Shabbat - Temple Judea Mizpah


Shabbat - Temple Judea Mizpah
The commandment is a lamp and the teaching is a light - Proverbs 6:23
Volume 63 Number 2
November/December 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775
Rabbi’s Message
By: Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
Service Schedule:
There’s a saying in Judaism that expresses: if you ask two Jewish people a question, you’ll get three opinions—and some- November 1 - 9:00 am
times more. Perhaps the humor in this punchline is due to the Shabbat Minyan
oftentimes truth to such a situation. In Judaism there’s often
November 7 - 7:30 pm
more than two ways to look at a dilemma.
Shabbat with Birthday Blessings
In a scene from Fiddler on the Roof, Tevye and the men of the town are arguing with Perchik, a university student, who is trying to convince these villagers November 8 - 9:00 am
that they cannot ignore what’s going on in the outside world. One man says, Shabbat Minyan
“Why should I break my head about the outside world? Let the outside world November 8 - 10:30 am
break its own head.” Tevye chimes in, “He’s right.”
Bat Mitzvah of
Madelyn Silverstein
Perchik then retorts, “Nonsense, you can’t close your eyes to what’s happening
in the world,” and Tevye adds, “He’s right.” A third man comments pointing November 14 - 7:30 pm
first to Perchik, then to the first man who spoke, “He’s right, and he’s right. Prayer Study Shabbat
They both can’t be right.” At which point Tevye adds, “You know, you’re also
November 15 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
Judaism is filled with discussion and debate for which there may be more than
two sides. In his book, Judaism's Great Debates, Rabbi Barry L Schwartz ex- November 21 - 7:30 pm
Family Shabbat with
plains a teaching of Rabbi Nachman of Bratslav. “… debate is a holy form of Anniversary Blessings and
communication. The holiness is derived from the way debate echoes the divine Kol Simcha Choir
process of tzimtzum, making space for the creation of something new.” When
we engage in debate, if we are truly listening to the words of the other person, November 22 - 9:00 am
then it can help strengthen our own side, but it also does something else: it can Shabbat Minyan
allow for the opportunity and emergence of other new ideas.
Yet there’s only one answer to the following question, “When is TJM’s Adult
Retreat at OSRUI this year?” The answer is, the weekend of December 5-7,
2014. Incidentally, the theme of this year’s Adult Retreat is “Great Jewish Debates.” See page 7 for more details. We will explore some of the great debates
in Judaism, focusing on the timelessness of the underlying values of the discussion. I anticipate this will be a very lively weekend, and I hope you’ll be able to
join us.
Rabbi Amy L. Memis-Foler
November 28 - 5:30 pm (note time)
Ru’ach Shabbat followed by
Potluck Dinner
November 29 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
Student, Adult and Family Retreat
December 5-7, 2014
See page 7 for further information.
Temple Judea Mizpah 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie IL 60077• 847-676-1566 • •
President’s Message
By: Sharon Kessler
Many of you heard me speak about “making memories” last
month during the High Holy Days 5775 services. Since
then, many of you have told me about your favorite memories and the items in your homes that physically represent an
important moment in your lives.
Today, it seems like young people think that nothing really happens in their lives
unless they have a picture taken of themselves. They have even coined a name
for a picture like this, “a selfie”. What a name! It sounds like selfish to me, but
maybe I’m showing my age. Millions of such pictures are being taken every day.
I wonder if the people in these pictures spend any time just enjoying the people
they are with, the places that they are visiting, or the world outside of their own
personal space. They seem so consumed with the taking of the pictures.
Today, in our own Temple Judea Mizpah, there are millions more memories
waiting to be made. We are again faced with financial dilemmas of the past several years. We have made memories for our congregants for 60 and a half years.
We need the help of everyone connected with the temple to come together and
dig deep to raise the funds to continue the traditions and programs that we are
so proud of.
The cost of our daily operations is huge. It is way more than the dollars
brought in with dues and the money brought in from our tenants. We have our
High Holy Day Appeal, Generation Next, and the Founders 2020 that we started last year which try and raise the rest of needed dollars. It may seem as if all
we do at TJM is beg for money. I think about how we are going to pay the bills
every day.
Whatever your personal finances allow, we need your help. Please think about
all of the wonderful memories you have of times with your friends from Temple
Judea Mizpah, and do everything you can to help us continue our destiny. It
can only be wonderful and exciting if each of us does everything we can in order
to help. If you have already made your pledge or donation to the High Holy
Day Appeal, thank you so much. If you haven’t gotten around to it yet, here is
another chance. Just mark on the check that it is for the Appeal. Thank you in
advance. May we go from strength to strength on to 120!
Service Schedule:
December 5 - 7:30 pm
Shabbat with Birthday Blessings
December 6 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
December 12 - 7:30 pm
Family Shabbat with Consecration
December 13 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
December 19 - 5:45 pm (note time)
Erev Shabbat with
Anniversary Blessings and
Kol Simcha Choir followed by
Chanukah Dinner & Party
December 20 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
December 20 - 10:30 am
Bat Mitzvah of Hannah Gutstadt
December 26 - 7:30 pm
Ru’ach Shabbat
December 27 - 9:00 am
Shabbat Minyan
Sharon Kessler
Be a Flower Sponsor
If you wish to sponsor a flower arrangement
for the bimah in honor or memory of someone
or for a simcha (special occasion),
please notify the office.
November 27 & 28
Arrangements are $50 each.
Flowers are only ordered when we have a sponsor.
December 31 & January 1
December 24 & 25
Kosher food for The Ark
Non-perishable food for A Just Harvest and
The Niles Township Food Pantry
Magazines for Hines VA Hospital
Please help us help those in need.
Social Action
November/December Tzedakah Recipient:
Gift of Life
Bone Marrow Foundation
Gift of Life is one of the nation's public bone marrow
and blood stem cell registries. Through its life-saving
work, Gift of Life is a world leader facilitating transplants for children and adults suffering from many lifethreatening diseases. It is said that saving one life is like
saving the entire world.
The tzedakah box is located in the lobby.
A Just Harvest
7649 N. Paulina St., Chicago
Please continue to keep A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen in
your thoughts when you are at the grocery store. An
extra can of vegetables or box of pasta makes a
difference and feeds the hungry.
Wish list: chicken legs and thighs, coffee, canned
vegetables, spaghetti sauce, canned tuna or salmon,
tomato soup, and volunteers.
If you are interested in volunteering, please contact:
Helayne Levin at 847-583-9374
Manna Cards
TJM receives a donation from each purchase.
This is a great way for us to earn money.
Try it for groceries, restaurants and
Chanukah gifts.
Orders due: Tuesdays, November 11 and
December 9
Cards will be ready for pick-up
on the following dates:
Wednesdays, November 19 and December 10.
Thank you for your support!
August Honor Roll:
Ray Ariaz, Marcia Caulkins, Jay & Irene Frank,
Joyce Gayle, Aaron Gordon, Al & June Gordon,
Helayne Levin, and Noel Sucherman
September Honor Roll:
Ruth Buchanan and Helayne Levin provided dinner.
We did not have volunteers serve dinner because
it was Rosh Hashanah.
We are also thankful to Al & Dolores Erlebacher,
Mort Paradise and Susan Wilner for their donations
toward chicken for a Just Harvest dinner.
Upcoming Dates:
Wednesdays, November 26 and December 24
5:00 - 6:30 pm
Note ♪ from the Cantor
By: Cantor Richard Bessman
Hi TJM Membership. The 2014-2015 school year is well underway. I thought you would like to
know that we have a few new teachers this year. Please meet:
Sue Stine (Grades 3-4). I have been involved in Jewish education my entire professional career. I
am a graduate of the joint program of Columbia University and the Jewish Theological Seminary. I have a master’s degree in Jewish education from NYU. I have worked in the supplemental religious
school world my entire career as a director of education and as a teacher. I love sharing with students all the
wonderful aspects of Judaism including Hebrew, prayer, Bible studies, Jewish history, and Israel. I love being in
a classroom teaching and interacting with students. In addition to Jewish education, I am also a sports instructor. My passions in life include teaching about all aspects of Judaism, teaching sports and teaching Jewish music. I am a big sports fan. I love music and singing. My goal this year as a teacher for the religious school is to
share with my students all the special aspects of Judaism through fun and exciting activities and lessons.
Yogev Ben-Shalom (Grades 4-5). I was born and raised in Netanya, Israel. I then joined the army and served for
three years, worked for one year following my service and decided to come to the U.S. in 2001. I began teaching
Sunday school Hebrew at Evanston Synagogue for a couple of years back in 2008 and also started Hebrew private tutoring for kids and adults. I now live in the Edgebrook neighborhood with my five-year-old daughter Mia.
My experience and love for children creates a positive learning environment in the classroom along with fun and
seriousness when needed. Aside from being a teacher, I've been working as a full-time real estate broker in the
Chicago metro area for the past nine years, love working out and swimming (swimming coach in Israel), scuba
diving, motorcycles, food, travel and life, of course. I look forward to becoming a part of Temple Judea Mizpah
and exchanging positive Hebrew and cultural experiences!
Danny Lebowitz (Grades 6-7 & Youth Director). I am from the snowy state of Minnesota, and have worked
with Jewish youth at summer camps and NFTY events for the past five years. I hold a bachelor's degree in K-12
music education, and I am currently working on a master’s degree in higher education administration at DePaul
University. My main goal for the school year is to make Jewish learning fun.
Michelle Hartmann (Substitute and School Aid). I have been working at Northwestern University for the past
three years. Working at Northwestern has helped me grow as I gain an understanding of young minds and of
their insatiable desire to learn. I have also attended religious education school from pre-k through secondary
school. After I graduated, I knew I wanted to help teach the values of the Jewish way of life to the young and to
help them enjoy learning about our culture. I am always willing to explore opportunities to celebrate and educate
our young Jewish community about their heritage. I am happy about this opportunity to help instill within our
students the values of our people.
Feel free to introduce yourselves to our new teachers; they will appreciate your warm hello. Even if you’re not
young enough for their classes, there are great adult-education choices for you on Sunday mornings, from Hebrew studies to The Jewish Lens curriculum. I think it will be an exciting year of studies at TJM, and I hope to
see you there.
Please join us on Friday, December 12 at 7:30 pm
when our new students will be called to the bimah
to receive their Certificate of Consecration
as they begin their Jewish studies.
TJM Book Club
Wednesday, November 19
1:00 pm
The Measure of a Man:
A Spiritual Autobiography
By: Sidney Poitier
In this luminous memoir, Sidney Poitier looks back on
his celebrated life and career. Here he explores these
elements of character and personal values to take his
own measure - as a man, as a husband and
a father, and as an actor.
Wednesday, December 17
1:00 pm
This Is Where I Leave You
By: Jonathan Tropper
The death of Judd Foxman's father marks the first time
that the entire Foxman clan has congregated in years.
Simultaneously mourning the demise of his father and
his marriage, Judd joins his dysfunctional family as they
reluctantly sit shiva and spend seven days and nights
under the same roof. . This Is Where I Leave You is a
riotously funny, emotionally raw novel about love, marriage, divorce, family, and the ties that bind-whether we
like it or not.
Madelyn Silverstein will be called to
the Torah as a Bat Mitzvah on Saturday, November 8, 2014 at 10:30
am. Celebrating this milestone with
her are her proud parents Toby and
Michael, sister Ryan, and her family
and friends. Madelyn enjoys volleyball, dancing, singing, climbing,
swimming, playing her trumpet, art mediums of all
kinds, and socializing with her friends. Her Bat Mitzvah
project is collecting non-perishable food items for the
Niles Food Pantry, A Just Harvest Soup Kitchen, and
the Chicagoland Ark. Madelyn said one of the most important things she learned from Hebrew School is the
importance of tzedakah - an act of goodwill and a marker of generosity. It is one of the most important obligations in Judaism.
Hannah Gutstadt will be
called to the Torah as a Bat
Mitzvah on Saturday, December 20, 2014 at 10:30 am. Celebrating this milestone with
her are her proud parents Ayala and Ken, older brother Joseph and grandparents Shelly and Joe Gutstadt and Miriam Tschernobelsky. Hannah is a 7th grade student at
Algonquin Middle School. She loves to participate in
soccer, running, dancing, and swimming. For her Bat
Mitzvah project, Hannah will be assisting the elderly at
a nursing home and helping sort food at a local food
pantry. One thing Hannah learned from her Jewish Education is that helping others is very important.
Open Shabbat Table
Friday, November 14
5:45 pm
At the home of Shelley & Gary Bowyer
Join the Bowyers for candle lighting, kiddush, motzi
and an informal meal before going to temple
for Shabbat services at 7:30 pm.
Guests are asked to bring a dish to share with others.
RSVP by emailing or
calling the temple office at 847-676-1566.
TJM Resale Boutique
Sunday, November 16
8:30 am - 2:30 pm
Bring us your stuff.
Drop-off will begin on
Sunday, November 9.
Religion and Social Action Message
By: Helayne Levin
I am only one; but still I am one.
I cannot do everything but still I can do something.
I will not refuse to do the something I can do.
Helen Keller
I have been a member at TJM for over 25 years now and have tried to think back to all of the wonderful things we have
done. I thought it might be nice to look back and think about some of these programs. It’s too bad my brain and my computer only go as far back as 2002. We have so many reasons to be proud. Pat yourselves on the back and look forward to
what you can help us do to continue to keep TJM on the map in Skokie and the greater community. We are an amazing
community. Look what we have accomplished together:
Mitzvah Mania: Health and Community Fair
Immigration Forum
Community Garage Sale
30 years of cooking and serving meals at A Just Harvest
Toiletry drive for women of Sarah’s Circle
Dinner and service to honor servicemen and women
Changing the World Together One Block At A Time
Religious Action Center FAIN Award
Preview of Girl Rising and Food Stamped
A Just Harvest dinner at temple
Coordination of bread delivery from Kaufman’s bakery to the Niles Township Food Pantry
Passover and Rosh Hashanah Food Drives at Jewel
Fund Raising to purchase solar cookers for women and families in Darfur and fundraising through Dolls for Darfur
Knitting of hats and gloves for children who are patrons at A Just Harvest
Coordination of Flu shots at temple
Supported a Jewish community in the Ukraine
The ARK Chanukah Gift Wishes program
Educational programs on The Marriage Act, Food Justice, and Stem Cell research
Participation in fundraising for Nothing But Nets
Participation in JCARES Safer Synagogue program, awareness regarding domestic violence
Multiple Blood Drives and Annual Food Drives
Crocheted and knitted children’s blankets for Linus Project
Global Hunger Shabbat
Yom Kippur Break the Fast Bags
Volunteering for Maot Chitim
Leading classes in cooking and planting at the Center for Enriched Living
May Our Homes be Shelters of Peace – 2003 educational program
...and more!
Adult Education Class - The Jewish Lens
Sunday mornings 10:30 - 11:30 am in the Community Hall with Cantor Bessman
Fee: $200
This multi-faceted curriculum employs photography in the exploration of core elements in Jewish culture.
Photographs are used as a way to frame each learning session. Students will: explore values that are central to
Judaism; investigate the diversity of the Jewish communities around the world; analyze Jewish texts and make
connections with contemporary Jewish life; cultivate visual literacy skills; develop beginning competence in the art
of photography; experience a personal connection to Jewish values through artistic expression; and relate the investigation of Jewish values and notions of community to their own identities.
Please rsvp to the temple office at or 847-676-1566.
TJM Barnes & Noble Bookfair
Sunday, December 14
Barnes & Noble Old Orchard
12:00 - 5:00 pm
A portion of the sales will be donated to our library.
TJM Adult Retreat at OSRUI
December 5-7, 2014
Great Jewish Debates
TJM's Adult Retreat will meet at OSRUI* for a wonderful weekend of study, prayer, camaraderie and
relaxation. We will begin around 6:00 pm on Friday
and conclude about 12:45 pm on Sunday. The cost is
$200 for double occupancy. There is a $50 surcharge
for a single room. Space is limited to 20 rooms.
Please send in payment to the temple office by November 14, 2014 to secure your place. The cost covers six meals and two nights stay in a room with
two twin beds and a private bathroom. Carpools can
be arranged. Please indicate if you would be able to
drive other passengers or if you need a ride.
Come make a Chanukah craft.
If you can’t attend the Bookfair, support us online from
December 14 - 20 by entering Bookfair ID 1147135
at checkout.
Teen Substance Abuse Awareness
Our congregants, Officer Jeff Gordon and Andrea Varol,
Rehabilitation Counselor will address teen substance abuse and
how to seek help dealing with substance abuse.
Sunday, November 23
10:30 - 11:30 am
TJM Community Hall
This program is for adults only.
Q & A after the presentation.
Online registration can be done by clicking on the
link in TJM’s weekly email “News from Temple Judea Mizpah,” or by typing in this long url: https://
All adults are welcome to attend.
Attention Mah Jongg Players
2015 Mah Jongg Cards Available
If you have any questions feel free to contact Rabbi
Memis-Foler at or
Standard cards $8 - Large print cards $9
Orders due by January 23, 2015 - Checks payable to TJM
All cards will be mailed. TJM benefits from each sale.
If you or someone you know does not have a computer and would like to join us, please register by
calling Rabbi Memis-Foler or the temple office.
Clip and mail with payment to: Temple Judea Mizpah,
8610 Niles Center Rd., Skokie, IL 60077 Attn: Sharlene
Questions? Call Sharlene at 847-965-0909
*Olin-Sang Ruby Union Institute,
our Reform Jewish camp in Oconomowoc, WI
Standard Card
Large Print Card
Don’t Miss the Fun!
School and Family Retreat also December 5-7.
Check your email for further information.
x $8=$
x $9=$
Chanukah Blessings
Candles are added to the Chanukiah from right to left but are kindled from left
to right. The newest candle is lit first. On the Shabbat of Chanukah, kindle the
Chanukah lights first and then the Shabbat candles. Light the Shamash (the
helper candle) first, using it to kindle the rest of the Chanukah lights; say or sing:
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, asher kid'shanu b'mitzvotav
v'tsivanu l'hadlik ner shel Chanukah.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who hallows us with mitzvot, commanding us to kindle the
Chanukah lights.
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, she-asah nisim laavoteinu v'imoteinu bayamim haheim baz'man hazeh.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, who performed wonderous deeds for our ancestors in days
of old at this season.
For first night only:
Baruch atah, Adonai Eloheinu, Melech haolam, shehecheyanu v'kiy'manu v'higianu laz'man hazeh.
Blessed are You, Adonai our God, Sovereign of all, for giving us life, for sustaining us, and for enabling us to
reach this season.
TJM Parents Present:
Chanukah Happening 2014
Who: TJM Congregants, Friends & Family
When: Friday, December 19 (4th night of Chanukah)
Time: 5:45 pm , 6:45 pm Dinner & Program
Cost: $12/Adult (13 & over), $5/Child
Please bring your family Chanukiah to light and
a can or two of tuna, spaghetti sauce or vegetables to donate to A Just Harvest.
Potluck dessert - please bring something to share.
Join us for Erev Shabbat service at 5:45 pm and stay for
lighting the Chanukiah, singing, family games, latkes and fun with your TJM family!
Please RSVP by Tuesday, December 16
Contact us at 847-676-1566 or
Birthday Blessings are held
Erev Shabbat, Friday, November 7 at 7:30 pm
Shana Ariaz
Kayla Brill
Ronald Buchanan
Betty Butler
Kay Friedman
Ann Gershanov
Michele Harrison
Anna Hurtado
Roberto Hurtado
Liza Kessler
Judy Kessler
Alan Kotlyar
Yefim Kotlyar
Bonnie Krasny
Joseph Kritzman
Mike Mages
Paul Maitino
Sharon Rabens-Maitino
Janice McDill
Kathy Osborne
Jill Paul
Alex Pekar
Judie Pittel
Abigail Posner
Larry Rosenthal
Berta Sapier
Phillip Singer
Laurie Tenzer
Susan Wilner
Anniversary Blessings are held
Birthday Blessings are held
Erev Shabbat, Friday, December 5 at 7:30 pm
Jeffrey Brill
Hanna Brozell
Theresa Delin
Larry Fisher
Judy Foler
Enid Golden
Morris Green
Hannah Gutstadt
Barbara Hanan
David Hartmann
Claire Hirsch
Jerry Kirkpatrick
Patricia Kritzman
Danielle Mages
Robert Maitino
Shaina Maitino
Katy Posner
Evans Poulos
Daniel Robinson
Heather Robinson
Allan Sadur
David Silverman
Robin Sonenshein
Rachel Traisman
Arthur Veis
Faith Weiser
Minnette Zimmerman
Anniversary Blessings are held
Erev Shabbat, Friday, November 21 at 7:30 pm
Erev Shabbat, Friday, December 19 at 7:30 pm
Karyn Esken And Fred Breitberg
Oi and Shlomo Crandus
Laura and David Fishman
Helayne and Mark Levin
Katy and Neal Posner
Lina and Yefim Kotlyar
Susan and George Van Dusen
good work of the Temple, but is also a thoughtful way to honor a special occasion, express wishes for a speedy recovery or memorialize a loved one.
Tribute cards can be sent with just a simple phone call. If you have any questions about our many funds or wish to have a Tribute Card sent, please call
the temple office at 847-676-1566 or visit Donations made from 8/26/14 to 10/20/14 are listed below.
Ricki Angelus
Ruth Barrash
Lori and Cliff Berman
Shelley and Gary Bowyer
Roberta and David Brenner
Ruth and Ronald Buchanan
Marcia Caulkins
Deena Chazdon
Hedy and Bob Davis
Dolores and Al Erlebacher
Judy and Fred Feinstein
Judy Foler
Irene and Jay Frank
Kay Friedman
Joyce and Don Gayle
Ann Gershanov
Enid and Howard Golden
Michele Harrison
Tova Heimlich
Sonni Helmer
Claire Hirsch
Sharon and David Kessler
Patricia and Joseph Kritzman
Andrea and Phillip LeBoy
Don Leftwich
Nancy Levi
Tatiyana Litvina
Seymour Lipton
Sandra and Bruce Lorie
Janice and Lester Mehlman
Donna Moss
Lois and Leo Pearl
Judith Pittel
Bonnie and Leonard Popowcer
Rachel and Alan Robinson
Gerald Rubel
Sharon Samuels
Louis Schliselfeld
Phyllis and Neal Shanoff
Madelyn and David Silverman
Lois Strzyzewski
Sybil Sucherman
Judith and George Van Emden
Art Veis
Susan and Richard Wise
Nancy R. Levi
Al and Dolores Erlebacher
Sanford Bernay
Our condolences on the loss of your wife, mother, and
grandmother Dorothy Bernay
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Family of Gil Gavlin
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather
Gil Gavlin
Helayne and Mark Levin
Ethel Mittenthal
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Ruth and Ron Buchanan
Helayne and Mark Levin
Phyllis and Neal Shanoff
Rhea Hartstein
Our condolences on the loss of your husband, Ray Hartstein
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Leo Pearl
Best wishes for a speedy recovery
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Lorraine Ruben
Our condolences on the loss of your grandson, Joshua Sheinin
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Sanford Bernay
Our condolences on the loss of your wife, mother, and
grandmother Dorothy Bernay
Jan and Lester Mehlman
Family of Gil Gavlin
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather
Gil Gavlin
Jan and Lester Mehlman
Ruth Goldman
In honor of my mother, Ruth’s birthday
Lawrence David Goldman
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Dolores and Al Erlebacher
After the Board Meeting Group
Morton Grove Collectibles
Sanford Bernay
Our condolences on the loss of your wife, mother, and
grandmother Dorothy Bernay
Joyce Baritz
Renee and Stuart Baritz
Jacqueline Bazelon
Joyce and Marvin Berman
Shari R. Cohen
Gloria Frisch and Terri & Howard Garfinkel
Elaine G. Hessell
Insurance Service Center, Inc.
Lois and Leo Pearl
Char and Dick Preskill
Elaine and Bernie Reisin
Carol and Gene Rintels
Gerald Rubel
Donations Cont.
Family of Gil Gavlin
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather
Gil Gavlin
Barbara and Ted Balsam
Ruth Barrash
John M. Cluff
Jeanette and Dean DuBois
Dolores and Al Erlebacher
Linda and Stuart Garland
Debbie and Bob Gilbert
June and Al Gordon
Noga Holck
Nancy Katz
Mr. and Mrs. Robert Kaufman
Sharon and David Kessler
Robin and Jon Lavin
Lynn and Harold Leftwich
Frances and William Lichtenstein
Debbie and Gary Lindon and Family
Seymour Lipton
Carol and Stanley Machalinski
Joanne Medak
Lois and Leo Pearl
Jerry Rubel
Harriet and Walter Servos
Toby and Aaron Solan
Student Steel Bridge Committee
Winifred Weisman
Bernard A. Widen
Ann Gershanov
Our condolences on the loss of your husband Peter Gershanov
Harriet and Walter Servos
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Barbara and Robert Davis
Joyce and Don Gayle
June and Al Gordon
Sonni Helmer
Judy Kessler and Dan Aronson
Sharon and David Kessler
Alex Mindich
Judie Pittel
Howard Simons
Sara Siegall and Taron C. Tachman
Rabbi Amy Memis-Foler, David Foler and family
Debbie and Bob Gilbert
Sharon and David Kessler
Helayne and Mark Levin
Nancy Marcus
Janice and Lester Mehlman
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Evie and Ernie Shavitz
Lois Strzyzewski
Family of Gil Gavlin
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather Gil Gavlin
Barb and Steve Hanan
Sharon and David Kessler
In honor of our anniversary
Janice and Lester Mehlman
In memory of Benjamin Schechter, Elias Mehlman, and Lt. Jack Mehlman
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
In honor of our anniversary
Al and Dolores Erlebacher
David Foler
Jay Frank
Steve Hanan
Sharon and David Kessler
Nancy R. Levi
Robert Lipton
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Jerry Shapiro
Toby and Michael Silverstein
Susan Van Dusen
Susan Wise
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Pat and Joe Kritzman
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Mary Roth and Phil Singer
Sanford Bernay
Our condolences on the loss of you wife, mother, and grandmother
Dorothy Bernay
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Naomi Zimbalist
Family of Gil Gavlin
Our condolences on the loss of your father and grandfather Gil Gavlin
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Naomi Zimbalist
Nancy and Chuck Goldstein
In honor of your marriage
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Barbara and Stephen Hanan
Our condolences on the loss of your sister-in-law Janet Hanan
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Dora Starr Poulos
Mazel tov on becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Joanna Starr Poulos
Mazel tov on becoming a Bat Mitzvah
Eunice and Jerry Shapiro
Donations made in memory of the following:
Karolina Appel
Gerturde Bing
Beatrice F. Blumenfield
In Memoriam
Shirley Simon
Our Congregant
Dorothy Bernay
Wife of Sanford Bernay
Gil Gavlin
Our Congregant
Janet Hanan
Sister-In-Law of Stephen (Barbara) Hanan
Ethel Goldman
Special Friend of Susan Wilner (Don Leftwich)
Frank B. Blumenfield
Gerald Cooper
Betty Cooperstein
Fay Derdiger
Rose Footlik
Rachel Frank
Hertha Freund
Tillie Gilford
Ruth Golden
Sol Golden
Geraldine Hanan
Harry Hessell
Gloria Hoke
Mark Kaufherr
Jacob Kramer
Rose Kritzman
Albert Lebowitz
Irving Leitner
Adrianne Lubor
Adele Plotkin
Esther Plotkin
Carol Polikoff
Herb Roth
Frank M. Schade
George C. Schade
Raymond Shanoff
Mort Shapiro
Martin Shavitz
Rose Superfine
Robert C. Suchor
Charles Sucherman
We’re on Facebook!
Check out our TJM Facebook Page.
Once there, don’t forget to click
the “Like” button.
Sarah Veis
Sylvia Weinhouse
Tillie Weintraub
Beloved Grandmother of Linda Ehrlich-Jones
Beloved Aunt of Eve Veis z’’l
Beloved Mother and Grandmother of Marian and
Seth Schade
Beloved Father and Grandfather of Marian and
Seth Schade
Beloved Father of Glenn Cooper
Beloved Grandmother of Glenn Cooper
Beloved Mother of Lowell Derdiger
Beloved of Sylvia Footlik
Beloved Daughter of Jay Frank
Beloved Mother of Ellen Kaufherr
Beloved Mother of Elaine Hessell
Beloved Mother of Howard Golden
Beloved Father of Howard Golden
Beloved Mother of Steve Hanan
Beloved Father-In-Law of Elaine Hessell
Beloved Wife of Herbert Hoke
Beloved Husband of Ellen Kaufherr
Beloved Father of Mel Kramer
Beloved Mother of Joseph Kritzman
Beloved Father of Regina Kreitzman
Beloved Father of Robin Leitner Sonenshein
Beloved Sister of Neal Shanoff
Beloved Wife of William Plotkin
Beloved Grandmother of Michael Cohen
Beloved Cousin of Beverly Roitman
Beloved Husband of Mary Roth
Beloved Son and Brother of Marian and Seth Schade
Beloved Husband and Son of Marian and Seth Schade
Beloved Father of Neal Shanoff
Beloved Uncle of Jerry Shapiro
Beloved Brother of Ernie Shavitz
Beloved Mother of Beverly Roitman
Beloved Father of Jan Woylowicz and Beloved Grandfather
of Kim Busch and Zachary Busch
Beloved Husband of Sybil Sucherman and Beloved Father
of the Sucherman Family
Beloved Mother of Arthur Veis
Beloved Mother of Barbara Hanan
Beloved Aunt of Muriel Levine
Six graves for sale
in sec. D Westlawn Cemetery.
They sell for $4,000 per grave.
We are willing to sell for less.
Lois and Leo Pearl
Those in need of healing...Refu’ah Shleimah
Ester Bat Yehudit V’rafal
Wendy Welk Barrash
Lisa Burnett
Lynne French
Daniel Gistenston
Denise Glassman
Julio Gonzalez
Carole Goldstein
Bobbie Gurtz
Diana Hanan
Harold Leftwich
Stanley Manilow
Marcy Marcus
Charles Mayer
Myra Memis
June Michaelson
John Miller
Anna Mindich
Colette Moll
Tim Norwood
Emily Olsen
Patty Oskorep
Shirley Paradise
Steve Perez
Karen Perlmuter
Elaine Pichler
Bill Plotkin
Hazel Shusterman
Arlene Segal
Will Segal
Gloria Silverman
Ede Snyder
Tomas Sotelo
Pam Sucherman
Jeff Tessler
Rosalyn Varon
Evie Warren
Howard Warso
Bill Weiner
Ron Wilner
Brian Zable
Terri Zirlin
“and for all those who seek a
safe shelter of peace in their
“Kehillah” Giving
 $1000 Builder’s Stone-Engraved brass block surrounding the “Tree of Life” in our foyer
 $350 Yahrzeit Plaque-Engraved brass plate in our Memorial Alcove. Includes perpetual remembrance through annual Yahrzeit listing and
inclusion in the Yom Kippur Yizkor book
 $250 Leaf on “Tree of Life”-Engraved brass leaf commemorating a special occasion or remembering a special person
 Kehillah Fund-Connoting “life” in Hebrew provides support for the daily operational funding of Temple Judea Mizpah *
 Gates of Our Founders Fund-Giving honor or in memory of our temple founders
“Special-Fund” Giving *
Rabbi Karl and Eva Weiner Memorial Scholar-in-Residence Fund-Brings noted scholars to TJM from around the world
Goldman Memorial Scholarship Fund-Provides scholarships for TJM students to attend Olin-Sang-Ruby Union Institute summer camp
Education Fund-Provides support to enhance Religious School education and programming
Robert Zar Music Fund-Provides for High Holy Day musicians and music needs throughout the year
The Sally and Mel Nudelman Adult Education Fund-Provides funds for adult programming at TJM.
Sefer Torah Fund-Provides for regular inspection and repair of TJM’s Torah scrolls by a certified scribe
Prayer Book Fund-Provides for the repair and replacement of adult and youth prayer books for Sabbath and festivals ($36 minimum)
Library Fund-Provides for purchase of new adult and youth books, audio-visual and computer learning materials for the TJM Library
Chesed Fund-Provides support for TJM’s community service and tzedakah projects
A Just Harvest Kitchen Fund-Provides support of TJM’s community service to A Just Harvest (soup kitchen).
Simcha Fund/Mitzvah Meals-Provides support to enhance Oneg Shabbatot and other receptions at TJM and provides meals for Shiva homes
Sharon Singer Memorial Fund-Provides support for TJM theatrical productions
Rabbi’s Discretionary Fund
Cantor’s Discretionary Fund
Please accept my check for $
___ for the fund checked above. Please charge my account for $
for the fund checked above.
For the recovery of
In honor of
In memory of
Return form to Temple Judea Mizpah, 8610 Niles Center Road, Skokie, IL 60077 Acknowledgement will be made to the individual or family
recipient and will be listed in the bulletin. Minimum donations of $12 appreciated. Checks should be payable to Temple Judea Mizpah.
TJM will make its best effort to utilize donated funds for the spirit in which they were given. However, the Board of Directors, under the direction of
its officers, reserves the right to use these funds for other pressing issues. All funds are maintained with separate accounting and are accurate as to their
Temple Judea Mizpah
8610 Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60077
Phone 847-676-1566
Fax 847-676-1579
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During regular business hours, all incoming calls are answered personally. The only time you may get the voicemail
greeting is when you call during the day and all lines are
busy, or the staff are away from their desks. Here is a directory of names, extensions and emails if you wish to leave a
Amy L. Memis-Foler, Rabbi
Richard Bessman, Cantor/Education Director
jjjjjjMffffffffffff PROGRAMS
Marla Topp, Administrator
March 2011 ~ TJM PROGRAMS
Felicia Gross, Administrative Assistant
Sharon Kessler, President
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Linda Garland
Lowell Derdiger
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(847) 675-8739
FAX (847) 675-8740
SKOKIE, IL 60077
Lighting the flame for our tomorrow
Volume 63, Number 2
November/December 2014 Cheshvan/Kislev 5775
Amy L. Memis-Foler
Richard Bessman
Marla Topp
Karl Weiner z”l
Noel Sucherman
Paul Sucherman
Sharon Smaller
Temple Judea Mizpah
8610 Niles Center Road
Skokie, IL 60077
Please join your TJM family on this
special night!
Please return the form on the flier or RSVP to the
office at or 847-676-1566.
David Hartmann
Friday, November 21
6:00 pm
$12/adult (13 and over) and $5/child
Ken Gutstadt
& Neal Shanoff
June Gordon
Honoring our New TJM Members
Sharon Kessler
New Member Shabbat Dinner
Helayne Levin
Mark Delin
We welcome our new members:
Nancy Goldstein
Dan, Kathryn, Simon and Lana Greene
Rachael, Jeremy, Elliot & Alana Gross and
Anita Greenberg
Ron Grossman
Roberto & Anna Hurtado and Meyer Rogoff
Elaine Jacobson
Liza Kessler
Alex Mindich
Joseph, Kathy, Noah and David Osborne
Neal, Katy, Marissa and Abigail Posner