Summer Academy 2016 - Lawrence County Educational Service


Summer Academy 2016 - Lawrence County Educational Service
Lawrence County ESC
Summer Academy
June 6-9 …………… June 13-16
Location: Ohio University Southern Campus
1804 Liberty Ave.
Ironton, Ohio 45638
Dingus Building
Shawnee State University
will offer College Credit
Participants can Earn Up to 4 Semester Hours
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Important Information for Summer Academy 2016 Participants
June 6 through 9 ----- June 13 through 16
9:00 AM until 3:00 PM each day (Please bring lunch)
All sessions at: Ohio University Southern Campus
1804 Liberty Ave
Ironton, Ohio 45638
Dingus Building
Session location will be posted on the front door.
$25 per day payable to Lawrence Co. ESC
One hour semester credit available for $130 through Shawnee State University.
(Participants must attend 2 days to earn one semester hour.)
Registration: Complete the registration form, include check or money order and mail to:
Lawrence County ESC
Attention: Crissy Riggle
111 S. 4th St. - Courthouse 3rd Floor
Ironton, Ohio 45638
Registration Deadline:
May 20, 2016
Registration is limited and will be on a first-come, first-served basis and must include
registration fee payable to Lawrence County ESC.
Credit Options: Participants must attend two days to apply for one semester hour of college credit
issued by Shawnee State University.
Participants will be issued college credit application and evaluation forms during the
workshop. These applications must be signed by presenters or Lawrence County ESC staff.
Those not seeking university credit will be issued a Contact Hour Certificate from
Lawrence County ESC for 6 hours daily. Registration fee still applies.
Please bring lunch from home as there are very few restaurants nearby.
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Monday, June 06
Summer Academy 2016 Workshop Schedule
Tuesday, June 07
Wednesday, June 08
Thursday, June 09
1. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
3. Enhance Instruction
for Student Achievement
5. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
7. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
Teaching Tools: Google,
Plickers & Much More–
Scott Elzey
Room: D-218
The “Write” Stuff –
Lana Rameriz
Room: D-101
Apps for Educators –
Loretta Harvey
Room: D-218
Blended Learning –
Dr. Maria Boyarko (BFK)
Room: D-101
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: 5-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
2. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
4. Enhance Instruction
for Student Achievement
6. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
Embed Depth of Knowledge
(DOK) into the Daily
Classroom Teaching –
Beverly Tillis & Julie Mayo
Room: D-106
Universal Design
Learning with Differential
Dr. Charles Kemp
Room: D-106
8. Enhance Instr
uction for Student
Literacy in All Content AreasMore than Reading &
Morph Your Classroom –
Writing –
Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
Dr. Tryphina Robinson
Room: D-106
Room: D-106
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: 5-12
Leaders and Teachers
BRING: Standards & Assessments
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Monday, June 13
Target Audience: 3-12
Teachers and Leaders
Tuesday, June 14
Wednesday, June 15
Thursday, June 16
9. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
11. Enhance Instruction
for Student Achievement
13. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
15. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
Teacher Leaders: Discover
Your Capacity –
Cathryn Everidge-Shaw
Room: D-101
Classrooms That Work–
Dr. Jodi Dunham
Room: D-101
Using the Web in the
Classroom - Loretta Harvey
Room: D-218
Student Engagement =
Student Success Sue Bentley
Room: D-101
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Targeted Audience K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: 4-12
Teachers and Leaders
10. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
12. Enhance Instruction
for Student Achievement
14. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
16. Enhance Instruction for
Student Achievement
Let’s Cooperate! –
Dr. Jodi Dunham
Speeches and Poetry to
Use Across Content –
Dr. Douglas Sturgeon
Room: D-106
Room: D-106
Strategies to Improve
Student Performance: A
Multisensory Approach –
Dora Carmon
Room: D-106
All Students Can Learn to
Read: Focus on Phonemic
Awareness and Phonics –
Dora Carmon
Room: D-106
Target Audience: K-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: 5-12
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: K-3
Teachers and Leaders
Target Audience: K-3
Teachers and Leaders
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Workshop Descriptions and Presenter Profiles
June 6
1. Teaching Tools: Google, Plickers and Much
Presenter: Scott Elzey
In the morning teachers will learn how to use
Google as a tools that make searching the web
easy and other technology tools that help
students. Mr. Elzey will share quality formative
assessment resources in Google, Plickers,
Kahoot and much more that will help teachers
focus instruction on the needs of individual
Scott Elzey began his career in an elementary
classroom as a kindergarten, 3rd and 4th grade
teacher. He spent one year as a Technology
Integrated Specialist teaching teachers to use
technology in the classroom. Presently, he is the
Technology Coordinator at Warren Local Schools
and a Google Education Trainer (GET). Scott
presents locally and nationally where his sessions
are packed with leaders and teachers.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 6
2. Embed Depth of Knowledge (DOK) into the
Daily Classroom Teaching
Presenter: Beverly Tillis and Julie Mayo
Increasing the DOK level in daily class work is
important to preparing students for college and
careers. All students can work at a higher level
when the DOK levels are embedded into daily
assignments and assessments. The workshop
will include the latest information from Dr.
Karin Hess who has worked nationally on the
impact of higher standards through the use of
Beverly Tillis, Curriculum Specialist and Julie
Mayo, Special Education Supervisor at Lawrence
County ESC will be the presenters. Together,
these ladies have over 78 years of experience in
education as teachers, teaching/learning,
curriculum, special education and much more.
They present on various current topics in schools,
districts and local colleges.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 7
3. The “Write” Stuff
Presenter: Lana Ramirez
Writing is critical to success on all assessments
yet can be daunting to teach. This workshop
will focus on the writing process: scaffolding
strategic prewriting, writing prompts, peer
review, rubrics, and a “minimal marking”
system to help handle the paper load. Teachers
will also learn a simple yet flexible essay model
that can be used in any subject area.
Lana Ramirez has over 20 years of experience
teaching high school language arts and college
English courses. She is an experienced presenter.
Most recently, she has presented at High Schools
That Work state, local and national conferences.
She serves as the site coordinator of HSTW and a
leader for her building and district.
Target Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders
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June 7
4. Universal Design Learning with Differential
Presenter: Dr. Charles Kemp
Universal Design Learning (UDL) with
Differential Instruction is a good combination
for improving student performance. With OTES,
Ohio’s Learning Standards and overall quality
teaching, differentiating instruction is crucial.
Participants will learn about UDL and ways to
use differential instructional strategies. This
workshop will provide many tools and ideas for
teachers and leaders.
Charles W. Kemp, Ed. D., serves as Supervisor of
Special Education, but has experience teaching
internationally in multi-grade classrooms. He has
served in a PreK - 12 building in various
leadership roles. His passion for inclusive
education of all students is well supported through
quality instruction that has high expectations and
rigor for all students that utilizes differentiated
instructional practices and the principles of
Universal Design for Learning. Dr. Kemp
presents at state and national conferences. He
supports school teams concerning students with
autism and other special needs.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 8
5. Apps for Educators
Presenter: Loretta Harvey
This workshop is for all teachers who want to
improve productivity and instruction in the
classroom. They will learn about apps that will
help with classroom management, content,
data/assessment, reading, gaming and much
Loretta Harvey is a visiting faculty member in
Teacher Education at Shawnee State University.
She is completing her doctorate in science. Her
areas of expertise are outdoor classrooms,
technology and science content.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 8
6. Literacy in All Content Areas
Presenter: Dr. Tryphina Robinson
In this session, teachers will develop a
broadened understanding of what "literacy"
entails and how to promote it within all content
areas. Participants will learn strategies for
integrating CCSS content standards with
speaking and listening and writing standards.
Participants will also learn about digital tools
that will enhance use of the CCSS standards
across content areas.
Dr. Tryphina Robinson has been an educator for
13 years, with experience as a classroom teacher
of grades K and 5, an instructional coach and an
assistant professor of teacher education. She has
several responsibilities at Shawnee State
University in Teacher Education Program.
Target Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders
of all content areas
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June 9
7. Blended Learning
Presenters: Dr. Maria Boyarko BFK
In this session we will explore how blended
Maria Boyarko joined Battelle for Kids in 2015,
learning is an integral part of learner-centered
bringing more than 16 years of experience
education. As technology continues to evolve
as a teacher, mentor, high school principal and
and 21st century learners require more autonomy expert in the design and implementation of
and critical thinking skills, blended learning
professional learning resources for educators.
provides a powerful approach that will support
She also specializes in blended learning
personalized learning and make learnersolutions for students, teachers, and district
centered education a reality. Join this interactive administrators. Maria is technically
session to learn about and engage in dialogue
sophisticated with a career reflecting strong
about: what this means for our schools; how
leadership, qualifications and hands-on
processes, structures, and distribution of talent
may need to change; what supports are needed;
and how blended learning fits into the bigger
picture of learner-centered education.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 9
8. Morph Your Classroom
Presenter: Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
Would you like to incorporate Rigorous
Practices into your lessons without boring your
students? What is Rigor? How do I incorporate
rigor into daily lessons without taking away
valuable class time? Where do I start? What
should I expect? Morph Your class from dull and
boring to one of excitement and happiness. Let
your students come to you for years on end
remembering a lesson you did way back when!
Spark a love for learning in your students and
make them want to come to class. Give them the
proper support they need to survive in the world.
If you are an administrator, learn to give
support to your staff! This professional
development answers each of those questions
and more, along with the opportunity to ask
questions or support to develop your own rich
lesson strategy!
Dr. Elizabeth A. Johnson is an experienced
educational leader with over a decade of
experience in a K-12 setting. She collaborates with
the Ohio Department of Education Network of
Regional Leaders, and Model Curriculum, the
District Leadership Team, Building Leadership
Team, and Teacher Based Teams. She is currently
working on educational articles as well as making
presentations in both Ohio and Kentucky. She has
extensive experience with curriculum development,
and data analysis.
Target Audience: 3-12 Teachers and Leaders
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June 13
9. Teacher Leaders: Discover Your Capacity
Presenter: Cathryn Everidge-Shaw
Cathryn Everidge-Shaw is back to share what
she has learned about teacher leadership.
Teacher Leaders: Discover Your Capacity to
Lead; Great leaders know themselves. Great
leaders believe in themselves. Great leaders get
over themselves. Join us for a day of activities,
discussions and reflection that will help you get
to know yourself as a leader and build your
capacity to lead where you are.
Cathryn Everidge-Shaw is currently serving as a
Field Support Specialist for the Ohio Department
of Education. From July 2012 through June 2015,
Cathryn served as the Assessment Literacy
Specialist for central Ohio. Previously, she
worked with the Ohio Department of Education to
roll out the ELA standards and served as a
formative assessment coach. Cathryn taught
middle school language arts for fourteen years,
during which time she became National Board
Certified in Language Arts for the middle grades
and obtained her administrator's license.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 13
10. Let’s Cooperate!
Presenter: Dr. Jodi Dunham
Cooperative learning is a guaranteed way to
energize your classroom! During this session,
teachers will participate in a variety of
classroom instructional activities. Teachers will
“make it – take it” throughout the day, taking
with them the items necessary for incorporating
the activities presented into their classroom
Dr. Jodi Dunham is a professor in the Department
of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University.
She has been a high school mathematics teacher
for the last 18 years. Her graduate work was in
educational leadership and mathematics
education. She is Nationally Board Certified, the
South District Director for the Ohio Council of
Teachers of Mathematics, and a
facilitator/assessor for Ohio's RESA program. She
also has extensive experience presenting at
conferences and workshops for in-service and preservice teachers.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 14
11. Classrooms That Work
Presenter: Dr. Jodi Dunham
This session will highlight what a highly
effective classroom looks like. Teachers will
receive ideas on classroom management and
organization. They will leave with new ideas,
revisit concepts that work and rethink what
their classroom can be!
Dr. Jodi Dunham is a professor in the Department
of Teacher Education at Shawnee State University.
She has been a high school mathematics teacher
for the last 18 years. She is Nationally Board
Certified, the South District Director for the Ohio
Council of Teachers of Mathematics, and a
facilitator/assessor for Ohio's RESA program. She
has extensive experience presenting at conferences
and workshops for teachers.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
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June 14
12. Speeches and Poetry to Use Across Content
Presenter: Dr. Douglas Sturgeon
Students are expected to read, write and present
as part of Ohio’s Learning Standards. Dr.
Sturgeon’s workshops are full of engaging
activities that teachers can take back to the
classroom ready to use. This workshop will
provide ideas to help implement these skills in
social studies but teachers should find ideas
they can adapt for their content area.
Dr. Sturgeon is the Professor of Special
Education at Shawnee State University. He has
extensive experience working with teachers of
special education students and enjoys teaching
literature to match Ohio’s Learning Standards.
He has presented at Summer Academy for the last
three years.
Target Audience: 5-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 15
13. Using the Web in the Classroom
Presenter: Loretta Harvey
This classroom will showcase a variety of Web
2.0 tools. Web 2.0 tools include content tools,
productivity tools, video tools and much more.
Teachers will leave with a working knowledge of
how to easily access and use the Web in their
Loretta Harvey is a visiting faculty member in
Teacher Education at Shawnee State University.
She is completing her doctorate in science. Her
areas of expertise are outdoor classrooms,
technology and science content.
Target Audience: K-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 15
14. Strategies to Improve Student
Performance: A Multisensory Approach to
Teaching Reading
Mrs. Carmon is back by request to share more
about teaching reading strategies that work.
The research shows that if children receive
reading instruction using a scientific research
based multisensory language approach – all
students can learn to read! All students will
benefit and become better readers in the right
classroom environment. If you interested in
more literacy strategies join her in Session 16
on June 16th.
Target Audience: K-3 Teachers and Leaders
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Presenter: Dora Carmon
Dora Carmon has over 40 years of experience in
teaching, counseling and assisting educators with
programs that increase student performance. In
2014, she received a scholarship to train at The
Children Dyslexia Center in Columbus, Ohio. She
is a Certified Orton-Gillingham Teacher and a
Certified Academic Language Practitioner. She is
very excited to share her expertise with all
June 16
15. Student Engagement = Student Success
Presenter: Sue Bentley
A visit to Ms. Bentley’s high school advanced
science classroom is evidence that students can
master even the highest level concept when it is
taught in an engaging way. This session will
focus on creating a classroom environment that
will get students engaged in their own learning.
This training equips students to face life’s
challenges in the classroom and start a skilled
pathway toward college and careers.
Presently, Sue Bentley teaches Physical Science,
Chemistry and Honors Physics at Green High
School. She is noted for making these classes
engaging and enjoyable for her students.
She received her bachelors and masters from
Eastern Kentucky. She has presented at several
conferences in Ohio and nationally.
Target Audience: 4-12 Teachers and Leaders
June 16
16. All Students Can Learn to Read: Focus on
Phonemic Awareness and Phonics
Research shows that the best predictor of a
student not passing the Third Grade Reading
Test is lack of phonemic awareness. This
workshop will focus on teaching phonemic
awareness at all grade levels. The workshop
will also focus on how to teach phonics using an
explicit, systematic and cumulative approach.
Presenter: Dora Carmon
Dora Carmon has over 40 years of experience in
teaching, counseling and assisting educators with
programs that increase student performance. In
2014 she received a scholarship to train at The
Children’s Dyslexia Center in Columbus, Ohio.
She is a Certified Orton-Gillingham Teacher and
a Certified Academic Language Practitioner. She
is very excited to share her expertise in reading
with all teachers.
Target Audience: K-3 teachers and anyone who
wants to help struggling readers.
If you have any questions about the workshop sessions, don’t hesitate to contact:
Betsy Fannin at Lawrence County Educational Service Center
Call: 740-532-4223 Ext: 233
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2016 Registration for Summer Academy
To register, complete the registration form and send your registration with check
or money order, payable to the Lawrence County Educational Service Center.
 Mail or drop off your registration information with payment by May 20th
Lawrence County ESC
Attn: Crissy Riggle
111 South 4th St., 3rd Floor Courthouse
Ironton, Ohio 45638
 The cost of each 1-day workshop is $25 for all who wish to attend.
 Registration is limited and will be on a first-come, first serve basis and includes
registration payment.
 Graduate credit, through Shawnee State University, is available upon completion of any
two workshops and evaluation form. If you do not wish to pay for college credit, you
will receive a 6 contact hour certificate upon completion of each workshop.
Bring your lunch.
Please complete the registration form (on page 11) and return to Crissy at
the ESC with payment.
Be sure to mark your selection clearly.
A confirmation will be sent to you via the email that you provided on your registration.
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2016 Summer Academy Registration Form
Grade and Subject(s) you teach:
A confirmation will be sent to you via the email that you provided on this registration.
WEEK 1 - June 6 - June 9
Bring your lunch
Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement:
1. Teaching Tools: Google, Plickers and More – Scott Elzey
June 6
2. Embed Depth of Knowledge (DOK) into Daily Classroom –
Beverly Tillis & Julie Mayo
3. The Write Stuff – Lana Rameriz
June 6
June 7
4. Universal Design Learning with Differential Instruction – Dr. Charles Kemp June 7
5. Apps for Educators – Loretta Harvey
June 8
6. Literacy in All Content Areas – Dr. Tryphina Robinson
June 8
7. Blended Learning – Dr. Maria Boyarko
June 9
8. Morph Your Classroom – Dr. Elizabeth Johnson
June 9
WEEK 2 - June 13 - June 16
Enhance Instruction for Student Achievement:
9. Teachers Leaders Discover Your Capacity– Cathryn Everidge-Shaw
June 13
10. Let’s Cooperate – Dr. Jodi Dunham
June 13
11. Classrooms That Work – Dr. Jodi Dunham
June 14
12. Speeches and Poetry Across Content – Dr. Douglas Sturgeon
June 14
13. Using the Web in the Classroom – Loretta Harvey
June 15
14. Strategies to Improve Student Performance: A Multisensory Approach to
Teaching Reading - Dora Carmon
15. Student Engagement = Student Success – Sue Bentley
June 15
16. All Students Can Learn to Read: Focus on Phonemic Awareness and
Phonics – Dora Carmon
June 16
June 16
Please complete the registration form and return to Crissy at the ESC with payment.
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