Spring 2012
Spring 2012
AREA F NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 Area F N ewsletter “Thank you for all you do because without you school would not be the same.” IN THIS ISSUE “High” Light School Alta Loma High p.2 CADA CONVENTION Pg. 3 “SPOT” Light School Bell Mountain Middle School pg. 4 Handy Apps & Camp Dates Pg. 5 Pg. 6 Area F Council Contacts Pg. 7 Pictures and Dates Happy halfway through the school year Area F! I hope your first semester has been amazing. My goal at this time of the year, when stress levels of activities directors, advisors, bookkeepers and secretaries are high, is to help you through the second semester. One way is to remind you how important your jobs are to kids. Is there a difference in the grade point average, graduation rate and post high school success between students who participate in extracurricular activities and those who do not? The answer is YES! Attendance rates of involved students are higher than their nonparticipating classmates. Students who participated are three times as likely to perform well in Math and English assessments compared to nonparticipants. Involved students also aspire to achieve and are more successful during their post high school life. For example author Mary Rombokas performed a study of college aged students who were involved in extracurricular activities in high school to discover if there was in fact a correlation between involvement in activities and academic achievement. She concluded after questioning two hundred ninety two FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ college students that “participation in extracurricular activities enhances both the intellectual and social development of students.” So remember these facts when people make statements like, “What do you and your ASB do besides make posters?” Respond by saying, “We also make a difference!” A great way to help you continue to make a difference in student’s lives is to attend the CADA State Convention. Please stop by the Area F table near registration to get information on the Meet the Pros workshops, the networking suites, tips for a successful convention and free Area F prizes. If you haven’t registered yet, you can still register online until February 10 or register at the convention in Reno. I say this every year but it doesn’t matter if you are new, a veteran or someone who’s almost ready for retirement this is a convention you don’t want to miss! If you have any questions please don’t hesitate to contact me at areaf@cada1.org or call me at 714-745-8962. Thanks and see you in Reno! Kevin Fairman www.cada1.org AREA F NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 EVENT BLOCK? IDEAS FOR PROMS Use soiree a Paris Star-struck (Hollywood) Spanish Serenade An Evening Under The Stars Moonlight & Roses A Knight to Remember Ideas FOR HOMECOMING A Night on the Nile (Egyptian) Once Upon A Time An Evening in Paradise Midnight Masquerade A Magical Moment Hurray For Hollywood Ideas FOR SADIE HAWKINS Grease Lightening (50’s) Jamaican Me Crazy “HIGH” Light School: ALHS By: S Ke(le ALTA LOMA HIGH SCHOOL Homecoming Theme announcement at lunch this past fall. The large group is part of our first lunch student body showing their enthusiasm for the theme. The theme was "A Tale of Four CiCes". Each class had their own city and decoraCons were according to that city. The dance was held at the high school and was a HUGE success. We had the most Ccket sales in the history of ALHS. The dance itself was in the gym, there was a giant Hollywoodlike spotlight in front of the school and a red carpet inviCng students in. There were 2 caricature arCsts, pool tables, foosball, karaoke, photo booths and lots of good food. The other pictures are of our ASB during our spirit days. FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ We had a carnival the Friday before the students went on Thanksgiving break. It was called Moonlight Madness. The purpose was twofold: 1) to bring the students and community together for an evening of fun and raising money for the various clubs on campus, 2) to build hype and spirit for our boys' basketball team. The colleges have "Midnight Madness" at the start of a basketball season for the same purpose ‐ build spirit. The evening started at 5:00 with the carnival. All of the clubs on campus had a booth with food, drink (everything from burgers, ke(lecorn, churros, homemade goodies, tacos) and/or games (typical carnival style games like dart throwing, balloon popping, musical chairs, ring toss, even a toss into a goldfish bowl and the winner gets the fish!!!!). We charged a minimal entry fee so the guests would be able to spend money at each of the club's booths. The carnival was over at 7:00 and then our guests went into the gym for a night rally. Our new varsity basketball coach hosted the rally. We had different dance performances as well as introducing the varsity girls and boys basketball teams. ‐ with a short scrimmage at the end. The gym was packed!!!! It was such an amazing turnout! We had approximately 650 a(endees!!!! Our guests were of all ages ‐ from Cny tots to grandmas and grandpas! We were so surprised and elated, since it was our first venture with this huge event, at the incredible success! www.cada1.org AREA F NEWSLETTER Wednesday, February 29 • SPRING 2012 • 9:00 - 12:00 Legal Aspects Seminar (Additional Fee) 4:30 p.m. - 5:50 p.m. Area Meetings (Regional Networking) • 6:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.: Exhibit Hall Open and • 1:00 - 7:00 p.m.: Registration opens reception with dinner • 2:00 - 6:00 p.m. CADA Store Open • 2:00 - 2:45 p.m. Workshop Session 1 • 3:15 - 4:00 p.m. Workshop Session 2 • 3:00 - 4:30 Breaking Down the Walls Seminar • 7:15 am - 8:15 am: CADA fun run • 6:00 - 7:30 p.m. First General Session - Harriet • 8:15 am - 9:15 am: 60/60 Sixty ideas in Sixty • Friday, March 4 Minutes 7:30 p.m. - 11:00 p.m. People's Park Dinner • 9:35 am - 10:15 am: Workshops Session 7 and Networking Sessions sponsored by Life- • 10:30 am - 12:00 p.m.: Third General Session - touch (Click here for more info.) Thursday, March 1 Marc Kielburger The World Needs Your Kid • 12:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m.: Exhibit hall open • 7:45 am - 1:00 p.m. Registration open • 3:20 p.m. - 4:20 p.m.: Curriculum Roundtables • 7:30 am - 8:45 am New to Convention • 3:30 p.m. - 4:15 p.m.: Workshops - Session 8 Breakfast & Coaching • 4:50 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.: Area Suites - Networking 9:00 am - 10:30 am Second General Session • 7:00 p.m.- midnight: Reception and Dinner • Teen Truth - The Truth about CADA Dance (Click here for more info.) • 10:45 am - 11:25 am Workshops Sessions 3 • 11:30 am - 12:30 p.m. New to convention • 9:15 am - 10:15 am: Meet the Pros Exhibits • 9:30 am - 10:15 am: Service Learning • 11:40 am - 12:20 p.m. Workshops Session 4 • 12:30 p.m. - 2:30 p.m. General Membership 2:50 p.m. - 4:20 p.m. Session 5 and 6 FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ Is Casual and 60’s Themed Saturday, March 5 Workshops - Session 9 • Exhibits • Dance Bowling Party (Click here for more info.) Turk - Deal With It! • 9:00 p.m. – 12:00 am Herff-Jones Dinner 10:30 am - 11:15 am: Service Learning Workshops - Session 10 • 11:30 am-12:30 p.m. Closing Luncheon www.cada1.org AREA F NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 “SPOT” Light School Bell Mountain Middle School - Menifee A blessing to behold ~ Three years ago we started a buddy program with our special needs class at Bell Mountain Middle School. Every Friday we spend our leadership class period with our buddies. The leadership class provides a science project, art project, or physical education experience for our buddies. This year we have taken the buddy program to the next level. My students have taken it upon themselves to spend their own time and money for different projects we have done this year. They are very attentive and protective of these students. Collaborating with the SDC teacher has proven effective. The special needs students are isolated from most of the student body. When they see an ASB Leadership student, they are very excited. The SDC students stop me just about every day in the hall to ask if we are coming to their classroom. as a class. It seems as though my students and I are often more positively and emotionally touched by this effort than the very students we are trying to reach out to. Recently we have added one of our buddies fulltime to our ASB leadership class. All of my students have surrounded him with kindness and are eager to have him in their small groups and committees. This program is something we all look forward to each and every Friday. Our Leadership class has put servant leadership into practice and has been blessed in the process. Nicole Schaffer - Bell Mountain Middle School It has been a joy and blessing to see my Leadership students grow as individuals and cooperatively FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ www.cada1.org AREA F NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 HANDY APPS FOR ADULTS ~ Rick Morris Equity Cards ~ NETFLIX ~ FACEBOOK ~ SOUND HOUND ~ WHERE’S MY PHONE ~ MAP MY RUN/BIKE/WALK ~ PANDORA ~ WORDS WITH FRIENDS ~ NOOK ~ KINDLE ~ WEBSTER DICTIONARY ~ SURF REPORTS ~ WIKIPEDIA CAMP TIME!! SUMMER CAMPS WILL BE HERE THINK ! BE READY LEADERS GET TRAINED AT ONE OF THE MOST as soon as possible for JANUARY SOONER THAN YOU PREPARATION FOR CADA STATE CONVENTION - RENO, TO HAVE YOUR Don’t forget to sign up CALENDAR: INVOLVED CAMPS IN CALIFORNIA! these great learning opportunities for young leaders. NV FEBRUARY STATE CONVENTION LEADERSHIP DAYS - CONTACT SANDRA KURLAND MARCH MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL CAMPS LEADERSHIP DAYS - CONTACT SANDRA KURLAND SUMMER TIME CAMPS FOR MIDDLE AND HIGH SCHOOL STUDENTS FALL 2012 ADVISOR CONFERENCE SIGN UP NOW! FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ www.cada1.org AREA F NEWSLETTER SPRING 2012 AREA F AREA F COUNCIL Judy Wilson - Upland High School judy_a_wilson@upland.k12.ca.us Kevin Fairman- Marina High Schoolkfairman@marniavikings.org Kurt Burger - Etiwanda High School kurt_burger@cjuhsd.net Assistant Area F Coordinator Patricia Holt - Yorba Linda Middle School pholt@pylysd.org Mark Lantz - Patriot High School mark_lanttz@jusd.k12.ca.us Area F Coordinator- Area F Secretary Mavis Schutz - Retired-mavschutz@msn.com Area F Editor Amy Leigh Vollmar-North Mountain Middle School avollmar@sanjacinto.k12.ca.us Barbara Kelley-AB Miller High School Kellbl@fusd.net Ben Starr- Orangeview Junior High ben@software4schools.com Bob Lloyd - Retired bobolloyd@msn.com Connie Weeks - Don Lugo High School asbdirect@aol.com Don Shaffer Kraemer Middle School donshaffer@sbcglobal.net Geniel Moon-Murrieta Valley High School gmoon@murrieta.k12.ca.us Jeff Cornelius - Lexington Junior High cornelius_je@auhsd.k12.ca.us FOR ANY ADDITIONAL INFORMATION GO TO ~ Mike Pattison - Vista Murrieta High School mpattison@murrieta.k12.ca.us MJ Smith - Rancho Cucamonga High School maryjane_smith@cjuhsd.net Randy Jensen - Amelia Earhart Middle School mrj9gd@aol.com Tiburcio Garcia - Sunny Hills High School gfunkasb@aol.com Wendy Faust - CADA Communications Coordinator wendy.faust@yahoo.com or news@cada1.org Petra Davis - Los Flores Middle School pmdavis@capousd.org Deniz Fierro ~ Kraemer Middle School dfierro@pylusd.org Kenneth Nedler ~Dana Hills High School dfierro@pylusd.org www.cada1.org