YMIH /YWIH Workshop 2004
YMIH /YWIH Workshop 2004
Vol. 2, No. 5 November-December, 2004 Illinois District Website http://www.harmonize.ws/ILL/ YMIH /YWIH Workshop 2004 by Garry Schuyler Bloomington No. 1 A rriving early at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts on the morning of Thursday, October 14, 2004, I found a large number of volunteers from the Heart of Illinois Sweet Adelines Chorus of Peoria, as well as members of the Sound of Illinois Barbershop Chorus of Bloomington, busy at work setting up risers, arranging the registration table and making final adjustments on the PA systems Then the quiet was broken by the arrival of 355 excited young men, young women, and teachers from 15 different schools. Our staff gave them a guided tour of the facility, made sure they were all registered and had their music, and then ushered them to the auditorium for the opening announcements. Rich Hansen, Illinois District YMIH VP, and his festival coordinator Greg Grey put together an outstanding cast of directors and coaches for the day. They consisted of Karen Greer from St. Louis, directing the women. Dr. Ben Ayling, a professor from Kent State University and bass with The Ritz, directed the men. In addition Wayne Wright and Bob Squires from the Illinois District, Rich Knight (lead of The Gas House Gang), and Martha Eiter, (bass of the Region #5 Champ Main Attraction) were on hand to coach the quartets. Bob Coant, a Society committee member of the YMIH from Syracuse, N.Y. joined the staff as a clinician for the music educators seminar. Throughout the day, both the YMIH and YWIH choruses diligently rehearsed their festival muYoung Women and Men in Harmony -- and this is only half the group! Tim Woodall graphic Garry Schuyler photo sic, while six student quartets present had the opportunity for one-on-one quartet coaching. A catered lunch was served by the members of the Sound of Illinois and Heart of Illinois choruses, and sessions continued on into the afternoon. It was truly amazing to see what the clinicians accomplished in just one day. The day’s events culminated in an evening concert. The students showcased the first half of the performance. Each chorus performed their festival numbers, and three high school quartets also sang. The second half of the show featured the 2003 Region #5 championship female quartet Main Attraction, and the guest quartet for the evening was a college quartet from the University of Wisconsin, Madison, named BC3 A cappella. The kids absolutely adored them, and the decibel level in the auditorium definitely went up as kids cheered after every song. I received many letters from the kids, thanking the Society and the district for putting on this workshop, with many expressing hope that they could come back next year. One suggestion I would like to forward to ALL chapters is this: A lot of the school districts are having a big money crunch and cannot afford to hire a substitute teacher. Consequently, some of the schools were not represented at this year’s workshop. The Illini Statesmen chapter from Champaign donated enough money so that a high school was able to hire a substitute teacher for the day, and as a result 70 young people and one teacher were able to attend the workshop. This is a very easy way to help out your local school district as well as provide a unique opportunity for the students in your area. Far left: Dr. Ben Ayling makes a musical point Middle: Karen Greer follows the music while instructing the ladies Bottom: The enthusiasm of singing displayed by the Young Men and Young Women in Harmony More YMIH/YWIH by Craig Rigg Put about 150 high school guys in the same auditorium with about 200 high school girls and what do you get? Believe it or not, two pretty good barbershop choruses. Garry has told the basics of the ambitious 6th Annual YMIH/YWIH Fall Festival. With assistance from men of the Bloomington No. 1 Chapter and the Heart of Illinois Sweet Adelines ladies group, a tightly scheduled and diverse day of music was planned for the hyperactive youthful singers. The event was held at the Bloomington Center for the Performing Arts (formerly the Scottish Rite Temple), which had more than ample rehearsal space for groups large and small. This year, I accompanied my high school music educator in bringing nine students (2 boys, 7 girls) to the festival. Following is a list of the schools that sent students, along with their music educators: Bloomington -- Dennis Morrissey Garry Schuyler photo 2 Central Catholic -- April Andresen Champaign Centennial -- Angie Agnoletti Chatham-Glenwood -- Kari James Decatur Eisenhower -- Nancy Fiesler Effingham -- Jamie Jennings Heyworth -- Susan McCoy Leroy -- Bridget Wells Lexington -- Ralph Whitsitt Mt. Zion -- Jeff Gemar Olympia -- Linda Thomas Rich Knight works with a quartet Peroria Richwoods -- Connie Tumminelli Polo Sterling -- Mark Beaty Tremont -- Nathan Edwards West Prairie -- Melissa Burt Williamsville -- Lisa Bosworth Because all of these schools stretch out in a band across central Illinois, Rich Hansen, district YMIH chairman, has ambitious plans to start up similar schools in the northern/metro and the southern parts of the state. Key to the success of the program is the quality of barbershop music Bob Squires and Wayne Wright team up to help educators brought in as guest directors. For the ladies, the dynamic Karen a quartet learn the barbershop style Greer from St. Louis displayed the dynamic expertise necessary to keep nearly 200 girls focused on singing. Most impressive was the way she encouraged the girls to “get physical” with their performance. While some of them came unprepared for the rigors of all-day rehearsal, many girls showed up with music memorized and showing evidence of having sung four-part harmony in the barbershop style. With the guys, there was more of a challenge. First, guest music educator Dr. Ben Ayling had travel delays, forcing Bloomington director Terry Ludwig to step in for warm-ups and first read-throughs. While most of the boys had little experience with barbershop singing, some of them (like their female counterparts) had memorized their parts and knew what they were doing. During the day, several quartets received some expert coaching. Rich Knight, Bob Squires, and Wayne Wright worked with the YMIH quartets Main Attraction while Karen Greer and Martha Eiter shared their expertise with a couple of the girls’quartets. Section aides for the boys chorus were Tom Debord, Byron Blair, Jim Waldorf, and Kurt Gummerman, (formerly known as the quartet Harmony Guaranteed) while Dale Jarvis, Terry Ludwig, Chris Prince, Dick Reimers, Bret Reinthaler, Phil Rolfs, and Tim Woodall lent musical assistance. Sweet Adeline assistants were JoEllyn Welch, Gena Sommer, Kathy Filipiak, and many other women from the Heart of Illinois Chorus. While students were off being instructed in the intricacies of barbershop singing, Bob Coant from Syracuse, New York, conducted a workshop for the music educators. He promoted the barbershop style and gave helpful suggestions on how to work with male singers in quartets. In addition, he “coached” a boys quartet by demonstrating interpretative techniques. He also provided each educator with a CD filled with helpful advice, arrangements, and sound files. One of the highlights was a girls quartet from (where else) Mt. Zion High School. A few years Garry Schuyler photo ago Rich Hansen helped develop an astonishing barbershop-savvy high school girls quartet that made some appearances throughout the district. This year, he came up with one that might be even better, called Vocal I's. It’s not so much that these girls know how to sing as it is they know how to “carry their parts” in the barbershop style. I was able to sit in on their session with Karen Greer who was most impressed with their talent. Don’t be surprised Mt. Zion’s RSPV quartet Mt. Zion’s Vocal I’s quartet Garry Schuyler photo 3 Garry Schuyler photo Garry Schuyler photo to hear more from this group out of Mt. Zion. The evening wrapped up with a performance by the choruses and some of the quartets. Then, Sweet Adelines quartet Main Attraction sang several songs and really showed the power and talent of quality barbershop harmony. The last act was the college a cappella group BC3 A cappella from the University of Wisconsin at Madison. While not barbershop, the group gave an energetic and very wellreceived performance from the high schoolers and their teachers. As Garry mentioned, chapters can do a lot to help Rich promote upcoming harmony festivals, whether in central Illinois or in other locations. Wouldn’t it be a shame if next year, too many eager young singers show up so that the YMIH/YWIH crews have to come up with more room someplace. Top: Karen Greer coaching Vocal I’s Bottom: Coney Island Babies BC3 A cappella Top: Notice the chorus discipline and posture (well, for most of them) Top: Tinnies Bottom: 4 in A Chord 4 My, My, How They Flew I t seems like yesterday that I was elected to the very distinct honor of being president of the Illinois District S.P.E.B.S.Q.S.A. Inc. Many changes have been made during the short period of the years 2003 and 2004. One prime example is the name change of our Society. I have no quarrel with being a member of the Barbershop Harmony Society, and perhaps it has more meaning to “John Q. Public,” so I can go along with that, and I am a member of the Society for 54 years now. We have a new CEO, Don Harris, a real fine gentleman. Not to say that my very good friend Darryl Flinn was not a great guy as well as a gentleman. We have witnessed personnel structural changes at the Society level, as well as structural change in the governance of the Society at the district level as well. Actually, there is very little change in our operations; it is just a matter of whether you are a member of the Governance Board or the Operations Team. What it really does is lessen the burden on those committees that are not required to attend all Board meetings, not to say that they do not have to report on their goals and progress toward achieving them. It does give them freedom to do the job that they do best. Our upcoming two-year term will, rest assured, be in good hands. My replacement is a very energetic, intelligent young man with goals and objectives to put our district on top. In my opinion, we have a great district, full of energy, talent and determination, and I am confident that at the end of this upcoming two-year term other districts will be looking to us for assistance. I simply ask you to give the entire elected officers 100 percent of your support. My original purpose in writing this article was to sincerely thank all of you for the support you gave to me during my term. I know you have heard it before, but I am truly proud to have been your representative at the Society level. This has been a very interesting two years to say the least. It passed by very rapidly, and at my age, that is not the best thing to have happen to you. As I have mentioned in the past, in my barbershopping career, I have attained the honor of District BOTY for the Central Division in 1979, the ABE Award in 1980, but the highest honor that was bestowed on me, was the presidency for the past two years. I cannot tell you how proud I am to have been the representative of the greatest bunch of men in the Society, and I will continue to be equally as proud to be a member of the finest district in the Society. Thank you for giving me the honor and your everlasting support. Jerry McDonough Illinois District President 2003 -- 2004 5 God speed friend and brother: Dave LaBar by Daryll Flinn K nowing Dave was a special privilege and a joy. One could think of Dave as a “No-Fault” kind of a guy. He had no enemies -- just friends. His only baggage was his many gifts. He had very few ‘No’s” but had lots of “Yes’.” He fell in love with our harmony as a kid in New Jersey. He loved his time on the Kenosha staff as a traveling “road warrior.” He loved quartetting and tag singing and teaching. Dave loved being a part of a good chorus. Dave takes with him a fabulous memory. He was a treasure trove of trivia facts and knew Society history to a “T.” Dave loved nothing more than sharing and swapping facts and stories about our world of barbershopping. He used his vast knowledge about the Society to help him become one of the Society’s best and busiest emcees. Dave had the trust and confidence of many, many barbershoppers and their families when it came to professionally handling our money and investments. He loved his role as a Singing Category judge and was active as a quartet and chorus coach. Maybe more than anything else, Dave LaBar had the ability to illuminate a room just by walking in. There was no way miss his big voice or his blustery enthusiasm. He was always “on” with a well-told gag or story or tag, which was always anticipated by those of us who knew and loved him. Long live Dave LaBar. We will miss him so. 6 OLD FACES . . . NEW FACES by Wayne Wright T he HOD meeting this past September 28 witnessed the presentation of a new slate of officers to serve the Illinois District Association of Barbershop Chapters for the 2005 - 2006 terms. The list of nominees was the result of an arduous search by the nominating committee that was chaired by me and included my two predecessors, Bob Squires and Joe Sullivan. Many names were considered, several men were approached, and finally we came up with a potentially very strong board. One of the strengths of this group of men is the fact that it includes a mix of experience and some fresh new talent that we were fortunate enough to find. The purpose of this article is to provide a thumbnail sketch of this new leadership group. It should be pointed out that the structure of the board has changed somewhat. This is based to some extent on the changes taking place at the international level, and, although we have been given a lot of latitude in how we form our district team, it mirrors to a large degree the Kenosha re-organization. The new leadership team is really two teams. The first is a governance group whose preoccupation will be with long range planning. The second group is the operations team whose charge is to run their area of expertise as they see fit without having to “check in” with the board on every detail. The president will be monitoring activity and results and will not interfere as long as both are forthcoming. THE GOVERNANCE BOARD District President - WILL THORNDIKE Will has served the Illinois District as secretary for the past two terms. He is insightful, thorough, and an excellent communicator. He lives in Morrison, teaches school, and is a member of the Sterling-Rock Falls Chapter. Like Jerry, you will always know where he stands on an issue. Executive Vice President - PHIL ROLFS Phil comes from the Bloomington Chapter where he has worn a lot of hats including being the current chapter president. He serves on Al Quinn’s convention team and is the most organized person I have ever met. The EVP office is new to our board structure but is mandatory now. Phil will shadow Will for the next two years and be included on all district issues to assure a smooth transition to the presidency in 2007. In addition, Phil has been assigned the additional responsibility of revisiting the CSLT program and bringing forth recommendations for reorganization and improvement. Secretary - KEN PALMER Ken is a first in that Ken lives in Galesburg. There’s a novelty. He is a fairly new barbershopper and was active in the West Peoria Metro chapter before it folded and then was successful in getting the charter transferred to Galesburg where he and Daniel Leahy are trying to establish a successful chapter there. Ken is also a driving force for the two-year-old Midwest Barbershop Jamboree, which he helped organize in Galesburg. He will inherit a well established secretary position from Will Thorndike. Treasurer - DAVE COWINS Dave is from the Brotherhood of Harmony Chapter and is a past Seniors champion quartet member (Tri-County Reclamation Project). He is currently serving as VP of Harmony Foundation activities in the district. He is multi-talented and brings a wealth 7 of experience in financial affairs to the table. He is also short. Immediate Past President - JERRY McDONOUGH This one was easy. Jerry has easily contributed more man-hours of labor to the Illinois District than anyone I know and will continue to be a voice (though a gruff one) of reason as he continues to advise on policy matters. Talk about experience! Chairing the nominating committee next time should be a snap for him. Members-at Large - BOB SQUIRES and WAYNE WRIGHT The idea here is to provide three past presidents as an integral part of the district governance board. Each term, one past president will drop off as a new one comes on. THE OPERATIONS TEAM VP Membership - GREG GREY Greg is another Bloomington guy and was hand-selected and groomed for this position by his predecessor Mike Bagby, who did a fantastic job including doing what he was supposed to do in finding a successor. Greg attended the forum last year and has worked with Mike in the membership area for the past two years. A great find for the district even if he is a tenor. VP Music & Performance - BOB SQUIRES Bob has returned to a familiar area where he has served before. The landscape here has changed a bit, and Bob is going to write a new chapter for this office as he works with YMIH, IDAH, and the Kenosha staff field visits if we continue to have them. Currently, Bob is serving his second time around in C&J. He is an innovator, and, now that he is retired, has time to keep all of the rest of us on our toes. VP Events - AL QUINN Nobody knows his job better than Al. Where would we be if not for Al’s superb efforts in negotiating with the hotels for our conventions, IDAH, and COTS? This takes a special talent, and it is a job most of us couldn’t do and wouldn’t do for a million bucks. I hope he’s grooming someone! VP COTS & IDAH - SYL WETLE Sylvester is back! After a self-imposed sabbatical from district business for a time, Syl agreed to come back as the chief administrator for COTS & IDAH. We decided that these two events are so important to the success of the district that they deserve someone devoting all of his efforts to their planning. Syl has a ton of experience with COTS and inherits a blueprint for IDAH from predecessor Dave Davis that should help guarantee success for both of these important and vital events. He also CANNOT pass a Dairy Queen without stopping, so I know he’s OK. VP Chorus Director Development - DALE JERGENSEN When Ken Hines decided to retire from this job, we had a real hard time finding someone to serve. However, after some coaxing Dale agreed. Dale directs the Arlington Heights Arlingtones Chorus and has been involved with Bob Squires in presenting some beginning director schools. Dale is a quartet singer and a good music man, and we are glad he’s available. 8 VP YMIH - RICH HANSEN We are blessed. Rich Hansen is making history in our district with his work organizing youth music festivals. With several under his belt, beginning with the ones with the late Mac McGlasson at Eastern Illinois University, he continues now with this event in Bloomington and has plans to expand to other parts of the state. He seems to always come up with a ringer high school quartet and, with the assistance of his Wound 4 Sound quartet guys, keeps the YMIH flag waving high in our district. VP Contest & Judging - WAYNE WRIGHT Thanks to my good friend Bob Squires for not only keeping the seat warm, but for instituting some innovative changes in the district C&J system. SMAGfest . . Really??? VP Marketing & Public Relations - GREG WEICKART From the Springfield chapter comes our new PR guy. Greg carries the U.S. mail and is an enthusiastic promoter of our hobby. About ten minutes after he said he would accept the position, he sent out his first email declaring his ideas for promoting barbershop in Illinois. You’ll be hearing from him if you haven’t already. Kenosha is putting a lot of emphasis on this position, and we think we have found the right man for the job. VP Harmony Foundation - (the aforementioned) DAVE COWINS Webmasters - Daniel Garcia & Mike Saeger When we decided to separate the computer stuff from the marketing position, we gave Daniel the option of acquiring some help, and he got together with Mike. Daniel is president of the South Cook chapter and a dual member of about 17 other chapters, while Mike is the web guru for the New Tradition Chapter. There will be more and more things happening on the website, and I invite you to visit it often to keep abreast of what’s going on. We have a couple of good guys here. So there it is. These guys can’t do everything alone, and they will be assembling teams to help them. If you are asked to help, please do. If you can’t or won’t help, don’t bitch. My great thanks to Bob Squires and Joe Sullivan for helping find all these guys. Convention surveys requested The Barbershop Harmony Society is conducting research to improve the quality of the Society's midwinter and summer international conventions. Designed by veteran market researcher Hugh Devine, the survey will help measure preferences for convention activities, destinations, and pricing. A general sample of recent attendees and non-attendees will provide a cross-section of opinions throughout the Society. Your participation will help the continuing efforts to deliver fun, enriching events for members and their guests. For further confirmation, you will find information about this survey on the Society web site TAKE THE SURVEY NOW: http://secure.spebsqsa.org/survey/conventionresearch.htm 9 COTS 2004 How an officer becomes -well -- an officer by Craig Rigg W hat’s the secret of a successful (read championship caliber chorus) barbershop chapter? Why has Northbrook maintained such a high level of performance over two decades? Why is the Vocal Majority the supreme “amateur” choral group in the world? Why have the “little” chapters in Illinois, such as Sterling-Rock Falls, Coles County, Belleville, as well as the “big” chapters, such as Bloomington No. 1, Chicagoland West Suburban, and Lake County remained so firmly entrenched in the top ten. The answer can be found in the proverbial triangle: strong music team leadership, a dynamic director, and a strong chapter administration. Nov. 20-21, at the Pere Marquette Hotel in Peoria, 76 chapter officers, 10 district officers, and 11 Society faculty met to sharpen the skills of some of our district's future leaders at the annual Chapter Officer Training Seminar (COTS). Following are the men from outside the district who played a big role in sharpening the skills of returning chapter officers as well as newcomers: Dean -- Gary Stamm Presidents -- M. Gene Courts Secretaries -- Tom Herman Treasurers -- Frank Santarelli Chapter Development -- Tim Hanrahan Marketing & PR -- Rick Collins Music & Performance -- Fred Schmidt Chorus Directors -- Jerry Schmidt YMIH -- Mike Louque Chapter Counselors -- Larry Lewis Overseeing the entire weekend was Illinois District Events VP Syl Wetle. The hotel had booked in a couple of major events -- a National Guard reception and a major wedding reception -- so barbershop- Students work on the music skills as well as their leadership talents. Using the 4x4 quartet method (left to right) tenor Jerry Schmidt, lead Casey Clements, bass Andy Kinne, and baritone Dale Jergensen teach “Dear Old Girl” to the student body. Lots of pick-up quartetting filled the lulls between sessions. From the left, Walt Nelson, Martin Potter, Dale Fiste, John Wabel, and Scott Lathrop blend some sounds while George Fishbein casts a critical ear. 10 pers were scattered throughout the hotel, some in formal meeting rooms, others in suites on the 11th floor. General sessions and meals were held in the Cotillion Ballroom. Some of the evening meetings were held jointly among several officer groups. Occasional breaks were scheduled in order to encourage singing. Two songs were included in the students' registration packets: “Dear Old Girl” and “Meet Me Tonight in Dreamland.” In the afternoon, the 4x4 quartet teaching method was used to present “Dear Old Girl.” In less than 20 minutes, the entire student body was able to sing the song, without using music. After the last class Saturday evening, current Illinois District Champions Lakeside Edition performed several numbers. Also part of the evening was a presentation by Tim Hanrahan of a bold initiative from the Society for membership growth. Supposedly a preview of the “Barbershop Harmony Society's 2005 Marketing Plan,” the program has upwards of a quarter of a million dollars earmarked for advertising and incentives. New Society marketing director Todd Wilson and his committee has done much of the groundwork for this ambitious plan to attract and retain singers to our organization. Read more about it in the article on page. While finding dynamic choral directors and expert music men for the chapter music team may be difficult, the Society through COTS does have in place a successful program for training prospective chapter officers, the third element of a successful chapter. Make it your chapter’s goal for 2005 to see that all chapter officers come prepared with the tools they need to conduct chapter operations. Recently crowned Illinois District Quartet Champion Lakeside Edition competes against a next-door wedding reception and the carousing of a couple of companies of reservists in the Cotillion Ballroom Saturday night. From left tenor Bob Tempas, lead George Harper, bass Duane Fenn, and baritone Paul Saeger. Top: M. Gene Courts with presidents, secretaries, and treasurers Second: Jerry Schmidt (left) and Fred Schmidt (right) teach a tag to music and performance VPs Third: Larry Lewis works with old pros Jim Vliet and Bill Gallagher in the Chapter Counselor class Bottom: Rick Collins (right) leads discussion of marketing and public relations issues 11 I.D.A.H. The Illinois District Academy of Harmony February 4-5, 2005, Holiday Inn City Centre, Peoria, Illinois The Illinois District once again is pleased to present the finest in District Harmony Education schools. Launched in 1983, IDAH has continued to be one of the best district schools in our Society. The opportunity to be part of this school again is open to all barbershoppers. Special attention will be given to quartets seeking to move up a level from their current status, and the doors are wide open to every barbershopper for a fantastic week end. You will find registrations forms on the Illinois District web site for both the school and for your hotel registration. School registrations are to be directed to Dave Davis and Hotel Registrations directly to the Holiday Inn. If you have any questions, you will find both Dave Davis and Syl Wetle, co-coordinators information on the forms. Additional information on faculty will be posted on the web site as we “lock them in.” Class Offerings TOP GUN Quartet Coaching: We are again providing a highly qualified coaching staff. While we are still confirming some, we have names like Jim Bagby, Don Gray, Doug Miller and Gary Wulf, just to drop a few names on you. The TOP GUN coaching is by invitation only and those invited will be determined by their previous contest ranking and scoring level. This level is limited in number. POP GUN Quartet Coaching: This level of quartet coaching is open to any quartet who seeks to raise its performance and/or contest level. Top names will be available for these sessions, and you will leave the school a better singer and a better singing quartet. There will be at least 10 openings available on a first come, first serve basis. Vocal Production: Learn the basics of good vocal production, proper singing and most important, proper tuning. We are waiting on word from Kenosha for the top instructor we can get, but as always, he will be top notch. Choose this class, and you’ll experience the joy of expanded sound and ringing chords. Successful Performance: A new class this year, but one that is bound to be the most popular. Want to know how your chorus and/or quartet can obtain standing ovations every time? Here’s the class for you. Judging Categories: Every barbershopper has had the desire to be up close and personal in a contest. Sitting in the judges’ chairs is the way to do it. Find out what all the categories are about and find out how you can start on the road to becoming a judge. Or, if you’re just curious about how the categories work and score -- this one’s for you. Arranging (Basic): What chord goes where, how do they make them sound so great, and what makes a great arrangement? These are questions to be answered in this class, and it’ll be set at a level for the guy who is just getting his feet wet. Sight Singing/Tag Singing: So you’d like to enjoy just sitting around and reading through some new music and busting a few chords with your friends. This is an experience second to none, and once again you can be sure we will have a top notch instructor. Roaming: We’ve added this, just an option for those of you who are sure that you fit into any of the above classes, but would love to be around and see how things operate and how faculty and coaching work. You’ll have an opportunity to literally sit in on coaching sessions and sit in on any class for your own enlightenment. 12 IDAH Hotel Registration Form 500 Hamilton Blvd., Peoria, IL 61602 309/674-2500 fax 309/674-8705 Please hake your own room reservations DIRECTLY to the hotel, call mail or fax this form Come have some FUN at the Illinois District IDAH! If you are in a Quartet and looking for the ultimate in coaching to take you to the next level, you should be there! If you are interested in being a better singer and a better educated barbershopper, you should be there! If you want a great weekend of barbershopping, YOU MUST BE THERE!!! Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address City/ State / ZIP _________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone _____________________________________________________________ Evening Telephone _____________________________________________________________ Chapter ______________________________________________________________________ email ________________________________________________________________________ ROOM WITH: Name _______________________________________________________________________ Address City/ State / ZIP _________________________________________________________ Daytime Telephone _____________________________________________________________ Evening Telephone _____________________________________________________________ Chapter ______________________________________________________________________ email _______________________________________________________________ Credit Card Information: Type_____________ Credit card # ______________________________ Expiration date __________ Signature _________________________________ Room Rates are $82.00 per room, double occupancy, so be sure to register with a roommate. Be sure to advise the hotel that you are part of the IDAH group to get the above special rate. Registration for IDAH classes is on a separate form and does NOT go to the hotel. If you need additional information contact: Syl Wetle District IDAH Co-cordinator 322 Bayview Point WK: 630/543-5004 13 IDAH Registration Form Individual and Quartets Come have some FUN at the Illinois District IDAH! If you are in a Quartet and looking for the ultimate in coaching to take you to the next level, you should be there! If you are interested in being a better singer and a better educated barbershopper, you should be there! If you want a great weekend of barbershopping, YOU MUST BE THERE!!! Name _________________________________________________________________________________ SPEBSQSA Member No. _________________________________________________________________ Address City/ State / ZIP __________________________________________________________________ DaytimeTelephone ______________________________________________________________________ Evening Telephone ______________________________________________________________________ Chapter _______________________________________________________________________________ email _________________________________________________________________________________ Please make your own room reservations through the hotel What Class will you be attending? (Check Appropriate Box) For Quartets: (Please submit one form for each quartet member and mail together) ____ TOP GUN Coaching, by invitation ____ POP GUN coaching For Joe barbershopper : ____ Vocal Production ____ Arranging (Basic) _____ Successful Performance _____ Sight Singing/Tag Singing _____ Judging Categories _____ Roaming Fee Schedule per attendee - .... Postmarked before 1/14/05: $105, on or after 1/14/05: $125 (Fee includes Registration Fee, and Meal Package. Fee does NOT include Room Cost) Enclosed is a check for $___________ for Illinois DISTRICT IDAH on February 4-5, 2005 Peoria, IL. Make check payable to Illinois District. Registrations can be transferred but not refunded after 12/31/04. Mail this form and applicable fees to: cordinator Dave Davis email:DDavis@essex1.com IDAH Co- 903 Seventh Ave 14 Introduction to Customer Evangelism by Jane Hanson Marketing/Membership Coordinator from the October 2004 issue of SAI's Regional Leaders eZine W hen a new Krispy Kreme donut store announces its opening date people go crazy. The night before the opening, you’ll find them camping out on the pavements, curled up in sleeping bags to keep out the cold night air, in an effort to be the very first person in town to sink their teeth into the warm, soft, delectable donuts. And it’s not just about the taste. A visit to the Krispy Kreme store is an entire experience. Standing in line, watching the mechanical arms and movements of the massive robotic machine preparing the donuts; inhaling the sweet scent of the delicacy to come; the anticipation and rumbling stomach; tasting free samples of new varieties handed out by the staff at the counter, and then the final sale. Carrying away that hot, piping paper bag, full of the fattening, sinful, but heavenly goodies. Krispy Kreme is one of the best examples of customer evangelism in the country - it is a marketing phenomenon, where its customers ARE its sales force. And customer evangelism is the latest buzz in marketing. Marketing professionals are now recognizing that people are over-saturated with advertising. The individual is exposed to an average of more than 3,000 advertising messages every day. We are tuning-out advertising, and advertising is losing its effectiveness. What marketing professionals are finding is that word-of-mouth really does work! The customer evangelist concept is very exciting and appropriate for Sweet Adelines. Like Krispy Kreme, we are selling an experience, rather than an off-the-shelf product. We are selling more than just singing, more than just a hobby: It’s a lifestyle! You will hear a lot about customer evangelism in the coming months, but this is a brief overview to keep you informed, and get your minds in gear. The book, Creating Customer Evangelists (by Jackie Huba and Ben McConnell) shows us how to convert loyal customers into a volunteer sales force. The six tenets of customer evangelism are: 1. Continuously gather customer feedback. 2. Share knowledge freely with the customer. 3. Build the buzz. Expertly build word-of-mouth networks. 4. Create communities where customers meet and share. 5. Offer bite-size pieces, smaller offerings to get customers onboard. 6. Create a cause the customer can support. Focus on making the world a better place. Customer Feedback We must know what our members are saying and how they are feeling about the organization. Armed with this information, we are able to make changes for the better. Can you imagine how successful a company would be if it gave its customers exactly what they wanted? It couldn’t fail. Sharing Knowledge Trust between the organization and the member is important if we want our members to successfully sell memberships. Sharing knowledge openly builds strong trust in a relatively short time. The member begins to feel they are a valuable part of the organization. When a member feels she is privy to new information that few others have access to, she will feel important and want to go out and tell others about it. We can use these motivated individuals to our advantage. It’s a win-win situation. 15 Creating the Buzz This is the most fun! Thinking of ways to inspire and excite our members, generating a buzz. For example, when the SING eZine was launched, that created a great buzz among members. It seemed everyone was talking about the eZine. “Did you get the eZine?” “Send an e-mail to Jane to get yours.” “Don't miss out!” This buzz motivates members, gets them enthusiastic all over again so that they are excited to be a part of it, and they can’t wait to talk about the organization with others. Communities Sweet Adelines already has several communities the members have created amongst themselves, such as the SING List on Yahoo and the MMC list. We should encourage and support these groups, and occasionally contribute opinions ourselves. Bite-size Pieces An example of bite-size pieces would be offering free singing lessons to get prospects through the door. The decision to join in with a free singing lesson (or “newcomers’ class”) is almost a “no-brainer.” Who can say no to something that’s free? Once the prospect is in the door, we need to offer a series of small no-brainers and special offers up to the point where the prospect decides to become a member. Creating a Cause Creating a cause gives members a warm, fuzzy feeling inside. Donating chorus talent to perform at a fundraiser makes members feel proud to be a part of this organization, and strengthens their passion for Sweet Adelines. In Summary The idea of customer evangelism is that we make our members so completely happy and excited about being a member, that they can’t wait to go out and tell everyone how wonderful it is and that they should join. We have almost 30,000 of the best salespeople ever - just waiting to work for us. Most of them are already proud to be a part of this. All we need to do is fire them up. We need to get our members enthused and buzzing. Then, when we release them on “The Public” - WATCH OUT! 16 Lady Barbershoppers Hi All In England we in BABS introduced a level of membership called Associate Membership that is open to all, irrespective of gender, who wish to be involved - even passively - in the hobby. After all the vast majority of us would not be able to do what we do without the agreement of our wives. And how many ladies out there are PRO’s, chapter book-keepers, caterers, organisers, fund raisers and the billion other jobs they do to keep us running. God Bless you ladies and keep it all happening. Hey, Society surely ladies are welcome in Frank Thorne? Brian Sperry Special Events Director - BABS Frank Thorne chapter Let “The Old Songs” instrumentally Letter to the Editor Most of you think of Pet Brandt and yours truly as just a couple of guys in the North Shore Chapter (which meets in Evanston). But we wear another hat, also related to “the old songs,” which might interest you. Remember “After You’ve Gone,” “Five Foot Two,” “Bill Bailey,” “Alabama Jubilee,” “Who’s Sorry Now,” “Dinah,” “Ida,” “Lida Rose,” and I could go on and on? Of course you do; you’re barbershoppers, and you love those old chestnuts. Well, the Windy City Jammers, which include Pete and me, play these songs every Monday night, and sing some of them too. Place is the Lincoln Restaurant, at the intersection of Irving Park Road, Lincoln Avenue, and Damen Avenue, on Chicago’s north side. There’s a free parking lot off of Irving Park, and dinner is optional. If you play an instrument, you may “sit in.” We’re amateur, no union, no uniform, just fun and happy, upbeat, mostly pre-1930 music. And we get a nice audience. So c’mon down! We’d love to have you. Phil Schwimmer 847-208-6055 17 Enter the Contemporary A Cappella Recordings Awards Let’s put the very best barbershop harmony in front of discerning listeners of a cappella music. Learn more about nominating an album, or becoming a judge, at http:// www.casa.org/cara/home.php <http://www.casa.org/cara/home.php> The annual Contemporary A cappella Recording Awards recognize the best recorded a cappella. An album is eligible for the 2005 CARAs if: It was released to the public in the 2004 calendar year. The CARAs cannot accept CD-Rs or any other unfinished form of your album, but will be glad to accept it the following year, once it has been released. At least one track on the album is entirely a cappella. In order to be considered in any best album category, more than half of the tracks must be a cappella, but even a single a cappella track will be considered in a best song category. It is received at the CASA office no later than January 1. Discs released in 2004 must be received by January 1st, 2005. Unfortunately, a postmark of January 1 is not acceptable. Note that the earlier you send your album the more time the judges will have to listen to it. Since a lot of hard work goes into album production, each disc should get the attention it deserves. The more albums received at the last second, the more difficult it is for each to get a thorough listening. The annual Contemporary A Cappella Recording Awards recognize the best recorded a cappella and aim to support this burgeoning culture of instrumentless enthusiasts. We are the only truly global a cappella recording awards. Every year since 1992 hundreds of albums are considered in this celebration of the best a cappella recorded around the planet. The CARAs consider albums in many categories, scholastic and professional. They are: Professional (separate album & song awards) Contemporary (Pop/Rock) Jazz Classical Doo-wop Barbershop Religious Folk/World Holiday Humorous Scholastic High School Male Collegiate (Song, Album, Soloist and Arrangement) Female Collegiate (Song, Album, Soloist and Arrangement) 18 Mixed Collegiate (Song, Album, Soloist and Arrangement) Learn more about nominating an album, or becoming a judge, at http:// www.casa.org/cara/home.php <http://www.casa.org/cara/home.php> Louisville DVD will feature bonus VM tracks Order today for fastest delivery! The show everyone talked about will be the bonus feature everyone talks about when the 2004 convention recordings are released on DVD in November. The Vocal Majority, which performed its “VM X-treme” show pro bono, is releasing a track for use on the DVD! Of course, this is the icing on the cake of a superb disc packed with memorable barbershop performances, including the first championship of the Ambassadors of Harmony. Order now: Stock no. 4090, 2004 Chorus DVD , $30, available from Harmony Marketplace, 800-876-7464 or www.harmonymarketplace.com <http:// www.harmonymarketplace.com> Save Harmony College/Director College dates for next summer Mark your calendar now for July 31 - August 7, 2005, for a new Harmony College experience! The best barbershop week of the year will get better still in 2005, when we debut an all-new Harmony College/Directors College experience in a new location. Scheduling conflicts prevent us from returning to Missouri Western State College, our Harmony College home for many years. So, we’re transforming that inconvenience into an opportunity to re-engineer our premier educational event to bring even greater value to even more members. Bids from suitable university sites are now being received at our meetings department (meetings@spebsqsa.org <mailto:(meetings@spebsqsa.org> ) and we anticipate a selection by January. Check back often at www.spebsqsa.org/hcdc <http://www.spebsqsa.org/hcdc> for information on our new location, new dates, not to mention a curriculum and faculty better than anything yet. Wild card playoff contestants announced It’s official -- these dozen choruses will duke it out in the wild card playoffs. The reward: six slots in the 2005 International Chorus Contest at Salt Lake City. Here are the twelve choruses that have accepted the invitation to appear in the wild card playoffs. Greendale Wis., Midwest Vocal Express, 1025 Manhattan N.Y., The Big Apple Chorus, 1019 Western Hills (Cincinnati) Ohio, Southern Gateway Chorus, 1018 Greater Phoenix Ariz., Spirit of Phoenix, 1012 Houston Texas, Tidelanders, 996 Wasatch Front Utah, Saltaires, 994 Fort Worth Texas, Texas Millionaires, 987 St. Joseph, Mo., American BarberBoys, 983 Buckeye-Columbus Ohio, Singing Buckeyes, 957 Greater Toronto Ont., MegaCity Chorus, 954 Sarasota Fla., Chorus of the Keys, 952 LaJolla Calif., Pacific Coast Harmony, 935 After the wild card playoffs round in Salt Lake City, the top six scoring choruses move on to the chorus finals (see www.spebsqsa.org/ID_063276 <http://www.spebsqsa.org/ ID_063276> for full description of the process), joining the District Representatives: Santa Fe Springs Calif., Masters of Harmony, 1078 Toronto Ont., The Northern Lights, 1074 Northbrook Ill., New Tradition, 1057 19 Alexandria Va., Alexandria Harmonizers, 1055 Denver Mile High Colo., Sound of The Rockies, 1040 Hilltop Minn., Great Northern Union, 1039 Greater Central Ohio Ohio, The Alliance, 1019 Central Texas Corridor Texas, Heart of Texas Chorus, 1000 Kansas City Mo., Heart of America, 993 Tampa Fla., Heralds of Harmony, 983 Marietta Geo., The Big Chicken Chorus, 975 Salem Ore., Senate-Aires, 958 Nashua N.H., Granite Statesmen, 939 Louisville Ken., Thoroughbreds, 934 East Aurora N.Y., Friends of Harmony, 903 Macomb County Mich., Harmony Heritage Chorus, 882 Sacred Gold Concert features Gold Medal Chorus The most awesome assemblage of gold medal singers ever, combined with the 360 voices of the internationally renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir. The place to be -- Salt Lake City 2005 International Convention Sunday morning, July 10, 2005 -- after the competition is over. Following the “Music and the Spoken Word” broadcast from the 20,000 seat, state-of-the-art Latter Day Saints Conference Center, there will be a Free* Concert featuring: the world renowned Mormon Tabernacle Choir, Dr. Craig Jessop, Music Director the exclusive debut performance of the 600-voice Barbershop Harmony Society Gold Medal Chorus under the direction of Jim Clancy and Dr. Greg Lyne and an incredible finale of the 960 combined voices of the Mormon Tabernacle Choir and the Society’s gold Medal Chorus under the direction of Dr. Craig Jessop plus guest performances by Acoustix, Four Voices and Power Play! Be a part of this incredible event For the first time, a gold medal chorus featuring every living Gold Medalist Quartet and Chorus member! Champion Gold Medalist Quartets, Senior’s Champions and College Quartet Champions will be invited to perform in this, the largest Gold Medal Chorus ever assembled in the history of barbershop -- perhaps even the world! A special invitation has been extended, and the chorus will be limited, to the first 600 gold medal singers to respond. If you are a Society quartet or chorus Gold Medalist and you wish to participate, send your name, quartet or chorus name, championship year, and voice part, to: GoldMedalChorus@spebsqsa.org <mailto:GoldMedalChorus@spebsqsa.org> -orBarbershop Harmony Society7930 Sheridan RoadKenosha, WI 54143. Visit www.SPEBSQSA.org/goldmedalchorus <http://www.SPEBSQSA.org/ goldmedalchorus> for more information. This special concert is being presented for all registered attendees of the 2005 International Convention. Dynamic Leaders Forum a huge success; Board deliberates on governance The Dynamic Leaders Forum held in Racine was a smashing success for more than 200 district officers, committees and Society Board of Directors. Outstanding speakers Chuck Rumbarger and Carolyn Bailey led the groups through intensive leadership and management training sessions that were marked by a new level of enthusiasm, professionalism and excitement. “I’ve been to 12 of these events,” said one attendee, “and for 11 of them, I wished it could be like this.” Highlight actions taken by the Board of Directors at Racine: 20 Made the Chapter Vice President for Marketing and Public Relations a mandatory office in chapters with more than 25 members. Specified a target of 45 Society quartets in the 2005 International Quartet Contest in Salt Lake City. Approved a $6.34 million budget. An anticipated increase in member dues will become effective with December 2004 renewals. The base Society dues rate will be $82. The Board spent two days in intensive workshops to develop a governance model that focuses the Board’s efforts on strategic planning, long-range vision and policy development. A completed model is scheduled for implementation in February 2005. Complete minutes of the Board meeting will be posted on the web site in the coming weeks. Upcoming Events for Music Educators and Students in 2005 Here are some great opportunities for educators and students to learn about or experience barbershop harmony this year. MBNA America Collegiate Barbershop Quartet Contest Open to any male student 17-25 years of age (high school students through graduated college students), this exciting opportunity gives these young barbershop quartets an experience they will never forget. Regional winners will advance to the international finals to be held in Salt Lake City, Utah, at the Barbershop Harmony Society’s 67th International Convention. Coaching and financial assistance is available for all participants! Visit www.spebsqsa.org/college, <http://www.spebsqsa.org/college,> or contact Rick Spencer at RSpencer@spebsqsa.org <mailto:RSpencer@spebsqsa.org> for more information. Harmony College-Directors College Are you looking for a new and exciting educational experience this summer? Harmony College-Directors College may be the answer for you. Harmony College-Directors College is the ultimate barbershop learning experience! There is a special music educators’ track and over 130 classes to choose from including conducting techniques, effective choral warm-ups, physics of sound, vocal techniques, theory of barbershop harmony, arranging, song writing, successful performance, and many more. “My time here at Harmony College has been great! I plan to come back next year and bring my son!” Charles Nelson, Choral Director and Fine Arts Chairman at Woodland High School-Cartersville, Ga. “The classes offered really opened my eyes to what I didn’t learn in my years as an undergrad. In fact, much of what is taught at Harmony College is not taught at music educator’s conferences. Let me be so bold as to say, I learned more in one eek here than I have at any traditional music educator’s convention.” Priscilla Shaw, Director of Vocal Music at George Washington High School-Denver, Colo. The dates are July 31-August 7, 2005. Scholarships may be available. For more information visit www.spebsqsa.org/hcdc <http://www.spebsqsa.org/hcdc> or contact Bill Rashleigh at BRashleigh@spebsqsa.org <mailto:BRashleigh@spebsqsa.org>. Barbershop Harmony Camps Camps are great opportunities for you and your students. Students learn pieces in the barbershop style and put on a show at the end of the event. Music educators attend special seminars designed just for them. Dates and locations are as follows: 21 March 11-12 Michigan State University-Lansing, MI http:// www.harmonize.com/Pioneer/YMIH/YMIH.htm <http://www.harmonize.com/ Pioneer/YMIH/YMIH.htm> June 9-12 University of Wisconsin-La Crosse-La Cross, WI http:// www.gordonmoe.com/ymih/ <http://www.gordonmoe.com/ymih/> June 9-12 Texas Woman’s University-Denton, TX http://www.swd.org/html/ ymih.htm <http://www.swd.org/html/ymih.htm> June 16-19 University of Central Florida-Orlando, FL http:// www.sunshinedistrict.org/harmony_explosion <http://www.sunshinedistrict.org/ harmony_explosion> June 16-19 Salisbury State University- Salisbury, MD http:// www.harmonize.com/mad/?Code=YMIH <http://www.harmonize.com/mad/? Code=YMIH> June 22-26 Luccock Park-Livingston, MT www.chordrustlers.org/mhc.html <http://www.chordrustlers.org/mhc.html> July 20-23 University of Puget Sound-Tacoma, WA www.evg.org/education/ hx_camp.asp <http://www.evg.org/education/hx_camp.asp> July 22-24 Clemson University-Clemson, SC http://www.dixiedistrict.org/ <http://www.dixiedistrict.org/> August 11-14 Fitchburg State College-Fitchburg, MA <http:// hxcamp.nedymih.org/> August 16-19 Ohio State University-Columbus, OH www.singingbuckeyes.org/ buckeyes/www/pubhc/ <http://www.singingbuckeyes.org/buckeyes/www/pubhc/ > September 23-25 Placerville, CA www.spebsqsafwd.org/ymih/index.html <http://www.spebsqsafwd.org/ymih/index.html> Scholarships are available!!! When’s the Next Issue of A&R Comin’ Out? Deadline for next electronic issue of Attacks and Releases will be 15 February. We’re especially interested in chapter news of individual, quartet, and chorus activities. Photos are especially appreciated, but if you send one electronically, save it in a low resolution format. Quartets -don’t forget the free business card ads! Here’s an offer ya can’t refuse! If you are an Illinois District quartet, Attacks & Releases will feature your quartet’s “card” for free, for as long as you want! Either send us your card, and we’ll scan it for you, or prepare your own and send it via pdf or email. Same goes for all Illinois District chapter shows or events. If you’re from out of the district, the cost is $25 for five “issues” and $25 for a chapter show flyer. Help us brighten up A&R with a lot of colorful barbershop advertising -- all for free! Whatta ya waitin’ for! 22 Chapters In Action DuPage Valley Chapter contributed by Jerry Broz A new location for the chapter’s annual cabaret on Saturday evening November 20, the Levy Center in Bolingbrook was a hit this year. Guest quartets included Harmony Highway, A Cut Above and the district’s third place quartet in the fall, tsunami. In preparation for the Cabaret, the chorus performed its show repertoire for the Naperville Evening Kiwanis Club on Monday, November 15. The Chorus of DuPage was invited to participate in two local outdoor holiday festivities. On Friday, November 26, the chorus strolled the streets and sang Christmas carols at Naperville’s “Hometown Holidays.” Then on Saturday, December 4, the chorus did the same at the Village of Lisle's “Lights of Lisle.” Jerry McDonough, the Illinois District President, installed the chapter’s 2005 officers at the chapter’s installation dinner and Christmas celebration on Friday, December 4, 2004, at the Bohemian Gardens in Downers Grove. Thank you to Jerry and his wife Eileen for joining us. During the evening the district’s fall novice quartet winners, Vocal Menu, performed for the chapter members and spouses. Al Munneke was honored as the 2004 Barbershopper of the Year for his contributions as a chapter member and the chorus director. Congratulations and thank you, Al. Arlington Heights Chapter contributed by Martha Kastens, Editor The Arlingtuner The Arlingtones’ cabaret show was held Oct. 16 at St. Viator High School. Performances by chapter quartets B-Flats, Radio Flyers, and Chordmasters, and by a chapter VLQ, along with performances by two high school quartets from Barrington High School entertained the audience. Guest quartet was Chordiac Arrest. The chapter experienced a major “snafu” Thanksgiving Day when 50 sailors from Great Lakes Naval Training Center failed to show up for a Thanksgiving dinner, complete with turkey, potatoes, vegetables, and homemade cakes and cookies. The chapter had even arranged for extra phone lines and phone service for the sailors. Turns out that several veterans groups in the area also suffered from AWOL sailors. In the end, the Arlingtones, dressed in their new blue uniform shirts, sang for the workers of the legion hall, and had a wonderful, but lonely Thanksgiving Day meal. The chapter’s annual Snow Ball was held at Wellington Restaurant Dec. 10. Society Executive Director Don Harris was the installing officer. Macomb Chapter contributed by Craig Rigg The Christmas season is always a busy time for the men of the Prairieland Chorus because of our annual Singspiration in December. This year, we hosted our 13th Annual program to help support the local ministerial association’s Loaves and Fishes food pantry program. Appearing with the Macomb chorus were members of the Quincy Great River Chorus, the New London, Iowa, Chorus, and two Western Illinois University singing groups -- Phi Mu Alpha and Mu Phi Epsilon. The chorus also got the chance to sing the national anthem at a Westerwinds (WIU women’s basketball) game during the semester break. Other uncoming events are for the Presbyters (the host church for the chapter meeting site) and, of course, Singing Valentines. 23 Get Connected! contact points for Illinois District chapters and quartets (sorry, we can’t guarantee all sites are up and running or are up-to-date) Rockford Metro http://www.secondcitychorus.org/ Arlington Heights http://www.arlingtones.org/ Aurora http://www.harmonize.ws/lamplighters/ Belleville http://www.harmonize.com/BellNotes/ Naperville http://www.brotherhoodofharmony.org/ Mt. Vernon http://crossroadsbarbershoppers.freeservers.com/ Elgin http://www.wideopenwest.com/~dtoren/ DuPage Valley http://www.harmonize.com/dupage Lake County http://www.greatamericanchorus.org/ Macomb http://www.harmonize.com/prairieland/ Quincy http://www.harmonize.com/QuincyGRBC/ Champaign/Urbana http://www.harmonize.ws/illinistatesmen/ Springfield http://www.harmonize.com/landoflincoln/ Northbrook http://www.newtradition.org/ North Shore http://www.nsn.org/evkhome/bflat Peoria http://www.pride-of-peoria.com/ Sterling/Rock Falls http://www.harmonize.ws/rrvbc/ Harrisburg http://www.harmonize.ws/shawneehills/ North Shore http://evkhome.northstarnet.org/bflat/ South Cook http://www.singingmenofnote.org/ Bloomington http://www.soundofillinois.com/ Chicagoland West Suburban http://www.westtowns.org/ Barbershop Harmony Chicagoland Web http://www.bbs.singer.as Aces High http://www.harmonize.ws/AcesHigh/ Alchemy http://www.alchemyquartet.com/ Brooks Brothers http://www.harmonize.ws/brooksbrothers/ By Popular Demand http://www.harmonize.ws/bpd/ Cheers! http://www.harmonize.ws/cheers/ Chicago News http://arneberg.com/bbshop/chicagonews/ Chicago Shuffle http://www.harmonize.ws/chicagoshuffle/ Chiefs of Staff http://www.harmonize.ws/chiefs/ Chordiac Arrest http://www.chordiacarrest.com/ Fired Up http://www.harmonize.ws/firedup/ Fortunes Fools http://groups.northwestern.edu/barbershop/ Glenville http://www.westtowns.org/q_gv.htm Grandfather's Clock http://www.wideopenwest.com/~dtoren/Grandfathersclock.html Grandma's Boys http://%20www.grandmasboys.net/ Hospitality http://www.harmonize.ws/hospitality/ Kensington Road http://www.westtowns.org/q_kr.htm Missing 55 http://www.harmonize.com/Missing55/ Pitch Pipe Packing Papas http://www.westtowns.org/q_pppp.htm Scrambled Craigs http://www.westtowns.org/q_sc.htm Seasoned Sound http://www.westtowns.org/q_ss.htm Sequel http://www.harmonize.ws/sequel/ Skyline http://www.harmonize.ws/skyline/ Sundowners http://www.harmonize.ws/sundowners/ Trebled Spirits http://www.trebledspirits.com/ Without a Prayer http://www.singingmenofnote.org/wap.htm Wound 4 Sound http://www.harmonize.ws/w4s/ 24 Calendar 2005 Jan. 21 Interstate Woodshed American Legion Hall -- Hwy B, Silver Lake, Wis. 8:00 p.m. Hall -- 262-889-8255 or Gerry Carroll -- 847-678-0092 Jan. 23 - 30 65th Annual International Midwinter Convention, Jacksonville, Fla. Feb. 4-5 IDAH -- Peoria at Holiday Inn City Centre (see registration information pages 12-14) Feb. 13 YMIH Boys High School Quartet and Ensemble Contest Barrington High School -- 616 W. Maine, Barrington 1:00 p.m. hosted by the Arlington Heights Chapter March 31- April 4 Sweet Adelines International Region 3 Convention -- Grand Rapids, Mich. April 1-3 Cardinal District Spring Convention and Contests -- South Bend, Ind. April 3 Rockford Metro Chapter Show Guest Quartet -- 4-Star Collection (Sweet Adelines) Belvidere Performing Arts Center -- Belvidere High School April 15-17 Illinois District Spring Convention and Contests -- Peoria April 29-May 1 Land o’ Lakes District Spring Convention and Contests -- Wausau, Wis. April 30 South Cook Chapter Show Guest Quartet -- Chordiac Arrest Andrew High School -- Tinley Park May 6-7 Northbrook Chapter Show May 14 Elgin Chapter Show “Class Reunion” Elgin Community College June 1-12 Harmony Incorporated Convention -- Chicago June 4-5 Chicagoland West Suburban Chapter Show Tivoli Theater -- Downers Grove June 10-12 Midwest Harmony Campout --Hickory Hollow Campground, Utica For more information, call Terry and Michelle Adams at 815/937-1119 or e-mail harmony@hotmail.com. 25
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