Conference Brochure - Faculty of Economics


Conference Brochure - Faculty of Economics
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
The 2014 Meeting of the European Public Choice
The 2014 Meeting of the
3-6 April 2014, Cambridge
© University of Cambridge
University of Cambridge
Faculty of Economics
Programme Overview
Thursday, April 3
Plenary Session: Martin Paldam
Parallel Sessions A1-A7
Drinks Reception
Pitt Building
Friday, April 4
Parallel Sessions B1-B7
Coffee Break
Plenary Session: Paul Collier
Parallel Sessions C1-C8
Lunch Break
Parallel Sessions D1-D8
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions E1-E8
Parallel Sessions F1-F8
Dinner at Robinson College
Parallel Sessions G1-G8
Coffee Break
Plenary Session: James Robinson
Wicksell Prize Announcement
Parallel Sessions H1-H8
Lunch Break
Dining Hall
Punting and walking tour.
Front court
Galla Dinner
Parallel Sessions I1-I7
Coffee Break
Parallel Sessions J1-J5
Members’ Meeting
Optional trip to Duxford
Dinning Hall
Dinning Hall
Saturday, April 5
Jesus College
Sunday, April 6
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Table of Contents
Welcome ..................................................................................................................................... 3
Committees ................................................................................................................................ 4
Information about the Conference Venue ................................................................................. 5
Registration Desk.................................................................................................................. 5
Sessions .................................................................................................................................. 5
Helpline ................................................................................................................................. 5
Internet Access at Robinson College ................................................................................... 6
Lunch Breaks and Dinners ................................................................................................... 6
Coffee Breaks ........................................................................................................................ 6
Cloakroom............................................................................................................................. 6
College Bar at Robinson ........................................................................................................ 6
ATMs .................................................................................................................................... 6
Smoking ................................................................................................................................. 6
Plenary Speakers ........................................................................................................................ 7
Information about the Parallel Sessions ........................................................................................ 9
The Wicksell Prize .................................................................................................................... 9
The Candidates for the Wicksell Prize................................................................................. 10
Scientific Programme at a Glance............................................................................................ 12
Scientific Programme in Detail................................................................................................ 15
Thursday, April 3, 2014 ....................................................................................................... 15
Friday, April 4, 2014............................................................................................................ 19
Saturday, April 5, 2014 ........................................................................................................ 37
Sunday, April 6, 2014 .......................................................................................................... 45
Information about the Social Programme............................................................................... 51
Welcome Reception ............................................................................................................. 51
Guided City Tour and Punting Trip ..................................................................................... 51
Dinners ................................................................................................................................. 51
Imperial War Museum Duxford........................................................................................... 52
Sponsors ................................................................................................................................... 52
Exhibitions by Publishers ........................................................................................................ 52
Past Presidents of the EPCS ................................................................................................ 53
Information about Cambridge ............................................................................................... 54
Getting Around .................................................................................................................... 54
Taxi ...................................................................................................................................... 54
Restaurants and Pubs ........................................................................................................... 55
List of Participants ................................................................................................................... 56
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
On behalf of the Board of the European Public Choice Society and the Faculty of
Economics, it is my great pleasure to welcome you to the Society’s annual meeting at
Robinson College, University of Cambridge.
The Society received a larger number of high-quality submissions, reporting on
research at the frontier of Public Choice and Political Economy, and which went
through a rigorous reviewing process by the Scientific Committee consisting of the
Board of the Society. I hope that you will find the resulting scientific programme as
stimulating as I do.
I am particular proud to introduce the three keynote speakers:
Paul Collier (University of Oxford)
Martin Paldam (Aarhus University)
James Robinson (Harvard University)
Beside the appeal of the scientific programme, I hope that you will find time to enjoy
the historical city of Cambridge. Cambridge can best be appreciated by strolling
through its city center, drift into the colleges, or walk along the river Cam. As always,
an exciting social programme is on offer. It will give you the opportunity to enhance
your academic network by interacting with colleagues outside the seminar room and to
get an idea of what Cambridge can offer its guests.
Hopefully this programme booklet provides you with the general as well as the
specific information required for a smooth conference experience. However, you are
welcome to drop by Registration Desk in the Marquee at Robinson College
throughout the conference in case you have any unanswered questions.
Dr. Toke Aidt
President of the EPCS 2013-15.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Programme chair and local organizer
Toke Aidt, University of Cambridge
Scientific Committee
Toke Aidt, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Chris (Hristos) Doucouliagos, Deakin University, Australia
Martial Foucault, Sciences Po Paris, France
Pierre Guillaume Méon, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Colin Jennings, King’s College, London, United Kingdom
Henrik Jordahl, Research Institute for Industrial Economics-IFN, Sweden
Benoît Le Maux, University of Rennes 1, France
Katja Rost, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Christoph Schaltegger, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Gilberto Turati, University of Turin, Italy
Conference Managers at Robinson College
Nick Milne
Amy Brown
Conference Assistants
Girish Bahal, Faculty of Economics
Anand Shrivastava, Faculty of Economics
Edward Smith, Jesus College
Sogo Akintaro, Jesus College
Jenni Scurr, Newnham College
Min Ji Kim, Jesus College
Theo Morris Clarke, Jesus College
Simon Pittaway, Jesus College
Web design
Howard Cobb, Faculty of Economics
Wicksell Prize Committee
Heinrick Ursprung, University of Konstanz, Germany
Roger Congleton, West Virginia University, USA
Martin Gassebner, University of Reading, United Kingdom
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Information about the Conference Venue
All academic activities of the conference – plenary and parallel sessions – take place
at Robinson College, Grange Road, Cambridge, CB3 9AN, UK.
Registration Desk
The Registration Desk, located in the Marquee in Front Court, Level G, R (College
Map printed inside the back cover), is open throughout the conference during the
following hours:
When you pick up the conference pack, you will receive tickets for the social events
that you signed up to when you registered for the conference.
The plenary sessions and the members’ meeting take place in the Auditorium located
at level G of the College with entrance from Front Court. Parallel sessions take place
in seminar rooms spread across the College as indicated on College map and in the
detailed Programme. The rooms are:
Name of Room
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Code on College Map
Level G, 1
Level 0, 19
Level G, 4
Level G, 9
Level G, 14
Level G 2
Level 2, 27
Level 1, 2
In case you need support and cannot reach us via the Registration Desk in the
Marquee, please call +44 0797 1729 603.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Internet Access at Robinson College
Wireless internet access is available in all conference rooms and anywhere else in the
main buildings of the College. To use the WLAN, a login is required. Please follow
these instructions:
Log on to Wireless Network: Rob-Conf
Type in password: december1122
Open a public page i.e. Google, yahoo etc.
You will then have to click ‘I Agree’ to the terms and conditions
Access Internet!
For those coming from participating institutions, internet can also be accessed via the
eduroam account (
Lunch Breaks and Dinners
Lunch on Friday and Saturday is served in the Dining Hall at Robinson College (Level
0, 5) and is self-service. This is also where the Dinner on Friday night is served. The
gala dinner on Saturday night is served at Jesus College.
Coffee Breaks
Coffee breaks between the parallel sessions take place in the Marquee in Front Court.
The College café, called the Red Brick Café (Level G, 7), is open Thursday, Friday
and Saturday (in the morning).
Suitcases can be stored at the Registration Desk located in the Marquee in Front
Court. You may also hang your jacket etc. there. This facility is accessible during the
opening hours of the Registration Desk but it is not locked.
College Bar at Robinson
The College bar at Robinson College (G 8) will be open after dinner on Friday
evening till midnight.
HSBC Bank plc
63-64 St Andrews Street
Cambridge CB2 3BZ
Smoking is prohibited everywhere in all university buildings, including Robinson and
Jesus College. Smoking is only allowed at designated (outdoor) smoking areas. There
is one such area located outside the Dining Hall at Robinson College.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Plenary Speakers
Martin Paldam (Aarhus University)
Thursday April 3, 3-4 pm
Location: Auditorium, Robinson College
Title: The Political Economy of Economic Research.
Martin Paldam is Professor of Economics at Aarhus University in Denmark. He is one
of the most prominent figures in European public choice and served as the President of
the society in 1982-83. Martin is widely known for his work on vote and popularity
functions, political business cycles, corruption, development aid, social capital, and
democracy. He has published numerous articles, including papers in the European
Economic Review, British Journal of Political Science, Public Choice and the
European Journal of Political Economy, and several books. He has served as advisor
to the United Nations and to the World Bank. Public Choice recently published a
special issue in his honor.
Paul Collier (University of Oxford).
Friday April 4, 10.30-11.30 am
Location: Auditorium, Robinson College
Title: What's Wrong with Democracy?
Sir Paul Collier, CBE, is Professor of Economics and Public Policy at the Blavatnik
School of Government, and Director for the Centre for the Study of African
Economies at The University of Oxford and Fellow of St Antony's College. Paul is
widely recognized as a leading expert on governance in low-income countries. His
research has focused especially on the political economy of democracy, economic
growth (or lack thereof) in Africa, the economics of civil war, aid, globalisation and
poverty. He has authored a number of very influential and important prize winning
books, including “The Bottom Billion: Why the Poorest Countries are Failing and
What Can Be Done About It”, “Wars, Guns, and Votes: Democracy in Dangerous
Places” and most recently “Exodus: How Migration is Changing Our World”, all
published by Oxford University Press. He is the co-author of one of the most quoted
academic papers on the causes of civil war and he has served as the advisor to the
World Bank, the IMF and many other international organizations.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
James Robinson (Harvard University)
Saturday April 5, 10.30-11.30 am
Location: Auditorium, Robinson College
Title: State Formation and Pro-Social Preferences.
James Robinson is David Florence Professor of Government at Harvard University
and a faculty associate at the Institute for Quantitative Social Science and the
Weatherhead Center for International Affairs. A world-renowned expert on Latin
America and Africa, James has made countless major contributions to political
economy, development economics and economic history. His work on political
institutions and long-run political and economic development has been pivotal in
defining this research agenda during the past decade. He published with the
Cambridge University Press in 2006, the prize winning book “The Economic Origins
of Democracy and Dictatorship” jointly with Daron Acemoglu which is considered a
milestone in the literature. He is currently working on a new book called the “History
of the Chiefdoms of Sierra Leone”.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Information about the Parallel Sessions
We have assigned a chairperson to each Parallel Session. His or her job is to start and
conclude the session on time and supervise that:
• each presenter has at most 20 minutes to present the paper;
• the discussant has at most 5 minutes to discuss the paper;
• there are at least 5 minutes for general discussion;
• and the total time for one paper does not exceed 30 minutes.
Each paper has been assigned a discussant. As a discussant you are allocated five
minutes. Since the author has just presented his or her paper, there is normally not any
great need for the discussant to summarize it. You might, however, want to put the
paper into perspective and it is a good idea to focus your comments on the BIG issues
(small issues can best be communicated in private afterwards). Keep in mind that the
objective is to improve the paper, so constructive critique is most helpful. Since you
have spent (costly) time studying the paper in advance, you are encouraged to
maximize the benefit of your efforts by taking the opportunity to talk to the author(s)
about it in private before or after the session.
Each seminar room has a data projector and a laptop. We encourage presenters and
discussants to upload their slides on the laptop before the session starts. One of the
student helpers will make sure that the audiovisual equipment is functional at the start
of each session. In case of problems, contact the Registration Desk in the Marquee.
The Wicksell Prize
Each year the EPCS awards the Wicksell Prize, named in honour of the Swedish
economist Johan Gustaf Knut Wicksell, to the best paper presented at its annual
meeting by a “young” researcher. To qualify for the prize, the presenter of the paper as
well as all co-authors must be under 30 years of age as of December 31, 2013.
The Wicksell Prize is generously sponsored by the European Journal of Political
Economy published by Elsevier.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
This year the Wicksell Prize selection committee consists of the following scholars
Heinrick Ursprung, University of Konstanz, Germany
Roger Congleton, West Virginia University, USA
Martin Gassebner, University of Reading, United Kingdom
The winner of the Prize will be announced after the Plenary Session on Saturday in the
Abstracts of papers considered for the Wicksell prize can be found in the “Abstract of
the papers presented” booklet. The candidate papers are indicated in the Scientific
Programme section (below) with “[Wicksell Prize candidate]” after the title.
The Candidates for the Wicksell Prize
 Zareh Asatryan, The Indirect Effects of Direct Democracy: Local Government
Size and Non-Budgetary Voter Initiatives, G4
 Girish Bahal, Estimating Transfer Multiplier using Spending on Rural
Development Programmes in India, G6
 Elena Costas-Pérez, Political Corruption and Voter Turnout: Mobilization or
Disaffection?, F5
 Jakob Eberl, The Political Economy of Public Debt and Social Security:
Repayment in Times of Fiscal Distress, E4
 Christoph Esslinger et al, State Capacity and Public Debt: A political Economy
Analysis, C3
 Wolf Heinrich Reuter, National Numerical Fiscal Rules: Not Complied with,
but Still Effective?, F4
 Monika Köppl-Turyna, Two-party Competition with Investment in Political
Capital: A Differential Game Approach, E3
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
 Omiros Kouvavas, Political Budget Cycles Revisited. The Case of Social
Capital, G1
 Cristian Krekel and Marie Poprawe, Murder, Smoke, and Shadows? The Effect
of Local Crime on Well-Being
 Christian Marti, Educative Effects of Direct Democracy on Turnout in
Initiative and Referendum Votes: Evidence for Switzerland, 1970-2012, G4
 Eoin McGuirk, Public Goods and the Salience of Local Ethnic Diversity: The
Case of Teacher Absenteeism in Africa, F8
 Stephan Michel, Endogenous Parliamentarism, D4
 Geoffrey Minne, An International Watchtower: IMF Surveillance and the Fear
of Declaring one's Exchange Rate Regime, A3
 Marie Poprawe, A Panel Data Analysis of the Effect of Corruption on Tourism,
 Anand Shrivastava, Civil Conflict with Rising Wages and Increasing State
Capacity: The Maoist Insurgency in India, B6
 Alessia De Stefani, Social Conflict an Fiscal Policy Under IMF-Supported
Programs, A6
 Nadia Yerly, Institutional Measurement of Fiscal Rules and Impact on Fiscal
Performance: Swiss Empirical Evidence, D6
 Ibrahim Yilmaz, Politically Connected Banks and Employment: Evidence from
Turkey, D5.
 Shu Yu, Political Stability and Leader Selection, A6
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Scientific Programme at a Glance
Thursday April 3
Welcome Address
Plenary Session: Martin Paldam
Sessions A1-A7
A1: Corruption
A2: Fiscal Policy I
A3: International Organisations
A4: Economic Reform
A5: Central Banks
A6: Institutions: Stability and Limits
A7: Trust
Welcome Reception
Garden Room
Games Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Pitt Building
Friday April 4
Sessions B1-B7
B1: Taxation
B2: Social Preferences and Capital
B3: Voting and Ideology
B4: Lobbying
B5: Political Parties and Pay of Politicians
B6: Insurgency, Crime and Terrorism
B7: Bureaucracies
Coffee break
Plenary Session: Paul Collier
Sessions C1-C8
C1: Violent Conflict
C2: Political Transitions
C3: State Capacity and Institutions
C4: Term Limits and Benchmarking
C5: Election Participation and Turnout
C6: Monetary Policy
C7: Shadow Economy
C8: Well-being and Civic Engagement
Lunch Break
Sessions D1-D8
D1: Redistribution
D2: Violence and Conflict
D3: Public Service Provision
D4: Electoral Systems
D5: Politicians and the Private Sector
D6: Fiscal Rules in Switzerland
D7: Autocracies
D8: Homo Oeconomicus
Coffee Break
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Dining Hall
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Friday April 4 cont.
Sessions E1-E8
E1: Local Political Budget Cycles
E2: Health
E3: Consequences of Political Competition
E4: Public Debt
E5: Accountability and Incentives
E6: Federalism and Nations
E7: Public Choice Experiments
E8: Social Choice
Sessions F1-F8
F1: Development Aid
F2: Institutions and the Structure of the Economy
F3: Politics and Local Public Finance
F4: Fiscal Rules
F5: Electoral Manipulation
F6: Natural Resources and Agricultural Liberalisation
F7: Religion
F8: Public Goods, Coalitions and Ethnic Divisions
Dinner at Robinson College
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Dining Hall
Saturday April 5
Sessions G1-G8
G1: Political Business Cycles and Development
G2: Corruption (empirical)
G3: Yardstick Competition
G4: The Voter Initiative
G5: Consequences of Democracy
G6: Fiscal Policy II
G7: Strategic Behaviour in Elections
G8: Politicians
Coffee Break
Plenary Session: James Robinson
Wicksell Prize Announcement
Sessions H1-H8
H1: The Rise and Fall of Democracy
H2: Environmental and Energy Policy
H3: Theories of Electoral Manipulation
H4: Contest Theory
H5: Economic Growth
H6: Common Pool and Municipal Mergers
H7: Trust and Financial Markets
H8: Distribution and Taxation
Lunch Break
Punting and walking tour
Gala Dinner
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Dining Hall
Front Court
Jesus College
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Sunday April 6
Sessions I1-I7
I1: Rent Seeking
I2: Voting Rules and Their Consequences
I3: Committees and The Renter's Illusion
I4: Transfer Programmes
I5: Interest Groups and Collective Action
I6: The Political Economy of the Military
I7: Courts and Legal Systems
Coffee Break
Sessions F1-F8
J1: Mayors
J2: Intergenerational Conflict
J3: Allocation of Aid
J4: Politics, Elections and the Economy
J5: Endogenous Institutions
Members' Meeting
Optional trip to Duxford
Garden Room
Games Room
Linnett Room
Auditorium Lounge
Teaching Room 7
Garden Room
Games Room
Auditorium Lounge
EPCS 2014 • Thursday • 3 April 2014
Scientific Programme in Detail
Thursday, April 3, 2014
2.00 PM - 2.55 PM
Registration (Marquee)
2.55 PM - 3.00 PM
Welcome Address (Auditorium)
Chair: Toke Aidt, University of Cambridge
3.00 PM - 4.00 PM
Plenary Session 1 (Auditorium)
Chair: Gebhard Kirchgässner, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin
The Political Economy of Economic Research
Martin Paldam, Aarhus University, Denmark
Parallel Sessions A1-A7: 4.15 PM - 6.15 PM
Session A1: Corruption (Auditorium)
Chair: Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1
Is Trade in Services More Sensitive to Corruption than Trade in Goods?
Presenter: Eelke de Jong, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Melnikova Yulia, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Discussant: Günther Schulze, University of Freiburg
Who Determine Chinese Firms' Engagement in Corruption: Themselves or Others?
Presenter: Jing You, Renmin University of China, China
Huihua Nie, Renmin University of China, China
Discussant: Eelke de Jong , Radboud University Nijmegen
A Panel Data Analysis of the Effect of Corruption on Tourism [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Marie Poprawe, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Discussant: Krisztina Kis-Katos, University of Freiburg
Perception vs. Experience: How to Explain Differences in Corruption Measures Using
Presenter: Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1, France
Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: Rajeev Goel, Illinois State University
EPCS 2014 • Thursday • 3 April 2014
Session A2: Fiscal Policy I (Garden Room)
Chair: Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zürich
Public Attitudes toward Fiscal Consolidation: Evidence from a Representative German
Population Survey
Presenter: Florian Neumeier, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Bernd Hayo, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Discussant: Klaas Staal, IAAK, University of Bonn
Was the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act an Economic Stimulus?
Presenter: Klaas Staal, IAAK, University of Bonn, Germany
Barbara Klein, IAAK, Germany
Discussant: Florian Neumeier, Philipps-University Marburg
Do Coalitions Lead to Higher Fiscal Deficits? A Regression Discontinuity Approach
Presenter: Joaquín Artés, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Ignacio Jurado, University of Manchester, United Kingdom
Discussant: Ciğdem Börke Tunali, Istanbul University-Brunel University
Can Fiscal Decentralization Alleviate Government Consumption Volatility?
Presenter: Simone Salotti, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Davide Furceri, IMF, United States
Agnese Sacchi, Mercatorum University, Italy
Discussant: Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zürich
Session A3: International Organisations (Games Room)
Chair: Axel Dreher, Heidelberg University
An International Watchtower: IMF Surveillance and the Fear of Declaring one's Exchange
Rate Regime [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Geoffrey Minne, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Discussant: Matthew Rablen, Brunel University
Equitable Representation in the Councils of the United Nations: Theory and Application
Presenter: Matthew Rablen, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Matthew Gould, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Discussant: Vera Eichenauer, Heidelberg University
Voting for Basel or How to Improve the Efficiency of the Basel club
Presenter: Florian Buck, University of Munich, Germany
Eva Schliephake, University of Bonn, Germany
Discussant: Geoffrey Minne, Université libre de Bruxelles
The Politics of Special Purpose Trust Fund
Presenter: Vera Eichenauer, Heidelberg University, Germany
Simon Hug, Geneva University, Switzerland
Discussant: Frank Bohn, Radboud University Nijmegen
EPCS 2014 • Thursday • 3 April 2014
Session A4: Economic Reform (JCR)
Chair: Jan Fidrmuc, Brunel University
Political Ideology and Economic Reform: An Experiment
Presenter: Rasmus Wiese, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Richard Jong-A-Pin, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Jakob de Haan, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Discussant: Klarita Gërxhani, University of Amsterdam
Lending a Hand to the Invisible Hand? - Assessing the Effects of Newly Enacted Competition
Presenter: Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: Rasmus Wiese, University of Groningen
Mistaken Beliefs and the Politics of the Slippery Slope
Presenter: Giri Parameswaran, Haverford College, United States
Discussant: Jan Fidrmuc, Brunel University
Crises, Reforms and Ideology
Presenter: Jan Fidrmuc, Brunel University, United Kingdom
David Mayes, University of Auckland, New Zealand
Discussant: Giri Parameswaran, Haverford College
Session A5: Central Banks (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Michael Lamla, University of Essex
Speaking in Tongues? Theory and Empirics of Central Banks' Communication Policies
Presenter: Hamza Bennani, Universités de Lille, France
Etienne Farvaque, Université du Havre, France
Discussant: Michael Lamla, University of Essex
Do Federal Reserve Bank Presidents Vote with a Regional Bias?
Presenter: Alexander Jung, European Central Bank, Germany
Sophia Latsos, DIW Berlin, Germany
Discussant: Etienne Farvaque, Université Le Havre
How Global Are Credit Ratings? The Role of Institutional Embeddedness
Presenter: Dimitrios Soudis, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Andre van Hoorn, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Discussant: Etienne Farvaque, Université Le Havre
Are Consumer Expectations Theory-Consistent? The Role of Macroeconomic Determinants
and Central Bank Communication
Presenter: Michael Lamla, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Lena Dräger, University of Hamburg, Germany
Damjan Pfajfar, University of Tilburg, Netherlands
Discussant: Alexander Jung, European Central Bank
EPCS 2014 • Thursday • 3 April 2014
Session A6: Institutions: Stability and Limits (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Richard Jong-A-Pin, University of Groningen
Accountability in Autocracies: The Role of Revolution Threat
Presenter: Mario Gilli, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Yuan Li, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Discussant: Shu Yu, University of Groningen
Political Stability and Leader Selection [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Shu Yu, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Discussant: Mario Gilli, University of Milan-Bicocca
Social Conflict and Fiscal Policy Under IMF-Supported Programs [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Alessia De Stefani, University of Edinburgh, United Kingdom
Discussant: Alessandro Melcarne, University of Turin
The Limits of Judicial Efficiency: Democracy vs. Civil Rights
Presenter: Alessandro Melcarne, University of Turin, Italy
Roberto Ippoliti, Italian National School of Public Administration, Italy
Giovanni Battista Ramello, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Discussant: Richard Jong-A-Pin, University of Groningen
Session A7: Trust (J8)
Chair: Chris (Hristos) Doucouliagos, Deakin University
Confidence in Public Bodies, and Electoral Participation in India
Presenter: Catherine Bros, University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée - ERUDITE, France
Vani K. Borooah, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Discussant: Anirban Mitra, University of Oslo
Does Social Distrust Always Lead to a Stronger Support for Government Intervention?
Presenter: Hans Pitlik, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria
Ludek Kouba, Mendel University in Brno, Czech Republic
Discussant: Pietro Tommasino, Bank of Italy
Does Trust Influence Social Expenditures? Evidence from Local Governments
Presenter: Pietro Tommasino, Bank of Italy, Italy
Silvia Camussi, Andrea Linarello, Anna Laura Mancini Bank of Italy, Italy
Discussant: Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Globalization and the Transmission of Social Values: The Case of Tolerance
Presenter: Niclas Berggren, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden
Therese Nilsson, Lund University, Sweden
Discussant: Hans Pitlik, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
6.45 PM - 8.00 PM
Welcome Reception (Pitt Building)
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Friday, April 4, 2014
Parallel Sessions B1-B7: 8.35 AM - 10.05 AM
Session B1: Taxation (Auditorium)
Chair: Christian Frey, University of Lucerne
Influence of Climate Conditions on Tax Revenues
Presenter: Mihai Mutascu, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Discussant: Christian Frey, University of Lucerne
The Legacy of a Political Regime on Tax Morale
Presenter: Sarah Necker, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Lars P. Feld, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Silke Humbert, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Discussant: Mihai Mutascu, West University of Timisoara
The Long Run Effects of Taxes on the Distribution of Top Income Shares
Presenter: Christian Frey, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Christoph A. Schaltegger, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Christoph Gorgas, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Discussant: Sarah Necker, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg
Session B2: Social Preferences and Capital (Garden Room)
Chair: Massimiliano Piacenza, University of Turin
Long Lasting Differences in Social Capital: Evidence from a Unique Immigration Event in
Presenter: Emanuele Bracco, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Colin Green, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Maria De Paola, University of Calabria, Italy
Discussant: Massimiliano Piacenza, University of Turin
Policies for Happiness in the Global Village
Presenter: Bogdan Dima, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Stefana Maria Dima, Vasile Goldis Western University of Arad, Romania
Discussant: Emanuele Bracco, Lancaster University
Individual Responsibility and Social Preferences for Redistribution: An Experimental Study
Presenter: Massimiliano Piacenza, University of Torino, Italy
Sergio Beraldo, University of Napoli "Federico II", Italy
Gilberto Turati, University of Torino, Italy
Discussant: Arthur Schram, Amsterdam School of Economics/CREED
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session B3: Voting and Ideology (Games Room)
Chair: Benoît Le Maux, University of Rennes 1
Female Vote and the Rise of AKP in Turkey
Presenter: Ciğdem Börke Tunali, Istanbul University-Brunel University, Turkey
Jan Fidrmuc, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Discussant: Benoît Le Maux, University of Rennes 1
Paradox of Voting and the Diffusion of Democratic Ideology: The Case of France
Presenter: Louis Jaeck, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab Emirates
Francois Facchini, University Paris 11, France
Discussant: Friedrich Schneider, University of Linz
Inequality, Electoral Outcome and Size of Government: Does Ideology Affect Public Good
Presenter: Benoît Le Maux, University of Rennes 1, France
Discussant: Louis Jaeck, United Arab Emirates University
Session B4: Lobbying (JCR)
Chair: James H. Cassing, University of Pittsburgh
Informational Lobbying and Agenda Distortion
Presenter: Arnaud Dellis, Laval University and CIRPEE, Canada
Christopher Cotton, University of Miami, United States
Discussant: Zara Sharif, Erasmus University Rotterdam
Optimality and Distortionary Lobbying: Controlling Tobacco Consumption
Presenter: Luca V.A. Colombo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy
Umberto Galmarini, University of Insubria, Italy
Discussant: Arnaud Dellis, Laval University and CIRPEE
The Optimal Lobbyist
Presenter: Zara Sharif, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Otto Swank, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Discussant: Luca V.A. Colombo, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
Session B5: Political Parties and Pay of Politicians (Linnett Room)
Chair: James Rockey, University of Leicester
Does Remuneration Affect the Discipline and the Selection of Politicians? Evidence from Pay
Harmonization in the European Parliament
Presenter: Thomas Braendle, Federal Department of Finance, Switzerland
Discussant: James Rockey, University of Leicester
International Cooperation, Parties and Ideology
Presenter: Jan Klingelhofer, RWTH Aachen University, Germany
Discussant: Thomas Braendle, Federal Department of Finance
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Party Formation and Competition
Presenter: James Rockey, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Daniel Ladley, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Discussant: Jan Klingelhofer, RWTH Aachen University
Session B6: Insurgency, Crime and Terrorism (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Vani Borooah, University of Ulster
Research on Political Terrorism: Promises and Pitfalls
Presenter: Ekkart Zimmermann, Dresden University of Technology, Germany
Discussant: Christian Krekel, DIW Berlin
Murder, Smoke, and Shadows? The Effect of Local Crime on Well-Being [Wicksell Prize
Presenter: Christian Krekel, DIW Berlin, Germany
Marie L. Poprawe, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Discussant: Ekkart Zimmermann, Dresden University of Technology
Civil Conflict with Rising Wages and Increasing State Capacity: The Maoist Insurgency in
India [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Anand Shrivastava, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Discussant: Arzu Kibris, Sabanci University
Session B7: Bureaucracies (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Axel Michaelowa, University of Zürich
The Efficiency of Public Administration and Firm Efficiency
Presenter: Mustafa Yeter, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Florian Misch, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Discussant: Katharina Michaelowa, University of Zürich
Fear of Failure: Individual and institutional explanations
Presenter: Michael Wyrwich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena, Germany
Michael Stuetzer, Technical University Ilmenau, Germany
Rolf Sternberg, University of Hanover, Germany
Discussant: Mustafa Yeter, ZEW Mannheim
Bureaucratic Influence when Secretariats Grow: The Example of the UNFCCC
Presenter: Katharina Michaelowa, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Axel Michaelowa, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Discussant: Michael Wyrwich, Friedrich Schiller University Jena
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
10.05 AM - 10.30 AM
Coffee break (Marquee)
10.30 AM - 11.30 AM
Plenary Session 2 (Auditorium)
Chair: Colin Jennings, King's College London
What's Wrong with Democracy?
Poul Collier, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Parallel Sessions C1-C8: 11.45 AM - 1.15 PM
Session C1: Violent Conflict (Auditorium)
Chair: Nicholas Baigent, London School of Economics
Motivating Operatives for Suicide Missions and Conventional Terrorist Attacks
Presenter: Daniel Arce, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Kevin Siqueira, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Discussant: Nicholas Baigent, London School of Economics
Multiple Identities in Games of Violent Conflict
Presenter: Nicholas Baigent, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Dzenana Pupic, Graz University, Austria
Discussant: Daniel Arce, University of Texas at Dallas
Session C2: Political Transitions (Garden Room)
Chair: Francesco Giovannoni, University of Bristol
Destined for Democracy? Labour Markets and Political Change in Colonial British America
Presenter: Elena Nikolova, European Bank for Reconstruction & Development, UK
Discussant: Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles
A Time to Throw Stones, a Time to Reap: How Long Does it Take for Democratic Reforms
to Improve Institutional Outcomes?
Presenter:Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Khalid Sekkat, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Discussant: Elena Nikolova, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development
War and the Transition Away for Absolutism
Presenter: Francesco Giovannoni, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Leandro De Magalhães, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Discussant: Roger Congleton, West Virginia University
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session C3: State Capacity and Institutions (Games Room)
Chair: Sanjay Jain, University of Cambridge
Rebellions, Technical Change, and the Early Development of Political Institutions in Latin
Presenter: Alvaro Aguirre, Central Bank of Chile, Chile
Discussant: Sanjay Jain, University of Cambridge
State Capacity and Public Debt: A political Economy Analysis [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Christoph Esslinger, University of Mannheim, Germany
Cornelius Müller, University of Mannheim, Germany
Discussant: Alvaro Aguirre, Central Bank of Chile
Walk the Line: Conflict, State Capacity and the Political Dynamics of Reform
Presenter: Sanjay Jain, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Sumon Majumdar, Queen's University, Canada
Sharun Mukand, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Discussant: Christoph Esslinger, University of Mannheim
Session C4: Term Limits and Benchmarking (JCR)
Chair: Chiara Dalle Nogare, University of Brescia
Benchmarking Politicians
Presenter: Renaud Foucart, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Antonio Estache, Université libre de Bruxelles and CEPR, Belgium
Discussant: Umberto Galmarini, University of Insubria
Party's Discipline and Political Dynasties. Revisiting the Role of Term Limits in Electoral
Presenter: Umberto Galmarini, University of Insubria, Italy
Lorenzo Boetti, HERMES - Torino, Italy
Massimiliano Piacenza, University of Turin, Italy
Gilberto Turati, University of Turin, Italy
Discussant: Renaud Foucart, University of Oxford
Term Limits for Mayors and Fiscal Policy: Evidence from Italian Municipalities
Presenter: Chiara Dalle Nogare, University of Brescia, Italy
Zohal Hessami, University of Konstanz, Germany
Discussant: Gilberto Turati, University of Torino
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session C5: Election Participation and Turnout (Linnett Room)
Chair: Arthur Schram, Amsterdam School of Economics/CREED
Does Voter Turnout Affect the Votes for the Incumbent Government?
Presenter: Rodrigo Martins, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Francisco Veiga, University of Minho, Portugal
Discussant: Jeroen Klomp, Wageningen University
Participation in Fraudulent Elections
Presenter: Dmitriy Vorobyev, CERGE-EI, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Discussant: Frank Bohn, Radboud University Nijmegen
A Simultaneous Analysis of Turnout and Voting under Proportional Representation: Theory
and Experiments
Presenter: Arthur Schram, Amsterdam School of Economics/CREED, Netherlands
Aaron Kamm, Amsterdam School of Economics/CREED, Netherlands
Discussant: Elena Costas-Pérez, University of Barcelona & IEB
Session C6: Monetary Policy (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Marcus Drometer, University of Munich, Ifo Institute, Germany
Superstar Central Bankers
Presenter: Matthias Neuenkirch, University of Trier, Germany
Peter Tillmann, University of Giessen, Germany
Discussant: Hamza Bennani, Universités de Lille
Euro Area Monetary Policy: Caring for the Weakest Link?
Presenter: Marcus Drometer, University of Munich, Ifo Institute, Germany
Thomas Siemsen, University of Munich, Germany
Sebastian Watzka, University of Munich, Germany
Discussant: Dimitrios Soudis, University of Groningen
Party Affiliation Rather than Former Occupation: The Background of Central Bank
Governors and its Effect on Monetary Policy
Presenter: Matthias Neuenkirch, University of Trier, Germany
Florian Neumeier, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Discussant: Marcus Drometer, University of Munich, Ifo Institute
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session C7: Shadow Economy (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Friedrich Schneider, University of Linz
The Hard Shadow of the Greek Economy: New Estimates of the Size of the Underground
Economy and Its Fiscal Impact
Presenter: Athanassios Pitsoulis, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Wolfram Berger, Brandenburg University of Technology, Germany
Michael Pickhardt, Brandenburg University of Technology Cottbus,
Aloys Prinz, University of Münster, Germany
Jordi Sardá, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Discussant: Andreas Freytag, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Shadow Economy and Political Stability: A Blessing or a Curse?
Presenter: Ahmed Mohamed Badreldin, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany
Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, Philipps-University of Marburg, CNMS, Germany
Discussant: Sebastian Spiegel, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Estimating the Size of the Shadow Economy: Methods, Problems and Open Questions
Presenter: Friedrich Schneider, University of Linz, Austria
Andreas Buehn, IASS, Germany
Discussant: Athanassios Pitsoulis, University of Hildesheim
Session C8: Well-being and Civic Engagement (J8)
Chair: Frederik Toscani, University of Cambridge
Natural Disaster, Policy Action, and Mental Well-Being: The Case of Fukushima
Presenter: Christian Krekel, DIW Berlin, Germany
Jan Goebel, DIW Berlin, Germany
Tim Tiefenbach, German Institute for Japanese Studies (DIJ Tokyo), Japan
Nicolas Ziebarth, Cornell University, United States
Discussant: Frederik Toscani, University of Cambridge
Information Technologies and Subjective Well-being: Does the Internet Raise Material
Presenter: Steffen Lohmann, University of Göttingen, Germany
Discussant: Christian Krekel, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW Berlin)
1.15 PM - 2.30 PM
Lunch Break (Dining Hall)
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Parallel Sessions D1-D8: 2.30 PM - 4.00 PM
Session D1: Redistribution (Auditorium)
Chair: Marie-Estelle Binet, University of Rennes 1
Income Redistribution in Democracies: Does the Median Voter Get What She Wants?
Presenter: Frank Neher, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Giacomo Corneo, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Discussant: Christian Pfarr, University of Bayreuth
You can't Always get What you Want: East and West Germans' Attitudes and Preferences
Regarding the Welfare State
Presenter: Christian Pfarr, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Andreas Schmid, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Volker Ulrich, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Discussant: Frank Neher, Free University of Berlin
Individual Talents, Labour Qualification, and the Meltzer-Richard Redistribution Paradox
Presenter: Marie-Estelle Binet, University of Rennes 1, France
Denis Delgay-Troise, University of Rennes 1, France
Jean-Sebastien Pentecote, University of Caen, France
Discussant: Thomas Apolte, University of Münster
Session D2: Violence and Conflict (Garden Room)
Chair: Daniel Arce, University of Texas at Dallas
Aggregate Violence: Concept and Measurement
Presenter: Nicholas Baigent, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Discussant: Özgür Kibris, Sabanci University
Discussant: Constanze Binder, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
The Evolution of Civil Conflict and State Power
Presenter: Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute, United States
Ghislain Dutheil de la Rochére, Ecoles de Saint Cyr Coetquidan CREC, France
Discussant: Nicholas Baigent, LSE and Daniel Arce, University of Texas at Dallas.
The Democratic Window of Opportunity: Evidence from Riots in sub-Saharan Africa
Presenter: Gabriel Leon, University of Cambridge, UK
Discussant: Anand Shrivastava, University of Cambridge
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session D3: Public Service Provision (Games Room)
Chair: Sriya Iyer, University of Cambridge
Women's Political Role and Poverty in the Educational Dimension: A District-level Analysis
in India
Presenter: Francesco Burchi, German Development Institute, Germany
Discussant: Vani Borooah, University of Ulster
The Political Economy of Social Welfare: Exit, Voice, and Loyalty in India's Integrated Child
Development Services (Anganwadi) Program
Presenter: Vani Borooah, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Dilip Diwakar, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, India
Nidhi Sabharwal, Indian Institute of Dalit Studies, India
Discussant: Francesco Burchi, German Development Institute
Divine Competition: Religious Organisations and Service Provision in India
Presenter: Sriya Iyer, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Chander Velu, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Melvyn Weeks, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Discussant: Catherine Bros, University of Paris-Est Marne la Vallée - ERUDITE
Session D4: Electoral Systems (JCR)
Chair: Christian Pfeil, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg
The Optimal Ballot Structure for Double-member Districts
Presenter: Martin Gregor, Charles University, Prague, Czech Republic
Discussant: Stephan Michel, University of Hamburg
Endogenous Parliamentarism [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Stephan Michel, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: Martin Gregor, Charles University in Prague
Electoral System Change and Spending: Three Quantitative Case Studies
Presenter: Christian Pfeil, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Discussant: Michael Dorsch, Central European University
Session D5: Politicians and the Private Sector (Linnett Room)
Chair: Felix Arnold, Free University of Berlin
Politically Connected Banks and Employment: Evidence from Turkey [Wicksell Prize
Presenter: Ibrahim Yilmaz, King's College London, United Kingdom
Evagelos Pafilis, King's College London, United Kingdom
Augustin de Coulon, King's College London, United Kingdom
Discussant: Björn Kauder, Ifo Institute, University of Munich
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Just Hire your Spouse: Empirical Evidence from a New Type of Political Favoritism
Presenter: Björn Kauder, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Niklas Potrafke, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Discussant: Felix Arnold, Free University of Berlin
Outside Earnings, Absence and Activity: Evidence from German Parliamentarians
Presenter: Felix Arnold, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Björn Kauder, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Niklas Potrafke, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Discussant: Ibrahim Yilmaz, King's College London
Session D6: Fiscal Rules in Switzerland (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Nadia Yerly, University of Fribourg
Incentive Effects of Fiscal Rules on the Finance Minister's Behaviour: Evidence from
Revenue Projections in Swiss Cantons
Presenter: Florian Chatagny, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Discussant: Nadia Yerly, University of Fribourg
Inter-jurisdictional Effects of Fiscal Rules - The Swiss Experience
Presenter: Heiko T. Burret, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Lars P. Feld, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Discussant: David Christoph Ehmke, University of Oxford & Humboldt-University Berlin
Institutional Measurement of Fiscal Rules and Impact on Fiscal Performance: Swiss
Empirical Evidence [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Nadia Yerly, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Discussant: Florian Chatagny, KOF, ETH Zürich
Session D7: Autocracies (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Jana Friedrichsen, WZB and Humboldt University Berlin
Dictators under Stress: The Dilemma of Authoritarian Responses to Mass Crises
Presenter: Viola Lucas, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany
Ferdinand Eibl, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Thomas Richter, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies, Germany
Discussant: Yongjing Zhang, University of Ottawa
The Successor's Dilemma in Authoritarian Regimes: Theory and Evidence
Presenter: Yongjing Zhang, University of Ottawa, Canada
Yuan Li, Stockholm School of Economics, Sweden
Discussant: Viola Lucas, GIGA German Institute of Global and Area Studies
The Economics of Totalitarian Kitsch
Presenter: Jana Friedrichsen, WZB and Humboldt University Berlin, Germany
Renaud Foucart, Oxford University, United Kingdom
Discussant: Shu Yu, University of Groningen
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session D8: Homo Oeconomicus: Constitutions, Publications and Productivity (J8)
Chair: Heinrich Ursprung
Buchanan and Homo Oeconomicus
Presenter: Gebhard Kirchgässner, Institute for Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany
Discussant: Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg
Simulating Publication Bias
Presenter: Martin Paldam, Aarhus University, Denmark
Discussant: Jörg Schläpfer, KOF, ETH Zürich
Job Mobility, Peer Effects, and Research Productivity in Economics
Presenter: Jörg Schläpfer, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Thomas Bolli, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Discussant: Martin Paldam, Aarhus University
4.00 PM - 4.30 PM
Coffee Break (Marquee)
Parallel Sessions E1-E8: 4.30 PM - 6.00 PM.
Session E1: Local Political Budget Cycles (Auditorium)
Chair: Krisztina Kis-Katos, University of Freiburg
Determinants of local governments' Deficits and debt
Presenter: Linda Veiga, University of Minho, Portugal
Francisco Jose Veiga, University of Minho, Portugal
Discussant: Krisztina Kis-Katos, University of Freiburg
Political Cycles and Government Expenditures: Evidence from Portugal
Presenter: Vítor Castro, University of Coimbra and NIPE, Portugal
Rodrigo Martins, University of Coimbra and GEMF, Portugal
Discussant: Georgios Efthyvoulou, University of Sheffield
Local Political Budget Cycles in a Federation: Evidence from West German Cities
Presenter: Krisztina Kis-Katos, University of Freiburg, Germany
Katerina Homolkova, University of Kiel, Germany
Discussant: Vítor Castro, University of Coimbra and NIPE
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session E2: Health (Garden Room)
Chair: Gilberto Turati, University of Torino
The Returns to Health care Decentralization: Impact on Quality and Use of Private Health
Presenter: Joan Costa Font, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Ada Ferrer-i-Carnonell , IAE, Spain
Discussant: Lars P. Feld, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg
Health Care Decentralization Design and Regional Equality: Does Equal Spending Lead to
Equal Output and (Procedural) Outcomes?
Presenter: Gilberto Turati, University of Torino, Italy
Joan Costa Font, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Discussant: Alberto Batinti, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics
The Political Economy of Subsidized Medical Technology
Presenter: Roger Congleton, West Virginia University, United States
Alberto Batinti, Shanghai University of Finance and Economics, China
Discussant: Joan Costa Font, London School of Economics
Session E3: Consequences of Political Competition (Games Room)
Chair: Roberto Ricciuti, University of Verona
Economic Effects of Postsocialist Constitutions (Nearly) 25 Years from the Outset of
Presenter: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska, University of Warsaw, Poland
Discussant: Roberto Ricciuti, University of Verona
Two-party Competition with Investment in Political Capital: A Differential Game Approach
[Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Monika Köppl-Turyna, University Institute of Lisbon, Portugal
Discussant: Sanjay Jain, University of Cambridge
Political Competition and Economic Performance in the OECD Countries
Presenter: Roberto Ricciuti, University of Verona, Italy
Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1, France
Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona, Italy
Discussant: Katarzyna Metelska-Szaniawska, University of Warsaw
Session E4: Public Debt (JCR)
Chair: Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
The Political Economy of Public Debt and Social Security: Repayment in Times of Fiscal
Distress [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Jakob Eberl, CES, University of Munich, Germany
Discussant: Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Public Debt in a Political Economy
Presenter: Sigrid Röhrs, Goethe-University Frankfurt, Germany
Discussant: Jakob Eberl, CES and University of Munich
Foreign vs. Domestic Public Debt and the Composition of Government Expenditure: A
Political-economy Approach
Presenter: Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Joachim Lutz, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, Germany
Discussant: Sigrid Röhrs, Goethe-University Frankfurt
Session E5: Accountability and Incentives (Linnett Room)
Chair: Henrik Jordahl, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN)
Who do you Blame in Local Finance? An Analysis of Municipal Financing in Italy
Presenter: Massimo Bordignon, Catholic University of Milan, Italy
Veronica Grembi, Copenhagen Business School, Denmark
Santino Piazza, IRES Piemonte, Italy
Discussant: Chiara Dalle Nogare, University of Brescia
Political Accountability with Voter Heterogeneity and Expressive Voting Motives
Presenter: Jenni Jaakkola, University of Turku, Finland
Discussant: Francesco Giovannoni, University of Bristol
Management Practices in Elderly Care Homes
Presenter: Henrik Jordahl, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden
Jannis Angelis, Research Institute of Industrial Economics (IFN), Sweden
Discussant: Henrik Christoffersen, Center for Political Studies
Session E6: Federalism and Nations (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Andreas Kyriacou, Universitat de Girona
If You Want me to Stay, Pay: A model of asymmetric federalism in centralised countries
Presenter: Peter Claeys, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Federico Martire, University of Turin, Italy
Discussant: Cemal Eren Arbatli, Higher School of Economics
Decentralization and Progressive Taxation
Presenter: Simon Berset, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Mark Schelker, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Discussant: Andreas Kyriacou, Universitat de Girona
Secessionism and the Quality of Government: Evidence from a Sample of OECD Countries
Presenter: Andreas Kyriacou, Universitat de Girona, Spain
Noemí Morral Palacin, Universitat de Girona, Spain
Discussant: Mark Schelker, University of Fribourg
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session E7: Public Choice Experiments (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Klarita Gërxhani, University of Amsterdam
Choosing Voting Systems for Two-Tier Voting Behind the Veil of Ignorance: An Experiment
Presenter: Matthias Weber, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Discussant: Heinrich Ursprung, University of Konstanz
On Lab-testing Mixed-strategy Play in a Corruption Game with Endogenous Detection
Presenter: Dominic Spengler, University of York, United Kingdom
John Bone, University of York, United Kingdom
Discussant: Matthias Weber, University of Amsterdam
Time Lag and Communication in Norm Change
Presenter: Klarita Gërxhani, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Jeroen Bruggeman, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Discussant: Dominic Spengler, University of York
Session E8: Social Choice (J8)
Chair: Jan Zápal, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, CERGE-EI Prague
Preference and Similarity between Alternatives
Presenter: Constanze Binder, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Discussant: Serguei Kaniovski, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO)
The Minimum Sum Representation as an Index of Voting Power
Presenter: Serguei Kaniovski, Austrian Institute of Economic Research (WIFO), Austria
Josep Freixas, Universitat Politécnica de Catalunya, Spain
Discussant: Jean Mercier Ythier, University of Paris, Panthéon-Assas
The Possibility of a Paretian Liberal in the Liberal Social Contract
Presenter: Jean Mercier Ythier, University of Paris, Panthéon-Assas, France
Discussant: Constanze Binder, Erasmus University Rotterdam
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Parallel Sessions F1-F8: 6.10 PM - 7.40 PM.
Session F1: Development Aid (Auditorium)
Chair: Anna Minasyan, University of Göttingen and Heidelberg University
Gesture Politics or Real Commitment? Gender Inequality and the Allocation of Aid
Presenter: Kai Gehring, Heidelberg University, Germany
Axel Dreher, Heidelberg University, Germany
Stephan Klasen, University of Göttingen, Germany
Discussant: Anna Minasyan, University of Göttingen and Heidelberg University
Government Ideology in Donor and Recipient Countries: Does Political Proximity Matter for
the Effectiveness of Aid?
Presenter: Anna Minasyan, University of Göttingen and Heidelberg University, Germany
Axel Dreher, Heidelberg University, Germany
Peter Nunnenkamp, Kiel Institute for the World Economy, Germany
Discussant: Henrik Christoffersen, Cepos - Center for Political Studies, Denmark
Session F2: Institutions and the Structure of the Economy (Garden Room)
Chair: Andreas Freytag, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena
Institutional Incongruence and the Informal Economy: An Empirical Analysis
Presenter: Thanh Thuy Vu, University of Paris X, France
Discussant: Ana Fernandes, Bern University of Applied Sciences
Institutions and the Sectoral Allocation of Production
Presenter: Ana Fernandes, Bern University of Applied Sciences, Switzerland
Discussant: Thanh Thuy Vu, University of Paris X
The Influence of Economic Freedom on the Shadow Economy in OECD and European
Countries: Some Preliminary Empirical Results
Presenter: Andreas Freytag, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Friedrich Schneider, University of Linz, Austria
Sebastian Spiegel, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena, Germany
Discussant: Nadia Fiorino, University of L'Aquila
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session F3: Politics and Local Public Finance (Games Room)
Chair: Günther Schulze, University of Freiburg
Political Alignment and Government Transfers: New Evidence for Brazilian Municipalities
Presenter: Sergio Naruhiko Sakurai, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Discussant: Leandro De Magalhães, University of Bristol
Local Taxes and Political Influence: Evidence from Locally Dominant Firms in German
Presenter: Ivo Bischoff, University of Kassel, Germany
Stefan Krabel, University of Kassel, Germany
Discussant: Linda Veiga, University of Minho
Administrative Overspending in Indonesian Districts: The Role of Local Politics
Presenter: Günther Schulze, University of Freiburg, Germany
Bambang Suharnoko Sjahrir, University of Freiburg, Germany
Krisztina Kis-Katos, University of Freiburg, Germany
Discussant: Ivo Bischoff, University of Kassel
Session F4: Fiscal Rules (JCR)
Chair: Martial Foucault, Sciences Po Paris
Analysis of Creative Accounting and its Impacts on Governments' Financial Performance:
The Case of the Swiss Cantons.
Presenter: Maxime Clémenceau, University of Lausanne (IDHEAP), Switzerland
Nils Soguel, University of Lausanne (IDHEAP), Switzerland
Discussant: Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Vienna University of Economics and Business
National Numerical Fiscal Rules: Not Complied with, but Still Effective? [Wicksell Prize
Presenter: Wolf Heinrich Reuter, Vienna University of Economics and Business, Austria
Discussant: Etienne Farvaque, Université Le Havre
The Maywood Effect. On the Mechanics of Fiscal Rules Efficiency.
Presenter: Martial Foucault, Sciences Po Paris, France
Etienne Farvaque, Université Le Havre, France
Marcelin Joanis, University of Sherbrooke, Canada
Discussant: Maxime Clémenceau, University of Lausanne (IDHEAP)
Session F5: Electoral Manipulation (Linnett Room)
Chair: Giacomo De Luca, University of York
Political Corruption and Voter Turnout: Mobilization or Disaffection? [Wicksell Prize
Presenter: Elena Costas-Pérez, University of Barcelona & IEB, Spain
Discussant: Emma Galli, University of Rome La Sapienza
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Manipulated Voters in Competitive Election Campaigns
Presenter: Cemal Eren Arbatli, Higher School of Economics, Russian Federation
Kemal Kivanc Aköz, New York University, United States
Discussant: Jenni Jaakkola, University of Turku
Mafia in the Ballot Box
Presenter: Giacomo De Luca, University of York, United Kingdom
Giuseppe De Feo, Strathclyde, United Kingdom
Discussant: Santino Piazza, IRES Piemonte
Session F6: Natural Resources and Agricultural Liberalisation (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Urs Steiner Brandt, University of Southern Denmark
Competition for Natural Resources and the Hold-Up Problem
Presenter: Carsten Hefeker, University of Siegen, Germany
Sebastian Kessing, University of Siegen, Germany
Discussant: Urs Steiner Brandt, University of Southern Denmark
Oil, Political Power, and Stability
Presenter: Mohammad Reza Farzanegan, Philipps-University of Marburg, Germany
Kjetil Bjorvatn, NHH Norwegian School of Economics, Norway
Discussant: Richard Jong-A-Pin, University of Groningen
The Political Economy of Agricultural Liberalization in Central and Eastern Europe: An
Empirical Analysis
Presenter: Jeroen Klomp, Wageningen University, Netherlands
Discussant: Georgios Chortareas, King's College London
Session F7: Religion (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles
Religious Confessions: Universal Messages, Country-Specific Effects on Education?
Presenter: Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Ilan Tojerow, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Discussant: Francois Facchini, University Paris 11
Rational Zen: Part 2 of Adam Smith and the Buddha
Presenter: Ronald Wintrobe, Western University, Canada
Discussant: Bengt-Arne Wickström, Humboldt University Berlin
Jesus and the Ratchet
Presenter: Mario Ferrero, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Discussant: Ronald Wintrobe, Western University
EPCS 2014 • Friday • 4 April 2014
Session F8: Public Goods, Coalitions and Ethnic Divisions (J8)
Chair: Giorgio d'Agostino, University of Rome III
Public Goods and the Salience of Local Ethnic Diversity: The Case of Teacher Absenteeism
in Africa [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Eoin McGuirk, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Discussant: Oskar Nupia, University of the Andes
Targeting of Government Transfers: A Matter of Ethnic Divisions and Corruption After All?
Presenter: Pantelis Kammas, University of Ioannina, Greece
Discussant: Eoin McGuirk, University of Gothenburg
Coalition Formation and Political Bias: Evidence from French Municipalities
Presenter: Sonia Paty, GATE-LSE, CNRS and University of Lyon, France
Zineb Abidi, CREM, France
Edoardo Di Porto, University of Roma "Tor Vergata", Italy
Angela Parenti, University of Pisa, Italy
Discussant: Joaquín Artés, Complutense University of Madrid
8.00 PM - 10.00 PM
Dinner at Robinson College (Dining Hall)
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Saturday, April 5, 2014
Parallel Sessions G1-G8: 8.35 AM - 10.05 AM
Session G1: Political Business Cycles and Development (Auditorium)
Chair: Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Göttingen
Elections, Fiscal Redistribution and Income Inequality
Presenter: Pantelis Kammas, University of Ioannina, Greece
Vassilis Sarantides, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Discussant: Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Göttingen
Political Budget Cycles Revisited. The Case of Social Capital [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Omiros Kouvavas, University of Warwick, United Kingdom
Discussant: Vassilis Sarantides, University of Sheffield
Elections and Economic Development
Presenter: Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Göttingen, Germany
Yogesh Uppal, Youngstown State University, United States
Brian Min, University of Michigan, Ann Arbor,
Discussant: Omiros Kouvavas, University of Warwick
Session G2: Corruption (empirical) (Garden Room)
Chair: Arye L Hillman, Bar-Ilan University
Corruption in Turbulent Times: A Hedge Against Economic Fluctuations?
Presenter: Joël Cariolle, Fondation pour les etudes et recherches sur le developpement
international, France
Discussant: Jing You, Renmin University of China
Press and Corruption in the Italian Regions: An Empirical Contribution
Presenter: Nadia Fiorino, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Emma Galli, University of Rome La Sapienza, Italy
Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona, Italy
Discussant: Rajeev Goel, Illinois State University
Effectiveness of Whistleblower Laws in Combating Corruption
Presenter: Rajeev Goel, Illinois State University, United States
Michael Nelson, University of Akron, United States
Discussant: Marie Poprawe, ETH Zürich
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Session G3: Yardstick Competition (Games Room)
Chair: Pierre Salmon, Université de Bourgogne
Does Yardstick Competition Evolve In Time? Evidence from Italian Municipalities
Presenter: Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona, Italy
Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1, France
Discussant: Marcel Gérard, Université catholique de Louvain
Testing Yardstick Competition Through a Vote-function: Evidence from the Walloon
Presenter: Marcel Gérard, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Laurent van Malderen, Université catholique de Louvain, Belgium
Discussant: Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona
Political Yardstick Competition with Smoothness
Presenter: Pierre Salmon, Université de Bourgogne, France
Discussant: Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1
Session G4: The Voter Initiative (JCR)
Chair: Ronny Freier, DIW Berlin
Educative Effects of Direct Democracy on Turnout in Initiative and Referendum Votes:
Evidence for Switzerland, 1970-2012 [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Christian Marti, University of St. Gallen, Switzerland
Discussant: Ronny Freier, DIW Berlin
The Indirect Effects of Direct Democracy: Local Government Size and Non-Budgetary Voter
Initiatives [Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Zareh Asatryan, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Discussant: Christian Marti, University of St. Gallen
Signature Requirements and Citizen Initiatives: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Germany
Presenter: Ronny Freier, DIW Berlin, Germany
Felix Arnold, BDPEMS, Germany
Discussant: Zareh Asatryan, ZEW Mannheim
Session G5: Consequences of Democracy (Linnett Room)
Chair: Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University
Democratic Transitions and Institutional Change
Presenter: Martin Rode, University of Navarra, Spain
Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University, Denmark
Discussant: Bethany Kirkpatrick, Sciences Po, Paris
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
On the Role of Democracy in the Ethnicity-Growth Relationship: Theory and Evidence
Presenter: Sugata Ghosh, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Andros Gregoriou, University of Hull, United Kingdom
Anirban Mitra, University of Oslo, Norway
Discussant: Michael Dorsch, Central European University
Inequality and Democratization: Reconsidering the Economic View
Presenter: Michael Dorsch, Central European University, Hungary
Paul Maarek, University of Cergy-Pontoise, France
Discussant: Martin Rode, University of Navarra
Session G6: Fiscal Policy II (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Domenico da Empoli, University of Rome La Sapienza
Government Size, Composition of Public Expenditure, and Economic Development
Presenter: Francisco Veiga, University of Minho, Portugal
Susana Martins, University of Minho, Portugal
Discussant: Girish Bahal, University of Cambridge
Estimating Transfer Multiplier using Spending on Rural Development Programmes in India
[Wicksell Prize candidate]
Presenter: Girish Bahal, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Discussant: Francisco Veiga, University of Minho
Are Euro and Transfer Union the Price of German Reunification?
Presenter: Charles B. Blankart, Humboldt University Berlin - University of Lucerne,
David Christoph Ehmke, University of Oxford - Humboldt-University Berlin
Discussant: Christoph A. Schaltegger, University of Lucerne
Session G7: Strategic Behaviour in Elections (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Horst Feldmann, University of Bath
Manipulating Discretionary Grants: Evidence from a German State
Presenter: Markus Reischmann, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Björn Kauder, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Niklas Potrafke, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Discussant: Marta Curto Grau, Heidelberg University
Holding on to the Flank: An Analysis of the Electoral use of Policy on Law and Order by
New Labour in the UK
Presenter: Colin Jennings, King's College London, United Kingdom
Stephen Drinkwater, University of Swansea, United Kingdom
Discussant: James Rockey, University of Leicester
Voters' Responsiveness to Employment Policies
Presenter: Marta Curto Grau, Heidelberg University, Germany
Discussant: Horst Feldmann, University of Bath
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Session G8: Politicians (J8)
Chair: Bernd Hayo, Philipps-University Marburg
Do Politicians Procure their way to Congress? An Empirical Analysis of Public Procurement
and Elections
Presenter: John Moore, Sorbonne Business School, France
Eshien Chong, Sorbonne Business School, France
Michael Klien, Sorbonne Business School, France
Discussant: Raphaël Franck, Bar-Ilan University
Political Leaders' Socioeconomic Background and Public Budget Deficits: Evidence from
OECD Countries
Presenter: Bernd Hayo, University of Marburg, Germany
Florian Neumeier, University of Marburg, Germany
Discussant: Martial Foucault, Sciences Po Paris
The Lawyers' Comparative Advantage in Parliamentary Elections
Presenter: Raphaël Franck, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Discussant: John Moore, Sorbonne Business School
10.05 AM - 10.30 AM
Coffee Break (Marquee)
10.30 AM - 11.30 AM
Plenary Session 3 (Auditorium)
Chair: Toke Aidt, University of Cambridge
State Formation and Pro-Social Preferences
James Robinson, Harvard University, United States
11.30 AM - 11.40 AM
Wicksell Prize Announcement (Auditorium)
Chair: Heinrich Ursprung, University of Konstanz
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Parallel Sessions H1-H8: 11.50 AM - 1.20 PM
Session H1: The Rise and Fall of Democracy (Auditorium)
Chair: George Tridimas, University of Ulster
The Ripple Effect of Democracy in Africa: A Spatial Panel Perspective
Presenter: Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet, University of Rennes I, France
Jacques Bilong, University of Yaoundé II, Cameroon
Eric Malin, University of Rennes I, France
Discussant: Rahel Schomaker, German Research Institute for Public Administration
Determinants of the Emergence (and Success) of Regime Changes: Theory and Empirical
Findings (not only) for the Arab Spring
Presenter: Rahel Schomaker, German Research Institute for Public Administration,
Dirk Wentzel, Pforzheim University of Applied Sciences, Germany
Discussant: Arye L Hillman, Bar-Ilan University
An Explanation of the Fall of the Ancient Athenian Democracy
Presenter: George Tridimas, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Discussant: Athanassios Pitsoulis, University of Hildesheim
Session H2: Environmental and Energy Policy (Garden Room)
Chair: Carsten Hefeker, University of Siegen
Controlling Policy-Motivated Environmental Regulation Agents under Impact Uncertainty
Presenter: Jörg Lingens, University of Münster, Germany
Achim Voss, University of Münster, Germany
Discussant: Carsten Hefeker, University of Siegen
How Trust in Governments Influences the Acceptance of Environmental Taxes
Presenter: Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Johannes Reichl, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Friedrich Schneider, Johannes Kepler University Linz, Austria
Discussant: Isabelle Cadoret, University of Rennes 1
The Political Economy of Renewable Energies
Presenter: Isabelle Cadoret, University of Rennes 1, France
Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1, France
Discussant: Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Aarhus University
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Session H3: Theories of Electoral Manipulation (Games Room)
Chair: Frank Bohn, Radboud University Nijmegen
Budgets Under Delegation
Presenter: Kimiko Terai, Keio University, Japan
Amihai Glazer, University of California, Irvine, United States
Discussant: Tuvana Pastine, National University of Ireland Maynooth
Incumbency Advantage in an Electoral Contest
Presenter: Ivan Pastine, University College Dublin, Ireland
Matthew Cole, Florida International University, United States
Tuvana Pastine, National University of Ireland Maynooth, Ireland
Discussant: Kimiko Terai, Keio University
Unconstrained by a Balanced Budget Constraint - Retrospective and Rational Voting in a
Political Forecast Cycle Model
Presenter: Frank Bohn, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Discussant: Xue Wen, Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy
Session H4: Contest Theory (JCR)
Chair: Matthias Dahm, University of Nottingham
The MAX-MIN Group Contest
Presenter: Subhasish Chowdhury, University of East Anglia, United Kingdom
Iryna Topolyan, Mississippi State University, United States
Dongryul Lee, Sungshin University, Republic of Korea
Discussant: Carmen Beviá, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona
Dynamic Contests with Bankruptcy
Presenter: Carmen Beviá, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Luis C. Corchón, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Discussant: Matthias Dahm, University of Nottingham
Affirmative Action Through Extra Prizes
Presenter: Matthias Dahm, University of Nottingham, United Kingdom
Patricia Esteve, Universitat Rovira i Virgili, Spain
Discussant: Subhasish Chowdhury, University of East Anglia
Session H5: Economic Growth (Linnett Room)
Chair: Sugata Ghosh, Brunel University
Economic Growth, Inequality, and Environmental Degradation
Presenter: Bethany Kirkpatrick, Sciences Po Paris, France
Michael Dorsch, Central European University, Hungary
Discussant: Erich Gundlach, University of Hamburg
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
The Political Economy of Inclusive Rural Growth
Presenter: John Morrow, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Michael Carter, University of California-Davis, United States
Discussant: Sugata Ghosh, Brunel University
Mincer meets Lerner, Rybczynski, and Solow: Human Capital Externalities, Factor
Substitution, and Technology Differences
Presenter: Erich Gundlach, University of Hamburg, Germany
Rasmus Thönnessen, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: John Morrow, London School of Economics
Session H6: Common Pool and Municipal Mergers (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Henrik Christoffersen, Cepos - Center for Political Studies, Denmark
Fiscal Effects of Municipal Amalgamation - Evidence from a German State
Presenter: Benedikt Fritz, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg, Germany
Discussant: Tuukka Saarimaa, Government Institute for Economic Research VATT
Common Pool Problems in Voluntary Municipal Mergers
Presenter: Tuukka Saarimaa, Government Institute for Economic Research VATT, Finland
Janne Tukiainen, Government Institute for Economic Research VATT, Finland
Discussant: Zohal Hessami, University of Konstanz
Care in Time? The Ability in the Danish Municipalities to Overcome the Bubble in Local
Government Economics After 2007
Presenter: Henrik Christoffersen, Cepos - Center for Political Studies, Denmark
Karsten Bo Larsen, Cepos - Center for Political Studies, Denmark
Frederik Peter Birkvad, Cepos - Center for Political Studies, Denmark
Discussant: Friedrich Heinemann, ZEW Mannheim
Session H7: Trust and Financial Markets (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Martin Gassebner, University of Reading
Trust Us to Repay: Social Trust, Long-Term Interest Rates and Sovereign Credit Ratings
Presenter: Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University, Denmark
Andreas Bergh, Lund University, Sweden
Discussant: Edith Neuenkirch, Philipps-University Marburg
The German Public and its Trust in the ECB: The Role of Knowledge and Information Search
Presenter: Edith Neuenkirch, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Bernd Hayo, Philipps-University Marburg, Germany
Discussant: Andreas Fuchs, Heidelberg University
Is There a Home Bias in Sovereign Ratings?
Presenter: Andreas Fuchs, Heidelberg University, Germany
Kai Gehring, University of Göttingen & Heidelberg University, Germany
Discussant: Christian Bjørnskov, Aarhus University
EPCS 2014 • Saturday • 5 April 2014
Session H8: Distribution and Taxation (J8)
Chair: Peter Claeys, Free University of Brussels
Preferences for Redistribution in Europe
Presenter: Javier Olivera, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Discussant: Joshua Holm, Free University of Brussels
Social Identification and Redistribution in Heterogeneous Federations
Presenter: Joshua Holm, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Benny Geys, Norwegian Business School BI and Free University of Brussels, Norway
Discussant: Javier Olivera, University of Luxembourg
1.20 PM - 2.30 PM
Lunch Break (Dining Hall)
2.30 PM - 5.00 PM
Social Programme (Front Court)
6.45 PM - 10.00 PM
Gala Dinner (Jesus College)
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Sunday, April 6, 2014
Parallel Sessions I1-I7: 9.00 AM - 10.30 AM
Session I1: Rent Seeking (Auditorium)
Chair: James H. Cassing, University of Pittsburgh
Strategic Choice of Sharing Rules in Collective Rent-Seeking and the Group Size Paradox
Presenter: Orestis Troumpounis, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Pau Balart, Universidad Carlos III de Madrid, Spain
Sabine Flamand, Nova School of Business and Economics, Portugal
Discussant: James H. Cassing, University of Pittsburgh
Self-Serving Legislators? MPs' Powers to Set Their Own Salaries in 27 EU Parliaments
Presenter: Karsten Mause, University of Münster, Germany
Discussant: Raphaël Franck, Bar-Ilan University
Lobbying as a Transport Industry
Presenter: James H. Cassing, University of Pittsburgh, United States
Steven Husted, University of Pittsburgh, United States
Discussant: Arye L Hillman, Bar-Ilan University
Session I2: Voting Rules and Their Consequences (Garden Room)
Chair: Friedrich Heinemann, ZEW Mannheim
Electoral Thresholds and Political Outcomes: Quasi-experimental Evidence from a Reform in
Presenter: Mariana Lopes da Fonseca, University of Göttingen, Germany
Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Göttingen, Germany
Discussant: Benedikt Fritz, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg
Pork Barrel, Legislators' Effort and Electoral Rules: A Micro Test Based on the Italian 2005
Presenter: Marika Cioffi, Bank of Italy/LUISS, Italy
Giuseppe Albanese, Bank of Italy, Italy
Pietro Tommasino, Bank of Italy, Italy
Discussant: Mariana Lopes da Fonseca, University of Göttingen
The Effect of Direct Democracy on the Level and Structure of Local Taxes
Presenter: Friedrich Heinemann, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Zareh Asatryan, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Thushyanthan Baskaran, University of Göttingen, Germany
Discussant: Marika Cioffi, Bank of Italy/LUISS
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Session I3: Committees and the Renter's Illusion (Games Room)
Chair: Heinrich Ursprung, University of Konstanz
A Behavioral Local Public Finance Perspective on the Renter's Illusion Hypothesis
Presenter: Roberto Dell'anno, University of Salerno, Italy
Jorge Martinez-Vazquez, Georgia State University, United States
Discussant: Jan Zápal, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, CERGE-EI Prague
Crafting Consensus
Presenter: Jan Zápal, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, CERGE-EI Prague, Spain
Discussant: Matthias Dahm, University of Nottingham
Session I4: Transfer Programmes (JCR)
Chair: Oskar Nupia, University of the Andes
The Allocation of Conditional Cash Transfer Programs: Political Motives and Voting Effects
Presenter: Oskar Nupia, University of the Andes, Colombia
Discussant: Giorgio d'Agostino , University of Rome III
Social Protection and Food Security: An Evaluation of Cash Transfer Programmes in SubSaharan Africa
Presenter: Giorgio d'Agostino, University of Rome III, Italy
Margherita Scarlato, University of Rome III, Italy
Luca Pieroni, University of Perugia, Italy
Discussant: Pantelis Kammas, University of Ioannina
Does Mandated Political Representation Help the Poor? Theory and Evidence from India
Presenter: Anirban Mitra, University of Oslo, Norway
Discussant: Sriya Iyer, University of Cambridge
Session I5: Interest Groups and Collective Action (Linnett Room)
Chair: Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Aarhus University
Conflicting Interest Groups, Contentious Public Goods, and Cooperation
Presenter: Toshihiro Ihori, University of Tokyo, Japan
Discussant: Anthony Heyes, University of Ottawa
NGO's as 'Shiners of Light'
Presenter: Anthony Heyes, University of Ottawa, Canada
Sandeep Kapur, Birkbeck College, University of London, United Kingdom
Discussant: Toshihiro Ihori, University of Tokyo
The Renewable Energy Island of Samsø: How can an Entrepreneur Facilitate Sustainable
Group Action?
Presenter: Gert Tinggaard Svendsen, Aarhus University, Denmark
Urs Steiner Brandt, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Discussant: Andrea Kollmann, Johannes Kepler University Linz
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Session I6: The Political Economy of the Military (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Atin Basuchoudhary, Virginia Military Institute
Coups d'etat and Defense Spending: A Counterfactual Analysis
Presenter: Roberto Nistico, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Vincenzo Bove, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Discussant: Ghislain Dutheil de la Rochére, Ecoles de Saint Cyr Coetquidan CREC
Is there a Diffusion of Military Regimes in Sub-Saharan Africa? Empirical Evidence in the
Period 1972-2007
Presenter: Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy
Ilaria Petrarca, University of Verona, Italy
Roberto Ricciuti, Universit of Verona, Italy
Discussant: Martin Gassebner, University of Reading
The Composition of the Military and Civil Wars
Presenter: Martin Gassebner, University of Reading, United Kingdom
Nauro Campos, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Discussant: Hermann Pythagore Pierre Donfouet, University of Rennes I
Session I7: Courts and Legal Systems (Teaching Room 7)
Chair: Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg
Policy Deviations, Uncertainty, and the European Court of Justice
Presenter: Michael Neugart, Technical University of Darmstadt, Germany
Carsten Hefeker, University of Siegen, Germany
Discussant: Peter Claeys, Free University of Brussels
Politico-Economic Determinants of Tort Reforms in Medical Malpractice
Presenter: Ulrich Matter, University of Basel, Switzerland
Alois Stutzer, University of Basel, Switzerland
Discussant: Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg
The Effects of Judicial Independence 10 Years on: Cross-Country Evidence Using an
Updated Set of Indicators
Presenter: Lars P. Feld, University of Freiburg, Germany
Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg, Germany
Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: Roger Congleton, West Virginia University
10.30 AM - 11.00 AM
Coffee Break (Marquee)
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Parallel Sessions J1-J5: 11.00 AM - 12.30 PM
Session J1: Mayors (Auditorium)
Chair: Zohal Hessami, University of Konstanz
Do Mayors Matter?
Presenter: Jean-Michel Josselin, University of Rennes 1, France
Nicolas Gavoille, University of Rennes 1, France
Fabio Padovano, University of Rennes 1, France
Discussant: Zohal Hessami, University of Konstanz
Incumbency Effects in a Comparative Perspective: Evidence from Brazilian Mayoral
Presenter: Leandro De Magalhães, University of Bristol, United Kingdom
Discussant: Sergio Naruhiko Sakurai, University of Sao Paulo
Electoral Rules for Mayors and Incentives to Pork-Barrel: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from
German Municipalities
Presenter: Zohal Hessami, University of Konstanz, Germany
Discussant: Leandro De Magalhães, University of Bristol
Session J2: Intergenerational Conflict (Garden Room)
Chair: Kozo Ueda, Waseda University
A Probabilistic Voting Model of Social Security: The Role of Myopic Agents
Presenter: Xue Wen, IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy
Discussant: Hideki Konishi, Waseda University
Aging and Deflation: a Fiscal Perspective
Presenter: Hideki Konishi, Waseda University, Japan
Kozo Ueda, Waseda University, Japan
Discussant: Philipp Harms, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz
Does Electoral Turnout Affect the Intergenerational Conflict over the Provision of Public
Presenter: Michael Klien, Sorbonne Business School/Chaire EPPP, France
Mickael Melki, University Cergy-Pontoise, THEMA, France
Discussant: Kozo Ueda, Waseda University
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Session J3: Allocation of Aid (Games Room)
Chair: Chris (Hristos) Doucouliagos, Deakin University
Information Transmission and Ownership Consolidation in Aid Programs
Presenter: Silvia Marchesi, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
Axel Dreher, University of Heidelberg, Germany
Discussant: Bernhard Reinsberg, University of Zürich
When International Organizations delegate: The Politics of Earmarking European Union Aid
in Multilateral Aid Institutions
Presenter: Bernhard Reinsberg, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Katja Michaelowa, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Christina Schneider, University of California, San Diego, United States
Discussant: Chris (Hristos) Doucouliagos, Deakin University
The Effect of Aid on Growth: Spatial Spillovers in Transition Economies
Presenter: Chris (Hristos) Doucouliagos, Deakin University, Australia
Zohid Askarov, Deakin University, Australia
Discussant: Silvia Marchesi, University of Milano Bicocca
Session J4: Politics, Elections and the Economy (JCR)
Chair: Linda Veiga, University of Minho
It's Politics, Stupid! Political Constraints Determine Governments' Reaction to the Great
Presenter: Jan-Egbert Sturm, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Fabian Gunzinger, Swiss National Bank, Switzerland
Discussant: Pierre-Guillaume Méon, Université libre de Bruxelles
Political Cycles in Public Expenditure: Butter vs Guns
Presenter: Georgios Efthyvoulou, University of Sheffield, United Kingdom
Vincenzo Bove, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Discussant: Linda Veiga, University of Minho
Electoral Business Cycles in Privatization
Presenter: Georgios Chortareas, King's College London, United Kingdom
Vasillis Logothetis, University of Athens, Greece
Evagelos Pafilis, King's College London, United Kingdom
Discussant: Georgios Efthyvoulou, University of Sheffield
EPCS 2014 • Sunday • 6 April 2014
Session J5: Endogenous Institutions (Auditorium Lounge)
Chair: Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg
The Supply of Democracy. Explaining Voluntary Democratic Transition
Presenter: Thomas Apolte, University of Münster, Germany
Discussant: Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung, Toulouse School of Economics
Legal Systems and Electoral Rules
Presenter: Timothy Yu-Cheong Yeung, Toulouse School of Economics, France
Discussant: Rahel Schomaker, German Research Institute for Public Administration
The Rule of Law, Constitutionalism and Islam
Presenter: Stefan Voigt, University of Hamburg, Germany
Jerg Gutmann, University of Hamburg, Germany
Discussant: Raul Caruso, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart
12.35 PM - 1.15 PM
Members' Meeting (Auditorium)
Chair: Toke Aidt, University of Cambridge
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Information about the Social Programme
We have planned a range of social events. You should receive tickets for the events
you are signed up for when you register at the Registration Desk in the Marquee. If for
some reason you are not going to use a ticket, you are welcome to “recycle” it via the
Registration Desk or if you regret not having signed up for an event, please talk to the
Reception Desk about it.
Welcome Reception
On Thursday April 3 (18.45-20.00), a welcome (drinks) reception will be hosted in
The Pitt Building, which for more than 100 years housed the printing and publishing
offices of Cambridge University Press. The Pitt Building is located in Trumpington
Street (see the Cambridge Map on the back cover), ten minutes walking from
Robinson College. There are many restaurants and pubs in the vicinity of the Pitt
Building, some of which we have listed below and indicated on the Cambridge Map.
The guide to Cambridge included in the conference pack contains further suggestions.
Guided City Tour and Punting Trip
On Saturday afternoon, you can participate in a guided city (walking) tour and a
punting trip down the river Cam along the Backs of the Colleges (just in case, a punt
is a small boat). We will meet in Front Court at Robinson College after lunch on
Saturday and divide into suitable groups. The punting company will provide blankets
and umbrellas (and a person to guide AND navigate the punt!), but it is a very good
idea to take bring warm clothing and your own umbrella. To make it all run smoothly,
you will receive a green, red or blue ticket indicating whether you will start with the
walking tour and end the punting trip down the river or vice versa. You are welcome
to swap tickets. The event starts at 14.30 and ends around 17.00.
On Friday evening, Dinner is served in the Dining Hall at Robinson College at eight
o’clock. The Gala Dinner on Saturday evening is served at Jesus College at 19:15,
with pre-dinner drinks from 18.45. You can find the location of Jesus College on the
Cambridge Map on the back cover. The dining hall at Jesus is too small for us all to
fit in, so the ticket for the Gala Dinner at Jesus will indicate which room you are
dining in. You are welcome to swap tickets if you wish.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Imperial War Museum Duxford
On Sunday afternoon after the conclusion of the conference, we have organised a trip
to the Imperial War Museum Duxford (
The cost of this event is not covered by your registration fee. Those participating
should meet in the Marquee at the Registration Desk at 13.30pm. The trip will last
about four hours.
We are grateful for support from the following sponsors which have generously
supported the conference:
The European Journal of Political Economy, published by Elsevier. The
EJPE sponsors the Wicksell Prize.
The Cambridge Institute for New Economic Thinking. The CambridgeINET sponsors the invited keynote speakers.
The Cambridge University Press. The CUP sponsors the Welcome
Exhibitions by Publishers
We are pleased that representatives from Cambridge University Press, Springer,
Edward Elgar and Elsevier will be present at the conference. The book/journal
exhibitions can be found in the Marquee.
Edward Elgar
Cambridge University Press
Dr. Martina Bihn
Matthew Pitman
Phil Good
Donna Wilson
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Past Presidents of the EPCS
2011-2013: Jan-Egbert Sturm
1992-1993: Giorgio Brosio
2009-2011: Fabio Padovano
1991-1992: Pierre Salmon
2007-2009: Lars P. Feld
1990-1991: Heinrich Ursprung
2005-2007: Jakob de Haan
1989-1990: Friedrich Schneider
2003-2005: Gebhard Kirchgässner
1988-1989: Bengt-Arne Wickström
2001-2003: Jean Dominique Lafay
1987-1988: Francesco Forte
1999-2001: Dennis C. Mueller
1986-1987: Frans van Winden
1998-1999: Douglas Hibbs
1984-1986: Charles Beat Blankart
1997-1998: Kristian Palda and Arthur Schram 1983-1984: Jean-Dominique Lafay
1996-1997: Arye Hillman
1982-1983: Martin Paldam
1995-1996: Friedrich Schneider
1981-1982: Charles Rowley
1994-1995: José Casas Pardo
1974-1981: Peter Bernholz
1993-1994: Vani Borooah
1972-1974: Elisabeth Liefmann-Keil
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Information about Cambridge
Your conference pack includes a detailed guide to Cambridge with lots of information
about the city. The highlights include King’s College Chapel, The Fitzwilliam
Museum, Great Court at Trinity College and the Bridge of Sighs at St. John’s College.
Getting Around
If you arrive in Cambridge by bus or by train, you can take a taxi to the conference
venue (Robinson College) or to Jesus College if that is where you are accomodated.
There are tax ranks outside the train station and at the bus station. It costs about £8 to
get from the train station to either of the two colleges. Jesus College is very close to
the bus station at Parker’s Piece and Drummer Street (see the Cambridge map on
back cover), while it will take about 15 minutes to walk to Robinson College from the
bus station.
The airport buses (The National Express) arrive and depart from Parker’s Piece
There is a direct train from Stansted Airport to Cambridge which takes about 30
minutes (
Cambridge is a small town and it is easy to walk around, but occasionally you might
want/need a taxi.
There are a number of competing taxi companies in Cambridge (so they all charge the
same!). You can, for example, book with Panther Taxi at +44 1223 715 715 or get the
porters at Robinson or Jesus College to call one for you.
If you consider taking a taxi to (or from) the airport (which is cost efficient if you
share it with two or three others), you need to pre-book and pre-pay with a credit card.
While for local transport within Cambridge you can go by the meter, do NOT take a
taxi by the meter to any of the airports: always pre-book. The approximate cost to
Stansted is £50 while a trip to Heathrow will set you about £100 back.
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Restaurants and Pubs
For a detailed list of restaurants please check the guide to Cambridge which you can
find in your conference pack. Below are some suggestions:
 The Rice Boat. Very good South Indian restaurant (Newnham Road).
 Sala Thong. Very good Thai cuisine (Newnham Road).
 Don Pasquale. Italian restaurant with a good pizzeria in the basement (Market
 Hotel du Vin & Bistro. A fine French restaurant (Trumpington Street).
 Browns. Another good restaurant close to Hotel du Vin (Trumpington Street).
 Côte. A very good French restaurant (Bridge Street).
 Lock Fyne. Offers a large range of seafood delicacies (Trumpington Street).
 Nando’s. Famous for its grilled chicken dishes (St. Andrews Street).
 Wagamama. Offers fantastic Japanese food (St. Andrews Street).
 Seven Days. One of the best Chinese restaurants in Cambridge (Regent Street).
 Midsummers House. The best restaurant in town (Midsummer Common).
There are many pubs in Cambridge. The College Bar at Robinson will be open on
Friday night, but you might also want to venture out. Here are some interesting pubs:
 The Eagle in Bene't Street
 The Granta. For when the weather is good, it has a fantastic terrace overlooking
the river (Newnham Rd).
 St Radegund at the end of King’s Street. This is smallest pub in Cambridge.
 Fort St George (Midsummer Common). Located at river.
 The Anchor (Silver St).
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
List of Participants
Aguirre, Alvaro,, Central Bank of Chile, Chile
Aidt, Toke,, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Apolte, Thomas,, University of Münster, Germany
Arbatli, Cemal Eren,, Higher School of Economics, Russian
Arce, Daniel,, University of Texas at Dallas, United States
Arnold, Felix,, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Artés, Joaquín,, Complutense University of Madrid, Spain
Asatryan, Zareh,, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Badreldin, Ahmed Mohamed,, PhilippsUniversity of Marburg, Germany
Bahal, Girish,, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Baigent, Nicholas,, London School of Economics, United
Baskaran, Thushyanthan,, University of Göttingen,
Basuchoudhary, Atin,, Virginia Military Institute, United
Batinti, Alberto, a.batinti@mail.shufe.ed, Shanghai University of Finance and
Economics, China
Bennani, Hamza,, Universités de Lille, France
Berggren, Niclas,, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
(IFN), Sweden
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Berset, Simon,, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Beviá, Carmen,, Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain
Binder, Constanze,, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Binet, Marie-Estelle,, University of Rennes 1,
Bischoff, Ivo,, University of Kassel, Germany
Bjørnskov, Christian,, Aarhus University, Denmark
Blankart, Charles B.,, Humboldt University Berlin - University
of Lucerne, Germany
Bohn, Frank,, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Bordignon, Massimo,, Catholic University of Milan,
Borooah, Vani,, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Bracco, Emanuele,, Lancaster University, United Kingdom
Braendle, Thomas,, Federal Department of Finance,
Brandt, Urs Steiner,, University of Southern Denmark, Denmark
Bros, Catherine,, University of Paris-Est Marne la
Vallée - ERUDITE, France
Buck, Florian,, University of Munich, Germany
Burchi, Francesco,, German Development Institute,
Burret, Heiko T.,, "Walter Eucken Institute, University of
Freiburg", Germany
Cadoret, Isabelle,, University of Rennes 1, France
Cariolle, Joël,, Fondation pour les etudes et recherches sur le
developpement international, France
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Caruso, Raul,, Catholic University of the Sacred Heart, Italy
Cassing, James H.,, University of Pittsburgh, United States
Castro, Vítor,, University of Coimbra and NIPE, Portugal
Chatagny, Florian,, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Chortareas, Georgios,, King's College London, United
Chowdhury, Subhasish,, University of East Anglia,
United Kingdom
Christoffersen, Henrik,, Cepos - Center for Political Studies,
Cioffi, Marika,, Bank of Italy/LUISS, Italy
Claeys, Peter,, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Clémenceau, Maxime,, University of Lausanne
(IDHEAP), Switzerland
Collier, Poul,, University of Oxford, United Kingdom
Colombo, Luca V.A.,, Catholic University of the Sacred
Heart, Italy
Congleton, Roger,, West Virginia University, United
Costa Font, Joan,, London School of Economics, United
Costas-Pérez, Elena,, University of Barcelona & IEB,
Curto Grau, Marta,, Heidelberg University,
d'Agostino, Giorgio,, University of Rome III, Italy
Dahm, Matthias,, University of Nottingham, United
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Dalle Nogare, Chiara,, University of Brescia, Italy
Dell'anno, Roberto,, University of Salerno, Italy
Dellis, Arnaud,, Laval University and CIRPEE, Canada
Dima, Bogdan,, West University of Timisoara,
Donfouet, Hermann Pythagore Pierre,, University of Rennes I,
Dorsch, Michael,, Central European University, Hungary
Doucouliagos, Chris (Hristos),, Deakin University, Australia
Dreher, Axel,, Heidelberg University, Germany
Drometer, Marcus,, University of Munich, Ifo Institute, Germany
Dutheil de La Rochére, Ghislain,,
Ecoles de Saint Cyr Coetquidan CREC, France
Eberl, Jakob,, Center for Economic Studies (CES) and University
of Munich, Germany
Efthyvoulou, Georgios,, University of Sheffield,
United Kingdom
Eichenauer, Vera,, Heidelberg University,
Empoli, Da Domenico,, University of Rome La
Sapienza, Italy
Esslinger, Christoph,, University of
Mannheim, Germany
Facchini, Francois,, University of Paris 11, France
Farvaque, Etienne,, Université du Havre, France
Farzanegan, Mohammad Reza,, Philipps-University of
Marburg, CNMS, Germany
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Feld, Lars P.,, University of Freiburg, Germany
Feldmann, Horst,, University of Bath, United Kingdom
Fernandes, Ana,, Bern University of Applied Sciences,
Ferrero, Mario,, University of Eastern Piedmont, Italy
Fidrmuc, Jan,, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Fiorino, Nadia,, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Fischer, Justina A.V.,, University of Mannheim, Germany
Foucart, Renaud,, University of Oxford, United
Foucault, Martial,, Sciences Po Paris, France
Franck, Raphaël,, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Freier, Ronny,, DIW Berlin, Germany
Frey, Christian,, University of Lucerne, Switzerland
Freytag, Andreas,, Friedrich-Schiller-University Jena,
Friedrichsen, Jana,, WZB and Humboldt University Berlin,
Fritz, Benedikt,, Walter Eucken Institute, University of Freiburg,
Fuchs, Andreas,, Heidelberg University, Germany
Galli, Emma,, University of Rome Sapienza, Italy
Galmarini, Umberto,, University of Insubria, Italy
Gassebner, Martin,, University of Reading, United
Gehring, Kai,, Heidelberg University, Germany
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Gérard, Marcel,, Université catholique de Louvain,
Gërxhani, Klarita,, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Ghosh, Sugata,, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Gilli, Mario,, University of Milan-Bicocca, Italy
Ginzburg, Boris,, University College London, United Kingdom
Giovannoni, Francesco,, University of Bristol,
United Kingdom
Goel, Rajeev,, Illinois State University, United States
Gregor, Martin,, Charles University in Prague, Czech Republic
Gundlach, Erich,, University of Hamburg,
Gutmann, Jerg,, University of Hamburg, Germany
Harms, Philipp,, Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz,
Hayo, Bernd,, University of Marburg, Germany
Hefeker, Carsten,, University of Siegen, Germany
Heinemann, Friedrich,, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Hessami, Zohal,, University of Konstanz, Germany
Heyes, Anthony,, University of Ottawa, Canada
Hillman, Arye,, Bar-Ilan University, Israel
Holm, Joshua,, Free University of Brussels, Belgium
Ihori, Toshihiro,, University of Tokyo, Japan
Iyer, Sriya,, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jaakkola, Jenni,, University of Turku, Finland
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Jain, Sanjay,, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Jennings, Colin,, King's College London, United Kingdom
Jong, de Eelke,, Radboud University Nijmegen, Netherlands
Jong-A-Pin, Richard,, University of Groningen,
Jordahl, Henrik,, Research Institute of Industrial Economics
(IFN), Sweden
Josselin, Jean-Michel,, University of Rennes 1,
Jung, Alexander,, European Central Bank, Germany
Kammas, Pantelis,, University of Ioannina, Greece
Kaniovski, Serguei,, Austrian Institute of Economic
Research (WIFO), Austria
Kauder, Björn,, Ifo Institute, University of Munich, Germany
Kibris, Arzu,, Sabanci University, Turkey
Kibris, Özgür,, Sabanci University, Turkey
Kirchgässner, Gebhard,, Institute for
Advanced Study, Berlin, Germany
Kirkpatrick, Bethany,, Sciences Po, Paris, France
Kis-Katos, Krisztina,, University of Freiburg,
Klien, Michael,, Sorbonne Business School / Chaire EPPP,
Klingelhofer, Jan,, RWTH Aachen University,
Klomp, Jeroen,, Wageningen University, Netherlands
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Kollmann, Andrea,, Johannes Kepler University
Linz, Austria
Konishi, Hideki,, Waseda University, Japan
Köppl-Turyna, Monika,, University Institute of Lisbon,
Kouvavas, Omiros,, University of Warwick, United
Krekel, Christian,, German Institute for Economic Research (DIW
Berlin), Germany
Kyriacou, Andreas,, Universitat de Girona, Spain
Lamla, Michael,, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Larsen, Karsten Bo,, CEPOS - Center for Political Studies,
Le Maux, Benoît,, University of Rennes 1, France
Lingens, Jörg,, University of Münster, Germany
Lohmann, Steffen,, University of Göttingen,
Lopes da Fonseca, Mariana,, University
of Göttingen, Germany
Louis, Jaeck,, United Arab Emirates University, United Arab
Luca, De Giacomo,, University of York, United
Lucas, Viola,, GIGA German Institute of Global and
Area Studies, Germany
Magalhães, De Leandro,, University of Bristol,
United Kingdom
Marchesi, Silvia,, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Marti, Christian,, University of St.Gallen, Switzerland
Martins, Rodrigo,, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Matter, Ulrich,, University of Basel, Switzerland
Mause, Karsten,, University of Münster, Germany
McGuirk, Eoin,, University of Gothenburg, Sweden
Melcarne, Alessandro,, University of Turin, Italy
Méon, Pierre-Guillaume,, Université libre de Bruxelles (ULB),
Metelska-Szaniawska, Katarzyna,, University of Warsaw,
Michaelowa, Axel,, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Michaelowa, Katharina,, University of Zürich,
Michel, Stephan,, University of Hamburg, Germany
Minasyan, Anna,, University of Göttingen
and Heidelberg University, Germany
Minne, Geoffrey,, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Mitra, Anirban,, University of Oslo, Norway
Moore, John,, Sorbonne Business School, France
Morrow, John,, London School of Economics, United Kingdom
Mutascu, Mihai,, West University of Timisoara, Romania
Necker, Sarah,, Walter Eucken Institute, University
of Freiburg, Germany
Neher, Frank,, Free University of Berlin, Germany
Neuenkirch, Edith,, Philipps-University
Marburg, Germany
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Neuenkirch, Matthias,, University of Trier, Germany
Neugart, Michael,, Technical University of Darmstadt,
Neumeier, Florian,, Philipps-University
Marburg, Germany
Nikolova, Elena,, European Bank for Reconstruction and
Development, United Kingdom
Nistico, Roberto,, University of Essex, United Kingdom
Nupia, Oskar,, University of the Andes, Colombia
Olivera, Javier,, University of Luxembourg, Luxembourg
Padovano, Fabio,, University of Rennes 1, France
Paldam, Martin,, Aarhus University, Denmark
Parameswaran, Giri,, Haverford College, United States
Pastine, Tuvana,, National University of Ireland Maynooth,
Paty, Sonia,, GATE-LSE, CNRS and University of Lyon, France
Petrarca, Ilaria,, University of Verona, Italy
Pfarr, Christian,, University of Bayreuth, Germany
Pfeil, Christian,, Walter Eucken Institute & University of Freiburg,
Piacenza, Massimiliano,, University of Torino, Italy
Piazza, Santino,, IRES Piemonte, Italy
Piguillem, Facundo, EIEF, Italy
Pitlik, Hans,, Austrian Institute of Economic Research
(WIFO), Austria
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Pitsoulis, Athanassios,, University of
Hildesheim, Germany
Poprawe, Marie,, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
Pupic, Dzenana,, Graz University, Austria
Rablen, Matthew,, Brunel University, United Kingdom
Reinsberg, Bernhard,, University of Zürich, Switzerland
Reischmann, Markus,, Ifo Institute, Germany
Reuter, Wolf Heinrich,, Vienna University of Economics and
Business, Austria
Ricciuti, Roberto,, University of Verona, Italy
Robinson, James,, Harvard University, United States
Rockey, James,, University of Leicester, United Kingdom
Rode, Martin,, University of Navarra, Spain
Röhrs, Sigrid,, Goethe-University Frankfurt,
Saarimaa, Tuukka,, Government Institute for Economic
Research VATT, Finland
Sakurai, Sergio Naruhiko,, University of Sao Paulo, Brazil
Salmon, Pierre,, Université de Bourgogne, France
Salotti, Simone,, Oxford Brookes University, United Kingdom
Sarantides, Vassilis,, University of Sheffield, United
Schaltegger, Christoph A.,, University of Lucerne,
Schelker, Mark,, University of Fribourg, Germany
Schläpfer, Jörg,, KOF, ETH Zürich, Switzerland
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Schneider, Friedrich,, University of Linz, Austria
Schomaker, Rahel,, German Research Institute for Public
Administration, Germany
Schram, Arthur,, Amsterdam School of Economics/CREED,
Schulze, Günther,, University of Freiburg,
Sharif, Zara,, Erasmus University Rotterdam, Netherlands
Shrivastava, Anand,, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom
Soudis, Dimitrios,, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Spengler, Dominic,, University of York, United Kingdom
Spiegel, Sebastian,, Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
Staal, Klaas,, IAAK, University of Bonn, Germany
Stefani, de Alessia,, University of Edinburgh, United
Sturm, Jan-Egbert,, KOF Swiss Economic Institute, ETH Zürich,
Svendsen, Gert Tinggaard,, Aarhus University, Denmark
Terai, Kimiko,, Keio University, Japan
Tillmann, Peter,, University of Giessen,
Tojerow, Ilan,, Université libre de Bruxelles, Belgium
Tommasino, Pietro,, Bank of Italy, Italy
Tridimas, George,, University of Ulster, United Kingdom
Troumpounis, Orestis,, Lancaster University, United
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Tunali, Ciğdem Börke,, Istanbul University-Brunel
University, Turkey
Turati, Gilberto,, University of Torino, Italy
Ueda, Kozo,, Waseda University, Japan
Ursprung, Heinrich,, University of Konstanz,
Veiga, Francisco,, University of Minho, Portugal
Veiga, Linda,, University of Minho, Portugal
Voigt, Stefan,, University of Hamburg, Germany
Vorobyev, Dmitriy,, CERGE-EI, Charles University in Prague,
Czech Republic
Vu, Thanh Thuy,, University of Paris X, France
Weber, Matthias,, University of Amsterdam, Netherlands
Wen, Xue,, IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies, Italy
Wickström, Bengt-Arne,, Humboldt University, Berlin,
Wiese, Rasmus,, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Wintrobe, Ronald,, Western University, Canada
Wyrwich, Michael,, Friedrich Schiller University Jena,
Yerly, Nadia,, University of Fribourg, Switzerland
Yeter, Mustafa,, ZEW Mannheim, Germany
Yeung, Timothy Yu-Cheong,, Toulouse School of
Economics, France
Yilmaz, Ibrahim,, King's College London, United Kingdom
You, Jing,, Renmin University of China, China
EPCS 2014 • Cambridge • 3-6 April 2014
Ythier, Jean Mercier,, University of Paris, PantheonAssas, France
Yu, Shu,, University of Groningen, Netherlands
Zápal, Jan,, IAE-CSIC, Barcelona GSE, CERGE-EI Prague,
Zhang, Yongjing,, University of Ottawa, Canada
Zimmermann, Ekkart,, Dresden University of
Technology, Germany
Good, Phil,, Cambridge University Press, United Kingdom
Pitman, Matthew,, Edward Elgar, United Kingdom
Wilson, Donna,, Elsevier, Netherlands
Bihn, Martina,, Springer, Germany
Level G
1 Auditorium
2 Auditorium Lounge
& Foyer
3 Auditorium Conference
Portersʼ Lodge 4 Games Room
5 Dining Hall
7 Red Brick Cafe
8 Bar
14 Linnett Room
R Marquee
Level 0
19 Garden Room
5 Dining Hall
Level 1
26 J8
Level 2
27 Teaching Rooms 7
Robinson College, Grange Road,
Cambridge CB3 9AN UK
Tel: +44 (0)1223 339100
Fax: +44 (0)1223 315094