NGV wish list for 2016
NGV wish list for 2016
r 2016 o f t s i l h s i w UK n i t NGV i n U g n i l l Refue G N L c i l b u P First Fully asmotor ndlicher Erdg mweltfreu U – ic n o c E z n Mercedes-Be PHOTO – NISSAN press release relacja – 6 1 0 2 w o h Gass PROUDLY MADE IN AUSTRALIA Say G’Day to our Flashlube Electronic Valve Saver E2 Kit, the innovative way to protect LPG and CNG vehicles from Valve Seat Recession. AWARD WINNING Proudly Australian made, our E2 Kit has won the 2015 Australian Automotive Aftermarket Innovation award. Our system improves on the award winning design released in 2009, with the addition of a ‘Smart Pump’ and next generation ECU. The self-priming ‘Smart Pump’ is designed to both initiate fluid flow as soon as correct installation is complete and stop pumping if the reservoir is empty so it will not run dry. The E2 Kit’s ECU will synchronise with LPG and CNG systems and features an adjustment dial that is simply set to match with a vehicles cylinder capacity, removing any programming difficulty. Our unique Flashlube formula, developed by German CSIRO scientist Wolfgang Kluenner, is the world’s solution to valve seat recession. For more information please visit no: 76 V-VI 2016 05 06 06 08 08 10 10 13 13 05 Szkolenia inaczej, czyli TEAM STAG zakończone sukcesem 14 16 16 20 20 22 22 23 23 24 24 14 FEV VCR Technology may suit natural gas engines Gasshow 2016 relacja CNG market info Ogólnodostępna stacja LNG w Wielkiej Brytanii BOC Opens Its First Fully Public LNG Refuelling Unit in UK CENY PALIW FUEL PRICES Characteristics of HCNG blends in spark ignition engine Alliance AutoGas mobilizes vehicle conversion program ITALY Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT CNGVA Applauds New Federal Funding Commitments for Alt-Fuel Infrastructure and Innovation REDAKCJA 35 36 36 35 Program konwersji na LPG Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT Ekologiczne paliwo CNG i LNG „Strefa Metanu”- Targi Stacja Paliw 2016, EXPO XXI Warszawa Interview: Natural gas plays a major role in energy transition UPS zainwestuje w sprężony gaz ziemny Mercedes-Benz Econic NGV wish list for 2016 26 28 28 30 30 31 31 32 32 34 34 26 Ukazuje się od lipca 2003 Established in July 2003 France needs 250 filling stations by 2020 to meet increasing demand for natural gas in transport EDITORIAL OFFICE WYDAWCA (EDITOR) Amber Media Sylwia Bujalska ul. 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Opinions, pictures, slogans and logos stated in advertising are solely those of the advertiser. The Publisher reserves the right to reject any advertisement. While every effort has been made to ensure that the publication adheres to industry standard practices, “Czas na gaz!” magazine, shall not be liable or responsible for errors, omissions or inaccuracies whatsoever for the views expressed or the work provided by its contributors in the magazine. Cover, contents and Website are copyright protected and may not be reproduced in any shape or form without prior written consent from “Czas na gaz!”. “Czas na gaz!” does not knowingly accept false or misleading advertising or editorial, nor does the publisher assume any responsibility for the consequences that occur should any such material appear. “Czas na gaz!” also assumes no responsibility for content, text or artwork of advertisements appearing in “Czas na gaz!” – the printed magazine and & Autogas Autogas Dedicated for the autogas driver Dedicated for the autogas driver Szkolenia inaczej, czyli TEAM STAG zakończone sukcesem T EAM STAG, CZYLI SZKOLENIA W NOWATORSKIEJ FORMULE ZOSTAŁY DOCENIONE PRZEZ PRACOWNIKÓW I WŁAŚCICIELI WARSZTATÓW ZWIĄZANYCH Z TECHNOLOGIĄ INSTALACJI GAZOWYCH. SPOTKANIE MAJĄCE MIEJSCE W DNIU 9 KWIETNIA 2016 R. W WAR SZAWIE ZGROMADZIŁO KILK ASET OSÓB, K TÓRE SKOR ZYSTAŁY Z WIEDZY I DOŚWIADCZENIA WYKWALIFIKOWANEJ KADRY SZKOLENIOWEJ. Charakterystyka nowoczesnych produktów z rodziny Q-generacji STAG, rozwiązania do aut z bezpośrednim wtryskiem paliwa, czy też praktyczne aspekty montażu instalacji gazowej – te oraz inne aktualne zagadnienia zostały poruszone w trakcie intensywnych sesji szkoleniowych przygotowanych przez producenta instalacji autogaz marki STAG, firmę AC S.A. Oprócz mistrzowskiej organizacji, komfortowych warunków w czterech równoległych salach szkoleniowych i kompleksowej opieki nad uczestnikami na uwagę zasługuje nowatorska formuła spotkania. Po raz pierwszy uczestnikom zaproponowano możliwość wyboru interesujących ich tematów szkoleń oraz udział w więcej niż jednym szkoleniu jednego dnia. „Mamy świadomość, że pracownicy i właściciele warsztatów samochodowych związanych z branżą posiadają zaawansowaną wiedzę w temacie montażu instalacji LPG, niestety są również zbyt zapracowani, by znaleźć czas na uczestnictwo w dedykowanych szkoleniach produktowych. Dlatego odeszliśmy od formuły całodniowego szkolenia o jednej tematyce. Nowa propozycja po- legała na stworzeniu warunków do tego, aby każdy chętny mógł skorzystać z kilku intensywnych, jednakże skupiających się na najważniejszych aspektach kursów jednego dnia” – podsumował pomysł spotkania Paweł Ścibisz, Manager ds. Rozwoju Rynku firmy AC S.A. Na zakończenie cyklu kursów TEAM STAG, każdy z uczestników otrzymał certyfikat poświadczający jego udział w wydarzeniu podnoszącym wiedzę i umiejętności. Miłym akcentem były również przygotowane z myślą o kursantach materiały reklamowe dedykowane i stworzone specjalnie do wykorzystania przez warsztaty współpracujące z marką STAG. Z uwagi na ogromne zainteresowanie szkoleniami, z których nie zdążyli skorzystać wszyscy chętni, nowa formuła spotkań będzie miała swoją kontynuację. Po premierze w Warszawie również mieszkańcy innych rejonów kraju będą mogli dokonać rejestracji i dołączyć do TEAM STAG. Źródło: AC S.A. You may find it hard You may find it hard to believe, but you tocan believe, butfor you use JLM can useanything. JLM for almost almost anything. JLMLUBRICANTS.COM JLMLUBRICANTS.COM FRANCE Île-de-France transport operator RATP recently launched a tender for the supply of natural gas powered buses to replace part of its Paris fleet. Among the different consulted manufacturers, Scania France was chosen as 1 of 2 lots constituting the tender, to deliver CNG buses to the authority over 4 year period. RATP, supported by Syndicat des Transports d’Île-de-France (STIP), the transport organisation authority that controls the Paris public transport network and coordinates the different transport companies operating in Île-de-France (mainly the RATP), launched Bus2025 in 2014, with the objective of converting its entire fleet to alternative fuels, 20% of which will renewable natural gas. The vehicles involved in the tender are Scania Citywide LF 18 m articulated CNG buses. As at the end of March 2016, Scania France has sold more than 180 NG-powered trucks. 25 gas cars are also on order and the CNG bus now completes the range of Scania NGVs. RATP, the fifth largest provider of public transport services in the world, bought 53 MAN Lion’s City CNG buses to expand it’s fleet in 2015. Source: NGVGlobal, RATP HUNGARY, GERMANY MAN Truck & Bus had delivered 40 solo and 35 articulated MAN Lion’s City GNC buses to the Hungarian city of Miskolc. The city’s intention is to modernise its fleet while also striving to improve air quality as part of the “Smart & Green” programme. The modern and well-equipped vehicles will add to the renewal of the city. The local transport operator MVK Zrt. expects the buses to deliver a significant improvement in air quality by reducing harmful emissions: “We are proud of being able to contribute to the replacement of the bus fleet in Miskolc. The first MAN buses were delivered in 2002 and this was followed by the delivery of Neoplan Centroliner articulated buses in 2006. The latest order represents a new chapter both for MAN and for our good relationship with the city of Miskolc” – explained Reinhard Faderl, CEO of MAN Truck & Bus Hungary Kft., at the handover. All the 75 MAN Lion’s City GNG city buses are designed with low floors. In the 12-metre long solo bus, the Euro 6 E2876 engine has an output of 272 hp and maximum torque of 1050 Nm at 11001700 rpm. The articulated bus is just under 19 metres long and its engine delivers 310 hp and 1250 Nm at 1000-1700 rpm. The tanks holding 1460 litres are used for natural gas refuelling. The transport provider has invested in its own gas fuel station on the company premises allowing 6 commercial vehicles to be refuelled at the same time in a private area and two cars to be refuelled in a public area. This not only ensures refuelling for the public transport fleet, but also improves the CNG infrastructure in the region. Source: NGVGlobal, MAN Truck & Bus 06 GERMANY Audi has introduced the new Audi A3 which includes the alternativefuelled variant - the A3 Sportback g-tron. The 5-door compact model can use climate-neutrally produced Audi e-gas as fuel, in addition to fossil-based natural gas and renewable biomethane. The 2017 A3 has had a technological makeover starting with new driver assistance systems, newly designed headlights and taillights and an innovative Audi virtual cockpit. Equipped with a 1.4 TFSI engine producing 81 kW (110 hp), the A3 Sportback g-tron is fuel-efficient, costing roughly EUR 4 (USD 4.55) per 100 kilometers (62.1 mi). Thanks to the four-cylinder engine’s configuration for bivalent fuels, its range is over 400 km (248.5 mi) in the NEDC with natural gas fuel. When powered by gasoline, the driving range is extended by as much as an additional 900 km (559.2 mi). This vehicle is not yet on sale and does not yet have type approval. Until then, the vehicle is not subject to Directive 1999/94/EC, the purpose of which is to ensure that information relating to the fuel economy and CO2 emissions of new passenger cars offered for sale or lease in the Community is made available to consumers in order to enable consumers to make an informed choice. Source: Audi ITALY Owners of passenger cars and light commercial vehicles in Italy are being encouraged to convert their vehicles to CNG as part of a new round of incentives made available since March 22. Conducted under the auspices of Italy’s Ministry of Environment, ICBI 2016 (Iniziativa Carburanti a Basso Impatto), the scheme has EUR 1.8 million (USD 2.05m) to support CNG and LPG conversions by individuals and companies domiciled in the 674 participating boroughs. Incentives to convert to CNG: EUR 650 (USD 740) for persons domiciled in participating municipalities of the ICBI Convention – for converting a Euro 2/ Euro 3-compliant passenger car registered after 01/01/1997; EUR 1000 (USD 1140) for legal persons having their registered office in, or operating in, a municipality adhering to the ICBI Convention – for converting an owned or leased Euro 2 and above commercial vehicle weighing less than 3.5 tonnes registered after 01/01/1997. These vehicles may be converted to dedicated CNG or bi-fuel (CNG/diesel). The incentive includes an EUR 150 discount granted by the conversion shop and the balance from the ICBI scheme. The installer must indicate the discount on the conversion service bill, otherwise the motorist will not be entitled to apply for the ICBI incentive. Light commercial vehicles are defined as: Cars M1 / N1 commercial vehicles for the rental service (with or without driver) Cars M1 / N1 commercial vehicles for commercial and craft activities N1 commercial vehicles for urban freight According to official estimates, the new batch of incentives should result in approx. 4500 converted vehicles appearing on Italian roads in 2016. Source: NGVGlobal, Ecogas UK Microlise – transport management solution provider in the UK, has upgraded its telematics services to provide detailed primary and secondary fuel level information in readiness for a potential growth in demand for alternative and dual-fuel vehicles. The new reports provide usage data in the vehicle’s native unit of measurement and also convert the information into a gasoline equivalent to enable easy comparison. “Alternative fuel vehicles, including those operating with dual fuel, are likely to become more appealing to transport service providers if and when crude prices rise once again” – said Matthew Hague, Executive Director – Product Strategy. “Several fleets have already trialled or begun operations with dual fuel and we want to ensure we have a product available now to support fleets as the technology becomes more mainstream.” “We are seeing more government initiatives to encourage low emission vehicles, with dual-fuel technology being out in the lead as one of the best ways to achieve this” added Hague. Source: NGVGlobal, Microlise Limited USA Trillium CNG, a provider of CNG and CNG fueling stations, has been selected by Pennsylvania Department of Transportation (PennDOT) for the department’s CNG transit fueling station Public-Private Partnership (P3) project. PennDOT Secretary Leslie S. Richards explained that Trillium will design, build, finance, operate and maintain CNG fueling stations at 29 public transit agency sites through a 20-year P3 agreement. Trillium CNG, which includes Larson Design Group of Williamsport, is to build the CNG fueling stations at transit agencies around the state during the next 5 years. The $84.5 million station implementation program calls for the following rollout: 2016: 3 stations, 2017: 13, 2018: 3, 2019: 6, 2020: 1, and 2021: 3 stations. Some of the stations will include a public refueling facility. In addition, the firm will also make CNG-related upgrades to existing transit maintenance facilities. “The department is excited to partner on this project that will bring benefits for the state, our transit partners and the public for years to come. The project’s aggressive schedule means that we’ll realize cost, environmental and operational benefits quickly” – Richards said. Source: PennDOTT FRANCE French firm Air Liquide said it commissioned 12 biogas purification units in Europe during the past 12 months in Europe, tripling its capacity there. The new units which the company operates in France, the UK, Hungary and Denmark, represent a total investment of €12mn. They generate long-term contracts for the production of biomethane for Europe’s gas grids which, among other things, supply the vehicle fleets that run on bio-NGV. Worldwide Air Liquide designed and deployed 50 such units to transform biogas into biomethane and inject it into natural gas networks. Its total worldwide installed biogas purification capacity is 160,000 m3/ hr (equivalent to 1.4bn m³/yr). One of its rivals, Germany's Linde, says it and US firm Waste Management built the largest such plant in the world at Livermore near San Francisco that incorporates a biogas liquefaction unit, which provides bio-LNG as a fuel to road trucks. EBA noted that in Sweden, biomethane as a fuel overtook compressed natural gas (CNG) in 2013 with a market share of 57%. Air Liquide in 2014 acquired FordonsGas, Sweden’s leading distributor of bio-NGV, which operates nearly 50 bio-NGV stations there serving taxis, corporate fleets, buses and cars. Sweden became Europe’s front-runner for biomethane with production of 120mn m3 /yr biomethane, of which 78% went to fuel almost 50,000 vehicles, according to EBA’s update for 2014. Linde too, through its subsidiary Aga, is also active in supplying the Scandinavian biomethane market. Source: DAGESTAN Russian truck and bus manufacturer NEFAZ KAMAZ will deliver almost 160 NGVs to the government-controlled Development Corporation of the Republic of Dagestan, located in the North Caucasus region. The contract covers the purchase of 29 NEFAZ City buses. 100 small-capacity NEFAZ buses, and 30 KAMAZ utility vehicles, all powered by CNG. These vehicles and buses will be delivered to the Republic by RariTEK, the official distributor of PJSC KAMAZ for NGV technology, before the end of 2016. By replacing current fleet vehicles with CNG-powered vehicles, Dagestan aims to significantly reduce the adverse impact of transport on the environment and achieve cost savings. Source: NGVGlobal, KAMAZ 07 Ogólnodostępna stacja LNG w Wielkiej Brytanii B OC, BRYTYJSKI DOSTAWCA SPRĘŻONYCH I CIEKŁYCH GAZÓW, A TAKŻE CZŁONEK THE LINDE GROUP, ZAMIERZA ZAINSTALOWAĆ URZĄDZENIE DO TANKOWANIA LNG DLA SAMOCHODÓW CIĘŻAROWYCH NA STACJI GOLDEN FLEECE EXELBY W KUMBRII. WEDŁUG PLANU, STACJA BĘDZIE URUCHOMIONA JESZCZE TEJ WIOSNY. BĘDZIE TO PIERWSZY ELEMENT INFRASTRUKTURY LNG FIRMY BOC NA RYNKU PALIW DLA SAMOCHODÓW CIĘŻAROWYCH W WIELKIEJ BRYTANII, A JEDNOCZEŚNIE BĘDZIE TO PIERWSZY PUBLICZNIE DOSTĘPNY DYSTRYBUTOR LNG W OFERCIE BOC. Exelby Services to brytyjski pionier i jedna z największych firm oferujących przechowywanie oleju napędowego dla większości dużych firm transportowych, dystrybucyjnych i posiadających karty paliwowe. Firma posiada magazyny paliw zaprojektowane specjalnie do obsługi samochodów ciężarowych. Nowy dystrybutor napełniania LNG stanowi dla Exelby Services istotny krok ku wejściu na rynek paliw alternatywnych. Dystrybutor LNG korzysta z kriogenicznego systemu chłodzenia, w celu utrzymania odpowiednich warunków i stanu paliwa, tuż przed jego wydaniem; w nowym urządzeniu zastosowano także unikalną technologię „zero loss” („zerowa utrata”), opracowaną przez BOC. Zastosowanie LNG w roli alternatywnego paliwa zastępującego lub uzupełniającego olej napędowy zredukuje całkowite zużycie oleju napędowego na rynku samochodów ciężarowych, a co za tym idzie, obniży emisję CO2. W przypadku pojazdów korzystających z dwóch rodzajów paliw, LNG zwykle stanowi 60% całkowitego zużycia. Mark Lowe LNG Business Manager, BOC, stwierdza: „Firma BOC jest dumna ze współpracy z Exelby w zakresie tej ważnej i przyjaznej dla środowiska alternatywy oleju napędowego. Nasze partnerstwo z Exelby stanowi demonstrację długoterminowego zaangażowania i aktywnego udziału BOC w procesie przejścia do stosowania paliw niskowęglowych w transporcie ciężarowym. Jest to pierwsza część naszego planu, który ma na celu zbudowanie sieci tankowania LNG na trasach pojazdów ciężarowych.” Źródło: BOC BOC Opens Its First Fully Public LNG Refuelling Unit in UK B OC, UK SUPPLIER OF COMPRESSED AND LIQUEFIED GASES AND A MEMBER OF THE LINDE GROUP, IS TO INSTALL A LIQUEFIED NATURAL GAS (LNG) HGV REFUELLING UNIT IN THE UK AT EXELBY’S GOLDEN FLEECE SERVICE STATION IN CUMBRIA THIS SPRING. THIS WILL BE BOC’S FIRST LNG FUEL UNIT ON AN EXISTING FUEL FORECOURT FOR HGVS IN THE UK AND HENCE BOC’S FIRST FULLY PUBLIC ACCESS LNG REFUELLING UNIT. Exelby Services, a UK pioneer of land transport diesel bunkering, stores fuel for most of the major transport, distribution and fuel card companies in the UK. It is one of the largest independent bunkering suppliers in the country and has fuel deopts specially designed to handle heavy duty trucks. The addition of BOC’s LNG refuelling unit represents an important step into the low-carbon fuel market for Exelby Services. The LNG refuelling unit uses cryogenic cooling to ‘temperaturecondition’ the fuel just prior to dispensing, and also incorporates the unique ‘zero loss’ refuelling technology, developed by BOC. Managing Director Michael Exelby, commented: “Low carbon is an important part of Exelby Service’s environmental agenda and we are delighted to be able to offer LNG fuel to our HGV customers.” 08 The use of LNG as an alternative fuel, either as a replacement for or in conjunction with diesel, will reduce the total consumption of diesel in the HGV market and cut CO2 emissions. LNG typically accounts for up to 60% of total fuel consumption for a dual-fuel vehicle. Diesel produces around 2.6 kg of CO2 for every liter burned, whereas LNG when used with diesel in a dual-fuel vehicle typically reduces CO2 emissions of 10-14%. Mark Lowe LNG Business Manager, BOC, said: “BOC is proud to be working with Exelby as a partner on this important, environmentally friendly alternative to diesel. Our partnership with Exelby further demonstrates BOC’s long-term commitment to play an active part in the transition to low-carbon transport. This is the first part of our plan to provide LNG on-road fuelling across the UK’s HGV road network.” Source: BOC BOOK YOUR STAND WITH: Czas Na Gaz! / Time For Gas! - is a General Media Partner in Europe of Gassuf 2016 14th International exhibition of NGV vehicles and refueling equipment 18-20 October 2016 Russia, Moscow EcoCentre Sokolniki, Pavilion 4 CONTACT US: NGV WISH LIST FOR 2016 A T THE BEGINNING OF EVERY NEW YEAR IT IS INTERESTING TO REFLECT ON WHAT HAS PASSED AND WHAT MIGHT BE UP-COMING. BUT RATHER THAN CREATE A LIST OF NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS LET’S SETTLE FOR AN NGV WISH LIST. AS PART OF THE REFLECTIVE AND FORWARD LOOKING PROCESS IT MIGHT BE NICE FOR NGV STAKEHOLDERS TO CONSIDER WHAT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE IN SMALL AND LARGE WAYS TO EFFECT CHANGES THAT WILL HELP MOTIVATE CONTINUED GROWTH OF NGV MARKETS WORLDWIDE. NOT EVERY ‘WISH’ WILL SUIT EVERYONE OR EVERY MARKET BUT IT’S ALWAYS INTERESTING TO START THE NEW YEAR TRYING TO REACH FOR THINGS THAT MIGHT BE POSSIBLE OR EVEN THINGS THAT ARE BEYOND OUR GRASP. THE ‘USUAL STUFF’ – MORE CHICKENS & MORE EGGS The common, on-going challenge is to get more factory-built (OEM) NGVs into the hands of more customers so they can increase the demand for CNG (or LNG) at the fueling stations, which should increase in numbers and availability as customers drive more NGVs. But this set of circular wishes has been for years carved in stone like the Ten Commandments and are by no means original to 2016. So let’s accept these as ‘givens’ and move on to other 2016 wishes. HIGHER OIL PRICES Everybody in all the alternative fuels industries – renewables too – are being bashed by low oil prices. Luckily, natural gas still maintains a price advantage over gasoline and diesel. Even the cost differential between the petroleum-based fuels and the alternatives is not adequate to motivate masses of conversions and/or purchases of NGVs. But low prices at the fuel pump provide an opportunity for some countries with very low fuel taxes to accrue more revenue immediately (and into the future) as well as help promote cleaner alternatives. The Wish for higher taxes on gasoline and diesel is not aimed at Europe, which already has amongst the highest fuel taxes worldwide. The Wish is aimed squarely at the United States fuel market where for years the tax has been the lowest of any country amongst the 34 member nations of the OECD (Organization of Economic Co-operation and Development) with the exception of Mexico, which does not tax motor fuel. The U.S. federal tax on gasoline is 18.4 cents per gallon, with the average at 48 cents including state taxes; for diesel 24.4 cents per gallon, with the average at 53.78 including state taxes. By comparison gasoline tax within the OECD is, on the average, – including the United States and Mexico – equivalent to US$2.62 per gallon. Turkey has the highest gasoline tax amongst the OECD countries with a whopping $4.32/gallon followed by The Netherlands ($3.79) and Norway ($3.67). Some of these countries also include Value Added Tax in these prices.(1) The Wish is to add one cent tax per gallon of gasoline per month for the next two years in the United States. Based on about 11.4 billion gallons consumed per month (2013) this could accrue over $340 million dollars in the first two years. Future earnings could be applied to (for example) infrastructure improvements and help fund additional financial incentives for natural gas and other non-petroleum clean fuels. Of course, my fellow NGV advocates in the U.S. are reading this and laughing out loud because in the current obstructionist political environment it would be easier to achieve Peace on Earth than get the U.S. Congress to approve higher fuel taxes (although individual states could do it). The attempt to raise Federal fuel taxes in the U.S. is not a new idea, nor is it probably possible in the foreseeable future, however, that’s why the idea remains on the Wish List for NGVs, as it should also for other countries with low fuel taxes (or even worse, gasoline/diesel subsidies, which also should be ended). ) American Petroleum institute (2016) and OECD (2015). 1 10 As for Europe, The Wish would be to bring the diesel tax to the level of gasoline. The tax break for diesel is, in part, responsible for having roughly half the car population being diesels. This would be environmentally beneficial to reduce diesel use but also to encourage the cleaner fuels, particularly in the heavy duty truck sector, which is amongst the highest potential market for natural gas, notwithstanding the marine market potential. CREATE FAIR AND CONSISTENT METHANE EMISSIONS REGULATIONS Europe has been obsessing about global warming for the past two decades with the focus on CO2 emissions. But the European Commission’s handling of global warming emissions regulations for vehicles has been inconsistent and, when it comes to methane, more punitive than rational. The United States, on the other hand, has been more concerned about ozone and smog. Though many politicians continue to deny the scientific evidence that global warming is real, Congress and the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have consistently treated methane emissions and greenhouse gases (GHGs) much more balanced and fairly than the European policy makers. The NGV Coalition (now NGVAmerica) advocated successfully with Congress to include a non-methane hydrocarbon (NMHC) emission limit value for light duty vehicles in the Clean Air Act Amendments of 1990. Why was this so important? Because NGVs emit methane emissions which, combined with the other more toxic hydrocarbon emissions, usually exceed the Total Hydrocarbon (THC) limit but only by a small fraction. Replacing the THC with an NMHC eliminated the need for NGV retrofitters and OEMs to install an expensive methane catalyst. Japan also followed the U.S. lead and adopted an NMHC limit in 2005. The European auto industry has consistently opposed this approach for the past 20 years since the original ENGVA (the European NGV Association, now replaced by NGVA Europe) began the advocacy efforts in 1995 to do what the U.S. Congress did in 1990. In Europe the THC limit for passenger cars has been maintained and an NMHC limit was added starting with Euro 5 cars in 2009. Essentially this does nothing to change the need to install methane catalysts, nor control an increase in methane emissions. It merely reinforces additional costs for NGVs. Meanwhile, despite political opposition to the realities of global warming, the U.S. EPA created a greenhouse gas (GHG) emission regulation in 2010 that takes a more balanced and scientifically defendable approach toward global warming by regulating not only CO2 but also the other two greenhouse gases emitted by vehicle engines: nitrous oxide (N2O) and methane (CH4). (The fourth GHG from cars – hydrofluorocarbons – comes from the vehicle’s air conditioner refrigerant.) N2O and CH4 represent ‘less than one percent of overall GHG emissions from new vehicles,’ according to EPA. cont. on p.12 ► 11 ◄ cont. from p. 11 The goal, says EPA, is to limit any future increases in these non-CO2 GHGs but not to force reductions relative to today’s low levels. (2) In Europe, on the other hand, where global warming is high on the political agenda, any regulation of total greenhouse gases has been opposed by the influential European auto industry lobby. CO2 is not defined as a pollutant and is not a regulated emission, notwithstanding the gram/kilometer engine efficiency performance standards for CO2 reduction in OEM vehicles. Nor is N2O defined as a pollutant or regulated; an automotive emission that has a global warming potential of 298 compared to methane at 25 times the potency of CO2 (in the commonly used 100 year time-frame). Methane, on the other hand, is defined as a pollutant and is regulated due to its global warming potential! The Wish is, therefore, for the European Union to exempt NGVs from the THC and have them comply with the NMHC limit value. That way the need for expensive methane catalysts on NGVs would be eliminated. Alternatively – or additionally – a reasonable ‘methane cap’ could be established without requiring additional reductions, like the U.S. approach. BEST would be for the European Commission to begin the regulatory process to eliminate the bias toward methane by creating a total GHG emission regulation to account for global warming emissions from the three appropriate tailpipe emission sources: CO2, N2O and CH4. This also could lead to changes in emissions regulations at the United Nations and, as such, would have a worldwide impact to provide a rational, unbiased global regulatory response to greenhouse gas emissions from vehicles. CREATE LONGER TERM GOVERNMENT INCENTIVES We know from studying alternative fuel policy making for over three decades that short term financial incentives do more harm than help bringing clean fuel vehicles to the market. The United States and the United Kingdom, amongst others, tend to create financial incentives for one, two or three years. Rather than incentivize the market this creates uncertainty for customers, vehicle suppliers (OEMs and retrofitters), and fuel station installers. Likewise, incentives with low revenue impacts on government, like free parking at municipal parking meters or exemptions from odd-even license plate restrictions during air quality emergencies (like France, Italy, and India), all work to incentivize clean fuels. When policy makers are proactive they will get the attention of the public and commercial sectors to create a better pathway to cleaner fuels. The Wish is that governments learn from past policy successes and avoid proven mistakes. This means creating incentives that are either longer term or are tied to the market share of NGVs (or other clean fuel vehicles) so incentives can be reduced as the NGV market share increases. Policies to reward early adopters more than later adopters also is a proven strategy that is an alternative to linking incentives directly to market share. But whenever such incentives are removed they should be reduced gradually rather than create market dislocation by completely removing incentives on one specified date. Fuel station pricing of CNG and LNG using Diesel and Gasoline Liter (Gallon) Equivalent Purchasing CNG or LNG by the kilogram or cubic meter when gasoline and diesel are shown in liters or gallons puts methane at a distinct disadvantage because the price displayed is not an accurate reflection of its lower price compared to the petroleum fuels. For example: When diesel is €1.10 per liter and CNG is displayed as €0.90 per kilogram, the CNG price is 18% less than diesel. In reality, diesel is equal to 0.756 kg CNG so the price as a DLE is €0.68, or 29% less than diesel. Using the same starting prices but for gasoline the CNG price for a GLE (gasoline = 0.678 kg CNG) would be displayed as €0.61, or 38% less than gasoline and not 18%. In 1994 the U.S. approved the use of the GGE – gasoline gallon equivalent – for CNG (It also contains a GLE – gasoline liter equivalent). Unfortunately, despite heavy lobbying by the NGV industry and state governments, the U.S. National Conference on Weights and Measures still refuses to do the same for LNG. On this issue Europe is even more dysfunctional because some countries display methane prices at the fuel pump in kilograms and others in cubic meters. Although energy content in the natural gas and biomethane is a complicating issue, diesel and gasoline energy contents aren’t always consistent either. The Wish is that there is an effort made for worldwide harmonization of the diesel and gasoline liter/gallon equivalents so that customers can see clearly that methane is consistently cheaper than both gasoline and diesel at the fueling station. USE THE INTERNATIONALLY APPROVED ROAD SIGNAGE FOR CNG & LNG STATIONS From 2004 to 2008 ENGVA and NGV Global worked with the United Nations Working Party 1, Road Traffic and Safety, to obtain international public road signage for CNG and LNG fueling stations. The Boards of ENGVA and NGV Global developed model fuel station signage with a methane molecule on a fuel pump but it was rejected by WP1 in favor of a more commonly used ‘shadow’ fuel pump including either the letters ‘CNG’ or ‘LNG’. When it comes to ‘art’, everyone has an opinion so the discussion went on for several years until finally a Consolidated Resolution was achieved that resulted in CNG, LNG and then LPG fuel station road signage. (Based on this effort, H2 and EV signage also was approved). Although the natural gas signage is not yet part of the full international treaty on road signs it still has the force of law as a Consolidated Resolution and can be used freely. The Wish: To see the CNG and LNG fuel station signage on public roads to designate the location of all stations serving NGVs. Fuel station signage is a form of ‘free’ advertising. It not only helps customers identify where they can tank up their NGVs but it also brings to the attention of the motoring public that there is something besides petroleum and plug-in electrical charging stations in the public domain. There are many more things to wish for in the NGV market, like more government support, more funding for research and innovation, more enthusiasm from OEMs to build new NGVs, for example. Let’s hope that at the end of 2016 we don’t have to repeat this year’s Wish List so we can move on to overcoming other NGV challenges. Source: Dr. Jeffrey Seisler is the CEO of Clean Fuels Consulting, based in Brussels and Washington, D.C. ) The final U.S. EPA rulemaking, talking about the products of combustion produced in automotive catalysts says, “In 2006, methane emissions equaled 0.32 percent of total U.S. methane emissions. Nitrous oxide, a product of the reaction that occurs between nitrogen and oxygen during fuel combustion accounted for 8 percent of total U.S. nitrous oxide emissions. 2 12 Ekologiczne paliwo CNG i LNG „Strefa Metanu” Targi Stacja Paliw 2016, EXPO XXI Warszawa P ORTAL CNG.AUTO.PL ORAZ FUNDACJA GREEN FUEL, ORGANIZACJE PROMUJĄCE ZASTOSOWANIE PALIWA GAZOWEGO CNG I LNG DO ZASILANIA POJAZDÓW, W CZASIE TARGÓW ZAPREZENTUJĄ WYSTAWĘ POJAZDÓW I TECHNOLOGII CNG, LNG, BIOMETAN „STREFA METANU”. W „Strefie Metanu” promujemy paliwo CNG i LNG dla polskiego transportu oraz najnowocześniejsze rozwiązania technologicznie, dzięki którym możemy wykorzystywać gaz ziemny w motoryzacji, tj. pojazdy zasilane paliwem CNG i LNG, zbiorniki gazu ziemnego do samochodów, serwis pojazdów CNG i LNG, chemię motoryzacyjną dla zasilania pojazdów paliwami metanowymi, urządzenia do tankowania paliwem CNG przy domu i firmie, najnowsze stacje tankowania paliwem CNG i LNG z całego świata, dystrybutory tankowania paliwem LNG, mobilne magazyny do transportowania paliw metanowych oraz wodoru, cysternę kriogeniczną do transportowania LNG. Ponadto obecni są polscy i międzynarodowi specjaliści, naukowcy, przedsiębiorcy oraz użytkownicy branży NGV alternatywnych - niskoemisyjnych paliw metanowych. Uważamy, że rozwijanie rynku paliw CNG i LNG to najlepsze rozwiązanie dla transportu w naszym kraju. Chcemy jeździć tanio i korzystać z alternatywnych rozwiązań paliwowych. Oczywiście promujemy również inne napędy ekologiczne – jednak na dziś są one zupełnie nieopłacalne, a stanowisko polskich ekspertów CNG i LNG oraz naszych międzynarodowych partnerów NGV jest jednoznaczne – są to paliwa przyszłości. W naszym kraju będą powstawały stacje tankowania CNG i LNG, nad czym nieustannie pracujemy. Jednak, rozwój infrastruktury sieci stacji L-CNG w Polsce wymaga zintegrowanego wysiłku rządu, producentów pojazdów CNG i LNG, dostawców gazu, właścicieli i operatorów stacji tankowania L-CNG oraz potencjalnych właścicieli tego typu aut. Opłacalny i zrównoważony rozwój infrastruktury L-CNG wymaga również starannego wyboru lokalizacji stacji i maksymalnego wykorzystania standardowych projektów. Stosowanie alternatywnego paliwa metanowego CNG, LNG oraz biometan dla napędu pojazdów to: zerowa emisja cząstek stałych, zmniejszenie emisji tlenków azotu, zmniejszenie emisji CO2, niższy poziom hałasu w porównaniu z olejem napędowym - średnio - 5 dB, 100% 'szczelności' przy tankowaniu. Wykorzystywanie gazu ziemnego do zasilania pojazdów zapewnia bezpieczną i ekonomiczną alternatywę paliwową dla transportu. Ekologiczne paliwo CNG jest tanie, bezpieczne i dostępne w Polsce. LNG stosowane w autobusach, pojazdach komunalnych oraz dużych flotach dystrybucji pozwala na obniżenie emisji spalin oraz poprawę jakości powietrza w miastach. LNG jako paliwo odnosi sukcesy w wybranych segmentach rynku pojazdów długodystansowych. „Gaz CNG i LNG jako paliwo dla transportu jest jednym z rozwiązań problemów ekologicznych oraz ekonomicznych. Wdrożenie stosowania paliwa CNG i LNG na polskim rynku motoryzacyjnym wymaga również informowania użytkowników pojazdów o dostępności tych ekologicznych rozwiązań paliwowych" – powiedział Bartłomiej Kamiński, Prezes Fundacji Green Fuel. Źródło: 13 T HE FEV GROUP, AN INTERNATIONALLY RECOGNIZED POWERTRAIN AND VEHICLE ENGINEERING COMPANY, HAS PRESENTED A 3-CYLINDER TECHNOLOGY DEMONSTRATOR MOCK-UP AT THE 2016 SAE WORLD CONGRESS AT COBO CENTER IN DETROIT. Peak cylinder pressure / bar FEV VCR Technology may suit natural gas engines 160 140 120 SI Engines VCR, FlexFuel Engines or Monovalent Layout for Alternative Fuels (e.g. E85 or CNG) Boosted Engines & High Speed NA Engines 100 80 60 40 Average value of 300 c/des NA Engines 1985 19901995 20002005 2010 201520202025 Model Year VCR CONTROL PATENT ABSTRACT (WIPO Patent Application WO / 2016 / 016202) FEV GMBH submitted a patent application, published Feb 04, 2016. The patent abstract states: A method for switching an adjustable compression Tomazic contined the theme at SAE World ratio of an internal combustion engine (1) having Congress. According to Ward’s Auto: “The system an adjustment device for the adjustment of the FEV says that in SI engines – especially when uses two internal valves in the connecting rod to adjustable variable compression ratio in at least one running on alternative fuels such as CNG – vary the con-rod length to change the compression first cylinder and one second cylinder with a first average peak pressures (p_max_mean) of up ratio depending on load, improving thermodynamic compression ratio of the first cylinder and a second to 170 bar dramatically increase the tendency efficiency, he explains. The system is not infinitely compression ratio of the second cylinder, wherein, toward combustion knocking at higher engine variable but shifts between two preset ratios that in a manner dependent on a demanded load of the speeds. One measure to tackle these limitations can vary the compression ratio in a 4-point range.” internal combustion engine, preferably in a manner involves varying the compression ratio during dependent on at least one load demand signal, engine operation. The net effect is an estimated 3% to 6% a torque to be output by the internal combustion reduction in carbon dioxide emissions and engine (1) is determined, and, in a manner dependent According to an NGV Global technical adviser, a similar improvement in fuel economy, Tomazic on the torque to be output, in particular taking into the VCR technology could find future application says. consideration a mean pressure to be generated in for bi-fuel NGVs. An increased compression the first cylinder, a first target compression ratio for ratio for natural gas operation is desired to take “In a bi-fuel gasoline/CNG engine, the system the first cylinder and a second target compression advantage of the higher octane levels of cleaner- automatically would shift to the higher compression ratio for the second cylinder are determined, burning natural gas. ratio when running on CNG, avoiding the typical wherein the first target compression ratio differs power and efficiency losses incurred when running from the second target compression ratio, and the Dean Tomazic, Executive VP and CTO, FEV North CNG in a gasoline engine with a set compression first compression ratio and the second compression America, said: “We have developed two different ratio” – Ward’s Auto further explains. ratio are adjusted to the first target compression systems – a continuously variable compression The VCR technology is undergoing field trials ratio and to the second target compression ratio ratio mechanism, and a two-step. The two-step is in both Europe and the U.S., and is headed for respectively. essentially a simplified version – it is both easier and production within three years. Source: NGVGlobal The mock-up highlights a combination of innovative technologies for down-sizing and down-speeding engines and features 2-stage variable compression ratio (VCR) – a technology suitable for higher octane alt-fuel applications such as CNG. cheaper to incorporate, so we are seeing a lot of interest among our customers and several programs are on-going because of the high potential of such a technology to meet fuel economy and CO2 targets.” Gasshow 2016relacja Z AKOŃCZONE W 9 KWIETNIA TARGI GASSHOW, KTÓRE CYKLICZNE ODBYWAJĄ SIĘ W CENTRUM WYSTAWIENNICZYM EXPO XXI, SKUPIAJĄ WYSTAWCÓW NIE TYLKO Z EUROPY I SĄ W CAŁOŚCI DEDYKOWANE RYNKOWI GAZOWEMU. Wystawcy, miłośnicy gazu i zielonej energii mieli pełny przegląd rynku, w tym najnowszych instalacji gazowych VI generacji (wtrysk gazu w fazie ciekłej), komponentów takich jak zbiorniki, reduktory czy wtryskiwacze, a także ofertę przewodów paliwowych. Podczas targów można było z bliska przyjrzeć się wystawionym pojazdom: samochodom dostawczym IVECO, autobusom MAN, ciągnikom siodłowym ze zbiornikami LNG (CRYOGAS czy DUON). Chętni mogli zajrzeć na stoiska z narzędziami czy świecami do gazu (BRISK, ISKRA), albo odwiedzić stoiska dystrybutorów gazu, olejów, sprężarek czy też lubryfikantów. Z szerokiej oferty przedstawionych podczas Gasshow propozycji rynkowych warto wymienić System Gfi obsługujący trudne gazowo silniki FSI, TFSI czy GDI – oferowany przez firmę AUTOGAZ HOLANDIA Józef Dudzianiec z Węgrzca. W tym roku będzie ona jednym z niewielu rynkowych przedstawicieli posiadających autoryzację holenderskiej firmy Vialle, producenta jednej z najlepszych instalacji gazowych na rynku. Ponadto Autogaz Holandia podejmuje się trudnych konwersji gazowych dla silników wielocylindrowych, turbodoładowanych czy też o dużych mocach (Subaru, Audi, Porsche, Jaguar, Mercedes-Benz, itp.). Wśród pokazanych nowości był system icom JTG oraz Liquid Si. Dodatkowo stoisko uświetniła obecność Przemysława Salety – mistrza świata w kickboxingu i prowadzącego serię programów w „National Geographic”. 16 Firma DIGITECH z Białegostoku skupiła się w tym roku na instalacjach sekwencyjnego wtrysku gazu w fazie ciekłej do silników z pośrednim i bezpośrednim wtryskiem paliwa. Głównie są to to instalacje V generacji do silników z pośrednim wtryskiem benzyny – DGI LM oraz najnowocześniejsze systemy VI generacji do silników z bezpośrednim wtryskiem, tj. wtrysk ciekłego autogazu do komory spalania DGI LCC. Na stoisku firma pokazała dwa zagazowane modele aut: Volkswagen 2.0 CC oraz Audi V10TFSI. Instalacje są bardzo starannie wykonane, choć nadal trwają ich testy w trudnych do konwersji modelach jak Audi TFSI. Włoska firma ROMANO AUTOGAS pokazała instalacje AntonioE oraz Antonio8. To bardzo nowatorskie i kompletne instalacje w dobrej cenie, które są bardzo chętnie montowane przez polskie serwisy gazowe w autach popularnych i budżetowych. Firma Romano Autogas uzyskała niezbędne atesty i certyfikaty międzynarodowe UNI EN ISO 9001:2000. W Warszawie producent pokazał gotowy system przeznaczony dla 3-cylindrowej Skody City. Firma zapewnia, że kolejne wersje nowatorskich instalacji Romano znajda się w OEMowym montażu Skody. Warto dodać, że Romano to także reduktory Inna białostocka firma – LPG TECH pojawiła się na targach z ofertą sterowników TECH. (bardzo trwałe) RIS New, RIS HD, zawory gazu REG 001 i emulatory gazu RELC/uni czy ROM124. To silna marka, która ma bardzo dobre instalacje, w tym z wtryskiem bezpośrednim w fazie ciekłej (Volkswagen FSI w fazie testów). Flagowym modelem są wtryskiwacze TECH-Dragon. Innowacyjne są także sterowniki TECH One, TECH 200 czy TECH 320 OBD. Ważnymi produktami w ofercie są też TECH-Dragon Silver/ Gold – listwa wtryskowa gazu w fazie lotnej, czy też wtryskiwacze gazu TECH Dragon Solo Silver/Gold. Nowością białostockiego producenta były zaprezentowane przewody termoplastyczne wytrzymujące ciśnienie 200 barów – idealny zamiennik tradycyjnych przewodów miedzianych. VIALLE Autogas Systems z Holandii to znany producent instalacji i gazowych, z najbardziej znaną z nich – Vialle LPi. Firma posiada certyfikat ISO 9001, a w Polsce jest reprezentowana przez LTA POLONIA Monika Wojtala z Kielc, która to firma posiada w ofercie np. system LPdi – Liquid Propane Direct Injection czy też LPfi – Liquid Propane Flex Injection. Warto dodać, że montaż systemu Liquid Si jest dopuszczony tylko ze zbiornikami firmy STAKO, a jego cena dla silnika 4 cylindrowego to około 4900 zł. cd. na str.18 ► 17 ◄ cd. ze str. 17 Kolejnym przedstawicielem Białegostoku była firma EUROPEGAS, która zajmuje się projektowaniem i produkcją elektroniki oraz mechaniki do instalacji gazowych LPG/CNG. Hitem w ofercie tego producenta są sterowniki EG Basico, EG Avance i EG Superior. Cenione są też reduktory EG Premio, EG Supremo. Uzupełnieniem produkcji są wtryskiwacze i filtry fazy lotnej. Jak nam powiedział Pan Grzegorz Sienkiewicz, kierownik działu marketingu, firma ma swoich dystrybutorów w wielu krajach: w Grecji, Rosji, Kazachstanie, Tajlandii, Kambodży, na Ukrainie, a także w Stanach Zjednoczonych. Z nowości – prawdopodobnie hitem będzie instalacja specjalnie dedykowana do SsangYong Tivoli 1,6L, której testy nadal trwają. Niemcy mieli swojego przedstawiciela w znanej również na naszym rynku firmie ERC ADDITIV, która jest producentem wysokiej jakości dodatków do paliw dla przemysłu samochodowego oraz pionierem w zakresie rozwoju i testów dodatków do LPG-DI, tzn. samochodów z bezpośrednim wtryskiem. Właśnie takiego typu auto ERC pokazało a swoim stoisku – w tym roku był to Hyundai i40 z 2-litrowym silnikiem, pokazany po przejechaniu testowych 150 tys. km. Ostatnie badanie zostało przeprowadzone po 50 tys. km przez niezależne centrum badawcze z Berlina: IAV-Automotive Engineering Testing Center, które potwierdziło niezmienione właściwości wtryskiwaczy oraz doskonałą kondycję zaworów. Kolejny test będzie miał miejsce w najbliższych tygodniach. Oferowane przez ERC produkty ograniczają zużycie mechanizmów silnika, optymalizują spalanie i zużycie paliwa. Dla samochodów zasilanych gazem LPG/ CNG firma zaprezentowała lubryfikatory chroniące zawory np. GasLube-Premium oraz GasLube Spezial. Testy przeprowadzono w aucie Kia cee'd na dystansie 120 tys. km w kooperacji z TUV Nord i DEKRA. Wyniki były doskonałe: Kia z zastosowanymi dodatkami ERC miała czyste zawory i niewypalone przylgnie zaworowe - jednym słowem obraz taki, jak w przypadku benzyny. Większość serwisów gazowych zaleca stosowanie lubryfikatorów do silników trudnych do zagazowania, jak np. Ford, Nissan, Honda czy Subaru. Konkurencję Niemcom robi australijska firma FLASHLUBE, która jak co roku – również i teraz była głównym sponsorem targów. Flashlube to jeden z najbardziej znanych producentów dodatków i lubryfikatorów do paliw. W Warszawie Australijczycy pokazali Valve Saver Fluid + zestaw Valve Saver Kit. Firma, jako pierwsza na świecie, otrzymała certyfikat TUV na zapobieganie zjawisku VSR w testach drogowych. Poza tym, Flashlube pokazał też zestaw Electronic Valve Saver Kit 2. To najnowszy produkt, który ma służyć zminimalizowaniu zjawiska cofania się gniazda zaworów silnika (w skrócie VSR) w samochodach z instalacją LPG lub CNG. 18 Producentów butli reprezentowała firma HEXAGON RAGASCO AS z Norwegii, która jest światowym liderem w produkcji zbiorników kompozytowych. „Butle kompozytowe są bezpieczne, lżejsze od tradycyjnych stalowych oraz co ważne – są lekkie” – powiedziała Pani Edyta Filipowska-Ras, Sales Manager, Central and Eastern Europe, która nie miała problemu MAK LPG Germany to dostawca i producent komponentów stosowanych w technice gazowej. Firma specjalizuje się w produkcji węży termoplastycznych, coraz częściej zastępujących drogie rurki miedziane. Na swoim stoisku w centrum EXPO XXI, MAK zaprezentował nowości YAPI Group Germany: MAK Flex, MAK Filter, MUTLU oraz Speedol (oleje samochodowe znane na rynku niemieckim, sprzedawane także w Turcji i w Polsce) z podniesieniem zbiornika. Jak widać na zdjęciu, kolejną zaletą jest możliwość zobaczenia poziomu gazu w zbiorniku – w przypadku butli z stalowych trzeba wykorzystywać mierniki (manometry). A kiedy trafi do Polski, zastępując tradycyjne stalowe zbiorniki? Cóż, nieprędko... Niemiecki XPERION ENERGY & ENVIRONMENT to firma z grupy Avanco, ustalająca nowe standardy w grupie energetyki i ochrony środowiska z wykorzystaniem lekkich materiałów kompozytowych. Głównym zainteresowaniem firmy jest produkcja części z lekkich materiałów kompozytowych używanych do technice gazowej, do przetwórstwa, transportu i magazynowania energii. Specjalnością xperion są kompozytowe zbiorniki CNG IV generacji: Xstore CNG (do ciężarówek, autobusów oraz do przewożenia gazu ziemnego). Zbiorniki były prezentowane na stoisku "STREFY METANU" łącznie ze sprężarkami COLTRI, ASF, aparaturą do dystrybucji gazu CRYOGAS czy olejami MOTUL. Jako ciekawostkę warto podać prezentację bolidu WUT Racing będącego pracą dyplomową kilku zespołów przyszłych inżynierów z Politechniki Warszawskiej. Jak nam powiedział Pan Jakub Ochnio, team leader – w projekcie, który jest ciągle rozwijany pomagają sponsorzy, miedzy innymi Kongsberg Automotive, MOTUL, Orlen czy Arrinera. Reasumując: w porównaniu do lat ubiegłych, pojawiło się znacznie mniej wystawców a przed centrum wystawienniczym stało o wiele mniej pojazdów i urządzeń ekspozycyjnych. Widać też było znacznie mniejszą ilość gości odwiedzających targi. Miejmy nadzieję, że to tylko chwilowe wahnięcie spowodowane bieżącymi problemami na rynku gazu i że za rok będziemy mogli nadal wymieniać się doświadczeniami oraz prezentować swój dorobek podczas targów gazowych. MOTUL to rodzinna firma, której przedstawicielem w Polsce jest MOTUL Deutschland GmbH, odpowiedzialny również za rozwój marki oraz dystrybucję produktów na rynkach północnej, centralnej, wschodniej oraz południowej Europy. Wśród topowych produktów tej marki znajdziemy oleje Fuel Economy Tekma Optima SAE 5W-30, Low SAPS Tekma Ultina+ SAE 5W-30 czy dedykowane oleje do gazu Specific 5W-40. Źródło:, Czas Na Gaz! PATRON MEDIALNY 19 Mercedes-Benz Econic • Sicher und fahrerfreundlich durch Low-Entry-Konzept • Optimiertes Fahrerhaus • Aktive und passive Sicherheit mit Assistenzsystemen • Maßgeschneiderte Fahrzeugvarianten • Umweltfreundlicher Erdgasmotor S CHON BEI DER ENT WICKLUNG DES MERCEDESBENZ ECONIC STAND DA S THEMA SICHERHEIT IM KOMMUNALEN EINSATZ IM VORDERGRUND. AUS DIESEM GRUND WURDE BESONDERER WERT AUF EINE OPTIMIERTE RUNDUMSICHT UND DIE MINIMIERUNG DES TOTEN WINKELS GELEGT. DAS TIEF POSITIONIERTE FAHRERHAUS, DIE GROSSE PANORAMA-FENSTERSCHEIBE SOWIE DIE VERGLASTE BEIFAHRERTÜR UND EIN AUSGEFEILTES SPIEGELSYSTEM TRAGEN DIESEN WERTEN RECHNUNG. Vor allem dank des Niederflurkonzepts sitzt der Fahrer quasi auf Augenhöhe mit Fußgängern und Radfahrern, wodurch direkter Blickkontakt zwischen Fahrern und Verkehrsteilnehmern möglich ist. Dadurch ist das Fahrzeug besonders im innerstädtischen Einsatz beliebt. Der Mercedes-Benz Econic hat sich längst als Referenzfahrzeug für viele Aufgaben im Kommunal-, Sammel- und Verteilerverkehr etabliert. Aufgrund der maßgeschneiderten Konstruktion mit ergonomischem Low-Entry-Fahrerhaus, des vollluftgefederten Fahrgestells und des automatischen Getriebes verbindet der Econic das hohe Transportvermögen eines Lkw mit der Wendigkeit eines Transporters und der Ergonomie eines Niederflurfahrzeugs. AKTIVE UND PASSIVE SICHERHEIT MIT ASSISTENZSYSTEMEN Bereits seit März 2015 wird der Mercedes-Benz Econic serienmäßig mit den Assistenzsystemen Active Brake Assist und Spurhalte-Assistent ausgestattet, optional ist der Abstandsregeltempomat erhältlich. Der Active Brake Assist leitet bei Bedarf eine Bremsung ein und kann somit Auffahrunfälle verhindern. Der Spurhalteassistent warnt den Fahrer, wenn das Fahrzeug von der Spur abzukommen droht, während der auch aus dem Pkw bekannte Abstandsregeltempomat - beispielsweise im Kolonnenverkehr – den Abstand zum vorausfahrenden Fahrzeug regelt. Bereits in der Vergangenheit war der Econic mit dem elektronischen Stabilitätsprogramm (ESP) ausgestattet. 20 Inter national LP G & MASSGESCHNEIDERTE FAHRZEUGVARIANTEN Der Econic ist in den Konfigurationen 4x2, 6x4 und 6x2/4 mit elektrohydraulisch progressiv gelenkter Nach- und Vorlaufachse in den zulässigen Gesamtgewichten von 18 t beziehungsweise 26 t lieferbar. Auf Wunsch gibt es auch speziell zugeschnittene Fahrzeugausführungen. Die Zwei- und Dreiachser sind in unterschiedlichen Radständen erhältlich – von 3450 mm bis 5700 mm. Zum Einsatz kommen zwei Sechszylinder aus der Baureihe OM 936 LA mit 220 kW (299 PS) und 260 kW (354 PS) bei einem Hubraum von 7,7 l. Neben der motorinternen Abgasrückführung erfolgt die Abgasreinigung durch den geschlossenen Partikelfilter, AdBlue-Einspritzung und SCRKatalysator. Die Steuerung der in einer Abgasbox integrierten BlueTec 6-Filtersysteme wird von einer Regelelektronik übernommen, die aus einer Vielzahl von Motor- und Einsatzparametern bedarfsabhängig die Abgasreinigung regelt. Um den Verbrauch von Kraftstoff zu reduzieren wird optional ein Eco-Paket angeboten, welches unter anderem eine Geschwindigkeitsbegrenzung auf 85 km/h und eine konstante Beschleunigung umfasst, die eine Dreiviertel-Beladung simuliert und den Kickdown sperrt. Der Stop-and-Go-Verkehr spielt im täglichen Einsatz der kommunalen Econic-Nutzer eine große Rolle und stellt auch eine besondere Herausforderung für Motoren und Getriebe dar. Das SechsgangAutomatikgetriebe von Allison bewährt sich unter anderem bei den häufigen Stopps und Starts im Entsorgungsdienst. CNG & L NG ma ga zin e UMWELTFREUNDLICHER ERDGASMOTOR Der Econic NGT (Natural Gas Technology) in Euro VI wird nun ebenfalls in Serie gefertigt. Mitte März 2015 lief das erste Low-Entry-Fahrzeug der neuen Generation mit umweltfreundlicher Gas-Technologie nach Euro VI im Mercedes-Benz Werk Wörth vom Band. Die CO2-Emissionen liegen bis zu 20 Prozent unter denen eines Dieselmotors. Bei Verwendung von Biogas wird die CO2-Bilanz nochmals attraktiver. Auch die Geräuschemissionen liegen deutlich hörbar unter denen eines Dieselmotors. Der neue Erdgasmotor M 936 G im Econic basiert auf dem Turbodieselmotor OM 936 aus der neuen Generation BlueEfficiency Power mit 7,7 l Hubraum. Er wird als monovalenter (nur Gasantrieb) Motor mit komprimiertem Erdgas betrieben (CNG = Compressed Natural Gas), leistet 222 kW (302 PS) und erreicht ein maximales Drehmoment von 1200 Nm. Mit diesen Daten sowie mit seiner kraftvollen Leistungsentfaltung ist der einstufig aufgeladene Motor seinem Pendant mit Dieselantrieb völlig ebenbürtig. Der Econic dient den Aufbaupartnern aus dem Kommunalbereich häufig als Basis für Entsorgungsaufbauten. Aber auch andere kommunale Aufbauten wie beispielsweise Saug-/Spülaufbauten werden auf dem Econic realisiert. Durchgehende Lochraster und die Verschiebbarkeit des Schlussquerträgers sowie eine Neuanordnung der Aggregate hinter dem Fahrerhaus sorgen für gute Aufbaufreundlichkeit. Source: 21 Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT Zwölf Mercedes-Benz Erdgasbusse an Augsburger Stadtwerk e ausgeliefert • Weitere zwölf Citaro NGT für die Augsburger Stadtwerke • Leise, wirtschaftlich und kompakt: Erdgasantrieb der Zukunft A M 4. MÄRZ HAT HARTMUT SCHICK, LEITER DAIMLER BUSES, IM BEISEIN DES OBERBÜRGERMEISTERS DR. KURT GRIBL DEN SYMBOLISCHEN SCHLÜSSEL FÜR ZWÖLF MERCEDES-BENZ CITARO NGT (NATURAL GAS TECHNOLOGY) AN DR. WALTER CASAZZA, GESCHÄFTSFÜHRER DER AUGSBURGER STADTWERKE, ÜBERREICHT. Bei der feierlichen Fahrzeugübergabe auf dem Augsburger Rathausplatz hob Hartmut Schick die Bedeutung der neuen, umweltfreundlichen Mercedes-Benz Erdgasflotte für Daimler Buses hervor: „Dass die Stadtwerke bei ihrer Flottenverjüngung auf den Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT gesetzt haben, bestätigt unsere Bemühungen, weiterhin Alternativen zum klassischen Dieselantrieb zu entwickeln und praxistauglich anzubieten. Die hier verwendete neue ErdgasMotorgeneration ist derzeit die kompakteste ihrer Klasse. Sie läuft zudem sehr geräuscharm – was gerade innerstädtisch von Vorteil ist – und ist vollumfänglich Bio-Erdgas-tauglich.“ Die Busflotte in der Fuggerstadt fährt bereits seit über einem Jahr zu 100 Prozent mit Bio-Erdgas und ist deutschlandweit damit die erste, die nahezu CO2-neutral im Linienverkehr unterwegs ist. Als das bedeutendste Nahverkehrsunternehmen der Region betreiben die Augsburger Stadtwerke derzeit eine Omnibusflotte von 89 Fahrzeugen, allesamt erdgasbetrieben. Die zwölf Citaro NGT sind die Anschlusslieferung an den bereits im Dezember 2015 übergebenen ersten Citaro NGT mit neuer Motorentechnologie. Hartmut Schick, Leiter Daimler Buses, bei der Übergabe des symbolischen Schlüssels der neuen Erdgas-Omnibusflotte an Dr. Walter Casazza, Geschäftsführer Augsburger Stadtwerke. Die zwölf Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT werden die Linienaufgaben in der Fuggerstadt rein im Bio-Erdgasbetrieb bestreiten. Die Vorstellung der neuen Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT auf dem Rathausplatz stieß auf großes Medieninteresse. Oberbürgermeister Dr. Kurt Gribl (Bild Mitte) würdigte dabei das stete Umweltengagement der Stadtwerke über alle Geschäftsbereiche hinweg bis hin zum ÖPNV. 22 Source: Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT Twelve Mercedes-Benz natural gas-powered buses delivered to public utility Augsburger Stadtwerke • Twelve further Citaro NGT for the Augsburger Stadtwerke • Quiet, economical and compact: natural gas drive of the future O N 4 MARCH HARTMUT SCHICK, HEAD OF DAIMLER BUSES, HANDED OVER THE SYMBOLIC KEY FOR TWELVE MERCEDES-BENZ CITARO NGT BUSES (NATURAL GAS TECHNOLOGY) TO DR WALTER CASAZZA, MANAGER OF THE PUBLIC UTILITY AUGSBURGER STADTWERKE, IN THE PRESENCE OF THE MAYOR DR KURT GRIBL. At the ceremonial vehicle delivery at the Augsburg town hall square Hartmut Schick emphasised the importance of the new, environmentallyfriendly natural gas-powered fleet from Mercedes-Benz for Daimler Buses: "The fact that Augsburger Stadtwerke have chosen the Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT to update their fleet validates our efforts to continue developing alternatives to the classic diesel drive and to offer these in practical form. The generation of natural gas engines in use here is currently the most compact in its class. What's more, these engines run very quietly – something that is particularly advantageous within the city – and they are fully suited for renewable natural gas." For more than one year now, Augsburg's bus fleet has already been using renewable natural gas 100 percent of the time and is the first city Germanywide with an almost CO2-neutral regular service. As the most important local public transportation company in the region, the Augsburger Stadtwerke currently run a bus fleet of 89 vehicles, all of which are powered by natural gas. The twelve Citaro NGT are a follow on delivery to the first Citaro NGT with new engine technology that was delivered in December 2015. Hartmut Schick, Head of Daimler Buses, at the handover of the symbolic key for the new natural gas-powered bus fleet to Dr Walter Casazza, manager of the Augsburger Stadtwerke. The twelve Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT buses will carry out their regular service tasks in Augsburg completely with renewable natural gas drive. The presentation of the new Mercedes-Benz Citaro NGT buses at the town hall square drew a great deal of attention from the media. The mayor Dr Kurt Gribl (centre of the image) acknowledged the public utilities' constant commitment to the environment across all business units up to and including local public transport. Source: 23 Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e CNGVA Applauds New Federal Funding Commitments for Alt-Fuel Infrastructure and Innovation T HE CANADIAN NATURAL GAS VEHICLE ALLIANCE (CNGVA) SEES GOOD NEWS FOR CANADA’S NATURAL GAS VEHICLE SECTOR ARISING OUT OF THE 2016 FEDERAL BUDGET, WHICH OUTLINES AN AMBITIOUS AGENDA AIMED AT TRANSFORMING CANADA’S ECONOMY. Focused on delivering key commitments from the fall election, CNGVA says it sees a number of opportunities for “Canada’s medium and heavy duty vehicle sector to continue to move toward low cost transportation and emissions reductions with the government’s $62.5 million (USD 48 million) pledge to fund electric and alternative fuel infrastructure along with various other infrastructure commitments in Budget 2016” – said CNGVA Executive Director, Bruce Winchester. CNGVA PROVIDES DETAILS FOR THE FOLLOWING SECTORS: Infrastructure: $11.9 billion over five years, starting immediately. Budget 2016 puts this plan into action with $3.4 billion over 3 years to upgrade and improve public transit systems across Canada. In this envelope are opportunities for supporting the deployment of natural gas powered transit buses along with municipal natural gas fueling infrastructure. Municipalities: In supporting municipalities’ front-line efforts, the Government has announced $75 million in new funding for local governments to address climate change to be delivered by the Federation of Canadian Municipalities. This investment will support municipalityled projects to identify and implement greenhouse gas reduction opportunities. Ferries: The Budget has identified the need to support ferry operations and will support environmental performance through fleet renewal. To support ferry operators’ plans to renew their aging fleet, Budget 2016 proposes to waive the 25% tariff on ferry imports after October 1, 2015. This will provide an estimated $118 million in savings over six years. Innovation: The budget promises $1 billion over four years to support clean technology, including in the forestry, fisheries, mining, energy and agriculture sectors to be delivered as part of a forthcoming innovation agenda. Budget 2016 proposes to provide over $130 million over five years, starting in 2016-17, to support clean technology research, development and demonstration activities: •$50 million over four years, starting in 2017–18, to Sustainable Development Technology Canada (SDTC) for the SD Tech Fund. • $82.5 million over two years, starting in 2016–17, to Natural Resources Canada (NRCan) to support research, development and demonstration of clean energy technologies. These resources will accelerate the innovation required to bring clean energy technologies closer to commercialization, reducing the environmental impacts of energy production and creating clean jobs. SUPPORT FOR ALTERNATIVE FUELS AND CLEAN TRANSPORTATION Budget 2016 proposes to provide $56.9 million over 2 years, starting in 2016-17, to Transport Canada and Environment and Climate Change Canada to support the transition to a cleaner transportation sector, including through the development of regulations and standards for clean transportation technology. Funding will also support Canada’s continued participation in the development of international emissions standards for emissions from the international aviation, marine and rail sectors, including through the International Maritime Organization and the International Civil Aviation Organization. Source: Canadian Gas Association 24 a new level of autogas controllers Q-generacja to grupa sterowników (QBOX, QMAX, QNEXT) stworzona Q-generation is a group of controllers (QBOX, QMAX, QNEXT) przez najbardziej doświadczonych konstruktorów marki STAG. Wszystkie created by the leading specialists of the STAG brand. The con- sterowniki łączy podobna funkcjonalność a różni sposób montażu i ilość trollers share the same functionality, but differ by method of cylindrów, do których są dedykowane. Q-generacja jest odpowiedzią na installation and amount of supported cylinders. Now the install- potrzeby motoryzacji i montażystów, daje szerokie spektrum rozwiązań er can makes a decision between the installation of QBOX or technologicznych jak i sprzętowych. Teraz montażysta może sam dokonać QNEXT independently and owners of “big” cars can count on wyboru o sposobie montażu QBOX czy QNEXT, a właściciele „dużych” aut proven technologies and high performance of QMAX. mogą liczyć na sprawdzone technologie i wysokie osiągi czyli na QMAX. I NATURAL GAS PLAYS A MAJOR ROLE IN ENERGY TRANSITION “WE ARE FACING AN ENERGY TRANSITION, MAYBE I SHOULD SAY A REVOLUTION” – SAYS JEAN-MARC LEROY, PRESIDENT OF GAS INFRASTRUCTURE EUROPE (GIE), THE EUROPEAN ASSOCIATION FOR DISTRIBUTORS OF NATURAL GAS, A FUNCTION HE HOLDS SINCE NOVEMBER LAST YEAR. Leroy was named managing director of the Gas Chain Métier at ENGIE in January this year. He started his career in Electricité de France, joined Gaz de France in 1994 and held several key positions there. NGVA Europe asked him to shed light on the future of natural gas in general and for road transport in particular. “We had an important agreement in Paris recently on reducing CO 2 , the world is being changed in depth” – says Leroy. “So where are we going after the Paris agreement? I think we will be going to more decentralised solutions in fighting climate change and natural gas is key in winning the battle. Why? Two reasons. One is changing power plants that are now being fuelled by coal, to natural gas. Worldwide that means a reduction in CO2 emissions of 60 percent in power sector! For Europe this would mean even as much as 20% less CO2 in the air.” “Europe is not on the forefront of gas mobility, it is even rather late. Other continents have shifted to natural gas in transport much earlier. Europe as so far not succeeded in answering the chicken and egg question: do we start with an infrastructure for natural gas or with the vehicles? But things are changing. The EU Commission is supportive of natural gas, the DAFI (Directive for Alternative Fuel Infrastructures) has been approved establishing an infrastructure for natural gas as a fuel. There is the Blue Corridor Project subsidised by the EU to demonstrate that natural gas can be a viable alternative to diesel in trucks, all very important. The infrastructure to distribute natural gas across Europe already exists. Just the link to the filling stations necessary to drive your car need to be established. The DAFI will provide for that.” “Gas mobility is part of the solution also, not only because of the reductions in CO2 that can be achieved, but also because of the improved air quality with natural gas as a fuel. Megacities can benefit vastly from the virtual lack of particulate matter in natural gas and of the much lower emissions of NOx. For shipping natural gas is the fuel of choice because it is free of sulphur.” “Europe is innovating, there are many interesting projects. It will find the way and natural gas will be key. It is available, cheap and abundant. There are new sources found every day all over the world. Important is also that natural gas can be stored. Also on the long term. This allows for example to face a cold winter. Liquefied Natural Gas therefore, or LNG, gives Europe flexibility, also on where natural gas can be obtained.” “The second reason natural gas is key is that the gas industry is very innovative. Natural gas can also be produced locally, through biogas and power to gas installations, where surplus electricity can produce synthetic natural gas. In France for instance, in 2050 we expect green gas to account for over 50% of the gas injected into the distribution network.” “Biogas can give many solutions to the problems we face today in reducing CO2. It is also a good solution to recycle waste. As far as the use of crops and land-use to produce biogas is concerned: it is clear that we first need to feed to population. But we also have to provide them with energy.Gas will be part of the solution to provide everybody the energy they need, also in mobility.” 26 “With regard to Europe’s wish to be self-sufficient in energy I can only question if self-sufficiency can be an objective in itself. The gas industry would like to put emphasis on competitiveness. That is most important, for example to safeguard the more than 300.000 jobs the gas industry offers in Europe today. The focus should be on the market, not on politics, and on diversification of the energy supply. Natural gas can play a major role there.” Source: NGVA Europe pierścień uszczelniający seal ring adapter z mosiądzu brass adapter filtr z brązu spiekanego bronze filter połączenie ze stali nierdzewnej stainless steel connector radełkowane knurling Adaptero – filtry Nowa propozycja firmy Certools, to połączenie dwóch produktów: Adaptera tankowania LPG z filtrem z brązu spiekanego Produkt jest objęty PATENTEM. LPG Filling adapters with filter inside New proposition of Certools company. It is a composition of LPG filling adapter with sintered bronze filter. The product is under PATENT protection. CERTOOLS: POLAND 95-200 Pabianice, ul. Wspólna 23B tel.: +48 42 227 07 57 fax: +48 42 227 56 55 Inter national LP G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e zainwestuje w sprężony gaz ziemny U PS PLANUJE ZBUDOWAĆ DODATKOWYCH 12 WŁASNYCH STACJI TANKOWANIA CNG ORAZ DODAĆ DO SWOJEJ FLOTY POJAZDÓW KOLEJNYCH 380 CIĄGNIKÓW ZASILANYCH CNG. NA TE WSZYSTKIE ZAKUPY FIRMA PRZEZNACZY 100 MILIONÓW DOLARÓW, ZAŚ CAŁE DZIAŁANIE JEST CZĘŚCIĄ AKCJI MAJĄCEJ NA CELU DYWERSYFIKACJĘ ŹRÓDEŁ ENERGII I ZMNIEJSZENIE NEGATYWNEGO WPŁYWU NA ŚRODOWISKO. UPS dąży do tego, aby do roku 2017 móc osiągnąć swój cel polegający na przejechaniu miliarda mil przez posiadaną flotę aut napędzanych paliwami alternatywnymi. Osiągnięte wyniki takiego testu mają dąć firmie znaczące korzyści dzięki dokonaniu finalnie wyboru najlepszego paliwa oraz najbardziej efektywnego sposobu jazdy. „W UPS posiadamy własną flotę pojazdów i całą infrastrukturę. To pozwala nam inwestować długoterminowo i nie być uzależnionym od chwilowych wahań cen paliw. CNG jest częścią szerokiego planu inwestycji w pojazdy napędzane różnymi źródłami paliw alternatywnych. Wszystkie razem stanowią już teraz 6% naszej światowej floty, co daje ponad 100 tysięcy pojazdów. Przełożyło się to na nasze oszczędności rzędu 10% w porównaniu do rocznego wykorzystania paliw konwencjonalnych” – powiedział Mark Wallace, wiceprezes UPS ds. inżynierii i jakości. 28 Wspomnianych 12 nowych stacji CNG zostanie zbudowany przez firmę TruStar Energy w następujących miastach: • Amarillo, El Paso, Fort Worth i San Antonio w Teksasie; • Chattanooga w Tennessee; • Columbia w Karolinie Południowej; • Kansas City w Kansas; • Phoenix w Arizonie; • Reno w Newadzie; • Tifton w Georgii; • Trinidad w Colorado; • Willow Grove w Pensylwanii Wirginii i Wirginii Zachodniej oraz doświadczeniu UPS w eksploatowaniu pojazdów na CNG w Niemczech, Holandii i Tajlandii. UPS był jedną z 13 wiodących firm, które podjęły się udziału w przygotowanym przez administrację prezydenta Obamy programie „Act on Climate Pledge”, zobowiązując się tym samym do 20% zmniejszenia intensywności emisji gazów cieplarnianych do 2020 roku w wykorzystywanych pojazdach. W tej chwili w USA, UPS jest jedną z największych prywatnych flot używających paliw alternatywnych i zaawansowanych technologii związanych z napędem pojazdów. Również w tych samych miastach mają się znaleźć nowe ciągniki z napędem CNG produkowane przez firmę Kenworth. Firmy Aqility oraz Quantum Fuel Systems dostarczą elementy infrastruktury gazowej. Cała inwestycja opiera się na 18 istniejących firmowych stacjach tankowania CNG w Alabamie, Kalifornia, Kolorado, Georgii, Kansas, Kentucky, Luizjanie, Oklahomie, Pensylwanii, Teksasie, Posiadana flota obejmuje ponad 6 840 aut całkowicie elektrycznych, hybrydowych elektrycznych, hybrydowych hydraulicznych, CNG, LNG, LPG oraz tych, które mają lekkie kompozytowe nadwozia. Wszystko to w jednym celu – oszczędzania kosztów paliwa. Źródło: PRODUKCJA I DYSTRYBUCJA FILTRÓW LPG I CNG LPG & CNG FILTERS PRODUCER AND DISTRIBUTOR TEL. +48 660 703 994 WWW.MMCFILTER.COM Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e Program konwersji na LPG M ENADŻEROWIE FLOT DĄŻĄ DO REDUKCJI EMISJI CO2 POPRZEZ ZWIĘKSZENIE ILOŚCI POJAZDÓW NAPĘDZANYCH PALIWAMI ALTERNATYWNYMI. FIRMA ALLIANCE AUTOGAS POKAZAŁA JAK MOŻNA ŁATWO PRZEKONWERTOWAĆ AUTO CIĘŻAROWE DO PRACY NA AUTOGAZ. Podczas marcowych targów NTEA Truck Work (Indianapolis, USA) 2 montażystów firmy w ciągu 2 godzin przekonwertowało Forda F-150 do zasilania LPG, co było próbą pobicia rekordu świata w tej „dyscyplinie”. "Chcemy, aby ludzie z pierwszej ręki wiedzieli jak prosto jest przekształcić pojazd na LPG, jak dobrze to działa i jakie to daje korzyści zarządcy floty pojazdów” – powiedział Hoffman. "Cały pomysł tego działania ma na celu pokazanie potencjalnym klientom i instalatorom, jak proste i nieinwazyjne jest przerobienie pojazdu do zasilania autogazem" – powiedział Ed Hoffman, prezes Blossman Services Inc., dystrybutor osprzętu Alliance AutoGas. Rozwiązania stosowane przez Alliance zaowocowały konwersjami bi-fuel (benzyna/ LPG) ponad 10 tys. pojazdów. Firma stosuje równocześnie drugi zbiornik dla LPG zawierający 80 litrów gazu, umieszczony w podwoziu ciężarówki. ECU działa jako przełącznik pomiędzy gazem a benzyną i jest podłączony do pojazdu za pomocą jednej wtyczki. Firma opracowała też własny wtryskiwacz. Po dokonanej konwersji, Ford F-150 bierze udział w 2-tygodniowym programie "CZYSTE POWIETRZE – JAZDA OD WYBRZEŻA – PO WYBRZEŻE” – podróży obejmującej 5300 mil, która zakończy się 20 maja. Jej celem jest podkreślenie znaczenia i wpływu autogazu na redukcję emisji CO2. Hoffman podkreślił, że w trakcie konwersji pojazdu, nie ma potrzeby wierceń lub cięć. Stosowane systemy nie wymagają żadnych stałych modyfikacji w aucie i można je usunąć, co jest szczególnie wygodne dla menedżerów flot, którzy dzierżawią pojazdy. Omawiany system ma 58 certyfikatów Amerykańskiej Agencji Ochrony Środowiska (EPA) i Narodowego Programu Przeciwpożarowego (NFPA) 58 standardów. Source: from Greenfleetmagazine 30 Alliance AutoGas mobilizes vehicle conversion program A S FLEET MANAGERS AIM TO “GREEN” THEIR FLEETS AND REDUCE CO2 EMISSIONS, THE NUMBER OF ALTERNATIVE-FUEL OPTIONS CONTINUE TO EXPAND AS WELL. FLEET GREENING HAS MADE IT'S WAY TO LIGHT-DUTY TRUCKS AND IT HAS GRADUALLY BEEN MIGRATING TO THE MEDIUM- AND HEAVY-DUTY TRUCK SPACE. ALLIANCE AUTOGAS IS READY TO SHOW HOW FLEETS CAN EASILY CONVERT A TRUCK TO RUN ON PROPANE AUTOGAS AND THEN PUT IT TO WORK. Alliance AutoGas, a propane autogas solution provider has converted a Ford F-150. On March 3, two of the company’s installers has converted an F-150 to LPG in less than two hours, in an attempt to break the world record for the fastest vehicle conversion to propane autogas. “The whole idea behind this vehicle conversion is to let prospective customers, installers, and other stakeholders see how easy and non-intrusive it is to convert a vehicle to run on propane autogas” – said Ed Hoffman, president of Blossman Services Inc., the equipment distributor for Alliance AutoGas. Following the conversion, the F-150 will embark on Alliance AutoGas’ Clean Air Coast-to-Coast ride, a 5,300 mile trip in early May. The goal of the F-150’s trip is to underscore the importance and impact of reducing CO2 emissions through the use of LPG. “We want people to see first-hand, how simple and easy it is to convert a vehicle, how well it runs, and a how it gives the fleet manager a well-documented return” – Hoffman said. The company’s conversion solution has helped over 10,000 vehicles make the transition from gasoline to LPG. There are no implementation costs for fleets, and zero intrusion on the vehicle’s original fuel tank. The company offers bi-fuel conversions, meaning the original gasoline components remain with the vehicle, giving fleets the flexibility of switching between LPG or gasoline fueling. “We handle the conversion of the vehicle, the infrastructure on site for dispensing fuel, and the fuel supply for the fleet customer” – Hoffman said. Alliance AutoGas installs a handful of parts, including a secondary fuel tank to store the gas, an injector spacer plate, and engine control unit (ECU). The 21-gallon autogas tank is placed on the underbody of the truck. The ECU acts as the switch that allows the vehicle to go from gasoline to propane autogas fueled; it is connected to the vehicle with one plug. Alliance AutoGas has its own injection technology; it uses an injector spacer plate. The bolt-on part allows, at a set position, for the propane to be introduced into the engine. Hoffman emphasizes that there is no drilling or cutting done of any parts or wires. These systems do not require any permanent vehicle modifications; they can be removed, which is especially convenient for fleet managers who lease vehicles. “Any fleet that covers a substantial amount of miles would have real-life savings very quickly” – Hoffman said. The system is complaint with the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) and National Fire Protection Association (NFPA) 58 standards. Source: from Greenfleetmagazine PRODUCENT WĘŻY GUMOWYCH RUBBER AND PVC HOSES PRODUCING COMPANY ECE 67 ECE 110 WĘŻE PRZEZNACZONE DO SAMOCHODOWYCH INSTALACJI GAZOWYCH LPG / CNG WWW.FAGUMIT.COM.PL HOSES ASSIGNED TO CAR LPG / CNG SYSTEMS ШЛАНГИ НАЗНАЧЁННЫЕ К АВТОМОБИЛЬНЫМ ГАЗОВЫМ ОБОРУДОВАНИЯМ LPG / CNG FAGUMIT 32-340 WOLBROM, UL. 1 MAJA 100 TEL./FAX: +48 32 647 26 16 E-MAIL: MARKETING@FAGUMIT.COM.PL TT213_E2_Advert_297x2 Since more than 30 years, our company is known as a leading company in designing and manufacturing mechanical components for Automotive LPG and CNG systems. Quality of our products and processes and the high flexibility in replying to market changes have been the key of our success and reputation for more than 30 years. Please visit our new website Recommended by A.MAX ITALY I TALY’S ECOMOTIVE SOLUTIONS, A HOLDIM GROUP COMPANY AND ENGINE CALIBRATION SPECIALIST, HAS CONVERTED A RUBBER TYRED GANTRY (RTG) KALMAR CRANE AT THE PORT OF LIVORNO FROM DIESEL TO DUAL-FUEL USING ITS D-GID PLATFORM. THE CONVERSION TO LNG/DIESEL OPERATION WAS CARRIED OUT AS PART OF THE SEA TERMINALS PROJECT, WHICH AIMS TO ENCOURAGE A NEW CULTURE OF PORT MANAGEMENT BY INTRODUCING ECO-EFFICIENCY AS A KEY FACTOR, THROUGH THE REDUCTION OF POLLUTANT EMISSIONS FROM ALL OF THE VEHICLES USED TO MOVE GOODS. In this specific case, the transformation that Ecomotive Solutions carried out in collaboration with Global Service, a technical services company for port vehicles, involved an RTG Kalmar crane with a Cummins engine operating at the Terminal Darsena Toscana in Livorno. set up to transfer gas from the cryogenic tank to the engine, which is another Ecomotive Solutions product. The return on operating costs proved to be significant, with a 23.8% savings on fuel (based on the cost of diesel fuel at 1€/l and methane at 0,79€/kg). The environment benefits as well with decreases of up to 40% for particulate The conversion took place through the emissions and 10% for CO2 after the conversion, installation of Ecomotive Solutions’ d-gid using tests conducted on similar engines. (diesel-gas dynamic injection) platform, as well as the insertion of a dedicated tank for storing The d-gid Dual Fuel platform developed by 600 litres of LNG, which was built by the HVM Ecomotive Solutions is capable of fuelling company in Livorno, and of the complete line a diesel engine simultaneously with a mixture 32 of gas (Methane\ Biomethane stored in both compressed CNG form and liquid LNG, and diesel. Application of the d-gid system does not in any way change the nature of the diesel engine, maintaining the initial performance and efficiency; moreover, in the absence of availability of gas, the system automatically returns to operate on 100% diesel. Source: NGVGlobal, Ecomotive Solutions Successful year of Flashlube 210_v3.indd 1 19/02/2016 10:24 AM F LASHLUBE HAVE HAD ANOTHER SUCCESSFUL YEAR AS THE STRATEGIC PARTNER AT THE POLAND GAS SHOW LAST MONTH, BRINGING AN ‘AUSTRALIAN MADE’ MESSAGE TO THE EVENT AND TAKING HOME THEIR FIFTH CONSECUTIVE INPRO AWARD FOR THEIR ORIGINAL VALVE SAVER FLUID. A large Flashlube sign welcomed visitors the show to the Warsaw International Expocentre for the fourth consecutive year, before they were ushered into the main hall with inflatable Kangaroos and large wall to wall signage showing off the brand’s E2 Electronic Valve Saver Kit. The new kit, designed to automatically inject the required amount of Genuine Flashlube Valve Saver Fluid into the fuel system at controlled intervals, features a straightforward adjustment dial which is simply set to match with a vehicles cylinder capacity, removing any programming complication, as well as ‘plug and play’ cables, which eliminates the need The kit, designed to combat Valve Seat Recession for soldering after initial installation and will flash in LPG/CNG vehicles, was recently awarded the when set to zero if all fitting is correct, minimising Most Innovative New Product in the lubricants any installation errors. category at the Australian Automotive Aftermarket A self-priming ‘Smart Pump’ is also fitted, Awards, and is an improvement on the original designed to both initiate fluid flow as soon as Flashlube Electronic Kit released by the company in correct installation is complete, and stop pumping 2009, the world’s first product to be granted TUV if the fluid runs out, preventing the system from approval in a road test. running dry and effectively burning out. Flashlube’s Development Manager Martijn Solleveld said that the show was a great success for the company, with heightened interest in Flashlube’s entire range. Flashlube also took the opportunity to introduce their new generation of products, targeted at solving problems with diesel engines. This range included the Flashlube Diesel Filter, used for separating water from dirty fuel, and the Catch Can Pro, which filters out any carbon that might build up in the EGR and fuel system components. For more information on the Flashlube range of products or to find a stockist, visit Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e FRANCE NEEDS 250 FILLING STATIONS BY 2020 TO MEET INCREASING DEMAND FOR NATURAL GAS IN TRANSPORT T O MEET INCREASING DEMAND FOR NATURAL GAS AS A FUEL FRANCE WILL NEED 250 CNG AND LNG FILLINGS BY 2020, A PROPOSAL BY THE FRENCH NGV INDUSTRY FOR THE DEVELOPMENT OF A NATURAL GAS INFRASTRUCTURE SHOWS. UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS 150 OF THESE STATIONS COULD BE PRIVATELY FUNDED, FOR THE REMAINING STATIONS SOME FORM OF GOVERNMENT AID WILL BE INDISPENSABLE. FRANCE HAS 43 NATURAL GAS FILLING STATIONS TODAY. The proposal, written by the French natural gas vehicle association (AFGNV), outlines in detail the needs and possibilities to establish natural gas and biomethane as an alternative to traditional fuels in transport, in order to reduce dependency on oil and improve air quality in cities. The proposal is meant to support French authorities in drafting a plan to establish an infrastructure for natural gas as a fuel, as mandated by the EU Directive Alternative Fuels Infrastructure (DAFI). The national plans are to be submitted to the European Commission by November of this year. The French NGV industry notes an increased interest in France to use natural gas as alternative to traditional fuels, in particular in freight transport, for which natural gas is the only economically viable alternative to diesel. Increasingly large cities in France are eyeing natural gas as an option to reduce air pollution, in particular the presently high emissions of nitrogen oxide and particulate matter from diesel engines. Natural gas and biomethane contain virtually no particulate matter and have low emissions of NOx. Natural gas could form a substantial part of the fuel mix in France, the industry writes. To meet future demand for natural gas and biomethane as a fuel it is essential, the association writes, to have a strategic network of 150 NGV refuelling points by 2020. The investment required is estimated at 150 million euros, which for the most part could be financed by the private sector on the condition that the current difference in taxation of natural gas and diesel in France remains unchanged until at least 2025, that support for the purchase of the presently higher priced natural gas vehicles is maintained and that incentives for the development of biomethane are reinforced. These privately funded stations will inevitably be close to the business community they intend to serve, the association notes. In order to accommodate local authorities determined on reducing air pollution, some 100 filling stations should be established at points where ‘market-specific’ stations do not cover demand. The funding of these ‘territorial’ stations would have to be partly supported by the public sector to involve private investors, at local or national level, either through direct investment, or through other subsidies guaranteeing a minimum level of return. In the proposal of the French NGV association the investment in such a network of ‘territorial’ stations would amount to around 25 million euros. The total number of 250 stations would enable France to meet the European requirement in the DAFI to develop an infrastructure of natural gas stations. The proposal makes clear that France’s gas industry is ready for the deployment of the stations, stating that with 40.000 kilometers of high pressure pipelines and 200.000 kilometers of distribution pipelines covering the whole of the country, France has ample assets to provide a solid base for the development of gas-powered mobility. Source: NGVA Europe 34 PA LIW FU EL PR ICE S LPG 1L 95 1L Country Euro-super 95 1L Euro-super 98 1L Diesel 1L LPG 1L CNG [Euro/ 1kg] Austria 1,008 € 1,230 0,925 0,660 € 0,997 Białystok Belgium 1,344 € 1,400 1,100 0,410 € 0,861 Bydgoszcz 1.63 (+1 gr) Bulgaria 0,925 € 1,080 0,890 0,440 € 0,740 Gdańsk 1.65 (+2 gr) 0,39 4.25 (+8 gr) 0,99 Croatia 1,189 € 1,190 1,051 0,470 € 1,230 Gorzów Wlkp, 1.63 (-1 gr) 0,38 4.21 (+4 gr) 0,98 Cyprus 1,079 € 1,300 1,055 - - 1.59 (-) 0,37 4.25 (+5 gr) 0,99 Czech Republic 1,018 - 0,955 0,500 € 0,950 1.56 (+4 gr) 0,36 4.26 (+9 gr) 1,00 Denmark 1,477 - 1,208 1,218 1,340 / m3 1.54 (-) 0,36 4.23 (+10 gr) 0,99 Estonia 1,090 € 0,960 1,005 0,520 € 0,729 Finland 1,350 € 1,410 1,135 - - France 1,265 € 1,240 1,080 0,730 € 1,260 Olsztyn 1.72 (-3 gr) 0,40 Germany 1,225 € 1,298 1,022 0,570 € 0,999 Opole 1.58 (-1 gr) 0,37 4.29 (+9 gr) 1,00 Greece 1,310 € 1,824 1,090 0,620 € 0,879 Poznań 1.56 (-) 0,36 4.25 (+11 gr) 0,99 Hungary 1,055 € 1,265 0,999 0,680 € 1,126 Rzeszów 1.57 (-1 gr) 0,37 4.19 (+5 gr) 0,98 Ireland 1,233 - 1,080 0,690 € 0,960 Szczecin 1.59 (-1 gr) 0,37 4.25 (+8 gr) 0,99 Italy 1,510 € 1,580 1,320 0,570 € 0,981 Warszawa 1.66 (+1 gr) 0,39 4.22 (+4 gr) 0,99 Latvia 1,020 € 1,070 0,894 0,500 € 0,968 Wrocław 1.61 (-1 gr) Lithuania 1,020 - 0,880 0,840 € 0,950 Luxembourg 1,070 € 1,140 0,840 0,390 € 0,590 Malta 1,280 - 1,180 - - Netherlands 1,550 € 1,620 1,150 0,760 € 1,024 Poland 0,960 € 1,030 0,880 0,370 0,740/ m3 Portugal 1,340 € 1,342 1,050 0,600 0,976/ m3 Romania 1,094 € 1,257 1,044 0,500 € 0,730 Slovakia 1,172 - 1,010 0,580 € 0,946 Slovenia 1,190 € 1,650 1,050 0,600 € 1,009 Spain 1,110 € 1,150 1,020 0,570 € 0,801 Sweden 1,367 € 1,254 1,282 0,980 € 1,771 United Kingdom 1,060 € 1,160 1,060 0,710 € 1,330 Average 1,190 € 1,293 1,045 0,619 € 0,992 [only kg] Miasto/ City PLN EURO 1.57 (-) Katowice Kielce Kraków Lublin PLN EURO 0,37 4.19 (+6 gr) 0,98 0,38 4.17 (+4 gr) 0,97 1.57 (+3 gr) 0,37 4.17 (+7 gr) 0,97 Łódź 1.57 (-) 0,37 4.25 (+7 gr) 0,99 0,38 4.29 (-3 gr) 4.17 (-4 gr) 1,00 0,97 * różnica w cenie w porównaniu z poprzedzającym tygodniem 1,59 1,63 1,69 1,63 1,59 1,66 1,61 1,63 1,61 1,59 1,54 1,65 Średnia detaliczna cena LPG w Polsce – 20.04.2016 1,65 1,56 1,59 1,65 dane z dnia 20.04.2016, na podst,, Prices are effective April 20, 2016, Sources: pzmtravel,com,pl, ec,europa,eu, metanoauto,com, privateinfo CE N Y Inter national L P G & CNG & L NG ma ga zin e Characteristics of HCNG blends in spark ignition engine A NEW STUDY BY A TEAM FROM THE ENGINE RESEARCH LABORATORY AT THE INDIAN INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY KANPUR EXPLORES THE COMBUSTION, PERFORMANCE AND EMISSION CHARACTERISTICS OF A PROTOTYPE SPARK IGNITION ENGINE OPERATING WITH DIFFERENT BLEND RATIOS OF HCNG (HYDROGEN AND COMPRESSED NATURAL GAS BLENDS). Use of lower carbon natural gas and carbon-free hydrogen have potential to reduce harmful emissions of criteria pollutants and greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and could displace a portion of conventional liquid fossil fuels, the IIT noted. However, both fuels pose different challenges for use in internal combustion (IC) engines. “Hydrogen requires very low ignition energy therefore utilization of hydrogen in IC engines can potentially cause preignition and backfire. Use of hydrogen also leads to low power output and constraints the operating load range of the engine because of very low density of hydrogen, which in-turn reduces the volumetric efficiency of the engine significantly. Therefore use of 100% hydrogen as a total replacement of gasoline in a spark ignition (SI) engine is rather challenging and difficult. On the other hand, natural gas is being used as an alternate fuel to conventional gasoline for last few decades. It is utilized either in the form of CNG or LNG. Natural gas resources have been discovered in various forms world-wide. There is tremendous interest in using natural gas on a large scale worldwide because it is relatively cleaner fuel due to its highest H/C ratio (4:1) amongst all hydrocarbon fuels. However natural gas suffers from poor lean-burn capabilities, low flame speed and poor idle stability, which makes CNG engine relatively low efficiency engine due to its longer combustion duration and less agility. Engine’s lean operation could be extended by increasing H2 fraction in the test fuel and also by increasing intake manifold pressure. … addition of hydrogen to CNG can significantly improve combustion characteristics of CNG by increasing its lean limits and flame burning velocity” – said Verma et al. The study focused on the behavior of engines using HCNG blends, in which the H/C ratio was varied. The H/C ratios for the blends tested were: • CNG: 4.0 • 10HCNG: 4.22 • 20HCNG: 4.50 • 30HCNG: 4.85 • 40HCNG: 5.33 They also tested the engine using 100% hydrogen. The researchers used a port fuel injected (3 bar), single cylinder, .948-liter research engine with a compression ratio of 11:1. Overall, the 20 HCNG blend (H/C ratio of 4.5) showed the best overall performance. Sources: Gaurav Verma, Rajesh Kumar Prasad, Rashmi A. Agarwal, Siddhant Jain, Avinash Kumar Agarwal (2016) “Experimental investigations of combustion, performance and emission characteristics of a hydrogen enriched natural gas fuelled prototype spark ignition engine,” SHOWCASE YOUR EXPERTISE ON THE LARGEST GAS CONFERENCE AND EXHIBITION IN SOUTH-EAST EUROPE! 50 speakers, 40 exhibitors and 500 prominent gas experts, managers and executives, representatives of 200 gas and energy companies and organisations from 20 countries CONFERENCE TOPICS: 1. The Effect of Carbon Dioxide (CO2) Emissions on Gas and Future Energy Systems – Paper Presentations and Panel Discussion 2. New Technological Solutions for Gas and Energy Industries (Hybrid Solutions and the Use of Renewable Energy Sources) 3. Development of Smart Technologies for Use in Gas and Energy Systems 4. Development Activities in the Republic of Croatia (Pipelines, Compressor Stations, Gas Storage Facilities and the LNG Terminal) 5. Introductory Speeches and Panel Discussion on the Topic: “Gas Supply in a Liberal Market Economy” 6. Issues Relating to Gas Meters and Calibration Equipment 7. 8. Technical and Economic Issues Relating to Liquefied Petroleum Gas (LPG) Technical Regulations and Rules of the Profession for Safe and Efficient Use of Gas 9. Poster Session on Various Topics in the Gas and Energy Industry REGISTER NOW WITH DISCOUNT: BOOK YOUR EXHIBITION BOOTH: Croatian Gas Centre Ltd., Heinzelova 9/II, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia, phone: +385 (0)1 6189 590, e-mail: on