Newsletter – Fall 2013 - Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and
Newsletter – Fall 2013 - Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and
FA LL 20 13 Our Mission To provide services that support people with an intellectual disability so they may pursue individual goals and membership in the community. Our New Location at 191 South Service Road Grimsby Our new location at 191 South Service Road in Grimsby, reflects the needs of the growing communities of West Niagara. Our facility will house our Employment Service Options, our Packaging Centre, our agency Well Preserved Jams and Jellies business and our two community businesses Sears and Purolator, satellite offices for several other non-profit agencies, our agency Administrative Offices, a Board Room and community meeting rooms. The building will be used by people supported within our agency and by the broader community who will be accessing our services and the services of other not for profit agencies and community businesses, all housed at this new location. We look forward to welcoming you to our official Opening Ceremony once we are settled. Special thanks to these wonderful Brock students for taking part in the Brock Cares Day of Service on October 18, 2013. They volunteered their assistance during our move to the new building and their helping hands were greatly appreciated! Community Living - Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln P.O. Box 220, Beamsville, ON L0R 1B0 905 563 4115 P A G E 2 Inspiring Possibilities Campaign 2012—2015 We invite you to join Our Inspiring Possibilities Campaign as together, we promote the rights, dignity and inclusion of people with diverse abilities. Your generosity will be acknowledged in local papers, on our website, in our External Newsletter and our Donor Wall in the front foyer of our new building. Goal $1,500,000.00 $1,250,000.00 We will be honoured to acknowledge your support on the Donor Wall at our new Employment Services location Donor Categories Members up to $500 Friends $500 to $999 Benefactors $1,000 to $4,999 Patrons $5,000 to $10,999 Partners $10,000 to $24,999 Founders $25,000 to $49,999 Leaders $50,000 to $99,999 Champions $100,000 and over $1,000,000.00 $750,000.00 $500,000.00 We sincerely thank the following supporters of Inspiring Possibilities Campaign 2012—2015 $250,000.00 Members ●Rona Cashway Grimsby ●Ridgeview Garden Centre Friends ●John and Heather DeVries $125,000.00 Benefactors ●Anneke Blom ●Art & Val Fleming Fund-Niagara Community Foundation ●Barbara Mihowich ●In Memory of Fran Sebastion ●Maple Leaf Nurseries ●Patricia and Thomas Barnes ●Young Sod Farm $75,000.00 Patrons ●Niagara Outdoors Landscaping Partners ●Estate of Carell Jean Egerter Champions ●Ontario Trillium Foundation ●Ontario Ministry of Community and Social Service Donations can be made by cheque designated to the Inspiring Possibilities Campaign 2012—2015 Community Living – Grimsby Lincoln and West Lincoln (CL-GLWL), P.O. Box 220, Beamsville ON L0R 1B0 or by online donation at Donors will receive a charitable tax receipt for the full amount of their donation P A G E Walking For Inclusion 2013 Raises $26,569.78 On May 4, 2013, our annual walk/bike-a-thon event, which has been running for over 45 years, was introduced under an exciting new name….Walking for Inclusion. We extend sincere gratitude to our community for supporting us throughout this transition and we thank our participants, the community members who sponsored them, the local businesses who donated refreshments, our corporate sponsors and the many volunteers who gave their time. We also extend sincere thanks to Principal, Mrs. Bonnie Desjardin, to teacher Sue Kort, to the staff, and to the students and families of John Knox Christian School for their generosity and dedicated support of our annual event. For the past 32 years, John Knox Christian School has held the distinction of being the school that has raised the most money for our walk/bike-a-thon and it is our honour to congratulate this school once again for raising the most money for our first Walking for Inclusion - 2013. We thank the following Corporate Sponsors of this event Action Print Inc. Art's Carpet Beamsville Pharmacy Dental Care Dr. C. Daly & Dr. K. Woods Dr. Joe and Associates Dr. J. S. Peaker Dr. Timothy Hennig Earl Paddock Transportation Inc. Grimsby, Chrysler, Dodge, Jeep Hendriks Greenhouses John Deere Canada ULC Konkle Plumbing & Heating Inc. McIntyre Electric Ltd. Mitchell's Medical Supply Inc. Niagara Piston Inc. NRB Inc. Rexall Lewis & Krall Smithville Dental-Dr. Gureckas & Dr. Chow Stevenson & Hunt Insurance Stonehouse - Whitcomb Funeral Home Tallman Funeral Home Limited Walker Industries Holding Limited Westbrook Floral Ltd. We thank the following Businesses who donated to this event All In One Cleaning Supplies and Paper Products Dean’s No Frills - Beamsville Fleming Chicks Food Basics - Grimsby Giant Tiger-Grimsby John’s Foodland - Vineland Kinnettes of Grimsby McDonalds - Grimsby Real Canadian Superstore - Grimsby Royal Canadian Legion-#612 Beamsville Sobeys - Beamsville Sobeys - Grimsby Tim Hortons—Beamsville Tim Hortons - Grimsby 3 P A G E 4 5th Annual James Bradley Anderson Memorial Golf Tournament August 10,2013 Bradley Anderson On behalf of the Anderson Family, we would like to thank our family and friends for all their support and participation in the tournament. The Anderson Family Members It was an amazing day filled with fun, good friends and good food. It was a great way to celebrate Bradley’s life, and raise funds for Community Living in memory of Brad. We are pleased to share with you the tournament raised $7865.00 for Community Living. We are overwhelmed and grateful for everyone’s support and hope to see you next year. So mark your calendars for August 9, 2014 and we hope you support and come out again to pay tribute to our very special young man Bradley. Sincere Thanks, The Anderson Family The Andersons- Larry, Sandra, Bert, Fran and Jim On behalf of Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln and the people we have the honour of assisting, we thank the Anderson family for their continued support of our agency and the work we do, and for their generous donation of $7865.000. A beautiful day for the 5th annual tournament To date, the Anderson Family has donated a total of $29,914.00 raised by the James Bradley Anderson Memorial Golf Tournaments from 2009—2013. Their generous donation, in memory of Bradley goes toward supporting the Recreation and Leisure programs provided by Community Living Grimsby Lincoln and West Lincoln. We also extend a sincere thank you to Ayla, Mave, Ayden and Kelton who raised and generously donated $620.00 from their Kandy Kabob sales and Lemonade Stand sales this year, for a total donation of $1004.25 from 2011—2013. A special thank you to Ayla, Kelton, Ayden, Mave, Bethany, Sophie, Myleigh, Zoey(front) who raised $620 in memory of Bradley . Sarina Labonte Executive Director P A G E All Voices United - Self - Advocacy Group The All Voices United - Self - Advocacy Group of Community Living-Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln welcomes new members. The focus of this self-directed group is to: DISCUSS- Important issues that impact Community Living Participants ADVOCATE- through the Board of Directors and provincially PROVIDE- education on a variety of topics for people receiving services from Community Living ATTEND- monthly meetings and self - advocacy conferences Starting September 18, 2013, this group will reconvene, meeting every 3rd Wednesday from 6:30pm to 8:00pm at the Livingston Resource Centre, 41 Livingston Avenue in Grimsby. For information on how you can join this exciting group, contact Cori VanDerScheer- Advisor 905 563 4115 ext. #124 I have the right to the support I need and to learn about the person that will be supporting me. I have the right to have a voice and be heard. I have the right to be healthy and to learn about ways I can keep healthy. I have the right to feel safe at all times . I have the right to attend school or go to classes that interest me. I have the right to the extra five minutes I need to think. I have the right to have time to myself and privacy when I need it. I have the right to be acknowledged as a friend or partner. I have the right to be treated like everyone else. I have the right to fill my days with meaningful activities. I have the right to work, training and seeking out employment. I have the right to be included in activities in the community. I have the right to ask questions about my rights and to grow as a self advocate. Adult Residential Services Residential Services invites you to join with us as we offer our congratulations and support to the many individuals who have experienced a change in their living situation over the past four months. A number of individuals have moved to their new home and have settled in. Our best wishes are extended to Jordan W, Bob W, Karen P, Mario A, Bev Z and Maria Louisa T, as they settle into their new homes. We also extend a sincere THANK YOU to the Teams and the various staff for assisting with these transitions. Thank you for your patience, perseverance, caring and support of the individuals in Adult Residential Services. You and your support are much appreciated. Submitted by Ray Barfoot– Residential Director 5 P A G E 6 Natural Abilities “The Best Kept Secret in Town” 5th Annual Midway BBQ Angela & Caitlin display new Soyrenity products now available at Natural Abilities. 197 Griffin St. Smithville, ON 905 957 4825 News and Product Updates Natural Abilities is pleased to announce the addition of Tammi Wilson as a Support Staff on Thursdays and Fridays. This allows the store to be open on Fridays from 8:30 to 3:30. Tammi will be assisted by a group of ladies in developing and hand crafting a line of natural soy candle products. Our hand-crafted soy candles are clean burning with no added dyes. They are 100% biodegradable and water soluble. Because soy candles burn at a lower temperature, the melted wax can be used to moisturize and heal dry chapped skin. The ‘Natural Soyrenity’ product line will have 2 sizes available. A large 16 oz jar for $15.00 and a smaller 4 oz jar for $6.00. At this time our scents include: Maple Pecan, Green Apple, Orange Ginger, Midnight Jasmine, and Green Tea & Cucumber. As our product line grows we hope to add more scents and natural soy products. When you come in and see us at Natural Abilities you will be greeted by exceptional displays of our unique creations. Our one of a kind gifts are sure to catch your eye! We are happy to help you find gifts for an individual or a large group at great value. Natural Abilities offers a wide variety of unique wedding favours, bridal and baby shower favours and party favours for all special occasions. Orders both big and small are welcomed. Natural Abilities, 197 Griffin St., Smithville, ON L0R 2A0, 905 957 4825 Did You Know? We are on Facebook! Check us out at: Safari Niagara’s Boo at the Zoo Sincere thanks to Peggy Zavitz, Kelly Zavitz, Jane Lovell, Lauralie Parrish, Leah McPherson and Haley Grieve for volunteering to raise awareness of our agency and the work we do at the 1st Annual Boo at the Zoo event on Oct. 12, 2013. P A G E Congratulations Katie and Chris Katie Groothedde & Chris Sharpe proudly display the certificates they earned after participating in a course facilitated by the Employment Help Centre of Beamsville. The Safe Food Handling program they participated in provided information on the general principles of food safety, including Public Health legislation, hazards, food-borne illnesses, healthy eating, personal hygiene and sanitation. Their certificate was issued upon the successful completion of this program. Congratulations Katie and Chris on your success! Submitted by Veronica Greenlees and Cheryl Barnsley – Family Services Coordinators Congratulations Clem, Jody and Heather Riding Gives Me Strength and Balance The horse show I was in was a milestone for me. Thank you for helping me live my dream. A huge thank you to Belle for teaching me how to be safe and have fun...Who loves ya baby ….. I DO! Submitted by Heather Allen What it is Like For Horseback Riding & In A Show My name is Jodi. I have a really great time at horseback riding. My horse is Cocoa. She is a great Quarter Horse. I really love her. I rode her at BNR Riding Stables every Saturday. I did a Horseback Riding Show and got 1st, 2nd & 3rd place ribbons in the Horse Show this year and boy, I really felt great on Cocoa!...Thanks!! Submitted by Jodie Nicholls What Riding Means To Me I am known as the Lone Ranger I hope there is no danger My name is Clem Part of the 4 Horsemen My horse I ride is Romeo To feed him costs a lot of dough I say Yee Haw For Brenda, Rob & Samantha When Brenda, Rob, Jess teach a class there is a hush For the horse you use a different brush Have you heard I can make a horse go backward I have been very fortunate to provide support to 3 amazing and In the horse show I got some Ribbin’ wonderful people, Heather, Jodie and Clem. They share a love for horses I ain’t fibbin’ and roughly two years ago began taking riding lessons. Though nervous and unsure in the beginning they were determined to improve and one Way to Go! day even compete in a horse show. Well that day happened this June and what a day it was! All 3 of them won ribbons in their classes which Submitted by Clem Bezemer they proudly display in their apartments. Congrats you are amazing and we are so proud of you! Happy trails today and always…...Submitted by Leah Maragoudakis 7 P A G E 8 Recreation and Leisure Our Recreation and Leisure options reflect the personal interests and goals of our participants and are tailored to build exciting partnerships within our community that focus on building opportunities for inclusion. For more information on our Recreation and Leisure options, please contact Cori VanDerScheer 905 563 4115 ext 124 l hel and Pau Chrissy, Rac ling which y, b b o B , bo w hristie Joel, Bill, C Carlie and Rachel enjoy s er . te is n as with volu a monthly b ar round on is offered ye Chrissy, Caitlin, Helen, Jessica, Christina, Emily, Carolyn, Bo bby and teacher M iss Marie are pictured here at their year end reci tal for their classes at Niagara Dance and Fitness Studio. Jessica pro udly displa ys her flo made possib ral arrangem le by our ent newest par volunteer fr tner om Westbro ok Floral, w ship with a the people hic we assist with an in h provided informative teresting an class on flo ral arrangin d g. k row) x, Diane, (bac le A a, ic ss Je cott Pipe , Melissa, ire Fighters S F h it Sean, Theresa w en ar K ed in an Caitlin, w) participat ro and Margaret, nt ro (f ty, hosted enderson n on fire safe io and Doug H ss se g in st re d inte informative an t. Fire Departmen y sb m ri by the G s Maria, s - Participant ew N y sb m ri ela and sy of G *Photo courte erta, Glen, Ang ng this ob R a, is ou ia–L wli Margaret, Mar arning the skills of lawn bo le ided by d ov ye pr jo s en Susan ry lesson ta en im pl m co h ell, Bob summer throug Lorraine Heaney, Barb B s he a Sleep of the volunteer coac nt) and Sandr de si re (p y b. ne n Bowling Clu Bell, John Hea Grimsby Law We extend sincere gratitude to United Way St. Catharines & District for their generous financial support of our Recreation and Leisure Programs Photo Courtes y of Grimsby News-Volunte Mike & Chris ers, tine Hahn of th e Grimsby Ten Club, contin ni ue to provid e complimen s tennis lessons tary to Chris, Sea n, Chris, Jess Amanda, Ken ica, , Caitlin and M argaret. P A G E 5th Annual Midway Farms BBQ We extend sincere gratitude to the Cole Family for hosting their 5th Annual Midway Farms BBQ to raise funds for Community Living-Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln. Their generous donation of $437.75 will be directed towards Cori VanDerScheer & Cathy transportation costs for our Ruber set up the 2013 Recreation & Leisure activities. Midway Farms BBQ. Maria, Helen, Melissa, Tim, Andy, Joel, Andrew, Alex, (back row) Tammy, Maria (front) of the Livingston Resource Centre Garden Club, extend sincere gratitude to Midway Farms for their generous donation of plants for their vegetable garden. Person Centered Planning Person Centered Planning and Thinking continues to be a driving force within our agency. Our journey to date has proved to be a benefit to many of the people that we assist, along with their family and friends. A Person Centered meeting is about coming together to plan WITH a person. It is about listening to and learning about someone so that we may support them through fulfilling their hopes and dreams. This means many different things for people. It may be a desire to learn how to budget their own money, to save for trips, to ride a bike, take a train to the city, to redecorate their space, to try something new, seek employment, be a volunteer, join a group or even to move into their own apartments. Person Centered Planning also looks at the day to day practices, learning more about the supports that we give and how they can be improved upon, what we can do to learn more Erin Burmudzija about the person so that we may enhance our services and supports. Sharing our ideas and Person Centered experiences is a vital component to this planning process. Planner Person Centered Thinking also focuses on Community Inclusion. What kind of presence does someone have within their community? What can we as staff do to build on this; networking and building relationships in our day to day routines whenever possible; joining groups, churches and being a volunteer are just a few ideas to start. Person Centered Planning is a joint effort, and as we continue to move forward, I encourage you to accept any invitation to play a key role in empowering, motivating and being a part of helping someone fulfill their dreams. Submitted by Erin Burmudzija Thanking Members of Our Community Joanne Johnston Alderman Town of Grimsby On behalf of Community Living—Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln, thank you Joanne Johnston, for your support of our line of Well Preserved Jams and Jellies. Your initiative in encouraging local businesses to sell our products in their retail locations and your ongoing commitment to promoting our products to the members of our local community, are truly appreciated. Each sale of Well Preserved product assists to provide meaningful employment and employment income for people in our community who are living with a diverse ability. Thank you Joanne for your support in promoting the rights, dignity and inclusion of persons within our community. 9 P A G E 1 0 Wow ….What a Great Summer !!! I have had the pleasure of working with Fiona for 4 summers and have enjoyed every minute of it. I have seen the effect camp has on Fiona’s well being and it’s amazing. We had a great time at the Town of Lincoln camp, going on trips to Bissels, Charles Daly Park and Zooz! We watched the kids play, went for walks and swam! I have had such a fun 4 years with Community Living and am so thankful for the experience. Submitted by Avery Thomas Wayne Stabler shares a ride on the slide with Camp Support Worker Katelynn Little while at the Town of Grimsby camp. Another great summer at camp! It is a joy to make summer exciting and fun for the teens! Submitted by Alannah Lymburner Camp Support Worker Providing Meaningful Employment and Income We are proud of all our business enterprises, our storefront at 183 South Service Road , our Well Preserved line of products, our Natural Abilities store, our packaging business and our partnerships with Sears and Purolator, all of which provide meaningful employment and employment income to people with a diverse ability. Your support of these initiatives assists in promoting the rights, dignity and inclusion of persons with a diverse ability and contributes to building a community that celebrates the contributions of all members. Stop in at 183 South Service Road in Grimsby to see our new line of products scheduled to be on the shelves for October 1st, 2013! Bone Appétit Our “Bone Appétit” pet treats are perfect for your pet and are homemade from all natural ingredients. Also new are our handmade pet products and fashions ... a must for your favourite fashion - conscious pet. Our assortment of new handmade “Community Living—Grimsby Lincoln and West Lincoln Ornaments” are a wonderful way to celebrate the holiday season! And of course, our Well Preserved products are the perfect gift for anytime and continue to be one of our top sellers throughout the holiday season! P A G E Creating Partnerships and Building Capacity Aure Wines is now selling Well Preserved Jams and Jellies! Aure Wines has requested a selection of Well Preserved products to be sold in their winery. They are currently on display at the winery. We will also be assisting them with gift packaging of our jams, including their wines and some of their wine accessories and chocolates. They are preparing for the Christmas Season, anticipating the crowds at the Winery and will start displaying these gift baskets in early September! Community Living Presents “Lunch at the Silo Bistro” located at Aure wines. Working in partnership, Aure Wines and Employment Services are creating a 2 day training course to teach food preparation and service. A group of 6-8 interested participants from our safe food handling course will be given the opportunity to take part in this. “Silo Bistro” luncheon is set to take place in March, 2014. On the first day, the participants will receive training in food preparation in the morning and the afternoon will consist of setting tables and serving skills. The following day they will put this training to use and serve a group, of up to 30 people, from the community. Tickets for this event will be $20.00. Aure Wines are only asking for their food cost back and the rest they would like to donate to Community Living. Participants will receive a certificate from Aure Wines when they have completed this training. Anyone interested in tickets can call Employment Services at 905-945-3729. Service is limited to 30 people due to the regulations at the winery. Tickets will be sold on a first come - first served basis. Safe Food Handling Course Lauren Belcastro is now certified to teach Safe Food Handling to our participants. She will be taking the current safe food handling class to Aure Wines for their last class to utilize the commercial kitchen for teaching purposes. The chef has offered his kitchen and will set up some hazards in the kitchen for the participants to find and document, as well as how they should change or avoid these hazards. Cleaning Crew at Aure Wines Aure Wines is very interested in bringing in a cleaning crew from our agency on Mondays to clean the winery. We are currently in the process of making this happen as they would like a crew to start as soon as possible. This will create even more employment opportunities for the people we support. We would like to thank Aure Wines for their continued support. We have had an Employment Supports participant employed at the winery for 6 years. Aure Wines is dedicated to partnering with us for many projects to enhance our programs offered at Community Living. Community Living T-Shirts For Sale Deb Bray HR Coordinator models one of our beautiful Community Living T-shirts. Support Community Living –Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln Youth S,M, L and Adult S, M, L, XL, XXL. - Yellow, Blue & Black -$10 each Sizes and Colours are Limited Contact Deb Grieve-at 191 South Service Road , Grimsby 905 563 4115 ext 204 or 1 1 P A G E 1 2 Introducing Community Living- Grimsby, Lincoln & West Lincoln Foundation Many of those we assist and their families have expressed uncertainty over the stability of future funding to support people with diverse abilities. Our agency, the people we assist and their families have come too far to be complacent and are committed to establishing a firm financial foundation to ensure the rights, dignity and inclusion of people with diverse abilities. Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln Foundation was established in early 2013 in response to this shared commitment. We are providing information on opportunities that you and your family can assist Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln Foundation to plan for the future of people with diverse abilities. Bequests and other planned gifts, such as life insurance policies or gift annuities, have become an increasingly popular source to ensure long range financial stability. The size of the gift is not a factor and the amount should be determined by your own charitable objectives, after making sure that you have provided for your family and loved ones. Bequests have been an important source of support and many have found that a bequest is a relatively easy way to make a significant investment in the future of our mission as a service provider for people with diverse abilities. There are several ways that you can make a bequest or gift through your will. The provision you choose will depend upon your circumstances, what type of property you wish to bequeath, and your other obligations. The kinds of bequests you can make are: Specific Bequest: This is where you bequeath a specific sum of cash or other property for a program you name or for Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln Foundation to use where most needed. Residuary Bequest: In this case you bequeath a specified percentage or all of the assets remaining in your estate after other expenses and bequests have been paid. Contingent Bequest: In this case you direct that a specific amount or a percentage of your estate be paid only if your other beneficiary(ies) do not survive you. Charitable Gift Annuity: The Charitable Gift Annuity remains one of the most solid, reputable, and convenient ways to make a life income gift to an organization that you believe in and wish to support. Annuity payments are part of a contract and remain fixed through the course of your life. Charitable Gift Annuities operate on the same principal—an individual contracts with an organization to receive a fixed sum of money for their lifetime in return for a one-time investment. One benefit you enjoy with a Charitable Gift Annuity is that the initial investment qualifies as a "gift" enabling you to enjoy an income tax deduction on the investment. Gifts of stock, insurance, IRAs, and other financial vehicles, in addition to tangible property : These are also welcome gifts that can be bequeathed to Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln Foundation. For each of the options provided, a consultation with your estate planner and lawyer will help you to establish the option that best benefits you and your loved ones. Thank you for your commitment and passion to ensuring the rights, dignity and inclusion of people with diverse abilities. We look forward to your continued support. Should any of these opportunities support your vision for protecting the future of people with diverse abilities, we would be honoured to assist. Sarina Labonté 905 563 4115 ext 211 P A G E From the President Executive Director’s Desks …….. From and The Desk of Sarina and Elizabeth Welcome to our Fall edition of our 2013 newsletter. Our agency has been actively planning and renovating our new building and centre located at 191 South Service Road in Grimsby over the past 10 plus months. As well, a number of changes have taken place throughout our agency towards meeting the needs of individuals in service. Our new membership year commenced June 1st, 2013. Please consider supporting our organization by becoming a member. We continue to accept new and renewed memberships at anytime throughout the year. Our membership application forms are available on our website by visiting . Click on the “about us” page and go to membership. Alternatively, we would be pleased to mail you a membership form by calling our office at (905) 563-4115. Our capital campaign continues for our new employment and day services and administrative offices centre at 191 South Service Road in Grimsby. We plan to expand our day services, employment supports, and social entrepreneurial initiatives at this new centre. We continue to apply for various grants and secure donations for the renovations to this new centre. To date, we have received private donations, donations in kind and grants in excess of $300,000. Renovations will be complete by mid-October with a move in date of October 18, 2013. Our phone number, fax number and mailing address will remain the same. Donations in kind for landscaping and plants have been received for the entire landscaping of this property thanks to Young Sod Farms, Maple Leaf Nurseries, Niagara Outdoors, Rona Cashway Grimsby and Ridgeview Garden Centre. We still need your financial support for this project. Please consider a one-time donation, bequest, or planned annual giving towards this worthwhile capital campaign. Sarina Labonté Executive Director An Open House to celebrate this new centre will take place sometime in the early winter. More information will follow. A new Board of Directors for the 2013 - 2014 was elected at our 48th Annual General Meeting held on June 10 2013. The following is a slate of Officers & Directors for the upcoming year: Elizabeth Furness Anneke Blom – Past President Elizabeth Furness – President President of the Board Christine Hahn – Vice-President Karen Unger – Treasurer of Directors Ian Smith - Secretary Directors: Patricia Chadwick Fred Cipryk Wayne Fertich Zeau Ismail Dave McNaughton (Member @ Large) Judy Meldrum Chris Smith Rev. David Tigchelaar We wish to thank Maria Lucarelli for her 4 years of service on the Board and her significant contributions and legal advice. We extend a warm welcome to the recently elected Director, Wayne Fertich, to the Board of Directors. Thank you to those who attended our annual general meeting held in June 2013. Thank you for your continued support of our organization and the important work that we do in West Niagara. Elizabeth Furness (President) & Sarina Labonté (Executive Director) FLU CLINIC Community Living – Grimsby, Lincoln, West Lincoln extends a sincere thank you to Nita and Sam Patel, owners of Beamsville Pharmacy for hosting our 2013 Flu Clinic. It is open to Staff, their family and Individuals with signed consents. November 12, 2013 November 13, 2013 Time …. 9:00 am—12 noon Location.…C.D. Hopkins Centre 4330 Lincoln Ave., Beamsville Time….1:00—4:00pm Location….Administration Building, 191 South Service Rd., Grimsby It is necessary to call Gina at the office (905 563 4115 X200) to confirm the number in your group and the location of choice. A valid Health Card must be brought to your appointment to receive your flu shot. 1 3 P A G E 1 4 In Memory Agnes (Aggie) Gretzinger Aggie enjoying her vacation in Cuba - 2007 Aug. 19, 1933 - May 5th, 2013 Aggie first joined our agency in 1978, where she participated in our Employment Services options. Later, Aggie resided in our residential homes (Cherry & Victoria) from 1987 - 1996. In 1996, Aggie joined our Homeshare program and went to live in the fun filled home of Karen Dupee and Joanne Sutherland. While living with Karen and Joanne, Aggie took trips to the Caribbean, spent entire summers at the cottage, went camping, boating and tubing. Everything that went with summer….Aggie enjoyed. Aggie loved Lite-Brite art, bingo and puzzles. She also loved her daily routine and loved ensuring that her belongings were exactly as she left them the day before. Aggie was sentimental and kept things she valued, such as cards and mementos that were important to her. Aggie was determined in life. She did not give up on anything and most days she accomplished everything she set out to do each day and in her life. Aggie battled cancer twice and a broken hip, both of which required surgeries, and she hardly missed a beat. On Aggie’s final day, she was exactly where she wanted to be, with the people she wanted to be with. Submitted by Tracey Rohrer Homeshare Coordinator Thomas Kenneth (Ken) Lee Oct. 13, 1933 - Dec. 10, 2012 Ken came to our agency on November 15, 1983. During his early years with our agency, Ken lived in our Residential Homes, (Nelles, Wade and Cherry) and participated in our Employment Services options. On April 1996 Ken went to live in the warm and loving home of Janet and Carmen Sgambato under our agency Homeshare program. In August 2012, declining health led to Ken’s move to the Chateau Gardens seniors residence. Ken will be fondly remembered for his lively piano renditions of his favourite songs, for his soft spoken demeanor and for his ever-ready, heart-warming smile. Submitted by Tracey Rohrer Homeshare Coordinator Ken at his piano Seeking HomeShare Providers Home Share is a residential arrangement that offers families or individuals in the community the opportunity to share their home with an adult who has a developmental disability and also enables adults with developmental disabilities to choose an environment that addresses their specific needs and desires. Each home sharing arrangement varies depending on the unique needs and lifestyle preferences of the individual and the living options available from the HomeShare provider. We are committed to finding the best match possible. If you are interested in becoming a HomeShare provider or would like to learn more about this opportunity, please contact Tracey Rohrer 905 563 4115 ext 123 P A G E Tribute to Fran Sebastian In the spring of this year, our Community Living family lost a wonderful friend and supporter with the passing of Fran Sebastian. Fran had a zest for life and used her energy to live a life of caring over her years in the Grimsby area. Through her position as a Registered Nurse for 30 years, Fran nursed and comforted many patients during her employment at West Lincoln Memorial Hospital. Her former patients will attest to Fran’s expertise and thoughtfulness when giving care. After marrying Art and starting their family, they built strong ties to their Church and family. Karen, Theresa, Leanne and Christian became the centre of their lives. Fran continued her nursing career at night so she could be available for her children in the daytime. In the later years, this continued with the grandchildren. When Theresa was diagnosed with special needs, Fran turned to Community Living for support. That began the life-long partnership with our Association that benefited the Sebastians and our Association, as well. Fran was the best advocate that Theresa could ever have had. Theresa had very specialized needs and Fran made use of her nursing knowledge and tenacity to ensure that Theresa’s care at home was exceptional. Despite her complicated needs, Theresa was included in her family’s daily life, and on vacations away. Before the word “inclusion” became a desired outcome, Art and Fran had successfully made it their goal. In the early 90’s, Fran and Art entrusted Community Living’s Residential Services with Theresa’s care, enabling Theresa to make new friends and enjoy her new “home”. Fran continued to work closely with the staff and remained very involved in Theresa’s medical care. Her down-to-earth problem-solving skills and insight were appreciated by all in the home and she became a second mom to Theresa’s housemates. Fran attended Wednesday bowling with Theresa and helped her “lane”, making certain that everyone had their turns and had fun. After bowling, Theresa always had dinner with family being certain to have her favourite Italian pasta leftovers to take home. Sunday dinner at Fran and Art’s home often included guests and Theresa would excitedly ask who she would see at dinner that week. Fran loved sharing their home and good Italian cooking. She was also known for her baked pies. Fran was an avid gardener. She grew her own tomatoes and herbs to use in her homemade sauces and salsa. Fran and Art’s home was always inviting and their large porch was decorated for the changing seasons and Christmas. Fran cared about the entire Community Living local Association. She served as a valued member on the Board of Directors for many years. Fran was an important part of Community Living since the grassroots era. She said that serving on the Board was a good way to give-back and thank Community Living for their help over the years. Fran was a special woman, always giving of herself to others. Everyone who met Fran was fortunate to have known her. She is remembered and we miss her. Submitted by Barb Mihowich Past President of the Board of Directors Best Wishes to Paul Clark For A Wonderful Retirement June 28, 2013 marked Paul Clark’s last day of work with Community LivingGrimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln after 38 years of employment. Paul held many roles throughout his career in Employment Services. He was kind, compassionate and dedicated, and made many friendships along the way. On behalf of everyone at Community Living Grimsby, Lincoln and West Lincoln, we extend to Paul, our sincere wishes for a long and fulfilling retirement. 1 5 Thanking Our Supporters We sincerely thank Niagara Community Foundation – Sun Media Niagara Publishing Group Children’s Summer Camp and Recreation Fund for their generous financial support of our Children’s Summer Camp. We sincerely thank Canada Summer Jobs 2013 for their generous funding of three summer employment positions -Teen Camp Support Worker, Town Camp Support Worker and Day Program Support Worker. We sincerely thank Summer Experience Program 2013, Ontario Ministry of Citizenship and Immigration, Ontario Ministry of Tourism, Culture and Sport for their generous funding of a Community Partnership Assistant summer employment position. We sincerely thank the 2013 Loblaw After School Grant program and Dean Cruickshanks of Dean’s No Frills in Beamsville for their generous funding of our After School Program 2013—2014. Dean’s We sincerely thank United Way of St. Catharines-Day of Caring and the employees of Andrew Peller Ltd. for the volunteer hours they generously contributed to beautify the exterior grounds of our C. D. Hopkins Centre and to paint the Regional Children's Respite area. We sincerely thank United Way of St. Catharines & District for their generous funding of the following three programs from July 2014 to June 2017. •Recreation & Life Skills Development •Transitional Aged Youth-Preparing for the Future •Physical & Mental Empowerment & Abuse Prevention Training. Kinsmen Club of Grimsby We sincerely thank the Kinsmen Club of Grimsby for their generous donation to our 2013 - Medical Bed Fund. Royal Canadian Legion of Beamsville We sincerely thank the Royal Canadian Legion of Beamsville for their generous donation of tickets to the Ultimate Rodeo Tour 2013 and for their generous donation to our 2013 - Medical Bed Fund. . We sincerely thank the employees of Parker Hannifin Canada for the volunteer hours they generously donated to beautify the interior and exterior of our new Employment Services location in Grimsby. We sincerely thank the employees of Meester Insurance Centre of Smithville for their generous donation of proceeds from their Community BBQ and for the warm blankets for our Children’s Regional Respite program. We sincerely thank the Canadian Tire Financial Services Community Support for their generous donation towards our program supports. Royal Canadian Legion of Grimsby We sincerely thank the Royal Canadian Legion of Grimsby for their generous donation to our After School Program.
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