Newsletter – Spring 2015 - Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln


Newsletter – Spring 2015 - Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln
Our Mission
To provide services that support
people with an intellectual disability
so they may pursue individual goals
and membership in the community.
Celebrating 50 Years of Inspiring Possibilities
Save The Dates
To Join Us In
Celebrating Our
50th Anniversary
Annual General
Monday, June 8, 2015
5:30 pm
Balls Falls Centre for
3292 Sixth Ave.,
Jordan, ON
Anniversary Gala
Saturday, October 3, 2015
5:00 pm
Liuna Gardens
526 Winona Rd,
Stoney Creek, ON
Spring is finally in the air after a very cold winter. Many of the
organization’s accomplishments over the past few months are
profiled in this edition of the newsletter. We hope you enjoy the
great stories and articles in this newsletter.
Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln is excited and
honoured to have achieved 50 years of service to individuals and
their families living throughout West Niagara.
Several special events are being planned to highlight our
development and accomplishments over the past 50 years. The first
of these events will take place at our Annual General Meeting on June
8th. A special gala event and dinner is planned for Saturday, October
3, 2015 at Liuna Gardens in Stoney Creek. Please mark your
calendars for these two important events. We are interested in
hearing how Community Living has impacted your life or a family
member’s life. We are also wishing to engage current and past
employees and Board members. Please contact Margaret Rohan –
Adult and Vocational Services Director at extension 144 or by email at if you would like to share a story and
contribute to our 50th Anniversary celebrations.
50th Golden Jubilee Annual General Meeting at Ball’s Falls
Conservation Centre on Monday, June 8, 2015 starting at 5:30 pm.
The business portion of the meeting will be followed by a light dinner.
Please RSVP to Samantha Morris at or
by telephone to (905) 563-4115 extension 202 by May 29, 2015.
Continued on page 2 and 3…………………..
Celebrating 50 Years of Inspiring Possibilities Continued
Our new membership year commences once again on June 1st, 2015. Please
consider supporting our organization by becoming a member. We continue
to accept new and renewed memberships at anytime throughout the year.
Our membership application forms are available on our website, click on the “about us” page and go to membership.
We will be sending current and past members an invitation to our Annual
General Meeting and a membership renewal reminder by mail. Alternatively,
you can phone our office at (905) 563-4115 extension 202, and we would be
happy to send you a form via mail.
In March of 2015, the Ministry of Community and Social Services visited our
agency and reviewed our adult developmental services through a compliance review. Our
processes and practices related to the quality assurance measure regulations from the
legislation governing our adult developmental services was reviewed to ensure our
operations were in compliance. This review provided our agency with the opportunity to
incorporate learning's from this process into our quality improvement practices.
Through Canada’s Economic Action Plan, the Government is announcing a new temporary
First-Time Donor’s Super Credit (FDSC) designed to encourage new donors to give to charity.
In 2011, the Government asked the House of Commons Standing Committee on Finance to
study charitable donation incentives. The Committee published its report, Tax Incentives for
Charitable Giving in Canada on February 11, 2013. The Economic Action Plan of 2013
responds to the Committee’s report by announcing a new temporary FDSC designed to
encourage new donors to give to charity. This new credit will significantly enhance the
attractiveness of donating to a charity for young Canadians who are in a position to make
donations for the first time and by helping to rejuvenate and expand the
charitable sector’s donor base. This measure will benefit individuals if neither
they nor their spouse has claimed the Charitable Donations Tax Credit since
2007. The FDSC will increase the value of the federal Charitable Donations Tax
Credit by 25 percentage points if a tax claim has not been made since 2007.
The FDSC will apply up to $1,000 in cash donations claimed in respect of any
one taxation year from 2013 to 2017.
This is another great incentive to donate to a wonderful charity such as
Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln. Please consider our
organization in your annual giving.
Celebrating 50 Years of Inspiring Possibilities Continued
The following continue to be a priority for this government with the 2014 announcement of
$810 million in funding for Ontario’s Developmental Services:
 Expand direct funding to serve 21,000 more individuals and families, and help eliminate the
existing waitlists for Special Services at Home (SSAH) in two years and Passport in four years
 Provide support for urgent residential needs for approximately 1,400 people
 Support young adults as they navigate key life transitions such as going to school or getting a
 Promote community living partnerships through expanded Host Family and Supported
Independent Living programs
 Support agencies and front-line workers in the community services sector
 Promote innovation so that any savings can be re-invested into improving services
For further information, please visit the website at
We are pleased to report that over the past six months, a number of families in West Niagara
were approved for individualized funding to enable further community participation
opportunities for their family member.
In the current year, we will continue our effort to strengthen our services with a continual
focus on service quality, a commitment to increase responsiveness to individuals and families
waiting for service, and assisting transitional aged youth in planning for the future.
Best wishes for an enjoyable spring and summer season!
Elizabeth Furness (President) & Sarina Labonté (Executive Director)
Elizabeth Furness
Sarina Labonté
Community Living-Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln
1965 –2015
No 50th anniversary is complete without a trip down memory lane. The
people, the places, trials and successes. All it takes is “Do you
We have put together a small committee to brainstorm how we are going
to celebrate this significant milestone. Our preliminary suggestions
include: a memory lane, creating a time capsule, special recognition at our
Annual General Meeting in June, and a gala event in October. But, these
are just suggestions. We need to hear from you. Please contact me if you
would like to join in the planning of our 50th Anniversary events.
Margaret Rohan
Director– Adult Services and Vocational Services
A Shout Out to our Landlords and Employers
Last week the Employment Services Team was reporting their outcomes to
date with our MCSS Supervisors. We had exceeded our targets for the year
and were asked why we were so successful. We attributed it to an increase
in referrals and having people choose us to support them in their job search.
There is also another trend we identified. Employers are pleased with the
performance of the workers we have placed and often want more workers
from us.
Similarly, we’ve noticed that when landlords with whom we have a
relationship, have a vacancy, they often call us first. It appears that people in
our Supported Independent Living program are preferred tenants.
We’d like to extend a hearty THANK YOU to all these employers and
landlords in our community for your welcoming and inclusive practices and
To the men and women who are successful in competitive employment or in
achieving independent living arrangements, you are real trailblazers. Your
success has paved the way for other people to reach their career and life
Those difficult years of NIMBY (not in my backyard) seem to be quickly
becoming a distant memory best forgotten and that’s great for all of us!
Submitted by Margaret Rohan
Director– Adult Services and Vocational Services
Well Preserved Handcrafted Condiments and Jellies
Well Preserved is a social enterprise operated by Community Living—Grimsby,
Lincoln and West Lincoln to create employment for people with disabilities in the
food manufacturing industry. We produce an extensive line of condiments and
preserves. They are available at our own Sears and Purolator depot at 183 South
Service Rd, Grimsby and Natural Abilities in Smithville. They are also sold at Upper
Canada Cheese in Jordan, Objects to Desire in Grimsby, Aure Wines in Lincoln,
Cherry Lane in Vineland and Beamsville Pharmacy which has 3 locations including
one in Dundas.
Thank you to all our customers and retail partners. More retail partners are welcome. Please call Tanya
Huelin at 905 563 4115 ext 142 if you are interested in joining us.
Recently, Well Preserved has entered into a partnership with Niagara College, Research and Innovation
to help us expand our product line. Through their Food and Beverage division, Niagara College students
and faculty will be helping us to create and develop several more specialty items incorporating ice wine
and locally distilled liquors. This project is supported by funding from the National Science and
Engineering Research Council.
We are pleased and proud to have partners that recognize the value of Well Preserved to the economic
activity of our community and the people employed and supported through this endeavor.
Submitted by Roger Greig
Supervisor-Adult Community and Vocational Services
EXTRA EXTRA !! Read all about it!! Well Preserved on CHCH news!!!
Our very own Well Preserved Hand Crafted Condiments and
Jellies were chosen to be featured on the CHCH news at
6:00 pm on Monday, March 23. CHCH news anchor, Phil Perkins,
made a surprise visit to our Well Preserved site at 191 South
Service Rd. He was interested in doing a story on our Well
Preserved jam business. Phil was inspired by the story of how a
small ladies group turned into a thriving social enterprise. Phil
was given a tour of the Well Preserved kitchen and the history of
how this amazing business all began. Phil was able to speak with
Community Living employees who gave him the details and background surrounding the business. Most
importantly he spent time interviewing the jam crew. Our very own Katie Groothedde and Brenda Potts
were on camera giving their thoughts about what Well Preserved means to them. The ladies talked about
the skills they have obtained working, and how they love coming to work each day. Phil filmed the jam
crew in action making one of our most popular flavours of jam; carrot cake. Furthermore, Phil commented
on the importance of the work being done here at Well Preserved and how he was happy to “get the word
out”. Phil couldn’t wait to get back to the newsroom to share the gifts of red pepper jelly and carrot cake
jam with his colleagues. If you missed the news cast please see the following link :
Submitted by Sarah Weicker
Employment Services Support Worker
Carleton United Church:
A 20 Year Partnership Comes To An End
In April of 1996, the ladies supported at our Smithville site were looking for
volunteer placements in the community. After several conversations with my
sister it was determined that the playgroup she was running on Thursday
mornings at Carleton United Church was in need of someone to run their craft
hour and snack time. Thus began a 20 year partnership with the church.
The playgroup which started out as a small group of day care mom’s looking to
network, share ideas and support each other while allowing their children to
take part in supervised creative and social play, had grown into something
bigger. There were between 15 and 25 neighbourhood children and their
moms attending on a regular basis.
The ladies were responsible for preparing a craft and snack each week for the
children. This offered many opportunities for the ladies to increase their skills
in a variety of ways. This included shopping, researching crafts ideas, gathering materials needed,
making healthy snacks, interacting with the moms and children while doing the crafts and snacks,
cleaning and so on. The ladies each had their own areas of expertise and did very well. It was nice to
see the ladies fully accepted by the children and their moms. It was also fun to see the ladies develop
relationships with the children and their delight when the children would actively seek them out for
As my sister’s children grew too old for playgroup we were asked to take over and run the group. We
now had to add circle time and song time to our repertoire. The ladies just took this in their stride and
carried on. This continued for several years until playgroup numbers started to dwindle as the
neighbourhood children grew older.
During this time we had developed a relationship with the minister. He asked us if we would be
interested in cleaning the church on a paid basis as they were having trouble keeping a cleaning crew.
We gladly accepted and the rest is history. The ladies were now also employed in the community!
Throughout the years the ladies have developed a sense of belonging and friendships within the church
community. They have been proud of their accomplishments in learning both new social and physical
During the last couple of years the church has been going through many transitions which have
included physical changes to the building and personnel.
After much consideration we made the decision that due to all the recent physical changes in the
building, the job had simply become too much. We were no longer able to complete the cleaning duties
to our usual standard and submitted our resignation.
Since making the decision to resign from Carleton we have learned, like many churches today, Carleton
has been struggling. They have made the difficult choice to close their doors in the coming months.
I would like take this opportunity to thank Carleton United Church for all the experiences they have
provided the ladies throughout the years. We will miss you!
Respectfully Submitted,
Jane Lovell - Support Worker
In Memory
DAMION MACKEY January 10, 1997 - February 13, 2015
Our angel, Damion, returned to heaven on Feb 13, 2015, aged 18 years.
Damion made this world a better place because of who he was. He passed
away at McNally House with Juvenile Huntington's. Cherished son of Lynn and
Tim and loved brother to Baillie (Kyle) and Riley (Gillian), "Damion, you are a
blessing of love and joy." To all of Damion's extended family, "thank you with
Lynn, Tim, Baillie and Riley Mackie
On behalf of Community Living - Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln, we
extend our deepest condolences to the Mackie family. Staff and residents of John St. home and the
Children’s Respite Program will carry forth fond memories of Damion’s inner strength, his kind
disposition and the quick and ever - ready smile he shared with all.
May 29, 2001 - February 22, 2015.
Words cannot express the great sadness that we announce the passing of our
final installment, that being Noah (aka The HUGGSTER aka BUGABOO). We were
extremely blessed to have Noah in our lives for 13 wonderful years as he was
born with the Rett Syndrome mutation. Boys with this rare mutation normally die
at birth or shortly after birth. Noah attended Our Lady of Fatima School where
the staff and students treated Noah with love and respect beyond belief. After a
month and a half of battling an unidentifiable infection, Noah suffered full Cardiac Arrest at the
St. Catharines General Hospital. Noah was airlifted to the McMaster Hospital where after 6 days he
slipped away at 2:23 p.m. with his family by his side. Beloved son of Mark and Becky. Loving brother
of Stephanie, Gregory and Meaghan. Grandson of Percy (1996), Barbara (2009) Burton, Diane,
Charles (2009), and Karen (1993) Welch.
Staff and friends of the Children’s Respite Program will dearly miss Noah’s bubbly and affectionate
personality and will hold dear the memories of the precious moments they shared with Noah. On
behalf of Community Living - Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln, we extend our deepest condolences
to the Burton family.
Congratulations To The Grimsby Rock Stars
As They Take Home The Silver Medal
In The Provincial Games!
One of our teams from the Grimsby-Lincoln Special Olympics Curling Club advanced to the
Provincial Games held in North Bay. The “Rock Stars” came home with a Silver medal in their
division and wait anxiously to see if they will advance to the National Games next year in
Cornerbrook, Newfoundland. They had a fabulous time at the games and we look forward to
many more athletes being able to experience such a fabulous event. We are looking for any
athletes who would like to learn how to curl (a lot of the athletes use a stick to push the rock,
so you don’t have to be “athletic” to enjoy the sport). If you have any interest in trying out
(free for the remainder of the season), we would love to add more athletes and grow our
group to give everyone more opportunities to compete. Please contact Pam Ferguson, our
Team Manager at
Grimsby-Lincoln also supports our athletes in Soccer, Athletics, 5 & 10 Pin Bowling, and
Snowshoeing! Come out and play!
Submitted by
Kim MacLeod - Coach
Members of the Rock Stars Team
Pictured left to right: Shane Morrison, Ian MacLeod, Owen
Konkle, Ryan Kulikowski and Josh Baglole.
On ice picture of the
Rock Stars in action.
Coached by Kim MacLeod
and Geoff Harrington.
191 South Service Road Wins Honourable Mention in
2014 Niagara Community Design Awards
The objective of the Niagara Community Design Awards is to recognize and celebrate
excellence in design in the Niagara Region that demonstrates the application of Smart
Growth Principles. This year's awards continued to focus on projects that enhance
the built environment, efficiently used land, and demonstrate creativity and vision.
Community Living—Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln’s administration and program
building located at 191 South Service Road in Grimsby won Honourable Mention for
the Adaptive Re-Use Category. This award recognizes the re-use of an existing
building or buildings, and possible intensification of a site. The primary feature of this
project is the re-use of the former building in a manner that demonstrates creativity,
reintegrates the site into the community, and provides a mix of uses and choice into
the surrounding neighbourhood. The following was cited at the Award Ceremony on March 4, 2015:
“In March of 2012, Community Living—Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln, a not-for-profit charitable
organization, purchased an existing warehouse on the South Service Road in Grimsby to enable the
expansion of several programs. The warehouse was redesigned, rebuilt and transformed into a multipurpose professional office and program site for the community. The coordinated team of experts
were instrumental in solidifying a vision for the transformation of the old warehouse and former
basket factory into a multi-purpose professional and vibrant Community Resource Centre. This project
was noted for being a great re-use of an old industrial building site and for modern treatments of the
façade that create an open and inviting presence.”
(Left to Right ) Receiving the Award are Chris Smith (Community Living—Grimsby, Lincoln & West
Lincoln Board of Directors), Lex Parker and wife Susan Parker (Lex Parker Consultants Ltd.) and Larisa
Brodsky (Larisa Brodsky Architect Inc.)
The World is Hugged by the Faithful Arms of Volunteers
We thank the volunteers who have joined
in promoting the rights, dignity and inclusion of persons with a diverse ability.
Karen Arbuckle, Dana Barker, Marissa Beibert, Barb Cole, Chantel Cole, Owen Cole,
Judy Crockett, Grace Drummond, Marlena DenEngelsman, Raya Ghuneim,
Greg Goertzen, Kevin Grady, Mandy Grieve, Susan Jancsi, Bethay Kent– Hickling,
Brenda Keown, Dave Killam, Janine Milne, Alison Mondloch,
Carlie Nation, Sean Palmer, Zachary Nickerson,
Sean Palmer, Jane Scholer, Chris Smith, Mary Smith,
Krithika Srikanth, Janette Travis, Hayley Walker, Gloria Wissel,
Kate Woods, Paul Woolley, Peggy Zavitz.
We thank our 2014—2015 Special Event Volunteers For Their Support !!
Grimsby Festival of Art 2014—Jeanette Murphy, Katherine Fisher, Thomas & Laura Brock &
Family, Sandy Zulaf, Christine Hahn, Margaret Rohan, Judy Meldrum, Anneke Blom, Sarah McCart,
Kaitlyn Stallbohm, Jeanelle Chard, Guylene Charrois, Kathleen Guite, Christine Lee, Donald Cowan,
Katelyn Smith, Kevin Grady, Krithika Srikanth, Judy Crockett, Ruth Moffat, Roberta Blackie, Leah
Maragoudakis, Cyndi Gryp, Kathy Harte, Donna Roche, Cori VanDerScheer, Angela Keegan, Kim
Lymburner, Cloey Lymburner, Erin Burmudzija, Ruthann Gawley, Bill Shire & Bev Zacher, Amy
Lacasse, Linda Arbuckle, Bonnie Walker, Pam Haire, Hallie Poirier, Samantha Morris, Tracey
McPherson, Bob Kabel, Sarina Labonte, Grant Schaming , Charles Daly, Bill Hughes, Jim Howden,
Bob Martin, Marshal Deeth, Shirley Martin, Marty Tyre, Donna Tyre, Alan Goddard, Clarence
McCloskey, Dick Cross, Jim Powell, Roger Bradley, MaryLou Bradley, Sharon Rizzuto, Drew
Dulmage, Michelle Bell, Marsha Kostuk-Snyder, Margaret McCallum, Susan Stryjski, Tracey
Lavigne, Tammy Bouillon, Teresa Vallenga, Henni Mulder, Amanda Turpin, Shelly Besito, Courtney
Tufford, Jill Powell.
Walking For Inclusion 2014—Rebecca Jackson, Leah Maragoudakis, Becky Harris, Cheryl
Taggart, Erin & Mike Burmudzija, Jesse & Shea Burmudzija , Gloria Wissel, Mandy Grieve-Bullard,
Deb Grieve-Knight, Frank Wissel, Hank Vanderscheer, Chris Jugaru, Brian Ingham, Muriel Smith,
Carlie Nation, Kim Nation, Elaine Kimball, Frank Wood, Amber Mitchell, Cyndi Gryp, Sarina Labonté
Lunch with Santa 2014—Rebecca Campion, Connor Ball, Jacob Copeland, Benny Ferrara, Max
Pouliot, Jaylin Vaughan, Sean Palmer, Eric Carson, Samantha Morris.
Zooz- Boo at the Zoo—Mandy Grieve-Bullard, Calleigh-Ryan Bullard, Tanner Bullard.
Congratulations Hayley
Hayley Walker first became involved with the
Homeshare program as a co-op student in
September 2012 and completed her co-op
placement in April 2013. Hayley was an excellent
asset to the Homeshare program and quickly
became everyone's “favourite student”. Hayley
continued on with the Homeshare program as a
volunteer, helping with everything from special
one-on-one community outings to grocery
shopping for the respite home, all the while
working various part time jobs and pursuing her
goal of becoming a police officer. In late fall of
2014 Hayley realized her dream and was hired on
as a Special Constable with the Niagara Regional
Police Services. We are so proud of Hayley! We
thank her for all her wonderful volunteer
contributions to Community Living and wish her
great success. It was a privilege to nominate
Hayley for the Ontario Volunteer Service Award
Submitted by Tracey Rohrer
Supervisor-HomeShare Program
Thanking our Board of Directors 2014 –2015
We thank our 2014 –2015 Board of Directors for their ongoing governance and
leadership of our agency and the people we have the privilege of assisting.
Anneke Blom – Past President
Ian Smith – Treasurer
Fred Cipryk
Chris Smith
Elizabeth Furness – President
Zeau Ismail - Secretary
Wayne Fertich
Rev. David Tigchelaar
Christine Hahn – Vice-President
Jim Howden
Karen Unger
Dave McNaughton
Alessandra Ottaviano
The Magical Winter of 2014
Wonderful Gifts
Donated by The Staff
of the Juravinski Cancer Centre
Since 2008 the staff of the Juravinski Cancer Centre have
donated hundreds of gifts to be distributed to people we
assist. Community Living—Grimsby, Lincoln and West
Lincoln extends sincere gratitude to each of the staff
members who participated in this wonderful act of
generosity and kindness. A special thank you goes out to
Michelle Patterson who coordinates this benevolent
Generous Donation From The
Employees of Turkstra Lumber -Hamilton
We extend sincere gratitude to the employees of Turkstra Lumber in Hamilton for providing a truly
generous donation to our agency. Your gift will assist us with the renovations to our Snoezelen Room that
provides relaxation therapy to children and adults with a developmental disability.
Giving Back to Our Community
Many thanks to employees, families and the people we assist
who donated toys and non-perishable food items
to the Grimsby Benevolent Fund.
The Magical Winter of 2014
A Fun Filled Sleigh Ride
Sponsored by The Employees of
Meester Insurance Centre of Smithville
We extend sincere gratitude to the employees of Meester Insurance of Smithville for providing a truly
wonderful day for the children we support. Your generous donation treated the children to an exciting
winter sleigh ride followed by delicious hot chocolate and treats.
Join Us For Our 2015 Events
June 8, 2015 50th Annual General Meeting
Please join us Monday , June 8, 2015 @ 5:30 pm at
Balls Falls Centre for Conservation, 3292 Sixth Ave., Jordan, ON
All are Welcome!
June 6, 2015 Walking for Inclusion
This year’s event will be held at
Charles Daley Park, North Service Road, Jordan Station,
Saturday, June 6, 2015 registration at 8:30 am.
We invite you to support this event by participating, pledging a participant, making a
donation or volunteering to help on the day of the event.
Please contact Debra Grieve-Knight
905 563 4115 ext 204
7th Annual James Bradley Anderson Memorial Golf Tournament
August 8, 2015
James Bradley
Please join us in supporting this memorial golf tournament in honour of a young
man who touched the lives of many. This event is hosted by the Anderson Family
and is held at the ICC Golf Club, 2900 College Road, Stevensville, Ontario. Entry fees
are $85.00 per golfer and include: 18 holes of golf with cart, hamburger at the turn,
steak dinner, prizes and more. Register early to ensure you have a spot for your
team. Funds raised in this tribute to Bradley are donated to Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln. To Sponsor a Hole, donate an Event Prize or for
more details on how you can support this wonderful event, please contact:
Larry Anderson 905 353 9809
49th Annual Grimsby Festival of Art
September 12 & 13, 2015
10:00 am - 4:00 pm
Blessed Trinity Secondary School, 145 Livingston Ave. Grimsby, ON
For more information and updates please visit
We Need Your Support
Walking For Inclusion -Saturday June 6, 2015,
Charles Daly Park, North Service Road, Jordan Station,
Registration at 8:30 am - Event Start is 9:00 am.
We Need Your Support
Become A Planning Committee Member
Join a
Planning Committee
Make A
Help On the Day of the Event
Gather a
Group of
Family and
Choose an Event Station
 Registration Table
 Water Station
 BBQ
Make A
Participate in the Event
In the Event
Make A
Join In Creating Inclusive Communities that
Celebrate the Contributions of
People with A Developmental Disability!!
Please Contact Deb Grieve-Knight 905 563 4115 ext 204
Administration - Well Preserved Jams –Employment Packaging Centre
191 South Service Road
Grimsby, ON L3M 4H6
(905) 563-4115
Fax: (905) 563-8887
C.D. Hopkins Centre
4330 Lincoln Ave.
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B2
(905) 563-4115, press 1
Fax: (905) 563-8616
Livingston Resource Centre
41 Livingston Ave.
Grimsby, ON L3M 1L2
(905) 309-0530
Employment Services and Well Preserved Outlet Store
183 South Service Rd. ,Unit 2
Grimsby ON, L3M 4H6
(905) 945-3729 Fax: (905) 945-0239
Natural Abilities Gift Store
197 Griffin St.
Smithville, ON L0R 2A0
(905) 957-4825
Community Living
Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln
P.O. Box 220
Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0