2001 Annual Report
2001 Annual Report
CITY YEAR ANNUAL REPORT 2001 uniting on the common ground of service Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Hometown: Atlanta, Georgia Everybody can be great, because everybody can serve. You don't have to have a college degree to serve. You don't have to make your subject and your verb agree to serve. You don't have to know about Plato and Aristotle to serve. You don't have to know Einstein's ‘Theory of Relativity’ to serve. You don't have to know the Second Theory of Thermal Dynamics in Physics to serve. You only need a heart full of grace, a soul generated by love, and you can be that servant. —From sermon, “The Drum Major Instinct,” February 1968 To the City Year Community In 1968, Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. offered each of us a simple and powerful formula: “Everyone can be great,” he concluded, “because everyone can serve.” Today, perhaps more than ever, service may also be the principal path to greatness for our communities, our country, and our world. Service provides a path to greatness because it generates empathy, will and trust. Without empathy we cannot be effective outside of our own enclaves. Without will we cannot act with sufficient resolve to succeed, and without trust we cannot forge the bonds needed to make real and lasting change. Service can help transcend hatred, stereotype, self-interest and indifference by providing those who serve with an opportunity to walk in the moccasins of others; thereby nurturing a persistent and deeply engaged empathy. Service — and the day-to-day success of getting things done — can generate irrefutable civic will: the unshakable commitment to resolving political, social and economic problems, even those problems — especially those problems — that fester for generations and appear to many, if not all, to be insoluble. Service can build civic trust — perhaps the most essential ingredient to all peaceful human progress — by uniting people otherwise separated by personal, group, institutional or geographic boundaries for a common public purpose. Service forges a new ‘common ground,’ a place to share an experience focused on the greater good. During this challenging time for our country and our world, City Year dedicates the 2001 annual report to the common ground of service. This year, perhaps more than ever before, we were reminded that powerful things can be achieved through kindness, generosity, selflessness, and an unwavering commitment to the greater good. Thank you for your support of City Year. Sincerely, Alan Khazei CEO Michael Brown President Jeffrey B. Swartz Chair, Board of Trustees City Year Annual Report 2001 5 Daishawn Whalen Hometown: Boston, Massachusetts I serve because someone needs me to stand up. Someone needs me to be his or her role model. I need to help make life better for someone. Uniting in Service L to R: City Year corps members lead a service project at cyzygy ’01; A corps member reads to a child; A corps member works with students in the classroom; A City Year Young Hero in service. Civic Engagement City Year seeks to demonstrate the power of service by engaging thousands of people in service each year. To do this, City Year starts with the idealistic, red-jacketed City Year corps members of different racial, ethnic, educational, and economic backgrounds, serving 13 communities nationwide. These young leaders devote a “city year” to serving their communities and developing civic skills that will prepare them to be leaders for the next generation. They work to solve real problems and make a difference in others’ lives through a number of activities, including mentoring and tutoring children in partnership with public schools; developing curricula on important issues such as domestic violence prevention, diversity, and social justice; planning and leading large-scale, high-impact community service projects; and coordinating programs that involve middle-school students in community service as “Young Heroes.” In addition to completing at least 1,700 hours of service, all City Year graduates: create a resume and cover letter; obtain a public library card; design a career plan; demonstrate the ability to complete a basic tax form; earn a City Year certification in public speaking; achieve basic computer proficiency; and are encouraged to register to vote. Corps members also lead others in service through large-scale service events. These include City Year’s Serve-a-thon, a day on which thousands of volunteers complete service projects that have a lasting impact on the community and raise funds to support City Year’s ongoing work; the celebration of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s birthday as “a day ON, not a day off;” and corporate service days. In 2001, nearly 1,000 City Year corps members engaged 49,638 citizens around the country in service — almost 50 citizens serving for every corps member! City Year also leverages the power of young people in service by collaborating with corporate champions to host special service days. City Year’s corporate service days offer companies a team-building tool for employees and a way to give back to their communities. This coming year specially trained corps members and staff will work with CSX Transportation, PepsiCo and The Timberland Company to plan and execute customized employee service days that are strategically aligned with the companies’ objectives and the needs of the community. City Year Facts — FY01 Hours served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2 million Corporate partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 136 Children served . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 89,926 Non-profit partners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 247 City Year Corps Members . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 708 Serve-a-thon participants . . . . . . . . . . . . 7,345 Citizens engaged . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 49,638 Camp City Year participants. . . . . . . . . . . 4,715 Young Heroes . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1,399 City Year Annual Report 2001 7 Nisha Abraham Hometown: Carrollton, Texas I serve because I know the importance of giving kids a voice. It doesn’t matter if you are a child or a grown up; at some point, there comes a feeling that you aren’t being heard. Serving in schools gives me the opportunity to give the future’s most important resource — children — a voice, whether through helping them create a book, discussing social justice issues, or developing a community newspaper. In addition to helping children, service has helped me. I have developed an understanding of diversity I would never have acquired elsewhere. City Year in the Nation’s Capital L to R: A City Year corps member leads children in service; President William Jefferson Clinton joins City Year Washington, DC for a Martin Luther King, Jr. Day service event at the Greenleaf Senior Center; City Year corps members circle up in front of the Lincoln Memorial; Jean Case, CEO of The Case Foundation, swears in the inaugural class of City Year Washington, DC corps members. City Year Washington, DC Inspired by developments at City Year’s national convention, cyzygy ’99, held in the nation’s capital, City Year launched a new program in Washington, D.C. in the fall of 2001. AOL CEO (now AOL Time Warner Chairman) Steve Case, and his wife, Jean Case, CEO of the Case Foundation, had an engaging roundtable discussion with City Year corps members from across the country just prior to Steve delivering the convention’s keynote address. At the conclusion of their discussion, Jean asked City Year’s executive leaders what it would take to bring City Year to Washington, D.C. The answer: a committed philanthropic champion, strong local community support, and entrepreneurial staff leadership. Jean immediately offered The Case Foundation to be that champion. “When Steve and I first learned about City Year at the ’99 cyzygy national convention and discovered firsthand the remarkable way in which they touch young lives through their after-school programs, mentoring and tutoring, we knew that we had to help bring City Year to our home community of Washington, D.C.” — Jean Case, CEO, The Case Foundation Community support grew out of the convention’s annual service day, during which City Year’s most ambitious service project to date was completed: the revitalization of a major section of the southeast Washington neighborhood of Benning Terrace. Planned for months by City Year and two of the convention’s leading partners — the Alliance of Concerned Men and the DC Housing Authority — corps and staff members, civic leaders, city officials, and scores of local residents painted houses, planted flowers, and built a new playground. Together they turned what neighborhood graffiti had once named “a war zone” into a beautiful community park. On site for the transformation, Washington Post columnist E.J. Dionne, Jr. described what he saw as “a peaceful revolution... against cynicism, despair and selfishness.” 1 Following the national convention, 30 community leaders wrote letters to support launching City Year Washington, DC, and The Case Foundation made a $1.3 million threeyear grant to help found the program. Soon, four Founding Team Sponsors came forward from the private sector: The Advisory Board Foundation, Cisco Systems, Inc., Fannie Mae Foundation, and AOL Time Warner, reinforced by support from Discovery Communications and The Washington Post. The convention even brought together the founding staff leadership. Chris Murphy, a D.C. lawyer and 1988 alumnus of the first City Year corps in Boston, rejoined City Year as City Year Washington, DC’s founding Executive Director; Ronda Harris Thompson, whose leadership at the DC Housing Authority helped make the Benning Terrace service initiative so powerful, joined him as the founding Deputy Director. The result: in September 2000, the 32 corps members of City Year Washington, DC became a visible, tangible example of national service in the nation’s capital. 1 E.J. Dionne, Jr., “Once a War Zone, Now a Park,” The Washington Post, June 1, 1999. City Year Annual Report 2001 9 Ta-kema Rodgers Hometown: Leeds, Alabama I serve for the children. City Year has brought me to not only meet these children, but teach them as well. Over the past year I have met children that I never would have without City Year. Through that opportunity to work with children, I have been able to teach values that were taught to me. Values of being strong, keeping your promises, and never giving up. The children are responsible for the energy and enthusiasm I bring to work every single day. I serve for the children. A Non-Urban City Year L to R: City Year New Hampshire staff and Timberland representatives gather at the new City Year New Hampshire headquarters in Stratham, NH; City Year New Hampshire’s “service mobile,” donated by Compaq Computer Corporation; A City Year corps member works with an elementary school student; Jeffrey B. Swartz, President & CEO of The Timberland Company, engages in service with City Year New Hampshire corps members. City Year New Hampshire When business, government, and civic leaders asked City Year to consider opening a program in the Seacoast region of New Hampshire, three major barriers first had to be overcome. While other City Year programs are located in city centers, taking advantage of public transportation systems, close proximity to private sector partners, and concentrated populations and nonprofits to serve, City Year New Hampshire would be serving a primarily rural community. Some creative solutions were required; they came through strategic partnerships with two corporate sponsors and a unique service strategy tailored for a non-urban corps. Where would a corps serving the Seacoast region of New Hampshire best be located? A solution came when Jeffrey Swartz, Chair of City Year’s Board of Trustees and CEO & President of The Timberland Company — a City Year National Leadership Sponsor — offered to house City Year New Hampshire at Timberland’s global headquarters in Stratham. As the nation’s first youth corps to be located in a global corporate headquarters, City Year New Hampshire would not have the visibility of a corps located in a city center, but it would have daily access to the ideas and energies of the 400+ employees of a Fortune 500 company. For more than ten years, Timberland has been proud to help lead City Year's expansion, challenging nearly 6,000 young leaders to invest their skills and energy in communities across our nation and around the world. Now, with the founding of City Year New Hampshire, we are privileged to host City Year’s first rural corps in our global headquarters. Each day, the corps members inspire us as they strengthen the New Hampshire Seacoast with their service and leadership. For City Year’s first non-urban corps, serving various communities in the state, transportation presented a special challenge. An innovative solution arose when City Year National Leadership Sponsor Compaq Computer Corporation donated an idealism-emblazoned, 15-passenger van — City Year New Hampshire’s “service mobile” — which instantly became an icon on the Southern New Hampshire roads. City Year tailors the service activities of the corps to fit the needs of each community, but this would be the first time City Year developed a service model for a non-urban population. To address this challenge, City Year New Hampshire worked closely with community residents to determine that the program should place a special focus on engaging middle school students, and established service partner relationships with Dover Middle School, Somersworth Middle School, Cooperative Middle School, New Outlook Teen Center, and New Heights Community Campus. On October 11, 2000, Governor Jeanne Shaheen swore in City Year New Hampshire’s inaugural corps, made possible by the support of Founding Site Sponsor The Timberland Company and Founding Team Sponsors CBE Technologies, Fleet Bank–New Hampshire, and GE Fund. In their first year, the 23 City Year New Hampshire corps members led 259 middle school youth through the Young Heroes program, mentored and tutored 432 students in after-school programming, and engaged 1,330 citizens in service. — Jeffrey B. Swartz, President & CEO, The Timberland Company City Year Annual Report 2001 11 Pawn Nitichan Homeland: Thailand Hometown: Portsmouth, New Hampshire I believe. I believe that it is possible for humanity to create a peaceful and harmonious world. I have a vision of a world where there is no discrimination, poverty, hunger, hate, crime, war, or injustice of any kind. A world in which all children are our children and all people are our family and friends. In this world all actions are guided and motivated by love and compassion. Every single day I am grateful to have an opportunity to be working along side City Year corps members, youth, and community residents in my own town, across the country, and beyond, moving us just a little closer to the vision of the world I have always envisioned. An International Service Initiative L to R: City Year delegation in South Africa with President William Jefferson Clinton and President Nelson Mandela; South African children welcome City Year delegation to their community; City Year Boston ’96 alumna Annalee Salcedo smiles with a young South African; Alan Khazei, CEO of City Year, Inc., dances in a South African township. The Clinton Democracy Fellowship at City Year Almost from its inception, City Year received visitors from around the world interested in launching citizen service initiatives in their home countries, including individuals and delegations from Argentina, Australia, Brazil, England, France, India, Ireland, Israel, Italy, Japan, Northern Ireland, Poland, Russia, South Africa, and the former Yugoslavia. In an open letter to the City Year community, Alan shared his frustration that City Year was not ready to initiate international work, no matter how special the objective. He had discovered, however, that there is a tremendous interest worldwide in using service as a way of uniting people who have been torn apart by racial, ethnic, and economic conflict. But the idea that service could serve as a powerful democracybuilding force in other nations did not take hold for City Year until 1996, when City Year CEO and co-founder Alan Khazei made a global journey with his future wife Vanessa Kirsch, founder of Public Allies and New Profit, Inc. In South Africa, they heard the new Constitution — and new civic institutions such as a youth service corps — being debated in the streets. In the villages of Vietnam, with Share Our Strength, they talked with Dr. Chao Bao Lok about organizing a service corps of veterinary students to help villagers with animal husbandry. In India they met Ashraf Patel, a young woman leading a cultural-awareness program to bring Muslims and Hindus together through service and education. In Moscow’s City Hall, with Bain and Company, they learned of efforts to strengthen Russia’s burgeoning civil society. I witnessed how service can be a common ground, bringing citizens together for a shared purpose. I realized that we must ready City Year to meet needs and requests like those in Bosnia, and that the next phase of City Year’s Action Tank would be to inspire citizen service worldwide. Three years later, as part of a delegation of Boston city leaders led by Mayor Thomas Menino, Alan traveled to Belfast to learn firsthand of the conflict between Catholics and Protestants, and the people seeking to heal that civic rift by uniting young people across the religious line. In Bosnia, as a part of a U.S. Peace Corps delegation organized at the request of the Bosnian government, Alan was asked to deploy City Year resources to help Bosnia use youth service as a tool for healing ethnic conflict and building civic trust. — Alan Khazei, CEO, City Year, Inc. In February 2001, a month after leaving office, President Bill Clinton discussed the role that citizen service could play in building democracy around the world with City Year co-founders Alan Khazei and Michael Brown, Vice President AnnMaura Connolly, and Trustees Jeff Swartz and Eli Segal. At that meeting, the Clinton Democracy Fellowship at City Year was born — a program that will bring emerging leaders from other nations to the United States for intensive training and cross-cultural learning — and hopefully inspire the creation of new citizen service initiatives and policies around the world. Two months later, Nelson Mandela invited President Clinton to South Africa to speak about the importance of developing a strong civil society. President Clinton asked that City Year leaders join him on this historic trip. In Johannesburg, President Clinton shared his passion for citizen service as a means of building stronger democracies and announced that the first Clinton Democracy Fellows would be selected from one of the world’s newest and most beloved democracies — South Africa. City Year Annual Report 2001 13 Andrew Muñoz Hometown: San Juan, Puerto Rico I serve because my family expects me to be strong. Growing up, we were poor and immigrant. Our community always helped us along the way. The first time I served, I learned that the world is bigger than my family or me. Now I serve with others who care deeply and live the building blocks of democracy — one relationship grows to two, one neighborhood grows to many. Through service, we are rich in relationships and we belong to the community. I believe the time has come to build community, a world where mutual respect and integrity grow through service. We are the future as we come together through service, building a world of strength and integrity. Strategic Partnerships L to R: Jeffrey L. Shames (L), Chairman & CEO of MFS Investment Management, participates in service as part of the City Year Boston Serve-a-thon, presented by MFS Investment Management; (L to R) Alan Khazei, CEO of City Year, Inc., with Jeffrey B. Swartz, President & CEO of The Timberland Company, who is presenting a special Cisco-branded Timberland boot in recognition of the company’s commitment to service to John Chambers, CEO of Cisco Systems, Inc., and Michael Brown, President of City Year, Inc. and Gena Pirtle, Corporate Philanthropy Manager of Cisco Systems, Inc., at the Boston Chamber of Commerce; City Year AmeriCorps members join in service; A Compaq Computer Corporation employee helps revitalize a community building at the City Year Serve-a-thon. City Year Champions In addition to the critical support City Year receives as a member of the AmeriCorps network, City Year has been fortunate to develop strong strategic partnerships with corporations, foundations, and individuals. More than just financial resources, these are the organizations and people that lend their unique skills, capacities, and passions to help City Year fulfill its mission. City Year has four National Leadership Sponsors, each of which provides at least $1 million in resources and strategic advice that City Year can leverage to grow and develop its service initiatives. • MFS Investment Management® sponsors the City Year Boston Serve-a-thon, Starry Starry Night fundraiser, and “MFS Investment Management Financial Literacy Team,” which is trained in a financial literacy curriculum that it in turn teaches to the Boston corps, and will soon be launched across the City Year network. • Cisco Systems, Inc. has made a multi-year investment through cash and in-kind equipment that forms the backbone of City Year’s wide area network and has provided City Year with invaluable technical assistance on using Cisco equipment for advancing knowledge sharing and productivity, as well as an innovative, low-cost long distance voice service through the Internet. • Compaq Computer Corporation provides City Year with state-of-the-art computers and high-powered servers. Since 1995, Compaq has sponsored the Compaq Leadership Awards, which annually recognize the accomplishments of up to five alumni who have distinguished themselves through their civic leadership skills and commitment to community service. • For over a decade, The Timberland Company has been the official outfitter of City Year staff and corps. In 2000, The Timberland Company championed the development of City Year New Hampshire and began housing the new corps in its global headquarters. Foundations provide critical funding to support City Year’s ongoing work. In 2001, the Surdna Foundation supported work to help City Year benchmark and standardize core service programs, the MacArthur and McCormick Foundations sponsored a National Service Policy Forum at City Year’s national convention in Chicago, and The Atlantic Philanthropies made a critical investment in City Year’s plans to build organizational capacity. Individuals and families are also essential strategic partners, shaping City Year’s development. In 2001, a small group of individual champions enabled City Year to accompany President Clinton to South Africa to announce the founding of the Clinton Democracy Fellowship at City Year: Holly Davison, Mark Nunnelly and Denise Dupre, Mark Fuller and L. J. Froman, Tim and Corinne Ferguson, Josh and Anita Bekenstein, Steve Woodsum and Ann Lovett, Rosabeth Moss Kanter, and Steve and Jeryl Oristaglio. A number of these City Year champions then joined City Year and President Clinton on this special journey to South Africa to launch City Year’s first international initiative. City Year Annual Report 2001 15 Justin Williams Hometown: Mattapan, Massachusetts My experience at City Year has helped me develop my voice. When I was growing up I was a victim of racism. White classmates picked me on because of my skin color. All I really wanted was to be myself. Growing up I always needed someone to speak up for me, and no one would. Being at City Year, learning and teaching how to speak against injustices, has given me a voice. With this voice I will always help children develop their voices earlier than I did so that they can be themselves. An Action Tank for National Service lism of idea vention n o c l a u r’s ann City Yea ’01 y g y z cy cyzygy An “Action Tank” for national service, City Year integrates the theory and policy of a think tank with the programmatic experience and knowledge gained through direct action, experimentation, and institutional growth. By linking theory and program, City Year works to leverage its ideas and experiences to develop and advance the national service movement. City Year presented its 2001 Lifetime of Idealism Award to Senator McCain, who shared his vision for large-scale national service. “In your involvement in City Year you participate in great causes. Great causes rely on good citizens... Government alone cannot solve our nation’s problems. It requires the active involvement of engaged citizens revitalizing our communities, making a great nation greater.” — Senator John McCain (R-AZ), cyzygy ‘01, The University of Chicago, June 15, 2001 A key component of City Year’s Action Tank philosophy is to inspire corps members to commit to a lifetime of active citizenship, just as the five alumni winners of the 2001 Compaq Leadership Award have done. Tiffany Chiang, Chicago ’95, Founder, GirlWorld • Elliot Epps, Columbia ’95, Race Relations Coordinator, The Palmetto Project • Brendan Hughes, Boston ’94, Founder, The Theatre Cooperative • Miguel Quinones, Boston ’97, Campus Director, Citizen Schools • David Satterthwaite, Boston ’88, Founding President & CEO, Prisma MicroFinance “These Compaq Leadership Award winners have distinguished themselves already as leaders of today; they performed their service admirably, and then went on to continue that service in ways that are important to the quality of life all of us share in this country.” At cyzygy, City Year’s annual convention of idealism, the Action Tank is at its most powerful. In June of 2001, the entire City Year community — including corporate champions, donors, service partners, staff, alumni, and corps — joined with elected officials, thought leaders, and policy makers at The University of Chicago to celebrate, promote and advance the concept of national service as a means for building a stronger democracy. cyzygy ’01 Day of Service, sponsored by CSX Transportation “I have a fantasy. That 10 years from now... there be a mighty roar from our rear, and a powerful new army will come charging up to the fight. And as I turn and look at this new warrior class, and I ask — ‘Who are you? Where did you come from? Who sent you?’ — they’ll look at me and they’ll say, ‘Don’t you remember us? We’re from City Year, Class of 2001.’” — Geoffrey Canada, President & CEO, Rheedlen Centers for Children and Families; Author, Fist, Stick, Knife, Gun, speaking at One America, sponsored by The Timberland Company at cyzygy ’01 At cyzygy ’01, City Year’s Policy Forum on National Service convened a remarkable meeting of national service practitioners, policy makers and thought leaders to discuss the future of the national service movement: Professor Rosabeth Moss Kanter, The Ernest L. Arbuckle Professor, Harvard Business School • Gregg Petersmeyer, Senior Vice President, America’s Promise • Sen. Harris Wofford, Chairman, America’s Promise • Paru Shah, AmeriCorps Alumna, Chicago Health Corps Program Director • Governor Marc Racicot, Chairman, Republican National Committee • Professor Leslie Lenkowsky, CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service • Professor Charlie Moskos, Northwestern University • Nancy Korman, Chair, Massachusetts Service Alliance • Mark Langseth, Executive Director, Minnesota Campus Compact • Will Marshall, President, Progressive Policy Institute • Steve Waldman, Chairman and Editor-in-Chief, BELIEFNET • Senator John McCain (R-AZ) • Elijah Etheridge, President, National YouthBuild Directors Association — Governor Marc Racicot, then-Chairman of America’s Promise City Year Annual Report 2001 17 Financials Independent Auditors’ Report The Board of Directors City Year, Inc.: We have audited the accompanying statements of financial position of City Year, Inc. (“City Year”) as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the related statements of activities and cash flows for the years then ended. These financial statements are the responsibility of City Year’s management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audits. We conducted our audits in accordance with auditing standards generally accepted in the United States of America. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting principles used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audits provide a reasonable basis for our opinion. In our opinion, the financial statements referred to above present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of City Year as of June 30, 2001 and 2000, and the changes in its net assets and its cash flows for the years then ended, in conformity with accounting principles generally accepted in the United States of America. KPMG LLP October 12, 2001 CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Financial Position 2001 Operating Revenue Resources June 30, 2001 and 2000 Assets Cash and equivalents Investments Government grants receivable Contributions receivable, net Other assets 2001 2000 $ 1,194,626 3,472,509 2,742,459 8,944,304 322,531 2,051,540 145,832 2,579,172 12,974,010 194,688 Equipment and improvements, net Total assets 3,160,045 2,977,084 $ 19,836,474 20,922,326 Special Events 3.0% Foundations 16.2% Individuals 3.0% Liabilities and Net Assets Liabilities: Accounts payable and accrued expenses 2,247,746 Line of credit facility 1,964,616 1,611,810 2,620,000 4,212,362 4,231,810 Net assets: Unrestricted Temporarily restricted Permanently restricted 4,631,785 6,719,098 4,273,229 3,041,158 8,954,995 4,694,363 15,624,112 16,690,516 $ 19,836,474 20,922,326 Total liabilities and net assets See accompanying notes to financial statements. 18 City Year Annual Report 2001 Other Government 5.2% Royalties 0.7% Total liabilities Total net assets Corporations 23.3% AmeriCorps 33.2% In-Kind 15.4% Financials CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Activities CITY YEAR, INC., Statements of Cash Flows Years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 Years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 2001 Changes in unrestricted net assets: Operations: Revenues and other support: Contributions $ Federal grants—Corporation for National Service Other government grants Interest and dividend income Realized and unrealized net losses on investments Net assets released from restrictions Total operating revenues and other support Expenses: Programs: Program operations Education, training and corps development New site development Special events External affairs and organizational development Total programs Support services: Organizational support Fundraising Total support services Total expenses Increase in unrestricted net assets from operations Nonoperating transactions: Net assets reclassified Net assets released from restrictions Interest and dividend income Realized and unrealized net losses on investments 2000 14,676,669 13,154,835 11,043,679 2,040,805 40,270 9,049,251 1,858,682 87,132 (33,195) 5,523,758 (65,998) 4,879,250 33,291,986 28,963,152 20,405,464 15,507,408 927,912 193,186 1,160,706 1,351,548 262,736 1,165,700 667,350 1,656,328 23,354,618 19,943,720 7,287,122 2,186,490 6,696,346 1,871,605 9,473,612 8,567,951 32,828,230 28,511,671 463,756 451,481 1,050,000 250,000 36,504 — — — (209,633) — Increase in unrestricted net assets from nonoperating transactions 1,126,871 — Increase in unrestricted net assets 1,590,627 451,481 2000 $ (1,066,404) 1,744,498 1,003,380 (62,010) 857,024 (186,770) 242,828 65,998 (240,127) (498,854) 4,029,706 (163,287) (127,843) 57,425 (1,072,821) (74,834) 635,935 (83,473) (2,005,000) (1,760,000) 2,247,178 (951,807) 18,921 (3,519,183) (953,446) — — (192,841) (4,453,708) (192,841) 4,225,000 (4,880,384) 1,400,000 (940,000) 2,005,000 1,760,000 1,349,616 2,220,000 (856,914) 1,075,352 Net cash provided (used) by operating activities Cash flows from investing activities: Proceeds from sale of investments Purchase of investments Capital expenditures Net cash used by investing activities Cash flows from financing activities: Proceeds from line of credit facility Repayments under line of credit facility Contributions restricted for long-term investment Net cash provided by financing activities Net (decrease) increase in cash and equivalents Cash and equivalents at beginning of year Changes in temporarily restricted net assets: Contributions Net assets reclassified Net assets released from restrictions Decrease in temporarily restricted net assets 4,037,861 (500,000) (5,773,758) 4,120,612 — (4,879,250) (2,235,897) (758,638) 128,866 (550,000) 2,051,655 — (421,134) 2,051,655 (1,066,404) 1,744,498 16,690,516 14,946,018 15,624,112 16,690,516 Changes in permanently restricted net assets: Contributions Net assets reclassified (Decrease) increase in permanently restricted net assets (Decrease) increase in net assets Net assets at beginning of year Net assets at end of year Cash flows from operating activities: (Decrease) increase in net assets Adjustments to reconcile (decrease) increase in net assets to net cash used by operating activities: Depreciation and amortization Contributions of investments Realized and unrealized net losses on investments Contributions of equipment and improvements Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Contributions receivable Government grants receivable Other assets Accounts payable and accrued expenses Contributions restricted for long-term investment 2001 $ 2,051,540 976,188 Cash and equivalents at end of year $ 1,194,626 2,051,540 Supplemental data: Cash paid for interest $ 215,918 205,669 See accompanying notes to financial statements. See accompanying notes to financial statements. City Year Annual Report 2001 19 Financials City Year, Inc., Notes to Financial Statements Years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000 (1) Organization Background and History City Year, Inc. (the “Organization” or “City Year”) is a not-for-profit organization as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code (“IRC”), and is generally exempt from income taxes under IRC Section 501(a). City Year’s mission is to put idealism to work by tapping the civic power of young people for an annual campaign of idealism that generates transformative community service, breaks down social barriers, inspires citizens to civic action, develops new leaders for the common good, and improves and promotes the concept of voluntary national service. City Year works to fulfill this mission through five primary activities: (1) operating a national youth service corps; (2) building the infrastructure of national service by setting up new operating sites across the country; (3) providing technical assistance to individuals and organizations in national and community service; (4) planning and running large civic events to engage citizens and organizations in activities that promote service, inclusivity, leadership and citizenship; and (5) constantly developing new ways to engage people and resources to promote the concept of voluntary national service. City Year was founded in Boston in 1988 as an action tank for national service. Its first initiative was to pilot a summer corps with 50 corps members, supported entirely by contributions from private sector organizations and individuals. In 1992, City Year was selected as a National Demonstration Project and was awarded its first federal funding under Subtitle D of the National and Community Service Act. During fiscal 1994, City Year operated its first program outside of Boston, a summer pilot program in Columbia, South Carolina with 50 corps members. In the fall of 1994, City Year launched its first full-year expansion site in Rhode Island, and expanded its Boston corps. In fiscal 1995, corps were established in Chicago, Illinois, Columbus, Ohio, and San Jose, California. The Organization expanded to San Antonio, Texas in fiscal 1996, launched the Cleveland corps in fiscal 1997, began operations in Philadelphia in fiscal 1998, opened its tenth site in Seattle/King County in fiscal 1999, and founded City Year Detroit in fiscal 2000. In fiscal 2001, City Year began operations in Washington, DC and New Hampshire. (2) Summary of Significant Accounting Policies (a) Basis of Presentation The accompanying financial statements have been prepared on the accrual basis of accounting. 20 City Year Annual Report 2001 Net assets and revenues are classified based on the existence or absence of donor-imposed restrictions. Accordingly, net assets of the Organization and changes therein are classified and reported as follows: Unrestricted net assets – Net assets not subject to donor-imposed stipulations. Temporarily restricted net assets – Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that may or will be met either by actions of the Organization and/or the passage of time. Permanently restricted net assets – Net assets subject to donor-imposed stipulations that they be maintained in perpetuity. Generally, the donors of these assets permit the Organization to use all or part of the income earned and capital gains, if any, on related investments for general or specific purposes. Revenues are reported as increases in unrestricted net assets unless use of the related assets is limited by donor-imposed restrictions, including time restrictions. Expenses are reported as decreases in unrestricted net assets. Gains and losses on investments and other assets or liabilities are reported as increases or decreases in unrestricted net assets unless their use is restricted by explicit donor stipulations or law. Expirations of temporary restrictions on net assets are reported as reclassifications between the applicable classes of net assets. Expirations of temporary restrictions occur when donor-imposed stipulated purposes have been accomplished and/or the stipulated time period has elapsed. If an expense is incurred for a purpose for which both unrestricted and temporarily restricted net assets are available, a donor-imposed restriction is fulfilled to the extent of the expense incurred unless the expense is incurred for a purpose that is directly attributable to another specific external source of revenue. Contributions are generally recognized as revenue in the period received. However, unconditional promises to give that clearly stipulate that the promise to give is to support currentperiod activities are reported as unrestricted support. Similarly, contributions subject to donor-imposed stipulations that are met in the same reporting period are reported as unrestricted support. Conditional promises to give are not recognized until they become unconditional, that is, when the conditions on which they depend are substantially met. Contributions of assets other than cash are recorded at their estimated fair value at the date of gift. Contributions scheduled to be received after one year are discounted at rates commensurate with the risks involved. (b) Operations The statements of activities report all changes in net assets, including changes in unrestricted net assets from operating and nonoperating transactions. Operating revenues consist of those items attributable to City Year’s ongoing national service efforts. Unrestricted contributions are reported as operating revenues. Unrestricted interest and dividend income and appreciation (depreciation) on endowment investments is reported as nonoperating transactions. Because the statements of cash flows are prepared in accordance with a prescribed format under generally accepted accounting principles, certain amounts included in operations as defined for purposes of the statements of activities differ from amounts reported as cash flows from operating activities. (c) Equipment and Improvements Equipment and improvements are stated at cost, except for donated assets, which are recorded at fair market value at the date of gift. Ordinary repairs and maintenance are expensed as incurred. Depreciation and amortization are calculated on a straight-line basis over the following estimated useful lives: Furniture and fixtures 3-7 years Equipment and software 3-5 years Leasehold improvements Life of lease (d) Cash and Equivalents Cash and equivalents include checking, savings and money market accounts and certificates of deposit with maturities of three months or less at date of acquisition. (e) Investments Investments are reported at fair value. The market value of publicly traded securities is based upon quotes from the principal exchanges in which the securities are traded. (f) Contributed Goods and Professional Services Contributed goods and professional services are reflected as contributions in the accompanying statements at their estimated fair value at the date received or provided. (g) Net Assets Reclassified Net assets reclassified represent prior year net assets reclassified to or from other net asset classes based on changes in or clarifications of related donor-imposed restrictions subsequent to the period of contribution. (h) Use of Estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting principles requires management to make estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the reporting period. Actual results could differ from those estimates. Financials (i) Reclassifications Certain 2000 information has been reclassified to conform to the 2001 presentation. (3) Temporarily Restricted Net Assets Temporarily restricted net assets consisted of the following at June 30: Time restrictions Purpose restrictions 2001 2000 $ 4,128,695 2,590,403 4,241,127 4,713,868 $ 6,719,098 8,954,995 (4) Permanently Restricted Net Assets Permanently restricted net assets at June 30 consisted of the following endowment gifts whose income is restricted: 2001 2000 Program sponsorships $ 4,273,229 Public service fellowship — 3,694,363 1,000,000 $ 4,273,229 4,694,363 (7) Investments Investments were as follows at June 30: Equities and equity mutual funds Fixed income mutual funds Money markets and other cash equivalents 2001 2000 $ 2,734,543 145,832 447,271 290,695 — — $ 3,472,509 145,832 (8) Contributions Receivable Contributions receivable consisted of the following at June 30: Due within one year Due within two to five years 2001 2000 $ 6,757,481 2,732,500 8,372,166 5,369,000 (5) Net Assets Released from Restrictions (545,677) (767,156) $ 8,944,304 12,974,010 Net assets released from restrictions consisted of the following for the years ended June 30: 2001 2000 2,545,750 (6) In-Kind Contributions Contributed goods and services during the years ended June 30 were used for the following purposes: NATURE 2001 2000 Program Services: Uniforms $ 1,619,107 1,106,454 Professional services 1,316,951 700,000 Advertising (recruitment) 587,396 — Transportation and travel 431,193 426,676 Rent 229,887 89,703 Equipment rental 114,742 123,932 and maintenance Workshops and conferences 103,978 67,490 Materials and supplies 43,859 163,601 Food 32,237 204,497 Printing and copying 18,127 3,552 Telephone — 49,018 Total program services 4,497,477 2,934,923 Support Services: Professional services Advertising and promotional Rent 229,510 80,000 76,628 113,186 5,717 29,902 Total support services 386,138 148,805 490,251 421,984 Depreciation and amortization Total Equipment and improvements consisted of the following at June 30: 2,333,500 4,879,250 Rental expense was approximately $1,085,999, consisting of $779,484 rent paid and $306,515 of in-kind rent at June 30, 2001. Operating leases expire on various dates through 2007. Future minimum lease payments under operating leases as of June 30, 2001 are as follows: FISCAL YEARS AMOUNT $ Furniture and fixtures Equipment and software Leasehold improvements Less: accumulated depreciation and amortization 2001 2000 $ 84,498 4,312,482 2,451,808 73,984 3,308,400 2,301,471 6,848,788 5,683,855 (3,688,743) (2,706,771) $ 3,160,045 2,977,084 (10) Federal Grants — CNS The Corporation for National Service (“CNS”) selected City Year as a National Demonstration Project under the National and Community Service Act of 1990 and awarded a two-year National Demonstration Grant. Funds were awarded through the Massachusetts Department of Education, which was the legal grantor for these program years. Programmatic oversight was provided by the Massachusetts National and Community Service Commission. 643,669 2003 376,055 2004 206,397 2005 159,968 2006 2007 113,984 89,207 $ (9) Equipment and Improvements Expiration of time $ 2,602,425 restrictions Satisfaction of purpose 3,171,333 restrictions $ 5,773,758 (11) Leases 2002 9,489,981 13,741,166 Less: present value discount and other allowances The Organization’s federal grant programs are subject to financial and compliance audits in accordance with Office of Management and Budget Circular A-133. In addition, various federal, state, and private funding sources reserve the right to perform separate program audits. 1,589,280 The Organization is also liable for certain real estate tax increases and operating cost adjustments under certain of the office lease terms. (12) Line of Credit Facility On August 15, 2000, the Organization concluded negotiations for a new credit facility totaling $5,500,000, comprised of a $2,000,000 term loan amortizing over five years at the bank’s prime rate (6.75% June 30, 2001) plus 0.5%, and a $3,500,000 committed line of credit with an interest rate at the bank’s prime rate. These are both secured by all assets of the organization. Interest expense for the line and term loan totaled $208,051 and $194,601 for the years ended June 30, 2001 and 2000, respectively. City Year received grants from CNS totaling $13,098,964 and $10,045,264 for the program years 2000-2001 and 1999-2000, respectively. The funds were awarded through the AmeriCorps program administered by CNS. Funds expended in fiscal 2001 and 2000 totaled $11,043,679 and $9,049,251, respectively. $ 5,373,866 3,505,712 Contributions of equipment and improvements in 2001 and 2000 were $240,127 and $498,854, respectively. City Year Annual Report 2001 21 Contributors The donors listed below gave to City Year, Inc. between July 1, 2000 and June 30, 2001. N AT I O N A L HEADQUARTERS Corporation for National and Community Service National Leadership Sponsors Foundations Major Gifts ($100,000+) The Atlantic Philanthropies The Boston Foundation Fidelity Foundation Horace W. Goldsmith Foundation Lovett-Woodsum Family Foundation Surdna Foundation Woodcock Foundation Supporters Catherine and Paul Buttenweiser Foundation David Gopman Foundation Maurice and Carol Feinberg Foundation Goldman Sachs Foundation Hamermesh Family Foundation HKH Foundation John D. and Catherine T. MacArthur Foundation Robert Earll McConnell Foundation Medwed Foundation Morgan Stanley Foundation Reebok Human Rights Foundation Robert McCormick Tribune Foundation Robert Segal Charitable Foundation Schoolbell Foundation Silverman/Sutherland Family Foundation Sherman H. Starr Foundation The Wolfman Charitable Foundation R & S Zeckhouser Foundation 22 Corporate Donors National Leadership Sponsors National Leadership Sponsors invest at least $1 million in City Year — and just as important, the people of these special companies invest their time, their ideas, and their civic passion in City Year. Cisco Systems, Inc. Compaq Computer Corporation MFS Investment Management The Timberland Company Supporters Adobe Systems, Inc. After Image Bain & Company BLT1 Bromley Charitable Trust Charity Gift, Inc. Cisco Systems, Inc. Comforce Staffing Compaq Computer Corporation Cone, Inc. Crum & Forster CSX Transportation Dan’s Chocolates Edwards and Angell, LLP Elizabeth S. McCabe Interiors Fiduciary Trust Company General Catalyst Management II, LLC GFI Fax and Voice Goldman Sachs Hale and Dorr LLP Henry Ford Health System Hill, Holliday, Conners, Cosmopulos Himalaya Capital Hollister Associates Honest Tea, Inc. John Hancock Financial Services Keystone Apparel, LTD KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP LC Incorporated MCM Partners, LLC Merrill Lynch MFS Investment Management Modern Assistance Programs, Inc. PepsiCo Foundation Rafanelli Events Management Rebecca’s Cafe Robinson & Cole, LLP Ropes and Gray Samuels & Associates Management LLC Shea Brothers, Inc. Snap Applicances State Street Trustey Family Foundation Yahoo! City Year Annual Report In-Kind Donors Major Gifts Bain & Company Cisco Systems, Inc. Compaq Computer Corporation MFS Investment Management Hale and Dorr LLP The Timberland Company Yahoo! Supporters After Image Cisco Systems, Inc. Edwards and Angell, LLP Hill, Holliday, Conners, Cosmopulos Keystone Apparel Rebecca’s Cafe Michael Secor Snap Appliances The University of Chicago National / Boston Individual Donors $100,000+ Josh & Anita Bekenstein Holly Davidson & Greg Nagy Tim & Corinne Ferguson Mark Nunnelly & Denise Dupre Jeffrey Shames & Lois Egasti Stephen Woodsum & Anne Lovett $10,000+ Anonymous David & Victoria Croll David & Marsha Feinberg Christopher & Hilary Gabrieli Robert & Lynette Gay Steve & Cindy Gormley Ilene & Richard Jacobs Li Lu & Jae Li Moosa Y. Mayet David & Lauren Murphy David & Marion Mussafer $5,000+ Jim & Kristen Atwood Brian & Karen Conway Jane Danforth David Dechman Jennifer Eplett-Reilly & Sean Reilly Janice Frisa Ruthanne & Joe Fuller John & Maryann Gilmartin Sy & Maxine Gomberg Bill & Daisy Helman Peter & Tammy Hermann Amos & Barbara Hostetter Seth & Beth Klarman Andy McLean Mitt & Ann Romney Matthew & Susan Weatherbie $2500+ Sierra Bright Jeffrey & Webb Brown Annie Burns John & Martha Hamilton Warren Hyde & Kip Hollister Dennis & Lin Kelleher Eric & Lori Lander Frederick & Sarah Maynard Josh & Alex McCall Stephen & Susan Moorhead John Muse Jeffrey & Sarah Newton 2001 Michael & Deborah Porter Michael Secor Neil Silverston & Risa Shames Judit Vajda Marc & Robin Wolpow $1000+ Max & Beth Bardeen Joan S. Batchelder David Bechhofer & Kate Neave Christina Benet & Kelley Murphy Richard & Jody Block Michael Brown & Charlotte Mao Paul & Catherine Buttenweiser John Cadarette Reed & Ronnie Chisholm Andrew Clarkson John & Kathryn Cook John Cozzi Robert Davoli & Eileen McDonagh R. L. Deitch Deanna & Tony DiNovi Anthony & Darian Downs Bonnie & John Emmons Benjamin Esty Richard & Nancy Farrell Victoria & Frank Florea Kenneth & Cynthia Freitas Thomas Philip Gould & Martha Kohl Gould MaryAnn & William Hogan Daniel & Elizabeth Jick David Joyce Rosabeth Moss Kanter & Barry Stein Rebecca Kellogg and Kevin Dennis Richard & Florence Koplow Cindy Laba John LeClaire & Ruth Hodges Martin & Tristin Mannion Theresa Mao Peter & Mary Ann Mattoon Dan & Julia Mayer Howard Medwed Ofer & Shelly Nemirovsky Gary & Merle Orren Tom & Jill Pappas James Parmentier & Elizabeth Fowler Robert & Ann Radloff Sally Reid & John Seigel James Ricotta & Anne O’Neill Steven & Ellen Segal John & Sally Sigel Alan & Susan Solomont Sherman & Jill Starr Craig & Patricia Underwood George & Sharon Vanderheiden Evan & Carole Walters $500+ Robert & Alison Adkins Kathleen Beckman Frank & Ruth Belvin Mr. & Mrs. William Bennett Russell Brackett & Cristy Ballou David & Diane Brewster Morton & Micki Brown Gerald & Cindy Cameron Donna & Alan Carty Tyler Chapman Linda Chin Lisa & Neil Cohen Jennifer C. Danielson David M. Dawson Mason Day & Germana Day Fabbri Virginia DeLima Paul M. English Thomas & Joan Feeley Kenneth & Monica Lewis Fox Richard & Carolyn Glickstein Jerry & Annie Grady Bernard J. Haan Richard & Lorie Hamermesh Barbara Harrell William Harrison Barbara A. Hawkins David Jackson David & Cynthia Kamishlian Owen & Paige Kane Lewis & Susan Karabatsos Alan Khazei & Vanessa Kirsch Peter Kim John & Cornelia Kittredge Peggy Koenig & David Graves William & Gillian Kohli William & Elizabeth Laskin Aaron & Jessica Lieberman Robert & Ralinda Lurie Joseph & Kristan Madison Michael Maynard & Ilene Greenberg Paul McDevitt Marilyn Miller Kelley Murphy & Christina Benet David & Nancy Osborn Robert & Elizabeth Owens Scott Pearson & Diana Farrell Gary & Mary Pforzheimer Fred & Jean Prickett Merrill & Sharon Pyes Mary Richardson Michael & Tracy Roberge Robert Segel & Noel Posternak Vicky Shen Edwin & Katharine Smith R. Smith Robert & Dana Smith Lisa Ulrich Menno & Judith Verhave Nathan Wilson Peter & Dyann Wirth $250+ Jeremy Adelmann Alan Albert & Carolyn Heller Howard & Carol Anderson Jake Anderson Richard & Amy Armstrong Stever & Elsie Aubrey Henry & Susie Barnard Richard & Sarah Barton Jerome & Leah Bass David & Amy Beckwith Jacob E. Begin Jeanne Brady William & Karen Brooks Michael Byrnes Marcus & Sara Byruck Timothy & Tina Cahill Patrick Cameron Robert & Carol Cashion Michael L. Cerrato Alexander & Carole Chanler Leslie Chung John A. Clark Scott Collins Michael Conway & Andrea Schmitt Douglas & Natascha Cornelius Nancy Cronin James & Meredith Cutler Elizabeth Daggett Mary Darmstaetter Jed & Kirsten Dawson Deborah Donahue James & Karen Durham Terry B. Eastman Elizabeth & Rick Edie Martha Evanson Fred & Graceann Foulkes Elena Frankel Robert & Jill Gallery Paul & Elizabeth Garrido Devra I. Goldberg Robert & Donna Goulart Eric & Katie Green Nicholas & Marjorie Greville Thomas J. Griffin Gary Gut & Patricia Casale Jason & Adriana Henrichs Tony Hollenberg & Judith Levenfeld Joan Hollister & Paul Sutherland Paul & Carol Holtzman Jonathan & Janet Husband Janet M. Iler Ira & Martha Jackson John & Annabelle Kellogg Steven & Shelley Kelman Larry & Paula Klane Ross Knights Jordan M. Kramer Edward & Barbara Krupat Jonathan & Jeanne Lavine Marcia Leifer Jeff Leopold & Susanne Shavelson Dana & Patrick Levy John & Ashley Linell Thomas Liszewski & Patricia Reinhardt M. Lowenstein Chris Lutes Doug Macauley Bradford & Sharon Malt Douglass Marlow & Linda DeYoung Kevin & Polly Maroni Demy & Delores Martin Robert McGaughey Theo & Lisa Melas-Kyriazi Sherif & Mary Nada Corneilia S. Newell Geoffrey & Clare Nunes Michael & Nannett Ochs Martha & Mark O’Connor K. O’Marah Arleen & Ed Paquette Daniel & Carey Para Daniel & Nicole Payne Kert D. Peterson Robert W. Phifer George & Kathy Priest Tom & Donna Quirk Stuart & Anne Randle Kristyn M. Riley Chip & Shauna Rives Mary Rivet & Christopher Meyer Lydia & Burt Rogers Karim & Charlotte Sahyoun Charles & Anni Santry Robert & Natalie Schlundt Robert & Catherine Schneider David G. Seibel Harvy Simkovits Boyce Slayman Sherley G. Smith Mark & Sarah Snyderman Nancy Soulette Alexander & Jill Spaulding Nikki Stanton Frank & Hilary Suher Chris Taylor Michael P. Trotta Michael & Claudia Tupanjanin Gerald Wagner Amanda Wallace Gail Warden Brice Watterson Linda D. Weber David & Louise Weinberg John Williams Pamela Woodworth Harris & Audrey Yett $100+ Martha Alexander Walter Alexander Meredith A. Allen Erik & Leslie Andresen Widlyne Antoine Jonathan Aram Jerry & Ann Asher Carl & Andrea Axelrod Matthew & Jamie Axelrod John R. Baraniak Kenneth R. Battaglia Mark & Marjorie Bauer Larry & Rosaly Belvin Susan Berry Jill Bicks Timothy & Tricia Blank P.J. Blankenhorn Sandra G. Blinn William & Lee Bliss Jeffrey & Martha Blue Kimberley & Steven Borman Philip Bosinoff Cathy Boskey Judith Boucher Linda A. Bouley Stephen Bowen & Sallyann Fuller Jeff & Kristin Bradach Lawrence Bragg Joanna Breyer Mark Cahill Dustin S. Campbell Leon & Karen Cangiano James P. Carey Daniel & Nancy Carlon Jo Ann Cavestany Foley Dennis Ceru & Roxanne Lyman James Chace Peter & Kyle Chase Alan Y. Chen Paul Cherington & Deborah Krepcio Mark Cherniack John & Jean Childs Amita & Sanjiv Chopra Leisle Chung David A. Clausen Faith Clements Carolyn Cohen & Alan Dershowitz Stephen & Carol Cohen Stephen Collazo Brian Connolly John & Donna Connolly Frederic & Martha Corneel Sally Read Coughlin Kevin Cunniffe Anne Curran Diane L. Currier Charles T. Dale Pauline A. Dangel Mary L. Davis Joseph F. DeAngelis John & Carol DeBlois Shawn A. Delorey Anuradha Desai James & Mary Devins Mr. S. Whitney Dickey Rosemary C. Dodek Timothy J. Dolan Catherine Donaher Catherine Donelan Karen Dudley David Duehren & Anne Murphy Catherine Dugan Danielle D. Duplin Amy Easton Steven D. Eimert Mara Elich Jessica Eller-Isaacs Robert Eller-Isaacs Anne M. Emerson Kenneth & Alice Erickson Trudy Ernst Jo-Anne F. Falcigno Mia Falco Steven Farrell Jacqueline A. Fick Cleere Robert & Glenda Fishman Robert & Marta Frank Walter Frank Peter & Teri Frasca Elizabeth & Robert Freeman Meredith Freeman Roger M. Freeman Waltraud Freeman Charles Freifeld & Marilyn Smith Joan Frelich & James Fee Barbara M. Gale Liv C. Galendez Pitman Gallup James M. Gearin Shari & Richard Gelber Rebecca Gelman Charles D. Gersten Robert & Margaret Gibbons Patricia E. Giencke Kerry Giza Michael H. Glazer Lynne Gleason Deedee & Herb Glimcher Mark Gottesman Philip H. Graeter Harvey & Helen Greenberg Nicholas J. Greggains Frederick & Catherine Grein Andrew & Barbara Griesinger Dwight & Anne Griesman Steven Grindle Mary Gurney Rebecca Haag Jim & Shelly Haas David Hadden Paul Hagen Sterling B. Hager Kimball B. Halsey Lynne Hampton Jeffrey N. Hansen Lawrence Hardoon & Janet Fine William Haynsworth Jessica Heath Rose-Leah Heffernan Stephen G. Hennessy Cindy Herbst Katherine V. Herr Charles & Theresa Hewitt Richard J. High Linda & Roger Hill Eric M. Hindin Stephen Hoenig & Melanie Derman-Hoenig Michael P. Hogan Matthew J. Holley Caitlin Hollister Joanne Holmes Mary C. Horan Sean W. Horgan Susan Horwitz Burton & Alice Howell Carri Hulet Doug Hurd & Leigh Breitman Laura & Craig Inouye Arthur Jackson Maribeth Jamieson Carl F. Jenkins Larissa Jester Christopher R. Johnson Winston Jones Margaret D. Jordan Faith Kakulu Zachary & Joy Karol Daniel & Sharon Kasper Clara Kates Christopher Kauders Mark & Anne Kelley Larry Kenna Cinda M. Kieffer Lowell W. Kim Michael King Patrick & Dana Kirby James Klocke Dorothy Korshak Jennifer Kozak Marc Krellenstein & Joanne Taub Carolyn & Jonathan Lamb Paul & Susan Lapointe Peter & Linda Leahy Sarah Leahy Donald E. LeClair Yolette LeCorps Rebecca Lee R. Leith James Lennon & Kathy Rushby Donald Levinstone Ann Levison David & Roslyn Levy Larry & Peggy Levy Stephen & Mary Lewis Anna Lin Nicholas Linsky Amy Lipman Emily & Temple Ohabei Lipof Bryan Lockwood Kevin F. Long Tracie Longman & Chaitanya Kanoja Janina Longtine Ian & Isabelle Loring Karye Luppen Kenneth D. Macomber Michael P. Maddaloni Gail Maderis Michael & Connie Mah Nancy Mann Jasmine Manning Lawrence Marks Raymond Marsh & Margaret Kerr Miller Hunter & Helen Marston Ted P. Martellini Amy B. Mason Tracy Matthews Bruce A. Maxfield William P. Mayer Joan McArdle Elizabeth McCabe James & Karen McDonald David P. McDonell Sean F. McDonough Martyn M. McMahon Lucy T. McQuilken Leslie A. Meinhart Arnold & Esther Messing Ronald P. Mika Jane M. Miller Elaine Mittell Alexander & Linda Moore Benjamin Moore Albert Moy Kelly Murphy Deborah Muscella John & Stephanie Nadas Neetu Nangia Laura Neenan Francis C. Nelson James & Virginia Neumann George & Audrey Nichols Sharon Nichols Kenneth & Almeda Nicholson Scott J. Nivens Sarah Nogueira-Sanca Janet M. Nolan Bruce & Anne Nolen Heidi Notman Senator Andrea Nuciforo Joseph S. Nye Frank & Marianna O’Brien Lynne E. O’Connell Linda O’Leary Wayne A. Olson Elizabeth Ondaatje Bonnie Lou O’Neill Rebecca Pagila Robert & Rebecca Paglia John Pallies Leonard Panaggio & Cathy Lewis Christopher R. Paquette Martha L. Paquette Debra Parker Glenn P. Parker Drew Peck & Mary Sullivan James Perakis Anne S. Perkins Linda M. Perry Alison M. Peters Gregg & Julie Petersmeyer Sean S. Peterson Carl Pforzheimer Douglas Pierce Wendy Pimentel Paul & Susan Pintus Gena Pirtle John M. Poduska John C. Pollard David H. Porter Carolle M. Prosper Jin Y. Pyun Bryan A. Raffetto Vasan Raman Alexander & Virginia Randall Gregory Randolph Shaka Rasheed Michael Ravicz Deborah Re Cameron & Gailin Read James G. Redfearn Alette E. Reed Peter Reinhart Jeffrey & Judith Remz Heather A. Robertson City Year Annual Report 2001 23 Lisa Robinson & Robert Hansel Charlie Rose Robert Rothberg Nancy Routh Greg & Carolyn Rudolph John Russell Richard & Mary Russo Peter Sach & Tracy Graham David H. Sachs Betty Salemme Barbara Salisbury John M. Sallay Frank & Emily Sander Raymond G. Sansouci Paul & Jessica Schendel Elizabeth K. Schnitzer Catherine & Paul Scholtz Rita Schwantes Kurt & Susan Schwartz Alan & Amy Seifer Susan L. Semedo Howard & Leslie Shapiro Joseph G. Shapiro John A. Shaw Stanley & Dorothy Shelton Pen-Ying Shen Ty S. Shen Thomas Shepherd Dror M. Shimshowitz Thomas & Sarah Shirley Eva Short James & Dana Shuchman Samuel Silberman David Silveman Joy Silverstein Darren Simpson Theresa D. Siriani Judith Sizer Michael S. Sophocles Matthew W. Sorenson Carol Spier Chris & Kathleen Stafford Kristy Stark David & Suki Stolow John W. Stone Toni Strassler Matthew E. Strickland Ellen Sturgis & Michael Kopczynski Andrew & Amy Sucoff Jeremy M. Sullivan Marjorie O. Sullivan Wayne Surber Deborah G. Taft Kindreth Taylor Victoria Taylor Roscoe & Rebecca Thomas Conrad Todd David & Mary Tomer Ghia & Todd Truesdale Geoffrey Tuba Barry & Ellen Turkanis M. Ullman Jacqueline A. Underhill Christian J. Urbano Michael & Norma Uva Cordell Vasu & Susan Finegan Maria A. Vecchiarello Marlyn & Richard Victor Valerie Von Rosenvinge Warren Wacker Will & Kathy Waddill A. Wallace Randolph E. Ward Jeffrey S. Wasser Joan M. Wasser Gordon Weast 24 Jeffrey Wetzler Jonathan Wiener & Ginger Young Edward J. Wierzbowski Herbert J. Williams Michele T. Williams Joshua H. Winter Nancy Wong Alexander Woodcock Benjamin & Lynda Wyckoff Ben-Liou Yao Dendy Young James J. Young Wayne & Cynthia Zafft $50+ Anonymous Paul F. Abbanat Gerald & Corinne Adler Rajeev Agarwal Robert E. Allen Glenn Allin Alex F. Althausen Oliver & Liz Ames Gail B. Anderson Kathleen Anderson Ivor C. Armistead Barbara H. Arnold Pebbles A. Ashley Jean Auguste Kelli Ayers Christine Bader Jason H. Baker Carrie Baldwin Mary Bardeen Sarah L. Barnett Jeffrey Baron Lori Barsalou Robert J. Bauer Katharine C. Beaudouin William R. Becklean Mary Beth Begley Andrea Belford Sharon Benmaman Marie L. Bequillard Spencer & Ellen Blasdale Edward M. Bloom Barry Bluestone Evelyn K. Bonner Mark A. Borreliz Jennifer Bowen-Flynn Leonard V. Braudis James & Susan Bray D. Briggs Melanie J. Brockway Sarah H. Broughel Myles Brown & Judy Garber Tina & Douglas Brown Uvonna C. Brown Len Bruskiewitz Robert Buchanan Christine H. Buchman Esther Bullitt Keith B. Burt Jayne Byrne Allan D. Callow Sophronia G. Camp Nick & Barbara Campagna Margaret Carlon & Susan Carlon-Giles Susan Carlon-Giles & Bradford Giles Blair Carlson & Elizabeth-Ann Dannewitz Cheryl Carozza Philip Carpino Joahne L. Carter Camille T. Catone City Year Annual Report 2001 Thomas C. Chalmers Mario Chamorro Le Baron D. Christian Duncan & Ellen Christie John F. Clinton John J. Cloherty Gail B. Coad Robert Coffey Jim & Kathy Colby Sarah C. Columbia Mary Conway Alan Corman James M. Corrigan Suzanne Cote William Cotter D. & N. Crowley Lucy M. Dartista Brian & Barbara Davis Rosemarie Day Mark Delvecchio Esther C. Dezube Jeanine P. Dias-Gaylor Laura Dickerson Carl Dierker Diane M. DiNunzio Katherine C. Dixon Elizabeth Dodson Bernadette M. Doerr William R. Doherty Brian & Margaret Donaher Nancy M. Drago Jeffrey Drake Patricia L. Drake Barry Dym Bette J. Ehrenberg Britt & Shari Ellis Martius L. Elmore Todd A. Elmore A. & J. Epstein Rosalie & Sara Epstein Kristina Erickson Nima & Kate Eshghi Julie Falis Paula Fallon James A. Favenesi Trudi Feinstein Kerryn M. Fernandes Lilly J. Fernandez Eugene & Jo Ferraro Christina Ferris Rachel C. Fichandler Bruce D. Filler Harry Finkle Eileen M. Flatley Raymond J. Fontana Sarah & Charlie Forbes Michael France Carol & Jerry Francis Steven & Cathleen Fraser Alan & Deborah Freedman Gustav & Jacquelyn Freedman Dr. & Mrs. Phillip W. Freeman David & Evelyn Fuchs Nancy T. Garland Cynthia H. Gately Katherine & L. German Kathy Gersten Nell Gharibian Eric J. Gieseke Andrew & Eleanor Glass Pamela Goodale Allen & Linda Goorin Stewart E. Gordon Deborah M. Green Janit S. Greenwood Michael & Nancy Grogan Florian Haczyk Peter Hadden Irene R. Hagenian Tulika & Paul Hainsworth Jim Hammerman Robert & Eileen Hanlon Bridget Hanson Ivy Hanson Evan S. Harriman Mary Hazzard Susan L. Helwig Karen E. Henderson Aquanetta Herron Valerie E. Herzfeld Nancy Hibbard Maureen & Anne Hilton Susanna C. Hinds Kenneth R. Hoffman Michael Hogan & Nancy Feldman Hogan Allyson Holbrook Elske Holmes William & Valerie Holt Karen Honig Donna M. Honnold Jane & Bradley Honoroff Polly Hoppin-Thomas & Bob Thomas J. & Tracey Hornby Mary Horst & David Buchanan Michele & Douglas Houdek Timothy & Ellen Hresko Monica Hubert Brett Huff Karen M. Hunter Michael Hureau & Mary Myers Cheryl Hutt Ms. Barbara Helfgott Hyett Paul M. Ibarra Ruani C. Ilangakoon Timothy J. Jacoby Kurt A. James Charlie Jones Karen Jordan Matthew R. Joyce Ruth Kampen Lawrence Kaplan Mitchell Kaplan Rudolph & Helen Kass Gregory C. Keating Catherine Keeling Kelley Maria B. Kefakis Stanley & Sandra Keller Edward & Joann Kelly Joseph & Dana Kelly Peter Kelly & Ruth Morris Christine E. Kenny James & Phoebe Kent Shelley W. Kilday Amy Kiley Anne King Patrick & Sandra King Howard Kirsten & Gail Mann Sara B. Kleinberg Robert Kole Wendy Kopp & Richard Barth Elliott & Gail Laffer Paul & Fay Lau Timothy & Cynthia LaVallee John D. Lawrence Thomas J. Leahy Stephen Lee Tracey Leger-Hornby Robert Lewis Kevin Light L. Lindarer Phoebe Y. Ling Bruce & Rochelle Lipschultz Jeffrey Lissack Raymond & Sally Locke Douglas C. Lowenstein Amy E. Lynch Stephen & Mary Lyne Barbara A. MacDonald Keith MacDonald A. MacKay Thomas Madigan Heather A. Magliozzi Joseph Mahoney & Anne Fairbank Ann Marie Maloof Elizabeth & Michael Mansfield Linda Markarian Aideen M. Marley Lucy & Bruce Marquis Gabrielle Marroig-Tagle Andrew P. Martin Ronald C. Martin Tom & Polly Martinson Craig N. Matsumoto James McAuliffe Eileen McCarthy Edward & Diana McClure Michael & Dolores McCormack Michelle McDevitt Andrew McDonald Geoffrey B. McGean Michelle R. McGee Diane McKenna-Yasek Neil McKittrick & Karen Hoffman Jolinda McLellan Jeffrey & Sophronia McMahon Jennifer & Russell McNair Jeffery L. Meade Jennifer L. Melton Joyce Michelini Bruce I. Miller Abby Mitchell Mary & Ross Mitchell William C. Mohn Jennifer L. Molnar Lisa Monette Stephanie Monteiro-Merritt Margarita Morales Claudia Moreno Brian & Christine Morrison Stephen & J. Morrissey Carla Munroe Helen & Betsy Munzer Katherine L. Murphy Katherine M. Murphy Christopher Musto Susan H. Mygatt Stephen Nadler Jim Newman Catharine Nicholson Natalee A. Nielsen Angelo Nogueira Sanca & Sarah Galligan Robert & Eleanor November Douglas Novitch Nicholas & Ann Noyes Martha S. O’Connell Jim & Patricia O’Conor Laurie L. O’Donnell David & Locke Ogens Laura & Gregory Oliveira Scott A. Olszewski Margaret M. O’Malley Gerard F. O’Neill Christopher Osgood Sandra L. Osgood Anne Marie Pages Catherine Pakenham Albert Y. P’an Everett W. Pan Hao Pan John Paquette Tony N. Patete Karen H. Pearl Anne Pearson Russell Peck Leo & Lucille Pepin Brendan Perry Jo M. Petrunyak Laurence & Maureen Pierce Hendon C. Pingeon Wendy S. Plotkin Robert Pomeroy Louise Potter Bethany M. Pratt Christine H. Pratt Maureen Quinn-DuPont Ann M. Randall Alan Reese Brock C. Reeve Patricia Rega-Zadeh & Harold Zadeh Danielle Reichner Alan J. Reynolds Zarrin-Taj Reynolds Frances M. Roberto M. Robinson Margaret & Dwight Robinson Catherine M. Rocchio David Rodgers & Cynthia Rubin Swissilandi Rodriguez Patrick J. Rohan Diane O. Rollert Michael & Naomi Rosenfeld Bob & Anne Rosenthal Lynette E. Russell John Ryan Michael J. Sabourin Scott Sadeghian Kathleen L. Sander Thomas & Laura Sander Jennifer L. Santos Monica Saxena Daniel F. Scanlan Craig Schiffries Liza Schlang John H. Schmidt Abigail Scholz Gerald & Kathie Schwarting Anthony & Claudia Schwartz Joseph V. Sciaccia Kristin L. Sciaccia Bruce Scott Terry Scribner Elizabeth & Jorge Seitz Charles & Josephine Shane Sandra A. Shaw Wendy Sheehan & David Barbrow Michael P. Sherman Stephen A. Sherman Brandi L. Shipp Edith A. Silva Monroe & Jane Silverman Ernest & Betty Singer Peggy A. Skelly David T. Slatery Howard L. Slavin Leslie C. Slavin Lynell P. Smillie Peter & Helen Smith Donna & Michael Smoler David A. Smookler Abby N. Smuckler Stephen P. Snow Robert & Janet Snuggs Helena Solodar Norman D. Speciner Eric Spencer Desiree Springer & Stephen O’Neal Joseph & Suzanne Staples Julie Starr & George Coggeshall Herbert J. Stern Linda C. Stern Joan L. Stevenson Gordon Strause Andrew & Thelma Strauss Jean Strawson Priscilla W. Sturges Kristin Sullivan John K. Sun Joel P. Sussman Maggie S. Terris Jeffrey S. Thomas Monica M. Thomas-Bonnick Kristine Tomlinson Michael S. Towle Alane Trotta Lisa Underhill & Michael Monroe Sharon M. Uva Gene A. Valdes Eric & Laurie Van Loon Christopher E. Vandall Meena Venkateswaran Sidney Verba Peter Verheyen Stephen & Patricia Vinter Warren & Anne Vose Randel Walker Neil & Lisa Wallack Charles A. Walsh James Ware & Sharon McCarthy Raymond G. Weaver Dana L. Weigent Sara D. Weiss Theresa M. Wente Murray Wheeler Dennis White & Ellen Boylan George R. White Deborah Whitehill & Howard Zaharoff Eric Whitman Christine Wichers Pete & Nancy Winslow Harland Winter & Susan Weinstein-Winter Marcy L. Winzer Margaret S. Wolf John & Linda Woodard Burns Woodward Marjorie Wright Jeffrey M. Wurtzel Char L. Yeakley Sarah Yezzi James & Ellen Yoder Lori A. Young Thelma Young-Hong Chris A. Zikakis David Zipps Peter A. Zorn David & Robin Zucker BOSTON AmeriCorps Massachusetts Service Alliance Team Sponsors Bain Capital, Inc. Bain & Company Cisco Foundation Compaq Computer Corporation CSX Transportation The FleetBoston Financial Foundation Johnson & Johnson The Millipore Foundation MFS Investment Management® Monitor Group The Prince of Wales Foundation The Reebok Human Rights Foundation State Street The Timberland Company Foundations and Other Sources The Agoos (Lassor And Fanny) Charity Fund Baton Rouge Area Foundation The Blank (Arthur M.) Family Foundation The Boston Foundation Bright Charitable Trust Chadwick (Dorothy Jordan) Fund Credit Suisse First Boston Foundation Trust The Ellison Foundation The Gerrmeshausen (Kenneth J.) Foundation Gravestar Foundation The Greely Foundation Harcourt General Charitable Foundation Koplow Charitable Foundation The Lynch Foundation The Reaching Back Foundation The Sogg Foundation Corporate Donors Supporters A Tent for Rent Accenture Advanced Benefit Strategies, Inc. Agilent Technologies Allen & Gerritsen America’s Charities Anderson Consulting Ann Betz Consulting B.R. Alexander & Co., Inc. Bain & Company The Baupost Group, L.L.C. Beacon Hill Garden Club B-M-S Federal Credit Union The Boston Family Office Boston Stock Exchange Braun Consulting Brigham and Women’s Hospital Bromley Charitable Trust Capital One Services, Inc. Choate, Hall & Stewart Cisco Systems, Inc. Clear Channel Broadcasting, Inc. Columbia Rehabilitation Clinic, Inc. Community Health Charities of California Compaq Computer Corporation Cone, Inc. CoreMatter, Inc. Course Technology, Inc. Crystal’s of Boston, Inc. CSX Transportation DataPay, Inc. Deloitte & Touche LLP The Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation DePuy AcroMed Development Direct, Inc. Doherty’s Garage, Inc. Dunkin’ Donuts Dyer/Brown & Associates, Inc., Architects Edwards and Angell, LLP Epsilon FHLB Boston Fidelity Investments Fiduciary Trust Company FleetBoston Financial Corporation FleetCenter Forrester Research, Inc. The German Marshall Fund of the United States The Gillette Company Goldman Sachs Hale and Dorr LLP Harcourt General Henry Ford Health System Hill & Barlow Holland and Knight, LLP Houghton Mifflin Company Industrial Economics, Inc. Innovative Information Solutions International Business Machines Intuit Investors Bank & Trust Company J & J Professional, Inc. Jack Rubin Legal Services John Hancock Financial Services John Hancock Mutual Life Insurance Company KPMG Peat Marwick, LLP L.E.K. Consulting, LLC LC Incorporated Loomis-Sayles & Company, LP Manny’s Professional Painting Manulife Financial Marketing and Planning Systems, Inc. Mass Constable Service Elizabeth S. McCabe Interiors McKinsey & Company, Inc. MCM Partners, LLC Mercury Computer Systems, Inc. MFS Investment Management Modern Assistance Programs, Inc. Monitor Group Company Myriad Creative The National Conference for Community and Social Justice New England Financial New York Life Benefit Services, Inc. NLE Healthy Living North Coast Olys Plumbing & Heating, Inc. Omgeo OneWorld Software Solutions, Inc. Palmer & Dodge LLP Partners Health Care System Pierce, Davis, Fahey, & Perritano, L.L.P. Pioneer Garage Company, Inc. Public Consulting Group, Inc. Rafanelli Events Management Reebok International REIT Management & Research, Inc. Renaissance Consulting Services, Inc. Repertoire Sales Corporation Robinson & Cole, LLP Ropes and Gray S & S Designs/Picture Perfect Samuels & Associates Management LLC Selmark Associates Shandwick International Shawmut Design and Construction Shea Brothers, Inc. Sherin and Lodgen, LLP Spaulding Management Corporation Spider Web Hosting Solutions, Inc. State Road Auto Body & Garage, Inc. State Street Corporation Sterling Hager, Inc. Stoneybridge Farm Tabors Caramanis & Associates, Inc. Taylor, Duane, Barton & Gilman, LLP Thomson Financial The Timberland Company The Tower Group, Inc. Treadwells Ice Cream Tucker Anthony United Way of Greater New Bedford United Way of Massachusetts Bay Village Kids, Inc. Wilson Butler Lodge, Inc Woburn Steel Drum, Inc. Yahoo! Youth Venture, Inc. Zefer In-Kind Donors Major Gifts The Timberland Company Supporters Alden Merrell Cheesecake Company Boston Red Sox Finagle A Bagel Legal Sea Foods Loomis-Sayles & Company, LP Mrs. Fields Cookies Stop & Shop WJMN 94.5 FM City Year Annual Report 2001 25 CHICAGO AmeriCorps Illinois Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Team Sponsors The Alter Group Arthur Andersen, LLP Bain & Company Charitabulls (Chicago Bulls) Equity Residential Properties Trust Focal Communications Corporation Joseph Freed & Associates LaSalle Bank Mayor Daley—City of Chicago The Northern Trust Company Foundations and Other Sources Anonymous (3) Abbott Laboratories Fund Arie & Ida Crown Memorial Ariel Education Initiative Caterpillar Foundation Cellini Youth Fund Trust Chicago Tribune Foundation The Chicago Urban League Citigroup Foundation D.J. Edelman Family Foundation Edward A. & Louis L. Brennan Foundation Francis Beidler Foundation Freed Family Foundation Irving Harris Foundation J. Ira and Nicki Harris Foundation Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Chicago John & Jacolyn Bucksbaum Charitable Foundation John D. & Alexandra C. Nichols Foundation Kachadurian Family Foundation Lloyd A. Fry Foundation Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Morrow Charitable Trust New York Community Trust Oppenheimer Family Foundation Pittway Corporation Charitable Foundation Polk Bros. Foundation Pritzker Cousins Foundation Rhonda Alter Foundation Robert J. Cooney Charitable Foundation Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation Robert & Terri Cohn Family Foundation Ronald McDonald House Charities Sara Lee Foundation Starwood Foundation Steans Family Foundation Tully Family Foundation William Goodyear & Karen Goodyear Trusts 26 Corporate Donors A&Z Katz Management Advanced Personnel Alberto Culver Alpart Trading Company Altheimer & Gray American National Bank & Trust Ariel Capital Management Ash, Anos, Freedman & Logan, L.L.C. Avalonbay Communities, Inc. Azteca Foods, Inc. Bank of America Bank One Bell Boyd & Lloyd LLC Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois Burlington Northern Santa Fe Capreit Operating Limited Partnership CB Richard Ellis Center Point Properties Trust Century Business Services, Inc. Chicago Radio Group Christopher B. Burke Engineering, Ltd. Clune Construction Company, L.P. Continental Materials Corporation Crain Communication, Inc. Dancona Attorneys David Saxner & Associates, Inc. De Stefano & Partners Donlen Corporation Dunning Properties Ltd. Partnership Ernst & Young LLP Field Container Company Foot & Ankle Clinics of America Forsythe Technology, Inc. Freddie Mac The Grupe Company The Habitat Company Harris Bank Heidrick & Struggles, Inc. Home Depot Household International Illinois Tool Works, Inc. Insignia/ESG, Inc. James Kaplan Companies, Inc. Jones Lang LaSalle Jordon Industries, Inc. JPI Lifestyle Apartment Communities, Inc. Jupiter Brokerage Services Jupiter Realty Corporation Lawson Products, Inc. Legacy Partners Management L.P. Levenfeld Pearlstein & Glassberg Tuchman Lincoln Property Company Looking Glass Loop Capital Markets Macerich Management Company MacGregor Associates Architects Madison Dearborn Partners Mandel Group Manufactured Home Communities, Inc. Mariani Enterprises Marshall Fields Mayer, Brown & Platt Morgan & Company Nasdaq Amex City Year Annual Report 2001 National Multi Housing Council Near North Insurance Brokerage North American Northern Printing Network, Inc. Northwestern Memorial Hospital Nuveen Investments Olsson Roofing Company Patricia Hurley & Associates, Inc. Pepper Construction Group Piper, Marbury, Rudnick & Wolfe LLP Price WaterHouse Coopers The Private Bank & Trust Providence Management Company Rosset Electric Company R.R. Donnelley & Sons Company Samuel Builders, Inc. SARES-REGIS Group Schwarz Paper Company Sears, Roebuck & Company Sharon Krohn Consulting Sheridan & Pearlman SI Group, Inc. SLJ Properties, L.L.C. Soloman, Cordwell, Buenz & Associates, Inc. Soloman Smith Barney Sonnenschein, Nath & Rosenthal Sterling Advisors, L.P. Tech-1 Pest Control Thompson, Ventullett, Stainback Transwestern Commercial Service Transwestern Investment Company Tribune Company Tuthill Corporation TVO Realty Partners USG Corporation VTS Travel Direct Warady & Davis, LLP Wells Fargo Bank N.A.William Blair & Company Worsek & Vihon In-Kind Donors A Slice of Italy Pizzeria Alpha Graphics American Dental Association Aminham Restaurant Andala Sweets Au Bon Pain Bandera Restaurant Big Bowl Big Kmart Boys & Girls Club Captain’s Hardtimes Restaurant Chicago Bulls Chicago Historical Society Chicago Produce Chiquon Bakery Dan’s Bakery Dearborn Wholesales Dominick’s Finer Foods Dunkin’ Donuts Flooring Resources Corporation Garfield Park Conservatory Great Lakes, Electric Company Home Depot Home Run Inn Pizza Inter Ocean Cabinet Company Italian Fiesta Jewel Food Stores JK Grocers Korean Restaurant Lady Di’s Bakery Laidlaw Transit Lohre Painting Company Loomcraft Madras Palace Maggiano’s Little Italy Marriott- Chicago McDonald’s Corporation Mike Ditka’s Restaurant Motorola PCS Papa T’s Patel Brothers Patterson’s Pearl Arts & Crafts Pizza Hut Popeye’s Presentation Services Rachel’s Bus Company REI Sam’s Club Sizzle India Source Marketing Solutions Subway TaiWah Grocery Store Tiffin The Timberland Company TouchTone Chef Trowbridge Gallery University of Chicago Vertis Village Toy Shop Walgreen’s Drug Store Westin Hotel- River North World Fruit Market Individuals $5,000+ Jeannie Affelder & Jeff Weissglass Glen E. Tullman $2,500+ Jennifer Graumhus Robert & Janet Helman Jeffrey Jacobs Mark Westhoff $1000+ Thomas Begel Steven Berkowitz Deborah Bricker Julie Coffman Stuart Cornew Lewis Freyer Henry Goldberg David Helfand Lawrence Levy Barbara Manilow Susan Pritzker Sheli Rosenburg Dr. & Mrs. John Sachs Michael Schroering David Vitale $500+ LaTonia Akins Philip C. & Jill Calian Mr. & Mrs. Alger B. Chapman James C. Dowdle John L. Hall II Mr. & Mrs. Justin Huscher Bradley & Mary Krey Peter Kupferberg Jane Levine Beatrice C. Mayer Edward & Barbara Rouse Jeffrey & Lori Samaras Lee Selander William Smithburg $250+ Anonymous (1) Raymond Arenson Steve Barnett Lawrence J. Blum James & Karen Case Robert & Terri Cohn John D. Cooney Donald Edelmen Peter & Bonnie Flanzer Scott Gendell Samuel F. & Kalee S. Gould Keith & Susan Hoogland Laura Alter Klapman Elizabeth Souder & Jeff Lewis W. Lynch Brian McAuliffe G. & K. McDonough Gina Massuda Jack & Marcia Melamed Adam Metz Paul & Beth Mitnick David & Joan Pasquesi Robert Rivkin Philip & Myn Rootberg Sara & Neal Salzman Jeff Schottenstein Ronald & Anne Siegel Randolph & Barbara Thomas Daniel & Nancy Yih Joseph White Ernest & Joan Wish $100+ Warren Amason Michael & Nichol Bliwas Morton & Terry Borokan Sarah Carton Terry Christensen Sidney Epstein Charles E. Frank R. Freidman A. Garanet Maurice Gross David & Mary Grumhaus Brad & Kim Keywell Andy Klaff Scott & Mary Lafferty Peter & Kathy Linneman Francis & Mary Oelerich Leo J. Sheridan III John & Francine Soliunas Laura & Michael Werner $50+ Randal Bessolo James & Judy Clark Jerry & Carol Francis Ned & Jean Franke Robert Franke Phillip Gerber Susan Gradman Gregory-Wallis Family Melodie Logan Monica Milton Robert Novak David Saxner Douglas & Patricia Sutton Hedi Voorhees CLEVELAND AmeriCorps Ohio Community Service Council Team Sponsors City of Cleveland Cleveland Accounting Consortium Arthur Andersen LLP Ciulla, Smith & Dale LLP Ciuni & Panichi Inc. Cohen & Co. Deloitte & Touche LLP Ernst & Young LLP Hausser and Taylor LLP KPMG LLP Plante & Moran LLP PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP SS & G Financial Services Cleveland Lawyers Consortium Arter & Hadden, LLP Baker & Hostetler, LLP Benesch, Friedlander, Coplan & Aronoff Bill Papenbrock Brouse McDowell Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Cavitch, Familo, Durkin & Frutkin Co., LPA Climaco, Lefkowitz, Peca, Wilcox & Garfoli, Co., LPA Davis & Young Deborah Coleman Duvin Cahn & Hutton Fay, Sharpe, Fagan, Minnich & McKee, LLP George N. Aronoff Gold, Rotatori & Schwartz Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP Hyatt Legal Plans Jan Roller John Wheeler Jones, Day, Reavis & Pogue Kahn, Kleinman, Yanowitz & Arnson Krembs & Alkire, LLP Mansour,Gavin,Gerlack & Manos Margaret Wong & Assoc. McCarthy, Lebit, Crystal & Haiman Co., LPA Messerman & Messerman Co., LPA Nurenberg, Plevin, Heller & McCarthy Co., LPA Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur, LLP Reminger & Reminger Co., LPA Spieth, Bell, McCurdy & Newell Co., LPA Squire, Sanders & Dempsey, LLP Taft, Stettinius & Hollister, LLP Thompson Hine LLP Ulmer & Berne, LLP Weisman, Goldberg & Weisman Weltman, Weinberg & Reis Co, LPA Weston, Hurd, Fallon, Paisley, & Howley, LLP Zukerman, Daiker & Lear Co., LPA Cuyahoga County Board of Commissioners KeyBank RPM Foundations and Other Sources Cavs Charities: A Fund of the Robert R. McCormick Tribune Foundation Cisco Foundation The Cleveland Browns Foundation The Cleveland Foundation The George Gund Foundation JAM Foundation Jewish Community Foundation Arthur McBride Foundation The Mt. Sinai Foundation The Murphy Family Foundation David & Inez Myers Foundation Richman Brothers Foundations Rosskamm Charitable Trust The Saint Luke’s Foundation of Cleveland, Ohio The Edward & Betty Sloat Foundation The Raymond John Wean Foundation Corporate Donors Ameritech Analex Corporation Boykin Lodging Co. Cleveland State University Cleveland Steel Container Developers Diversified Dominion East Ohio Gas Eaton Corporation Firstar Forest City Enterprises Goodrich-Gannett Jeffries, Kube, Forrest & Monteleone, LPA Jo-Ann Stores, Inc. Joyce Graphics, Inc. Kelley, McCann & Livingston, LLP KeyBank LTV Foundation Lutheran Metropolitan Ministry McDonald & Company Morgenthaler Ventures National City Corporation National City Bank Nike Foundation Pioneer-Standard Plain Dealer Publishing Co. Reminger & Reminger Co., LPA RPM Sagemark Consulting STERIS Corporation The Timberland Company TRW United Way In-Kind Donors Blue Point Grille CVS/pharmacy DayGlo Color Corporation Don’s Pomeroy House Edward Howard & Co. Ferris Steak House Home Depot Hornblowers Barge & Grille John Robert’s Hair Studio & Spa Lake Effect Video Production Professional Travel, Inc. Regional Transit Authority (RTA) Sagemark Consulting TRW Watermark Restaurant Individuals $2,500+ Paul Harris Meera Juneja Diane Kalal Anne Schoff Thomas Sullivan Maryellen & Fritz Tobias Robert Varley Scott Wolstein $1000+ James Mason Frank Sullivan David & Jan Sunderhaft $500+ Jeff Concepcion Brad Hocking David & Kaki O’Neill Raymond Murphy $250+ Robert Boykin Michael & Patti Cavanaugh Deborah Coleman Nancy Cronin Paul & Judy Hazen Michael C. Nock Jan Roller Edward &Mary Sheehan Ellen & Harold Ticktin Allison Wallace Alan Weinberg $100+ Jon & Rita Aber Kelly Chaka Paula Christ Michelle DiCillo Mike & Megan Frothingham J. Tiffany Garabrant Pam George Brad & Lisa Kostka Stephen & Bonnie Lau Ed Luttner Laura Gillespie & Michael Martinez David Morganthaler Michael Nock Max Profitt Deb & Daniel Rossbach Charles See Michael Sering Kelly & Kathy Tompkins Mary & Mitchell Weisman $50+ B.C. Neff Ben Shouse Marla & Eric Zuelch COLUMBIA AmeriCorps Corporation for National and Community Service South Carolina Commission on National and Community Service Program Sponsor City of Columbia Foundations and Other Sources Allstate Foundation Alpha Kappa Alpha Sorority Central Carolina Community Foundation Columbia Housing Authority Department of Alcohol and Other Drug Abuse Services (DAODAS) E.H. Reeves & Associates Junior League of Columbia Lewis, Babcock & Hawkins Libscomb Family Foundation Marion A. & Rachel S. Knox Fund National Council of Negro Women, Inc. Palmer Memorial Chapel Palmetto Pride: The Governor’s Council on Beautification and Litter Psaras Foundation Publix Super Market Charities St. Martin’s in the Fields Foundation Sisters of Charity Foundation Tides Foundation United Way of the Midlands Wesley United Methodist Church Westbrook Foundation Yarborough Festival Food Service Corporate Donors Bank of America BellSouth Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina First Union Bank Fleet Mortgage Group Francis Burns United Methodist Church Intertape Polymer Group McCrory Construction Company Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, L.L.P. Palmetto Health Alliance R.L. Bryan Company Suggs & Kelly, P.A. Time Warner Cable United Parcel Service Wachovia Bank of SC, NA In-Kind Donors Adam’s Mark Hotel Alley Café Alltel Communications Andy’s Deli Applebee’s Arby’s Art4Money Atlanta Bread Company Ben Arnold/Sunbelt Big Lots Budweiser of Columbia Capital City Snacks Carolina Catering Carolina Retail Packaging Celebrations Chick-Fil-A CiCi’s Pizza City of Columbia Parks & Recreation Columbia Business Monthly Columbia College Congaree Girl Scout Council Domino’s Pizza Dwinnells Communications Educational Wunderland 14 Carrot Whole Foods Georgia Carolina Gas Golden Corral Great Creative Company Green’s Discount Beverages Henry J. Haynes Hiller True Value Hardware Kmart Store 4141 Kicks Exceptional Shoes Manhattan Bagel Otis Spunkmeyer Muffins Papa John’s Pizza Pet Dairies Publix Rising High Natural Bread Company Sam’s Club Sherwin-Williams Sonic Drive-In South Carolina Bar Association Taco Bell The Biscuit House The Dispatch News The State Newspaper WACH FOX 57 WNOK Radio Wentworth Printing Wherehouse Music Yesterday’s Zesto’s Individuals $2,500+ Marie-Louise Ramsdale & Tom Ross $1000+ David & Karen Dukes $500+ Marguerite & John O’Brien Elizabeth Nkuo Stephanie Wu City Year Annual Report 2001 27 $250+ Bob & Jana Daley Tom DeLoach Bud & Julia Ferillo Donnie Fowler Kevin Geddings Jeremy Halford Libby Heath Jay & Sarah McKay Edward Mullins, Jr Rick & Lynne Noble Vic & Jennifer Rawl Ed Sellers James & Kirkland Smith Tommy & Jane Suggs G. Todd & Heather Weiss $100+ Tom Carson George & Mary Cauthen Andi Cornelison Brian Crotty Noah Drews Robert Furtick Stuart & Barbara Hamilton Andy & Jennifer Hanner Kevin Heiser Makeba Jeffcoat Kourtany King Joe McCullough Monica McManus Jenkins & Julia Mikell Jocelyn Newman Alice Nolte Jerry & Rita Paul John & Ashlin Potterfield Cindy Roddey Matthew Schnabel Elizabeth Shuffler Courtney Shytle Lisa Sisk Sam & Inez Tennenbaum Avril Tharp Judy Thompson Nic Thompson Andrew Weddle Alicia Wheeler $50+ Staurt & Arlene Andrews Jessica Burton Jerry & Jean Ballentine Bob & Vicki Barton Janet Brooks Rochelle R. Brown Stephen & Sharon Bryant Ann Cargill Norman Collins Robert Culpepper Dawn Darby Bob & Kelly Derrick John Elliott Eddie & Robin Fogler Maria Furtick Kevin & Kris Geddings Stephen & Tammie Gilchrist Mike & Robin Gorman Grace Christian Ministries Tate & Heather Gressette Mark & Thea Hardee Alice Harris Bunni Hart Bernie & Kim Hawkins Anthony Hayes Susan Hayes 28 Patrina Hemingway Jim & Shay Hester Cheryl Holland Marty & Robin Holmes William & Katherine Hubbard Mary Lou Ippolito Jessamyn Jacobs Michael Jenkins Debbie Johnson Michael & Jennie Keleher Melissa Lloyd Reginald Lloyd Tony & Patti Lolas Jan Love Barbara Luberoff Carolyn Lucas Mark & Rose Manos Rita McNeill Mark Melichar John & Mary Ellen O’Leary Bernard & Arline Ramsdale Michael & Terri Randall Phillip Richardson Jennifer Rutkowski Stephen & Jennifer Savitz Rajan Shah Dave & Kirby Sheridan Jay Shreve Amy Shumaker Eric Shytle James & Nina Smith Keith Straka David Tedeschi Kay Tennyson John Vitters Caroline Wilson Jim & Candace Werner Bruce Wolfe Cynthia Yount COLUMBUS AmeriCorps Corporation for National and Community Service Ohio Community Service Council Foundations and Other Sources Borden Foundation The City of Columbus The Columbus Foundation Columbus Medical Association Columbus Youth Foundation Communities in Schools Duke Foundation English Family Foundation Huntington Bank Foundation Harry C. Moores Foundation Ingram-White Castle Foundation Mykrantz Family Fund Nationwide Foundation The Reinberger Foundation The Siemer Family Foundation City Year Annual Report Corporate Donors Advanced Drainage Systems Ameritech A-Plus Personnel Application Link Bank One Bob Evans Farms Bricker and Eckler LLP Britt Business Systems Cardinal Health Columbus Housing Partnership Columbus Dispatch Columbus Metropolitan Housing Authority Consolidated Stores Continental Office Furniture Continental Office Interests Crane Plastics Donatos Pizza Elford, Inc. Executive Jet Fidelity National Financial Gingerbread House Day Nursery Grange Insurance Company Haynes & Haynes Hinson LTD Honda of America, Mfg., Inc. The Limited, Inc. Marsh Inc. Marshall Fields National City Nationwide Insurance Company Ohio Health Omni Management Group Pepsi Cola Distributing of Columbus Pizzuti Company Porter, Wright, Morris & Arthur LLP The Robert Weiler Co. Renny J. Tyson Company, L.P.A. Salomon Smith Barney State Farm Insurance Stonehenge Partners, Inc. Strathman Associates, Inc. Techneglas Tee Jaye’s Country Place Time Warner Communications Trucco Construction Company United Way Vorys, Sater, Seymour and Pease, LLP Worthington Industries In-Kind Donors Broad Street Bagels Central Ohio Transit Authority Grange Insurance Company The Kroger Company Schottenstein Stores Individuals $5,000+ Gary & Judy Glaser $2,500+ Mark & Janet Sturgeon $1000+ Julie Atchison Anthony Celebreeze Rob Edmund Beau Euton Jon Fishpaw Veronica Hill Alorian Honeywood Todd Kleismit & Lisa Defendiefer Thekla Shackelford Lou Straney Stephanie Tresso Tom & Kathy Woods Scott & Carolynn Ziance $500+ Ron Barnes Lorraine Brock Frank Byers, Jr. Janet George Yvonne Jones Jim & Kathy Rutherford Renny & Priscilla Tyson Torri & Alan Warner David Weiss Les Wright $250+ Sheila Barfield Emma Barnett Dana & Tracie Bateman Melanie Bowles Minette Bowles Barbara Bryson Beth Bubis Mark & Marti Corna Becky Craig Jameson Crane, Jr. Rob Crane Denny Griffith Stanley & Gene Harris Larry & Cindy Hilsheimer Thomas & Ann Hoaglin Malcolm & Paula Inniss Alfred & Gloria Jefferson Clark & Rose Kellogg Robert & Mary Kidder William & Patricia Kirwan Ray Miller Melissa Reynolds Wayne & Teresa Roberts Don & Linda Siefkas Barbara & Al Siemer Al Simmons Suzanne Snider Theresa Trombetti $100+ Maurice Blake Theresa L. Carter Kimberly N. Combs Jason & Lisa Dolin Katherine Epler Louis A. Mitchell Roberta Ruch Boyce & Toshia Safford, III Ronald & Ida Smith Rita Volk Alma Wright $50+ Gary Baker, II Donna Baladad DETROIT AmeriCorps Michigan Community Service Commission Endowment The Kresge Foundation Team Sponsors Bank One Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan Comerica Incorporated DaimlerChrysler Corporation Fund Ford Motor Company Fund Henry Ford Health System/Health Alliance Plan The Jewish Community of Metropolitan Detroit Jewish Federation of Metropolitan Detroit The Jewish Fund United Jewish Foundation of Metropolitan Detroit Foundations and Other Sources Beard Elementary School César Chávez Academy Community Foundation for Southeastern Michigan The Daoud Foundation Detroit Lions Charities Duffield Elementary School Episcopal Diocese of Michigan Harms Elementary School Hudson Webber Foundation Isiah Thomas Foundation Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan McGregor Fund Pistons-Palace Foundation Second Ebenezer Baptist Church The Skillman Foundation David M. Whitney Fund Corporate Donors Brogan & Partners Lucent Technologies The Lear Corporation The Timberland Company In-Kind Donors City of Detroit Henry Ford Health System Pistons-Palace Foundation The Timberland Company 2001 Individuals $1000+ Gail L. & Lois Warden $500+ Joseph J. Buttigieg III John & Diana Marshall Paul Piper Marlies Parenti $250+ Penny Bailer Elizabeth Kanter Groskind Laura Trudeau $100+ C. David Campbell K. Noreen Keating Rebecca Salminen Witt NEW HAMPSHIRE AmeriCorps Volunteer NH! Site Sponsor The Timberland Company Team Sponsors CBE Technologies, Inc. Fleet–New Hampshire MCI WorldCom The GE Fund Foundations and Other Sources Cisco Foundation Enterprise Rent-a-Car Foundation The Fuller Foundation Greater Piscataqua Community Foundation New Hampshire Bar Foundation Rockingham County Department of Health and Human Services TOSA Foundation Corporate Donors Compaq Computer Corporation Danny’s Team Green Pages The Lawyer’s Consortium Cook, Little, Rosenblatt & Manson Donahue, Tucker & Ciandella Devine, Millimet & Branch, P.A. Lavin, Weideman & Lavin CPAs, P.A McLane, Graf, Raulerson & Middleton Shaheen & Gordon, P.A. Orr & Reno New Circle Communications The Pepsi Bottling Group, Inc. Pepsi USA Thai Paradise, Inc. The Timberland Company In-Kind Donors 2 Brother Sub Foods Barnes & Noble Books Bay State Johnson’s Flowers Computer Group, Inc. D’Angelo’s Dot’s Flower Shop ES Sports Corporation Fleishman Hillard, Inc. Flora Ventures The Holiday Inn The Huntington Theatre Jane Walsh Photography JEA Transportation Company LTL Liquidators Office Furniture MassAV McDonald’s Multimedia Systems Pepsi USA Phillips Exeter Academy PortCity Roasters Redhook Ale Brewery Shaw’s Shop & Save Strafford Farms The Timberland Company Trash Can Lid Productions Individuals $10,000+ Anonymous $1000+ Peter Bender & Anne Ostberg Elise Klysa $500+ Anonymous Richard & Amy Armstrong Carolyn Casey Kenneth & Cynthia Freitas Linda Tyring $250+ Daniel Callaghan Eleanor Dunfey Freiburger & Dr. James Freiburger Dr. Amir & Mrs. Veronica Khazei Gordon Peterson $100+ Lori Baker Maureen Barrows Patricia J. Blankenhorn Cynthia Marie Laba Jeanne C. Shaheen $50+ Barbara Dirickson Rebecca Helm Martin Huber Mary E. & Kevin S. Kaminske Robin Albert Lehman & Wayne E. Lehman Eric Weinrieb Alice Hoffman & Thomas J. White PHILADELPHIA AmeriCorps PennSERVE: The Governor’s Office of Citizen Service Team Sponsors Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Firstrust Bank Lincoln Financial Group Foundation Sunoco The Philadelphia Eagles Hunt Corporation Radian Guaranty Technitrol, Inc. The Timberland Company The Turner Corporation Philadelphia Lawyers Consortium Ballard Spahr Andrews & Ingresoll, LLP Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP Dechert, LLP Duane, Morris & Heckschers, LLP Hoyle, Morris & Kerr, LLP Morgan, Lewis & Bockius, LLP Pepper Hamilton, LLP Philadelphia Bar Association Schnader Harrison Segal & Lewis, LLP Wolf, Block, Schorr & SolisCohen, LLP Foundations and Other Sources The Barra Foundation The Binswanger Foundation The City of Philadelphia The Enterprise Center The Germeshausen Foundation The John S. & James L. Knight Foundation The Jim Wilcox Foundation McKinley School Mifflin School The School District of Philadelphia Taylor School Gooey Looie’s Home Depot Hudson’s Handy Man Home Improvement Ippolito’s J & J South Philly Key Food Pizza MAB Paints Manhattan Grille Mary’s Caterers Montesini Pizza MTS, Incorporated Murray’s Nifty Fifty’s Papa John’s Pizza Pappy’s Pizza Pete’s Pizza Rite Aid Corporation Sherwin Williams Company. Shop-n-Bag Subway Taco Bell Temple Beth Torah Termini Bakery Thriftway Unitarian Church Wawa Woodland Garden Nursery Individuals $5,000+ Joe & Helaine Banner Philip Behr Rick & Sharon Mosenkis $2,500+ Donald Thompson $1000+ Jim & Pam Balfanz Joe Cox Barbara Eberlein & Richard Dilsheimer Gordon Hattersley, Jr. Karen Keating Eve Klothen David Lacey Gerald McHugh, Jr. James & Beth Ounsworth David Pudlin Willard Rouse, III. Tony & Elizabeth Vale Corporate Donors 610 WIP SportsRadio Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management Anonymous Independence Blue Cross Marsh USA Amoroso Baking Company $500+ Wayne & Carol Balfanz Ann Baruch Allen Black Fred & Sylvia Blume Aretha Delight-Davis Marciene Mattleman Pamela Smith In-Kind Donors ACME Allegro’s Pizza Anthony’s Italian Coffee House Au Bon Pain Boston Market Britt’s Pizza The Camera Shop CBOP Center City Pretzel The Coca-Cola Company Cross of Calvary Domino’s Pizza Duron Paints Erawan Thai Cuisine First Timothy Baptist Church Fishtown Pizzas Fresh Fields $250+ Jeffrey Dalke, Esq. Leman Davis Mary Gregg Mr. & Mrs. Robert Hauptfuhrer Sean Holleran Melanie Hopkins Christopher Kovolski Rick Sperry Sarah Peck & Dan Wofford $100+ Kristine Alvarez John Armstrong Andrea Barsevick Neil Batiancila Thelma Batiancila Cindy Chiu Jennifer Cochran Chris Colella Jimmy Contreras Francis Devine Kelly Dura Chris Flood Wyneshia Foxworth Steven Grenz Jenny Hamilton Timothy Hannigan Keith Jennings Mary Mackie Jessica McHugh John Morgan Steven Morris Ronald Naples Jorge Navarrete Michael Nutter Nikki Owens Bernice Jee & Mark Pendrock William Precious Jeri Ramos Michelle Regan Minnie Reyes Meliza Reynoso Jay & Gretchen Riley Charles & Nancy Roach Latasha Sams Chris Simmons Lisa Sloan Kristin Walega Kelly Whitehead Andre Wilkinson Siglen Woitek $50+ Kenneth & Michelle Ackerman Ann Bowman Joseph Evancich Beth & Jerry Frezel Jennifer Friedman Mia Fry Barbara Johnson Jeffrey Fuller & Martha Madigan Martha Johnston & Mark McDonald Kimberly V. Nelson Richard & Carol Ramirez Adrienne Robb Steven & Susan Rosenberg Jane Russell Robyn Schnieders Adeline Wachman City Year Annual Report 2001 29 RHODE ISLAND AmeriCorps Rhode Island Service Alliance Team Sponsors Bank of Newport Collette Vacations CVS/pharmacy FleetBoston Financial Foundation Hasbro Charitable Trust Providence Journal Charitable Foundation Textron Inc. Corporate Donors AAA of Southern New England Amica Insurance Company Armando’s Meat Market Artistic Label Company Bank Rhode Island Barclay’s Gourmet Beacon Mutual Insurance Company Billy Goodes Co. Blue Cross Blue Shield of Rhode Island Blue Moon Industries Brown, Rudnick, Freed, & Gesmer Cardi Corporation Check the Florist Checkers Licensing Corporation Citizens Bank Creative Impressions, Inc. Daily Grinds Deluxe Business Forms and Supplies EFD, Inc. Ed and Matt Equipment Edwards and Angell, LLP F.H. French Co. Inc FM Global Frank’s Variety Gilbane Building Co. GTECH Corporation Hunter Insurance, Inc. Keyport Life Insurance Konica Office Products, Inc. Marcotte Home Improvements McLaughlin & Moran, Inc. MetLife Auto & Home Mills Coffee Roasting Company Mullins and Crum Movers, Inc Narragansett Electric Company Nixon Peabody Ocean State Power Professional Facilities Management, Inc. Print Source Providence Biltmore Providence Gas Company Providence Washington Insurance Company Rapid Printing, Inc. Rhode Island Jewelry The Robinson Green Beretta Corporation 30 Sansiveri, Kimball & McNamee, LLP Sovereign Bank Spring Valley Water Spumoni’s Restaurant Sunrise Bagel Swisher Hygiene Service Teknor Apex Trinkle Design Associates Vanderbilt Hall Video Mundo Broadcasting, Inc. Volunteers in Providence Schools W.L. Mayer Company, Spinnaker Trust Wardell Braiding Machine Company Foundations and Other Sources Alperin/Hirsch Family Foundation Brown University Bryant College Carter Family Trust Casey Family Services Citizens Memorial Elementary School City of Newport City of Providence City of Warwick City of Woonsocket Curtis L. Carlson Family Foundation Diocese of Rhode Island Feinstein Family Foundation FirstFed Charitable Foundation Haffenreffer Family Fund John and Happy White Foundation Johnson and Wales University Joukowsky Family Foundation June Rockwell Levy Foundation The Kresge Foundation McAdams Charitable Foundation New England Institute of Technology Ocean State Charities Trust Pocasset Cemetery Prospect Hill Foundation Providence Maritime Heritage Foundation Public Education Fund Rhode Island Federation of Teachers Rhode Island Foundation Rhode Island Higher Education Rhode Island School of Design Roger Williams University Rotary Club of Woonsocket State of Rhode Island Temple Sinai Religious School The Big Picture Company Inc. Trinity Church UPS Foundation Woonsocket Housing Authority City Year Annual Report 2001 In-Kind Donors 7-Eleven Food Stores A New Leaf Nursery Ames Department Store Ben & Jerry’s Homemade, Inc. BJ Wholesale Club Burger King Bus Stop Market Café La France Calcutt True Value Hardware Carpenter’s Farm Chad Brown Market City Nights Theatre Compare Supermarket Crest Tile Distributors CVS Highlander Charter School CVS/pharmacy Del’s of Newport Depaults Hardware Domino’s Pizza Dunkin’ Donuts El Antojo Restaurant el Paisa Restaurant El Salvador Restaurant Fabric Gallery Graziano Sausage Home Depot Hudson Street Market Industrial Welders Supply Company, Inc. Joe Murillo Kabob ‘n’ Curry Luzitania Bakery Mario Ahumada Mexico Caribaldi Restaurant McDonald’s Michoacan Restaurant North Star Bus Papa Gino’s Papa John’s Pizza Party Warehouse Pawtucket House of Pizza Pineapple Inn Pizza Hut POAM Lands Youth Mall Popeye’s Pizza Price Right Restaurant Mexico Garibaldi Rhode Island Indian Council Ricon Latino Ricon Salvadorenzo Restaurant Rhode Island Monthly Magazine Rhode Island Transit Authority Roger Williams Park Zoo Saint Leo Great Parish Salisbury Farm Sandwich Stop Shaws Super Market Spot Interactive Spumoni’s RestaurantStaples Stop & Shop Supermarket Company Subway Sandwiches and Salads Sunshine Market The Timberland Company Tina’s Caribbean Restaurant Village Pizza Urban League of Rhode Island Wal-Mart Stores, Inc. Individuals $10,000 + Letitia & John Carter Buff & Johnnie Chace Alan & Vivien Hassenfeld $5,000+ Kim & Liz Chace Stanley & Merle Goldstein Craig & Sarah Beinecke Richardson $1,000+ Richard & Joan Abrams Alden & Emily Anderson Matt Brown Walter Brown Daniel & Elizabeth Burke Bryant Walter Craddock Christine Ferguson & Frederick Glomb Robert & Hope Goddard Tom & Lisa Goddard David Haffenreffer Casby & Mary Sylvia Harrison Michael & Hope Hudner Frederick Lippitt Herbert & Beverly Malin Terry & Pat Moran Jyothi Nagraj Dick & Sandra Oster Charles & Bernadine Reilly Robert Russell Marcia Russell-Cintron Henry & Peggy Sharpe Howard & Kim Sutton Donald Sweitzer $500+ Guy Abelson Richard Ballou William & Jeanne Bundy Scott Burns Lincoln Chafee Karen Davis Karen & Peter Ditto Wallace B. Doolin Bill Ezekiel Mr. & Mrs. Jonathan Fain Richard Bruce Feinstein Bernie & Sharon Jackvony Virginia L. Lacey Fred & Phyllis Lohrum Bill & Cate Roberts Georgia Shaban $250+ Danielle Officer Mark & Christina Ardente Robert Barrow James & Jennifer Bennett Joseph Brito Larry Brown Richard Carolan & Carolyn Greely Elizabeth Delude-Dix Brad & Kim Dimeo Dr. & Mrs. Thomas P. Enright Pierrette & James Farley Elizabeth & Evan Granoff Cristie Hanaway Susan Hibbitt Robert & Jill Jaffe George Knight Stanley & Martha Livingston John Marshall Charles J. McDonald Mr. & Mrs. Thomas J. McDonald Roger Medearis Thomas & Meredith Medearis Ted & Kristin Moran Dennis Murphy Avishai Nevel Margaret & Peter Palladino Joseph Paolino Jill & David Roosa Jacqueline Savoie Robert & Heather Savoie Michael & Mary Schwartz Patricia & George Sisson Jamie & Sheila Stallman Grant Summers Ian Tink Joseph W. Walsh William & Kathryn West $100+ Jacqueline Caba Joshua M. Blaney John Ayers John & Mary Andries Gregory & Barbara Barr Michael Bigney Mary & Colin Billings Angela Boothman Nicole Boothman-Shepard Robert Borah Nicholas Brown Robert & Majorie Catanzaro Donald Christ William & Carolyn Cormier Linda & Joseph Curran Nancy Derrig Michael P. & Jayne Donegan Bart & Lisa Dunbar Mary S. Eddy Raymond Endreny, M.D. Fatima Finmore David Fox Gayle Gifford Kent Gladding Sol & Suanne Goodman Sandra Gomez Lillian & John Hargrove Walt & Grainne Hewitt Andrew & Virginia Hodgkin William H. Hollinshead, M.D. Harold & Eileen Horwitz Diane S. Hurley Stacy M. Jones Gareth Jones Dale Lesh & Alayne Barnicoat Nicholas Long & Abigail Brooks Mr. & Mrs. Paul M. Mahoney Edmund M. Mauro Nancy J. Mayer Thomas Milburn Joseph Moore Kathleen & Elizabeth Crowley Palmer Harry Parsons Sandy Parsons Richard & Kathleen Phillips Leus & Margery Reinhauzen Elizabeth Roberts Steve & Mary Rosa Christine Ryan Corinne D. Schuman Merrill W. Sherman Elizabeth C. Seveney Steve & Barbara Sorin Harold & Sherry Sudduth Pat & Maureen Sullivan Helen Toohey Alison K Townsend Tom Wright Richard D. Worrell Samuel & Lauren Zurier $50+ Amabel K. Allen Joel R. Almeida John P. Berry Jeanne E. Blaney Edith Ajello Donald & Ellen Arlinsky Jennifer Arlinsky Grace Beiser Elizabeth Brenner Lucille & Bernard Bush John T. Culetti Bill Del Nero Adrianne DeLuca Tina Donate Stephen Glinick & Elizabeth Welch Kathy Goulding Holly Greco Senator William Irons Douglas Johnson Marianne Kane Lawrence Knowles Diane M. Kravczynski Larry & Loundy Lassiter Ronald Machtely Donald E. McClure Mark P. McKenney Peter Miller & Jessica Robins Mark P. Mulcahy Leslie Munson Sylvia Natale Kimberly Nelson Weayonnoh Nelson Karl & Letitia Otterbach Elliot & Deborah Perlman Tomas Ramirez Jonathan Richardson Edward & Kathleen Rimer Michael Rosenberg Susan Santos & Ernest Duarte Julie Shelton Smith Dolores Spencer Richard & Susan Steward Lori Sudduth Alice & Harold Williams Harold & Betti-Lou Williams Jinell Young-Kinard SAN ANTONIO AmeriCorps Texas Commission on Volunteerism and Community Service Foundations and Other Sources Argyle Foundation City of San Antonio/CSBG Goldsbury Foundation Joan-Herb Kelleher Foundation Levi Strauss Foundation McCombs Foundation Meadows Foundation Sacks Foundation San Antonio Spurs Foundation San Fernando Cathedral Strumberg Foundation Temple Beth-El Texas Women’s Forum The Brown Schools at Laurel Ridge Trinity University University of Texas Health Science Center Corporate Donors Bank of America Bank One Beldon Roofing Company Boeing Broadway National Bank Cavender Cadillac Cavender Toyota Inc. Com-Net Ericsson Enterprise Rent-A-Car F. Guerra Deberry Coody L.L.P. Fiesta San Antonio Commission, Inc. Frost National Bank Fulbright & Jaworski L.L.P. General Motors Grande Communications Inc. H-E-B Holt Company of Texas Honest Tea James Lifshutz-Management Enterprises Land Rover of San Antonio Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey L.L.P. Management Enterprises San Antonio Express News Saturn of San Antonio Security Service Federal Credit Union Sony Semiconductor of San Antonio Southwestern Bell Communications Tesoro Petroleum Company United Services Automobile Association Valero Corporation Veridian Information Solutions Wells Fargo Bank Zachry Construction Corporation In-Kind Donors Alamo Community College District Our Lady of the Lake University Rotary Club of San Antonio San Antonio Community College Trinity Baptist Church VIA Transit System Wells Fargo Bank Individuals $5,000+ Larry & Charlotte Franklin $1000+ Bob & Judy Bomer Dolph Briscoe Sam & Laura Dawson, Ed Gistaro Robert & Shirley Herres Carole Lanham Dale & Martha Wood MD $500+ Gogi & John Dickson $250+ Jay Anderson Barbara & Cal Banker Edward & Nelda Benninger James & Phyllis Browning Jimmy & Judy Cavender Rick & Suzanne Cavender Dr & Mrs Charles Cotrell Roland & Janice Dubay Tino Duran Tertia & Arthur Emerson Mary Lou & Bob Farmer Bruce & Janet Flohr Alfredo & Tenchita Flores Nick & Liecie Hollis John S. Jockusch Bart & Dore Koontz Martha Landsman Brig/Gen Robt. F. McDermott Dave & Leanna McIIvoy Peggy & Paul Pace Gary & Arline Patterson Linda Perry Joseph & Aaronetta Pierce Antonio Rigual Estella & Tony Rivera Rabbi Samuel M. Stahl Col Lynn & Linda Wakefield Caroline & Larry Walker Bucky & Maria Wellisch Clarence “Reggie” Williams $100+ Lila Cockrell B.W. Coleman Sylvia Fernandez Tom Galvin Gilbert S. Garcia, Jr. Lynn Hallinger Rosemary Kowalski Edith McAllister Richard Middleton, Ph.D. Ed Miles Jr. Dan A. Naranjo John Peveto Les Sachanowicz Sue MerrelSchwirtz Kathy Sosa SAN JOSE / SILICON VALLEY AmeriCorps GO SERV: Governor’s Office on Service and Volunteerism Team Sponsors Adobe Systems, Inc. Cisco Foundation Compaq Computer Corporation Intel Corporation Co-Team Sponsors Adobe Systems, Inc. Applied Materials, Inc. Comerica Bank-California San Jose Mercury News Consortium Team Sponsors MIPS Technologies, Inc. Silicon Graphics, Inc. (SGI) Foundations and Other Sources Allstate Foundation Arts Council Silicon Valley Bellarmine College Preparatory City of San JoseCity of Sunnyvale Community Foundation Silicon Valley Compton Foundation County of Santa Clara Entrepreneurs Foundation Joint Powers Authority Lockheed Martin Employee’s FoundationLucile Packard Foundation for Children’s Health National Conference for Community and Justice San Jose Library San Jose Parks & Recreation San Jose Repertory Theatre Saratoga Optimist Club Silicon Valley Charity Ball Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group Sobrato Family Foundation Wal-Mart Foundation William and Flora Hewlett Foundation Youth Service America Corporate Donors Actuate Corporation Adobe Systems, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices Agilent Technologies Applied Materials, Inc. AOL Foundation Aspect Communications Corporation AT&T Divco West Group, LLC Fairmont San Jose Huetting & Schrom Intel Corporation Netscape Penney’s Towing Quantum San Jose Mercury News Smith & Kempton Solectron Corporation Southern Lumber Synopsys In-Kind Donors Adobe Systems, Inc. Advanced Micro Devices Center for Employment and Training, San Jose Gap Foundation Honest Tea Iguana’s Taqueria Leo Graphic Design M. E, Fox and Company, Inc. Our City Forest Paramount’s Great America San Jose Mercury News Santa Clara Valley Transit Authority Second Harvest Food Bank Sharks Foundation Shine On T-shirts Whole Foods Market, Inc. Individuals $10,000+ Cristy Lanfri $5,000+ Lisa & Matthew Sobrato $2,500+ Dr. Jerry Hiura $1000+ Sharlene & Howard Abrams Max Besler John Canfield Susan & Robert Finocchio Susan & Philip Hammer Barbara & Bill Heil Natalie & Kenneth Klein Tony Kowalishen Sara La Berg & Randy Attaway Nicholas Lefevre Maideh Radpour Patrick Tehan Brooke Wagner $500+ Dyanne Compton Peter Cross Lana Lauher Guernsey Peter Tarrant City Year Annual Report 2001 31 $250+ Edward Bishop Paula Brennock Graham Freeman Rebecca Guerra Jean & Alan Limbach Lani & Andre Luthard Henry Manayan Mark McKinney Cindy Olson Joe Pon Steve Preminger Jennifer Sims Mark Tippin Joanne & Michael Vallee Gale & Marshall Wilder Karen & Jeff Whipple $100+ Sylvia Rodriguez Andrew Betsy Arroyo Melora & Andrew Balson Laura Baker Brieany Louise Bender Polly & Thomas Bredt Erin Brennock Cindy Chavez Terry Christensen Robert Clemons Rebecca Cohn Pat Dando Bridget Devaney Shelley Doran George Duran A.J. Elliott Michael Elliott Deborah Kim Emery Dorothy & Gordon England Liz Figueroa Mary Ellen & Michael Fox Christine Garrow Glenn George Anita Grande Shawna Holmes Frances & Jack Hood Susan & Richard Kitson Peter Klebofski Noam Levey Sally Lieber Kris Linder Ellen Llewellyn Margaret Lynch Mary Martinez Dona Rivero Maurino Dianne McKenna Susan Meyers Catherine & Robert Miller Sandra & Armon Mills Kathleen & Peter Muller Sandy Nguyen Theodore Olson Robert Ramirez James Roberts Libby & David Savner Lila & Ronald Schmidt Laura & Gary Schoennauer 32 Steven Shevick Dale Shimasaki Patricia & John Stewart Rosemary Taylor Jose Torres Manuel Valerio Christie Hardwick-Vianson Ruth Von Goeler & Kelly Slough Fernando Zazueta $50+ Mark Albertson Abigail Benedetto Michelle Berg Casey & Shirley Beyer Marilyn & Brian Bonnifield Susan Bradshaw Kristen & Michael Brown Dr. Robert Caret Elaine & Michael Curran Amy Dean Susan Fitts David Foulkes Marchelle Fox Monica Gallyot Michael Grant John Hassell Tricia Hill Jennifer Hull Coleen Hurley Craig Mann Susan McCauley Mujjie Meier Dolores Moore Sandra Musashi John Neece Virginia & Timothy Nieuwsma Lisa & Hubert Riley Perla Rodriguez Cindy Rubin David Sandretto Robert Schmulian Maria & Robert Sigler Ann Gregg Skeet Larry Stone David Story Katherine Strehl Steven Tedesco Linda Townsend Kathy Tran Kimberly Walesh Richard Wheat Barbara & Benjamin Whisler Irene Wong City Year Annual Report S E AT T L E / KING COUNTY AmeriCorps Corporation for National and Community Service Team Sponsors Adobe Systems, Inc. Cisco Foundation KeyBank Washington Women’s Foundation Foundations and Other Sources Apex Foundation B.F. Day Elementary School The Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation Interagency Schools The Henry M. Jackson Foundation The Kenneth Alhadeff Charitable Foundation New Start/King County Youth Services Planet CPR/The Tides Center Port of Seattle Seattle Campaign for Kids 2001 The Urban League of Metropolitan Seattle The W Foundation Youth Opportunities Grant (Workforce Development Council) Youth Service America Zoline Foundation Corporate Donors Ross Stores, Inc. SportService Corporation In-Kind Donors Albertson’s, Inc. Camp Waskowitz/Highline School District Compton Lumber Company Domino’s Pizza Gateway Athletic Club Georgio’s Subs Great Harvest Bread Company Kmart Corporation Lowe’s Grocery and Beverage Mad Pizza Magnolia Ace Hardware Company M&M Balloons and Party Supply MediSystems Noah’s New York Bagels Pizza Hut Quality Food Centers Rite Aid Corporation Safeway Sherwin-Williams Company Sound Transit Starbucks Coffee Company Subway Talking Rain Beverage Company Target Stores - West Seattle Thriftway Stores Tim’s Cascades Potato Chips Tower Records World Class Café Individuals $10,000+ Shelley & Dave Malcolm $1000+ Reuven Carlyle Susan Kim & Dan Williams Darnell Malcolm & Vergil Jackson Art Wahl $500+ Ann F. Braham Anonymous Patrick Duhon Eric Liu & Carroll Haymon Johnetta Rowsey $250+ Sarah & Rich Barton Jeffrey Coopersmith Carol Gregory Debra & Michael Pinckney $100+ Leslie Boden & Judith Yanof Angelina Gulik Sharon Ocho $50+ Joyce Jackson Mary Alice Theiler Catherine A. Wallach 2001 WASHINGTON, DC AmeriCorps Corporation for National and Community Service Founding Site Sponsor The Case Foundation Founding Team Sponsors AOL Time Warner Cisco Foundation Fannie Mae Foundation ServiceCorps: A Project of the Advisory Board Foundation Founding Supporters Discovery Communications The Timberland Company The Washington Post Foundations and Other Sources German Marshall Fund Saint Matthew’s Cathedral Youth Service America Start-Up In-Kind Donors DrinkMoreWater, Inc. Honest Tea Lockheed Martin PriceWaterhouseCoopers Frayer’s Harware Store Port of Piraeus Café Xando Cosi Individuals $2,500+ Katherine Borsecnik Evelyn Louie & Jonathan Sacks Joshua Power Stevens George & Patricia Vradenburg $1000+ Ben & Karen Binswanger $500+ Karen Taylor $250+ Katherine Ennis Wychulis Board Members N AT I O N A L BOSTON Jeffrey B. Swartz, Chairperson President & CEO The Timberland Company Chair Kristen Atwood Former Vice President City Year, Inc. Michael Brown President City Year, Inc. George Gendron Editor-in-Chief Inc. Magazine Susan Hammer Mayor, San Jose, CA (1991–1998) Ilene Jacobs Executive Vice President Fidelity Investments Rosabeth Moss Kanter Professor Graduate School of Business Administration Harvard University Alan Khazei CEO City Year, Inc. Li Lu Managing Partner Himalaya Capital Partners Gary Orren Professor John F. Kennedy School of Government Harvard University Eli Segal Founder, The Welfare to Work Partnership Founding CEO, Corporation for National and Community Service Bill Shore Founder and CEO Share Our Strength Ron Sims King County Executive King County Courthouse Steve Woodsum Managing Partner Summit Partners Clerk pro tem Danette Wineberg Vice President, General Counsel & Secretary The Timberland Company Gena Pirtle Community Philanthropy Manager Cisco Systems, Inc. Stephen R. Quazzo Chief Executive Officer Transwestern Investment Company James Mason VP Public & Community Affairs Eaton Corporation John D. Hamilton, Jr. Chairman Hale and Dorr LLP Dr. Ravinder Sakhuja President & CEO UtilityNet Michael Reinsdorf Managing Director International Facilities Group LLC Judge Donald Nugent US Federal Judge Vice Chair Evelyn Riesenberg Executive Director Boston Community Centers Board Members Ronald L. Walker, II Senior Vice President Sovereign Bank John Gilmartin Retired, CEO Millipore Corporation James Ansara President Shawmut Design and Construction Matthew S. Axelrod Attorney at Law Hill & Barlow Dr. Bak Fun Wong Principal Quincy Upper School CHICAGO Jeff Bellows Americas Marketing & Public Relations Manager Omgeo, A DTCC/ Thomson Financial Company Chair Michele Courton Brown President FleetBoston Financial Foundation Board Members LaTonya Brown Alumna 1994 Director of Programs Phillips Brooks House, Inc. Harvard University Carlos Azcoitia Deputy Chief Education Officer Chicago Public Schools Shirley Carrington Director of Human Services The Boston Empowerment Center Arnita M. Cooper Manager The House of M&M Barbers Paul Evans Commissioner Boston Police Department Ruthanne Fuller Independent Consultant Michael Alter President The Alter Group Kenneth Alpart President Alpart Trading Company Julie Coffman Vice President Bain and Company Inc. Shawn M. Donnelley President Strategic Giving, LLC Arne Duncan Deputy Chief of Staff Chicago Public Schools John Edelman Asst. to Chairman/Int’l Director of Human Resources Edelman Public Relations Reverend Ray Hammond Founder, Ten Point Coalition Bethel AME Church Larry Freed President Joseph J. Freed & Associates, Inc. Stacey Kabat Co-Chair of the Board of Directors & Founder Peace at Home Lyle Logan Senior Vice President The Northern Trust Company Paige E. Kane Regional Vice President State Relations CSX Transportation Lew Karabatsos Senior Manager Corporate Community Relations Compaq Computer Corporation Paula McNichols Executive Director Brookside Community Health Center John Muse Financial Consultant Merrill Lynch & Co, Inc. Michael Mandel Alumnus ’96-’97 Student Northwestern University School of Law Phyllis L. Martin Executive Director Financial Research and Advisory Committee Eric T. McKissack Vice Chairman/Co-Chief Investment Officer Ariel Capital Management R. Susan Motley Independent Consultant James N. Perry, Jr. Managing Director Madison Dearborn Partners, Inc. Jim Reynolds Chief Executive Officer Loop Capital Markets Sara Salzman Director Community Services Chicago Bulls Jennifer Steans Executive Vice President Financial Investments Corporation Gil Walker Executive Director Chicago Housing Authority Resident Programs CLEVELAND Co-Chairs Kathleen Obert President & CEO Edward Howard & Co. William Papenbrock Attorney Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Wornie Reed Director Urban Child Research Cleveland State University Anne Schoff Alumna Parent Retired School Teacher Ellen Ticktin Grants Consultant The Ticktin Group COLUMBIA Chair Jan Roller Attorney Davis & Young Tom Sullivan CEO, Chairman of the Board RPM, Inc. Board Members Bruce Akers Mayor of Pepper Pike Greg Brown Fellow Federation for Community Planning Thomas Clevidence Vice President, Staff Division Fifth Third Bank Deborah Coleman Partner Hahn Loeser & Parks LLP Jeff Concepcion Chief Executive Officer Sagemark Consulting Nancy Cronin International/Government Relations Cleveland Port Authority Anthea Daniels Partner Calfee, Halter & Griswold LLP Robert Dietz Development Officer Jewish Community Federation Mike Frothingham Marketing Manager Day-Glo Color Corp. Pamela George Program Officer The Cleveland Foundation David Dukes, Esq. Managing Partner Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, L.L.P. Rick Noble Executive Director Richland County First Steps Board Members Henri Etta Baskins Regional Director, External Affairs BellSouth Barbara Bethea Director of Marketing and Community Relations WACH FOX 57 Janet Brooks, Esq. Harpootlian Law Firm Bob Derrick Senior Vice President Wachovia Bank of SC, NA Francenia B. Heizer, Esq. McNair Law Firm David Hyat Vice President and Loan Officer Midlands Mortgage Corporation Don Montgomery Assistant Vice President Colonial Life & Accident Insurance Company Jeff Rainwater Facilities and Resource Manager City of Columbia Parks & Recreation Terri Randall Vice President Washington Mutual Loans, Inc. Gregory Johnson President Integrity Development City Year Annual Report 2001 33 Lisa Sisk Corporate Communications Writer Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina G. Todd Weiss Sales Director Heritage Chevrolet Buick Gloria Wise Business Intake and Docketing Coordinator Nelson, Mullins, Riley & Scarborough, LLP Karen York Director of Communications Richland County District One Honorary Board Members Charles P. Austin Assistant City Manager City of Columbia Vince Ford Senior Vice President for Community Service Palmetto Health Alliance J.T. McLawhorn, Jr. President Columbia Urban League, Inc. Jesse Washington, Jr. Executive Director Greater Columbia Community Relations Council COLUMBUS Chair Gary Glaser Chairman & CEO National City Bank David Weiss Senior Vice President National City Board Members Ron Barnes General Manager COTA Maurice Blake Director, Pupil Services Columbus Public Schools Lorraine Brock Vice President, Urban Markets Development Nationwide Insurance Beth Bubis Community Volunteer Ken Gaither Sales Planner The Limited Craig A. Haddox Attorney/Partner Bricker & Eckler LLP Holly Hollingsworth Reporter/Anchor WCMH/NBC4 E. W. Ingram President Ingram-White Castle Foundation 34 Yvonne P. Jones Director, Classified Personnel Columbus Public Schools K. Noreen Keating Chief Executive Officer Lighthouse of Oakland County PHILADELPHIA Bill Petrarca Chairman Strathman Associates, Inc. Patrick O. Lindsey Community Relations Specialist DaimlerChrysler Wayne Roberts Director Columbus Recreation & Parks John E. Marshall, III President and CEO The Kresge Foundation Joe Banner President & Chief Operating Officer Philadelphia Eagles Ralph Rosenfield Vice President of Sales Continental Office Furniture Heath Meriwether Publisher Detroit Free Press Michael P. Scott Vice President Stonehenge Partners Reuben Munday Partner Lewis & Munday, PC Alphonso Simmons, Ph.D. Vice President Columbus State Community College Rex K. Nelson Program Officer The Skillman Foundation John Beilenson President Strategic Communications & Planning David K. Page Senior Partner Honigman Miller Schwartz & Cohn Fred Blume Administrative Partner Blank Rome Comisky & McCauley LLP Paul J. Piper Executive Assistant Office of the CEO of Detroit Public Schools Laurada Byers Founder Russell Byers Charter School Mark Sturgeon CFO & Senior VP of Finance Advanced Drainage Systems Les Wright Station Manager WSMG - Z103 Scott Ziance Attorney Vorys, Sater, Seymour & Pease, LLP David Smydra Group Executive The Mayor’s Office Reverend Edgar Vann Second Ebenezer Baptist Church DETROIT Chair Mr. Gail L. Warden President and CEO Henry Ford Health System Rebecca Salminen Witt Executive Director The Greening of Detroit Chair Phil Behr Managing Partner Navigator Equity Board Members Fahtima Ali City Year Greater Philadelphia Alumna ’99 Donna Cooper Campaign Director Good Schools Pennsylvania Joe Cox Headmaster The Haverford School Marla Green Firstrust Bank Mary G. Gregg International Awards Consultant Board Members Designated Corporate Representatives Mark Harrell Community Volunteer N. Charles Anderson President/CEO Detroit Urban League, Inc. Marilyn French Hubbard Corporate Vice President Henry Ford Health System Marcie Brogan Managing Partner Brogan & Partners Marlies Parenti Senior Program Officer The Kresge Foundation Frances M. Jones Assistant General Manager Government Affairs SEPTA Joseph J. Buttigieg III Vice-Chairman Comerica Incorporated Laura Trudeau Program Officer The Kresge Foundation Amanda Caballero (Retired) Executive Director Latino Family Services Alicia Villarreal Interim Executive Director Latino Family Services C. David Campbell President McGregor Fund Virgil H. Carr President and CEO United Way Community Services Tarik Daoud President Al Long Ford, Inc. Liz Kanter Groskind Founder Volunteer Impact Diana Jones Vice President of Community Affairs Blue Cross Blue Shield of Michigan City Year Annual Report 2001 Sam Katz Chief Executive Officer Greater Philadelphia First Karen Keating Senior Corporate Counsel Safeguard Scientifics, Inc. Eve Biskind-Klothen Community Volunteer David Lacey Vice President, Human Resources Technitrol, Inc. Mary Mackie Community Volunteer Marciene Mattleman Director of Literacy Programs Public/Private Ventures Hon. Theodore A. McKee U.S. Court of Appeals, 3rd Circuit Hon. Michael A. Nutter City Council of Philadelphia Naomi Post Executive Director Philadelphia Safe and Sound Don Rice Partner Rice Capital Richard S. Sperry President RSA Associates Donald L. Thompson Chairman, President and CEO Hunt Corporation Don Tollefson Anchor WTXF-TV Elizabeth Vale Executive Director & Portfolio Strategist Morgan Stanley Dean Witter Investment Management Van Kampen Funds Denean Williams Investment Solutions Manager SEI Investments Dan Wofford Director Philadelphia Scholars Philadelphia Education Fund RHODE ISLAND Chair Cate Roberts Director of Community Affairs Textron Inc. Board Members Guy Abelson Owner Guy Abelson Events Mary Ellen Ahern Director of Community Services The Providence Journal Alden Anderson Vice President CB Richard Ellis Daniel Bannister Community Affairs Coordinator RIPTA Larry Brown CPA Omni Development Corporation Matt Brown Community Volunteer Karen Davis Director Hasbro Charitable Trust Karen Ditto Director of Community Affairs Collette Vacations Shannon Dunnigan Site Manager Projo.Com Christine Ferguson Director Department of Human Services Merle Goldstein Community Volunteer Maggie Grove Executive Director RI Campus Compact The Arcade Cristie Hanaway Owner G. Frank Hanaway Insurance Agency Casby Harrison Proprietor Harrison Law Associates Mary Lima Vice President Bank of Newport Kristen Haffenreffer Moran Executive Director Rhode Islanders Sponsoring Education Kimberly Nelson Alumna ’98 Weayonnoh Nelson Alumna ’99 Tomas Ramirez Principal Springfield Site II Middle School Chris Smith City Year Alumnus ’94 Steve Sorin Development Director Trinity Repertory Company Sheldon Whitehouse Attorney General State of Rhode Island SAN ANTONIO Chair Greg Flores Manager of Public Affaires & Communications H-E-B Board Members Rick Cavender President and CEO Saturn of San Antonio Roland DuBay Vice President of Institutional Advancement Alamo Community College District Tertia Emerson Founder San Antonio Neighborhood Resource Center Steve Fanning Executive Director Buckner Fanning Evangelistic Foundation SAN JOSE / SILICON VALLEY Robert H. Finney Partner Loeffler, Jonas & Tuggey L.L.P. Carl Guardino President & CEO Silicon Valley Manufacturing Group Ed Gistaro Chairman Docucon Lynn Hallinger Community Volunteer Jon Johnson President Team Leadership Resources James Lifshutz President Texas Home Improvements, Inc. Jane Macon Partner Fulbright & Joworski L.L.P. Lt. Gen. David McIlvoy Dean, School of Extended Studies University of Incarnate Word Sue Merrell-Schwirtz Travel Agent Seven Seasons Travel Michael Molak, Jr. Vice President Wells Fargo Bank Arline Patterson, Ed.D Director for Extended Learning Texas Lutheran University Jada Pitman, Ed.D Executive Director of Special Affairs Southwest Independent School District Antonio Riguel Ph.D Provost Our Lady of the Lake University Col.Tony Rivera Community Volunteer Les Sachanowicz Attorney Bexar County Kathy Sosa President Garcia LKS Marketing Eric Swellander Vice President Commercial Lending Broadway Bank Col. Lynn Wakefield Retired Director of AF Intelligence Air Intelligence Agency Col. Lawrence “Bucky” Wellisch Senior Manager Veridian Information Solutions Chair Stanford MBA Board Fellows Council of Champions Dan Kalafatas Stanford Graduate School of Business Keith D. Grinstein Vice Chairman Nextel International, Inc. Founding Partner Second Avenue Partners Stacy Philpot Stanford Graduate School of Business Vice Chair Dyanne Compton Senior Manager Community Relations Adobe Systems, Inc. Board Members Sylvia Rodriguez Andrew Dean, College of Social Work San Jose State University Cindy Chavez Councilmember, District 3 City of San Jose Terry Christensen Professor and Chair Political Science Department San Jose State University Dr. Bill Erlendson Director of External Programs San Jose Unified School District Rebecca Guerra Human Resources Consultant Shawna Holmes Corporate Community Relations Program Manager Compaq Computer Corporation Martha Kanter President De Anza College Deb Kim Emery City Year Alumna ’95 Community Volunteer Lani Luthard Community Volunteer Vangie Maynard Vice President Comerica Bank-California Linda Murray Superintendent San Jose Unified School District Joe Pon Global Corporate Affairs Applied Materials Steve Preminger Community Services Director South Bay AFL-CIO Labor Council Rev. Lindi Ramsden Senior Minister First Unitarian Church of San Jose S E AT T L E / KING COUNTY Co-Chairs Carol Gregory Education Liaison to the King County Executive King County Shelley Malcolm Marketing Consultant Board Members Reuven M. Carlyle Executive Vice President, Strategic Development UIEvolution Jeffrey Coopersmith Attorney-At-Law Coppersmith & Associates, Inc. Steve Daschle Executive Director Southwest Youth & Family Services Mickey Fearn Consultant The Synapse Group Susan Kim, MD Dermatologist Eric Liu Vice-President of Corporate Communications RealNetworks, Inc. Bill Rogers Community Volunteer Johnetta Rowsey Diversity Affairs Director Nordstrom, Inc. Edward T. Tobin III Senior Director of Corporate Affairs Deputy General Counsel Law & Corporate Affairs Microsoft Corporation Catherine Wallach Research Assistant/Graduate Student University of Washington Marc Lhormer Founding Partner Social Venture Partners Joseph Olchefske Superintendent Seattle Public Schools Ron Sims King County Executive King County Patty Stonesifer Co-Chair and President The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation James A. Washam President, Southern Puget Sound District KeyBank WASHINGTON, DC Chair Senator Harris Wofford Chairman America’s Promise Former CEO Corporation for National and Community Service Board Members Donald Baer Executive Vice President Strategy and Development Discovery Communications Katherine Bradley Director Advisory Board Foundation Kathy Bushkin President AOL Time Warner Foundation Bob Deutsch Community Investment Manager Cisco Systems Jerry Dovalis Executive Vice President The Case Foundation Michael Kelly Executive Director DC Housing Authority Rev. Anthony Motley Redemption Ministry Andrew Plepler Senior Vice President Fannie Mae Foundation Laura Udall Community Relations Manager Redback Brooke Wagner Vice President, Investor Relations Aspect Communications Corporation City Year Annual Report 2001 35 Service Partners BOSTON Academy of the Pacific Rim Charter School Benjamin Banneker Charter School Boston Recycling Center Boston Renaissance Charter School Boston Schoolyard Initiative Cambridge Community Art Center Cambridge Youth Programs Citizen Schools City of Boston, Boston Digital Bridge Foundation Conservatory Lab Charter School Dennis C. Haley Elementary School Department of Environmental Management Department of Environmental Protection East End House Executive Office of Environmental Affairs Faneuil After School Program Harbor Connections Hull Life Saving Museum Impact II/School-To-Career Office of Boston Public Schools Inquilinos Boriquas En Accion James E. Condon Elementary School Josiah Quincy Elementary School Laboure Center Martin Luther King Middle School Mission Hill Pilot School National Conference for Community and Justice Peace at Home Ralph Waldo Emerson School Red Oak Community Center Roxbury Boys and Girls Club Samuel W. Mason Elementary School Spontaneous Celebrations West End Boys & Girls Club William Blackstone Elementary School William E. Channing Elementary School CHICAGO Albany Park Community Center Albany Park YouthNet Ariel Education Initiative— Youth and Family Resource Center Chicago Youth Centers ABC BBR Fellowship House Rebecca Crown Center David G. Farragut Career Academy MLK Boys and Girls Club Henry Suder Elementary School Jacques Marquette Elementary School 36 Julia Lathrop Elementary School Kennicott Park YouthNet Philip D. Armour School Resin Orr Community Academy Roberto Clemente Community Academy Theodore Roosevelt High School Signature & Short Term Service ACES AIDSCare Anti-Cruelty Society Arts of Life Bold Chicago B.U.I.L.D. Chicago Park District Douglas Park Cornell Square Park Humboldt Park Hamlin Park Garfield Park Conservatory Marquette Park Kennicott Park Eugene Field Park Pietrowski Park Greater Chicago Food Depository Chicago Coalition for the Homeless Chicago Youth Centers—Camp Rosenthal Christmas is for Kids Darry Stingley Youth Foundation DePaul University Dignity Diner Erie Westside Family Health Center Gang Crime Prevention Center Green Corps at the Department of the Environment Habitat for Humanity Hibbard Elementary School Haugen Elementary School Inspiration Café Junior Achievement Kagan Home for the Blind Latino Youth Montgomery House Murphy Elementary School Play for Peace Public Allies Rainbow House South Shore Cultural Center Southwest Women Working Together Southwest Youth Collaborative Special Olympics Saint Leonard’s House South Shore High School Teen REACH Street Level Youth Media Studio Air Volta Elementary School Winston Manor World Relief YWCA City Year Annual Report 2001 CLEVELAND COLUMBIA COLUMBUS Andrew J. Rickoff Elementary School American Red Cross - Greater Cleveland Chapter Charles Dickens Elementary School The Children’s Museum of Cleveland Citizens’ Academy Corlett Elementary School Dike Montessori Center Domestic Violence Center Douglas MacArthur Elementary School East Clark Elementary School El Barrio Neighborhood Center Fatima Family Center Glenville YMCA Junior Achievement Kenneth Clement Elementary School Lexington Bell Community Center Newton D. Baker School of the Arts Scranton Elementary School Stephen E. Howe Elementary School Union Elementary School Walton Elementary School American Red Cross City of Columbia EdVenture Columbia Housing Authority John P. Thomas Elementary School KOBAN at Lattimer Manor Lexington/Richland Alcohol & Drug Abuse Council (LRADAC) Palmetto Health Alliance Columbus Public Schools Communities in Schools of Columbus Gladstone Elementary School Greater Linden Development Corporation-Linden Resource Center Heyl Avenue Elementary School Lincoln Park Elementary School Linden Elementary School Linden McKinley High School Main Street Elementary School Ohio Avenue Elementary School Rosewind Community Center Second Avenue Elementary School Second Avenue Family Focus Center—SAFE Camp South High School South Side Community Action Network South Side Settlement House Windsor Academy Alternative Elementary School YMCA of Central Ohio Signature & Short Term Service AIDS Taskforce Appleseed Daycare The Botanical Garden Chambers Elementary School Christian Family Outreach Church of Transfiguration City Mission Clark Metro Development Corporation Cleveland Foodbank Cuyahoga County Board of Mental Retardation Daniel Morgan School Earthday Coalition Eliza Bryant Village First Presbyterian Church H. Barbara Booker Elementary School House of Glory Hunger Center Hunger Network of Greater Cleveland Interact Cleveland @ Calvary Church Jewish Community Federation Mayfair Elementary School Murtis Taylor Multiservice Center Nature Center at Shaker Lakes Near West Theatre O.S.U. Extension Urban Gardening Program Rainbow Babies & Children’s Hospital Retired Senior Volunteers Program (RSVP) Ronald McDonald House Senior Citizens Resources Superior School Triedstone Missionary Baptist Church University Settlement Signature & Short Term Service Bethlehem Community Center Bookman Road Elementary Boys & Girls Club of the Midlands, Inc. Camp Discovery Camp for Kids Carolina Children’s Home Carver-Lyon Elementary School Children’s Garden City of Columbia Commission on Children & Youth City of Columbia Parks & Recreation Clemson Extension Center at Sandhills C.M. Tucker-Dowdy Center Collaborative for Community Trust Community Long Term Care Congaree Swamp National Monument Denny Terrace Elementary School Department of Juvenile Justice Epworth Children’s Home Family Shelter Forest Lake Elementary School Free Medical Clinic Gonzales Gardens Habitat for Humanity Harmony School Harvest Hope Food Bank H.B. Rhame Elementary School Holy Spirit Child Development Center Joseph Keels Elementary School Lattimer Manor Lowman Home Mt. Morenci Baptist Church Palmetto AIDS Life Support Services (PALSS) Palmetto Senior Care Palmetto Trails Perfect Fit for Success Pet’s, Inc. Ronald McDonald House Saluda Shoals Sexual Trauma Services SisterCare, Inc. Special Olympics St. Lawrence Place/Trinity Housing Summit Parkway Middle School The Cooperative Ministry The River Alliance Waverly Community W. Gordon Belser Arboretum YMCA-Lexington Signature & Short Term Service Central Community House Central Ohio Science Institute Children’s Hospital-Prevent Child Abuse Ohio Children’s Hospital-Reach Out And Read Program City of Columbus, Office of Education Columbus Alternative High School Columbus Health Department Columbus Metropolitan Area Community Action Organization (CMACAO) North and South Teen Dropin Centers Columbus Metropolitan Hosing Authority-Poindexter Village Columbus Recreation and Parks Department-Nelson Park Columbus Recreation and Parks Department-Wolfe Park Columbus Recreation and Parks— Beatty Recreation Center Eastland Care Center First Community Village FIRSTLINK, Volunteer Action Network Franklin County ADAMH Board Franklin Park Conservatory Global Action Plan, Neighbor to Neighbor Program Healthy Start Plus Heartland Victorian Village Holy Family Catholic Church Holy Rosary Shelter Huckleberry House, Inc. Interfaith Hospitality Network Karrington Assisted Living of Bexley Keep Columbus Beautiful Lincoln Lodge Retirement Residence Linmoor Middle School Nelson Park Care Center New Covenant Believers’ Church, Inc.—Outreach Ministry North Central Mental Health Suicide Prevention Services North Side Child and Family Development Center Ohio Historical Society Ohio Hunger Task Force Ohio Literacy Network Open Shelter Salesian Boys & Girls Club South Linden Area Commission South Side Community Action Network-Community Gardens South Side United Neighbors Special Olympics St. John’s Community Kitchen St. Raphael’s Home for the Aged St. Rita’s Nursing Home The Ohio State University— Project Community United Way of Franklin County Volunteers of America Wexner Heritage Village DETROIT Beard Elementary School César Chávez Academy Chadsey High School Common Ground Sanctuary Duffield Elementary School Harms Elementary School Junior Achievement of Southeastern Michigan, Inc. Michigan Metro Girl Scout Council Young Heroes at Boys & Girls Club of Highland Park Signature & Short Term Service Arts N Scraps Boys and Girls Club—SW Detroit/Highland Park Building Bridges—Project Save Communities In Schools Community Tree House Detroit Rescue Ministries Detroit Summer Gang Retirement And Continuing Education Employment (GRACE) Gleaners Food Bank Greater Detroit Area Health Council (GDAHC) Greening of Detroit Harmonies Gardens Holy Redeemer Housing Opportunities of Macomb (HOM) Inner City Sub Center Kenny Mobility Foundation Lighthouse of Oakland County Michigan State University Motor City Blight Busters Northwest Neighborhood Development Oakland County Food Bank Parade Company Salvation Army—Eastern Michigan Division Southwest Counseling and Development Services SWAN University of Michigan United Way Community Services YouthBuild YMCA—Clark Park YWCA—Jefferson NEW HAMPSHIRE Dover Middle School Healthy Communities Coalition New Heights Community Campus New Outlook Teen Center Seacoast YMCA Somersworth Middle School Stratham Cooperative Middle School YMCA COLORS Program Signature & Short Term Service American Heart Association Barrington Middle School Camp Coney Pine Camp Gundalow City of Somersworth Parks Department The Community Diversion Program Concord Boys & Girls Club Crossroads House Dover High School Epping Youth Center Exeter High School Habitat for Humanity Hamstead Village Manchester Adopt-a-Block Marshwood Elementary School Mt. Agamenticus North Hampton Elementary School The Odyssey House Rockingham Community Action PlusTime NH Portsmouth High School Portsmouth Middle School The Seacoast Hospice Seacoast Outright Somersworth High School Southern District YMCA/Camp Lincoln SPCA Strafford County Red Cross Strafford County YMCA Stratham Memorial School Strawberry Banke Museum Trash Can Lid Productions Our House Volunteer Action Center, United Way of the Greater Seacoast York Village School Youth to Youth City Year’s annual convention of idealism ’01 cyzygy AWARDS Each year the cyzygy awards recognize best practices and innovative programs around the City Year network. Award winners for 2001 were: Best MLK Day ..................................City Year Washington, D.C. Best Daily Briefing ............................City Year Columbia Best Civic Engagement Initiative ........City Year Philadelphia Best Civic Engagement Project...........City Year Columbia Best RASL (Research and..................City Year Cleveland Systematic Learning) Best Project Outcome Study ..............City Year Seattle / King County Best Young Heroes Program ...............City Year Columbia City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley Most Improved Recruitment...............City Year San Antonio City Year Rhode Island Best Recruitment .............................City Year Columbia City Year New Hampshire Best Camp City Year .........................City Year Columbia Best Service .....................................City Year Boston’s GREEN Team City Year Boston’s NCCJ Curriculum Team City Year Seattle/King County’s GYBBIS Program CIty Year Columbia’s CYCLE Curriculum Best Team Sponsor Program ..............City Year Philadelphia Best Team Sponsors: City Year Boston............................Johnson & Johnson City Year Chicago ..........................Northern Trust Company City Year Cleveland........................RPM, Inc. City Year Columbia ........................City of Columbia City Year Columbus .......................Central Ohio Transit Authority City Year Detroit............................Henry Ford Health System City Year New Hampshire ...............General Electric—Elfun Community Fund City Year Philadelphia....................Radian Guaranty City Year Rhode Island...................Textron Inc. City Year San Antonio ....................Cavender Auto Family City Year San Jose/Silicon Valley ......Compaq Computer Corporation City Year Seattle/King County .........Adobe Systems, Inc. City Year Washington, DC...............Fannie Mae Foundation Best P.T. (Physical Training)...............City Year Detroit The Cup of Idealism..........................City Year New Hampshire City Year Annual Report 2001 37 PHILADELPHIA Audenried Cluster City of Philadelphia Streets Department Conflict Resolution Theatre, Philadelphia Department of Recreation Edison Cluster Enterprise Center Frankford Cluster Franklin Cluster Furness Cluster Kensington Cluster Martin Luther King Cluster McKinley School Mifflin School Olney Cluster Overbrook Cluster Project H.O.M.E. Roxborough Cluster The Schuylkill Center for Environmental Education South Philadelphia Cluster Taylor School West Philadelphia Cluster Signature & Short Term Service AIDS Fund Action AIDS The Anti-Defamation League Bizworld Belmont Parkside Geriatric Home Brotherhood Mission Cecil B. Moore Community Development Corporation Center for Youth Development m mClean Air Council Community College of Philadelphia Congreso de Latinos Unidos Educational Opportunity Center Free Library of Philadelphia Friends of Gorgas Park Friends of the Lost Arboretum Friends of Malcolm X Park Friends of the Wissahickon Frankford Group Ministries Germantown Boys & Girls Club Greater Philadelphia Mentoring Partnership Habitat for Humanity-South Philadelphia Inner City Development Corporation Kensington Community Gardens MANNA Mt. Carmel Homes The National Liberty Museum National School and Community Corps One Day at a Time Peaceful Posse Pennsylvania Horticultural Society People’s Emergency Center Philabundance Philadelphia Cares Philadelphia Community Health Alternative 38 Philadelphia Department of Recreation Philadelphia Food Bank Philadelphia Green Philadelphia More Beautiful Philadelphia READS Philadelphia Theatre Company Philadelphia’s Promise Point Breeze Performing Arts Center Red Shield Sacred Heart Manor Salvation Army SHARE Spiral Q Puppet Theatre Fairmount Park Commission New Kensington Community Development Corporation St. Francis Inn St. John’s Hospice Thrift for AIDS United Way of Southeastern Pennsylvania Urban Tree Connection Village of Arts and Humanities Saint Clare Home Salvation Army South Side Community Land Trust Travelers Aid Trinity Episcopal Church/Trinity Encore Woonsocket Neighborhood Development Corporation Woonsocket Parks and Recreation YMCA of Woonsocket SAN ANTONIO Bowie Elementary School DeZavala Elementary School Coronado-Escobar Elementary School H.B. Gonzales Elementary School C. Rodriguez Elementary School W.W. White Elementary School Youth Opportunities, City of San Antonio RHODE ISLAND Citizens Memorial Elementary School Coleman Elementary School Community Preparatory School CVS Highlander Charter Elementary School Edmund W. Flynn Elementary School Michael H. Sullivan Elementary School South Providence Recreation Center Woonsocket Housing Authority Signature & Short Term Service Amos House Center for the Arts and Spirituality Connecting Children & Families Davy Lopes Recreation Center Florence Gray Community Center Friendly Home for Adult Independent Living Friends of the Waterfront Groundwork Providence John Hope Settlement House Johnson and Wales Multicultural Center Martin Luther King Center Newport Housing Authority Newport Parks & Recreation Department Norman Bird Sanctuary Paddle Providence Pawtucket Parks and Recreation POAM Lands Youth Mall Pocasset Cemetery Potter League For Animals Providence Boys & Girls Club Providence Children’s Museum Providence Parks and Recreation Roger Williams Zoo City Year Annual Report 2001 SAN JOSE/ SILICON VALLEY Bachrodt Elementary School Burnett Academy Columbia Middle School Columbia Neighborhood Center Erikson Elementary School Horace Mann Elementary School Intel Clubhouse Kennedy Elementary School MACSA Youth Center Red Ladder Theatre Company Ryan Elementary School Sacred Heart Community Services San Antonio Elementary School San Jose Unified School District Santee Neighborhood Action Center Seven Trees Library Shirakawa Community Center Solari Community Center Third Street Community Center Washington Elementary School S E AT T L E / KING COUNTY B.F. Day Elementary School Finn Hill Junior High School Highline School District Interagency School Back on Track @ Alder Detention School Langston Hughes @ SVI Kirkland Teen Center Lake Washington School District Martin Luther King, Jr. Elementary School Mercer Middle School New Start Rotary Boys & Girls Club Salmon Creek Elementary School Seahawks Academy Seattle Public School District Southwest Boys & Girls Club TEAM READ Technology Access Foundation Tree House Washington Middle School Wing Luke Elementary School Signature and Short Term Service Aki Kurosi Middle School African American Academy Columbia Lutheran Home Department of Natural Resources Emergency Feeding Program Friends of Dead Horse Canyon Goodwill Industries of Seattle Hamm Creek I’m A PAL Keystone House King County Parks Department Kirkland Parks and Recreation Department Life Long Aids Alliance Native Plant Salvage Peace for the Streets by Kids from the Streets Pioneer Square Business Improvement Area Planet CPR Port of Seattle Salvation Army Sammamish Restoration Project Seattle Parks and Recreation Department Seattle Public Utilities Sylvester Middle School Volunteer Chore Services WASHINGTON, DC Arts and Technology Academy DC Housing Authority East Capitol Center for Change Edison-Friendship Junior Academy-Blow Pierce Campus PCS Forest Knolls Elementary School Friendship House Higher Achievement Kids Computer Workshop Malcolm X Elementary School McGogney Elementary School Metropolitan Police Boys & Girls Club Moten Elementary School Power Up Savoy Elementary School SEED Public Charter Boarding School Simon Elementary School SouthEast Academy of Scholastic Excellence PCS Southern Ridge Technology Lab Technology Works For Good Turner Elementary School Signature & Short Term Service Boys & Girls Club #11 City at Peace Clergy-Police-Community Partnership Congress Heights Recreation Center DC Public Schools and Public Charter Schools Food & Friends Greater DC Cares Helping Children with Special Needs Kalorama Recreation Center Latin American Youth Center/MANY AmeriCorps Metropolitan Police Department Prospect Learning Center Public Allies An Action Tank for national service, City Year seeks to demonstrate, improve, and promote the concept of national service as a means of building a stronger democracy. City Year unites a diverse corps of young adults, ages 17 to 24, for a demanding year of full-time community service, leadership development, and civic engagement. Founded in Boston in 1988, City Year has established programs in Boston; Chicago; Cleveland; Columbia, SC; Columbus; Detroit; New Hampshire; New York; Rhode Island; San Antonio; San Jose/Silicon Valley; Philadelphia; Seattle/King County and Washington, D.C. Lead investors in City Year include Cisco Systems, Compaq Computer Corporation, MFS Investment Management, and The Timberland Company. City Year is a proud member of AmeriCorps. City Year National Headquarters 285 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 City Year Columbus 35 North 4th Street Suite 350 Columbus, OH 43215 City Year Boston 285 Columbus Avenue Boston, MA 02116 City Year Detroit 1 Ford Place, 1A Detroit, MI 48202 City Year Chicago 545 North Michigan Avenue Chicago, IL 60611 City Year Cleveland 1007 Euclid Avenue Cleveland, OH 44115 City Year Columbia 1817 Hampton Street Columbia, SC 29201 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . City Year San Antonio 109 North San Saba San Antonio, TX 78207 City Year New Hampshire 200 Domain Drive Stratham, NH 03885 City Year San Jose/ Silicon Valley 116 Paseo de San Antonio San Jose, CA 95112 City Year New York 1211 Avenue of the Americas New York, NY 10036 City Year Seattle/King County 309 23rd Avenue South Seattle, WA 98144 City Year Philadelphia 2221 Chestnut Street Philadelphia, PA 19103 City Year Washington, DC 140 Q Street, NE Washington, D.C. 20002 Co-Founders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Michael Brown and Alan Khazei Creative Director . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Heidi Johnson Senior Design and Production Manager . . . . Hisiya Beppu Managing Editor . Editor. . . . . . . . . Photo Editor . . . . Contributor. . . . . City Year Rhode Island 77 Eddy Street Providence, RI 02903 Julie Marcus Gina Wakerly Jennifer Cogswell Karen Vatz Design . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Beagan + Nguyen Design Primary Photographer . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . PEI/John Gillooly “I serve.” NATIONAL LEADERSHIP SPONSORS
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