2010 - National Alopecia Areata Foundation


2010 - National Alopecia Areata Foundation
The nation’s leading nonprofit watchdog group, the BBB Wise Giving
Alliance, has found that NAAF operates with the utmost integrity,
transparency, and accountability. NAAF is proud to be one of the few
nonprofits out of the almost 1.5 million nonprofits in the United States
that meets these strict standards. In addition NAAF meets all 44 of the
standards required for membership in the National Health Council.
Dear Friends,
We begin this annual letter to you by highlighting the most exciting discovery in the history of alopecia areata.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF) used your generous donations to INVESTIGATE every possible
avenue that might lead to a breakthrough in the understanding and treatment of this disease, and after 13 years of
investments in genetics research, we DISCOVER there are eight genes related to alopecia areata. These same genes
are associated with many other autoimmune diseases. Through our research program, NAAF has given HOPE to
generations of people affected by alopecia areata.
Scientists throughout the world know about this finding since it was published in the prestigious medical
journal, Nature. Medical professionals, including dermatologists, have contacted NAAF to praise us regarding this
discovery. Patients and families who have supported NAAF for many years know that their commitment has been
worthwhile. At the same time, we all realize we must continue to take steps toward the next discovery in our quest to
find an effective treatment and end to this disease.
While we celebrate this breakthrough in research, we also want to remember the other two parts of our mission—awareness and support—which are so important for people living today with alopecia areata. Through our
support network, the National Alopecia Areata Foundation makes a difference in the lives of those families and individuals. We continue to investigate and discover new ways of helping people. We offer hope on a daily basis through
our website, message boards and social media, informational materials, DVDs, electronic and print newsletters, the
Ascot Fund, and the Alopecia Areata Marketplace.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation strives to communicate the facts about alopecia areata to as many
people as possible. Each day we discover new ways to reach more people. Through awareness and advocacy programs we educate the community so that they, in turn, are more compassionate and considerate of people with
alopecia areata. We thank NBA player Charlie Villanueva and Miss Delaware, Kayla Martell, who promote awareness
through their appearances.
We thank you again for your support. We hope you are pleased with the report of activities and accomplishments from 2010.
Brian Ter Haar,
Vicki Kalabokes
Chair, Board of Directors, 2011
President and Chief Executive Officer
“We came to the NAAF Conference
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
looking for a cure. When you are sitting
with others, look to each side and
forward and back. That is where the
cure is.”
— Howard Kaplan and Ernest Guenzburger
“When our son saw others who had
alopecia areata who got it as children
who are now doctors, lawyers and
emcees he became empowered.”
— Phil Maniscalco
every day that the National Alopecia Areata
Foundation offers the Emotional Cure through
its Support Network.
in Indianapolis, Indiana, in the summer of 2010, drawing 655
participants from 32 states and 3 foreign countries. The confer-
conference was at the airport going
ence is the key to all of NAAF’s support efforts, empowering
home on Sunday. He was telling me
those affected by alopecia areata to raise awareness and help
was going to keep in touch with them. The difference
in this kid from the first day to the last was just amazing
others in their own communities.
86 Conference Scholarships were awarded to people in need,
and so noticeable. He was in line pointing to his mom
enabling them to attend the conference. A total of 1,121 schol-
all the other alopecians in the security line. I could tell
arships have been awarded since the inception of our confer-
he knew that he was not alone and it made all the
ence scholarship program.
difference for him. You guys are doing God’s work at
NAAF, you really are.”
414 people have been aided by grants from this fund since it
was established in 2004.
Our Children’s Conference Camp, which has been held in
family, friends, and schoolmates; a school packet for use by
parents and teachers; a NAAF bibliography of books for kids
with alopecia areata; children’s supports groups; our Children’s
Conference Camp; our Pen Pals program; secure and private
message boards for children and teens; a special KidNet section of the NAAF Newsletter; and brochures for both kids and
their parents.
their daily life. It now features 54 different merchants. The variety and quality of the products are exceptional.
best meeting ever and I just wanted to
say thank you. You have no idea what
you have done for so many people’s
We continue to expand NAAF’s website to serve you better. It is
more interactive to help more people in real time.
We have hosted NAAF Webinars to educate everyone on topics
you have requested such as Advocacy, Research, and Children
lives. Thank you from the bottom of
my heart for giving me this opportunity to provide a
Returning to School. Our most popular Webinar last year fea-
safe place for so many people that are suffering.”
tured Dr. Christiano reporting on her genetic findings.
— Margaret Staib, Long Island,
New York Support Group Leader
“It takes profound insight and wisdom
and providing telephone support. NAAF has started highlight-
to know that how you deal with being
‘you’ affects everyone around you,
even strangers.”
— Georgia Roberts
NAAF s Facebook and Twitter pages encourage even more interaction among our alopecia areata family.
ing its support volunteers in each quarterly newsletter.
The Ascot Fund provided financial grants to 65 men, women,
and children so they could purchase hair prostheses. These
Our Pen Pal program now has over 1,300 participants, including adults as well as children.
NAAF responds to thousands of emails, phone calls, and fax
requests for information.
NAAF is able to help more people because of the help we
receive from thousands of volunteers nationwide and interna-
Our NAAF Electronic News (Beneath the Surface) quickly conveys important information to everyone.
Our International Support Network includes 130 loyal volunteers in 111 cities worldwide, organizing local support groups
dren and teens.
“Our support group meeting was the
The Alopecia Areata Marketplace helps people with alopecia
areata access hard-to-find and much-needed products to ease
tandem with the patient conference since 1988, drew 225 chil-
— Matt Kelley
Alopecia areata kids have many NAAF resources to help them!
We offer a nine-minute DVD/video that kids can share with
NAAF held its 25th Annual International Patient Conference
“A young boy I met on the first day of
how he made so many new friends and
grants truly make a difference in the lives of people. A total of
Our quarterly award-winning NAAF Newsletter continues to be
recognized as a model for patient newsletters.
Our NAAF brochures continue to help those with alopecia
areata and educate the public.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
“I feel when you educate and make others feel
comfortable about alopecia areata by talking about
DISCOVER every day what alopecia areata is
and its effects on people through National
Alopecia Areata Foundation’s awareness
efforts especially our grassroots volunteers
around the world.
it openly it helps avoid misunderstandings and
promotes awareness.”
— Maritza Stern
“Beauty comes in all different kinds
of packages. You can be a beauty
queen and not have hair.”
— Kayla Martell
“I see alopecia areata as the coolest
Kayla Martell has been a spokesperson for NAAF. She was
disease ever because it’s not deadly,
crowned Miss Delaware, and the National Alopecia Areata
Foundation was chosen as her platform to promote alopecia
new kids with alopecia areata too and
areata awareness. We had millions of media impressions from
you get to meet the coolest basketball
the numerous media outlets that covered her reign as Miss
NAAF publicity efforts generated over 80 print, television, and
player ever . . . Charlie Villanueva.”
— A NAAF Kid
Delaware. She eventually advanced to the top ten in the Miss
web media publications with millions of media impressions
American Pageant. We are so proud of her!
during 2010. This included coverage on CBS News, Fox News,
“I fought my insurance company for six months and
Kristen Wells, host of HGTV’s Smart Fix has also been a spokes-
ABC News, the Today show, The New York Times, The Huffington
I won! A small victory, yet an important one. Insurance
person for NAAF. Kristen contacted NAAF with a burning de-
Post, USA Today, Los Angeles Times, WebMD, AARP Bulletin, Skin
companies need to know that alopecia areata is an
sire to give back. She wants to add HOPE because her hair did
and Allergy News, and Fox News Latino. [Rosalie, please scan
autoimmune disease, it is a real disease, it affects people
grow back and she has been patch-free ever since.
some of the articles given to you]
NBA player Charlie Villanueva continues to “Meet & Greet” and
Over 500 NAAF Conference participants attended an Indianap-
inspire children and adults affected by alopecia areata, but
olis Indians Minor League baseball game to raise awareness of
Charlie says the reverse is true: he says these Meet & Greets
alopecia areata and cheer on Harrison Goldberg, who threw
really inspire him. The Charlie’s Angels Program has had over
the ceremonial first pitch.
4,500 children and adults participate during the past five
you get to go to conferences, meet
among the people featured. This was a very productive col-
The Tortoise & Hair™ run/walk is growing into NAAF’s premier
nationwide awareness and fundraising event. Held during our
NAAF and the National Coalition of Autoimmune Patient
annual patient conference in Indianapolis, this event drew
Groups (NCAPG) worked together to produce two video Pub-
over 470 runners and raised over $20,000.
lic Service Announcements (PSAs), one for all autoimmune
diseases and one for alopecia areata. Charlie Villanueva was
Volunteers like Heidi Bratt in Massachusetts continue to fight
at the state level for insurance coverage for alopecia areata.
greatly, and that people with alopecia areata have the
right to recognition and treatment.”
— Cynthia Klein
the Federal level.
Jillian Halloran Family & Friends
Kelly Fineman Family & Friends
Alexandra Dest Family & Friends
NAAF volunteers hosted fundraising and aware-
Trish Kotal Family & Friends
Ruthy Mayfield Family & Friends
Samuel Lanning Family & Friends
ness events around the world, generating almost
Friends at Luso-American Life Insurance
$223,400 for NAAF. All of these events are listed by
Friends of the Marin Human Race
Abby Ter Haar Family & Friends
Sara Kluener Family & Friends
state or province in this annual report. We offer our
San Francisco Support Group
Paige Collins Family & Friends
Mark Sayan Family & Friends
Connecticut Support Group
Beth Breslow Family & Friends
Adriene & Robert Guerin Family & Friends
Friends of Westminster
Nikola Cao Family & Friends
ed—or participated in—these fantastic events!
NAAF now has an official song: “Bald is Best” by
Tyree Glenn Jr, the ambassador of Rhythm and
Blues. The song gets everyone dancing and singing. Tyree Glenn Jr. has over 20 years of experience
on New York’s Broadway, concert tours, and television and radio shows in Italy, Portugal, England,
and Germany.
NAAF continued its fight for insurance coverage on
thanks to all the individuals and families who host-
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
Holly McDonald’s Family & Friends
Jacob Offir Family & Friends
Katy Swede-Taillon Family & Friends
Deborah Pellicano Family & Friends
Elementary School
Mallory Crowner Friends & Family
Cassie McElwain Family & Friends
Friends of Hallowell Elementary School
Diane Gormley Family & Friends
Friends of the Philadelphia, PA
Support Group
Emma Robbins Family & Friends
Friends of the Philadephia 76’ers
NAAF, working with the Coalition
of Skin Diseases, has continued
Amish & Berna Parikh Family & Friends
to advocate for the importance of
Tom & Laura Conklin Family & Friends
skin disease research so that all skin diseases in the
Ken & Jennifer Anderson Family & Friends
Liliana Hakim Family & Friends
coalition benefit.
Baumgart/Beckman Family & Friends
Christopher Passarella Family & Friends
NAAF takes a very active role in educating
Rogers Elementary School
Carole Rogers Family & Friends
medical professionals about alopecia areata, host-
ing informational exhibits at key medical and
Friends of Northwood Elementary School
scientific conferences, including the American
Harrison Goldberg Family & Friends
Olivia Rusk Family & Friends
Academy of Dermatology, the Dermatology Nurses’
Jack Keogh Family & Friends
NAAF Supporters of Tortoise & HairTM
Lord & Taylor Do Good Campaign
Erica Meilhede Family & Friends
Jeff & Sherene Gravatte Family & Friends
Friends of Northside School
Friends of Aplington/
Friends of Reuben Gittelman
Kaycee & Kiah Lang Family & Friends
Hebrew Day School
Friends of Wedgewood Park School
Association, the Society for Investigative Dermatology, and the American Academy of Pediatrics.
Parkersburg School District
Michelle & Kurt Busse Family & Friends
Cindy Bondio Family & Friends
Shannon O’Neill Family & Friends
Jose Charqueno Family & Friends
Manuel Espino Family & Friends
Michael & Lise Maddux Family & Friends
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
“Thank you so much for the email
about Dr. Christiano’s discovery of the
genes implicated in alopecia areata
The National
Alopecia Areata Foundation spends a
tremendous amount of its resources to
INVESTIGATE alopecia areata to DISCOVER as
much scientific knowledge as possible and to
give HOPE to all those affected by alopecia
and the publicity. I understand there is
no cure yet but this puts HOPE in the
hearts of millions.”
— Shawn Lintz
“Finally we have the possibility of
developing drugs that specifically
target the mechanism behind the
— Angela Christiano, PhD
NAAF’s funding of Dr. Angela Christiano at Columbia University
“Dr. Christiano has definitely been working on this for
over the past 13 years has paid off with the discovery of eight
a very long time. I’m glad her research is finally bearing
genes that contribute to alopecia areata, one of which has a pos-
fruit. Dedication like hers is rare.”
sible role in the onset of the disease. Many of the genes found to
— Nick Kypriotakis
be associated with alopecia areata are also associated with other
“Thank you very much for such interesting news, which
autoimmune diseases with pre-existing treatments. This discovery
give us additional hopes of attaining our targets
is expected to lead to effective clinical trials. NAAF thanks the
against alopecia areata.”
National Institutes of Arthritis and Musculoskeletal and Skin Dis-
— Jorge Sralegui Gil
eases (NIAMS) for continuing Dr. Christiano’s studies and award“Wow, this is what I have been
ing her the resources to be able to make this discovery.
waiting for! As an immunologist who
NAAF has now initiated an Alopecia Areata Treatment Develop-
has been following the research in the
ment Program to find a successful treatment as rapidly as pos-
field of alopecia areata for over
sible. This program, which is a direct result of recommendations
The program focuses our efforts in two directions: Basic
from the Alopecia Areata Immunology Summit and Dr. Christia-
Immunology Research to find a treatment in the long term
no’s discoveries is strategic and focused. We know exactly what
and Clinical Studies to find a treatment in the short term,
the NAAF conference in 2010. The rigorous population
we need to do to accomplish our goals. We have a comprehensive
NAAF acts much like a concierge, bringing together players
genetics data derived from the National Alopecia
budget and timeline.
from science, industry, government and patients to find a
Areata Registry provides the focus for new targeted
immunologic, therapeutic and clinical studies.”
25 years, it was enlightening to hear
the results of the work presented by Dr. Christiano at
—Howard B. Fleit, PhD.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
2. Yehuda Shoenfeld, MD, FRCP is also studying infectious
NAAF is pursuing Quality of Life Studies so
NAAF has funded two research grants in Basic Immunology
agents in alopecia areata. Shoenfeld is head of the Department
we will be prepared to appear before the Food and Drug
to date—one to find the autoantibodies involved in alopecia
of Medicine B and the Zabludowicz Center for Autoimmune
Administration if we are successful in finding a viable
areata and another to determine if infectious agents are
Diseases at Sheba Medical Center (affiliated with Tel-Aviv
involved. These studies are ongoing and should be completed
University) in Israel and Incumbent of the Laura Schwarz-Kipp
in late 2011.
Chair for Research of Autoimmune Diseases on the Sackler
studies to present to the Food and Drug
1. The George Eisenbarth Laboratory, located in the Barbara
Faculty of Medicine at Tel-Aviv University, Israel.
Davis Center for Childhood Diabetes at the University of
An increased prevalence of celiac autoantibodies has been
Colorado Denver School of Medicine, is a
found in the sera of alopecia universalis patients compared
cations to the National Institutes of Health so there aren’t
state-of-the-art facility focused on researching the immunology
to controls. They suggest an association between anti-celiac
competing applications.
and autoimmunity of Type 1 Diabetes. We believe we can
antibodies and anti-TPO with alopecia universalis and patchy
benefit from all the advances and technology the diabetes
alopecia areata. The exact role of these autoantibodies and their
community has invested in studying their disease to learn more
biomarkers involved in alopecia areata to advance the clini-
associations with different forms of alopecia areata and other
about our own.
cal studies.
autoimmune diseases will continue to be studied.
NAAF is funding Dr. Li Zhang, a postdoctoral fellow in the
Eisenbarth Laboratory, to Develop Molecular Assays for Alopecia Areata–Associated Autoantibodies.
specific target that the immune response is attacking.
urging and funded by the National Institute of Arthritis and
vince companies that there is a market for drugs that may
Musculoskeletal and Skin Diseases of the National Institutes
be able to be used to treat alopecia areata.
of Health. Dr. Christiano used 1,054 samples from the Reg-
NAAF funded a grant to Dr. Jenna O’Neill at Wake Forest
istry for her important discoveries. We hope to change the
University to research the 235 drugs being developed for
Registry’s name to the Alopecia Areata Clinical Trials Regis-
other autoimmune diseases and to produce a spreadsheet
try since it will become a major part of the Alopecia Areata
of all pertinent information, including what stage of study
Treatment Development Program.
the drug is in.
to bind and target. T-cell receptors are located on the surface of
tack. In alopecia areata, it appears that specific T cells are attack4.
Once antibody specificities are identified in alopecia
By the end of 2010, over 9,000 people had completed the
NAAF held an Alopecia Areata Clinical Summit to set priori-
initial registration questionnaire. Over 3,100 of these people
ties to advance clinical studies of alopecia areata.
had also completed the second phase of registration, provid-
NAAF is negotiating with several companies to partner on
ing blood samples and undergoing a medical exam. The more
clinical studies.
people we have in the registry, the more we learn about alope-
NAAF is coordinating investigators to develop a uniform
pecia areata will be designed, and studies on T-cell specificities
protocol for alopecia areata clinical
will be organized to determine if T cells share the same specifici-
ties as antibodies.
NAAF has spent the year preparing to take over the National
NAAF has formed the Corporate Leadership Council to con-
teins that circulate through the body, seeking foreign antigens
areata, additional studies on the role of these antibodies in alo-
NAAF is pursuing the publication of the
either antibodies or T-cell receptors. Antibodies are soluble pro-
ing specific antigens in the hair follicle.
NAAF is coordinating alopecia areata–related grant appli-
Alopecia Areata Registry, which was established at NAAF’s
The specificity of the immune response is determined by
T cells, which migrate through the body seeking antigens to at-
NAAF is also pursuing current prevalence and incidence
Much autoimmunity research now focuses on discovering
the specificity of the immune response—in other words, the
cia areata and the more clues we gain to find a possible cure.
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
DECEMBER 31, 2010
Donations—stock and major donors 449,984
Restricted grants and donations
Special events—Links for Locks
and Tortoise & HairTM
Prior year grant reimbursements
Awareness campaign
Newsletter income
Alopecia Areata Marketplace
Brochures and videos
Interest and dividend income
Net realized and unrealized gains (losses)
on marketable securities
Net assets released from restrictions 92,093
Total revenues
(8,707) 1,409,630
Current assets
Cash and cash equivalents
$ 693,226
Marketable securities
Accounts receivable
Prepaid expenses and other current assets 77,676
Total current assets
Fixed assets,
net of accumulated depreciation
Total assets
Current liabilities
Accounts payable
Accrued vacation payable
Total current liabilities
Net assets:
Temporarily restricted
Total net assets
Total liabilities and net assets
Program services
Education and support
Support services:
Management and general
Total expenses
Support, Research and
Change in net assets
Net assets, beginning of period
The Statement of Financial Position of the National Alopecia Areata Foundation as of December 31, 2010, was audited by R. J.
Riccardi, Certified Public Accountant. A copy of the complete report, including notes, is available for public review from the National
Alopecia Areata Foundation, 14 Mitchell Boulevard, San Rafael, CA 94903 or on the website www.naaf.org.
$35,174 $1,187,310
Net assets, end of period
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
January 1, 2010 – December 31, 2010
& Robert O’Connor • Shannon O’Neill Family & Friends • Kate Paley •
Marcia Rimai & Daryl Diesing • Dr. Joseph & Patricia Russ • William H.
Soskin • Bonnie & Scott Stern
IBM, Endicott, NY • Lord & Taylor, Wilkes-Barre, PA • McDonald’s,
Baton Rouge, LA • Procter & Gamble Company, Cincinnati, OH • Taglich
Brothers, Huntington, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Editor’s note: Some of the donors listed raised all of the money for their
donation, or a portion of it, by fundraising.
Arkay Foundation, Pacific Grove, CA • Lexington Grange #2672,
Alliance OH
$50,000 AND ABOVE
$1,000 TO $2,499
Anonymous • Harris & Helen Barer • Jeffrey & Ginny Kelter • Maureen
McGettigan • Wendy & Brian Ter Haar •
Herbert & Annabel Abrams • Nancy Polley Aibel • Dr. Rex & Johnnie
Amonette • Robert Amter & Bonnie MacDonald • Ken & Jennifer
Anderson Family & Friends • Cynthia & Woodbury Andrews • Karen
Annis & Mike Dazy • Maria Beckett • Laura Bivins • Linda & Paul
Brady • Peg & Ed Breslow • Susan & Steven Burlingame • Stephen &
Christine Campbell • Helen & Victor Castillo • Elizabeth Catto • Mike &
Janis Chapman • Angela Charqueno Family & Friends • Carl & Suzanne
Chiappa • Lynne Cianciulli • Joseph & Patricia Combs • Connecticut
Support Group • Jim & Marilyn Cook • Mallory & Michael Crowner
Family & Friends • Patricia Davidson • Donovan & Patricia Davis • Karen
& Michael Dermo • David & Lynn Dickens • Dr. Michael Domboski • Hope
& Theresa Dyre Family & Friends • Patti & James Elliott • Jennifer Eplett
& Sean Reilly • Deloris Erickson • Shaila & Karl Fernandes • Jim & Carla
Flug • Sandy & Carlos Frum • Bobbie & James Gates • Dr. Marc Glashofer
• Andrew & Eleanor Grant • Lisa & Julian Grant • Nora & Madison Grose
• Daniel & Kathleen Groszkiewicz • Adriane & Robert Guerin • Joseph
& Jean Hamilton • Earl & Kay Harbaugh • Debbie & Rich Harris • Joyce
Hawkins • Kandace Hawkinson • Jian He • Virginia & David Hilyard •
Despina & Brian Keegan • Peter & Karen Kensicki • Jack & Henry Keogh
Family & Friends • Virginia & Robert Kirkwood • Linda & David Kolifrath
• Sue & Gary Kostecki • Jeremy Kramer & Becca Davies • Robert & Judy
Krischker • Dr. Gerald Krueger • Fred Levin & Leslie Dumont • Irving &
Lenore Levine • Susan MacMillan • Peter & Debby Magowan • Stewart
& Barbara Mandell • Terre Trumble Marshall • Marie & Thomas Mason
• Nancy Matthews • Marie & Terrell McElheny • Stanley Michael • T
J Morris • Michael & Christine Moscato • Rose & Henry Moskowitz •
Kristen Mulberry • Larry Nathanson • Lesley Nettles • Robin & David
Nijankin • Tom & Pam Nix • Robert & Frances Oshiro • Hays Owen • Kathy
Pauli & John Eldred • Steven Perricone • Karen Peterik • Chris Pitsaroff •
Craig & Amy Powell • Dr. Vera H. Price • Jane & Paul Rittmaster • Phyllis
& Sidney Rodbell • Carol & Joel Rogers • Dr. Floreene Rubin • Jillene &
Mark Ryan • Elio Salvo • Linda, Fred & Marc Sayan Family & Friends •
Brian & Lynn Schaezler • Collins & Gail Seitz • Kim & Bill Snyder • Debbie
Socks • Anita & Todd Solomon • Jerry & Janet Solomon • Philip Spinelli
• Margaret & Andrew Staib • Dr. Timothy Stanford & Family • Michelle &
Butch Stidham • Sandra & Bruce Swanson • Katy Swede-Taillon Family
& Friends • Patty Tager & Rami Geffner • Robert, Holly & Nicole Tassin
• Josh Tenuta • Ranjit Thaker • Eric & Lynsey Vinikoff Family & Friends •
Bryant & Sharron Watts • Renee Weilmann • Thomas & Carolyn Werner
• Melanie & Mark Whitmore • Darlene Wisecup • Ed & Mary Wojtowicz •
Vincent Wong • Dr. John & Adelaide Zabriskie • Connie & Mark Zurcher
Foundations and Organizations
Estate of Robert D Desmond
$25,000 TO $49,999
Jay & Peggy Bokulic • Margery & Rob Goldberg • Donna & Matt Hakim
• Lilliana Hakim Family & Friends • Vicki Kalabokes • Abby Ter Haar
Family & Friends
Murray Hill Chiropractic, New York, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Heckscher Foundation for Children, New York, NY
$10,000 TO $24,999
Anonymous • Caroline & David Brown • Paige Collins Family & Friends
Family & Friends • Richard & Rosa Dest • Bernard & Cheryl Fineman • Dr.
Gary Gordon & Marilyn Hirsch • Ann S. Hedges • Gwen & Hoy Lanning.
Jr. • Samuel Lanning & Alexandra Dest Family & Friends • Alan & Kathy
Pallie • Philadelphia, PA Support Group Family & Friends • Ray & Susan
Simmons • Lawrence & Sandra Small
Foundations and Organizations
Laffey-McHugh Foundation, Wilmington, DE
$5,000 TO $9,999
Beth & Stephen Breslow • Susan DeLagarza • Warren & Jinhong Deitch •
Manny Espino Family & Friends • Robert & Ana Flint • Arlene & Richard
Glenn • Judith Glick • Marcia Grimm • Philip & Peggy Holland • Tom &
Sharon Kelley • Kaycee & Kiah Lang Family & Friends • Laurie, Randall
& Cassie McElwain Family & Friends • Christopher Passarella Family &
Friends • Debora & Luis Pellicano • Drs. Carol & Gary Ter Haar • Maxine
& Jack Zarrow
Downtown Chiropractic, New York, NY • E & J Gallo Winery, Modesto,
CA • Johnson & Johnson, Morris Plains, NJ • Phyto/Ales Groupe, New
York, NY
Foundations and Organizations
Maxine & Jack Zarrow Family Foundation, Tulsa, OK
$2,500 TO $4,999
Andrea & Robert Belford • Claire Chandler • Allison Dunlop • Thomas &
Marian Gervasi • Jeffrey Goins • David & Ami Handler • Bruce & Rebecca
Hollinger • Matt Kelley • Noel Kratzmann • Eugene & Shirley Levitt •
Friends & Family of Ruthie Mayfield • Robert & Maureen McDonald
• Jenna McNeil Family & Friends • Mindy Myers & Gary Hoover • Rita
Baton Rouge Water Company, Baton Rouge, LA • C & K Healing Touch,
New York, NY • CMH Flooring Products, Inc., Wadesboro, NC • Di Fazio
Electric, Inc., Deer Park, NY • Galderma Laboratories, Ft. worth, TX •
Horizon Wellness Group, Hicksville, NY • Iowa Dermatology Nurses
Association, Ames, IA • Kahn Architecture & Design, New York, NY •
Law Offices of Anthony C Donofrio, Massapequa, NY • Lifetime Physical
Therapy, New York, NY • New Life Hair, LLC, Burr Ridge, IL • Patterson
Companies, Inc., St. Paul, MN • True Silver Corp., Alan Thomas Designs,
Pembroke Pines, FL • Wal-Mart, Fort Stockton, TX
Foundations and Organizations
Alben F Bates & Clara G Bates Foundation, Elmhurst, IL • Andrew
T McMains Baton Rouge Area Foundation, Baton Rouge, LA • Catto
Charitable Foundation, San Antonio, TX • The Drescher Foundation,
Bethesda, MD • The Krischker Family Foundation, Phoenixville, PA •
Northwestern Mutual Foundation, Milwaukee, WI
$500 TO $999
Dr. Harry Agress, Jr. • Lindsay Allen • Barbara Amspoker • Tamara &
Rick Baldini • David Bartash • John Barton • Nancy Black • Lindsay
Boles • Charles & Teresa Boyer • Ray & Betsy Braun • Joyce Brehm •
Margaret & Denis Brennan • Chris & Diane Brody • Aram & Heather
Bronston • Michelle & Kurt Busse Family & Friends • Mara Caldwell •
Vickie & John Camburn • Mary & Joseph Cilibrasi • Abraham Cohen •
Leo Aflalo Cohen • Jill & Dan Cook • Dr. Anthony & Shirley Costrini • Dr.
Willis Cottel • Denis Cuenca • Katherine Dalton • Ian & Matilda Dalziel
• Robert DeSaulniers • Guerino & Julie Desimone • Dr. Richard Dosek
• Needra Dulcich • Kathleen & Ed Edwards • Jennifer & John Fahey •
Stephen & Jean Fey • Kelly Fineman Family & Friends • Luann Firestein
• Lorraine Fowler • Brenden & Jennifer Garvey • Carol & William Gasser
• Kathy & Lee Gause • Thomas E. Godfrey • Diane & Bob Goon • Andrea
& Stephen Granet • Cleta Gray • Marcia & Jerry Gross • Ernest & Ellen
Guenzburger • Christopher Hakim & Claire Fratello • Patty & Wayne Hall •
Jillian Halloran Family & Friends • Barbara Hansen • Sally & Stephen Harr
• Sylvia Heisman • Jack & Faye Herick • Alison Herman • Dr. Steven &
Mary Hieronymus • Amy & Brian Hogan • David & Stephanie Honeycutt
• Wayne & Cherie Hubbell • Paul & Patti Jablonski • Dawn Jeffrey • Leslie
& Stephen Jerome • Deborah Johnson • Doris Johnson • Genevieve &
John Kapelswski • Brian & Cindy Killough • Judith King • Dr. Lloyd E.
King • Luke & Kathryn Kissam • Linda & David Kolifrath • Judith Koshiba
• Raymond Kwong • Michaela Kyzekova • Dr. Kathy Laing • Donna & Cliff
Lazarus • Dean Leffelman • Tracy Leopardi • Mary Longsine • Celeste
Lutrario • Michael & Lise Maddux • Kris Ann & Lawrence Maestri • Elene
Mahnken • Jason Malinowski • Blake Manola Family & Friends • Tricia &
Jason Manola • Rick Marotta • Dr. Edward Mayland • Heather & James
McCormack • Mary Lynn McDevitt • Marie & Terrell McElheny • Chad
& Sharon McGee • Elizabeth & Gordon McNabb • Timothy & Adrienne
McNeil • Erica Meilhede Family & Friends • Ava, Edward & Jordan
Mendelson • Richard & Cheryl Metrick • Erin & Jeff Meyer • John &
Kathie Miller • Stephen & Marsha Mock • Cindy Molnar Family & Friends
• Dr. John & Carolyn Ann Moody • Darcy & Stephen Morrissette • Peggy
Napier • Marvin Nevins • New Hampshire Support Group • Jennifer
Nordstrom • Craig O’Sullivan • Marieclair Odell • Dan Odenheimer •
Admiral Robert Papp • Adam Pariante • Thomas & Virginia Pollock • Kelly
Pratt • Alice Price • Phillip & Bonnie Rabideau • George & Regina Raftis
• John & Diane Rakocy • Sharon & Bruce Rarick • Kelly Rauen • Whitney
& Carl Richmond • Tom, Caitlin & Laura Riley • Dr. Janet Roberts • Janis
Roberts • Alice & Robert Ross • Judith & Robert Rubin • David Saltzberg
• Kenneth Satir • Scott Schoenberg • R Gary Sexton • Christopher Skinner
• Eileen Smyers • Donald Sosnowitz • Juliann Sousa • Nancy Stark &
Stanley Iezman • Debbie & Eric Staubber • Denise Thornton • Carol
Triest • Tucson, AZ Support Group • Susan Turner • Sheila Vega-Rogers
• Margaret Veldman • Amy & Peter Viteznik • Joan Walborn • Amy & Ira
Waldman • Richard Waldman • Eileen Walsh • Cory Wanatick • James
Wentworth • Michelle & Ronald White • Dr. David Whiting • Dr. John B
Whitley, Jr. • Lynn Wilson • Jan Wolf • Michael Wolfson • Ruth Ann Wood
• Martha Worthy • Michael Zuravel
Atlantis Cleaning Company, Newport Beach, CA • Bidwell Consulting
Services, Inc., Chico CA • Cheryn International, Columbia, SC •
Congoleum Corporation, Mercerville, NJ • DRD Medical PC, New York,
NY • DermMatch, Inc., Sarasota, FL • Foundations Associates, Passaic,
NJ • Freedom Wigs Ltd., Dunedin, New Zealand • Headcovers Unlimited
Inc., Kemah, TX • The Headshop Wigs, Lindale, TX • Jordan Timberlands,
Inc., Mount Gilead, NC • Laing & Dimick Dermatology, Ann Arbor, MI •
Lori’s Wigsite, Coconut Creek, FL • Luso-American Life Insurance Society,
Dublin, CA • Mavrides Moyal & Associates, Lake Success, NY • Mc 2
Enterprises, LLC, Baton Rouge, LA • Murray Hill Foot Care, New York,
NY • Oasis Truck Tire Center, Fort Stockton, TX • Phillips Consulting, Inc.,
Louisville, KY • Salon Kokopelli, Brielle, NJ • Shaw Environmental, Inc.,
Monroeville, PA • Summers Laboratories, Collegeville, PA • The Valassis
Giving Committee, Livonia, MI
Foundations and Organizations
Bartash Foundation, New York, NY • Community Health Charities of
California, Sacramento, CA • Galpern-Mendelson Family Foundation •
The Human Race, Santa Rosa, CA • Kirkland & Ellis Foundation. Chicago,
IL • NAIC/NIPR Volunteer Resource Team, Kansas City, MO • Reuben
Gittelman Hebrew Day School, New City, NY • Swinerton Foundation,
San Francisco, CA • Westminster Elementary School, Westminster, MA
$250 TO $499
Donald & Mary Lynne Able • Tom & Jackie Ahrens • Rollie Alexander,
III • Ashley & Michael Allen • Raul Amaya • Jon & Kathleen Andera •
Dean & Carolyn Anderson • Glenn Auve • Kamoce Bamls • Xuemei Bao
• Nan Barbas • Stephen & Rosemary Bedard • Michael Bernabeo • Dean
Blake • Fran Blaustein • Suzanne Boe • Michael Bogardus • Diane Bonner
• Maria Borgese • Sonya & John Bowman • Kendra & Paul Bramble
• Kathleen Brennan • Theresa Bronson • Kim Bumpers • Dennis &
Catherine Bye • Laurie & Robert Byren • Marie Caldaro • John Caldwell •
Kimberly Campbell • Laurel & John Campbell • Danijela, Jin & Nikola Cao
Family & Friends • Mary & Anthony Cefalu • Dr. Joseph & Sandra Cenac
• Donald & Patricia Chambers • Suzanne & John Chartrand • Michael
Chetock • Lisa & Gene Ciancio • Paula Cirtis-Carter • Nancy & Bob Clark
• Susan & Roy Cleveland • Dr. Beth Colombe • Art Cooper • Mary Lou
Colpoys-Wynne • Pat & Joseph Corvaia • Stacy & Brian Crain • Arlene
& Donald Dahlgren • William B. Darwin, Jr. • Donald Deines • Celeste &
Octavio Delgado • Ralph & Jean DeNunzio • Celeste Descoteaux • Cipa
& Misha Dichter • Nenita Dudley • Mark Earley • Jackie Eris-Aczel • Ellen
Enderle • Carol Eoneman • Adam Garcia Eveloff • Delores Evoe • Daniel
Fahy • Dr. Steve Feldman • Edward Feldsoft • Barry & Odile Fidelman
• Corie Flammia & Jim Murphy • John Floramo • Jerry & Janice Ford •
Warren Forman • Michele & Tim Friedman • Patrick Gallagher • Stacy &
Michael Gardner • Kathy & Lee Gause • Diana & David Gerland • Kelly
Gerritis • Stephen Gervasi • Barbara & James Gilligan • Gary & Doreen
Gittings • Kent & Julia Goodman • Linda & Leo Gordon • Craig Grassi •
Jeff & Sherene Gravatte • Jane & Jim Graybill • Jody & Doug Greenstein
• Yolanda Grisby • Robert & Pat Gruttadauria • Antonio & Dora Guastella
• Yolanda Hailey • Edward & Patricia Hakim • Lisa Hakim • Mark Hakim •
Harold Harms, Jr. • Sally & Stephen Harr • Carol & Timothy Hart • William
Hartman • Kelly Heuer • Joanne & Sean Hogan • Paul & Jan Holtzman
• Gerald Hulbert • Stephen & Leslie Isaacs • Steve Jacobson • Thomas
Jeffers • Neil Johnson • Jeff Jones • Dr. Irving Katz • Bruce Kelleher • Mark
& Molly Kelley • Catherine Kelly • Carla Kephart • Thomas & Margaret
Kittle-Kemp • Chris Knight • Andrea & Ralph Knupp • Harold Koessner
• Lisa & Daniel Kopina • Judith Kramer • Donald & Shirley Kuntzman
• Jung Kwak • Milton Kyser • William Lanava • Jennifer Laurelli • John
& Mary Ellen Lawlor • Harriet & Donald Levy • Caroline Lewis • Karen
Linn • Justin Lockefeer • Steve Luparello & Laurie Drysdale • J. Maher •
Briana Maierle Family & Friends • Christine & Alfred Maierle • Natalie
Mamerow Family & Friends • Suzanne Mancuso • Cathy & Ross Manzo
• Paul & Shawna Marino • Anne Mantsios • Carmen Martinez • Dawn
Marvin • Mark & Priscilla Masselink • Carla Mathews • Kim Mathews •
Carol Mayer • Holly McDonald Family & Friends • Richard McElwain •
Robert McElwain • Christine & James McGarry • Arlene McGillis • Lorelei
& Lawrence McGlynn • Karen & Darren McKinney • Timothy & Adrienne
McNeil • Robert Meyer • Dr. Laurence Miller • Charles & Roberta Mohr •
Ahmad Moini • Pamela Molinaro • Brian & Cheryl Molohon • Anthony
Montcalmo • Stephanie Morales • Lydia Morehead • Karen Nagle •
Debbie & Cliff Neese • Bruce & Joan Nordstrom • Heidi Odmark • Paul &
Laurie Olmstead • Dr. Elise Olsen • Seth Orlow • David Pacheco & Greg
McAllister • Robert & Jean Paine • Christina Palendrano • Gary & Susan
Petrovich • Elizabeth Phillips • Stephanie Pianka • Lara & Lance Pilkerton
• Karen & Christopher Pohl • Edward Pollock • Paul Prairie • Anna Marie
Purisima • Donna Radford • Adam Michael Randall • Emily Renz • Bruno
& Isolde Reule • Ramona Reule • R James Rich • Brian & Jill Rifkin • Steve
& Cyndi Roach • Dr. Douglas Robbins • Emma Robbins Family & Friends
• Sandra Rodgers • Jackie & Olivia Rogers Family & Friends • Paula &
John Rohrs • Norman Rosen • Andrea Rossel • Sandy & Olivia Rusk •
Patricia & Thomas Savage • John & Dawn Savona • Walter & Mary Ann
Schwenk • Millicent Scott • Regina Senour • Martin Setler • Shannon
& Jeff Sheldon • Dr. Jerome Shupack • Dave Singer • Winifred & Victor
Sirbu • Thomas & Lisa Sisbarro • Sharon Skweres • Lee Slattery • Theresa
& James Smith • Wilbur & Grace Ann Smith • James & Jackie Snook •
Victor & Trina Soder • Stephanie & Jane Solterman • Dr. Janice Spalding
• Edward Spruck • Ann Marie & Ken Steele • Tyra & Danny Storm • Sheila
& Lenn Stout • Glenda Stroh • Lenice & John Strohmeier • Jose Luis Pena
Suarez • James Sullivan • Michael Sullivan • Tim Tabler • Jacqueline &
Julian Taub • Anne Taylor • Robin & Claus te Wildt • Elisabeth & Timothy
Tolley • Leo Tress • Linda Tygert-Lillard • Alok & Eliz Upadahyaya • John,
Laura, Isabella & Quinn Viscovich • Bryan & Becky Wade • Lola Wagner
• Margaret Warga • Leslie Watson & Roger Smith • Elizabeth Weaver &
Patrick Diaz • Dr. Michael Welch • George White • Dr. Timothy Wiedmann
• Edith & Kawain Wilarat • Christopher & Julie Wiley • Michelle & Fred
Williams • Carlaine Willis • Margaret Woeppel • Asuncion & Calvin Wong
• Daisy Yanez • Cathy & Ronnie Young • Vicki & Jason Zagrodzky • Carla &
Mark Zashin • June Zhao
4Women, Sarasota, FL • Blinkies/Just Imagine It, LLC, Oregon City, OR •
Bobcats Basketball, Charlotte, NC • Booz, Allen, Hamilton, Inc., Herndon,
VA • Brookfield Police Dept., Brookfield, IL • CMC Building Supply,
Cheraw, SC • CPS Railway Services, Inc., Berwyn, PA • Carl Morrow
Insurance, Baton Rouge, LA • Commonwealth Bank & Trust, Louisville,
KY • Compressor Elements, Monahans, TX • Confident Reflections,
Norcross, GA • Conlon Exteriors, Massapequa, NY • Delaware Jaycees,
Inc., Wilmington, DE • Glen Trexler & Sons Logging Inc., Wadesboro,
NC • Guaranty Bond Bank, Fort Stockton, TX • It’s All About You Salon,
Concord, NC • JAH Creations, Beauti-Full-Brows, Teaneck, NJ • L.A.
Champagne & Co., LLP, Baton Rouge, LA • Lindbald Expeditions, New
York, NY • McKernan Law Firm, Baton Rouge, LA • Metro Healthfairs,
Glen Head, NY • Network Solutions & Training, East Northport, NY •
Nisim International, Vaughn, Ontario, Canada • ‘N His Time, Hamburg, PA
• Omni Prepaid, LLC., Pittsburgh, PA • P.G.T. Trucking, Inc., Monaca, PA •
The Big Leagues of Baton Rouge, Rouge, LA • The Mail Bag Bocage, Inc.,
Baton Rouge, LA • The Moran Group of Baton Rouge, Inc., Baton Rouge,
LA • The Philadelphia 76ers, Philadelphia, PA • Steak House Restaurant,
Fort Stockton, TX • Superior Bar & Grill, Inc., Baton Rouge, LA • Way Cool
Productions, Indianapolis, IN
Foundations and Organizations
Fish Family Foundation of Maine, Glenburn, ME • Anthony & Catherine
Fusco Charitable Foundation, DE • Gloucester Township Education
Association, Erial, NJ • Hallowell Elementary School, Horsham, PA •
Holy Trinity School, Wallingford, CT • Milwaukee Spanish Immersion
PTA, Milwaukee, WI • Northport Running Club, Northport, NY • Rogers
Elementary School, Waterloo, IL • The Brookside School, Sea Girt, NJ •
The Victor & Esther Rozen Foundation, Johnson City, NY
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
$100 TO $249
Daniel & Carol Achord • Ann Adams • Nancy & Carl Adams • Sheri &
Jerry Adamson • Margo & Harold Adkins • Dr. Susan Albert • Liz Albrecht
• John & Susan Allen • Carol & Tom Almond • Sally Alterman • Sally Alvis
• James G Anderson • Kimberly & Kyle Anderson • Rachel & Mark
Anderson • William Andreopoulos • Heidi & Dominick Andriola • Mary &
Dave Annis • Wendy Ansdell • Amy Arabio • Kevin & Mary Arend • Dr.
Georges Arjane • Henry & Linda Asher • Jack & Patsy Atkinson • Caroline
Avery • Ana Azevedo • Valerie & Stan Babb • Nancy Babcock • Ray &
Susana Baca • Joanne & John Baer • Ronald & Susan Bailitz • Anne Baker
• Deidre Baker • Graham Baker • Pat & Bill Baker • Cheryl & Don Ballard •
Kylie Bamberger • Sarah Banck • Roger & Peggy Baneman • Leah Barr •
Elizabeth Barrera • Stephanie Bartow • Frank & Gloria Basile • Otto Bayer
• Joan Beach • Barbara & Roby Bearden • Martha & Douglas Beattie •
Cindy Beene • Gina Marie Bellavia • Jessie Bells • Merry & Bruce Bender •
Stephen & Deborah Bender • Bonnie Berard • Beth Anne Berchtold •
Phillip Berger • Cynthia & Richard Bernard • Vivian & Stanley Bernstein •
Karen & John Berry • Tami & Kevin Best • Michael Bevilacqua • Michelle
Bhagat • Blaise Bifulco • Michele & Ed Bigos • Lynn Birks • Sheelah
Strong Black • Mary Ann Blanchard • Gina & Steven Bogan • Dena &
Gary Bogardus • Cindy Bondio • Carol Booth • Carol Borie • Jamie Braden
• Heidi & Michael Brasch • Kristine & Mark Brennan • Susie Briggs • Mike
Brill • Ellen Briscoe • Dr. Paul Brooke • Philip Schoen Brooks • Terry Brown
• Nancy Brownstein • Elizabeth Brunton • Tanya Buchanan • Albert
Buenrostro • Jim & Barbara Bunning • James & Madeline Burgess • Ken
& Mary Jo Burnes • Steven & Pauline Burton • Erica Bush • Stuart &
Lowen Bush • Roger Bushnell • Deborah Busking • Roberta Buttino •
Richard Buxton • Donna Caches • Louise & Fred Cafasso • Robert &
Sharon Caldwell • Karen & John Callahan • Lynn Callaghan • Robert &
Catherine Cameron • Angela Campbell • Nancy & Cal Campbell • Michael
Camras • John & Donna Capell • Kerry Capell • Doris Caporrino & Ted
Cornell • Vanessa & Gary Cardwell • Barbara Carmichael • Jacqui Carnog •
Robert Caron • Janice Carpenter • Virginia & Frank Carpenter • William &
Paula Carroll • Jennifer Carsner • Sarah Cash • Larry Castro • Mary &
Joseph Catanzaro • Dulce Ceron • Helen Cerulli • John Chafey • James
Chagnon • Dr. Janice & Gerald Chandler • Satish Chandra • Barbara
Chesarek • Beth Cheverie • Kathleen & Gary Childers • Maria & John
Chomeau • Mindy Chrystal • Mary E Cid • Francesco Cifelli • Felicia
Cilibrasi • Philip & Jeanette Cinelli • Michael & Carol Clarke • Judy
Cleveland • Brian Closs • Loreen & James Cody • David & Judy Cohen •
William & Patricia Cole • Kevin Coleman • Judy & Stephen Collier • Mary
& Richard Collier • Tammy Collins • Jim Coleman • Wendy Concepcion •
Tom & Laura Conklin • Denise & CJ Connelly • Eleanor & Timothy Connors
• Christian Conroy • Eloisa Magpayo Contaoi • Stephen & Gayle Corbin •
Richard Cordes • Gino Corona • Zachary Correa • Sunny & Marisol Cortes •
Joe Corvaia • Alice & Anthony Coscia • Martha & Sam Cosco • Richard &
Dianne Cota • William Coulter • John Cowperthwaite • Carol Crabb •
Olivia Crayne • Irene & Philip Crosby • Lynne & Bill Crowder • Janet
Cuffman • Pam & Anthony Culotta, Jr. • Liliana Cunha • Arthur & Roya
Curtis • Gene & Grace Curtis • Mary Lou & Ronald Czupek • Nicole
D’Amico • Carl & Marie D’Angelo • Kathleen & Daniel Dahlkemper • John
& Rebecca Dailey • Jonathan Daniell • Patrick Danley • Mary, Dale & Ted
Davidson • Marla & William Davis • Janis Davisson • Jessa & Douglas
Dawson • Jill Dayan • Rosella De Anda • Marie De Lia • Leta DeFee •
David & Nancy DeLuca • Christianne & Sam DeNardo • Jennifer DeVivo •
Andree Dean • Christopher Dean • Keith & Lauri Decell • Hochi
Delossantos • Michael & Jacqueline Dewey • Nancy & Chris DiBella •
Mary DiNardo • Cora Diamond • Linda Diller • Thomas & Melinc Disare •
Mark Dobbins • Eileen Dodd • John Dodson • Melissa Dogonniuck •
Eileen F Dolan • Terry & Orlando Dominguez • Kathleen & Albert Doty •
Barbara & Edward Dowski, Jr • Ronald & Dianne Drewing • Joan &
Richard DuBose • Kristy DuFresne • Viola Duarte • Andrea, Rancy, &
Alana Dube • Donna Dufort • Robert Dumeyer • Michael Dumont • Keith
Dunlap • Geraldine Dunn • Priscilla Durkin • Kevin Durning • Scott &
Debbie Eagle • Joe Ealy • Gwendolyn East • Carol Ebron • Barbara &
Walter Echo • Mr. & Mrs. John Ecker • Dorothy Edelman • Susan
Edmonson • Ann & Edward Egan • Mary Lou Einhorn • Pat & Steve
Ellenwood • Myrna Elliott • Ruth Ellison • George & Lois Elty • Michele &
Michael Emanuele • Candy & Terry Engelland • Tracy Ennels • Barbara &
Michael Enos • Jackie Erickson • Dr. James Ertle • Mr. & Mrs. Billy Espino
• Roxana & Gabriel Espino • Kelly & Mark Eudy • Kristine Eule • Joanne &
Gregg Evangelist • William W Evenson • Pamela & Douglas Evertz •
Margaret & Ignatius Fadanelli • Debra Farve • Elvera Fasano • Dwight &
Anne Fawcett • Dwight, Christina, Jackson & Pete Fawcett • Jill
Komorowski Fayan • LeRoy & Alma Fennimore • Neil G Ferrari • Timothy
S Fetzer • Daniele Figliuolo • Andrew & Debra Filla • Gunilla & Jerry
Finrow • Juan Flaim • David & Lezlee Flanders • Brian Fleischer • Harris,
Andra, & Livy Footer • Darlene Foster • Tracy Foster • Christine Foti •
Thomas Fowler • Glen Fowlie • David Fox • Susan & Carl Fox • Tammy
Frady • Ronald & Joyce Franey • John A Frank, III • Jennifer
Frankenberger • Barbara Franklin • Carol & John Fravel • Avis Frazier •
Judy & Allen Freedman • Dudley & Helen Fricke • Bill & Rosanne
Frickenstein • Carol & Donna Fritts • Beverly Frontero • Dr. Jan Fuerst •
Regina Fuks • Debbi Fuller • Ken & Lois Furr • Antoinette & Anthony
Fusco • Lois Gafford • Carol Gallagher • Bonnie Gallant • Vanessa Gallant •
Thomas & Theresa Gambacorta • Janet & Dominic Gambacorto • Kathy
Gappa • Omar Garcia • Kenneth & Cynthia Garni • Sally & Don Gattuso •
Joan Gawdun • Dean Gekas • Susan Gelsomino • Richard Gelula • Frances
Gentile • Ann Marie Germani • Martin & Jenny Gerst • Joshua Gertzog •
Maria & Jay Ghazal • Robert Gibson • Brian & Cindy Gil • Lisa & Taylor
Gilbert • Lilya & Yefirm Gilgur • Carla Gizzi • Rae Glassman • Mishon
Glisson • Carolyn Goh • Dr. Lynne Goldberg • Donald & Terry Goldblum •
Susan Goldhaber • Dr. Peter Goldman • Julie Gonsiewski • Delma &
Jamie Gonzalez • Rebecca Gonzalez • Arthur & Ina Gordon • Sean
Gordon • Diane & Charles Gormley • Mary & William Gormley • Svetlana
Gourevitch • Helena Goworek • David Graesser • Margaret Graham •
Leroy Gravatte, III • Paul McRae Green • Kim & Brian Greenwell • Mike &
Amy Griebel • Chris Griffin • Gary & Mary Griffin • Barbara & Robert
Griffith • Oscar John Groebl • Mason Gross • Joseph & Irene Groskiewicz •
Susan Grove • Ruth Guenzburger • Carolyn Guerra • Catherine Gulati •
Kelly Gustafson • Juan Gutierrez • Ralph & Sharon Gutierrez • Jean
Gutman • Judith Gutow • Maureen Haeffner • Marsden Haigh • John P.
Hakim • Jason Hall • Tania & Tom Hall • Thomas Halloran • Thomas &
Holly Hallum • Jane & Ed Haltness • Stephanie & Raymond Hamilton •
Walter & Diane Hamilton • Michael Hammond • Dr. Raymond & Arlene
Handler • Kathleen Hanratty • Nancy & Edward Hardin • Carlton & Milton
Harper • Edgar Harrington • Jolene Harris • Kristi & Todd Harris • Tim
Harris • Dr. Takashi Hashimoto • Housria Hassouna • Daniel & Mari-Kay
Haubert • Christa Haugh • Cory W Hawkins • Dana Hawkins • Geoffrey &
Marin-Shawn Haynes • James Haynes • Joan Healy • Lisa & Jim Heavner
• James & Lisa Heberling • Michelle & R Scott Heinl • Dennis & Marcia
Heitzmann • Amy Heller • Stacie Helm • Jerri & George Helmreich • Bill
Hendricks • Glen & Kathleen Hendricks • William & Catherine Hendricks •
Charles Henness • Susan Henness • Dr. Ann E Hern • Nancy & Tony
Hernandez • Brett Herrington • Gareth Heyman • Nancy Hibbs • Paula &
Kathryn Higbee • Lisa Hight • Delmon Hodges • John & Edith Hogan •
Beverly Holden • Sheri Holder • Robbi Hollister • Elizabeth Holowinski •
Linda Horn • Dr. Diane Hoss • Betty Hudson • Sharla Hughes • Kathy
Humbracht • Haydi & Bill Hurley • Martha Hurtado • HenryHutchinson •
Thomas Hynes • Lee & Mary Ibsen • Dr. Chull-Wan Ihm • Mike & LeeAnn Ikemoto • Carol A Imle • Caryl Ingram • Kunio Ishida • Nanci & Bob
Jacobson • Lenora Jannazzo • Marie Jastrow • Lynn Jennings • Donna
Jerz • Jaclyn Jerz • Emma Johns • David Johnson • Gloria Johnson • Linda
Johnson • Martha Johnson • Patricia & Edward Johnson • Jill Johnston •
Susan Johnston • Richard Jonas • Matthew Jones • Sheila Jones • Jeff
Jordan • Debbie Jorgensen • Larry & Susan Kaasa • Dawn Kagan • Debra
& David Kahn • Matthew Kahny • Allen & Susan Kallor • Heather & Brian
Kannheiser • Howard & Debi Kaplan • Joan Kapstein • Wendy & Steven
Kapusta • Albert & Camille Kariya • Virginia & Myron Karki • Alyson
Karrington • Dina & John Keane • Mary Kelleher • Richard & Charlotte
Kelley • Anya Kendell • Robert J & Kay B Kenney • Bruce & Joyce Kent •
Mudasir Khan • Eindar Khant • Terry, Patricia & Keri Kight • Sandy Kim •
Robert King • Hanna Kino • Cynthia & Peter Kinsella • Joan L Kistler •
Steven Klein • Tom Klimala • Christopher Kline • Sunny & Dave Kline •
Stephen & Lisa Kloch • Dr. Rebecca Knapp • Patricia Kodym • Harold
Koessner • Rosemary & Steven Koffman • Anne Kolvo • Elissa & Marvin
Kon • Joe & Takako Koplin • David Kordt • Ellen Kosmatka • Margaret
Kostecki • Arline & Robert Kramer • Marian Kramer • Roger Kraynick •
Edward Kreise • Douglas Kress • Poplin Koese • Mark Krueger • Susan
Kuper Smith • Arlene Kurtis • Sandra Kyer • Dr. John Kyriazis • Luz &
Anthony Labato • Belinda & Nathan Lader • Louis Lagana • Mary & Mark
Lahey • Sylvia Laird • Ann Marie & Robert Lake • Sharon Lakin • Leona
Lamanna • Nancy Lamberti • Kim Lang Renzi • Phil & Kimberly Lanning
• Renata & Joseph Lantos • Barbara Larson • Ronald & Jesslyn Larson •
Kathleen Latimer • Edward & Ursula Lauer • Alexandra Laurelli • Ursula
Lavelle • Frances & Robert Lawrence • Brian Lawson • Dr. Joseph Laenza
• Melissa & James Leder • Maria Ledger • Marcia Leinwand • J Gordon
Lent • Donna Leotta • Jacqueline Lessard • Paula Leszyk-Haney • Pearl
Levine • Jerome & Catherine Levinson • Howard Levitas • Harriet &
Donald Levy • Claudia P Lewis • Lawrence Lewis • Dr. Lawrence M
Lieblich • Alex Limanni • Candice Linder • Matthew Lindquist • Andrea
Lindstrom • Sarah Beth Linn • Barbara Lino • Andrea Lipack • John &
Mary Lippincott • Ryan & Lisa Lippincott • Alfred & Jere Litchenburg •
Jan Litvene • Gloria Liu • Carolyn Lloyd • Lisa Lloyd-Washington •
Lawrence & Doreen Logan • Glenna Loggie • Susan Lohsen • Joseph
Longo • Nancy & Michael Lotto • Jennifer Lowe • Deborah Lucas •
Roberta Lukowitz • Edwardo Luna • Deena Luria • Brittney Lynch •
Catherine & Thomas Lynch • Claire & John Lyons • Egbert Maben •
Richard MacDonald • Cheryl MacEwen • Donna MacFarlane-Franz •
Robert & Michele Machion • Ken Macura • Karen & Stephen Madden •
Christine, Vincent & Stephen Maefsky • Bernice Mahler • Andrew
Mancini • Nancy & Phil Maniscalco • Christina, Jeffrey, Logan & Gavin
Manuola • Mark Manzo • Louise Marchesi • Annette Marden • Robert &
Elizabeth Maresca • Sandra Marine • Frank & Marie Marino • Dr. Leslie
Alison Mark • Ernest & Marion Marola • Kelly & Scott Marshall • Jane
Marsteller • Rhonda Martell • Suzette & Lawrence Martin • Cynthia &
Douglas Mashburn • Ben & Vivian Mason • Marc & Rachel Mastriano •
Mark Masur • Russell Mathers • Peter Mattaliano • Paula & Neil Maxwell
• Keith & Susan Mayeaux • Mark Mazurek • Maggie McBennett • Dale
McCarter • Linda McCoog • Jan & William McCormack • John McCurry •
Patricia A McDivitt • Lynn McDonald • Donna McElwain • A L & Judi
McFatter • Linda McGarry • John & Hope McGettigan • Mary McGettigan
• Roy & Doreen McGillis • Bridget McGowen • Denise & Michael
McKeigan • Mrs. Roy McKenzie • Anne & David McLaughlin • James
McLaughlin • Steve & Christa McLellan • Chris McPartlin • Patrick
McQuade • Elizabeth McTiernan • Margie & Marc Meadow • Leona
Meadows • Ann & Tom Meek • Luz Mercado • Nicole Messina • David &
Rebecca Mexicotte • Christie & John Miller • John & Celene Miller • Lisa
Miller • Mary & Robert Miller • Susan R Miller • Barbara Mintz • Roya &
Iraj Mirshahi • Helena Miskel • Jeffrey Mitchell • Leigh Anne Mitchell •
Samair & Sundari Mitra • Peter & Wendy Moen • Shirley & Edward
Moffett • Ranvir & Prita Mohindra • James & Fran Mollis • Carl & Patricia
Monnin • Mary Ann & Monte Monson • Michael & Rhonda Montgomery
• Dorothy Moore • Douglas Mopi • Robert Morgan • Julie Morreale •
Karen & Dean Morrell • Lorraine Moscardini • John Motter • Dianne
Moulton • Kelly Mroz • Kimberly Mueller • Dr. Sigfrid Muller • Michael
Mulligan • Tom Murray • Debbie Muscatel • Michele Myers • Chris &
Janice Nagy • Alana & Glenn Nahmias • Patricia Nasuti • Dr. Javier
Navarro • Andrew Neary • Roger Nelson • Ann & Duane Neshek • Edwin
& Alice Neuman • Susan Nevel • William O’Brien • Chris S O’Connor •
Daniel O’Connor • Carol & Tim O’Keeffe • Megan O’Shaughnessy •
Madelaine & John O’Shea • John Odmark • Linda & Peter Oeth • Celia &
Ron Offir • Christina Oh • Dr. Cornelius Olcott • Bradley Older • John
Onderdonk • Kathy & Mike Oney • Dr. David Orentreich • Dawn &
Stephen Orr, Jr. • LaRaye Osborne • Rita & Stephen Osit • Azur
Osmanbasic • Joy Ott • Larry Overley • Linda Owen • Grace Owens •
Bonnie Pactor • Peg & Jeff Padnos • Gerald & Sharron Page • Joan
Palmisano • Maryangela Pantages • Tulla Paplow • Dr. John Park • Daniel
& Elaine Pasciullo • Ermina & Louis Passarella • Kari & Steve Passarella •
Janet & Dirk Pasterkamp • John Patton • Sue Paulus • JoEllen Pavia •
Nancy & William Payton • Aimee Pazaski • Noah & Hillary Peaches •
Barbara Pejokovich • Michelle Pejokovich • Dr. Argentino Pellegrino •
Emily Pelrine • Jane & Mark Perkins • Roxann Petersen • Mary Petillo •
Denise Petit • Lori & James Petraglia • Adrienne Petras • Sheila & William
Petrucci • Everett Pettiecord • Ruth & Alan Pfeffer • Leon & Julie Pipho •
R Michael Pitt • Nicholas A Plakopitas • Linda & Andrew Platt • Gene
Pletzer • Jodi Pliszka • Sharon & Larry Plonsker • Virginia & David Polley •
Carol & Jules Pomerantz • Joseph Popovich • Deborah Porter • Sherry
Poss • Dr. Kathleen & Ms. Alison Potter • Keith Powers • Mary Beth
Powers • John Preston • Susan & Dave Price • Jennifer Prince • Tom &
Marilyn Pugliese • Melissa Pusateri • Cindy & Robin Quello • Jerome
Quinn • Joy Radulovic • Joanne Ramos • Marsha & Kenneth Ramsey •
Jeanne Rappoport • Pamela Raque • Warren Rasmussen • Mark & Giselle
Ratain • Wilma & William Rattray • Ilga & Edward Rauchut • Sharon Ray •
Carl Recknagel • Marjorie Reed • Dr. Mel Reich • Judith & Gene Remaklus
• Jane Remis • Diana Renna • Danielle & Nitzan Reouveni • Armeto
Reynolds • Jessica Ribeiro • Barbara & Carl Rice • Joann & Keith
Richardson • Dr. Jennifer Ridge • Eleanor Rieger • Stephen & Janet Roark
• Charles Robin • Alison Robinson • Janet Robinson • Lidia & John Rocha
• Annabel Rodabaugh • Dr. Katie Rodan • Maureen Roddy • Arlene
Rodriguez • John Rodriguez • J Richard Roenigk • Stephanie Roes •
Patricia Rogers • Tracy Rogers • Miguel Rodriguez Romay • Daniel & Heidi
Rooney • Daniel Rosenberg • Dr. Ray H Rosenman • Steven Rosenwasser
• Jill Roshto • Robert Roshto • Harvey & Christine Ross • Jerold & Lee
Ross • Kim & Ron Ross • Donna Marie Rossi • Matthew Roth • George
Rounsavall, Jr. • Stacy Rubio • Jay & Christine Rudolph • Laura RunyenJanecky • James & Ann Ruochio • Ian Russell • Cindy & Raymond
Sachkowsky • Daniel Sachkowsky • Linda Sakowitz • Humberto & Vernay
Salas • Robin Salvatore • Natalie Samanon • James Samuels • Dr. Alain
Sand • Christen Santillo • David & Susan Santini • Janis Sasaki • Martis
Saunders • Sharaza Saur • George & Suzette Say • Josette Sayan •
Kimberly Sayan • Loretta & Anthony Scalice • Anna Mae Schaab •
Michael & Barbara Scharf • Nyra Schell • Jaclyn Schlaak • Lisa
Schlossnagle • Mary Ellen & Steve Schlough • Joan Schmidt • Katitza
Schmidt • Fay Schoenberger • Kathy Schreckengost • Carol Rose Schultz •
Donna Sciortino • Michelle Scutieri • June & Ron Secreto • Joan Segal •
Jo Ann Seidenstricker • Margaret Semblewski • Spela Seme • Trisha
Seminoff • Smita Shah • Dr. William Guy Sharra • Carolyn Shea • Sally
Sheahan • Richard & Claudia Shetterly • Jeffrey & Joyce Shew • Dr.
Jordan Ship • Patricia & J Kipp Shrack • Irving & Gladys Siegel • Lawrence
Siegel • Vaughn & Kimberly Silar • Susan Silverstein-Kaufman • • Natalie
Simms • Donna & Ronald Simons • Harold & Janet Simons • Patty &
Randy Simpson • L G Singmaster • Justin Skelding • Joy Slaughter •
Ronald Slusky • Steve & Susan Small • Cathy Smith • Daniel Smith •
George & Teruko Smith • Martin & Dannell Smith • Ross & Willa Smith •
Sean Smith • Tom & Robin Smith • Adam Smoler • Jackie & Tom
Smothers • Molly Snyder • Liz & Chris Sokolowski • David & Maria
Solecki • George & Ruthanne Sorensen • Ellen Souchak • Janice & Robert
Spalding • Lynda & Alexander Speen • Y B Spence • Dr. Len & Joanne
Sperling • Beverly Spielman • Kimberly & Robert Spinelli • Ellen St. John
• Jackie Stafford • Edith & Allen Staib • Jean Staib • Paul Stamour •
Rebecca & Ronald Stanevich • Gerald Stankunas • Mary Stanton • Joan
Staple • Kathryn & Stephen Starke • Kurt Steckel • Joseph Stein • Brooke
Steinau • Larry & Denise Stewart • Anne Stile • Margaret Stillman •
Norman & Phyllis Stillman • James M Stokes • Debra Hayes Stone •
Andre Stott • Charlotte Strand • Josefina Sullivan • Vanessa Swain •
Gregory Swillo • Dr. Carol Tabak • Denise Tai • Christine Taricani • John &
Laurel Taylor • Katie Taylor • Linda Taylor • Chris Tedesco • Reina & Jay
Tendler • Keri Teodori • Michael Tesner • Vikas Tewari • Tom, Eileen &
Karen Terrien • Bill Thoennes • Marjorie Thoeny • Marcia Thomas • Terry
Thomas • Ron & Gina Thomson • Laura Tibbals • Angela Tidwell • Susan
& Ron Tilton • Joan Tinker • Stevie Tinsley • Amalia Stratakos Tio • Geroge
& Vera Tkacs • Theresa Tolkinen • Stacy & Michael Tolpa • Robert Totta •
Susan & Bruce Tracey • Claus Tritt • Tom Trumble • Peter Tseng • Robert &
Shirley Turley • Melanie & James Turnley • Linda Tygert-Lillard • Sharon
Underberg-Davis • Amy Uyechi • Mary Joan Vaccaro • Claudine Vacirca •
Karen Lynn & Jim Valliere • Coleen Van Osten • Leon Van der Poel • Nancy
Vance • Pratima Vardhanda • Rozann G Vartoogian • Lorette Velazquez •
Genevieve & Joseph Venegas • Mary Villalobos • Rebecca & Albert
Villarreal • Carol Vitale • Frank & Jacquie Viteznik • Angela Vollertsen •
Fred Wahl • L Waldenmeyer • Ann Trivette Wall • Henry & Pat Wallace •
Nona & Charles Wallace, Sr • John Walsh • Phyllis Walsh • Yuanyuan
Wang • Allen Ward • Marne Ward • Kristine Washburn • Debbie & Neil
Wasserman • Fumihiko Watanabe • J B Watson, Jr • Victoria Weessies •
Karen Weiland • Barbara & J. Keith Weinlader • Kristen Welch • Jennifer
Wellman • Joel & Colleen Whalen • Anne Wheeler • Jenny White • Zoe
White • Marti Whittle • Dr. Richard & Cathy Wieder • Jackie Wielinga •
Lauren Wiener • Debra B Wild • Jay Wilkes • Randall & Gina Wilkins •
Chanderlyn Williams • Felicia Williams • Lee & Nancy Williams • Michelle
Williams • Nicole & John Williams • Theresa Williams • Tom & Molly
Williams • Margaret Wilson • Nancy & Ron Wilson • Joan Wipperman •
Mollie Witow • Marien & Anson Wong • Marty & Pat Wood • Ben Woods
• Betty Wray • Pamela & Richard Wyatt • Stuart Yaffa • Sally Yanulavich •
Dr. Bayliss Yarnell • Luba Yaryna • Ginnie Yee • Eva Yee-Bach • Roberta
Yocum • Bethany & Daniel Yoder • Tonya York-Dees • Sue Young • Sarah
Zagaja • April Zebrowski • Susan Zimmerman • Susan Zimmermann
Ace Home Center, Monahans, TX • American National Bank of Texas,
Terrell, TX • Anokhi USA, Newport, NH • Atlantic Sweetner, Hammonton,
NJ • Bank of America, Princeton, NJ • Brenda Kay Hair Specialities,
Portland, OR • Brinker Internatioal, Dallas, TX • CDC Distributors, Inc.,
Cincinnati, OH • Cabarrus Pediatric Physician, Concord, NC • Celebrity
Style Wigs, Corapolis, PA • Chinafloors North America, Inc., Douglasville,
GA • Confident Reflections, Norcross, GA • Dinner Done, Inc., Centreville,
VA • Doma Designs, Inc., Oil City, PA • Dun-Rite Laundry & Cleaners,
Albemarle, NC • Eldorado Hair Replacement, Baltimore, MD • Especially
Yours/Speciality Catalog, Corp., West Bridgewater, MA • Gross Motors
Inc., Neillsville, WI • Group Contractors, Baton Rouge, LA • Hats, Scarves
and More, Spokane, WA • Houston Lace Eyebrows & Lashes, Houston,
TX • Hupy & Abraham, Milwaukee, WI • Jenn Martino Design, Neptune,
NJ • Just Ball Inc., Baton Rouge, LA • Just in Time, Inc., Philadelphia, PA
• Knot It Up, Carlsbad, CA • Lee’s Towing, Zachary , LA, • Lifestyle Home
Builders, Nashville, TN • Long’s Pool Center, Rockingham, NC • Longhua
USA Inc., Tukwila, WA • My Trendy Place, Houston, TX • Oliver’s Hair
Replacements, Dallas, TX • Park Avenue Podiatric Care, Staten Island,
NY • QuadGraphics, Sussex, WI • Rexs Floor Covering, Rockingham, NC
• Riviera Custom Hair Replacement, Syosset, NY • SWC, Tinton Falls, NJ
• Slumbercap, San Diego, CA • Stamp Me Fabulous, Huntington Beach,
CA • Susquehanna International Group, Bala Cynwyd, PA • Tabiatha
Harrier Concierge, LLC, Flourtown, PA • Texas Roadhouse Holdings, LLC,
Louisville, TX • Thatcher, Passarella & Thatcher, Runnemeade, NJ • Tile It
Corp, Massapequa, NY • Washington Federal Savings, Seattle, WA
Foundations and Organizations
Aplington/Parkersburg Schools, Parkersburg, IA • Bi-Cultural Day School,
Stamford, CT • Gloucester Twp. Rotary foundation, Blackwood, NJ •
Maryland Charity Campaign, Baltimore, MD • Monroe College Sunshine
Fund, Bronx, NY • Northwood Elementary School, Franklin, IN • Riverside
Lodge, No. 39, Riverside, IL • Thomas Edison Magnet School, Meriden,
CT • Wedgewood Park International School, Milwaukee, WI
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation 2010 Annual Report
Robert Flint
Retired Engineer
Houston, Texas
Harris Barer, Chair
Partner, Law Firm
New York, New York
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
Pharmaceutical Research
Highland Park, Illinois
Vera H. Price, MD
Hair Research Center
University of California,
San Francisco
San Francisco, California
Brian Ter Haar, Chief Financial
Officer, Chair Elect
Business Owner
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Donna Hakim
Marketing Consultant
Wall, New Jersey
Jay Bokulic, Secretary
Program Manager
Ashburn, Virginia
Hoy Lanning, Jr
Business Owner
North Carolina
Richard Dest, DDS
Charlotte, North Carolina
Maureen McGettigan
Senior Account Executive,
Drug Development Company
Flourtown, Pennsylvania
Bruce Fiscus
San Francisco, California
Alan Pallie
Business Owner
San Rafael, California
Laura Ralph
Resource and Information
Angela Christiano, PhD
Columbia University
New York, New York
Mary Cosgrove
Website and Database
Madeleine Duvic, MD
MD Anderson Cancer Center
Houston, Texas
James H. Stoppello, CPA, JD
Legal and Financial Advisor
Marc Glashofer, MD
Island Dermatology
Long Beach, New York
Vicki Kalabokes
President and
Chief Executive Officer
Jeanné Rappoport
Vice President
Administration and Meetings
Maria Hordinsky, MD, Chair
University of Minnesota
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Lisa Butler
Vice President Communications
David Norris, MD, Past Chair
University of Colorado Health
Sciences Center
Denver, Colorado
Jerry Shapiro, MD, FRCP, ViceChair
University of British Columbia
Vancouver, BC, Canada
Vicki Kalabokes,
Executive Secretary
President and
Chief Executive Officer, NAAF
Gary Gordon, MD, PhD
NAAF Board of Directors
Chicago, Illinois
Lloyd E. King, MD, PhD
Vanderbilt University
Nashville, Tennessee
Amy McMichael, MD
Wake Forest University
North Carolina
Alan Moshell, MD
George Washington University
Washington DC
Sigfrid A. Muller, MD
Las Vegas Skin and
Cancer Clinic
Las Vegas, Nevada
Members of the NAAF Volunteer Board of Directors at the January Planning Meeting.
Front, left to right: Jay Bokulic, Harris Barer, Brian Ter Haar. Rear, left to right: Alan Pallie,
Maureen McGettigan, Richard Dest, Donna Hakim, Gary Gordon, Hoy Lanning Jr., and
Bob Flint (missing is Bruce Fiscus).
Elise A. Olsen, MD
Duke University
Medical Center
Durham, North Carolina
Anthony Oro, MD
Stanford University
Medical Center
Palo Alto, California
Len Sperling, MD
Uniformed Services University
Bethesda, Maryland
Richard Strick, MD
UCLA School of Medicine
Los Angeles, California
John Sundberg, DVM, PhD
The Jackson Laboratory
Bar Harbor, Maine
David A. Whiting, MD
Baylor Hair Research &
Treatment Center
University of Texas
Southwestern Medical Center
Dallas, Texas
The National Alopecia Areata Foundation (NAAF)
supports research to find a cure or acceptable
treatment for alopecia areata, supports those with the
disease, and educates the public about alopecia areata.
14 Mitchell Boulevard
San Rafael, CA 94903
Phone: 415-472-3780
Fax: 415-472-5343
Email: info@naaf.org
Website: www.naaf.org
NAAF is a private, tax-exempt, nonprofit organization
pursuant to Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue
Code, and all gifts and donations to NAAF are tax
deductible. Tax ID number is 94-2780249.
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© 2011 National Alopecia Areata Foundation