WRCA_July15 - Willow Ridge
WRCA_July15 - Willow Ridge
P U B L I S H E D B Y M I N D ’ S D E S I G N S T U D I O S I N C E 2 0 11 News CALL 403-203-9152 FOR ADVERTISING OPPORTUNITIES THE WILLOW RIDGE SUMMER | 2015 W W W. M I N D S D E S I G N . C A Join Us! YOUR OFFICIAL COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER F O R W I L L O W PA R K AND MAPLE RIDGE CIR C U LATI ON | 3 9 0 0 H OM E S A N D B U S I N E S S E S New Community Playground Pickleball comes to Willowridge Willow Ridge Community Association YEARLY ONLINE LOCAL BUSINESS DIRECTORY COMING AUGUST 2015! DOWNLOAD THE MIND’S DESIGN community newsletter “mobile app” TO VIEW! eNJOY YOUR SUMMER! Shirley Mikolajow Your WillowRidge Specialist Service with integrity, always! Proven Superior Sales Knowledge, Marketing and Negotiating! Living in WillowRidge and supporting the beauty of our neighbourhood! Call Shirley Mikolajow today to buy or sell. ACTIVE ACTIVE 10408 Maplecreek Drive SE 10724 Willowfern Drive SE ACTIVE ACTIVE 83 Mapleburn Drive SE 308 99 Avenue SE Shirley Mikolajow’s Homeselling System When you list with Shirley you receive: . Your home advertised 24 hours a day until it is sold . Your home advertised worldwide on www.mikolajow.com . Your home advertised to millions on multiple websites Call Shirley Mikolajow Now for a FREE MARKET EVALUATION OF YOUR HOME (403) 804-3990 Celebrating 25 Years Shirley Mikolajow Pg. 2 Summer 2015 RE/MAX First Your Calgary REALTOR TM shirley@mikolajow.com www.mikolajow.com 403-804-3990 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Editor’s Message What are some Willowridge neighbourhood “secret” gems that you’d like to share? Sometimes I wonder if I should share my hidden gems as they might get so popular that they won’t be secrets anymore! However, in the spirit of being neighbourly, I’ll share a few of mine. In May and June there have been a number of art shows in and near our community. They are a great way to spend an hour on a Saturday afternoon, rain or shine. Recently, my family browsed through the impressive exhibits, enjoying the local and foreign scenes. My 4 year-old son Matthew was excited to recognise some barns that we see enroute to the Millarville Farmer’s Market while my 2-year old daughter Sarah was more interested in the complimentary grapes and cookies! My husband and I enjoyed chatting with local artists surrounded by a vibrant and friendly group of neighbours. Another neighbourhood “secret” is the Fish Creek Library children’s area. If you haven’t been in the library since its renovation, check out the second floor. There is a large, bright indoor playground with giant building blocks, a puppet theatre, games and activities to promote fun and literacy. Nice touches for exhausted parents are the comfortable chairs and freshly-brewed Phil & Sebastian coffee. A “secret” sport that’s getting very popular is Pickleball! I had never heard about this sport until a year ago and I have since heard (anecdotally) it’s the fasted growing sport in North America. To join in the fun, the WRCA has invited the Calgary Pickleball Club to host four free “Learn-to-Play” Pickleball clinics in July. Please see page 5 for details and let’s not keep this sport secret! I’d love to hear about your neighbourhood “secret” gems, whether they are people, places or experiences. Cheers, Colleen Gnyp, Communications Director, WillowRidge Community Association Please contact me at: comm@willowridge.ca To Stay Updated on what’s happening in our Willow Ridge Community: facebook.com/willowridgecommunity TABL E O F CO NT E NT S Community Association • Message from the Editor: P3 • Board of Directors: P4 • What’s Happening in WR: P5 twitter.com/WillowRidgeYYC • Pickleball: P5 • Message from Vice President: P6 willowridge.ca • Beautiful Yards Contest: P7 info@willowridge.ca • Family Movie Night: P10 • Roving Reporter - Kari Strutt: P8 & 9 • Community Clean-Up: P13 403-271-8044 • Membership: P14 Now in your email inbox – an e-newsletter with timely community information! WRCA is modernizing and will be sending out occasional e-newsletters to those community members who provided us with their email addresses. We think you’ll find the information valuable, but you can unsubscribe at any time. Pg. 3 Summer 2015 l Civic Chat • M.L.A., Brandy Payne: P28 • Ward 14, Peter Demong: P29 Classifed Ads: Page 30 ...and much more! The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Please direct any community related questions to : Phone: 403-271-8044 E-mail: info@willowridge.ca www.willowridge.ca Address: 680 Acadia Drive SE Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm Saturdays / Sundays / Holidays: Closed Executive President Roger Crowe 403-271-8044 Vice President Christine Schreuder 403-271-8044 Treasurer Marty Bentley 403-271-8044 SecretaryVACANT Volunteer needed please! Directors Facilities DirectorJason Poole 403-271-8044 Sports Director VACANT Volunteer needed please! Social Director VACANT Volunteer needed please! Civic Affairs Director Greg Humphreys 403-271-8044 Trico Centre DirectorDon Boykiw 403-271-8044 Funding Director Carly Silver 403-271-8044 Casino Director Peter Gibson 403-271-8044 Communications Director Colleen Gnyp 403-271-8044 Director at LargeJan de Bruyn 403-271-8044 Director at Large Gordon Paynter 403-271-8044 Director at Large Roger Lohrey 403-271-8044 Facility Expansion Committee Directors Bruce Brunette VACANT president@willowridge.ca comm@willowridge.ca 403-271-8044 Other Garden Liaison Maria Leligdowicz-Rudna 403-271-8044 Casino Administrator Karon Eckel 403-271-8044 Casino Volun. CoordinatorAl Brissette 403-271-8044 Roving Reporter Kari Strutt 403-271-8044 WRCA District Contacts Councillor (Ward 14) Peter Demong 403-268-1653 ward14@calgary.ca M.L.A.Brandy Payne 403-640-1363 calgary.acadia@assembly.ab.ca MP, Calgary SoutheastJason Kenney 403-225-3480 kennej@parl.gc.ca CPS Community LiaisonJosh Young 403-567-6600 pol4219@calgarypolice.ca Girl Guides of Canada Calgary Area 403-283-8348 ggcinfo@calgarygirlguides.com Scouts Canada Robert Chaskavich 403-827-5653 253rdsouthheritagegroup@gmail.com Welcome WagonHead Office 1 844 299-2466 Newsletter Ad Inquiry/Ad SalesBobbie-Jo Bergner 403-203-9152 newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca Hall Rental Inquiries Willow Ridge Community Hall For information, please call 403-271-8044 and/or info@willowridge.ca Pg. 4 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Learn to Play The Fastest Growing Racquet Sport in North America Sign up now for these introduction to pickleball clinics. Pickleball is a great game that is appealing to anyone from the teenager years to golden-oldies and can be played recreationally or competitively. in Willow Ridge? Members of the Calgary Pickleball Club will introduce you to the basics of the game. Paddles and balls will be provided – just come with July 4 MLA Brandy Payne Stampede Pancake your court shoes and a smile. Handouts will be Breakfast provided outlining the basic rules and court etiquette. July/August TOPP Kids Summer Camps See www.toppkids.com for more information. 8:00-11:00 am - WRCA Parking Lot July 15,18 Pickleball Clinics July 22,25 9:00 – 11:00 am WRCA Tennis Courts Sept 9 Willow Park Pre-School Begins WRCA Lower Level For a closer look at pickleball in Calgary, visit the website of the Calgary Pickleball Club at www.calgarypickleballclub.ca. Free Pickleball clinics this summer (ages 16-106)! Wednesdays – July 15 and 22 ( 9:00 am – 11:00 am) Saturdays July 18 and 25 ( 9:00 am – 11:00 am) Sept 12 Family Movie Night BBQ & Fun Activities 5:30 pm - WRCA Field Sept 16 WRCA Board Meeting – 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm WRCA Meeting Room Sept 26 Ward 14 Communities BBQ 11:00 – 2:00 pm Southcentre Mall parking lot Sept 27 Community Clean-up Day 9:00 – 2:00 pm WRCA Building – South Parking Lot Oct 24 Community Halloween Party - WRCA Hall If you have anything that you would like listed as a community event in the “What’s Happening in Willow Ridge?” calendar, contact the office at 403.271.8044 or email info@willowridge.ca by the 10th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Please Register at www.willowridge.ca/pickleball “Peace comes from within. Do not seek it without.” Buddha Pg. 5 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Vice President’s Message I was selfish when I first joined the WillowRidge Community Association (WRCA) board of directors. It seems like a lifetime ago… my kids were 2 and 4, I was staying at home with them and my husband was travelling a lot for work. I needed something to keep me engaged and I craved adult contact. That was when I joined the board of directors for the first time where I served over the next 6 years as Hall Director, Membership Director and Vice President. I enjoyed being a fly on the wall, learning about what was going on in our community, debating the issues and having a say keeping in mind what is best for the community members present and future. As time went on, I re-entered the work force, was volunteering at school, for our kids soccer programs and I walked hand in hand with my mother-in-law on her journey to the other side. I had to give something up, so it was the WRCA board of directors. Now my kids manage quite well without me so I rejoined the board at the 2014 Annual General Meeting (AGM). I was propelled to rejoin after reading the Newsletter and noticing the lack of volunteers. Prior to the AGM I had sat in on some monthly board meetings where it was readily apparent how very few people were doing so much work for the members of our community. I decided that it was high time that I get involved again to help lighten the load of some very dedicated, weary people. The old adage is very true that many hands make light work as is the statement that if you need something done ask a busy person. Getting involved in our community has been very rewarding for me be it for the WRCA board, soccer clubs, our street or school community. The street we live on has had several block parties over the years which have benefited me and my family as our village has watched over the people in our area and my children as they have grown up. At one of the block parties I received a poster ‘How to Build Community’ that came from Ten Thousand Villages which has a host of excellent suggestions to build community and a few that most convinced me to return to the board are: • Leave your house • Know your neighbours • Look up when you’re walking • Greet people • Garden together • Share your skills Volunteers are always needed to run our community and events. Consider putting your name forward to help out on an as needed basis as there is a great need for help in many different capacities. The one position on the board of directors that remains vacant that would benefit greatly by being filled is Secretary. Our board meets once per month, 10 months of the year on the third Wednesday of the month. The meetings generally take 2 hours with interesting updates from our Community Resource Officer with the Calgary Police Service; our Councillor for the City of Calgary; our MLA for the Province of Alberta; and our Community Partnerships Liaison with the City of Calgary Parks and Recreation. I am thrilled to be sitting around the table with some great people with a variety of experience, talent and a ton of heart. Christine Schreuder, Vice-President, WillowRidge Community Association Pg. 6 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Beautiful Yards Contest Thanks to our sponsors: Do you or does someone you know have the most beautiful yard in our community? Fill out the nomination form online to enter for a chance to win prizes and appear in a future edition of our community newsletter. Don’t let your own yard go unnoticed: please feel free to nominate yourself! Grand prize: $1000 shopping spree at Southcentre Mall Second Prize: $200 gift certificate from Canadian Tire Third Prize: $100 gift cards to greengate Garden Centre Honorable Mentions: Gift Card to greengate Garden Centre Entry details are online or contact Colleen at comm@willowridge.ca for more information. www.willowridge.ca/beautifulyardscontest Pg. 7 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Roving Reporter - Kari Strutt Teamwork Builds New Community Playground “Many hands make light work.” (John Heywood) It’s astonishing what a group of people can achieve in a few short days. A noble force of community and parent volunteers working alongside some trained professionals managed to construct this fantastic playground in three short days. Lone Tuff, the principal at Maple Ridge Elementary School, explains that the project’s success came as result of a lot of work behind the scenes. The school council and parents were tireless fundraisers. Gloria Laurendeau, the Playground Coordinator took on the challenge of seeking grants, fundraising and organizing the build. The Willow Ridge Community Association made a substantial financial contribution. Even a local business, Fast Lane Pizza, got on board, supplying a hot lunch to hungry workers every day of the build. Mrs. Tuff also gave a shout out to Park ‘N Play who supplied the playground equipment (and ensure it is properly assembled), Phoenix Landscaping, the CBC Do-Crew, and ConocoPhilips. Well done, everyone. Have fun kids! Pg. 8 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Roving Reporter - Kari Strutt New Community Playground Pictures Cont’d Welcome, Louis! Our new WRCA Grass Cutting Technician. Pg. 9 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge willow ridge Community Association Presents Family Movie Night Your Official Community Newsletter at the Community Centre (680 Acadia Drive SE) Saturday, September 12, 2015 BBQ & Activities - 5:30 pm Movie Begins at Dusk (approximately 8:00 pm) Join us for some fun and family activities! Bring something to sit on such as a blanket, lawnchairs, etc. Kids should also bring their favourite stuffy! Outdoor Movie at Sunset Pg. 10 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! CONCRETE CUTTING FOR 10 % BASEMENT WINDOWS AND DOORWAYS OFF Cut, Supplied & Installed Mention this ad at the time of your booking & receive 10% off. Some conditions may apply. 403-570-0555 or text 403-680-0611 fives90@yahoo.ca ASAP CONCRETE CUTTING & CORING 403-452-2911 Need a bigger window? I pretended to be somebody I wanted to be until finally I became that person. Or he became me. For all your plumbing needs! ~ Cary Grant $25.00 off any plumbing or heating repair over $200.00. Expires July 31/15 www.plumbingparamedics.ca NEW LISTING! Willow park! Location! Location! Walk to shops and transportation from this lovely 3 bedroom bungalow with original hardwood floors, large living room with corner fireplace , main floor laundry, developed basement with rec. room with fireplace, 4th bedroom and den. Private yard with a sunny deck and double garage. Call Dianne for more details. Dianne DeLong Realtor® 403-225-5000 dianne.delong@shaw.ca diannedelong.com Pg. 11 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Important Hey Parents! Your Official Newsletter ALL EMERGENCY CALLS Numbers Need a Service?! 911 Alberta Adolescent Recovery Centre 403.253.5250 Alberta Health Care 403.310.0000 AHS Addictions Hotline 1.866.332.2322 ATCO Gas – 24 Hour Emergency 403.245.7222 Calgary HEALTH LINK 24/7 403.943.5465 Calgary Police – Non Emergency 403.266.1234 Calgary Women’s Emergency Shelter 403.234.7233 Child Abuse Hotline 1.800.387.5437 Child Find – Alberta 403.270.3463 Distress/Crisis Line 403.266.4357 ENMAX – Power Trouble 403.514.6100 Poison Centre – Alberta 1.800.332.1414 Suicide Crisis Line 1.800.784.2433 HOSPITALS/URGENT CARE Alberta Children’s Hospital 403.955.7211 Your Community Babysitter’s and / or yard care List Babysitters: Name Age Phone# Sitting Course First Aid Bailey 12 403-230-7246 Yes Yes Ivy 12 403-612-8114 Yes Yes YOUR NAME HERE! Email us at info@mindsdesign.ca to be added! Yard Care: Name Age Phone# Foothills Hospital 403.944.1110 Rockyview General Hospital 403.943.3000 South Calgary Urgent Care 403.943.9300 South Health Campus 403.956.1111 Your Name Here! Calgary Humane Society 403.205.4455 Calgary Parking Authority 403.537.7100 ARE YOU 12 OR OLDER and would like to put your name on our list to be called for babysitting jobs or to help with yard care in the community? Email info@mindsdesign.ca today. OTHER Calgary Senior’s Resource Call Before You Dig City of Calgary 403.266.6200 1.800.242.3447 211 and 311 City of Calgary - Parks & Rec. 403.268.3888 Elder Abuse Resource Line (65+) 403.705.3250 Fish Creek Library 403.221.2090 Kerby Centre for the 55 plus 403.705.3246 City Hall 403.268.2111 City Hall - Mayor’s Office Road Conditions – Calgary 403.268.5622 1.877.262.4997 Trico Centre 403.278.7542 Weather Information 403.299.7878 Pg. 12 Summer 2015 Your Name Here! Your Name Here! WRCA accepts no responsibility as a regulatory body, nor does the Association endorse or screen any of those listed or who use the service. Please email info@mindsdesign.ca if you wish to have your name added to the list. Please note: Babysitters under the age of 18 years must have parental consent before they can be placed on the list. Dayhomes/cares are not accepted. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Things To Do Community Clean Up Happening Again for Willow Ridge Residents Tammy Dodds Sunday, September 27th, 2015 9:00 am - 2:00 pm This fall is the time to get organized for our Community Clean up event at the Community Association Building. 403-236-0298 simbks@shaw.ca There will be 2 packer trucks from the City of Calgary available in the South Parking lot of the Community Association Building to take away unwanted garbage. Trucks will be accepting unwanted items from 9:00am – 2:00pm. Once again, no tires, chemicals or paint allowed. Technotrash will be there again this year for disposal of any unwanted electronics Clothing for a Cause will be there to accept any clothing should you wish to donate. Community memberships for sale. Two trips allowed per participant. We need 10 volunteers for this event. Please call the office at 403-271-8044 to sign up. Office hours: Monday - Friday -- 1:00pm - 5:00pm email: info@willowridge.ca. Please Note: “Summer The opinions expressed within any published article, report or submission reflect those of the author and should not be considered to reflect those for the Community Association or the publisher of this newsletter. her veins with light and her heart is washed with noon.” The information contained in this newsletter is believed to be accurate, but is not warranted to be so. Thank you. Pg. 13 Summer 2015 has filled C. Day Lewis l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge Community Association Willow Ridge memberships can be completed and either mailed or dropped off to: Willow Ridge Community Association, 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, AB T2J 0C1 Why Join the Community Association? You will help make this a better community in which to live. • Willow Ridge residents receive 20% discount on Trico Centre memberships with payment of the Community Support fee. ( $30.00 per individuals/family membership , $15.00 per senior membership) 100% of the community support fee goes back to the WillowRidge Community Association. You may bring your Trico Centre Community Support fee receipt to Willow Ridge Community Association and receive a community association membership. • The Vice President of the Association can help you adress such concerns as traffic problems. • Willow Ridge publishes your Newsletter to keep you up to date on Community happenings. Your membership helps support this publication. • Memberships help to pay for the upkeep of the Community Centre and its amenities, including tennis & sport courts, hockey & lacrosse rink and soccer fields. • Membership will give you a discount on Hall Rental Fees and Social Functions. • Your children will be able to participate in any community sport. • Membership will give you a say and a vote on community issues. Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. WRCA Community Office NOW accepts MasterCard/VISA & Debit Check out our website: www.willowridge.ca for information, current news, upcoming events... and more! Don’t wait! Buy your Annual Membership Today! Memberships are $30 per family and $15 for Seniors (55 and older) per year. Name: __________________________________________________________________________ Spouse/Partner Name: ____________________________________________________________ Address: _________________________________________________________________________ Postal Code: _____________ Contact Number: _______________________________________ E-Mail: __________________________________________________________________________ Number of Children: _____________________________________________________________ Age/s of Children: ________________________________________________________________ Yes, please contact me about volunteering: ___________________________________________ ________________________________ NAME PHONE Please complete and mail or drop off to the Willow Ridge Community Association. Thank you for supporting your Community Association! Address: 680 Acadia Drive S.E. Calgary, Alberta T2J 0C1 FRONT DESK HOURS: Monday - Friday: 1:00 - 5:00 pm, Saturdays, Sundays & Holidays: Closed Pg. 14 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! July at the Fish Creek Library If you haven’t joined the 2015 TD Summer Reading Club yet, drop in to collect your free program materials. You can earn twelve collectible stickers by reading books over the summer. To track your reading, complete online learning challenges, and unlock digital badges. Share your love of reading with children across the country through the TD Summer Reading club website. Baby Play Date. Bring your baby to the library for a relaxing hour of mixing and mingling with other babies and caregivers. Ages up to 23 months with a parent/caregiver. • Wednesdays, May 6 to August 26, 11:30 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. LEGO Club. Join us to build, create and explore! LEGO provided. • Thursdays, July 2 to August 27, 2 - 3 p.m. Drop In Family Storytime. Drop in for stories, songs and rhymes the whole family can enjoy. Ages 2 to 5 with a parent/caregiver. • Thursdays, May 7 to August 27, 10:15 - 10:45 a.m. Computer Buddies. Teen volunteers help students in Grades 1 to 6 learn how to search topics safely on the Internet and create documents in Microsoft Word, Excel and PowerPoint. Ages 5 to 11. • Monday, July 13 to Friday, July 17, 1:30 - 2:30 p.m. OR 3 - 4 p.m. TO ADVERTISE, CALL 403-203-9152 AS Your Complete Landscaping Specialists Water Features . Fences Paving Stones . Decks Retaining Walls . Sod contracting F LOCAL BUSINESS DISPLAY CUBES Computer Technology Coaching. Drop in for one-on-one, volunteer help on using the Internet and Microsoft Office products. • Tuesdays, May 5 to August 25, 6:30 - 8:30 p.m. Pg. 15 Summer 2015 . Commercial Residential Specialists in concrete too! call now for a free in home estimate 403-651-0424 www.asfcontracting.com l Welcome to Canada: Buying and Renting Homes in Calgary (in Tagalog). Are you a newcomer to Canada? Would you like to get more information on buying or renting homes in Calgary? In partnership with the Calgary Bridge Foundation for Youth, In School Settlement Program and Alberta Treasury Bank this workshop will help you with useful tips about credit history, mortgages and financial aspects of buying a new home. Register by calling 403.999.3880 (Tagalog) or 403.777.6074 (English). • Saturday, July 25, 1 - 3 p.m. A valid library card is required to register for any program. Library cards are now free. For more information you can visit your local library, call 403-260-2620, or go online at Tips for a thriving flower garden •Planning is everything •Bee friendly •Choose pollinator friendly flowers •Get the right seeds – News Canada The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Pg. 16 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! FOR GREAT THINGS TO HAPPEN, ADD FOCUS. ADD POWER The 2015 Focus offers not one but two advanced Ecoboost engines: a 1.0L Turbo that offers 5.9L/100 km efficiency or a 2.0L Turbo offering 250 hp power. Isn’t choice wonderful? ADD TECH Bluetooth? Check. SYNC®? Check. SmartKey®? You guessed it. In fact, Focus has many features found in far more expensive cars like Park Assist and LED headlamps too. ADD SAFETY Airbags, ABS and even a Backup Camera are all standard. Add in available Lane Keeping, Blind Spot Warning and Collision Sensing systems and you’ve got a Focus that keeps an eye on the road. ADD VALUE THE NEW 2015 FORD FOCUS SE F-1411 • AUTO • MOONROOF • BLUETOOTH • AND MORE $22,749 or $259/mo. GREAT THINGS ARE HAPPENING 12800 MacLeod Trail S • Calgary • (403) 225-3636 www.advantageford.ca *PLEASE READ- ALL OFFERS OAC. ALL REBATES TO DEALER. INVENTORY ACCURATE AT TIME OF PUBLICATION. FEES, TAXES INCLUDED AND GST EXTRA. FOCUS LEASE PAYMENT BASED ON 60 MONTH TERM @ 0% WITH $1,000 DOWNPAYMENT AND 16,000 KM/YR DRVING LIMIT. LEV=$9,365. ALL OFFERS END 06/30/15. OFFERS SUBJECT TO CHANGE WITHOUT NOTICE. VEHICLES SHOWN MAY NOT BE EXACTLY AS DEPICTED. SEE DEALER FOR FULL DETAILS Pg. 17 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Willow Ridge CA Meeting & Newsletter Information Monthly Board of Directors Meetings Are held the Third Wednesday of each Month (Excluding July & August) and commence at 7:00 pm. If you would like to make a brief presentation to the Board, please notify the WRCA office at least three (3) days prior to the meeting date and state the topic you wish to address. The Community Association is in need of volunteers to fill positions on the Board. Please volunteer! Willow Ridge Community Association Editorial Policy With respect to the WRCA Newsletter: • All content appears at the discretion of the Board. • Advertorial must be marked as such. • All editorial may be edited due to space. • Priority of content in Newsletter: Willow Ridge News (Deadlines) • WRCA News. Community Content and Ads... • Community Events. Community content is due on the 10th of the month, for the following month’s issue. We are welcoming contributions - such as community pictures, suggestions for content, linking better to our socical media, web presence, etc. • School Content. • Senior and Youth programs and content. • Political representation (limited to representatives elected by members of this community ie: if their name appeared on a ballot and they were elected). Please forward to us at info@willowridge.ca Ads are due on the 15th of the month, for the following month’s issue. Please forward any inquiries to 403-203-9152 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca Download Our NEW Mobile App Mind's Design Community Newsletter Publications studio PRINT & MOBILE Just for YOU! OUR NEW “MIND’S DESIGN” APP! Be notified when next month’s community newsletter is published! As always, Mind’s Design monthly community newsletters are delivered to your door by Canada Post and are NOW also available on your mobile devices! The “Mind’s Design” App is available for download on the App store for your iPhone or iPad, on Google Play for your Android and through Amazon Apps for your Kindle Fire. Get more interactive! Share articles, coupons, local business info. and community events/programs with others! Any questions, please contact us at info@mindsdesign.ca GET MORE FROM YOUR COMMUNITY NEWSLETTER! Pg. 18 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Paid Advertisement Want More Passion? What To Do When Your Spouse Feels Like A Roommate - Discover the First Step You Must Take to Restore The Passion “Q. Hi Lisa, my husband and I have somehow slipped into the ‘friend zone.’ It’s easy for us to discuss practical stuff like our vacations but there’s no spark left. I find myself wondering if still in love with him, how a relationship changes with marriage, where the passion has gone, etc. Where do I go from here?” A. This is one of the most common and completely MISUNDERSTOOD problems in relationships today. And because it’s so misunderstood, virtually every person I’ve known who wants more passion makes the same mistake. He alternates between… a) pressuring his spouse for lovemaking, and b) backing off and sulking about it. When he pressures, he either: 1. Grumbles about the lack of lovemaking 2. Lays a guilt trip, or 3. Starts an argument about it (including threatening to leave) When he’s not pressuring, he backs off and sulks. Sometimes he pretends he doesn’t care about sex. He takes a “You can’t fire me, I quit” stance. Deep down he feels ENTITLED to lovemaking and is secretly blames his spouse for the lack of passion. The problem with this method is that it doesn’t work. Oh, your spouse or lover will probably throw you a bone from time to time. But there won’t be much REAL passion in these “sessions.” They’ll tend to be perfunctory. Pressuring your partner for sex doesn’t work because you’re missing the key point. The key point is that you don’t know WHY your partner has cooled off. (And no, it’s not because you’ve been married a long time…share the same bathroom…are overworked…or put on a few pounds). And because you don’t know WHY, you’re suffering. Secretly you’re scared your partner has stopped loving you. Ouch. This is a very painful place to be. Not only do you feel rejected, you’re totally confused as well. That’s why the first step to take is always to uncover the WHY (and not necessarily by pressing him or her to answer this question). To successfully uncover the WHY, the first thing you do is realize that you don’t need to get so bent out of shape by the sexual rejection that you cannot step back and be a little objective about the issue. Chances are that whatever “complaints” your spouse has that are causing her to shut down, she’s mentioned them in the past. You probably just never linked them to your sexual stalemate. Example: once I worked with a delightful man who was genuinely puzzled about his wife’s lack of sexual interest in him. They loved each other dearly and had precious children together. Under further questioning he confessed that she had left him once, years ago. Seems this man has a bit of a temper and is prone to yelling when he’s upset. When she left him, she made it clear that she could not abide the yelling…so he stopped. In recent years, though, the yelling had slowly crept back in. Lo and behold, his yelling was precisely why she was not responding to him sexually. Sometimes we just cannot see “the forest for the trees.” We see a detail, but we’re so emotional in relationships we cannot step back and see how it relates to the big picture. That’s why I believe we owe it to ourselves to learn as much as possible about relationship mastery – including how to stop feeling sorry for ourselves long enough to get what we need from the people we love. That’s why I’m offering you the chance today to snap up a FREE copy of my CD, How to Make Yourself Irresistible: The Courage to Win in Relationships. Here’s how to get it: Go to www.thecouragetowin.com/relationshipproduct/ Scroll and click on Add to Cart. Look for the box that says Coupon Code and enter RELATIONSHIPMASTERY and hit Apply. The price will drop to $0.00. All you do is pay for shipping. Your friend, Lisa B. Lisa Lane Brown is the founder of the Courage to Win® and one of the world’s leading experts on deep mental toughness for success in love, business, and sport. Visit her at www.TheCouragetoWin.com or call 403.261.2726 for details on personal coaching. Pg. 19 Summer 2015 l Lisa Lane Brown The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Fish Creek Provincial Park SUMMER SERIES Join in our tours in Fish Creek Provincial Park offered throughout July and August Tuesday, July 7th: Birds of a Feather When: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Where: Hull’s Wood Day Use area (Located off Bow Bottom Trail S.E.) Tuesday, July 14th: District Tour - Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park When: 9am – 12pm Where: Glenbow Ranch Provincial Park (maps and directions will be provided) Tuesday July 21st: Control Tactics and Defense, For Weeds That Is When: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Where: Boat Launch Parking Lot (Located off Bow Bottom Trail S.E.) Tuesday, July 28th: Big Hill Springs District Tour When: 10 am – 12:30 p.m. Where: Big Hill Springs Provincial Park (maps and directions will be provided). Tuesday, August 4th: Trout and the Bow River When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Where: Mallard Point Day Use Area (Access off Canyon Meadows Dr. S.E.) Wednesday, August 12th: Who’s There? – Wildlife Monitoring in Fish Creek When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Where: Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace Day Use Area (Access off 37 St. and 130 Ave. S.W.) Tuesday, August 18th: Water Tigers and Wetlands When: 7:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m. Where: Fish Creek Environmental Learning Centre, Shannon Terrace Day Use Area (Access off 37 St. and 130 Ave. S.W.) Tuesday, August 25th: Riparian Rescue When: 7:00 pm – 9:00 pm Where: Meet at the Cookhouse next to the Bow Valley Ranch Visitor Centre (Access off Bow Bottom Trail S.E.) Registration: Pre-registration is required, as there is limited space for tours. Please phone (403) 297-7927 or email Roland.Kirzinger@gov.ab.ca Admission: By donation (suggested $2.00 per person). All donations go to The Friends of Fish Creek Provincial Park Society to support education programs in the park. Pg. 20 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 21 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge SCHOOL listings École St Cecilia French Immersion Elementary School 610 Agate Cres SE Tel: 403-500-2040 École Notre-Dame-de-la-Paix 809, boulevard Willgdon SE, 403-271-5544 École St. Mathew School 416 - 83 Avenue SE, 403-500-2300 Pg. 22 Summer 2015 Fairview School 7840 Fairmount Drive SE, 403-777-7900 Mapleridge Cooperative Preschool 600 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-278-9594 Maple Ridge School 10203 Maplemont Road SE, 403-777-6280 R.T. Alderman School 725 Mapleton Drive SE, 403-777-7520 St. Bonaventure Junior High School 1710 Acadia Drive SE, 403-500-2062 St. Philip Fine Arts School 13825 Parkside Dr. SE, 403-500-2072 St. William School 11020 Fairmount Drive SE Tel: 403-500-2055 Willow Park Preschool 680 Acadia Drive SE Tel: 403-271-7016 Willow Park Arts Centred Learning 343 Willow Park Dr SE Tel: 403-777-6900 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! ØÃıį±±įØĽd ,íŊįíʼnğįāĶřřįßßdğĥ School of Recreational Irish School of Recreational Irish & Contemporary Dance & RIVERBEND Contemporary Dance STUDIO opening Fall 2013 FUN FRIENDSHIP FITNESS FREE “Try It Out” Class - September 4th @ 7pm To register, Call SHARON @ 403-852-5970 Fall Registration on Now - Classes ages 4 to Adult Now Registering for FALL Classes CelticRocksCalgary@gmail.com ages 4 to Adult ( MS SHARON @ 403-852-5970 A proud sponsor of the Horseshoes event at the Alberta 55 Plus Summer Games! Sudoku: CelticRocksCalgary@gmail.com For solution, go to mind’s design studio Each Sudoku has a unique solution that can be reached logically without guessing. Enter digits from 1 to 9 into the blank spaces. Every row must contain one of each digit, so must every column, as must every 3x3 square. SE LOCATION: RIVERBEND CENTER 19 Rivervalley DrIVE SE FUN Pg. 23 Summer 2015 l School of Recreational Irish FUN, FRIENDSHIP, & Contemporary Dance FITNESS RIVERBEND STUDIO opening Fall 2013 FREE “Try It Out” Class - September 4th @ 7pm To register, Call SHARON @ 403-852-5970 community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple FRIENDSHIP The OFFICIAL FITNESS Fall Registration on Now - Classes ages 4 to Adult CelticRocksCalgary@gmail.com Ridge THIS IS A TIP Most salons expect them. We say, “Thanks, but no thanks.” In fact, we’ve been saying, “No thank you” for over 35 years. Because we are professionals who are happy to do our best without extra gratuities. We are grateful to your for favouring us with your business and continued loyalty. So when you visit our Salon and Spa, you can relax during your services and enjoy our No Tipping policy. Esthetica Salon & Spa - 611 Acadia Dr SE www.estheticasalonandspa.com Pg. 24 Summer 2015 403-278-2525 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! 7711 Macleod Trail SE 587-354-1121 Watch CTV Morning live on location with the latest news from some of our vendors July 16th! www.marketonmacleod.com Market on Macleod - A modern day town square You can find us in the heart of Calgary, one kilometre south of Chinook nestled between Heritage Drive SW and Glenmore Trail SW. Market on Macleod invites you, your family, your friends and your neighbours to visit us at the market. We offer fresh greens, peaches, cherries, squash, apples and the scent of roasting chilies will capture your senses with each phase of the growing season. We will delight your tastebuds and inspire your daily cuisine with samples and recipes. Farm fresh pies, baked goods, flowers and local honey will capture your senses and the feeling of home at Market on Macleod. Local artisans join Market on Macleod with handmade soaps, oils, jewellery, clothing, pottery and more. Meet your friends or make new ones, at the market each week while you enjoy great produce, samples, live music, and events. We are your family, we are your friends and we are your neighbours - Come see us today and experience the difference at Market on Macleod!!! Real Food, Real People. Do you want to be part of Market on Macleod’s indoor or outdoor family? Are you an artist or an entertainer? Do you have a unique idea or event you would like to host at the market? Please contact Shane Strebchuk, Executive Director at: 587-899-0881. • • • • • Come join us for the TASTE of Canada Fetival July 18, 2015 from 10am to 4pm. We will be having a pancake and Canadian Bacon breakfast from 10am to noon. The public is asked to bring a non perishable food item or $2.00 with all proceeds going to the Calgary Food Bank. Throughout the day we will have live music, entertainers, and will be highlighting the food Canada has brought to the world such as delicious maple syrup, Saskatoon pies, butter tarts, Nanaimo bars, tourtière, and many more. We look forward to seeing you soon!!! New Dentures Complete & Partial Implant Dentures Relines & Repairs Insurance Plans Accepted Alberta Seniors Benefit Program With over 25 years experience, call us today for a Complimentary Consultation Douglas A. Lee, DD, DENTURIST Located on the corner of MacLeod Trail & 94th Ave SE MacLeod Plaza, 180-94th Avenue SE Pg. 25 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Macleod Trail Co-op Pop-up Farmers Market ! y l n O y a One D Show your support for local farmers, field-fresh goodness and sustainable shopping choices. Visit our outdoor pop-up market, meet the producers and buy direct. Visit localyyc.com Macleod Trail Co-op parking lot Date: Thursday, July 30th Time: 3-7 pm Pg. 26 Summer 2015 Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! With Dr. Lori Keeler Summer Tips Taking your pet on vacation is a relaxing time if they enjoy the ride. If your pet does not enjoy the ride they may benefit from anti-nauseants or anti-anxiety products. We can help – come in and talk to us. Beware of parasites such as ticks, fleas, mosquitoes when you are hiking, camping or just outdoors with your pet. To find out if these parasites are a concern and what to do about them contact us. If your pet has a minor injury a pet first aid kit is to the vet. We have pet first aid kits available – Remember – Don’t leave your pet alone in a bit, in the summer. Temperatures can tolerate and cause death. very helpful and can assist you before going stop by and pick one up. a vehicle, even if the windows are down reach well over what your pet can Some pets love to swim, if this is the case, they may be prone to ear infections from getting water in their ears. We have cleaning and drying products that are safe to use in the ears after swimming. Summer means allergies for many pets – the signs your pet may have allergies can vary widely but the most common are scratching, red skin and hair loss. If your pet has a skin problem we can provide relief. Call us at 403-278-9311. Chinook Animal Clinic 9945 Fairmount Dr. SE Pg. 27 Summer 2015 www.chinookvet.com l 403-278-9311 The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Community Your Official Newsletter Civic Chat MLA Calgary Acadia Brandy Payne Phone: 403-640-1363 Email: Calgary.Acadia@assembly.ab.ca Thank you for putting your trust in me to represent you in the Alberta Legislature. It is a huge honour and I am humbled by the opportunity to serve you. After the excitement of the election night, I woke up the next morning with a long to-do list. First there were a lot of people to thank, and campaign to wind-down, but my main focus has been is preparing for my new role as your MLA. On June 1, I travelled to Edmonton to be officially sworn-in as Member of the Legislative Assembly. You may have seen the swearing-in of Premier Notley and the new cabinet on television. Standing with my colleagues on the steps of the legislature, looking out at the thousands of Albertans who had come out to see history being made, was a moment I will always remember. It was a powerful demonstration of the trust Albertans have placed in our new government, and I want you to know that as your MLA I will be working hard every day to earn that trust. My priority has been getting my constituency office set up and running as quickly as possible. As an MLA, my constituents come first. I want to make sure my office is open and accessible to you, and that I have well-trained staff that can assist you whenever I’m out of the office. In the meantime, please do not hesitate to contact me by e-mail at Calgary. Acadia@assembly.ab.ca or by phone at 403-640-1363. I will reply as soon as I am able. I hope you will bear with me as I work to get everything in place. Shortly after the election, the Premier announced that the legislature would convene in June to tackle some of the pressing challenges facing our province. I was elected with a clear mandate focused on job creation, cleaning up politics and government, stabilizing our health and education systems and making our tax system a little more fair. In the legislature, I will work hard to follow-through on those commitments. As your MLA, I represent all residents of Calgary-Acadia. Whether you voted for me or someone else, know that my Pg. 28 Summer 2015 door is open to you. If you are thrilled – or concerned - by the steps our government is taking, I want to hear it. You can count on me to listen and bring your perspectives to the government and the legislature. Likewise, if you are having some difficulty dealing with the provincial government, please contact me – you can count on me to assist you to the best of my ability. In closing let me say once again what an honour it is to serve as your MLA. You have placed great trust in me, and I will be working hard every day to earn that trust. PS: Please join me at my Stampede Breakfast on Saturday July 4 from 8 am to 11 am at the Willow Ridge Community Hall, 680 Acadia Dr SE, co-hosted by the Willowridge Community Association. Fitness All Summer Long Fitness Classe Drop-In s Includ 50+ ed in Membership Residents of partnered commmunites pay 20% LESS than non residents. Trico Centre for Family Wellness 11150 Bonaventure Drive SE 403-278-7542 | www.tricocentre.ca Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Community Your Official Newsletter Civic Chat Ward 14 Councillor Peter Demong Phone: 403-268-1653 Email: eaward14@calgary.ca Howdy Ward 14! Every year I try to wrangle up some money for a good cause and celebration. The cause is our hard working community associations, and the celebration is the Ward 14 Communities BBQ. You can get a tasty burger there, and you’ll see all sorts of displays from the BBQ’s generous sponsors. There will be a whole raft of City of Calgary information as well. My Ward 14 Communities BBQ is on Saturday, September 26 from 11 a.m. to 2 p.m in the Southcentre Mall parking lot, but if you don’t think you will remember then keep these three things in mind. First, I will write about it in my next two newsletter columns. Second, you can find the information on my website at www.calgary.ca/ward14bbq. Third, I will send you updates via email if you sign up at www.calgary.ca/ward14connect. Another season of Aldertalk is now over. I want to sincerely thank everyone who turned up at one of the six sessions, and to all of the venues where we congregated. Every time I hold an Aldertalk it seems there are just a few more people than the last. Aldertalk is probably the most important tool that I have at my disposal. The input that I receive there is invaluable. While I can rightly claim to be the originator of the Aldertalk idea, I must admit that City administration is catching on with Citizen’s View. Citizen’s View is an online panel that encourages citizens to “Oh, the summer night, Has a smile of light, And she sits on a sapphire throne.” Bryan Procter participate in shaping City of Calgary programs and services. You can participate in surveys, have access to online discussions, provide your input on a variety of topics, and receive information and updates on upcoming events and service improvements. To sign up you just need to visit www.citizensiew.ca. I encourage you to do so. Did you know? The City operates and maintains over 200 storm ponds. You should also know that they are a vital part of Calgary’s storm water system. Storm ponds (or more specifically, wet ponds) collect water and run-off from the storm water system. They trap things like oil, chemicals, fertilizer, pesticides, and sediments. Besides helping to mitigate local flooding, storm ponds improve the quality of water that eventually reaches our rivers. With all of the nasty things that they keep out of our rivers, storm ponds are not surprisingly a bad place to swim. Storm ponds are not intended for recreational use. Their water levels are constantly fluctuating and they can contain pollutants. Swimming, skating, boating, fishing, and fish stocking are just some of the activities that are strictly prohibited in storm ponds. Happy trails to you, and don’t hesitate to contact me for any reason. ~ Councillor Peter Demong Come on over and spend the day enjoying the outdoors. Play time for all ages. Coffee shop, picnic areas and BBQs available. Located 8.5 km on Highway 550 (just outside of Bassano, Alberta) Contact Sherry at 403-701-0778 Pg. 29 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge Your t y i u m n Com ADS!!! IED F I S S A CL To place your classified ad, contact us at 403-203-9152 or email: newslettersales@mindsdesign.ca today! Community Members Can Receive Discounts! AMAZING HOME INSPECTOR AT KING HOME INSPECTIONS Henry is passionate about people and his inspections. 30yrs Knowledge and Experience. He goes above and beyond for all our clients. To book an appointment or to ask a question, please give us a call at 403-481-8800 or you can email us at denise@kinginspectors.com Knowledge is Power and Kindness is King! ELECTRICITY IS NOT A HOBBY! Call a licensed Electrician and Pot Light Specialist. No job is too small. Excellent rates. Call John at 403-281-5002/403-708-6555. FOOT CARE IN THE COMFORT OF YOUR OWN HOME Having trouble reaching your toes to cut your nails? Dealing with chronic health conditions that affect your feet? Have any of these, ingrown toenails, toenail fungus, cracks or really dry skin? Then you would benefit from a therapeutic pedicure. 28 years in the industry. Call Laura for your complementary assessment. 403-681-7531/ qhealth@shaw.ca Hillen Sales – Independent Watkins Consultant Right in Your Area Are you or someone you know looking to earn extra income? It is possible selling Watkins Products – products that have been around for Generations! Contact me for more information or to purchase products. Lorie Hillen – 403-891-7832 IS YOUR COMPUTER CAUSING YOU GRIEF? Feeling frustrated & don’t know where to start? Trusted, reliable technician (+15 yrs exp) offering personal, home based & small business computer services to suit your budget. Call Debra at DDL Computer Solutions: 403-630-2862 ART CLASSES FOR KIDS 6-12 Fall Trimester Theme: AFRICAN animals, landscape, still life, culture, people Mon - Riverbend; Tues - Strathcona Wed - Queensland; Fri - Braeside starts week of Sept 8; 4:30 to 6 pm. Schedule, registration, info via email: kidsart@telus.net Website: www.originalpaint.ca Instructor: Miss Lillian JUNK TO THE DUMP Disposal of residential/commercial unwants including hard to handle. Move in/out & reno cleanups. We load. Fast service, competitive $$ & satisfaction guaranteed. Specializing in South Calgary. Call Sanil 403-616-2758. ALL-PRO BOOKKEEPING LTD provides 25+ yrs exp to small/med size businesses. All accounting functions provided to year-end incl all Gov’t remittances. Personal Taxes. QuickBooks & Simply Acct 403.366.4999 info@ allprobookkeeping.ca website: www.allprobookkeeping.ca MOVING SALE - EVERYTHING MUST GO! One day only - Saturday, July 11th. CASH Only! IMMEDIATE Take Home! Everything from furniture, baby items to pet supplies! Location: 147 Riverside Mews SE (9 - 4 pm) BR plumbing & Renovations LTD. Residential services, plumbing repairs and new installations, hot water tanks, taps/toilets, sumpumps, drain cleaning and home renovations. We are just minutes away! 403-923-2918 (24 hr services). NEPTUNE PLUMBING & HEATING LTD. Residential and commercial service. Renovations, gas fitting and backflow testing. Fully licensed and insured with competitive rates. Customer satisfaction assured. CALL 403-255-7938, 24 HOUR EMERGENCY SERVICE. BASEMENTS - RENOS - PAINTING - Garages - Decks Fences - Clean-up - Framing & Finishing - General Work. Call John (Certified Carpenter) at 403-255-5564. CONCRETE CUTTING FOR BASEMENT WINDOWS and DOORWAYS - Cut, Supplied & Installed. Doorways Cutting - Concrete Wall Cutting - Concrete Floor Cutting Core Drilling - Any Size. Excavation/Window Well Supplied & Installed - Weeping Tile Installation. Phone 403-570-0555 Email: fives90@yahoo.ca See our display ad on page 11. Pg. 30 Summer 2015 SCHECK TILE & STONE 21 yrs of experience (14 yrs in Germany + 7 in Canada). High quality tile & stone installation. New homes & renovations. Alex 403-402-8923 THE CONTRACTOR YOU’VE BEEN LOOKING FOR No projects too big or too small. Knowledgeable and reliable team of professionals. Book now to have your fence and deck repaired or painted this summer. Get your projects completed! Carl 403-671-4714. Thank you for supporting your community association and your local businesses! Pg. 31 Summer 2015 l The OFFICIAL community newsletter for Willow Park & Maple Ridge 403.253.5678 24 Hours Cell: 403.714.4833 (text/voice) nicklimarealty@live.ca Residential, Condo, Retirement and Investment Agent 3 Interview at least Realtors before you decide. You will be glad you did. 1. I LIVE IN WILLOW RIDGE and care about the resale value of our area! 2. #1 RESIDENTIAL AGENT at Maxwell South Star out of 102 Realtors in 2013. 3. A FREE MARKET EVALUATION during my job interview with you, which includes a list price and sold price analysis. 4. TOP SELLING RESIDENTIAL REALTOR SINCE 1992. I know both sales and construction to provide you with complete real estate guidance. 5. CREATIVE LISTING OPTIONS, with 4 distinct marketing plans to satisfy many different seller’s needs, while still providing Nick Lima’s level of service. 6. I can assist you in buying an older home by ANALYSING “POTENTIAL” ACTUAL REPAIR COSTS prior to putting in an offer. Why pay for the home inspection, then afterwards, decide not to buy it? 7. Prior to having kids, I was consistently TOP 7 OUT OF 700 Realtors at Maxwell Realty 6 YEARS IN A ROW. Kids have grown. I AM BACK! 8. AN ADVANCED STAGING OPTION which applies principles of FLIPPING HOUSES to selling your own house. I have flipped for a profit over 36 homes in the last 21 years. Let me help you NET more. MaxWell South Star Realty #20, 8180 MacLeod Trail S, Calgary, AB T2H 2B8 “Enter to win, through me, a vacation at www.MaxwellDreamVacation.com”
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