

The Perfect Surface for the
Imperfect Road
 Iowa Plains Signing
 Provided the best traffic control I have ever had
on a project.
 Aaron Lukes
 CFI Superintendent who went daily door to door
and visited with landowners.
 Kept project owners aware of daily operations so
EMS and Fire Departments could be notified.
 Dennis Kloke
 Project Manager who kept the whole project
rolling from start to finish.
 CFI and Croell Employees
 They take ownership of their projects and want
to do quality work. Seemed to enjoy what they
were doing.
Good contractors make managing and inspecting
projects an easy task!
A big Thank
You to all!
 Freeborn County is located where I-35 and I-90 cross in
southern Minnesota.
Population less than 30,000.
630 miles of county maintained roads with 410 paved.
Worth County located in north central Iowa with I-35 and US
65 slicing through it.
Population less than 10,000.
693 miles of county maintained roads with 217 paved.
Located on the Stateline from Emmons, Mn
(US HWY 69) to Gordonsville, MN (US HWY 65).
Total of 12.5 miles.
Freeborn County Section
 Graded in 1973 and 1976 to 38’ and 40’.
 6” Class 3 and 4” Class 5 Aggregates.
 4 ½” Plant Mixed Bituminous.
 Alligator Cracking
 Rutting
 Inconsistent Profile
 Flat Cross Slope
 Cross Section Irregularities
 Super Elevation Correction
Worth County Sections
 Concrete placed in 1973 and
Bituminous in 1988.
 Rough Road and Broken Panels on
Concrete portion.
 Sections of old Bituminous Overlay
delaminating from concrete surface.
 Bituminous sections with minor
rutting, oxidation and alligator
 Sections of complete pavement
failures over centerline culverts.
 In 2009 Freeborn County was added the road to the 5 Year list
for CIR and Overlay or Reclaim and Bituminous Surface.
Estimates: CIR & 3” O.L. = $273K/mi. or Reclaim w 6” bit. = $313K/mi.
 2010 MnDot Video Van Data Supports Resurfacing
 Decided it was going to be a CIR project because of cost.
 In the summer of 2012 at a Jones Reunion, Al Venz asked me
what we planned on doing with our part of Stateline Road.
 2013 Worth County and Freeborn County agreed to change to 5”
Concrete Overlay and try to coordinate the projects “somehow”.
Worth County Section
 Lined or Replaced Culverts in 2013
 Milled bituminous patches off .
 Un-bonded overlay w/fabric interlayer
over old Concrete sections and Bonded
overlay over Bituminous sections.
 5” Concrete Overlay cut in 5.5’ x 6’
 Class 2 Aggregate Shoulders
 Contractor Surveying
 Worth County February 18 Bid Date
 Letters to all landowners about projects
Freeborn County Local funding section
used IaDOT specifications and Worth
County Design.
Freeborn County State and Local Funding Section
 4” PE Edge Drain on both sides
 Reclaim at 8 bridge ends
 5” Concrete Overlay cut in 6’ x 6’ Squares
 Safety Wedge, Striping Grooves
 Class 2 Aggregate Shoulders
 Contractor Surveying
 Letters to all landowners about projects
 March 11 bid date for Freeborn County’s Projects.
 IaDot opened Worth County Bids February 18, 2014.
Successful bidder was Concrete Foundations.
 Freeborn County sets bid date with proposal stating contractor
cooperation and uses IaDot specs on Local Funding project.
 Freeborn County opens 2 bids on March 11th.
 Concrete Foundations Inc. was the successful bidder on all 3
Freeborn County’s completion date was August 29, 2014 and
Worth County was October.
A Joint Preconstruction meeting with Freeborn County and
Worth County staff.
Public Informational meeting with Concrete Foundations,
Freeborn County and Worth County representatives including
county board members available for questions and concerns.
Construction dates were set.
Mid July start. August 29, 2014 Completion Date.
 Wet weather on another project of CFI’s moved our project up to
June 2th start date for tiling and for paving to start on June 12th .
Stringless Paving will be used.
Iowa Tine Texturing versus Minnesota Carpet Drag discussions.
Profile from Isaiah at HRS Surveying using 5” minimum depth.
Estimated Quantity was 125% of uniform 5” depth quantity.
Profile was lowered to a 4” minimum thickness, no longer than
75’ sections. That change in profile lowered the estimated
quantity to 115%.
Approved profile for compiling to do Stringless Paving.
 Plant was set up in Worth
Site was on land owned by
Worth County.
Calibrated and inspected by
Ia Dot and MnDot.
20-25 minutes haul time to
project ends.
Worth County conducted
Maturity Method breaks with
Freeborn County Plant
Inspector observing.
 Freeborn County had not
used the maturity method
before so we let Worth
County take the lead on
 1459 was the determined
TTF for opening to local
 First day paving readings
showed between 42 to 44
hours. We used 48 hours.
 Worth County using IaDot
specs reached TTF 4 hours
earlier because of less
 Bridge end tapers.
 Bituminous contractor was
not getting planned
bituminous tapers in.
 Met with Dennis Kloke and
there was no hesitation to
take the offer to go to 9”+
thick concrete inplace of
bituminous taper.
 Actually saved money by
changing to thickened
concrete tapers to bridges.
 Safety Wedge and Striping
Groove took a lot of hand
 Within 300’ they had it
figured out.
 Stringless Paving matches
right up to bridge deck with
no forming.
 They started checking model
about 300’ before bridge and
made adjustments.
 4 total stations were used to control
Super elevation correction.
Older software was used because of
a glitch in new program.
Paver would have to stop when
changing to next total station setup.
New software was used on Worth
County and our project by Emmons
allowing continuous paving.
 Early entry sawing was used with
8 saws typically being used.
(Not MnDot favorite but IaDot and
Worth County uses)
 The saws were usually 8 to 12
hours behind paver. On the Iowa
sections they were on about 2
hours earlier because Iowa spec
calls for less fly ash.
 Cracking at saw joints through the
bottom of the slab would show up
at approx. 60’ intervals.
 Tine Texture and Cure Cart
was guided by following the
edge of pavement with a
 Tine Texture was not done at
Striping Grooves and
Longitudinal Joints.
 Worth County elected to
keep using edge Striping
 No center line grooves
because they use a 3 gun
system for centerline paint.
 Contractor started out with
MnDot 3A21-1 mix design.
Contractor was not happy
with Water/Cement ratios.
(no incentive)
They changed to 3A21-2 with a
little more cement and fly ash
in it.
4 hours less time to TTF.
IaDot mix design C-3WR-C20.
State aid section only.
 32 Probe Stations were
randomly selected using MnDot
 Disks were installed.
 Estimated depth was taken
from profile sheets at each disk.
 Probe depth recorded at each
 MIT SCAN T2 was recorded at
each disk.
 Average Thickness 5.66”
 Plan to Probe average difference
0.01 ft. and probe to scanner
average difference 0.018 ft.
 Headers were placed with
bars in them and then paved
 They would finish up to the
headers at quitting time.
 Next paving day they would
pull the boxes off. Set the
paver on the pavement and
match to Stringless Model.
 Start paving.
 We had heavy rains during
project. Did not stop paving
 Low point in edge drain tile
with no outlet.
 Contractor dug it out and
filled with rock. Paver kept
 Foggy weather would shorten
up total station set up
 Trees blocked the wind and
the mosquitoes were thick.
Note: it was warm that day.
 They would normally pave at
the same speed the saws
could saw. In this case for
about 1000’ the finishers
requested to go faster.
 After 8 days of paving, and at the
west end of CSAH 1, paver was
changed to 22’ wide and removed
the center Paving Grooves.
 They continued paving west a ½
mile to the intersection of the haul
road from plant.
 They also started using new
software at this point which
allowed continuous paving.
 After Worth County’s ½ mile
section the paver was moved
to west end on CR 76 by
Emmons, MN.
 Ducks Unlimited has just
finished installing a new
velocity culvert at beginning
of project.
 We started paving 22’ wide
using IaDot specs, Worth
County mix design, edge line
striping grooves and no tine
texture in the center for Iowa
3 gun striping.
 Freeborn County’s CR 76
used the same width, settings
and specs as Worth County’s
 Started paving in a super and
a curve.
 Narrow shoulders, steep
slopes and wet shoulders
caused a few issues.
 Paver was as narrow as it
could go and there was no
room to walk around it.
 Old 23’ pavement followed
twine strings which made
curves segments of straight
 Flat or no super elevations in
curves corrected.
 Corrected flat crown in the
 Stringless Paving corrected
the alignment, super
elevations and flat crown.
 Worth County paved an unbonded
5” overlay using a fabric interlayer
as a bond breaker over existing 22’
concrete surface.
 5” Concrete cost- $12.99/SY”
 $167,644 per mile (22’ equiv.)
 Fabric cost $1.91/SY for 43,659 SY
 Worth County’s paving
consisted of overlaying
3.5 miles of concrete
and 1.5 miles of
bituminous surface.
 Finishing intersection and taper at
center of project.
 No Tine Texturing where centerline
striping will be painted.
 Water Blast was used to remove the
curing compound for painting.
 Shouldering with Class 2 aggregates.
 Saw crew reported 3
random cracks as they
were sawing. 2 were in
same day paving about
1000’ apart.
 Rather than remove the
decision was made to
deduct $’s equal to full
panel replacement cost.
 Inspection this fall shows
no deterioration of these
cracks and no further
action is needed. (they
are hard to find now).
 Worth County’s project had no incentives.
 On Freeborn County’s state aid project they changed mix design
and went from $1 to $3 per cubic yard incentive pay.
 Aggregate Quality stayed consistent throughout entire project.
 There were a few areas that data required grinding. Drove with
Engineer and decided not to grind but take deductions instead.
Final Cost for Surfacing on 5” x 24’ overlay = $199,390/mile.
Freeborn County
Worth County
Project Engineer:
Sue Miller
Project Engineer:
Rich Brumm
Project Technicians:
Dan Kenison
Randy Kolling
Scott Sorenson
Kyle Njos
Assistant Engineer:
Al Venz
Project Technician:
Russ Meyer