Heart of America Barbershop Chorus presents Saturday, April 14


Heart of America Barbershop Chorus presents Saturday, April 14
Heart of America Barbershop Chorus
2007 Intern pions
Quartet Cha
2011 Centr Unlimited
al Sta
Quartet Ch tes District
Saturday, April 14, 2012
Yardley Hall
Johnson County Community College
Show Times: 2:00 and 7:30
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© 2008
our 66th Show
Our goal is to put a smile on your face and a song in your heart. To
that end you’ll have the pleasure of listening to the master of “smile”, Tony
DeRosa (lead) and Max Q, International Quartet Champions.
We also know that you will smile and be delighted to hear the youth
quartets from our renowned Harmony Explosion program.
Our program features dynamic quartets from our chapter, sure to put a
smile on your face:
• Voices Unlimited, 2011 Central States District Quartet Champions
• KC Prime
• Tone-Henge
• Resonation
Speaking of smiling, wait until you hear the HOA Barbershop Chorus
sing some of the greatest songs ever written about smiling and happiness.
“Powder your face with sunshine, put on a great big smile…whistle a tune
of gladness, gloom never was in style…the future’s brighter when hearts are
lighter, Smile darn ‘ya Smile!”
So sit back, relax, and enjoy the show! And, Smile darn ‘ya Smile!
Chapter President
003126 – 5/08
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hoachorus
Our Directors
David Krause, Music Director
A Society member since 1975, David has been part of “too many quartets to
name”, including two Central States District champions: Harmony Spectrum
(1982) and Special Touch (1984). He currently sings lead with
KC Prime.
As a BHS historian, David has
served on the archives committee and
is a certified and active presentation
category judge.
He has received both the
Barbershopper of the Year and the Oz
Newgard awards from the Kansas City
chapter, and is a member of the CSD
Hall of Fame.
David has been a clinician for
middle and high school students for
more than 30 years and has introduced barbershop harmony to more than
100,000 students and teachers. He taught at Winnetonka High School for 28
years and coached tennis at the high school level.
David is currently director of choral music at McMurry United Methodist
Church. Of our passion, David stresses “Barbershop is many things to many
people, but it must be first and foremost fun”.
Mark Fortino, Assistant Director
Mark sings lead in the quartet Voices Unlimited, featured on our show
In addition to his many barbershop activities, Mark is the assistant director
of his church choir, cantor, and a regular soloist at weddings in the Kansas City
Metro Area. He started IN-Tune Production studio in his home in 2006 and has
produced several recordings including, High Definition’s “Entertainment”,
the 2010 Best Barbershop Album of the year awarded by the Contemporary
A Cappella Society. Most recently he produced the 2009 Queens of Harmony
Zing!’s recording “Best Seat In The House”.
By profession, Mark is the executive vice president and chief financial
officer of a bank. He is the proud father of four children with ages ranging from
18 years to 5 years old.
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
Our Featured Quartets
Our Featured Quartets
Max Q
Voices Unlimited
2007 Barbershop Harmony Society’s
International Quartet Champions
2011 Central States District
Quartet Champions
Tenor Greg Clancy is the associate director of the Vocal Majority and
has won 11 gold medals with the Dallas chorus. With Max Q’s 2007 win, he
now owns the most gold medals in the Barbershop Harmony Society with 12.
He also sang tenor with Dallas quartets
Class of the ‘80’s, Gatsby and Dealer’s
Choice. Greg sings and produces jingles
in the Dallas advertising community. He
also owns PRO MOTION Music, a fitness
music company.
Lead Tony DeRosa grew-up
singing barbershop harmony, as his
dad, Papa Joe, was an accomplished
musician, choral ensemble director
and Society member. Tony is a three-time gold medalist
who sang baritone in the 1992 International champs
Keepsake and the 2001 gold medalists, Platinum. He
also directs Heralds of Harmony Chorus in Tampa,
near his hometown of Orlando. Tony is a studio vocalist and
coach of many quartets and choruses around the country, as well as vocal
coordinator for the Voices of Liberty at DisneyWorld.
Baritone Gary Lewis now has two barbershop quartet gold medals,
as he sang tenor with Tony in Platinum. His college quartet, The Real
Deal, won gold in the Society’s Collegiate Quartet Competition in 1994.
Gary lived in Florida for a short time and sang with the Voices of Liberty.
Gary’s amazing vocal range allows him to sing all four parts with ease. He is
currently a choral music educator in Ohio.
Bass Jeff Oxley is bass section leader and frequent soloist with the Vocal
Majority, where he is now primary director. He owns three barbershop
quartet gold medals, with the Rapscallions in 1984, Acoustix in 1990 and
Max Q in 2007. He also has seven gold medals with the Vocal Majority, and
one gold medal as musical director of California’s Masters of Harmony
Chorus. Jeff is actively employed as a studio vocalist in Dallas’ jingle
Micah Jeppesen -- Tenor Micah calls the Central States District his home,
having sung in the district since he joined the Society in 1993. The three great
loves of his life are his Savior, his family, and his music. It has been his true
privilege to have sung with many fine singer/performers over the years.
Mark Fortino -- Lead Mark has
qualified for International competition
every year since 1994. 12th Street Rag,
1994 Central States District Quartet
Champions, qualified from 1994 to 2007
and High Definition, 2007 Central States
District Quartet Champions, qualified
from 2008 to 2010. 12th Street Rag
placed as high as 11th twice, and High
Definition placed 12th in 2010. Mark
is the music vice president, section leader, and
assistant director of the Heart of America Chorus.
Shaun Whisler -- Bass Shaun has performed
in opera and musical theater, holding roles at KU as well as singing with the
Lyric Opera of Kansas City, the Civic Opera, and the New Dinner Theatre.
Shaun has been involved in barbershop since he was in 7th grade. While
competing in the Harmony Explosion Contests sponsored by the Heart of
America Chorus, he sang with his high school quartet B Sharps. In college,
Shaun continued barbershopping while singing with 2003 International
collegiate qualifier Random Harmony and 2006 CSD Collegiate Champion
Against the Grain.
John Fortino – Baritone At age 7, John began playing the church organ
for his grade school masses and continued through college. He became a
cantor at church at age 11 and began directing church choirs when he was 20.
During spring break of his sophomore year in college, he and his brother Mark
attended a barbershop chapter meeting in their home town of Joplin, MO. It
was the beginning of a barbershop career that has spanned 27 years. During
that time, the brothers have sung in five registered quartets: After Class, Sound
Impression, 12th Street Rag, High Definition, and now Voices Unlimited.
Our Featured Quartets
Our Featured Quartets
KC Prime
KC Prime is a quartet of veteran barbershoppers. Three were
members of Special Touch, our 1984 Central States District champs, a
Society International semifinalist and popular show quartet from the
early 1980s into the early ‘90s.
David Krause is the lead singer, Rick Kready the tenor and Matt Moore
switched from bass to baritone to sing in this new group. Brian Bellof is
the bass, also sings with Pinnacle, and formerly held down the bass with
CSD champion 3 Men & a Melody.
Brian is a public school music teacher in the Park Hill Schools. Matt
is an officer in the James B. Nutter Company in KC, while Rick works for
a historical construction firm in Topeka, KS. David is a retired teacher
who now works as a musical director and coach. Both he and Rick direct
barbershop choruses.
Tenor: (most of the time) Bruce Wenner. Actually a baritone, but who
cares. Retired head of the mathematics department at the University of
Missouri, Kansas City. Studied under Copernicus. The quartet’s arranger,
‘cause he can tell a B-flat from whatever else there is. Remembers
important stuff, like, “Pie are square”.
Lead: (some of the time) Dan Henry. Actually a baritone, but can’t tell
the difference. Retired TV weather reporter who once accurately stated,
“Tonight it will be dark.” Older than dirt. Invented rope. Quartet’s arranger
when song is in the key of R-sharp.
Baritone: (once in a while) Jim Bagby. Actually a baritone. (We messed
up.) Retired Associated Press broadcast journalist, thus serves as lyricist
for songs the quartet hums. Barbershop gold medal winner, so says, “Nya,
nya, nya” a lot. Once performed for Queen Victoria, hence the phrase, “We
are not amused.”
Bass: (most of the time) Keith Schweer. Actually a baritone but thinks
he’s a bass. Not a bad soprano. Retired computer whiz for Sprint, speaks
fluent nerd. Remembers when the Dead Sea was only sick. Once had coal
black hair. That was in 1897.
Our Featured Quartets
BCQ formed in August of 2011, and quickly made headlines, placing
in the top 3 in their very first district contest just two months later. All
members of BCQ are long-time regulars of the Kansas City Chapter. With
more than 70 years of barbershopping among them, these guys are wellseasoned in the performing arts.
Brian Marston, who sings lead, is a voice teacher at The Music House
in Overland Park, KS, and also works as a doughnut maker extraordinaire
at Quick and Tasty QT.
Tom Wenner, baritone, is a computer geek by day, and videographer/
funk drummer by night and weekend.
Matt Moore, bass, and easily the most seasoned voice in the group,
is vice president of local mortgage lender James B. Nutter. Matt won a
Central States District championship with Special Touch in 1984.
Harmony Explosion
Each year the HOA Chorus and
our friends in the Kansas City Chorus
of Sweet Adelines host a quartet
competition of middle school and
high school boys and girls. Harmony
Explosion is growing by leaps and
bounds. More than 200 young people
competed in our recent event.
The mission of Harmony Explosion
is to support the vocal music programs
in our schools and to promote
barbershop singing in our area. Our
event attracts quartets from as far away
as Salina and Wichita, Kansas.
We are pleased to have medalist
quartets from Harmony Explosion join
us on our stage today.
The Perfect Fo
Olathe Ea
Olathe, KS
Rob Mathieu, tenor, as in “tenor twelve miles away, please”, aka
“Rockin Rob,” is a children’s musician and “edutainer”, specializing in early
childhood music and movement.
Thrill Ride
Olathe East Hig
h School
Olathe, KS
iddle School
Pioneer Trail M
Olathe, KS
Californ rnia Dreamin
ia Trail
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An invitation
to the men in our audience
If you enjoy singing and the idea of performing with our chorus appeals
to you, we invite you to visit one of our rehearsals. We meet every Tuesday
night at St. Peter’s United Church of Christ, 110th and Holmes Road. Our
meeting time is 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm.
For additional information, check out our website at hoachorus.com, or
contact Jeff Wolff at 816-868-6181, or jeff@pinkhill.net.
Harmony Explosion
Evening Show – Senior division champions
The Perfect Fourths . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
Dr. Dwayne Dunn, Choral Music Director. Mrs. Jan Holthus, Assistant Choral Music Director.
Grace Baugher, Meredith Hollan, Courtney Heier, Monica Sigler
Smile Medley. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr: Chris Hine
Tonight . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leonard Bernstein. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr: Jay Giallombardo
Sunshine of Your Smile . . . . . . . . Leonard Cooke and Lilian Ray. . . . . . . . . . . arr: Tom Gentry
Thrill Ride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Olathe East High School, Olathe, KS
Dr. Dwayne Dunn, Choral Music Director. Mrs. Jan Holthus, Assistant Choral Music Director.
Scott Hampton, Grant Johns, Blake Thomas, Aaron Holthus
Rob Mathieu, Brian Marston, Matt Moore, Tom Wenner
Craig Wilcox, Jeff Wolff, Jonathan Andrews, Jakob Wozniak
Bruce Wenner, Dan Henry, Keith Schweer, Jim Bagby
Sweet Hour of Prayer . . . . . . . .William Waiford and William Bradfury. . . . . . arr: Jim Clancy
When I Lift Up My Head . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dottie Rambo. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr: David Wright
Danny Boy. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr: Renee Craig, Soloist: David Krause
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby . . . . . . . . . Gus Kahn and Walter Donaldson. . . . . . . arr: David Wright
Smile . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Chaplin, Parsons and Turner. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . arr: Tom Gentry
Harmony Explosion
KC Prime
Rick Kready, David Krause, Brian Bellof, Matt Moore
Voices Unlimited
Micah Jeppeson, Mark Fortino, Shaun Whisler , John Fortino
Matinee Show – Junior division champions
Max Q
Dreamers (Octet). . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Pioneer Trail Middle School, Olathe, KS
Ms. Elise Peterson, Choral Music Director. Jacob Swafford, Eli Huber, Jordan Reeder,
Tristan Jordan, Isaiah Pratt, Vance Malenkani, A.J. Null, Wade Rance
Greg Clancy, Tony DeRosa, Jeff Oxley, Gary Lewis
California Dreamin’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . California Trail Middle School, Olathe, KS
Mrs. Marcheta Pearson, Choral Music Director.
Alexa Patterson, Lindsey Hart, Jenna Lillian, Abby Lacy
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hoachorus
Patriotic Medley . . . . . . . .Katherine Lee Bates and Samuel Ward. . . . . . . . . . . . arr: Jim Clancy
(Quartet members are listed as tenor, lead, bass, baritone)
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
Notes on
the chorus’ songs
Notes on
the chorus’ songs
Smile Medley
Danny Boy
We open our show with a mash up of “Smile Darn ‘Ya Smile”, and “Powder
Your Face with Sunshine”. This show-starter is arranged by Clay Hine, a
prolific barbershop musician who joined the Society at the tender age of 14.
One of the most popular ballads ever as evidenced by the fact that it’s been
recorded by almost everyone! Of course, it’s been very popular since it was
written in 1910 and is often thought of as an Irish song. However, it was
written by an English lawyer and has actually been mostly popular among
One of the many popular songs from one of the greatest Broadway musicals,
West Side Story. Leonard Bernstein and Stephen Sondheim teamed up to
create enduring songs.
Sunshine of Your Smile
A popular hit by the original Irish tenor John McCormack in 1916, this song
has been covered by many other artists including Frank Sinatra. Note the
lyrics such as “Shadows may fall across the land and sea”, referring to the
backdrop of World War I.
Sweet Hour of Prayer
One of the greatest hymns ever written was originally published as a poem
in 1845. The tune was added in 1860 and it was first included in a Methodist
hymnal in 1878.
Yes Sir, That’s My Baby
Written in 1925 by the team of Walter Donaldson and Gus Kahn. The song
was supposedly inspired when they were visiting entertainer Eddie Cantor,
who needed a new tune. His daughter had a mechanical toy pig and its
rhythmic movements somehow caused Kahn to come up with most of the
lyrics almost immediately.
America The Beautiful/
Give Me Your Tired Your Poor Medley
Katharine Lee Bates composed the poem for America the Beautiful, and the
song has become what many consider our greatest patriotic piece. Many
musicians believe it should be our national anthem. Give Me Your Tired, Your
Poor is a poem by Emma Lazarus originally written to raise money to help
pay for the Statue of Liberty. It was eventually excerpted on the base of the
When I Lift Up My Head
One of 2,500 songs written by Dottie Rambo, a great American gospel and
inspirational music composer. Rambo’s songs have been recorded by
Whitney Houston, Elvis Presley, Johnny Cash, Dolly Parton, The Oak Ridge
Boys, and many other famous artists.
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hoachorus
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
HOA Barbershop Chorus
Giving back to the community
In addition to creating harmonious music that enhances the quality of life in
the Kansas City area, our chorus contributes to the community through a variety
of programs and activities.
The Salvation Army: Each December the chorus launches the Caroling
Caravan, a full day of holiday singing at area retirement communities. The
entire proceeds from the free will offering go to The Salvation Army. This past
December our contribution set a record for us – more than $23,000.
Harmony Explosion: In February/March our chapter sponsors and runs
Harmony Explosion, a quartet competition for students in grades six through
twelve. In 2012 this program grew to more than 200 participants. Chorus
members contribute their time to coach quartets, and Voices Unlimited tours
local schools and sings at assemblies. Quartets come from as far away as Wichita
and Salina to compete in this growing competition.
Children’s Mercy Hospital: Chorus quartets deliver “love” each February
through our Singing Valentines program. A portion of the proceeds from this
program go to the Hearing and Speech Clinic at Children’s Mercy.
St. Peter’s United Church of Christ: Twice a month our members
contribute food items to help stock the church’s food pantry (we meet at this
church every Tuesday for rehearsals). Over the past three years the HOA
membership has contributed 1,850 food items.
Conventions: The HOA chapter has hosted six Barbershop Harmony
Society International competitions, along with many more district conventions.
It is estimated that these conventions have had a $50 million economic impact
on our metropolitan area.
How can you help?
If you are moved to help this uniquely American art form endure and
grow, you can make a contribution to our chapter’s endowment fund. We are a
501©(3) non-profit organization, so your contributions are tax deductible to the
extent allowed by law.
For more information on how you or your organization can help, please
contact Kent Miller at 913-306-3333, or by email at kmiller268@aol.com.
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hoachorus
Kansas City Barbershopping:
A Proud Tradition
The Kansas City Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS)
has a long and illustrious history. In many ways it has always been one of
the most influential chapters in BHS. And, many of our quartets and leaders
have also helped this musical style to perpetuate and grow.
In the early spring of 1938 two Tulsa businessmen were stranded by
weather in downtown KC at the venerable Muehlebach Hotel. While there,
they passed the evening ringing barbershop chords, lamented the fact that
this kind of close harmony seemed to be disappearing from the American
landscape and decided to form a group to keep the style alive. A few months
later, they and others from their fledging organization in Tulsa traveled by
train to found our chapter on June 18, 1938.
Within a short time one of the early chapter leaders in Kansas City
became very influential throughout the barbershop Society. Joe Stern
served our chapter for many years as an arranger, coach, officer and chorus
director. He also served our Society in all of those capacities; equally
important, he was one of the very first barbershop judges, helping to create
our first judging system. And he was the founding editor of our national
publication, the Harmonizer. He was recently honored as the only man
from our chapter named to the S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Hall of Fame. He also was an
extremely important early leader and chorus director of one of the oldest
Sweet Adelines, Inc. chapters, here in Kansas City.
Of course, quartets have always had a special place in our chapter.
At first, they were the primary focus and the chorus had a very limited
repertoire. The early chapter quartets to rank Internationally were the
Kansas City Police Quartet and The KC Serenader’s/Barberpolecats
(the latter quartet often switched names and personnel and still holds
the record for placing second in International competition five times).
Of course, the most well known quartet from our chapter was the 1986
International Champions, the Rural Route 4.
Following Joe Stern’s example, our chapter has provided stellar
leadership to our Society. We have sponsored many new chapters throughout
the Midwest and even as far away as New Mexico. We are proud that some of
our members have held high offices in the BHS. Seven Kansas City members
have advanced to president of the five-state Central States District. Two of
those, Bob Gall and Gil Lefholz, served as International Presidents.
Our Heart of America Chorus has been crowned CSD champion
thirteen times. This July we will compete for the 19th time at the
International Competition in Portland, Oregon.
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
Upcoming Events
Heart of America
July 1-7
International Competition
The Heartbeats is an organization of members’ wives, girlfriends,
sweethearts, and family members who help support the men of the Heart of
America Chorus.
Among other things, the Heartbeats assist in selecting a scholarship
winner to Harmony University, a week-long school in St. Joseph that teaches
fundamentals of singing and performing. The school emphasizes the
barbershop style.
The Heartbeats are instrumental in helping the chorus put on our
annual Singing Valentines program and our spring show.
But perhaps most importantly, they support the members of HOA in
doing what we love — singing barbershop music!
Thank you to the Heartbeats and to all of our wives, families, and
Portland, Oregon
Sunday, July 29
Overland Park Music in the Park
Santa Fe Commons (near downtown OP)
Free show
Saturday, December 1
Holiday Harmony Spectacular
Matinee and evening performances
Unity Village Auditorium
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Chorus Sponsors
Show Committee
First Watch
Kent and Cindy Miller
Show Chairs
Green Company
Kent and Cindy Miller
Larry and Gini Colburn
John and Nancy Erwine
Vince & Melladee Perry
Vince Perry IV, Liberty
Dave & Julie Perry & Family
Scott & Mandi Perry & Family
Ray Young
Marketing and Promotion
Mike Mathieu
Rich Huyck
Ticket Coordination/Direct Mailing
Larry Colburn
Program Ads
Keith Schweer
Narration coordinator
John Warrior
Production Manager
In addition, the following were invaluable,
helping production in various capacities:
Mike and Linda Schumacher • Carl Turlin • Don Fuson,
John Erwine • Mark Fortino • Vince Perry,
Jerry Meier • David Krause • David Jobe
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
Andrew L. Brown
To Tone-Henge
Thanks for all the fun and
laughter over the years!
107 NE US 69 Highway
Claycomo, MO 64119
Phone: 816 453-3000
Fax: 816 453-3002
Cell: 816 510-5500
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913.894.4404 (phone)
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9200 Indian Creek Parkway
Suite 140
Overland Park, KS 66210
Barbershop District
and Society Structure
The Kansas City Chapter of the Barbershop Harmony Society is one
of over 800 active chapters in the US and Canada. This set of chapters is
divided into seventeen “districts” which provide additional leadership and
support for each chapter and for regional conventions and barbershop
Kansas City is in the Central States District (CSD), a geographic area
covering all of Missouri and Iowa and the majority of Kansas, Nebraska
and South Dakota and includes one chapter in NW Arkansas. There are
currently 59 chapters in CSD.
The Central States District has a proud history of community
involvement from their chapters, active chapter shows and a great
collegiate quartet support program. In 2009, a chorus from CSD
(St. Charles, Missouri chapter Ambassadors of Harmony) won the chorus
gold medal and a CSD quartet, Crossroads with dual members from
St. Charles, Missouri and Tampa, Florida won the quartet gold. We are
proud of our district representatives in these International contests.
This year CSD sends four choruses to the International competition
in Portland, Oregon. They are our own Kansas City Chapter (HOA
Chorus), the Metro KC chapter, the Freemont, Nebraska chapter, and the
Ambassadors of Harmony from St. Charles, Missouri.
The Barbershop Harmony Society moved its headquarters to
Nashville, Tennessee in the summer of 2007 and provides support for all
chapters and their 26,000+ members across a variety of membership,
music, youth, training, marketing and leadership areas.
The Kansas City chapter, the district, and the Society give you a warm
invitation to join a chapter near you, and we are proud to offer each man
the opportunity to entertain future audiences.
Follow us on Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/hoachorus
Kansas City Chapter of the
Barbershop Harmony Society
Ron Abel
Chuck Ames
Todd Anderson
Jim Bagby*
Walter Bates
Bill Bay
Kevin Beauford
Brian Bellof*
Matt Bostick
Dan Bowser*
John Braden*
Doug Brott
Bob Burdick*
Bill Campsey
Price Carter
Jim Clark*
Larry Colburn*
Gordy Coleman
Carter Combs*
Jim Davis
Brad Dawdy*
Wade Dexter
Charley Drake
Monty Duerksen
Lud Einess
Tom Elefson
John Erwine*
Al Fehlauer
Rick Foreman
Anthony Fortino
Daniel Fortino
Ron Fortino
John Fortino*
Jonathan Fortino
Mark Fortino*
Carl French
Don Fuson*
Bronson Garrard
Jerry Garrard
Jeff Garrard
Jon Gathright
Dominic Geniuk
Ed Grape
Tom Gray
Charlie Greene
Scott Haines
Fred Hangartner*
Dick Henderson
Al Higgins
Michael Hillenburg
David Hokanson
Bob Howard
Grant Hunget
Rich Huyck*
Sal Iannazzo
Dick Irwin*
Micah Jeppesen*
Dave Jobe*
Jim Kemper*
Dennis Kinghorn
Dick Korek
David Krause*
Dick Krueger
John Landry
Frank Lasta
Duane Lawson
Mike Louque
Roy Manade
Brian Marston*
Dylan Mathieu*
Joe Mathieu*
Mike Mathieu*
Rob Mathieu*
John McConnell
Darrell McCune*
Ron McIntire
Andrew Meier
Jerry Meier*
Michael Meier*
Brooke Meyers
David Miller
Kent Miller*
Matt Moore*
Al Moritz
Bob Murphy
Dale Neuman
Don Newman
Michael O’Dell
Marty Oldehoeft*
Keith Owen
Don Peck
Vince Perry*
Vince Perry IV*
Lucas Pherigo
Jake Pirner
Jim Porter*
Val Putzier
Charles Ramirez
Bob Rutherford
Barry Sanders*
Mike Schumacher*
Keith Schweer*
Brian Seydlitz
Harvey Shapiro*
Ted Simon*
Maurice Smith
Harold Solomon
David Stockard
Tony Strub*
Mike Templer*
Thom Tisdall
Kevin Tritsch*
Carl Turlin*
Jim Twyman
Rob Varney
Phil Veltkamp
Eric Weber*
Marlin Weidler*
Bruce Wenner*
Tom Wenner*
Shaun Whisler*
Craig Wilcox*
Paul Winans
Jeff Wolff*
Jake Wozniak*
Lyle Wyly
Calvin Yoder
Willard Yoder
Don Young*
Ray Young*
Phil Youngs
*Performing in
today’s show
Follow us on Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/hoachorus
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