October 2015 | Center View - Tucson Jewish Community Center


October 2015 | Center View - Tucson Jewish Community Center
Center View
Volume 21 | Number 4
Tishrei – Tevet 5776
Tucson J and Tucson Medical Center Present the
October-December 2015
along the way. She
will also offer a
women’s bike clinic
on Sunday morning.
activities include
tricycle races to
promote the TMC/
JCC Tucson Family
Tri returning
in April of 2016,
Leah Goldste
a “Make Your Own Trail Mix” booth; a
farmer’s market hosted by Edible Baja Arizona magazine
to promote healthy eating; financial advisors with tips for
making better financial decisions; and the Tucson Police
Department making sure car seats are properly installed.
hink back to January. You made a New Year’s resolution to One of the organizations recommitting support for wellness
lose weight or work on your finances. Maybe you resolved
with a new collaborative partnership is the Arizona Daily
to read more or spend more quality time with the family.
Star. When the newspaper was approached to participate in
Wherever you are with your resolutions, you can find fun
the Festival, its representatives suggested a collaboration
and interactive resources to help keep (or start?) your
with the Tucson Festival of Books, since literacy is a key
resolutions at the 2nd Annual Family Wellness Festival
foundation to making healthy lifestyle choices. The Literacy
presented by the Tucson J and Tucson Medical Center on
Pavilion will include an area where attendees can meet
Sunday, October 18, from 12 – 4 pm at The J.
local and national authors and a children’s reading corner
featuring PBS Kids’ Curious George and performances from
“The Festival will feature an array of local wellness-related
Stories that Soar.
services and resources,” says Susan Frank, The J’s Director
of Health and Wellness.
“The goal of this Festival is to inspire attendees to take
action to improve wellness of any aspect of their life,” said
“Exhibitors will promote all aspects of wellness from
Frank. “The best part is seeing the smile on people’s faces
physical fitness and nutrition to financial, spiritual and
while they learn or experience something new, proving that
intellectual. The best part about the Festival is that all of
wellness can be fun.”
the information that vendors provide will be delivered in an
interactive format, making it engaging for the whole family.” Mary Atkinson, TMC’s Director of Wellness, agreed. “The
Family Wellness Festival is a perfect example of how our two
Author, kickboxing champion and international endurance
organizations can work together to promote the concepts of
athlete Leah Goldstein will be the festival’s keynote
wellness to families by demonstrating how healthy lifestyles
speaker. Leah will share the story of her achievements,
can be easy and fun for the whole family.”
tragedies and triumphs, and the lessons she has learned
LETTER FROM THE CEO........................... 2
WELCOME & SHALOM!............................. 2
WELCOME NEW STAFF............................. 3
TEAM MEMBER SPOTLIGHT................... 3
MEMBER SPOTLIGHT............................... 3
TUCSON FESTIVAL OF FILMS................. 5
B’SGHETTI BASH........................................ 5
HEALTH TIPS............................................... 6
THE J GOES ONE-ON-ONE...................... 6
WALKIE TALKIE.......................................... 6
AT THE 2015 MACCABI GAMES........ 7
ADULT CLASSES AT THE J....................... 8
TRIBUTES..................................................... 9
The Tucson Jewish Community Center is a beneficiary agency of
the Jewish Federation of Southern Arizona and Jewish Community
Foundation of Southern Arizona. The Tucson J is a member of
the Jewish Community Centers Association of North America.
Center View is published four times annually by the Tucson J.
Letter from the CEO
Todd Rockoff
President & CEO
(520) 299–1904 or
Labor Day is over and the High Holy Days will be here
in a few short weeks. The traditional challah that
we eat on Rosh Hashanah is round, symbolizing the
seamless transition from one year to the next, each
layer building on the one before. Here at the Tucson J
we are no different, we are always looking to build on
our success and learn from our challenges.
We anticipate all of this to be completed and open by
January 1, 2016! We thank all of our members for their
commitment and patience during this process.
The seasons will shift from summer to fall and the
year(s) keep marching forward. We continue to build on
the success of the past learning from things that have
gone astray and strengthening the areas that have led
to our success.
Our J is a place where we can all live up to your goals, live
up to your dreams, and live up to your aspirations — small
or large. The J is like a tent open on all four sides so we can
welcome people from all sides and we actively go out and
seek that engagement.
In June of this year we began phase 2 of our
construction project. We are adding a second story
to the northwest corner of this building. This new
addition will include the following spaces:
Check out our website, tucsonjcc.org. We hope that you
find it easy to navigate and will use it often to stay up to
date and involved in all that we do at The J.
Please mark your calendars for Sunday, October 18 and
join us at The J for our second annual Family Wellness
Festival presented by Tucson Medical Center.
Additional space for our Taglit program, which will allow for growth during 2016
We have a proud past and a very bright future and look
forward to seeing all of you and working together to
continue to build our future together!
Flexible program space to be used by J Care, Camp J, as well as adult programming and meetings
Please feel free to call me at (520) 299–1904 or write me at
A small demonstration kitchen
A 1,300 square foot indoor playground
& Shalom!
The Tucson J is pleased to welcome the following new members!
Jeffrey Ackerbell, Jillian Aja, Daniel Alcombright, Nancy Alcombright, Monadhil Alsafar, Saba Alsafar, Shahin Amanat, Ilana Amaria, Iwona Anderson, Steven Anderson, Mary Annsley, Christina
Arredondo, Pearl Aviles, Cory Barr, Monica Bauer, JV Becker, Cathleen Becskehazy, Margaret Beer, Victor Beer, Bruce Beiser, Marianne Berquint, Jason Bierlein, Michael Black, Charlie Blend, Joshua
Bluestein, Susan Brady, Jeff Brichta, Stefanie Brichta, Sherie Broekema, Anna Brown, Christopher Brown, Paul Brown, Matthew Browne, Dorothy Brown-Smith, Judith Burnstein, Norman Burnstein,
Carlos Caballero, Mariana Caballero, Bobbi Calero, Karen Camacho, Elle Canalez, David Carlisle, Gregory Casey, Joan Casey, Hannele Castellanos, Robert Castellanos, Benjamin Childers, Kora
Chotichuti, Erica Christy, Stacey Cochran, Dennis Colbert, Erin Collins-Kelly, Myrlett Colwell, William Colwell, Charlotte Connelly, Barbara Connors, Elisabeth Contreras, Judith Conway, Jennifer
Cook, Lisa Cordova, Carol Cornejo, Mauro Cornejo, Alix Cramer, Natan Cramer, Susan Crewse, Margie Darling, Ella Davidson, M.J. Demetras, Nancy DeNiro, Anita Denton, Ryan Deutsch, Michael
Diesenhouse, Yihong Ding, Kelly Donahoo, Wendell Donahoo, Nate Drew, Adam Dubois, Cassandra Dubois, Briana Edgerton, William Epstein, Leslie Ervin, Montra Ervin, Carol Evans, Madonna
Evans, Mindy Fain, Leslie Faltin, Michael Faltin, Patrice Falzone, J Scott Feierabend, Janel Feierabend, William Fellner, Heather Free, Tim Froebe, Audrey Garigan, Eric Garigan, David Garrison,
Elizabeth Garrison, April Gering, Larry Gittelman, Sally Gittelman, Joshua Gleich, Linh Gonci, Marjie Graham, Boris Grin, Phil Guest, Tracey Guest, Daniel Haas, Daphna Haas, Heidi Hamana, Alan
Hamo, Lori Harger, Duran Harper, Emily Harrison, Ariel Henderson, Courtney Henson, John Hermes, Maria Hermes, Michael Higgins, Gloria Hirsch, Kandy Hirsch, Dan Hirshfeld, Judy Hirshfeld, Cori
Hobson, Weimin Hu, Ashley Hurand, Joshua Hurand, Charles Hyde, Stephanie Innes, Tanya Ivey, Anna Jabczenski, Martha Jarboe, Benjamin Jarrett, Rachel Jarrett, Kelly Jewett, Danielle Jones, Erin
Jordan, Marlise Karson, Jon Kasle, Susan Kasle, Manjinder Kaur, Akihisa Kawamata, Amanda Kawamata, Patrick Kelly, Matthew Kennedy, Brandon Ketchum, Karen Kimberly King, Kenneth Knapp,
Zorana Knapp, Arnavaz Kraft, Nicholas Kroll, Kelly Kvamme, Benjamin Lair, Erin Lair, Karen Lane, Walter Lane, Danielle Larcom, Guy Larcom, Jane Lauber, Ashley Lawton, Michael Lawton, David
Leary, Elizabeth Ledyard, Alexander Lee, Stephanie Lee, Beth Lefkon, Owen Lefkon, Inna Lehrer, Debra Lerman, Pamela Levesque, Carole Levi, Eran Levin, Spencer Lewis, Sisi Li, Kyle Lininger,
Dallas Liston, Melanie Liston, Todd Luethjohann, Joan Lukavich, Robert Lukavich, Stephany Lund, Daniel Lupa-Chazan, Olga Lyakhouetsky, Vladimir Lyakhouetsky, Noureddine Maher, Monica
Maloney, Sudhir Manda, Irma Mandel, Karen Mattull, Edward Max, Leanne Mayo, Sean Mayo, Jeanne Maze, Shaun McBride, Shannon McBride-Olson, Lily McCarthy, Kenneth McLaughlin, Maria
Theresa McLaughlin, Joseph McNally, Kendra McNally, Andre McNulty, Susan Meeker, Mark Meyer, Karen Miklofsky, Peggy Miller, Susan Miller-Cochran, Matthew Minder, Linda Moe, Richard Moe
II, Mitchell Moen, Tara Moen, Paulo Morales, Garry Morris, Regan Morris, Sosan Moussa, Martha Moutray-Becker, Erin Murphy, Virginia Murphy, Elizabeth Naughton, Amy Nehls, Johanna Nelson,
Alfred Newton, Farrah Newton, Chris O’Brien, Katie O’Brien, Dean Odle, Jami O’Rouke, Katie Oseran, Sean Oseran, Noga Panai, Maria Panousopoulos, Christopher Pape, Nicole Pape, Arum
Park, David Pasquariello, Stanley Pau, Carol Pedretti-Max, Judith Pelayo, John Pepple, Mayra Perez, Brian Peura, Alissa Phelps, Mark Phelps, Dave Plumb, Amanda Posch, Michael Posch, Henri
Prillerman, Elizabeth Pulcini, Kyle Rabe, Laura Rabe, Martha Rast, Spencer Reid, Shane Reiser, Stephanie Reiser, Adam Resnick, Kristen Revis, Richard Revis, Johanna Rhodes, Michael Rhodes,
Jen Richardson, Katrina Richman, Fidel Rodriguez, Lizbeth Rodriguez, Everett Rogers, Karl Rosen, Joel Rosenfeld, Jerzy Rozenblit, Karen Saenz, Pedro Saenz, Davina Salese, Stewart Salmon,
Linsey Sandoval, Miguel Sandoval, Rebecca Sanford Nelson, Atefeh Sarabi, Breanna Sayers, Michael Scaramella, Alison Schaffer, Nick Schaffer, Laurie Seder, Sandra Seidel, Marcie Shatz, Robert
Shatz, John Shepard, Rachael Shulman, Ellen Silvey-Maslow, Rachel Simmons, Stan Simmons, Benjamin Singerman, Carrie Singerman, Davinder Singh, Leslie Skaggs, Daniel Slater, Hayli Slater,
Sarah Smolowitz, Jill Sobieszyk, Michael Sobieszyk, Lucia Soto, Zachary Sparrow, Alexis Spence, Mary Ellen Spiece, Gentry Spronken, Jacques Spronken, Katie Stellitano, Bronwyn Sternberg,
Lonny Sternberg, Alexander Stevenson, Taylor Stevenson, Abbie Stone, Sarah Stott, William Stott III, Julia Strange, Chris Sugar, Sreenija Suryadevara, Laurie Swanson, Ken Taub, Lori Taylor,
Myrna Tesoro, David Trabert, Miros Trabert, Justin Trampota, Melissa Trampota, Adam Tweedie, Heather Tweedie, Dan Urbanski, Denise Urbanski, Monica Villari, Caryn Walker, Karen Wallace,
Linn Wallace, Elijah Wangeman, Elizabeth Watson-Childers, Monica Webster, Colin West, Kelsey West, JP Westenskow, Kimberly Westenskow, Fred Weymouth, Patricia White, Lindsay Williams,
Chad Willis, Katie Willis, Laura Wilson, Raymond Wong, Mark Wood, Megan Wood, Clark Woolston, Julia Wristen, Li Xu, Valerie Yevzerova, Jane Young, Luke Daniel Young, Jessie Virginia Zuelow
2 October 2015 | Center View
Welcome New Staff
Director of Development:
Co-Director of Early Childhood Education:
Kristin is a seasoned
program development
professional, with a
demonstrated track
record of creating one
of the most successful
anatomical gift
donation programs in
the state. As a fourth
generation Arizonan, she began her career
cultivating mindfulness both as a facilitator/
instructor and as a therapist providing
interventions for those enrolled in social
services. Her professional pursuits evolved into
building and developing broader programing
in hospitals and medical centers for more
effective partnering with community agencies
and support for anatomical gift donations.
Kristin holds a bachelor’s degree from the
University of Arizona in Psychology, a master’s
degree in Marriage and Family Therapy and
a doctorate in Clinical Psychology. With this
strong understanding of underlying drives,
motivations, and the benefits of giving, she is
excited to dive into this iteration of her skills as
the Director of Development for the Tucson J.
A native Tucsonan,
Joline earned her
degree in elementary
education from the
University of Arizona
and continued her
education with a
master’s degree in
Early Childhood Education followed by her
certification in educational administration.
Most recently she was an instructor and
supervisor at the University of Arizona,
College of Education. Prior to that Joline
worked as an inclusion classroom teacher in
grades K-3 for 10 years in the Tucson Unified
School District. She has developed, created,
and administered an early childhood
facility and successfully integrated children
with disabilities in a general education
classrooms. Her professional interests
include continued teacher education and
early childhood education.
Oren was an
assistant and paralegal
for a busy immigration
law firm for three
years prior to his
pursuit of education
related vocations. As
an educator, he was
a high-school teacher where he managed
a 9th grade homeroom, teaching all 9th10th academic subjects. Oren was also the
yearbook advisor and spearheaded athletic
programs for middle and high-school
students; including varsity girls’ volleyball,
junior varsity boys’ basketball, yoga and
physical education electives. In addition,
this will mark his fourth year teaching
Hebrew, Jewish History and the Life Cycle
to Congregation Or Chadash 5th graders.
Oren is a Tucson native, and a graduate
of The College of Wooster in Ohio where
he majored in Philosophy with a minor in
Classical Civilizations.
Assistant Director of Children & Youth:
Now that summer is over, it is time
to start planning for your holiday
parties! Just like exercise, camp, and adult classes, The J is the
perfect venue for your private events. Danielle Aguilar, our
Rentals and Events Supervisor, has a passion for coordinating
private parties, ceremonies, and conferences. She joined
us last January and filled our weekends with proms from
schools all over Tucson! Throughout the summer she worked
with members and our Children and Youth Department in
celebrating kids’ birthdays in our popular splash park and
outdoor pool.
Danielle groomed her event expertise at Northern Arizona
University’s College of Hotel Restaurant Management. She
has you covered in finding the most creative decorations,
delicious kosher refreshments, and fun, lively DJs! Danielle
is also extremely organized and detail oriented. If planning
hits a bump in road, she calmly solves each problem with her
upbeat attitude. She is a wonderful asset to The J team!
Thomas is just entering his freshman year
at Catalina Foothills High School.
What are your favorite things about The J?
Everyone at The J tries very hard to make
kids happy. Scott Zorn makes sure all the kids have fun at camp or
J-Care. The J is very accepting of everyone and every single kid has
fun at Camp J. I have never heard anyone say they didn’t have fun!
What is your best memory of The J?
There is not a single event but I think camp as a whole is a great
memory. I grew up at The J and, to me, summers mean Camp J!
What is the best field trip you went on?
The best are the trips to Jump Street and Get Air for Camp. I
also loved Tweens on the Town where we went bowling and just
hung out with our friends and the counselors.
Why did you become an LIT (Leader in Training)?
I looked up to all the counselors while I have been at The J and
thought they were funny and worked hard. I wanted to help
other kids make great memories at Camp J like my counselors
did for me. Camp J was a super important part of my life and I
wanted to make that happen for other kids.
October 2015 | Center View 3
Their 25 Anniversaries!
Group Fitness Instructor
I am a retired high school educator who started
teaching aerobic classes at another club. When The J
opened at the River Rd. location, many of my clients
joined, so I decided to follow. My specialty is step
classes, to the point that I teach continuing education
classes for instructor recertification. I regularly attend
the International Dance and Exercise Convention and incorporate fresh, new
ideas in all my classes.
The J is a place that offers a community atmosphere where I have many lifelong friends and clients. I obviously enjoy the sports and fitness part of The
J, but have recommended other programs to clients such as child care or the
choir that meets on Tuesday nights. There is always something interesting
happening at The J. Over the years the basketball camps for youth have been
wonderful and feature some great professional players as coaches.
I am an avid gardener and walk my dog 5 miles a day. I coach high school
varsity soccer and recently went to the World Cup in Rio!
Accountant/Human Resources
I was offered a job here at The J and during that same
week I had three other job offers. I decided to stay with
The J because I liked the “vibe.” I guess I was right - I am
still here after 25 years!
4 October 2015 | Center View
The J means family and friends to me and I have met some really great people
over the years. There are so many wonderful programs here, my favorite being
the Special Needs Program. They do an excellent job with our participants
and it is fun to see them every day doing their “jobs” and hearing about their
daily activities. Also, I think our Jewish International Film Festival is fabulous
and so many people really enjoy all the different movies.
One of the great opportunities The J offered was the staff trip to Israel in
2006. I was lucky enough to be asked to participate and it was an awesome
experience. I didn’t know what to expect, and I was a little nervous and a bit
scared. I was picturing a “war-torn, ravaged” country, and it was anything but.
Israel was beautiful and the people were so full of life. They don’t dwell on
the “death and destruction” and instead live their lives to the fullest. It was
truly a “once in a lifetime,” memorable event.
I enjoy hanging out with my parents and friends, going to the movies and
taking long drives. My hobbies include making jewelry, collecting Hello Kitty
and Smurfettes and have recently taken an interest in paper crafting.
Group Fitness Instructor
I came to work at The J in the fitness department 25
years ago. Pam Reed, the fitness coordinator at the time,
asked if I would come to The J to instruct some classes
and I’ve been an instructor ever since!
My experience working at The J has been very rewarding. I love my job helping
better the quality of lives for so many people. My class participants are the
reason I continue to enjoy my job. We come here to be the best we can be.
It is so exciting to be at The J at this time. The fitness expansion is amazing. I
am delighted to be a part of it.
the Festival of Lights
anukkah, the 8-night holiday which
commemorates the rededication of the second
temple more than 2000 years ago not only
celebrates the heroism of the Macabees, but it is
also a holiday that celebrates the miracle of light.
When the Jewish warriors arrived at the temple after
they defeated the Greeks, they saw that the temple
was nearly destroyed. Despite only having enough oil
to light an oil lamp for one day in order to see and be
able to clean up the damage, miraculously the oil lasted for eight days. It
is for this reason that Jews today light a candle in a Hanukkiyah on each
night of Hanukkah.
There are many great science topics to discuss with children at home in
order to extend the discussion of light during Hanukkah. Here are a few you
might want to use in conversation to draw appreciation to the holiday.
ReflectionRainbows Photography
Light Bulbs
Hanukkah begins the evening of December 6 and runs through December 14.
Please join us at The J for the following events:
Hanukkiyah Factory Shabbat Potluck, Friday evening, December 4 - 6 pm
The Cups and Candles Series is back with its first event of the school year.
Create your own Hanukkiyah, enjoy a delicious potluck dinner with friends
and have fun singing Hanukkah songs.
Big Hanukkiyah Candle Lighting, weekdays
during Hanukkah beginning December 7 at 5 pm.
Come light the biggest Hanukkiyah in the city of
Tucson with Shabbat Scott and Julie Zorn.
The Parade of Lights, December 19 at 6:30 pm
Join The J at downtown Tucson’s Parade
of Lights holiday parade as we represent
the Jewish community. Walk with us in the
parade or come cheer us along.
A must see for film buffs!
Tucsonans will have a new and unique
opportunity to immerse themselves
in all things “film” this fall when the
inaugural Tucson Festival of Films (TFOF)
debuts October 8, 9 and 10. The festival
takes place at the Temple of Music and
Art and features programs from eight of Tucson’s best-loved and
most established film festivals, including the Tucson International
Jewish Film Festival (TIJFF). The festival is perhaps the first time
ever that multiple film festivals have banded together to create a
larger “destination” event, promoted and marketed to audiences in
southern Arizona, Mexico and other states in the region. The project
was born out of several conversations between the Mayor’s office
and Visit Tucson. In addition to financially supporting the festival,
Visit Tucson is dedicating significant marketing muscle to get the
word out to audiences and has made a multi-year commitment to
get the fest up and running as a part of Tucson’s film landscape.
The TIJFF is thrilled to present the Arizona premiere of Raise the
Roof, which documents the extraordinary efforts to recreate by hand
the roof of one of Poland’s lost wooden synagogues. Artists Rick
and Laura Brown, who led a group of students on this improbable
adventure, will be on hand for a Q & A following the film. Other
festivals will present films that represent their annual offerings,
and as such audiences will essentially be able to experience eight
different film festivals in one weekend.
Joining TIJFF in this year’s festival are; Tucson Cine Mexico,
Native Eyes, Arizona International, the Loft Film Festival, Tucson
Underground, Tucson Film and Music and Tucson TerrorFest. Both
documentaries and narrative films will be screened this year in both
feature length and shorts. If you love film, the Tucson Festival of
Films will be a must-see this fall.
Tickets for individual screenings at TFOF are $8 per person and
most screenings will have Q & A’s with directors or other individuals
associated with the screening afterward. For more information
on this year’s festival, the final schedule and tickets visit
The 32nd Annual B’Sghetti Bash
This is ECE’s biggest fundraiser of the year! Enjoy a spaghetti dinner, as well
as varying activities for the children, including: a jumping castle, petting zoo,
face painting and clowns! Each classroom picks a “basket theme” and parents
contribute donations to fill the basket. A silent auction will be held at the end
of the evening and the person with the highest bid wins the basket!
Join us on Sunday, December 13, 3:30 - 6:30 pm
October 2015 | Center View 5
from Dr. Lynn Gerald,
associate director for Clinical
and Health Outcomes Science,
Arizona Respiratory Center
How to Exercise
When you Have Asthma
Asthma is a chronic condition that affects
the lungs. It can cause symptoms that
range from minor coughing and wheezing
to life-threatening attacks; however, having
asthma is not a reason to avoid exercise.
One of the goals of asthma treatment is to
help you maintain a normal and healthy
lifestyle, which includes being physically
active. For many people with asthma,
physical exertion and vigorous exercise
can trigger asthma symptoms. With the
right treatment, you can enjoy physical
activity while still controlling your asthma.
Patients with asthma can even be Olympic
or elite-level athletes – look at Jackie
Joyner-Kersee, Paula Radcliffe, Jerome
Bettis, or Amy Van Dyken!
What Should I Do to Control My Asthma
When I Am Physically Active?
• Talk to your healthcare provider about
using a pre-exercise asthma inhaler
(inhaled short-acting β2 agonist) about 10
minutes before becoming physically active.
Usually this is an inhaler like albuterol.
• Ease into it. Start out a new exercise
program slowly and work your way up to
being able to do 30 minutes most days of
the week.
• Perform 5-10 minutes of warm-up
exercises and maintain an appropriate
cool-down period of 5-10 minutes after
• If the weather is cold, exercise indoors or
wear a mask or scarf over your nose and
• If you have allergy-induced asthma,
avoid exercising outdoors when pollen
counts are high and when there is high air
• Restrict physical activity when you have a
viral infection, like a cold.
• Conduct physical activity at a level that is
appropriate for you.
To find out more about asthma and
allergy treatments; or to find out if you are
eligible to join one of our studies at the
Arizona Respiratory Center, give us a call
at 520-626-9543, or visit our website www.
6 October 2015 | Center View
hen asked about the benefits of
one-on-one fitness training, Mike Malone
(15-year seasoned personal trainer and
Personal Training Manager at the Tucson
J) responded with this comment, “Those
who engage in personal or semi-private
training are much more likely to meet
and sustain their fitness goals. Being
held accountable to a commitment
made to another person is what seems to be one
of the most important elements in beating the odds in getting and
staying fit.” In addition he noted that “having expert one-on-one
guidance that steers the workouts towards the participant’s needs and
interests will more likely pay off and lead to desired results.”
The J believes that this philosophy can be applied to all of the fitness
and wellness services that are currently offered and in response to
this belief has recently created an exclusive One-on-One program.
This program allows members to choose one-on-one appointment
based services to any of the wide range of sports and fitness activities
offered through Sports and Wellness, including basketball for youth
and adults, swimming, zumba, yoga and TRX, just to start. For more
information about ‘One-on-One’ at The J please contact our Sports and
Wellness Desk at x118.
Told by Brandon Katz to Travis Fischer
TF: What was the best part of your summer?
BK: My favorite thing is going on field trips!
TF: What was your favorite field trip?
BK: The bowling trip was lots of fun. I had lots of laughs with my friends. We
tried on special shoes, knocked down pins with the bowling ball, and then we
returned the shoes to the counter on our way out.
TF: What other fun stuff did you do this summer?
BK: Swimming was a lot of fun! I like to boom Cam in the pool. Cam is my friend
and ‘boom’ is the sound he makes in the pool. He loves that.
I also liked the inflatable pool day, a slip-and-slide that blows up. The entire
Taglit team joined in the fun that day and just about every day.
TF: What else was great?
BK: We had musicians play a concert for us! They played Hip-Hop----TF: What? Really?
BK: No, they played good old rock n’ roll and the blues. I love watching the musicians
play, hearing the music and dancing!
A terrific way to explore, learn new things
and meet new friends!
Register online at www.tucsonjcc.org
To Tell Our Stories
Sunday, November 8, 2 – 3 pm
Join us for a book talk featuring “To Tell Our Stories: Holocaust
Survivors of Southern Arizona.” Hear firsthand accounts of persecution,
perseverance and survival by members of our community. Copies of the
book will be available for purchase. RSVP to 299-3000 x147.
Spanish Classes:
Wednesdays, November 11 – December 16
Intermediate Spanish, 12 pm
Beginner Spanish, 1:45 pm
Introduction to Spanish, 3:30
Thursdays, November 12 – December 17
Advanced Conversational Spanish, 8 am
Advanced Beginner Spanish, 9:45 am
Instructor: Myriam Barrientos. Advance registration required,
call 299-3000. $85/$80 member.
Hadassah Lecture Series
Thursdays, November 12, December 10, January 14 and February 11, 2 – 4 pm
Bob Harris, former policy expert with the U.S. government will discuss
“Combatting the Islamic State,” “Debt Crises from Greece to Illinois,” and
“Heading Toward Election Day 2016.” One additional topic TBA. $25/
person. RSVP to Phyllis Harris at montague1@comcast.net or 797-5519.
Three Faiths: Culture & Coexistence in Medieval Spain
bring home the gold. With Sam leading
the team in scoring and down by 13 in
the second half in the championship
against a very strong team from the
92nd Street Y in New York City, Spencer
hit three, three’s and six straight foul
shots in the fourth quarter to win
the game 68-62. Teams from Israel,
Panama, Australia, Mexico, Canada and
20 U.S. cities competed in the games.
Fridays, November 13 – 20, 1 pm
Explore the ways in which Jews, Christians, and Muslims coexisted in
medieval Spain, from the time of the Muslim invasion in 711 A.D. until the
expulsion of Spain’s Jews in 1492. Instructor: Patrick Hanley. $18/$15 member.
Jewish History Museum/Holocaust History Center Field Trip
Sunday November 15, 10 am
The Jewish History Museum is housed in the oldest synagogue in Arizona.
Come see the impressive restoration and view exhibits. Round-trip van
transportation departs from The J at 10 am. Advance registration required
call 299-3000. $20/$15 member.
Artistic Expression Under Glass
Tuesday, November 17, 1 – 3 pm
Create a completely original work of art utilizing the technique of reverse
painting under glass. Instructor: Bonnie Pisik, $55/$50 member
Everything you Always Wanted to Know about Classical Music
but were Afraid to Ask….
Wednesdays, Nov. 18 & 25, Dec. 2 & 16, 2 – 3:30 pm
Harvey Wolfe, retired Cleveland Symphony cellist, partners with other local
musicians to share years of anecdotes and expertise. Free and open to the public.
Nov. 18 – The Work of Leopold Stokowski
Nov. 25 - How does a symphony orchestra work?
Dec. 2 – Mendelssohn, Bach, and Felix’s Aunt
Dec. 16 – The Archduke – Happy Birthday Beethoven
Safe Money Options: What Every Investor Should Know
Thursday, November 19, 1:30 – 3 pm
Are you currently retired or plan to retire in the near future? Learn
about safe money alternatives available to investors. Presenter: Mark A.
Silverman, CFP. RSVP call 299-3000 x 147. Free and open to the public.
The Tucson JCC Sculpture Garden Presents - A Conversation
with the Artists
December 10, 6:30 – 8:30 pm
Join us for a conversation with local sculptors. Moderated by Moira
Geoffrion, 2016 Tucson JCC Sculpture Exhibition Juror and Art Department
Head Emerita, University of Arizona. Free and open to the public.
Senior Shabbat Luncheon: “Hanukkah Lights & Latkes”
Tucson J Players
at the 2015
Maccabi Games
Pictured above are sophomore
Catalina Foothills basketball players
and Tucson J members Spencer Lewis
(#2) and Sam Beskind (#4) showing off
their Gold Medals recently won at the
2015 Maccabi Games held in Dallas,
Texas. Spencer and Sam played for the
Scottsdale JCC and after losing their
first game to a scrappy team from
Dallas they rallied to win six in a row to
October 2015 | Center View 7
Friday, December 11, 11 am – 1:30 pm
Join us for music, lunch and a featured program celebrating Shabbat
and Hanukkah. Please RSVP in advance by calling 299-3000. Suggested
donation $15 per person; pay more if you can, less if you can’t.
Social Security 101 Seminar
Thursday, December 17, 6 – 7:30 pm
If you are a pre-retiree, age 50+, and haven’t yet elected your Social
Security benefits, this class is for you. Presenter: Mark A. Silverman, CFP.
Please RSVP by calling 299-3000 x 147. Free and open to the public.
For information on regular groups and classes visit
the website tucsonjcc.org
For dates and times of new sessions of the following classes
call Harriet Meador, 299-3000, x147:
Hebrew | Sunday Morning Clay Class | Tuesday Evening Clay Workshop
October 2015 | Center
7 | Mah Jongg lessons
TileView Mosaic
A terrific way to explore, learn new things
and meet new friends!
Register online at www.tucsonjcc.org
European Jewish Composers in Post-War Film
Wednesday, Sept. 30, 7 – 8:30 pm
A special feature of the Arizona Opera’s Rediscovered Voices Festival
Many of the great composers of Europe who fled Nazi-occupied nations
later settled in California and the Southwest. Join us to explore films with
scores by these courageous and innovative composers.
Free and open to the public.
Senior Shabbat Luncheon: “Sukkot in the Sculpture Garden”
Thursday, October 22, 7 – 9 pm | Tucson Jewish Community Center | $18 women/$9 girls | an event exclusively for woman & girls
Friday, October 2, 11 am – 1:30 pm
Visit The J’s Sukkah for songs and holiday blessings, followed by lunch
and presentation by Oshrat Barel, Tucson’s emissary from Israel. RSVP
in advance by calling 299-3000. Suggested donation $15 per person; pay
more if you can, less if you can’t.
Elder Circle
Sundays: October 4, November 1 and December 6, 1 – 2 pm
Discuss aging in a safe, respectful atmosphere. Topics include forgiveness,
resolving conflict, recent brain research, leaving a legacy and end of life
decisions. Free and open to the public.
Upcoming events in the
Tucson J Fine Art Gallery
A.A.R.P. Driver Safety Course
Thursday, October 15 OR December 17, 8:30 am – 1:30 pm
A refresher course for drivers ages 55+. Completion may entitle
participants to a discount on their auto insurance. To register call AARP at
571-9884. $20/$15 AARP members.
Machine Quilting for Beginners
Thursdays, October 22 – December 3, 12 – 3 pm
Learn to choose and combine fabrics, cutting and sewing techniques, strip
piecing, basic block components, and assembling and finishing a quilt.
Bring your own machine, or use ours. $75/$70 member.
Naked Food
Photographs by
Mara Aspinall
Quilting Your Heritage
Thursdays, October 22 – December 3, 2:30 – 5 pm
Use personal and cultural imagery to create a wall quilt of personal
memories of family, home, culture, and other experiences. Pre-requisite:
basic sewing skills. $95/$90 member.
September 18 October 20
Investing 101: The Basics and Beyond
Thursday, October 29, 1:30- 4:30 pm
Whether you are a do-it-yourselfer, or work with a financial advisor, learn
about a variety of investment options. Presenter: Mark A. Silverman, CFP.
RSVP by calling 299-3000 x 147. Free and open to the public.
Medicare Workshop
Monday, November 2, 6:30 – 8 pm or Wednesday November 4, 1 – 2:30 pm
If you will turn 65 during 2016, come learn about Medicare coverage and
costs. Presenter: Steven Bleicher, Medicare educator.
RSVP by calling 299-3000 x147. Free and open to the public.
Ancestor Collage Workshop
Mondays, November 3 – 24, 10 am – 12 noon
Create a mixed media collage with a vintage look, combining photos of
your relatives, magazine illustrations, and found objects. Instructor:
Gretchen Bierbaum. Register in advance call 299-3000. $180/$170 member.
Glass-blowing Workshop
Thursday, November 5, 1 – 2 pm
Artists from the Sonoran Glass School (SGS), the Southwest’s premiere
glass art educational facility, will offer a workshop about Italianstyle glass blowing. Watch a demonstration and then have hands-on
experience blowing glass. Space is limited, RSVP to (520) 299-3000.
The Tucson JCC Sculpture Garden Presents - A Conversation
with the Curators
Thursday, November 5, 6:30 - 8:00 pm
What does a curator do? Hear from the curators from three of our local
cultural institutions,charged with the care of the collections and the
interpretation of heritage material. Moderated by Lee Karpiscak, 2015 TJCC
Sculpture Exhibition Juror and retired Assistant Director, UA Museum of Art.
Free and open to the public.
Thursdays, November 5 – December 3, 6:30-8 pm
Lecture series on modern Russian history from the Stalinist era to the
current Putin regime. Instructor: Roza Simkhovich, former Senior lecturer,
Russian & Slavic Studies, University of Arizona. $30/$24 member.
Senior Shabbat Luncheon: “Remembrance”
Friday, November 6, 11 am – 1:30 pm
As part of the J’s observance of Holocaust Education week, join us for
music, blessings, lunch and a presentation by Tucson’s Holocaust History
Center. Paint a ceramic butterfly with the name of a child who perished in
the Holocaust. RSVP in advance at 299-3000. Suggested donation $15 per
person; pay more if you can, less if you can’t.
Viva Tucson Photography Class
Mondays, November 9 – December 28, 9:30 – 10:30 am
Use your camera to capture images of Tucson’s unique, diverse people
and places. Learn skills in light, angle distance, depth of field and
8 October Instructor:
2015 | Center
Gold. $80/$75 member.
One Step Forward, Two Steps Back: From Dictatorship to Dictatorship
8 October 2015 | Center View
From the River
October 23 - December 9
Balance and
Grace: The
Human Body in
Sculpture and
December 11 - January 5
The Stars of Giving are donors who demonstrate their belief in the importance of
community through annual investments of $2,500 or more to the Tucson J.
Thanks to Cardinals Charities,
which represents the Arizona Cardinals NFL football team,
the Tucson J recently purchased eight new computers for the
computer lab where kids can work on homework during the
J-Care After-School Program.
Cardinals Charities awarded a grant to the Tucson J to
replace older computers as part of its mission to support
programs designed to improve the quality of life and enhance
opportunities for children, women, and minorities across
Arizona. Since its inception in 1990, Cardinals Charities has
distributed more than $6.9 million to hundreds of worthy
charitable organizations.
Because of individual and organizational donors like Cardinals
Charities, The J is able to provide enriching educational and
recreational opportunities to Tucson’s children.
To learn more about supporting The J, contact Kristin Schwartz,
Director of Development, at 520-618- 5024
or kschwartz@tucsonjcc.org.
Jerry Lacker
We’re so sorry about the loss of your beloved
Linda and Gerry Tumarkin
Marcia and Ken Light
Gary Emerson
We’re so sorry about the loss of your beloved
Linda and Gerry Tumarkin
Randy Emerson
We’re so sorry about the loss of your beloved
Linda and Gerry Tumarkin
Barney Holtzman and Zoe Holtzman
In honor of you.
Barbara Holtzman
The Family of Sam Zelman
We grieve with you the loss of Sam Zelman.
He will certainly be missed.
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Earl Surwit
We’re thinking of you with love.
Brenda and Bill Viner
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
Lee and Earl Surwit
Mazel tov on the birth of your granddaughter,
Brenda and Bill Viner
In memory of Marjorie Emerson Paulson.
Joan and Bud Rosenbluth
Les Cohen
Our deep condolences on the loss of your wife.
Marcia and Ken Light
Jill Rosenzweig
Wishing that your full recovery is a speedy one.
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Amy, Josh and Lauren Lederman
My deepest sympathies. The love, respect and
honor all of us had for Ray was at the very
highest level.
Jim Shiner
Marcia and Ken Light
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Beth Beacon
Our deep sympathies.
Bernadette and Joaquin Ruiz
Barbara Holtzman
Congratulations on your wonderful
Susan and Larry Moss
Carole and Joel Schwartzman
Randy and Bonnie Emerson and Family
Jim Emerson
Gary Emerson and Laury Goll and Family
Mitch and Mary Frances Emerson and Family
In memory of Marjorie Emerson Paulson
Norman Paulson, his children and his
Roy Bart and Family
In memory of Marily, a beloved wife and
Joan Kleinerman
Joan Lipsey
In memory of Alfred Lipsey.
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
The Family of Florence Lazar
In memory of the wonderful “N.J. Lady”.
Joan Kleinerman
Steve Alley and Family
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. May your
mother’s memory be a comfort and a blessing.
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
Kyra and Barney Holtzman
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
J-Care students Ava O’Sullivan, Amity Claggett and Jonas Marcantonio, plus
staff member Nathan Bacal, enjoy using the new computers.
Stephanie Levy
We are so sorry to hear of your loss. May your
grandmother’s memory be a comfort and a
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
Terry Holpert and Alan Stein
Our deep condolences on the loss of Betty
Holpert. May her memory be for a blessing.
Marcia and Ken Light
Lynda and Ed Rogoff
Betty Anne Sarver
Our deep condolences on the passing of your
beloved mother.
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Jim Shiner
David Greenberg
Wishing you a speedy recovery.
Jenni and Todd Rockoff
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Robert Sarver
Our sincere sympathies on the passing of
Irene Sarver.
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Amy Lederman
In memory of Ray Lederman, beloved husband
and father.
Jane and Bruce Ash
Sara Cohen
Mazel tov on the birth of your grandson,
Brenda and Bill Viner
Mitch Pisik
Mazel tov on being nominated as CopperPoint
Small Business Leader of the Year by the
Tucson Metro Chamber.
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Todd Rockoff
Congratulations on your two year anniversary
as CEO/President of the Tucson J.
The Board and Staff of the Tucson J
Kyra and Barney Holtzman
Murray Keshner
To honor the 90th birthday of Murray Keshner
– a wonderful man and talented artist!
Allyson Acker
Joyce and Mel Jaffe
Sincere condolences on your loss.
Nancy and Michael Apsell
Linda Robin
Our deep condolences.
Bernadette and Joaquin Ruiz
Donna Horwitz and Family
In loving memory of Helen Soloway, a beloved
sister-in-law and aunt.
Lee Cohen
Turiya Durfee and Family
Sincere condolences on your loss.
The Bryn Walker Girls
Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Saltzman
Mazel tov to a fabulous family, headed
by Yetta and Harvey, for another great
Joan Kleinerman
October 2015 | Center View 9
The Faces of Casa are the
Sandra Wortzel,
Rabbinic Chaplain
The hospice philosophy embodies all I hold sacred
in my work as a rabbinic chaplain. The patients and
families are held in the highest esteem and their
physical, spiritual, and emotional needs are tended
to with loving kindness and compassion.
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Same Day and Next Day
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Most insurance plans, AHCCCS and Medicare are accepted.
10 October 2015 | Center View
Did you know
The J into the
that many of
our members
have set up
funds to support
The J into the future?
Last year over $500,000
flowed from endowment funds
and donor advised funds held at
the Jewish Community Foundation to
the Tucson J! Funds that have been set up
over the years generate needed support each
and every year.
In many ways, The J is at the very heart of our
community. Regardless of religious affiliation, political
ideology or socio-economic background, everyone is
celebrated. Equally important is the role that The J plays
in our broader community. The dynamic and diverse
membership helps to demystify the Jewish community
while at the same time underscoring our role as a key
community partner.
Setting up an endowment fund at the JCF can help
the Tucson J in perpetuity. You can set up a fund to
help support:
Pre-school and camp scholarships
The J-Care After-School program
Taglit for those with special needs
Senior programming
Health and Wellness activities
Whatever your passion, The J is programming around it!
If you’ve thought about doing something for The J in
your estate planning, call the good folks at the Jewish
Community Foundation at 520-577-0388. There is no
obligation or fee and all conversations are confidential.
To set up an endowment fund, you don’t have to be
wealthy, you don’t have to be Jewish, you just have
to care about seeing to the health of our community
into the future.
Tucson Medical Center is proud to announce its selection as a member of the
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Choose Well. Choose TMC.
5301 E. Grant Road | Tucson, AZ 85712 | (520) 327-5461 | tmcaz.com
October 2015 | Center View 11
3800 E. River Rd. | Tucson, AZ | 85718
520-299-3000 | tucsonjcc.org
Sun., 7 am–8 pm
Mon.–Thurs., 5:30 am–10 pm
Fri., 5:30 am–6 pm
Sat., 7 am–6 pm*
*Sports & Wellness Only. Use North Entrance
Mon., October 5 – Closed (Shemini Atzeret)
Thurs., November 26 – Sports & Fitness open 7 am – 2 pm
All other departments closed (Thanksgiving)
Fri., November 27 – ECE & Children & Youth programs closed
All other departments, regular hours
Mon., Dec 7 – Dec. 14 – Chanukah – Regular hours
Thurs., December 24 – Open until 6 pm (Christmas Eve)
Fri., December 25 – Sports & Fitness open 7 am – 2 pm
All other departments closed (Christmas)
Thursday, December 31 - Open until 6 pm (New Years Eve)
Sun., 9 am – 2 pm
Mon. – Fri., 8:30 am – 1 pm
Mon. – Thurs., 4 – 7 pm
Sat., 8:45 am – 1 pm $4.50 per hour; $2.25 per hour each additional
child. Parent(s) must be on the Jewish Community Campus while
using babysitting. 2-hour time limit.
Mon.–Fri., 7–10 am
Sun., 9 am–5 pm
Mon.–Thurs., 10 am–5 pm
Fri., 10 am–4 pm
Wellness FESTI AL
@ the
A FREE event for the entire family
Learn how to make better health,
wellness and lifestyle choices
Our Sponsors:
Shaw JCC