Spring 2012 - Insurance Institute of Canada
Spring 2012 - Insurance Institute of Canada
GTA News Insurance Institute of Ontario Insurance Institute SPRING 2012 Congratulations to GTA's 2011 Graduates Award-winners from the evening included: Wendy Lee, winner, The Robert Fisher Clark Award; Renita Lo, Second Runner-Up Prize; James Penafiel, The Centenary Excellence Award; and Anand Shasti, winner, The Centennial Award, The Fellow’s Award A special thank you to our generous sponsors. On January 26, 2012, the Greater Toronto Area chapter hosted its annual Convocation. Over 200 CIP and FCIP graduates attended and were personally congratulated by Paul Martin, CIP, President, Insurance Institute of Ontario and Karen Barkley, MBA, CIP, CRM Chair, Insurance Institute of Canada. The highlight of the evening was the opportunity to spotlight our graduates in celebration of their commitment to education and professionalism. Craig Kielberger, founder of Free the Children, spoke on the insurance industry’s ability to help and Gold Sponsor service in an uncertain world. Canadian Underwriter Magazine Over 600 guests came out to support and congratulate the new graduates and award winners. Canadian Insurance Top Broker They were welcomed with a succulent buffet dinner and also had the opportunity to meet and ServiceMaster Clean have their picture taken with Craig Kielburger. Among the award winners this year were: Silver Sponsor National Leadership Award Award Winners Brown and Korte Barristers and Andrew Clark, MBA, CAIB, RF, FCIP Teddy Ferreira, State Farm Insurance Solicitors Marsh Canada Limited The Kenneth E. MacLeod Prize Emerging Leader First Year CIP Prize Bronze Sponsor Renita Lo, CIP, AON Reed Stenhouse Inc. Second Runner-up Prize Wendy Lee, FCIP, The Dominion of Canada General Ins. Co. The Robert Fisher Clark Award James Penafiel, FCIP, HIROC The Centenary Excellence Award Anand Shastri, FCIP, The Economical Insurance Group The Centennial Award, The Fellows’ Award Glenn Gibson, CIP, CLA, FCIAA, CFE, CFEI, CFII-c Crawford and Company International Established Leader Instructor of the Year Camille Alexander, FCIP, CRM Gallagher Bassett Canada Inc. Gavin Mascarenhas, BA, CIP The Dominion of Canada General Ins. Co. ACE INA Insurance AON Benfield Cameron & Associates CCR Giffin Koerth Forensic Engineering HKMB Hub International Strategic Resource Consultants Inc. Swiss Reinsurance Company Limited Thompson’s World Insurance News White Mountains Reinsurance Company of America Learning for the real world. Rewarding.™ Page 1 Spring-Summer One Week Courses Now Available! The Greater Toronto Area’s one week CIP courses are a great opportunity to work on your CIP designation at an accelerated pace. The final exam for these classes will be held in July. C11 Principles & Practice of Insurance May 28 – June 1, 2012 9:00 am – 4:00 pm C12 Insurance on Property June 11 – 15, 2012 9:00 am – 4:00 pm C13 Insurance Against Liability – Part 1 June 25 – 29, 2012 9:00 am – 4:00 pm We recommend that students review the textbook prior to attending class, due to the accelerated nature of one week courses. The GIE Alternative Kick start your insurance knowledge. If you are looking for an overview of the insurance industry, this program has been designed with you in mind. Successful graduates of the GIE Program will be awarded a certificate. C81 General Insurance Essentials – Part 1 May 9 – June 27, 2012 6:30 pm–8:00 pm These courses take place at the Insurance Institute of Ontario, 18 King Street East, 16th floor, Toronto. Insurance Institute of Ontario 18 King Street East, 16th floor Toronto, Ontario, M5C 1C4 416-362-8586 Ext. 2260 gtamail@insuranceinstitute.ca Manager: Livia Tersigni Managing Editor: Tammye Daniels, BA Editor: Rema Celio, BA www.insuranceinstitute.ca Page 2 National Education Week 2012: A Celebration of Education The Insurance Institute held its fourth annual National Education Week 2012 from February 27 to March 2, 2012. A celebration of education in the insurance industry, it offers you rewarding opportunities to keep upto-date in the industry while staying connected with your employer’s business and the needs of your clients. National Education Week 2012 encompasses a range of events held throughout Canada on a variety of 2012 Essay Contest Winner, David Shibatani with Livia Tersigni, relevant and topical industry issues, Greater Toronto Area Manager giving you the opportunity to strengthen your professional development and make some new industry connections along the way. In particular the Greater Toronto Area took this occasion to raise awareness of local continuing professional development activities and events to bring local insurance professionals together. Livia Tersigni, Manager of GTA, Michelle Jennings, Customer Relationship Manager and Beverly Lewis-Hunte, Education Coordinator/CIP, took to the streets to visit a number of insurance organizations, such as Zurich Canada, TD Insurance, Desjardins General Insurance Group, Chubb Group of Insurance Companies and HKMB HUB International. “We met over 380 people who were quite enthusiastic to have us visit and answer questions about the CIP program. But it wasn't all business. We brought treats and giveaways, and shared information about upcoming seminars and networking events, such as the CIP Society Symposium on April 26 and the Fellows' Golf Tournament on June 11,” stated Livia. They also held a curling bonspiel, and the always popular Insurance Fundamentals seminar. GTA participated in the Ontario-wide essay contest. The theme for this year's competition was “Ten Years From Now: Your Outlook On The Insurance Industry In 2022.” We here at GTA would like to recognize the hard work, dedication, and enthusiasm taken to prepare and submit an Thanks to all who Education is the key to your success! essay. submitted a paper. This year’s winner is David Shibatani, Chartis Insurance Company of Canada. Thanks to all participating insurance professionals, students, and seminar leaders for making National Education Week 2012 a success! Spring Seminar Road Show: Breaking Through Communication Barriers Coming to the GTA on April 30, 2012 The Insurance Institute of Ontario welcomes back Glenn Foster, an internationally recognized interview and interrogation specialist, who, with Frederick C. Link, is the originator of the highly regarded Kinesic Interview and Interrogation Technique. You may remember him from the “Anatomy of a Liar” seminar road show presented in 2010. He has received numerous accolades for his engaging teaching style and relevant topics for a variety of industries and specialists. At the Insurance institute of Ontario’s CIP Society Symposium 2012, on April 26th, hear Glenn’s morning keynote address on this relevant and engaging topic. On April 30th, Glenn returns with a focus on communication and how to break through common communication barriers. Seminar attendees will learn how to best communicate with a number of varying personalities by utilizing techniques from his latest book, How Can I Get Through to You? Discover the system of 3Rs—Read, Respond, and Reciprocate—and determine if you and others are a Feeler, a Driver, an Analyzer, or an Elitist. His proven technique will help you to read people, analyze them, respond to them, and diffuse them if needed. Join us for this full day seminar at our 18 King Street East office to advance your communication skills. Additional sessions are scheduled throughout Ontario. Please visit the Insurance Institute of Ontario’s web pages for more details, www.insuranceinstitute.ca/ontario and click on Seminars. Management Development: Spring 2012 Curriculum Schedule Enhance Your Professional Skills The courses in this curriculum are designed to enhance the skills of both professionals and managers. Skill growth and enhancement are core to career advancement. What are you doing to enhance your career? Come join us and learn some new skills to help you prepare for your next career move. The following courses take place at the Greater Toronto Area office at 18 King Street East, 16th floor, Toronto. Essential Management Skills Whether you are transitioning into management or are new manager, this course gives you practical skills, insights and confidence to be effective in your role. May 29-31, 2012 (Only 3 seats remaining!) Think On Your Feet® Think On Your Feet® is globally acclaimed workshop that trains you to analyze, organize, and present your ideas FAST. Applicable for all career professionals that want to respond to difficult questions with Clarity, Brevity and Impact! June 19-20, 2012 Register early to avoid disappointment. Upcoming Seminars Success Series Seminars Success Series Seminars offer insurance education on key insurance principles and practice, as well as personal and professional development Understanding Accident Benefits: A Primer… May 2, 2012, 5.5 Technical Commercial Insurance 101 May 10, 2012, 6 Technical Errors & Omissions May 15, 2012, 5.5 Technical Commercial Lines Auto May 30, 2012, 5.5 Technical Dangerous Goods in Transit/CVOR Update June 5, 2012, 3 Technical For more information, please contact the local chapter at gtaseminars@insuranceinstitute.ca. CIP Society: PROedge Seminars PROedge Seminars offer an advance-level learning experience for insurance professionals. Breakthrough Communication April 30, 2012, 5.5 Personal Advanced Investigation of Slips, Trips, & Falls… May 1, 2012, 2 Technical Defamation Actions in a Social Media Environtment May 31, 2012, 1.5 Technical RIBO Continuing Education hours are available. Please visit our Seminars page for more details: www.insuranceinstitute.ca/on/gtaseminars or contact the local chapter at gtaseminars@insuranceinstitute.ca. For more information or to register please refer to our website www.insuranceinstitute.ca > Professional Development > Management Development, or contact Karen Bergin, MSc., Professional Learning & Development Consultant, Insurance Institute of Canada at kbergin@insuranceinstitute.ca. Page 3 Upcoming Events Join us this Spring for a number of fun networking events. Fellows`Night: Fellows of Distinction Award Winners and FCIP Grads Recognized On February 9, 2012, the CIP Society held its annual Fellows' Reception at the National Club. The event recognized the accomplishments of our newest FCIP graduates, who were welcomed with a speech from the Valedictorian Meghan Callaghan, FCIP, of BFL CANADA Risk and Insurance Inc. CIP Society Symposium April 26, 2012 Toronto Board of Trade, 77 Adelaide Street, 4th floor, Toronto ‘At the Forefront’ with Louis Gagnon Building A World Class Canadian P&C Insurance May 23, 2012 Insurance Institute of Ontario, GTA 18 King Street East, 16th floor, Toronto New FCIP Graduates at Fellows’ Night 2012 This year the GTA Fellow of Distinction Award was presented to two recipients, Carol Jardine, FCIP, CRM of TD Insurance and Michael Boyce, FCIP of HIROC. This award recognizes outstanding achievement in the insurance industry in Toronto. CIP Society GTA – Annual Fellows’ Golf Tournament June 11, 2012 Wyndance Golf Club 450 Durham Road 21, Uxbridge For more information and to register, please contact Tracy Bodnar, Events Coordinator, at gtaevents@insuranceinsitute.ca or visit our web page at www.insuranceinstitute.ca/gta and click on Events. Fellows of Distinction Award Winner 2012, Michael Boyce, FCIP Congratulations to Meghan, Carol, Michael, and our new FCIP grads for their commitment and excellence in professional development. Nominations for the Fellows of Distinction Award take place in September. Watch your inbox for more details. At the Forefront with Louis Gagnon Our spring 2012 edition of the At the Forefront breakfast series will take place Wednesday, May 23, 2012 featuring Louis Gagnon, President & COO of Intact Financial Corporation. Louis Gagnon, President & COO of Louis will discuss Intact Financial Corporation “Building A World-Class Canadian P&C Insurer”. Be sure not to miss this great event. For information, or to register, please visit www.insuranceinstitute.ca⁄gta or email gtaevents@insuranceinstitute.ca. Page 4 For information, please visit www.insuranceinstitute.ca/gta. Fellows of Distinction Award Winner 2012, Carol Jardine, FCIP CRM Symposium 2012 Breakfast Keynote Speaker D. Glenn Foster, B.Sc., M.Ed Author, The Kinesic Interview technique, and How Can I Get Through to You? Lunch Keynote Speaker Fabian Richenberger President Northbridge Insurance Now in its 8th year, the CIP Society’s Symposium is the insurance industry’s premier event for insurance leaders and emerging professionals. This full day forum, Power of Information: Revolution or Evolution, features timely seminar sessions and dynamic keynote speakers and presenters. Power of Information: Revolution or Evolution Thursday April 26, 2012 7:30 a.m. – 4 :00 p.m. Toronto Board of Trade, First Canadian Place 4th floor, 77 Adelaide St. W., Toronto, ON M5X 1C1 “Excellent speakers and topics. An eye-opening experience for leaders and team members.” —Symposium 2011 Attendee www.insuranceinstitute.ca/symposium2012 CIP Course Schedule Spring 2012 Location Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday C11 Principles and Practice C39 Fraud Awareness and Prevention C14 Automobile Insurance—Part 1 C32 Bodily Injury Claims C12 Insurance on Property C130 Essential Skills for the Insurance Broker & Agent C13 Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 C110 Essentials Loss Adjusting Alternate Saturdays C13 Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 C16 The Business of Insurance C16 The Business of Insurance C11 Principles and Practice C13 Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 C12 Insurance on Property C81 Genreal Insurance Essentials—Part 1 C112 Practical Issues in Claims Mgmt. C111 Advanced Loss Adjusting C120 Underwriting Essentials C14 Automobile Insurance—Part 1 C110 Essentials Loss Adjusting In-Class Insurance Institute of Ontario 18 King St. East, 16th Floor, Toronto cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 Virtual Classes cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 One-Week Insurance Institute of Ontario 18 King St. East, 16th Floor, Toronto cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 C11 Principles and Practice C12 Insurance on Property C13 Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 May 28 - June 1 June 11 - June 15 June 25 - June 29 Alternative Locations Paul Davis Systems 38 Crockford Blvd., Scarborough cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 C12 Insurance on Property The Dominion 275 North Service Rd. West, 2Fl., Oakville cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 C120 Underwriting Essentials C39 Fraud Awareness and Prevention Jones Deslauriers Insurance Management Inc. 2150 Islington Ave., Suite 400, Etobicoke cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 C130 Essential Skills for the Insurance Broker & Agent Granite Claims Solutions Inc. 5915 Airport Rd., Suite 300, Mississauga, ON cipclass@insuranceinstitute.ca 416-362-8586 Ext. 2253 C13 Insurance Against Liability—Part 1 Institute – Career Connections to be partner in Banking – Finance – Insurance Career Fair… In recognition of the value partnership can bring in promoting career pathways to job seekers, the Insurance Institute’s Career Connections is excited to be working with National Career Events (NCE) in bringing the Banking – Finance – Insurance Career Fair to the GTA’s career changer community on April 24th, 2012 from 10:00 a.m.–4:00 p.m. at the Metro Toronto Convention Centre. The Insurance Institute – Career Connections will be exhibiting at the event and encourages other industry stakeholders to consider attending as it is anticipated to be an excellent platform for engaging potential talent, building brand recognition and promoting career opportunities to a broad spectrum of the labour market. As insurance is the third pillar of Canada’s financial services sector and a major contributor to the stability and vitality of our economy, this event is a natural fit with Career Connections’ overall strategic plan and messaging with the respect to the rewards, multitude of opportunities and benefits of a career in the property and casualty insurance industry. More information about this event can be found at: http://www.ecarrieres.com/en or call Trevor Buttrum, Career Connections Programs Manager at 416-362-8586 ext.2236 or call National Career Events (NCE) at 1-866-397-1150 or email the NCE at info@nationalcareerevent.com. Page 6 Leadership Award Nominations Curling – Fun Had By All! Call for Nominations This year marks the fourth year of the National Leadership Awards, a unique national program that celebrates both Emerging and Established Leaders in the P&C insurance industry. The CIP Society is proud to announce the 2012 call for nominations, and would like to draw your attention to the new nomination forms available for download from our website at www.insuranceinstitute.ca/cipsociety > Professional Development > National Leadership Awards. Since the start of the Awards Program, the CIP Society has proudly inducted 18 award recipients into the CIP Society Leadership Circle at convocations and ceremonies across the country. The Awards have offered a special opportunity to celebrate excellence, integrity, and achievement in our industry, and to shine a light on individuals who have earned the admiration and respect of their peers. First place winners Greg King, Jamie Foss, Gareth Lewis, and Sergio Metallo from HIROC and Aon "The CIP Society National Leadership Awards program provided our organization with the opportunity to have two of our own over the last number of years gain the industry-wide, national recognition they deserved,” says one of the nominators. “I felt privileged to be able to prepare the nomination package that demonstrated their leadership qualities and I am proud they have been recognized with their respective awards. Our industry is full of many who contribute a great deal. The CIP Society provides a powerful vehicle to honor those individuals." This year, the nomination process has undergone improvements to help nominators collect the necessary information to fully present their nominees. The new nomination forms have been redesigned as fillable PDFs and feature a checklist of leadership qualities that we believe all potential candidates should embody, and ask five questions that help nominators substantiate their nominations. We look to you to nominate potential candidates: your colleagues who demonstrate leadership though their personal qualities, professional commitment and accomplishments, as well as industry and community contributions. For more information about how to nominate an industry professional for the National Leadership Awards, including the “Tip Sheet for Nominators,” please visit our website at www.insuranceinstitute.ca/cipsociety > Professional Development > National Leadership Awards. Second place winners Michael Trendler, Belynda Kerelchuk, Scott Pidduck, and Andrew Lawrence from Aon Benfield Our Annual CIP Society Curling Bonspiel was held February 29, 2012 during National Education Week at Tam Heather Curling Club. Whether players were veterans or freshmen, everyone had a great time. Congratulations to the winners and thank you all participants and prize sponsors. We look forward to next year! Speaker’s Club—Celebrating 75 years The Speakers’ Club of the Insurance Institute of Ontario has just achieved a major milestone. Celebrating 75 years in 2011, the Speakers’ Club helps members ease their way into public speaking and develop their skills in a supportive, professional environment. Join other insurance industry professionals in a dynamic environment as a speaker’s education unfolds followed by engaging opportunities for debate, presentations, and impromptu speaking. Club members meet on the third Monday of every month between September and May, unless otherwise noted. Visit our web page for our upcoming schedule at www.insuranceisntitute.ca/gta > Speaker’s Club. Page 5
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