Message from the Chair Events at a Glance Emily
Message from the Chair Events at a Glance Emily
GRIMSBY SENIORS CLUB Newsletter 18 Livingston Avenue Grimsby, ON, L3M 1K7 ph: 905-309-2075 fx: 905-945-1844 Events at Message from the Chair a Glance Hello everyone, and welcome to the time of year that we all enjoy. Fashion Show & Quilt Display August 11 @ 2 pm The Spring Luncheon was well attended with entertainment provided by Tribute Artist Lorentz as “ELVIS” and catering by The Best Little Menu. By the howls and cheers of the ladies in attendance the show was enjoyed by all. Fall Program Registration The fashion show will be coming up on August 11, 2016. The show will feature Trixie's Closet. Tea and coffee with goodies provided by The Best Little Menu. Monday August 15 Facility Closures: Friday July 1st Canada Day Monday August 1st Civic Holiday Monday September 5th Labour Day Please keep October 21/2016 open for a October Fest Dinner and Dance entertainment will be provided by Walter Ostenak the Polka King with menu by The Best Little Menu. A cash bar will be available. It has been asked what the mission of The Grimsby Seniors Club Objectives are: The Objectives are as follows; a) To provide a recreational gathering place for 55+ population in the Town of Grimsby; b) To foster new friendships and develop new interest among members; c) To provide social functions and recreational activities for members; d) To provide opportunities for members to serve the community and assist in local programs. On closing, myself and The Grimsby Seniors Club Advisory Committee hope you have a safe and enjoyable summer. Office Hours Lloyd Buchan Grimsby Seniors Club Advisory Committee Chair Monday & Wednesday 10:00am - 4 :15pm Tuesday 10:30am - 4 :15 pm Thursday - Friday 8:45 am - 4 :15pm (excluding holidays) I am wishing Marjorie Krouse well on her new adventure after over 30 years of loyal service to the Town of Grimsby Recreation Department. She will be missed. Emily 2016 ADVISORY COMMITTEE Chair Past Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer Library Convenor Membership Convenor Publicity Convenor Property Convenor Entertainment Convenor Member at Large Member at Large Livingston Activity Centre Livingston Activity Centre Rooms Rentals Newsletter Editor Lloyd Buchan Larry Eller Sandra Williams Peter Zwart Edward Zwart Doreen Belton Christine Green Pat Gillis-Buchan Jack Watt Ann Diggins Monica Gomez Olga McNeil 905-957-4758 905-308-5727 905-309-8481 905-309-1940 289 235-9522 905-945-8312 905-945-3839 905-957-4758 905-945-8787 905-945-3689 905-563-6817 905-945-2848 905-309-2075 905-945-1288 905-309-2075 Please have all newsletter submissions in by August 22 for the Fall Newsletter Please remember to keep all your belongings in the LAC fridge clearly labeled with your group name ( be specific) and remember that only small containers of cream & milk should be stored in fridge. PLEASE DO NOT KEEP JUICE, POP OR SNACKS IN THE FRIDGE OVER NIGHT Every Friday afternoon all items that do not belong or that are not clearly labeled will be removed from the fridge. SPECIAL EVENTS FASHION SHOW & QUILT DISPLAY Livingston Activity Centre Thursday, August 11th at 2:00 p.m. Enjoy a musical interlude from 1:30 - 2:00 pm. Fashions by Trixies Closet at 2:00 p.m. There will also be Baby Quits for sale and a lovely display of large Quilts (display only and not for sale). The Opti-Mrs Club will have a bake sale, crafts from the Grimsby Senior Craft Guild will be on sale, and there will be door prizes. Cost is $5.00 at the door with proceeds to Seniors entertainment. Come out for a fun summer afternoon. For more info call 905 945-3689 On October 21st we will be having an Oktoberfest Dinner and Dance featuring award winning musician Walter Ostenak with catering provided by The Best Little Menu. There will be a cash bar Cost: $20 for Members and $25 for Non-Members Tickets will be on Sale in September GRIMSBY DENTURE CLINIC Marija Popovic B.A. DD, Denture Specialist - FREE CONSULTATIONS - House calls & evening appointments - Same day reline & repair service - Top quality, affordable dentures - State-of-the-art, full-service on-site lab - Flexible payment plans - Wheelchair accessibility Specializing in : Permanent Implant-supported dentures (All-on-4™ Permanent Teeth-in-a-Day) : Precision BPS™ full & partial dentures No referrals necessary! New patients welcome! 9 0 5 -9 4 5 -5 7 7 5 or toll free: 1-877-945-5775 76 Main Street West, Unit 10, Lower Level, Grimsby NOTICES FROM WHERE I SIT… CELEBRATE A SENIOR VOLUNTEER On June 16 the Grimsby Seniors Club will thank their volunteers with a luncheon and celebrate with them the efforts and contributions they make to the club’s programs and activities. These events don’t run themselves, but it is thanks to their efforts that they run without a hitch. Did you know that volunteering has some history The noun volunteer “one who offers himself for military service” comes from the French “voluntaire” and was first recorded during the 1630s. During the 19th century something like an awakening happened, as people became aware of the poor, needy and underprivileged in their communities and provided them with a helping hand in various ways. Wars and disasters led to the beginnings of the Canadian Red Cross, established in 1895 by certain individuals who were familiar with The Red Cross movement that had taken root in Europe during the 1860’s and 1870’s. Then and now It has mobilized many volunteers for disaster relief efforts, first aid and water training, community health and restoration of family links. The Salvation Army is probably one of the oldest and largest non-profit charity organizations, working with disadvantaged people. The Great Depression and World War II saw a large increase in coordinate volunteering, and today there are numerous non-profit organizations and service clubs in cities, towns and communities nationwide lending a helping hand to those who need them. In 2010 over 13.3 million people –accounting for 47% of Canadian aged 15 and over – did volunteer work. They devoted almost 2.07 billion hours to their volunteer activities. One only needs to take a look in the Town of Grimsby Leisure Guide to find more than 60 community service clubs and groups serving our community with a host of hundreds of volunteers. They are involved with the arts, with sports, with history, with agriculture with housing, with guiding and mentoring , with child welfare, with young people, with seniors, and much more. They are the true grit of the community. The Grimsby Seniors Club is one of them, with a club advisory committee and more than 20 programs with nearly 70 volunteers. These people make it possible for our Seniors Club to provide a friendly, caring and sharing, atmosphere for the seniors of our community. Volunteers are a valuable asset to any voluntary organization. Paul Berton, Hamilton Spectator Editor, recently wrote “Most volunteers report that volunteering benefits them more than those they volunteer to help. Most say it helps them develop new skills, gain new experiences, get healthier both mentally and physically. It also helps them understand the world better. "Take a moment today, to-morrow next week or month to say thank you to a volunteer for a job well done. And if you have not done so, you may want to consider your time and talent as a volunteer. Submitted by Peter Zwart, Secretary GRIMSBY SQUARE 905-945-9775 42 ST. ANDREWS AVE 905-945-9775 Sun-Mon 8am-10pm Beauty Boutique/Cosmetics Post Office Certified Diabetes Educator Passport Photos GRIMSBY MEWS 150 MAIN ST E 905-945-5422 Sun-Mon 8am-Midnight Debby Costa, Pharmacist/Owner HEALTH WATCH The stairway to health! There are a variety of benefits to programs that encourage the use of stairways, as part of physical activity in workplaces or other settings. These benefits may include improved morale, a sense of well-being, higher energy levels and improved team building. Below are the measurable benefits that are indicated in research on stair use. - Canada’s Physical Activity Guide recommends that Canadians accumulate 30-60 minutes of moderate physical activity each day. - Stair climbing is possible in many workplaces and requires no special equipment in order to participate. - There is evidence to suggest that moderate intensity lifestyle activities like taking the stairs may be more successfully promoted than structured vigorous intensity exercise programs (Kerr, 2001). - Stair climbing can be accumulated across the course of the day, making a significant contribution to 30 minutes of daily physical activity (Kerr, 2001). - Stair climbing interventions typically result in a 6-15% increase in use of stairs. - A significantly lower risk of mortality is indicated in studies where participants climbed more than 55 flights per week. (Paffenbarger et al. 1993). - Stair climbing requires about 8-11kcal of energy per minute, which is high compared to other physical activities (Edwards, 1983). - Active stair climbers are more fit and have a higher aerobic capacity (Ilmarinen et al, 1978). - Even two flights of stairs climbed per day can lead to 2.7 kg in weight loss over one year (Brownell, Stunkard, and ALbaum, 1980). - There is a strong association between stair climbing and bone density in post-menopausal women (Coupland et al. 1999). - Stair climbing programs can improve the amount of “good cholesterol” in the blood–HDL concentrations (Wallace and Neill, 2000). FAMILY OWNED “Caring for Grimsby & Area families since 1928” Preplanning Services • Cremation & Burial Options 11 Mountain St., Grimsby, Ont. 905-945-2755 Thomas Letkeman • Funeral Director 11 Mountain Street, Grimsby • 905-945-2755 • NOTICES HOLIDAY CLOSURES The office will be closed on Canada Day - Friday July 1 Civic Holiday - Monday August 1 FALL PROGRAM REGISTRATION Don’t forget to register for your Fall programs starts on Monday August 15 Programs fill up quickly so don’t hesitate That way you avoid being disappointed!!!!! BOOKS & PUZZLES Come and visit the Livingston Activity Centre where we have the latest paperbacks for sale from 50 cents and up. We also have terrific jigsaw puzzles and a table of knitted items. We appreciate donations of gently used books & puzzles. Come in and browse, you won’t be disappointed. SCRABBLE Come out on Thursday Afternoon’s From 1:30 - 4:00 pm For a fun filled mentally stimulating afternoon!!! NOTICES The Grimsby Seniors Choir Presents AWAKEN THE MUSIC Sunday, June 5th at 7:00 p.m. At Trinity United Church Grimsby Your generosity will help fund McNally House Hospice (minimum $5 at the door please) re “T h e Ar e ron No W g e r s” w s n A All Are Welcome! Experience? Great! No Experience? Even Better! Coming this Fall!! Monday Afternoon’s 1 - 2:30 pm Commitment • Listen • Say Yes • Say Yes And…• Forget Fear • PLAY! • Trust • Find Joy • Don’t Think, Just Do • LAUGH If you are interested come into the LAC office and give us your name & number The LAC kitchen fridge will be cleaned out every Friday and if your items are not labelled they will be disposed of. We CAN NOT store juice, pop and snack for every group… please leave only necessary group belongings in the fridge and make sure you have them clearly labelled with your group name (not just card group) WRITERS CORNER JAMMING WITH GRACE - By Loi O’Sullivan When I arrived at Vera and Larry Grace’s home for their interview, their welcoming smiles assured a pleasant visit. Daisy, their white/brown collie, ushered us into the living room, puzzled by the interruption of their afternoon repose. In anticipation of my questions, I assured my hosts of an informal interview. We relaxed with smiles; even Daisy settled down and closed her eyes. I asked both of them, “How did you meet”? Immediately, Vera replied, “It was following the hunt, ‘The Beagle Hunt’, at Limerick, in 1959 when I saw Larry”. Larry responded with, “She grabbed my arm and said, ‘It was love at first sight, I had never seen such a tall, dark, and handsome man before’ ”; Vera agreed and repeated his quote. Larry said when he saw Vera, “she had long, red hair and a lovely smile”. (Larry was colour blind; his friends told him later that Vera had brown hair). Any while, the girl with the red (brown) hair married Larry in Ireland, 1960. The Graces immigrated to Canada 1966, bringing their 2 children Brendan 5, and Veronica 3. The family resides mostly in Grimsby. Larry worked for a USA steel company via to Stelco, and Dafasco. Presently, the Graces extended the family to include spouses and four grandchildren; two married, two attending university, and the thirteen years old canine, Daisy. Larry’s ego lives on, he said Vera was right; “he is still handsome, slim, humorous and honest”. I was admiring the beautiful small intricate marquetry wood table, Vera proudly admitted that she made it, and she was awarded second prize at the “Woodcraft Show,” in Hamilton three years ago; “Blue Ribbon”, good job!!! Vera volunteered in Palliative Care, at the Rose Cottage for sixteen years. Larry joins Vera in attending weekly Sit and Get Fit classes at the Livingston Activity Centre. They benefit from the group socializing, and maybe in the process they may get fit; another reward could be to appease their instructor, Emily; - a Gold Star? Music is Larry’s passion. As a boy, he loved the lure of the accordion. Larry’s father’s beloved antique fiddle, sits on the piano. Later, Larry formed the “Good Time Music Band”, with 5 musicians. Over the years, the Band evolved with various, instruments, vocals and group size. Larry reflected on the Band’s hypnotizing harmonies while playing in any celebrative event – concerts, weddings, retirement homes, etc. The Band has aged; therefore, their appointments are limited to every Wednesday evenings, a free jamming session. The Graces, host an annual, “Celebration of Life”. They invite neighbors, friends and musicians to share food a pig roast and laughter, and all while jamming in their garden. “They love it”. “As a model citizen in Grimsby, what is the secret of your longevity?” Vera replied that, “Larry was easy to live with, humorous and still handsome”; Larry said,” I have all her money, and half her bed, and she (Vera) has always adored me; and she looks the same - long red hair and beautiful smile”. Thank you Larry and Vera for sharing ... honestly... FITNESS These programs run on a weekly basis (with the exception of holidays and a few special events). All fitness levels are welcome and several modifications can be provided. For further details please inquire at the Activity Centre Office. Fitness 10 Pass Cards can be purchased at the Activity Centre Office for $26.00 Passes can be used for: Fit Over 50, Sit and Get Fit, and Zumba Gold. FIT OVER 50 SIT AND GET FIT All levels of fitness welcome. Each day of the week is taught by a different instructor - so try them all ! A fitness class that is done in a seated position. Great for balance concerns, mobility limitations and those that haven’t been active in a while. When Mon, Wed & Fri 11:05 am - 12:05 pm When Mon & Wed 9 - 9:45 am Fri 8:30 - 9:15 am Cost $26 / 10 pass card or $3.75 drop in fee Cost $26 / 10 pass card or $3.75 drop in fee Location Livingston Activity Centre Auditorium ZUMBA GOLD Latin music and dance that creates an energetic and effective workout. This program is full of fun and very easy to follow with many modifications provided to vary intensity. When Tuesdays 11:00 am - 12:00 pm Cost $26 / 10 pass card or $3.75 drop in fee Location Livingston Activity Centre Auditorium When Cost Thursdays 10:45 am - 11:45 am $26 / 10 pass card or $3.75 drop in fee Location Peach King Centre Location Livingston Activity Centre Auditorium ADULT SKATING A great way to get in some fitness and fun ! From September to April, excluding holidays and special events. When Mon 10 - 11:30 am Tues 12 - 1 pm Wed 10 - 11:30 am Cost (Sen.) $3.50/visit or $24/10 pass Location Peach King Centre Arena PKC FITNESS CENTRE Our fitness room has everything that you need to get a great workout at very reasonable prices. Cost (Sen.) $70 - 3 months, $218 - 1 year Location Peach King Centre Arena PLEASE CONSULT YOUR DOCTOR BEFORE BEGINNING ANY EXERCISE PROGRAM, PARTICULARLY IF YOU HAVE NOT EXERCISED IN AWHILE OR THERE HAVE BEEN ANY CHANGES TO YOUR HEALTH. FITNESS The Town of Grimsby offers many fitness programs that are specifically tailored to the 50+ population. The following programs require pre-registration and have limited space available. Don’t delay to register as these programs can fill quickly! All classes welcome men and women and all fitness levels! 50+ YOGA A gentle way to increase circulation, balance, mobility, strength, confidence and quality of life. Cost $64 for 8 weeks No Classes during long weekend weeks Location Livingston Activity Centre Lounge Register Livingston Activity Centre Office Dates & Times Mon June 6 - Aug 15 Tues June 7 - Aug 16 Thurs June 9 - Aug 18 Thurs June 9 - Aug 18 4:00 - 5:30 pm 9:00 - 10:30 am 8:45 - 10:15 am 4:15 - 5:45 pm 50+ Vinyasa Yoga A This Dynamic class will link breath to movement to asana….it will be active, flowing and energizing! Cost Location Register $ 30 for 4 weeks Livingston Activity Centre Lounge Livingston Activity Centre Office Dates & Tues July 12, 19 & Aug 2 & 9 Times 10:45 - 11:45 am 50+ CHAIR YOGA A soft form of Yoga to improve posture, strength, and overall mobility. Cost Location Register $64.00 for 8 weeks Livingston Activity Centre Lounge Livingston Activity Centre Office Dates & Times Fri April 8 - May 27 11:15 am - 12:15 am 50+ STRONG BONES An interesting class about the importance of our bones and aging. Our trained instructor will work with you on an individual and group resistance program that suits your body’s needs. This program also covers target heart rate with cardio, flexibility for functionality and balance control for injury prevention. Cost Location $65.00 for 8 weeks Peach King Centre Will Return in the Fall HAPPY HEARTS An exercise program for people that have had a cardiac incident or cardiac health issues. Improve your heart health in a supervised, supportive environment. Doctor approval required. Spouses are also welcome to participate. Please call 905-945-1288 for information about this program. (Thurs only during July & Aug) Cost Location approx. $6 / class Peach King Centre Dates & Times Tuesdays & Thursdays 9:00 - 10:30 am DAILY PROGRAMS SCHEDULE Monday Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 9:00 - 9:45 am Sit & Get Fit Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 10:00 - 11:00 am Tai Chi Aud. Rosalind Bailey 905-945-4160 50¢ 11:05am - 12:05 pm Fit over 50 Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 1:00 - 3:30 pm Ping Pong Aud. Harold Harwood 50¢ 1:00 - 3:30 pm Improve Group Lounge 905-309-2075 50¢ 4:00 - 5:30 pm 50+ Yoga Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness page Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 9:00 - 10:00 am Walking Group Back Parking Lot Helen Nolan - 905-945-5392 N/C 9:00 - 10:30 am Yoga - 50+ Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages 10:45 - 11:45 am Pilates - Chair Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages 11:00 - noon Zumba Gold Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 1:00 - 3:30 pm Afternoon bridge Library Euoleen Travis 905-945-2636 50¢ 1.00 - 3:30 pm Hands & Feet Lounge Donna Rose 289 -566-9475 50¢ 1:00 - 2:30 pm Choir Aud. Sylvia Howe 905-309-2213 50¢ mid Sept-May 7:00 - 10:30 pm Duplicate Bridge Aud. Dylan Morgan 289-644-5678 50¢ Tuesday Wednesda Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 9 :00 - 9:45 am Sit & Get Fit Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75or 10 pass/$26 10:00 - 11:00 am Tai Chi Aud. Rosalind Bailey 905-945-4160 50¢ 011:05 - 12:05 pm Fitness - Fit over 50 Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 1:00 - 4:00 pm Quilting Craft Rm Eleanor Hall 905-945-9191 Annual Donation 1:00 - 3:30 pm Cribbage Lounge Sheila Roberson 905-945-4351 50¢ 3:15 - 5:00 pm Crokinole Lounge Ken Bauman 905-309-8607 50¢ 1:00 - 3:00 pm Chess Library Tony Brown 905-309-5042 50¢ 1:30 - 3:30 pm Alzheimer Support Board Drop in- Last Wednesday in month Except July/Aug/Dec 7:00 - 9:00 pm Good Tyme Music Co. Lounge Larry Grace 905-945-3925 50¢ 7:00 - 9:00 pm Bingo Aud. Don Cook 289-956-1037 50¢ DAILY PROGRAMS SCHEDULE Thursday Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 8:45 - 10:15 am 50+ Yoga Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages 10:30 am – 12:30 pm Craft Guild Lounge Carol DellaValle 905-945-8125 50¢ 10:45 am - 11:45 am Zumba Gold PK Arena 945-1288 $3.75or 10 pass/$26 11:00 am - 1:00 pm Chicks with Sticks Billiard Rm Brenda Smith 905-945-4674 50¢ 1:00 - 4:00 pm Bid Euchre Lounge Betsy Stensen 905 –945-5803 50¢ 1:30 - 4:00 pm Scrabble Library Peter & Ann Zwart 905-309-1940 50¢ 4:15 - 5:45 pm 50+ Yoga Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 8:30 - 9:15 am Sit & Get Fit Aud.. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 9:30 - 11:00 am 50+ Yoga Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages 11:15 - 12:15 50+ Chair Yoga Lounge 905-309-2075 Check fitness pages 10:00 - Noon Harmonica -Reeds Craft Rm Jim Love 289-956-0144 50¢ Sept-end June 11:05 - 12:05 pm Fitness - Fit over 50 Aud. 905-309-2075 $3.75 or 10 pass/$26 12:30 - 4:00 pm 6 Hand Bid Euchre Lounge Adriaan Brusse 905-386-1173 50¢ 1:30 - 3:30 pm Carpet Bowling Aud. George William 905-957-5603 50¢ Mid-Sept- Apr Friday Saturday Time Activity Room Co-ordinator Cost 7:00 - 10:00 pm Bid Euchre Lounge Shannon Allan 905-563-3457 50¢ DID YOU KNOW..? Canada has more lakes than the rest of the world's lakes combined. DON’T FORGET... other upcoming activities and dates Hearing Clinics: Wednesday’s September 14 & November 9 For appointment call Seniors Office 309-2075 Must bring your Health Card Blood Donor Clinics will be held: • June 8 & August 10 (2:00 -7:00 pm) • Saturday July 16 & Sept 17 (9:00 am - noon) The Alzheimer Society Support Group for Caregivers meets the last Wednesday of each month from 1:30 - 3 pm VON Foot Clinic : June 9, July 14 & August 11 for appointments please call 1-800-263-7202 NEED SOME HELP AROUND THE HOUSE OR YARD?? DON’T KNOW WHERE TO RENEW YOUR LICENSE OR HEALTH CARD? We have all that information for you at the Seniors Centre Office. All the community service information on one sheet. Transportation programs, Homemaking services, Meals on Wheels and Community Support Services. Drop by the office anytime to pick up the information sheet.
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