WRCA_MAY16 - Willow Ridge
WRCA_MAY16 - Willow Ridge
P U B L I S H E D B Y M I N D ’ S D E S I G N S T U D I O S I N C E 2 0 11 News CALL 403-203-9152 FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES THE WILLOW RIDGE MAY | 2016 W W W. M I N D S D E S I G N . C A Join Us! YOUR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER F O R W I L L O W PA R K AND MAPLE RIDGE CIR C U LATI ON | 4 1 0 0 H OM E S A N D B U S I N E S S E S Saturday, May 7, 2016 See Page 9 for details. thanks to kari strutt for our cover picture. Mind’s Design NEWSLETTER APP Download from the app store or google play. Willow Ridge Community Association 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 Visit us at: www.WILLOWRIDGE.CA HI G HLI G HTS I N T H I S I S S U E : WHAT’S HAPPENING P5 SENIOR’S LUNCH... P25 Shirley Mikolajow Your WillowRidge Specialist Service with integrity, always! Proven Top Sales Knowledge/Top Marketing and Negotiating. Living in WillowRidge and supporting the beauty of our neighbourhood. LD SO SO SO LD LD CALL SHIRLEY MIKOLAJOW TODAY TO BUY OR SELL. 732 Willacy Drive SE ACTIVE 668 Acadia Drive SE ACTIVE 10724 Willowfern Drive SE 708 Willamette Drive SE 83 Mapleburn Drive SE ACTIVE 124 Mapleburn Drive SE Shirley Mikolajow’s Homeselling System When you list with Shirley you receive: . Your home advertised 24 hours a day until it is sold . Your home advertised worldwide on www.mikolajow.com . Your home advertised to millions on multiple websites Call Shirley Mikolajow Now for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME (403) 804-3990 Shirley Mikolajow RE/MAX First Pg. 2 May 2016 shirley@mikolajow.com www.mikolajow.com 403-804-3990 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! wrca editor’s message As a parent, one of my worst nightmares would be my child being hit by a car. Near my optometry clinic in the southeast community of Cranston, a parent’s nightmare came true on March 17. An eight-year-old boy was walking home with his sister from his piano lesson when he was hit by a truck while crossing the street. The boy was critically injured and was lifted by Stars Air Ambulance to Alberta Children’s Hospital where he faces many health challenges. To follow his recovery, see www.facebook.com/ EthanNielsonsRecovery (shared with parental permission). Another nightmare would be driving the car that hit a child. In reports of this particular case, the woman was driving sensibly, saw the boy at the last second as he walked out in front of a truck, tried to brake and remained in shock at the scene of the horrible accident. Like the injured boy’s family, the driver’s life has also been forever changed. Unfortunately, this accident could have happened to any driver. In Willowridge, as summer approaches we will see more walkers, runners, cyclists, scooters and rollerbladers on our streets and sidewalks. Both drivers and “pedestrians” need to take responsibility for safety to avoid tragic accidents like the above story. As drivers, we need to slow down (especially in playground zones), pay attention (put your phone out of reach), and avoid doing something stupid (like driving impaired). Don’t take a chance on fines, demerit points or accidents. It’s just not worth the risk! As pedestrians and parents teaching our children, we need to cross at marked crosswalks (or a corner well away from parked cars), to make eye contact with stopped drivers before stepping onto the street, and to take a look up from our devices and take our headphones out (especially teenagers). Let’s enjoy our Willowridge streets safely this summer! Colleen Gnyp, Director of Communications, WRCA Please contact me at comm@willowridge.ca To Stay Updated on what’s happening in our Willow Ridge Community: facebook.com/willowridgecommunity TABL E O F CO NT E NT S Community Association • Message from the Editor: P3 • Board of Directors: P4 • What’s Happening: P5 twitter.com/WillowRidgeYYC • Brushstrokes Pictures: P 7 • Neighbour Day: P8 willowridge.ca • Spring Fling: P9 • Outdoor Facility Improvements: P10 info@willowridge.ca • Volunteer Opportunities: P11 403-271-8044 • Community Pictures: P15 • Membership Form: P20 Now in your email inbox – an e-newsletter with timely community information! WRCA is modernizing and will be sending out occasional e-newsletters to those community members who provided us with their email addresses. We think you’ll find the information valuable, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Pg. 3 May 2016 l • MLA Brandy Payne: P27 • Councillor Peter Demong: P28 Classifed Ads: Page 24 ...and much more! The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Please direct any community related questions to : Phone: 403-271-8044 E-mail: info@willowridge.ca www.willowridge.ca Address: 680 Acadia Drive SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm Saturdays / Sundays / Holidays: Closed Executive President Vice President Treasurer Secretary Roger Crowe Christine Schreuder Martyn Bentley Libby Britton Directors Facilities Director Sports Director Social Director Civic Affairs Director Trico Centre Director Funding Director Casino Director Communications Director Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Director at Large Volunteer Needed Please! Danny DaCosta 403-271-8044 Christa Sterkenburg 403-271-8044 Greg Humphreys 403-271-8044 Don Boykiw 403-271-8044 Carly Silver 403-271-8044 Peter Gibson 403-271-8044 Colleen Gnyp 403-271-8044 Jan de Bruyn 403-271-8044 Gordon Paynter 403-271-8044 Roger Lohrey 403-271-8044 Sylvia Layton 403-271-8044 David Bertram 403-271-8044 Martyn Bentley 403-271-8044 Ben Waddington 403-271-8044 Facility Expansion Committee Directors Bruce Brunette Don Boykiw 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 willowridge.president@gmail.com comm@willowridge.ca 403-271-8044 403-271-8044 Other Garden Liaison Casino Administrator Casino Volun. Coordinator Roving Reporter Rob Kettle and Leslie Smith403-271-8044 Karon Eckel 403-271-8044 Al Brissette 403-271-8044 Kari Strutt 403-271-8044 WRCA District Contacts Councillor (Ward 14) M.L.A. MP, Calgary Southeast CPS Community Liaison Girl Guides of Canada Scouts Canada Welcome Wagon Peter Demong Brandy Payne Jason Kenney Josh Young Calgary Area Robert Chaskavich Head Office wrveggiesandherbs@gmail.com 403-268-1653 ward14@calgary.ca 403-640-1363 calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca 403-225-3480 kennej@parl.gc.ca 403-567-6600 pol4219@calgarypolice.ca 403-283-8348 ggcinfo@calgarygirlguides.com 403-827-5653 253rdsouthheritagegroup@gmail.com 1 844 299-2466 Hall Rental Inquiries Willow Ridge Community Hall DISCOUNT for Community Members For information, please call 403-271-8044 and/or info@willowridge.ca Pg. 4 May 2016 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! What’s Happening in Willow Ridge? May 13/14 ‘Memorable Moments’ Art Show/Sale Friday 5:00 pm – 9:00 pm Saturday 10:00 am – 4:00 pm May 26 Senior Lunch and Fair (see page 25 for details) May 28 Calgary Weekend Market May 28 Pathfinders Bottle Drive June 4 From the Easel Art Show/Sale June 18 Neighbour Day (see page 8 for details) July 9 Brandy Payne MLA Stampede Breakfast (9-11 am) July/August Calgary Homeowenrs May 7 WRCA Spring Fling – see page 9 for details Are you a new homeowner? When your home is built, City of Calgary inspectors ensure it is safe and meets Alberta's safety codes but a technically-sound building depends on many factors beyond following building regulations. As a homeowner, you should ask many questions about the quality, safety and bylaw rules about your home before you move in. The City’s new web guide for Calgarians offers tips and important information about home maintenance, renovations, inspections, development rules and more. Visit calgary.ca/myhome. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR 10 % BASEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORWAYS OFF ToppKids summer camps@ WRCA. More info at www.toppkids.com September 10-22 Community Mobile Skate Park Cut, Supplied & Installed Mention this ad at the time of your booking & receive 10% off. Some conditions may apply. September 10 403-570-0555 Family Movie Night or text 403-680-0611 info@asapconcretecutting.com September 24 Pg. 5 May 2016 ASAP CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING Community Clean-up l Need a bigger window? The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge SPRING HAS ARRIVED AND IT’S A GREAT TIME TO MAKE A CHANGE! If you are considering making a move, now is a good time to have a free home evaluation to give you the facts on whether it’s the right time to sell! With my 22 years experience and Royal Lepage Solutions, we can make your selling/buying experience an easy one! Let’s have a coffee and talk about the current market, what’s happening in your area, and to discuss my marketing action plan! Dianne DeLong Realtor® After all, I don’t just work in your area, I live here too! Ph: 403-630-4991 dianne.delong@shaw.ca www.diannedelong.com Pg. 6 May 2016 SOLUTIONS Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! brushstrokes The artists in the pictures are: Yoko Strobl, Annetta Starratt, Krista Gowland, Mike Lanuke and Rod Helm. Thank you to all the artists for allowing us to enjoy your amazing work! Pg. 7 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge neighbour day - june 18 In the afternoon of Saturday, June 18 – watch newsletter and website details! Volunteers Welcome! (see page 11) “Get it Done with Dan!” RE/MAX First Dan Geneau 403-606-4019 Pg. 8 May 2016 D isclaimer The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those for the Community Association or the publisher of this newsletter. The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. Thank you. Mother’s love is peace. It need not be acquired, it need not be deserved. ~Erich Fromm Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! WRCA Saturday May 7, 2016 6:00-9:00pm All ages Dance with DJ Games inside and outside - weather permitting Free Admission Cash Concession Volunteers Welcome! (see page 11) 680 Acadia Drive SE Pg. 9 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge join us!! tennis/pickleball 2016 WRCA Tennis/Pickleball Season – NOW RUNNING Community Membership is required. Tennis/Pickleball membership can be purchased at the office for $40+GST for 2016. Outdoor Facility Improvements Rink Resurfacing and Pickleball Lines In 2015, our community was the successful recipient of two grants that will be used to improve our outdoor facilities: • • $30,791 awarded in June 2015 from the City of Calgary Capital Conservation Grant and $16,469 in Fall 2015 from the Canada 150 Community Infrastructure Program (federal program). These grants will allow us to enhance the existing recreational opportunities in our community by resurfacing our outdoor rink and also allow us to introduce a new recreational opportunity to the community, pickleball. The outdoor rink will be repaired by resurfacing the asphalt playing surface to improve the usability of the rink. The rink surface has become cracked, broken and Pg. 10 May 2016 uneven after enduring years of all-season use and Calgary weather. Resurfacing the rink will allow us to vastly improve this amenity and allow the community to continue using the rink for skating, hockey, lacrosse, basketball, street hockey, skateboarding, etc. for many years to come. As part of our mandate to provide a complete community for our residents, the Willow Ridge Community Association has been exploring the idea of adding pickelball lines to our existing outdoor tennis courts. Pickleball is a fast growing racquet sport in North America enjoyed by a wide variety of players from children to seniors. Pickleball is typically played on a tennis court painted with additional lines. A portable net is used to divide the playing surface. Pickleball players use large paddles to hit a wiffle ball back and forth across the net, similar to tennis. The smaller playing surface, solid paddles and lighter ball, make pickleball a fantastic game for a large range of skill levels and abilities. Residents of Willow Ridge approached the board of directors requesting the addition of pickleball lines to the existing tennis courts. The incredibly successful clinics held in 2015 in conjunction with the Calgary Pickleball Club further demonstrated that pickleball would be a great addition to the activities available in Willow Ridge. We hope the addition of the pickleball-specific lines will encourage more people in our community to get out and play. The rink resurfacing and pickleball line additions are scheduled to be completed in spring 2016. ~ Carly Silver, Funding Director Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! --- Volunteer Opportunities in WillowRidge --Opportunity Skills/Experience Commitment Information/Contact Board Members Enthusiasm to make our community great is the only requirement! Other assets are interest and/or experience on boards, in finance, non-profits organizations, civic affairs , business, communications, grant writing, fund-raising 2-5 hours/month Roger Crowe via willowridge.president@ gmail.com or 403-271-8044 Community Centre Building Planning Development and/or construction of offices, commercial facilities or recreational facilities 4-5 hours per month OR as an “expert” consultant on specific questions Don Boykiw via boykiwd@telus.net or 403-271-8044 Journalist / Media Designer for Community Association Taking pictures, interviewing people, reporting, writing articles, graphics, website and social media updates. Students welcome! As much or as little as you would like to contribute Colleen Gnyp via comm@willowridge.ca Special Event Volunteer Do you love to: Plan parties? Decorate a venue? Have fun with kids? Flip pancakes and burgers? Be a great host? We’d love your help with special events throughout the year such as Spring Fling, Neighbour Day & Stampede Breakfast. Teens welcome! Volunteer Gardener / Yard Care for Elderly/Disabled Homeowners The time and energy to tend plants, flowers, vegetables and/ or lawns and the desire to bring beauty into a neighbour’s yard. If you have limited experience, but would like to learn, we can provide you with mentors. 2-6 hours around or during community events 1-4 hours per week Christa Sterkenburg via christasterk@gmail.com or 403-271-8044 Colleen via wrveggiesandherbs@gmail. com Colleen via comm@willowridge.ca Add your Opportunity here! Volunteer Recognition: A Big Thanks to Kari Strutt for her years as Editor of the WRCA Newsletter and her continuing contribution as our Roving Reporter! Thank You! Pg. 11 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge yard care & Babysitter Services Your Community Call List ROOFTOP Yard Care: Licensed and Insured 403.835.3746 DO YOU NEED A NEW ROOF INSTALLED? Our crews have the experience and training you need to achieve great results every time. From start to completion, you’ll be impressed. We are proud to service your community. CALL US TODAY FOR YOUR FREE ESTIMATE AT 403.835.3746 BOOKING NOW FOR LATE SPRING EARLY SUMMER! CORNERSTONE LAW GROUP LLP ® Real Estate Law Will and Estates TOM HARRISON JORDAN POTIUK Quality legal services at affordable prices. 225, 10655 Southport Road S.W. Calgary, Alberta T2W 4Y1 Tel: 403.296.1700 Fax: 403.258.0020 www.cornerstonelaw.ca Pg. 12 May 2016 Name Age Phone# Mitchell 14 403-861-2185 Mason 13 587-578-5544 Babysitters: Name Age Phone# Sitting Course First Aid Bailey 12 403-230-7246 Yes Yes Ivy 12 403-612-8114 Yes Yes Kyle 12 403-837-6435 Yes Alissa 15 587-439-7592 Yes Mackenzie 14 403-452-6992 Yes Yes Aidan 13 403-452-6992 Yes Yes Kaley 15 403-640-3521 Yes Yes Mitchell 14 403-861-2185 Yes No Mason 13 587-578-5544 Yes Yes Alysha 12 403-254-8539 Yes Yes Keeley 17 403-922-5890 Yes Yes ARE YOU 12 OR OLDER and would like to put your name on our list to be called for babysitting jobs or to help with yard care in the community? Email info@mindsdesign.ca today. WRCA accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body, nor does the Association endorse or screen any of those listed or who use the service. Please email info@mindsdesign.ca if you wish to have your name added to the list. Please note: Babysitters under the age of 18 years must have parental consent before they can be placed on the list. Dayhomes/cares are not accepted. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! C reative Interiors was launched in 1984 as a result of the vision and entrepreneurial spirit of the Cook family. The first location was on the second floor of the Lewis Stationary building on 11th Ave SW. Creative Interiors has evolved beyond their expectations into what it is today, 3 generations working together. Their dream has been far surpassed now with the 4th generation coming by the shop for a visit or to make a few dollars dusting the showroom. The Cook’s passion for their business shines through with the exceptional customer service and personal attention one receives. You can’t leave without feeling that you are a part of the family. Creative Interiors has always taken great pride in their quality workmanship and excellent customer service. “It’s why we are still around.” Roy says, “It’s what keeps our customers coming back and why they want to tell their friends about us – word of mouth Pg. 13 May 2016 is our greatest advertising, and we are proud of that.” Roy and Shirley have passed on that attention to detail to their daughters, Janet and Tammy, as well as their Granddaughter, Sara. Clients happily refer their friends. Creative Interiors provides a worry free, pleasant shopping experience. Creative Interiors showroom is located on Macleod Trail, just south of Anderson Road in Avenida Place. The showroom is home to an extensive fabric library including samples for drapery, bedding and upholstery. Creative Interiors is proud to be a Hunter Douglas Gallery. The hands on displays found in the showroom highlight each product as if it were on a real window. This allows you to imagine how the product will change the way the light comes through your window and transform your home. Creative Interiors offers a free in-home design consultation to discuss your design needs and seek to find the best l solution for your specific space. The staff is committed to keeping up on the most current trends. “My goal when working with clients is to bring out their individual style but at the same time bring them up to date on current trends,” says Tammy. “I want them to love their home and be excited to show their friends!” With their years of experience in the industry, Creative Interiors has been able to build solid relationships with the fabric suppliers, and the workrooms that make the draperies, to give their clients a superior product. Their understanding of upholstery and furniture can transform that family heirloom into a piece that fits with your current style. Working with their clients from the start of the process…right through to the finish, Creative Interiors will help you create an affordable, comfortable and stylish home that is distinctly your own. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge With Dr. Lori Keeler Announcements Spring is here and ticks, fleas and other creatures are upon us again!! Ticks are becoming more of a threat than ever before so talk to your veterinary team about how to best protect your pet. If your pet is going into wooded areas or tall grass they can be exposed to ticks. Prevention is important for the well being of your pets and family because these parasites carry diseases that affect us. Your pets count on you for protection so talk to us about control measures today. For more information on parasites, go to our website at wpac.ca We are also on Facebook and instagram. facebook: willow park animal clinic Instagram: willowparkvets 9945 Fairmount Dr. SE Pg. 14 May 2016 www.wpac.ca 403-278-9311 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! community pictures Having some FUN!!!! in our beautiful community of Willow Ridge! Pg. 15 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge 403.301.3300 WWW.ASSINIBOINE.COM CALL NOW - BBB - WCB - Licensed - Insured - Bonded LANDSCAPE CONSTRUCTION - LANDSCAPE DESIGN - STONE PATIOS - RETAINING WALLS - SOD - GRADING - TREES - FLOWER BEDS - FENCES - DECKS AND MUCH MORE SPRING CLEAN UPS & WEEKLY LAWN CARE - AERATE - POWERRAKE - LEAF CLEAN - FERTILZE - PRUNING - MOWING - BEDS - VACATION CUTS FREE ESTIMATES! CALL NOW! CUT ENERGY COSTS NOW High Efficiency Windows & Doors Up To 40% OFF SPRING SALE! DISCOUNT CODE 7101. • • • • • • High Efficiency Thermal Windows Tilt Action Sliders No extra charge for Double Low-E (LOE-272) Triple Pane Glass Professional In-house Installer Life Time Transferable Warranty for Installation and Product • References Available CALL TODAY FOR YOUR FREE IN-HOME CONSULTATION 403-608-1711 tdmreno@icloud.com www.kvcustomwd.com Pg. 16 May 2016 FAMILY OWNED (LOCAL BUSINESS) SINCE 2001. *Get any entrance door installed in 7 business days or money back guarantee. ENTRY DOORS Steel Insulated (Maintenance Free) FIBERGLASS DOORS FRENCH/GARDEN DOORS with miniblinds (TRUVIEW) Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! VALUE: FOR YOUR WALLET, FOR YOUR HOME Heating • air Conditioning • Plumbing Family owned and operated since 1963 FinanCe For aS low as $36/month High efficient Furnace or air Conditioner Heating, Air-Conditioning & Plumbing duCt Cleaning Starting at 249! includes all Vents *Free disposable air-Filter Free exterior Water tank Cleaning $300 OFF boiler inStall High Efficiency touch Screen boiler Control remote monitoring & diagnostics use promo code: print0416 24 Hour Emergency Service Price match Guarantee! *some restrictions apply www.arpis.com | caLL ToDaY! 403.236.2444 How Your HVAC Components Work Together In most North American homes, the heating and cooling (HVAC) components are interconnected into one system. Some parts of that system are at work year round to provide comfortable and efficient heating and cooling. Heating Most homes are heated (and cooled) with a forced-air system, usually with a combustion furnace. A powerful fan Pg. 17 May 2016 draws air into the furnace where burner flames heat the air before the fan blows the warm air into ducts that circulate it throughout the house. The warm air emerges from heating registers in rooms. At the same time, air is drawn into return registers placed strategically throughout the house, and funneled through ductwork back to the furnace where it’s reheated. the furnace blower should be kept in good working condition with regular maintenance. Whether you’re using a furnace or A/C, the air filter needs to be inspected regularly and replaced when it gets clogged with dust. Ductwork usually works year round, carrying either cool or warm air. As a result, proper duct maintenance and sealing is essential for both heating and cooling. Cooling Our goal is to help educate In homes with furnace systems, the our customers in Calgary, A/C’s inside unit, the evaporator, is Alberta about energy and typically connected to the furnace home comfort issues near the duct connection. In the (specific to HVAC systems). summer, refrigerant in the evaporator coil absorbs heat from the inside air, a heat-exchange process that creates cool, conditioned air. As with the warmed air For more help understanding how in the winter, a fan circulates the cooled HVAC system components work together to make your Calgary area air through ducts and registers. home comfortable year-round, Working Together contact us at Arpi’s Industries at 403-236-2444 or www.arpis.com For both effective heating and cooling, l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Mind’s Design Mind’s Design Display Cubes contact us at 403-203-9152 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca AS Your Complete Landscaping Specialists F WATER FEATURES . FENCES PAVING STONES . DECKS RETAINING WALLS . SOD CONTRACTING . COMMERCIAL RESIDENTIAL Specialists in concrete too! CALL NOW FOR A FREE IN HOME ESTIMATE 403-651-0424 www.asfcontracting.com “LEAD TEAM” OTHER AREAS Lori, Ezra And Dan We are a Full Service Veterinary Hospital A SHORT DRIVE TO MCKENZIE LAKE COMMUNITY ARE YOU TRAVELLING WITH YOUR PETS THIS SUMMER? RE/MAX First Dan Geneau 403-606-4019 “Hoops” CALL US TO ENSURE YOUR PET IS PROTECTED FROM PARASITES. Dr. Andrew Costa, Dr. Marwa Mady, Dr. Christina Youé & Dr. Dean Brown 403-257-8899 Hours: Mon /Tues/Thurs/Fri: 8am to 8pm Wed: 8am - 6pm Sat: 8:30am - 4:30pm Sun: Closed 16626 McKenzie Lake Blvd. S.E. Calgary, AB T2Z 1N4 www.duesouthah.com Pg. 18 May 2016 Kids Basketball Camp July 25 to 28 From 9 am to Noon Age 5-12 At Mapleridge Community Centre Cost: $60/child or $100 for a family (2 or more kids) Hosted by Trinity Baptist Church More information at www.trinitybaptist.ca MKCA 403-257-8899 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! 16626 McKenzie Lake Blvd. S.E. Calgary, AB T2Z 1N4 www.duesouthah.com Help thrive Every planting season, gardeners across Canada head outdoors with a selection of flowers that will bring life to their yards. These flowers aren't just a beautiful statement that bring a touch of colour, they can also provide local honey bees with the food they need to support their hive of almost 60,000 with nectar and pollen. We can help feed honey bees and other pollinators with the gardens we plant every year. Whether this is on your balcony, a rooftop or in your backyard, even a small patch of flowers can help local hives. It can be as simple as: • Mixing up the flowers you grow with varieties that are attractive to honey bees; and • Planting a mix of seeds that will bloom throughout the season to help ensure a plentiful nutritious food source for honey bees. When we see honey bees travelling from flower-toflower, we're actually watching a gatherer find and collect nutritious food. Instead of eating it, they bring much of it back to their hives. As a result, pollen gets transported between different plants, and for many of those plants this process is necessary for reproduction. All of this activity is part of an important relationship between humans, honey bees and flowers. Without honey bees, many of our plants won't be able to reproduce, including some of the fruits and vegetables we eat. In order to keep honey bees healthy, we need to plant flowers that have nutritious nectar and pollen. In a way, that means we provide each other with food, and it's a trade we should be happy to make! There are hundreds of choices for pollinator-friendly flowers to choose from, which might seem daunting. Programs like Buzzing Gardens can help by providing free seeds in a mixture specifically geared towards honey bees. You can get your own packet to grow a Buzzing Garden at www.beesmatter.ca. ~ www.newscanada.com Pg. 19 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Willow Ridge memberships can be completed and either mailed or dropped off to: Willow Ridge Community Association, 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, AB T2J 0C1 Why Join the Community Association? You will help make this a better community in which to live. • Willow Ridge residents receive 20% discount on Trico Centre memberships with payment of the Community Support fee. ( $30.00 per individuals/family membership , $15.00 per senior membership) 100% of the community support fee goes back to the WillowRidge Community Association. You may bring your Trico Centre Community Support fee receipt to Willow Ridge Community Association and receive a community association membership. • The Vice President of the Association can help you adress such concerns as traffic problems. • Willow Ridge publishes your Newsletter to keep you up to date on Community happenings. Your membership helps support this publication. • Memberships help to pay for the upkeep of the Community Centre and its amenities, including tennis & sport courts, hockey & lacrosse rink and soccer fields. • Membership will give you a discount on Hall Rental/Rink Fees and Social Functions. • Your children will be able to participate in any community sport. • Membership will give you a say and a vote on community issues. Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. WRCA Community Office NOW accepts MasterCard/VISA & Debit Check out our website: www.willowridge.ca for information, current news, upcoming events... and more! Don’t wait! Buy your Annual Membership Today! Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Contact Number: _______________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Children: _____________________________________________________________ Age/s of Children: ________________________________________________________________ Yes, please contact me about volunteering: ___________________________________________ ________________________________ NAME PHONE Please complete and mail or drop off to the Willow Ridge Community Association. Thank you for supporting your Community Association! Address: 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Closed Pg. 20 May 2016 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! PAID ADVERTISER Pg. 21 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge May at Trico Centre Trico Centre for Family Wellness is a non-profit, communityowned and operated recreation facility. Our memberships are affordable and our programs are family-friendly. With a membership, you can work out in the fitness centre, take more than 70-drop-in fitness classes a week, use the gymnasium, skate, or play shinny, plus with a membership you get 20% off our fun, active registered programs. Residents of communities partnered with Trico Centre (yours!) pay 20% less for a Trico Centre membership with presentation of a community association membership or payment of the Community Support Fee (which is sent to your community association.) Pool Refurbishment After 33 years in operation, Trico Centre’s Aquatics Centre is undergoing a major refurbishment. This project will address lifecycle issues, improve health and safety components. The target reopen date is August 15, 2016. Check our Spring Summer Program Guide for membership specials and what to do at Trico while the pool is closed. We will be hosting a pool grand opening, so watch for details. Registered Program for All Ages this Summer! • It might seem a bit early to think about summer, but we want you to know that we have more registered summer programs than we have ever had before. Adult fitness, adult small group training, older adult programs, parent & tot, preschool, children and youth. Register now for these new-to-summer programs plus check out summer day camps, 3-14 yrs, weekly or daily, full day, half, day, pre and post care. Spring Programs for Adults • May start adult fitness: Fit 101 and Strong is the New Skinny: Part 2 • More than 70 drop-in fitness classes every week. Free for members, drop-in fee for non-members. Many new land-based classes added during pool closure. See the Drop-In Fitness schedule at www.tricocentre.ca under the Schedules tab or pick up a copy at Guest Services. • Adult Wellness Workshops in April: Walking Pol Clinic (April 12, 1:30-3:30pm) and Yoga for Scoliosis (April 17, 1-3pm.) Spring Health for Older Adults • Bone Builders: Weight Training for Older Adults. Six-week class starts Tuesday, May 17 or Wednesday, May 18. Pg. 22 May 2016 • Many of the more than 70 drop-in fitness classes every week are specifically designed for older adults: Check out Be Fit Age Well, Fit ‘n Fab., and our numerous yoga options. Free for members, drop-in fee for non-members. See the Drop-In Fitness schedule at www.tricocentre.ca under the Schedules tab or pick up a copy at Guest Services. • Drop-in Pickleball is offered several times a week. Check out the Drop-In Gym schedule (available on the website or at Guest Services.) Free for members or drop-in fee for non-members. Spring Activities for Families, Children, Youth • Check out our Summer Day Camps for ages 3 to 14 years – registration now on. • Lots of Drop-Ins: See the Drop-In Gym schedule for drop-in gym, Drop-In Playtime, Drop-In Gymnastics, youth drop-in gym, and more. See the Drop-In Arena schedule for leisure skate, adult shinny, youth shinny, women’s shinny, and stick & puck. Free for members. Fee for non-members. Trico Centre is located at 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE. Residents of partnered communities’ pay 20% less for memberships than those who reside outside partnered communities. Phone: 403-278-7542 or see www.tricocentre.ca to find out more. Trico Centre for Family Wellness 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE 403-278-7542 | www.tricocentre.ca From fitness to skating, personal training to children’s programs – we are committed to providing a range of quality programs and services that make active living fun, affordable, and for everyone. We make it easy to find your perfect fit. Check out our membership specials - on now while the pool is getting a makeover. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! M M loves spaaah smooth hands, pretty pedicures, luxurious massages, oh-so-wonderful facials, body treatments and more. Haircuts, styles and colours keep them looking and feeling amazing. At Esthetica, we’ve been welcoming, pampering, beautifying, caring, and celebrating Moms for over 40 years. ON SUNDAY, MAY 8, 2016 SAY Happy Mother’s Day Esthetica Gift Certificates for Giving 2015 Our Salon Policy is No Tipping FIND US ON Esthetica Salon & Spa - 611 Acadia Dr SE www.estheticasalonandspa.com Pg. 23 May 2016 l 403-278-2525 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Your ommunity CCLASSIFIED ADS!!! “WE’LL GET IT DONE!” To place your classified ad, contact sales at 403-203-9152 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca today! BEAUTY ON THE RUN: Get pampered in your home. Services include: Manicures, Pedicures, Gel Nails, Make-up, Updos, Make-up Application Sessions & Parties. Call 403-992-0404. BR plumbing & Renovations LTD. Residential services, plumbing repairs and new installations, hot water tanks, taps/toilets, sumpumps, drain cleaning and home renovations. We are just minutes away! 403-923-2918 (24 hr services). BRH HOME HANDYMAN SERVICES - 35 YEARS EXPERIENCE All handyman services: plumbing, electrical, drywall, decks, painting, carpentry, and much more. Doing it right the first time. 403-481-1774 The Calgary Ukrainian Festival June 4th & 5th, 2016. A fun filled exciting day for the whole family! Come experience true Ukrainian hospitality, cuisine, & culture. There’s something for everyone! Experience what it is to be Ukrainian. The Acadia Recreation Complex, 240 90th Ave SE. CAREGIVER/HOUSE MANAGER Experienced with seniors (dementia/vertigo issues). Current First Aid, CPR, recent security check, references. Will provide positive caring and engaging time for your loved one. Call Marlena at 403-561-2797. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS and DOORWAYS - Cut, Supplied & Installed. Doorways Cutting - Concrete Wall Cutting - Concrete Floor Cutting - Core Drilling - Any Size. Excavation/Window Well Supplied & Installed - Weeping Tile Installation. Phone 403-570-0555 Email: info@ asapconcretecutting.com See our display ad on page 5. CS HANDYMAN SERVICES Serving Canyon Meadows, Southwood, Chinook Park, Kelvin Grove & Eagle Ridge. Specializing in: drywall repairs, fence repairs, painting and odd jobs around the house. Licensed & Insured. Phone Cliff 403-620-8170. RE/MAX First Dan Geneau 403-606-4019 “I’m Looking to buy Marvel Comics from the 1960’s & 1970’s – Giantman, Hulk, Fantastic 4, Spiderman, Thor, etc. Call Barry at 403-225-2527” IS YOUR COMPUTER CAUSING YOU GRIEF? Feeling frustrated & don’t know where to start? Trusted, reliable technician (+15 yrs exp) offering personal, home based & small business computer services to suit your budget. Call Debra at DDL Computer Solutions: 403-630-2862 JUNK TO THE DUMP Disposal of residential/commercial unwants including hard to handle. Move in/out & reno cleanups. We load. Fast service, competitive $$ & satisfaction guaranteed. Specializing in South Calgary. Call Sanil 403-616-2758. MGH Landscapes “Property Maintenance at its Best” specializes in Residential and Commercial Year Round Maintenance. We are currently taking on and booking new clients for the Spring and Summer seasons. We offer professional, courteous and affordable pricing. Call or email to book your FREE no obligation quote. Call Mike @ (587)435-4255 or email mghlandscapes@shaw.ca NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Residential and commercial service. Renovations, gas fitting, duct cleaning, and backflow testing. Fully licensed and insured with competitive rates. Customer satisfaction assured. CALL 403.255.7938. 24 HOURS EMERGENCY SERVICE! ELECTRICITY IS NOT A HOBBY! Call a licensed Electrician and Pot Light Specialist. No job is too small. Excellent rates. Call John at 403-281-5002/403-708-6555. PLUMBING PARAMEDICS For all your plumbing needs! Receive $25.00 off any plumbing or heating repair over $200.00. Expires May 31, 2016. BBB Accredited Business. Call today! 403-452-2911 www.plumbingparamedics.ca HOUSE CLEANING - MAPLERIDGE HOUSE MOM Local Communities . Seniors Preferred . School Days 9-3. References upon Request . Kita . 403-271-7546 Continued on Page 25. Pg. 24 May 2016 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Willow Ridge CA All Are Welcome Important Information HELD AT McDougall Monthly Board of Directors Meetings United Church 8516 Athabasca Are held the Third Wednesday of each Month (Excluding July & August) and commence at 7:00 pm. St. S.E. If you would like to make a brief presentation to the Board, please notify the WRCA office at least three (3) days prior to the meeting date and state the topic you wish to address. The Community Association is in need of volunteers to fill positions on the Board. Please volunteer! Willow Ridge News (Deadlines) Community Content and Ads... Community content is due on the 10th of the month, for the following month’s issue. We are welcoming contributions - such as community pictures, suggestions for content, linking better to our socical media, web presence, etc. Please forward to us at info@ willowridge.ca Ads are due on the 15th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Please forward any inquiries to 403-203-9152 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca SENIORS’ LUNCH AND RESOURCE FAIR A time for Acadia and Area Seniors to connect by May 19th Free Rides Available (call to book) 403-252-1620 Office.muc@shaw.ca Come enjoy a free lunch (Chicken Pot Pie!), make connections with other Seniors, and see what services are available in the area. Acadia Networking Group A collection of local schools, churches, residents and community groups committed to work towards inclusive and supportive neighbourhoods. CLASSIFIED ADS!!! Cont’d from Page 24. Willow Ridge Community Association Editorial Policy SCHECK TILE & STONE: A professional with over 20 years of experience from Germany and Canada offers you high quality installation of porcelain and ceramic tiles, mosaics and natural stone in bathrooms, kitchens and fireplaces. All types of wall and floor tiling. New homes and renovations. Contact Alex at 403-402-8923. With respect to the WRCA Newsletter: • All content appears at the discretion of the Board. • Advertorial must be marked as such. • All editorial may be edited due to space. THE CONTRACTOR YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR Licensed electrician and skilled laborer willing to do a variety of jobs around your home or business. From fixing to building, we do them all. Call Carl and his team @ 403-671-4714 • Priority of content in Newsletter: • WRCA News. • Community Events. • School Content. • Senior and Youth programs and content. • Political representation (limited to representatives elected by members of this community ie: if their name appeared on a ballot and they were elected). Pg. 25 May 2016 MAY 26, 11-2 Please Register l YARDBUSTERSLANDSCAPING.COM Weekly lawn mowing $36, power-rake $100, aeration $50. Some conditions. Landscape construction & Yard Renovation: Stone patios, walks, raised beds and rock walls, synthetic grass, sod and trees & shrubs, landscape lighting, water features and decks & fences. Licensed. Insured. Seniors discount. Phone: 403-265-4769. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Responsible Pet Ownership in Parks W ith spring in the air, dog owners are enjoying spending time with their family, friends and pets outdoors.. Knowing and adhering to the regulations in the Responsible Pet Ownership Bylaw 23M2006 will help ensure that dogs are not being a nuisance in the community, and dogs and citizens are safe. FREE Dog Recall Training Calgary Community Standards would like to remind dog owners of the following: • • • • We are offering tips and techniques from a certified professional dog trainer to help you keep your dog under control in designated off-leash areas: • When off of their owner’s property, dogs must be on a leash unless in a designated offleash area • When in designated off-leash areas, dog owners must ensure their dog is under control, and is within their sight and responds to commands Owners cannot cycle, in-line skate or skateboard on a pathway with a leashed dog • Dogs must not enter or swim in any body of water within a park except a river that runs through, or is adjacent to, a City park • Have and wear a City of Calgary licence after 3 months of age • Parking lots adjacent to off-leash areas are on leash • Owners are responsible for picking up all waste produced by their dog • Dogs are not allowed in school grounds, playgrounds, sport fields, golf courses,cemeteries, wading and swimming areas, and other areas prohibited by signs • Dogs must be walked on the right hand side of the pathway on a leash that is no more than two meters in length and must not interfere with other pathway users When we respect the bylaw we contribute to a safer and healthier community. Thank you for being responsible dog owners and valued community partners. Saturday, June 11 at Lower Bowmont Off-Leash Park Saturday, August 6 at Sue Higgins Park Saturday, October 22 at Falconridge Park 3rd Annual Community Working Dogs Day Saturday, September 17 from 11 – 2 at Bowmont Park: Bring your family, come meet and learn about working dogs that keep your community safe. Bring your camera and have your photo taken with the dogs, the handlers and VIPs. For all information on responsibilities as a dog owner and events, please feel free to “like” us on our Facebook page, https:// www.facebook.com/cityofcalgaryabs The City of Calgary’s Off-leash Ambassador program in Community Standards is sponsoring events to promote public awareness of responsible dog ownership in our off-leash areas: “No one saves us but ourselves. No one can and no one may. We ourselves must walk the path.” ~ Buddha Pg. 26 May 2016 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! mla report MLA Calgary-Acadia Brandy Payne Phone: 403-640-1363 Email: calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca Friends and neighbours Our government has launched a review of Workers Compensation Board. We are committed to making sure the WCB system provides fair compensation and meaningful rehabilitation and that the system is sustainable and affordable. It’s been more than 15 years since the last WCB review. An independent three-member panel will conduct a formal review of the workers’ compensation system. • Our next Open House is on Saturday May 28th from 1:30-3:30pm. We would love to have you come and join us for a coffee and chat. Come with questions and stay for the great conversation. As always, my staff and I are here to help and love to hear your feedback. If you need assistance accessing government programs, want some support for a community event or initiative or just want to say “Hi,” you can reach us by: The review will examine the: • • • are children, which is 5% higher than the national average and 1 in 9 Calgarians visited the Food Bank in 2009. WCB’s governance and effectiveness principles of compensation policies of WCB including those related to privacy and confidentiality transparency of processes and decision-making. Email: Calgary.Acadia@assembly.ab.ca, Phone: 403-640-1363 Visit: #10, 8318 Fairmount Dr. SE Office Hours: Monday 10-3 Tuesday - Friday 10-4 This review will also include the Appeals Commission for Alberta Workers’ Compensation and the Medical Panel Office. The panel is expected to provide a progress update to government in fall 2016 and a final report in spring 2017. As part of its formal review, the panel will engage with injured workers, employers, key partners, and interested Albertans, to gain a thorough understanding of the issues. Input from these conversations will inform the panel’s final report. Opportunities to get involved will be announced over the next few months. If you are interested in participating, please visit http://www.alberta.ca/wcb-review.cfm for more information. Sudoku: For solution, go to mind’s design studio Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit, so must every column, as must every 3x3 square. Did you know? The Calgary Food Bank is located in Calgary-Acadia? Our office is collecting for the Calgary Food Bank and I was fortunate to receive a tour of their facilities. Established in 1982, the Calgary Food Bank is a charitable, non-profit organization dedicated to gathering and distributing quality emergency food to those in need. The Food Bank was founded by religious leaders in the community who were all collecting food and giving it to those in need. They decided to join forces to make the most impact within their community. The majority of people they assist are working-poor Calgarians struggling to make ends meet. The Calgary Food Bank is not a government or United Way agency. They rely solely on the generous support of our community. Over 40% of their clients Pg. 27 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge wrca ward 14 update Ward 14 Councillor - Peter Demong Phone: 403-268-1653 Email: eaward14@calgary.ca Greetings Ward 14! Normally in May we would just be starting to venture out into the outdoors after our winter hibernation, but this year it feels like we have had several months of spring already. Spring yard waste drop-off at City Landfills There has also already been a month for you to bring your spring yard waste to City landfills free of charge. Why mention it now? Because you still have almost another full month left. All City landfills will be accepting leaves, branches, and plants until May 29, but make sure they are in a paper yard waste bag or left loose. Free mulch is also available at all City landfills until May 29. You can find details at calgary.ca/waste. Preventing theft in Ward 14 I recently came upon some very interesting statistics courtesy of the Calgary Police Service. They broke down Calgary’s break and enter (B & E) statistics by community. In all, Ward 14 fared well in comparison, but a couple of salient points were apparent. Almost half of residential B & Es were unforced entries, and the vast majority of garage B & Es were unforced. Can you imagine how much crime we could stop by just locking our doors? Here are some crime prevention tips from the Police: • Do not leave garage doors open • Keep the door to your attached garage locked • eep your front, rear, and patio doors locked, even when at K home • Do not leave valuables near the entrances in your home • Do not leave your vehicles unlocked when parked outside • Do not leave your garage door opener in your vehicle • Close all windows and doors at night They may seem like common sense, but sometimes that seems less common than it ought to be. Two more key points: do not be afraid to report suspicious activity to the police, and get involved with your local community association. The police visit them regularly to share information and hear concerns. You can contact the police at (403) 266-1234 for non-emergencies, and at 911 for emergencies. May Counciltalk others do too. There are only two more Counciltalks before the summer. We will meet on May 14 between 12 p.m. and 2 p.m. at the Bonavista Downs Community Hall (1418 Lake Ontario Road S.E.). You will always be able to find details and future dates at calgary.ca/counciltalk, and I also send email reminders about upcoming Counciltalk sessions and other things. You can sign up for reminders at calgary.ca/ward14connect. I hope you know that you can always contact me in a few different ways. For one, you can fill out the contact form at calgary.ca/ward14. You can also call or email. I do not usually include my phone number and email in the body of this column because they are shown in the header, but just in case they are: (403) 268-1653 and eaward14@calgary.ca. Goodbye for now! ~ Councillor Peter Demong Published by: Mind’s Design SERVING COMMUNITY RESIDENTS, COMMUNITY ASSOCIATIONS & LOCAL BUSINESSES FOR OVER 12 YEARS! www.mindsdesign.ca ADVERTISE YOUR BUSINESS TODAY! Reach Over 250,000 Potential Customers! Download the “Mind’s Design” newsletter app. 403-203-9152 l newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca Your community newsletter is delivered by: As always, thank you to everyone who turned out for my April Counciltalk meeting. I learn new things every time, and I hope Pg. 28 May 2016 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! southland leisure centre Summer Daycamps 2016 - Southland Leisure Centre’s Summer Daycamps are now registering look for our program guide online (www.calgary.ca/ recreation) and on stands. Lots of Spring preschool, children’s and adults programs in the guide too! Friday Night Dance Party at Southland Leisure Centre – April 29 from 7:15-10:00pm. Admission to the Party includes a dance lesson (primary movements,rhythmic structure, posture, leading and following),social dance, as well as refreshments. No Partner Required! See calgary.ca/leisurecentres for schedules and more information. Summer Volunteer Opportunities at Southland Leisure Centre Southland welcomes volunteers, 13 years old and up for our summer daycamps. Come Pg. 29 May 2016 and enjoy your summer by keeping busy and productive throughout the summer months. For more information call 403-648-6550. Southland Leisure Centre Playschool 2000 Southland Drive SW Phone: 403-648-6582 Southland Leisure Centre’s Playschool is recreation-based and includes educational activities which allows children to learn through play. Playschool programs are for two to four year olds from September to June. Registration is ongoing throughout the year, based on availability. Spaces are still available for the 2016 to 2017 school year. Every Sunday, 8 am to noon. Family Swim at Southland Leisure Centre. It’s a designated family swim time. Come enjoy our waterpark, including a trip or two to the AquaPlay structure. Be prepared to l get wet! Adults must be accompanied by a child and all children must be accompanied by an adult. Regular admission applies. Find out more at calgary.ca/leisurecentres. PD School Days at Southland Leisure Centre Did you know that Southland Leisure Centre offers programs to elementary school aged children on some Professional and Parent-Teacher Interview days? Check out the City of Calgary Recreation program guide on stands or online at www.calgary.ca/recreation for more information on our School’s Out Day Camps. Hours of School’s Out Day Camps are 7 am – 6 pm, and the cost is $57.75/ day. The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge SCHOOL listings École St Cecilia French Immersion Elementary School 610 Agate Cres SE Tel: 403-500-2040 École Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix 809, boulevard Willgdon SE, 403-271-5544 École St. Mathew School 416 - 83 Avenue SE, 403-500-2300 Pg. 30 May 2016 Fairview School 7840 Fairmount Drive SE, 403-777-7900 Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool 600 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-278-9594 Maple Ridge School 10203 Maplemont Road SE, 403-777-6280 R.T. Alderman School 725 Mapleton Drive SE, 403-777-7520 St. Bonaventure Junior High School 1710 Acadia Drive SE, 403-500-2062 St. Philip Fine Arts School 13825 Parkside Dr. SE, 403-500-2072 St. William School 11020 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-500-2055 Willow Park Preschool 680 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-271-7016 Willow Park Arts Centred Learning 343 Willow Park Dr SE Tel: 403-777-6900 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 31 May 2016 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge 403.253.5678 24 Hours Cell: 403.714.4833 (text/voice) nicklimarealty@live.ca Residential, Condo, Retirement and Investment Agent 3 Interview at least Realtors before you decide. You will be glad you did. ! 1. Recipient of the President’s Award & Top 10 in the office for 2015. 2. Directors Award Winner for 2014 at MaxWell Realty 3. A FREE MARKET EVALUATION during my job interview with you, which includes a list price and sold price analysis. 4. TOP SELLING RESIDENTIAL REALTOR SINCE 1992. I know both sales and construction to provide you with complete real estate guidance. 5. CREATIVE LISTING OPTIONS, with 4 distinct marketing plans to satisfy many different seller’s needs, while still providing Nick Lima’s level of service. 6. I can assist you in buying an older home by ANALYSING “POTENTIAL” ACTUAL REPAIR COSTS prior to putting in an offer. Why pay for the home inspection, then afterwards, decide not to buy it? 7. Prior to having kids, I was consistently TOP 7 OUT OF 700 Realtors at Maxwell Realty 6 YEARS IN A ROW. Kids have grown. I AM BACK! 8. AN ADVANCED STAGING OPTION which applies principles of FLIPPING HOUSES to selling your own house. I have flipped for a profit over 36 homes in the last 21 years. Let me help you NET more. MaxWell South Star Realty #20, 8180 MacLeod Trail S, Calgary, AB T2H 2B8 “Enter to win, through me, a vacation at www.MaxwellDreamVacation.com”
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You will help make this a better community in which to live.
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