flyer - 2016
flyer - 2016
September 17-19, 2016 October 20, 2016 Join us for a special program series to commemorate the 60the Anniversary of the Hungarian Revolution in 1956 with Hungarian film screenings and Hungarian folk music&dance events. DANCE FOLK MUSIC F O L Saturday | Sept.17 Enjoy an evening of traditional Hungarian music and participatory dance K featuring Budapest’s Enyedi–Salamon Quartet, the premier young L presenters of authentic folk music from Transylvania, Moldavia, and O Transdanubia. 4pm Workshop for Children R 6pm Workshop for Adults E 7pm Hungarian Folk Dance Party – TÁNCHÁZ TÁNCHÁZ WHERE Unity Church-Unitarian, 733 Portland Ave, St.Paul MN 55104 Sunday|Sept.18 CONCERT HUNGARIAN FOLK2NES ENYEDI&SALAMON QUARTET featuring solo dancer Istvan Berecz WHEN 2pm CONCERT For more information and updates, please visit: FACEBOOK/CreativeCulturalExchange * Program details are subject to change WHERE Minnesota History Center 3M Auditorium 345 W Kellog Blvd St. Paul MN 55102 CHILDREN OF GLORY F I L M SZABADSÁG, SZERELEM Monday | Sept. 19. Film Screening: Children of Glory for University of St.Thomas students and faculty only WHEN 6pm WHERE St.Thomas University 2115 Summit Ave, St Paul, MN 55105 FREE *this event is partially sponsored by University of St.Thomas History Department 7pm Thursday Oct 20. CINE GLOBAL screening FREE WHERE St.Anthony Main Theatre Screen 3 115 SE Main St Minneapolis, MN 55414 Hungarian short films Children of Glory followed by discussion, Q&A 9:30pm `Minnesota Remembers` Program Series Closing Reception S C R E E N I N G S * this event is part of the Cine Global film screenings and partially sponsored by The Film Society of Minneapolis St.Paul The events are organized and hosted by Creative Cultural Exchange, Inc. a bridge across cultures CCE is an 501(c) organization committed to promoting innovative cross-cultural dialogue, collaboration and development between the United States, Hungary and other countries in Central and Ea st e r n Eu r o p e . C C E’s g o a l i s t o fo st e r a d e e p e r u n d e r st a n d i n g o f our di ve rse c ultu re s whi le hi ghlig ht ing o ur sh are d hum an ity. Facebook:CreativeCulturalExchange Phone: +1 612-554-6227 These activities are funded, in part, by a grant from We would like to thank our Sponsors and Supporters
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