June 7, 2015 - Northbrook Presbyterian
June 7, 2015 - Northbrook Presbyterian
Welcome to Northbrook Presbyterian Church June 7, 2015 We are glad you’re here and thankful for the opportunity to worship with you and to share the Good News of Jesus Christ. We seek to be an open, rational and compassionate people, learning each week what it means to live the love of Jesus Christ in worship and work, in word and deed. “Everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one another.” ~ John 13:35 LIFE IN THE COMMUNITY OF FAITH Please sign and pass the Welcome Register along your row and back. Please note joys and concerns on the Prayer Request Cards and place them in the offering. MUSIC APPRECIATION DAY OPENING PRAYER * OPENING SONG 276—Sing a New Song unto the Lord Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi Hymnal UNISON PRAYER OF CONFESSION Bill Travis Gracious and generous God, we confess that we spend time, energy and resources building up our earthly existence, but sometimes forget you and your call to build up what cannot be seen. Forgive us, O Lord, for any greed or selfishness. Forgive us for forgetting to make room for what is eternal. Increase our gratitude, O God, so that we might remember that everything is of you and for your sake. And hear us, O Lord, as we confess to you in silence, a way in which we have forgotten to make room for you… —Silent Prayer— ASSURANCE OF PARDON * THE PEACE As we are reconciled to God and to one another, share a sign of Christ’s peace and love with your neighbor. * SONG—I Could Sing of Your Love Forever SCRIPTURE—1 Corinthians 1:18-25 SONG —Oh How Good It Is MESSAGE—Looking a Little Bit Crazy Mark 3:19b-35 See next page NT p. 166 See next pages Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi NT p. 37 WE BRING OUR GIFTS FOR THE MINISTRY OF CHRIST OFFERING * DOXOLOGY 611—Joyful, Joyful, We Adore Thee, v 3 Hymnal * DEDICATION OF OFFERING PRAYERS OF THE PEOPLE AND THE LORD’S PRAYER PREPARATION FOR COMMUNION—Behold the Lamb of God See next pages THE LORD’S SUPPER We welcome everyone who believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior to share in this meal. This morning, we serve by Intinction. Please come forward by the center aisle, take a piece of bread, dip it in the cup and eat. Return to your place via the side aisles. If you are more comfortable to remain where you are, we will gladly bring the bread and cup to you. For those who desire it, you will find gluten-free bread on the table. Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend Behold The Lamb Words and Music by Keith Getty, Kristyn Getty and Stuart Townend INVITATION AND PRAYER OF THANKSGIVING COMMUNION PRAYER * SENDING SONG 641—When in Our Music God Is Glorified Hymnal * BENEDICTION * POSTLUDE * Please stand if you are able. CCLI license 1018801 LEADING YOU IN WORSHIP TODAY ARE: Liturgist: Bill Travis Interim Director of Music: Angel Gippert Praise Band: Dan Gross as leader, percussion, guitar, Nic Cutean on guitar, Pete Zajicek on piano, Visuals: Bryan Adair Sound: Michael Bauhof Center Door Greeter: Michael Bauhof Sanctuary Door Greeters: Ann, Grace and Lila Daniels Communion Servers: Michael Bauhof, MaryBeth Parks, Stephanie Wicker Coffee Hour Hosts: The Deacons in celebration of Harry Keoleian’s 90th Birthday Chancel Flowers: Presented by Tom & Mary Sandercock in celebration of the June wedding anniversaries of Debbie & Ronnie Hale and Bob & Lori Sandercock Window Flowers: Presented by Jeff Keoleian in celebration of Harry Keoleian’s 90th Birthday PRAYER REQUESTS Please pray for: The family and friends of long time Northbrook member Gayle Anderson who passed away on May 26, Vera McBride and family, Arthur Bruske, Lou McLeod, Jim North, Portia McDonald, Paulette Lein and family, Dorothea Clark and family, Al Shrosbree, Bill Gadsby, Phyllis Klinger, Jan Carroll, Karen Keier, Ruth Thomas, Harry & Georgenia Keoleian, Julie Huddlestun, Keith & Celia Metcalf. Please continue to pray for those with health or personal issues. If a member’s name has been inadvertently left off this list, please notify the church office. Also, let the church know when a member is entering the hospital or might like a supportive phone call. The Board of Deacons also requests prayers for: Church members whose last names begin with the letter C and effective leadership and direction for members of Session. Praise the LORD! Sing to the LORD a new song! his praise in the assembly of the faithful. ~ Psalm 149:1 An enormous thank you to all who make music at Northbrook! To our Boys in the Band: Dan Gross, Nick Cutean, Pete Zajicek -- thanks for keeping us dancing in the aisles! To our Interim Music Director and her husband: Angel and Carl Gippert -- we are so blessed by your presence with us! To our intrepid choir, faithfully leading us in song and praise: Cheryl Ardis, Cheryl Clemens, Winnie Davies-Hancock, Janet Evans, Margitta and Bob Filter, Bruce and Linda Hermes, Doug Joppie, Jerry and Paulette Lein, Keith Lepard, Frank and Kim Norton, Judy and Phil Owen, Ellie Poster, Clyde and Seglinda Pritchard. And others who have added their talents along the way: Kathy Bauhof, Barbara Burnham, Jocelyn Cutean, Maggie Francis, Jannah Garback, Gabi Gippert, Claire Higley, Michael Huddlestun, Grace Nji, Rob Olson, Ken Stetson, John Thomas, Dakota Tuomi, Jeff and Marjorie Wilhelmi, the LOGOS JOYFUL NOISE and Paco Higdon, their very fearless leader! INQUIRER’S CLASS—TODAY, JUNE 7 What is Northbrook all about? How do we understand faith in Christ? How do we practice our faith? What does it mean to join a community of believers, and why is it important to do that? If you’ve ever wondered about any of these things or if you have other questions regarding faith, Presbyterians, church membership or the meaning of life, then this opportunity is for you! We will meet at Pastor Marjorie’s home at 1466 Glenwood in Sylvan Lake tonight from 6—8pm to share dinner and conversation about these and similar questions. If you would like to attend and have not RSVP’d, please see Pastor Marjorie after worship today. GRADUATION SUNDAY—NEXT SUNDAY, JUNE 14 We will celebrate our 2015 graduates next Sunday, June 14 during worship. If you or your family member will be a 2015 high school or college graduate or receiving an advanced degree, please email Becky at becky@northbrookpc.org by Monday, June 8th with the graduate’s name as it should appear in the bulletin, the degree(s) and the school from which they graduated. CALLING ALL DAD, MENTORS & NON-DADS—SUNDAY, JUNE 21 A special coffee hour is being planned in your honor on June 21 following worship. There will be lots of "guy food" to help you celebrate your day before you head to the golf course, ball game or your easy chair. Enjoy the start of your day with us! 2015 DIRECTORY UPDATES—DUE JUNE 8TH We have emailed and mailed information out to our members in order to verify contact information for our 2015 directory. If you have moved, changed your home phone, cell phone or email address, please contact Becky in the office at (248)642-0200 by Monday, June 8 and let her know. BACKYARD BIBLE AND BEVERAGE: Announcing a fun, casual summertime conversation about the Bible and faith, weekly on Wednesday evenings at 6:30 p.m. starting June 17th and continuing throughout the summer, weather permitting. Bring your own Bible, beverage and lawn chair to the backyard of our weekly rendezvous. The conversation will center on a selection of Bible passages and reflective questions about the relevance of the scripture to our lives today. No book or homework is necessary, and you are encouraged to drop in or drop out as your plans and interest permit. The first study will be in Pastor Marjorie’s backyard. Clyde and Seglinda Pritchard, Amy Annett and Sue Koss have also offered to host. Hosts are not required to do any preparation or provide anything other than backyard space. If you’re willing to open your backyard to the rest of us as part of this experience, send an email to Marjorie@northbrookpc.org indicating what week(s) of the summer (June 17— August 26) would work for you. Watch this space for the schedule and locations! SPEAKER AND SOUP SUPPER EVENT—THURSDAY, JUNE 25 The Northbrook Adult Education Committee invites Northbrook members and guests to attend our second adult program followed by Souper Supper on Thursday, June 25 at 4:15 p.m. Our guest speaker will be Mr. Steve Vogel who will describe the “History of Detroit” with words and pictures. He will be discussing Detroit from the ice age to the present and how the formation of natural and manmade landscape have influenced the city’s formation. Mr. Vogel has been nationally recognized, and he is currently a Professor of Architecture at the University of Detroit-Mercy. If you plan to stay for supper, please sign up in Fellowship Hall on the bulletin board by June 23. Come and learn about our very own city of Detroit. TOUR, LUNCH AND STROLL—MONDAY, JUNE 29 The Adult Education Committee invites members and friends to a special tour on Monday, June 29. We will visit Kirk-in-the-Hills Presbyterian Church on Long Lake Road in Bloomfield Hills. Lunch will be in the area and, after we eat, we will walk through "The Bible Garden" at Beth Ahm Temple on Maple Road in West Bloomfield. We will carpool from the church at 9:30 AM. Lunch is on your own and a donation is suggested for the church. Please sign up on the tour sheet in Fellowship Hall or call the church office no later than June 25th. LAHSER ROAD CONSTRUCTION THIS SUMMER There will be considerable road construction around Northbrook this summer. On June 15, the section from 14 Mile to Maple Road will be closed to through traffic for construction. On July 18, the section from13 Mile to 14 Mile will be closed to through traffic for construction. NORTHBROOK & THE DETROIT TIGERS—A WINNING COMBINATION The Northbrook PWN FUN Group is planning another Detroit Tigers Game outing on Friday, August 21 for a 7 p.m. game with fireworks. All are welcome! Tickets are $32 each. This does not include a bus or food. We will need 30 people to make it cost effective to get a bus. We need to know and receive payment for your ticket(s) by July 12th. If we get enough interest, Barb Stetson will get back with everyone to figure out whether to get a bus. Please sign up in Fellowship Hall or call or email Barb Stetson at (248)302-3033 or bbkstetson@comcast.net. PROJECT SUN—SAVE UKRAINE NOW Northbrook Church is joining America in sending aid to more than one million Ukrainians who have been forced to flee their homes with nothing but the clothes on their backs, for the wounded and their families and for the widows and orphans. We will be collecting CLEAN, GENTLY USED OR NEW CLOTHES for men, women, children and infants as well as the other items listed below in a large box in Fellowship Hall and in the wooden boxes in the hallway during the month of June. The last day to drop off items will be June 30. As you do your spring cleaning, please think of these people and what you may be able to donate. Please contact Lois Kurta or Winnie Davies-Hancock with questions or check out the Mission Bulletin Board. Clean, gently used or new clothes for men, women, children and infants Jackets, hats, gloves and mittens Shoes and boots Bedding- blankets, sheets, pillows, comforters Towels Household goods - pots & pans, plastic dishes, cups and utensils Personal hygiene items - soap, toothbrushes, toothpaste, razors, deodorant Infant needs - disposable diapers, wipes, baby powder Toys and books for children, stuffed animals (must be new) Walkers, wheelchairs and home care equipment Adult disposable underwear Vitamins and over the counter medication, bandages, etc. Monetary donations And, anything else needed for day to day life. NORTHBROOK BOOK CLUB—MONDAY, JUNE 29 Please join us on Monday, June 29 at 7:00pm in the Library as we discuss Perfect Match by Jodi Picoult. All are welcome. MISSION OPPORTUNITIES If you have any homegrown or purchased produce to contribute to the Baldwin Center, please place it in the collection basket in the hallway. Also, be sure to check out the many Mission opportunities listed in the June/July edition of the Northbrook newsletter and contact Winnie Davies-Hancock at winsomeann@aol.com if interested. THANK YOU I want to extend many thanks to the members of Northbrook who sent cards of encouragement and caring during my recovery. They were all deeply appreciated. Lou McLeod SAVE THE DATE FOR SUNDAY FUNDAY—AUGUST 23 We will be hosting a FREE Community-Wide Family Sunday Funday on August 23 from 11am-2pm and we need your help. We are looking for silent auction and raffle donations to help raise money for our cause, Team Trevor. Trevor is a local 8th grader in need of a life saving heart transplant. For Trevor's story, please see www.gofundme.com/TeamTrevorSullivan. If you would be willing to donate a themed basket or other raffle items, we would be most grateful. Please contact Kristen Miller for any questions or if you'd be willing to donate. Kristen can be reached at kmiller@ashmi.org. Some examples of themes for the baskets could be, but are certainly not limited to, beach, movie, college football, boy, girl, gardening, date night, spa or golf. We would also gladly take cottage rentals, sports tickets, concert tickets, signed sports memorabilia....anything that would help to raise money! Thank you for your support. We look forward to seeing you all on August 23rd at our family event! WE ARE COLLECTING SCHOOL SUPPLIES Your Mission Connection Committee and PWN (Presbyterian Women of Northbrook) are cooperating with the Department of Human Services to support Michigan’s foster and adoptive children by supplying backpacks filled with school supplies for the coming school year. Please drop off your supplies at the table in Fellowship Hall. This initiative is done in partnership with the Faith Based Initiative on Foster Care and Adoption. The deadline for the collections is Monday, July 20. We are collecting the following supplies: wide-ruled lined spiral bound notebooks blue pens red pens pocket folders 1” binders package lined paper geometry sets pencil cases quality scissors staplers and staples washable felt markers pink/white erasers pocket dictionaries mechanical pencils and lead refills Rulers #2 pencils wide-ruled loose leaf paper subject dividers scientific calculators highlighters This Week at Northbrook SUNDAY, June 7 9:45 am Worship & Communion 4:00 pm Mid Highs BBQ 6:00 pm Inquirers’ Class MONDAY, June 8 1:00 pm Finance Comm. Mtg. 8:00 pm AA Meeting—Men’s Group TUESDAY, June 9 6:30 pm Congregational Life Mtg. 7:00 pm Building & Grounds Mtg. 7:00 pm Personnel Comm. Mtg. WEDNESDAY, June10 7:00 pm Knit Wits THURSDAY, June11 5:30 pm Senior Souper Supper SUNDAY, June 14—Graduation Sunday 9:45 am Worship—Outdoor Service at 9:45 a.m. 4:00 pm Mid Highs 6:00 pm Senior Highs BBQ Northbrook Summer Hours Have Begun! Once again this summer, Northbrook will be taking advantage of our beautiful Michigan weather and will alternate worship services between outside and inside the Sanctuary. Of course, outdoor worship will be weather permitting. We will move worship inside if it is raining or just too hot! Worship begins at 9:45 am for the following dates: June 7—Indoor worship June 14—Outdoor worship June 21—Indoor worship June 28—Outdoor worship July 5—Indoor worship July 12—Outdoor worship July 19—Indoor worship July 26—Outdoor worship August 2—Indoor worship August 9—Indoor/Camp Sunday August 16—Indoor worship August 23—Outdoor worship August 30—Indoor worship September 6—Outdoor worship Our regular schedule will resume on September 13 at 10:15 a.m. Northbrook Presbyterian Church 22055 W. Fourteen Mile Road | Beverly Hills, Michigan 48025 | info@northbrookpc.org Telephone (248) 642-0200 Fax (248) 642-7495 Rev. Marjorie Wilhelmi, Pastor Office Hours Monday—Thursday: 9:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Friday: 9:00 a.m.—12:00 p.m. Worship: Sundays at 10:15 a.m. More news and calendar information can be found online at www.northbrookpc.org
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