Alpha Chronicles Volume 1 Issue 4
Alpha Chronicles Volume 1 Issue 4
The Alpha Chronicles Volume 1, Issue 4 April 2016 Serving Sisters: 90th Anniversary Celebration Continues Inside this issue: Alpha’s Own Spearheads Service 2 Chimbote Updates 2 First Grade 3 Boy Scouts 3 On the Radio 3 Read Across America 4 Mathletes 4 PJAS 5 Talking Art Museum 5 Pi Day 5 Spring Musical 6 Kindergarten 6 2016 Gala 7 Calling All Alumni! 7 SCRIP 7 Q&A at Alpha 8 Kids of Steel 9 Jump Rope for Heart 9 Summer Activities 9 Forensics 10 March of Dimes 10 Save the Dates 12 The 90th Anniversary celebration this year has kicked off with a bang! In January, Student Council members organized a 90th Anniversary Luncheon for the Sisters. With over 50 Sisters in attendance, students had their hands full, literally! Alpha Student Council members worked as servers for the Sisters during the luncheon, even providing valet service! The meal went off without a hitch. Sisters enjoyed a full lunch of salad, pasta, and dessert while watching talent show performances from Alpha students. With the help of Mr. Beacham, Student Council advisor, and Mr. Chmay, music teacher and talent show coordinator at Alpha, Student Council put on a lovely lunch to acknowledge the Sisters’ past and continued support of Alpha School. Special recognition was given to those Sisters who worked at Alpha in years past. Catholic Schools Week in February served as another opportunity to recognize Alpha School’s legacy. With a new theme each day, plenty of opportunity pre- sented itself to recognize Alpha’s history. The March celebration themed “90 Years of Alpha Luck” featured a wall of coins and shamrocks full of memories and favorite moments from Alpha students, teachers, and Sisters. The colorful display was posted in the main entry of the school as a reminder of the continued celebrations. More events are being planned for the upcoming months in hopes of making this year-long celebration of our 90th Anniversary a memorable time in Alpha School’s history. Plans are already underway for the annual Gala event, set for November 4, which will focus on our rich history and plans for a bright future. Keep an eye out for more 90th Anniversary plans coming your way! Page 2 The Alpha Chronicles Alpha’s Own Spearheads Service: Girl Scout Cadette Silver Award Project Caption describing picture or graphic. Alpha sixth grader, GiGi Corcoran, had just completed her Cadette Journey for the Girl Scouts of America when she began thinking of designing a service project to complete her requirements to earn her Silver Award. The Silver Award is the second highest award of the Girl Scouts of America, and the highest award that a Girl Scout Cadette can earn. In order to be eligible for the Silver Award, a Cadette must complete a 50-hour service project that leaves a lasting impact on the community. Gigi decided to bring service back to the Alpha community by developing her own Service Program with the Sisters of Divine Providence to make them smile! Her work with the Sisters is certainly something to be proud of, and we’re so happy to have the chance to showcase her dedication and commitment to service here at Alpha! Congratulations on earning your Silver Award! Chimbote Update Alpha students have done it again! This year, Alpha has raised over $2,000 for the Chimbote Foundation. With donations collected at Trunk or Treat and through Catholic Schools Week in the Penny Challenge, a grand total of $2,454.11 has been donated to the Chimbote Foun- dation. Students helped the Chimbote foundation by making prayer chains, attended the Chimbote dinner to present their service efforts, and sold popsicles with their “Chillin’ for Chimbote” plan. What a great effort by our Alpha students! Plans are already in the works for even more Chimbote fundraisers. More than 40 years ago, the Diocese of Pittsburgh began to build a bridge of love and hope between the people of Pittsburgh and the needy in Chimbote, Peru. Donations help to support the maternity hos- pital built through the Foundation to serve the community, along with education programs to help the people of Chimbote support themselves and their neighbors. More information on the Foundation is available on the Diocese website at Page 3 Volume 1, Issue 4 In the Classroom & Around Campus First Grade Stack Attack First grade students practice their sight words and sound swaps with Stack Attack! In this game, the students take a cracker card from the box. Each cracker card has a sight word. The student can either read the word, or change any sound - beginning, middle, or end - to make a new word. From Box to Fox, Bet to Let, the possibilities are endless! If they do it correctly they begin to stack their crackers. If they get a Stack Attack card they must put them all back in the box. Keep the cards stacked and don’t let them fall, though. The student with the highest stack wins. The first graders were divided into groups to play this practice game for their phonics. What a fun way to learn! Boy Scouts Earn Arrow of Light Award Neill Bidlack, Christopher Smith, and Patrick McCarthy have earned the Cub Scout Arrow of Light Award this spring. The Arrow of Light award, which is the highest rank in Cub Scouting, embodies the hard work the boys have done through their years in Cub Scouting. These second-year Webelos scouts have made their transition from Cub Scouts to Boy Scouts, through the Arrow of Light. The Arrow of Light is the only Cub Scout award which can be carried over and worn on the Boy Scout uniform. The symbolism of the award encapsulates the values these boys have demonstrated on the trail of scouting. The arch of the sun represents the dawning of a new beginning in the scouts’ lives as they move on from cub scouts to boy scouts. The seven rays represent the seven virtues of life: wisdom, courage, self-control, justice, faith, hope, and love. The arrow upon which the arch rests represents the power of our values to always point us in the right direction. Congrats to our Alpha students! Alpha on the Radio This February, Alpha had the opportunity to meet with Father Tom Burke to tape two segments of “Education Plus” for KQV Radio. Each 30-minute segment is all about Alpha, chock full of praise about the academics, activities, and family atmosphere we all know and love. The first segment, fea- turing Alpha parent, Ada DeFanti, and Alpha students, Adri DeFanti and Oleg Hartman, will air on Friday, April 22 at 7pm, and run again on Sunday, April 24 at 8:30am. The second segment, featuring Alpha’s Director of Admissions, Katie Yarzebinski, will air on Friday, April 29 at 7pm and again on Sun- Patrick McCarthy,5th grader Neill Bidlack, 5th grader day, May 1, at 8:30am. Make sure to tune in to KQV, AM 1410, to hear all about Alpha with host Father Tom Burke! Page 4 The Alpha Chronicles Read Across America Wednesday, March 2, this year marked the annual celebration of Read Across America Day! Also known as Dr. Seuss Day, this nationwide read-a-thon is a celebration of literacy. Here at Alpha, we embraced the Cat in the Hat spirit and sat down to enjoy a good book in honor of promoting literacy nation-wide. What a great way to spend an afternoon! More on Read Across America can be found on the National Education Association Alpha’s Mathletes A new math competition hit Alpha students with challenges this year, but Alpha students came out on top once again! Ms. Shick and Mrs. Forbes arranged to participate in a new math competition for Alpha this year.: Catholic Math League. Catholic Math League is a national math competition that began as a division of Educontest in 1997, and in 2009, was renamed Catholic Math League. Catholic Math League is a mathematical tool that is used by hundreds of Catholic schools throughout the nation to aid in the development of mathematical skills in the lives of their students. Grades 3-8 participated in the nationwide math contest for the 4th Grade Winners Top 3 Fourth Grade Students at Alpha 1st Braedan Golla 2nd Bryan Mizusaki 3rd Maya Eid first time this year. The competition involved a series of tests and scores are reported to the League for scoring. Our Alpha students came out on top! We’re so proud of all of our winners! 5th Grade Winners Top 3 Fifth Grade Students at Alpha 1st Anthony Arshoun 2nd Chris Smith 3rd Alex Ondos The Fifth Grade as a class won 2nd Place overall in their Division and Anthony Arshoun tied for 2nd Place in his Division. 7th Grade Winners Top 3 Seventh Grade Students at Alpha 1st Andrew Lusebrink 2nd Annie Snyder 3rd David Foody 8th Grade Winners Top 3 Eighth Grade Students at Alpha 1st Max Kress 2nd Sarah Pritchard 3rd Hollie Walters 3rd Grade Winners Top 3 Third Grade Students in Alpha 1st Clara You 2nd Jonas Hong 3rd Brady Trischler The Third Grade as a class won 1st Place overall in their Division and the following 3 students were Ranked in the Top Three in their Division: Clara Yuo won 1st place, Jonas Hong won 2nd place, and Brady Trischler tied for 3rd place. 6th Grade Winners Top 3 Sixth Grade Students at Alpha 1st Brody Golla 2nd Maura Shernisky 3rd Carson Jacob Brody Golla won 2nd Place in his Division Page 5 Volume 1, Issue 4 Alpha’s PJAS Winners Fourteen Alpha students competed at the Pennsylvania Junior Academy of Science (PJAS) competition held on Saturday at Duquesne University. The following students earned a Second Place Award: Clare Katyal, Kirsten Rieder, Grace Lunak, Hollie Walters and Matthew Soller. Talking Art Museum The Talking Art Museum is a highly anticipated yearly event for the 5th grade class and this year was no exception. Students paired up to recreate a famous painting in art class. In computer class they researched that artist and created a PowerPoint presentation that they presented to the entire student body, parents and faculty. The presentations this year were fantastic! I know upcoming 5th grade students can’t wait to have their turn to participate in this very unique event. Great job 5th grade! •Ms. Brown-Clair Pi Day The Alpha School celebrated its 4th annual Pi Day on March 14th. Students enjoyed hosting guest mathematicians, such as parents, relatives, and family friends, and celebrating their love of math. Some of the day's festivities included learning about Pi through hands on activities and iPads, problem solving, a STREAM Challenge, a Circumference Event, and, of course, eating delicious pie! The following students earned First Place awards: Allison Edwards, David Foody, Christian Farls, Colleen Moosman, Annie Snyder, Macy Worrall, Max Kress, Anthony Warda and Sarah Pritchard. In addition to her First Place award, Sarah Pritchard also won a Director's Award and special recognition from the American Chemical Society student representatives. Congratulations to all our PJAS participants. We are proud of all of you! And special thanks to Mrs. Cessar for all of her hard work and dedication to make PJAS happen! Page 6 The Alpha Chronicles First Star to the Right… Spring Musical Preparation in Full Swing “This is a hard show— lots of lyrics to memorize, lots of lines and lots of movement… the kids are doing a great job!” It’s that time of year again: Spring musical season! Here at Alpha, we’re gearing up for a great show! With so much talent in our students this year, the school play committee knew they needed a big show, one with a lot of parts and a little bit of magic. They decided on Disney’s Peter Pan, Jr. and never looked back. After auditions in December, the cast was set, and practices began. The whole production team and all the cast members meet twice a week after school, working on the songs, choreographing, and working on the set. Mrs. Farina, one of the show’s directors, commented on the practices so far: “This is a hard show—lots of lyrics to memorize, lots of lines and lots of movement. For example, the actors have to "fight" on stage and every part of their actions needs to be cho- reographed. The kids are doing a great job!” The Spring musical, open each year to students in third through eighth grade, is a timehonored Alpha tradition that gives students the opportunity to have a little fun and get experience in musical theatre. This year, with 39 students in the play, it’s been an exciting whirlwind! Mr. Beacham is heading up the set design with lots of parents helping with the many costumes needed— fairies, mermaids, Indians, and Lost Boys, not to mention the main characters: Peter Pan, Wendy, Tinkerbell, and more. Students are so excited to put on the performance. Lindsay Worral, seventh grader at Alpha who will be playing the Lost Boy, Skunk, loves practice so far. “This is my first year doing a play at Alpha. I like moving around on stage and having fun at practice,” she said, while Christian Farls, seventh grader who will be bringing Captain Hook to life, says “the hardest part about doing this play is memorizing all the lines!” There’s no doubt, with the talented students here at Alpha, that this year’s show will be an incredible success! Mark your calendars for the Spring musical Peter Pan debut on April 21 and 22. It’s a show you shouldn’t miss! Learning the Good Book in Kindergarten The Kindergarteners have been working hard as they learn many stories from the Bible. Each week the children listen to one of the Bible stories and then draw their favorite part of the story. Before Advent, the children began to learn the stories in the Old Testa- ment. Since then, we are learning stories from the New Testament and how Jesus lived among us and showed us how to love ourselves and one another. The last month of school, we will return to the Old Testament to learn about Elijah, Dan- iel, and Jonah. They are looking forward to bringing their Bible home on Graduation Day. Page 7 Volume 1, Issue 4 Alpha’s 90th Anniversary Gala: Save the Date! Save the date! The 2016 Alpha Gala will take place on Friday, November 4, 2016, at the historic Duquesne Club in downtown Pittsburgh. We hope you will join us as we celebrate the 90th anniversary of the school with a wonderful evening including dinner and both silent and live auctions. Tickets will be on sale before the end of the school year so keep an eye out for more information. Purchasing early will secure your spot for this not-to-be-missed Alpha event. November 4, 2016 at the Duquesne Club The Gala Committee is currently looking for event sponsors as well as members to help plan the event. If you are interested in joining the committee or know of anyone that may want to sponsor the 2016 Alpha Gala please contact Cochairpersons Laura Ritz at or Anita King at Calling Alpha Alumni! Not only is the Gala committee looking for local alumni to join a special sub-committee, Alpha School is also looking for Alpha memories from your time at the school! Help us celebrate our 90th Anniversary by sending us your memo- ries, pictures, articles, or anything else Alpha related! We’d love to hear from you! If you are interested in helping out at the Gala, please contact Anita King at If you’d like to send in your pictures, memories, or articles, please email them to We will be collecting everything throughout the summer to share on social media and with our Alpha families in the Fall issue of The Alpha Chronicles. Now Shop with SCRIP Online to Save! Since using the new Presto Pay feature, I have been buying more scrip. More scrip means a bigger rebate on tuition! Who doesn't like that? It's so easy to use. Printing the "Scrip Now" gift cards allows us to keep the cards in our wallets. Also, scrip can be purchased as a gift and sent by email to the recipient. I purchased scrip for my husband, for example, Starbucks, and email it to him. He downloads it into his Starbucks app. It saves him time by not having to go to Need help? The staff at is very helpful. To save additional money, I purchase scrip and then go to and shop through the site. Now, we save money for college as well! Combine scrip with coupons! For example, buy scrip for Kohl's, use coupons sent in the mail for more savings. I also use it for Talbots, J. Crew, and Macy's. I called Giant Eagle and asked if I could buy a gift card with a Giant Eagle gift card and was told only a STORE gift card, such as Home Depot, but not a bank card, such as VISA, etc. This way, if scrip is not available for a particular store from the website, it can be purchased using the Giant Eagle card. When buying scrip for Sears, K-Mart, and Lands' End, go through the reward program and earn points as well. •Virginia Berlando Page 8 The Alpha Chronicles Inquiring Minds Want to Know: Q&A at Alpha Mrs. Hiles Mrs. DeVore Miss Walters Ms. Ervin Director of Academics First Grade Second Grade Finance Office Years at Alpha: 14 Years at Alpha: 1 Years at Alpha: 8 Q: If you could turn into any animal, what would it be and why? Q: If you could be a cookie, what would you be and why? A: A parakeet. It would be amazing to fly, but I’d still want to be able to talk! A: A chocolate chip macadamia nut cookie from Nordstrom because they are heaven on earth! Mrs. Strawoet Ms. Dolly Miss Zozos Miss Katie Liturgy Coordinator Custodial Services 5-8 Social Studies Years at Alpha: 10 Years at Alpha: 4 Years at Alpha: 2 Director of Admissions Q: If you had to have one song stuck in your head for the rest of your life, what would it be? Q: What is your hidden talent? Years at Alpha: 13 Q: If you could switch lives with someone for a day, who would it be and why? A: A fighter pilot— the view would be amazing! A: Maybe “Carry On” by Crosby, Stills, Nash, and Young A: Dog training. I love helping people to train their dogs! Q: Where is the most boring place you ever went on vacation? A: Zanesville, Ohio for my sister’s softball tournament. Q: If you had to choose one thing to eat for the rest of your life, what would it be? A: Pickles! Years at Alpha: 1 Q: What is your favorite condiment? A: Ranch! It’s good on anything! Page 9 Volume 1, Issue 4 Kids of Steel: Alpha Students Participate in Pittsburgh Marathon This year at Alpha, we’re promoting health and wellness by participating in the Pittsburgh Marathon’s Kids of Steel program! This program is designed to encourage students all around the Greater Pittsburgh area to eat healthier and be physically active! The program consists of two portions. The first portion includes tracking and filling out an Activity Log. For each 15 minutes of play, students receive 1 mile towards their marathon goal (26.2 miles). Students track their progress on their Activity Log until they reach the golden number of 25.2 miles. This is one mile short of a full marathon! At the Kids of Steel Marathon on April 30, those who have registered will finish their marathon by running one mile. The race starts outside of PNC Park and finishes at Point State Park. This is a great opportunity to meet new friends and be physically active while doing so! The students have been tracking their mileage in gym class. All of Alpha is encouraged to come down to PNC Park on April 30 to cheer on these runners! Alpha student Theo Tedesco in the 2015 Kids of Steel Marathon. Jump Rope for Heart Alpha students at Jump Rope for Heart This year’s Jump Rope for Heart celebration kicked off on February 8th with a visit from the American Heart Association! Mr. Kramm, Alpha’s physical education teacher, organized the event to promote wellness and help raise funds for the AHA. “Jump Rope for Heart is a great opportunity for kids to do something fun like jumping rope, for a good cause. It puts the fun back in fundraising,” Kramm says with a laugh. Students at Alpha raised a total of $5,686 this year, and were motivated by more than just jumping rope. The lucky student who helped to raise the most money won a chance to shave a heart in Mr. Kramm’s hair! “I thought it would be a fun, extra incentive for the kids,” Kramm Summer Activities in the Works Summer sessions of some of the activities you love are in the works here at Alpha. While still hashing out the details, classes like Chess, Tennis, Tae Kwon Do, Green -E Academy, and Ultimate Sports are on the menu, along with a few new additions: ScIKAmP— a hands-on science camp with Dr. Rebecca Bozym, Assistant Professor of Chemistry at LaRoche and fellow Alpha parent, along with a new soccer camp, Soccer 7. Most of the camps will be held in week-long sessions in June or July. Depending on the success of the camps, even more activities could be added to the after-school menu for the 2016-17 school year. Details on the summer camp opportunities will be available midApril, so keep an eye out for the e-mail! Questions about summer-camp signups can be directed to Nathan Kramm via email at nkramm@alphaschool.o rg, or by phone at 412366-4455. said, though he seemed a bit nervous at the thought of a heart in his hair. John Dickinson, third grader, was the lucky winner, and the big hair-cutting event is scheduled for field day! Mark your calendar and don’t miss this celebration of Alpha’s hard work in raising money for this amazing charity! Page 10 The Alpha Chronicles Forensics Finals Alpha Forensics Students at the Christmas Forensics Showcase Alpha students competed in the Southwest Pennsylvania Forensics All-Star meet on Saturday, March 12. Approximately 20 schools participated in this meet, competing in categories from poetry and prose to multiple reading. In this tournament, students are not placed as first, second, or third; they are instead winnowed down to one winner per category with the top 5 rec- ognized as finalists. Out of Alpha’s competitors— Allison Edwards, Sarah Pritchard, Bryce Trischler, Adri DeFanti, Addie Neuman, Kirsten Rieder, Maura Shernisky, Grace Lunak, Ellie English, and Annie Snyder— Grace Lunak won the category of Prose with the first place trophy, while Ellie English and Annie Snyder were Finalists in Poetry and Declamation, respectively. A big con- gratulations to the participants and our Alpha winners! From left: Ellie English, Grace Lunak, Annie Snyder March of Dimes Ambassadors At Alpha President Franklin Roosevelt's personal struggle with polio led him to create the National Foundation for Infantile Paralysis at a time when polio was on the rise. Better known as the March of Dimes, the foundation established a polio patient aid program and funded research for vaccines developed by Jonas Salk, MD and Albert Sabin, MD. These vaccines effectively ended epidemic polio in the United States. Its original mission accomplished, the foundation turned its focus to preventing birth defects and infant mortality. The March of Dimes has led the way to discover the genetic causes of birth defects, to promote newborn screening, and to educate medical professionals and the public about best practices for healthy pregnancy. Since 2003, our fight to save babies has been strongly characterized by our Prematurity Campaign. The rising incidence of premature birth has demanded action, and the March of Dimes has responded by initiating an intensive, multiyear campaign to raise awareness and find the causes of prematurity. This year, two of Alpha’s own have been named the Western Pennsylvania March of Dimes Ambassadors: Emma and Easton Ritz! These twins, along with their parents, Laura and Brian, make up Team Ritz, who have raised over $25,000 to help make sure all babies are born healthy. This year, as the Western PA Ambassadors, Team Ritz’s goal is to raise $5,000 for this year’s walk. The walk, which takes place on Sunday, April 24, is a 5K run/ walk that benefits March of Dimes. Anyone is welcome to join! The event begins with check-in at Heinz Field and continues along the Riverfront Trail and through downtown before ending back at the Field. Runners and walkers are encouraged to register online at You can also donate to March of Dimes on the Team Ritz page here: https:// /lauraritz. We’re so proud of these two Alpha kindergarteners for their support of such an amazing organization, and we can’t wait to see what else they do as the Western PA Ambassadors this year! Congratulations, Emma and Easton! Emma and Easton Ritz Volume 1, Issue 4 Page 11 INTERESTED IN ADVERTISING WITH US? Get your business noticed by placing an ad! We have a variety of options for ad placement that fit every budget! To reserve your space or for more information, contact Katie Yarzebinski by phone at 412-366-4455 or by e-mail at Providence Heights Alpha School 9000 Babcock Boulevard Allison Park, PA 15101 Phone: 412-366-4455 Fax: 412-635-6317 Website: Alpha alum, Troy McChesney, along with his classmates, are organizing a 5K to benefit Special Olympics Pennsylvania for their Junior/Senior Project! The race is on April 23rd. Interested participants can sign up to race here: AllisonPark/5KNorthPark Celebrating 90 Years! Save the Dates Peter Pan Earth Day Annual Day of Giving Book Fair April 21 and 22 April 25 May 3 May 11 and 12 Teacher Appreciation Week Mother’s Day Mass May 13 May 2-6 Sports Banquet First Communion May Crowning Mass Annual Alpha Art Show May 13 May 14 May 20 May 20
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