NEW MEMBER INCENTIVE SHEET Join the Home Builders Association of Lincoln by 5:00 p.m. on November 5, 2015 and you will receive the following incentives: Buy One, Get One: Purchase $500 to $2,000 on KFOR, KLMS, KZKX, KTGL, KFRX, KIBZ and get an equal number of commercials at no cost Valid: January 1, 2016 to February 29, 2016 Contact: Joy Patten • 402-325-7760 VALUE $500-$2,000 Li n co l n ’s N ew Mu s ic red94 5 L in c o ln ’s N ew M u s ic red94 5 Buy One, Get One: Purchase $500 to $1,000 on KLIN News Talk 1400, 105.3 WOW-FM, B-107.3, Red 94.5 or Froggy 98.1 and get an equal number of commercials at no cost Valid: January 1, 2016 to February 29, 2016 Contact: Leslie Fitzsimmons • 402-475-4567 VALUE $500-$1,000 Lin co ln ’s N ew M u s ic red94 5 L in c o ln ’s N ew Mu s ic red94 5 Free color copies, up to $200 with a print ready file. Bindery included. Graphics services extra. Expires: December 17, 2015 Contact: Cyndy Harkins • 402-483-7575 VALUE $200 Lincoln’s New Music red94 5 10% off any signs purchased up to $1000 Expires: June 30, 2016 Contact: Signs Now • 402-441-9383 • 5555 S 48th Ste. B • Lincoln, NE VALUE Up to $100 ontemporary oods 20% off any Oakwood Industries Purchase, Exclusively at Contemporary Woods Furniture Expires: January 31, 2016 Contact: Adam McKee • 402-328-2800 • 4815 S. 14th St., Lincoln, NE VALUE 20% OFF HBAL Three Months of Online Advertising on Expires: December 31, 2015 Contact: Jennie Korth • 402-423-4225 • VALUE $100 HBAL One FREE Quarter Page Ad in the Lincoln Business Builder for One Month Expires: December 20, 2015 Contact: Jennie Korth • 402-423-4225 • VALUE $67 SPONSORED BY: 402-580-0870