June 28, 2015 - Northbrook Presbyterian
June 28, 2015 - Northbrook Presbyterian
Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church June 28, 2015 We are glad you’re here and thankful for the opportunity to worship with you and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We seek to be an open, rational and compassionate people, learning each week what it means to live the love of Jesus Christ in worship and work, in word and deed. “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:35 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering. OPENING PRAYER All: Come, Holy Spirit, into this place and lift our hearts in praise! Come, Holy Spirit, into this space and lift our spirits in prayer. Come, Holy Spirit, into each one of us, that our lives might be immersed in God’s goodness and God’s grace. Amen. * OPENING SONG—Come, Let us Worship and Bow Down Come, Now is the Time to Worship See Next Page PRAYER OF CONFESSION One: God calls us in our lives to take a risk, to be like the woman in the gospel who reaches out to Jesus for healing for herself; or the father who risks the scorn of others to bring Jesus to his dying daughter. Let us think about the places in our lives where we may resist turning to God for healing and change. —silence— One: Let us pray: All: When we resist your call to open our hearts to allow the freshness of your grace to enter; When we close our eyes to your new and unexpected possibilities of healing and reconciliation; When we let fear overwhelm us, and cling to the security of what we know instead of risking new steps toward your freedom and justice: God have mercy. One: God’s mercies are fresh every morning. In Christ, God offers forgiving grace and welcome into a community of trust, abundance and hope. Let’s give thanks for the mercy of God and pass the peace of Christ in community among us. * THE PEACE As we are reconciled to God and to one another, share a sign of Christ’s peace and love with your neighbor. * SONG—As You Really Are SCRIPTURE—Matthew 5:14-16 SONG—Our God Mike Fay and Bruce Muller NT p. 4 See next pages Our God Our God cont. Our God cont. MESSAGE—Mission Trip Report Out WE BRING OUR GIFTS FOR THE MINISTRY OF CHRIST OFFERING—Day by Day Stephen Schwartz Soloist: Jannah Garback * DOXOLOGY 709—God, We Honor You * DEDICATION OF OFFERING PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER * SENDING SONG 192—Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining * BENEDICTION * POSTLUDE * Please stand if you are able. CCLI license 1018801 See next page Lord, the Light of Your Love is Shining Graham Kendrick LEADING YOU IN WORSHIP TODAY ARE: Mission Trip Participants: Erica Freeburg, Nathan Sylvia, Kayla Lang, Grace Balow, Ryan Larson, Natalia McIntyre, Grant Tengler, Claire Higley, Brooke Sandercock, Griffin Watt, Peter Peterson, Dana DeCarteret, James Mack, Giovanna Buttazzoni, Carson Sowle, Nick Lang, Abby Adair, Chris Lueck, Kenny Stetson Praise Band: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar, Nic Cutean on guitar, Pete Zajicek on piano Greeters: Liz Hurbis, Bruce Hermes Soloist: Jannah Garback Chancel Flowers: Presented by Rick, Jayne & Debbie Smith in memory of Graham and Florence Smith PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: Barbara and Grant Burnham and family on the passing of Barbara’s brother, Fred Weiss; Margaret Babb and family on the passing of her husband, Thomas Babb, on June 16; Melanie Bruske and family on the passing of her husband, Arthur Bruske, on June 7; Sam Owens, Vera McBride, Lou McLeod, Jim North, Portia McDonald, Paulette Lein, Dorothea Clark, Al Shrosbree, Bill Gadsby, Phyllis Klinger, Jan Carroll, Karen Keier, Ruth Thomas, Harry & Georgenia Keoleian, Julie Huddlestun, Keith & Celia Metcalf. Please continue to pray for those with health or personal issues. If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, let the church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call. The Board of Deacons also requests prayers for: Church members whose last names begin with the letter G and for farmers and food producers. LAHSER ROAD CONSTRUCTION THIS SUMMER There will be considerable road construction around Northbrook this summer. According to road signs, Lahser Road between 13 Mile and Maple Road will be closed to through traffic for construction beginning on June 29th. TOUR, LUNCH AND STROLL—MONDAY, JUNE 29 Just a reminder for those who signed up to participate in the Tour, Lunch and Stroll on Monday, June 29, we will carpool from the church at 9:30 a.m. Please contact Lois Kurta with questions. NORTHBROOK BOOK CLUB—MONDAY, JUNE 29 Please join us on Monday, June 29 at 7:00pm in the Library as we discuss Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult. NORTHBROOK & THE DETROIT TIGERS—A WINNING COMBINATION The Northbrook PWN FUN Group is planning another Detroit Tigers Game outing on Friday, August 21 for a 7 p.m. game with fireworks. All are welcome! Tickets are $32 each. Please RSVP and pay by July 12th. If we get enough interest, Barb Stetson will get back with everyone to figure out whether to get a bus. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or call or email Barb Stetson at (248)302-3033 or bbkstetson@comcast.net. PROJECT SUN—SAVE UKRAINE NOW Northbrook Church is joining America in sending aid to more than one million Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs. We will be collecting CLEAN, GENTLY USED OR NEW CLOTHES for all ages as well as the other items listed below. The drop off deadline is June 30. Suggested items are: clothing, shoes and boots, bedding, towels, pots & pans, plastic dishes, cups and utensils, soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, deodorant, disposable diapers, wipes, baby powder, toys and books for children, NEW stuffed animals, walkers, wheelchairs and home care equipment, vitamins and over the counter medication, bandages and monetary donations. BACKYARD BIBLE AND BEVERAGE SCHEDULE Please join us at Northbrook’s new Backyard Bible and Beverage program. Backyard Bible and Beverage is a fun, casual summertime conversation about the Bible and faith weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. starting June 17th and continuing throughout the summer, weather permitting. Bring your own Bible, beverage and lawn chair to the backyard of our weekly rendezvous. The conversation will center on a selection of Bible passages and reflective questions about the relevance of the scripture to our lives today. No book or homework is necessary, and you are encouraged to drop in or drop out as your plans and interest permit. Our current schedule is as follows: DATE BACKYARD LOCATION July 1 Dan & Penny Willey’s home: 29725 Bristol Lane, Bingham Farms July 8 Matt & Allison Broadwell’s home: 32895 Red Oaks Trail, Beverly Hills July 15 Frank & Tricia LaSota’s home: 22022 Camelot Court, Beverly Hills July 22 Bruce & Amy Annett’s home: 2799 Sylvan Shores, Waterford July 29 Bryan and Kim Bowden-Adair’s home: 18805 Dolores Ave., Lathrup Village August 5 Walt & Donna Young’s home: 6372 Muirfield Court, Bloomfield Hills August 12 Michael & Kathy Bauhof’s home: 4138 Washington Crescent, Troy August 19 Bozenna Johnson’s home: 2099 Pontiac Drive, Sylvan Lake August 26 Hal and Sue Koss’ cottage on Pine Lake: 3910 Maple Hill West, West Bloomfield. It is off Long Lake Road between Middlebelt and Orchard Lake Road. Turn north off of Long Lake onto Maple Hill West (not Maple Hill East) - the cottage is at the end of the street on the left. Sue’s cell phone is (248)515 3942. GREAT TOMATO GIVEAWAY & PRODUCE COLLECTION Whether you are participating in the Great Tomato Giveaway or just helping feed the hungry by contributing homegrown or purchased produce, please place your donations throughout the summer in the large basket in the main hallway or at outdoor worship. The food will be taken to The Baldwin Center in Pontiac. PRESBYTERY-WIDE FOOD DRIVE DURING JULY Please join other members of the Presbytery of Detroit in their Hands-on Mission support of Gleaners Community Food Bank in the presbytery-wide food drive for the month of July. July is one of the lowest food stock months for Gleaners. Place your donations of non-perishable food (cans, boxes, bags, plastic jars -- no glass containers) in the boxes in the main hallway. A list of suggested items for donation is posted on the Mission Connection Bulletin Board. Thank you! WE ARE COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES Your Mission Connection Committee and PWN (Presbyterian Women of Northbrook) are cooperating with the Department of Human Services to support Michigan’s foster and adoptive children by supplying backpacks filled with school supplies for the coming school year. Drop off your supplies in the main hallway by Monday, July 20. Barb Stetson and Winnie Davies-Hancock are collecting monetary donations as well as the school supplies: MOBILE HEALTH FESTIVAL—JULY 20 If you are interested in participating in the July 20 Presbytery of Detroit/Synod of the Covenant Mobile Health Festival at The Second Mile Center in Detroit, contact Kathy Bauhof at (248)515-5307 or at katehatescomputers@wowway.com. Kathy will be taking sign-ups for volunteers. HABITAT FOR HUMANITY APOSTLE BUILD IN DETROIT—AUGUST 15-22 If you are interested in participating in the Habitat for Humanity Apostle Build in Detroit in August, please contact Michael Campion or Winnie Davies-Hancock at winsomeann@aol.com. The date will be during the period of August 15-22. The exact date has not been set. Updates will be announced and posted on the Mission Bulletin Board in Fellowship Hall. Advanced skills are not necessary. SEEKING RAFFLE ITEMS FOR SUNDAY FUNDAY—AUGUST 23 We will be hosting a FREE Community-Wide Family Sunday Funday on August 23 from 11am-2pm and we need your help. We are looking for silent auction and raffle donations to help raise money for our cause, Team Trevor. Trevor is a local 8th grader in need of a life saving heart transplant. For Trevor's story, please see www.gofundme.com/TeamTrevorSullivan. If you would be willing to donate a themed basket or other raffle items, we would be most grateful. Please contact Kristen Miller at kmiller@ashmi.org with questions or if you'd be willing to donate. Examples of themes for the baskets are: beach, movie, college football, boy, girl, gardening, date night, spa or golf. We would also gladly take cottage rentals, sports tickets, concert tickets, signed sports memorabilia....anything that would help to raise money! Thank you for your support. FINANCE COMMITTEE UPDATE The Finance Committee wishes to thank everyone for their contributions to date, and to encourage all to remain current on their giving throughout the summer months. Worship attendance is generally lighter in summer due to vacation plans, but operating expenses for programs, staff, insurance, lawn mowing, utilities, supplies and inevitable repairs continue. Your help ensuring that your pledges are caught up and your financial support is delivered in person, by mail, or via electronic deposit is so appreciated. Quarterly giving statements and an update of church finances through June will be issued soon. Thank you again for your faithful financial support. THIS WEEK AT NORTHBROOK SUNDAY, June 28 9:45 am Outdoor Worship 4:00 pm Mid Highs MONDAY, June 29 9:30 am Tour, Lunch and Stroll 8:00 pm AA Meeting—Men’s Group 7:00 pm Northbrook Book Club TUESDAY, June 30 Last Day to Drop off Items for Project SUN WEDNESDAY, July 1 6:30 pm Backyard Bible & Beverage At Dan & Penny Willey’s home THURSDAY, July 2 7:00 pm Mission Connection Comm. Mtg. SATURDAY, July 4—Happy Fourth of July SUNDAY, July 5 9:45 am Indoor Worship & Communion The Church Office will be closed on Monday, July 6 in observance of Independence Day Northbrook Summer Hours Have Begun! Once again this summer, Northbrook will be taking advantage of our beautiful Michigan weather and will alternate worship services between outside and inside the Sanctuary. Of course, outdoor worship will be weather permitting. We will move worship inside if it is raining or just too hot! Worship begins at 9:45 am for the following dates: July 5—Indoor worship July 12—Outdoor worship July 19—Indoor worship July 26—Outdoor worship August 2—Indoor worship August 9—Indoor/Camp Sunday August 16—Indoor worship August 23—Outdoor worship August 30—Indoor worship September 6—Outdoor worship Our regular schedule will resume on September 13 at 10:15 a.m. Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road | Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025 | info@northbrookpc.org Telephone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor Office Hours Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Summer Worship: Sundays at 9:45 a.m. (June 7—September 14, 2015) More news and calendar information can be found online at www.northbrookpc.org
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