Bread Works - Brothers of Charity


Bread Works - Brothers of Charity
Working Together | Social Enterprises
An Organic Bakery
based in the
Scottish Borders
Bread Works Bakery
Thank you for your interest in our bakery enterprise.
This leaflet tells you more about the experience and
training Bread Works could offer you.
At Bread Works you will learn all the skills that are
needed to produce artisan bread. This is bread
prepared by hand, not produced in bulk.
Some of the skills you will be using are:
Measuring ingredients
Preparing and moulding the dough into
tins or handshaping, ready for baking
Checking the baking process, safely
removing the bread when ready
Packaging the finished bread and other
baked goods
You will become skilled in using all the
utensils and equipment in the bakery kitchen.
You will learn food hygiene skills and
understand about health and safety.
You will also have the opportunity to learn
about skills in delivery and sales, selling direct
to the public from a mobile van, making
deliveries to local hotels and other venues,
and selling at markets, craft fairs and other
events in the Region.
The six week taster
During the six week taster programme you
get the chance to work on each stage of the
bakery process and you spend some time in
every part of the enterprise, so you get a
really good idea of what the work involves.
The taster programme is organised into a
weekly plan, with plenty of time given to
help you really understand each task. You
will watch people doing each part of the
work and when you are ready you will have
a chance to try doing some of it. There will
always be someone there to guide you.
After the six weeks, if you want to carry on
and we feel we can help you develop your
skills you would move on to the training
The training programme
We will discuss with you the skills you have already
and new skills you could learn. We will agree a plan
with you about how your skills can be developed
over the six months of the programme.
As a Trainee in the bakery enterprise, we will help
you to develop your skills in two main ways:
By giving you information in one-to-one or
small group training sessions (eg. about health
and safety).
By providing practical hands-on training –
showing you how to do the work and then
giving you the opportunity to do it yourself
We will give you regular feedback about how you
are getting on and encourage you to gain as much
as possible from your learning opportunities.
You will have a personal folder where you keep a
record of your learning and skills. This is important
in helping you prepare for future opportunities
in employment. For some skills, you can receive a
certificate that confirms you have shown these skills
while carrying out particular tasks in the enterprise.
Work experience
Unit 6
Tweedbank Industrial Estate
Phone:01896 758381
During your time working as a volunteer in Bread
Works we will help you learn the skills you need to
look for and apply for jobs.
We also hope that as the enterprise develops there
will be an opportunity to create some paid Bakery
Assistant posts in Bread Works.
Working Together is part of The Brothers of Charity
Services (Scotland) a company limited by guarantee.
Reg. in Scotland No. SC318036
Charity No. SC037943
An Organic Bakery
based in the
Scottish Borders
Images for illustrative purposes only
Design/Print: Bordersprint, Selkirk 01750 23200
Working Together
After completing your training you will become a
Volunteer Bakery Assistant in the enterprise for up
to eighteen months. This gives you the opportunity
to build up experience in the job, so that you can
show potential employers in the future that you
have real experience in a working environment and
have a lot of skills to offer.