Los Angeles Water and Power Employees Association
Los Angeles Water and Power Employees Association
LOS ANGELES WATER & POWER EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION REPORT AUGUST 2011 LADWP Retirees’ Picnic Photos Special Event TICKETS Limited Time Offers 2011 Water Park TICKETS NOW AVAILABLE Purchase Tickets at LADWP Employees’ Association Office YOU WON’T BELIEVE YOUR EYES GET CLOSER TO THE ANIMALS sdzsafaripark.org sandiegozoo.org TABLE OF CONTENTS Table of Contents 4 HIGHLIGHT 8 CHARITY SPOTLIGHT 2011 RETIREE PICNIC FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY 10SPECIAL EVENTS LIMITED TIME OFFERS 12TICKETS 19KIDS CORNER 21LADWP MERCHANDISE 24RECIPES FROM www.foodnetwork.com 28Know Your Employees’ Association the downed worker program 30ASSOCIATION SERVICES 32THE CLASSIFIEDS BUY, SELL, TRADE 40FUN & GAMES LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT Published and distributed in conjunction with the Employees’ Association Office Personnel, and Mail Room staff. Services Committee Dave Bond, Gregory Bush, Gale Harris, Ron Hunnewell, Sharon Moore, Andwele Williams, Kelli Lofing, Willie Tam Employees’ Association General Information Association Report Ticket Office Donors’ Welfare Plan Assistance Loans Medical Equipment Mutual Benefit Plan Safety Shoes Notary Services Julie Sumeian Jessica Sorino (213) 367-3146 (213) 367-3144 (213) 367-3142 (213) 367-3142 (213) 367-3163 (213) 367-3163 (213) 367-3143 (213) 367-3163 (213) 367-3357 (213) 367-3163 Employees’ Association Report Kelli Lofing Eric Botero Editor Graphic Designer Thank you to the LADWP Printing Services staff and management for the great job they do every month on the Association Report! LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 1 ASSOCIATION INFORMATION METROLINK TICKETS Your Employees’ Association Now Offers Metrolink Passes!! LOS ANGELES WATER AND POWER Employees’ ASSOCIATION John Ferraro Building 111 North Hope Street, Room A-17 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 367-3146 Fax (213) 367-3286 Open Monday through Friday 8:00 AM to 3:30 PM Serving employees and retirees of the City of Los Angeles, Department of Water & Power at locations throughout the Greater Los Angeles Area, Victorville, Owens Valley, Nevada, and Utah since 1933. David Bond Shirley Brown Gregory Bush Debra Crisp Clifford Damron Ann Marie De La Riva Leonor Garcia Gale Harris Ron Hunnewell Sharon Moore Hassan Motallebi John Nagel Edward Rodgers Rena Shillings Willie Tam Ramiro Beltran Bryan Grace Director Power Director Joint Director Joint Director Water Director Power Director Joint Director Power Director Joint Director Water Director Joint Director Power Director Power Director Water Director Joint Director Power Retired Employees’ Representative Association Director • No checks will be accepted for ticket or merchandise purchases. • It is the purchaser’s responsibility to check ticket expiration dates and theme park operating hours. Come by the JFB Room A-17 to order yours today or call (213) 367-3146 for more details. • We reserve the right to limit the number of tickets sold to each Association member. All orders must be submitted by the 15th of the month prior • Ticket prices are subject to change without notice. 2 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ • There is a surcharge on most tickets sold through the Association to help defray operational expenses. All vendor advertisements in this publication are paid ads and are not endorsed by the Los Angeles Department of Water & Power or the Employees’ Association! For DWP Employees, Friends & Family MAGIC MOUNTAIN HURRICANE HARBOR YOUR PRICE YOUR PRICE GENERAL ADMISSION 27 $ ADULT 00 EACH GENERAL ADMISSION 20 $ ADULT 50 EACH (2011 GENERAL ADMISSION $59.99) (2011 GENERAL ADMISSION $34.99) YOUR PRICE YOUR PRICE 17 $ UNDER 48” 50 EACH (2011 GENERAL ADMISSION $34.99) 1500 $ UNDER 48” CHILDR AGES 2 & U EN NDER FREE EACH (2011 GENERAL ADMISSION $24.99) TS: TO PURCHASE TICKE n Office Employees Associatio 7-3146 ) 36 JFB- Room A-17 (213 Due to maintenance and other circumstances certain rides and attractions, including new rides, may not be open to the public. LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 3 HIGHLIGHT 2011 Retiree Picnic Saturday, June 4, 2011 proved to be another beautiful LADWP Retirees’ Picnic for the records! 4 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 5 HIGHLIGHT 2011 Retiree Picnic SPECIAL THANKS to the following PRIZE DONORS: Universal Studios – 2 admissions See’s Candies – 6 one pound certificates Aquarium of the Pacific- 4 admissions Pacific Park – 2 unlimited wristbands L.A. County Fair – Family Fun Pack Adventure City – 2 admission tickets Golf N’ Stuff- 2 All Park Passes Rancho Cucamonga Quakes – Gift Certificate for 4 box seats 6 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Yes, you can own your own home today! WPCCUhaslowinterestrateson avarietyofmortgageloans. We’ll for you pay r gas! 1 M eetw estatel ithareal oanma atabra nager nch. Today’s home prices are at the lowest in years! For even lower mortgage interest rates, consider an adjustable rate mortgage. An ARM may help you lower monthly payments by hundreds of dollars. If you want to own a home and answer yes to any of these questions, come see us today: • Stayinginyourhomeforsevenyearsorless? • Wanttogetintoahomenowtobenefitfrominterestpaymenttaxbreaks?2 • Needalargerhomebutthecostswithatraditionalmortgagearejusttoohigh? YoumaybenefitfromWPCCU’slowrate,zero-point,adjustable-ratemortgage.Plus,foralimitedtime wearewaivingthe$750loanfundingfee!That’sevenmoremoneyinyourpocket! Type of ARM Interest Rate 3/1NonConvertibleARM 3.250% 5/1NonConvertibleARM 3.750% 7/1NonConvertibleARM 4.125% Origination 1.000% D E 1.000% IV A W1.000% APR** 3.376% 3.879% 4.257% *Adjustableratemortgage.**APR=annualpercentagerate. 1 Gasreimbursementnottoexceed$25,andispayableasa$25gascardandcannotbeexchangedforcashvalue.Toqualifyfor the$25gascardthemembermustmakeanin-branchappointmentwitharealestateloanmanager.Allloansrequirecreditunion membership,andatleasta$25balanceinyourWPCCUsavings(share)account. 800-300-9728 wpcu.org ThisoffermayendatanytimeandisnotvalidonexistingWPCCUloans.Rateslistedhereareasof5/09/2011andmaychangeat anytime.Ratefixedforthefirstthree,fiveorsevenyearsdependingontheARMandinterestrate.Thereisnoballoonpaymentand noprepaymentpenalty.Paymentexample:$250,000loanona3/1ARMat3.250is$1088.02permonthforthefirstthreeyears. 2Forspecifictaxadvice,pleaseconsultaqualifiedtaxprofessional. Federally Insured by NCUA LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 7 CHARITY SPOTLIGHT FRIENDS OF THE FAMILY Vision for the Community – What We Seek to Accomplish Friends of the Family is guided by a tenacious vision of vibrant communities where children and families thrive and succeed, where parents are equipped to be advocates, mentors, champions, and cheerleaders for their children, and where each child realizes his or her unique potential of mind, body, and spirit. Vision for the Organization – What We Seek to Be Seeking to be a national leader in the field of family support, Friends of the Family provides dynamic leadership and inspiration for family empowerment and community building. The organization is known for conducting its work with professionalism, respect, and an expectation of the best possible outcomes in all endeavors. Mission of the Organization – What We Seek To Do The mission of Friends of the Family is to foster strong, selfsufficient families, joyful and resilient children, and vibrant communities by providing respectful, responsive family support programs in the greater Los Angeles area. The purpose of our work is to lift children and their families out of poverty, protect them from abuse and neglect, and ensure their access to healthcare, quality education, and a supportive, resourced community. Services and activities are designed 8 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ to build strong families, improve productive outcomes for children, help teens become self-sufficient adults, promote self-sustaining employment, curb violence, and promote community involvement. Results At Friends of the Family, single mothers, fragile families, victims of intimate violence and children struggling with developmental difficulties and school skills are supported and guided so they can realize a better and brighter future. The family support programs have resulted in much improved outcomes for participants served, including an 80% high school completion rate for teen moms, a 75% increase in strong school connections for struggling kids, a 90% increase in parents building bonds with their children through reading, and an 85% improvement in fragile parents nurturing abilities. Overall, Friends of the Family’s work results in improved child welfare, family economic stability, mental health and school & workforce readiness outcomes. Friends of the Family’s remarkable programs are a lifeline for more than 5,000 families each year…Thank you…DWP Please visit us at www.fofca.org for more information about Friends of the Family and our programs. From work to play instantly. Coordinate with co-workers while on the move and keep up with family near and far. Get instant savings on monthly plans from where you work. Discounts for employees of Los Angeles Dept of Water and Power. Save 18% Select regularly priced monthly service plans Requires a new two-year Agreement. Sprint Store 300 S Broadway, Los Angeles, CA Phone: 213-613-4200 For online purchases go to: www.sprint.com/californiapublicutilities $50 credit w/new activation! Activation/shipping fees waived too! Online only. www.sprint.com/storelocator Existing customers call 866-853-4931 to add your discount. Mention Discount Code/CORP ID: UTPUU_SCA_WS_ZZZ May require up to a $36 activation fee/line, credit approval and deposit. Up to $200 early termination fee/line applies. Individual-Liable Discount: Available only to eligible employees of the company or organization participating in the discount program or Government agencies participating in employee discount pricing with Sprint. May be subject to change according to organization’s agreement with Sprint. Available upon request on select plans and only for eligible lines. Discount applies to monthly service charges only. No discounts apply to add-ons $29.99 or below. Other Terms: Coverage not available everywhere. Nationwide Sprint and Nextel National Networks reach over 277 and 278 million people, respectively. Sprint 4G network reaches over 70 markets and counting, on select devices. The Sprint 3G network reaches over 271 million people. Offers not available in all markets/ retail locations or for all phones/networks. Pricing, offer terms, fees and features may vary for existing customers not eligible for upgrade. Other restrictions apply. See store or sprint.com for details. ©2011 Sprint. Sprint and the logo are trademarks of Sprint. MOTOROLA and the Stylized M Logo are registered in the US Patent and Trademark Office. Research In Motion, the RIM logo, BlackBerry, the BlackBerry logo and SureType are registered with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office and may be pending or registered in other countries - these and other marks of Research In Motion Limited are used with permission. The HTC logo and HTC EVO are trademarks of HTC Corporation. Other marks are the property of their respective owners. P105898 MV123456 LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 9 SPECIAL EVENTS EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION SPECIAL EVENTS Contact your Employees’ Association office for ticket information Anaheim Angels Vs. Texas Rangers Thursday, August 18, 2011 $35 Field Preferred Seating! HUGE SAVINGS! Free Hot Dog and Soda Included!! LA Galaxy vs. Chivas Monday, October 10, 2011 6:00PM Sideline tickets $45 LA County Fair- Day at the Races Saturday, September 17, 2011 now offering Harkins Theatre Unrestricted Tickets $8 2011 Entertainment Books COMING IN SEPTEMBER! San Gabriel/Pomona Valleys/Glendale: $30 (retail: $35) Greater Los Angeles Long Beach/South Bay: $30 (retail: $35) San Fernando/Santa Clarita Valleys: $30 (retail: $35) Orange County: $35 (retail $40) Contact your Employees’ Association for more details at (213) 367-3146 10 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ NEW! K1 Speed Indoor Kart Racing $16 Race Cards (1-14 lap race and annual license) Regular Price: $25.95 Height Minimum 4’10 for Adults (48’’ for Children) Master the leader in you. The Master of Science in Management and Leadership The Pepperdine Advantage · 16-month, part-time program for business professionals · Engaging, collaborative classes taught by our highly distinguished faculty · Specifically designed to help bring forth your true inner leader Learn more about our program by attending an upcoming Information Session close to your work or home. West LA Campus: Wednesday, July 13 bschool.pepperdine.edu Irvine and West LA Graduate Campuses 071658.02_PEPUNI_MSML_Ad_LA_DDWP_July_MECH Job Title: MSML ad Publication Name: LA DDWP - July Date: 05/13/11 MECHANICAL #: 01 LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 11 TICKETS EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION LOS ANGEL ASSOCIATION R EPORTAssoC REPoRT N o I T IATIoN RE A I ssoC EEs’ ES WATER & EmPLoy TER & ES WA R POWE ARY JANU GEL LOS AN • A GIFT CARDS POWER EMPLOYEES’ LOS ANG ELES WAT ER & POW ER 2010 DECEMBER EmPLoy EEs’ PoRT 2009 SEPTEM BER 200 9 SPO TLIGHT ARD 10 bo oNs 20ISTM CHR ASTI R ELEC THEME PARKS To EC DIR ADOPT-A-FA MILY & CHRISTMA S TOY RUN T oTLIGH sP d of a Americ ior Blin Jun s& TICKET UARY ANDIsE mERCH R EMPLOYEE POWE N ASSO AND TIO (SEE ADVE S’ CIATI CIAON TER SO DISCOUNT RTISE WA MENTSINSIDE LES S S’ AS INSIDE) ANGE PLOYEE FORM ION LOS EM PETIT IDATE CAND HOLIDAY GIFT CATALIN IDEAS: A EXPR DISCOU NTED TIc LADWP TICKETS ANDKeTS NOW MERCHA AVAIlA ble NDISE TICKETS Sep Tem S ECIAL SP ESS & MERCHA NDISE beR AND OcTOb eR Spe cIAlS JAN LADWP ASSOCIATEMPLOYEES’ ION CLUB S JOININ G TOG eTH eR A OF FRI De eNDS pARTmeN AND T FAm IlY Employees’ Association Report Is now available on the retirement home page http://retirement.ladwp.com/ $5 denominations; minimum $10 Association Price Regular Price Savings Adult Child $73.00 $41.00 $90.00 $45.00 $17.00 $4.00 • Gold Dinner Options: Prime Rib or Gourmet Chicken, Appetizers, Shrimp Caesar Salad or Veggie Soup, Potatoes, Seasonal Veggies, Dessert. Children (12 and Under) Adult Child $49.00 $26.00 $60.00 $30.00 $11.00 $4.00 Soak City Adult Child/Senior $23.00 $21.00 $31.99 $21.99 $8.99 $.99 General $24.00 $36.99 $12.99 Adult Child $21.00 $15.00 $34.99 $24.99 $13.99 $9.99 K1 Speed Zone General $16.00 $25.95 $9.95 Los Angeles Zoo and Botanical Adult Child $12.00 $9.00 $14.00 $9.00 $2.00 N/A Catalina Express • Round trip transportation • Children ages 2-11 Black Out Days: Sept 3-5 Adult Child $56.50 $47.00 $69.50 $51.00 $13.00 $4.00 Employees’ Association Gift Cards General SPECIAL EVENTS Battle of the Dance Dinner Show • Platinum Dinner Options: Filet Mignon or Fish Du Jour, Appetizers, Smoked Salmon Salad or Lobster Bisque Soup, Potatoes, Seasonal Veggies, Dessert Open until September 18, 2011 Children (3-11) Raging Waters Open until September 11, 2011 (2 and under are free) Hurricane Harbor Open until September 25, 2011 Children (48’’ and Under) 2 & under free 16 Lap Race Card + Drivers License Child (2-12) Visa /MasterCard accepted at the J.F.B. No personal checks! Tickets subject to availability/prices subject to change. Although the Employees’ Association offers substantial savings on its tickets and merchandise, our price may not always be the lowest available. Employees’ Association - J.F.B. Rm. A17, (213) 367-3146 12 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ $5 denominations; minimum $10 THEME PARKS Association Price Regular Price Savings Expires Adventure City 1 year & under free $10.50 $13.95 $3.45 12/30/11 Aquarium of the Pacific – Long Beach Adult Child (3-11) $17.95 $10.50 $24.95 $12.95 $7.00 $2.45 11/30/11 11/30/11 Castle Park Adult Child (under 48”) $16.50 $12.50 $21.99 $14.99 $4.49 $2.49 02/18/12 02/18/12 Adult Child (3-9) $72.00 $66.00 $80.00 $74.00 $8.00 $8.00 12/23/11 12/23/11 All Park Pass 2 Hour Unlimited $12.75 $16.00 $30.50 $25.00 $17.75 $9.00 None General $11.00 $12.95 $1.95 12/31/11 Adult Child $31.00 $22.00 $56.99 $24.99 $25.99 $2.99 12/31/11 LEGOLAND- 2nd Day Free! Adult Child (2& under free) $53.00 $53.00 $69.00 $59.00 $16.00 $6.00 12/31/11 12/31/11 LEGOLAND- Triple Play Adult Child (2& under free) $63.00 $63.00 $89.00 $79.00 $26.00 $16.00 12/31/11 12/31/11 Adult Child $18.00 $12.00 $25.00 $18.00 $7.00 $6.00 12/31/11 12/31/11 Magic Mountain Adult Child (48” & under) $27.00 $17.50 $59.99 $34.99 $32.99 $17.49 12/31/11 12/31/11 Malibu SpeedZone General $27.25 $38.50 $11.25 06/18/12 Mulligans All Day Passes General $16.00 $23.99 $7.99 06/18/12 Pacific Park – Santa Monica Pier All ages $13.50 $21.95 $6.45 None Pirates Dinner Adventure Adult Child (3-11) $37.00 $28.50 $56.95 $37.95 $19.95 $9.45 11/30/11 11/30/11 Queen Mary - Self Guided Tour Adult Child (5-11) $19.00 $12.50 $24.95 $12.95 $5.95 $.45 None San Diego Zoo Adult Child (3-11) $34.50 $26.00 $40.00 $30.00 $5.50 $4.00 09/08/11 09/08/11 San Diego Zoo Safari Park Adult Child (3-11) $34.50 $26.00 $40.00 $30.00 $5.50 $4.00 09/08/11 09/08/11 Sea World Adult Child (3-9) $47.00 $47.00 $69.99 $61.99 $22.99 $14.99 5/31/12 5/31/12 Disneyland 1 Day, 1 Park Blackout Days Apply Golf ‘N’ Stuff The Grammy Museum (5 & under free) Knott’s Berry Farm Child (3-11) and Seniors (62+) Madame Tussaunds Hollywood Children (4-12) LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 13 TICKETS Association Price Regular Price Savings Expires $25.00 $29.99 $4.99 None AMC Gold – unrestricted $8.00 $12.50 $4.50 None AMC Silver- restricted $6.75 $12.50 $5.75 None Cinemark’s Platinum Supersaver – unrestricted $8.00 $10.25 $2.25 None Harkins Theatre $8.00 $12.00 $4.00 None Krikorian Theatre Unrestricted $7.50 $11.00 $3.50 None Laemmle – unrestricted $6.50 $10.00 $3.50 None Mann Theatres –restricted $8.50 $12.75 $4.25 None Pacific Theatres – restricted $6.75 $10.00 $3.25 None $28.50 $40.00 $11.50 None Regal’s VIP Supersaver- restricted $7.00 $11.00 $4.00 None Regal’s Premier SuperSaver- unrestricted $8.00 $11.00 $3.00 None $26.00 $32.00 $6.00 None $13.00 $16.60 $3.60 n/a $8.80 $8.80 n/a. n/a $39.00 $46.95 $7.95 12/31/11 MOVIES AMC Movie Bundle Includes: 2 Gold Tickets, 2 Small Sodas, 1 Small Popcorn Pacific Theatre Bundle Includes: 2 unrestricted passes, 2 medium soda, 1 medium popcorn Regal’s Ultimate Premier Pack (2 unrestricted passes, $10 cert.) miscellaneous See’s Candies 1 lb. Gift Certificate The Forever Stamp – books of 20 2011 Golf Guides Ticket & Merchandise Sales Locations The Employees’ Association’s ticket and merchandise representative sells tickets in Granada Hills every Tuesday from 11:30 - 3:15 at: Water and Power Community Credit Union 16840 Devonshire Street (North Hills Plaza) Granada Hills CASH ONLY! For any merchandise requests please contact the Employees’ Association Office at 213-367-3146 14 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 15 E-TICKETS on the LADWP Intranet To access the site, enter hrweb on DWP Computer/Click on the Employees’ Association Link/Click on Eticket Link/ Select Theme Park Banner THEME PARKS Association Price Regular Price Savings Aquarium of the Pacific Adult Child $16.95 $9.95 $24.95 $12.95 $8.00 $2.00 Disney 1 Day, 1 Park Adult Child $72.00 $66.00 $80.00 $74.00 $8.00 $8 .00 Disney 1 Day Park Hopper Adult Child $91.00 $83.00 $101.00 $91.00 $10.00 $8.00 Disney 2 Day Park Hopper Adult Child $138.00 $125.00 $161.00 $146.00 $23.00 $21.00 Disney’s Premium Annual Pass General $436.05 $459.00 $22.95 Disney’s Deluxe Annual Pass General $312.55 $329.00 $16.45 Disney’s So Cal Annual Pass General $227.05 $239.00 $11.95 Disney’s So Cal Select Annual Pass General $174.80 $184.00 $9.20 Knott’s Berry Farm Adult Child $27.99 $20.99 $56.99 $24.99 $29.00 $4.00 Knott’s Season Pass General $59.99 $59.99 $0.00 Legoland 1 Day General $52.00 $69.00 $17.00 Legoland Hopper General $62.00 $89.00 $28.00 Sea World Single Day Adult Child $49.99 $49.99 $69.99 $61.99 $20.00 $12.00 Sea World Adult Child $59.99 $59.99 $69.99 $61.99 $10.00 $2.00 Soak City Adult Child $21.99 $19.99 $31.99 $21.99 $10.00 $2.00 Universal Studios- Buy a Day, Get 2 Free General $64.00 $74.00 $10.00 Universal Annual Pass General $74.00 $79.00 $5.00 16 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ tickets are available at the Employees’ Association FREE Consultation and Reduced Rates for DWP Employees LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 17 Opening in Miniland March 31 ! Second Day FREE! Save up to $26 on a LEGOLAND® Resort Hopper Ticket valid for admission to LEGOLAND California, SEA LIFE™ Carlsbad Aquarium and the world’s first LEGOLAND Water Park. PLUS get a 2nd day FREE before 12/31/11! Discount tickets available at the Employees’ Association JFB Room A17, x73146. New! Op en s S pring 2011 Water Park is open seasonally and requires same day use as LEGOLAND California visit. Both visits must be used before 12/31/11. LEGO, the LEGO logo, the Brick and Knob configurations, the Minifigure and LEGOLAND are trademarks of the LEGO Group. ©2011 The LEGO Group. LEGOLAND CALIFORNIA RESORT AND SEA LIFE ARE A PART OF THE MERLIN ENTERTAINMENTS GROUP. Prices, times and schedules subject to change without notice. STAR WARS and all characters, names and related indicia are © 2011 Lucasfilm Ltd. & TM. All rights reserved. 18 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ KIDS CORNER www. familyfun.go.com Waterproof Beach Bag This colorful, rinseable carryall is the perfect beach bag for kids -- great for packing up gear, collecting sandy treasures, or toting wet suits and towels. Beach Bowling The appeal of seaside bowling lies in its advantages bare feet allowed, the alley’s free, and there’s an unlimited supply of pins. Materials 13-gallon garbage bag Scissors Colored duct tape (we used red and white) Marker or pen Yardstick or measuring tape 4 (2-foot) pieces of white cotton cording Instructions 1. Waterproof Beach Bag - Step 1 Turn the garbage bag into a large sheet by cutting along one side seam and the bottom seam. Tape the sheet flat to your workspace and draw a 16- by 30-inch rectangle on it. Cover the rectangle with slightly overlapping strips of red and white tape. 2. Waterproof Beach Bag - Step 2 Cut out the tape rectangle and flip it tape-side down. 3. Waterproof Beach Bag - Step 3 Lay 2 pieces of cording across the rectangle about an inch from one of the shorter ends. Fold that end over the cording and tape it down to make a casing. Repeat this at the opposite end with the other pieces of cording. What You Need: Plastic cup and a ball Instructions 1. Beach Bowling - Step 1 Make 10 pins by filling a cup with moist sand (add water if the sand is too dry to hold a shape). Carefully turn the cup over and lift it off. Create the pins in a triangle with one pin in front, two pins in the next row, three in the next and four in the back row. 2. Draw a line in the sand about 6 or 8 feet from the pins. Take turns standing behind the line and rolling a softball or other small ball toward the pins to knock them over. Each player gets to roll the ball twice. 3. Count how many pins you knock over, set them up again and keep score in the sand. Beachside Baby Pool Set a small inflatable wading pool under an umbrella and fill it with toys and ocean water. Little ones will still get the full beach experience -- in wave-free miniature -- and older siblings can busy themselves fetching buckets of brine. 4. Waterproof Beach Bag - Step 4 Fold the rectangle in half and tape the sides together to form the bag. 5. Waterproof Beach Bag - Step 5 To make the drawstring, pair up one cord from each casing and knot them together at both ends. Repeat with the remaining 2 cords, then pull one knot at each side to cinch the bag. LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 19 To purchase tickets go to: http:/hrweb / click Employees Association Link / Universal Studios Hollywood Or, the Los Angeles Water and Power Employees Association (Loc. JFB Room A-17) Ticket must be activated on or before 1/31/12. 2nd & 3rd visits valid for 12 months from first day of activation. Revisit black-out dates and restrictions apply. ID and finger scan required for park entry. Cannot be combined with any other offers, special events, pre-sold tickets, Halloween Horror Nights or discounted tickets, including 48" discounted prices. Prices subject to change without notice. Management interpretation is final. ©2011 Universal Studios. All Rights Reserved. 11-LOC-10573 20 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ MERCHANDISE OFFICIAL LADWP Logo MERCHANDISE Women’s T’s S - XL: $12 2XL: $13 Men’s Pocket T’s S-XL: $10 2XL: $12 Women’s V-Necks S-XL: $12 2XL: $13 Thermos Gold: $7 Large Coffee/Soup Mugs Black or Blue: $8 Clearance Sale Laptop Bags- $9 Blue Sports bags- $8 Water bottles- $7.50 Blue/ Pink Women’s T’s- $12 LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 21 MERCHANDISE Men’s Long Sleeve T’s S-XL: $10.50 2XL: $12 Briefcase: $10 Sports bag: $9 Hooded Sweatshirts S - XL: $23 2XL: $25 3XL: $27 Polo Shirts S - XL: $17 2XL: $20 3XL: $21 22 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Hats: $9 Lanyards: $3 Water Bottle: $8.50 Badge Holder: $3 Kid’s T’s S - XL: $7 Women’s Baseball T’s S-XL: $15 2XL: $16 LOS ANGELES WATER AND POWER EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION TICKET ORDER FORM Prices and ticket availability are subject to change; please contact your Employees’ Association office at (213) 367-3146 prior to mailing or faxing your order. All orders are sent via USPS Certified Mail Members are responsible for money or tickets lost in the mail; however, insurance is available. For more information please contact your Association Office at (213) 367-3146. This order form is for tickets only. For merchandise, please use a mail runner or contact your Employees’ Association at (213) 367-3146. City___________________________________________________State___________________________Zip__________________ Sorry,no personalchecksaccepted! VISA MasterCard Money Order Cashier’s Check $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Insurance $ $ TOTAL ________________ ________________ LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 23 RECIPES www.foodnetwork.com Ice Cream Wafflewiches Directions Toast frozen waffles, then let cool. Sandwich scoops of ice cream between the waffles. Dust with confectioners’ sugar, if desired. Photograph by Antonis Achilleos WHY DO YOU NEED LONG TERM CARE INSURANCE? For straight answers to tough questions about Long Term Care Insurance, Contact: Sarah F. Zamani Long Term Care Insurance Agent 916-213-9922 szamani@genworthltc.com CA License # OD89558 www.genworth.com Call for information, review of existing policy and plan comparisons (no obligation). long term care insurance underwritten by GENWORTH LIFE INSURANCE COMPANY. Complete details about benefits, costs, limitations and exclusions will provided to you by a licensed insurance agent. 24 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Sweet-Tea Ribs with Lemony Potato Salad 2011 Metro Prices Regular Monthly Bus Pass (TAP Only) Description Metro Monthly Metro Zone 1 Metro Zone 2 Metro Disabled Pass Student Monthly Pass Ingredients 6 bags black tea (any kind) 1/4 cup plus 2 tablespoons packed light brown sugar Kosher salt and freshly ground pepper 1 orange 2 racks baby back ribs (about 2 pounds) 2 pounds russet potatoes, peeled and cut into 3/4-inch chunks 1/2 cup mayonnaise 1 tablespoon chopped fresh parsley 1 lemon Directions Empty 3 tea bags into a bowl and combine the loose tea with 1/4 cup brown sugar, 2 teaspoons salt and 1/4 teaspoon pepper. Grate in the orange zest. Pat the ribs dry and trim the membrane from the underside. Rub the tea mixture over the ribs; place in a roasting pan, meat-side up, and bring to room temperature, about 20 minutes. Preheat the oven to 275 degrees F. Steep the remaining 3 tea bags in 2 cups boiling water, about 5 minutes. Discard the bags and stir in the remaining 2 tablespoons brown sugar and the juice of half the orange. Pour the mixture around the ribs in the pan. Cover with foil and roast until tender, about 1 hour 30 minutes. Meanwhile, put the potatoes in a pot of salted water; bring to a simmer and cook until tender, about 5 minutes. Drain and cool slightly. Mix the mayonnaise and parsley in a large bowl. Grate in the zest of half the lemon; add the juice of the lemon half. Fold in the potatoes and add 11/2 teaspoons salt, and pepper to taste; refrigerate until ready to serve. Remove the ribs from the oven and increase the temperature to 450. Pour the cooking liquid into a saucepan and bring to a simmer over medium-high heat. Baste the ribs with some of the liquid, then return to the oven and cook, uncovered, basting a few times, until the ribs are dark and glazed, 20 to 30 minutes. When the remaining liquid in the saucepan is syrupy, add lemon juice to taste. Brush the ribs with the glaze. Cut the racks into pieces and serve with the potato salad. Price $75.00 $22.00 $44.00 $14.00 $24.00 The EZ Transit Pass The EZ Transit Pass is a regional transit pass accepted by up to 25 different transit agencies throughout Los Angeles County. Paper Passes Are Only Available for EZ Passes. The EZ transit pass is the only pass valid for unlimited local travel on the following lines: Antelope Valley Transportation Authority (AVTA) Beach Cities Transit Burbank Local Transit Carson Circuit City Commerce Culver City Municipal Bus Lines Foothill Transit Gardena Municipal Bus Lines Glendale Beeline Huntington Park COMBI LADOT (Dash and Commuter Express) Long Beach Transit Metro Bus & Metro Rail Montebello Bus Lines Monterey Park Spirit Bus Norwalk Transit Pasadena ARTS Shuttle PV Transit Santa Clarita Transit Santa Fe Springs MetroExpress • Santa Monica Big Blue Bus South Pasadena Gold Link Torrance Transit Whittier Transit TAP Available Now • Does not accept Metrolink passengers Description EZ Pass EZ Zone P1 EZ Zone P2 EZ Zone P3 Price $84.00 $22.00 $44.00 $66.00 Description Price EZ Zone P4 $88.00 EZ Zone P5 $110.00 EZ Sr. Disabled $35.00 For more information call 1-800-Commute or visit: www.metro.net LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 25 Manage expenses and enjoy peace of mind If you are at least 62 years of age, a reverse mortgage loan from Wells Fargo Home Mortgage can serve as a financial resource to help you: • Remodel or repair your home • Consolidate your credit card debt • Meet your daily and monthly expenses • Cover your health care expenses You need to either own the home outright, or refinance the existing mortgage balance into the reverse mortgage loan. Count on the nation's leading retail originator of reverse mortgage loans. Karen M. Onifer Phone: 310/346-2623 karen.m.onifer@wellsfargo.com NMLSR ID 318458 Wells Fargo Home Mortgage provides a variety of loan products with different rates, payments and fees. Please discuss financing alternatives with your mortgage consultant so that you can select the financing you determine is the most advantageous for you. Information is accurate as of date of printing and is subject to change without notice. Wells Fargo Home Mortgage is a division of Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. ©2011 Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. All rights reserved. NMLSR ID 399801. 100944 - 05/11 26 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Los Angeles Water and Power Employees’ Association San Diego Getaway 15% off our best available rate Complimentary continental breakfast daily, complimentary WiFi access and overnight parking. Please visit thedana.com and enter “LAWPEA” in the corporate rates area to receive this special promotion. 1710 W. Mission Bay Dr., San Diego, CA 92109 • 800 445 3339 • 619 222 6440 • thedana.com Bartell Hotels…San Diego’s Unforgettable Locations LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 27 FACTS & FIGURES EMPLOYEES’ ASSOCIATION FACTS and FIGURES For more information, contact your Employees’ Association office and join the Mutual Benefit Plan! Employee Assistance Committee Approvals Current Meetings 6 2 4 10 3 * 17 3 Emergency Loans Death in Family Loans Medical/Dental Loans Late Disability Advances Nursing Care Grants Benevolent Grants (Med. Equip) Safety Shoes Retirement Death Benefit Adv. Total: $11,096.43 $11,558.21 $14,479.00 $10,158.00 $4,037.50 $40.00 $7,520.72 $17,346.06 $76,235.92 These services are available to LADWP employees & retirees because of your generous donations to the Donors’ Welfare Plan. Mutual Benefit PLAN Current Membership: $500.00 $1000.00 $2000.00 $3000.00 $4000.00 $5000.00 $10000.00 $15000.00 $20000.00 Total 1 $500.00 178 $178,000.00 193 $386,000.00 1,251 $3,765,000.00 424 $1,696,000.00 1,762 $8,810,000.00 15 $150,000.00 484 $7,260,000.00 386 $7,720,000.00 4,694 $29,953,500.00 In memoriam Your Employees’ Association regrets the passing of the following active and retired employees: Active Employees: Randi L. Johnson-Osborne Mark W. Wilber 28 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ 05/11/2011 05/25/2011 Know Your Employees’ Association Downed Workers Program Your Los Angeles Water and Power Employees’ Association has introduced a new component of its assistance programs. As it has done since the early 1930’s, your Water & Power Employees’ Association added the Downed Workers Program to complement the benefits offered by the Department and Local 18. The new Downed Workers Program will assist family members of Department employee that requires hospitalization after sustaining work related injuries. We know that having loved ones nearby helps recovery, and eases stress during these difficult times. This program provides instant monetary disbursements for the cost of family member transportation, housing, food, and other miscellaneous expenses incurred while attending to, or visiting the injured employee, with no expectation of repayment. Upon release from the hospital, a recovering employee may seek assistance from our other programs, such as, medical equipment grants and emergency loans. We thank the Power System for conceiving this program and introducing it to the Employees’ Association Board of Directors in early 2009. Representatives of the Power Safety & Training Group also met with our Board on several occasions to develop program guidelines. In November 2009, the Employees’ Association Board approved the guidelines and allocated funding for program establishment. In March 2010 program introduction began at quarterly Safety meetings and in New Employee Orientations. The response was immediate, and employees generously contributed to the Donors’ Welfare Plan. The new Downed Workers Program fulfills our stated mission of providing assistance to employees and their families. We should be proud to have programs that help our fellow employees and the community during difficult times. Remember, all assistance programs rely on Donors’ Welfare Plan funding, so we seek your support in promoting this program and encouraging employees to contribute. Th e Do w ne d W ork er s Pr ogram at Wor k re two employees were injured from t in an underground electrical vault whe den inci an em was e ther 0, 201 24, ust On Aug ted to area hospitals and the Power Syst ductor. The employees were transpor con age volt to og high a dial te with edia tact imm con l an physica ntative to open ed an Employees’ Association Represe Safety Representatives (PSST) contact t. den inci families affected by this communicate the possible needs of the tion, to ensure ily’s needs and the Employees’ Associa fam the een betw on liais the d aine The Safety Representatives have rem the family’s needs are being met. monetar y support d, Lodging, and Transportation. The Foo red offe e wer ilies fam the zed, While the employees were hospitali the employees’ family. secured near the hospital for one of was available, and a hotel room was ess. many lessons learned through the proc Program was utilized and there were ker Wor event ned first Dow this the from time ned first lear the ns This was soon to discuss the lesso ting mee be will tion ocia Ass ees’ the new Power System Safety and the Employ s so that they can work smoothly with to streamline the assistance program able be needed may the we ide re prov whe s and t area den tify inci and iden ediately following an imm es loye emp red inju of ilies fam program. Our goal is to support the their loved ones recovery. e peace of mind and focus solely on som have may ilies fam e thes so e assistanc Bill Herriott PSST LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 29 ASSOCIATION SERVICES WorkWear Express Granada Hills 30 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ (818) 831-9675 Safety Shoe Supervisor Authorization Form LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 31 CLASSIFIEDS THE CLASSIFIEDS Are you looking for more riders for your vanpool or would you like to sell your car? Advertise in the Association Report! For more information contact Kelli Lofing at (213) 367-3144 Vanpools: SHARE THE RIDE! Join a vanpool, carpool or sign up for transit and receive a monthly subsidy. Visit the CARS office (JFB, A-16) for more information! Wanted Vanpool/Carpool: From RSM Irvine Area to Palms Yard/Wester Water 9/80 Shift. Contact: Demetrius (213) 792-4150 or (661) 816-1508 New Vanpool Starting: Two seats available. Pick-up locations are Oxnard, Moorpark, Simi Valley and ends at Truesdale. Schedule 4/10 w/ Friday’s off. 6AM-4:30PM. Contact: Bobby (213) 792-8550 Vanpool #95: Looking for new riders from South Bay. Leave Artesia/Aviation to JFB. 6:45AM-4:30PM Contact: George (213) 367-4172 Vanpool #100: All Driver Van from Quartz Hill/ Acton Metro Station to Northridge District 6:30AM-4:00PM 9/80 Schd. (1st Monday) Contact: Dwayne Bell (818) 775-5386 or x55386 Vanpool #156: Looking for new riders. From Lancaster to Mojave. 7:00AM-5:30PM Contact: John Misustin (661) 824-7918 Vanpool #20: Looking for new riders. From Oxnard to Northridge. 6:30AM-4:00PM. Contact: Rick (805) 766-1041 Carpool: From Arleta (SF Valley) to the JFB, 7 a.m.-4:45p.m. Shift 9/80 schedule. Rotate using own car. Contact: Silvia (213) 367-1517 Forming New Vanpool: From Thousand Oaks to Main Street-down 101 Fwy. 6:00AM3:30PM Contact: David (805) 559-1255 Carpool to Cerritos: From 183RD & Carmenita to JFB (6:00AM-3:45PM) 2nd Friday ASDO. Use our own car. Contact: Hugh (213) 367-0851 Vanpool #44: Rancho Cucamonga, Fontana, Rialto area to Main St. 6:00AM-3:30PM Contact: Antonio Daisley (213) 367-7569 Carpool: From West Covina to JFB (6:303:30p.m.) 1st Monday ASDO. Take turns driving. Contact: Minh (213) 367-4488 Carpool: From Simi Valley to JFB. Work 8:30am-6pm. Contact: Tracy (818) 679-1693 Vanpool #112: Looking for drivers for Palmdale/Lancaster area to JFB. 9/80 Schedule- 6:30 A.M. to 4:00 P.M. Contact: Bruce Collins (213) 367-5914 or bruce. collins@ladwp.com Carpool: From San Pedro to the JFB 6:30a.m.-4:00p.m. Shift 9/80 schedule. Rotate driving using own car. Contact: Maria Sharma (213) 367-1935 Carpool: From Walnut (Pathfinder RD + Brea Cyn. Cut-off or Close by) To JFB. 6:30AM-4:15PM- 1st Friday ASDO. Use Our Own Car. Contact: Del (213) 367-5194 or (213) 926-2838 32 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Vanpool #39: Chino to JFB. 6:00AM3:45PM. Contact: Charnpreet Dhillon (213) 367-0170 Carpool: From Rialto, Fontana, Rancho to Water Temple 6:00AM-3:30PM, 9/80 schedule. ASDO Monday-using our own car and rotate driving. Contact: Clyde Ignacio (213) 792-9680 Looking For Carpool/Vanpool: From Cerritos/Norwalk to JFB (7:00AM-4:45PM). Contact: Gene Hong (213) 367-3469 Carpool: From Simi Valley to JFB. 6:30 A.M – 4:00 P.M. 9/80, Contact Pat (213) 367-5294 or (805) 813-2067 Looking for Carpool: From Chatsworth/ West Hills/Northridge to JFB or Downtown L.A. Will share gas. 9/80 schedule 8 a.m. – 5:30 p.m. Willing to change. Contact Shilpa at (213) 367-0610. Vanpool #8: La Puente mall/City of Industry (Park & Ride) to Temple Yard and JFB, 9/80 schedule, 6:30 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. Contact Mary Weber (213) 367-2999. Transportation: 1998 Chevrolet Suburban LS: Gray exterior/interior, 88k miles, accident free, very good condition, 5,000 on tires, dual air, CD, asking $4,000. Contact: Derrick (562) 926-9686 ’55 Chevy Pickup: Short bed, step side, large window in the back, good upholstery, 350 V8 engine, automatic transmission, electronic ignition, Holly carburetor, headers, Flowmaster dual exhaust, chrome wheels. $7,000 obo. Contact: Sherri (626) 824-6011 2003 Nissan Murano SL: 53,600 miles, silver w/ black interior, HD lights, just serviced by dealer, 22’’ chrome rims, new 18’’ Michelin tires w/ rims, Tinted windows, alarm. $14,000 Contact: Gilbert (323) 722-8112 1957 GMC 35 Foot Bus Conversion: New motor in 2003 with 2000 miles. Asking $22,000. Contact: Terry (562) 237-4753 2006 Fleetwood Gear Box: 5th wheel 37 ½ feet. Front bedroom slide out, two gas tanks, two queen electric beds in garage pressure washer, 5500 watt Onan generator. $30,000. Contact: Joel (626) 290-5003 FOR SALE: Awesome Escalade! $25,000 obo2004 low mileage - clean. Contact: Chris (310)488-1646 or email ccbolivar.cb@gmail.com LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 33 CLASSIFIEDS For Sale: 2005 Honda Civic LX: 89K miles, excellent condition, $8,500 OBO Contact: Charles (661) 609-9840 Harley Davidson 2003: 100th Anniversary Fat-Boy, Gold-Key Edition, All Chromed, Many Extras, Excellent Condition, 7,500 miles, $15,000 OBO. Contact: Rex (213) 792-8597 or (714) 996-1430 1992 Mercedes E300: White With Grey Leather Interior, Zebrano Wood Trim, 6 Cyl, Automatic, 4 DR, Fully Loaded, Never In An Accident, 142 M, Very Clean, $3850 Contact: Fares (626) 320-4714 Miscellaneous Hawaiian Flowers: Plumerias for sale, Yellow and Pink Stalks $5, Potted $10 to $35 Depending on Size, Some Are Ready to Bloom. Contact: Anne (310) 863-5759 Satellite Radio: Portable, Delphi-MyFi Xm2Go & Charging Pod with Speakers, Almost Brand New. (Subscription Not Active) $45. Contact: Vipin (661) 309-7906 2 Yr Old Maytag 30 inch: Slide-in gas range with 4 sealed burners, including 16,00 BTU power boost burner and self-cleaning oven. Orig. price $1200, looking for best offer. Black Maytag 2 yr old dishwasher, asking $175.00. Contact: Darnell (213) 367-3398 Airwalk Snowboard Boots: Men’s size 9, gray & black, yellow outline. Only worn a couple of times, excellent condition. $30. Contact: Kathy Viramontes (818) 771-4878 For Sale: LA Dodgers kid rocking chair and table ($80), Winnie the Pooh play pen w/ bassinet, mobile, diaper holder & change area and carry bag ($75). All like new. Contact: Lin (626) 375-3822 At Rose Hills Cemetery: 4 plots available for purchase either all together or in pairs. They are located in Autumn Terrace in view of the lake. They are valued at $5600.00 each, but we are asking just $4000.00 and we will cover the transfer fee. Contact: Chris or Susan at (562) 696-1716 or (562) 556-0290. Schwinn 113 Exercise Bike: Upright, Like New, Hardly Used, Always Kept Indoors, All The Bells & Whistles, Paid $500, Will Sell $250 OBO. Contact: Alexis (818) 731-6632 34 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ For Sale: Double pane glass window $200 obo, different sizes, 12-in-1 card reader $8, wireless mouse $5 new, Logitech webcam $20 new. Contact: Suzie (626) 380-6383 Full Size Mattress Set: Includes Low Profile Box Spring and Frame. Aireloom Bamboo, Firm, Pillow Top. Used 2 Months. Paid $1800, Sell $500 OBO. Contact: Diana 367-8125 Sofa and Love Seat: Floral design, very good condition, only $200.00. Refrigerator & freezer, white, great condition, 18.2 cubic feet, 66.5h x 30”w x 33.5”D. Only $175. Contact: Javad (213) 792-8412 or (213) 367-2700 Polk Audio Speakers: Rarely used two Polk Audio black floor loudspeakers model RT800. Similar to RTIA5 sold for $899.90 a pair asking $350 OBO. Contact: Maral (818) 957-5949 For Sale: Yamaha YPT-320 touch sensitive keyboard (2010 model). Includes single x-stand & bench. $105.00 Contact: Connie (626) 497-6551 Letterman Jacket For Sale: Brand new white and black, very sharp, size XL, cost $150. DON’T MISS OUT!! Contact: Sharon Moore (213) 367-3492 Oakland Raiders Turn Around Bus Trip & Tailgate Party: Come join us on our annual trip to Oakland. For more information Contact: Joe (909) 519-8683 or email raiderjo@roadrunner.com Yamaha Stage Custom Advantage Drum Set: 6 drums, 9 Zildjain cymbals, all hardware, and many, many extras. Includes cases, spare heads, cow bell, timbales, etc. $1800. Contact: Jerry (760) 242-4953 Elvis Presley Enthusiasts: Phone, double deck of cards, watch, 24K gold plated record/ photo with certificate, jackets and t-shirt (XL). Contact: Emily (909) 357-1608 Pierce Bros. Valley Oaks-Westlake: Oakvale Garden, Double Internment (Plot 74). Asking $9,600. Contact: Kenneth Martens (360) 939-0559 For Sale: Top of the line MAYTAG washer and electric dryer. In excellent condition. $195 for both. Contact: Larry (818) 883-5870 Enjoy ATV & M/C Riding in our local area (Cal City, Jawbone, Etc) but no clubs to take trips with. I’m making a contact list of folks interested in camping & riding together once a month or so. Family oriented. Contact: Rick (805) 4333195 or email rhinohd@dslextreme.com MUST SELL: Two curio/hutches, excellent condition one with full length mirror on inside at back, glass doors, glass sides, glass shelves, upper/lower case. $250 Negotiable. Second one in excellent condition cherry wood curio/hutch, glass shelves, gold beveled glass doors, two large drawers at bottom. $250 Negotiable. The cherry wood glass shelves are strong to hold books or dishes. Contact: Shari Mehr (310) 398-1130. Rental Property For Rent: Small house (625 sqft) with big garage (18.5x23x10ft high). Workroom & laundry room, 1 bdrm, 1 bath, fenced-in yard, privacy. No Ho Art district, close to Red Line & 134, 101, 170 freeways. $1200/m Contact: Bernie (818) 980-1362 Arcadia: 2BR, 1 BA apt for rent. Arcadia school, remodeled bath, new paint, hw floor, washer/dryer hookup, garage, private courtyard. $1325/mo Contact: Chris (626) 278-8923 BIG BEAR: 2 bedroom, sleeps 6, full kitchen, fireplace, cable available, washer and dryer, deck with view of lake, ½ mile walk to village or lake. Daily or weekly. Pictures available. $100 a night Contact: Doug (213) 272-0700 Real Estate Spacious 3 Bedroom/2 Bath home for sale: fresh paint throughout, new carpet and dark birch floors, remodeled kitchen, enclosed patio, custom blinds in every room, private backyard with new grass, sprinklers and fruit trees, 2 car detached garage. Contact Rick Lobos at (949) 310-8188 Service U-Haul Moving Trucks and Equipment: Don’t be left out, reserve early. Call for a quote. Contact: Fernando De La Luz (323) 537-8738 or (714) 605-7013 LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 35 CLASSIFIEDS PROFESSIONAL SPECIAL EVENT VIDEOGRAPHER: Over 30 years experience. Ask about DWP special pricing. See samples of work at www.videoyou.com Contact: Maury Gomberg- Video Services Un-Limited (818) 727-7746 Electrician for home or your business: Service with pride + expertise. Main power upgrades, additions, inspections. Lic 369867 since 1978 Contact: Art (760) 662-1949 AA Civic Center Participation: Thursday 4:30 PM, AA Luncheon Meeting Every Friday 12:00 Noon Room A-18A. Contact: Ricardo (323) 660-9035 “BREDREN”-Live Music for All Occasions: Soul/Oldies/Jazz/Reggae. Featuring LADWP’s own Cedric Polian (stores) on Sax! Reasonable Rates. Contact: Cedric (213) 952-3550 WE NEED VOLUNTEERS: To help with AdoptA-School Reading Program. Seeking active or retired DWP employees. Contact: Oscar (213) 367-0530 Wanted Used Mini Truck: 16 year old daughter wants 4-cylinder pick-up truck. Good running condition, safe & reliable. Any make or model, prefer automatic. Contact: Bill (661) 2029200 Need Moving Boxes: Contact: Steve (818) 723-5545 or ZMoose@hotmail.com Retirees - We get together once a year for a fun RV campout. If you would like to join us, Contact: Larry Alger (562) 597-8017 WANTED: Music equipment, mics, mic stands, mixers, DJ equipment, cords, etc. Contact: Macklin (562) 228-6260 $$$ Money: for your 50’s & 60’s Rock, Surf, Beat, Instrumental, R&B & Rockabilly vinyl 45’s, any condition will do, happy to dig through collections. Contact: Jorge Coldivar (626) 391-5170 WE NEED CHILDRENS BOOKS: First through fifth grade for Union Elementary School. Donate your children’s old books to our AdoptA-School Reading Program. For donations or information contact: Oscar Medina (213) 367-0530 Box Tops for Education: Please send them to JFB, Room 424, Attn: Norma Need Box Tops for Education: Please send to Nancy Fairbanks 14401 Saticoy Street, Bldg #3 Thank you Contact: Nancy (562) 673-0569, Advertise in the Association Report! For image attachmentsPlease add $10 image fee option (black and white image only) For more information contact Kelli Lofing at (213) 367-3144 Redeem your certificates at the See’s Candies Store now at new Union Station 36 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Association BIG BEAR MOUNTAIN RESORTS DASH TICKETS Association price: Geared for families, mainstream skiers, and snowboarders Snow Summit $30.00 per book of 60 No Expiration Date Bear Mountain “The Park” is geared for young adults and is full of jibs, rails and hits Bus TRIP Snow Summit & Bear Mountain TICKET BOOKS Both resorts have a free shuttle that transports guests between the two mountains Pass Description Base Pass Zone 1 Pass Zone 2 Pass Zone 3 Pass Zone 4 Pass Price Description $57.00 Base Pass $80.00Blackout Dates May Apply Zone 1 Pass $100.00 Zone 2 Pass $124.00 Zone 3 Pass $140.00 Association Price:Zone 4 Pass Adult (22 & older): $45.00 (regular: $53) Price $30.00 $46.00 $56.00 $67.00 $75.00 Young Adult (13 to 21 - ID required): $35.00 DASH Downtown (regular: $43) Operates Monday - Friday, Every 5-12 minutes Please note: MTA passes are no longer valid on Commuter Express or DASH bus lines. 880 Summit Blvd. - Big Bear Lake (909) 866-5766 - www.snowsummit.com - www.bearmountain.com Need to Rent A Car? The Employees’ Association has these rental car discounts available: Hertz Hertz Alamo Discount Code # is 1459157 Discount Code # is 527660 1 (800) 654-3131 1(800) 354-2322 Discount Code # is 32W2624 (800) 593-0505 *If reserving online a 3-digit code is also required : DWP *Due to seasonal discounts offered by rental companies, these corporate discount programs may not provide the lowest rate available. page 28 LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 37 CLASSIFIEDS Classified Advertising FEES Only Employees or Retirees may submit ads Please do not submit ads for relatives, friends, or neighbors. One free ad per publication You may submit only one free ad per publication from the categories marked as free. You may submit as many paid ads you wish. Free/Paid ads should be limited to 25 words The following fee schedule applies for all RENTAL PROPERTY, REAL ESTATE, FUND-RAISERS and SERVICES ads. $10 per ad, up to twenty-five (25) words PLUS A 25¢ charge will apply to each word over the limit. 25¢ each word over twenty-five (25) Ads must be legitimate The Services Committee reserves the right to refuse or limit the publication of any advertisement. DEADLINE Applications must be complete and legible Only fully completed and readable forms will be considered for publication. 1st of the month for the following month’s issue Place your name within the ad For Jan. Feb. Mar. Apr. May Jun. Your name must appear in the ad and you must be listed as the contact person. Use a non-department telephone number Please do not use your work location phone number for business or service type ads. Please submit a complete telephone number Be sure to include an area code and complete number to enable everyone the opportunity to contact you. Due For Due Dec. 1st Jul. Jun. Jan. 1st Aug. Jul. Feb. 1st Sep. Aug. Mar. 1stOct. Sep. Apr. 1stNov.Oct. May 1st DecNov. 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st 1st Classified advertisement application Fee COMMUTER Transportation Wanted ❏ Free ❏ Free ❏ Free Fee Rental Property Real estate services ❏ $10.00 ❏ $10.00 ❏ $10.00 Fee fund-raiser miscellaneous over 25 words ❏ $10.00 ❏ Free ❏ $_______ Name_______________________________________Emp.#_ __________________Work phone__________________________ if retiree, home phone #_______________________ address___________________________________________________ signature_________________________________________________________________ Date__________________________ Please type or print your ad EXACTLY the way you want it to appear: (INCLUDING CONTACT NAME & PHONE NUMBER) ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Send application to: Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Association Services Committee General Office Building, 111 N. Hope Street, Room A-17 Los Angeles, CA 90012 (213) 367-3144 Approved For Office Use Only Fee received $__________________ for the months of: _____________ 1.________________ 2.________________ 3.________________ 38 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ NOTARY SERVICES Available in your Employees’ Association Office, Room A17 * Must Bring Acceptable Identification * Only $5.00 per signature INS Burbank Walnut Santa Ana Wilmington Los Angeles Lancaster Torrance Pasadena Upland ShoeTeria Newhall LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 39 FUN & GAMES SUDOKU Understanding the Rules Sudoku is a test of logic and patience no math is needed. Fill in the grid so that the numbers 1 through 9 appear only once in every vertical and horizontal column and every 3x3 minibox. Start by scanning the columns and rows. Only one solution is possible. 8 1 9 5 6 9 4 3 4 7 9 6 8 7 3 1 2 5 1 1 4 7 3 6 9 Los Angeles Water & Power Employees’ Association gratulations raffle winners for To nthly raffle winners for February 2009 JULY 2011 H. Feinberg asim Ghaffari Tim White ank Salas Edgar Agustin hris YoxsimerJohn Chan 1st - Make any purchase from the Employees’ Association Office or your Association Representative. 3rd - At the beginning of every month a drawing is held from all raffle tickets turned in for the previous month. 4th - Show Department identification for your prize. 5th - You have 2 weeks to claim your prize! It’s That Simple..... 40 ASSOCIATION REPORT LAWP Employees’ 5 2 8 7 6 4 9 3 6 3 1 9 4 7 2 5 7 9 4 3 2 5 1 8 6 6 2 7 4 3 9 5 1 8 9 8 5 7 1 2 6 3 4 4 3 1 6 5 8 9 7 2 3 7 8 5 4 1 2 6 9 2 4 6 9 8 7 3 5 1 5 1 9 2 6 3 8 4 7 Answers to July’s puzzle Here’s How You Can Be Our Next Winner: 2nd - Write your name and phone extension on a raffle ticket (1 per $ 20.00 purchase). Drop in the raffle box or give to your Association representative. se Ortiz 7 1 8 Employees’ Association Report Is Now Available Online Visit Our Intranet Home Page http://hrweb Click on: Employees’ Association Need A Rental Car? g At Startin $ 59 99 Per Day l e s. ury Vehic For Lux gh Monday. F r id a y t hrou Discounted rates for LADWP employees offered at the following Enterprise locations. Beverly Hills Downtown Los Angeles Santa Monica (Mercedes Benz of Beverly Hills) 9250 Beverly Blvd. (Downtown L.A. Motors) 1801 S. Figueroa St. (Hornburg Jaguar) 3300 Olympic Blvd. Los Angeles Santa Monica (Martin Cadillac) 12101 West Olympic Blvd. (Simonson Mercedes) 1626 Wilshire Blvd. For reservations, contact Roy Arnold at 310 258-7670 or Roy.L.Arnold@erac.com. Reference customer # 32W2624. PROUDPARTNER | LADWP EmPLoyEEs Offer valid at participating California locations. Offer rate applies to Luxury vehicles from Friday to Monday and includes 150 miles per day. Offer rate does not include local and applicable taxes and/or additional surcharges, .80¢ or less per mile for excess miles, vehicle licensing fees of .87¢ or less per day and optional products and services, such as, refueling fees and damage waiver of $14.99 or less per day. Check your auto policy and/ or credit card agreement for rental vehicle coverage. 3-day maximum rental applies. Offer may not be used with any other coupon, offer or discounted rate. Normal rental qualifications apply. Vehicles subject to availability. Other restrictions may apply. Pick-up and drop-off service is subject to geographic and other restrictions. Void where prohibited. Offer subject to change without notice. ©2009 Enterprise Rent-A-Car Company. A01244.2 09/09 MM LAWP Employees’ ASSOCIATION REPORT 41 Angeles LosWater Angeles & Power Water & Power ployees’ Employees’ Association Association North111 Hope North Street, Hope Room Street, A-17 Room A-17 Angeles, Los CA Angeles, 90012 CA 90012 PRESORTED PRESORTED STANDARD STANDARD U.S. POSTAGEU.S. PAIDPOSTAGE PAI LOS ANGELES,LOS CAANGELES, C PERMIT 16922 PERMIT 16922
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