How To Reach Us


How To Reach Us
Winter Radar Mosaic Now Available
The product uses a sophisticated
computer algorithm that first uses
NEXRAD base reflectivity returns,
and then colors them based upon
surface reports, surface and dew
point temperatures, and numerical
model input. Each area has 16
shades to indicate differences in the
intensity of the precipitation.
Rain areas use the same color palette
as the standard NEXRAD base
reflectivity product, where rain
intensity goes from green (light) to
yellow (moderate) to red (heavy).
Freezing rain and/or areas of mixed
rain and snow use shades of pink,
where light pink indicates light
precipitation and dark pink indicates
heavy precipitation.
Corporate Flyer
Snow areas are depicted using
shades of blue: light blue being
light snow and dark blue depicting
heavy snow.
The algorithm is not perfect,
especially in mountainous areas,
but provides the user with a very quick
and easy way to determine areas
of frozen precipitation from nonfrozen precipitation.
The maps are created and updated
every 6 minutes based upon the latest
NEXRAD updates, and are combined
into mosaics for the entire United
States (US), as well as the 6 smaller
regions of the United States
The new Winter Radar mosaics (map
weather code = RADWM) are
available on, JetPlanner,
FliteStar, and OpsControl. In
addition to being a separate map and
available for looping, we have
included the colorized radar product
with the IR satellite composite and
the surface analysis maps for the
United States and Regional United
States maps.
Web site:
Recently added to the list of Jeppesen
weather maps is the Winter Radar
Mosaics. This product depicts
NEXRAD radar base reflectivity in
three distinct color palettes so the user
can easily identify and differentiate
between areas of snow, freezing rain,
and rain.
Jeppesen DataPlan
Moves Offices
After nearly 27 years of operating in
the sleepy suburb of Los Gatos,
California, Jeppesen DataPlan has
relocated to a new high-rise in the
heart of nearby downtown San Jose.
The facility, which is located just two
miles from Norman Y. Mineta San
Jose International Airport, was
selected in response to Jeppesen
DataPlan’s growth in business and
staff. Occupying the top two floors
of the building, this division of
Jeppesen is primarily responsible
for providing international trip
planning, fuel, flight planning, and
weather services to the Business
Aviation community.
In addition to a high-tech 24/7
Operations Center, the new office
includes meeting and state-of-theart training facilities for our
customers. The first client to utilize
these amenities was San Jose-based
operator Hewlett-Packard Aviation,
who recently selected Jeppesen
as the flight planning, weather,
international trip planning, and
electronic charting services provider
for their fleet of Gulfstream and
Falcon aircraft.
For those clients visiting Jeppesen
DataPlan, the building is centrally
located to major hotels, fine
restaurants, the San Jose Convention
Center, and the HP Pavilion. If your
future travels take you to San Jose or
anywhere in the San Francisco Bay
Area, please make it a point to drop
by our new facility. We would be
more than happy to give you a tour!
Jeppesen DataPlan
225 W. Santa Clara St.
Suite 1600
San Jose, CA 95113
Phone: 408.961.2825 or
800.358.6468 (toll-free)
Neu-Isenburg, Direct: +49 6102 5070
Fax: +49 6102 507999
Denver, CO
Toll Free: 800.553.7750
Direct: 303.328.4244
Fax: 303.328.4116
Airway Manuals, Charts, JeppView,
NavData and Pilot Supplies
London, UK
San Jose, CA
Direct: +44 1293 842403
Fax: +44 1293 842440
email: ifs–
Toll Free: 877.537.7487
Direct: 408.963.2000
Fax: 408.961.5362
Flight Planning, Weather, Fuel, and
International Trip Planning
How To Reach Us
225 W. Santa Clara St., Ste. 1600
San Jose, CA 95113
The U.S. State Department’s current list of
Travel Warnings includes: Afghanistan,
Algeria, Angola, Bosnia, Burundi, Central
African Republic, Colombia, Democratic
Republic of Congo, Indonesia, Iran,
Iraq, Israel, the West Bank, and Gaza,
Ivory Coast, Kenya, Lebanon, Liberia,
Libya, Nepal, Nigeria, Pakistan, Saudi
Arabia, Somalia, Sudan, Turkey, Yemen,
and Zimbabwe.
Regional Updates
Contact Jeppesen International Trip
Planning for further information.
Nagoya, Japan (RJNN) – airport will
be closed between 1300Z-2100Z on
non-specified days throughout the
month of February.
London Stansted (EGSS) – airport
will be undergoing runway repairs
from 07-22 March; operators should
anticipate intermittent runway closures
during this period.
Alexandria, Egypt (HEBA) – airport
will be closed until 01 May.
Effective 01 March 2004 all persons
entering Barbados from the United
States and Canada are required to
have a valid passport. A birth certificate
along with a photo I.D. will no longer
be accepted.
Operators into the Dominican Republic
need to be aware that fuel is available
on a very limited basis at most major
airports. In some cases, a maximum
uplift of 500 gallons only will be allowed.
It is recommended that you confirm fuel
availability prior to operation.
This is a general reminder that all air
carriers and Part 135 operators (including
cargo carriers) need to transmit outbound
APIS reports, as well as inbound to the
United States. The inbound APIS report is
currently a law and the outbound report
is in the final stages of becoming law as
well. Jeppesen International Trip
Planning can assist with APIS reports, so
please contact us for further information
on this or any other operational issue.
Jeppesen Supports Boeing
777-300ER Flights
Between October and December of 2003, Boeing conducted
numerous FAA certification flights using two of its new 777300ER aircraft. Although all aspects of the airplane’s flight
characteristics were evaluated, a special emphasis was placed
on its ETOPS (Extended Range Operation with Two-Engine
Airplanes) capabilities. With that in mind, a record-setting 330
minutes of a flight between Seattle, Washington and Taipei,
Taiwan were successfully flown with one engine shut down.
Aside from the specific ETOPS testing, two other notable
events that took place include a maximum time flight of 18.5
hours between Sydney, Australia and Recife, Brazil and
numerous 45-60 minute ground turns that were accomplished
during humidity and cold-soak testing in Singapore.
Among the numerous support personnel involved in these
certification and demonstration flights were Jeppesen’s very
own International Trip Planning, Meteorology, Flight Planning,
and Ground Handling groups. Working globally as one, these
teams provided computerized flight plans and weather data,
assisted with securing hotel accommodations for the crews, and
arranged for landing and overflight permits, a task made all
the more complicated by the fact that the two aircraft were
operating under Experimental Airworthiness Certificates. In
addition to these services, fuel was supplied by Jeppesen World
Fuel Services and all ground handling was provided by members
of Jeppesen’s Preferred Ground Handler Network.
In all, 19 locations were visited, including Easter Island,
Petropavlosk, the Paris and Dubai air shows, and Svalbard,
Norway, which is the world’s northernmost airport that
has daily scheduled jet service. After numerous hours of
pre-planning work and a two month period of actual flying,
Boeing proclaimed these series of flights a success. As a result,
the first 777-300ER is scheduled for delivery for operations
with Air France in April of this year.
Please visit for more information
on the 777-300ER certification flights.
Athens Aviation Services (continued)
All flights regardless of category
and rules of flight will be subject
to slot restrictions at Athens
International Airport. Ground time
is limited to a maximum of two
hours. This rule does not apply to
flights holding historical rights and
Greek air taxi carriers based at
Athens International Airport.
Where permission for a ground
time of more than two hours is
granted by the Slot Coordinator,
aircraft might be allocated to a
remote parking position. There
will be an extra 70 parking spaces
available for aircraft up to the size
of a Gulfstream V. Taxiways B, C,
Z, and the R3 area will be designated as extra parking areas.
The acceptable tolerances from the Slot-designated time
of arrival are as follows:
For flights shorter than 4 hours: margin of (+/-) 20 minutes
For flights longer than 4 hours: margin of (+/-) 30 minutes
Operations without an approved slot will result in severe
monetary penalties. The slot application rules are valid from
the 15th of July 2004 until the 30th of September 2004 for all
of Greece. Operators that have not already sent their handling
requests should inform their Jeppesen International Trip
Planning office of their flight schedules as soon as possible
in order to start the slot application process.
Jeppesen and Jet Fleet
International Form Alliance
Jeppesen and Jet Fleet International (JFI)
recently finalized a deal whereby Jeppesen
will provide its international trip planning
services to JFI members. Through its
International Trip Planning business,
Jeppesen offers a comprehensive One
Source solution for corporate operators.
The lineup of services includes securing
landing and overflight permits, a ground
handler network, flight planning, weather
and NOTAM information, Airway Manual
trip kits, a global jet fuel purchasing
program, and more.
Jet Fleet International was co-founded by
Gene Cernan, a former astronaut and the
last man to walk on the moon, and Bob
Hoover, a former test pilot and an
acclaimed air show performer. JFI seeks to
provide its member companies with bundled product solutions while leveraging its
group buying power.
“Having Jeppesen as a partner on the JFI
team gives our members a tremendous
advantage,” said Finn Moller, JFI president.
“There is no other company that can deliver all the services that Jeppesen provides to
corporate jet operators. From flight plans
to international trip planning to weather to
charts, it truly is a One Source solution.”
Visit the Athens International Airport web site at: for more information.
Athens Aviation Services and Jeppesen look forward to assisting
you during these historic games!
JFI and Jeppesen Sign Service Agreement
– (standing, left to right); Mark van Tine,
Jeppesen President & COO; Jay Smith,
Jeppesen Senior Aviation Sales
Consultant; Finn Moller, JFI President;
(seated, left to right); Kevin Collins,
Jeppesen Senior Vice-President, Business
& General Aviation; Bob Hoover, JFI cofounder and legendary pilot.