Sunday, January 10, 2016 6:00 p.m. ~ Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church


Sunday, January 10, 2016 6:00 p.m. ~ Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church
Senior Adult Gospel Concert
Sunday, January 10, 2016
6:00 p.m. ~ Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church
Senior Adult Choirs from First Baptist Lancaster, First Baptist
Rockwall, First Baptist Waxahachie and our very own People of
Praise Choir combine for an uplifting musical worship experience.
Dear Church Family...
Happy New Year!
I love new beginnings. There’s nothing like having a fresh
start. The problem, however, is when we aren’t flexible
enough to allow God to do something new in us.
Jesus offered an analogy of this very truth. He said it was
like putting new wine in old wine skins (Matthew 9:17). Old
skins were brittle and inflexible. New skins were soft and
supple. As the wine fermented and released gas, the new skins could
expand while the old skins would rupture and destroy the contents and the
Craig Christina
Senior Pastor
Having new skin means being totally open to the Holy Spirit’s work of
stretching us in new ways. Remember, we are engaged in an eternal journey
of growth. Never let the words, “I can’t,” come out of your mouth. Instead
say, “If the Lord wills, we will live and do this or that” (James 4:15).
If we are not growing and stretching, we have lost our usefulness to the
Wine Maker (John 2:1-12). Decide today to let God do something new in you
in 2016. Your life will be expanded, and you will become a sweet savor to
Your servant in Christ,
Pastor Craig
Growth Groups
Are you connected to a Growth Group?
Our spring period begins the week of January 11.
We have seven different groups for you to choose:
Young and Median Adults
Mondays, 7:00 p.m. at David and Leslie Lemons’ home in Mesquite
Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at Cody and Julia Moseley’s home in Rockwall
Tuesdays, 7:00 p.m. at Steve and Kristi Herndon’s home in Dallas
Wednesdays, 6:30 p.m. at Shiloh Terrace
Young Singles
Sundays, 4:00 p.m. at Ronnie and Judy Rawls’ home in Mesquite
Wednesdays, 9:00 a.m. at the STBC La Prada House in Dallas
Thursdays, 6:30 p.m. at the STBC La Prada House in Dallas
If you would like more information, please contact Norberto
Palmitano at 214.796.9445, or come by
the Church Office. The next series begins the week of
January 11, 2016. This is your opportunity to connect with
other believers while deepening your faith in God and
enjoying a time of fellowship. We hope one of these groups is
perfect for you!
Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church
IS A multi-ethnic community connecting people
to Christ BY
Student Ministry
Wednesdays ~ 6:45-8:00 p.m.
Ignite is our weekly worship service for youth that takes
place every Wednesday during the school year. Arrive by
6:30 p.m. to enable us to begin at 6:45 p.m.
Disciple Now
February 26-28
For all students 7th through 12th Grade
Cost: $60
Receive a $10 gift card to iTunes, Starbucks, or Chick-fil-A if
your register by February 3!
Super Summer Arkansas 2016
Middle School (JV) June 18-21
High School (SS) June 21-25
Early Registration February 1-28
Regular Registration March 1-April 30
Online registration:
Children’s Ministry
KFC and JAM Children’s Choirs
Wednesdays ~ 6:00-6:45 p.m.
Resumes on January 6
KFC (Ages 3 years - 1st Grade) - Room C129
JAM (2nd - 6th Grade) - Choir Suite
3 years old - 6th Grade
Wednesdays ~ 6:45-8:15 p.m.
January 20
“Let’s Build A Snowman” Night
Wear your best snowman attire!
CKC - CREW Kids Church
Pre-K through 2nd Grade
Sundays,11:00 a.m. ~ B273
WOW - Worship Our Way
3rd through 5th Grade
Sundays, 11:00 a.m. ~ Choir Suite
Sunday, January 31 is 5th Sunday Family Worship Day!
CKC and WOW will not meet so children can worship
with their families.
CKC and WOW will resume on February 7.
Upward Soccer
Upward Soccer Coming This Spring
Ages: Pre-K to 6th Grade
Cost: $45 per child
8 Game Season to start in March
We are in the process of gauging interest in Upward Soccer for this Spring 2016. If
you have an interest in one of the follow volunteering areas (either coaching or
refereeing) or in enrolling your child as a player, please contact David Balyeat or
Terry Finley.
Mission Trips 2016
Have you thought about going on a Mission Trip this Summer?
Belize, June 11-17: Work with a local church in outreach, VBS and more!
Harlingen, July 9-16: Work with a local church in outreach, VBS and more!
An account can be set up for you to make
weekly or monthly deposits to make the
cost of the trip more manageable.
For more information contact
David Balyeat at 972.857.9707 or
Forever Young
Forever Young is Friday, December 11, at
9:30 a.m. Join us for a special $4 lunch and
great entertainment by Rose-Mary Rumbley!
Please sign up in your Sunday School/
Connection Group or at the Information
Welcome new STBC members!
Summer Andresen
Brandon Elliott
The Church Office will be closed
Friday, January 1.
Bible Study Attendance
November 22
November 29
December 6
December 13
Growth Groups
Week of Nov. 16-22
Growth Groups will resume this month.
Worship Attendance
November 22
November 29
December 6
December 13
Tithes and Offerings
Thru December 13
General Budget Required
$35,000.00 WEEKLY
Budget Needs YTD:
$ 385,000.00
Budget Receipts YTD:
$ 413,606.79
Budget Expenses YTD:
$ 370,409.74
Designated YTD:
$ 124,367.45
Mission Offerings
Global Missions - $2,790.00
Houser Missions - $17,363.00
Capital Campaign
Total to Date: $1,153,567.63
Our Sympathy
The Shiloh Terrace Church Family extends deepest sympathy to:
Roy and Jeri Smedley, in the loss of their daughter, Carol Doss;
Cindy and Larry Bowling, in the loss of her mother, Joanna Uzzel;
Steve Williams and family, in the loss of his father, R. A. Williams;
Doris Campbell, in the loss of her husband, Curtis Campbell.
Thank You
Please check the Bulletin Board in the Workroom for notes from:
The Robert “Bob” Coburn Family
Staff Anniversaries
Judy Isbell - 24 years
Terry Finley - 7 years
Wednesday Night Fellowship Meals
Join us each Wednesday evening for our Fellowship Meal from 5:00-6:30
p.m. in the Dining Hall. The cost is $6 per adult and $3 for children (up to
6th Grade), with a family maximum of $20. Please reserve your meal by
10:00 a.m. the Monday before the specific meal. Call the Church Office
at 972.857.9707 to make a reservation or sign up at the Information Center
in the Church Foyer.
1st Wednesday:
2nd Wednesday :
3rd Wednesday:
4th Wednesday:
Chopped Steak or Fish
Hosted by James and Helen Cook
Mexican Dinner
Hosted by Ruben and Frances Rodriguez
Chicken Tenders
Hosted by Carlos and Norma Lopez
Hosted by Joanne Knighten
The Vision newsletter is available at the Information Desk, on the
website, and by email. Copies will continue to be mailed to our homebound
members and others by request. Requests can be made to Judy Isbell in
the Church Office.
Check out our website:
Go to mySTBC, a members only area on our website.
Includes an online calendar and online church directory.
9810 La Prada Dr.
Dallas, TX 75228
(972) 857-9707
Shiloh Terrace Baptist Church
is a multi-ethnic community
connecting people to Christ by
loving, growing, serving and sharing.
Phone Directory
Church Office
Child Development Center
STBC Prayer Room
E-mail Address
QuickTime Player.lnk
Worship & Bible
8:45 a.m.
9:45 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
11:00 a.m.
Traditional Worship
Sunday School Connection Groups
Contemporary Worship
Servicio en Español
5:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:00 p.m.
6:30 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
6:45 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
7:00 p.m.
Wednesday Schedule
Fellowship Meal
Adult Bible Study
Children’s Choirs
Band of Brothers Prayer and Share
Women’s Bible Study
Youth “Ignite”
SOP Adult Choir
Band of Brothers Bible Study
Check out our website: