Pages 1-9 - Cypresswood
Pages 1-9 - Cypresswood
Log NOVEMBER 2011 Thanksgiving letter from the Board Page 4-5 Cypresswood Stars Page 8 50 Plus Group Page 12 The Good Neighbor News Spring, TX Santa is Coming to Cypresswood Breakfast with Santa & Holiday in the Park Saturday, December 3rd Santa arrives at 9:00 a.m. Sharp Visit with Santa until 11:30 a.m. Photographer 9-11:30 a.m. Breakfast served 9-10:30 a.m. Sponsored by House of Tots Holiday in the Park: 9:30 – 11:30 a.m. Deed Restrictions Ballot Page 17 DECEMBER newsletter deadline to the Editor Monday, November 14th VOLUNTEERS ALWAYS WELCOME! Call the clubhouse, 281-353-9628 to see how you can help! Volunteers needed to help display the Cypresswood Christmas decorations on Saturday, November 19th at 8:00 a.m. Please come help decorate our neighborhood for the holidays! Meet at clubhouse. CCA MEETING @ EAST CLUBHOUSE NEXT MEETING: November 28, 2011 Cypresswood Subdivision website. Mike Keimig, webmaster CYPRESSWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION PHONE NUMBERS *Clubhouse Hours Kim Sorensen, Jennifer Herring HOMEOWNERS ASSOCIATION MEETS ON FOURTH MONDAY (Unless otherwise noted)* Cypresswood Community Association (CCA) meets on the Fourth Monday of each month at the Clubhouse Coordinators East clubhouse at 7 p.m. All Cypresswood Members are welcome. Luez Manriquez, Assistant Coordinator CYPRESSWOOD COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION (CCA) Term Expires Russell Wells, President.................................................. (281)350-6827 Mark Inman, Vice President .......................................... (281)355-0652 Mike Keimig, Secretary............................................. Melissa Cummings, Brad Rendl, Director at Large............................................(281)528-6757 Walt Guillote, Director at Large........................................ (281)387-8788 Shirley Kelly, Director at 2012 2012 2013 2012 2013 2013 2012 MANAGEMENT COMPANY Community Asset Management.........................................................................(281)852-1155 The Clubhouse hours are: Monday-Friday 10:00 a.m. - 2:00 p.m. Saturday 9:00 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. Closed on Sunday CYPRESSWOOD CLUBHOUSE 281-353-9628 3705 Cypresswood BOARD MEMBER ASSIGNMENTS •Architectural Control Committee - Chair: Brad Rendl, Co-Chairs: Shirley Kelly, Mark Inman •Building Committee - Chair: Russell Wells •Communications Committee - Chair: Mike Keimig •Events Committee - Kim Sorensen •Deed Restrictions Committee - Chair: Brad Rendl, Co-Chairs: Walt Guillote, Mark Inman •Finance Committee - Chair: Melissa Cummings •Landscaping Committee - Chair: Russell Wells •Recreation Committee - Chair: Mike Keimig Cypresswood Security Numbers Emergency (Fire, Medical, Police) ......................................................................911 Sheriff's Department ........................................................................... 713/221-6000 Report That Street Light To report a street light outage you can go directly to the following link: http:// and fill out the form with the street light numbers. It will save you the phone call. Or you can still contact Centerpoint Energy at 713-207-2222 or 1-888-5724399. You will choose option “1” for English, then option “4” to report the street light outage. CYPRESSWOOD IMPORTANT NUMBERS/CONTACTS Cypresswood Clubhouse 3705 Cypresswood Drive Spring, TX 77388 281-353-9628 Community Asset Management, Inc. 9802 FM 1960 Bypass West, Suite 210 Humble, Texas 77338 (281) 852 – 1155 Fax (281) 852 - 9111 Cindi Sargent, Property Manager Cypresswood U.D P.O. Box 69028 Houston, TX 77269-0928 Service & Repair 832-467-1599 Klein Public Utility District 19001 Mirror Lake Rd. 281-350-5601 Harris Co. WCID #132 17495 Village Green Houston, TX 77040 832-467-1599 Mike Keimig, Cypresswood Webmaster 281-288-6659 Paula Raska, editor & publisher Cypresswood Log Waste Corporation 8515 Hwy 6 South Houston, TX 77083 281-368-8397 Harris County Precinct # 4 Public Dumpster 4603 Spring Cypress 281-353-8424 2 CYPRESSWOOD LOG Texas Aquatics (Pool company) 6942 FM1960 E #322 Humble, TX 77346 281-852-5630 Harris County Sheriff Department Non- Emergency Number 713-221-6000 281-376-2997 Poison Control 1-800-222-1222 Harris County Animal Control, 281-999-3191 Harris County Public Health & Environmental Services 713-439-6000 Jerry Eversole, Precinct 4 County Commissioner 713-755-6444 Cypresswood website: CYPRESSWOOD LOG 3 CCA Membership Meeting, November 28, 2011 November 2011 Cypresswood Log Letter A Thanksgiving Message from the Cypresswood Board “James, earn this…earn it.” That’s the last line spoken by Capt. John H. Miller in the movie “Saving Private Ryan” after Capt. Miller and his platoon have saved Private James Ryan from suffering the same fate as his three brothers, all killed in WWII. I’ve never served in the military. I don’t pretend to comprehend sacrifices for the sake of freedom, particularly in the lives of those who have served in wartime. So why did this one line in a war movie affect me so profoundly? I think it’s because the movie is a metaphor for all of those who have gone before me to create a life of opportunity: parents, teachers, coaches, pastors. I am the end result of their sacrifices big and small. I am the recipient of their love and instruction and patience that were delivered unconditionally. As I would stand at a graduation ceremony or a wedding altar or in a delivery room, the words “earn this” would echo from the hopes and dreams of those who invested much. It motivates me to do better, for myself and for others. • • • • • • So another Thanksgiving is upon us. The temptation at this time of year is to offer thanks for a bountiful harvest of stuff: cars, TV’s, a new pool, a year-end bonus. And there’s nothing wrong with giving thanks for stuff. But I want my spirit of thanks to run deeper, to recognize the investment of others that compel me to earn that investment, and to pay a dividend forward in the lives of those whom I am compelled to serve. From a community perspective, we should similarly exhibit a collective spirit of thanks for the resources around us, resources who have invested heavily in Cypresswood’s future. On behalf of our board and our community, I’d like to give thanks to the following: To Cindi Sargent: Cindi is our management company representative. She has what I think is the most thankless job in Spring, TX. More than any one individual, Cindi is responsible for preventing property condition anarchy. Along the way, she takes calls from residents who are upset about deed restriction violations, and rarely are those incoming calls of a civil nature. Yet Cindi is committed to keeping Cypresswood among the rare breed of communities who are solvent, financially conscious, properly protected, and as presentable as possible in a drought-ravaged and fraileconomy season. To our Water Districts: Did you notice that Cypresswood never went on water rationing this summer? By no means was that an invitation for residents to waste water, but at least it allowed us to regularly care for our trees and home foundations. The magnitude of this summer’s water challenges cannot be understated, and our three water districts – Klein PUD, WCID #132, and Cypresswood UD – stepped up in a big way. FOCUS RESPECT SCHOOL GRADES SELF-DISCIPLINE SELF-ESTEEM COORDINATION OLYMPIA MARTIAL ARTS FAMILY CENTER 18519 KUYKENDAHL SPRING, TX 77379 NEXT TO 24 HOUR FITNESS 281-804-KICK © 2003 MAIA/ #0468/ 10/03 © 2005 MAIA/ 01-USATKD/CA-0008 4 CYPRESSWOOD LOG To our Fire Departments: We made it through a summer drought with our share of fire scares, but those scares never progressed to a catastrophic level. That’s not a function of happenstance, but is instead the result of constant attention by our fire departments and the war they continually wage against both the fires and their catalysts. And finally, to Kim and Jennifer and Louie: Our three musketeers help give Cypresswood its personality and identity. While staffing the East Clubhouse, booking events, issuing pool passes, and taking hundreds of calls, they sweat the details that make Cypresswood’s seasonal events feel authentic. To our contract deputies: Officers Mike, Larry, and Jason have the herculean task of sharing patrol and law enforcement duties for nearly 2000 homes AND the thousands of cars that come through our community each day. This time last year, we were in the midst of a community crime wave and suspected narcotics activity in one of our residences. Our contract deputies moved as quickly as the law would allow to disrupt the activity and make November’s crime a brief symptom of a tough economy, thereby preventing a downward spiral in safety for our homeowners. Now Cypresswood needs to “earn this”; to not allow these investments to go wasted. The Cindis and Paulas, the public servants and infrastructure attendants, our clubhouse staff, they’ve all committed to making Cypresswood an oasis for its residents in the 21st century. Please thank these people when you see them; then honor their efforts by caring for your homes and neighbors with a pride that sets Cypresswood apart, and attracts its future residents. To Paula Raska: She faithfully publishes our monthly Cypresswood Log, and does so with duties that go well beyond publishing. You’ll see Paula taking pictures at 4th of July festivities and fire station dedications. She’s embedded herself in all things Cypresswood, and the result is a monthly publication that speaks volumes about Cypresswood’s broader community impact. Mark Inman CCA Board Vice President Happy Thanksgiving! HALLOWEEN PUMPKINS Bring your Halloween pumpkins to our Water District site the week following Halloween so we can add them to our compost bins. WCID # 132 4107 Evening Trail, Spring, TX Your Home Comfort Safety Specialists Call for Your Furnace Tune-Up Today! Make sure your family is safe this winter! Reid Herring King of Komfort *For A Limited Time Only *39 Each Add’l. Not to be combined with any other offer or coupon. Invest $49 in your furnace tune-up and we will guarantee it against breakdowns all winter or we will refund the cost of your tune-up!* *Restrictions apply…ask for details. Visit our Website @ for more Money-Saving Coupons Whole House Air Cleaner and a Honeywell Air Treatment System $25 OFF ANY Repair Excludes Diagnostic with a Complete A/C & Heating Installation Exp 12/31/11 One coupon per visit, please. May not be combined with any other offers or specials. Expires 12/31/11 281-351-9922 TACLB012399C-REGULATED BY THE TEXAS DEPT. OF LICENSING AND REGULATION CYPRESSWOOD LOG 5 AND REMEMBER! NEVER any overtime charges on repairs at Reid’s…EVER! November 2011 Cypresswood Women's Club The next Cypresswood Women’s Club trip is planned for Friday, November 18th, but the trip is still in the planning stage. We will advise members via email or mail where the trip will be and the time. We would love to have any ladies interested in joining our club to please contact Sharon Deason at 281-288-4246 or Melba Escobar at 281-353-6914 for details. Cypresswood Bridge Card Game Meet your new best friends by playing bridge on the 2nd and 4th Wednesday of the month! For information call, Mariann Reynolds at 281-528-2981 or DEED RESTRICTION BALLOT Cypresswood Game Day Game day is open to ALL Cypresswood residents (men and ladies). Come join us on the first Friday and the Monday of the third week of each month from 10 a.m. til 2 p.m. at the east Clubhouse. Bring your favorite card or board game and teach us how to play, or join us and learn new games. We have had a good turnout lately and have enough people for three or four tables. Be sure and bring your lunch as we break for lunch for about thirty minutes. The next game days are November 4 and 14. Come and join us for some fun games. Hope to see you there. ****All residents are encouraged to submit their deed restrictions ballot. You can find the form on page 17 of this month's Log. Please take one moment to fill out and return to the clubhouse or mail to CAM, 9802 FM 1960 Bypass West, Suite 210, Humble, TX 77338 You can also find the form at THANK YOU FOR SUBMITTING YOUR BALLOT! Member of BBB • Insured • Hardi Plank Remodeler Kitchen and Bathroom Remodeling and Design Work that we do: • Installation of Hardi Plank siding and trim • Interior Painting • Exterior Painting • Pressure Washing - homes, sidewalks, driveways • Roofing • Sheet Rock Repair • Carpentry • Specialty Finishes & Textures • Family owned and operated since 1965 • Serving mainly the Spring, Champions and Woodlands areas • Member of the Better Business Bureau since 2003 Darren Howton Cell: 713-305-4273 Office: 281-376-6241 6 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 0246 TA ET DR O D EL R ID G CONGRESSIONAL DISTRICT 2 STATE SENATE DISTRICT 7 STATE REPRESENTATIVE DISTRICT 150 BOARD OF EDUCATION DISTRICT 7 J/P CONSTABLE PRECINCT 4 COUNTY COMMISSIONER PRECINCT 4 DR DR RR A CE SQ UA RE PE L G TE CH A ME S JA EL EV E TR NIN AIL G LO RIN LN G E TR VEN AIL IN D G R RO LL IN 0 0.05 0.1 0.2 Legend Precincts 2010 Lake Major Roads Bayou Streets Precinct 0464 R YP 0.3 E O O D MAN LN S ME EL JA D DR TANA MAN CT C W SS SHIP R DR 0514 LN DR A GE IN SS RID CA EL S RR ES R SO PR G D CY RIN SP UM DR LL DR DG K OO OO DR E ND RD HL DA R MB T W SE N MO ST R DR D LO K D OO OA W LT CO L E PE DR A D E R C H AR G U IN DR LL E SQ DR RO RAC R ST TE G RE IN FO EN D R FIR EV AIL TR AD AN NT MA M AR YW O R CH LN R DIT A SO U BL N KE CA EL DR IN W LT IL SS ST R LO K D OA DR D OO DR Y KU CO A TR CA ST LO K DR S DR ES OA PR CY DR M EL D OO W RY DR DR LE LL TA DR MA DA SS O D DR E PR CY J VA NA DR M 0464 LM EL EN DR M EL A TE N KE D OO K OO W ST T PO C O BR W OK BR D OO NW IA CT BR N BE O RO RB T CA C ST N TA PO N MA U LO Election Day: November 8th @ East Clubhouse6:00 AM - 8:30 PM RD 0874 R 0.4 Miles There is no warranty that this map is free from error and this map is likely to be updated regularly. The user is responsible for determining the suitability of its use. ELECTION PRECINCT 0464 CURRENT BOUNDARIES CREATED JANUARY 1, 1998 PREPARED BY THE HARRIS COUNTY TAX OFFICE ¬ CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE: Great Christmas Gift: Pyramat Sound Rocker gaming chair. Compatible with XBox 360, Playstation 3, MP Players, TV’s, DVD’s, and Portable gaming devices; also has a headphone port, and power AC port. Manual, AC cord and additional components included. Excellent Condition, rarely used. $80. Call 281-353-9844. FOR SALE: Eagnas Hawk 800 Tennis Stringing Machine Great for the middle school, high school or college tennis player for both stringing your own racket or stringing for others. $200. Contact 281-353-9844 for additional info. BARRY’S TREE & FENCE CO. BARRY GLISSON • 281-808-1026 • Tree trimming & removal • Roof & gutter cleaning • Stump grinding • Debris removal • Lawn Maintenance • Fence repair & replacement • Landscaping • Insured AND PRESSURE WASHING Quality Plumbing Solutions Draining Your Pipes Not Your Walletsm Richard A. Frisch New and Old Wiring z Residential and Commercial z 24 Hour Service Work z Generac Generator Dealer WESLEY SALYERS 18810 Tomato St Spring, TX 77379 z 281-370-6347 Water heaters d installe $795 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 7 Insured Master Plumber M-37829 20+ Years Experience 713-818-4531 Cypr es Res swood iden t CYPRESSWOOD STARS The Log wants to recognize the Stars of Cypresswood – YOU AND YOUR FAMILY. Let us know about these special events and people in our neighborhood. Please drop off, mail, or e-mail your information or send a letter/note to the Log Editor, Paula Raska, 3651 Rolling Terrace (off of Ella), Spring, TX 77388 or Send us the news about your family by November 14, 2011, to be included in The Cypresswood Log and we will recognize these special events and people. We love pictures - send via email as JPEG! 2011 Klein Collins Homecoming King and Queen (Cypresswood Resident) Andrew Everett and Allyson Schroeder Congratulations! Drivers Needed The Meals on Wheels program at Northwest Assistance Ministries currently has approximately 100 individuals on their waiting list. They are in need of drivers. If you are available and interested in helping this great program please contact Maria Magee at 281-885-4905. Houston Dance Theatre’s 29th Annual Production of The Nutcracker Ballet Cypresswood resident Kyra Benesh, who studied at the Bolshoi Ballet Academy in Moscow this summer, will be dancing the roles of Snow Queen and the Peppermint Flute solo. For the 29th year North Houston’s Premiere Ballet Company, Houston Dance Theatre, has given local audiences the opportunity to experience the beauty and elegance of A Christmas Tradition…”The Nutcracker”. Two performances are scheduled to take the stage: Saturday, November 26th at 7:00 p.m. and Sunday, November 27th at 2:30 p.m. The performances are held at Westfield High School’s beautiful, Geiger Performing Arts Center, 16713 Ella Boulevard Houston, TX, 77090; 1 mile south of 1960. Reserved seating tickets are $20 each (501(c) 3 group sales available) and may be purchased at: American Academy of Dance / Home of Houston Dance Theatre, 15775 Bammel Village Drive, 1 block west of Kuykendahl; on the south side of FM 1960. For best available seating purchase your reserved tickets early. Visit our website at Credit Cards are accepted. Call our Box Office at: 281-444-9698. Featured Russian Professional Guest Artists, Marina Goshko and Andrey Prikhodko round out the cast of 75 local dancers, including Cypresswood resident - Kyra Benesh and the Houston Dance Theatre Company. Houston Dance Theatre is an Honor Company of Regional Dance America. This exceptional production continues to enhance the arts in our community! This is the one to see! HDT is a 501(c) 3 organization. House of TTots ots *Roofing *Remodeling *Repairs *Insurance Claims Child Care Center *6 weeks-school age *full and part time care *small family setting EE *FR tes a m i Est 281-350-0848 Owned and operated by a certified teacher. Cypresswood resident, Kyra Benesh 3522 Mirror Court Spring, TX 77388 8 CYPRESSWOOD LOG “Our family has been in Cypresswood for over 30 years! Let us be your turnkey solution for all of your home improvement needs.” 281-203-7460 Strack Intermediate Honors Coach Mike McDonald Campus renames football field in honor of former coach and administrator Strack Intermediate paid tribute to former school athletic coordinator and head coach Mike McDonald as the campus renamed its football stadium Mike McDonald Field. McDonald worked in public education in Texas for 40 years, 31 of which he served in Klein ISD at Strack. “It’s very humbling. I’ve been to many events like that for other people, but then when it happens to you it’s totally overwhelming,” commented McDonald. “Knowing that my name is going to be associated with the school, the Strack family and the Klein ISD makes it all the more special.” During his tenure, Coach McDonald led the Cougars to 11 district football titles, 12 district track titles, and one tennis championship. As coordinator of Strack’s sports programs, the school amassed 181 total district titles. McDonald contributed greatly over the years not only to the success of the Strack athletic programs, but also to the development of quality students. “This is a fitting tribute to a man who has spent so much time on that field and who devoted his life to the students at Strack Intermediate School,” expressed Andrea Comer, assistant principal at Strack. Comer added that Coach McDonald demanded excellence from Strack student-athletes, both on the field and in the classroom. McDonald said his coaching and teaching style revolved around character development of each individual student. He became renowned for going out of his way to work with and support teachers and colleagues, as he routinely motivated Strack student-athletes to excel in the classroom. Join the Fun “Winning doesn’t build character, its how you come back from defeat that builds character. I tried to teach the guys to never give up, never quit, and always be willing to learn,” said McDonald, who prided himself on taking the conduct of his students seriously. “As a student-athlete they are held to a higher standard. I would always end practice by telling my players to do what they’re supposed to do in their classes because nothing is more important to me than their education.” He and his wife, Katherine, have been married for 31 years and have Former Strack Intermediate five children, six grandhead coach Mike McDonald and his wife Katherine. children and one greatPhoto courtesy of Wade’s grandchild. Despite retirPhotography Inc. ing in June 2011, McDonald still serves as a substitute teacher and part-time bus driver in KISD. “The greatest impact during my time in education came from my Strack family. We are a close-knit group from the teachers to the administrators to the custodians. There were no individuals, we were a team,” he recalled. Established 1983 MPL 37942 Line Dancing For Exercise on 1st & 3rd Thursdays East Clubhouse 10:30-12:00 Everyone welcome! It's free! Specials Any Repair $25 OFF Tank Water Heater Tankless Water Heaters Gas Piping Sewer Cleaning with High Tech Camera Faucets/Garbage Disposals Residential & Commercial 281-440-8747 CYPRESSWOOD LOG 9 $75 OFF Tankless Water Heater $200 OFF One discount per repair call.
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