Pages 9-16 - Cypresswood
Pages 9-16 - Cypresswood
Dear Residents, Summer is finally here! Your neighborhood YMCA wants to celebrate with you and your family. Visit us to find out more about our exciting membership opportunities. And find out how to reserve our pool through the month of July to throw your very own pool party! Our mission is to build stronger families and strengthen communities. Please contact us and let us know how we can better meet the needs of your family at our facility and within your neighborhood through supporting your efforts, and helping to facilitate community functions where you live! We are conveniently located within the Ponderosa Forest Subdivision, just off of FM 1960 and Ella Blvd, serving Spring ISD and the 1960 Corridor for 25 years. We hope you will bring the whole family to check out our upcoming July events! July 1st - Independence Weekend Celebration! All are welcome to this community event, Friday night from 6-10 p.m. Let freedom ring as you kick off your weekend with hot dogs, baseball and lots of family fun! CLASSIFIED ADS July 29th - Family Night As a part of our efforts to strengthen family bonds, we encourage you and your loved ones to join us for a night of fun! From 6:30- 8:30 p.m. your family can enjoy some quality bonding time with great games and activities. Meals ($3) will also be provided. August 27th - Parents Night Out (For members only) Enjoy a night out! Bring the kids to us for an evening full of fun and activities for every age group. *GIVE BACK WITH OPERATION BACKPACK! Now accepting backpacks with school supplies for the upcoming school year. Contact your local YMCA for more information. *FALL YOUTH SPORTS REGISTRATION OPENS JULY 18 th ! Sign ups for soccer, volleyball or flag football. Contact us for more information. Contact us today! Visit our website: Or give us a call at 281444-3550. Sincerely, Whitney Grunder Community Liaison, North Harris County YMCA Established 1983 Barbara Bush Branch Library All library programs are free and open to the public. Summer Reading at the Library Everyone is invited to “Dig Up a Good Book” this summer with HCPL summer reading program. The fun continues through Saturday, August 6th, so set up your account and start reading today. Sing up at this website: Adults complete the program by reading four books and are entered into a random drawing for gift cards of $50 at each library location and three grand prize drawings. Registration and reading logs are online and you can still start reading and logging in your books. Digital Media Catalog Demo at the Library - Fri, July 8 @ 11 AM Did you buy an e-reader recently? If you have a Nook or a Sony Reader, for example, you can download e-books from the Harris County Public Library’s Digital Media Catalog. (sorry but the Kindle won’t be compatible until later this year). Did you receive an iPad or an iPhone recently? You can also download e-books from the Digital Media Catalog to devices like these. Learn how to use our Digital Media Catalog to download e-books plus e-audio and e-video to your computers and also to mobile devices at our Digital Media Catalog Database Demo presentation. Registration is required. Please register by going online or by calling the library at 281-376-4610. MPL 37942 FOR SALE: Used 18 ft scaffold, with rolling wheels, 3 sections, 3 walk boards, safety rails and outriggers. $575. Call 281-808-0590. WANTED TO BUY: Used Legos or Lego Sets. No Duplo, Bionicle, or Megablok. Will pay fair price. Email Classified ads: The Log publishes classified ads for free. Email your classified ad to Specials Any Repair $25 OFF Tank Water Heater Tankless Water Heaters Gas Piping Sewer Cleaning with High Tech Camera Faucets/Garbage Disposals Residential & Commercial 281-440-8747 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 9 $75 OFF Tankless Water Heater $200 OFF One discount per repair call. dinner and show. Cut-off date is July 6 and trip must be signed up and paid for prior to July 6 due to dinner and ticket reservations. Bus capacity: 39 passengers. by: Jim Williams, President August - We do not have a bus allocated for this month. We The Cypresswood 50 Plus Group’s next regularly scheduled will have the monthly business meeting on August 9th. Cypresswood 50 Plus Group meeting will be on July 12, 2011, at the East Clubhouse at 7 p.m. Speaking of meetings, our short meeting in June which was tied into the Pizza party and game night was a smashing success. At least forty people partied into the night. See photos below. Tuesday, September 13, 2011 - Texas Night at the East Clubhouse complete with smoked brisket barbeque and all the trimmings and to top off the night, a White Elephant gift exchange. The smoked brisket will be donated and cooked by our trip coordinator/barbeque chef and we will post a signup sheet for Upcoming Events: volunteers to fix and bring side dishes. More information to Saturday, July 16, 2011 - Dinner and a show at the Navasota follow. Theatre Alliance in Navasota, TX. Our bus leaves at 4 p.m. from the large parking lot behind the Cypress Creek Christian Thursday, October 20, 2011 - The long range plan for this Church at 6823 Cypresswood. The stage production will be date is a trip to Galveston to tour the Moody Mansion during Kilroy Was Here, a two act patriotic musical comedy with a the morning, a seafood lunch, then tour the Texas Air Mumystery twist set during WWII. There's a lot of 1940's nostal- seum at Galveston Airport in the afternoon. More information gia, jukebox jumping and jiving tunes reminiscent of a 1940's to follow. U.S.O. Club in Brooklyn, NY. Dinner will be served in the theatre's private dining room prior to the performance. The Talk up our club and bring your friends to one of our meetmenu for this show is BBQ beef and sausage, cowboy pota- ings. We have interesting speakers that address topics that toes, pinto beans, rolls, tea, coffee and apple pie with Blue relate to our age group. Another positive thing about the Bell ice cream. Dinner will be served at 6 p.m. and the show Cypresswood 50 Plus Group is that you will meet interesting will start at 7:30 p.m. We should be back by approximately people who are your own age. So come out and see what we 11:30 p.m. Cost for this trip is $20 per person and includes are all about. Any questions, visit our website at http:// or call Jim at 281-353-5079. 50 Plus Group June 2011 Pictures from Pizza Party...a great time was had by all!!! Photos courtesy of Hugh and Carol Harrington and Pat Lajeunesse CYPRESSWOOD LOG 10 Quality Plumbing Solutions Draining Your Pipes Not Your Wallet sm Richard A. Frisch 713-818-4531 Master Plumber M-37829 20+ Years Experience 3430 Blue Cypress Spring, TX 77388 Water Heaters, Water Softeners, Filters, Drain Cleaning, Repairs, Remodels, and New Construction (40 gallon gas water heater installed for $785.00) Comments from Cypresswood Residents (1) Judy and Glenn - Blue Cypress. “Met all our plumbing needs for past 5 years – replaced water heater, sink, and garbage disposal. Repaired water line to our daughter’s house and leak CONGRATULATIONS on our son’s main service. Does excellent quality work at a very reasonableGRADUATES price. You will not find a more honest dependable plumber.” (2) Lee - Forest Elm Dr. Replaced water heater, reinstalled sinks and toilet after new counter tops and flooring, replaced 65% of old galvanized piping. “Installation, workmanship and quality work all the best. There isn’t a better plumber in Houston” (3) G.G. - Forest Elm Dr. Repaired leaks in water lines, unclogged kitchen sink main line, replaced sections of old galvanized pipe. “Prompt,“The efficient, worktoof verywho high quality. futureand belongs those believe in dreams Eleanor the beauty of their No complaints! Have referred to all my friends and neighbors, all know him .”and hisRoosevelt work” Start your financialinstalled future with anew solid strategy. (4)Tom - Arbor Terrace. Repaired faucet, replaced water heater, toilet. “Timely service, looks at all details, pays attention to customer needs – Good workhappiness, and recomMay your futures be full of good health, success and prosperity. mended highly” Roger C Moffett Roger C Moffett Financial Advisor Member SIPC Financial Advisor 17588 Kuykendahl Road (5) Mary Jane – Beech Hill Dr. Repaired Bathroom faucets and checked forRoad other leeks. “Prompt, 17588 Kuykendhl At Cypresswood Drive Spring, TX 77379 At Cypresswood efficient and extremely detailed oriented to the job. Wouldn’t leave Drive we had a ‘smile’ 281-355-8222 Spring, TX 77379 ® on our face that we were pleased with his service. Highly 281-355-8222 recommend Richard forJones all your Edward ™ plumbing needs.” MAKING SENSE OF INVESTING © . CYPRESSWOOD LOG 15 Security News Roger Moffett ad here Quality half day Preschool Extended Day and 8 - 3 program Eighteen months – five year olds Before/after school care for Lemm All day Summer/school holidays Drop-ins welcome on Klein holidays g Large grassy shaded playground! Experienced mature caring staff! Excellent academic curriculum! 19027 Joanleigh Dr. 281-288-6402 Owned and operated by: Amanda and Joe Maisonneuve Enrichment programs for ages 3 – 10 years (child does not have to be enrolled here to participate/not all programs available for all ages):………… Dance Gymnastics Cheer TaeKwonDo Tennis NOW ENROLLING SUMMER CAMP AND FALL 2011 AWESOME SUMMER CAMP – SIGN UP NOW! 16 CYPRESSWOOD LOG Remember to call the non-emergency number to report suspicious activity in our neighborhood. You must call it in so that a report can be filed. Keep the deputies informed. Call and make reports so they know what is occuring in Cypresswood. If you are available, come to a monthly CCA meeting and report any issues. The deputies will check them out. A deputy is usually at the CCA meetings and will answer questions you may have regarding security. They want to be informed about incidents in Cypresswood. You are the eyes and ears. Let us keep them informed. AND AS ALWAYS: If you see anything suspicious occurring in Cypresswood, please call immediately to report it. The non-emergency number is 713221-6000 and always call 911 if it is an emergency. NEIGHBORHOOOD REMINDER *All residents are encouraged to submit their deed restrictions ballot. Please return to the clubhouse or mail to CAM, 9802 FM 1960 Bypass West, Suite 210, Humble, TX 77338 You can find the form at R equest for A .C .C . A pproval 1. 2. RETURN TO CAM Cypresswood Community Association Cypressw ood Com m unity Association c/oWCommunity 9802 F.M . 1960 Bypass ., Suite 210 Asset Management, Inc. H umble, TX 77338 9802 F.M. 1960-Bypass W., Suite 210 (281) 852-1155 (281) 852-9111 - Fax Humble, Texas 77338 281-852-1155 Please provide the information requested below, and attach this sheet to your plans. Please provide a sketch of the location of the proposed work on a photocopy of the plat of your property. Scaled architect's, BALLOT engineer's or contractor's drawings m ay be used as an alternative if lot lines, easem ents and building set-back lines are shown. Sketches are not FOR AMENDED, However, shingle AND weight CONSOLIDATED and color, or color of paint m ust requiredTHE for re-roof or re-paint. RESTATED be specified (paint chips are required). OF COVENANTS, DECLARATION 3. CONDITIONS ANDplans, RESTRICTIONS FOR If you desire a copy of the approved please subm it an extra set for review. The principal copy of all submitted plans will be retained by the Comm ittee. CYPRESSWOOD, 4. SECTIONS ONE (1) asTHROUGH TWELVE (12) to act on the Your plans will be reviewed as soon possible. The Com mittee is required plans within 30 days,. but the review process rarely takes that long. 5. Exterior w ork can not begin until the A.C.C. has approved the modification and w rittenI (we), noticethe from CAM has been sent to the homeow ner. undersigned, hereby approve the document entitled ****************************************************************** “Amended, Restated and Consolidated Declaration of Covenants, Conditions NAM E: ___________________________________ and Restrictions for Cypresswood, Sections One (1) through Twelve (12)”. PROJECT ADDRESS: ________________________________ OFF-SITE M A ILING A DDRESS ______________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ HOM E TELEPHONE: ____-____-_______ Property Address SEC: ____ BLK: ___ LOT: ___ M OD IFICATION FOR W HICH APPROVAL IS REQUESTED: ________________________________________________________________________________________ Printed Name of Owner ______________________________________________________________ ______________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________ Signature NAM E OF CONTRACTOR (if any): _________________________________ PHONE: _________ ADDRESS: _______________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED CONSTRUCTION START DATE: ___/___/___ Printed Namemust of Owner Your project start w ithin 90 days from the date of approval, or you must resubmit for approval. ________________________________________________________________________________________ PROPOSED COM PLETION DATE: ___/___/___ Signature All projects must be completed w ithin 120 days from the date the project commenced. Please Note: Approval of plans sub mitted w ill be contingent upon the right of the Architectural Control Date: ___________________________________________________________________________________ Committee to make an exterior inspection of the property to assure the improvem ent and/or addition are constructed in accordance w ith the plans approved by the A.C.C. Your signature on this form gives your consent to have the property inspected by the A.C.C. R ETUR N TO CAM AT ABO V E AD DR ESS O N LY SIGN A TUR E O F A PPLIC A NT: _____________________________________________ DATE: ______________ CYPRESSWOOD LOG 13 TEEN LISTINGS BABYSITTERS - B LAWNMOWERS - L DOGWALKERS - D PETSITTERS - P Tanner Anderson 7/93 Ian Arbuckle 10/94 Molly Bache 6/93 Alan Barnes 6/97 Andrea Barrientos 1/98 Charles Bristol 3/94 Ross Burton 12/92 Cody Carroll 8/93 Jacob Carroll 12/94 Arista Clark 12/92 Ashlyn Cononie 1/94 Allison Corbett* 6/94 Kaitlin Deady* 8/95 Mary Margaret Deady*8/95 Carolyn de La Cerda 9/93 Caitlin Dozier 4/97 Alex Dunn*+ 3/95 Jennifer Dvoretsky 8/92 Valerie Field 12/95 Alyssa Flores 9/96 Taylor Flowers 7/92 Mikaela Glover 11/94 Gina Goss 11/93 Brenson Grimes 1/96 Reagan Grimes 12/96 Aleksandra Guerra 1/94 Destiny Hamilton 11/95 Alex Houpt* 8/94 Madison Houpt 10/96 Dean Johnson 7/93 Claire Knodle 3/97 Isaeah Marquez /95 Hali Martin 9/94 Michael McDaniel 4/97 Brycen Mough /96 Ashlea Morawski 2/97 Camilla Newman 2/93 Chelsea Rekieta 8/93 Katie Russell 6/95 Kendra Ryder 7/93 Candice Sachtleben 7/93 Samantha Segers 11/93 Eva Streckfuss* 10/92 Kendall Stuckey 5/94 Wendy Warren Camry Williams 7/95 John Wilms 5/94 *CPR Certified* First Aid+ L D,P D,P P D,P L,D,P D,P L,D,P L,D,P B, D,P D,P B,P B, D, P B, D, P B, D,P B B,D,P D,P B B, D,P D,P B, D,P B, D,P B,L,D,P B,P B, P B, D,P B D B, D,P B L P L L B, D,P B, P D,P B,D B P B, D,P B, D, P B, P B B B P 281-350-4459 281-350-6028 281-350-6471 936-524-3032 832-257-4781 281-350-4195 281-353-9410 281-451-1301 832-741-4030 832-381-8324 281-350-0954 281-528-7123 281-288-5125 281-288-5125 281-355-7093 281-353-3024 713-391-9748 281-353-1898 713-397-2012 281-355-0039 281-353-5407 281-528-0023 713-302-6931 281-881-6796 281-881-8931 281-288-3016 832-388-7094 832-683-3136 832-683-3136 281-288-6461 281-355-6039 830-285-2644 281-288-1810 281-727-6507 830-285-2644 281-475-7432 832-331-0453 281-350-3617 281-210-8720 281-651-1106 281-651-9760 281-355-7707 832-579-4942 832-423-5787 281-350-3337 281-353-1645 281-350-6203 Advertise in the Cypresswood Log! If you are 1218 years old and would like to be added to the teen listings page, then please send your name, birthdate, phone number and service you can provide to: CALL PAR PUBLISHING TOD AY! ODA 281.355.8048 Paula Raska parpublishing@ parpublishing Cypresswood Log The Good Neighbor News The Cypresswood Log is a monthly newsletter published as a service to the residents of the Cypresswood subdivision, Spring, TX. Deadline for Ads is the 10th of the month. Contact PAR Publishing, Phone 281-355-8048; Email:; 3651 Rolling Terrace, Spring, TX 77388. Business ads are accepted on a first-come basis, preferably camera-ready, and must be paid in full at time of placement. Discounts available for 3, 6, and 12month advance payment. Classified ads are free and are only available to Cypresswood residents. Cypresswood Teen Ads are free. ©2011 Cypresswood Log Disclaimer: PAR Publishing and Cypresswood Community Association (CCA) assume no responsibility for the advertising content, warranties, or representations made in such advertising of this newsletter. These are solely the responsibility of the advertiser. The inclusion of advertising is considered a service to the residents of Cypresswood and is not an endorsement of products nor concurrence with advertising claims. The above named shall not be held liable for any information contained in any of the articles contained in this publication. Ideas expressed in the articles are the opinions of their authors and accuracy of any related information is also the responsibility of the authors. 14 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 19510 Kuykendahl Road Ste B Spring, TX 77379 281-370-5100 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 15 PRSRT STD US POSTAGE PAID SPRING, TX PERMIT 600 3651 Rolling Terrace PAR Spring, TX 77388 281.355.8048 Publishing CYPRESSWOOD LOG
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