Castle Rock Times


Castle Rock Times
Castle Rock Times
Volume 5 Issue 8
August 2013
Lakes Upgrades
You may have noticed a number of repairs and upgrades that have taken
place here in the Lakes over the past
few weeks:
Inside this issue:
Lakes Upgrades
From the President
Treasurer Wanted
Social Notes & News
Ice Cream Social
Homes For Sale
Be Prepared
Summer Pests
Dangerous Wildlife
Things to Do
Board Minutes
August Agenda
Account Balances
The three bridges (two by the Fitness
Center and
one on Castle
Rock Road)
are being
restored. The
existing wood
that was rotting has been replaced by concrete
stanchions and metal railings. Where
needed the wood deck will also be replaced.
Theses pictures show the new bridgework on Caste Rock Road nearing completion:
In the Fitness
Center, a lightly
used elliptical
machine was
purchased from
a departing
homeowner and
The older elliptical was moved
to the small
room in the Center and will be repaired. Two new treadmills are on order and should be set up
within the next few weeks.
A sun shield was installed over the
playground area so that our children
and grandchildren will not get burned
by the hot metal during the summer.
Benches are under consideration as a
further upgrade.
The roof over the Recreation Center
was leaking in multiple places. Last
week the tile was lifted and new roofing
material was installed.
Pot holes have been filled.
New irrigation lines will be installed on
one side of Castle Rock Road near the
exit only gate as the existing line is
leaking badly. Along the other side of
the road, along the same stretch, the
lines have been turned off as there is
no vegetation currently there. Why water the dirt?
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From the President...
Hi Everyone,
If you use the Fitness Center, you will
notice that we have added one more
elliptical machine. Within the next couple of weeks, we will be replacing the
two treadmills with new machines.
By the next board meeting, the Design
Review Committee will have the new color palette
available to the board for approval. This palette will
provide painting guidelines for all areas of Castle
Rock. It has been a long time coming, and we apologize for the time it took to complete this project.
Within a short period of time, we will be also installing
security cameras at The Rec. Center and pool, as well
as the East Gate.
Until the next time, may all of you be healthy and enjoy
this summer weather..Be safe.
Mel Silverman, President
Two of our long time volunteers are leaving their positions.
You will notice that we now have a beautiful new canopy over the playground equipment, providing shade
for the younger set.
Chris Kaselemis has resigned from the HOA Board. Chris
has been Vice President for many years.
Work has now begun to repair/ replace the three
bridges, two at The Fitness Center and the one along
Castle Rock Drive.
Jim Singleton has been on the Design Review Committee
for many years. He is moving from the Lakes.
Finally, we have contracted to install security cameras
at the West Gate and The Fitness Center and pool.
Thank you Chris and Jim for your years of service to our
2013 Board Members and Officers:
Mel Silverman
Steve Schuldenfrei
Frank Maier
Doug Baker
Terry Kellman
Shirley Henning
Chris Burt
Lee Smith
Do You Have The Qualifications To Be Our Treasurer?
Frank Maier, the Board Treasurer has announced that when his second term is over in January, he will be leaving the Board. He has done a great job.
Your board is looking for a volunteer to fill this position. The individual should have strong analytical skills,
and either public, private, not for profit or governmental accounting, or high level bookkeeping experience. The
primary responsibility of the Treasurer is overseeing the management and reporting of our HOA’s finances.
Some of the more important duties are: Developing the annual budget as well as comparing the actual revenues and expenses incurred against the budget; Keeping the Board regularly informed of key financial events,
trends, concerns and assessment of our fiscal health, Reviewing financial reports and making this information
available to the Board in a timely manner; Overseeing the development and implementation of our HOA’s financial policies and serving as the Chair of the Finance Committee. Most of these duties are performed with
the assistance of our Property Manager. Qualified persons should contact Frank Maier at 520-749-1932 to
set up an interview. The January 1 starting date is flexible, as Frank has agreed to remain on the Board until
March 31st if needed.
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From the Desk of The Social Director
Enjoyment was in the air for all
who attended our Ice Cream Social. Please see the pictures on
the next page. The social event
provided not only the residents
an opportunity to make new acquaintances’ and meet up with
their friends it also, gave the Social Committee Members an opportunity to do the same.
Come Saturday
August 31
Rec Center
2:00 to 4:00 PM
This is a Give and Take Program.
Give a book, CD, etc. and then you
may take one. No cash purchases!
Sean & Katherine
and baby, Augie
Did You Know?
Shirley and her Social Committee welcome every
new family that moves into the Lakes with a delightful basket of “goodies”.
Fun and Games in 2013
August 31
October 18
November 31
November 22
Thank You
Thank You to Susan Williams for donating a portable microwave oven for the Rec. Center
Thank you to Heidi Schewel and the volunteers
who removed the buffelgrass around Lake 14.
If someone moves in next door, please let Shirley
know ( so she can arrange a
Castle Rock Times
Views from the Ice Cream Social
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Homes For Sale In The Lakes
According to the listings on, as of August 15, 2013 the following houses were for sale in the
Lakes. The Castle Rock Times takes no responsibility for errors of commission, omission, accuracy, errors and/or
changes. This information is for your enjoyment only so, please don’t shoot the messenger. Instead, please
consult a qualified real estate agent to verify information and to receive additional details.
2358 N Catalina Vista Loop 3,896 Sq Ft on a .27 acre lot
5 Bed 4 Bath
MLS: 21219078
9548 E Creek Vista Place
1,815 Sq Ft on a .18 acre lot
4 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21314506
2340 N Emerald Lake Court 1,255 Sq Ft on a .21 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21318773
2406 N Emerald Lake Court
1,255 Sq Ft on a .13 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21315318
9500 E Lake Star Place 1,521 Sq Ft on a .17 acre lot
3 bed. 2 bath
MLS: 21321871
2170 N Creek Vista Drive 1,460 Sq Ft on a .13 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21314506
9667 E Country Ct
1,460 Sq Ft on a .14 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21313029
2401 N Emerald Lake Court 1,815 Sq Ft on a .14 acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21318163
2381 N Lake Star Drive 2,780 Sq Ft
3 bed. 5 bath
$ unknown
MLS: not listed on MLS
No sign on property.
New this month.
Price reduced since last month’s issue
Homes For Sale In The Lakes Continue on Page 6
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Homes For Sale In The Lakes Continue From Page 5...
9240 E Northview Court
2276 N Quail Lake Place
2,949 Sq Ft house on a .41 acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21316338
2,327 Sq Ft on a 0.23 Acre lot
3 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21315388
9612 E Waters Edge Place
9660 E Waters Edge Place 2,630 Sq Ft on a .3 acre lot
4 Bed 2 Bath
MLS: 21315947
2,906 Sq Ft on a .40 acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21311389
2145 N Water View Court 2072 N Water View Court
3,042 Sq Ft on a .39 acre lot
4 bed. 3 bath
MLS: 21319919
4,657 Sq Ft on a .23 acre lot
5 bed. 5 bath
MLS: 21304427
No sign on property.
New this month.
Price reduced since last month’s issue
It's The Time to Be Prepared
September is National Preparedness Month, a time
when the Pima County Office of Emergency Management and FEMA remind us that being prepared is everyone's job. It is a myth that "nothing ever happens in
Tucson!" Take just a few minutes to plan for an emergency or disaster that could happen to you.
We are fortunate to live where few natural disasters
occur. Earthquakes are very rare, hurricanes don't
come our way and even with our fourteen lakes, a tsunami just won't happen in the Lakes. But it's foolish to
assume that we are immune to disasters. No place is.
We live in an area where floods and drowning are a
major cause of accidental death. Monsoons contribute
major disruptions. Wildfires are common. And an industrial accident or even a terrorist event is always
possible. Any one of a dozen local events could directly affect you where you work or live.
Consider this... You may need to live on your own without services or utilities for three or more days. No electricity; no cell or land line telephones; no drinking water; no access to medical facilities. How would you live
without your daily resources?
Make a Plan: Think through the details of your everyday life and plan alternative procedures. Start with a
checklist of items you need to live at home (called
sheltering in place) or to take in an evacuation. Write
your plan down. Share your plan with your family,
friends, care providers and others in your personal
support network.
Basic Supplies: Without the normal resources available, think about the basics – food, water, clean air
and life sustaining items. Make an emergency supply
kit consisting of a gallon of water per person for three
days, non-perishable food (don't forget a manual can
Be Prepared Continue on Page 15
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Summer Tree Pests
By Jon Gibson
Complete Landscaping
Of the three, fall webworms/tent worms are the most
visible. Silk tents have been showing up in a variety of
As summer moves along, some insects become less
shade trees.
common while others start to appear. The aphids and
Close inspection
mites are fading away, for example. Typical late sumreveals caterpilmer insects present now include fall webworm, annual
lars inside. As
cicada, and katydids.
they feed and
grow, these catCicadas are heard more than seen. The annual or dogerpillars make
day cicada makes considerable noise while sitting up in
the web larger to
shade trees during the heat
cover more foliof the day. Some refer to
age. When
them as "sewing bugs." This
upper surface of
is not the same insect as
the entire
the periodical cicada, which
is also called either the 13
or 17-year locust. Annual
cicadas rarely cause notice- worms can be found mainly on Texas Mountain Laurels. If not treated quickly these tent worms can do
able damage to trees, so
severe damage to the bush/tree they are in. Insecticontrol is rarely suggested.
cide can be purchased at any hardware store, just
They are more an annoymake sure to read the label to verify it will kill tent
ance because of their
worms. When spraying the bush make sure to get insound.
side the bush with the wand because most insecticides
Katydids also make noise while sitting in trees, but at
are contact killers.
night. Male katydids "sing" through much of the night
from the tops of trees. Katydids are green, about 2 to 3
inches long, and have both long antennae and legs.
These insects do not cause any significant damage to
trees. Depending on your point of view, their singing
may be annoying or just a soothing sound of the summer night.
Our thanks to Complete Landscaping and especially to Jon Gibson for this advice. Complete Landscaping has
been keeping the common areas of the Lakes in the beautiful condition which makes the neighborhood so enjoyable and our guest’s envious. Jon is a monthly contributor to your Castle Rock Times with great horticultural
Dangerous Wildlife
As the summer progresses, the wildlife around and in the Lakes have become more apparent. Last week a rattlesnake was spotted in the bush just outside the swimming pool. A professional snake "wrangler" was called, but
by that time the critter had moved on. He told us that rattlesnakes are "like military snipers. They hide and strike.
But if they are spotted, they move to another position". Just this morning (Monday, August 19) a rattlesnake was
spotted on the south side of the big lake. Same one? Who knows.
Coincidently the Arizona Star had a story this morning about baby rattlesnakes. It seems, according to the article,
that rattlers are born in July and August and are immediately active. They don't have a rattle until they first shed
their skins, so they make little noise. They are up to a foot long and do have enough venom to be very dangerDangerous Wildlife Continue on Page 15
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All Around
Things to Do!
The following activities and information are supplied by The Tucson Convention and
Visitors Website (
The Incredible Spider Guy - Gaslight Theatre - Now until Aug 25. An
average college student need to decide whether or not to use his
powers to become Spider Guy and help the imperiled citizens of
Center City, with the musical comedy spoof "Spider Guy", at Gaslight Theatre.
Red Barn Theater: Arsenic and Old Lace - Now until Aug 25. The
Red Barn Theater Company presents the production Arsenic and
Old Lace, directed by Scott Berg, about two delightful old ladies
practicing their hilariously twisted version of kindness and convenience.
Dog Days of Summer - Now until Aug 27. Walkers and their dogs
are welcome at Tucson Botanical Gardens every Tuesday in June,
July, and August. Bring a leash, water for you and your dog and
waste disposal bags.
Bat Bridge Discovery - Now until Aug 29. Every Thursday evening at
dusk, in June, July, and August, docents from the Arizona-Sonora
Desert Museum are stationed at two "Bat Bridges" in town: River/
Campbell and at Pantano River Park (located at Pantano/22nd).
Every night at this time of year, huge clouds of Mexican free-tailed
bats swirl out from under Tucson bridges at sunset and fly into the
twilight sky. The bats start flying at sunset (about 7:30 p.m.) and
usually fly north.
Cinema La Placita: Movies Under the Stars - Now until Aug 29.
Classic movies are screened in La Placita Village courtyard on
Thursday evenings, May-October. Pull up a chair or spread a blanket and enjoy a movie under the stars.
Tucson Padres Minor League Baseball - Now until Aug 29 (various
dates). Tucson's Triple-A baseball team, the Tucson Padres, the
affiliate of the San Diego Padres, plays 72 home games at Tucson's Kino Stadium on summer evenings, April - August.
Live Theatre Workshop: Visiting Mr. Green - Now until Aug 30. A
cantankerous retiree and a young corporate executive form an
unlikely friendship in "Visiting Mr. Green," under the artistic direction of Sabian Trout, at Live Theater Workshop.
"Going West" Exhibit at Madaras Gallery - Now until Aug 31. Madaras Gallery hosts an exhibit featuring the American landscapes,
with vivid colors and broad brushstrokes, by William Hook of Santa
Fe and Carmel.
Summer Saturday Evenings at Desert Museum - Now until Aug 31.
Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum stays open after sundown on Saturday evenings all summer long as the Sonoran Desert's nocturnal
creatures come alive.
Science Sundays at Children's Museum Tucson - Now until Sep 1.
Fun hands-on science-related activities for kids and their families,
featuring specials guests from Tucson's preeminent science community, and discount admission, every Sunday at the Children's
Museum Tucson.
SkyNights at Mount Lemmon SkyCenter - Now Until Sep 2. Every
night, explore the night skies from the summit of Mount Lemmon
using the Arizona's largest public telescope during a five-hour program. View spectacular sunsets and atmospheric phenomenon.
Nightly programs. Reservations required.
Mount Lemmon Sky Ride - Now until Sep 2. The Mt. Lemmon Ski
Valley ski lift is open as a Sky Ride, Thursdays through Mondays,
during summer. The Sky Ride to the summit and back takes about
one hour, and travels from 8,200 feet in elevation to 9,100 feet in
elevation. Watch for wildlife and summer birds. Mt. Lemmon Ski
Valley is the southernmost ski area in the United States, and, compared with the Tucson valley, temperatures here are 30º cooler in
the aspen and Ponderosa pine forest.
Museum as Sanctuary: Giving Voice to Tucson’s Refugees - Now
until Sep 15. Tucson Museum of Art will exhibit works of art-and
stories-that highlight culture, community, and identity. Participants
of the program come from countries all around the world such as
Iraq, Bhutan, Nepal, Somalia, Ethiopia, and the Congo. Museum
closed Mondays and Tuesdays.
Chico Macmurtrie and Ken Shorr Exhibitions at MOCA - Now until
Sep 29. The summer exhibitions at Tucson's Museum of Contemporary Art (MOCA) include Chico MacMurtrie's Chrysalis, the most
recent installation of inflatable architectural structures using robotics and innovative technology, and Ken Shorr's Action Through
Redaction, which chronicles the artist's forays into the dark psyche
of corporate and government bureaucratic culture using photography, film, video, installation, and sculpture.
Cave Tours - Now until Sep 30. A retreat from summertime heat,
two underground caves outside Tucson beckon with cool adventures for the entire family. Colossal Cave, 25 miles southeast of
downtown Tucson, is a dry, limestone cave with more than two
miles of maze-like passageways and a steady temperature of 70
degrees. Regular guided tours are half-mile in length and offered
daily without reservations.
Reptile Ramble - Now until Oct 25. Tohono Chul's Reptile wranglers, Tom McDonald and Ed Moll, have rounded up quite a cast of
our scaly, slithery and shelled locals this year on Fridays at the
Overlook at Tohono Chul.
Crystalline Treasures: The Mineral Heritage of China - Now until
Nov 28. The UA Mineral Museum's new "Crystalline Treasures. The
Mineral Heritage of China" exhibit will be on display seven days a
week through Thanksgiving.
DeGrazia - The Seri Indians Exhibit - Now until Nov 30. DeGrazia
Gallery in the Sun presents the Seri Indians, a primitive people of
Tiburon Island in the Gulf of California.
Science Sundays at Children's Museum Tucson - Aug 18 - Sep 2.
Fun hands-on science-related activities for kids and their families,
featuring specials guests from Tucson's preeminent science community, and discount admission, every Sunday at the Children's
Museum Tucson.
Tucson's Birthday Flag Raising Ceremony - Aug 20. Mariachi music
from Los Changuitos Feos will greet guests at the Presidio San
Agustín del Tucson, where the flag ceremony will be held honoring
the five flags that have flown over Tucson. Flags include American,
Spanish, Mexican, Confederate and State of Arizona, as well as the
Tohono O'odham Nation and Pascua Yaqui Tribe Flags, and a replica of the 28-star American flag that was brought by the Mormon
Battalion and flown over Tucson on December 16, 1846. The ceremony will also include a canon salute, a traditional Tohono
O'odham blessing, reading the letter from Hugo O'Connor designating Tucson as the location for the presidio, signing/reading a proclamation from local governments, and sharing Tucson's birthday
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cake and paletas with attendees. Presidio soldiers will be in attendance as will others dressed in period costumes.
Primavera Cooks! at Pastiche - Aug 21. Pastiche Modern Eatery
hosts a multi-course, wine-paired meal prepared with help from
apprentice chefs and sommeliers to raise funds supporting services for Tucson's homeless and working poor.
Tucson Padres Game and Fireworks Spectacular - Aug 21 - 25. The
Tucson Padres take on the Tacoma Rainiers for a five night schedule, with Wiener Wednesday & Social Media Night, one-dollar hot
dogs all night.
Hot Bath An' A Stiff Drink: Film Preview - Aug 22. Hollywood returns
to Tucson. The Fox Tucson Theatre hosts this one-time-only preview
screening of the latest family-friendly Old Western movie to be
filmed in Tucson. Meet cast and crew in the lobby at 7 p.m. for
photos and autographs. Stay for a question-and-answer time with
the cast and crew following the screening. Ticket proceeds benefit
the Arizona Film and Media Coalition.
Tucson's Birthday: Postal History Foundation Party - Aug 23. The
Postal History Foundation celebrates Tucson's Birthday with a presentation of awards for winning stamp designs and birthday cake in
the Slusser Library.
Salsa & Tequila Challenge - Aug 24. Southern Arizona Arts and
Cultural Alliance presents annual salsa competition featuring red,
green, hot, mild or fruity salsas, live mariachi music, salsa dancing
and more at La Encantada shopping center. The new ticket price of
$40 per person will be the sole price to attend the event. All tickets
will now include Salsa & Chips Sampling from over 40 participating
competitors, as well as Tequila Based Mixed Drinks and Menu
Pairings from up to 50 area emerging and established chefs.
Magdalena Bash at Kief-Joshua Vineyards - Aug 24. Kief-Joshua
Vineyards, in Elgin, hosts a day of great Arizona wine-tasting, with
live music and delicious food.
Night Wings at Pima Air & Space Museum - Aug 24. Pima Air &
Space Museum hosts tram rides until sundown; a walking tour of
indoor hangars; hands-on activities for kids. The Flight Grill will be
open for dinner. 8:00 pm last admission.
Rainwater Harvesting Workshop - Aug 24. Tucson Botanical Gardens offers a broad introductory discussion of rainwater harvesting
philosophy and techniques. Visual and technical descriptions illustrate the various alternatives of rainwater harvesting in the Tucson
desert. We will show you how to make the most out of a little rainfall, whether you are interested in a simple low cost project to keep
the rainwater on your land, or a more dynamic and sophisticated
system to store rainwater. Workshop takes place on the fourth
Saturday of the month
Tucson Birthday Celebration: Mexican Heritage Project Panel Discussion - Aug 24. The Arizona Historical Society is pleased and
honored to present a panel talk with three of the esteemed founders and leaders of the original Mexican Heritage Project: Patricia
Preciado Martin, Dr. Thomas Sheridan and Dr. Norma González.
The program will include a talk and exhibit of selected photos from
the project. These three speakers will be sharing stories from the
Mexican Heritage Project's founding and its history, as well as talking about how this project relates to the rich and complex history
of southern Arizona.
Farmer John's Birthday Party & Willcox March for Zane/Orchard
Dash 5K - Aug 24 - 25. To celebrate Farmer John's birthday, all of
the You-Pick vegetables at Apple Annie's Produce & Pumpkins will
be specially priced at 20% off! In honor & memory of our grandson
Zane, who shares Farmer John's birthday, 100% of today's Burger
Barn lunch proceeds will be donated to March of Dimes. Please
come enjoy a delicious burger lunch and help a wonderful cause!
Lunch served 11 AM - 3 PM at the orchard location.
Primavera Cooks! at Tavolino Ristorante Italiano - Aug 25. Tavolino
Ristorante Italiano hosts a wine-paired dinner prepared with help
from apprentice chefs and sommeliers to raise funds supporting
services for local homeless and working poor.
Tucson Birthday Celebration at City's Birthplace - Aug 25. Enjoy a
breakfast of torta de huevo, homemade tortillas, tepary bean stew,
tomatillo salsa, horchata and coffee. Purchase heritage plants
and tour nearby Mission Garden at celebration of Tucson's 239th
birthday, Mercado San Agustin (RSVP).
Ted Nugent at Fox Tucson Theatre - Aug 28. The Fox Tucson Theatre hosts a performance by rock and roll giant Ted Nugent, whose
career spans five decades of multi-platinum hits.
Tucson Padres vs. Reno Aces - Aug 26 - 29. Family 4-Pack Monday,
Eegee's Free Ticket Tuesday. Pick up free tickets to any Tuesday
game at your local eegee's location. Weiner Wednesdays, enjoy $1
hot dogs, all night long.
HoCo Fest Music Festival - Aug 29 - Sep 1. Hotel Congress kicks off
the annual HoCo Fest with an 80's dance night. Hosted by former
KFMA DJ and pioneer Spyder Rhodes, featuring two very special
acts from back in the day: Howard Jones, Men Without Hats, and
others. HoCo Fest is Arizona's oldest solar-powered, multimedia
festival featuring national and international acts on indoor and
outdoor stages, a record fair, music gear expo, and much more!
The Year of Magical Thinking - Aug 30 - Sep 15. Winding Road
Theater Ensemble presents a dramatic adaptation of Joan Didion's
award-winning, bestselling memoir, the story of the sudden and
unexpected loss of the author's husband and their only daughter is
transformed into this stunning and powerful one-woman play, "The
Year of Magical Thinking" at the Temple of Music and Art Cabaret
Wild West Performer Loop Rawlins at Trail Dust Town - Aug 30. Wild
West performer Loop Rawlins, the one-man Wild West Show,
stages a free show in the courtyard at Trail Dust Town. Showtimes
6:30, 7:30, & 8:30 PM. Each show lasts for approximately 25 minutes. Loop Rawlins is one of the most versatile Western performers
in the world today. His Wild West Show & Act of Trick Roping, Whip
Cracking, & Fancy Gun Spinning has thrilled thousands of audiences.
Music on the Mountain - Aug 30. Outdoor concert series features
top local bands performing under a big tent on Saturdays in the
Village of Summerhaven on Mount Lemmon. Bring a lawn chair.
No outside food, drinks, or coolers please. Food and drinks are
available for purchase. Presented by Chuck Wagon.
Four Days, Four Bands Labor Day Weekend - Aug 30 - Sep 2. Relive
rock's greatest hits with four tribute concerts over four consecutive
nights at the Diamond Center. Fri., Aug. 30, Bella Donna - A Tribute
to Stevie Nicks & Fleetwood Mac. Sat., Aug. 31, Desperado - The
Premier Eagles Tribute. Sun., Sept. 1, Fan Halen rocks the
house. Mon., Sept. 2, Strange Days - A Tribute to the Doors. Diamond Rewards members can receive two free tickets when they
present their cards and valid photo I.D. at the Rewards Center.
Vulture Celebration at Reid Park Zoo - Aug 31. On International
Vulture Day, Reid Park Zoo will be celebrating these magnificent
birds with games and activities from 9 to 11 am. Join us to learn
why vultures are amazing, and critical to the environment! Activities are free with regular admission. No registration is necessary.
Sonoita Labor Day Rodeo - Aug 31 - Sep 2. Old West rodeo with
timed events, barrel racing, a wild-horse race and team-roping, and
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mutton busting and pee-wee events at Sonoita Fairgrounds.
Apple Harvest Celebration - Aug 31 - Sep 2. Apple Annie’s in Willcox. Celebrate the peak of the apple season with tree-ripened Red
Delicious, Golden Delicious and Rome Beauty apples. Experience
the fun of picking your own apples, or select from already picked
apples. Come early to enjoy the delicious "All You Can Eat" pancake breakfast served with hot apple topping or cider syrup,
served each day from 7:30 AM - 10:30 AM. Apple-smoked burger
lunches will be served from 11:30 AM - 3 PM. Free wagon rides will
take you to the orchards for picking; Asian pears will also be available for picking. Homemade apple pies are baked fresh daily, and
don't miss the delicious "apple crumb pie ice cream", made in our
Amish ice cream freezer. Hot roasted sweet corn will be available
at our farm location.
Sunday in the Park - "Hike the Archaeology Trail" - Sep 1. Walk the
path of the ancestors and learn about those who came before,
guided by Lauren Hohl, Colossal Cave Mountain Park Education
The Mini Time Machine's 4th Anniversary - Sep 1. The Mini Time
Machine Museum of Miniatures celebrates its 4th anniversary with
free admission, from 12pm to 4pm.
Tucson Jazz Society Labor Day Concert - Sep 1. Tucson Jazz Society celebrates Labor Day weekend with Sylvan Street, seven accomplished musicians performing an innovative blend of jazz,
rock, Latin, and funk presented with electrifying showmanship, at
Loews Ventana Canyon Resort and Spa.
TMC Saguaro National Park Labor Day 8-Miler & 5k Walk/Run Sep 2. Southern AZ Roadrunners presents the second race in the
Gabe Zimmermann Triple Crown: an 8-mile and 5k course looping
through a cactus forest in the Rincon Mountains of Saguaro National Park East.
Cowboys, Merchants, Miners, & Booze - Tucson Jewish History
Museum - Sep 4 - Dec 15. Jewish History Museum hosts an exhibit
that celebrates the lives of the Jewish pioneers.
Tucson Fall Gem Shows - Sep 5 - 8. The Tucson Fall Gem Shows
event includes five gem and lapidary shows at various locations
around town, including open-to-the-public shows.
Fox Tucson Theatre: Sinbad - Sep 6. Fox Tucson Theatre and
Southwest Soul Circuit present actor and comedian Sinbad, performing the painful trials and embarrassing tribulations of day-today life into uproariously funny anecdotes.
Mid-autumn Festival at Harvest Moon - Sep 6 - 12. Harvest Moon
Restaurant's weeklong celebration of the autumn harvest showcases the best cuisines from every region of China with a modern
version of Man Han Imperial Feast.
Beowulf Alley Theatre: Desdemona - Sep 6 - 22. Beowulf Alley
Theatre presents a play by Paul Vogel demonstrating the comic
deconstruction of Shakespeare's play-aligning tongue-in-cheek
humor while raising serious questions as to the role of women
through the ages. Also playing is Macbeth's Knife by William
Melissa Etheridge - Sep 7. UAPresents welcomes Melissa
Etheridge, known for her mixture of confessional lyrics, pop-based
folk-rock and raspy, smoky vocals, at UA Centennial Hall.
'The Letters' at the Invisible Theatre - Sep 10 - 22. Join the
"intrigue" of the cat and mouse game set in the 1930s Russia, at
the Invisible Theatre.
Primavera Cooks! at Le Rendez-vous - Sep 11. Le Rendez-vous
restaurant hosts a wine-paired dinner prepared with help from
apprentice chefs and sommeliers to raise funds supporting ser-
vices for Tucson's homeless and working poor.
The Rogue Theatre: Mistake of the Goddess (Hayavadana) - Sep
12 - 29. The Rogue Theatre presents a play of jealousy and devotion, directed by Joseph McGrath.
Bisbee Blues Festival - Sep 13 - 14. The Bisbee Blues Festival is
returning to Old Bisbee this year. It will be held at City Park (up
Brewery Gulch) with bands, food and beverages. Along with the
great lineup at the festival there will be great music played at venues all over town!
Underground Film Festival - Sep 13 - 21. The Screening Room will
show a number of Arizona, U.S., and world premieres will be featured during the 6th year of this popular film festival.
Terry Fator at Desert Diamond Casino - Sep 13. Diamond Center
Sahuarita presents Terry Fator, who wows audiences nightly with
singing, comedy and unparalleled celebrity impressions, sponsored by KIIM 99.5.
AVA Amphitheater: Marc Anthony World Tour 2013 - Sep 14. Casino
Del Sol presents Marc Anthony, recipient of the Grammy Award for
Best Latin Pop Album of the Year for "Amar Sin Mentiras" and another Grammy for Best Tropical Album of the Year for "Valio la
Pena," in concert at AVA Amphitheater.
Orquesta Buena Vista Social Club - Sep 14. UAPresents hosts a
special assembled group of veteran Cuban musicians, further propelled by Wm Wenders' acclaimed film and later by a series of
international tours and albums by many of the featured musicians,
at UA Centennial Hall.
Arizona Theatre Company: The Importance of Being Earnest - Sep
14 - Oct 5. Arizona Theatre Company presents Oscar Wilde's most
beloved and endlessly delightful classic, full of sparkling wit, provocative remarks and satirical humor at every turn. This truly is
one of the most loved and enduringly popular plays of all time,
brought to new life with ATC's panache, at the Temple of Music and
Saguaro National Park offers
a variety of guided walks and
talks throughout the spring /
summer season. Interpretive
programs vary from easy strolls
through a cactus garden to
strenuous hikes.
Page 11
Castle Rock Times
Lakes at Castle Rock
Board of Directors Meeting
Members Present:
June 24 , 2013
6:30 pm
Recreation Center
Mel Silverman, President
Doug Baker, Director at Large
Lee Smith - Director
Frank Maier, Treasurer
Shirley Henning, Director at Large
Chris Kaselemis, Vice President
Terry Kellman, Director at Large
Chris Burt - Director
Members Absent:
Stephen Schuldenfrei, Secretary
Edna Balko, Association Manager
Cadden Community Management
Laurie Sciretta
Quorum requirement is five directors. A quorum was present to conduct a meeting.
Mel Silverman called to order at 6:35 PM.
Homeowners raised the following topics:
• Paint palette status- DRC continues to work on this and re-design of the present DRC guidelines and still in progress. Mel responded that palette would be completed in 45 days.
• Reported home that was painted and paint is spotty? Board will address.
• Status of broken window on Emerald Lake - Board will discuss during executive session.
• Reported underage children at pool. A reminder will be entered in the newsletter
• Owner thanked Steve for putting weed item in newsletter.
• Owner thanked landscape company for clearing weeds at exit only gate area.
• Reported people backwashing pool into street destroying common area landscape-If being
witnessed by an owner a complaint form needs to be filled out so management can address
the owner.
• Reported several irrigation leaks from the three way stop to exit only gate. Management will
report to the landscape company.
• Where are the No trespassing signs? Discussion ensued.
• Emergency generic gate code was discussed. There is no emergency gate code issued for
owners. The gate system has an emergency button that can be utilized in an emergency basis
if needed.
• Discussion ensued regarding communication between the Board and homeowners at meetings. Homeowners want to be proactive and participate. Board is making an intense effort to
engage the community and encourages homeowner input.
Board member explained the public forum and the process of a Board meeting. Homeowners
are welcome at all Board meetings (exception of Executive Session) and copies of the minutes are available in every newsletter, information to the owners is in each newsletter. Social
Committee welcomes all new owners. Social events are always listed in the newsletters and
any other information regarding the community.
June Meeting Minutes Continue on Page 12...
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Castle Rock Times
June Meeting Minutes Continue From Page 11..
Shirley introduced a new homeowner in good standing that wants to serve on the Welcome
Committee. Shelly Langen-David introduced herself. BJ Smith also volunteered to serve on
the Welcome Committee (not present) Information will be published in newsletter.
Owner thanked Edna for help with entering her in the directory and would like to see directory issues addressed. Management is working on directory issues.
Reported west gate directory panel cover has slipped and not visible. Management will contact the gate company for the repair.
A MOTION to approve the May 20, 2013. Board of Director’s meeting minutes as amended was
made, seconded and passed unanimously. Approved Minutes posted in newsletter need to include all corrections made.
Frank Maier provided a copy of the April and May financials to the Board and reviewed with those
present. Account 4735 – over budget due to attorney charges to be discussed during the executive session. Discussion to follow in Executive Session regarding accounts receivable. Frank
Maier recommends opening a $100,000 six-month CD at better rate. A MOTION was made to
approve April, 2013 and May, 2013 financials, seconded and passed unanimously.
A copy of the Manager’s report was provided in the Board packet for review. Doug complimented
Edna for the thorough job with the manager’s report.
Awning - Mel provided the Adobe Awning and Shade proposal to the Board for review and discussion. A MOTION was made to accept the proposal from Adobe Awning and Shade to install the
awning, seconded and passed unanimously.
Mel will research the tarp price only so it can be included in financials for replacement in approximately 10 years. Management will check on cost for playground inspection
A MOTION to approve the transfer of $5000 from the operating account into the asset improvement account for the playground tarp was seconded and passed unanimously.
Bridge Work - Copies of the proposals for bridge work were provided to the Board for review and
discussion. A MOTION was made to accept the proposal for the repairs of all three bridges as
amended (revising railing to three inches) not to exceed $11,000 Company to be determined
seconded and passed unanimously.
Asphalt Repairs - Mr. Holbrook’s email and report provided in Board packet.
Frank, Doug and Lee met with Mr. Holbrook. Lee gave an overview of the meeting and shared
Mr. Holbrook’s recommendations. Mr. Holbrook reported on the condition of the road. Mel and
Lee will discuss further and arrange for Mr. Holbrook to attend the next meeting for question and
answers. A MOTION was made to do more research regarding asphalt repairs and to invite Mr.
Holbrook to the meeting next month to answer any questions. Vote not taken. Board would like
Mr. Holbrook to break his estimate into three cost levels.
Reserve Study Proposals – A copy of the reserve study proposals were provided for the Board to
review and discuss. A MOTION approving the proposal by Associations Reserves renewing their
reserve study at a cost of $3,850 with an on site inspection was seconded. Discussion ensued.
Passed unanimously.
Roof Repair Bids - Roof repair bids were submitted to the Board for review. Discussion ensued.
Lee will contact a roofer to get an assessment of the condition of the roofs to enable the Board to
provide an RFP for bids. Bids tabled for assessment.
Committee Organizational Chart - Lee Smith made a MOTION to accept the organizational chart as
written was seconded and passed unanimously. A MOTION that the word “oversees” replaces the
word “booking” under Committee Responsibilities and Duties (Item 5) motion seconded and
passed unanimously.
Chris Kaselemis resigned from the Landscape committee.
Chris Kaselemis recommended the word “oversee” also be used in Item 2 regarding the Creation
and Publication of the Monthly Newsletter.
June Meeting Minutes Continue on page 13...
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Castle Rock Times
June Meeting Minutes Continue From Page 12..
Lee Smith stated that this is a living document and may require future changes.
Doug Baker was excused from the meeting at 8:36.
As Brought Forth - Bulletin Board. Discussion ensued regarding placement of community bulletin
board. Shirley will research the cost of the bulletin board.
Tree Trimming on Property - Mel has had discussions with John Gibson regarding tree removal.
Gate Arm (damage to vehicles protocol) - Board determined damage is result of tailgating. No
action needed.
Fitness Center Pool Area Landscape Enhancement Proposal—Edna submitted cost estimate with
photos/proposal for the Board to review and discuss. Chris Kaselemis felt management should
have discussed with landscape committee before inviting Jon Gibson from Complete Landscaping to provide bid proposal for landscape enhancement at the Fitness Center Pool area. Edna
was following direction given by Board at prior meeting. Frank objected that there were not three
bids provided. Proposal tabled.
DRC – Doug Baker: Minutes from the DRC Committee meeting in Board packet. (Doug not present during this portion of meeting).
LANDSCAPE – Chris Kaselemis: Report attached and Chris reviewed with those present.
Chris reported there are issues with Complete Landscaping. Lee wants to meet with Chris and
Heidi regarding the landscape committee. Mel reported that the pump that was recently approved is having issues because the water level is going down. Discussion ensued.
LAKES – Doug Baker: Written report in Board packet. (Doug not present during this portion of
SECURITY/GATE – Mel Silverman: Written report in Board packet.
ROADWAYS / WALKWAYS – Mel Silverman: Written report in Board packet.
RECREATIONAL FACILITIES – Mel Silverman: Written report in Board packet.
COMMUNICATIONS – Steve Schuldenfrei (absent): No report at this time.
SOCIAL DIRECTOR – Shirley Henning: Report attached and Shirley reviewed with those present.
Shirley complimented Mel on his newsletter article and picture. Ice cream social July 21st 2 to 4
pm. Need to use Directors at Large wording in newsletter be consistent. Board member’s signed
the cards that go out in Welcome basket.
July 29, 2013 – Board Meeting
A MOTION to adjourn was made, seconded and passed unanimously. Meeting was adjourned at
8:57 p.m. Executive session to follow.
Non-Resident Owners
& Renters
Our gate code directory is full and we can't add new names until
we remove some unused codes.
If you are an owner who does not actually live in the Lakes,
please use your renter's code and call Edna Balko at
520 297-0797 to release your unneeded number.
Thank you!
Page 14
Castle Rock Times
August Board Meeting Agenda
Regular Monthly Board Meeting
Monday, August 26, 2013 6:30 pm
Lakes at Castle Rock Recreation Center
1. QUORUM - A quorum requirement is 5 directors
Mel Silverman, President
Steve Schuldenfrei, Secretary
Frank Maier, Treasurer
Doug Baker, Member at Large
Terry Kellman, Member at Large
Shirley Henning, Member at Large / Social Director
Chris Burt, Member at Large
Lee Smith, Member at Large
3. HOMEOWNER INPUT (3 Minutes per owner)
July 29, 2013
July 2013
6. MANAGERS REPORT - Provided for Board review
7. UNFINISHED BUSINESS A. Design Review Guidelines Revisions
B. Bid Proposal for Fitness Center Roof Assessment
C. Bid Proposals – Irrigation Work and Tree Removals
8. NEW BUSINESS A. Board Resignation - Chris Kaselemis – Board Acceptance
B. Appointment to the DRC Committee – Valerie Galello
C. Community Yard Sale Date to be established
D. As Brought Forth
A. DRC – Doug – Minutes attached
B. Landscape – Lee – Report attached
C. Lakes - Lee– Report attached
D. Security/Gate/Roads/Facilities –Mel – Report attached
E. Social Committee/Communications -Shirley Henning – Report attached
10. NEXT MEETING - Monday, September 30, 2013
11. ADJOURNMENT - 8:30 p.m.
***To be followed immediately by a brief closed Executive Session, if needed.***
Page 15
Castle Rock Times
Dangerous Wildlife Continue from Page 7
Be Prepared Continue from Page 7
ous. Adults don't necessarily give a audible warning
either. So your best defense is to be very aware. Never
put yourself close to brush without careful examination. The poison control center advises that if you have
a mysterious sting, pinch or bite while outdoors immediately call the center at 800 222-1222.
opener) and a dust mask to help filter contaminated
air. How will you get important information if your radio, TV, phones, cell phones and/or your Internet connection won't work? It's time to purchase a batterypowered radio and a good quality flashlight. Be sure
to always have extra batteries handy. Don't wait until
your car's gas gauge is sitting near empty. It's best to
fill up your car whenever it gets below the half way
mark. Because, if an evacuation is necessary there
will be long lines at the filling station... if they have
power to pump gas.
The other local critter
around here lately is a
mountain lion. While
sighting one can be an
exhilarating experience, caution does need to be taken. The Arizona
Game and Fish Department cautions that mountain
lions are predators capable of seriously injuring or killing humans. The risk of attack by a mountain lion is
small, but real; children are most at risk. There are a
number of things you should do if you encounter a
mountain lion. First do not approach the animal. Most
mountain lions will try to avoid a confrontation. Give
them a way to escape. Second, stay calm and speak
loudly and firmly. Stand your ground. Don't run or turn
your back to the animal. Running may stimulate a
mountain lion’s instinct to chase. Stand and face the
animal. Make eye contact. Wave your hands in the air.
The idea is to make yourself appear bigger and more
menacing so the mountain lion will be discouraged
from attacking. For additional rules, see the department's website at:
Medications and Medical Supplies: Keep an extra
week's worth of medications on hand. You should
also keep a copy of your prescriptions. If you undergo
routine treatments or receive regular home health
care services, treatment or transportation, talk to your
provider about their emergency plans. Identify backup services.
Keep Emergency Documents: Keep copies of important documents such as prescriptions, family records,
legal documents, car, home and medical insurance,
etc. Paper copies are good, but scanning documents
onto a USB flash drive is perfect.
For lots more excellent ideas, go to any of these sites:, or http:// For your family and yourself... do it
Account Balances
June 2013
June 2013
$ 33,261.80
$ 36,481.87
$ 48,304.26
$ 47,277.50
OUTSTANDING (unpaid Bills)
$ 8,994.58
$ 13,258.00
Our thanks to those who choose to advertise in our community newsletter. The $25 fee charged for
business card sized ads helps to offset the cost of printing and distributing this publication. If you
would like to advertise your business in the Castle Rock Times, please contact our Community Manager, Edna Balko at 297-0797 or
Thank you!!
The Lakes at Castle Rock
Homeowners Association
All questions and/or concerns regarding
The Lakes at Castle Rock
should be address to our Manager:
Edna Balko
Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705
Phone: 520 297-0797
520 742-2618
The Castle Rock Times is produced by:
Steve Schuldenfrei
2040 N. Water View Court
Tucson, AZ 85749
Phone: 520 344-7769
Ideas, stories, news and help always
The Lakes at Castle Rock
C/O: Cadden Community Management
1870 West Prince Road, Suite 47
Tucson, Arizona 85705
This and back issues of your
Castle Rock Times
and much more
can be found at

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