavitt • Lucinda Lee • Dean Leffelman
• Irving & Lenore Levine • Senetra Lewis • Elisabeth
Liguori • Michelle Likens • Andrea & Steve Lipack
• Marie Lirette Family & Friends • Celeste Lutrario
• Julie Maderazo • Cathy & Ross Manzo • Marcia
Marshall • Yvonne Massey • Carol Matson • Carla
Matthews • Robert & Maureen McDonald Family
& Friends • Jessica McGee • Ann McGettigan •
Elizabeth & Gordon McNabb • Edward, Ava &
Jordan Mendelson • John Miller & Kathie Kinsella
• Jeffrey S Mitzner • Stephen & Marsha Mock •
Pamela Molinaro • Lisa Montgomery • Darcy &
Stephen Morrissette • Heather & Douglas Nigbor
• Robin & David Nijankin • Bruce & Joan
Nordstrom • Suzanne & Ed North • Allison O’Brien
• Craig O’Sullivan • Michele & John Pastorius •
Nancy & William Payton • Tony Peng • Mark
& Karen Peoples • Donna & Stephen Pernotto •
Annette Perot • Lee & Marie Perrella • Eugenia
Petrone • Stephanie Pianka • Thomas & Virginia
Pollock • Emily & Todd Post • Kelly Pratt • Alice
Price • Cara Puccini Family & Friends • Claudia
Quezada de Carrillo Family & Friends • Phillip &
Bonnie Rabideau • Donna Radford • Gayle &
Steve Ratcliff • Pam & Jim Rathe • Ramona Elke
Reule • Tom & Teita Reveley • Whitney & Carl
Richmond • Steve & Cyndi Roach • Janis &
Jimmy Roberts • Alan & Tessa Robinson • Estelle
& Norman Rosen • John Rosner & Family • Tom
& Terri Rossi • Stacy Rubio • David Saltzberg •
Kenneth Satir • Brian & Lynn Schaezler • June
& Ron Secreto & Friends • Martin Setler • Jen &
Brian Shipe • Gretchen Shorkey • Jeffrey Stark •
Dr. Kurt Stenn • Scott Swenson • Anne Taylor •
Jay Tendler • Susan Trudell • Jack Tucker &
Alison Witow • Michelle Ulasich • Jeffrey & Jamie
VanDeusen • David & Heather Varnum •
Margaret Veldman • George Vickers • Eric &
Lynsey Vinikoff • Ali Lambert Voron • Amy &
Ira Waldman • Richard Waldman • Debbie &
Neal Wasserman • Leslie Watson & Roger
Smith • Matthew Williams • Carlaine Willis
Family & Friends • Stephanie Wilson • Kimberly
& Eric Wittkugel • Jan Wolf • Ruth Ann Wood •
Martha Worthy • Frank Yanez • June Zhao
Atlantis Cleaning Company, Newport Beach,
CA • Ballon Stoll Bader & Nadler, PC, New York,
NY • Ingram Drilling Co., Quesnel, BC, Canada
• International Designs, Pembroke Park, FL •
Jim Shorkey Auto Group, Irwin, PA • Joe Rizza
Porsche, Orland Park, IL • Levi, Ray, & Shoup,
Inc. Springfield, IL • Lifetime Physical Therapy,
New York, NY • Luso-American Life Insurance
Society, Dublin, CA • Marks Paneth & Shron
LLP, Woodbury, NY • Mercantile Adjustment
Bureau, Williamsville, NY • Minard Run Oil
Co., Bradford, PA • New Hair Technology,
New York, NY • Patterson Fan Company,
Blythewood, SC • Proskauer Rose, LLP, New
York, NY • Sweet as Shuga, Macon, GA •
Wolfe.Com, LLC, Pittsburgh, PA
Foundations and Organizations
Bartash Foundation, New York, NY • The Davis
Family Foundation, Southborough, MA • The Dick’s
Sporting Goods Foundation, Coraopolis PA •
Employee Volunteer Group, Albany, NY •
Meadowbrook Intermediate School, Moro, IL •
Roosevelt School, Kearny, NJ • Stuart Pepper
Elementary School, Brandenberg, KY
—$250 TO $499
Donald & Mary Lynne Able • Trisha & Thomas
Adam • Tom & Jackie Ahrens • Candace Akerson
• Dr. Susan Albert • Sara Allen • Jon & Kathleen
Andera • Natalie Andersen • William & Jennifer
Andrepoulos • Michelle & John Arnold • Glenn
Auve • Edina Bader • Wendy & Eric Bahr • Diane
& Jim Baker • Jim & Lucy Baker • Rick & Tamara
Baldini • Roger Baneman & Margaret Stillman •
Sheila Belkin • Olga Benda • Richard Bernat, III
• Tami & Kevin Best • Doug Black • Kimberly &
Benjamin Blackmon • Fran Blaustein • Milano
Bloch • Ramona Bonilla • Ray & Betsy Braun •
Joyce Brehm • Frances Bresnahan • Theresa Bronson
• Terry Brown • Michael Burbank • Sondra &
Andrew Busch • Dennis & Catherine Bye • Laurie
& Robert Byren • John Caldwell • Loretta
Calloway • Sheila & Michael Carlin • Robert
Caron • Linda, Garry & Stacey Cauley Family &
Friends • Dr. Joseph Cenac, Jr. • Maureen Cheesman
Family & Friends • Michael Chetock • Beth
Cheverie • Nancy & Bob Clark • Susan & Roy
Cleveland • Dr. Beth Colombe • Matthew E
Colpoys, Jr. • Mary Lou Colpoys-Wynne • Eleanor
& Timothy Connors • Art Cooper • Robin Cooper
• Stephen & Gayle Corbin • Stacey & Bryan Crain
• Irene & Philip Crosby • Ami D’Altrui • Mary &
Dale Davidson • Patricia & Luis Davis Family &
Friends • Hochi De Los Santos • Ralph & Jean
DeNunzio • Celeste Descoteaux • Mark & Laura
DuFresne • Nenita Dudley • Keith Dunlap • Dr.
David Dynof • Susan Edmonson • George Eleazer
• Cindy Ellison • Ellen Enderle • Nicole Erb •
Elizabeth & John Erickson • Jackie Eris • David
Fadness • Mohammed Faizan • Luann Firestein •
Bruce Fiscus • Stephen Flaim • Rachel Fleit • Mark
& Helen Fok • Susan French • Craig Froehlich •
Louis Gafford • Alfred Garcia & Sandra Edwards
• Jules & Karen Gardner • Carol & William Gasser
• Amy & Kyle Gay • Megan Gelhar • Richard
Gelula • Gary & Doreen Gittings • Andrea, Stephen
& Jason Granet • Craig Grassi • Jane & Jim Graybill
• David Gronke • Margaret & Wayne Gross •
Christina & Thomas Grusecki • Robert & Pat
Gruttadauria • Diane Guary • Ernest Guenzburger
& Ellen Rubinstein • Michelle Guico • Lori &
Brianna Haber • Yolanda Hailey • Christopher
Hakim & Claire Fratello • Edward & Patricia
Hakim • Thomas Halloran • Diana Halverson •
Cynthia & John Hanly • Bobby Harness • Sally
& Stephen Harr • Drs. Lizzie & Sampson Harrell
• Carol & Timothy Hart • Lisa & Jim Heavner •
Karen Heier • William & Catherine Hendricks •
Donna & Douglas Herweg Family & Friends •
Judy & Christy Hollingshead • Daniel Horgan •
Cherie & Wayne Hubbell • Sherry & Harry Hue
• Gerald Hulbert • Carol A Imle • Karen Ito • Paul
& Patti Jablonski • Starlette Johnson • Sheila Jones
• Jeff Jordan • Virginia & Myron Karki • Jason Kist
• Thomas & Margaret Kittle-Kamp • Joanne Knapp
• Andrea & Ralph Knupp • Michael Kooper •
Lisa & Daniel Kopina • Anne & Afsheen Kothari
• Poplin Kroese • Mary Kuropatkin • Raymond
Kwong • Desiree Lamb • Jessica Laracuente Family
& Friends • Jennifer Laurelli • Karen Laurence •
Frances & Robert Lawrence • Brad Lazarowich •
Donna Leotta • Harriet & Donald Levy • Caroline
Lewis • Deborah Lichon • Karen Linn • Ryan &
Lisa Lippincott • Robert Logsdon • Catherine &
Michael Lombardo • Brenda & Dan Lundeen •
Steve Luparello & Laurie Drysdale • Elizabeth &
Winn Maddrey • J. Michael & Lori Maher • Jean,
Mark & Natalie Mamerow Family & Friends •
Melissa Manieri • Anne Mantsios • Kelly Marcotte
• Frank & Marie Marino • Rick Marotta • Fran
Martell • Kim & Thomas Martino Family &
Friends • Jennifer & Michael Marzarella • Theresa
& James Marzarella • Dr. Edward Mayland •
Maggie McBennett • Rhonda & Michael McCarthy
• Scott McCarthy • Lynn & Timothy McClone •
Denise McFadden • Bridget & Robert McGowen
• Hildalgo Meneses • Robert & Jean Meyer •
Christie & John Miller • John Miller • Dr.
Lawrence Miller • Matthew Mitcheltree • Jennifer
Mittelsteadt • Charles & Roberta Mohr • Ahmad
Moini • Mary Ann & Monte Monson • Carolyn
Ann & Dr. John Moody • Stephanie Morales •
Lydia Morehead • Mr. & Mrs. Steven Morley •
Chris Murphy • Karen Nagle • Yvonne Nauertz •
Andrew Neary & Nancy Carducci • Deidre Nero
• Audrey Nevins • Yvette Nieves • Caroline OatesDiTullow • Dan Odenheimer • Heidi Odmark •
Linda & Peter Oeth • Celia & Ron Offir • Monica
Olivieri • Joy Ott • Marjorie Oxman • Dr. Mark
Paden • Sharon Padgett • Peg & Jeff Padnos • John
Pahnke • Robert & Jean Paine • Kimberly & Lou
Passarella • Nancy & William Payton • Jane &
Mark Perkins • Lori & James Petraglia • Lara &
Lance Pilkerton • Anne Plumer • Edward Pollock
• Sherry Poss • Connie & Dennis Post • Craig &
Amy Powell • Paul Prairie • Jim Present & Barbara
Orenstein • Lorraine & Michael Prete • Susan &
David Price • Toni Ann Prost • John & Diane
Rakocy • Katherine & Ralph Ralston • Bernardo
Fleischer Ramras • Adam Michael Randall •
Edward Randinitis • Diane Renna • Bruno &
Isolde Reule • Nikki Rich • Beth Roberts • Carole
& Joel Rogers • Ingrid Roseborough • Marilyn
Rosenberg • Christine Rosenberger • Laura
Runyen-Janecky • Dolores Sachs • Megan Sanders
• Gail & Louis Satriale • Tom & Deb Schadt •
Michael & Barbara Scharf • Kathy Schreckengost
Family & Friends • David Shaffer • Dr. Jerry
Shapiro • Michele & Jeff Shaw • Shannon & Jeff
Sheldon • Stephen & Jane Silk • Roxie & James
Simmons • Jason & Wendy Jacobson-Simon •
Winifred & Victor Sirbu • Berkley Skorobohaty •
Steve & Susan Small • Jennifer Smith • Robin
Smith • Theresa & James Smith • Wilbur & Grace
Ann Smith • Victor & Trina Soder • Anita & Todd
Solomon • Maribeth Southworth • Dr. Len &
Joanne Sperling • Inesa Sprajc • Mary Stanton •
Kathryn & Stephen Starke • Ann Marie & Ken
Steele • Dr. Richard Strick • Jose Luis Pena Suarez
• Gina & Gregory Swillo • Amanda Taylor • Marie
Thomasson • Linda Tygert-Lillard • Matthew
Uyttendaele • Lorette & Felipe Velazquez Family
& Friends • Amy & Peter Viteznik • Lola Wagner
• Fred Wahl • Joan Walborn • Kimberly & Alan
Waldbaum • Isabelle Ward Family & Friends •
Amelia Warner • George White • Michele &
Ronald White • Michelle & Fred Williams • Tom
& Molly Williams • Rachel Wilson • Ruth &
Jonathan Witt • Krislyn & William Wondrachek
• Cathy & Ronnie Young • Dr. Eva Youshock
4Women, Sarasota, FL • A&M Painting
Contractors, Inc., Pittsburgh, PA • Acadiana
Management Group, LLC, Lafayette, LA •
Anonymous • Allergan, Irvine, CA • Baltimore
Orioles, Baltimore, MD • Booz, Allen, Hamilton,
Inc., Herndon, VA • C.X.I., Logistics, Melrose
Park, IL • Cheryn International, Columbia, SC •
Clinique, YFT, New York, NY • Enerpace, Inc.,
Elmhurst, IL • FMA Milwaukee, Milwaukee, WI
• Flow Utility Management, LLC, Germantown,
MD • Godiva’s Secret Wigs, Inc., Beaumont, CA
• Hudson Valley Dermatology Nurses Assoc.,
Hannacroix, NY • IMS, Bethelem, PA • In Vogue
Inc., Santa Ana, CA • JAH Creations, Beauti-FullBrows, Teaneck, NJ • J P Morgan Chase & Co.
Houston, TX, • Marsh & McLennan, Paramus, NJ
• Medicis Pharmaceutical Corp., Scottsdale, AZ •
Mondo Baldo, Atlanta, GA • Paragon Asset
Recovery Services, Inc., Corapolis, PA • Pennridge
Women’s Network, Perkasie, PA • QuadGraphics,
Sussex, NJ • Tina M Reed Orthodontics, Inc.,
Pittsburg, PA • Washington Nationals Baseball
Club, LLC, Washington, DC • Wynner Group,
Inc./Volluma, Heidelberg, ON Canada
Foundations and Organizations
Aetna Foundation, Andover, ME • Community
Health Charities of CA, Sacramento, CA • Fish
Family Foundation of Maine, Glenburn, ME •
Green Hills Lions Club, Wilmington, DE •
Houston Elementary, Bryan, TX • Malcolm &
Beth Lowenstein Foundation, Bloomfield Hills,
MI • Northport Running Club, Northport, NY •
Norwood Park Firemans Association, Harwood
Heights, IL • Pine Grove Baptist Church, Canton,
MS • Robert J & Frances V Lawrence Foundation
Inc., Chevy Chase, MD • San Francisco Support
Group, San Francisco, CA • Tucson, Arizona
Support Group, Tucson, AZ
—$100 TO $249
Lawrence, Jaylyn & Lucas Abrahamian • Daniel
& Carol Achord • Vicki Adamowicz • Ann Adams
• Maria & George Adams • Sheri & Jerry Adamson
• Judith & Den Adler • George & Joanne Alaefantis
• Maria Alekseev • Rollie Alexander, III • John &
Susan Allen • Brian & Catherine Allison • Carol
& Tom Almond • Dr. Kenneth Alpern • Silvia &
Antonio Amador • Gabry Ambrosi • Renee Amellio
• Christina & Panos Anassis • Jennifer Anderson
• Rachel & Mark Anderson • Alina Apel • Ines
Apovian • Kristi Appelt • Kevin & Mary Arend •
Marina Arias • Christi Arnette • David J Arrick •
Henry & Linda Asher • John Atkinson • Terri
Auerbach • Debbie & James Azeltine • Valerie &
Stan Babb • Kathleen Bachtel • Ronald & Susan
Bailitz • Deidre Baker • Pat & Bill Baker • Robert
& Anne Baker • Steven & Diann Balfe • Scott Balster • Louise Bangel • Lynn Barnes • Katherine
Barry • Kathleen & Dennis Barton • Frank &
Gloria Basile • Otto Bayer • Susan J. Bayliss •
Stephen & Rosemary Bedard • Cindy Beene •
Alletta Belin • Thomas R. Bell • Stephen &
Deborah Bender • Robert & Dawn Marie Benoit
• Phillip Berger • Larry M. Bergmann • Michael
& Amy Bernabeo • Karen & John Berry • Heather
Bester • Durga P. Bhoj • Robin & Peter Blake •
Vickie Bleything • Monique & David Bonkowski
• Carol Booth • Ileana Botelho • James & Pamela
Bouras • Lidia & Todd Bowers • Kendra & Paul
Bramble • Susan & Allen Braumiller • Margaret
& Denis Brennan • Sean & Danielle Brobston •
Dr. Paul Brooke • Betsy Brown • Bruce Brown •
Carol & William Brown • Cheryl Brown • Wendy
& Chris Brucker • Carol Forman-Bua • Clayton &
Merrily Buck • Dagmar Buck • Albert Buenrostro
• Deborah Buley • Jim & Barbara Bunning • Ken
& Mary Jo Burnes • Steven & Pauline Burton •
Sandra & Charles Bush • Stuart & Lowen Bush •
Irene & William Bushaw • Mark Bustos • Roberta
Buttino • Dixie Butz • Michael & Michelle Cacici
• Lucy Cadwallader • Louise & Fred Cafasso •
Marie Caldaro • Robert & Catherine Cameron •
Angela & Raymond Campbell • Nancy & Cal
Campbell • Michael & Howard Cann • Ralph
Cann, III • Vahishta Canteenwalla • Seymour
Canter • Valerie Cantone • Doris Caporrino & Ted
Cornell • Michael Caprario, Jr. • Mary Jo Cardenas
• Ivy Carey • Alfred Carrillo • Lizbeth Carrillo •
James J. Carroll • Christine Carswell • Natasha
Carter • Anna Caruso • Sheryl & Brian Cash •
Susan & Albert Cass • Rita & Jules Cassel •
Maureen & Jerry Castiglione • Ticiano Castro •
Lisa Cavallaro • Mary & Anthony Cefalu • Helen
Cerulli • James Chagnon • Dr. Janice & Gerald
Chandler • Chetan Chandra • Satish Chandra •
Ray Chapman • Robert Charrette • Brandon
Chicotsky • Letha Chistian • Paul Christiano •
Susan V. Christiansen • Lisa & Gene Ciancio •
Michael Cianciolo • Judith & Rudolph Ciarrochi
• Patrick Ciccarello • Mary E. Cid • Joseph Cilibrasi
• Philip & Jeanette Cinelli • Thomas Cioffi • Rita
Cioffi-Pezza • Martina Clinton • Bruce Cloninger
• Kent Closs • Thomas Cloud • David H. Cohen •
Jill Cohen • William & Patricia Cole • Lisa Coley
• Judith Collier • James Collins • Vernice Collins •
Jennifer & James Connors • Christian Conroy
• Eloisa Magpayo Contaoi • Gus Cortiletti •
Richard & Dianne Cota • John Cowperthwaite •
Marguerite Cranford • Art & Ann Marie Criss •
Shannon & Ruben Cruz • Denis Cuenca • Shirley
Cummings • Mary Lou & Ronald Czupek • Nicole
D’Amico • Deanna D’Arrigo • Mark Dalton •
Jamini Vincent Davies • Vita & Lloyd Davies • Jim
Davis • Jonna & Gary Davis • Kelly Davis • Marla
& William Davis • Lisa & Charles Day • Jill
Dayan • Jose & Diane De Braga • Marie De Lia •
David & Nancy DeLuca • Christianne & Sam
DeNardo • Vincent DeVita • Hochi Delossantos
• Sally Demoss • Carol Dick • Janet & Scott
Dickinson • Michael Dietrich • Elizabeth Dietz •
Patricia Swig Dinner • Thomas & Melinda Disare
• Eileen F Dolan • Cindy Dolcimascolo • Peter &
Cynthia Donahue • Danielle Donovan • Kathryn
& Corey Dossett • Kathleen & Albert Doty •
Bernard & Tracy Dowd • Mary & Casey Doyle •
Ronald & Dianne Drewing • John Du Bose •
Kristy DuFresne • Andrea, Randy, & Alana Dube
• Donna Dufort • Patricia Duke • Alston &
Michele Dunbar • Lisa & George Dutra • Martin
Dybicz • Gwentanna Eady • Scott & Debbie Eagle
• Barbara & Walter Echo • Mr. & Mrs. John Ecker
• Dorothy Edelman • Elly Edmunds • Jim Edwards
• Sarah Eikenberry • Oris Setchell Elias • Phyllis
& Kenneth Ellenbogen • Pat & Steve Ellenwood
• James Elliott • Myrna Elliott • George & Lois
Elty • Candy & Terry Engelland • Rhonda & John
Engle • James Ertle, MD • Kimberly & Jerry
Estrada • Kristine Eule • Annette Evans • Deloris
& Robert Evans • William Evenson • Cindy Faatz
• Annette & Alphonse Faiella • Keely Farrell •
Cynthia Farris • Jim Felbinger • Linda & John
Felicetti • Mary Felitte • Barbara & Glenn Ferencz
• Richard Ferguson • Anne Fernandes • Denise
Ferrari • Mark Ferreira • Kathy Fields • Linda &
William Fincher • Jacob Finkler • Gunilla & Jerry
Finrow • Lynne & Tom Fischgrund • Marilyn
Fisher • Patrick Fitzgarald • Keyli Flores • Susanna
Flug • Sheri Fontinha • Elliott & Binnie Footer •
Glen Fowlie • Dana & James Frail • Patricia Frail
• Douglas Francis • John A Frank III • Jennifer
Frankenberger • Brooke Frassinelli • Carol & John
Fravel • Bill & Rosanne Frickenstein • Stacy
Friedman • Beverly & James Frontero • Dr. Jan
Fuerst • Anthony & Catherine Fusco • William &
Kathleen Fussinger • Dr. Marc Gainor • Diane
Galante • Edward Gale • Thomas & Theresa
Gambacorta • Janet & Dominic Gambacorto •
J.C. Gamboa • Beth Gamel • Kathy Gappa • Mary
Ellen Gardone • Kenneth & Cynthia Garni •
Kendra & Reed Garrett • Nancy Garson • Susan
Garufi • Susan Gelsomino • Kelly Gerrits • Martin
& Jenny Gerst • Barbara Ghertner • Nancy
Giarrusso • Kent Gierhart • Miriam & Sidney
Glashofer • Claire Godlewski • Carolyn & Jason
Goh • Susan Goldhaber • Roberta Goldstein •
Kathleen Good • Carol Gordon • Don Gordon •
Fran & Ken Grodon • Michael & Candice Gordon
• Charles Gormley • Charles & Diane Gormley •
Margaret Graham • Jeff & Sherene Gravette •
Leroy Gravette, III • Roberta Greenberg • Chris
Griffin • Scott Grimes • Jean Griswold • Oscar
John Groebl • Alice Gross • Lucille Grove • Mary
Duke Grubbe • Carolyn Guerra • Joan & Lincoln
Gundersen • Aravanan Gurusami • Bob Haas •
Karen & William Haas • Teri & Edward Hahn •
Marsden Haigh • Dolores Hakim • John P. Hakim
• Lisa Hakim • Melissa Halas • Margie Haley •
Jason Hall • Jane & Ed Haltness • Walter & Diane
Hamilton • Linda Hammond • Mary Therese &
Douglas Hampel • Ann Hampton • Arlene &
Raymond Handler • Patty Hanuszcak • Sarah
Hanzel • Shiela Harber • Sharon Harpaz • Sally &
Stephen Harr • Nathan & Sylvia Harrell • Angela
Harris • William Hartman • Stella Haruki •
Susanne Harvey • Doug Harvill • Mohammad
Hasan • Daniel & Mari-Kay Haubert • Christa
Haugh • Dennis & Kathleen Haver • Irene Hebert
• Beth Hedges • Betty & David Heenan • Michelle
& R Scott Heinl • Dennis & Marcia Heitzmann •
Dr. Jonathan Held • Astrid & Harry Heleotis •
Amanda Helweg • Glenn & Kathleen Hendricks
• R Malcolm Hendry • Michelle Herman • Connie
Hershey • William & Elizabeth Hetrick • Frances
Heuer • Karen Hill • R & L Hiller • Roberta &
Charles E Hilton Jr. • Megan Himan • William &
Mary Kay Hinkle • Sharon Hinson • Paul Hoell •
Elizabeth & Michael Hogan • Joanne Hogan •
Bara & Jon Hollander • Amy Hollub • Lu Ann
Holmes • Christa & Kirk Holt • Paul & Jan
Holtzman • Peggy Hoogs • Linda Horn • Randall
Horn • Steve Hrinya • Dr. Jonathan J Hruska •
Trisha & Chris Hudgens • Kathy Humbracht • Dr.
David Huntley • Haydi Hurley • Thomas Hynes •
Ernest Iannotta • Catherine Iarussi • Lee & Mary
Ibsen • Amanda Ignatowski • Mike & Lee-Ann
Ikemoto • Caryl Ingram • Pam & David Ingrassia
• Kunio Ishida • Dean Ivkovich • Tracy Izard •
Kenise Jackson • Patrick Jackson • Valerie & Daniel
Jackson • Barbara Jacoby • Bernard & Elizabeth
Jaccquinot • Brian James • Thomas J Jankowski •
Lenora Jannazzo • Linda Jaremus • Susan Jensen •
Donna & Frank Jerz • Delores Johns • David
Johnson • Martha Johnson • R L Johnson • Alice
Johnston • Susan Johnston • Richard Jonas • Jeff
Jones • Matthew Jones • Beth Joseph • Anne Joyce
• Jeff Joyce • Derek & Donna Joye • Larry & Susan
Kaasa • Debra & David Kahn • Susan Kanfer •
Joan Kapstein • David & Anne Karius • Albert &
Camille Kariya • Madhu Kasinathan • Cindy &
Kevin Keane • Linda Keenan • Tobias Keller •
Mark & Molly Kelley • Matt Kelley • Richard &
Charlotte Kelley • Burton & Barbara Kelsky •
Kevin Kempf • Constance Kennedy • Dawn
Kennedy • Bruce & Joyce Kent • Terri Keown • Dr.
Skip Kerner • Rahul Kharkar • Karen & Colin
Kinley • Hanna Kino • Sue R Kirby • Marc Kircos
• Gay & Martin Kline • Sunny & Dave Kline •
Stephen & Lisa Kloch • Heather & Mark Kmetz
• Patricia Kodym • Harold Koessner • Dr. Anne
Koivo • George Kolesar • Joyce & Bradley Kondo
• George & Pamela Kondylis • Christa Kopaczynski
• Joe & Takako Koplin • Hunter Korbelik • David
& Carolyn Kordt • Judith Korin • Arline & Robert
Kramer • Roger Kraynick • Melissa & Andrew
Krumenauer • Kathy & Michael Kuhn • Christen
& Jereld Kuras • Robert & Judy Kurnick • Eldena
& Keith Kuroiwa, DDS • Dr. John Kyriazis • Luz
& Anthony LaBato • Sherwyn Labovitz • Stuart
Lade • Judith Lahoff • Diane & Ross Lambert •
Jason Lambert • Nancy Lamberti • Kim Lang
Renzi • Ronald & Jesslyn Larson • Michael &
Keren Latzer • Edward & Ursula Lauer • Arleica
Lawson • Brian Lawson • April Leazer • Holley
Lee • Leonard Lee • Ly Wen Lee • Roger &
Donna Lee • Philippe Lehouillier • Renee Lemens
• John Lemon • J Gordon Lent • Erin Leu •
Tamara Levin • Jerome & Catherine Levinson •
Howard Levitas • Lawrence Lewis • Chu-Tsing Li
• Dr. Lawrence M Lieblich • Candice Linder • Dr.
Mark Lipman • Kathleen & Robert Lively • Hazel
Livingston • Renee & Steven Llewelllyn • Lisa
Lloyd-Washington • Jonathan Loba • Vicki Lobb
• Dale Lockhart • David B Loeb • Glenna Loggie
• Ronald Loiola • Mr. & Mrs. Joel Lombardi •
Michael London • Bernardia Long • Kerry Long
• Sherron Long • Joseph Longo • Judy Longo •
Gina & Thomas Looney • John Looney • Nancy
& Michael Lotto • Jen & Joseph Lower • Deborah
Lucas • Thomas & Cheryl Luckey • Roberta
Lukowitz • Joyce Lumpkin • Claire & John Lyons
• Richard MacDonald • Cheryl MacEwen • Susan
MacInnes • Jan Mack • Ken Macura • Leslie
Mader • Bernice Mahler • Jay & Suzanne Mahler
• Jennifer Mahoney • Michael & Eileen Maier •
Christine & Alfred Maierle • Suszanne & John
Mancuso • Dr. Michael & Susan Mandell • Nancy
& Phil Maniscalco • Pamela Manke • Tricia &
Jason Manola • Stephanie Manousos • Marion &
Dennis Manyak • Kerry L Marble • Tony Marchese
• Annette & Charles Marden • Sandra Marine •
Pamela Marion • Edward & Kathryn Markham •
Ernest & Marion Marola • Susie Marr • Ann &
Thomas Martin • Carol & Mike Martz • Jennifer
& Victor Marzarella • Michelle & James Marzarella
• Christopher & Amy Massa • Timothy Masse •
Marc & Rachel Mastriano • Tina Matherne •
Russell Mathers • Kim Mathews • Edward &
Connie Matricardi • Carol Mayer • Jennifer
Maynard • Kim Mayner • Mark Mazurek • Susie
McAfoos • Christina McAnally • Joanne McAnlis
• Elizabeth McBurnie • Kristen McCabe • LaTalia
McCarter • Larraine & Sheldon McCloskey Jr •
David McDonald • Jennifer McDonald • Nancy
McDonald • Laurie & Randall McElwain • Linda
McGarry • John & Hope McGettigan • Arlene
McGillis • Roy & Doreen McGillis • Karla
McGuinniss • Heather McGivern • Sheila &
Martin McGrath • Michael McGuigan • Renee
McGusty • Patrick McKee • Denise & Michael
McKeigan • Margo & Herb McKillop • Erin &
Norman McKnight • James McLaughlin • Kevin
McLaughlin • Chris McPartlin • Elizabeth
McTiernan • Marva McWilliams • Victoria
Mccloskey • Marlene & William Mead • Jennifer
Meaux • Mark & Brandie Meetze • Stanley
Michael • Mark Michel • Cindy Mikoychik •
Gorjana Milisa • Adele Miller • Christina &
Richard Miller • Denise Minarik • Dawn Minkoff
• Bobbe & Herb Mintz • Roya & Iraj Mirshahi •
David Mitchell • Samir & Sundari Mitra • Jeffrey
Mitzner • Allison Mnookin • Peter & Wendy
Moen • Marguerite & Katie Monahan • Robert &
Ann Monnett • Carl Monnin • Laura & Charles
Monroe • Jennifer & Daniel Montone • Cheryl
& Douglas Moore • Buddy & Carol Morra •
DeAnna Morrison • Lorraine Moscardini •
Howard & Pat Moskof • Sandra Moss • John
Motter • Diane Moulton • Melanie Moyer • Rich
Mugno, II • Dr. Sigfrid Muller • Dottie Myers •
Michelle D Myers • Matt Myzak • Kumar
Nagarajan • Patricia Nasuti • Tracy Naticchioni •
Vivian Nazzaro • Angela Negherbon • Roger
Nelson • Frank & Gerri Nero • Scott & Jeannie
Neufeld • Edwin & Alice Neuman • Susan Nevel
• Simone & Kevin Nevills • Ronna Newman •
Nancy Nielsen • Jodi Nittoli • David Nosanchuck
• Cynthia & John Nowakowski • James & Simone
Nugent • Susan & Ivan Nunez • Rosa Nuriulu •
Jaci O’Brian • William O’Brien • Chris O’Connor
• Timothy & Carol O’Keefe • Shirley O’Kelly •
Mary O’Neil • Madelaine & John O’Shea •
Marieclaire Odell • Peter & Claire Odell • John
Odmark • Michelle & Kevin Okamoto • Steven
Olczyk • Heidi & James Olds • Michele & David
Olson • Kathy & Mike Oney • Susan & Dominic
Onofrio • Jo Orser • LaRaye Osborne • Robert &
Frances Oshiro • Rita & Stephen Osit • Azur
Osmanbasic • Larry Overley • Linda Owen •
Sandra & Darren Paddock • Peg & Jeff Padnos •
Cynthia Page • Gerald & Sharron Page • Maria
Palka • Maryangela Pantages • Lori Paolilla • Hollis
& Adam Papale • Tulla Paplow • Russell Parker •
Lydia & Stanford Parnes • Thomas Parrinello •
Janet & Dirk Pasterkamp • Vipul & Sheetal Patel
• John Patton • Grace Pavlatos-Jones • Dorita
Pawlikowski • John Peak • Dr. Gary & Harriet Peck
• Barbara Pejokovich • Dr. Argentino Pellegrino •
Mrs. W.A. Pennington • Steven Persson • Sarah
Pesikoff • Marianne Peterson • Michelle & Steven
Peterson • Ruth & Alan Pfeffer • Amy & John
Pflughoeft • Jennifer Pierson • Joy Pineda •
Heather Pines • Sandy & Bernie Pinsker • Leon
& Julie Pipho • Chris & Lisa Ann Pizzo • Robert
Placak • Rhonda & Cassidy Plagos • Linda &
Andrew Platt • Natalie Policht • Nicolle & Fred
Pollaci • Miriam & Bruce Pomeranz • Jennifer
Pond • Scott M Pond • Deborah Porter • Mary &
Paul Posluszny • Dr. Kathleen & Ms. Alison Potter
• Keith R Powers • David Przybylski • Marie Pugh
• Melissa Pusateri • Cheryl Pyers • Marion Queen
• Cindy & Robin Quello • Sue Quigley • Jerome
Quinn • Nicole Rademaker • Joy Radulovic •
Mary & Phil Raimondo • Jamie Rainey • Jeanne
Rappoport • Dina Rasavage • Mike & Nancy
Rasmussen • Warren Rasmussen • Trina RauscherCooper • Dr. Erin Rautio • Michelle Raynier •
Marjorie Reed • Samuel & Marianne Reeves •
Samantha Renneker • Danielle & Nitzan Reouveni
• Brandy Candelaria Reyes • Armeto Reynolds •
Phyllis Reynolds • Barbara & Carl Rice • Nedra
Richards • Joann & Keith Richardson • Dr.
Jennifer Ridge • Stephen & Janet Roark • Ashley
Roberts • Elizabeth Roberts • Karen Roberts •
Charles Robin • Dr. Douglas Robins • Amy
Robinson • Janet Robinson • Kristi Robinson •
Monica & Aaron Rocchino • Angela Rodgers •
Andrea Rodriguez • J. Richard Roenigk • Kayla
Rogers • Patricia Rogers • Jennifer Romanowicz •
Miguel Rodriguez Romay • Anne Rosenberg •
William & Sherri Rosenberg • Michael Rosenberger
• Tracy Rosenthal • Damaris Rosich-Schwartz •
Mary Beth Roska • Harvey & Christine Ross •
Tricia & John Ross • Donald Roth • Heidi &
Chris Rousseau • Judy Rubin • Julie & David
Rudman • John Rupprecht • Beth Ruzic • Katherine
& Eugene Ryan • Janet & Jeffrey Saar • Cindy &
Raymond Sachkowsky • James Sadloski • Linda
Sakowitz • Beth & Marc Sanchez • Dr. Alain Sand
• Didier Sand • Melody & Ryan Sandell • John &
Cara Sandlin • Gary & Arlene Santos • Michael
& Chelsea Savage • John & Dawn Savona • Alfred
Scali • Loretta & Anthony Scalice • Anna Mae
Schaab • Carol Schmid • Daniel Schmidt • Katitza
Schmidt • Penny & David Schmitz • Robert
Schnare • Adam & Sherianne Schow • Patricia
Schrack • Diane Schreiber • Betsy & Robert
Schwartz • Todd Schwertner • Donna Sciortino •
Kelly & Jeffrey Scott • M. Kathleen Sebestyen •
Sheila Seck • Mary Jean & Michael Seelen •
William Seitz • Margaret Semblewski • Stacy
Seminoff • David & Debra Sensibaugh • Patti &
David Serna • Jay Setchell • Smita Shah • Veeral
Shah • Brent Sharpe • Dr. William Guy Sharra •
Sally Sheahan • Gary Sherwood • Liz Shiel • Dr.
Jordan Ship • Irving & Gladys Siegel • Lawrence
Siegel • Robert Siegel • Eric & Kathleen Siemion
• Vaughn & Kimberly Silar • Michael Sileno •
Susan Silverstein-Kaufman • Josephine & Joe
Silvestri • Patty & Randy Simpson • L G Singmaster
• Dona & Larry Sinigiani • Roman Sitek • Svetlana
& Simon Slaven • Anne Smith • J. Cathy Smith •
Jessica Smith • Kerry & Paul Smith • Lisa Smith •
Martin & Dannell Smith • Nicholas Smith • Ross
& Willa Smith • Joan Smyth • James & Jackie
Snook • Diann & Thomas So • David & Maria
Solecki • George & Ruthanne Sorensen • Leonara
& Anthony Spino • Stefan Spitaler • Victoria &
Michael Springer • Edward Spruck • Rebecca &
Ronald Stanevich • Gerald Stankunas • Joan Staple
• Angel Stavropoulos • Karen Stead • Christian
William Stein • Scott Stein • Ann & Joseph
Stemmy • Michael Stenson • Bonnie & Scott Stern
• Brian Stevens • Phillip Stewart • Josephine &
John Stile • Jill & Jeffrey Stoff • Joseph Stolasz •
Debra Hayes Stone • John Stratton • Duey & Laura
Stroebel, Jr. • Alissa Stutzman • Stephen SudermanTalco • Amy A Summers • Melissa Summey •
Annie Sumpter • Kimberly & Dave Sutter •
Vanessa Swain • Stephanie & Doug Swanson •
Erica Sweger • John Swiderek • Dr. Carol Tabak •
Tim Tabler • Debi Tarpinlan • Jackie Taylor •
Michael Temme • Baden Terblanche • Margery F
Terry • Ann Therrien • Kathleen Terrien • Marjorie
Thoeny • Carl Thomas • Cheryl & Tim Thomas •
Dannie Thomas • Don Thompson • Hugh & Judith
Thompson • Ron & Gina Thomson • Amy &
Duane Thorson • Craig Thurber • Premji
Thyagarajan • Amalia Stratakos Tio • Marcy &
Brian Tivol • Theresa Tolkinen • Gerald & Elaine
Toscano • Robert Totta • Susan & Bruce Tracey •
Robert & Susan Treese • Ernest B & Ellen Tremmel
• Nicki Troupe • Christine & James Truitt • Peter
Tseng • Garrett & Bonnie Tucker • Ruth Turney •
Bradley Tuthill • M Carolyn & David Unruh •
Connie Unthank • Minnie Utley • Amy Uyechi •
Mary Joan Vaccaro • Claudine Vacirca • Karen Lynn
& Jim Vallere • Barbara Van Alsltyne • Colleen
Vancuren • Bruce VandeBerg • Gale VandeBerg •
Shirley Vanison • Doug & Barbara Veres • Kellie
& Michael Vetta • Claire & Mark Vincent • Stephen
J Vinci • John Viscovich • Karthik Viswanath •
Carol Vitale • Frank & Jacquie Viteznik • Angela
Vollertsen • Leonard Wagner • L Waldenmeyer •
Barbara & Gerald Waldt • Henry & Pat Wallace
• Megan Wallace • Nona & Charles Wallace, Sr. •
Anne Walsh • Phyllis Walsh • Yuanyuan Wang •
Allen Ward • Dawn & Mark Warpechowski •
Fumihiko Watanabe • Geraldine Waters • Pat &
Craig Webster • Vicktoria & Gary Weessies •
David Weiner • Barbara & J. Keith Weinlader •
Aggie Weiss • Sally Weitman • James M Wentworth
• Linda & James Wenziger • Cheryl & James
Werra • Patrick & Karen Wesdock • Joyce &
Bernard West • Joel & Colleen Whalen • Kerry &
Charles Wheatley • Jenny White • Alan Whitfield
• Dr. John B Whitlely, Jr. • Lisa & Michael Whitlow
• Ellen & John Whittle • Kim & Craig Wiese •
Randall & Gina Wilkins • Antoinette Williams •
Jared & Christina Williams • Lee & Nancy
Williams • Patricia Williams • Lucinda Wilson •
Margaret Wilson • Mary & Kelsey Wilson • Nancy
& Ron Wilson • Stephanie S Wilson • Marian R
Winkler • Annette Winn • Mike Wipper • Sharon
Wisch • Brad Whitham • Daryl Whitkowski • Ms.
Mollie Witow • Peter & Mary Wolfe • Jan & Barry
Wolfert • Eileen Wolhar • Jennifer Woods • Linda
& David Wright • Sandra Wulach • Dr. Bayless
Yarnell • Luba Yaryna • Ginnie Yee • Roberta Yocum
• Cal Yokomizo • Mary & John Young • Sharyn
& William Young • Sue Young • Lillian & John
Zadzilka • Mary Zaino • Casmir Zajac • Carla &
Mark Zashin • Douglas Zeise • Michael & Rebecca
Zeiser • Yongxi Zhang • Frida Zipor • Stan & Linda
Zone • Connie & Mark Zurcher • David Zwart
A & J Enviromental, S. Milwaukee, WI • AJ
King, Chicago, IL • American HVAC, Inc.,
Hockley, TX • Arizona Diamondbacks, Phoenix,
AZ • Blinkies Cosmetics, LLC, Gresham, OR
• Brandenburg Auto Clinic, Brandenburg, KY •
Brenda Kay Hair Specialties, Portland, OR • Cape
Wiggery, Cape Girardeau, MD • Community
Programs, Waterford, MI • Creative Hair
Solutions, Allison Park, PA • Ebony Beauty Supply,
Chicago, IL • Economy Lamp, Milwaukee, WI
• Evelyn’s Wig Sales & Service, Lorette, MB
Canada • First Niagara, Cheektowaga, NY • Fuller
Hair, Langdon, NH • Godiva’s Secret Wigs, Inc.,
Woodland Hills, CA • Golden State Plumbing &
Drain Co., San Diego, CA • Hats, Scarves and
More, Spokane, WA • Health Net of CA,
Woodland Hills, CA • Hip Hats with Hair,
Tampa, FL • Hupy & Abraham, Milwaukee, WI
• Interclypse, Hanover, MD • InterFlex, Group,
Wilkesboro, NC • Interior & Exterior Solutions,
New Berlin, WI • Ivana Di Piero Hair Studio,
Harwood Heights, IL • Jack Safro Toyota,
Brookfield, WI • Jaffe & Kecskemethy, PC, Butler,
PA • KHS USA, Inc., Waukeska, WI • Kenobi
Solutions, LLC, Freehold, NJ • La Femme, San
Antonio, TX • LaSalle Council 15, Chicago, IL •
Monson Savings, Monson, MA • Moran Group
of Baton Rouge, Baton Rouge, LA • Nammu
Swimming Hats, Inc., Thornhill, ON, Canada •
Nevada Computer, Nevada, IA • New Image Hair
Clinic, North Huntington, PA • Nini’s Niche,
Novato, CA • Oliver’s Hair Replacements, Dallas,
TX • PK Walsh Co., Inc., Needham, MA • Patelco
Credit Union, Pleasanton, CA • The Philadelphia
76ers, Philadelphia, PA • Pittsburg Pirates,
Pittsburg, PA • QuadGraphics, Sussex, WI • RH
Moore & Associates Inc., Tampa, FL • Robert W.
Baird & Co., Waukesha, WI • Salon Kokopelli,
Brielle, NJ • Salon Rispoli, Newark, DE • Sound
of Tri-State, Claymont, DE • Stamp Me Fabulous,
Huntington Beach, CA • Tao Mamacita Nashville,
Chattanooga, TN • The Pampered Chef, Addison,
IL • Volluma/Wynner Group, Inc., Heidelberg,
ON, Canada • Waller Family Dentistry, Clarkston,
WA • Wendy’s International, Atlanta, GA •
Wooden Nickel Saloon, Ferryville, WI
Aplington/Parkersburg Schools, Parkersburg, IA •
Gardner Elementary School, Waterloo, IL •
Goddard School, Matawan, NJ • Kenmore Middle
School, Kenmore, NY • Knights of Columbus,
Eatontown, NJ • Knights of Columbus, St. Benedicts
11349, Hazelet, NJ • La Fondation Provvidenti,
Brossard, Quebec City, Canada • Mariemont
Elementary School, Cincinnati, OH • Maryland
Charity Campaign, Baltimore, MD • Milton J.
Womack Foundation, Baton Rouge, LA • National
Eczema Association, San Rafael, CA • Rene &
Jimmy Wisch Charitable Foundation, Newton,
MA • Shaler Area School District, Glenshaw, PA
• Swig Foundation, San Francisco, CA • Thomas
Edison Magnet School, Meriden, CT
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2012 Board of Directors
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2012 Corporate Staff
Brian Ter Haar, Chair
Business Owner
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Vicki Kalabokes
President and Chief Executive Officer
Maureen McGettigan, Chief Financial Officer
Senior Account Executive,
Drug Development Company
Flourtown, Pennsylvania
Hoy Lanning Jr, Secretary
Business Owner
Wadesboro, North Carolina
Jay Bokulic
Program Manager
Ashburn, Virginia
Matthew Colpoys
Senior Executive
Orchard Park, New York
Richard Dest, DDS
Charlotte, North Carolina
Jeanné Rappoport
Chief Administration Officer
Laura Ralph
Support & Education Director
Mary Cosgrove
Publications & Technology Director
Gary Sherwood
Communications Director
Abby Ellison
Executive Assistant
Bobbi Perez
Administrative Assistant II
Carol Mayer
Administrative Assistant
Marc Glashofer, MD
Island Dermatology
Long Beach, New York
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
NAAF Board of Directors
Chicago, Illinois
Pratima Karnik, PhD
Case Western Reserve University
Cleveland, Ohio
Maria Hordinsky, MD, Chair
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Elise A. Olsen, MD
Duke University Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Donna Hakim
Marketing Consultant
Wall, New Jersey
David Norris, MD, Past Chair
University of Colorado Health Sciences Center
Denver, Colorado
Anthony Oro, MD
Stanford University Medical Center
Palo Alto, California
Ann S. Hedges
San Francisco, California
Jerry Shapiro, MD, FRCP, Vice Chair
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Len Sperling, MD
Uniformed Services University
Bethesda, Maryland
Debora Pellicano
Brand Finance Manager,
Drug Development Company
Wilmington, Delaware
Vicki Kalabokes, Executive Secretary
President and Chief Executive Officer, NAAF
Richard Strick, MD
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
Madeleine Duvic, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
and educates the public about alopecia areata.
Alan Moshell, MD
George Washington University
Washington DC
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
Pharmaceutical Research
Highland Park, Illinois
Founding Chair
Vera H. Price, MD
Hair Research Center
University of California, San Francisco
San Francisco, California
for alopecia areata, supports those with the disease,
Amy McMichael, MD
Wake Forest University
Winston-Salem, North Carolina
Sigfrid A. Muller, MD
Las Vegas Skin and Cancer Clinic
Las Vegas, Nevada
Angela Christiano, PhD
Columbia University
New York, New York
supports research to find a cure or acceptable treatment
Julian Mackay-Wiggan, MD, MS
Dermatology Clinical Research Unit
New York, New York
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
2012 Scientific Advisory Council
Allison Waggoner
Shop NBC TV Host
Eden Prairie, Minnesota
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF)
Lloyd E. King, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Bob Flint
Houston, Texas
Wilma Bergfeld, MD, FAAD
Cleveland Clinic
Cleveland, Ohio
John Sundberg, DVM, PhD
The Jackson Laboratory
Bar Harbor, Maine
David A. Whiting, MD
Baylor Hair Research & Treatment Center
University of Texas Southwestern
Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
National Alopecia Areata Foundation
14 Mitchell Boulevard
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: 415-472-3780
Fax: 415-472-5343
Email: info@naaf.org
Website: www.naaf.org
NAAF is a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization
pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code,
and all gifts and donations to NAAF are tax deductible.
Tax ID number is 94-2780249.
Cover Art by Robert Perez
Printed on recycled paper
© 2013 National Alopecia Areata Foundation