Sunday, October 18 - Old St. Patrick`s Church


Sunday, October 18 - Old St. Patrick`s Church
Old St. Patrick’s Church Bulletin
October 18th, 2015
Congratulations to our
Crossroads Runners!
Turn to page 10 more photos from the day!
us on:
Healing Images
Keep Being Catholics in Actions
October & November at a Glance
Sunday Giving
Emerald Ball
Old St. Pat’s Happenings
Crossroads Runners
Solidarity Market
Beloved Retreat Registration
OSP Next
Community Life
Hearts and Prayers
Old St.
Please visit our website at for more information on all of Old St. Pat’s Events and Programs.
P age T wo
Healing Images
By: Richard Rohr
Wednesday, October 14, 2015
In his classic book, Memories,
Dreams, Reflections, Carl
Jung talks about being a
Richard Rohr
young man at the outbreak
of World War I and how
the experience of massive destruction and
slaughter was impacting him and so many
Europeans. Through this trauma, Jung found,
“To the extent that I managed to translate
the emotions into images--that is to say, to
find the images which were concealed in
the emotions--I was inwardly calmed and
reassured. Had I left those images hidden
in the emotions, I might have been torn
to pieces by them. . . . As a result of my
experiment, I learned how helpful it can be,
from the therapeutic point of view, to find the
particular images which lie behind emotions.”
One of Jung’s foundational ideas is that mere
words and concepts do not give us access
to the unconscious. Certain sculptures,
biographies, images, art, and stories can
have such a striking effect on you because
what your unconscious has already halfknown is brought home to conscious
awareness by gazing upon them rather
than analyzing them. Analysis, if it remains
dominant, is merely a control mechanism of
the ego. Let the images do something with
you before you try to do something with them
is the principle here.
I believe that good art and good images (Jung
would call some of them archetypal images)
have the power to evoke an epiphany in you
and to transform you at deeper levels. That’s
why I think good art is absolutely essential
for good religion. The iconoclastic nature
of the Protestant Reformation might have
been its greatest fault. Sometimes you don’t
know what you’re experiencing in a logical,
rational way, but you can’t take your eyes off
of a picture or a piece of art. You’re drawn to
it because the epiphany is happening as the
unconscious is being ferried across to your
conscious mind--but unconsciously!
One of my own encounters with good art has
stayed with me for many years. On one of my
first speaking trips in the mid-seventies, I went
by myself to the St. Louis Art Museum where
they had an extended exhibit of Monet’s
water lilies. I went from room to room and
found myself getting quieter and happier,
and when I walked out into the sunshine, I
felt I floated home! Now, I don’t know that
I had a new piece of doctrinal information
or theological insight, but the experience
connected to something deep and true within.
I believe that’s what good art, poetry,
and mythology do. They tell you, without
you knowing it, that life is not just a
series of isolated, meaningless events, as
postmodernism sees reality. The great truths-when they can be visualized in images--reveal
to you the deep patterns, and tell you that
you are a part of the course of history and
all humanity. That deeply heals you. It is less
informational than transformational. And
it largely happens beneath your conscious
awareness that it is even happening. You only
see the fruits later. [2]
Jung also believed that God speaks through
dreams. Dreams can bring the unconscious
into the conscious because the ego’s defenses
are down when you are sleeping. Truth that
might seem threatening to your ego when
it’s awake, and therefore not be allowed in,
can slip undetected into your dreams. In
Jung’s words, “Myths which day has forgotten
continue to be told at night.” [3]
I hope you will now have permission to trust
good art and “great dreams” (not all are) as
messages being lifted from the unconscious,
and not just your personal unconscious but
the Great Collective where all things are one
and shared. If I ever write, preach, or teach
anything well, I am always drawing from that
broader field and deeper well, and that is why
I must honestly say, “I did not do it. It is not
my idea.”
Gateway to Silence
“The privilege of a lifetime is to become who
you truly are.”
--C. G. Jung
Richard Rohr is a Franciscan author and speaker
Center for Action and Contemplation in New Mexico.
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A wakenings
Keep Being Catholics in
By: Tim Liston
At a recent meeting, I
was explaining the concept
of the home that we are
building for teen students
experiencing homelessness
in North Lawndale. In
Tim Liston
that conversation, the
prospective supporter said, “The Old St. Pat’s
community should be proud of themselves for
taking this on.”
It got me thinking about the word “pride” and
how often times it has negative connotations.
Even when I hit the Thesaurus button on the
word pride the results include arrogance,
smugness and vanity. Thank you, Microsoft
Word, but I respectfully disagree.
This notion reminds me of a lyric from an Avett
Brothers song (I’m a big music nerd, if you
didn’t already know that about me), where they
sing, “I wanna have pride like my mother has,
and not like the kind in the Bible that turns you
bad.” I love that line. Not because this line has a
direct connection to the Bible, and not because
I think we should pat ourselves on the back, but
because it explains that sometimes we should
evaluate what we’re doing in life and celebrate
the good around us.
It gets said in different ways, but if you listen to
the news enough you might just think this world
has no good left to offer. Well, being the eternal
optimist that I am, I still think there’s a lot of
good out there, and the Old St. Pat’s community
is a great source of social action, compassion
for others and community building. I’m proud to
call myself a member of this church.
I’m also proud that we embarked on a capital
campaign (and succeeded on the goal!), in
which one of the three priorities focused
attention on the most vulnerable among us
trying to finish their high school education. We
have narrowed down our property search to two
sites, and will be making a decision on the new
home very soon – stay tuned!
• How cool is it that we had eighty eight
runners lace up for the Chicago Marathon
this past Sunday after months of training, all
to help our partner outreach organizations?!
We can’t thank the runners and supporters
enough for your selflessness and hard work.
*Special congratulations to our very own
Chris Lawrence who finished his first ever
• On Wednesday we teamed up with several
other social justice groups throughout
Chicago to march in demonstration of the
need for legislation and policy to address
the urgency of climate change – Old St. Pat’s
was the starting point for the rally.
• Just today on this campus we have
something going for: our Partners religious
education (young children), our Foundations
ministry (teens), our OSP Next group (young
adults) and a special event to bring our
West Loop neighbors (all ages) to come
meet our community over some donuts.
Speaking of which…DONUTS!!!
[Side note: Please come join us today from Noon
until 3:30 p.m. across the street at Heritage
Green Park for our inaugural Donut Fest!
We have activities for all ages, and of course
donuts! If you’re new please introduce yourself
to one of our staff or ministry members.]
So I say all of this because I think we should
have a healthy amount of “good pride” for being
a part of a place that lives out its faith in so
many different ways. I am proud and grateful to
know so many of you and the work that you do,
and I thank you for your spirit!
With that said, let’s not rest on our laurels. Let’s
keep being Catholics in action!
Tim Liston is the Director of Advancement at Old
St. Patrick’s Church.
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
October at a Glance...
West Loop Donut Fest
Sunday, October 18 | 12 - 3:30 p.m.
Heritage Green Park
Tim Liston
Crossroads Fundraiser
Monday, October 19 | 11 a.m. - 10 p.m.
Lou Malnati’s | 805 S State St.
Rosary Prayer Group
Monday, October 19 | 6 - 7:30 p.m.
Old St. Pat’s Rectory
Beth Marek
Cara Women’s Night
Wednesday, October 21 | 5-9 p.m.
Catholicism 101
Wednesday, October 21| 6:30 p.m.
We Work | 220 N. Green St.
Hughes Hall
Emerald Ball
Friday, October 23 | 7 p.m.
The Next Chapter
Sunday, October 25 | 12:30 p.m.
Hilton Chicago
Sheila Greifhahn
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center Rm. 25
Bernadette Gibson
Harmony, Hope and Healing
Sunday, October 25 | 11:15 a.m. Mass
Old St. Patrick’s Church
HHH Autumn Afternoon
Sunday, October 25 | 12:30 p.m.
Hughes Hall
October After Five
Sunday, October 25 | 6:15 p.m.
FXW Cafeteria
Mass of Remembrance
Sunday, November 1 | 1 p.m.
Old St. Patrick’s Church
All Souls All Saints
Monday, November 2 | 6 p.m.
American Red Cross Blood Drive
Sunday, November 8 | 7:30 a.m. - 2:30 p.m.
Hughes Hall
FXW Gymnasium (Flr. 3)
Solidarity Market
Sunday, November 8 |
Hughes Hall
Find complete information on the above events by visiting our online calendar at
Turn to Pages 16 and 17 for a complete list of OSP Next events for young adults at Old St. Pat’s!
Since we are blessed to have so many
families involved in the Partners Religious
Education program and at our liturgies,
the 9:30 a.m. Masses on these Sundays
(Church and Hall) tend to be a bit
fuller than others. If you’d like, on these
Sundays we encourage our members to
take the opportunity to explore different
Mass gatherings (7, 8 & 11:15 a.m. and
5 & 8 p.m.)! It is a great way to get to
know other members and Masses in our
community. Thank you!
Upcoming Partners Sundays:
November 1 & 15, December 13 & 20,
January 10 & 24, February 7 & 2, March
6 & 20, April 3 & 17, May 1
Visit our website at
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C ommand
ld S t . P
’ s H+C
lick to E dit M e
“We Are OSP”
Photo of the week
‘Ready for Race Day!’
Submitted by: Eve and Steve Bonneau
Adeline Gedvilas and Luke Bonneau, two
OSP “parishoners-in-training” cheered on
the Crossroads marathon runners outside
church last Sunday!
Submit a photo showing your OSP! Follow
@OldStPatsChicago on Instagram and tag
your photo “#WeAreOSP”. You can also
email them to
Thank you so much for your support!
Old Saint Patrick’s Church
Sunday Giving Commitment 2016
As you heard from Fr. Hurley today, if you haven’t already you will receive either a letter in the mail or an
email with information on the 2016 Sunday Giving Commitment (SGC). In an effort to streamline the giving
an exciting year at Old St. Pat’s!
Why online giving?
process, we have sent specified information based on your preferred method of giving in the past. This
We have welcomed
new friends
to ourdirect
to the Sunday
you to the most
to setup
(or continue)
built and strengthened relationships through our many
for many reasons. In light of Pope Francis’ Encyclical inspiring
Fr. Hurley also stressed the importance of SGC to the mission of Old St. Pat’s, and we hope that you will
nt 2016
and have
our faithyear.
the Catholic
family to live
this coming
We our
truly appreciate
the generosity
of more
this community,
we know that
liturgies. We know that none ofnone
this would
down onand
waste. We also appreciate
of thisbewould
be possible
without As
the our
and support
our wonderful
because it helps
us tothat
to online givingelectronic
(which we
we hope
will notify
ourfor the
and for that we
can never say
thank you the year year
we have recurring
it your
it easier on
any updates
you needgifts.
to make
Weyou so
are happy
help. giving can take place automatically.
that your
If you have any questions or need to update your information, please reach out to Bridget Carey at
The Sunday Giving Commitment underwrites831-9355
all of the or We
thank you for your consideration in making the move to
transformative liturgies, programs and ministries that
giving*, and we appreciate your commitment to continuing
Thank you
for everything!
work toward the mission of Old St. Pat’s. The goodness
the mission of Old St. Patrick’s Church.
experiences through discipleship in Jesus.
your bank, and does not expire). Please see the enclosed insert for
of this community keeps this mission vibrant, and we
*Due to credit card expiration dates, weFollow
especially hope that you
Visit our website at
Old St. Pat’s on:
will consider doing ACH recurring giving (which takes place through
ask that you help us to have another year of life-giving
A nnual G iving
The Emerald Ball
Friday, October 23 rd
Please join Old St. Pat’s members and friends at
the Emerald Ball on Friday, October 23rd to honor
the Lori and Ken Hiltz Family who have done so
much to advance the mission of Old St. Patrick’s.
The Emerald Ball will be held in the beautiful
Grand Ballroom of the Hilton Chicago. Enjoy a
delicious dinner and dance the night away to
the fantastic sounds of Michael Lerich and His
You’re also invited to join us at the “Emerald Ball
Afterglow” after party in the Boulevard Room for
some more late night dancing and fun!
For tickets or to receive an invitation, please contact Sheila Greifhahn at 312.798.2343 or If you are a young adult,
there are discounted tickets available through
OSP Next, please email
Old St. Pat’s Book Group
711 W. Monroe, Flr. 3 | 9:30 - 11 a.m.
Kinship is a way of being church in the world today. It
sees the sacred in each person, unifying, renewing, and
Sunday, November 8th
The Gift Counselor by Sheila Cronin*
(*Sheila Cronin is an OSP parishioner and will be
attending the OSP Book Group meeting)
Sunday, December 13th
Kinship is gathering around the table to feed each other.
It celebrates difference and commonality, deepening
relationships and communion.
Boys in the Boat by Daniel James Brown
Kinship is an invitation for all to share their
gifts. It enriches through loving service, fostering
interconnectedness and mutuality.
The library is wheelchair accessible. Please contact
either Eileen Sutter at 773.539.0256 or Jean Lyon at
Kinship is an orientation of the spirit. It embodies
an attitude of justice, being both the journey and the
Kinship is love in action.
North Lawndale Kinship Initiative
Visit our website at
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
Off Site Insight is an Old Saint Patrick’s member-led initiative that brings
monthly gatherings to your doorstep. These monthly “off-site” gatherings welcome
you and your friends to come together to encounter an interesting speaker and
engage in enriching conversations. It’s also a fun way to connect with other Old St.
Pat’s members and friends who live out your way!
Staff Liason Bob Kolatorowicz: or 312.831.9379
6:30 p.m.
Refreshments and Welcome
7 p.m.
8:15 p.m.
Prayer and Announcements
8:30 p.m.
Program concludes
“Reconsidering Chicago’s
Irish Catholic Roots”
Presented by: Ellen Skerrett
Monday, October 26 | 6:30-8:30 p.m.
Carmelite Spirituality
8419 Bailey Road
Darien, IL 60561
Free parking is available
Judy McLaughlin
630 -852-7269
Joan Noe
Mary Kay Slowikowski
In a presentation illustrated with images, historian Ellen Skerrett will discuss how and
why the Chicago Irish used church-building to define themselves and their place in the
city. Foolhardy or faithful? At a time when parish and school closings have become
commonplace, Skerrett’s research addresses the question: “Did the bricks and mortar
Ellen Skerrett, an historian of Chicago and its neighborhoods, edited At the
Crossroads: Old Saint Patrick’s and the Chicago Irish and wrote the first published
history of Loyola University Chicago. She is the Chicago-based researcher for the Jane
Addams Papers Project. Together with Mary Lesch, Skerrett edited and annotated the
memoir of Francis O’Neill, the legendary Chicago police captain who “saved” Irish
October After Five: An Evening with
Musician & Speaker Matt Faley
Oct. 25, 2015 | 6:15 - 7:50 p.m. |FXW Cafeteria (Next to Old St. Pat’s)
$5 suggested donation
OSP Next welcomes musician and speaker Matt Faley for this month’s
After Five program. Through his music and storytelling, Matt brings the
Gospel to young adults and parishes around the country, showing them
the path towards happiness and the joys of an authentic life lived in
Food and drink will be provided. This event is hosted by OSP Next and open to all.
Matt Faley has lived the life of a modern young adult…Broken
relationships, constant transition, and searching for greatness in a world
that strives for comfort. After working in the business world and serving
the poor through education and community service, Matt felt the call to a
life of ministry. He travels the country sharing the greatest story ever told
– The love story of God reaching out to his people.
Matt Faley is the Director of Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of
Indianapolis. Matt’s album, The Only Light, is available on iTunes.
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W est L oop D onut F est
Friday, November 6, 2015 at Noon
Union League Club, 2nd Floor
“Sheriff or Therapist? The Man Who Runs
America’s Largest Mental Healthcare Provider”
with Thomas J. Dart, Sheriff Cook County
Join members of Old St. Pat’s as we lunch at the Union
League Club from noon until 1:15 p.m. Call Table
Captains, Paula Krupka, 312.280.2624 or Peggy
Pecoraro, 773.774.5250 before noon Tuesday,
September 29th to be seated at one of the Old St.
Patrick’s tables. The lunch fee is $35 for members
and $40 for non-members. Join the OSP table to take
advantage of the special member price. Once your
reservation is made, your lunch fee is required, even if
you are unable to attend. There is a dress code at the
Union League Club; business casual for men and women
which includes a shirt with a collar for men and no jeans
or tennis shoes.
Membership Drive: You are encouraged to signup to be a member at one of these rates.
Member $50 Supporter $125
Patron $75
Benefactor $150
Sponsor $250
As Cook County Sheriff,
Tom Dart presides over the
largest single site jail in the
United States.
Dart has a long history
of protecting the most
vulnerable members of our
society. Since becoming
Sheriff in 2006, he has introduced sweeping
changes at the Cook County Jail, aggressively restructured the Sheriff’s Police force, and improved
operations of the Court Services Department
Recognizing the desperate need for reform in
corrections, correction facilities, and in the mental
healthcare system, Dart has become an outspoken
advocate for the mentally ill population housed in
Chicago’s Cook County Jail. Dart will speak about
his efforts to help inmates withmental disorders in
light of steep budget cuts.
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Invites You To…
“Let My People Go!”
The Challenge and Promise of
Liberation Theology
Wednesdays, November 4, 11, & 18
Time: 7 – 8:30 p.m
Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center
711 W. Monroe Street
Chicago, IL 60661
From its beginnings in the late
1960’s, liberation theology has been
controversial. Rejected by some
as Marxism in a Christian disguise,
embraced by others as the heart of the
Gospel for our times, no one seems
neutral about it. We will survey its
emergence in the U.S. and Latin America,
examine its main themes, evaluate both
the pro and con arguments, and explore
its importance for the Church today.
Please allow us to offer you our best
hospitality by registering for this minicourse by contacting Bob Kolatorowicz
at at or 312-8319379 no later than October 30th.
Jon Nilson is Professor Emeritus of
Theology at Loyola University Chicago.
He was educated in the seminaries
of the Archdiocese of Chicago and
received his Ph.D. in Theology from
the University of Notre Dame. He was
President of the Catholic Theological
Society of America in 2002-2003. Along
with numerous articles and reviews, his
most recent book is Hearing Past the
Pain. Why White Catholic Theologians
Need Black Theology.
For more information on this event, please
view the event at
Visit our website at
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O ld S t . P at ’ s H appenings
October is the month
of the Rosary. In
honor of our Blessed
Mother we will be
changing up our
monthly meeting:
Date: Monday, October 19
Time: 6 p.m.
Place: Old St. Pat’s Rectory
718 W. Adams, Chicago, IL
Facilitators: Beth Marek & Katy Egan
We will meet at 6 p.m. in the Rectory and enjoy
a light meal in the Dining Room before joining in
We will be praying for the Old St. Pat’s
Community. If you have any prayer requests,
please submit them at rosaryprayergroup@
For more information and to submit prayer
requests, please email:
Your Are Not Alone
You Are Not Alone is a support group, intended
for those who have already experienced the
Divorce and Beyond group.
This is a peer-led, drop-in group that meets every
other Sunday throughout the year.
Dates: October 18, November November 1, 15,
& 29, and December 13 & 27
Community Renewal Society
An Inspiring Celebration
On Saturday, October 3, a delegation of 15
Old St. Pat’s members attended the 133rd
Annual Membership Assembly for Community
Renewal Society (CRS). We celebrated our first
full year as a member congregation in this
coalition and honored all the great work we
have accomplished, including: establishing a
restorative justice fund for the Cook County
budget; creating a Restorative Justice
diversion program with Chief Judge Evans;
gaining momentum to remove absolute bars
to employment for folks with records in IL;
and working towards a Community Benefits
Agreement for the Gateway Development
Project on the Westside. We were also excited
to see Fr. Larry Dowling of St. Agatha in North
Lawndale nominated for the CRS Policy and
Organizing Committee. Congratulations to
all of us at Old St. Pat’s and all the churches
involved in CRS! We left the assembly inspired
to continue this work and engage more
members like you in making communities safe
places for individuals and families to flourish.
May the Spirit continue to move us as agents
of change and bold prophets of the Gospel.
For more specifics on CRS campaigns and
advocacy work, contact Rachel Lyons: rachel@ or 312-798-2399.
Time: 10:45 a.m. – 12:15 p.m.
What do we want? Justice!
Location: Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center, Room
23, Second floor, 711 W. Monroe, Chicago, Il
When do we want it? Now!
Contact: Debbie Romeo
Contact Rachel Lyons: or 312-798-2399
Visit our website at
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C rossroads R unners
Congratulations and THANK YOU to all of the Crossroads
Runners and supporters! It was an amazing day that made
great strides for our Outreach Ministry, thanks to all of
your effort and support. We are so grateful for and blessed
with such wonderful members of our community.
Stay tuned for updates from the Dublin Marathon, and be
sure to visit
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P rograms
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G ood L uck C rossroads R unners !
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T he S ara C enter
The Sara Center* at Old St. Patrick’s
welcomes you to an
Autumn Evening of Reflection
led by Fr. Ed Foley and Jack Shea
Monday, November 2, 2015
The Feast of All Souls
All Souls and All Saints
What We Don’t Know about Ourselves
The Christian feasts of All Souls and All Saints hold up
a mirror for us. But it is quite different from the mirrors we use to inspect and adjust our physical images.
They show us something that often escapes our notice.
We may be more than we think and connected to one
another in ways we only dimly intuit. These audacious
feasts tell us we are souls and saints. But can we believe
them? Join Fr. Ed Foley and Jack Shea as we explore this
Monday, November 2, 2015
6:00 p.m.
Doors Open
6:30 p.m.
Light Supper
7 – 8:30 p.m. Presentation
Hughes Hall at Old St. Patrick’s Church
700 W. Adams Street
Free parking is available in the lot on the southeast
corner of Adams & Des Plaines
John Shea is currently a Senior Fellow at the Ministry
Leadership Center that creates formation programming for
the senior leadership of five west coast Catholic health care
systems. He has published twenty books of theology and spirituality, two books of poetry, and three works of fiction. John
Shea lectures nationally and internationally on
storytelling in world religions, faith-based health care, contemporary spirituality, and the spirit at work movement. A
great friend of Old St. Pat’s, we are always delighted to host
Jack as he shares his insight and wisdom with us.
Fr. Edward Foley is a member of the Province of St. Joseph
of the Capuchin Order and currently the Duns Scotus
Professor of Spirituality and Professor of Liturgy and Music
at Catholic Theological Union. A specialist in worship and
the arts, Foley identifies himself as a practical theologian.
An award winning author, he currently has 22 books in print,
and has also authored over 300 scholarly and pastoral
articles and reviews. Old St. Pat’s is pleased to have Fr. Foley
as a frequent presider at our Sunday liturgies.
About the Sara Center …
Sara Hill was someone who, very simply but profoundly,
affected the lives of many. For over twenty years Sara was
a life-giving woman to the people of Old St. Patrick’s. This
happened because of her own profound spirituality, her
devotion to Jesus, her prayer life, and her strength and
peace within. Sara was a woman of wisdom. With Sara,
people found the conversation they were looking for. She
would listen intently as they shared with her their personal
lives. Sara would respond and often connect them to people
she was sure would welcome them and continue the
Dialoguing and networking were Sara’s gift to all who knew
her. The Sara Center at Old St. Patrick’s continues this
tradition, offering events on “things that matter” and
providing opportunities for people to dialogue and network.
Reservations: In order for us to provide you with our
best hospitality, we ask that you make your
reservations for this program no later than Wednes
day, October 28.
Online reservations and payment can be made at: at
Or make a phone reservation by calling Old St. Patrick’s at 312-648-1021.
Reservations will be held at the door.
We are asking for an offering of $15 per person to
cover the cost of the meal.
Visit our website at
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S olidarity M arket
Come join us at the
9 a.m. to 1 p.m. |Hughes Hall
Please join us as Hughes Hall is transformed
into an international market! More than
twenty-five different vendors will display
beautiful and unique products created by
from as far away as East Africa and Central
America to as near as the West Side of
While this “alternative market” offers us
a chance to get an early start on holiday
shopping, the Solidarity Market is so much
more than a holiday craft fair. The Solidarity
Market at Old St. Pat’s is another expression
of our desire for kinship along with our
desire to promote, whenever we are able, the
economic equity of our sisters and brothers
throughout the world.
Our Market vendors and exhibitors have been
selected because of their commitment to:
• fighting poverty and transforming lives
through job training and worker justice
• creating entrepreneurial opportunities for
people often denied access to markets
• being good stewards of the earth’s
In addition to the special items our vendors
will have for sale, they will be delighted to
share with you the stories of the people they
work with, including their struggles and
successes. Please stop by Hughes Hall and
meet these remarkable people and learn
about their efforts to create a better world!
Refreshments, of course, will be served.
Visit our website at
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B eloved R etreat
The Beloved Retreat Experience
2015-2016 Dates
Just the Beginning
You’re Invited
We’d like to invite you to a weekend of beginnings.
Whether you’re old or young (at heart), single or
married, religious or skeptic, hurt or healing, laid back or
caffeinated, you’ll fit right into our Beloved Retreat.
Founded in 1999, the Beloved Retreat offers you a community within Old
St. Pat’s and our Catholic Church. Our hope is that, together, we can
rediscover what often eludes us, but what God wants us to know: that you
are Beloved.
We offer a safe, open inclusive environment in a quite, pastoral setting
where you can explore your relationship with God and yourself.
Another Beginning
The Beloved Retreat doesn’t end with the weekend. After the retreat, you’ll
find another beginning. Regular Sunday Legacy meetings extend the
Beloved experience and deepen our roots as a community of believers.
In addition, you can join small prayer groups to spiritually grow and
deepen your personal faith and companionship
with others.
To reserve your space, send a $75
deposit or full payment of $225 with
this form to:
Old St. Patrick’s Church
Attn: Beloved
711 West Monroe
Chicago, IL 60661
Address: _____________________
Day Phone: ___________________
Evening Phone: _________________
Email: ________________________
Which date would you prefer?
oNovember 20 - 22, 2015
oFebruary 12 - 14, 2016
oApril 15 - 17, 2016
Payment enclosed:
Beloved Retreat Dates
November 20 - 22, 2015
February 12 - 14, 2016
April 15 - 17, 2016
Retreats are held on the beautiful grounds of
St. Mary of the Lake Seminary in Mundelein,
Weekend retreats begin Friday at 6 p.m.
and conclude Sunday at 2:30 p.m.
The cost of the retreat is $225. However,
we never want cost to prohibit anyone from
attending. Scholarships are available; just
For more information, conact Tammy Roeder at
Visit our website at
oIn full: $225
oDeposit: $75
oI would like to apply
for a scholarship.
oCheck payable to:
Old St. Patrick’s Church
oDiscover Card
Card #_______________________
Expiration Date:
Deposit is non-refundable two weeks
prior to the retreat. Scholarships are
also available.
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OSP N ext
OSP Next is fostering the next generation of
the Church and we are excited to keep the
OSP mission alive - Engage, Encounter, &
Serve! Our four committees are leading the
way: Social Committee, Spiritual Committee,
Mission Advancement Committee, Faith In
Action Committee. Email us at ospnext@ for more info
Like our new page on Facebook!
“OSP Next: Young Adults at Old St. Pat’s”
After Mass Fellowship
Join us for drinks, food, and fellowship following the 5 p.m. Mass on October 18 and November 1.
Meet at the Hospitality table after Mass! Today we’re going to Tapworks (820 W. Jackson).
Catholicism 101 Series Kickoff | Wed. Oct. 21 | 6:30-8 p.m.
Are you feeling like you need a refresher course in your faith? Many of us haven’t revisited our Catholic
knowledge since our college, teenage or even younger years - so OSP Faith Formation has developed a new
program for young adults to engage with some experts on various Catholic topics such as the Sacraments,
Scripture, The Pope & Encyclicals, Saints and Mary, The Liturgy, and more. Please join us every third
Wednesday of the month from this October through May 2016 in Hughes Hall.
$10 suggested donation per session or register for the whole series ($50). More details to come. Email us at for more info!
Emerald Ball| Friday, October 23| 7 p.m.
Join us at the Hilton Chicago as we honor the Ken and Lori Hiltz Family for all they have
done for the Old St. Patrick’s community. Tickets are still available for OSP Next young
adults at a discounted price. Email to purchase tickets!
Sign up for the OSP Next Mailing List or ‘Connect’
with us by emailing or
vistiting our webpage at
Visit our website at
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OSP N ext
After Five with Matt Faley Sunday, October 25 | 7 p.m.
$5 suggested donation (Purchase tickets:
OSP Next welcomes musician and speaker Matt Faley for this
month’s After Five program. Through his music and storytelling,
Matt brings the Gospel to young adults and parishes around the
country, showing them the path towards happiness and the joys
of an authentic life lived in Christ.
Food and drink will be provided. This event is hosted by OSP Next and
open to all. Turn to page 7 for more information.
Matt Faley is the Director of Young Adult Ministry for the Archdiocese of
Indianapolis. Matt’s album, The Only Light, is available on iTunes.
Book Club | Monday, October 26 | 7 p.m.
Our monthly book club is fun, relaxed, and filled with captivating
conversation. Join us this month as we read Little Bee by Chris Cleave. We
meet Monday, October 26 at 7 p.m. at The Book Cellar in Lincoln Square
(4736 N. Lincoln). Contact Rachelle Lindo with any questions at
Next Month (Nov. 23): Riding the Bus with my Sister by Rachel Simon
Trick or Treat for Books Drive | Sunday, November 1
OSP Next’s Faith in Action committee will be collecting books after each mass on Sunday, November
1 to benefit Citizen Schools, an AmeriCorps math and reading program, and Open Books, a literacy
organization that provides books and services to elementary students and teachers. Please bring your
new or gently used books to Mass and drop them off in front of the church - look for the OSP Next
volunteers in the green shirts! Halloween treats will be provided for book donors, and books of all
types and reading levels are welcome.
November After Five: OSP Next Welcome Event
Sunday, November 8th l 6:15 - 7:50 p.m. l Hughes Hall
OSP Next invites all current committee members, green shirt volunteers, and anyone
who is looking to connect with fellow young adults at Old St Pat’s, to join us for some
food, drinks and community-building after the 5pm mass on 11/8. No need to RSVP all are welcome!
Visit our website at
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C ommunity L ife
Hope Out of Darkness
“I was a stranger and you welcomed me..” (Matthew 25:35)
“View them as persons, seeing their faces and listening to their stories…To respond in a way which is always humane, just
and fraternal. We need to avoid a common temptation nowadays: to discard whatever proves troublesome.”
-Pope Francis, Address to Congress, 09/24/2015
During this month of Respect Life, let us reflect on the words of Pope Francis who reminds us that, as Catholics, we have
the moral responsibility to protect and defend human life at every stage including immigrants and refugees.
ACTIONS: Urge President Obama to end family detentions by signing a petition. Print out a form or sign the electronic
version at or call 312-534-8103 for details.
Office for Immigrant Affairs and Immigration Education
3525 S. Lake Park Ave, Chicago, IL 60653
Elena Segura (312) 534-5333,
Save the Date!
& Coprodeli
invite you to a
Virtual Reality Party
with Coprodeli founder
Padre Miguel
October 29th
6-9 PM
Located @ TOMS Chicago
1611 N Damen Ave, Chicago, IL 60647
Visit our website at
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C ommunity L ife
Greater Chicago
Food Depository
Old St. Pat’s
Volunteer Dates
4100 W. Ann Lurie Place
Sunday, November 8, 2015
7:30am to 2:30pm
FXW Gym, Floor 3
John Buciak Annual
Weekend Outreach
Date: Saturday, November 14|9-12 p.m.
Contact: Mary Beth Riley
Weekday Outreach
Date: Tuesday, November 13|9-12 p.m.
Contact: Jim Holbrook
Blood Drive
Everyone is invited to join us for our annual
blood drive. This is an all inclusive event.
We are looking for donors and hospitality
Help Stamp Out Hunger!
Walk-ins are welcome but we encourage
you to make an appointment at: www.
Women’s Night
Better Together
Wednesday, October 21, 2015
WeWork | 220 N. Green Street
5 - 9 p.m.
Remember to bring a photo ID and friend or
two. Make it a social event. We are especially
looking for early birds between 7:30 and 8:15
a.m. to make a good start for the day.
Some of you may not be able to donor due to
medial or travel reasons but we still need your
smile! Would you be able to give us 1 or 2
hours of your time as a hospitality volunteer?
Kindly sign up by contacting Mark Buciak at:
773-307-0033 or
There will be a volunteer’s meeting including
dinner on Tuesday, October 27th from
5:30pm to 8:30 p.m.
Please RSVP to Mark Buciak if you can join us.
We would like to show you our appreciation.
When you tap into the support, wisdom and strength of
a community, you become more than you ever thought
Join us for a night of cocktails, connections and
conversation as we explore exactly what makes us Better
Together. Our speaker panel will uncover our collective
impact on each other and illustrate the many ways we’re
empowering women in Chicago.
Any questions or interested in our sponsorship
opportunities, please contact
Debra Michaels at, or
Visit our website at
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G eneral I nformation
Wedding Schedule
Mass Schedule
7 a.m., 8 a.m., 9:30 a.m., 11:15 a.m., 5 p.m., and 8 p.m.
Monday – Friday (Daily Mass)
7 a.m. and 12:10 p.m.
If you are engaged and would like to be married
at Old St. Patrick’s Church, please contact Jo Ann
O’Brien, wedding scheduler/coordinator, at JoAnnO@, or 312.831.9383.
Wedding Banns
Church is open for Personal Prayer:
Monday – Friday: 7 a.m. – 1 p.m.
Fridays at 11:45 a.m., or upon request.
Liturgical Ministry
If you feel called to serve as a Hospitality Minister,
Eucharistic Minister or Lector for one of our Sunday
liturgies, please contact Katie Kearns at katiek@, or 312.831.9372. Training for
Hospitality Ministers and Eucharistic Ministers takes place
four times per year. Training for Lectors occurs annually.
The Baptismal Program & Schedule
To schedule a baptism, please contact Betty O’Toole, Baptism
Scheduler, at 312.798.2366.
Nursery Service
May the Winds of Heaven Dance Between You.
I. November 6 & 7, 2015
Nursery service is available during the 9:30 and 11:15 a.m.
Masses in The Frances Xavier Warde School building. Enter the
school on Des Plaines Street.
Phil John C. de la Vega & Molly Hope Nartonis
Old St. Pat’s has low-gluten hosts available for those members
who, for health reasons, could not receive regular Communion
hosts. If you would like to receive a low-glutenn host, please
contact Katie Kearns, Liturgy Ministry, at,
or 312.831.9372.
II. October 30 & 31, 2015
Low-gluten Host
Sign-Language Interpreter
Upon request, a sign language interpreter can
be available at the 11:15 a.m. or 5 p.m. Mass on
Sundays, as well as for holidays and holy days
of obligation. It would be most appreciative if you would
give us 5 days of advance notice. To request access to a sign
language interpreter at Mass, please contact Katie Kearns at
312.831.9372, or
Old St. Patrick’s Website
Benjamin James Varble & Michelle Marie Sisco
John Khym & Marla Richards
Anthiny Joseph Carponelli & Lauren Taylor Sybert
John Moricone & Julia Mudlof
III. October 24, 2015
Bryan Yan Tsang & Elizabeth Ann Winkowski
Robert C. Trzcincki & Megan Maureen Hutton
Andrew Michael Allison & Kourtney Ann Mulcahy
David Weyrauch & Caitlin Travers
Be sure to visit our website,,
for the most up-to-date information.
Prayer Requests: Names of the sick
or recently deceased are listed for one
week in the prayers of the faithful and
two subsequent weeks in the bulletin.
Please call Bernadette Gibson at
312.798.2389 to add a name to the list.
Pastoral Care: Do you know someone
in need of Pastoral Care amongst
our Old St. Pat’s community? Please
contact Bernadette Moore Gibson at
Visit our website at
The Book of Patrick: Offers perpetual
remembrance for a loved one who
has passed, or for a loved one in
remembrance of a sacramental date. The
date is chosen by the donor. The $150
donations requested benefits Old St.
Patrick’s. For more information, please
contact Tim Liston at 312.798.2348 or
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
H earts
P rayers
“The cup that I drink, you will drink, and with the baptism with which I am baptized, you will be baptized; but to sit at my right or at my left is not
mine to give but is for those for whom it has been prepared.” - Mk 10:39b-40
Sunday, October 18th, 2015
Readings: Is 53:10-11/Heb 4:14-16/Mk 10:35-45
or 10:42-45
Mass Remembrances:
7 a.m.
Thursday, October 22nd, 2015
Readings: Rom 6:19-23/Lk 12:49-53
Mass Remembrance: The Maher &
Duckham Family, Arthur McLoughlin (=)
Book of Patrick: Louise Brankin, Audrey
Cowhey, Aloysius Hauser, Norma J. Kent,
Margaret and Anthony Kosinski, Jack
McCarthy, Donald J. Nourie, Florence and
Frank Siuda, Father Gene F. Smith
8 a.m.
Lillian Ryan (=)
9:30 a.m. Patricia Gotta (=)
Ernest Pickell
George B. and Mary Cummings
Corcoran (=)
11:15 a.m.
John and Margaret O’Neill (=)
Gloria York (=)
Readings: Rom 7:18-25a/Lk 12:54-59
Patricia L. Phelps (=)
John H. Lloyd III (=)
Book of Patrick: William E. Devaney, Edward
T. Duffy, Don Harkins, Beatrice Costigan
Kathman, Jack Deany Lupo, Margaret
Normoyle, William & Katherine Ryan , James
5 p.m.
Henry Thénot-Siegel
8 p.m.
Book of Patrick: Patrick Anderson, Debra
Bernard, William J. Cowhey, Deborah Ebers
Klindt , Matthew LeFevour, James Patrick McKay,
Edward Point & Family, James Powell, Jim &
Audrey Quinn , John R. Schwarz, Dr. Leonard &
Margaret Shimandle & family
Monday, October 19th, 2015
Readings: Rom 4:20-25/Lk 12:13-2
Mass Remembrance:
Book of Patrick: Dr. & Mrs. Anthony L. Barbato,
Maria M. Blaz , Ursula S. Blix, Val Dudley,
Walter &, Lottie Gawron, David P. Helmer,
Dorothy Jurkash, Antoinette Koca, Children &
Grandchildren of Robert E. Quinn Family, Mary L.
Ryan, William D. Smrz, Michael Benjamin Ullem,
Veronica Wodrich
Tuesday, October 20th, 2015
Readings: Rom 5:12, 15b, 17-19, 20b-21/Lk
Mass Remembrance:
Book of Patrick: Albert Charet, Thomas Dooley,
John E. Goggin, Earl Hagberg, Paul G. Hemnes,
James Marren, Mary Kay McDermott & Family,
George Pandl, Margaret Siebers. Carol Walsh
Wednesday, October 21st, 2015
Readings: Rom 6:12-18/Lk 12:39-48
Mass Remembrance: James WM Moffa (=)
Book of Patrick: Katie Gavin, Bernard K. Hanley
& Family , Frances Kulpa, Delia & John Lawlor,
Kathleen Gaffrey Magnuson, Mary & Bill Moffatt,
George E. Mrazek, Helen Louise nee O’Neil Grove,
Catherine & Alva O’Toole, John J. “Tim” Phelan,
Leah Janet Phipps, Jack M. Riley
Friday, October 23rd, 2015
Mass Remembrance:
Saturday, October 24th, 2015*
Readings: Rom 8:1-11/Lk 13:1-9
Mass Remembrance:
Book of Patrick: Mary Eileen Corcoran, Stanley
Coleman Jersey & Jeanne O’Reilly-Jersey, Frances
C. Johnson, Mercedes Ledo, Mary McEntee, Don
Morich, Joseph A. Murphy. Jerry L. Robinson, Geri
& Phil Wicklander
Sunday, October 25th, 2015
Readings: Jer 31:7-9/Heb 5:1-6/Mk
Prayer Requests
For Those Who Are Sick
Gerald Gardner Jr., Ben Horinek, Lydia
Hurrelbrink, William Kennedy, Briana
Kline, Ann Kunkle, Dave Lawson, Lyndsey
McCarthy, Dennis McDonnell, Larry
McDonnell, Mary Olson Poniatowski,
Justine Price, Jose Salazar, Cathy Scheffki,
Sharon & Jack Schneider, George Warner
For Those Who Have Recently Died
Marie Daly, Karen Gorman, Melissa
Elizabeth Ledesma, Marie Lennon, Rita
Neubaeur, Jim Schroeder, Anthony Terlep,
George Warner
* As there are no Masses scheduled on
Saturday, these names will be read on
Friday, October 23, 2015.
(=) Deceased
Visit our website at
Women and Men of Faith
October 24th
Mother Janet
Erskine Stuart:
Religious of the
Sacred heart
Stuart, the daughter of an Anglican
minister was born in Cottesmore,
England. She converted to Catholicism
when she was twenty-one years old. The
following year she entered the Society
of the Sacred Heart in Roehampton
where she remained for the next thrity
years. After serving as superior of her
community, she became the Superior
General of the worldwide order that
operated schools for girls.
She exerted a wide influence through
her writing on spirituality and the
education of girls. She considered
education to be a deeply religious
calling – “fitting citizens for the
Kingdom of Heaven”. She loved
teaching and often reminded her
sisters, “It is not so much what we
say or do that educates; what really
educates is who we are.”
In books and talks she offered a
positive spiritual message that spoke
to an audience far beyond the convent:
“Remember that the source of
happiness is within ourselves. Nothing
outside can give it, even if you make
your circumstances ideal. Nothing can
take it away.”
She died on October 21, 1914 at the
age of fifty-six.
“Your life is a sacred journey. It is
about change, growth, discovery,
movement and transformation…
It is continuously expanding your
vision of what is possible, stretching
your soul, teaching you to see clearly
and deeply, helping to listen to your
-Mother Janet Erskine Stuart
Adapted from Give Us This Day Daily Prayer for Today’s Catholic
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Old St. Patrick’s Church Administrative Office • Fr. Jack Wall Mission Center • 711 W. Monroe • Chicago, IL 60661 • p 312.648.1021 • f
Janette Nunez
Blood Drive
Mark Buciak*
Linda Vasquez
The Cara Program
Maria Kim
Adult Education Ministries
Bob Kolatorowicz
Chicago Food Depository
Mary Beth Riley*
Tim Liston
The Children’s Place
Katie Byrne*
Book of Patrick
(Memorial for Loved Ones)
Bridget Carey
House of Mary and Joseph
Kate Boege*
Annulment Support Ministry
Patty Stiles
Betty O’Toole, scheduler
Andrew Hayden
Clergy - Pastor
Fr. Thomas J. Hurley
Twitter: @TomHurleyOSP
St. Agatha’s Sharing Parish
Beth Marek
Trinity Volunteer Corps
Marty Kenahan
Adult Literacy Program
Marilyn and Joe Antonik*
Grief Support Facilitators
Judi Black, Bill Brennan*
Jewish Catholic Ministry
Jewish Catholic Dialogue
Gina Lakin*
In Residence
Fr. John J. Wall
Visiting Clergy
Community Outreach
Beth Marek
Listening Parent Ministry
Maureen Schuneman
Little Brothers - Friends of the Elderly
Joe Harzich*
Su Casa
Jim Karczewski*
Lauren Kezon
Twitter: @oldstpats
Gay & Lesbian; Friends & Families
Outreach (Old St. Pat’s)
John Parro*
Bob Kolatorowicz,
Bridget Evers
Admin. Assistant to Pastor
Skye Darke
Fr. John Cusick
Fr. Edward Foley, OFM Cap.
Fr. Tony Mazurkiewicz, O. Carm
Fr. Pat McGrath, SJ
Fr. Paul Novak, OSM
Fr. William O’Shea
Msgr. Kenneth Velo
Katie Brandt
Interfaith House
Beth Marek
Special Olympics
Greg Benacka*
Family Ministry
Bea Cunningham
U of I Hospital Pediatrics
Sue Sierkierski*
Eileen O’Farrell Smith*
Family School
David Kovacs
Interfaith Union
Eileen O’Farrell Smith
Liturgy Department
Mark Scozzafave
Katie Kearns
Marriage Preparation
Jack Berkemeyer - Pre-Cana Experience
Counseling Services
Sarah Thompson
Patty Stiles - Pre-Marital Assessment
773.643.6259 ext. 30
Encore: 50+ Active Adults
Mary Kay Slowikowski*
Members/New Members
Tim Liston
Faith Formation
Keara Ette
Bridget Carey
Visit our website at
Follow Old St. Pat’s on:
D irectory
Jennifer Budziak
Laura Higgins
Mark Scozzafave
Bill Fraher
North Lawndale Kinship
Vincent L. Guider
Office Manager
Joanne Gresik
Pastoral Care Ministry
Bernadette Gibson
312.798.2389 prayer line
312.493.8737 pastoral cell
Rite of Christian Initiation for
Adults (RCIA)
Keara Ette
Resident Theologian Presenter
Dr. Terry Nelson-Johnson
Retreat Program: Beloved
Tammy Roeder
Social Justice
Rachel Lyons
Special Events (Fundraisers)
Sheila Greifhahn
Bridget Conway
Spiritual Direction
Tammy Roeder
Tours of Old St. Pat’s
Jim McLaughlin*
Wedding Ministry
JoAnn O’Brien
Wedding Music
Wedding Volunteers
Mary Jo Graf*
Robin Ramel*
Women’s Spirituality
Mary Anne Moriarty *
Young Adult Ministry
(Old St. Pat’s)
Keara Ette
Youth Ministry: Foundations
and Blueprints
Courtney Nichols
The Mary and Bill Aronin Center
for Social Concerns
703 W. Monroe
Chicago, IL 60661
The Cara Program
Beth Lye
Career Transitions Center
Mary Sabathne
Parking at Old St. Pat’s
For your convenience, we are providing parking information
to make parking easily accessible for everyone who visits
Old St. Pat’s.
Lot 1:There is no charge to park your car in the parking lot
at the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines. Lot 2:There is no charge to park your car in the roped
off area marked “Old St. Pat’s” in the parking lot at the
Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines.
Lot 1:There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the
Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines all day and
Lot 2:There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the Southeast corner of Monroe and Des Plaines until 6:30 p.m.
You must pay after 6:30 p.m.
Lot 3:There is no charge to park your car in the lot on the
Northwest corner of Monroe and Des Plaines (across from
711) until 5 p.m. You must pay after 5 p.m. to park in this
Lot 1:There is no charge to park your car in the lot on
the Southeast corner of Adams and Des Plaines; if you
are coming to Old St. Pat’s for meetings, please let the
attendant know and keep your keys as he leaves after 8
Coprodeli, Peru
Beth Marek
Friends of Fabretto, Nicaragua
Tom Gleason*
Harmony, Hope & Healing
Marge Nykaza
Horizons for Youth
Brian Broccolo
Global Alliance for Africa
Jonathan Shaver*
Tom Derdak
Visit our Website at
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