Willow ridge News
Willow ridge News
W December 2012 illow ridge News The Official Community Newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Published by Mind’s Design Studio Call 403-257-8345 for Advertising Opportunities www.MindsDesign.ca Mind’s Design Studio’s mission is to create an inspiring resource for residents and businesses to become more involved, connected and prosperous within their communities. Willow Ridge Community Association Address: 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 Visit us at: www.WillowRidge.ca Approx. 6-12 mb Maple Ridge Golf Course... repurposed for winter. Merry Christmas and Safe, Happy Holidays to You and Yours New Year, New Home with Shirley Mikolajow’s Homeselling System When you list with Shirley you receive these Guarantees: Your home advertised 24 hours a day until it is sold Your home advertised worldwide on www.mikolajow.com Your home advertised to millions on multiple websites Your home advertised in full colour print ads every day until it is sold Call Shirley Mikolajow Now for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME (403) Pg. 2 December 2012 804-3990 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Editor’s Message Kari Strutt, Newsletter Editor Of all the tasks that I associate with the holidays, the one that I look forward to least is the pre-holiday cleaning of the fridge. It’s my way of preparing for that wellloved holiday adjunct...the brief, but delicious “Season of the Leftovers”. Turkey, stuffing, potatoes, candied yams, cabbage rolls, and those crazy little desserts my Mom makes... Trouble is, all those leftovers need a place to stay chill for a few days. In my house, this is a concern because...My name is Kari Strutt, and I hoard condiments. Inside Your Official Newsletter WRCA Business & Community • • • • • • • • • • • Editor’s Message: Page 3 Board of Directors: Page 4 Membership Information: Page 5 Community Profile: Page 7 Icemen Wanted: Page 7 Junior Golfers: Page 9 Blackfoot District Guides: Page 11 Babysitter’s Registry: Page 10 School Information: Pages 12, 14 & 15 Church Listings: Page 13 Animal & Bylaw Services: Page 20 Civic Chat • MLA Jonathan Denis: Page 28 • Ward 14 Alderman Peter Demong: Page 31 Classifed Ads: Page 30 Really, there are Pharaohs’ tombs that hold fewer objects than my fridge. and much more... Please Recycle Your Community Newsletter I don’t really know how it happens. One jar at a time I suppose. A jar of butter chicken sauce here, a bottle of sweet Thai chili there, Korma, black bean...glass containers filled with magical tastes of the world. Add them to the mustards, bar-b-que sauces and salad dressings and I have a collection of bottles so expansive that it’s worth the trouble to arrange them alphabetically. Bring on the cheer. I currently have a tidy place to put it. I even manage to find myself in possession three little jars of horseradish. I haven’t eaten horseradish since 1992. Wishing all my neighbors and friends a holiday season filled with friendship, love, and laughter. The task is Herculean, so I start by removing any item past its due date. This year, to my shame, I find a Szechwan sauce that expired in 2009. Best, Kari “Don’t get rid of that,” my husband says. He opens the jar and sniffs. “It’s still good.” I shake my head, rinse the jar and add it to the others. It is my experience that women view best-before dates as a clear warning. Men view them as ‘a suggestion’. It takes a green garbage bag and the better part of an afternoon, but my fridge is now as ready for the season as I am. Pg. 3 December 2012 SMILE: A smile to the wonderful man who walks his very old dog along Willingdon Blvd., supporting it with a sling. Every time I see you, I am moved by your kindness and your patience. You are the spirit of the season! The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association (WRCA) Please direct any community related questions to : ♦ Phone: 403-271-8044 ♦ E-mail: info@willowridge.ca ♦ www.willowridge.ca Address: 680 Acadia Drive SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm Saturdays / Sundays / Holidays: Closed Executive President Past President 1st Vice President 2nd Vice President Secretary Treasurer Directors Building Director Casino / Bingo Director Civic Affairs Director Communications Director Community Garden Director Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Funding Director Newsletter Editor Sports Director Social Director Trico Centre Director WRCA District Contacts Alderman (Ward 14) M.L.A. MP, Calgary Southeast CPS Community Liaison Distribution Guides Canada Welcome Wagon Newsletter Ad Inquiry/Ad Sales Newsletter Publisher G. Humphreys Roger Crowe Laurel Barney VACANT Laurel Barney Craig Evans 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-277-1237 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 Peter Demong Jonathan Denis Jason Kenney Quentin Blindenbach Carolyn Edwards Tracy Comessotti MAIN NUMBER Laura Dennison Bobbie-Jo Bergner 403-268-2430 403-640-1363 403-225-3480 403-567-6600 403-271-8044 403-203-2414 403-263-0175 403-257-8345 403-203-9152 Hall Rental Inquiries (Francine or Monica) president@willowridge.ca 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 Jason Poole VACANT Greg Humphreys Kari Stutt Sherri Barnes Jay Thompson Freida Halvorsen Wes Bot Kathleen Rothe Kate Brown Kari Strutt Goran Buconjic Jason Poole Jan de Bruyn WRCA Contacts - who do you call... Pg. 4 December 2012 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 kmstrutt@shaw.ca ward14@calgary.ca calgary.egmont@assembly.ab.ca kennej@parl.gc.ca pol4139@calgarypolice.ca newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca info@mindsdesign.ca info@willowridge.ca Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Willow Ridge Community Association Willow Ridge memberships can be completed and either mailed or dropped off to: Willow Ridge Community Association, 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, AB T2J 0C1 Why Join the Community Association? You will help make this a better community in which to live. • Willow Ridge residents receive 20% discount on Trico Centre memberships with payment of the Community Support fee. ( $30.00 per individuals/family membership , $15.00 per senior membership) 100% of the community support fee goes back to the WillowRidge Community Association. You may bring your Trico Centre Community Support fee receipt to Willow Ridge Community Association and receive a community association membership. • The Vice President of the Association can help you adress such concerns as traffic problems. • Willow Ridge publishes your Newsletter to keep you up to date on Community happenings. Your membership helps support this publication. • Memberships help to pay for the upkeep of the Community Centre and its amenities, including tennis & sport courts, hockey & lacrosse rink and soccer fields. • Membership will give you a discount on Hall Rental Fees and Social Functions. • Your children will be able to participate in any community sport. • Membership will give you a say and a vote on community issues. Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. Check out our website: www.willowridge.ca for information, current news, upcoming events... and more! Willow Ridge Community Association Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Contact Number: _________________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Children: _____________________________________________________________ Age/s of Children: ________________________________________________________________ Yes, please contact me about volunteering: ___________________________________________ ________________________________ NAME PHONE Please complete and mail or drop off to the Willow Ridge Community Association. Thank you for supporting your Community Association! Address: 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Closed Pg. 5 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Corner CANWNT Pillowcase Just Launched... Sweet Dreams this Holiday Season from the soccer players of the 2012 Olympic Bronze Medal Team! The NEW "Be the Dream" pillowcase is now available and is the perfect gift for soccer fans! The pillowcase is autographed by the players and is directly supporting the team as they continue to compete for Canada. To Order Call Jane Roos Gallery : 416-966-0888 Purchase Online: http://janeroosgallery.com/promo/Jane_Roos_Gallery/pillowcase.html Each pillowcase is $30 (+HST and Shipping) Team Orders Available! www.JaneRoosGallery.com Give the gift that GIVES TWICE this holiday and thank you for considering to support the players who made us all so proud! Thank You! Willow Ridge Deadline Community Content and Ad... Submission Deadlines Community content is due on the 10th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Congratulations and thanks to all the fantastic volunteers who made the Halloween Dance a success. Decorators, concession staff, Guide gamers, and clean-up crew... It was a HOOT! Pg. 6 December 2012 Do you have anything you would like to submit? Please forward to kmstrutt@shaw.ca Ads are due on the 15th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Please forward inquiry to Laura Dennison at newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Willow Ridge WillowRidge Community Corner WillowRidge Community Profile Community Association (WRCA) Colleen Roy Editorial Policy I’m sure lot of you will recognize this smiling face. Collen Roy’s been delivering mail for Canada post for 31 years - the last 8 right here in Willow Park. She can’t say enough about how much she loves the neighborhood and its people. If you see Colleen making the rounds, stop and say hello. You might consider offering up congratulations as well. Colleen and her husband will both be retiring early next year. With respect to the WRCA Newsletter: • All content appears at the discretion of the Board. • Advertorial must be marked as such. • All editorial may be edited due to space. • Priority of content in Newsletter: • WRCA News. • Community Events. • School Content. • Senior and Youth programs and content. • Political representation (limited to representatives elected by members of this community ie: if their name appeared on a ballot and they were elected). Pg. 7 December 2012 Icemen WANTED! The Willowridge Outdoor rink is run 100% by volunteers. We need volunteers to clean and flood the rink most evenings, otherwise the rink will have to shut down. It is no more than one night per week and usually takes only an hour. If you or your family have ever used the rink, this is your time to give back, and meet some friends at the same time. Please contact Don Boykiw at 403-236-4987 or boykiwd@telus.net, or contact Willowridge Community. The ICEMEN Need You! The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Willow Ridge WillowRidge Community Corner Beautiful Community Pictures from the Maple Ridge Golf Course. Stunning picture...what a great day! Pg. 8 December 2012 Nature’s decoration of snow art! Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Willow Ridge WillowRidge Community Corner WillowRidge Rental Rates WillowRidge Community Hall Monthly Board of Directors Meetings are held the Second Wednesday of the Month (Excluding July & August) and commence at 6:30 pm. For information, please call 403-271-8044 Junior Golfers – 2013 Membership Opportunities WRC Soccer Check Us Out!!! http://beaconnews.ca/calgary/2012/08/ calgary-minorsoccer-olympianerin-mcleod-tooffer-gk-clinics/ http:// beaconnews.ca/ blog/2012/08/ calgary-minor-soccer-players-on-wrcgirls-u18-rams-run-for-the-cure/ Pg. 9 December 2012 Willow Park Golf Club is a private club open to its members. The Club provides an opportunity for a limited number of junior golfers, whose parents do not belong to a golf club, to become members and participate in our very active Junior Program. This opportunity to become a Willow Park Junior Member is designed for juniors who currently are active golfers, have developed their golf skills, have demonstrated leadership, and have a strong passion for the game. These junior golf memberships are very sought after and we endeavor to select deserving junior boys or girls. This program is aimed at aimed at junior golfers who were aged 12 to 15 as of September 2012. Applications for the 2013 golf season are now being considered. Interested individuals should apply today, don’t delay. To request an application or to learn more information, call the Willow Park Golf Office during regular business hours at 403-271-4231. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge PROFESSIONAL APPLICATION TOP OF THE LINE PAINT THOROUGH PREPARATION Harding’s Painting Ask us about our new 403-254-4726 Window Washing & Cleaning Divisions www.hardingspainting.com - Residential & Commercial - Drywall Repairs - Stucco Painting - Stipple Ceiling Paintng & Repairs - Knockdown Texturing - Kitchen Cabinets - Hail Damage Quotes INTERIOR & EXTERIOR FREE ESTIMATES NO UP-FRONT FEES Babysitter’s Registry Would you like to add your name to the Babysitter’s Registry? Are you no longer a Babysitter and would like to be removed from this list? Please let us know. Contact the office at 403-271-8044. NamesAgePhoneAvailability Liora B.18403-271-7736 weeknights/weekends Sarah B.15403-271-0232 weeknights/weekends Anne C.17403-243-3421 weeknights/weekends McKenzie F.15403-225-2908 weeknights/weekends Quinn O.15403-271-8742 weeknights/weekends Jade P.13403-253-2922 weekend Karen M.Adult403-271-7581 weekday Grace S.Adult403-253-5018 weeknights/weekends Alexandra W.17403-592-1367 weeknights/weekends Abby W.13403-592-1367 weekend * last updated Sept. 2012 Babysitters names are listed at the request of the individual providing the services. The WillowRidge Community Association will not accept responsibility. Sitters are not screened. The employer is responsible for negotiating reliability, maturity, safety, rates, etc. with the Sitter. This is strictly a service for the community of WillowRidge and babysitters who have a current community membership. Pg. 10 December 2012 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Willow Ridge WillowRidge Community Corner Blackfoot District Guiding Girl Greatness Starts Here! Ho! Ho! Ho! And mistletoe! It’s that very festive time of year and Girl Guide chocolaty mint cookies are perfect for the season! Look for us at local retail locations. The 96th Sparks have been busy hosting a bring-a-friend meeting, visiting Zoolights and Christmas crafting. The 209th Brownies attended Brownie Science Academy and went on a field trip to the Wild Rose Bakery. In December they will go caroling with the Guides at Willow Park Village. The 127th Guides hosted games and crafts for the Willowridge Halloween Dance, worked on badges, celebrated Remembrance Day and will end the season with a Christmas party. The 24th Pathfinders toured the Calgary Interfaith Food Bank, assembled over 400 Christmas craft kits for local charities and wrapped gifts for the Cerebral Palsy Association’s annual children’s Christmas party. In December they will hold a bottle drive, go glass fusing and sleep-over at the Guide Centre. For registration information please contact Calgary Area Girl Guides at ggcinfo@calgarygirlguides.com or call 403-283-8348. WE WOULD LIKE TO REMIND ALL OUR READERS THAT THE WILLOWRIDGE NEWS IS THE OFFICIAL JOURNAL OF THE WILLOW PARK & MAPLE RIDGE COMMUNITY ASSOCIATION. You may see other publications of similar format from time to time but the WillowRidge News contains all the information about our Community, events, news and reports on meetings that you need to know to keep up to date. Pg. 11 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Schools École St. Cecilia School 610 Agate Crescent SE Tel: 403-500-2040 www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stcecilia/ Along with the snow and the ice, comes the opportunity for Calgarians to get out on their skates and enjoy the winter. This month the children from Kindergarten to Grade 2 at École St. Cecilia will be testing out their skating skills with in-line skating lessons in the school gym. With a week of lessons on rollerblades they’ll be sure to improve their on-ice skills just in time for the Christmas Holidays! École St. Cecilia’s choir is also excitedly preparing for the Christmas season. They will once again be participating in the City of Calgary’s Sing and Skate program at Olympic Plaza in the month of December. After filling the air with festive melodies, they will don their skates and enjoy the ice. The choir will also have their annual Christmas Caroling in the neighbourhood of Acadia the evening of Wednesday, December 13th. From all the student, staff and parents at École St. Cecilia, we wish you a joyful and peaceful Christmas Holiday Season! Maple Ridge Pre-School 600 Acadia Drive SE, 403-278-9594 www.mapleridgepreschool.com During the month of November at Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool the students were immersed in learning about colours, shapes and the exciting world of dinosaurs! The children also received a keepsake t-shirt and their class photos. Everyone at Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool is looking forward to the holiday season and the excitement that this joyful time brings. With careful guidance, our little elves are busy creating wonderful crafts to decorate their homes and thoughtful Christmas gifts for their parents! HO! HO! HO! Before taking some time off with their families, our three and four-year-old classes will each enjoy a Christmas party. This last preschool event of 2012 will be a fun-filled event with crafts, songs, and Christmas cheer. Santa and Mrs. Claus will make a surprise visit to the party with a special gift for each child. Pg. 12 December 2012 Believe in love. Believe in magic. Believe in Santa Claus. Believe in others. Believe in yourself. Believe in your dreams. If you don't, who will? ~ Jon Bon Jovi Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool would like to wish you all a fun, happy and safe holiday season. We look forward to seeing everyone again in the New Year! If you would like some more information about MCP please contact us at 403-278-9594, mapleridgepreschool@hotmail. com, or visit our school website at www.mapleridgepreshool. com. Sam Livingston School 12011 Bonaventure Drive SE, 403-777-6890 schools.cbe.ab.ca/b354/ Bonjour! December is traditionally a time of caring and sharing and here at Sam Livingston School, our Kindergarten classes are working on an empathy inquiry project. As part of the citizenship component of the Kindergarten curriculum, students are learning about empathy by developing relationships with other children in CBE schools. They are connecting with classes in different areas of our city to learn about the needs of other children their age. The Kindergarten classes were also involved in “jacket racket” earlier this year, collecting winter clothing from our community to assist others in our city who are in need. This helped students develop both an understanding of the needs of others who are not as fortunate as them and that empathy leads to action. This ongoing project for Kindergarten will be one to watch over the coming months. It will be intriguing to see the actions they are led to as they evaluate the needs of their peers. In November Madame Mindy (one of our Grade 3 teachers) was able to act as our Artist in Residence and teach the Grade 3 and 4 classes “Zumba”. She has many skills and recently added training in “teaching Zumba to children” to her list of capabilities. Continued on page 14. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Churches CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ASSESSMENT Calgary Free Reformed Church 6167 - 6 Street SE Tel: 403-259-6591 Christ Moravian Church 600 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-271-2700 Lutheran Church of our Savior 8831 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-253-1453 McDougall United Church 8516 Athabasca St SE Tel: 403-252-1620 New Apostolic Church 363 Riverglen Drive SE Tel: 403-831-6744 St. Cecilia’s Church 321 - 90 Avenue SE Tel: 403-252-2790 Jehovah’s Witnesses Windsor Park 9110 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-255-8214 Fairview Baptist Church 230 - 78 Avenue SE Tel: 403-252-1704 The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints 940 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-607-2412 The Refuge (Revolution Church) Cranston Community Hall Gym Tel: 403-400-0763 Trinity Baptist Church 9920 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-271-0346 World Harvest Church 680 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-873-1329 Natasha 403-808-5744 or natasha.gaynor@athletefactory.net Hundreds of testimonials on our website... wwwathletefactory.net - Increase strength, stamina & stability for everyday activities - Improve your game: Golf, Swimming, Tennis, Skiing, etc. - Have more energy - Live pain free - Lose Weight - Build Muscle I can add Value to your Life. Start YOUR transformation. Ages 9-89 welcome! Client is 59 years young gaining strength and stability. Trainer seen in Oxygen Magazine April 2012 Transformation story!!! Sincere Best Wishes for a Happy Holiday Season and a Healthy and Prosperous New Year ~ Dianne, Bob, Molly & Rudy ~ Dianne DeLong Realtor® Ph: 403-225-5000 dianne.delong@shaw.ca www.diannedelong.com Pg. 13 December 2012 Helping you is what we do. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Schools Cont’d from Page 12. Also in November, our School Council hosted a Movie Night in the school gym where families could get together for a fun evening of cinema and concession. The floor was covered with blankets and kids with moms and dads either seated on the floor or on chairs at the rear of the gym. A big thank you to our super troupe of volunteers. Votre groupe est manifique! The last day of classes is December 20th and the first day back will be January 8th. Have a safe and Happy Holliday Season. Joyeuses vacances d’hiver !! St. Bonaventure Junior High School 1710 Acadia Drive SE, 403-500-2062 http://www.cssd.ab.ca/stbonaventure/school-info/ St. Bonaventure is very proud to announce that we have recently been authorized as an “International Spanish Academy” by the government of Spain! In our Spanish Bilingual Program at the Grade 7 level, we currently have a modest enrollment of nine students who receive 35% of their instruction in Spanish. During our Catholic Advent season, masses will be held at the Parish at 9:00am on Dec. 3 and Dec. 21. Parents are welcome to join us. St. Bonaventure hosted a dinner theatre on Nov. 29 entitled “Trouble at the Talent Show”. Our students did a fantastic job and special thanks to Mrs. Devonshire for putting together this production. All of our volleyball teams have now concluded their seasons and our wrestling season is well underway. Our final wrestling meet will take place on Dec. 14 and 15. Merry Christmas and Happy New Year from St. Bonaventure! Pg. 14 December 2012 St. Philip Fine Arts School 13825 Parkside Dr. SE, 403-500-2072 www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stphilip/ Our Earth Art Show took place at the end of November. Students from Kindergarten to Grade 6 created unique art pieces based on our theme this year ‘The Earth’. Pieces were displayed throughout the school and parents and families were able to walk through our school enjoying our students’ fantastic creations. In the fall, students enjoyed a presentation from Canadiana Musical Theatre. Students have also enjoyed the opportunity to join our Art Club and coming up later in the year a Dance Club. In conjunction with St. Bonaventure Parish, students will continue to strengthen their relationship with God through monthly Adorations of the Eucharist. Continued on page 15. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Schools Cont’d from Page 14. At St. Philip we are blessed with wonderfully supportive parents as well as a truly dedicated staff all working together to make the best possible educational experience for our children. For more information on St. Philip Fine Arts School, please visit our website at www.cssd.ab.ca/schools/stphilip/. St. William School 11020 Fairmount Drive SE, 403-500-2055 www.cssd.ca/stwilliam/ The 2012 Provincial Achievement Test results are out. Staff and students of St. William School are very proud of their success! Students scored well above the QR Code provincial average for the “number of students achieving acceptable level” for all six tests. Students scored above the provincial average for the “number of students achieving the standard of excellence” in five out of six tests. High academic standards combined with a family-friendly, community atmosphere and small class sizes, result in academic success. November was a busy month. Several in-school field-trips took place, there were special fun lunches, Progress Reports were distributed, and The Calgary Fiddlers performed (November 30th). December finds us looking forward to celebrating our Advent mass, and our annual Christmas Market. Scan the QR code for more school information. Willow Park Preschool 680 Acadia Drive SE, 403-271-7016 willowparkpreschool.com Happy Holidays from Willow Park Preschool! December is an exciting time of the year for our students. Our four-year-olds will be learning about the world as they explore how different counties, like Mexico, Denmark, Germany, Argentina, Russia, and the Philippines, celebrate the holidays. Our three-year-olds will focus on Canadian celebrations by sharing their families’ holiday traditions. They will also be busy making trees, foot print reindeer and a special gift for mom. Pg. 15 December 2012 Christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful. ~ Norman Vincent Peale We are also looking forward to our annual Christmas parties on December 19th and 20th and are expecting a special visit from you-know-who! The preschool will be closed from December 21st to January 7th and reopen on the 8th. Spaces are available in our afternoon programs as well as in our morning three-year-old class. For more information, please visit our website at willowparkpreschool.com or call us at (403) 271-7016. Community and Surrounding School Listings École St Cecilia French Immersion Elementary School 610 Agate Cres SE Tel: 403-500-2040 École Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix 809, boulevard Willgdon SE, 403-271-5544 École St. Mathew School 416 - 83 Avenue SE, 403-500-2300 Fairview School 7840 Fairmount Drive SE, 403-777-7900 Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool 600 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-278-9594 Maple Ridge School 10203 Maplemont Drive SE, 403-777-6280 R.T. Alderman School 725 Mapleton Drive SE, 403-777-7520 St. Bonaventure Junior High School 1710 Acadia Drive SE, 403-500-2062 St. Philip Fine Arts School 13825 Parkside Dr. SE, 403-500-2072 St. William School 11020 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-500-2055 Willow Park Preschool 680 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-271-7016 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge December 2012 Hey Santa, Your #1 Elf here sending a quick note to update you on that “naughty and nice” list you’ve been asking about. I’m a bit dumbfounded as all of the list is “nice”. And it seems unanimous that they all want to go to the Spa! Not just any Spa, Santa Esthetica Salon and Spa. I have checked it out and now I know why. This Spa has incredible staff (even they were on the “nice list”), free underground parking (sleighs are welcome), fireplaces to keep you cozy, a No Tipping Policy, yummy cappuccino biscotti, and...get this...milk and cookies...ever heard of that? Free Wi-Fi, flowers, candles and more! It’s just the happiest place to be! But, Santa, I digress. Bring Cash, Visa, Mastercard, or Debit to Amanda or Hannah. Buy Manicures ($45) and/or Pedicures ($75) for Samantha, Amber, Sarah-Jean, and Katherine. Get a Massage ($85) for Scott, Jordan, and Jim. They are shy guys but trust me, they’ll love it! Katherine, Shelby and Chelsea will love a Body Wrap ($100). Give cash ($) loaded cards to Alex, Lucy, Courtney, Andy, and Daniel so they can decide what they’d like. A Princess Party Package ($65) for Olivia, Anika, and Cassandra’s wee ones. For the super nice, go for the packages - there are loads, you decide. Bliss ($305), Cloud Mine ($205), Serenity ($450) and more! The couples on your list will love the Fireside Couples’ Massage ($350). Check out some raving reviews: www.estheticasalonandspa.com So, Santa, I’m sure this gift giving will be a hit, not to mention a lighter load on Rudolph and the boys. I can already hear you saying, “Ho, Ho, Ho!” Miracles happen Santa. Hermey the Elf Gift certificates available for Christmas giving. Esthetica Salon & Spa - 611 Acadia Dr SE www.estheticasalonandspa.com Pg. 16 December 2012 403-278-2525 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! winter sPeCiaLs DetaiLing sPeCiaLs STARTING FROM $49.95 deluxe pkg. plus gst Hand wash and dry of vehicle exterior •Interior clean and vacuum • Clean all glass interior/exterior. • Deoderize passenger compartment. Includes all DELUXE items PLUS: Wheel Detail • Wash inside fenders/undercarriage • Trunk vacuum • Shampoo floor mats • Spot shampoo • Exterior polish/sealant • Protect rubber/vynil trim • Lubricate locks and hinges. Includes all PREMIUM items PLUS: Engine/rocker panel shampoo and degreasing. • 3 Step polish/paint restoration/ sealant • Interior shampoo of all fabrics • Application of fabric protectant. great giFt iDeas remote starters Never settle for a chilly reception from your vehicle! Our lineup of remote starters will ensure a warm and cozy seat to drive in no matter what the weather! heateD seats Not only will they keep you warm but the heat can keep your back and legs limber over long drives! We can install them on any front seat, any fabric. Call for details! give your tires the 5-star treatment Free tire storage WHEN YOU BUY 4 WINTER TIRES LET US KEEP YOUR TIRES SAFE AND WARM THIS WINTER. ASK ABOUT TIRE STORAGE AT CANYON CREEK. DID YOU KNOW? Canyon Creek Toyota can fix windshield and paint chips? No big Body Shop costs just quick and easy on-site repair. Ask for details! IL R A BO W CANYON MEADOWS DRIVE M T TRAIL FOOT O TT BO DEER MACLEOD TRAIL ANDERSON ROAD www.CANYONCREEKTOYOTA.com Corner of MacLeod Trail S & Canyon Meadows Dr. SE 403.278.6066 *PLEASE READ: ALL OFFERS EXCLUDE GST. SEASONAL TIRE STORAGE OFFER IS GOOD FOR ONE SEASON. ADDITIONAL SEASONAL TIRE STORAGE SUBJECT TO $100/SEASON. TIRES WILL BE STORED FOR A MAXIMUM OF SIX MONTHS. DETAILING OFFER BASED ON TOYOTA TOUCH DELUXE PACKAGE. ALL OFFERS EXPIRE 12/31/12 UNLESS OTHERWISE STATED. LIMITED TIME OFFERS. SEE DEALER FOR DETAILS. Pg. 17 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge SOM_$50K_MindDesignFPAd_FA.pdf 1 12-10-29 2:25 PM ENTER TO WIN $50,000 + A 2013 FORD ESCAPE Pg. 18 December 2012 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Ph: 403-294-1781 Time Centre Bringing you the best. As a resident of a community that is partnered with Trico Centre, you receive the best fitness/ recreation membership prices in Calgary. Watch for all new fitness equipment in January 2013. Trico Centre for Family Wellness 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE 403-278-7542 For details visit www.tricocentre.ca Pg. 19 December 2012 Christmas Special 30% to 50% off regular price watches & clocks Authorized Dealers in: Bulova, Seiko, Pulsar, Lorus, Citizen, Rotary Watches Watch repairs done on-site! Batteries replaced while you wait! Unit 6B, 675 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 2Y1 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge City of Calgary Animal and Bylaw Services necessary, paper train your puppy inside if he seems to be sensitive to cold weather. Cold weather • Feed your dog additional calories if he spends a lot of time outdoors. It takes more energy in winter to keep his body temperature regulated. • Make sure your cat or dog has a warm place to sleep far away from all drafts and off the floor, such as in a bed or basket with a warm blanket or pillow in it. tips for cats and dogs: • Keep your cat inside. Outdoors, cats can freeze or ingest antifreeze or other harmful chemicals. • Never leave your cat or dog alone in a car during cold weather. If the car engine is left on, the carbon monoxide will endanger his life. If the engine is off, the temperature in the car will get too cold. • Thoroughly wipe off your dog’s legs and stomach when he comes in from outside. Check your dog’s sensitive paw pads, which may bleed from snow or ice encrusted in them. Also, salt, antifreeze or other chemicals could hurt your dog if he ingests them while licking his paws. Clip the fur between the toe pads to reduce the amount of snow that collects. • Groom your dog regularly. A well-groomed coat will keep him properly insulated. For short-haired breeds, dogs sensitive to cold weather (older or sick dogs, puppies, etc.) consider getting a warm coat or sweater and booties. Get a coat or sweater with a high collar or turtleneck that covers your dog from the base of his tail on top to the belly underneath. Remember that dogs lose most of their body heat from the pads of their feet, ears, and respiratory tract. • If your dog is sensitive to the cold due to age, illness or breed type, take him outdoors only long enough to relieve himself. • Puppies do not tolerate the cold as well as adult dogs and may be difficult to house train during the winter. If Pg. 20 December 2012 ANIMAL & BYLAW SERVICES Partnering with Calgarians calgary.ca/animalservices Introducing Tracy Bertsch as the City of Calgary’s new Director of Animal & Bylaw Services I am very excited to join the talented team of Animal & Bylaw Services. No one loved the work of Animal & Bylaw Services more than former Director Bill Bruce who retired in August of this year. It is an honour for me to continue building on the strong foundation laid by Bill and the talented employees in Animal and Bylaw Services. My primary focus in this role is to deliver quality services that citizens value. With six years in operational and senior leadership roles at the City of Calgary and 20 plus years in the private sector, I look forward to working together with you to encourage safe, healthy and vibrant communities for people and their pets. Animal & Bylaw Services provides a vast array of services from educating Calgarians about responsible pet ownership, to ensuring awareness and adherence to the community bylaws. For more information on how Animal & Bylaw Services assists citizens and communities visit calgary.ca. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Attention Calgary property owners On Jan. 3, 2013, The City of Calgary will mail 2013 Property Assessment Notices and update its Assessment Search website with 2013 assessment information. Watch for your Notice – it contains important information, including your Property Roll Number and Access Code to register for Assessment Search Secure Login services. For more information on Assessment Search, including if you are a current Secure Login user or a business owner, visit calgary.ca/assessmentsearch. Assessment Search at calgary.ca/assessmentsearch offers property owners web tools and resources to access and review assessment information. By selecting Secure Login, you can access: ❯ More information about your own property and account management features. ❯ Summary information on other properties to compare your assessment for fairness and equity. ❯ Helpful search and map tools. First-time Secure Login users: To register, you will need a City of Calgary myID account and your Roll Number/Access Code displayed on your 2013 Assessment Notice. ❯ Be ready when you receive your 2013 Notice. Sign up now for a Citizen myID account. Visit calgary.ca/myID and follow the instructions. ❯ When you receive your 2013 Notice in January, link your Roll Number and Access Code to your myID account to begin using Secure Login. 2012-2022 calgary.ca | 403-268-2888 Onward/ By 2036, Calgarians increase their use of communications technology to support sustainability. Pg. 21 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Services Cold weather safety Alberta Health Services EMS responds to many cold weather related emergencies every winter. Simple actions such as dressing appropriately and anticipating sudden weather changes can help keep you both warm and safe this season. Frostnip • • • • Frostnip occurs when skin is extremely cold, but not frozen. It commonly affects the ears, nose, cheeks, fingers and toes. The skin appears red but also turns to white when pressed. It may feel numb to the touch. When treated promptly, frost-nipped skin will heal without complication. Gently re-warming the affected area in a warm environment is advised. Frostbite • • • • Frostbite is when skin becomes so cold, the skin and underlying tissue freeze completely. It may look white and waxy and will feel hard to the touch. Treatment begins with removal from the cold environment and placing the affected area in warm, not hot, water (about 41°C) until re-warmed. Seek further medical attention as required. Hypothermia • • • • • Hypothermia is abnormally low body temperature (less than 34°C as compared to normal body temperature of about 37°C). People suffering hypothermia may act inappropriately with uncharacteristic stumbling, mumbling, and fumbling, as their body temperature continues to lower. Early recognition and prompt medical attention is crucial. Left untreated, hypothermia may progress to coma and death. Call 9-1-1. Don’t forget to protect yourself from the factors that originally lead to the patient’s situation. Gentle re-warming should start as quickly as possible including: removal of wet or constrictive clothing, covering with blankets or sleeping bags, and protecting the patient from further heat loss (wind, moisture and contact with cold surfaces). Pg. 22 December 2012 A Soldier’s Christmas Written by a Peacekeeping Soldier stationed overseas - Submitted by Terri Dionne Twas the night before Christmas, he lived all alone, in a one bedroom house made of plaster and stone. I had come down the chimney with presents to give, and to see just who in this house did live. I looked all about, a strange sight did see, No tinsel, no presents, not even a tree, No stockings by mantle, just boots filled with sand On the wall hung pictures of far distant lands. With medals and badges, awards of all kinds, A sober thought came to mind. For this house was different, it was dark and dreary, I found the home of a soldier, once I could see clearly. The soldier lay sleepy, silent. Alone, Curled up on the floor in his one bedroom home. The face was so gentle, his room in such disorder, Not how I pictured a Canadian Soldier. Was this hero of whom I just read? Curled up on a poncho, the floor for a bed? I realized the families that I saw that night, Owed their lives to soldiers who were willing to fight. Soon round the world the children would play, And grownups would celebrate a bright Christmas day. They all enjoyed freedom each month of the year, Because soldiers like the one laying here. I couldn’t help but wonder how many lay alone, On a cold Christmas Eve in a land far from home. The very thought brought a tear to my eye, I dropped to my knees and started to cry. The soldier awakened and I heard a rough voice, “Santa don’t cry, this life is my choice.” I fight for freedom I don’t ask more, My life is my God, my country, my corps.” The soldier rolled over and drifted to sleep, I couldn’t control it, I continued to weep. I kept watch for hours so silent and still, We both shivered from the cold nights chill. I didn’t want to leave on that cold dark night, The guardian of honour so willing to fight The soldier rolled over, with a voice soft and pure, Whispered “Carry on Santa, its Christmas Day, All is secure.” One look at my watch, and I knew he was right, “Merry Christmas my friend, and to all a good night.” Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Carriage House Inn “We Take Great Care of You” GIFT CARDS & GIFT CERTIFICATES AVAILABLE! See What’s NEW… ♦ ♦ ♦ Great Guestroom Rates & Packages! Outdoor Heated Pool Now Open Year-Round! Brand New Fitness Centre New Exterior Look VISIT us this Holiday Season ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ ♦ Christmas Eve Dinner Christmas Day Dinner Turkey to Go New Year’s Eve Masquerade Ball New Year’s Day Brunch 9030 Macleod Trail South Ask about Our Pet-Luv Inn Program Phone : (403) 253-1101 Website: www.carriagehouse.net greengate.ca Pg. 23 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Protect your holiday cheer! From the brightly lit decorations on our streets to the scent of holiday baking in our homes, Christmas brings both joy and excitement. It can also, however, bring an increased risk of crime. Take a few extra minutes this season to be alert, and help police stop criminals from getting an undeserved Christmas bonus! The Calgary Police Service offers these easy tips to help protect yourself and your property: Dr. Holko Dr.Christine Julie Labbé (service bilingue) S Dr. Christine Holko is now accepting new patients. Willow Park Drive S.E. 109 Avenue S.E. Bonaventure Dr. S.E. Located in Southcenter Tower, situated across the street from the Anderson train station, next to Southcenter mall and Willowpark village. Macleod Trail South H olidays and children Talking with your child about stranger danger is an excellent way to help protect your child if he or she gets lost in a mall while shopping. Teach your children to ask store clerks or mall security for help if they become separated from you, rather than trying to find you or your vehicle. Children should never stay in the car alone. If you want to keep their presents a surprise, it’s best to leave the children at home with proper supervision or arrange a supervised activity for them. Stay alert Always park in well-lit areas. When you return to your vehicle after shopping or parties, have your keys ready. As you approach your car, be aware of your surroundings – look around and into your vehicle before entering it. Lock your doors as soon as you get into your vehicle. P rotecting presents Once you have your gifts back home, protect them by not displaying them to passers-by. Close your curtains at night so that people can’t see inside your home, and take cardboard boxes to recycling drop-off points. Leaving them out for garbage pick-up lets criminals know what’s inside the house. This is also an ideal time to update or create a home inventory. Take photos or make videos of items and list their descriptions and serial numbers. If your home is burglarized, these records will make it easier for the police to identify and return your property to you. Donate wisely 290-11012 MacLeod Trail South, Calgary, AB T2V 6A5 403-271-1517 Email: info@makeyousmile.ca Website: www.makeyousmile.ca Pg. 24 December 2012 afe shopping Be extra careful with purses and wallets. Carry a purse close to your body, not dangling by the straps, and keep wallets in an inside pocket (never in your back pocket). Deter pickpockets and purse snatchers by not overburdening yourself with packages. If you take some parcels out to your vehicle, put them in the trunk or out of sight and then move your vehicle. If you leave it in the same place, criminals watching the parking lot will know that something of value may now be in your car. Criminals may try to take advantage of your generosity during the holidays by going door to door, asking for donations. Always ask for proper identification, find out how the funds will be used and phone the charity to check if they’re canvassing in your area. If you encounter someone suspicious in your neighbourhood, call police at 266-1234 to report them. For more crime prevention tips, visit www.calgarypolice.ca. On behalf of everyone at the Calgary Police Service, have a safe holiday season and a Happy New Year! Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 25 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Resolutions: Twas the month after Christmas, and all through the house nothing would fit me, not even a blouse. The cookies I’d nibbled, the eggnog I’d taste - all the holiday parties had gone to my waist. When I got on the scales, there arose such a number! When I walked to the store (less a walk than a lumber). I’d remember the marvellous meals I’d prepared; the gravies and sauces and beef nicely rared. The wine and the rum balls, the bread and the cheese and the way I’d never said, “No thank you, please.” As I dressed myself in my husband’s old shirt and prepared once again to do battle with dirt – I said to myself as I only can, “You can’t spend a winter disguised as a man!” So away with the last of the sour cream dip, get rid of the fruit cake, every cracker and chip. Every last bit of food that I like must be banished, ‘till all the additional ounces have vanished. I won’t have cookie- not even a lick. I’ll want only to chew on a long celery stick. I won’t have hot biscuits, or corn bread, or pie, I’ll munch on a carrot and quietly cry. I’m hungry, I’m lonesome, and life is a bore – but isn’t that what January is for? Unable to giggle, no longer a riot - Happy New Year to all and to all a good diet! - Michael Clark Pg. 26 December 2012 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Feature Advertiser Pet Talk With Dr. Lori Keeler In this busy holiday season don’t forget about Fido, here is a treat recipe that will be sure to please. Spots Golden Cheese Dreams • 3 cups whole wheat flour • 1 cup shredded cheese • 2 tsp garlic powder • 1 egg, beaten • 1/2 cup vegetable oil • 1 cup milk In a large mixing bowl, combine flour and garlic powder. Make a well in the flour mixture and gradually stir in vegetable oil, cheese, beaten egg and milk until well blended. Knead dough on a floured surface, about 3-4 minutes. With a rolling pin, roll dough to 1/2” thickness. Cut with dog bone shaped cookie cutter and place on lightly greased baking sheet. Bake 25 minutes at 400F (200C) Cool on a rack and store, at room temperature, in a container with loose fitting lid for up to 3 days. Makes about 60 small cookies. Don’t forget the cats in your life. Even though they pretend not to notice, cats won’t be able to resist these tasty nibbles! Pg. 27 December 2012 Kitty Nibbles • 1/4 cup wheat germ • 1/4 cup whole wheat flour • 1/4 cup powdered skin milk • 1/4 cup brewers yeast • 3 1/4 oz can of sardines in spring water (with liquid), mashed • 3 tbsp water Combine first 4 ingredients in medium bowl. Add sardines with liquid and water. Mix well. Divide into 8 equal portions. Roll out each portion into 1/4 inch diameter rope. Cut into 1/4 inch pieces. Arrange evenly spaced apart on greased baking sheet. Flatten each piece slightly. Bake 350F (175C) for 8 minutes until hard and dry. Cool. Store in airtight container for up to 10 weeks. Makes about 3 cups. Recipe courtesy of Company’s Coming Christmas Gifts from the Kitchen, October 2005. We wish you all a Happy Holiday Season! The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Community NEW DANCE CLASSES STARTING JANUARY 2013 Your Official Newsletter NEW Adult Programs... Happy Feet Civic Chat (Ages 3&4 yrs) Give the Gift of DANCE this Holiday Season Hon. Jonathan Denis Q.C. Minister of Justice and Solicitor General - MLA, Calgary-Acadia 403 648 5287 www.ambitionarts.com calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca Big Shoes Little Feet Classes (2yrs Parented) Bsmt #9937 Fairmount Dr SE, Calgary AB Constituency Office: 403-640-1363 Legislature Office: 780-427-3305 Website: jonathandenis.com T he Christmas season is upon us and our schedules are filled with work parties, gift exchanges and community events. Once we have read through our Christmas lists, wrapped presents, organized the dinners and events, I hope that we all take a breath and realize something - this truly is a magical time of year. During this holiday season we are all given an opportunity to count our blessings, and reflect on the passing year. Many of us are also given a chance to spend those precious moments with the ones we love. This Christmas let us celebrate the greatest gift in our life - time with others. Time spent with others is how we leave our mark. Throughout our constituency we have lots to be proud of - we have schools that are making invaluable contributions to our children’s lives. We have volunteers who give their time to so many different causes around the City. We also have many constituents who perform simple acts of kindness that do not go unnoticed. At this time I would like to comment on one great CalgaryAcadia resident, Griffin Lloyd who received the Alberta Order of Excellence. He is a man who saw a need and knew that he could be the agent to be fill that need. His work experience overseas assisted him in recognizing how he could take action. Through his efforts in establishing the partnerShip Society, Mr. Lloyd has helped countless individuals get necessary medical supplies, equipment, and textbooks in places such as SouthEast Asia. In total their group was able to deliver four fully equipped hospitals and seven clinics. All supplies sent went directly to the people in need with no funds going to Administration. I am humbled when I read the efforts of Albertans, such as Griffin Lloyd, striving to make a difference. Let us all recommit ourselves to work a little harder, be a little more compassionate, remember simple kindnesses, and give of our time and energy to others around us. As we do this, I know that our personal lives will be blessed by serving others. Pg. 28 December 2012 Register Online 403 648 5287 www.apakindermusik.com kindermusik@ambitionarts.com Give the Gift of Music this Holiday Season Bsmt #9937 Fairmount Dr SE, Calgary AB Disclaimer The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those of the Community Association and Mind’s Design Studio. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. The Community Association and Mind’s Design Studio do not endorse any person or persons advertising in this newsletter. Publication of these ads should not be considered an endorsement of any goods or services. During this Christmas season, I hope you find the time to count your blessings, and spend time with those who put a smile on your face and warmth in your heart. May you and your family have a Merry Christmas! Please join me December 13th 7-9pm at the Trico Centre (community room) for my Christmas Open House. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community If you live in an apartment or condo, you can take your tree to a seasonal Christmas Tree Recycling drop-off location between December 26 and January 27. Your Official Newsletter Don’t trash your wrapping paper – recycle it Services As long as it doesn’t contain any foil, ribbons, bows or string, almost all wrapping paper can be recycled in your blue cart or community recycling depot. If you’ve got a big pile of wrapping paper on Christmas morning, here are a few reminders: ‘Tis the season to recycle This time of year keeps garbage and recycling collectors hopping as people get rid of extra stuff. You might be wondering what to do with that Christmas tree or if wrapping paper is recyclable. Here are some tips to help you clean up. • • Crumple all of your wrapping paper into balls. Put it loosely into your blue cart or community recycling depot bin, not bundled together inside a bag. Ribbons, bows and string cannot be recycled, but can be reused or put in the garbage. • Recycle your real Christmas tree In with the new, recycle the old! The City will pick up and mulch Christmas trees from households that currently receive City residential garbage collection. It’s easy, convenient and it keeps trees out of the landfill. Be sure to remove the tinsel, decorations, garland, lights, string and tree stands and place it next to your black cart by 7:00 a.m. on January 8. It will be picked up within three weeks. TVs and computers contain chemicals and heavy metals that are potentially harmful to the environment if buried in the ground. Instead of throwing them away, take your end-of-life TVs, computers and accessories to one of nearly 30 electronics recycling drop-off locations throughout the city. For more details on Calgary’s recycling programs visit calgary. ca/recycling or contact 311. A touch of elegance manufacturer’s rebate Min. $200* The Holiday Home Makeover Event Makeover your home this holiday season with Hunter Douglas window fashions. Pirouette® window shadings play with light and give your home that special holiday sparkle. From September 1st to December 19th, 2012, ask us how you can receive a minimum of $200 in Hunter Douglas manufacturer’s rebates. *See Creative Interiors for details Scan with your smartphone. interiors • Drapery • Upholstery • Blinds • Bedding • Custom Furniture • Colour & Design Consulting Visit our “hands on” Gallery to see the latest innovations in window coverings, including affordable motorization. 403-271-0580 630, 12100 Macleod Trail, SE Calgary www.CreativeInteriorsCalgary.com Pg. 29 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge Your t y i u m n Com ADS!!! IFIED S S A L C To place your classified ad, contact Laura at 403-257-8345 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca today! Community Members Can Receive Discounts! ACTIVE LEARNING PROGRAMS LTD. Active Learning Nursery École and Active Learning Child Care are teaming up to offer more services. We are moving to the Lake Bonavista Rec Center for the 2013-14 Semester. Please join us for our Open House Jan 23 6-8 pm, or check our website activelearningprograms.ca, 403-473-0600. IS YOUR COMPUTER CAUSING YOU GRIEF? Feeling frustrated & don’t know where to start? Trusted, reliable technician (+15 yrs exp) offering personal, home based & small business computer services to suit your budget. Call Debra at DDL Computer Solutions: 403-630-2862. JUNK TO THE DUMP Disposal of residential/commercial unwants including hard to handle. Move in/out & reno cleanups. We load. Fast service, competitive $$ & satisfaction guaranteed. Specializing in South Calgary. Call Sanil 403-616-2758. NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Residential and commercial service. Renovations, gas fitting and backflow testing. Fully licensed and insured with competitive rates. Customer satisfaction assured. CALL 403-255-7938, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE. PAINTING All types: Interior, Exterior, drywall repairs, stipple ceiling repairs, stucco coatings. If you are looking for a reliable painter to do quality work at a competitive price give us a call for a free estimate. No upfront fees, BBB, Liability Insurance, WCB. Call Stan at Harding’s Painting © 403- 829-7993 (w) 403-254- 4726. ART CLASSES FOR KIDS 6-12 Jan–Mar 2013 Theme: Winter in Canada in various mediums Register via email only: kidsart@telus.net Info on website: www.originalpaint.ca Lillian Tkach Matisons 403-236-9819. BR plumbing & Renovations LTD. Residential services, plumbing repairs and new installations, hot water tanks, taps/toilets, sumpumps, drain cleaning and home renovations. We are just minutes away! 403-923-2918 (24 hr services). CORPORATE BOOKKEEPING & TAX Learn to enter your own bookkeeping using Quickbooks 2013 or have a professional bookkeeper enter monthly for you. Includes strategic tax planning, monthly reconciliations and statements, GAAP & Tax Accounting compliance training. I Care Accounting, Dominique Dabolczi-Fekete, Email: iCareAccountingInc@hotmail.com or call 403-386-0009. EARN EXTRA $$$ FOR CHRISTMAS!!! We train you to clean nice homes in South Calgary. Work 8:30 - 4:00 Mon thru Fri. No evenings! No weekends! All holidays off. Must have car. Mileage paid. $14.00/hour to start. 403-225-3441 FITNESS KICKBOXING COURSE IN MIDNAPORE 10 wks, all levels, lose lbs & get in shape fast! Guaranteed results. Starts Jan 14th. Early morning & evening sessions avail. Jodi 403-604-4711. Pg. 30 December 2012 Willow Ridge Community Association Employment Opportunity Recording Secretary required to record and distribute minutes of Board and other WRCA meetings several times each month. Must be available evenings, 2nd Wednesday of each month. Previous experience preferred; hourly rate, contract position. Send resume to Craig Evans, Treasurer, WRCA at: evanscm1@gmail.com Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community information that useful to you. You will be able to send me emails through www.calgary.ca/ward14, and, as always, you can contact me at (403) 268-1653 or by email at eaward14@ calgary.ca if there is something that you would like to talk about. Your Official Newsletter Civic Chat Ward 14 Alderman Peter Demong Phone: 403-268-1653 Email: eaward14@calgary.ca S now, shopping malls, toques, and toboggans are some of things that December brings. It’s a happy time of year. It can be a very busy time of year, unless maybe you’ve been smart enough to get your shopping done early. For me, December brings the tail end of a busy time of City Business Plans, Budget Debates, Public Hearings, and Committee Meetings. By December, City Council’s upcoming year is set-out. For 2013, I will be sitting on the Special Committees on Gas, Power, & Telecommunications and Intergovernmental Affairs as well as the Foothills Inter-Municipal Committee, not to mention chairing the final phase of the Cut Red Tape Committee. I will continue to sit on the Standing Policy Committees on Community & Protective Services and on Utilities & Corporate Services (of which I have been voted Vice-Chair). Undoubtedly, December will bring snow - as it did in November and October. With their 2012 Snow and Ice Control Program, The City of Calgary’s Road Maintenance Department has made a commitment to minimizing the impact that snow has on Calgarians during their day-to-day routines. To do so we need to occasionally share the streets with their ploughs and sanders. Whenever there is 5cm of snow or more the City restricts parking on busier streets to do a better and quicker job of removing it. There are a number of these streets in Ward 14. Since the absence of cars on these streets really improves the process of snow-removal, and the Calgary Parking Authority enforces these parking bans, it’s a really good idea to be aware of whether or not you park on one of these streets. You can find a ton of information on the subject at www.calgary. ca/snow as well as an interactive map showing where the snow routes are. In addition, you can sign up to be alerted of parking bans via email, and there are even Iphone, Blackberry, and Android apps that will notify you of when snow route parking bans have been declared. As you read this it has been about 26 months – over two years – since I became Alderman of Ward 14. I’ve been to more Board, Committee and Council meetings than I can count. I can’t call it a Christmas gift, because it came a little too early. Maybe it was more like a late thanksgiving gift. The point is that I consider that responsibility a gift. About 26 months ago you gave me the incredible and humbling opportunity to serve as Alderman of Ward 14. It has been, and continues to be an honour and a pleasure. Thank you! I wish you all a Happy Holiday, and a prosperous New Year! ~ Alderman Peter Demong COOKIE WALK SALE St. Cecilia’s Church 321 - 90th Ave. SE. Saturday, Dec. 8th 1:00 pm - 3:30 pm Ease your baking burden. Drop by the “COOKIE WALK” and stock up on holiday cookies. Dozens of varieties of homemade cookies sold by the pound. COME EARLY and BRING A FRIEND!!! I also have a website (www.calgary.ca/ward14) that was recently upgraded. My hope is that it will contain some Pg. 31 December 2012 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park and Maple Ridge *If you bring in your old Several shovel we will different models give you $30.00 available trade in. FIND US Save your back and sleep secure this winter with the best built Snow Blowers and Generators on the market! WAS $899.00 HS520C2 Snow Blower NOW! $729.00 - 5HP with 20" Clearing path - Throws Snow up to 26 feet!! - Rubber tipped auger that gets all the snow!! - Easy swivel chute allows you to pile snow where you want it. - Available with electric start. WAS HS621K2C Snow Blower $1,374.00 NOW! $1,179.00 - 6HP Honda Commercial engine - Rubber Tipped Auger - Throws snow up to 33 feet!! - Easy swivel chute allows you to pile snow where you want it - Available with electric start WAS HS724TCD Snow Blower $3,699.00 NOW! $3,499.00 Keep your home warm, even in a power outage with a Honda back-up generator. From 1000 watts to 10,000 watts, we can keep your lights on and your home warm, in case of an emergency situation. - Features: Self propelled twin track Hydrostatic Transmission with forward and reverse Honda has the only Snow Blowers on the market with variable transmission and snow-auger which speeds are independent from each other. This means you don't have to go back and forth like other makes. - Easy simple operation - Throws snow up to 46 feet!!! - Easy swivel chute allows you to pile snow where you want it. - Tilt the auger housing without stopping!! - Serrated edge on the auger will chew through hard packed snow and ice. - Powerful Honda GX200 overhead valve engine!! Rocky Mountain Honda Powerhouse 15220 Shaw Rd. S.E. Calgary, Alberta (just off of Macleod Trail and Midlake Blvd) Limited time offer Expires Dec 31, 2012 . Offer valid only while supply lasts. Other models and sizes also available. Assembly and freight extra $50.00 to $80.00 depending on model. *One shovel per unit purchased. Shovels have no cash redeemable value. Shovel must be in working order c/w operating instructions (Just kidding, we wanted to see if you were reading the disclaimer! We will take a broken shovel and you can demonstrate how it works). www.rockyhonda.com 403-230-7777
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